Best cartoons to play for your sons to ensure they develop a healthy interest in the opposite sex?

Best cartoons to play for your sons to ensure they develop a healthy interest in the opposite sex?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      based, bd is the most succulent mother figure i've ever seen.
      i want her so fricking bad.

  2. 1 month ago

    It was a lesson to not get brainwashed by seductive women. They almost lost their home because they were too busy getting a boner.

    • 1 month ago

      And then the fat one goes back there after they become leaders of the Roman Empire. Good lesson anon.

  3. 1 month ago

    Your children are going to develop a natural and healthy attraction to the opposite sex regardless of what you DO give them, even if they never see sexy girls they're still gonna love em at the end unless they land on the 1%~ odds of being gay by nature
    The only thing you don't wanna do is let them watch super gay shit to artificially make them think they're gay
    And by gay I don't mean something like He-Man where the buff men just sorta... Exist... And homos call it "homoerotic" because they think their attraction is universal. I mean gay flag waving mushy wooby "Hey kids! Be queer!" type of crap like modern Blue's Clues

  4. 1 month ago

    >it's a woman complaining

    • 1 month ago

      It's just a joke

  5. 1 month ago

    You will see worse after being on tiktok for 5 seconds

  6. 1 month ago

    >Totally Spies
    >Martin Mystery
    >Inspector Gadget
    >The Chipmunks
    >'90s X-Men
    >X-Men Evolution
    >Batman: The Animated Series
    >Teen Titans
    >Danny Phantom
    >Kim Possible
    >Arthur and the Invisibles
    >'80s Ninja Turtles
    >2012 Ninja Turtles
    >Jurassic Park Camp Cretaceous
    >Fast & Furious: Spy Racers

    • 1 month ago

      >Totally Spies
      DO NOT, unless you want them to become fetishists

      • 1 month ago

        I watched it and didn't develop any extra fetishes outside of having a thing for redheads. And I'm pretty sure I got that from reading Anne of green gables.

      • 1 month ago

        Curious, i don't remember having fetishes from Totally Spies. Dexter's Lab however...

    • 1 month ago

      Will only make them weebs which steers them to anime and becoming either soibois or pedos.

      Kemono's are the first step towards furhomosexualry.
      What this

      >Totally Spies
      DO NOT, unless you want them to become fetishists

      Same as above.
      Understandable if you graduate out of the crush for Penny.
      >>The Chipmunks
      Guaranteed to grow up a gay furgay.
      The HRT is all that will be waiting for you.
      >>'90s X-Men
      Good choice.
      >>X-Men Evolution
      : The Animated Series
      Aside from a little sex crave you''ll be fine.
      >>Teen Titans
      All weeb cartoons only lead to you becoming a pedo.
      >>Kim Possible
      and the Invisibles
      All them french shits will turn you into a freak in some fashion.
      >>'80s Ninja Turtles
      >>2012 Ninja Turtles
      Both are acceptable.
      Park Camp Cretaceous
      >>Fast & Furious: Spy Racers

      • 1 month ago


        becoming a transgender mass shooter is acceptable? think again anon.

        • 1 month ago

          Statistically insignificant compared to the number of guys it gave a fetish for goth girls. Of course every time you show sexy girls there will be some fraction of boys who want to be the girl.

  7. 1 month ago

    the funny part of this "parent" is that it doesn't even know that Asterix and Obelix tells the b***hes to gtfo and the b***hes go full feminist on their ass for it

    • 1 month ago

      It's really irrelevant because the impact seeing sexualized women has on kids is working at a primal level. So the text of the cartoon saying "Actually no, that's bad" doesn't really matter. If anything it may just make it a forbidden fruit which makes it hotter.

      Also I think anyone who thinks she's upset about this rather than just having a knowing laugh about it is misinterpreting the post.

      • 1 month ago

        can confirm.
        still have hots for ms. sarabellum years after, even when her professional competence portray her against her sexual physicality.

      • 1 month ago

        you sound fricking defective as hell.

        • 1 month ago

          In what way? You don't think seeing sexy stuff in cartoons often has an impact on kids? This whole board proves you wrong..

          • 1 month ago

            you are barking nonsense with the pretence of intelligence, this is factually how defective people work. It even makes you angry that normal people don't obey that bullshit.

            • 1 month ago

              >It even makes you angry that normal people don't obey that bullshit.
              Reread both our words and tell me I'm the one who sounds angry.

          • 1 month ago

            This whole board likes to have fun and their comments of sexual awakenings aren't honest testimonies of being groomed by content. You can't skim through Cinemaphile posts and youtube comments to draw meaningful conclusions about most things.

            • 1 month ago

              It's undeniable that there are large numbers of people with fetishes for things that pretty much only exist in cartoons, and those people will tell you they got those fetishes from watching cartoons at an impressionable age. The only question is how much this also extends to more 'normal' sexual things, like sexual orientation. Personally I think sexual orientation is caused by a mix of factors. Part of it is hormonal in the womb, that creates the potential to be homosexual but I think whether it manifests often depends on formative experiences in childhood, which could include interactions with other people but also media exposure. People are in denial about this mostly because they are worried about it being used to justify censorship, I think.

              • 1 month ago

                And we all were exposed to those cartoons yet so few of us have inflation fetishes.

                >People are in denial about this mostly because they are worried about it being used to justify censorship, I think.
                It's not that it could be used, it's that if there was any real credence to it, it should be used to justify censorship but no one follows it to that logical conclusion because it doesn't make sense at the start.

                What's happening is that you're mistaking fetish towards something that has been accessed as that access causing that fetish rather than a general propensity towards sexual fixation. Saying something MADE you have sexual fixation is the implication but that is incorrect. That was already possible within the individual, what that fixation was going to be was up in the air and would manifest in a way that cannot be controlled.

          • 1 month ago

            >This whole board proves you wrong..
            True, I remember when I developed a fetish for massive breasts after that one episode of the magic school bus.

  8. 1 month ago

    Miraculous Ladybug
    Bonus: also healthy fetishisms.

  9. 1 month ago

    >random literally who on twitter

    why must you always do this?

    • 1 month ago

      >nooo you can't use some random person's thoughts on cartoons as a jumping-off point for an interesting and relevant conversation on cartoons

  10. 1 month ago

    The Road to El Dorado, watched it once as a young kid, Chel was the only part I remember

  11. 1 month ago

    >americans yet again blame everything for things except themselves

    • 1 month ago

      >Europeans yet again blame everything (especially America) for things except themselves
      Literally has been Europe's entire history since 1945

      • 1 month ago

        case in point

        • 1 month ago

          Case in point

  12. 1 month ago

    This idea of grooming sexuality being as easy as seeing something overtly sexual continues not to make sense because overtly sexual material promoting straight sexuality or just the sexiness of women has always been more widely available with no massively lopsided increase in lesbianism and increase in male heterosexuality. There is nothing to suggest that children are so easily influenced and if they were, there would be more of a concern about media control in general, especially video games.

    I mean seriously, people mention MKUltra as proof of the craziest psychological shit, but don't consider that many governments investing in this sort of research would come to the same "groomer theory" conclusion they have and apply it if they're correct. Military service would be up and mundane job simulation games would have been extremely popular in the 80s and 90s. Instead the biggest psyop would be Harvest Moon and that's Japanese; convincing us thriving off farming is easy so starving poor people anywhere deserve to die. If "formative experiences" like this were impactful, we'd see more competition for children's advertising ad space of children's programming blocks and channels as that would be the best time to groom children into ideal consumers, workers, and soldiers. Instead it's a dying industry showing off toys for kids, Zoo Books, and parent specific marketing.

    It's all performative, convenient memes. Most of the time people are just joking when they talk about media like in the OP.

    • 1 month ago

      >This idea of grooming sexuality being as easy as seeing something overtly sexual continues not to make sense because overtly sexual material promoting straight sexuality or just the sexiness of women has always been more widely available with no massively lopsided increase in lesbianism and increase in male heterosexuality.
      It's pretty widely understood that male sexuality tends to be based more on visual stimuli than female sexuality. And just anecdotally I hear way more about guys getting weird fetishes from stuff they saw in cartoons than girls, although that happens too occasionally.

      • 1 month ago


        This whole board likes to have fun and their comments of sexual awakenings aren't honest testimonies of being groomed by content. You can't skim through Cinemaphile posts and youtube comments to draw meaningful conclusions about most things.

  13. 1 month ago

    Zero cartoons. Make them play sports.

  14. 1 month ago

    Only homosexuals and porn addicts consider their first boner to be a significant moment in their lives

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