Yuropoors, how right was he about the gypsies?

Yuropoors, how right was he about the gypsies?

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Yes. Gypsies in Europe are dirty and disgusting. There are some cute girls but it's not worth it

    • 8 months ago

      Eww. If you find them cute then you must be american.

      • 8 months ago

        You must be american. The young ones can have stunning beauty, but they age like milk left out on the table.

        • 8 months ago

          You call me American and then you spout that pedo shit? Gedda frick outta 'ere.

  2. 8 months ago

    Is he still dying from that gypsy curse?

  3. 8 months ago

    Very wrong. They're far worse.

  4. 8 months ago

    What did he say?

  5. 8 months ago

    Over here it's basically okay to be racist against them because it's true.

    • 8 months ago

      That's what everyone says. I mean, it might be right, but literally everyone says this about their local flavor of racism.

      • 8 months ago

        They're iliterate, the don't integrate into society and go into stores in hordes, talk loudly in their own language and try to steal. They are not human and I hope they migrate to where you are.

        • 8 months ago

          >They're iliterate, the don't integrate into society and go into stores in hordes, talk loudly in their own language and try to steal
          Again, people literally everywhere will say this about whatever race they're racist again
          Americans who hate blacks will complain that they can't write proper english, form their own hood culture instead of integrating, act annoying in large groups in stores, speak loudly in ebonics, and steal shit

          • 8 months ago

            You've never seen a bloody gypsy following you, along with their kin. Fricking scary, at your African-Americans have civility, and integrated into American society proper.

            The Gypsies aren't, literally would steal a baby.

            • 8 months ago

              >You've never seen a bloody Black following you, along with their kin. Fricking scary

              • 8 months ago

                No need to worry, Steven, they just shoot each other. Gypsies gang up on non gypsies.

              • 8 months ago

                Nigs have their hoods, which they only occasionally send raiding parties out of to pillage
                Gypsies permeate everywhere and everything and dedicate themselves to making everything around themselves exponentially worse every waking moment of every fricking day

          • 8 months ago

            >they can't write proper english, form their own hood culture instead of integrating, act annoying in large groups in stores, speak loudly in ebonics, and steal shit
            that's all completely true

          • 8 months ago

            Anon gypsie travellers are pretty hated all over europe, they turn up in towns, camp in public parks and ruin them, have a casual little crime wave, and such.
            Known to tear down things like playgrounds and generally steal metal and sell it to scrapyards, shoplifting and all.

          • 8 months ago

            >Americans who hate blacks will complain that they can't write proper english, form their own hood culture instead of integrating, act annoying in large groups in stores, speak loudly in ebonics, and steal shit
            The difference is history. Americans imported blacks, against their will, and treated them like shit for a very long time. Gypsies, meanwhile, travel to whatever countries they please by their own will and steal, scam, and rob money out of people, refusing to change because "it's our culture". No one made them that way, no one keeps them that way, it's entirely their own decision to be that way.

      • 8 months ago

        >but literally everyone says this about their local flavor of racism.
        Yes it's like these opinions form over centuries of experience.

        I will add as an Australian, and therefore about as far removed from them as possible, they are scum. They constantly come over here putting scanners on our ATMs to steal bank accounts. Then they frick off back to Europe with the money.

      • 8 months ago

        >They're iliterate, the don't integrate into society and go into stores in hordes, talk loudly in their own language and try to steal
        Again, people literally everywhere will say this about whatever race they're racist again
        Americans who hate blacks will complain that they can't write proper english, form their own hood culture instead of integrating, act annoying in large groups in stores, speak loudly in ebonics, and steal shit

        Gyppos literally refuse to become civilized. You can't even use the "dey don have opportunities because of evil oppressors :(" argument American shitlibs love to peddle, Eastern Euro governments during the communist times were trying their hardest at making gyppos send their kids to school and make them act like civilized human beings to no fricking avail.

      • 8 months ago

        Go take a holiday and visit any major city in southern or eastern Europe, you'll quickly learn to hate gypsies as well. Entire clans come into the cities just to beg and steal on every corner during the tourist season. You'll see kids that are like 4-6 years old begging on the street not because they're homeless orphans, but because they're being trained to beg and because tourists are more easily fooled by young children. It's not even a racial thing, it's just their culture. If they would bother to act like civilized people they wouldn't be so hated.

  6. 8 months ago


  7. 8 months ago

    Didn't he just say that he saw a gypsy women throw a baby to rob someone and it horrified him so liberals said he was a bad person?

    • 8 months ago

      >We go into the department store, take the escalator to the third floor. As we pass the second, I can’t believe what I see.

      >A child, a girl, somewhere between five and eight years old, is following her mother, calling after her. Her skin is dark. She might have been beautiful, if given a chance.

      >She is on her knees. Walking on her knees.

      >Sort of.

      >Her legs don’t bend back. They are bent forward, at the knees.

      >Her body is teetering at about an 80 degree angle, like a Gumby or a collapsing marionette. She half-pulls, half-shuffles along, sliding on her calves.

      >My guide sees what I’ve spotted. His face is impassive.

      >“What the hëll is wrong with her?” I whisper. Grasping at the only explanation I can, I say, “Chernobyl?”

      >“Gypsies,” he replies.

      >I don’t understand, and tell him so.

      >“You see a lot of gypsy children like that,” he explains. “When they’re a few months old, sometimes their parents break their knees or their elbows, or put out an eye. They figure it will help them make more money when they beg.”

      >I nod.

      >We are looking at chairs, but I’m picturing a child who looks like my eight-year-old daughter, walking on reversed knees, calves scraping along the floor making sounds like sandpaper. We are buying the chairs, but I’m picturing a baby who looks like the smiling one waiting for me at home, howling as a mallet or a sledge hammer or maybe a jagged rock shatters her joints.

      >We get the chairs, and go out a different exit. There’s another gypsy child, begging. A boy. His legs go the wrong way. I’m in a Stephen King novel and can’t close it. I take his picture from behind, unable to face him.

      • 8 months ago

        Not a single lie there. Anyone defending the gypsies from being jailed and prevents their children from being taken away to get proper education and a chance at normal life just collaborates with abusers, thieves and child rapists.

        • 8 months ago

          Not to mention here in the UK we have Irish gypsies too. Totally different ethnic group who act the exact same, even stealing family dogs to make them fight. The fact it's not legal to just stab any gypsy ever is a failing of modern sensible society.

      • 8 months ago

        Lies. Gypos are like this:
        >They have several to a dozen children
        >They don't dress or bother to feed them, they'll come into a store in hordes with very little cash and think they can buy a chocobar for a bag of chips for each of them but they don't have enough for one
        >When they're in hordes they talk gibberish in their own language that has a very limited vocabulary and can't be written down, they'll talk loudly and try to distract so the women or children can steal
        >They stink, they probably bathe once a week if even that
        >even when "they have money" they'll build a big house but keep it empty on the outside and still never bother to feed their children or they go to a store and don't have enough money for what they're trying to buy
        >they litter. The streets are filthy because they throw anything and everything on the ground, if they're eating chips they'll eat like animals and spill on the ground and they will throw any and all wrappings (that they rip in pieces like animals) on the ground, in front of houses and buildings, even inside.
        >they don't pay any kind of taxes
        >they never work, they only scam, live on welfare and child benefits (some of them give birth in other countries like Germany so they get money from there)
        >If you argue with a gypsy, a dozen or so will spring from the ground and swoop down from the sky to join in and defend their brethren even if they don't now him, generally they aren't dangerous because unlike the USA, getting a gun is hard but they will try to fight or even pull a knife if you are vastly outnumbered. If you're equal numbers they'll disperse.
        If you know at least one gypsy then you have for sure been scammed by one.

        • 8 months ago

          Reminds me of a girl I knew who fled from her gypsy family because she wanted to be a vet. Her family literally tried selling her as a child bride and argued looking after her husbands digs and horse was the same as being a vet.

          • 8 months ago

            How did she avoid getting married off before turning 18?

            Yup, he's an idiot for believing and printing that

            If it was the 80s, then maybe. But not today. They can get away with more with less of a hassle.

            • 8 months ago

              She had an ex gypsy aunt she went to stay with.

      • 8 months ago

        Yup, he's an idiot for believing and printing that

  8. 8 months ago

    They are so bad the Guardian newspaper hasn't opened a gypsy article up for comments for about 5 years.
    50% of the comments get deleted and the rest are " they aren't all scum, but one stole my bike" tier.

  9. 8 months ago

    I’m an American and even I know to despise gypsies. Their dirty, can’t be trusted, and they steal children.

  10. 8 months ago

    I live like a couple blocks to some Gypsies, seems like a nice enough family, if just for their weird stank. The eldest kid is going to my school

  11. 8 months ago

    He was being polite when he said that. But it was right.

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