you literally don't have an excuse to not make your own comic/manga

you literally don't have an excuse to not make your own comic/manga

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  1. 1 year ago

    ONE draws much better then me and you could have chosen an actual comic instead of making a east vs west thread

  2. 1 year ago

    Can I also get an insanely talented artist to redraw my comic to make me famous?

    • 1 year ago

      The webcomic was already popular before Murata contacted ONE. The Mob Psycho manga was well-received as well and that never got a redraw

      • 1 year ago

        The webcomic didn't pay One's bills, liar. He was almost going to quit manga to find a job before Murata took pity on him.

      • 1 year ago

        it hurts (and the spinoff please forgive me), have a "shitty" art style

        • 1 year ago

          agree but it's pretty funny in a good way don't you think

  3. 1 year ago

    I'm not Japanese and the webcomic scene isn't as viable as it is in japan.

  4. 1 year ago

    /CO/REATE moronS

  5. 1 year ago

    i did as a kid
    i use make monster hunter comics because i loved the ps2 game, i reject throwing everything away when i moved out

    • 1 year ago

      Aren't the MH games pretty plotless, what were the comics about?

      • 1 year ago

        a group of freinds just wandering into random villages and fighting the various monsters basically
        it was like a shitty 12 year olds version of a d&d story but inspired by my MH, and just to let you know theres a shit ton of mangas about it. so there must be some kind of plot somewhere

  6. 1 year ago

    It's pretty funny how we always have people here applauding the success of manga, but there aren't any Western authors that are following the footsteps of manga. Why not? How did such a void happen?

    • 1 year ago

      In the west comics have the same negative connotation with animation, that it is a medium exclusively for kids.

    • 1 year ago

      >It's pretty funny how we always have people here applauding the success of manga
      Just Asian trolls, Mexicans/Africans, and trannies

    • 1 year ago

      >there aren't any Western authors that are following the footsteps of manga
      In what sense?

      • 1 year ago

        Creating their own stuff, I mean.

        • 1 year ago

          that's like the majority of western comics

        • 1 year ago

          Tons of people do that, they just dont get much notice.

        • 1 year ago

          There's hundreds of web created comics out there, it's just they barely get any views and audience at all.

          • 1 year ago

            >There's hundreds of web created comics out there, it's just they barely get any views and audience at all.
            Their ideas, execution, and writing are garbage. Additionally the art isn't appealing.

            • 1 year ago

              >Their ideas, execution, and writing are garbage.
              That is not always the case. The issue is usually a lack of marketing or brand recognition. Not to mention normies don't scour the internet to find independent creators.

            • 1 year ago

              But yours will be better?

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                You have to accept that 99% of human creation is garbage. Among that last 1% there's a 50-50 chance that it'll never be appreciated .

    • 1 year ago

      >spend several hours everyday working on a manga
      >make barely any money
      >editor cancels your comic because it didn't win a popularity poll
      No thanks. Either you're in the 1% of manga artists making a good living or you're struggling. And then die at the age of 50.

      • 1 year ago

        Or you are one of the thousands that make indie manga(those usually have a real job and do this on the side, unlike all the lazy western female indie comic creators that spend all of their time on twitter)

        • 1 year ago

          >spend all your freetime doing more work
          I mean if you're a sexless partyless incel I guess

          • 1 year ago

            Well yeah, do you think every comic creator is a rich guy married to a bombshell or what? Also work that you enjoy is not really work.

      • 1 year ago

        Isn't Toriyama a 70 year old smoker?

    • 1 year ago

      Because they always read the manga and never about the author and because they are afraid to write what they see and feel due to mass media influence.
      >everyone calls out japan about its work culture
      >there are plenty of manga that explore this work culture and it's negative effects
      >everyone calls out japan about its rampant pedophilia
      >there are plenty of manga about different angles regarding pedophilia
      There are Cinemaphile indie artists that understand that to let their imagination run free and there are other that either don't understand that.

    • 1 year ago

      >people here applauding the success of manga
      Those aren't people who actually read comics.

    • 1 year ago

      The lives of most Mangaka is hellish and they often don't get any of the praise and glory and rewards they hoped for even if they do become mildly or moderately succesful. People mistakenly believe that Akira Toriyama is the example of a Manga Author when he is the incredibly exception.

      There are instances of Manga Artists literally working themselves to death.

    • 1 year ago

      People who are into manga make creepy or derivative shit. They try to copy the typical moeshit style and make moeshit trash based on moeshit tropes.

      Shonentards are normies. Seinentards aren't artists period.

    • 1 year ago

      Dav Pilkey does and he makes bank doing it.

    • 1 year ago

      >It's pretty funny how we always have people here applauding the success of manga, but there aren't any Western authors that are following the footsteps of manga. Why not? How did such a void happen?

    • 1 year ago

      >there aren't any Western authors that are following the footsteps of manga. Why not?
      They called themselves ComicsGate can got labeled a hate-group.

    • 1 year ago

      >there aren't any Western authors that are following the footsteps of manga
      80% of webcomics is just aping manga with the other percent being tumblr calarts shit and even that copies anime tropes
      if you are talking about the work ethic, we are dealing with limp dicks crying about how working more than 3 hours a day is ''''crunch'''' or inhuman and they get burnt out

    • 1 year ago

      The recent jrpg drama has brought up the old East vs West argument and one of the recent points I have agreed with that is applicable to this conversation is the pridefulness of Westerners stopping them from learning from foreigners, this isn't to say that Easterners are superior and to be mindlessly emulated but the overtly racist pridefulness to reject lessons that can be learned from them holds you back. Like Japanese obviously have taken influence from Western artist and them same people that could learn from Eastern artist take great pride in that but then go an reject everything from those same people.

      • 1 year ago

        > The recent jrpg drama

        • 1 year ago

          I don't know how much of a drama it is, but there was a recent thing where the creator of a couple of the recent Final Fantasies mentioned in an interview that he doesn't like how the west insists on calling what Japan makes 'JRPGs', because in Japan they just call them RPGs regardless of where they are made. Japan doesn't call what we make 'WRPGs', its all the same shit as far as they are concerned.
          In the actual interview its kind of an offhand comment. Its not like he harps on about it at length or anything. I'm guessing people on the internet are blowing it out of proportion, as always.

          I think I would agree with the overall point, though. Going out of your way to categorize it like that is kind of just a thinly veiled attempt to demean it and put them in their own corner away from the 'real' RPGs. Maybe, once upon a time, JRPG held some specific meaning in regards to a particular flavor of turn based fantasy rpg due to the thin amount of exposure that was available to the west, but these days like half of the RPGs we play are made in Japan anyway. If Elden Ring and Personal 5 and Final Fantasy 14 are all 'JRPGs', the frick does that term even mean anymore?

          • 1 year ago

            I see.

    • 1 year ago

      I think thats what Webcomics are, for better or for worse. The west doesn't have the thriving indie ecosystem that manga does, where solo produced works frequently attain popularity and get picked up for adaptation by major studios. 'Real' comics int he west are all top down shit, a room full of execs deciding they want a new hero to appeal to younger readers and a focus group spends six months and comes up with 'the Tic-Tocker', who gets 8 issues and then is immediately canned because that was a fricking awful idea.

      The closest thing we have to the indie manga in truth is webcomics. Except that webcomics never really have a hope of anything beyond patreon donations or small publication runs, no one is ever going to make a cartoon based on, say, Unsounded. Never even enters anyone's minds. Thats not how it works over here, why would a western animation studio ever animate something they didn't own?

      • 1 year ago

        It's not like there are cartoons being made about many comics in general anon

  7. 1 year ago

    I don't want to fricking make comics.

  8. 1 year ago

    I don't speak Japanese.

  9. 1 year ago

    reminder that liking one punch man is ironic
    you knew it had shit art and writing that only impresses meme addicts (lol can he beat goku)

    • 1 year ago

      Spoken like someone whose never actually read OPM and is talking out of his ass.

  10. 1 year ago

    My excuse is I'm too nervous about my autistic interests catching normie eyes to share any of the weird comics I want to make

  11. 1 year ago

    I don't. I'm just gonna do what every writer does and pay for other writers to help him with ideas. I can't do all this shit on my own without input. Frick this shit I can do it but I can't do it alone.

    • 1 year ago

      Get some friends.

  12. 1 year ago

    I was going to but shitty 9 to 5 job and responsiblity got in the way. After a while I lost that creative spark I had all those years ago as being part of the shitty rat race (among other things) drained the soul out of me. I still draw these days but its mostly aimless fanart. I haven't actively created any kind of OC in nearly a decade. I'm only getting older and I no longer have that drive I used to.

    Feels bad, man.

    • 1 year ago

      This is why the whole "do art on the side" thing buttholes say rarely works out. You get burned out.

    • 1 year ago

      do it now. right now. and if youre busy, do it when you aren't. don't let that spark die anon, you deserve better than that

  13. 1 year ago

    Is someone going to make a western (frick Koreaboo bullshit) web comic service for amateur artists with the target audience being autists kinda like a mix of early webtoon and deviantart or am I going to have to get this ball rolling myself

    • 1 year ago

      >I going to have to get this ball rolling myself
      You can become rich if you do this correctly.

    • 1 year ago

      Nothing stopping you

    • 1 year ago

      >Is someone going to make a western (frick Koreaboo bullshit) web comic service for amateur artists with the target audience being autists kinda like a mix of early webtoon and deviantart or am I going to have to get this ball rolling myself
      whats wrong with existing platforms?

  14. 1 year ago

    i wish i could draw like that

  15. 1 year ago

    I can't come up with plots that I am confident enough to follow through for an entire comic and I don't have the skill to make anything short like a western comic so I just draw goofy concepts fighting each other like a wrestling show that is just one big inside joke that only I understand.

  16. 1 year ago


  17. 1 year ago

    ONE can actually draw though, but most of the time he puts out low-effort crap.

    • 1 year ago

      If ONE could draw, he wouldn't have had to hire Murata.

      • 1 year ago

        Murata is the one who approached him, not the other way around. ONE also drew Mob Psycho 100 on his own. He has art chops. His main forte though is writing.

        • 1 year ago

          >Murata is the one who approached him, not the other way around.
          Yes. And the difference in quality between Mob and One Punch is massive because of it.
          If ONE were a competent artist, he would have been insulted by an offer like that. But he knows its his weak point, and his strength is in his story boarding and delivery.

          Additionally, Mob's biggest strength artistically was through a combination of pallet and cool explosions.

        • 1 year ago

          >His main forte though is writing.
          You think he would be good at it by now

      • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago

          you gotta understand that it's a japanese thing to appreciate even rougher looking art too, it's seen as charming and there have even been art/design movements there based on this kind of rough stuff (see: heta-uma and artists like king terry) although i don't doubt the average reader is gonna be offput by the "lower" quality.

          here in the west it's either played as a joke or made fun of because most people's sense of aesthetics is limited to "good art has to look pretty" which is why we got a lot of fans for generic looking ai turds.

          there are definitely rougher looking artists but it's mostly underground comix stuff like brian chippendale and rest of the fort thunder guys although sometimes some of these guys escape into mainstream (most popular area is working on cartoons it seems)

          this is after years of messing around with like 2 or 3 webcomics (see also: old man from hell) and i think for mob psycho he also has a team to help him touch it up (maybe a lot) but he definitely has a good eye for stuff like composition and white space and how it would help dramatic/comedic moments. i'd also say he has pretty good paneling too.

          • 1 year ago

            I don't know if that's exclusive to Japan like at all, it's just that comics are bigger over there so there is more variety especially at the lower end

      • 1 year ago

        He can draw, is he good? I wouldnt say yes, but he has a decent understanding of composition and the medium in general that you see in a typical webcomic artist.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah but it's not that he's secretly good at drawing, it's that his art has improved significantly over the years.

  18. 1 year ago

    I don't have a drawing tablet, or scanner if I were to draw on paper

    • 1 year ago

      all you need is a touchscreen phone and a stylus baybee

  19. 1 year ago

    If I didnt care about the art ina comic, I'd write a book.

  20. 1 year ago

    I am. It’s just not overly committed to long narratives.

  21. 1 year ago

    But I am making it. ONE is my hero.

  22. 1 year ago

    OPM was a web comic and there are plenty of people on Cinemaphile trying to make their own webcomic. But it's hard to get noticed as a webcomic author in the west. The ones who "make it" are so few and far between, most of them have been in the game for decades at this point.

    I don't think there's ever been a successful leap from web comic to traditional comic to animation in the west, while there's been a few in Japan, with OPM being the biggest example.

    • 1 year ago

      I think Homestuck could've done it. I don't know why it didn't though, it was more popular than minecraft.

  23. 1 year ago

    I am not fricking Japanese. Easy for you to say "you have no excuses" since you don't need to spend $$$ to translate your shit. Even English is not my first language, you want to learn the third one? Pass, I am not that smart.

    Literally no one is going to read my "manga" in the west since "it's not a real manga lol" + let's be real for a sec, ONE got LUCKY. There are millions of gems no one is going to discover. He's not even that great of a storyteller and "man wins after one puch" got boring after just few chapters. Yes, Mob Psycho is boring af as well, what are you gonna do to me?

    • 1 year ago

      I don't speak Japanese.

      What does being Japanese have to do with anything? ONE has a world renowned manga with mediocre-passing art skills. Meanwhile the average anon thinks they need to be able to draw the Sistine Chapel before even attempt to give the art world a try. Have creative ideas and nice characters and you might get some recognition.

  24. 1 year ago

    One is the exception that confirms the rule, not the rule, people using him as an example are dumb. Like Rowling with making it big with writing.

    Either way I'm making a story already but for now my goal is to eventually get to 100 readers. For me that's a lot already.

    • 1 year ago

      you don't need to go to Japan to find examples
      Scott Pilgrim doesn't look that much better than later chapters of OPM webcomic, and yet it has a live action movie, a videogame and an upcoming streaming anime
      but it's also true what said
      we only see the ones that are successful and don't ignore all those that are not. Luck is at the end of the day a part of the deal

      • 1 year ago

        Scott Pilgrim looks infinitely better what are you smoking?

  25. 1 year ago

    I'm making a game instead, but if I wasn't I'd make a cartoon. Comics have no marketability, I can't name a single indie comic and I spend a lot of time here, but I know of tons of indie games and indie animators.

  26. 1 year ago

    It's 100% luck when it comes to fame. Art is fricking weird.
    I've spent months on art pieces before and they get a few hundred likes or a thousand at best, but the few times I made the right shitpost or emotion at the right cultural time got me hundreds of thousands and I had to capitalize quick.

    • 1 year ago

      >It's 100% luck when it comes to fame. Art is fricking weird.
      Nah, you are just shit. I bet you won't post your art to prove me wrong. Because I'm right, you are fricking shit.

      • 1 year ago

        If you think that it is so easy then show us your fame, homosexual.

        • 1 year ago

          Google UnkleJoe

  27. 1 year ago

    I used to draw while working loonie bins, detox centers, security works, then the farm, now i have an office, and all sorts of tangents that a day can bring, but the pages still need to be written. And with time, and sacrifice, it'll be done.

  28. 1 year ago

    I would absolutely love to spend every day working on my art and creating stories and illustrations that I and many others can enjoy.
    Unfortunately I live in America, meaning I have to work two jobs just to maintain the cost of living, which means while I can definitely practice my own art, I cannot do it at anywhere near the rate of other comic or manga creators. If I go all in on my art and that ends up failing (which is almost guaranteed to happen), I'm fricked.

    So I will stick to my shitty 4 panel gag comic scribbles made for $0.00 that will get noticed by maybe eleven people. At least by doing that I won't have to live or die by my artistic skill.

  29. 1 year ago

    I've been making something and discovering just how tough writing is.
    For example, I want to introduce my characters who have powers (which I thought i balanced well, where both the powers and the characters have flaws).
    Then I wrote an outline that made sense, and then started charting some thumbnails. And then boom, holes started to appear. Why a character would wait for another to do something instead of going in with character (as needed by scene), or why trap doesnt trigger till both characters are inside something as the scene needs it to happen that way, and so on.
    Eventually after patching so many holes in just the general "what happens", and setting up chekovs guns/setups/payoffs, the humor/interesting dialogue remains which is another hell in itself.
    Shits tough man, I get annoyed when I watch media that i recognize the holes in after thinkin about it for a few seconds, but in writing my own i run into the same wall of plot holes that happen for convenience of moving the story.

    • 1 year ago

      But don’t you enjoy fixing those plot holes? Comming with a clever way to fix them is such a pleasant imagination game for me at least.

      • 1 year ago

        It's enjoyable at first but right now I get to the stage where I feel like the whole premise might've been a bad idea, and needs a different intro.
        For example, in my scene the two characters do not have a general knowledge of the world, and one of the characters loves alcohol. In the scene, she is either drinking a molotov wienertail that she made herself from notes she found in a dead scientist, which is then paid off in the resolution when it sets the room on fire, or the character finds astack of molotovs in the armory that they get into (same setting in both cases), which the character drinks there instead. Whether a character whos partly alcholic bringing a drink with her to do a job or finding one in their target location is something i have to ponder (as well as if the character who's an alcoholic goes for those molotovs and triggers a laser alarm that is not set up but only see when its triggered by them walking through it).

        Funnily enough, those things are piss easy for me to write. Basically all you have to do is write the story as if it were unfolding naturally. Don't try to add a character just for the sake of adding a cool new character. If this character has no reason to be there, don't add him. Instead just write a story and if a character is suppose to be there, create a new one on the spot that would be there under these circumstances.
        Of course, you could also do it like the weekly authors in Japanese shonen Jump, i.e. just write it weekly and pull shit out of your ass. Most people that would be willing to pay for your story won't notice any plotholes or try to explain it with crazy headcanons anyway.

        Yeah I have about 4 characters in this scene, two protagonists and then three antagonists (but more like npc enemies), it feels like not a lot of people to really worry about it. I just want to make something that avoids the glaring holes you could really point out so that I feel satisfied with it myself.

    • 1 year ago

      Funnily enough, those things are piss easy for me to write. Basically all you have to do is write the story as if it were unfolding naturally. Don't try to add a character just for the sake of adding a cool new character. If this character has no reason to be there, don't add him. Instead just write a story and if a character is suppose to be there, create a new one on the spot that would be there under these circumstances.
      Of course, you could also do it like the weekly authors in Japanese shonen Jump, i.e. just write it weekly and pull shit out of your ass. Most people that would be willing to pay for your story won't notice any plotholes or try to explain it with crazy headcanons anyway.

  30. 1 year ago

    >you literally don't have an excuse to not make your own comic/manga
    If you have a story to tell and the drive to see it through, absolutely. Aiming solely for a big success story probably isn't the best mindset though. It's all a luck of the draw if a comic ends up getting real big.

    • 1 year ago

      Still blows my mind that a manga that looked like this got such a great, well-animated adaptation.
      Meanwhile a great manga like Ajin with amazing art got one of those ugly early 3DCG wrecks for an adaptation, it's not fair dammit.

      • 1 year ago

        >Still blows my mind that a manga that looked like this got such a great, well-animated adaptation.
        A simple art style can go a long way when you have the right people to bring it to life. RoK was a passion project for Wit so they really gave it their all. For anime based on amazing looking manga, it's tough capturing the beauty of the art on such a strict budget and time limit. I like the Golden Kamuy anime, but damn does it pale in comparison to the manga.

      • 1 year ago

        >that moment when the studio behind ajin is a studio that gets a ton of praise on Cinemaphile for making tron uprising

  31. 1 year ago

    >you literally don't have an excuse to not make your own comic/manga
    1: Im not very good at drawing.
    2: Im not very good at writing
    3: Why would I? If its not a passion project then its for money, and webcomics dont produce any money, they just waste time and effort. The only other reason I can think of would be to gain experience in making media.

    Ive tried my hand at /qst/ multiple times so maybe that counts?

  32. 1 year ago

    No duh

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