You're chosen to direct a new Alien movie.

You're chosen to direct a new Alien movie.
You're also given total creative freedom and unlimited funds from the producers.

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    Direct sequel to Aliens that retcons everything else

    • 4 months ago

      Direct sequel to Alien that retcons everything else done in the same visual/audio style as the original but largely unrelated. Think Alien: Isolation. Make MC male but pull a Blob and replace him with a nerdy runt. Don't use any digital effects whatsoever, even quality of life stuff. Set it in spacecraft/station, isolated.
      Most important though, drop Alien Queen and Soldiers. Aliens are not honeybees. Bring back alien cocooning people and turning them into eggs, play up the body horror (eg. facehuggers have what looks like fingers because they ARE fingers). Focus on them being a sophisticated bioweapon.

    • 4 months ago

      This except I don't retcon AvP, that one can stay.

  2. 4 months ago

    AvP sequel with Lex returning.

  3. 4 months ago

    >alien planet completely inhospatible to humans far away from explored space. Extreme pressures, temperatures and atmosphere that has acid raining down the sky. Something like Venus
    >Deep space prospector on standard corpotate contract comes across it while attracted to radio signals emitting from it
    >get shot down as ship fails for unknown reasons
    >Only way to survive is a exoskeleton type pressure suit that if punctured in any way is instant gruesome death from implosion. Demonstrated as the only other surviving crew member gets squished in front of protagonist when mounting a faulty suit.
    >Planet is filled with completely aline biomechanical flora and fauna. Xenos look more like wolves in the woods among the sights. It would look like a H.R.Giger paintings come to life
    >Only companion for the journey across the wasteland is the suits AI as they look for a way to survive while traversing the bizzare sights. Survival in this context does not have to mean escaping the planet

    Point being expand on the alien nature the xeno is made out off. The bugs themselves are depleted as material

    • 4 months ago

      Sounds like a fun video game but a shit movie

      • 4 months ago

        >nuh-uh vydia cant be film
        >meanwhile half this bread calls for alien isolation to be made into a film
        >which is like rehashing Alien 1 but this time with more aliens
        maybe its time to admit vydia and movie plots really are not that different. A singular survivor being a alien in a hostile world is far more original and new take then the tired old alien1/2 rehases that is slowly killing the franchise one copycat turd at a time. The Alien series is very similar to Silent Hill in which had a strong start and then just a legion of morons trying to half-assing copy the first one (sh2) instead of coming up with new spins.

  4. 4 months ago

    a big cruise ship where people go on vacation is infested by xenomorphs
    some people team up and try to survive
    the whole thing is an experiment by the weyland company

    • 4 months ago

      this is a published comic book, I forgot what it is called though

  5. 4 months ago

    Sex comedy, call it Xxxenomorph

    • 4 months ago


  6. 4 months ago

    12 episode disney+ show, about WY corporate espionage and "politics" as a corporate lawyer tries to maneuver a mix of office hijinks, outside interference from local goverments, and the crazy illegal science experiement in the basement of their office. first 2 episodes are character focused small scale episodes about the main characters, the antagonist (main scientist) in a formal setting. a 4 episode arc about disappearances in the main colony, world building that doesn't have anything to do with the alien, but introduces the local non-company security forces and plays with audience expectations. 2 episodes of relative calm showcasing "normal operations", 5 episode final arc where a bunch of hired goons from a rival company shows up, accidentally release the (alien) a singular one. some of the secondary characters die in the fight, including the main antagonist, maybe releasing the alien in a final act of "frick you." in the chaos the local cops from the earlier arc shows up and saves the main character, the alien escapes without being killed as a season 2 hype, it probably gets injured in a visually distinct style to make sure we can sell toys of it, skins in video games etc. including a shitty-quickly made DLC for isolation that no one who worked on the original gets to do anything with.

    • 4 months ago

      To the Disney execs responsible for this free focus group thread. I know this idea sounds good to you stick up your arse suits but it's dog shit. Never do this. Instead I would like something along the lines of the Earth war storyline from the comic book. I unironically already a have a basic script drafted. No I'm not joking.

    • 4 months ago

      >Better off Ted meets Aliens

  7. 4 months ago

    Remake Alien but Ripley is black and trans. Alien is a hyper-evolved evil white man.

  8. 4 months ago

    Hear me out, just one word: alien breasts

  9. 4 months ago

    Alien Isolation adaptation

    • 4 months ago

      This. It's a fantastic game and already canon to the series. It's perfectly set up to make a movie for. The only thing I wanted more from the game was expanding on the various characters. However I think they'd feel compelled to make it into a series and have Amanda fight the aliens over and over like Ellen and it'd get ridiculous.

  10. 4 months ago

    xenomorphs impregnate Meghan thee stallion and other black female celebrities at a concert and give birth to xenomorphs with super fat asses

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        HEY XADDY

  11. 4 months ago


  12. 4 months ago

    Yutani's sexy niece wants to get back at her family. She decides to form a team of eccentric thieves and use them to steal a specimen from a top secret lab on a stormy planet. When they prepare to break into the lab, they find that the specimen has already escaped and now it's hunting them.
    There's two big twists. The first is that sexy Yutani chick is actually an android. The real Yutani heir is like 60 and she's using the thieves to clean up a mess. The second twist is that there's more than one alien loose and the other aliens come from different types of hosts. Thus there could be a regular alien, a dog alien, an aquatic alien, and maybe even a dragon alien that swoops down for one big final battle. If the movie needs one final huge twist then it'll be the Yutani chick revealing that her next sexy android is going to be inspired by the aliens.

  13. 4 months ago

    Batman versus Aliens.

  14. 4 months ago

    Aliens versus Batman.

  15. 4 months ago

    Batmen versus Alien.

  16. 4 months ago

    It has to have a new type of chestburster, the assburster.

    • 4 months ago

      >asshugger implants egg in female characters ass
      >Alien later comes out as she's in the middle of having anal sex

      • 4 months ago

        Starring Siswet19.

  17. 4 months ago

    I have this dream of watching the most claustrophobic movie ever. I'd make a speleologist team get trapped inside a cave maze way below the surface and they happen to find an egg and now they have to desperately crawl through tiny dark corridors while the xenomorph is chasing them.

  18. 4 months ago

    Direct sequel to the best Alien - Resurrection

    • 4 months ago

      Ripley has burned all the loose ends.

  19. 4 months ago

    ripley get ipad

  20. 4 months ago

    Movie trilogy based on the Rage War book trilogy.

    • 4 months ago

      Stopped reading when it became clear that it was a Predator/Marines vs Rage story and not Aliens vs Predator.

  21. 4 months ago

    Old as frick ridley scott is sent with a team to some planet where it appears the alien's ancestors first evolved and the mission is financed once again by businessmen who want samples returned or some such so they can do experiments and ???? $$$$$ but we learn there is a faction of the ships crew who intend on a sort of "mutiny" during which they'd take control of weapons and basically commit terroristic acts on this planet and kill as many progenitors as possible or whatever
    we assume old as frick ridley is participating in order to destroy alien pussy but her motivations remain unclear throughout
    the factions form and the crew splits and there is chaos, both between the two factions and on the planet itself with things devolving into something of a warzone
    we cut away and ridley is still doing weird as frick random shit
    We get to some dramatic moment where our other lead is in peril, maybe about to die or something and it is revealed in graphic fashion that ridley is an android
    not only that but she has been studying the aliens from afar and almost encouraging them, indirectly, the kill humans and do other shit that would seem detrimental to the team
    at this point it is also made clear through dialogue that we are after the events of alien 4, like far, far, far beyond those events in many years but the events of the previous 3 films are documented history of which the team is all aware

    ends with a gratuitous scene featuring old as frick ridley in undies and a sleeveless. she scratches her robot mound and then sniffs her fingers

    • 4 months ago

      God fricking dammit. I meant ripley. Not ridley scott. I've had a long day. I don't want to see ridley scott scratching his mound. Lol. Frick me

      • 4 months ago

        How the frick did you manage to write ridley three times? You gay. I bet you think about his mound all the time.

        • 4 months ago

          It's not my fault the old queen fancies himself a minx in low rise panties
          I mean cmon "I'm Ridley! This is my main character, Ripley!"

  22. 4 months ago

    It would largely resemble the plot of Aliens but half-way through the movie predators suddenly show up and like AVP you eventually end up with a 3-way fight between an Alien Queen, a Predator, and someone in a power loader.

    It also has to be very sexy. Neither Alien nor Predator works without a bit of blatant sex appeal

  23. 4 months ago

    A Terminator crossover where Skynet sends a Terminator into the future and it infiltrated a Wetland Yutani science team, captures a Xenomorph egg and brings it back to present day. Instead of launching nukes, Skynet unleashes Xenomorph terminators on humanity.

  24. 4 months ago

    Make an animated anthology like the Animatrix.

  25. 4 months ago

    16th century conquistadores come across an Amazonian cult that worship a weird fertility god in a temple that is actually a ship from the original film
    it retcons aliens and the prequel origin story but it adds to the biblical theme introduced in prometheus
    hilarity ensues

  26. 4 months ago

    Alien x Avatar where Cameron gets a taste of his own medicine with the humans and na'avi all getting GIGERED in an extremely graphic 2h slaughterfest

    • 4 months ago

      I’ve never been harder in my life.

    • 4 months ago

      We are so close to where one person could pull this off.

    • 4 months ago

      Sounds like a 2 minute newgrounds Flash cartoon more than a feature length movie. How so you keep it from being boring?

      • 4 months ago

        Extremism never fails to entertain

    • 4 months ago
  27. 4 months ago

    A L I E N remastered by Claire Denis

  28. 4 months ago

    So basically, there's this fringe cult of misfits who happen to worship Xenomorphs in a weird like sex cult kind of way. It's a thinly veiled critique of modern sexuality and practices surrounding it.

    It has massive amounts of impregnation, non stop bursting.
    >am gonna booooorst

  29. 4 months ago

    Adapt that insane early concept for Alien 3 with the wooden planet

    • 4 months ago

      Alien 3 could have the best episode of the saga if you rewrote some stuff here and there
      >horror and action have already been done, so turn it into an actual Bergman or Haneke drama with Peckinpah undertones
      >Ripley, Hicks and Newt still make it through, but they're all 20 years older due to a cybersleep malfunction (spent about 40 years in their pods).
      >Ripley and Hicks are dying of an airborne virus they caught while fighting the aliens (something like AIDS, because early 90s and sexual undertones throughout the saga)
      >Bishop's components are broken, he has to sacrifice himself at some point
      >remove the cult idea and turn it into an actual prison, with inmates trying to cope with their absurd sentence by accepting their fate. religion in a hellish world like this seems almost contradictory
      >little to no tech. instead of firearms, they have swords and knives.
      >since "Xenos aren't scary anymore", re-write them as a majestous folk beast, like a space panther-dragon whose ever-evolving biology is beyond human comprehension. they're not "satan's little evil bugs", they're just wild beasts who are defending themselves from the human invader.
      >frick it, introduce a new Xeno that can lay eggs, she'd become the "mother" of two baby Xenos. it'd be the false antagonist of the story and they'd be the last of their species with all the others getting eradicated (or harvested for their saliva, used as a heroin-like commodity) from LV-426, which has become a shopping mall, with the space jockey turned into a theme park ride
      >focus more on the ethical evils commited by Weyland-Yutani (or other rival corps) and the bizarre fascination/hatred they have for the Xenos (like torturing them in teflon boxes)
      >replace Bishop by a WeyYu nepobaby, who launches a mission to destroy the wooden prison, not only to kill Ridley who knows too much, but to also get rid of the last Xenos.

    • 4 months ago

      >wooden planet

  30. 4 months ago

    alien movies have been shitty for so long who cares. i really dont want to see a new alien movie ever again

  31. 4 months ago

    Look bud, this ain't my first rodeo. You're not gonna get me to lift a creative bone in my arse without a retainer.

  32. 4 months ago

    A prequel with more Guy Pierce as Weyland.

    The board tries to remove Weyland, but Peter secretely has David take them out one by one and make it look like an accident.

  33. 4 months ago

    Steven seagal vs aliens movie

  34. 4 months ago

    all the aliens have breasts and pussies

    • 4 months ago

      better hope she is not a bleeder

      • 4 months ago

        What you do in a K-mart bathroom isn't love. Aliens are built for love:

  35. 4 months ago

    >team settle on the moon as part of some space mining job
    >there's a mysterious package with some mercs hitching a ride, they're heading for a military base in deep space and are refuelling at the moon
    >package escapes
    >it's a facehugger/s
    >chaos ensues
    >in the midst of the chaos, power goes and the predators arrive
    >AVP actual sequel set on the moon with mercs and miners trying to escape inbetween the aliens and predators fighting and trying to get to the last escape craft
    >1 predator survives and jumps on the escape craft
    >kills some more mercs
    >Emergency pod outta there
    >predator is outwitted and is drifting off into space aboard the escaped ship

    • 4 months ago

      How did the Preds know to show up?

  36. 4 months ago

    I make a sequel to Alien: Covenant with Ridley Scott and Michael Fassbender.

  37. 4 months ago

    I would take elements from Robocop and Predator 2. An OCP like evil corporation would have possession of a xenomorph implanted with nanotechnology to control it. To demonstrate that the creature was docile there would be a memorable scene of a powerful business woman using the alien to satisfy her sexually. Criminal syndicates would soon begin a gang war for possession of the creature, another memorable scene would involve someone pulling the blankets from their bed only instead of a horse head like the Godfather it's the live alien sent by the Mafia to kill them. Ultimately an all female doomsday cult would aquire the alien and free it from the nanochips controlling it, letting it loose in the futuristic megacity

  38. 4 months ago

    1. It is simply not worth it to try to create sequels to classic and beloved films like this. It requires passion, time, budget, and hard work merely to *replicate* (much less improve on) the feelings a classic film will give you. You will never satisfy the fans of something good that already exists, by trying to imitate the past. Unless a series is planned from the beginning to have sequels, sequels are generally a lost cause, especially long-term.

    2. What I like about Alien is how adventurous it is, artistically. The first half of the movie, particularly, feels "alien" to watch. It creates a strange mood. There are artists out there that are still creating interesting experiences like Alien. Hideo Kojima honestly nails several of the sexual subtext themes in his work on Death Stranding (male pregnancy, rape, psychic connection between "mother" figures and "children", pain and pleasure combined in a BDSM context, etc.)

    In short, Death Stranding (and by all appearances its sequel) is the best Alien sequel I could ask for.

    3. Ridley Scott had the right idea with Prometheus and Alien: Covenant. Those films have many problems (stupid slasher tropes, characters who appear too low IQ, etc.) but they do create some moments that feel like Alien to me. Because what makes Alien "Alien" isn't the xenomorph, it's stuff like the image of the Space Jockey, "a guy getting seeded by an alien parasite attached to his face", or "a woman getting a cesarean to remove a squid from her belly", or "a psychotic android with homosexual tendencies, awed by the 'beauty' of an 8ft tall faceless humanoid creature from my sleep paralysis nightmares, attempts communication."

    Honestly, I'd probably spend all that money and creative freedom making a parody of Alien, while trying to pass it off as serious, to snub my nose at the producers forcing me to make an Alien sequel, not an alien successor.

  39. 4 months ago

    Alien was best when it had shit, retro, bulky technology.

    • 4 months ago

  40. 4 months ago

    Hyper faithfully adapt pic related.

    Starring Karen Fukuhara who gets naked.

    Directed by one of the following...
    > The Godzilla Minus One guy
    > Denis Villeneuve
    > Gareth Edwards
    > James Wan
    > Joseph Kosinski

    • 4 months ago

      Add Christopher McQuarrie to directors list.

  41. 4 months ago

    >Predator comes to Earth and releases aliens to hunt
    >Human guy comes from the future and explains how in his timeline the predator dies and humanity uses the technology from its ship to create Skynet so he wants to make sure the Pred wins
    >Terminator shows up to stop him
    >AvPvT set in small American town
    >Weaver and Arnie get a small cameo as the owners of a local ma and pa shop

  42. 4 months ago

    > unlimited funds

    Basically adapt Alien Isolation without the Ripley connections starring Hayley Atwell who is given double her Mission Impossible salary to get fully naked.

    • 4 months ago

      That's like the only story where the family connection works and drives the story though. It's the reason she became a space and working out in that area. Plus why they wanted to include her in the mission. The Nostromo's flight recorder is the reason the other ship found the planet too and then went to Sevastopol. It gives her a reason to want to fight through everything rather than just get out of there.

  43. 4 months ago

    Hardcore porno where I frick multiple Xenomorphs before they rip me to shreds. Cameos by other anons who share in my degenerate tastes.
    No further questions thank you.

  44. 4 months ago

    1. 2 new movies with a traditional R rating based on the books "the cold forge" and "into chardybis".

    2. Alien phalanx adaptation for netflix zoomies and marvelbabbies with young adult cast like stranger things

    3. Another "alien day" film maker contest like the one on youtube that shit was awesome

    4. Aliens colonial marines cartoon series by gendy tartokovsky

    5. a final prometheus film by ridley scott

    6. Alien isolation movie

  45. 4 months ago

    Adapt any of the comics.

  46. 4 months ago

    God dang coomers! I hate ya!

    • 4 months ago

      Then you hate Giger and Alien. He was the biggest coomer of all and Alien is full of his fetishes.

      • 4 months ago

        Of course I hate Alien!

        • 4 months ago

          they're the same story, dumdum

          • 4 months ago

            The second movie was upgraded with wholesome family values.

  47. 4 months ago

    Alien get cell phone

  48. 4 months ago

    make the new villain the beach ball from dark star

    • 4 months ago

      Go to bed Carpenter.

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