>Anya Taylor Joy plays adult Alia in a vision with Paul and Jessica separately

>So the Emperor comes to take over Arrakis from the Baron because he failed to have Paul killed. He then had the Baron cut from his floaty life support thingy, so the Baron falls to the ground and can't walk, and is crawling up the stairs to the Emperor's throne.

>The battle is going on outside, then the Fremen break into the Emperor's throne room and the guards move the Emperor to the side to protect him, leaving the Baron unprotected. Then Paul walks in and they don't do anything to stop him killing the Baron.

>Jessica goes kinda weird in this one. She becomes cold and goes around Arrakis selling the story of Paul being the Messiah. She goes to the South without Paul. She gets these tattoos on her face and drinks the poison water to see the future. Oh and its revealed in one of Paul's visions that she's the daughter of the Baron. She acts smug to the Bene Gesserit leader later on. There's a young Bene Gesserit who takes advantage of Feyd and is pregnant with his daughter.

>Tragic ending? Not really, just Chani gets upset and storms off because Paul offers to marry the Emperor's daughter so he can rule himself (that's also supposed to be part of the Bene Gesserit's plan). The other noble families are coming to Arrakis and don't accept his rule. There's no like major character death or anything from what I remember.

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  1. 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    I just want to see big worm man.

    • 3 months ago

      That's at the end of Messiah

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Pauly Shore will be directing it by then. 2038 will not be pleasant.

    • 3 months ago


      That's at the end of Messiah


    • 3 months ago

      I just want to see Paul having sex with Jessica. Even if I dislike Timothee Chalametto

    • 3 months ago

    • 3 months ago

      That's at the end of Messiah

      Leto II's transformation begins about 2/3rds of the way through Children of Dune but he's just a 12 year old with hardened body armor and super strength/speed. He doesn't become the gross worm man until God-Emperor of Dune, the fourth book that will never, ever be adapted because if Alia is too weird for modern audiences they're definitely not adaptaing God Emperor

  3. 3 months ago


  4. 3 months ago

    Does it show much of the Jihad?

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Lol I forgot they changed it exclusively to HECKIN HOLY WAR. Funnily I remember in the script for the first one they did actually use Jihad as well as Holy war.

        • 3 months ago

          One of the video clips onlinr is titled 'jihad'

        • 3 months ago

          There wasn't an active jihad going on IRL when the first movie released.

          • 3 months ago

            >There wasn't an active jihad going on IRL when the first movie released.
            There quite literally was, historylet. And the US supported the jihadists:

            • 3 months ago

              I meant Villeneuve's first movie.
              (I don't remember anyone using the word jihad to describe the resistance Soviet invasion of Afghanistan but I was just a little kid when the Lynch movie released so maybe I just didn't pick it up.)

              • 3 months ago

                >I don't remember anyone using the word jihad to describe the resistance Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
                That's because you most likely weren't among the mudschaheddin, but far away from the conflict, where it most probably was seen as a mere proxy-war and no one cared for what motivated the fighters on ground.
                As for possible jihads in 2021 and right now, there are still serveral groups in the middle east that consider themselves at war with non-believers. Either in their own countries or internationally.

              • 3 months ago

                Why is Hollywood hesitant about depicting, or even saying the word , "jihad"

                Do they think something bad will happen to them?

              • 3 months ago

                >Do they think something bad will happen to them?
                Probably being afraid of being cancelled on social media or something.

              • 3 months ago

                I was thinking it might have something to do with the beheadings

              • 3 months ago

                Beheadings? On social media? Or in Hollywood?

              • 3 months ago

                In Hollywood they call it 'cancelled' rather than beheaded.

              • 3 months ago

                In France, they just call it beheaded.

              • 3 months ago

                >Why don't israelites like jihad
                Gee I wonder

              • 3 months ago

                You're probably right. Having family in Israel, it was a word I knew, but I never saw it in the Western press at the time.

          • 3 months ago

            Dunc had an opportunity to make a topical reference to the American (Harkonnen) occupation of Afghanistan (arrakis). But Dennis is too great a coward to try something like that.

            • 3 months ago

              Hate slimy homosexuals like you

            • 3 months ago

              if america is the harkonnens then who are the atreidis?

        • 3 months ago

          Not just the "holy war." They refer to is as a "crusade," if I remember correctly, which makes no fricking sense. Unless that was only in the trailer.

          • 3 months ago

            >They refer to is as a "crusade," if I remember correctly, which makes no fricking sense.
            Maybe ... maybe Villeneuve's Harkonnens are israelites?

            • 3 months ago

              It's not israelites who went on the Crusades, WTF are they teaching you zoomers in school?

              • 3 months ago

                >who went on the Crusades
                And it's not the Harkonnens who go on a jihad, you fricking Villeneuve-adoring shitforbrains moron.
                At least you've now proven once and for all that DUNCtards like yourself cannot be taken seriously.

              • 3 months ago

                It's not the israelites who the Crusades were launched against, either, you idiot zoomer. And we're supposed to take you seriously?

              • 3 months ago

                >It's not the israelites who the Crusades were launched against, either

              • 3 months ago

                Collateral damage since many Crusaders were psychos that Europe wanted to send somewhere else.
                The Sack of Constantinople was the calumniation of the 4th Crusade but only a brainlet would claim it was launched against Orthodox Christians.

              • 3 months ago

                >Collateral damage
                No, not collateral. Literal intended attacks on israelites, that got labeled "crusades". There were also several crusades against Christian sects.
                The main point here is that these anti-israeli crusades were the ones that were the closest to what the Fremen do against the Harkonnens, on their own planet. An equivalent to the "big crusades" that were supposedly meant to "free" Palestine from muslim occupation would be something that the Fremen would leave their own planet for.
                Either way, it was a joke. That some Villeneuve fanboy took personally.

              • 3 months ago

                But the Harkonnens were in political and military power, the israelites weren't. They were attacked because the Crusaders borrowed money from rich israelites to buy weapons, and then like the good Christians they were, murdered all the israelites so they wouldn't have to pay them back. You've triggered my Cinemaphile gland, your whole comparison doesn't work.

              • 3 months ago

                >the israelites weren't.
                Tell that to the radical anti-semites of that time.
                >your whole comparison doesn't work.
                Of course it doesn't work. That's why the guy I replied to originally said that labeling anything that happens in Dune a "crusade" doesn't make sense.
                Maybe you didn't notice, but I wasn't actually defending Villeneuve.

              • 3 months ago

                Ok, I think I understand you now.

              • 3 months ago

                >Christian sects
                No such thing

              • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago

              >who went on the Crusades
              And it's not the Harkonnens who go on a jihad, you fricking Villeneuve-adoring shitforbrains moron.
              At least you've now proven once and for all that DUNCtards like yourself cannot be taken seriously.

              go learn history you dumb homosexual

              • 3 months ago

                Oh, the projection.

  5. 3 months ago

    Yeah, we know already when DUNC1 came out.
    Villanova is a hack.

  6. 3 months ago

    >We lived to see David Lynch's hated 80s Dune adaptation end up being more faithful to the book than this adaptation ever was
    Literally how hard is it to film a prewritten script holy fricking shit I hate adaptations so much

    • 3 months ago

      Lynch's adaptatin was never not faithful. It was literally just autists shitting their pants over "muh weirding modules". The same autists who did not care about Liet Kynes, the Baron or Yueh's backstory in DUNC because they see Villeneuve as one of their own.

      • 3 months ago

        Lynch's movie was just cut down for time which removed a lot of good scenes and shortened others. Seeing the whole picture the way it was intended (or at least closer to the original intention) with the Spicediver edit, we see the Lynch film is a great adaptation that was faithful to the original work. Villeneuve had twice as much allotted time to work with and somehow cut even more than Lynch did.

        Lynch's was not faithful; it's impossible to be faithful if you don't even remotely understand the source material, or even what's important and unimportant
        Paul's relationship to the Fremen, Gurney and Duncan, the characterization of the Baron, muh sonic weapons, the fricking rain, the list goes on and on
        what's worse, the writing is insanely stilted and amateurish, and almost every scene is a comedy of 'let me narrate the story and background information to the audience' instead of illustrating it through events and visuals. A lot of characters were also miscast and poorly-directed; the scene with Yueh talking about the length of sandworms to Paul is literally first-year-drama-student tier
        the writing is almost the complete antithesis of what Kubrick said of Kieslowski, which is that he had the rare ability to dramatize ideas rather than just talking about them

        • 3 months ago

          >Lynch's was not faithful; it's impossible to be faithful if you don't even remotely understand the source material, or even what's important and unimportant
          Well, have you considered that Lynch might have understood it, and you might not have?
          Frank Herbert did genuinely enjoy Lynch's film afterall. Don't you think Frank Herbert should have a pretty good understanding of his own book?
          >muh sonic weapons, the fricking rain
          Well, kinda seems like some massive double standards when you then turn around and say that Villeneuve not including Alia is a good choice because she's "too weird", doesn't it?

          Let's just be clear here: You don't know as much about Dune as you think you do. And you know even less about filmmaking.

          • 3 months ago

            >Well, have you considered that Lynch might have understood it, and you might not have?
            >Well, kinda seems like some massive double standards when you then turn around and say that Villeneuve not including Alia is a good choice
            never said anything of the sort, moron
            I know more about Dune than very nearly anyone else alive
            I also produced the ebook of The Maker of Dune
            You are a gnome trying to flex at a giant

            • 3 months ago

              >I know more about Dune than very nearly anyone else alive
              Yeah, so much for you not being a massive shitposter.
              At least I hope you are, because if you're serious about anything you just wrote, you're Brain-Herbert-levels of delusional.

              • 3 months ago

                find me someone else who can enumerate the references Dune makes to general semantics, Ayn Rand, W.B. Yeats, Ferdowsi, A.N. Whitehead, Dorothy Sayers, Jean Larteguy, Wilfred Thesiger, and over a hundred others
                don't worry I'll wait

              • 3 months ago

                Kek. At least you're putting some effort in your bait. I appreciate that to the average witless DUNCtard bait we get here all the time.

              • 3 months ago

                I accept your concession

    • 3 months ago

      Lynch's adaptatin was never not faithful. It was literally just autists shitting their pants over "muh weirding modules". The same autists who did not care about Liet Kynes, the Baron or Yueh's backstory in DUNC because they see Villeneuve as one of their own.

      Lynch's movie was just cut down for time which removed a lot of good scenes and shortened others. Seeing the whole picture the way it was intended (or at least closer to the original intention) with the Spicediver edit, we see the Lynch film is a great adaptation that was faithful to the original work. Villeneuve had twice as much allotted time to work with and somehow cut even more than Lynch did.

      • 3 months ago

        >Villeneuve had twice as much allotted time to work with and somehow cut even more than Lynch did.
        Yeah, but Villeneuve also included half an hour of panorama shots of a badly colour-graded desert with Zendaya's ugly mug in it. That of course is much more important than giving context or meaning to what's going on in the story.

      • 3 months ago

        All this. But then again Lynch understands storytelling and the filmmaking process wheras Denis does not.

        • 3 months ago

          Understanding storytelling and filmmaking are needed to make a good film, i.e. to make your adaptation work in the medium of film.
          So Villeneuve being shit at those at best excuses him for DUNC looking like shit and having terrible pacing and narrative flow.
          But you don't need to be a good director or writer to realize that completely rewriting your source material and removing characters for no good reason isn't usually a good idea.

  7. 3 months ago

    Buy an ad, homosexual.

  8. 3 months ago

    Still not watching Zenyatta negress

  9. 3 months ago


    She's his sister, not his daughter.

    • 3 months ago

      True sorry

    • 3 months ago

      >She's his sister, not his daughter.
      In the book maybe. But if you've seen the sexual tension between Timmy and Rebecca Ferguson in DUNC, you must at least consider the possibility that ...

      • 3 months ago

        Channi has a baby in the first book btw

  10. 3 months ago

    does anyone besides nerds like this movie? i've never heard it discussed outside this website

    • 3 months ago

      It's insanely boring!!! people pretend to like it for some reasons

      • 3 months ago

        It’s boring if you’re used to gooning for 12 hours a day and can’t focus for more than 30 seconds.

  11. 3 months ago

    >no my fan fiction isn't in this movie reee

    • 3 months ago

      >my fan fiction
      You do realize that Alia is in the original Dune book, right?
      If anything is "fan fiction", it's Villeneuve's bullshit.

      • 3 months ago

        Alia was in the original dune trilogy, but what OP has written is complete fanfiction, do you need me to pull out the first edition soft backs sitting on my shelf beside me and read you word for word what they say.

        It's not a question, i'll fricking school you kid.

        • 3 months ago

          >what OP has written is complete fanfiction
          What OP has written is literally spoilers for Villeneuve's DUNC 2. It's what WILL be in the film, not what OP wants to be in the film.

          • 3 months ago

            I don't care, DUNC is just marvel shit and not worth talking about in the first place.
            So talk about Dune or frick off.

          • 3 months ago

            >What OP has written is literally spoilers for Villeneuve's DUNC 2.
            Sure they are, kid.

            • 3 months ago

              It's what people leaked about the test screenings. And they were correct about Anya Taylor Joy being cast as Alia, when that hadn't been announced yet. I don't see why they'd be correct about that one specific thing, but not about the others.

              • 3 months ago

                >mix a pinch of truth with your mound of bullshit
                >presto it's true
                OK zoomer.

              • 3 months ago

                Let's wait and see then. Two more days until reviews release, a bit more than a week and you can see the whole thing in cinemas.
                I'm looking forward to your mental gymnastics then, Villeneuvetard.

              • 3 months ago

                > Paying $25 a ticket, plus parking and tips, to watch half a movie.


              • 3 months ago

                You might as well just download the camrip.
                But Villeneuvetards will tell you that you cannot rely on the camrip, and that if you watch it in IMAX, it actually DOES have Alia.
                Just like back when whe had the DUNC1 camrip and they insisted that "no, it's just the camrip that looks like shit, not the actual mooooovie".

              • 3 months ago

                why is the product of millennia long eugenics with the intent to produce the literal ubermensch a homosexual twink israelite? For the love of Hitler please someone use AI to whitewash this shitshow, I can’t believe this fricking groid zendaya is actually a human. And why did the Arabs/Iranians all turn into Black folk wtf was this casting

  12. 3 months ago

    >no mention of the knife fight with Feyd
    I'm going to go with FAKE AND GAY for $500 on this one, Alex.

  13. 3 months ago

    >people getting mad an adaptation doesn't follow the book
    The book is all about prophecies and autistically precise talking contests, no film audience could ever understand it if it was represented correctly

    Imagine how shit God Emperor of Dune would be in the style of either of the adaptations. Wow so he just walked into an obvious trap what a shit ending!

    • 3 months ago

      >no film audience could ever understand it if it was represented correctly
      Funny. The film audience in 1984 had no problem understanding it. Maybe because the film wasn't dogshit like DUNC is?
      And of course, while not a feature film, the Syfy adapatation also didn't have any problem getting the point across.
      It's only Villeneuve's fans that need special treatement, apparently.

      • 3 months ago

        Lynch Dune does not have the power words stuff to paralyse people or the subtle domination in conversation. Lynch Dune fricks up the prophecies as well

        I haven't seen the Syfy adaptation but I imagine they don't get across the nobles' battles with language, which is an important part of all of the books

        • 3 months ago

          >Lynch Dune fricks up the prophecies as well
          It doesn't. But keep pretending if it makes you cope with Villeneuve completely rewriting the story.
          If even half of the spoilers are true, he's done worse to Frank Herbert's work and its public perception than Brian Herbert ever could. And that's quite an accomplishment.

          • 3 months ago

            Both adaptations are shit mate

            • 3 months ago

              You don't have to like Lynch's Dune, or the Syfy adaptation. But to pretend that they're anywhere remotely as disrespectful and incompetently made as DUNC is outright slander.

          • 3 months ago

            It turns Paul into a standard hero and there’s a ‘happy’ ending that brings rain to Arrakis, even though that will literally wreck the planet and kill its wildlife

            • 3 months ago

              You simply cannot have Toto provide the soundtrack and NOT bless the rains down in Arrakis, anon.
              But, yeah, this was indeed the biggest change in Lynch's film. And it effects ... literally nothing. What it does is make a statement about economic exploitation that had been going on on Dune, and that is already one of the thematic foci of the book. Lynch know what he's doing.

              Now, your turn: Why is deleting Alia such a great idea from Vlleneuve?

              • 3 months ago

                > And it effects ... literally nothing
                Aside from the absolute havoc it will wreak on the ecosystem of the planet. It’s not a good thing.
                As for removing Alia, I’m not in favour of it, even if it would be hard to do her justice. Though as they literally had the actress playing fully grown Alia at the premiere and have been talking about doing Messiah, I’ll remain sceptical until I see it.

              • 3 months ago

                >Aside from the absolute havoc it will wreak on the ecosystem of the planet. It’s not a good thing.
                Stop with the plothomosexualry and try to think about it on a metatextual level.
                >even if it would be hard to do her justice.
                Would it? How did Lynch and even the miniseries not do her justice?

              • 3 months ago

                Anything requiring important drama from very young actors is at the mercy of their skill and what the filmmakers can get from them. Sometimes you get Kirsten Dunst in Interview with the Vampire, sometimes you suffer through almost every child performance in the early Harry Potters. And with respect to the young actress, the scenes with her in Lynch’s film are… well, not entirely successful. Hoping Villeneuve hasn’t removed her though, as she’s important.

              • 3 months ago

                >Anything requiring important drama from very young actors is at the mercy of their skill and what the filmmakers can get from them.
                That's why you need to hire a good director and casting director. Alicia Witt in Lynch's Dune wasn't a lucky accident, it was just good casting. Same for Dunst in Interview with the Vampire.
                >And with respect to the young actress, the scenes with her in Lynch’s film are… well, not entirely successful.
                I disagree. I think most people would disagree.

      • 3 months ago

        > The film audience in 1984 had no problem understanding it. Maybe because the film wasn't dogshit like DUNC is?
        Well that’s just a fricking lie. Lynch’s film has a cult following now, but it’s infamous for being a badly received mess

        • 3 months ago

          >badly received
          Doesn't mean that people didn't understand the plot. The political plot in the first half was particularly clearly laid out in Lynch's film.
          It was the editing in the second half and the pacing issues that came with it that were the issue for most reviewers and the audience.

          • 3 months ago

            Were you alive when it came out? Be honest. Because some of us actually remember

            • 3 months ago

              >Were you alive when it came out?
              Yes, but barely. Not nearly old enough to see it.
              But I can read. I have read reviews. Not sure what you think you remember that is now otherwise lost to history.

              • 3 months ago

                It’s not lost to history, at all, certain people are just in denial about Lynch’s film being notorious for being an utter mess that relied on constant inner monologue voiceovers to explain things from the book and still didn’t do it properly. Hell, it starts with an info dump from Irulan that has a second info dump stitched on. That film has some great qualities, but it is narratively sloppy and still didn’t convey things well to non fans

              • 3 months ago

                >certain people are just in denial about Lynch’s film being notorious for being an utter mess
                The reason it is "an utter mess" is the editing in the second half. Again: Pretty much everybody is in agreement about that.
                >it starts with an info dump from Irulan that has a second info dump stitched on.
                That's not a quality judgement, anon. You might not like it, personally, but it just is what it is. And the book does the same thing, except repeatedly, before every chapter.

              • 3 months ago

                Lynch's irulan was pretty, so it was OK.

                Imagine if it was Florence Pugh's puffy mug filling a cinema screen as she lectures you on space history. Yuck! No thank you!

              • 3 months ago

                Personal opinion, but I’ve met Pugh and thought she was gorgeous, so I wouldn’t object

  14. 3 months ago

    BTW -- they had another premier for Dunc 2. This time in Abu Dabi of all places. The marking cost for this is insane.

    • 3 months ago

      The marketing for Part 1 was already strangely aggressive. Shipping their actors all around the world. At the tail end of a pandemic no less.
      That what made it so hard to gauge the break-even point for its box office.

      • 3 months ago

        First DUNC basically made HBO Max, it was quite an important project for the studio in this way.

        • 3 months ago

          >basically made HBO Max
          It really didn't. HBO Max is as irrelevant as ever.
          That whole idea that people would subscribe to a streaming service for one single thing is hillariously stupid. It's why the whole business model doesn't make a profit. Not even for Netflix, which is dominating the market.

  15. 3 months ago

    And the big guy finally showed up for one of these.

    • 3 months ago

      >the big guy
      The one next to midget Dennis Vileneuf? Who is that even?

      • 3 months ago

        > They forget you were even in the first movie.

        • 3 months ago

          Oh, wait, is that Aquaman? He's barely recognizable.

      • 3 months ago

        No wonder you don't recognize him. They bleached him for his role. kek

  16. 3 months ago

    "More sand?! How much is this costing us?"

    "Oh, you don't want to know..."

    • 3 months ago

      It's funny how those premiers have actual colour. Almost as if they they weren't for DUNC.

    • 3 months ago

      You can get a truckoad of sand delivered for a couple grand. A truckload is ~25 yards depending on size of truck bed, which looks to be how much sand is spread here
      10ft wide x 100ft long x 2in deep

  17. 3 months ago

    Third world slop.

  18. 3 months ago

    I want to see Austin Butler buttfrick Timothee Chalamet.

    • 3 months ago

      Sounds kinda gay

  19. 3 months ago

    What do I even root for
    On one hand I liked DUNC and DUNC 2 electnig jigaboo is the only flick that is releasing I want to see
    On the other hand they are butchering the story so much that if it does well they will just frick up the entire dune lore and remake the trilogy and frick them all up.

    • 3 months ago

      >On one hand I liked DUNC
      That's the problem right there. Everything about DUNC already signalled what Villeneuve was going to do. From dropping the ball on Yueh's subplot to the complete butchering of Liet Kynes, the one character which could have introduced anything of relevance about Fremen culture and part 2 in general.
      But, no, people like you just chose to close your eyes and ears and pretend that everything was alright. And that's not even taking into account how terrible DUNC was as an audio-visual experience.

      • 3 months ago

        >terrible DUNC was as an audio-visual experience.
        Acrually on both an audio and visual experience lvele DUNC was kino, its just if you care about DUNC lore, it fricks shit up quite a bit that ruins the future, specifically fricking kynes entire arch up.
        Kynes is not that important to the overall lore but alia is.

        • 3 months ago

          >on both an audio and visual experience lvele DUNC was kino
          Only complete morons use "kino" as an assessment of (perceived) quality. No wonder you don't have any idea what actual good cinematography is like, and why "muh desaturated blurry dusty totals of deserts with cement blocks" isn't it.
          >Kynes is not that important to the overall lore
          Kynes is literally Chani's father, and the point where Fremen culture and the "outside" first touch. It is a taste of what's to come with Paul joining them. But of course, if you only care about plothomosexualry rather than effective meaningful storytelling, you wouldn't understand.

          • 3 months ago

            >this fricking pleb

            • 3 months ago

              Not an argument, Villeneuve bootlicker.

  20. 3 months ago

    >Alia NOT in Dunc 2
    Dropped. Unwatchable.

  21. 3 months ago

    Is Ayyyyy in this movie or not?
    Might go so it for my waifu

    • 3 months ago

      According to spoilers, there's one single flashforward/vision scene that has her play a character that has largely been neutered and robbed of any importance to the plot. Most likely as sequel bait for a sequel that might never get made.
      Probably not worth paying for just because you like one actress.

      • 3 months ago

        Was thinking about seeing it anyway since I've already seen the first part and I kinda liked the movie from the 80s
        Will see for Ayyyy tho

  22. 3 months ago

    So chani doesn't become paul royal concubine?

  23. 3 months ago

    Have they finally explained who the mentats are or do they keep ignoring that?

    • 3 months ago

      Not out yet, but looking at DUNC's track record of explaining things, I'd assume the latter.

    • 3 months ago

      I doubt they're gonna spend 5 minute of the movie explaining why AI is basically banned in the DUNC universe
      Even though it would be the perfect movie to do it with all these homosexual voice actions and writers crying about AI replacing their jobs soon

      • 3 months ago

        >writers crying about AI replacing their jobs soon
        I wish some AI would replace Danny Villenauve already. Can't possibly produce a worse result.

  24. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I wonder what kind of books will be written about DUNC someday.
      Or will it just be a footnote whenever Villeneuve gets mentioned alongside other failed grifters like Elon Musk, Donald Trump and Elizabeth Holmes?

  25. 3 months ago


  26. 3 months ago

    Why did they change it?

    • 3 months ago

      Short answer: Because Villeneuve is a hack.
      Long answer: Because Villeneuve is a massive hack, who thinks Alia is a silly idea (and you cannot have silly in a serious mature movie for serious mature adults about paranormally gifted space witches, no way), and who thinks that what Dune needs most of all is "muh strong female diverse protagonist", and who thinks actors need to be popular with the gen Z audience rather than good at their job.

  27. 3 months ago

    I know all that because I've played behind the dune

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >tfw a porn game is a more faithful adaptation than DUNC

  28. 3 months ago

    >no dunc with paul x jessica

  29. 3 months ago

    4 words


    • 3 months ago

      Man I cummed so much to Paul's Women. Why did the guy abandon it?

    • 3 months ago

      Not going to happen for two reasons:
      There won't be a DUNC3/Messiah.
      And there won't ever be any knid of nudity in Villeneuve's mainstream PG13 slop.

      • 3 months ago

        Does that mean no spice orgy scenes?

        • 3 months ago

          What do you think?

        • 3 months ago

          the spice orgy was an orgy of the spirit and mind
          but hollywood hacks will probably turn it into a brown sweaty rave like in the matrix sequels

  30. 3 months ago

    OP here. Someone asked some more questions earlier and I’m here to answer.

    The baby sand worm makes the poison drink that gives Paul and his mom their visions of the future. Once Paul can see things clearly he can see people's past. He does this during a prayer then the Fremen worship him. Chani doesn't believe in him. The Emperor finds out Paul is alive and takes Arrakis over from the Harkonens. The Fremen attack and take the Emperor prisoner. Batista gets killed by Brolin; Paul kills the Baron. Paul challenges the Emperor for the Empire and fights Feyd as his champion. Paul gets stabbed twice but pulls the first knife out and stabs Feyd with it. He then makes the Emperor kiss his ring and offers to marry his daughter.

    They ruined it.

    • 3 months ago

      What a bunch of shit. I believe tho, Villanova is this kind of hack. If the stabbing thing is true they truly ruined the whole thing, specially because that knife had poison.

      And if I getting this right they are going to do Messiah/Children, that's why they cast ayy lmao as Alia

    • 3 months ago

      Describe the interior of the fremen sietches.

      Do they include the sardaukar assasins?

      Do they include Harrah?

      How do they set them up the bomb for the shield wall?

      Does the film include the terraforming / spice cycle subplot? Does Paul use it as a deadman switch to leverage the Spacing Guild?

      How frequently does zendaya scowl?

      Do Paul and Chani have a son?

      Is thuffir alive and in Harkonnen captivity?

      • 3 months ago

        >Do they include Harrah?
        Confirmed not in the movie
        >Do Paul and Chani have a son?
        Confirmed not in the movie
        >Is thuffir alive and in Harkonnen captivity?
        Probably not in the movie

        • 3 months ago

          Does the film include the terraforming / spice cycle subplot? Does Paul use it as a deadman switch to leverage the Spacing Guild?

          For goodness sake, how many times do I need to ask this?

          • 3 months ago

            OP might be absent again. And other than him, nobody in here has seen it. We don't even know whether he has, or whether he himself is just giving a second hand account.

            • 3 months ago

              Some french guy who was the premiere said Paul kills the baron, so he's probably right

              • 3 months ago

                I'm not disputing that he's right about what he says, I'm just saying that he might not have the full picture either.

              • 3 months ago

                Are we trusting the French, now?

              • 3 months ago

                Given the choice between some original French guy, and a French Canadian, I'm sticking with the original.

      • 3 months ago

        >Is thuffir alive and in Harkonnen captivity?
        The man had what, 5 minutes of screen time? I doubt anyone will remember he exists. Frick, they never explained what is a mentat or that PAUL IS A FRICKING MENTAT AND THAT'S VERY IMPORTANT TO THE FRICKING PLOT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHH

      • 3 months ago

        OP returned from the spice haze

        They pretty much leave all of this out. Zendaya scowls a lot.

        >The baby sand worm makes the poison drink that gives Paul and his mom their visions of the future.
        Is this the same vision as the ATJ Alia one? I thought that happened later?
        >Once Paul can see things clearly he can see people's past. He does this during a prayer then the Fremen worship him.
        >Chani doesn't believe in him.
        I've read this spoiler before. But what I don't get is why the hell she still falls in love with him if she doesn't believe (in) him and doesn't trust him either. Or doesn't she actually fall in love with him? I thought the ending with her getting jealous of Irulan (kek) implied otherwise.
        >Batista gets killed by Brolin
        Who by whom? Not that it matters.
        >Paul kills the Baron
        I guess I'm pleasantly surprised that Zendaya didn't get the kill? Mildly ...
        >Paul gets stabbed twice but pulls the first knife out and stabs Feyd with it.
        Kek. They more or less took this from Hamlet. Maybe the poisoned knife inspired them to. So I guess both Feyd and Paul die from the poison here then, like both Laertes and Hamlet did?

        Alia comes to them in both separate visions. It’s their method of communicating with her.

        I’m just telling you dawg. He can see people’s past.

        Chani’s motives seem kind of moronic. It flip flops. She loves him but doesn’t believe he’s the Muad’dib

        Rabban is killed by Gurney

        Paul does not die. They give him sort of a hero’s ending standing over the Fremen and riling them up.

        • 3 months ago

          >Chani’s motives seem kind of moronic. It flip flops. She loves him but doesn’t believe he’s the Muad’dib
          And this is the worst change. She loves him because he IS muad'dib and Usul. Her being a skeptical c**t towards him just ruins her purpose

        • 3 months ago

          Does the film include the terraforming / spice cycle subplot? Does Paul use it as a deadman switch to leverage the Spacing Guild?

      • 3 months ago

        >How do they set them up the bomb for the shield wall?

        The family atomics... blew up the shield wall??

    • 3 months ago

      >The baby sand worm makes the poison drink that gives Paul and his mom their visions of the future.
      Is this the same vision as the ATJ Alia one? I thought that happened later?
      >Once Paul can see things clearly he can see people's past. He does this during a prayer then the Fremen worship him.
      >Chani doesn't believe in him.
      I've read this spoiler before. But what I don't get is why the hell she still falls in love with him if she doesn't believe (in) him and doesn't trust him either. Or doesn't she actually fall in love with him? I thought the ending with her getting jealous of Irulan (kek) implied otherwise.
      >Batista gets killed by Brolin
      Who by whom? Not that it matters.
      >Paul kills the Baron
      I guess I'm pleasantly surprised that Zendaya didn't get the kill? Mildly ...
      >Paul gets stabbed twice but pulls the first knife out and stabs Feyd with it.
      Kek. They more or less took this from Hamlet. Maybe the poisoned knife inspired them to. So I guess both Feyd and Paul die from the poison here then, like both Laertes and Hamlet did?

      • 3 months ago

        >Who by whom? Not that it matters.
        Brolin (also know as Gurney Halleck and BoyLover69) kills Batista (Rabban the Beast). Probably a call back for the Harkonnen attack that killed his men in the first part.

        OP here. Someone asked some more questions earlier and I’m here to answer.

        The baby sand worm makes the poison drink that gives Paul and his mom their visions of the future. Once Paul can see things clearly he can see people's past. He does this during a prayer then the Fremen worship him. Chani doesn't believe in him. The Emperor finds out Paul is alive and takes Arrakis over from the Harkonens. The Fremen attack and take the Emperor prisoner. Batista gets killed by Brolin; Paul kills the Baron. Paul challenges the Emperor for the Empire and fights Feyd as his champion. Paul gets stabbed twice but pulls the first knife out and stabs Feyd with it. He then makes the Emperor kiss his ring and offers to marry his daughter.

        They ruined it.

        >Once Paul can see things clearly he can see people's past.
        Wait, what? But he can see the future not... WHAT?

        • 3 months ago

          >Brolin (also know as Gurney Halleck and BoyLover69) kills Batista (Rabban the Beast)
          Oh, actors. I get it. Still don't care, about either the actors or the characters all that much. If that was the extent of the rewrites, I'd be fine with it.
          >But he can see the future not... WHAT?
          Thinking about it, maybe Villeneuve is one of those people who think that time is cyclical. And Paul sees so far into the future that he loops back around and approaches the present from the past? Nah, that'd be too stupid even for Villeneuve. Or wouldn't it?

          >what I don't get is why the hell she still falls in love with him if she doesn't believe (in) him and doesn't trust him either
          Because she is a strong woman and cant show romantic emotion. 95% of chani in the trailers in scowling at paul, her boyfriend. Villeneuve has to keep the romance if he wants to do Messiah but he was to make Chani a huge fricking c**t

          >cant show romantic emotion.
          >Villeneuve has to keep the romance
          Okay, I get that, but how is that supposed to work?

          • 3 months ago

            >Okay, I get that, but how is that supposed to work?
            >Paul: i love you chani
            >zendaya: no
            >Paul:i really love you chani
            >zendaye: *rolls eyes* i guess

        • 3 months ago

          That's always been part of what the Kwisatz Haderach can do. Look into the genetic past, but not just women like the Bene Gesserit can, but male ancestors too.

      • 3 months ago

        >what I don't get is why the hell she still falls in love with him if she doesn't believe (in) him and doesn't trust him either
        Because she is a strong woman and cant show romantic emotion. 95% of chani in the trailers in scowling at paul, her boyfriend. Villeneuve has to keep the romance if he wants to do Messiah but he was to make Chani a huge fricking c**t

        • 3 months ago

          What a strange change from the book. I can see how they got themselves in this pickle, though.
          >forced by producers to cast Zendaya
          >zendaya can only play a scowling c**t
          >scowling c**ts check the empowered girlboss box, so it's ok
          But oh shit, she's got to be a mother to Paul's kids! Which puts them in a bind..

        • 3 months ago

          >Because she is a strong woman and cant show romantic emotion.
          The worst thing is that you are right, that's how those israelites think. Chani was a very strong woman in the books, Zendaya has zero range and Villanova is a hack, they simply cannot translate her feminine power into the screen.

  31. 3 months ago

    If yuh were a real dune fan, why would you watch this? It's too late. It's over. I'll probably just rewatch the lynch one again and reread the first book and be done with it.

  32. 3 months ago

    DUNC was such a trash heap. I shan't be watching this.

  33. 3 months ago

    That's pure nonsense. Jessica is pregnant in dune 1. Unless dune two takes place in less than 9 months I don't think so

    • 3 months ago

      >Unless dune two takes place in less than 9 months
      Dune doesn't, of course.
      But DUNC does.

    • 3 months ago

      Black person there IS no 2 year timeskip in Dune Part II it's been confirmed already

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