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  1. 8 months ago

    him, Omar and Brother Mouzone ruined the show

    • 8 months ago

      Everyone putting up with Marlos bullshit while he was just starting made no sense. Proposition Joe shouldve had him killed as soon as he saw he was unhinged.

      • 8 months ago

        That's why the shield is better, wire was on top until Marlo became a thing.

    • 8 months ago

      he had his own crew and territory yet the little nig was only 20. He was earning millions and running everything by himself.

      Omar I could tolerate even if he was a bit into capeslop territory.
      Brother Mouzone was pathetic. It's one thing to make the hired muscle look like a regular person instead of typical gangbanger, but the moment he did the library card quip I considered his character irredeemable trash. They made it a whole point about how Stringer thought himself super smart for taking Economy 101 but then being swindled at every turn, only to have this guy be the magic Black who is super smart and tough and gets to live through.
      Marlo was the worst by far - comes out of nowhere, plot armour up the wazoo. My worst gripe was the horrible casting job. The nig playing him looked too young and not at all intimidating. They should have switched him and Chris who looked much harder.

      • 8 months ago

        >Brother Mouzone was pathetic
        enough with this moronic Cinemaphile trope, do you morons even read it to yourselves or do you just parrot it because you first heard it here. Brother mouzone is a black nationalist from the nation of islam. Read their history and find out that they were more common including among the criminal class than you think. Is it so unbelievable that someone as verbally violent as malcom x would exist? Why is brother mouzone 30 to 40 yrs later so unbelievable as a character then? Do you think avon pays him 20 dollars an hour to muscle his crew?

        • 8 months ago

          Brother was too capeshit for my liking, is all. Quips, plot armour, non-lethal bullets.. yeah no.

          >looked too young
          that's the point, the last 2 seasons of the show were all about the next generation of the Game/system
          >not at all intimidating
          neither is Avon and Joe

          I understand but the point but that guy looked younger than Bodie and everyone in his crew except Snoop. Again, Chris is also young (I think he's younger than Marlow actor irl), but looks more menacing.

          >neither is Avon and Joe
          Avon definitely looks the part of a thug, imo more than anyone else. Prop Joe doesn't look menacing but he's literally named Proposition Joe, so instilling fear wasn't his way of doing business. So we have a thug looking playing an OG thug, a fat older guy playing a moderate and a baby-face kid playing this tough gangster that everyone fears.. yeah didn't sit well with me. It ruined seasons 4 & 5 for me.

      • 8 months ago

        >looked too young
        that's the point, the last 2 seasons of the show were all about the next generation of the Game/system
        >not at all intimidating
        neither is Avon and Joe

    • 8 months ago

      Omar and Mouzone are like characters straight from breaking bad

  2. 8 months ago

    >my name is Manayme!
    such a powerful moment when we finally learn his real identity

  3. 8 months ago

    I don't see how anyone could find this little gay intimidating

    • 8 months ago

      You don't see how someone who orders people murdered and gets away with it is intimidating?

    • 8 months ago

      he had his own crew and territory yet the little nig was only 20. He was earning millions and running everything by himself.

      • 8 months ago

        because all of his competition magically disappears, seems questionable that exactly 2 factions would be fighting for control, avon's was large and longstanding enough to make sense that it'd have a monopoly but only 1 gang was trying to usurp him? questionable. you dont get the sense that marlo is formidable which makes it difficult to root for anyone involved, the pohleece or marlo, whereas with avon both sides had compelling friction and the stakes felt higher

        • 8 months ago

          of course it disappears, that's the fricking point. he is smart and ruthless enough to take advantage of that, michael starts killing at 16, bodie started slinging at 13. You think these kids start peddling at 18 once they are done with highschool. What kind of backstory do you need when kima tells you that the guy is famous for being a serious criminal and a ruthless one at that.

          • 8 months ago

            >Brother Mouzone was pathetic
            enough with this moronic Cinemaphile trope, do you morons even read it to yourselves or do you just parrot it because you first heard it here. Brother mouzone is a black nationalist from the nation of islam. Read their history and find out that they were more common including among the criminal class than you think. Is it so unbelievable that someone as verbally violent as malcom x would exist? Why is brother mouzone 30 to 40 yrs later so unbelievable as a character then? Do you think avon pays him 20 dollars an hour to muscle his crew?

            As if there weren’t any other nutcases out there, see Bird.

            I didn't know Simon browsed Cinemaphile
            Just because we call something you like stupid that doesn't mean we're calling you stupid. If it is actually as good as you think it is then it doesn't need you to make argument for it.

  4. 8 months ago

    >le Black person understands how the world works
    wow... they really are humans...

  5. 8 months ago

    Someone post the janny edit please

  6. 8 months ago

    you just a nigguh

  7. 8 months ago

    >gangster tells you that you're going to die
    >you believe him
    >keep going into work
    >do absolutely nothing to protect yourself
    I do not understand why people think The Wire is well-written.

    • 8 months ago

      >gangster tells you that you're going to die
      this never happened
      maybe watch the show before criticizing its writing

      • 8 months ago

        It did happen. The gangster gives the guard his pseudo-intelligent threat and the guard freaks out because he knows what it means and believes it.

        • 8 months ago

          >because he knows what it means
          That's the thing, he didn't say his threat outright and the security guard doesn't actually know if Marlo will follow through and might have thought his apology was enough. It's completely believeable that the guard would just keep doing his thing and hope for the best. He might have even prepared to defend himself like that other anon suggested, but Marlo's crew caught him on the day he was lacking. It's a dumb critique.

          • 8 months ago

            >he didn't say his threat outright
            God, you are stupid.

    • 8 months ago

      I did some traveling when I was younger and Africa 100% redpilled me on Black folks. 99% of them are fricking moronic and the 1% who aren't vary wildly between normal intelligence and the very rare few who are actually smart. The smart ones feel no remorse when it comes to treating every one around them as disposable cattle and they're justified in doing so because the vast majority of "people" they have to deal with are so fricking stupid you actually can tell them to their face they'll die and they'll still show up to work. Sub 80 IQ individuals have a hard time understanding the relationship between cause and effect as well as concepts such as "time" or "the future."

      • 8 months ago

        >show up to work
        you are a wagie too wagecuck, you go to work so your govt can tax you to death and so that your boss can mistreat you

        • 8 months ago

          Wagie is projecting

  8. 8 months ago

    I liked the school arc.

  9. 8 months ago

    >chris and snoop are unflinchingly loyle to marlo because........ they just are ok!!!!

    • 8 months ago

      Chris would have nowhere to go if Marlo ever disappeared because of his reputation as a psycho.

      • 8 months ago

        As if there weren’t any other nutcases out there, see Bird.

        • 8 months ago

          Being born into the Barksdale empire vs the new kids on the block.

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