You need to be a normie to enjoy this shit.

You need to be a normie to enjoy this shit.

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Even my normie friends (female) think the only saving grace of that trash heap is serving as set up for S3.

    • 8 months ago

      I've only ever watched this in 2013 and it will stay that way forever.

      • 8 months ago

        I have rewatched it recently. Season 2 is absolutely the worst, it is never actively painful but the justification for the plot and scene-by-scene changes are fricking poor. The best part is Varrick, because he's legit a cunning villain who's not winked at from the start and only starts winking once the audience knows as well, and his motivations and methods are significantly better than fricking Unalaq. Even the fight leading to Varrick's defeat is probably one of the best in the entire show.

  2. 8 months ago

    >Ratings plummeted like a rock from episode 1 until they straight up took it off the air and put it straight to streaming

    Even normies couldn't stomach this shit.

    • 8 months ago

      This. Each season did worse than the last and Nick cut their budget for the last season so they turned one episode into a clip show to save money.

      • 8 months ago

        what made it bad was the awful political commentary. The animation was perfectly serviceable.

        • 8 months ago

          This. Each season did worse than the last and Nick cut their budget for the last season so they turned one episode into a clip show to save money.

          there's a decent ammount of fighting scenes. I'd argue each season ending is shit starting with the huge asspull with Amon's reveal on S1

          • 8 months ago

            Book 3's ending is very good.

            • 8 months ago

              >do frick all then suddendly kidnap the airbenders in the final episodes
              meh at best

              • 8 months ago

                They literally broke out of maximum security prisons, snuck into Zaofu and almost captured Korra, and murdered the Earth Queen. They accomplished a lot in a pretty short time span.
                And the ending is good for a lot more reasons than just the raw plot. The fight sequences are great, the way Zaheer is subdued is great, and the ending with Jinora getting her tattoos and Korra shedding a tear is great. They were firing on all cylinders. Might be my favorite Avatar season ending honestly.

              • 8 months ago

                Only bad thing is that truly apalling "Put a sock in it!" joke from Bolin. homie your best friend is dying right fricking there.

              • 8 months ago

                >the way Zaheer is subdued is great
                Zaheer is also a massive idiot. Almost every episode he's in he has a line posed like he's a badass genius but it's fundamentally wrong.

              • 8 months ago

                >le royalty bad because the earth queen did a lot of bad shit thanks to her power
                >next season Prince Wu is introduced
                It's a bit contradicting m8.
                I honestly think S4 did have somewhat of a good path but fell flat on it's face in the final episodes.

              • 8 months ago

                I mean then again he gives up his throne and that's presented as a good thing. And it probably would be if the Earth Kingdom ahdn't gone through 3 years of anarchy after 170 years of steep decline followed by about a year of its resources being plundered to build a war machine that was just destroyed. So, in all, total and complete fricking chaos will reign again.

        • 8 months ago

          >what made it bad was the awful political commentary
          First time I've heard someone name this as the main problem. Every other time it's something like Korra being unlikable, DARK AVATAR, giant platinum mech with a laser canon, or last second lesbians.

          • 8 months ago

            It's true. Not in some "Dah sjw mob" or whatever way. But the fact that the show is so painfully neo-lib/status quo. And the fact the villain treated most sympathetically is the genocidal fascist lmao

    • 8 months ago

      This. Each season did worse than the last and Nick cut their budget for the last season so they turned one episode into a clip show to save money.

      By that point these kinds of shows didn't work on traditional television anymore. Nick utterly mismanaged this series. It showed their incompetence in making money, none of it was the fault of the show itself.

      • 8 months ago

        >none of it was the fault of the show itself.
        anon, the series has 4 seasons and everyone agrees that only one is decent, not good, decent.
        I think it's fair to also blame the program itself.

      • 8 months ago

        >none of it was the fault of the show itself
        Good luck selling that bullshit here.

      • 8 months ago

        the show debuted with TLA tier ratings. Interest just fell off

      • 8 months ago

        4/10, you made an attempt

      • 8 months ago

        But the show flopped spectacularly on Netflix as well. It just wasn't a well-received show, anon.

        • 8 months ago

          Korra defenders will never really understand that the average fan of ATLA (and I'm talking the AVERAGE fan) simply isn't interested in TLOK because Korra, barring all the bad writing, was just...really boring for most of the story. It may have "plot" but it never really feels like there's progression or development and any real tension. Book 1 really had this problem, and it got worse with successive books.

          Only the fans who stuck to ATLA (the brainlet ones who cared more about shipping, the action and animation, mind you) religiously are the ones remaining left to defend it, since they can't separate TLOK from ATLA or judge it on its own merits as a sequel or as its own thing.

          And if you need proof of this sort of thing IRL, I grew up in elementary school watching ATLA with a lot of my friends, we all talked about it. When we reached middle school, we were all pretty excited to see a sequel. Book One came out...and no one was able to finish it. No one really HATED it, but no one had any interest in it. Then Book 2 came out and no one even talked about it. Instead we all preferred to watch Attack on Titan.

          • 8 months ago

            Most of the people who defend TLOK make the error in putting ATLA (and anything that comes with it) on a pedestal and as a result are unable to even look at ATLA honestly: it's a combination of being terminally online and having nostalgia poisoning, and not having a richer media diet.

            TLOK in all honesty was fricked the year it aired, because the 2010s was the start of a massive boom of anime being popular overseas, and even if it wasn't competing with anime, the 2010s was a time where YA books peaked. Korra was getting facefricked from all directions with more or better stories, and the end result was being figuratively bukaked and left to sit alone in a puddle of cum.

            • 8 months ago

              Only someone who’s terminally online would use the phrase “media diet”

            • 8 months ago

              Korra defenders will never really understand that the average fan of ATLA (and I'm talking the AVERAGE fan) simply isn't interested in TLOK because Korra, barring all the bad writing, was just...really boring for most of the story. It may have "plot" but it never really feels like there's progression or development and any real tension. Book 1 really had this problem, and it got worse with successive books.

              Only the fans who stuck to ATLA (the brainlet ones who cared more about shipping, the action and animation, mind you) religiously are the ones remaining left to defend it, since they can't separate TLOK from ATLA or judge it on its own merits as a sequel or as its own thing.

              And if you need proof of this sort of thing IRL, I grew up in elementary school watching ATLA with a lot of my friends, we all talked about it. When we reached middle school, we were all pretty excited to see a sequel. Book One came out...and no one was able to finish it. No one really HATED it, but no one had any interest in it. Then Book 2 came out and no one even talked about it. Instead we all preferred to watch Attack on Titan.

              I'm a Korra defender.
              I think

              Korra defenders will never really understand that the average fan of ATLA (and I'm talking the AVERAGE fan) simply isn't interested in TLOK because Korra, barring all the bad writing, was just...really boring for most of the story. It may have "plot" but it never really feels like there's progression or development and any real tension. Book 1 really had this problem, and it got worse with successive books.

              Only the fans who stuck to ATLA (the brainlet ones who cared more about shipping, the action and animation, mind you) religiously are the ones remaining left to defend it, since they can't separate TLOK from ATLA or judge it on its own merits as a sequel or as its own thing.

              And if you need proof of this sort of thing IRL, I grew up in elementary school watching ATLA with a lot of my friends, we all talked about it. When we reached middle school, we were all pretty excited to see a sequel. Book One came out...and no one was able to finish it. No one really HATED it, but no one had any interest in it. Then Book 2 came out and no one even talked about it. Instead we all preferred to watch Attack on Titan.

              nailed some of the problems perfectly. The story, in particular Book 1, never had any tension or progress because the main characters never had any agency in the overall plot.
              Book 2 had a random memory loss problem and, even though people love to jerk off the Wan episodes, the story was completely halted for us to see flashbacks of the first Avatar - something that was completely unnecessary and uninteresting.
              Book 3 is praised very highly for its villains, but it also had some serious pacing issues that lead to "boring" stretches.
              Book 4 needed to cut out all of Prince Wu and use that time for character development.

              BUT, I think Korra was good for having consequences of seasons bleed into the next seasons (excluding Book 1, which to me is the worst Korra season). The spirit portals opening and Harmonic Convergence changed the Avatar world. Ba Sing Se being left in chaos lead to Kuvira's rise to power, Korra being poisoned and crippled had lasting effects throughout the rest of the series. I appreciated not having a reset button every season (again, excluding Book 1). I also appreciated having later villains call out the very weird upbringing Korra had.

              I also really appreciate having a protagonist that is not a shining paragon of... anything. People like to sperg out that Korra is a mary sue or some other female power buzzword, but she is a very fallible character. Other characters doubt her, and, unlike with Aang, we the viewer never default to thinking the protagonist is in the right. When she gets in a fight, we know she can lose. When she reaches a point where we're like "Yeah, let's fricking go Korra!" she has to deal with the effects of PTSD, because she actually faces consequences.

              I also like that Korra chooses to use her power proactively. Aang believed in moderation, but none of the other Avatars we saw or have now read about did.

              • 8 months ago

                The problem isn't that Korra is flawed or capable of losing, it's how the plot bends over backwards just so she can win AT ALL. Take season 1 for example. She spends the whole season getting punked by Amon and his crew, and in the finale she's STILL getting punked. Yet in the last few moments, how does she put a stop to Amon despite being stripped of her bending? She suddenly pulls airbending out of her ass, Amon was so impressed by this he decided to be a good sport and waterbends in front of EVERYONE, and then his followers immediately vanish, never to question the bending caste system again.

                It took an obscene amount of Plot Armor just for her to accomplish anything in this show, because she has zero redeeming qualities as a character. Fricking Charlie Brown would make for a better Avatar than Korra.

              • 8 months ago

                >Take Season 1 for example
                I mean I explicitly said in my post that Season 1 is the worst of the worst and completely inexcusable. It is one of the worst written stories that has ever touched western children's TVs

                Having consequences spill into the next arc isn't anything too impressive, that's something all serialized stories do.

                Korra's character doesn't even function as intended because she's still written like Aang was at his worst, an insufferable plot device and living weapon with plot armor, except only worse because she always jobs and does so in a helpless way. It doesn't really matter that people shit on her or that she can lose or her getting fricking PTSD, because none of it actually means anything. From start to finish, she goes through the same motions in EVERY single Book.

                >Having consequences spill into the next arc isn't anything too impressive, that's something all serialized stories do.
                Name some modern young adult shows that do it. Give me some shows that completely flip the status quo and stick with it, then build on it.

                >an insufferable plot device and living weapon with plot armor, except only worse because she always jobs and does so in a helpless way
                >people shit on her
                You're actively contradicting yourself. She has plot armor, but always loses? When she loses, she deals with the consequences instead of just bouncing back? She's a jobber, yet her power level and weaknesses have always been consistent?
                Korra doesn't beat Tarrlok, Amon, Zaheer, Ghazan, Ming Hua, P'li, or Kuvira. Most of the issues in the show are worked through as a team. We get an actual flawed human character and people sperg out because, let's be honest, she's a woman. If Korra were a guy, then people would be spamming "LITERALLY ME" in every Korra thread.

              • 8 months ago

                >Give me some shows that completely flip the status quo and stick with it, then build on it.
                Thats a loaded question because there's barely any cartoons coming out at ALL anymore, let alone for that specific niche.

                Around the time Korra released though, Generator Rex, Secret Saturdays, Thundercats, etc were all doing that and more.

              • 8 months ago

                >Name some modern young adult shows that do it. Give me some shows that completely flip the status quo and stick with it, then build on it.
                Green Lantern TAS and Young Justice were on at the exact same time as Korra and both of these did this. Green Lantern even did Korra's season 1 finale, but way fricking better. It's kind of crazy that 2 different shows in that same year had an ending of a 12 episode arc be about a group of people seeking retribution against someone way more powerful than them and had caused them societal pain before before being swept up by a charismatic and powerful guy who also claimed to have been victimized by those leaders and lead an all out assault against their main city, and it comes to a head with the protagonist facing them in a direct fight where they have to use a new technique while, elsewhere, the extended cast is trying to keep a flying fleet from utterly destroying the rest of the army.

                And only one of these two shows thought "You know we should probably have the protagonist reach out to the rest of the army and try to find a solution with them since they learned of their legitimate grievances over the course of the show. They started out thinking they were just evil and trying to bring them down before seeing their problems, it would be weird if they just ran off and everyone pretended the problem was solved because the big bad got punched."

              • 8 months ago

                GLTAS did a really good job with this next season too, after completely flipping the "Red lanterns are evil" thing and making what would otherwise be a joke character an actual leader, they dealt with the fallout of the original grievance coming back and having to work with them to prevent it from happening all over again. Even Korra didn't try that. Shit they straight up motherfricking forgot the trees destroying massive chunks of the city in season 3. Remember that plotpoint? Started out "Oh we need to do something about this" and then they just up and walk away, never to actually deal with the problem and I guess people who got their homes fricked up are out of luck and joined in the rest of the legit pissed off nonbenders from season 1 in walking into nonexistence. But hey they remembered when they needed to power a mech with it, and then decided the spirits despite crashing into their world aren't doing shit to help the place they wanted to invade.

                Korra's writing is just so wonderful.

              • 8 months ago

                >I mean I explicitly said in my post that Season 1 is the worst of the worst and completely inexcusable
                But this is an issue she suffers with the entire show. It never lets up, it's always Korra being a worthless fricking loser until the last minute when the writers smother her under 10 tons of plot armor and Deux ex Machinas to eek out a crucial win.

              • 8 months ago

                Having consequences spill into the next arc isn't anything too impressive, that's something all serialized stories do.

                Korra's character doesn't even function as intended because she's still written like Aang was at his worst, an insufferable plot device and living weapon with plot armor, except only worse because she always jobs and does so in a helpless way. It doesn't really matter that people shit on her or that she can lose or her getting fricking PTSD, because none of it actually means anything. From start to finish, she goes through the same motions in EVERY single Book.

              • 8 months ago

                Korra being a "flawed" protagonist is a meme because it runs off the logic that a character NOT being a paragon/flat character arc is inherently just as interesting if not better, without actually designing a character with a fricking internal conflict and positive change arc: it becomes too focused on whether or not the character isn't "likable" or "relatable" in ways that don't actually generate story, and risk the audience finding them boring or worse, annoying.

                In Korra's case, her character was designed to be the exact opposite of Aang, and that's pretty much it. She has nothing going for her other than muh lack of spirituality, muh learning all elements, and muh love triangle, and muh abrasiveness.

                Zuko and Toph were also designed to be Aang's foils but this actually MEANT something, and even then, the two contrasting Aang wasn't where they began and ended as characters.

              • 8 months ago

                >Book 3 is praised very highly for its villains, but it also had some serious pacing issues that lead to "boring" stretches.
                Who the hell praised Book 3 for its villains? Their motivations are by far the most basic-b***h of all and the only one that's remotely memorable is Zaheer mainly because of his "evil airbender" shtick. His three buddies are so fricking forgettable that you'd be hard-pressed to name all of them without looking it up and at least one of them (the head explosion woman) is quite literally a goddamn plot device instead of a character. If anything Book 3 is one of the worst in the series because it's entire existence is basically one massive set-up for Book 4 no matter how moronic the plot ends up to get there.
                >but she is a very fallible character.
                She isn't. She's a powerhouse in every fight except when she fights Kuvira because Kuvira is basically an Azula expy but with none of what made Azula kind of fun. Other times Korra "loses" it's basically a Deus Ex Machina plot device and she overcomes them rather quickly with bullshit power-ups that the plot gives her.
                >Other characters doubt her
                The only characters that ever doubt her are outright portrayed as unreasonable dicks. Korra never actually grows out of doing impulsive dumb shit which you'd think would be Character Writing 101 with her.
                >When she gets in a fight, we know she can lose.
                Same with Aang. And unlike Korra, Aang actually struggles in physical confrontation.
                >she has to deal with the effects of PTSD
                The PTSD plot line was one of the dumbest in TLOK and gets resolved with some of the stupidest writing ever. Korra still has poison in her body because I guess Suyin is moronic and she has PTSD because she nearly died except she somehow didn't get PTSD from the dozen or so times she almost died before.

              • 8 months ago

                NTA but I think most people like the fights with the villains. They're shallow but decently cool enough with each one having some kind of bending gimmick. It was fun to watch, definitely more what I'm looking for in terms of action in the series and not the goofy Kaiju or mech battles.

              • 8 months ago

                >powerhouse in every fight
                >loses every fight
                How many times do we have to go through this? In season 1 alone Korra "wins" three of fourteen fights.

                >outright portrayed as unreasonable dicks
                Other than the president they are not prtrayed that way. Tenzin, Jinora, Suyin, Mako, Tonraq, Opal, and so on are all reasonable. They have legitimate reasons to doubt Korra. The audience has reasons to doubt Korra.

                >Same with Aang
                Aang loss what, one fight? Maybe three the entire 61 episode series? No one thinks Aang can lose a fight. Child tricksters do not lose fights.

                >Korra still has poison in her body because I guess Suyin is moronic and she has PTSD
                The poison had nothing to do with her PTSD. The whole point of the Kuvira fight was that it was always in her head.

              • 8 months ago

                >Aang loss what, one fight? Maybe three the entire 61 episode series?
                Would've been captured again in 1:02 The Avatar Returns if he didn't have the Avatar State, gets beaten by Heibai in 1:07 Winter Solstice Part 1: The Spirit World and winds up astral projecting due to his ignorance, plus the followup in the next episode where he NEEDS the Avatar State to escape the fire temple, gets captured by the archers in 1:12 The Blue Spirit, gets surrounded and overwhelmed and needs the Avatar State, THEN gets backzapped by Azula IN the Avatar State in 2:20 The Crossroads of Destiny, gets captured with Zuko by an obvious trap in 3:12 The Sun Warriors, and obviously him getting the absolute shit beaten out of him against Ozai, only saved in the fight by the Avatar State.
                Even if you don't qualify these as fights they are clear situations where he is at someone else's mercy. And in many cases, his title as the Avatar is what saves him moreso than his abilities as one, and when it does require the Avatar State, that isn't Aang surviving. It's a a partial Deus Ex Machina, and the show thankfully recognizes that and so the Avatar State only solves situations less and less per season (escaping Zuko, escaping the Crescent Island, koizilla; The Avatar State, and then the finale)
                >Tenzin, Jinora, Suyin, Mako, Tonraq, Opal, and so on are all reasonable.
                None of these characters doubt Korra, they support her implicitly and only Tenzin, Mako, and Tonraq question her maybe ONCE and are villainized for it. Suyin especially seemed to instantly trust Korra, but Suyin is also one of the most irrational characters in the entire series.

              • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        lol no the writing was simply terrible

        The reason it flopped was because Nick didn't want to have a writing team and told Bryke as much and asked them if they could write it instead so they could save loads of money and Bryke jumped at that chance and said as much when talking about it and it doomed everything

  3. 8 months ago

    Most of my friends refuse to recognize it as canon and they have prestigious careers with families.

  4. 8 months ago

    I know one person who thinks Season 2 is the best.
    He only liked Bolin and Varrick.

    Personally, I think S2 had alot of interesting concepts, but it's delivery was lacking both technically and narratively

  5. 8 months ago

    >You need to be a normie to enjoy this shit.
    Didn't they cancel their TV broadcast due to low viewership? They don't even like it.

  6. 8 months ago

    >tfw dropped it after season 1

    • 8 months ago

      They should have made Amon the main villain.

  7. 8 months ago

    I just like the muscley girl and her super hot super gay girlfriend.

  8. 8 months ago

    I kinda want to get into modding the Platinum game, but apparently the game has been delisted for fricking years, so I wouldn't even have people be able to test it

  9. 8 months ago

    Book 2 literally killed avatar

  10. 8 months ago

    Sex with Pema

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        You've got a problem with those good ol' "mommy in the train station" type milfs like Pema herself and pic related?

        • 8 months ago

          >type milfs like Pema herself and pic related?
          The related pic also encourages girls to steal other girls' boyfriends?

          • 8 months ago

            Nope, to appreciate your own children that are embarrassed about them.

            • 8 months ago

              THEIR children
              that's better

  11. 8 months ago

    This is the ultimate debate, which one wins by their level of c**tiness?

    • 8 months ago

      Korra isn't a c**t at all.

    • 8 months ago

      nobody watched braceface

      • 8 months ago

        I'm pretty sure people who grew up with Braceface got infested in Korra when it came out, it's probably mostly less stylized women i'm talking about.

    • 8 months ago

      They are both insecure, that is all.

    • 8 months ago

      >brown troony vs white blonde girl

  12. 8 months ago

    I dropped it the moment kid Korra broke the wall screaming she was the avatar and we had to deal with it. I simply decided I wouldn't deal with it and turned the TV off.
    Seems I was right.

  13. 8 months ago

    Normalgays* newbie hated it. It’s the people on here that like it and want korra to step on them

  14. 8 months ago

    Not even my normie mom and sister enjoyed this shit, and they liked the first avatar series.
    found Korra unlikable and annoying and said that Bolin must have been the main character because he is funny and has cool fire and earth powers.

    • 8 months ago

      imma frick your mom

  15. 8 months ago

    Steampunk is just gay AF.

  16. 8 months ago

    People only hate this because it’s not good in comparison to ATLA, but not much really is anyway

    • 8 months ago

      No, I’m pretty sure people hate it for just being shit. A sequel is never expected be as good as the original, that’s why it’s such a surprise when it happens.

      • 8 months ago

        You're half-correct, I think you're vastly overestimating how many viewers, on Cinemaphile especially, are rational viewers. The average viewer that is upset about Korra is not unfamiliar with TLA. Even in season 4 and until now there are those nostalgic for TLA that are mad at Korra for not living up to the hype and "ruining the series." Those that have actually revisited it with a fresh mind are the most capable of judging it on its own merits. And speaking as someone who has, it is just mid. Very few things are actually infuriatingly bad, but the majority of it is just mid. S1 could've been good without the ending it had, S2 is bad, S3 is passable but has wasted potential of its own themes, and S4 is mid and forgettable. Altogether that makes it mid.

        • 8 months ago

          I watched Korra before ATLA and it was a 4/10 at best.

          • 8 months ago

            What idiot would watch Korra first

        • 8 months ago

          >Those that have actually revisited it with a fresh mind are the most capable of judging it on its own merits
          That's impossible, why? Because Korra is a continuation of the original story and is constantly referring to the original, the same series is forcing you to compare it with the original, if Korra were an original product it could be judged on its own merits, but it is not.

          • 8 months ago

            It can be, you just need to dial the autism back and approach it as media. Even if the lore is pre-established, Korra has a different take on dynamics, politics, characters and their priorities, storytelling, etc. The series does not force you to compare, you are just unable to parse media.

            • 8 months ago

              The media does not matter if it is a direct sequel and it matters less if it is an inferior product to the original.

            • 8 months ago

              >dial the autism back
              Take your own advice. Korra is by far one of the least likable MCs in modern memory, even if looked at in a vacuum. And even when you remove her personality from the equation, she’s still useless in 95% of the fights she’s in. The “all powerful prodigy” of an avatar can’t even wipe her ass without getting her shit kicked in. The side characters are mostly bland and unmemorable, many of the major nights are disappointments (lolmegatron and kaiju), and the philosophical ideas of the antagonists are given no exploration whatsoever before they get memory-holed by the plot for being “incorrect.”

              • 8 months ago

                >And even when you remove her personality from the equation, she’s still useless in 95% of the fights she’s in

                See, what's funny about this is this is exactly what I'm talking about: Korra's personality is a symptom of her being a plot device: her being a c**t only exists to get her into trouble, followed by the narrative simultaneously blaming her for it while also saying she was a dindu nuffin. The PTSD arc fricking sucks for this because there's this creepy undercurrent that Korra's personality (if not Korra herself) was to blame for her getting repeatedly violated.

                It's like one of those old soap operas where the mean female character ends up getting "corrected" through brutality or rape except in Korra's case, the narrative either acts like it isn't her fault or like it is, depending on how much sympathy or interest it's trying to evoke from the audience.

        • 8 months ago

          I re-watched it recently and it was actually worse than I remembered. Even season 3 was hard to watch.The Red Lotus carry it hard and even then they're not that great.

  17. 8 months ago

    Korra was originally created as a 1 off mini-series and never intended to go past S1 and it really shows with how bad S2 is.
    Character motivations make zero sense, characters(korra) act irrationally so the plot can happen, they toss everything and the kitchen sink into the plot and it’s all just such a fricking mess.
    >water tribe civil war
    >terrorist organization funded by Varrick
    >spirits acting weird
    >the 1st avatar
    >the literal devil
    >a mother fricking kaiju battle

    • 8 months ago

      the biggest problem with TLOK is that not only are Bryan and Mike awful at writing/direction when left to their own devices (they had the most control over Books 1 and 2, a time when zero to few people from the ATLA crew were present, both books are regarded as the worst of TLOK), but even WITH people to reign them in, you still get a middling product (as Book 3 and 4 prove that, along with the comics)

      The sad truth is that anything animated/drawn after ATLA was always going to be shit since most of the people responsible for making it good have since left to pursue their own creations (most of which turned out also like shit: Voltron, Dragon Prince, etc). As long as Bryke remain to run future Avatar animated products, it will all be shit...except books. The Kyoshi novels aren't half-bad.

    • 8 months ago

      >Korra was originally created as a 1 off mini-series and never intended to go past S1 and it really shows with how bad S2 is.
      Except that's bullshit. Nick approved of seasons 2-4 halfway through S1's development, which is exactly what they did with TLA.

      • 8 months ago

        >halfway through S1's development
        Premiere, anon, not development.

  18. 8 months ago


    soooo avatar fans?

  19. 8 months ago

    It's been a decade move on

    • 8 months ago

      I remember when people were saying "Cinemaphile will totally love this show and defend it to the death in 10 years, it happens every time!"

      They could never actually name a time it happened. They still can't, but those defenders just couldn't accept the show was bad and people just stopped watching it because of the piss poor writing and characters. Bryke has to be thanking fricking god Tumblr was around to take their hail mary "She's totally a lesbian icon now because she... held hands at the veerrrrrryyyyy end."

  20. 8 months ago

    Korra act like a MCU female superhero
    Yeah she's of course is gay, like the Disney way

    • 8 months ago

      korra was one of the precursors for basically every modern media trend

  21. 8 months ago

    if they didn't do the last minute lesbians this show would barely have any defenders

  22. 8 months ago

    The porn game has a better story regarding that era of the timeline

  23. 8 months ago

    Seasons 1, 2 and 4 of Korra are bad but the truth is seasons 1 and 3 of Airbender weren’t very good either

  24. 8 months ago

    I really wouldn't mind if Korra sat on my face

    • 8 months ago

      God imagine her squeezing your head between her thighs.

  25. 8 months ago

    I've been rewatching the show and honestly it's aged pretty damn well. The serialized story structure was ahead of its time and would have been perfect for the stream era. I would argue it's a lot more "bingeable" than ATLA even if it's not as good of a show overall. Each episode pushes you towards the next one.
    Yes it has problems but I prefer it over 99% of cartoons that came out during and after it. It looks beautiful, even the Pierrot episodes in season 2 look better than a lot of other shows (not sure if the blu-ray cleaned them up or not).

    Book 1 starts out strong, it's noticeably better looking than ATLA and Korra as a character is a refreshing change of pace. Tenzin and Lin are both great characters. However it gets worse over time as it's dragged down by the love triangle and then the awful twist that ruins two great characters (Tarrlok and Amon). Two initially compelling antagonists that had to be quickly written out of the show so they were given a contrived backstory. What struck me on my latest rewatch is how unnecessary the murder-suicide is - book 2 is literally about the water tribes, they could have been brought back as characters.
    Book 2 is the worst in terms of plot but is still quite engaging, has a lot of fun action sequences, and Varrick is entertaining. The biggest problem is the completely unearned escalation. The show goes from being a thriller about benders vs non-benders, to fighting the ultimate ancient evil who wants to destroy the world and fires laser beams. It's comically over the top. It's a plot that would take an entire show's worth of build-up, not one season. Unalaq only gets a couple episodes to be interesting until he immediately becomes pure evil with the most paper thin motivations (something something spirits, barely explained).

    • 8 months ago

      Book 3 is great throughout and if the entire show was at its quality I might like it more than ATLA. And yes even the non-Zaheer parts are good. I very much enjoy the rebuilding the air nation subplot and how it ties into the main plot. Every episode is well-paced and snappily written. It has basically no relationship drama (aside from some awkwardness with Mako which is played for laughs), no pro-bending, and no Tenzin family drama filler. It's just a lot of juicy plot, worldbuilding, and character development. Book 3 does more to build the world and expand bending than book 1 and 2 combined. The Red Lotus is of course great and each of them has a fun bending style. The final episode is a masterpiece with an emotional ending. The biggest issue is that the initial premise of Zaheer becoming an airbender is contrived, but I think it's an acceptable sacrifice for the story (in an ideal world Zaheer would be the main antagonist of the whole show and probably Aang's son).
      Book 4 could have been as good as book 3 but suffered from obvious budget cuts which fricked up the pacing. Kuvira is a cool villain and I appreciate how much of book 4 is built from book 3's consequences. The ending is a bit underwhelming, Kuvira isn't taken out in a satisfying way and while I'm not opposed to a lesbian ending, Korra/Asami was not built up well at all. I'm being vague because I'm still rewatching book 3.

      Overall I'd call it a flawed gem. For as many issues as I might have with it, it's still a very entertaining show with mostly great animation. I would absolutely eat up a new Avatar series (as long as it's hand-drawn 2D, god help us if it's CG).

      • 8 months ago

        If they absolutely had to have a lesbian ending, it almost would have made more sense if it was Korra/Kuvira, since they actually interacted, had an ongoing rivalry, and had at least one exchange of heartfelt(albeit stupid) dialogue.

        • 8 months ago

          That would have been pretty funny.
          Imagine if that was how Korra defeated Kuvira, with the power of lesbianism.

          • 8 months ago

            That would really be kino.

        • 8 months ago

          True they should’ve let Amado get back with Asami

          • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >The serialized story structure was ahead of its time and would have been perfect for the stream era
      Except it didn't do all that well when it WAS ported to the stream era.

    • 8 months ago

      >The serialized story structure was ahead of its time and would have been perfect for the stream era. I would argue it's a lot more "bingeable" than ATLA even if it's not as good of a show overall.
      This is an absolutely hilarious hot take considering ATLA had a resurgence of popularity and was a massive hit when it landed on netflix, being the number 1 streamed cartoon of the entire year by a pretty nice margin, while Korra was released that same year and despite initial numbers saying it was doing well, it dropped off HARD. Again.

      Two different generations thought "Wow, ATLA was amazing, I have to watch the sequel!" and then after the first season just up and decided "Nevermind". It happened TWICE. On two different types of syndication! Goddamn!

  26. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago


  27. 8 months ago

    It's been 10 years huh

  28. 8 months ago

    The bending fights were well choreographed and fun to watch. Also Korra had big breasts, at least in season 1.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah she was supposed to but Bryke were overtly "PC virtue signaling" when people noticed she had breasts they did a kneejerk reaction and I think I remember their own words "We screamed at the studio every book afterwards, MAKE THEM SMALL, SHRINK THEM, SHRINK THEM MORE SHRINK THEM"...wish I was kidding.

      • 8 months ago

        >tfw no brown bisexual tomboy gf

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah she was supposed to but Bryke were overtly "PC virtue signaling" when people noticed she had breasts they did a kneejerk reaction and I think I remember their own words "We screamed at the studio every book afterwards, MAKE THEM SMALL, SHRINK THEM, SHRINK THEM MORE SHRINK THEM"...wish I was kidding.

      >tfw no brown bisexual tomboy gf

      Korra's body was actually 'representation' for busty athletes. The fact that Bryke thought the only way people would respect her is if they gave her a breast reduction is ironically misogynistic.

      • 8 months ago

        I unironically wish there was more of a spectrum to "body representation". Not everyone is a square shaped and bland, but if you are that's okay.
        I wanna see a show where everyone is in it. I want a tall stereotypical slender big boobed bimbo, I want a short squat flat chested woman, I want old, I want young, I want ugly, I want beautiful, I want it all. I just want interesting variety in character designs.
        I feel that creatives recently have horseshoe effect too much.

  29. 8 months ago

    not to mention if even Zaheer was succesful on killing the Avatar he probably would have been captured by Kuvira later on

  30. 8 months ago

    >You need to be a normie to enjoy this shit.
    Or just not overly sensitive.

  31. 8 months ago

    More like you need to be braindead

  32. 8 months ago

    >every other post is wordswordswords trying desperately to defend this dumpster fire
    I’m so glad I can just say it was shit and move on.

  33. 8 months ago

    Another point for normies

  34. 8 months ago

    >bro what if we destroy everything that people loved from avatar 1?

    They turned the avatar into a literally carpet and KILLED IT.

    • 8 months ago

      I hate when writers think they're being "powerful" by doing this shit. If you want to get away with permanently severing her connection with previous avatars, you have to earn it by building it into a proper story.

      To give an example, in death note, light discards his memories of being kira, and the way this is written, the audience /wants/ this to happen, because it will allow him to attempt to get away with his crimes. And the story PAYS it off, the sacrifice, by using it to create dramatic plot beats. If korra wanted to get away with the severing, it needed to make people actually want it, for example what if somehow someone could exploit the previous avatar states and use them to find crucial information which must not be revealed. And then it has to make it pay off by using the severing to create plot beats which are as dramatic if not more so than the severing itself.

      I'm so tired of writers in the western industry acting like this. They think if you kill a character, for some reason, and they stay dead you get a medal and there'll be pithy articles written about how amazing a writer you are for killing someone off and keeping them dead. Toy Story 4 did this shit too.

      • 8 months ago

        Light giving up his memories was stupid. Death Note is literally deus ex machina the show since Ryuk, our alleged neutral death god, bends over backwards to help Light out of any situation.
        As much as people hate the Netflix adaptation, at least that version of the story isn't just bullshit saving Light at every turn.
        >make people actually want it
        I wanted it. By the end of Book 1 of Korra it became obvious the past Avatar lives had to go. It's a stupid mechanic. And when you rewatch ATLA you notice how much is solved by Roku nonsense.

  35. 8 months ago

    Does it not strike any of you guys as psychotic to still be this mad?

  36. 8 months ago

    It's like a shitty Avatar OC fanfic that Nickelodeon bought and developed into an official series

  37. 8 months ago

    My older sister really liked this season upon release, and in the years since the show ended she would typically mention that S2 was pretty good and a close second place behind S3. She finally actually rewatched S2 during COVID and texted me something along the lines of "OH NO IT'S SHIT" once she got to the final episode.

  38. 8 months ago

    Frick off

    >so the cheerful brother who is like me likes me?
    >sorry but I actually fell in love with the cool guy, who thinks I am annoying and the other girl falls in love too

  39. 8 months ago

    All you need to enjoy Korra is to have taste; not be a manchild, and be capable of grasping the concept of a "character flaw".

    I understand that that last bit - understanding that characters can have flaws - is difficult for most avatards. Rest assured, korra is a million times more interesting character than Aang ever was; not that you morons could ever appreciate her writing.

    (Also jesus dick the mods of this board are actual incels now holy christ)

    • 8 months ago

      ignoring korra herself TLOK is worse than TLA

    • 8 months ago

      >having standards makes you a manchild
      >muh incel
      Average Korratard ladies and gentleman

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