Zeon or ZAFT

You, yes you, anon, are going to be ripped from your computer chair and current life and transported to either the UC or CE gundam universes, to fight in either the OYW or First Alliance-PLANT War. To return to your previous life, should you so desire, you must fight your way through one war to the end and not die. Should you die, eternal torture, in the form of watching WfM endlessly on loop, awaits. Therefore, you have to choose one universe, CE or UCbut there are some conditions attached.
>You will be instantiated as a Zeon Lieutenant like Anavel Gato or ZAFT Red with standing equivalent to Nicol Amalfi.
>You can only use mass production grunt MS with limited customization (thrust limiters disabled), never a state-of-the-art machine.
>You will never come across Amuro Ray and the White Base Crew nor Kira Yamato and the Archangel Crew at any time.
>You will never be given an assignment that would catch you in the machinations of Char Aznable or Rau Le Creuset.
>However, the machinations of the Zabi Family, General Revil, Patrick Zala and Muruta Azrael are fair game, so watch out.
>Regardless of any actions you take, the war will play out as it does in canon. You cannot change the outcome, simply survive.
>You are expected to be a dyed-in-the-wool Zabi/Zala loyalist. Anyy attempt to defect to the EFSF/EA/TSA would result in your capture, slow and painful execution, and sentencing the the afformentioned WfM hell with a side of G-Saviour.
>Should you survive the war, you be treated as a veteran but not charged with any war crimes unless you personally committed them. You could forgoe your previous life, and influence the future events of the UC or CE.

So, which side to do you pick?
By gut feeling?
To maximize survival?
To fight for the lesser of two evils to satisfy your moral compass?
To maximize your kill-count?
To pilot your favorite grunt?

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    Hang on, what if the grunt suit IS state of the art?

    • 9 months ago

      If its all that's on the field, then sure.
      What I mean to say is, early on in the UC, you get a regular ZAKU and cannot obtain a GOUF/DOM/Gelgoog until a few months after they've hit the battlefield (assuming the war is still ongoing). Same thing with CE gundam: At the start you get a GINN, but not a CGUE, GOOhN but not ZnO.

      • 9 months ago

        Frick, the best I can hope for is a Rick Dom? On the CE side of things it's anything older than a GuAIZ, but Seed didn't introduce any new grunts before the GuAIZ, they just already had a bunch of old ones in service.

      • 9 months ago

        Can't I get a Gelgoog at A Baoa Qu considering it's being mass produced, the war is about to be over and if an exception isn't made, it's going to be unobtainable?

  2. 9 months ago

    Zeon all the way, so I can have a shot at Cima and frick her brains out.
    I know I would die disgracefully before even catching a glimpse of her, but a chance's a chance.

  3. 9 months ago

    ZAFT unless I get a gelgoog

  4. 9 months ago

    Surviving and going back to real life would be easy, I'd just make sure that I perform so shit they toss me off the battlefield and assign me to some rear unit with a Zaku I that does nothing but haul crates and ride out the war.

    Now, if I want to make the best of it?
    >Get assigned a Zaku II at the beginning of the war and go out of my way to try destroy Federation ships to get ace status as early as possible.
    >Take part in the Earth Landing and stick it out until the capture of the California base
    >After California base is captured spend time mopping up Feddie forces in North America, enough to weasel my way into testing Dom prototypes.
    >Use the chance to learn the Dom as early as possible
    >Once Garma is dead and Odessa is on the horizon I get myself transferred back to space at Solomon.
    >Get the Dom, get it modified for space use and practice the shit out of it.
    >Wait until the solar system gets used before heading out to Battle at Solomon, then try to survive until the order to retreat is given.
    >Grab a bunch of stranded Zeon soldiers/pilots to avoid being shot at
    >At A Baoa Qu use my ace status to get assigned to Mineva's evac ship, then flee to Axis with it once the battle is lost
    >Suck up and pamper the Karn family on the way to Axis to get into their good graces, make sure to treat the older sister well so that when she dies Haman will look kindly upon me.
    >Spend the next few years trying to fill the Char shaped hole in Haman's heart.
    >If I can't fill that hole then I leave Axis with Char and fight as part of the AEUG until I end up being killed while piloting a Nemo
    >If I can fill that hole then I cozy up with Haman and get child Glemy killed in an accident to make sure he doesn't frick things up
    >Try to avoid getting sent out to battle during Gryps War because Gaza-Cs are pieces of shit
    >Get Shangri-La destroyed in some battle
    >Have a bunch of armed guards mog Char when he tries to steal Mineva.

  5. 9 months ago

    >So, which side to do you pick?
    ZAFT because it is the most morally righteous faction. Despite oppression by the Earth Federation, ZAFT did not draw first blood like Zeon did, and ZAFT has not indiscriminately committed mass murder. ZAFT are unambiguously the good guys. The only real disappointment is that ZAFT doesn't have royalty like Zeon. Also, between ZAFT and Zeon, ZAFT is the one nation that actually survives intact.

    Also, I have a chance to marry 10/10 coordinator girls.

    • 9 months ago

      EA did declare war and drew first blood, but ZAFT covering the entire EA territory in N-Jammers does in fact count as indiscriminately affecting civilian populations.

      • 9 months ago

        ZAFT lost the 'unambiguously the good guys' potential with their N-Jammer seeding; they dumped enough of those bad boys onto Earth to plunge the entire planet into a severe energy crisis and directly causing a vast loss of life due to everything going to shit.
        At that point however, I consider them and the EA roughly equal. Some lunatic managed to get nukes launched at Junius 7, Patrick Zala likely convinced the ZAFT Council to N-Jammer all the things.

        No, where ZAFT screwed the pooch was deciding to invade Earth. That locks them into a massive unnecessary escalation of the war, leads to terrible loss of civilian life, and opens the door for the extremists to seize power. They had a massive superiority in space-bourne operations, and had they just focused on maintaining that by neutralising what was left of the EA's space facilities (and parking a fleet over each space elevator to blockade them) that would've defacto won the war.

        Weren't the N Jammers the brainchild of Siegel Clyne? And he's supposed to be the reasonable one compared to Patrick Zala.

        • 9 months ago

          While Clyne signed off on the plan, Zala was the strongest advocate for it and convinced the Council that seeding Earth with them was the way forwards.

      • 9 months ago

        ZAFT lost the 'unambiguously the good guys' potential with their N-Jammer seeding; they dumped enough of those bad boys onto Earth to plunge the entire planet into a severe energy crisis and directly causing a vast loss of life due to everything going to shit.
        At that point however, I consider them and the EA roughly equal. Some lunatic managed to get nukes launched at Junius 7, Patrick Zala likely convinced the ZAFT Council to N-Jammer all the things.

        No, where ZAFT screwed the pooch was deciding to invade Earth. That locks them into a massive unnecessary escalation of the war, leads to terrible loss of civilian life, and opens the door for the extremists to seize power. They had a massive superiority in space-bourne operations, and had they just focused on maintaining that by neutralising what was left of the EA's space facilities (and parking a fleet over each space elevator to blockade them) that would've defacto won the war.

        >ZAFT lost the 'unambiguously the good guys' potential with their N-Jammer seeding; they dumped enough of those bad boys onto Earth to plunge the entire planet into a severe energy crisis and directly causing a vast loss of life due to everything going to shit.

        Weren't the N Jammers the brainchild of Siegel Clyne? And he's supposed to be the reasonable one compared to Patrick Zala.

        While Clyne signed off on the plan, Zala was the strongest advocate for it and convinced the Council that seeding Earth with them was the way forwards.

        People forget that we live in a world of binary choices realistically. In SEED the alternative to using Neutron Jammers was to devastate Earth with nukes causing civie casualties on par with or exceeding Operation British.
        I've seen anons post bullshit ad hoc alternatives over the years "well they could've just use neutron jammers around the PLANTs to stop another missile exploding!"
        No, no, no. That's just needless whining in this case, because the writers have gone out of the way to say "Option A (jammers) is what happened, at the time the ONLY viable alternative was Option B (nuke Earth), and they picked Option A, which is clearly the lesser of two evils."
        In short, ZAFT did not surrender their moral high ground by using neutron jammers considering the stated alternatives.
        And I'm not going to pull the exact scene but its an exchange between Kira's friends on the Archangel during some downtime before episode 25 IIRC.

        • 9 months ago

          That's silly horseshit. Just because there was an worse alternative doesn't mean it's no longer indiscriminate. Choosing to kill fewer people does not have anything to do with whether it is considered indiscriminate or not.

          • 9 months ago

            >it's no longer indiscriminate.
            Whether its indiscriminate or not is irrelevant. The EA fired first, and the PLANTs reacted with an act of self-defense.

            • 9 months ago

              I already told you I don't have a problem with the self-defense part, it's the claim by

              >So, which side to do you pick?
              ZAFT because it is the most morally righteous faction. Despite oppression by the Earth Federation, ZAFT did not draw first blood like Zeon did, and ZAFT has not indiscriminately committed mass murder. ZAFT are unambiguously the good guys. The only real disappointment is that ZAFT doesn't have royalty like Zeon. Also, between ZAFT and Zeon, ZAFT is the one nation that actually survives intact.

              Also, I have a chance to marry 10/10 coordinator girls.

              that they were not indiscriminate that I raised a problem with. Who gives a frick that you think it's irrelevant?

    • 9 months ago

      ZAFT lost the 'unambiguously the good guys' potential with their N-Jammer seeding; they dumped enough of those bad boys onto Earth to plunge the entire planet into a severe energy crisis and directly causing a vast loss of life due to everything going to shit.
      At that point however, I consider them and the EA roughly equal. Some lunatic managed to get nukes launched at Junius 7, Patrick Zala likely convinced the ZAFT Council to N-Jammer all the things.

      No, where ZAFT screwed the pooch was deciding to invade Earth. That locks them into a massive unnecessary escalation of the war, leads to terrible loss of civilian life, and opens the door for the extremists to seize power. They had a massive superiority in space-bourne operations, and had they just focused on maintaining that by neutralising what was left of the EA's space facilities (and parking a fleet over each space elevator to blockade them) that would've defacto won the war.

  6. 9 months ago

    Zeon, all the way. The outcome can't change, but maybe I can frick up everything else a lot.

    >with a starting rank of Lieutenant, there's room to climb up to Captain or Major, and thus have the rank to pull to become a Percy Morrell or Alfred Becker... or a Lieutenant Oliver May. Which is to say, a member of the technical services in the space of design, refits, and testing, with knowledge of the UC timeline and its frickups.
    >liaise between the military-industrial complex, the army officership, the Zabis, and the grunts on the ground with a hindsight-informed purpose in mind; unfrick Zeon's technological progression, and from there indirectly influence doctrine and the overall war, try to please every party possible while having enough spine and hopefully acumen to say 'no' to bad politicking and get away with it, hopefully even outright stop some backstabbing and save lives
    >lean overtly Dozle's way if there must be a benefactor, but side with M'Quve on the United Maintenance Plan and hopefully ram it through for Kycilla brownie points and also because it's fricking necessary; get Dozle onboard because 'more weapons are better weapons, and better weapons do better which means we keep more' unga math
    >lobby for parallel Mobile Armor development on the basis of the MIP-X1, with the addition of AMBAC elements as becomes viable; if the Mobile Suit is a kind of catch-all carrier air arm/floatplane/light sweeper or gunboat with conventional arms, then clearly there's room for a Mega Particle Cannon equipped motor torpedo boat/midget sub/fast attack bomber to severely increase EFSF casualties early
    >try to save every Igloo weapon possible from total misuse & doom, create some happy endings
    >steal every fricking thing that isn't nailed down and rebash it with Zeonic weaponry & components when the captured ordnance runs dry, ships, fighters, assault boats, all of it
    >in space, run a Zaku with some extra Fausts, z(n)ook+MG; dump ordnance, lose weight, kill targets

    • 9 months ago

      >if there is any possible way to take stock of WMDs, discover the 'oops' switcharoo of knockout for space VX, and raise the alarm to sidestep the colony gassings without eating a bullet, do it; a troubled occupation of pro-feddy bastards is a good trade for skipping the biggest warcrime ever, and does not preempt emptying one tubes' pop into the rest to enable the Colony Drop. If not- 'plays out as canon'- sucks.
      >if this requires risking life and limb selling this alternative to Gihren's face after calling him out on the plan, do it. 'Overpopulation' is a half-assed excuse when Side 3 tubes are twice as dense as every other Side & we intend to construct more colonies, he'll come around on a cold logical basis.
      >when neither the Colony Drop nor an improved Loum or any other knock-ons from my interference looks like it'll bring the EF to a treaty, and really even before, frick it, start crash retooling & redesigning all the lunar warfare trash about to be used in the Earth Drop Operation
      >Turn the Magella Attack into an actual tank and not a crater-crawler assault gun meant to knock down Lunar City bulkheads, full turret traverse, mini-MS torso cupola/RWS; jam the Dopp's various components (avionics, weaponry, engines) into a proper spaceplane fuselage that can fight Sabrefish on Earth; twist the Dodai into a flying wing w/ ordnance bays; get the fricking moronic Cui mobile riot control wall axed in favor of an actual heavy IFV/assault landing ship, same turret, tracks & roadwheels I guess
      >save a shitload of poor bloody infantry & armored lives in the process, indirectly saving Mobile Suits that they cover
      >on the Earth battlefield, operate from a well-loaded heavy ordnance MS ala a Zaku Heavy Arms or Dom Cannon as a firebase for my subordinates, a nice safe place to be in the stated absence of any Gundam protagonists that could stage a breakthrough & murder me
      >under 'limited customization,' get extra comms/blade antenna to enable combined arms call-ins

      • 9 months ago

        >maybe, possibly, thanks to there being Dopps/Magellas that aren't shit & MS development cycle that isn't complete hell, Garma doesn't bite it from a terminal case of Char, but regardless he's going to fail against the Gundam, the North American campaign will stall, and he'll get the frick out as everyone scrambles- 'can't change the outcome'
        >when shit starts going bad, stage fighting retreats in good order doing as much scorched earth damage as possible while leading caches for guerilla remnants of the Earth Attack Force & Zeon Foreign Legion, hopefully get back to Odessa in time to blunt the EFGF as hard as possible on the way to evacuation
        >evacuate in a dual-purpose config with space thrusters in good order because I don't want to die horribly to a GM or God forbid a Ball exiting my HLC, save as many poor bastards from this very fate as possible
        >as by now some brand of high rung junior/low rung senior CO, rally my pocket of forces around assfricking the EFSF's logistical tail as they return to space with mobile armor-centric raiding with cooperating MS as screens and opportunist extra attackers, run a Rick Dom with as much extra shit & guns piled on as 'limited customization' allows
        >likewise do as much damage to fleet assets as possible at Solomon, the aim is to make it hurt on a man & materiel basis
        >when the retreat is sounded, don't go to Axis immediately, instead head for Side 3; either continue service under a surviving Zabi regime as a treaty is signed, or embed into the Republic of Zeon as a mole for Delaz & Axis, maybe get grabbed by Anaheim and do my best at industrial espionage & sabotage, defect when Haman rolls in
        I can't WIN, those are the rules, but I can make the Earth Federation's victory a hollow near-stalemate based solely on plot armor & infinite Jaburo works, not the military reality, on the bleeding edge of the 'canon result' of Zeon losing, and hopefully fix-fic a bunch of deaths. And then the continuation war is fair game.

  7. 9 months ago

    What if my superior with a state of the art MS suddenly dies of an unforeseen accident. Can I take his MS?

    • 9 months ago

      OP here. Let me answer some questions:
      Biggest thing is the state-of-the-art MS. What I'm going for is that the first time they hit the field, someone else will be piloting it, not you. You are not the supreme ace, so to speak. So in UC near the end you will have access to units like the DOM and Gelgoog after they've become more widespread. But the Kampfer? No, not really. With CE, you'd later have access to the regular GuAIZ, but not the prototype used to test Freedom/Justice weapons.

      Up to your commanding officer.

      Can't I get a Gelgoog at A Baoa Qu considering it's being mass produced, the war is about to be over and if an exception isn't made, it's going to be unobtainable?

      Yes, you'd have a Gelgoog at A Baoa Qu.

      For the UC side, I'd probably look into Zeon's newtype research. Maybe I can't trick out my MS, but that doesn't mean I can get some psychic moron to fight for me.

      >Should you survive the war, you be treated as a veteran but not charged with any war crimes unless you personally committed them. You could forgoe your previous life, and influence the future events of the UC or CE.
      Let's say I make it through the war, but I die sometime after, do I still go to MfM hell?

      I'm assuming this is from start to finish in the war | For suits: Zaku 2 HMT-> Rick Dom-> Gelgoog -> Gelgoog Jäger (If applicable)

      >Let's say I make it through the war, but I die sometime after, do I still go to MfM hell?
      No, after a ceasefire is called at A Baoa Qu or Jachin Due you are safe from WfM hell.

      • 9 months ago

        alright, but if we're clarifying ground rules, then what about

        Zeon, all the way. The outcome can't change, but maybe I can frick up everything else a lot.

        >with a starting rank of Lieutenant, there's room to climb up to Captain or Major, and thus have the rank to pull to become a Percy Morrell or Alfred Becker... or a Lieutenant Oliver May. Which is to say, a member of the technical services in the space of design, refits, and testing, with knowledge of the UC timeline and its frickups.
        >liaise between the military-industrial complex, the army officership, the Zabis, and the grunts on the ground with a hindsight-informed purpose in mind; unfrick Zeon's technological progression, and from there indirectly influence doctrine and the overall war, try to please every party possible while having enough spine and hopefully acumen to say 'no' to bad politicking and get away with it, hopefully even outright stop some backstabbing and save lives
        >lean overtly Dozle's way if there must be a benefactor, but side with M'Quve on the United Maintenance Plan and hopefully ram it through for Kycilla brownie points and also because it's fricking necessary; get Dozle onboard because 'more weapons are better weapons, and better weapons do better which means we keep more' unga math
        >lobby for parallel Mobile Armor development on the basis of the MIP-X1, with the addition of AMBAC elements as becomes viable; if the Mobile Suit is a kind of catch-all carrier air arm/floatplane/light sweeper or gunboat with conventional arms, then clearly there's room for a Mega Particle Cannon equipped motor torpedo boat/midget sub/fast attack bomber to severely increase EFSF casualties early
        >try to save every Igloo weapon possible from total misuse & doom, create some happy endings
        >steal every fricking thing that isn't nailed down and rebash it with Zeonic weaponry & components when the captured ordnance runs dry, ships, fighters, assault boats, all of it
        >in space, run a Zaku with some extra Fausts, z(n)ook+MG; dump ordnance, lose weight, kill targets

        >if there is any possible way to take stock of WMDs, discover the 'oops' switcharoo of knockout for space VX, and raise the alarm to sidestep the colony gassings without eating a bullet, do it; a troubled occupation of pro-feddy bastards is a good trade for skipping the biggest warcrime ever, and does not preempt emptying one tubes' pop into the rest to enable the Colony Drop. If not- 'plays out as canon'- sucks.
        >if this requires risking life and limb selling this alternative to Gihren's face after calling him out on the plan, do it. 'Overpopulation' is a half-assed excuse when Side 3 tubes are twice as dense as every other Side & we intend to construct more colonies, he'll come around on a cold logical basis.
        >when neither the Colony Drop nor an improved Loum or any other knock-ons from my interference looks like it'll bring the EF to a treaty, and really even before, frick it, start crash retooling & redesigning all the lunar warfare trash about to be used in the Earth Drop Operation
        >Turn the Magella Attack into an actual tank and not a crater-crawler assault gun meant to knock down Lunar City bulkheads, full turret traverse, mini-MS torso cupola/RWS; jam the Dopp's various components (avionics, weaponry, engines) into a proper spaceplane fuselage that can fight Sabrefish on Earth; twist the Dodai into a flying wing w/ ordnance bays; get the fricking moronic Cui mobile riot control wall axed in favor of an actual heavy IFV/assault landing ship, same turret, tracks & roadwheels I guess
        >save a shitload of poor bloody infantry & armored lives in the process, indirectly saving Mobile Suits that they cover
        >on the Earth battlefield, operate from a well-loaded heavy ordnance MS ala a Zaku Heavy Arms or Dom Cannon as a firebase for my subordinates, a nice safe place to be in the stated absence of any Gundam protagonists that could stage a breakthrough & murder me
        >under 'limited customization,' get extra comms/blade antenna to enable combined arms call-ins

        >maybe, possibly, thanks to there being Dopps/Magellas that aren't shit & MS development cycle that isn't complete hell, Garma doesn't bite it from a terminal case of Char, but regardless he's going to fail against the Gundam, the North American campaign will stall, and he'll get the frick out as everyone scrambles- 'can't change the outcome'
        >when shit starts going bad, stage fighting retreats in good order doing as much scorched earth damage as possible while leading caches for guerilla remnants of the Earth Attack Force & Zeon Foreign Legion, hopefully get back to Odessa in time to blunt the EFGF as hard as possible on the way to evacuation
        >evacuate in a dual-purpose config with space thrusters in good order because I don't want to die horribly to a GM or God forbid a Ball exiting my HLC, save as many poor bastards from this very fate as possible
        >as by now some brand of high rung junior/low rung senior CO, rally my pocket of forces around assfricking the EFSF's logistical tail as they return to space with mobile armor-centric raiding with cooperating MS as screens and opportunist extra attackers, run a Rick Dom with as much extra shit & guns piled on as 'limited customization' allows
        >likewise do as much damage to fleet assets as possible at Solomon, the aim is to make it hurt on a man & materiel basis
        >when the retreat is sounded, don't go to Axis immediately, instead head for Side 3; either continue service under a surviving Zabi regime as a treaty is signed, or embed into the Republic of Zeon as a mole for Delaz & Axis, maybe get grabbed by Anaheim and do my best at industrial espionage & sabotage, defect when Haman rolls in
        I can't WIN, those are the rules, but I can make the Earth Federation's victory a hollow near-stalemate based solely on plot armor & infinite Jaburo works, not the military reality, on the bleeding edge of the 'canon result' of Zeon losing, and hopefully fix-fic a bunch of deaths. And then the continuation war is fair game.

        is changing shit in the midwar but getting dicked anyways Zeon Quest style (haven't read but am aware of how it ultimately goes) kosher or is that beyond the bounds of the scenario, because at that point what can the isekai pilot do other than 'I will metagame directly avoiding the plot and also frick X pilot girl' as opposed to 'I will metagame to twist the plot as hard as I can within the hardset outcome,' no offense to Haman fricker he's got big dreams with a big dick

        • 9 months ago

          sure, why not.
          The "you cannot change the outcome" clause exists partially because I'd like to see what /m/ would do in the UC/CE post OYW/First Alliance PLANT War since those time periods are often talked about and subject to controversy **cough** 0083 **cough** Destiny **cough**

          • 9 months ago

            >I'd like to see what /m/ would do in the UC post OYW
            well, time to continue then

            >maybe, possibly, thanks to there being Dopps/Magellas that aren't shit & MS development cycle that isn't complete hell, Garma doesn't bite it from a terminal case of Char, but regardless he's going to fail against the Gundam, the North American campaign will stall, and he'll get the frick out as everyone scrambles- 'can't change the outcome'
            >when shit starts going bad, stage fighting retreats in good order doing as much scorched earth damage as possible while leading caches for guerilla remnants of the Earth Attack Force & Zeon Foreign Legion, hopefully get back to Odessa in time to blunt the EFGF as hard as possible on the way to evacuation
            >evacuate in a dual-purpose config with space thrusters in good order because I don't want to die horribly to a GM or God forbid a Ball exiting my HLC, save as many poor bastards from this very fate as possible
            >as by now some brand of high rung junior/low rung senior CO, rally my pocket of forces around assfricking the EFSF's logistical tail as they return to space with mobile armor-centric raiding with cooperating MS as screens and opportunist extra attackers, run a Rick Dom with as much extra shit & guns piled on as 'limited customization' allows
            >likewise do as much damage to fleet assets as possible at Solomon, the aim is to make it hurt on a man & materiel basis
            >when the retreat is sounded, don't go to Axis immediately, instead head for Side 3; either continue service under a surviving Zabi regime as a treaty is signed, or embed into the Republic of Zeon as a mole for Delaz & Axis, maybe get grabbed by Anaheim and do my best at industrial espionage & sabotage, defect when Haman rolls in
            I can't WIN, those are the rules, but I can make the Earth Federation's victory a hollow near-stalemate based solely on plot armor & infinite Jaburo works, not the military reality, on the bleeding edge of the 'canon result' of Zeon losing, and hopefully fix-fic a bunch of deaths. And then the continuation war is fair game.

            >Zeon gets their asses pushed back past A Baoa Qu and Char jobs it in the Zeong, but as a result of my interference in weapons development the EFSF have a way shittier time getting there
            >Zabis might have collectively dodged their OTL demises- Garma had conventional weapons that didn't suck & the Gouf Combined Test Type in his colors, Dozle has enough support to be exfil'd when the Big Zam brews up rather than go out like a madman magdumping small arms at a Gundam, Degwin doesn't eat a Solar Ray because things never got bad enough for the 'Gihren goes turbo-nuclear' arc, Gihren doesn't eat a bullet to the back of the head for doing the raying, Kycillia doesn't get bazooka skillshotted by Char who doesn't get the window...
            >but regardless, the Principality is forced into an armistice peace at best, and at worst the Zabis (if alive) are all ousted to Axis per the Gundam v Zeta Gundam perfect zeek end. Either way, the necessity for a covert military build-up for the next war means the Axis resource satellite still becomes a hotbed of postwar Zeon activity, but maybe not as hellish an experience as IOTL
            >that leaves me in the lurch, maybe I've made Captain or Commandant or Colonel by now, but there's no war on
            >so, do what I was already doing during wartime, and clap together a bunch of ersatz projects on a shoestring budget; a better version of the Dra-C, an Oggo with all its potential weapon mounts utilized, a little naval refit here, a little Stutzer upgraded monkey-modeling there...
            >maybe there's opportunity to 'defect' & play triple agent dicking around with Anaheim (who may have missed out on eating Zeonic/Zimmad/MIP) potentially after 'retirement' to the civilian sector and play mole on the Gundam Development Project and the rest; I was after all second-guessing some Zabi decisions, that MUST mean I'm politically reliable/a sekrit Deikunist

            • 9 months ago

              >this is of course completely wrong and a terrible fricking idea, but these are the same people who let Anavel Gato's sweetheart into the GP Project and then got Scirocco'd
              >get my hands on those delicious unproducibly cracked fricked-up high level Feddie specs to study and understand, pass on bad info to Zeon as a cover for also passing on good info by other means
              >or just play spy without any need to get 'turned,' because feddie counter-intel is total dogshit in 0080-84 and they're not catching on to SHIT, but maybe Kycillia/Axis/whoever wants me passing disinfo pills back & forth
              >in the end, Operation Stardust is still gonna shape up in some form, because the feddies are still gonna semi-violate the Antarctic Treaty with the GP02; when the Gundamjack happens, get the frick out and rendezvous with Zeonic forces, get filled in on operations and up to speed with that beautiful new Axis technology
              >if I've got pull, get the rundown on Stardusts' targeting; and as before, try to be a voice of reason, because starving Earth by cratering North America just to rope-a-dope the Federation as to whether or not we're trying to hit Jaburo again is a bad fricking plan compared to just hitting Jaburo properly this time and thus completely gutting the EF military-industrial complex outside of Luna II, and we should be strong enough to do it ITTL
              >on that point, if we're in better shape than we should be, why ARE we dropping a Colony Restoration Project tube when we can kill two birds with one stone? Why don't we just PRETEND we're gonna drop on North America, have a nice fancy ultimatum, and then unceremoniously dump Luna II straight onto Jaburo, and maybe throw the tube at Dakar for insult to injury?

              • 9 months ago

                >the Earth Federation is now completely foundered as a military & political entity; it's not Zeta, Jaburo still had shit in it of worth, and Dublin which ate a drop in ZZ pales in symbolic importance to the founding capital of Dakar (hopefully evacuated)
                >the Zabi regime is pretty much deadlocked into power at this point, unless we use Gihren's Greed magic to make the Deikunists strong enough to get behind a Char/Casval rebellion, which seems less likely once we're past the 0079 'final outcomes on rails' zone & maybe some of the most divisive bad shit (colony gassings, OG Stardust) has been averted
                >a Titans regime is going to be a lame duck with a crippled mil-ind complex, barring any shadowy backers (Jupiter,) Earth might just end up as another state in a Zeon-centric confederative entity
                and at that point, we're so far off timeline that I'm running out of reel, so what's left?
                >help the poor bastards abandoned at Mars' Side A, try and bring green life to the red rock in a kind of inverse Controlist 'bring life to a dead world' spiel?
                >harshly cuck Crux Dogatie and the Jupiter Empire by constructing/towing over hydroponics cylinders to make things actually livable for the colonists and reining in the Jupiter Energy Fleet?
                >Cosmo Babylonia has probably been butterfly'd out of existence by that, let alone the Zanscare Empire, but neither is likely to do as well versus a Principality fat on victory from '80 onwards compared to the Feds that EXIST to job it, then asspull out of death
                >courting a vastly less PTSD'd Cima-chan is non negotiable, she deserves a happy ending

                >Big Zam brews up

                >am forced postwar to participate in atrocious product placement for pisswater Spacenoid synthbeer with Dozle as a favor (I used the term 'brew up' in earshot and he took it as a pun)
                >die a little inside in the process, die more when it airs and my career & personal life is measurably worsened by being 'the Beer Zam guy'
                god damn it

            • 9 months ago

              >Big Zam brews up

          • 9 months ago

            Does that mean I get the option to just kill Rau mid show and end his double dealing forcing the war to play out without both sides able to go turbo genocide on each other?

            • 9 months ago

              I think that falls under the earlier clause of 'will never be given an assignment that would catch you in the machinations of Char Aznable or Rau Le Creuset,' their overall paths are implicitly set in stone and won't frick you but that goes both ways. Fricking him over in some indirect way is maybe okay, if me trying to steer Zeon away from going heel with killing billions & everybody dying from wasted opportunities is A-okay as long as they still lose the initial war?

            • 9 months ago

              No, you do not come across Rau at all.

  8. 9 months ago

    >take a GM Camouf
    >almost always stay hidden, pretends to go on operation, stay in the backline, give information to my fellow zeeks.
    >Kill oblivious feddies when they are outnumbered, in ways that leave me out of their cameras.
    >also kill a few zeeks when they are not expecting it to "protect my cover"
    >If I survive : either I return to Zeon and i am rewarded for my services, or I stay undercover as a feds to give more information to remnants.

    I have my reasons and you can't stop me from having a good time.

  9. 9 months ago

    Don’t I get kicked out of ZAFT for not being a Coordie?

  10. 9 months ago

    >>You can only use mass production grunt MS with limited customization (thrust limiters disabled), never a state-of-the-art machine.
    So say I'm in a regular Zaku II and one of my buddies who's in a Zaku II High Mobility Type gets killed. Is it fair game to grab some of his parts and kitbash it onto my Zaku?

  11. 9 months ago

    ZAFT seems like the easier route, since 99% of the pilots piloting skills consist of drifting in one direction and missing every shot. Zeon is cooler though, plus I might get to take home a Puru if I can survive until the end of ZZ.

  12. 9 months ago

    ZAFT. GINN Reconnaissance Type.

  13. 9 months ago

    Close my eyes and remember that it'll be worth it, "negligent discharge" my service pistol into my leg. Those sidearms got shitty safeties after all. Spend a while in hospital and rehab. Probably gonna have to finish my term a while after so get stuck until probably '81 in the military then take my pension and get a home.

    • 9 months ago

      >then take my pension

    • 9 months ago

      >anon shoots himself
      >gets sent to the be a member of the cripple zaku squad
      >last thing he hears is jazz

  14. 9 months ago

    Choosing Zeon would be suicide because theres too many side story gundams that can just hop into your scenario and frick you even putting Amuro/Char aside. Its also much more deadly too and by the time the GMs are mass produced you are so badly fricked.

    So ZAFT is the only way. Its a nicer overall scenario too anyway because the casual life isnt bleak. Its a universe of perfectly bred waifus too and outside of Kira there isnt really anything else to worry about because ORB is practically the Earth Alliances problem. OP should be more clear about the customization BUT you could just slap mirage collaid on something and youll live. Jacking a dagger then converting it to a Gunbarrel Dagger is an option as well and youre a mini Le Creuset

  15. 9 months ago

    >By gut feeling?
    Zeon, to send many a feddie ball pilot to their grave.
    >To maximize survival?
    Zeon, because I wouldn't want to be a ZAFT pilot on the day the Daggers hit the field.
    >To fight for the lesser of two evils to satisfy your moral compass?
    ZAFT easily. Actually quite sympathetic to Patrick Zala's reasoning.
    >To maximize your kill-count?
    >To pilot your favorite grunt?

  16. 9 months ago

    For the UC side, I'd probably look into Zeon's newtype research. Maybe I can't trick out my MS, but that doesn't mean I can get some psychic moron to fight for me.

    >Should you survive the war, you be treated as a veteran but not charged with any war crimes unless you personally committed them. You could forgoe your previous life, and influence the future events of the UC or CE.
    Let's say I make it through the war, but I die sometime after, do I still go to MfM hell?

    I'm assuming this is from start to finish in the war | For suits: Zaku 2 HMT-> Rick Dom-> Gelgoog -> Gelgoog Jäger (If applicable)

  17. 9 months ago

    If I pick ZAFT, the difficult part is making sure that I stay on Earth but I don't get assigned to participate in Operation Spitbreak. My best bet is probably joining Waltfeld's forces in Africa in a BuCUE, since I'll only be facing resistance fighters with no anti-MS weapons until Kira arrives. Since events will conspire to kick me out of Africa before Kira gets there, I'll need to see about moving to somewhere that doesn't get involved in Spitbreak. Gibraltar's the closest base to Africa, but it's a bad option because most of its forces go to Spitbreak. Carpentaria is the most promising option I can find: it means I need to survive Operation 8.8, but the base does ultimately go uncaptured.

    • 9 months ago

      Kira gets in contact with EVERONE and the Archangel is a big point of Spitbreak PLUS the explosion is part of Azraels schemes so events would probably conspire that you dont participate.

      Besides youre way overestimating CE. Not running into Kira or the Archangel period at all while also on ZAFTs side makes the scenario a joke. ZAFT has practically all the Gundams which means Phase shift is largely something you never have to worry about and even just putting THAT aside fricking Gai exists as a Mercenary you just have to rescue when he escapes or even just hire, and he would carry your ass to the end. If it wasnt for the cuck lovers grunt rule you could even get buddy buddy with Lowe whod do some wacky shit to your inevitable Gundam

  18. 9 months ago

    if i pick zeon in just know i'm going to run into a gundam or gundam like suit.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah it's a good thing Gundams are so rare in SEED kek

  19. 9 months ago

    >eternal torture, in the form of watching WfM endlessly on loop, awaits
    But I like WfM, how is this torture?

    • 9 months ago

      In your case you will be forced to watch an actually good show on repeat until you acquire taste, then you will be forced to watch WfM.

  20. 9 months ago

    OP can i br a ship captain

  21. 9 months ago

    What did I do to deserve wfm hell

  22. 9 months ago

    Zaft until I can defect to Jesus's side.

    >But that's against the rules

    Jesus Yamato is not bound by your rules, he will save me and keep me alive while I am his wingman.

    • 9 months ago

      >I am his wingman.
      Only on Sundays, Athrun.
      Only on Sundays.

  23. 9 months ago

    ZAFT and it's not even close. If you pick ZAFT, by default you are now a genetic superhuman. Basically nothing the Earth Alliance has is capable of hurting you until the end of the war and you're more justified in fighting because the Earth Alliance was the aggressor. Considering you will never run into Kira with his Flay sex buff active, your only enemies are jobber Earth Alliance troops with inferior technology.

  24. 9 months ago

    Are allowed to have sex with the zeon girls?

  25. 9 months ago

    Why would you ever NOT pick ZAFT?
    >become a genetic ubermensch
    >start in a GINN, which can already handle beam weapons
    >literally nobody except for Kira, who OP stated you'll never meet, will give you a challenge till the very last tail end of the war where the EA finally got their MS

    Your only fear is the three druggies and you can entirely circumvent them by becoming a royal guard since the PLANTs themselves never get invaded and considering you're a ZAFT red according to OP, that ain't gonna be hard.

    • 9 months ago

      Ginns didn't have beam weapons by default, only super special snowflake units did

      • 9 months ago

        You could equip that huge beam cannon Miguel used in his second fight with Kira but that wasn't standard issue and needed special permission to equip it.

        • 9 months ago

          That was an ion cannon. It's no more a beam than a laser would be.

          • 9 months ago

            Ion cannons are a type of particle beam weapon.

            • 9 months ago

              Ions might be closer to UC beams, but CE beams are some kind of magic that run on pure electricity.

              • 9 months ago

                True enough. I still don't think it's enough to disqualify it though. CE has all sorts of weird ass beam weapons after all. From the beam rifles to the positron beams to the plasma cannons to the ion cannons, I'd classify them all as beam for simplicity's sake. It's not like they are really treated that differently in universe.

              • 9 months ago

                >It's not like they are really treated that differently in universe.
                Actually can't argue with that. Might as well lump in railgun shots too.

    • 9 months ago

      a genetic ubermensch
      On the other hand, they don't say what generation coordinator you become, which means you have the chance of becoming a later generation Coordinator that has some disabilities

      • 9 months ago

        >be able to frick as much as I want without needing birth control or snipping tubes
        >no forced marriages for me because no one wants to marry an infertile bastard
        I see no downsides

        • 9 months ago

          That's a pretty big downside if you ask me, but you do you.

  26. 9 months ago

    Considering they throw WMDs around like they’re going out of fashion in the CE, I’ll stick with Zeon lest I get fricking ZALA’D. I’ll probably just abandon ship and go hide out on Earth or Side 6 until the war is over anyway

  27. 9 months ago

    >pick Zeon
    >get disillusioned with the movement by 0084
    >join the AEUG
    >leave the military and live a quiet life until Char drops a rock on Earth and either die when the world gets fricked up or roped back in the fighting and pilot a Jegan or GM-III

  28. 9 months ago

    Zeon means I can become AEUG then Londo Bell.
    ZAFT just means I get microwaved at some point, or Kira leaves me floating in space, or I get space laser microwaved.

  29. 9 months ago

    I get a Gog. I spend my time gogging it the frick up, raiding feddy merchant ships, selling shit to islanders and other unaffiliated factions to finance my continued piracy which disrupts the federation war effort, but also is so below their concerns that I am moist, hydrated, and unperturbed.

    Me and the Gogg squad never bother to upgrade to better machines and are gradually pushed to second stringer status, now protecting Zeonic supply lines.

    After the war I retire and cash in my giant stash of loot. Such is the life of a privateer.

    • 9 months ago

      Hell with MSV-R if you're not causing issues postwar and keep doing your stuff you might even get a Fed gig just doing anti-piracy stuff. Don't ask where you got all that money though.

  30. 9 months ago

    Dorssia or Zoglia ?

  31. 9 months ago

    I join Zeon and IMMEDIATELY betray them. The moment I am put in a mobile suit I go on a rampage and kill as many zeeks as I can. Will try to destroy the base I'm on too. Frick your space nazis

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