Anyone else hyped?

Anyone else hyped?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I'm worried it's going to be like Mortal Kombat 2021. Well made, gets good reviews, but completely lacking the soul of Paul W.S. Anderson's version. Hopefully the review embargo drops on the 7th. That's when the Infinite Darkness embargo dropped.

    The marketing is really weird. Sony always nailed the marketing on the Paul W.S. Anderson movies. Netflix have hired some British company, and the trailers are good, but the problem is that the marketing absolutely fails to explain what the show is about unless you already have some idea what the show is about. Compare:


    • 2 years ago

      All new characters?

      • 2 years ago

        uhh did I miss something? where are all the resident evil characters?

        Of course it's new characters. They made Welcome to Raccoon City with videogame characters, and that flopped at the box office. This is the other side of the coin, the Andersonverse-inspired show where Umbrella's slogan is "Our Business is Life Itself", and they're taking the backstory from the games and layering film ideas on top.

        After getting BTFO in the 2000s and disappearing for a while, Albert Wesker is re-hired by Umbrella to help them launch their miracle product, Joy. He has two girls with him, his adopted daughters that Umbrella initially take no notice of, but are part of extremely dodgy research Wesker is doing on the down low. There's something wrong with his body, and he's regularly injecting himself with Jade's blood. I imagine this is inspired by Mr. Hatch (Lance Reddick) from Quantum Break with the eye drops that halt his chrono instability, pursuing his own agenda within Monarch.

        In later seasons they may introduce other characters from the games and don't rule out Milla Jovovich cameoing but they're following in the footsteps of the original film, where the only videogame character was William Birkin played by Jason Isaacs, who was renamed Dr. Isaacs in later films. Wesker in the show seems inspired by Isaacs, too. Isaacs was fixated on Alice's blood, just as Wesker is fixated on Jade's blood.

        • 2 years ago

          See... Case in point.

          >Its a tv show so its probably going to be about family drama mostly and then a scene with a monster in every episode just to keep peoples attention
          How do you get a comment like this when the show is blatantly a spiritual successor to Resident Evil: Final Chapter? Hell, the opening shot of this trailer is a gigantic Final Chapter homage.
          Because the show isn't effectively communicating what it is. This is a pervasive issue with the marketing. I will remind people that there is no mystery here. The first episode was clearly significantly rewritten because Evelyn Marcus wasn't in the script, but we know how the show starts, we know the general flow of the first episode. It opens, they arrive in New Raccoon City, Billie goes outside and picks up a caterpillar, and it cuts to the future where Jade is being chased by a Grave Digger. It cuts back to the modern day after a bit, and they go to the Umbrella labs, and Billie catches sight of some white rabbits, which is an Alice in Wonderland reference harking back to the Andersonverse. (The Grave Digger is also a caterpillar.) That night, the girls break into the lab, a zombie dog breaks out, Billie gets bitten, and it is intercut with the 2030s where Jade is working on trying to find a way to cure zombies. (Think RE: Extinction.) The episode ends with Jade being told that Billie isn't dead, and this is surprising news because zombie dog bites are usually fatal. (Billie is like Alice/Jill from the films.)

          The modern day is like RE: Retribution.
          The future is like RE: Final Chapter, but more dystopian. But the marketing isn't really explaining this well.

          Holy shill

    • 2 years ago

      uhh did I miss something? where are all the resident evil characters?

  2. 2 years ago

    The trailers look really bad.

    Lance Reddick is the only reason I'm going to give it a shot.

    • 2 years ago

      >The trailers look really bad.
      IMO, the trailers look fantastic. Fantastically edited, great musical choices, etc. But they do a poor job of communicating what the show is about.

    • 2 years ago

      >The trailers look really bad.
      IMO, the trailers look fantastic. Fantastically edited, great musical choices, etc. But they do a poor job of communicating what the show is about.

      See... Case in point.

      Its a tv show so its probably going to be about family drama mostly and then a scene with a monster in every episode just to keep peoples attention

      >Its a tv show so its probably going to be about family drama mostly and then a scene with a monster in every episode just to keep peoples attention
      How do you get a comment like this when the show is blatantly a spiritual successor to Resident Evil: Final Chapter? Hell, the opening shot of this trailer is a gigantic Final Chapter homage.
      Because the show isn't effectively communicating what it is. This is a pervasive issue with the marketing. I will remind people that there is no mystery here. The first episode was clearly significantly rewritten because Evelyn Marcus wasn't in the script, but we know how the show starts, we know the general flow of the first episode. It opens, they arrive in New Raccoon City, Billie goes outside and picks up a caterpillar, and it cuts to the future where Jade is being chased by a Grave Digger. It cuts back to the modern day after a bit, and they go to the Umbrella labs, and Billie catches sight of some white rabbits, which is an Alice in Wonderland reference harking back to the Andersonverse. (The Grave Digger is also a caterpillar.) That night, the girls break into the lab, a zombie dog breaks out, Billie gets bitten, and it is intercut with the 2030s where Jade is working on trying to find a way to cure zombies. (Think RE: Extinction.) The episode ends with Jade being told that Billie isn't dead, and this is surprising news because zombie dog bites are usually fatal. (Billie is like Alice/Jill from the films.)

      The modern day is like RE: Retribution.
      The future is like RE: Final Chapter, but more dystopian. But the marketing isn't really explaining this well.

      • 2 years ago

        >Resident Evil: Final Chapter
        that was the worst one, the show is gonna be shit

        • 2 years ago

          Resident Evil Final Chapter is a good movie with questionable editing choices and budget cuts forcing some awkward retcons. But sure, if you hate Final Chapter you probably won't like this movie, and you probably won't like Resident Evil 9: Apocalypse either.

          Final Chapter has the most aesthetic vision of the apocalyptic future of the RE series. It was shot in South Africa, and so is this new show. There's obviously Extinction influence in there, too. But Final Chapter is a pretty important film. Evelyn Marcus's name = Alicia Marcus from Final Chapter + Eveline from RE7. Eveline in RE7 has an aging disease and sits in a wheelchair looking like an old lady because Alicia Marcus did, and Capcom read Final Chapter's script. (They read all the scripts.)

          • 2 years ago

            Is the most moronic movie with a lot of useless retcons that says frick you to the previous movies. Go suck a dick, gay

            • 2 years ago

              >Is the most moronic movie with a lot of useless retcons
              There were no useless retcons. The movie had its budget slashed so they had to make changes. They couldn't afford to bring back actors from previous movies. (Leading to the entire premise of the movie being rewritten.) They couldn't afford to shoot the Nevada scenes, they couldn't afford to shoot the Wesker fight scene, they couldn't afford the White Queen so gave all her lines to the Red Queen instead.
              >that says frick you to the previous movies.
              Never happened. The movie bends over backwards trying to preserve as much continuity with previous movies as it can manage given the circumstances like "can't have Jill in the movie, and can't kill Jill in the movie, so she... uh... "was betrayed". Yea.

              Final Chapter is a flawed film, but it wraps up the series as best it can. If Netflix make a sequel (they were considering a sequel in 2020), I could see them retconning it, though.

              • 2 years ago

                So Angela Ashford was lying or she was also a clone of Alice? either way is stupid and proves they don't give a flying frick about continuity so why should I give a frick about the new shit they put out?

              • 2 years ago

                >So Angela Ashford was lying or she was also a clone of Alice?
                When Final Chapter was being made, the script went through several major revisions. In the leaked version from sometime during 2015, Angie Ashford was a clone of "Old Alice".

              • 2 years ago

                >either way is stupid and proves they don't give a flying frick about continuity
                They cared about continuity but couldn't afford to pursue the Angie plotline, so they cut their losses and introduced a very careful retcon where Charles Ashford created the t-virus and then James Marcus DISCOVERED the t-virus. The wording was very careful. And it's baffling that people don't notice how careful the wording is. Charles had his research stolen from him by Umbrella. By James Marcus. They then had Alicia Marcus be the model for the Red Queen and be adopted by Alexander Isaacs, the co-head of Umbrella, making her the "head programmer's daughter". Final Chapter is overflowing with "we can't afford two actors, so..." decisions.

                Of course the original plan was for Angie to be the model for the Red Queen. But they cut the White Queen from the movie so they wouldn't have to pay two actresses.

              • 2 years ago

                They couldn't afford the Wesker mutating body fight scenes, so replaced them with scenes of Isaacs fight Alice. This is likely why the editing and structure around Alice returning to the surface is so fricky. There was meant to be a big fight scene there where Wesker showed up. And originally the "real" Isaacs was a nice guy and not a dick. In the original script Old Alice was evil.

  3. 2 years ago

    Its a tv show so its probably going to be about family drama mostly and then a scene with a monster in every episode just to keep peoples attention

  4. 2 years ago

    Just play the games….

    • 2 years ago

      >Just play the games….

  5. 2 years ago

    Surely it can't be worse than pic related. (Before anyone asks, it's Jill, Wesker, Claire, Chris, and Leon)

    • 2 years ago

      I actually really liked Welcome to Raccoon City. It was essentially a shot for shot remake of the first 2 games.

    • 2 years ago

      >(Before anyone asks, it's Jill, Wesker, Claire, Chris, and Leon)
      It's interesting how you can tell how shallow characters are by how much fans fixate on their appearance. RE has paper thin characters with awful writing, so people are fixated on their appearance. Wheras James Bond is a well written character so nobody cares what he looks like.

  6. 2 years ago

    What does the N stand for?

  7. 2 years ago

    This show is a win-win for RE fans. If it's good and successful, Netflix will eventually greenlight the Final Chapter sequel they were planning. If it flops, Netflix will be even more desperate to greenlight the Final Chapter sequel because they will have proven that audiences don't care about Resident Evil without Milla Jovovich. (Or, at a pinch, Ever Anderson.)

    • 2 years ago

      Milla is too old, Ever is too stiff and the franchise was turned into ashes with final chapter, there's not a coming back from it.

      • 2 years ago

        >the franchise was turned into ashes with final chapter, there's not a coming back from it.
        The premise of this TV show is literally Final Chapter, but with 15 million survivors instead of 40,000. A Final Chapter sequel would probably have Alice Kino's Journey-ing around America and the world maybe, helping people at settlements like a wandering anti-BOW samurai. They'd probably also retcon Jill and Ada and Leon and Becky being dead and have them trapped under rubble or something, perhaps rescued by the Red Queen.

      • 2 years ago

        >Milla is too old,
        That hasn't stopped literally any other nostalgia-bait franchise reboot or sequel with the original stars coming back.

  8. 2 years ago

    lmao, no.

    • 2 years ago

      It's Netflix/Constantin technically. But it does have that "Netflix look" in terms of colour grading.

  9. 2 years ago

    im only hyped for the coming death of broadcast television
    oh wait no im not thats thousands of advertisers flocking to the internet looking for a new home

  10. 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    Why is it always dobermen

    • 2 years ago

      They're the iconic RE dog. In the game lore they were police dogs. Extinction used blue heelers, I think? But that was an Australian director, so it made sense. I'm pretty sure the dogs are 100% CG in the show. Wheras the movies used dogs with makeup and sometimes fully CG dogs. I think Final Chapter is fully CG dogs, and they don't look great there.

  12. 2 years ago

    By 2015, they'd already had their budget slashed, and had completely scrapped the originally planned storyline of Wesker leading the gang back to Raccoon to stop the Red Queen but were trying to have some closure on the fates of Jill and the others.

    My understanding is that Capcom wouldn't allow them to shoot/include this scene, which is why the film opens in such an awkward way.

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