>youre going to have a much more successful fulfilling life and Im going to die a loser wage slave?

>you’re going to have a much more successful fulfilling life and I’m going to die a loser wage slave? Yeah well at least in this one singular altercation with a stranger I’m being original while he’s quoting books he learned in college. What a fricking own! Also the mid hoe that looks like a troony likes ME, haha!

Boomers actually thought this shit was good bruh

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

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  1. 6 months ago

    Gen X are not boomers

  2. 6 months ago

    me in the background

    • 6 months ago

      Bruce Wayne???

      • 6 months ago

        >does he know?

  3. 6 months ago


    what a nerd

    • 6 months ago

      Why would a janitor read some esoteric book about post revolutionary war economics in America?

      • 6 months ago

        Which is precisely what he should have said.

      • 6 months ago

        Gordon Wood is history 101 stuff.

      • 6 months ago

        Because a book about post revolutionary war economics in America is way more interesting than being a janitor.

        The whole conflict of the movie was him resenting the expectation that he use his intelligence for "something more" while also being unsatisfied with not using it at all.

        • 6 months ago

          Wow, he’s literally me (except I’m a midwit).

      • 6 months ago

        There have been cases of extremely intelligent people working shit jobs because they have no drive.

        • 6 months ago

          Not because they have no drive. But, because they have a drive to self-direct their intellectual lives.

          The stereotypical example here is Grigori Perelman who won Fields medal. He was a poor neckbeard living with his mom on poverty wages. Not because he couldn't cut it as a paper-mill professor living off grants or coder for google or in any other normie occupation. But because he wanted to direct his time for his own goals instead for the goals of his employer. In his case it was working on some math problem for decades.

          • 6 months ago

            >intelligent people can't be lazy
            >they all sit at home solving equations instead of wasting time on videogames and other forms of escapism

          • 6 months ago

            Or y'know, they have poor social skills which matters more than ability when it comes to getting a decent job.
            >Nerds run the world, you'll be God when you get out of high school.
            Biggest cope there is.

            • 6 months ago

              >Nerds run the world
              They unironically do. The entire world now revolves around the internet and technology. Tech dorks at the top dominate every list of 'richest' and 'most influental' and tech dorks at the bottom dominate when it comes to average salary relative to education needed. The richest man in the world is a diagnosed sperglord who can barely form coherent sentences. The second richest man in the world used to be like that before he pumped himself full of testosterone to become a weird nerd/chad hybrid. Sure, not every nerd is part of the new ruling class but that doesn't make this any less true

              • 6 months ago

                >They unironically do.
                Absolutely wrong. Bankers own the world, not nerds. How much of a goyim do you have to be to not already know that lmao?

              • 6 months ago

                Dumb normies really think the rulers are intelligent and competent, and not just some average dude who was born in the right family. They unironically thinks money is well spent or that intelligent people are not for most suicide victim or lazy fatass painting warhammer figure all day

              • 6 months ago

                If only I could afford to be a lazy fatass that painted warhammer figures all. They price that shit like it's made of Kpop idol pubic hair.

          • 6 months ago

            Not to mention the public education system actively seeks to destroy curiosity and a love of learning in children and replaces it with either apathy and a distaste for learning entirely, resentment, or in cases of its stated goals it crafts a brown nosing stooge who says how high when you say jump and min maxes the grading syllabus while attempting to social engineer the teacher for better points in the event of any setback. A true bureaucratic sociopath, the best thing the public education system can produce.

          • 6 months ago

            >In his case it was working on some math problem for decades
            Some genuis. That homie ever hear of a calculator?

  4. 6 months ago

    It's kind of weird how lame this movie is. Whats strange is the film would have had a lot more heart if his character wasnt some random genius. It could have just been a guy dealing with burgeoning levels of responsibility. But no, lets make private ryan a genius.

    • 6 months ago

      I don't think someone that intelligent would just slip the cracks. Everyone thinks they are are 140 IQ genius but if that was true someone would of noticed at some point early in your life. I guess his whole backstory was that he was abandoned and abused as a child. But even still, he never ended up in the school system? No adults ever noticed that he was reading books about the American economy post revolutionary war?

      They also made his brilliance unrealistic. He is knowledable in everything. Real life geniuses would excel in one or two areas but to solve impossible math equations and have extensive knowledge about markets and economics while being a broke ass janitor is absurd.

      • 6 months ago

        As I recall, it wasn't that he slipped through the cracks, it was that he didn't want to enter the world that was open to him. At one point, he tells Robin Williams that guys like Williams are untrustworthy, and the crew he hangs out with are loyal to a fault.

        • 6 months ago

          >As I recall, it wasn't that he slipped through the cracks, it was that he didn't want to enter the world that was open to him.
          Then why did he apply to work at one of the best universities in the world and then pull stunts like solving impossible equations for the small handful of people in the world who would actually recognise his genius?

          • 6 months ago

            did you watch the movie, buddy?
            robin williams explains the answer to that exact question

            • 6 months ago

              I'm not your buddy, guy

              • 6 months ago

                i'm not your guy, pal

      • 6 months ago

        >Everyone thinks they are are 140 IQ genius but if that was true someone would of noticed at some point early in your life.
        i legit have a 140+ iq, i'm a member of mensa and no one gives a shit

        • 6 months ago

          Actually joining Mensa after getting the qualification for it is a sign of an overcompensating midwit. Imagine paying money to prove how heckin smart you are.

          • 6 months ago

            It probably looks good on a resume.

      • 6 months ago

        When smart kids go to shitty public schools they get perfect marks in every test without studying for anything until it makes them a target for bullying. Then they learn it's smarter to not participate at all.

        • 6 months ago

          Not really. A kid with a high IQ can pick up concepts quickly but much of public school grading is based on rote memorization rather than critical thinking skills. High intelligence often is accompanied by good memorization skills but they still have to put in some effort to do the memorization at all. You can't get straight A grades in public school without doing at least a bit of studying to memorize all the stupid dates and factoids that you're expected to regurgitate on the test.

          • 6 months ago

            >You can't get straight A grades in public school without doing at least a bit of studying to memorize all the stupid dates and factoids that you're expected to regurgitate on the test.
            Sure, you can. It's easy. Just play Mind Maze on Encarta Encyclopedia 96 for fun before you even go to school.

            • 6 months ago

              frick i loved this game
              i would listen to the 10 sec clip of bowie's changes over and over and told my family it was my favourite song

      • 6 months ago

        Ya won’t believe me, but cert genius here. Many slip thru the cracks, especially when autistic.

        His brilliance is not unrealistic. A true genius is often knowledgeable abt a huge variety, not just two areas.

        Think of it like this; if you take 1 hour to learn what takes most other people 10, why wouldn’t you spread that out over many subjects? Especially because there’s diminishing returns on intellect vs competence. The more specialized a field, the less your general geniality matters, whilst your competence can be outpaced by the guy with less IQ but higher willpower and better work ethic.

        It’s why the smartest STEMlords are rarely top of the class

        • 6 months ago

          When smart kids go to shitty public schools they get perfect marks in every test without studying for anything until it makes them a target for bullying. Then they learn it's smarter to not participate at all.

          >Everyone thinks they are are 140 IQ genius but if that was true someone would of noticed at some point early in your life.
          i legit have a 140+ iq, i'm a member of mensa and no one gives a shit

          Cope. None of you are smart. Getting 130+ on an online test is worthless and is the equivalent of getting 90 on the real thing. Quit overvaluing you being slightly above average in elementary school.

          Intelligence and genius is proven. You have done nothing that merits the title of "genius" therefore you are not one.

          • 6 months ago

            >t. 100 IQ and mad about it

            • 6 months ago

              >t. diamond dozen "smart but lazy" insufferable homosexual

          • 6 months ago

            I said I'm a member of mensa. it's not an online test, it's several tests and if you don't accept that mensa tests accurately measure IQ then nothing does and you should stop regarding IQ as meaningful (which I'm sure would suit you well)

            • 6 months ago

              They'll give mensa membership to anyone dumb enough to pay the entry fee. Just by the fact that you paid for it indicates to me that you're a moron who hasn't and will never amount to anything. You will never be Terrence Tao. You will never by Von Neumann. You will never be Henry Kissinger. You will never be Napoleon

              • 6 months ago

                try and get a mensa membership then
                i'll wait

              • 6 months ago

                mensa test made me realize I am a moron despite my IQ, those things are meaningless. I have met some very street smart people who couldn't tell you a thing about physics, chess or other stereotypical smart guy stuff.

              • 6 months ago

                Which Mensa test? If it was online, it's not a valid test. I think it's the Netherlands branch that put a test online and people take it thinking it's in any way valid. Not even that branch of Mensa will accept the online test for membership. Regardless of if you scored high or low, it might as well have been a quiz on tumblr. Don't put any weight whatsoever in it. Absolutely don't call yourself moronic based on an online test.
                Contrary to what the uninformed whiners will try to make you believe, Mensa only accepts their own in-person proctored tests or one of a small number of IQ tests given by a psychological professional. In the past they accepted a few standardized tests but since those tests were changed to be primarily knowledge tests instead of intelligence tests, they haven't been accepted in decades.
                The point here isn't whether or not you can get into Mensa, it's basically a club for geeks who want to play games without being bothered by normies, but rather that IQ tests are not something you find in the wild. There's no real advantage to knowing your IQ but if you're curious and really do want to know, you have to get tested in a controlled environment using a test designed for that purpose.

              • 6 months ago

                i wish my Mensa was like this.
                i went to the Mensa event this year and i was at least 30 years younger than everyone else and i'm 31

              • 6 months ago

                >it's basically a club for geeks
                Maybe 30 years ago. Now it's the most obnoxious kind of person you can imagine, whose entire personality revolves around their narcissism related to their high IQ score, regardless of personal achievements. It has turned into a daycare for people who are way too socially moronic and obnoxious to have any friends outside of those meetings

          • 6 months ago

            Nice try, anon. I got my 148 professionally evaluated by an in person psychiatrist. So what I'll say with lived expertise you're only half right. A person with untapped to potential is not only not a genius. They're actually worse than an idiots. Most idiots to their credit are still doing the best they can with the resources they have.

            • 6 months ago

              >I swear I'm a genius even if I can't prove it in any meaningful way!
              Cope. The only reason you got evaluated was because your parents thought you might be a sped

              • 6 months ago

                ESL? I literally said the opposite. That I allow myself to fester with every other illness listed in the latest DSM is why I know I'm not a genius. That you fail at basic reading comprehension is why I know you're not one either.

          • 6 months ago

            Can't decide which people are dumber, the people who take 20 minute online IQ tests and believe the result, or the people who think everyone who claims to be a genius online is such a person.

            Geniuses aren't that rare. They are 2% of the general population. Considering the kind of person Cinemaphile appeals to, I bet the percentage is even higher here, probably 5%. There are plenty of actual tested geniuses here, and you can generally tell the difference between them and the online test takers. Its kind of funny how midwits have this notion that geniuses won't tell people they're geniuses, like its some kind of mystical calling that gets cancelled out by a lack of humility.

            Plenty of them slip through the cracks too, I'm one of them. Intelligence past a certain point is frequently maladaptive.

            • 6 months ago

              People on Cinemaphile are millennials who are terrified of being confident because they read about the dunning kruger effect once. This means anyone claiming to be intelligent simply must not be, because le dunning kruger.

            • 6 months ago

              >Tfw top 0.5% of IQ and helpless loser who will die alone
              Atleast I understand macro economics

              • 6 months ago

                Which crypto should I invest in?

            • 6 months ago

              I'm a genius too, like you. We are geniuses

              • 6 months ago

                I believe you. You're valid.

            • 6 months ago

              It's more that people who are verified geniuses typically don't use that fact as a form of appeal from authority but midwits love doing it, so people confuse the two when a genius does have reason to mention it due to a context other than trying to use it as a form of proof of correctness of an argument. It's perfectly fine for a genius to identify themselves in a conversation about IQ as it is related to that context. The problem comes in when someone has a flimsy argument and expects everyone to believe it is correct simply because it came from someone identifying as a genius (which they might or might not be).

          • 6 months ago

            t. man who scored 98 on an online iq test once, but has a lot of drive and therefore did not turn into a complete failure, so uses his relative success as a benchmark for intelligence and genius to keep his ego intact rather than coming to terms with the fact that he's a hard working moron

            it's okay buddy, we all get it

          • 6 months ago

            >Intelligence and genius is proven
            You're assuming intelligence exists in a vacuum. Ambition, aspirations, work ethic and a lot of other stuff play just as big a part as intelligence when it comes to achieving things in life. But that doesn't mean you can just pretend that people with high intelligence don't have high intelligence because they never achieved anything. They objectively do, but everything else about their character sucks ass so they don't do anything positive with the intelligence they were gifted

          • 6 months ago

            Where the frick are these numbers coming from? You realize 130-140 is NOT genius-tier right? 140 is like 3 standard deviations above average. It's smart, yes, but that's just slightly-above average software engineer tier. The minimum IQ required to be competent in a field like engineering or physics is 130.

        • 6 months ago

          Evidently, your "genius" didn't translate to writing.

      • 6 months ago

        That first part is not true. I know a person with an IQ closer to 150 and she did slip through the cracks. It really isn’t as noticable as people think, especially because that second part you mentioned actually is true: they excel at one or two things, and seem average or moronic when it comes to everything else. And depending on what they excel at, people often assume they’re just autistic or weird rather than high IQ

        • 6 months ago

          >And depending on what they excel at, people often assume they’re just autistic or weird rather than high IQ
          If your IQ is actually high, there's no reason for you to act weird. You can adopt the mannerisms of a normal human being, unless you're broken brain autistic.

          • 6 months ago

            have you ever left your house? most high iq people are outcasts presicely because they're unable to connect with their dumber peers on a deeper level. it's like a classic case of a dumb writer trying to write an intelligent character. they turn the intelligent character into a superhero who's super adaptable and an expert in everything because they genuinely think that is how intelligence works

            • 6 months ago

              >because they're unable to connect with their dumber peers on a deeper level
              No, it's because they're too mentally stunted to contemplate that dumber people have any depth. They see the surface shallowness affected by the masses and don't even make an attempt
              >baww but they don't even care about quantum computing
              Give me one reason they should, broke brain.

              • 6 months ago

                >Give me one reason they should
                they shouldn't, but a person can only go so long pretending to be moronic. imagine if almost everyone around you had down syndrome and you had to try to appear as if you have down syndrome yourself as to not alienate those people. you'd have to pretend to care about their stupid downie issues and everything. eventually you will either give up and withdraw, or drive the downies away, because they will understand that you aren't one of them. the difference in intelligence is often equivalent to that

              • 6 months ago

                The 2 most intelligent guys I know, with IQs somewhere between 130-140 use alcohol or benzos to dumb themselves down so they fit in with the normies. Basically temporarily nuking their IQ by 30 points. A decent strategy to have a normal social life

              • 6 months ago

                Do you guys go around asking other people's IQs in America or something?

              • 6 months ago

                It's a country run by israelites, of course they are conditioned to believe the IQ test is the most important thing in the world because israelites rigged it to give themselves high scores

              • 6 months ago

                I'm not a burger. And no, but friends sit around and talk for hours without having the TV on as a distraction. Several times per month over a period of several years. And obviously the subject of intelligence pops up every once in a while.

                Does your conversations with friends never go any deeper than the latest movie you watched or the last game you played?

              • 6 months ago

                Must be a real fun dick measuring contest discussing about your IQs

              • 6 months ago

                My dick is about 6.5 inches when fully erect.

              • 6 months ago

                >about 6.5
                Why use decimals when you don't know?
                Just say "about 7", king, and frick anyone who doubts you.

              • 6 months ago

                Because it’s barely taller than the length of an iPhone 12 max pro, which is 6.33 inches. Therefore, 6.5 is rounding up to the closest satisfying result.

              • 6 months ago

                I'm sorry you can't discuss things without being insecure. I have an IQ of 114 so I'm essentially a brainlet but I'm not insecure about that in the slightest. We can discuss income too without having it turn into a dick measuring contest or anyone turning into an insecure little b***h. Imagine that. Discussing things like adults

              • 6 months ago

                I took an online IQ test on Cinemaphile a few years ago when I was struggling in pharmacy school and feeling like my entire world was crashing down around me and scored a 123 (which was disappointing at first because it confirmed the sneaking suspicion I’ve had for many years that, in spite of what my mom desperately wanted me to believe with no evidence whatsoever, I’m not a genius).

                I’m afraid of taking more IQ tests because there’s a very real possibility that I’ll score even lower, and my self-esteem is so low these days that a blow like that might obliterate whatever motivation I have left to improve or succeed.

              • 6 months ago

                I used to score like 120-130 on online tests when I was a kid. Took a real one because I felt a lot dumber than that and got 114.

                Honestly made me feel better about myself and the achievements I had managed to complete. What's the point in making yourself feel like a failed genius if you're actually a midwit who's doing pretty good in life with the brain you were given?

              • 6 months ago

                That’s a pretty fair point. To be fair, the only reason I was in pharmacy school back then was to stroke my ego, which is what compelled me to take that test in the first place. I’ve been sufficiently humbled by failure at this point that I think getting a real, accurate result might actually do me some good.

              • 6 months ago

                Go for it, bud. Nothing to be ashamed about. Most people aren't geniuses, and the lower your score is, the more pride you can actually have in your achievements because that didn't come down to genetic luck, but actual hard work you had to put in

              • 6 months ago

                Except this

                I'm sorry you can't discuss things without being insecure. I have an IQ of 114 so I'm essentially a brainlet but I'm not insecure about that in the slightest. We can discuss income too without having it turn into a dick measuring contest or anyone turning into an insecure little b***h. Imagine that. Discussing things like adults

                guy's friends

              • 6 months ago

                Those are my friends. A lot of things are easier for them and a lot of things are harder. They have to use alcohol and benzos to function socially around regular people. I'm immune to their sperginess during sober conversations but it's hard to keep up sometimes when the conversation reaches a level that my brain is incapable of comprehending

              • 6 months ago

                >when the conversation reaches a level that my brain is incapable of comprehending
                hi mr satan, can you give us an example of one of those conversations?

              • 6 months ago

                It's just their abstract level of thinking. You'd think that people who were that intelligent would have orderly brains and thoughts that they could easily convey, but it's more like a jackson pollock painting and to people like me it makes no fricking sense

              • 6 months ago

                Also, communicating effectively becomes very hard because they assume that you already know or understand complicated concepts that are completely foreign to you. The important things you are learning about life in your 20s, these guys thought of when they were in middle school and they often forget that you are 20 years behind them

              • 6 months ago

                give us some examples, anon

              • 6 months ago

                I don't even know how to without writing the whole conversation out and maxing out the character limit. You're asking someone with down syndrome to explain what they didn't understand when they had a conversation about the deeper meanings of Greek philosophy

              • 6 months ago

                oh greek philosophy? that's not complex
                i thought you meant stuff like quantum physics, now that is a giga-autist topic

              • 6 months ago

                It was just an example. I meant that the deeper meanings of greek philosophy is incomprehensible to someone with down syndrome so if you'd ask them to give you examples, they wouldn't even know where to begin

              • 6 months ago

                you don't have down syndrome

              • 6 months ago

                IIRC, 123 is close to the mean for pharmacists. As in the exams were a struggle for almost all of them. Keep at it, King, you'll make it. Just remember it's not a race. I couldn't even pronounce most of what you need to remember.

              • 6 months ago

                Imagine that. Discussing things that doesn't care other than the person itself

              • 6 months ago

                >claims to be intelligent
                >can't emotionally regulate themselves
                >no discipline
                If they're so smart, why are they such morons?

              • 6 months ago

                Intelligence isn't a superpower that automatically makes you great at everything. That's a misconception which comes from dumb writers trying to write intelligent characters

              • 6 months ago

                Pic related, one of my favorite pastas

              • 6 months ago

                that is gold

              • 6 months ago

                >if you are intelligent you can turn off your emotions at will and just decide to have discipline even if your whole upbringing encouraged and incentivized laziness

              • 6 months ago

                >>you can turn off your emotions at will
                >can't even into stoicism, mindfulness or zen
                Pathetic. These intellectuals are just a moronic teachers pet, seething whenever they don't get the gold star.

              • 6 months ago

                I was born and raised in Cambridge, UK, which is home to all the smarty pants intellectuals and they have emotional breakdowns over their coffee not being served correctly or not getting exactly what they want at the department store

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah I don't know dude. Maybe I just don't want to be stuck at level 2 conversations all my life. Talking to supposedly smart people in their 30s and 40s and hearing the ephipanies and great ideas they have and it's stuff that I thought through when I was like 8 years old gets old pretty fast

              • 6 months ago

                >No, it's because they're too mentally stunted to contemplate that dumber people have any depth.
                top kek
                found the dumb person

          • 6 months ago

            yeah because being able to understand and manually ape socially normal behaviors definitely means that you have the energy and finesse to act them out all the time even though they don't come naturally to you

      • 6 months ago

        140 iq isn't that much and is far from genius

        t. 140 iq haver

        • 6 months ago

          That's enough for a phd in chemistry and a $160k/yr job with zero financial worries for the rest of your life.

          • 6 months ago

            It's also enough to never do homework and pass classes with a c- just by acing all the tests and then get an accounting job that requires 1 hour of actual work a day while just barely supporting a family

          • 6 months ago

            So your benchmark for genius is a PHD in STEM? Lmao. The standard deviation for IQ is like 15. That means ~2.35% of people have an IQ of 130-145 and are intelligent enough for that. If you look at actual historical geniuses, they had IQs of 170-200

            • 6 months ago

              sure bro show me Newton's IQ test.
              iq tests are a meme and anyone who judges ingenuity based on those is moronic

          • 6 months ago

            >zero financial worries
            I make 500 bucks a month and I've got zero financial worries, why are people so moronic with money?

      • 6 months ago

        >tfw IQ 136 and if anything teachers resented me for it.

      • 6 months ago

        I hate to break this to you anon, but Good Will Hunting is a very bad movie.

  5. 6 months ago

    >Boomers, bruh
    I was with you but all your points were invalidated on account of being a zoomer shit

  6. 6 months ago

    Never understood why getting Skyler's number was seen as a huge win over Michael Bolton. She made clear that she already knew him. They probably had several classes together. Ponytail could have looked her up in the student facebook to get her number any time he wanted.

    • 6 months ago

      because she gave it to him willingly. this is shorthand in film medium for "he got a date"

    • 6 months ago

      If anything on a rewatch it seems like Bolton's character is her friend from class and he isn't hitting on her, he's just trying to shoo away a bunch of drunken louts harassing her. He's actually quite Chad to stand up to them because they're the sort to kick your ass over a stunt like that.

  7. 6 months ago


  8. 6 months ago

    I liked it because Boston.

  9. 6 months ago

    why didn't he just read a sucking economic and business book if he was good at math he could been a quant and make millions

    • 6 months ago


      As I recall, it wasn't that he slipped through the cracks, it was that he didn't want to enter the world that was open to him. At one point, he tells Robin Williams that guys like Williams are untrustworthy, and the crew he hangs out with are loyal to a fault.

      That's what I remember from catching it on TV one time.

  10. 6 months ago

    >post revolutionary American Economics
    Yeah but where because the North developed a protectionism which would later inspire Meiji and List (Hirohitos grandfather and HHGS ideological predecessor in Germany - Hitlers economist) while the South remained agrarian and only industrialized as a result of the civil war creating a necessity for industrial economy and the eventual collapse of slavery/share cropping due to West Asian undercutting, a janitor wouldn’t know why the South had to industrialize if he only read an American History because the causes were predicated on the British Empire securing naval routes to Egypt during the Napoleonic era leading to the cotton boom of West Asia which lead to the textile explosion in India which lead to British capitalism becoming ever more dominant which lead to Lincoln and Seward pushing for more Nationalization which suppressed States Rights and simultaneously made the South’s economy weaker because they now had to compete against much larger slave states in Asia.

    Like you wouldn’t get this from the book he read.
    >Howard ~~*Zinn*~~

  11. 6 months ago

    >Yeah well at least in this one singular altercation with a stranger I’m being original
    He meant his life story will be original
    the other guy will just become a normie

  12. 6 months ago

    The whole point of the film is that raw intelligence doesn't equate to ambition. You can be a literal genius, but if you don't apply that genius then you'll sit there moping floors

    He was smart. He could learn easily, figure things out. But he couldn't overcome something as simple as believing he could be more. He needed a push. There are plenty of people like that

    • 6 months ago

      >There are plenty of people like that
      me for example

      • 6 months ago

        i can vouch for this anon with dubs
        also just do it man

      • 6 months ago

        Probably a lot of people on here, tbh.

        will hunting is an insufferable homosexual. thousands of losers watched him being "le brilliant but lazy" and thought
        >wow he's literally me

        Because of that, it's peak Gen X.

    • 6 months ago

      I thought it was more about how rich life wisdom and falling in love with the right woman is the best stuff in life and far better than fancy university degrees, impressing professors, and making stacks

  13. 6 months ago

    will hunting is an insufferable homosexual. thousands of losers watched him being "le brilliant but lazy" and thought
    >wow he's literally me

    • 6 months ago

      is it worse than Driver though?

      • 6 months ago

        Mini or full sized?

        • 6 months ago

          big guy sized w/ scorpion jacket

    • 6 months ago

      It was a common issue back when young people were first starting to become so infatuated with technology that they preferred to stay indoors. There was now an alternative to competing in the social scene. And when you don't learn how to be social it makes you resent the whole culture around college education.

      • 6 months ago

        I live out in the country and whenever we wanted to go somewhere for people we would have to drive. This meant I had friends at church and school and not much else. I grew to like video games of course. I always liked being outside but if I was outside it meant I was basically alone and that gets old

    • 6 months ago

      He's not even lazy. Dude is busting ass working a bottom rung wagecuck job AND studying so hard he's mogging all these students.
      He just self destructs and refuses any opportunity to improve his life. But yeah, those people you're talking about are real and they missed the point.

    • 6 months ago

      im a loser homosexual and even i could tell that he was just childish and arrogant and didn't have the right to run his b***h mouth

  14. 6 months ago

    >yeah, well... well I bet you don't know how to walk
    >eat my poopoo!

    Americans have 0 wit

    • 6 months ago

      ive got a joke for you: im gonna tear you a new butthole

  15. 6 months ago

    High IQ people don’t act like Will Hunting.
    They are less socially aggressive and trend towards manipulating a conflict into their favor rather than being antithetical and butting heads.
    If intelligent people spent all their time arguing through intellectual thickets theyd waste their lives correcting idiots, let alone correcting decently smart people who make the occasional mistake.

  16. 6 months ago

    every midwit is convinced they are a genius because they took a bogus iq test in 4th or 5th grade. sorry to tell you but you are probably 101 iq. if you were smart, you would have easily gamed life. you would have figured out better coping mechanisms and not been depressed and anxious. you would have figured out how to deal with the trials and tribulations of life even easier than the average person. but you didn't because you are not a genius and you have been misled. this is the curse of every 101 iq midwit.

    • 6 months ago

      This, but reverse it. You can be a smart, successful midwit that games life until they're happy, but you can never be a very high IQ schizophrenic genius that talks to God through a home made operating system until it tells you to wrestle an oncoming train.

      Will's problem wasn't that he didn't know how to deal with life. It's that he could deal with life too well. He could convince himself or anyone of anything, including that being a Janitor was everything he ever wanted.

      • 6 months ago

        >He could convince himself or anyone of anything, including that being a Janitor was everything he ever wanted.
        Maybe quitting law school to play video games and be supported by their wife is everything someone ever wanted. You don't know. Maybe they're both modern day Epicurus.

        • 6 months ago

          Nah, law is better than video games. Make a mint in law and buy your wife tendies instead. There only so many different genres of video games, with developers giving less of a shit about creativity every year. You won't get bored overnight, but you will get bored eventually. With law there are infinite permutations of ways that dumb people can dumb shit, with undiscovered loopholes and contradicting defences for all of them.

          • 6 months ago

            Happened 4 years ago, unfortunately. Fortunately you're wrong about there being a limit on novelty in video games - they come out at a faster and faster pace every year, and there's always creativity in the indie scene. And hey, maybe I'll sell the screenplay I'm working on.

            Which Mensa test? If it was online, it's not a valid test. I think it's the Netherlands branch that put a test online and people take it thinking it's in any way valid. Not even that branch of Mensa will accept the online test for membership. Regardless of if you scored high or low, it might as well have been a quiz on tumblr. Don't put any weight whatsoever in it. Absolutely don't call yourself moronic based on an online test.
            Contrary to what the uninformed whiners will try to make you believe, Mensa only accepts their own in-person proctored tests or one of a small number of IQ tests given by a psychological professional. In the past they accepted a few standardized tests but since those tests were changed to be primarily knowledge tests instead of intelligence tests, they haven't been accepted in decades.
            The point here isn't whether or not you can get into Mensa, it's basically a club for geeks who want to play games without being bothered by normies, but rather that IQ tests are not something you find in the wild. There's no real advantage to knowing your IQ but if you're curious and really do want to know, you have to get tested in a controlled environment using a test designed for that purpose.

            They still accept the LSAT last time I checked.

    • 6 months ago

      There’s no shortage of studies showing that high IQ and depression are correlated. In a lot of western and eastern cultures, if you smile when you dont have a reason to, people will assume you’re a low IQ person

      • 6 months ago

        most studies show the opposite. geniuses are better equipped at dealing with life. whatever struggles you have now, you would struggle less if you were smarter. you would solve your problems easier or in better ways. it's comforting to tell yourself that you're fricked up, miserable, broke and having bad relationships because you're just so smart but it's mostly a myth.

      • 6 months ago

        most studies show the opposite. geniuses are better equipped at dealing with life. whatever struggles you have now, you would struggle less if you were smarter. you would solve your problems easier or in better ways. it's comforting to tell yourself that you're fricked up, miserable, broke and having bad relationships because you're just so smart but it's mostly a myth.

        one of you needs to whip out some studies right now. my IQ is dropping by the minute

      • 6 months ago

        most studies show the opposite. geniuses are better equipped at dealing with life. whatever struggles you have now, you would struggle less if you were smarter. you would solve your problems easier or in better ways. it's comforting to tell yourself that you're fricked up, miserable, broke and having bad relationships because you're just so smart but it's mostly a myth.

        What if I told you you're both right? As in it mostly depends on how you classify genius. If you're a very smart person in the 120-130 IQ range you're more likely than anyone to make life your b***h. It's only when you get to the freakishly smart range that the old adage about madness and genius rings true.

        Which makes obvious sense based on what we know about evolution, right? If there are certain gene combinations that express themselves by granting their recipients freakish intelligence, the simplest reason they wouldn't be in everyone if them also being related to enormous debilitating drawbacks that make it much harder to function, let alone to reproduce.

    • 6 months ago

      Based self analyzing and projecting midwit loser bro.

    • 6 months ago

      Side tangent blog post: Have you guys had any success with dating dumber women? For me it's always a cycle where at first I'm enamoured by how cozy and simple their lives are before I end up resenting the amount of effort it takes to explain to them what I'm thinking. Obviously, I could simply game life as recommends by just giving a lazy lie like "thinking about how cute you are"; but then what's even the point of dating someone you need to lie to? At that point I'd rather just jerk off.

      • 6 months ago

        Find some friends to share your intellectual interests with. The Hollywood notion of soulmates who are in perfect harmony because they're mirrors of each other is rubbish. Your gf/wife doesn't need to be your best friend. Romantic relationships serve a different purpose than friendships. Read that last line again and repeat it until you've internalized it because until you do, every woman is going to be disappointing to you.

    • 6 months ago

      Frick off you do know shit. What am I supposed to do? Single handedly engineer a cure for cancer? Frick you.

      • 6 months ago

        Nah that's already been done, and you'll never get it past big pharma anyway. Same as any new technology in the energy sector will the draw the ire of anyone with entrenched solar investments. You need to achieve something that can change the world for the better that also doesn't disrupt the giant corporations that currently profit off it being a giant fluster cuck.

  17. 6 months ago

    IQ and other fake man-made concepts like time only appeal to insecure idiots. Do you really need your master to tell you what a smart slave you are being with your made up numbers?

    You will always be a slave. You have no goals, your life has no meaning, you have no worthwhile hobbies. You are an insecure man twisted by social media and celebrities into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
    All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your orcish appearance behind closed doors.
    Women are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed women to sniff out losers with incredible efficiency. Even gymcels who look "normal" are still uncanny and unnatural to a woman. Your trapezoid muscles are dead giveaways. And even if you manage to get a drunk chick home with you, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she spots your degenerated, mutated and shrunken genitals.
    You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the body dysmorphia creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
    Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll abuse PEDs, train even harder, get a heart attack, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your name and date of birth and death, and every passerby for the rest of eternity won't even bother looking at it because you're a nobody. Your beloved body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is no different than others.
    This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

  18. 6 months ago

    Don't you get it? Who made this movie?
    Analyse this.

    The ones responsible for this movie are the ones inserting this loser mentality in you and the audiences.

  19. 6 months ago

    Why didn't Will just learn how to program and make his own investment bot?

  20. 6 months ago

    it's incredible how many people this movie filters

    • 6 months ago

      Name two.

      • 6 months ago

        OP and

        I don't think someone that intelligent would just slip the cracks. Everyone thinks they are are 140 IQ genius but if that was true someone would of noticed at some point early in your life. I guess his whole backstory was that he was abandoned and abused as a child. But even still, he never ended up in the school system? No adults ever noticed that he was reading books about the American economy post revolutionary war?

        They also made his brilliance unrealistic. He is knowledable in everything. Real life geniuses would excel in one or two areas but to solve impossible math equations and have extensive knowledge about markets and economics while being a broke ass janitor is absurd.

        • 6 months ago


  21. 6 months ago

    "stuff I read on Wikipedia > your rich, well connected father and degree from world's top university"

    Incels actually believe this

    >at least I won't be unoriginal
    Wasn't the whole point that while Will was a genius he was still a child who gained all his knowledge from other people's writings and didn't actually have any life wisdom?

    • 6 months ago

      >"stuff I read on Wikipedia > your rich, well connected father and degree from world's top university"
      It's funny because the word's top universities are now teaching their students to trust wikipedia to avoid misinformation.

      Why is there a wage gap?
      >wikipedia says it's that men are sexist
      Right answer!
      >but according to this research there might also be other factors, like women choosing less dangerous work...
      Nonono, now you're looking too hard and finding misinformation.

      I know I'm schizophrenic. I've been diagnosed multiple times. But I'll still stake my life on the fact that this is clown world.

      >Wasn't the whole point that while Will was a genius he was still a child who gained all his knowledge from other people's writings and didn't actually have any life wisdom?
      No, he could still generate original ideas from whatever he read in books. He just couldn't appreciate as anything other than abstracts. You can be a leading authority on neuroscience and then write the world's best sonnet, but you still won't know love until it kicks you right in the kisser.

      • 6 months ago

        Are they really? Because when I went to uni every teacher no matter how lefty refused to take wiki as a source.

      • 6 months ago

        >It's funny because the word's top universities are now teaching their students to trust wikipedia to avoid misinformation.
        Universities have been completely taken over by left wing ideologues and are now a combination of expensive degree printing businesses and indoctrination camps lead by Marxist professors

        The 90s though when this movie was made they still had some credibility although the writing was nonetheless on the wall by that time

      • 6 months ago

        >You can be a leading authority on neuroscience and then write the world's best sonnet, but you still won't know love until it kicks you right in the kisser.
        I would argue it would be impossible to write the world's best sonnet if you'd never been in love

        My favorite is still Shakespeare's Sonnet 130. The style at the time was to compare your woman to the stars, the sun, angels etc but he spends his Sonnet saying she is just an ordinary woman, that she walks on the ground like the rest of us, but that he loves her more dearly than anything else in the universe. That's the sort of thing you only write when you've experienced true, grounded love when you go against what they were writing in universities and palaces

        • 6 months ago

          >My favorite is still Shakespeare's Sonnet 130
          Yoooo are you me? 130 was the shit. So many creative ways to call a b***h busted, and then the kicker at the end melts underwear like butter.

          Thought I don't agree he only could have written it by experiencing love. I think he was just a player that knew everything about being cumming inside all of them. Elizabethan Russell Brand on hallucinogenic nutmeg instead of LSD.

  22. 6 months ago

    >Also the mid hoe that looks like a troony likes ME
    Minnie Driver is relentlessly adorable, peak tall girl tomboy but still beautiful attractiveness. You are a homosexual.

  23. 6 months ago

    >"take it outside"
    >also "I'm a genius because of math, b-but what is a piano"
    homie, flowers do fricking math, learn something useful, you autistic potatohead.

  24. 6 months ago

    >work for paper production company
    >constantly sighing at how all your colleagues are not on your level of wit and smarts
    >should really go to university
    >hit 30 and still working in the office
    >"i'm actually better than this"
    Then where is the evidence your better than this other than bullying your co-worker who isn't as intelligent as you?

    I think Americans called this character "Jim" in their remake

    • 6 months ago

      >this whole post
      >finished with pretending he doesn't know who Jim is
      I'd explain to you what just happened, but even if you could understand it, you'd just take it as a personal attack.

      • 6 months ago

        You're Mr. funny haha man Jim, aren't you?

  25. 6 months ago

    >my wife le farted

    genius, how did he come up with this stuff?

  26. 6 months ago

    >memorizing boring ass books and being good at match makes you "smart"
    When will we stop thinking of intelligence this way? All the Mensa gays (let's not even get into how IQ tests seem to favor the rich and certain races) never end up doing shit. All the greatest innovators of our time were not booknerds or "smart." They were devoted to a specific field and thought outside the box on how to take that field to the next level.
    I'd rather figure out the different ways to make crypto globally viable than to read some gay ass history book. That's real intelligence right there.

  27. 6 months ago

    >le socially outcast high iq genius
    Why do so many losers buy into this pathetic cope? The smartest people I know are also the most socially capable ones

    • 6 months ago

      110-120 is the golden zone where a lot of people are able to achieve both academic and social success with relative ease.
      People at 130+ almost always seem like weirdos to regular people because the intelligence gap becomes too wide.The difference in intelligence is almost as wide as between the average person and someone with down syndrome, so it becomes very noticable.

      It's that simple. Not a very hard concept to grasp

      • 6 months ago

        can you post proofs of these mythical 130 IQ outcasts that aren't from fictional materials?

        • 6 months ago

          How about almost all the tech CEOs in Silicon Valley? Fricking weirdos all of them and the only reason they have friends now is because they've got tens of billions of dollars. Elon Musk almost got beat to death in school because he was such a weirdo

          • 6 months ago

            I said proofs not your highly questionable anecdotes
            Musk has a literal army of midwit fanboys ready to lap up his shit, he's the polar opposite of an outcast

            • 6 months ago

              I gave examples and zero anecdotes: almost all the tech CEOs in Silicon Valley. Read their biographies or listen to interviews where they talk about their life before making it in tech. They were weirdo outcasts who didn't get along with regular people

              • 6 months ago

                sure ,buddy, whatever helps you cope with your crippling social moronation

              • 6 months ago

                I dont know why this subject upsets you this much to the point where you start launching personal attacks when proven wrong. Or maybe you're just lashing out because you had a bad christmas, I don't know. You can be intelligent and function socially, yes, but the difference in intelligence makes it challenging for a lot of people

              • 6 months ago

                >Or maybe you're just lashing out because you had a bad christmas, I don't know.
                Scrooge had an IQ of 150.

              • 6 months ago

                High IQ alone gives you tact and the intelligence to deeply understand social norms. It makes you better at socializing.

              • 6 months ago

                Then why were almost all the richest tech entrepreneurs on the planet outcast weirdos? Obviously people wanted to be around them after they became billionaires, for very obvious reasons, but before that these intelligent guys were incapable of understanding social norms. Why? Thiel and Musk are diagnosed spergs so they have an excuse but what about the rest?

              • 6 months ago

                there he goes again, repeating his 'billionaire autists' line without providing a single proof

              • 6 months ago

                Whatever it is that is causing these emotional outbursts, I hope it passes and you have a happy life. Genuinely

              • 6 months ago

                is that what you smarmily tell your family before you hide in the toilet?

              • 6 months ago

                Because they had autism.

              • 6 months ago

                Sure it does

              • 6 months ago

                You just posted a troon, so does being a troon correlate to high IQ?

              • 6 months ago

                >High IQ alone gives you tact and the intelligence to deeply understand social norms.
                do you even know what am IQ test measures?

              • 6 months ago

                Does projecting on Christmas give you the high IQ outcast perk, you misunderstood genius you?

              • 6 months ago

                sure ,buddy, whatever helps you cope with your crippling social moronation

                Come on guys, it's Christmas. Why are you arguing with strangers online.

              • 6 months ago

                Beats arguing with family about Trump. Currently hiding in the shitter.

              • 6 months ago

                >bringing up politics at christmas dinner when you know everyone isn't on the same page

                Why do people do this. I have very strong political opinions that I know some family very much disapprove of, but just take a day off a few days a year and enjoy each other's company. It's mental how families lose their shit at Christmas over politics.

              • 6 months ago

                We're outcasts. Read the thread. All that anyone else wants to talk about is Cricket.

                >he threw ball good
                >he hit ball better
                >now they stand around
                >I'm excited for the outcome

              • 6 months ago

                You're attributing the effects of mental illness and autism to high IQ. The two are often correlated, but high IQ alone doesn't cause social dysfunction.

      • 6 months ago

        >The difference in intelligence is almost as wide as between the average person and someone with down syndrome, so it becomes very noticable.
        False equivalence. Somebody truly smarter than somebody and not just autistic understands social cues and norms, so it's not hard to act appropriately. People with down syndrome cannot understand these things. I'm a software engineer that graduated top of my class and I can socialize just fine with normies, although I find it kind of tiring. It's autists who can't socialize.

        • 6 months ago

          This tbh
          I don’t get where people keep getting this meme that smart people are socially incompetent. Once you actually put forth 3 seconds to understand human nature and social interactions it’s easy as frick to understand how people work.

          Honestly what’s shocking to me is how fricking terrible people are at it. During the whole covid vax debacle for example the amount of time i heard shit like
          >b-but we told them the FACTS how could they possibly not agree with us?!
          Sounds like a fricking parody of a Sunday morning cartoon villain that doesn’t understand humans are driven by emotion before logic.

    • 6 months ago

      Social capability and being someone people generally just enjoy being around and knowing how to be a generous and giving person to your friends and coworkers will always trump high IQ and its not even close

  28. 6 months ago

    >No, apples are shit you fricking gypsy c**t.
    Proceed to ignore him

  29. 6 months ago

    If it wasnt for losers who would the successful fulfilled guy compare himself to?

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      >If it wasnt for losers who would do the manual work to keep the lights on?
      Good thing we have so many of them.

      • 6 months ago

        yeah, how would i jerk off to hentai and BBC without them

  30. 6 months ago

    Ambition is more respectable and intelligence.
    Anyone who claims to be “intelligent but lazy” is really just a total failure and isn’t half as smart as they think they are. Just because you could pass the no child left behind tiers of shit schooling without studying doesn’t make you smart, they’re literally obligated and rewarded for making you pass.

    • 6 months ago

      who cares about being respected by you?

  31. 6 months ago

    Tbf all the white collar and higher jobs will be replaced by israelites using AI by the end of the decade so I don't feel anything for these people.

  32. 6 months ago

    Artie Lang - Good Will Smith

  33. 6 months ago

    No Pussy No Work. No woman approached me for the sex I am owed for 30 years so I will not put effort into anything.

  34. 6 months ago

    America was so prosperous and stable in the 90s that people's biggest concern was being "original" and not a boring office drone with 3 kids a wife and a mortgage for a big suburban house

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