Zack Snyder managed to piss off Armond White

>Snyder the corporate hack saves his ‘hard-R-rated films, the hardest stuff’ for later release as ‘director’s cuts.’
>By rationalizing his Netflix reissue/repackage deal as “the ‘director’s cut’ practice,” Snyder precludes any criticism, adding, “I needed to show the world what I intended.” But that was what the world had already mistakenly assumed. Yet Rogan’s vocalized approval (“Umm!”) went along with Snyder’s delusion, ignoring the difference between hack work, selling out, and artistic commitment.

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  1. 2 months ago

    >The two-hour-plus Zack Snyder interview on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast reveals that the newly released Rebel Moon — Part 2: Scargiver is nothing more than an extended trailer. And that’s what Scargiver feels like — or else Snyder has suddenly become the derivative sci-fi hack that his detractors always accused him of being. Yet even the bad Scaregiver pile-on reviews at Rotten Tomatoes are groundless.

    >Scargiver is dissatisfying because of (1) sketchy characterizations based on thin flashbacks, (2) the large-scale yet piecemeal battle sequence that serves as apocalyptic climax, and (3) the confrontations between complex good (Sofia Boutella’s heroine Kora) and unadulterated evil (Ed Skrein’s Noble) that never get resolved.

    >Part 1: A Child of Fire’s cliff-hanger promised as much crowd-pleasing moral suspense as The Empire Strikes Back: Did Kora definitively end Noble’s threat? Would the Nazi-like Motherworld continue to attack the peaceful folk on the agrarian moon Veldt? Can Kora ever resolve her adolescent sexual and moral indecision?

    • 2 months ago

      >the film sucks but the other reviewers are still wrong about why

    • 2 months ago

      >Part 1: A Child of Fire’s cliff-hanger promised as much crowd-pleasing moral suspense as The Empire Strikes Back
      Armond is a moronic nog with no taste lol

      • 2 months ago

        Why? The films are clearly heavily aping Star Wars. You even have the Vader-like who is defeated in the first film, but comes back in the second for a sword fight with the protagonist.

        • 2 months ago

          >child of fire is comparable in execution and filmmaking to empire strikes back

          • 2 months ago

            It isn't, but it's trying to be comparable to it, yes.

            • 2 months ago

              Armond was equating the crowd pleasing aspect of rebel moon to OT star wars. Yes it tried and it was bland as possible.

    • 1 month ago

      >Only viewers who enjoyed Part 1’s overhaul and improvement of Star Wars will care. But so far, Snyder’s failure to deliver is a disappointment that results from an artistic conflict over principles. Snyder’s camaraderie with Rogan emphasized juvenile sex jokes, macho posturing, and mutually confessed fascination for fanboy lore (plus Snyder’s one-sided love of Ayn Rand.) Late in the conversation, Snyder explains the production deal with Netflix by which he first drops PG-rated versions of Rebel Moon, then eventually releases different iterations of both Parts 1 and 2: “At the end of the summer, you’ll see my two three-hour, hard-R-rated films, the hardest stuff.”

      >Snyder called this distribution strategy “a second kick at the can in home video.” It is the most disappointing statement that a uniquely gifted filmmaker has made since Ridley Scott told an audience of advertising professionals at the Museum of Modern Art that he had no artistic dedication to Blade Runner and consented to whatever permutations of the film Warner Bros. studios proposed.

      >By rationalizing his Netflix reissue/repackage deal as “the ‘director’s cut’ practice,” Snyder precludes any criticism, adding, “I needed to show the world what I intended.” But that was what the world had already mistakenly assumed. Yet Rogan’s vocalized approval (“Umm!”) went along with Snyder’s delusion, ignoring the difference between hack work, selling out, and artistic commitment.

      >For these reasons, it’s pointless to “review” Scargiver, since it doesn’t represent Snyder’s full intention, any more than the first, studio-truncated version of Justice League. I had hailed Snyder’s later re-cut. In the editions of A Child of Fire and Scargiver now available, Snyder becomes his own Joss Whedon iconoclast. It’s impossible to appreciate even the best moments in this quasi-trailer without disclosing an overall sense of inscrutability and incompleteness — as when Kora refuses Princess Isa’s forgiveness and attempts to kill to her anyhow. No way to tell what this assassination means as narrative or moral decision, just as Charlie Hunnam’s fascinating possibilities as Kai were simply dropped from A Child of Fire. Man of Steel gave Snyder greater moral foundation while Scargiver looks like a Game of Thrones knockoff. The ultimate shock is that Scargiver isn’t a conclusion of the Rebel Moon saga but merely a continuation of Snyder’s commercial gambit. “Carrying on” as Kora’s gang of resistance fighters cheer just before the not-quite-end credits.

      >Among the finest sneak peeks of this Scargiver trailer are images of Djimon Hounsou as General Titus commanding Kora’s defense of the Veldt denizens. Snyder presents Hounsou as modern cinema’s greatest black camera subject since Cinque in Spielberg’s Amistad. But Titus’s awed responses to bravery and sacrifice are not grounded in narrative — and his native song (of peace or aggression?) comes out of nowhere. Is it a tease or part of Snyder’s Hollywood-liberal race exploitation? It reduces Hounsou’s magisterial Cinque in Amistad and his splendid Caliban in Julie Taymor’s The Tempest to Stephen King’s pathetic, stereotypical magical Black in The Green Mile. And Kora’s sexual ambiguity now seems timid, lacking deeper explication. This two-hour-plus trailer makes it seem that Snyder has not thought through his best ideas.

      >Snyder told Rogan that, in his upcoming versions, “you get to see better the ‘why’ of the movie.” But Snyder’s delayed releases utterly betray the public’s trust. (No wonder Snyder made a pro-Biden campaign ad in 2020.)

      >As Rebel Moon, Part 1 and Part 2 stand, they are the work of an artistic traitor. I have never before been forced to admit that about a filmmaker I admire. But Snyder’s telling Rogan, “I totally understand the economics of making a PG version” goes against the valiant struggles of Peckinpah, Altman, De Palma, Kubrick, Stroheim, Sternberg, all the inspiring greats.

      >It doesn’t help that Rogan, a fan of Snyder’s Greek-mythology breakthrough 300, concurred with Snyder’s corporate toadying. We need genuine film criticism to counter an influencer such as Rogan turning sycophant. He urged on Snyder’s half-thinking with the pep-talk encouragement that Snyder remains “true to the vision.”

      >Despite Snyder’s fabled difficulty with Warner Bros. and the Oscars disavowing his two “Oscars Fan Favorite” and “Oscars Cheers Moment” wins, he has not been true to his vision. The Rogan interview is so disingenuous that it subjects us to Hollywood’s anti-art commercial process. In fact, we’re trapped by it.

      >In Pauline Kael’s pre-release review of Altman’s Nashville, she wondered, “If pinned to the wall by publicity men, how would Joyce have explained the ‘Nighttown’ sequence of Ulysses?” Neither can Snyder articulate his art; he just sounds like a craven muscle head when telling Rogan, “I don’t want [the public] to be too attached to the PG version. The R-rated version is a different journey. More boutiquey, more bizarre. . . . It’s a lot more, it’s got balls.” That remains to be seen.

      >Zack Snyder betrayed me. He betrayed all of us. I cannot sanction this.

      anyone got the Cliffs Notes on this one? gonna need a QRD

      • 1 month ago

        Snyder's biggest fan says he is a complete corporate sell-out hack

      • 1 month ago

        Gimmick contrarian who usually writes absurd glowing praises of Snyder can't even bring himself to do that because of how shit his latest movies are

      • 1 month ago

        Flaming gay black man says Snyder is just too gay for him

  2. 2 months ago

    >Only viewers who enjoyed Part 1’s overhaul and improvement of Star Wars will care. But so far, Snyder’s failure to deliver is a disappointment that results from an artistic conflict over principles. Snyder’s camaraderie with Rogan emphasized juvenile sex jokes, macho posturing, and mutually confessed fascination for fanboy lore (plus Snyder’s one-sided love of Ayn Rand.) Late in the conversation, Snyder explains the production deal with Netflix by which he first drops PG-rated versions of Rebel Moon, then eventually releases different iterations of both Parts 1 and 2: “At the end of the summer, you’ll see my two three-hour, hard-R-rated films, the hardest stuff.”

    >Snyder called this distribution strategy “a second kick at the can in home video.” It is the most disappointing statement that a uniquely gifted filmmaker has made since Ridley Scott told an audience of advertising professionals at the Museum of Modern Art that he had no artistic dedication to Blade Runner and consented to whatever permutations of the film Warner Bros. studios proposed.

    >By rationalizing his Netflix reissue/repackage deal as “the ‘director’s cut’ practice,” Snyder precludes any criticism, adding, “I needed to show the world what I intended.” But that was what the world had already mistakenly assumed. Yet Rogan’s vocalized approval (“Umm!”) went along with Snyder’s delusion, ignoring the difference between hack work, selling out, and artistic commitment.

    • 2 months ago

      a FAST cut helmet?

  3. 2 months ago

    >For these reasons, it’s pointless to “review” Scargiver, since it doesn’t represent Snyder’s full intention, any more than the first, studio-truncated version of Justice League. I had hailed Snyder’s later re-cut. In the editions of A Child of Fire and Scargiver now available, Snyder becomes his own Joss Whedon iconoclast. It’s impossible to appreciate even the best moments in this quasi-trailer without disclosing an overall sense of inscrutability and incompleteness — as when Kora refuses Princess Isa’s forgiveness and attempts to kill to her anyhow. No way to tell what this assassination means as narrative or moral decision, just as Charlie Hunnam’s fascinating possibilities as Kai were simply dropped from A Child of Fire. Man of Steel gave Snyder greater moral foundation while Scargiver looks like a Game of Thrones knockoff. The ultimate shock is that Scargiver isn’t a conclusion of the Rebel Moon saga but merely a continuation of Snyder’s commercial gambit. “Carrying on” as Kora’s gang of resistance fighters cheer just before the not-quite-end credits.

  4. 2 months ago

    >Among the finest sneak peeks of this Scargiver trailer are images of Djimon Hounsou as General Titus commanding Kora’s defense of the Veldt denizens. Snyder presents Hounsou as modern cinema’s greatest black camera subject since Cinque in Spielberg’s Amistad. But Titus’s awed responses to bravery and sacrifice are not grounded in narrative — and his native song (of peace or aggression?) comes out of nowhere. Is it a tease or part of Snyder’s Hollywood-liberal race exploitation? It reduces Hounsou’s magisterial Cinque in Amistad and his splendid Caliban in Julie Taymor’s The Tempest to Stephen King’s pathetic, stereotypical magical Black in The Green Mile. And Kora’s sexual ambiguity now seems timid, lacking deeper explication. This two-hour-plus trailer makes it seem that Snyder has not thought through his best ideas.

    >Snyder told Rogan that, in his upcoming versions, “you get to see better the ‘why’ of the movie.” But Snyder’s delayed releases utterly betray the public’s trust. (No wonder Snyder made a pro-Biden campaign ad in 2020.)

    • 2 months ago

      >But Snyder’s delayed releases utterly betray the public’s trust. (No wonder Snyder made a pro-Biden campaign ad in 2020.)

      • 2 months ago

        White never forgave Zack Snyder for that one. Every time he is angry with Snyder, he brings that shit up.

  5. 2 months ago

    >As Rebel Moon, Part 1 and Part 2 stand, they are the work of an artistic traitor. I have never before been forced to admit that about a filmmaker I admire. But Snyder’s telling Rogan, “I totally understand the economics of making a PG version” goes against the valiant struggles of Peckinpah, Altman, De Palma, Kubrick, Stroheim, Sternberg, all the inspiring greats.

    >It doesn’t help that Rogan, a fan of Snyder’s Greek-mythology breakthrough 300, concurred with Snyder’s corporate toadying. We need genuine film criticism to counter an influencer such as Rogan turning sycophant. He urged on Snyder’s half-thinking with the pep-talk encouragement that Snyder remains “true to the vision.”

    >Despite Snyder’s fabled difficulty with Warner Bros. and the Oscars disavowing his two “Oscars Fan Favorite” and “Oscars Cheers Moment” wins, he has not been true to his vision. The Rogan interview is so disingenuous that it subjects us to Hollywood’s anti-art commercial process. In fact, we’re trapped by it.

    >In Pauline Kael’s pre-release review of Altman’s Nashville, she wondered, “If pinned to the wall by publicity men, how would Joyce have explained the ‘Nighttown’ sequence of Ulysses?” Neither can Snyder articulate his art; he just sounds like a craven muscle head when telling Rogan, “I don’t want [the public] to be too attached to the PG version. The R-rated version is a different journey. More boutiquey, more bizarre. . . . It’s a lot more, it’s got balls.” That remains to be seen.

    >Zack Snyder betrayed me. He betrayed all of us. I cannot sanction this.

    • 2 months ago

      I believe Armond has woken up from his covid coma. Those last two blocks are brutal

    • 2 months ago

      >>Zack Snyder betrayed me. He betrayed all of us. I cannot sanction this
      I've been saying the same thing. Netflix had never shied away from R rated content before. This whole "directors cut" has been to keep morons subscribed. Snyder doesn't respect his fans

    • 2 months ago

      > As Rebel Moon, Part 1 and Part 2 stand, they are the work of an artistic traitor.
      It has never been more OVER for Snyder gays. This fruity homosexual was the last person they could point to and say “See Snyder is cool”. Snyder morons have been defending his incompetent movies for years now. It’s is unironically over, and most Snyder fans have disappeared in extreme shame.

    • 2 months ago

      Even Armond vannot sanction Snyder's buffonery.

    • 1 month ago

      I like how Armond is reviewing also the Rogan interview, what a sad interview that was. Snyder just admitting to bein a sellout.

      >We need genuine film criticism to counter an influencer such as Rogan turning sycophant.

      No lie here my homie.
      Rogan only shouts praise and says the same crap about AI and "le love and understanding" in each episode, the only way he gets defensive is if someone mentions something against weed.

      • 1 month ago

        Just like Bill Maher, their only religion is their chemical dependencies.

    • 1 month ago


  6. 2 months ago

    netflix has literally trannies fricking each other in the ass and all kinds of snuff films, why the hell can't zack sneeder release his hard r movies there?
    but i trust zac Sneeder,

    • 2 months ago

      White is angry on principle. The entire idea of a director's cut being teased ahead pissed him off. For him Zack Snyder was an auter.

    • 2 months ago

      because it's a gimmick

    • 2 months ago

      Netflix has "snuff" films?

      • 2 months ago

        synderjeets don't know english

      • 2 months ago

        every film that promotes zionist agenda of white genocide is a snuff film

    • 1 month ago

      This shit is fricking dumb. It's not about censorship, it's about using the "Snydercut" gimmick to their favor. They want to release both films twice to generate more buzz and income, and to deflect any criticism of the PG cuts using le "not my true vision" argument.

      Netflix/Snyder trying to do the "theatrical" and "home video" release on the same platform, wasting the time and attention of their viewers, they don't have respect for their audience.

  7. 2 months ago

    >Snyder precludes any criticism, adding, “I needed to show the world what I intended.” But that was what the world had already mistakenly assumed.

  8. 2 months ago

    I've never seen Armond White this pissed off before. Holy hell.
    Seriously, even when he is shitting on movies that he doesn't like he is this personal.

    • 2 months ago

      Snyder failed us all and it hurts that I defended this guy for ten years.

      • 2 months ago

        I blame Netflix way more than Snyder. Snyder was in director jail for reasons that weren't entirely his fault and got somewhat vindicated by the Snyder Cut but still, he didn't have a ton of options. And Netflix agrees to basically let him make exactly what he wants, with a huge fricking budget, and he'll eventually get to release his preferred cut...but he just has to release a SFW version first so they can pump the viewer numbers. Hell, if I were him I'd take that fricking deal.

        He has no enthusiasm for this and would obviously prefer to just release one cut and get it over with. But he has to play ball or the films don't get made so he sucks it up and just tells people the truth: that one cut is a contractual obligation he understand is necessary and they'll see the full version soon enough if they're interested. The frick do people want him to do?

        • 2 months ago

          >netflix mandates are why we have 5 minute uninterrupted scenes of wheat being harvested in indian-style speedup and slow motion

          • 2 months ago

            I blame Netflix for the fact that there's 2 different cuts, which is what everyone's screeching about here. If you just don't like the content of the film, well that's on Snyder but it wasn't really the issue at hand

            • 2 months ago

              i couldn't watch more than half of the first reBELL moon (as mauler would say). i'll wait for the snyder cut before i expose myself to any more of that slop. and it will probably just be R rated shit slop as opposed to PG13 shit slop

        • 2 months ago

          >The frick do people want him to do?
          make a good movie
          rebel moon fricking sucks and it sucks in a way that no director's cut will ever fix, it's just garbaggio

      • 2 months ago

        This. Snyder made some good kinos in the past like 300, dawn of the dead and watchmen. Hell, even BvS is decent. He got flak for BvS and Justice league though, but it was clear that lots of stuff in these two DC movies were corporate decisions, and not his fault so he got another chance to clear his name with the Snyder Cut. Unfortunately, Snyder Cut proved to be the best DCU movie, and pretty much gave Snyder full control over his projects.
        He got a underdog's victory with the Snyder Cut, but the problem is that Snyder became creatively bankrupt at this point, and all that he was left was his slow mo gimmick that keeps abusing in his later works, and his "my R rated cut is better, you will see!" excuse that also keeps abusing.
        Snyder disappointed lots of people with his post DC work, and also tries to set a new sloppy precedent with his re-release begging, so I get why Armond is so mad about it.

    • 2 months ago

      You can tell he tried his best to give Sneeder the benefit of the doubt but Scargiver was just White getting pissed on by Zack and being told its rain.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah his usual review doesn't have that many direct attacks to the director.

    • 1 month ago

      Does he do video or audio recordings of these reviews? What absolute kino.

  9. 2 months ago

    Never thought I'd live to see the day Armond White turned on Snyder

  10. 2 months ago

    Still watching all Snyderkinos, forever.

  11. 2 months ago

    Rebel Moon part 1 and 2 are some of the best special effects I've ever seen wasted on a terrible, terrible story and script.

    • 2 months ago

      you haven't seen many special effects

      • 2 months ago

        I've seen a lot, and Rebel Moon's are easily as good as any sci-fi movie of the last decade.

        • 2 months ago

          I agree with that

        • 2 months ago

          I agree with the fact that his Snyder cuts have become a corporate gimmick. It's expected by now and an economic ploy. The problem with this is that we the viewer never know if and when his actual version will come out. If the PG version had flopped, i doubt we would have seen the R rated version. I hate this concept with a deep passion.

    • 2 months ago

      Really? I’ve only watched the first one and the whole time I was thinking how it looked like a Sci Fi Channel original movie

    • 2 months ago

      I've seen a lot, and Rebel Moon's are easily as good as any sci-fi movie of the last decade.

      Sure wish they'd included any of the "best of the decade" sfx work in trailers or promotional images because it looked cheap in all of those. But I haven't seen the movie maybe its radically different

      • 1 month ago

        Nothing stands out as terrible special effects wise. They are not bad, but he has a lot of lens-flare and soft-focus going on. The movie has a LOT bigger problems the the sfx.

  12. 2 months ago

    As a Snyder fan he’s right. The movies are more like watered down trailers than anything and it’s disappointing.

    >Snyder becomes his own Joss Whedon iconoclast

  13. 2 months ago

    The last Zack Snyder movie I watched was Man of Steel and I liked it. What's he been up to since then?

  14. 2 months ago

    Jesus Christ, just post the link next time, you fricking turbo sperg.

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        >this site is loaded 24/7 with lying shills and you think I'm going to trust a Zack Snyder article sight unseen
        Frick you for making me look it up.

        • 2 months ago

          • 2 months ago

            am i the only one who just can't suspend belief for "female with boy haircut hero's journey" movies?

        • 2 months ago

          less than six months on the board means you shouldn't be so quick to criticize other posters, newbie. armond threads are an institution here

          • 2 months ago

            Eat all the dicks your father and your entire male lineage ate before them in one sitting, shitlord.

          • 2 months ago

            >less than six months on the board
            >calling an alitagay with an era correct unicode filename a 6mo old newbie
            cmon anon

            • 2 months ago

              >nooo bro you don't get it, I just browse in a trance most of the time
              then frick off

    • 2 months ago

      >not trusting OP to post the important bits

    • 2 months ago

      This picture will never ever fail to make me laugh like the moron idiot that I am.

  15. 2 months ago


  16. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Zack no! Think of the Netflix stocks!

    • 2 months ago

      *sigh*, I saw this coming he went on that "Joe Rogan" Show

  17. 2 months ago


    Are you sure about that?

    • 2 months ago

      Yes, Shmuley is a based living caricature, Cenk is just an annoying boring roach

  18. 2 months ago

    Snyder has truly showed himself as a hack.
    Even his fans aren't interested in his new works kek
    they just want his cancelled Justice League movies that will never happen

    • 2 months ago

      This shit started with Army of the Dead where he self-censored himself.
      Go look up the original script. You'll understand it. Snyder became a huge sell out pussy.

      • 2 months ago

        >zombies having hybrid rape babies with human women

        • 2 months ago

          Get this: it was meant to be a commentary on refugies and Covid.

      • 2 months ago

        Also, reshooting all the scenes with that comedian guy with that one chick probably made editing the movie a bigger clusterfrick, not to mention it probably took a backseat to him finishing Justice League. I still havent seen it tbqh.

        • 2 months ago

          They had to delete several key sequences because of that.
          For example, remember that bit about the zombies that are stuck together because of the lack of rain and moisture? In the original cut they blow up a water reservoir and the zombies awake.

      • 2 months ago

        >zombies having hybrid rape babies with human women

        apparently his original idea for batman was for batman to have been brutally raped as a kid, presumably the guy that killed his parents or maybe one of the villains
        snyder is so fricking edgy

  19. 2 months ago

    i used to like snyder until he started putting out these mildly woke cuckflix movies with F tier casts

  20. 2 months ago

    I unironically agree. Snyder has been saying his cut is an "entirely different" film for both parts. Why even release the shit version then

    • 2 months ago

      it's the deal he made with studios i guess. he lets them cuck him like joss whedon fricking his wife or something then after 2 years he gets to release his 6 hour bullshit version with CGI blood added into all the scenes

    • 2 months ago

      Because that’s what Netflix wanted. This is not new. Why do you think director’s cut exist? Because studios wanted to cut shit down all the time to make it easier to sell to theatres when they could do more showings per day when the running time was within certain range rather than 2-3 hours. And also because censorship and studio mandates sometimes forced cuts the director didn’t like but couldn’t say no because they didn’t have final cut rights in their contract

      • 2 months ago

        >Because that’s what Netflix wanted
        Netflix didn't say "Hey Zack, deliver us two total piece of shit PG-13 movies". Snyder was in charge of both versions. He could deliver his own cut of the PG-13 version and R version. But what he delivered so far is garbage.

        Snyder Suckers seem to be trying to blame Netflix, but the problems with RM 1 and 2 are not lack of gore or sex, they are basic things like terrible cliched story and characters, poor casting and acting, absolutely laughable cringe-worthy dialogue, way overdone slo-mo and generic action sequences, and they are just boring. Snyder produced, directed and oversaw the editing of those versions. All those major issues will still be in the longer 'Hard R' rated cut that Snyder cultists are fantasizing about.

        • 2 months ago

          All Netflix slop is trash. Regardless who directs it.

        • 2 months ago

          It's the same thing as how people try to defend BvS as some kind of acceptable situation. His job was to deliver a 2.5 hour theatrical movie, what he turned in was dogshit.

          • 2 months ago

            Nah frick off. BvS TC was studio greed. It's not the same situation at all.

            • 2 months ago

              Snyder cast Eisenberg as Luthor and Holocaust Skeleton as Wonder Woman. He made those horrible decisions and others that led to a disastrous first ever Batman and Superman movie being a complete dud.

              • 2 months ago

                Eisenberg Luthor was good though

                No excuses for Gadot however

              • 2 months ago

                And the extended cut still has all these things and others that made it a complete joke.
                There’s no fixing BVS , itshould have a been a different movie altogether

              • 2 months ago

                And the extended cut still has all these things and others that made it a complete joke.
                There’s no fixing BVS , itshould have a been a different movie altogether

                There's no justification for that thing needing to be 3.5 hours or whatever
                Even directors and franchises that are proven winners trying to stay under 2:45, and Snyder sure as frick doesn't warrant that level of respect

                Let it go Marlel Pajeets. BvS UC is the best superhero movie in decades.

              • 2 months ago

                I'm not even debating BVS Ultimate, it's the best thing that came out of the entire DCU debacle.
                But that doesn't change what a blunder the theatrical cut was, and that cut was still all on Snyder.

              • 2 months ago

                But it wasn't? Studio have demands to reduce run time for more theatre runs.

              • 2 months ago

                I still remember how dumbfounded my audience was when the Knightmare scene happened.
                Out of all things to cut, Sneeder decided to let that in.

              • 1 month ago

                Jesse Eisenbeg was great as Lex Luthor, you fricking idiot.

              • 1 month ago

                Literally some of the worst casting ever

              • 1 month ago

                Wrong. You got filtered.

              • 1 month ago

                nah i liked him

              • 1 month ago

                Oh, let's not forget troon Flash and race swapped Aquaman.

            • 2 months ago

              There's no justification for that thing needing to be 3.5 hours or whatever
              Even directors and franchises that are proven winners trying to stay under 2:45, and Snyder sure as frick doesn't warrant that level of respect

      • 1 month ago

        >to make it easier to sell to theatres

        yeah but Netflix doesn't have that problem. They can easily release R rated films in their platform, they don't have to sell tickets. Remember when Netflix was advertising Sense8 everywhere and it was a show that featured explicit gay sex.

        Nah, this is a plot from Netflix/Snyder to give more like to the film, re releasing it intentionally from the start.

  21. 2 months ago

    reminder that even if Batman v Superman's extended cut was the one released in theaters, it would still be hated by critics and audiences (hell even more, since it would be longer)

  22. 2 months ago

    I never heard what Snyder sounds like until this week just knew what he looked like and god damn he has a really effeminate voice which is hilarious coming out of his tough guy rugged appearance look he goes for.

  23. 2 months ago

    >Zack Snyder betrayed me. He betrayed all of us. I cannot sanction this.

  24. 2 months ago
  25. 2 months ago

    well, he's right. cant give zach a pass anymore, rebel moon is terrible. absolute trash.

    seems like whoever was working with zach stopped when he went to netflix, its another "whole is better than the sum of the parts" like lucas and the OT, etc

    • 2 months ago

      >seems like whoever was working with zach
      his cinematographer, for one
      zach thought he could do the job better himself 🙂

  26. 2 months ago

    Even smooth brained gigahomie contrarian in chief can't play along with modern goyslop anymore

    That's how bad things are getting at hollywood

  27. 2 months ago

    Christ armond a bit of brevity would be appreciated. How hard is it to say what way your thumbs are pointing?

  28. 2 months ago

    Rebel Moon is so bland that nobody could defend it

  29. 2 months ago

    Why is Armond White just now realizing what everyone has known for a long time?

    • 2 months ago

      He was terminally contrarian but even for him it was too much to bear

  30. 2 months ago

    I wanted to watch the snyder cuts, if I can’t watch those then I won’t watch it at all. Fricking studio interference Black person fricks.

  31. 2 months ago

    Is this reviewer some kind of troll? Why would you expect anything but slop from someone who directors capeshit and video game movies? It's as if I wrote a long review about how the flavor of the latest McDonalds burger is disappointing and how dishonest the marketing is.

    • 2 months ago

      He's gay, black and a film critic. This is holy trifecta of attention prostitute.

      • 1 month ago

        With that combination of variables, it’s almost like God directly intervened to make him this based.

  32. 2 months ago

    >Slop meister musters slop: must stop
    Moor seethes, masses shrug.

  33. 2 months ago

    Buy an ad.

  34. 2 months ago

    How the frick is he always right.
    King of Cinemaphile indeed.

  35. 2 months ago

    Snyder should have stayed with WB. WB has the industry's best talents. Netflix is literal trash and even Scorsese is making a fool of himself there. The problem was him leaving a legitimate movie studio in favor of streamer fad corporation.

    • 2 months ago

      Snyder burned his bridges with all major studios with the Sneeder Cut debacle. Netflix, a company that releases fricking everything regardless of quality, will be only place where he will be tolerated.

    • 2 months ago

      Justice League would have never happened after BvS if he hadn't already started filming. BvS had a bigger opening day than Avengers and then fell off a cliff. People were eager to see it on premise alone. Snyder is the reason that film didn't make a billion and I'm tired of pretending otherwise

      • 2 months ago

        They butchered the theatrical cut. BvS UC is one of the few capeshits I'm not ashamed of having seen.

  36. 2 months ago

    >goes from glazing Snyder's balls in his Part 1 review to opening by calling him a corporate hack in his Part 2 review

  37. 2 months ago

    You'll know it's really over for Snyder when India turns on him.

  38. 2 months ago

    Snyder films should get an "I" rating for Immature.

  39. 2 months ago

    Needless to say it's kind of o'er for Snaaadar saar if he's managed to tunr Armong, his strongest soldier, against him.

  40. 2 months ago

    Am I the only one who thinks that rebel moon is a parody of a Zack Snyder movie?
    I mean, for frick's sake even the subtitle: scargiver, sounds like a joke about generic sci fi flicks.

  41. 2 months ago

    the whole idea of a directors cut for a direct to streaming movie is fricking moronic. you dont need to make a theatrical cut if its not ever going to be in theaters. just make the movie you wanted to make in the first place..

    snyder is such a fricking hack its unreal. at least even the pajeets and turbo contrarians like white are starting to turn on him now

  42. 2 months ago

    Now Snyder is saying that he wants a new cut of Sucker Punch, his barely-disguised fetish porn that he pretends it’s feminist.

  43. 2 months ago

    Not a single traditional director has been making worthwhile Netflix movies. Almost like Netshit in itself is corrupt and incompetent.

  44. 2 months ago

    Armond might be a huge contrarian douche(with some funny opinions) but he's actually right here. When you release a turd but backtrack and say "Hold on, you need to see the director's cut!" is so pathetic. As he said, "[it] precludes any criticism."

    What's even more pathetic is how he's been using this same lame crutch for over a decade and thinking nobody is wise to it.

    • 2 months ago

      >What's even more pathetic is how he's been using this same lame crutch for over a decade and thinking nobody is wise to it.
      He had a legitimate excuse when doing cinema movies as usually studios are stingy with run time and rsting unless you're Nolan. For streamerslop though? No excuse.

  45. 2 months ago

    >Snyder the corporate hack
    >Part 2: Scargiver is nothing more than an extended trailer
    >Snyder’s failure to deliver is a disappointment
    >As Rebel Moon, Part 1 and Part 2 stand, they are the work of an artistic traitor
    >Zack Snyder betrayed me. He betrayed all of us. I cannot sanction this.
    LMAO Armond used to be Snyder's biggest fan

  46. 2 months ago


    He needs to release the original print of Sucker Punch into a woodchipper, that's the only improvement I can envision.

  47. 2 months ago

    No coming back after releasing the amateur crap that is Rebel Moon Part Two. Snyder is a laughing stock and confirmed worst director of all time.

  48. 2 months ago


    It's basically a total non-sequitur, the theatrical cut burns all this time on a Bruce fanservice bad dream and Justice League setup while at the same time cutting literally ALL of Clark's character and motivation.

    Absolutely mind boggling choices.

    • 2 months ago

      DCEU Superman is barely a character, just a glorified plot device.
      3 films, 9 hours combined, and I struggle to describe what he’s like.

  49. 1 month ago

    Pretty sure he'll love the Synder Cuts of both movies. Those are Snyder's real uncompromised vision.

  50. 1 month ago

    I don't get it. They already announced that the movies would be released that way before the first one, and White still praised it to high heavens. But now it's suddenly a deal breaker?

    • 1 month ago

      He thought the second movie was shit

  51. 1 month ago

    The entire premise behind the movie sucks balls. Who the frick cares about le evil white space nazis vs le poor diverse underdog resistance in 2024? It's been done to death and back.

  52. 1 month ago

    So brainwashing children into trannies, letting israelites have complete control over high-budge movie making and sexually harassing White women in exchange for roles is all fine? But Zack Snyder betrayed all of us, because … he releases a director‘s cut of his movies?

    • 1 month ago

      Snyder cast troony as Flash, israeli skeleton as Wonder Woman, brown clown as Aquaman and Perry White, killed off Jimmy Olsen after he turned him into glowBlack person, and turned Luthor into cringy, stuttering homosexual.

      • 1 month ago

        Jimmy Olsen must die. Snyder did nothing wrong.
        Flash cast is based. His act really build a character in the flash movie. You can't do something like this with the person people actually like.

        • 1 month ago

          >dixksucking troons and ruining legacy characters is BASED

          Yeah okay Snyder.

  53. 1 month ago

    I think it's time to realize that directors are only as good as their studios allow them to be. Netflix is trash and does not possess the capabilities of a normal movie studio. Literally every noteworthy director has made strictly only shit on Netflix.

    • 1 month ago

      Snyder has made trash for almost every studio that has hired him. Imagine blaming Netflix for shit that Snyder wrote, produced, filmed and directed.

      • 1 month ago

        Nah kys. His WB movies were great. Shame to see him fall like this.

  54. 1 month ago

    Witness this extreme kino shot from Part Two. Now apologize.

    • 1 month ago

      i have better EVE screenshots taken by my cat walking over the keyboard
      what a fricking hack

  55. 1 month ago

    Snyder should have hired a good writers room to flesh out the characters and improve the stilted dialogue. Theres no shame in doing that and just focusing on your hyper stylised form and let others focus on the structure of the film etc. Theres a lot of potential in the concept of heavy metal/sci fi/epic/action film. I think Snyder ego got gassed up by the Snyder Cut he actually believes he’s a good writer, he’s not.

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