Boyfriend Material

What does Cinemaphile think of this animation?

Also was he right at the end?

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  1. 12 months ago

    I could fix him

  2. 12 months ago

    Unrealistic, you don't know how low a guy like that's standards are. As long as she's not completely fugly he'd just be happy for the physical contact from another human being.

    • 12 months ago

      Honestly the most unrealistic part of this whole scenario is that a man world reject the girl at the end. Absolutely woman think moment, like if this was gendered revered yes this could make sense but most men, especially nerdy neets, have such low standards that as long as a person isn't hideous they will date someone.

      not watching but someone described it earlier. i'm an ugly wizard myself and i wouldn't dump the woman at the end. which makes me believe this person who made this knows about zero actual ugly permavirgins.

      >Girl gets even cuter after the sweater comes off
      >He immediately dumps her

      I want to break that homosexuals kneecaps...

      But yeah like the other anons are saying, this would never happen in real life. A sweet, petite girl with big curly hair and freckles is last thing a neet would've ever reject

      Do you actually not realize half of incel troubles come from porn frying men's brains with impossibly high standards for women? Lmao

      • 12 months ago

        do you actually not realize no woman ugly or not has ever acknowledged my existence in my entire life because i am ugly. women are the ones dating up bro. low tier men get absolutely nothing.

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          If they had no standards they wouldn't be incels, because they could easily bag a sub-5 girl.

          • 12 months ago

            are you a woman or just baiting? no man is this moronic.

        • 12 months ago

          The idea is Incel's standards are too high and that's why they can't get a gf.
          I mean I wouldn't doubt that being the case with some of them, but majority would probably simp for a crumb of pussy/attention from any woman. But the rub is they're too lazy/defeated to even try that much so you get all the "bitches only go for uber chads who are 10 feet tall" most incels have high ass standards for men then compltely fold because they don't think they can't ever meet them and no woman will ever want them.

          • 12 months ago

            this guy gets it. also all young women are prostitutes unironically.

          • 12 months ago

            If they had no standards they wouldn't be incels, because they could easily bag a sub-5 girl.

            I thought incels were mostly ugly and/or manlets which is why they're in that predicament to begin with.

            • 12 months ago

              No those are copes, the real issue is lack of social skill and lack of confidence.

              • 12 months ago

                i swear people enjoy gaslighting ugly autists in these sorts of threads.

              • 12 months ago

                Anon if half the people who identify as an incel knew how to talk to people properly they'd stop being such a lonely sperg and might even get a decent girlfriend.

              • 12 months ago

                yes half. the ones not ugly.

              • 12 months ago

                Anon ugly people have been having fulfilling lives for all of human history. You'd expect the ugly genes to be completely weeded out of the gene pool but no. If you know how to talk to people even an ugly person can form long lasting relationships.

              • 12 months ago

                >just b urself 🙂 b confident

                lmao even

                man you must be a w*man.

              • 12 months ago

                I never said be yourself, I said you need to learn how to have proper social skill. You clearly don't fricking have those as you are now.

              • 12 months ago

                nobody ever has realistic advice on how to do this. they act like life is a fricking fictional movie and people can magically become cool laid back social butterflies after a montage. mind boggling.

              • 12 months ago

                Because they're idiots speaking from a position of privilege who don't understand that borderline impossibility of such a fundamental personality change that they built over a lifetime being condensed into a 12 hour course or 300 page book, it's a literal "Let them eat cake" situation, and any time they say it all it does is push one more incel or femcel over the edge to go shoot someone.
                Just fricking make state mandated dating legal already for frick sake, it's the only solution, literally just make the Lobster real and kill anyone who fails to get a girlfriend or boyfriend in six months, at least you'll be doing them a favor by killing them instead of waiting for them to do it themselves.

              • 12 months ago

                So what do you actually do? Where do you go? Who do you try to talk to and how? Do you have any real interests or passions?

              • 12 months ago

                why do people act like everyone who has ever had sex is some super interesting likable amazing person. holy fricking shit dude.

              • 12 months ago

                THAT'S NOT HOW THIS WORKS

                The other option is rotting at home while you watch BP content and cry to sleep

                not many solutions you have left eh? it all comes down to this.

                >Not many solutions you have left
                That's a fricking problem dumbass.

              • 12 months ago

                Anon I'm asking a legit question, I want to know what kind of person you are, not saying "talk like a robot" because there's no one size fits all answer.

                why do people act like everyone who has ever had sex is some super interesting likable amazing person. holy fricking shit dude.

                I'm not pretending I am, but a key to talking to people is being able to have a modicum of confidence or passion that you actually can connect with the person on a minor level.

              • 12 months ago

                You normalgays disgust me

              • 12 months ago

                Sorry, I'm an /adv/ gay and the men on their are the only one's worse than women are on the rest of Cinemaphile, it's like they haven't moved past their 2014 PUA phase and grown up into their 2018 braincels phase.
                >Do you have any real interests or passions?
                This never works out, not even once, there's a reason clubs and bars have the highest number of women and men to date.
                >Who do you try to talk to and how?
                You realize most people don't actively speak to people they want to date or frick right?
                >Where do you go?
                See above, this literally never helps and can even backfire.
                You're still bordering on "Just go outside and talk to people bro" territory.

              • 12 months ago

                Well yeah you're going to need to, you're going to need friends, and shit that makes you at the very least seem like a normal human being if you want to frick anyone.

              • 12 months ago

                >Just appeal to women's inherent sense of materialism bro!

              • 12 months ago

                Well more social value, but yeah. You're over here whining about no pussy then you get very angry that the solution is "make yourself more attractive"

              • 12 months ago

                Oh I get pussy, I'm just angry that humans are such a shallow disgusting species, and proof that God is either evil or doesn't exist.
                We shouldn't have to have social value, or be attractive to have love, love shouldn't be earned, what kind of a seriously selfish evil species doesn't take care of it's own like us?

                >Doesn't take a genius in math to figure out what that means.
                And a hundred years ago, marriage was typically at 16 and often arranged. Also most people were dirt farmers and would rarely date outside their small village.

                >Black person, what? Men are born uglier (and stronger) because only women had the evolutionary drive to be more attractive.
                That's not how evolution works. It's literally the same species.
                >This is false, genetics are a b***h for either sex.
                What I mean by this is, on the whole femnoid and androgynous features have always been more attractive for the human race - for both genders.
                Mesomorphs and Ectomorphs >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Endomorph
                As it happens most woman happen to the former so have an advantage. Men get pumped with testosterone like bad alcohol poisoning on Jersey springbreak, so they end up hulking out in a way very few woman have to experience. If Woman get their bodies blown up at all, they'll end up curvy with wide hips and geometrically more attractive to greater numbers of people than someone turned into Lou freakin Ferrigno.

                >marriage was typically at 16 and often arranged.
                And much like how even modern communists and fascists can agree, we can see now in retrospect that even feudalism was more human for humanity to live under than capitalism was.
                What does that say about the modern dating market?

              • 12 months ago

                The other option is rotting at home while you watch BP content and cry to sleep

                not many solutions you have left eh? it all comes down to this.

              • 12 months ago

                True, it's the equivalent of telling a person suffering from depression to just not be sad. They literally don't know how to do that, if they did they wouldn't have this problem.

                That said staying inside and avoiding everyone isn't going to help, social skills are a skill, they need practice, but you don't immediately throw yourself into the major leagues. You start small. As someone who is currently trying to get over it a good place to start actually is to try talking to strangers more, it builds up your conversational skills in a low risk way because you're likely never going to see them again. I made a deal with myself to strike up a small conversation with the cashier everytime I go through a checkout counter. Not a big one, just a quick exchange beyond the interaction required to do his job. The topic doesn't matter, I just have to talk to them, I have literally talked about the weather several times because I couldn't think of anything else to say.

                It felt awkward as frick at first but it has been getting easier and I've found myself feeling more comfortable striking up conversations with strangers in other contexts as well. For the next step I'm planning to move from random conversations on the street to a situation where the conversations can go on a little longer and I can actually get to know the other person a bit. I haven't had much luck with that so far, I'm trying to find some group that shares an interest of mine, that way I know I'll have something to talk about or some activity to engage in.

              • 12 months ago

                >He's never had a cool montage
                lol what a gay

              • 12 months ago

                >Anon ugly people have been having fulfilling lives for all of human history. You'd expect the ugly genes to be completely weeded out of the gene pool
                I'm going to stop you right there.
                They have.
                Pic related is what the average woman looked like in pre historic Greece.
                Humans have been discriminating against ugly people for all their history. so why do ugly people exist you ask?
                Because they aren't ugly, Chadflation (which applies to women but the recent collapse of patriarchal structure ensures they don't feel as many effects now) ensures that as people get more and more beautiful, previously acceptable looks get more and more "ugly."
                Because we finally live in a post enlightenment society in the same way that women, blacks, and others have advocated for their rights, now so are ugly people.
                And simply put this will not stop until we face out bigory and admit we treat ugly people worse, and in the same way that we try integrating blacks despite crime, women must be forced by law to date ugly men against their will, and visa versa.

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                To be honest those model heads are never very accurate. I already saw professional reconstruction of faces of murder victims and when they eventually identified them their faces looked vastly different from the reconstructions. Plus, it's delusional to think that peasants from 2000+ years ago wouldn't get any kids because they didn't find any partners due to ugliness. Do you really believe that the "ugly" majority didn't have sex back then? Most places forced to you have kids if you wanted to survive and have someone feeding you when you grow older. If anything the selection can only have started in recent times and for that to be the case I see way, waaaaay too many ugly as frick fat women and men with kids.

            • 12 months ago

              I get the impression is that many incels don't try and put their interest out there

        • 12 months ago

          Yes. You're thinking of a simp. Get your niche internet jargon right.

          • 12 months ago

            Me on the left.

          • 12 months ago

            riveting social commentary.

            • 12 months ago

              >Missing the point that hard
              Of all the things to argue with that strawman

              Yes. You're thinking of a simp. Get your niche internet jargon right.

              Most SIMPs are incels

              • 12 months ago

                what point. they made it a point to make him unattractive.

                Yeah probably. Guess that's the easy way. So much hassle comes with sexuality that I shouldn't complain that I am not interested in the first place. Even the people that have partners seem to have non-stop drama going on most of the time or they love each other but cannot be around each other every day.
                That said though I feel like nowadays women are hard to even become buddies with. Those with kids are completely forgettable and lost but many younger ones (aka women younger than 30) tend to have serious mental issues or they are nice but way too loud and chaotic. I basically only get along with grandmas but they are no option if you want more than dialogues about history.

                i've never had a female friend.

                This whole "The reason I can't get a girlfriend is because I'm ugly" is such a stupid cope. Go down to the walmart in a rural area and you'll find some ugly SOBs who are somehow married.

                who's to say those guys don't have good income, own a house, or a huge dick? yes women who can't be picky are going to want resources i get it. i don't think true love exists for anyone but attractive people personally. every other relationship is transactional.

              • 12 months ago

                The strawman is much more about him being a c**t who pines for a woman who doesn't exist and if she did she wouldn't want anything to do with him. Him being ugly is just extra insult.

              • 12 months ago

                >Most SIMPs are incels
                Simps and incels are the same in that they're not getting laid. They differ in how they cope.

              • 12 months ago
                The Masterfully Mindful Moid

                Ok I don’t care what shitty bait or whatever you “really believe” is because I can never be wrong at all, buuut

                That picture did click something in my head, the two guys are unironically not that different, they could be brothers for hells sake, but their confidence, difference in body weight (honestly not as important as advertised, may assist may hurt, may not), it’s honestly the goddamn charisma that women care about, and all the rest you hear about is just icing on the cake, the images could easily be flipped and you could barely tell the difference, look at the way his eyes looks at the camera, can you see shame? Can you see glory? Can you see confidence? Remember however, if your cover looks good, then the woman will read your book, but if the writing is that of a inconsistent mess, then that’s what they’ll take away from it, obviously you can’t teach an old dog to run a marathon in a day, but you can steadily improve and keep hope for tomorrow, because that is what ultimately matters in the end, determination

          • 12 months ago

            Is there a female version of this? If not, I feel like making one sometime this week

            • 12 months ago

              Yeah those usually work out great.

              • 12 months ago

                I think that people with issues generally tend to project their hate onto others that look like them (in this case others from the opposite gender). I know one fat guy that doesn't like fat women and seethes about everyone that is into Cinemaphile guys even if they are literally just anime characters. He never fricking tried to get fit himself either and will just call everybody that rejects him oppressive instead. Many fat women are like that too.
                I have witnessed some female hiveminds that started attacking other female users for saying harmless shit like mentioning having male friends or a boyfriend and the rest snapped, bullied them till they left and called them "prostitutes". Really, google some female only boards out of interest, that shit is full of unironically misogynist women that consider every normal or chill woman a dirty prostitute that is stupid and brainwashed by men even if she never even talks about sex or romance. If you read between the lines it's obvious that it's femcels posting. People that are not only too fat but, more importantly, too mentally ill and aggressive to ever get a boyfriend or any friend.

          • 12 months ago

            Funny enough I know a few guys who were clearly going to be simps turn their life around because they got lucky to find a rare good woman. Compared to their single highschool freinds they are more confident at getting better jobs to support families despite being the initial shy/akward/spaz ones of their group.

      • 12 months ago

        There's this interesting phenomenon that happens when an incel gets into a normal relationship with a woman where all most instantly all those beliefs they once had magically disappear and their whole outlook on women pull a complete 180. It's almost like it's not "porn bad" and some kind of fundamental mental issue and more just an effect of prolong loneliness and lack of companionship has on an individuals brain.

        • 12 months ago

          Abloo bloo bloo male tears, have sex.

        • 12 months ago

          some people (mostly women) don't care, they don't get it and don't want to. they'd rather mindlessly hate incels.

      • 12 months ago

        I assure you, my standards are not high. You can ask all the fat girls I desperately tried to keep a conversation alive with when I tried tinder. I'm just autistic and lonely and I want to kill myself.

        • 12 months ago

          So how bad is the comment section? Like were we not living in the hellscape that is MODERN DAY the short could've just been a funny little cartoon that subverts the obvious cliche of "haha we both faked being chad and stacy but then lived happily ever after" with him unceremoniously rejecting the happy ending. But this thread is evidence enough that a dumb joke like that can't just be read at face value and is a big diatribe on Incels would never extend the same courtesy to women. Did the animator even remark that was the message and I'm giving her too much benefit of the doubt or is this all just being read into by people who can't just let something be simple.

          You need to go lower.

          I thought incels were mostly ugly and/or manlets which is why they're in that predicament to begin with.

          Sometimes but sometimes it's just a shitty attitude. A decent chunk of ugly and short guys manage to get past that issue. Like it's not easy but they do it, the problem is refusing to try after you hit those speedbumps and just become bitter and disillusioned with everything.

          • 12 months ago

            man i wish i was as ignorant and happy as you. must be great!

            • 12 months ago

              I'm neither ignorant nor happy, I just realize that giving into that mentality isn't enlightenment it's just letting yourself be a depressed homosexual and even worse you become the kind of depressed homosexual that craves company.

              • 12 months ago

                so what? learn your place and get used to being alone forever? a lot of people don't have a choice really.

              • 12 months ago

                You definitely have a choice beyond just giving up on life.

              • 12 months ago

                Explain then you twat

              • 12 months ago

                >go outside
                >touch grass
                >get hobbies
                >talk to strangers in bars like its still the 90's like a weirdo
                this is the only sort of advice these sorts of people have. they genuinely and wholly do not understand or comprehend how truly alone/less fortunate men live.

              • 12 months ago

                Is being miserable and alone believing you're doomed from the start until you fricking have a nice day really that much better than trying to find new social avenues and risk the constant rejection for the small chance of something better?

              • 12 months ago

                maybe if you're extremely young. like straight out of HS or college. chances are if you're nearing or older than 30 and still a virgin the type of women who are going to settle for you are probably not worth the effort or risk and are most likely single mothers, extremely mentally ill, or awful people looking to take advantage of a desperate man. if you're still young there's definitely still time i won't deny that. there's probably still some decent women out there at that point. the longer you wait the worse your options are gonna be though and at some point its not worth it.

              • 12 months ago

                Get your shit together then just go for a slightly well adjusted younger woman.

              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                landing a younger woman as an older man is an extreme privilege only a few men can have. you either have to be VERY stable income wise and independent with your own house, etc, EXTREMELY charismatic, like cult leader levels, or conventionally attractive. i am none of those and the chances of me owning a house and having a good enough job to land a young women are basically zero this late in life (31). some people just need to realize that for zoomer/millennial men you are absolutely not guaranteed a wife nowadays. you absolutely need to be exceptional in some way.

              • 12 months ago

                Why aren't friends and hobbies not enough? What do you gain from a partnership? I am 35 now and never had the urge to get a partner and rejected the few that had interest. Freedom is much more important than sex which is the only thing partners provide that friends can not. Unless it's a friend with benefits, but most people are weird about that or happen to fall in love later which isn't what you want.

              • 12 months ago

                i'm 4 years younger than you and a woman has never shown interest. we are not the same. you sound asexual or something man, you do you.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah probably. Guess that's the easy way. So much hassle comes with sexuality that I shouldn't complain that I am not interested in the first place. Even the people that have partners seem to have non-stop drama going on most of the time or they love each other but cannot be around each other every day.
                That said though I feel like nowadays women are hard to even become buddies with. Those with kids are completely forgettable and lost but many younger ones (aka women younger than 30) tend to have serious mental issues or they are nice but way too loud and chaotic. I basically only get along with grandmas but they are no option if you want more than dialogues about history.

          • 12 months ago

            everytime i talk to a real woman i feel the need to escape because of all that shit i saw on youtube about how women want to use me and treat me like crap so thats why i never chat with any of them.
            No this is not larp, i just... cant talk to them with that on my mind, those videos, those comments...

          • 12 months ago

            There is no lower to go.
            Look, anon. I'm 24. I tried high school, I tried uni. I tried online dating. I got fit, I got hobbies, I did everything. I don't even particularly hate women. I just believe there's something fricked up with me that I can't put my finger on but everyone else can smell. Some people are just meant to be alone.

            • 12 months ago

              First off 24 is fricking young, I know it doesn't feel like it but you'll be an oldgay like me one day rueing what a fricking moron you were bemoaning how your life was over at 24. But I don't know you, I don't know what your hobbies are, if you have friends, do anything to actually connect with others. But people aren't psychic, there's no scent on you marking the fact you're a spergy virgin, that's you projecting your insecurities so that you feel like "everyone just has to know everything about me at a glance".

              • 12 months ago

                >there's no scent on you marking the fact you're a spergy virgin
                Literally everyone can tell. You can tell by the way they move. That's not to say non-virgins can't do hurried, jittery movements too, but it's a different, super subtle kind you can pick up on. Kind of like that one spiderman scene where he picks up the trays. Virgins can't do that.

              • 12 months ago

                The frick are you talking about?

              • 12 months ago

                24 is young if you are looking to buy a house. Not if you are still a virgin. Would you be okay with it? Feeling lesser than everybody else?

              • 12 months ago

                >Buying a house
                Lol those days are over, my friend.
                It's weird but nobody has to know, I was a 25 year old virgin with my first gf, I didn't tell her until after we fooled around a lot and that was really only because she asked me, so I guess she sniffed it out eventually but it obviously didn't matter that much in actually getting with her.
                People don't care nearly as much as you do, they might think it's weird if they were confronted with the fact, but there's no investigatory panels trying to figure out if you plunged penor in pussy.

              • 12 months ago

                women absolutely fricking care you're nuts dude. even if she said she didn't care she absolutely judged you for that shit, and the older you get the bigger of a red flag it is.

              • 12 months ago

                >Stayed with me
                >Still fricked me
                >Even said she loved me until I fricked that all up
                Yeah like you're probably not wrong but it doesn't seem like the roadblock you're saying and anon can definitely get far enough to lose his VCard too so he doesn't have to keep panicking about the Virgin Gestapo taking him to the camps

            • 12 months ago

              talk to a therapist. you probably have brain problems.

            • 12 months ago

              Already knew my life is "over" at 14. 30 now and proving myself right, even in the two rare cases I was with a girl: ruined both relationships by being anti-social and too independent. Just like you something about my mind is just fundamentally broken.

              • 12 months ago

                >Had sex not once, which could have been 'the planets aligning' tier dumb luck, but twice
                >Thinks he's broken
                Anon, two girls consciously made the decision to frick you. That means they liked you a lot. That means you're likeable. It's my obligation to tell you to never give up because you're too harsh on yourself.

              • 12 months ago

                what advice do you have for wizards? dig a hole and jump in it?

              • 12 months ago

                My man, the concept of a wizard is so alien to normoids that you might as well just not even exist. Normies kill themselves after not having sex for a few months, being a 30+ virgin is such a horrifying concept it's mythological.

              • 12 months ago

                Who said sex, I said with a girl. As in relationship.

              • 12 months ago

                You were in relationships and didn't frick?

      • 12 months ago

        If you actually knew incels you would know they are desperate for female attention and they fall in love with ANYONE who pays the slightest amount of attention to them. I was obsessed with the fattest girl in school for months because she talked to me on her own once for 10 minutes (btw she refused me because had a boyfriend). If you actually believe incels only go for 10/10 supermodels you are even more delusional than them.

        • 12 months ago

          No, simps fall in love with any women, incels seethe that all the top women don't love them for the most basic politeness

          • 12 months ago

            SIMPs are still incels who get no pussy and usually flip their shit when their dream girl already has a bf. Incel isn't a state of mind, it's an absence of pussy, full stop.

            • 12 months ago

              isn't a state of mind, it's an absence of pussy
              >implying kids are all bitter incels cause they don't have sex

              • 12 months ago

                Unironically I started being an incel at 14 once I realized the average age of losing virginity is 16, I had to lose mine at 19 and the mental trauma it took on me has never passed.
                So yes, children are all bitter incels, why do you think so many 12 year olds are becoming Andrew Tate followers and schools had to ban him?
                The longer a human goes without sex even before 18, the bigger incels they become.
                This is why I tell every single woman on Cinemaphile to become a shotacon and "rape" children for the sake of their mental development.

              • 12 months ago

                >He lost his virginity
                Imagine losing something to a girl

              • 12 months ago

                I've lost my mental sanity to women before I ever lost my virginity because I always lose, I'm a giant fricking loser.

                >it either takes a real douche, or a lot of effort to make a guy not be attracted to a girl
                You actually think having standards is a bad thing. You literally proved that comment's point. Porn melted your brain and now you can't comprehend not being a lustful animal.

                >Hmmmm today I will complain about men because...
                >*Checks notes*
                >Porn has actually lowered their standards in women.

              • 12 months ago

                I knew nothing good was ever going to come of this thread, but sweet trucking lord

              • 12 months ago

                Hey homosexual I said women should be child molesters, not me.

              • 12 months ago

                What place are you from? When I was 15 we were busy with games, re-enactment shit, alcohol and grilling at night on some hill, LARPing and playing outside not fricking and relationships. There was of course always the odd sexuals that had relationship drama with 15 but those were usually just two quirky people per class like how every class also has that one talented artists, the two talented math gays and girl with traditional foreign attires.

              • 12 months ago

                The third world country known as modern USA.
                I also have never drank, you're kind of just contradicting yourself.

                >This is why I tell every single woman on Cinemaphile to become a shotacon and "rape" children for the sake of their mental development.
                Black person what? I thought you were going with the “just focus on yourself and don’t stress about social norms” or some shit, but really?

                >Just cope and ignore the material and social impact that losing your virginity has on you bro!

              • 12 months ago
                The Masterfully Mindful Moid

                Is that not what you are doing? Telling random women on this shithole to rape little boys because your into shota? Lmfao

              • 12 months ago

                >into shota
                I'm not I'm literally saying this is for the child's well being.

              • 12 months ago

                >I also have never drank, you're kind of just contradicting yourself.
                Do you believe everybody is a degenerate that fricked random people because of a bit of alcohol because american purist tell you so? Most normal humans (not americans) drink beer when they grill or something. It's hard to even get drunk on that shit unless you swallows liters of it and don't eat much. And even when someone is drunk you usually barely notice it unless it's one of those morons that get all moody. But even they don't randomly frick anybody, they wouldn't even have that control. Chances are high that must drunk tards will just fall asleep on the chair or take the wrong train.

              • 12 months ago

                You must live in a shithole part of the US if this is the sum of your teenage years

              • 12 months ago
                The Masterfully Mindful Moid

                >This is why I tell every single woman on Cinemaphile to become a shotacon and "rape" children for the sake of their mental development.
                Black person what? I thought you were going with the “just focus on yourself and don’t stress about social norms” or some shit, but really?

              • 12 months ago

                My post was bait, but damn did i catch a great fish

              • 12 months ago

                >I had to lose mine at 19 and the mental trauma it took on me has never passed.
                Kek, most people told my that their first times were but nobody called it trauma so far.

              • 12 months ago

                It was the lack thereof prior that was the trauma, the actual first time itself, while terrible and showed me sex doesn't matter as it is but only as it exists in the mind wasn't traumatic at all.

              • 12 months ago

                Why are you such affected by peer pressure that doesn't even exist outside of your head? I never once even thought about what other shitters do. I don't even desire most of the shit others want. Do you see your whole life as gay competition with numbers from some tabloid statistics? Do you also only want to marry because statistically most people do it at least once? Why? Don't you have any own thoughts? Do you never dislike something everybody else strives for?

              • 12 months ago

                Dogshit rhetoric my guy.

              • 12 months ago

                I genuinely don't get it. You are very easy to manipulate. I don't know anybody that cared about shit like that or cares now if they are single for 10 years. But whatever, your choice.
                Good luck living the life of someone else instead of developing a personality. American collectivism I guess.

              • 12 months ago

                Ok thanks, you could have just said you think it's better to cope and be a man child than do anything of value with your life while being self aware then left since it was the only thing you're saying.

              • 12 months ago

                >if I don't do what others want me to do I am a manchild
                You are literally fricking brainwashed. Serious question were your parents fundamentalists? And no I am working, I casually enjoy non-fiction books, history shit, comics, anime, games like most other people but I didn't base my personality around it and nobody that isn't a close friend even knows what I am doing in my free time.

                The other anon

                Constantly worrying about what random strangers might think of you is some b***h homie shit.
                You unironically have the mentality of your standard average basic b***h woman, and I mean this in the most sexist way possible.
                No wonder women want nothing to do with you, you're one step removed from being a troony as it is.

                was right. You unironically sound like those women that b***h and whine because they claim to be forced to be skinny and porn tier sexy because advertisements are "telling" so instead of not giving a shit about ads like men do.

              • 12 months ago

                >You unironically sound like those women that b***h and whine because they claim to be forced to be skinny and porn tier sexy because advertisements are "telling" so instead of not giving a shit about ads like men do.
                These women are based and we can learn a lot from them, in the same way that their advocacy has now lead to men being simps and companies replacing all skinny white female models with fat negresses we can do the same.

              • 12 months ago

                Constantly worrying about what random strangers might think of you is some b***h homie shit.
                You unironically have the mentality of your standard average basic b***h woman, and I mean this in the most sexist way possible.
                No wonder women want nothing to do with you, you're one step removed from being a troony as it is.

              • 12 months ago

                Redpill Black person mentality, opinion discarded.

              • 12 months ago

                Cope and seethe, switchcel. I'll be enjoying myself and my free online and virtual console games

              • 12 months ago

                >So yes, children are all bitter incels, why do you think so many 12 year olds are becoming Andrew Tate followers
                I didn't even start my puberty before I hit the 15. Also, for girls they only start puberty by that age if they are fat. So unless you were around a ton of fat girls and mutated boys nobody but you even gave a shit about sex by the age of 12.

              • 12 months ago

                I started puberty at 11 and most girls did too, I remember a bit having their periods by then.
                Like I said these are problems only possible in the modern American hellscape, it might be easy to ignore all of them when you're 30 and no longer invested, but rest assured that every time someone said "The west is falling" it wasn't shitposting, the west is unironically falling and in 40 years we will be in anarchy or open fascism.

              • 12 months ago

                Wow you really can't read at all I see.

        • 12 months ago

          Yes. Last semester a girl smiled at me in the uni cafeteria and i have been living off of that high since. I haven't ever seen ger since. I wish somebody talked to me, i go weeks without talking to anyone...

      • 12 months ago

        Good bait

      • 12 months ago

        The baitest of bait. If you are serious, you are a moronic homosexual

      • 12 months ago

        >it's incels own standards that stop them from getting girlfriends!
        >meanwhile, womens standards for men

        • 12 months ago

          Everything women accuse some other group of doing is something they do without an ounce of remorse or self-reflection.

        • 12 months ago

          >Shitposting about their fictional boyfriends
          Those aren't standards anon, they're bait.

          • 12 months ago

            even then i guarantee their male looksmatch just wants a woman who is not morbidly obese and that's enough to make women reeeeeee.

            • 12 months ago

              Nah the incels in those same circles are all posting their qt tomboy/trad waifus who are all literal models playing a part then they project them as pure virignal waifus with all the same exact values as them. I'm not saying those are their standards, but those are their ideals that they'll never shut up about. It is literally the same shit.

              • 12 months ago

                you are fricking delusional as shit. also wanting a woman to not be a shameless obese prostitute being an unrealistic standard just shows how rotten and beyond saving modern society is. women are so entitled it is unbelievable. they can do no wrong.

              • 12 months ago

                Anon that mentality can literally be flipped to "oh women just don't want a fat guy who dresses half decently" when it's obvious their ideal is beyond that, most robot's ideal is obviously beyond "she's not fat" but it's complete bluster.

              • 12 months ago

                i don't actually believe you know any older truly alone virgin men. you're talking about teenagers and people in their early twenties with lofty unrealistic ideals. then a lof of these men get shit on by life and chill the frick out. the women stay entitled and wait for their prince charming and more often than not get pumped and dumped by him.

                Why is it even so expensive there? Rent is high in my country because we're overpopulated and people appear faster than the cities can build, but Canada is 90% just nothing. I always thought rent would be cheap as shit there not 1000 EUR+ for a micro apartment like here.

                canada is a shithole that's why.

          • 12 months ago

            That's crystal cafe mate, the femanon Cinemaphile

        • 12 months ago

          God, I wish 2d were real so I could give my waifu forehead kisses

        • 12 months ago

          I saw a thread the other day where some dumb b***h was saying that a romance novel character should be the "bare minimum" for men. Absolute madness.

          • 12 months ago

            tiktok reel
            >We're forming relatinships because Men will never love us like in the movies
            >The movie is fricking Twilight

        • 12 months ago

          The women I see all seem to be into snipers with crippled faces or masks, but who the frick is a sniper nowadays? The popularity of characters like Ogata, Garrus or Ghost is fricking insane.

      • 12 months ago

        and the other half comes from women never talking to them

        • 12 months ago

          >women talking to them
          Women don't talk to most men, it's up to most men to talk to them. Never expect to be approached unless you're top 10% of men

          • 12 months ago

            so basically all the risk is on men and women just stand there and usually turn down the dude anyways making it awkward and shameful. for a society that pushes gender equality so hard we sure want to stick to antiquated ideals about courting.

            • 12 months ago

              It was never about equality

              • 12 months ago

                that much is obvious. someone has explained it before but women in all their amazing vast knowledge somehow thought the top 10% of men in this world is how ALL men live. so in their mind men have ALWAYS had it as easy as these extremely privileged and fortunate few men. when in reality the average woman has always had it easier than the average dude. who is extremely disposable and largely ignored.

              • 12 months ago

                It is funny, throughout civilization a woman could always marry into comofortable life , men were fricked and stuck in their class

              • 12 months ago

                all women have inherent value naturally and men have to prove their value with resources and income if they don't have the good looks. now women want the men with the looks and the resources/income. literally can't win, its why the more appealing option for most men is to drop out of a rigged game.

              • 12 months ago

                To be fair, that kind of upward mobility was pretty limited and they were rarely the ones choosing. If anything things got better in modernity because their own agency to choose atleast meant an increased chance of a higher status man rather than their parents picking someone who might be good for their current interests

              • 12 months ago

                As we all know women choosing hasn't fricked us all

            • 12 months ago

              Yeah, that's life. But ultimately there's no real difference. Even if women were even more emboldened to approach they'd still be going for the minority of really hot guys just with greater frequency, so men would still have to approach those women to get any attention.

            • 12 months ago

              There's no other way to do it, even if the onus were on women to court the men they still wouldn't court you. There's no getting around you personally having to shoot your shot. A woman wanting to frick a man is a miraculous thing for a man, a man wanting to frick a woman is just another Tuesday for the woman. b***hing about it and pointing out the percieved inequality of it won't change anything. Becoming a less bitter person that women are comfortable being around might.

              • 12 months ago

                >Becoming a less bitter person that women are comfortable being around might.
                Did you just tell him to become a nice guy? Fricking kek

              • 12 months ago

                The fact that "nice guy" is your interpretation of that sentence says more about you than it does me.

                even if i could magically conjure up an amazing award winning glowing personality after a lifetime of being ostracized that wouldn't fixed my jacked up face.

                Ugly people frick, I've seen it. There is no shortage of TikTok videos of the most downright disgusting couples you will ever see fawning over each other. If you had a decent personality your fricked up face could be overlooked.

              • 12 months ago

                >yeah bro, just frick someone at the bottom of the barrel
                >after all, you belong there too
                Frick you, anon

              • 12 months ago

                If you wouldn't frick someone of percieved equal or lower status how can you possibly expect someone higher on the totem pole to come down into mud with you. Don't be hypocritical.

              • 12 months ago

                Anon, we're talking about the bottom of the barrel here
                There is no lower status
                Something you'd have realized if you were on this level
                have a nice day, moronic normalgay

              • 12 months ago

                Don't kid yourself, there's always lower

              • 12 months ago

                Aw man, if I don't want to get together with her, I don't deserve anything better!
                I wonder if normalgays are even capable of thinking before spouting their regular bullshit.

              • 12 months ago

                stay lonely bro, you're hurting yourself not anyone else

              • 12 months ago

                Normalgays bond over mundane shit. Have you ever witnessed normalgay friendships? It's just two strangers exchanging platitudes.
                Their partnerships are the same, it's why so many parents you met as kid were people with zero compatibility where each of them was doing their own thing and watching their own tv program and the men always tried to get away from home or get drunk in the next bar because they aren't happy at home while the only social contacts the women have are other housewives or mothers to which the talk about how shitty and useless men are, despite needing them. Most people with partners have relationships you absolutely don't want to have. Not sure if it's better with millennials.

              • 12 months ago

                millennials and zoomers are either all single or in fricked up weird polycules/open relationships. its like we went too far in the opposite direction.

              • 12 months ago

                even if i could magically conjure up an amazing award winning glowing personality after a lifetime of being ostracized that wouldn't fixed my jacked up face.

            • 12 months ago

              Honestly it's only possible to stop this if men (and even women that search for female friends) stop begging these types of women. If everybody stopped asking them they would either have to deal with it or learn that they have responsibilities too. Right now they know that someone will always ask them or tell them that they are awesome sooner or later as long as they attentionprostitute or self-shill a bit.

      • 12 months ago

        Oh the classic irony, the projection, and the hilariously tragic reality of it all, men would literally date anything you put in front of them, it either takes a real douche, or a lot of effort to make a guy not be attracted to a girl, and even then you can find a guy who’s attracted to the supposed “untouchables” of women, it’s honestly because of the vicious and uncaring ravenous competitions in the social sphere women have that makes them bitter and war torn socially, this also with the extensive drama that happens as well mixed with the “man inside my head” thing you likely hear so much (literal schizophrenia), obviously there are many shitty men out there, but placing them all under a tarp and pouring gasoline, will inevitably not bring many people to agree, especially those who already had a small reason, will have a real reason to hate women, even if it may be in vain

        TLDR: your post is projection and would do much better on CC or TT, and you don’t get Allies by acting like the Axis

        • 12 months ago

          >it either takes a real douche, or a lot of effort to make a guy not be attracted to a girl
          You actually think having standards is a bad thing. You literally proved that comment's point. Porn melted your brain and now you can't comprehend not being a lustful animal.

          • 12 months ago
            The Masterfully Mindful Moid

            Lol no, never said that, what I meant was about the masses, not me silly billy

          • 12 months ago

            OK so
            >men are incels because their standards are too high cause porn fried their brain
            BUT also
            >men are all primitive hyper-sexual animals with no standards, who would frick any woman with or without a pulse, cause porn fried their brain

      • 12 months ago

        Bro I've tried everything. Fat chicks, autistic chicks (the bitey sort), wheelchair chicks, old chicks, even brown chicks. None want to give me a chance. Women's standards are just too high.

  3. 12 months ago

    He needs a good pegging

  4. 12 months ago

    Honestly the most unrealistic part of this whole scenario is that a man world reject the girl at the end. Absolutely woman think moment, like if this was gendered revered yes this could make sense but most men, especially nerdy neets, have such low standards that as long as a person isn't hideous they will date someone.

    • 12 months ago

      I rejected a girl that asked me out, though i might have dodged a bullet

    • 12 months ago

      That's where you're wrong. I used to hang out with dudes and chicks like this in middle amd high school. There's a double standard regardless of gender. But the thing people don't realize is the dude in this video is supposed to be a selfish butthole who never truly wanted a relationship. That's what most of the dudes here on Cinemaphile are like. Especially at /adv/.

      • 12 months ago

        does demonizing all unwanted men make it easier for you to rationalize how fricked up the modern dating market is for unfortunate men? like you're just saying the same ole tired insult that all incels are awful evil pricks when the vast majority of them are just gigantic pussies with zero confidence because women flatout won't give them a chance and the standards for what a man should be to get pussy are insane.

        • 12 months ago

          His point is he's trying not to generalize all men, just calling out a specific type of person that wizards on here are feeling is being projected onto them.

          • 12 months ago

            Not that anon, but do you not see how ridiculous it is to take the tiniest minority as an example and then base all your responses on that minority alone?
            This sort of shit, the animation included, does nothing but turn normalgays against the entire fricking spectrum.

            • 12 months ago

              I don't think they are, they're just saying "these people exist" it's literally the "all girls want 7ft gigadicked chads with 6 packs and a million dollars" bit. Of course those women exist but they're far from all women.

              • 12 months ago

                Sure, I agree. Doesn't change what I said.

              • 12 months ago

                do you really think most women in general don't like the same sort of man physically? are you for real? men like all types of women but the romanticized ideal man women want is literally always the same type of dude. any woman who wants different is an EXTREME outlier.

              • 12 months ago

                Nah guys basically have a pretty specific ideal too with a minor spectrum then the rest are outliers.

              • 12 months ago

                you're moronic. no point in arguing with delusional people like you.

              • 12 months ago

                Holy frick you are goddamn sickening
                You are living in a fantasy land detached from reality. I hope someday you realize how embarrassingly moronic you truly are, if only so that you commit suicide from the shame.

              • 12 months ago
                The Masterfully Mindful Moid

                They do? Really? From the architects to the dickygays, to the Milf archetype to those who’d love a girl who’d “literally kill me”, the amount of women men like could be on a goddamn color spectrum, and my huuuge wild theory, is that women are not all as advertised, those who benefit from conflict and separation between men and women are the greatest issue, literal Warmongers of the social sphere, to say that half of the population can be defined to a tea, is honestly the most moronic concept made by an “intellectual” that has ever entered any form of discussion, and I shall stand for it no longer

        • 12 months ago

          I'm saying this because I used to be like you, anon. Until I fricking got a clue that I was the problem and grew as a person. As I stated before, you dipshit; double standards happens regardless of gender. Pick me women will never want to settle for any kind of man that doesn't fit their standard much like incels won't want anything lower than their high standards. The reason these two don't succeed is because they don't work to get themselves into that level. You frickers would prefer to sit on your asses and complain about how you're entitled to a girlfriend or how you want a boyfriend who can love you, but won't make the effort to even get one. Because it's easier to complain than to change. And that's the sad thing about people on here. You all complain about wanting love, but refuse to make any kind of effort to seek it.

          • 12 months ago

            where do i go to fix my face, frame, and other impossible to change physical shortcomings that put me at a significant disadvantage compared to tons of other men chasing after the exact same women. men who also make more money. i get this sort of thinking if you ever had the potential to attract a mate but bro, now more than ever there's gonna be a surplus of men no women want. as far as i can tell a lot of people just want said men to shut up too, while calling all women beautiful and deserving of any man they want no matter what.

            • 12 months ago
              Indonesian Gentleman

              People are more likely to appreciate an ugly guy with confidence (as long as they don't step into butthole territory), than they are towards an ugly guy with self-deprecating mindsets. Because the latter will usually look more like an butthole by how they treat others (it's projection).

  5. 12 months ago

    It's funny
    I laughed

  6. 12 months ago

    not watching but someone described it earlier. i'm an ugly wizard myself and i wouldn't dump the woman at the end. which makes me believe this person who made this knows about zero actual ugly permavirgins.

  7. 12 months ago

    groomer art style
    do not argue with me

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >do not argue with me
      Don’t tell me what to do

    • 12 months ago

      But you're a moron.

    • 12 months ago

      >they hated him because he spoke the truth

  8. 12 months ago

    get out of here with your ugly ass sweater you b***h!

    great sound design

  9. 12 months ago

    I see the term 'double standard' thrown sbout on the comments section

  10. 12 months ago


  11. 12 months ago

    I kinda expected it to be gay stuff with the guy that gave him the card given how 99% of animators are fujos but instead it was just a dumb 'men shallow' message.
    Nobody tell her guys will put up with literally getting a tooth pulled daily if it meant consistent pussy of the lowest quality.

    • 12 months ago

      >I kinda expected it to be gay stuff with the guy that gave him the card given how 99% of animators are fujos

      Lmao I literally thought the exact same thing. That scene where the dude bumps into him looked like the start of a gay rom com

    • 12 months ago

      >I kinda expected it to be gay stuff with the guy that gave him the card given how 99% of animators are fujos

      Lmao I literally thought the exact same thing. That scene where the dude bumps into him looked like the start of a gay rom com

      It should’ve been a guy under the girlfriend sweater and they get together at the end

      • 12 months ago

        Actually, that’s a good point

        If a boy put on the girlfriend sweater, or vice versa, would that just make them trans by technicality

      • 12 months ago

        This but I'd demand she take it off when we have sex because a cute boyfriend is better in the sack.

  12. 12 months ago

    Both were cuter without the magic sweater

    • 12 months ago

      >Girl gets even cuter after the sweater comes off
      >He immediately dumps her

      I want to break that homosexuals kneecaps...

      But yeah like the other anons are saying, this would never happen in real life. A sweet, petite girl with big curly hair and freckles is last thing a neet would've ever reject

      honestly my taste in women finds her cute without the material


      • 12 months ago

        God i be snuggling up on her 7/11

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        She looks so comfy to be around. My heart.

  13. 12 months ago

    I kept expecting it to turn into some weird horror thing at any point, so the ending caught me off guard and made me laugh.

  14. 12 months ago

    >Girl gets even cuter after the sweater comes off
    >He immediately dumps her

    I want to break that homosexuals kneecaps...

    But yeah like the other anons are saying, this would never happen in real life. A sweet, petite girl with big curly hair and freckles is last thing a neet would've ever reject

  15. 12 months ago

    honestly my taste in women finds her cute without the material

  16. 12 months ago

    They should both be in prison for attempted rape by deception, lmao

  17. 12 months ago

    >incels have high standards

    More like they have 0 contact with women.

    • 12 months ago

      Because they have high standards.

      • 12 months ago

        Not really, it's more likely the opposite, that they're afraid women have standards the average man cannot hope to attain. In turn, they're afraid of not only being rejected, but branded a nuisance.

      • 12 months ago

        Just don't be fat in the face.
        That's my only standard. I want to like kissing you.

        • 12 months ago

          I wouldn't even mind if she were fat, as long as she'd be willing to exercise with me.
          What I personally would mind is the use of make-up.
          God, how I hate the stuff.

          • 12 months ago

            I'm sure you like the stuff but you just don't know. Like atleast half the female population look like fricking zombies if they don't use makeup. They just know how to use it sparingly for the "natural" look

            • 12 months ago

              >but you just don't know
              I really, really, REALLY hate this "argument".
              I've had relationships. I know what women look like without make-up. It's seriously not as bad as it's made out to be.
              The reason why most women look like zombies is precisely because of the make-up. Foundation in particular.

  18. 12 months ago

    Do other men actually want this shit? Some clingy b***h jumping on you all the time? Looks so annoying. Give me space.

    • 12 months ago

      >Do other men actually want this shit? Some clingy b***h jumping on your dick all the time?

    • 12 months ago

      >Do guys like physical contact
      Yes, not even in a sexual way just a general sense of a connection with another person.

  19. 12 months ago

    As people in your last bait thread said, this is just femoid projection about how women actually treat sub 5 men and justification of their hatred for all non Chad's, now stop reposting this, if you were serious about threads like this you'd post any other uni end of the year projects and not this shit.

    • 12 months ago

      holy over

  20. 12 months ago

    has this whole "le incel rejects the slightly ugly woman" thing ever happened?

    • 12 months ago

      In real life? no.

    • 12 months ago

      nah man. just a made up situation to hate on them icky incels some more.

    • 12 months ago

      It might have if the media didn't portray them both as white, attractive, and doing better than 90% of people already.
      Which is to say no, and even more so, not in a million years.

    • 12 months ago

      You think this shit is made up?

      • 12 months ago

        yes? your gay tumblr art isn't real.

      • 12 months ago

        >You think this shit is made up?
        Anon it was one of the most mocked and reused exploitable type meme even in the normalgay sphere.
        Are you fricking with us or are you actually moronic?

      • 12 months ago

        Yes. The third panel literally gives it away that this never ever happens.

      • 12 months ago

        >"bimbo" is the only one who doesn't have someone who loves them
        What did they mean by this?

        • 12 months ago

          Green dude clearly wants her

      • 12 months ago

        True to extent, but the green man and the purple woman aren't as good looking irl

      • 12 months ago

        Oh yeah, this was done by an old internet lolcow on par with Dobson, only she had the right idea and more or less bailed on everything. She's a flaming fujo/femdom artist, always seeming to sneak some form of male assplay into her comics.
        Her opinions on masculinity mean even less here.

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        I kinda hate this because it reminds me of two friends that had tomboys right besides them but ignored or even rejected them because for one the breasts weren't big enough and she was too boyish for him and the other dude didn't even know why but ended up getting an overweighted monster that forced him to take her with him wherever he went so he lost all friendships and is now forced to work fulltime AND raise their kid because she claims to be mentally ill but still asks him for money to order fashion every week. The wife isn't even cute or hot, so no idea what the reasoning here even was unless some people desire to punish themselves.

        • 12 months ago

          NPCs are simply awful people

          i don't actually believe you know any older truly alone virgin men. you're talking about teenagers and people in their early twenties with lofty unrealistic ideals. then a lof of these men get shit on by life and chill the frick out. the women stay entitled and wait for their prince charming and more often than not get pumped and dumped by him.

          canada is a shithole that's why.

          Women and Men are utterly confused.

          • 12 months ago

            >QuasiConservative Grifters
            No thanks

            • 12 months ago

              Parts of their strats are taking the best shitposts from Cinemaphile and compiling them into their scripts.
              I'm left utterly confused by how they expect this work against us.

          • 12 months ago

            What does that link lead to?

            • 12 months ago

              There's an Embed mode.

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago
        • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          People hate NTR plots because more often than not they end up being 1:1 with reality. Never assume the best.

      • 12 months ago



        Maybe you should try getting a job.

      • 12 months ago

        This fails to account for that green and purple are ugly IRL or how weird they are

    • 12 months ago

      Yea, there's a lot of ugly women that a lot of men don't even notice or acknowledge their existence. The lovers on this board may disagree, but for a decent amount of incels this absolutely applies

      • 12 months ago

        He was talking about slightly ugly or "homely". What you're talking about are women who belong in a John Bauer painting.

        • 12 months ago

          NTA but most men are more concerned about the inevitable body count a woman will have. Even the ugliest, most socially stunted woman has likely had at least one sexual partner in her lifetime, look at most of the women on crystalcafe and lolcow. Men typically don't like used goods, and where there's one "mistake," there's likely others she's conveniently leaving out because she knows no one would put up with that.

          • 12 months ago

            What the frick are you talking about.

          • 12 months ago

            It's not that they care about body count. It's just the fact that high body count = high rate of STD or transmitted diseases.

            and the fact that if you have a 12+ body count and none of them wanted to be with you or in a committed relationship then that's a BIG read flag.

            More partners you have, more likely you'll cheat. You'll give off vibes that you won't commit.

            • 12 months ago

              I mean I'm a guy and I care nona, but yeah you managed to get at the underlying issues about why men don't want to date loose women.

        • 12 months ago

          Even those women get ignored by a lot of men. Even some of the anons in this thread have probably didn't notice signs from women that were interested in them b/c of their looks

          • 12 months ago

            >didn't notice signs from women that were interested in them
            The "girl you didn't notice" meme is just a shit post, anon. Nobody on Cinemaphile ever actually experienced it.

            • 12 months ago

              Nobody has experienced it period, you either get approached as Chad or never get noticed.

          • 12 months ago

            HA HA HA HA. He bought the meme.

          • 12 months ago

            >Even some of the anons in this thread have probably didn't notice signs from women that were interested in them b/c of their looks
            >signs from women
            This shit.. This shit right here.
            Men are notoriously terrible at picking up women's "signals" yet those same women outright refuse to actually be direct in expressing interest.
            I've seen so many happily married couples where the husband's like "yeah I never would've approached her, she's the one who asked me out."
            Women sabotage themselves with this shit.

            • 12 months ago

              at some point i feel like this sort of idea is something society lies to ugly men about to give them false hope. its fricking weird and really mean.

              • 12 months ago

                it's just women and dudebros that literally do not know what it's like to live without people around you constantly showing interest in you, they legitimately think that's just what everyone experiences because they're moronic

          • 12 months ago

            >didn't notice signs from women that were interested
            Oh yeah, those glaring signs women give like "making eye contact" or "smiling". How do men not get that if a woman does either of those things it clearly means she wants to date you? Women put SO much work into giving off these loud and clear signals and men just ignore them! Why are men so stupid and lazy that they've started making women do all the work by having to make eye contact and smile?

          • 12 months ago

            I noticed that a lot of guys ignore everything tomboy'ish women do because they literally view them as men.

            • 12 months ago


            • 12 months ago

              i have never met a tomboy in my life that wasn't gay.

              • 12 months ago

                I have met one that was gay, but the majority I know seems to prefer to hang out with guys and is either slightly bi or het unless they changed later.
                Almost every girl was a tomboy during childhood but a lot of them got normal and boring once they turned 15 or so. Those that I still know went to school in the 90s and early 00s though, could be that today there are much more lesbians around with the newer generations. Same with the whole genderspecial stuff that wasn't really a thing till 10 years ago or so.

            • 12 months ago

              The irony is because you're ignoring the guys she's also ignoring.

            • 12 months ago

              What do you mean ignore? A girl doing physical sports, or fixing a car can be attractive, but they're not exactly "FRICK ME!" signals.
              Like, how do you expect a guy to react to it?

              • 12 months ago

                She's putting the vibe out there, y'know

          • 12 months ago

            We have had it beaten into us that those signals mean nothing because of all the times some dude has misinterpreted them as flirting and gotten burned for it. People keep saying that a girl being nice to you is not a sign of interest, it is merely basic kindness and you shouldn't read any further into it, so we don't.

  21. 12 months ago

    is ir really that hard to have connections with people if youre ugly? i'm not hideous looking nor average and im 5'10, yet some people i know like me and regularly talk to me.
    I guess im not, an autist?

    • 12 months ago

      There's a difference between people tolerating you or having a couple friends and having sex.

    • 12 months ago

      >I guess im not, an autist?
      This is usually it.
      Normal human brains have a little part dedicated to instinctual knowledge on how to socially interract with others.
      Autistic brains lack that part and must learn by example (which is only possible if it's high-functioning enough).
      Imagine trying to make a house of cards. That same concentration is needed with almost every social interaction.

      The improved logical reasoning is not worth the stress you gain when doing fricking anything, I tell you hwat.

  22. 12 months ago

    sex with both (their real selves not the sweather)

    • 12 months ago

      Seriously, where's the porn at? These two are too cute to not have any.

      • 12 months ago

        Artcels are busy fighting over the video to make porn of them. Sorry.

  23. 12 months ago

    The weirdest part of this is neither even really look ugly without the sweater, making it almost a pure confidence/placebo thing.

    • 12 months ago

      >What is Chadflation
      Male gaze by the way

      • 12 months ago

        >What is Chadflation
        Some moronic thing you made up?

        At the end of the day, woman don't really have higher standards. Men are just born uglier because their bodies are built like freaks and there's lesser variety for woman to be unattractive (outside age factors). Any woman who puts in the work can be attractive physically. Atleast half of men are locked into perma neckbeard ape mode, and since fashion nowadays isn't as ornamented as it was centuries ago there are limited ways they can raise their appeal.

        That said any incel would gladly date a hambeast even if her personality is shit, while a female would only take a hideous dude if he's rich or has alpha level energy.

        • 12 months ago

          >At the end of the day, woman don't really have higher standards. Men are just born uglier because their bodies are built like freaks and there's lesser variety for woman to be unattractive (outside age factors). Any woman who puts in the work can be attractive physically. Atleast half of men are locked into perma neckbeard ape mode, and since fashion nowadays isn't as ornamented as it was centuries ago there are limited ways they can raise their appeal.
          Kek alright sure buddy, and you tell me Chadflation is made up.
          It's weird you're taking up both incel and femcel takes though, I mean including both the wall and the whole "Men are just born unattractive thing" Jesus I can't imagine what level of celibacy you're on. Either that or you're some unironic redpill moron type who indirectly supports women.

        • 12 months ago

          >Some moronic thing you made up?
          Not him, but it's true (even though the name is fricking moronic).
          As of 2022, 63% of men are single, while only 34% of women are single.
          Doesn't take a genius in math to figure out what that means.
          >Men are just born uglier because their bodies are built like freaks
          Black person, what? Men are born uglier (and stronger) because only women had the evolutionary drive to be more attractive.
          >Any woman who puts in the work can be attractive physically
          This is false, genetics are a b***h for either sex.

          • 12 months ago

            Where are these "stats" from anon? I can buy the older ones that say 30% of men aren't having sex while only like 15% of women aren't, but I can't buy the bullshit you're spewing uncontested.

            • 12 months ago

              >Where are these "stats" from anon?
              Here you go:
              I admit, I made a mistake by not adding "under 30" to my post, so I apologize for that.

          • 12 months ago

            >Doesn't take a genius in math to figure out what that means.
            And a hundred years ago, marriage was typically at 16 and often arranged. Also most people were dirt farmers and would rarely date outside their small village.

            >Black person, what? Men are born uglier (and stronger) because only women had the evolutionary drive to be more attractive.
            That's not how evolution works. It's literally the same species.
            >This is false, genetics are a b***h for either sex.
            What I mean by this is, on the whole femnoid and androgynous features have always been more attractive for the human race - for both genders.
            Mesomorphs and Ectomorphs >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Endomorph
            As it happens most woman happen to the former so have an advantage. Men get pumped with testosterone like bad alcohol poisoning on Jersey springbreak, so they end up hulking out in a way very few woman have to experience. If Woman get their bodies blown up at all, they'll end up curvy with wide hips and geometrically more attractive to greater numbers of people than someone turned into Lou freakin Ferrigno.

            • 12 months ago

              >That's not how evolution works. It's literally the same species.
              Huh? What the frick are you talking about? Women are built to give birth and nurse kids, which leaves men to hunt and defend. This eventually resulted in women having weaker bodies than men.
              Over the history of man, women looked for men able to defend them and their offspring, while men look for women that are healthy (because that results in healthy offspring).
              And wouldn't you know it? Healthier (for women) usually means more beautiful.
              Take a moron for example. None of them are beautiful, each and every one of them is ugly. Why is this? Because our brains have evolved to find those types of people not attractive (so you don't have kids with them).

              With that said; take a biology course, moron.

              • 12 months ago

                Don't make me argue in favor with the other guy man.
                >Women are weaker because of evolution
                I mean not exactly, they were parts of hunting groups for a few times in history, but their builds also never really got over being small due to the integration of sexual dimorphism found in basically all mammals.
                Women certainly have been violently beaten to stop being ugly though, they had to deal with what men deal with now but couldn't stop it so now all women look pretty acceptable compared to the skeletons we have of old.
                The sad truth is humans are inherently discriminatory, racist, sexist, homophobic, tribalistic monsters, and we're all just chimpanzee's in the end. It's in our nature. We're all just terrible people like that.

              • 12 months ago

                >they were parts of hunting groups for a few times in history
                Yeah. Exactly. Only a few times, while evolution works over a long period of time.
                Unless entire generations decide to only breed with strong, bulky women, there is absolutely no evolutionary incentive for women to be strong and bulky.
                The opposite is true for men, if they weren't strong and bulky, they'd lose their mate to another stronger male.
                >Women certainly have been violently beaten to stop being ugly though
                Do you have any source for that claim you just pulled out of your ass?
                EVERY women, no matter how ugly, had inherent value to men because they could give them offspring.
                >The sad truth is humans are inherently discriminatory, racist, sexist, homophobic, tribalistic monsters
                ...what the frick? I didn't realize I was speaking with a cult member, my bad.

              • 12 months ago

                >Do you have any source for that claim you just pulled out of your ass?
                Literally all ancient archeological finds show women as being far more masculine, and "uglier" than modern women.
                >EVERY women, no matter how ugly, had inherent value to men because they could give them offspring.
                See for a while there was this thing called patriarchy and even though in many ways it set both men and women up to fail it also ensured men could control women and not the other way around.
                You see, prior to patriarchy believe it or not societies were harsh matriarchies, and more likely than not this is why humans are the most well hung primates, women chose the most well endowed men in looks and penis size as they are predispositioned to do evolutionarily.
                As a rebellion patriarchy happened, which is something feminist scholars won't tell you, patriarchy was actually feminism for men and their fight for rights.
                After this women had to actually work to get a man and ugly women were often rejected and gradually slimmed down to what we know today.
                Women did not hold value because we seized the means of production and control after years of abuse from them.
                Now thanks to feminism they're gradually just shifting it back to a matriarchy again, which will likely just backfire into patriarchy again because like I said all humans are discriminatory chimp abominations who can't think for ten seconds how to cooperate with another human for their unified interest rather than their own self interest.

              • 12 months ago

                >Literally all ancient archeological finds show women as being far more masculine, and "uglier" than modern women.
                You do realize that this proves my point, right?
                Didn't read anything after that, because holy shit learn how to space out your walls of text.

              • 12 months ago

                >they were parts of hunting groups for a few times in history
                Yeah. Exactly. Only a few times, while evolution works over a long period of time.
                Unless entire generations decide to only breed with strong, bulky women, there is absolutely no evolutionary incentive for women to be strong and bulky.
                The opposite is true for men, if they weren't strong and bulky, they'd lose their mate to another stronger male.
                >Women certainly have been violently beaten to stop being ugly though
                Do you have any source for that claim you just pulled out of your ass?
                EVERY women, no matter how ugly, had inherent value to men because they could give them offspring.
                >The sad truth is humans are inherently discriminatory, racist, sexist, homophobic, tribalistic monsters
                ...what the frick? I didn't realize I was speaking with a cult member, my bad.

                >Do you have any source for that claim you just pulled out of your ass?
                >EVERY women, no matter how ugly, had inherent value to men because they could give them offspring.
                You have severe dementia

              • 12 months ago

                Your claim: "Women certainly have been violently beaten to stop being ugly"
                Your proof: "Literally all ancient archeological finds show women as being far more masculine, and "uglier" than modern women."
                Please explain how women becoming more beautiful over time proves that they were violently beaten to stop being ugly (as opposed to just having less offspring, for example).

              • 12 months ago

                You autistic frick the term "violently beaten" is a fricking figure of speech, I'm laughing while typing this because how the frick could you not tell?
                Anyway no shit the ugly one's simply got bred out and weren't literally beaten.

                Comics and Cartoons

                OP posted this previously because he knows the animation is great bait and jannoids are asleep and even let a hentai thread stay up yesterday and get archived so it hasn't been removed yet.
                This is just another Stonetoss/blobby thread

              • 12 months ago

                >enters a thread full of autists
                >gets mad at the autists being autistic

              • 12 months ago

                You're right it's my fault for forgetting mentalcels make up 60% of the incel community

              • 12 months ago

                Black person, most of the people on this site are autistic.
                It's a common mental disorder. Get over it.

              • 12 months ago

                >and even let a hentai thread stay up yesterday and get archived

                Got an link to said archive?

              • 12 months ago

                I don't know if I can get in trouble for posting this but the jannoids still haven't taken down this flagrant bait thread either so frick them.


                It's mostly gay porn bee tee dubs.
                Jannies will NEVER do their job properly.

              • 12 months ago

                Woman had to be "Strong" because they could die on a jagged rock and childbirth was a death sentence. That evolutionary pressure is completely gone with modern medicine and industrial society so ugly homosexuals like you can still breed.

              • 12 months ago

                Ah yes, everyone knows Einstein was touted for being able to score with all the ladies. Thank god in society no breeds with morons like Chad from every dating show ever.
                >Healthier (for women) usually means more beautiful.
                Which, shocker, means more like a babyfaced twink.
                Straight woman don't want hideous hulk-hands. Gays and Dykes don't really prefer them either and I don't know any man whose ideal woman is a hairy bara-lady.

                As it turns out, men end up looking like that more often because that's how basic testosterone works scrub.

              • 12 months ago

                I didn't realize evolution only started back in the 1800's, my bad!
                At least try to understand what people are talking about before you chime in with your bullshit. Fricking moron.

              • 12 months ago

                >Take a moron for example. None of them are beautiful, each and every one of them is ugly.
                You must be the most hideous motherfricker on the planet then going by genius way you post.

              • 12 months ago

                Show one example of a beautiful (or at least attractive) moron.
                I'll wait.

              • 12 months ago

                Whose the most attractive person ever to you?
                You sound like you're projecting anon.

              • 12 months ago

                Considering you refuse to show an example, I am assuming you're conceding. I accept.
                Having said that, I'm really into the tomboy archetype; short hair, no make-up, a fit body.
                Unfortunately every single women I've met while bouldering and climbing (because where else am I going to find a fit gf?) are either just not attractive to me, uses copious amounts of make-up for some godforsaken reason, or have a shitty normalgay-like personality.

    • 12 months ago

      >neither even really look ugly without the sweater
      only because it's a cartoon lmao

  24. 12 months ago

    Everyone is this thread will never score because they either hate woman, hate themselves, or have a the wrong brand of toothpaste

    • 12 months ago

      Maybe but I can score with you instead just like Mark Henry and the professor in your pic.

    • 12 months ago

      >Put on the girlfriend sweater Carl, I'm feeling romantical

      • 12 months ago

        The girlfriend sweater helps you retain your penis

    • 12 months ago

      at this at this point, I dont really know dude.
      is this really it?
      am i supposed to be watching blackpill content for the rest of my days while i hate women for not being around me?
      am i supposed to hate other people and have zero friends even if theres people that want to befriend me?
      Do I hate to call women femoids and be angry all the time?
      what is life anymore?
      im tired.

      • 12 months ago

        Get a hobby and a dog

        • 12 months ago

          He's not a woman femanon, he can't just take the dogpill and have sex with dogs like you can.

          • 12 months ago

            There are no woman here
            The dog can still lick peanut butter off his balls, don't be so negative

        • 12 months ago

          I guess I can try that.
          im tired of watching the same shit over and over and dwelling on my misery with the other 200 dudes in wheat waffle's comment section who are probably pajeets.

        • 12 months ago

          >get a dog
          Probably the best advice given so far.
          It helps keep wine aunts from killing themselves, so why not men too?

          • 12 months ago

            well it is this or be like the anon quoting studies about men not having sex for the rest of my life.
            oh well... life's really absurd when you think about it. I almost died to blood loss as a kid but here I am.

            • 12 months ago

              >life's really absurd when you think about it. I almost died to blood loss as a kid but here I am.
              You sound like a homosexual. At least take your loss with grace.
              t. ugly autist

      • 12 months ago

        Just go up and start talking to women. Try dating apps, but if you do, make sure you take good photos. A lot of men take really bad photos. Hinge is the best dating app if you want something serious

  25. 12 months ago

    Troon here.
    Can I try on the girlfriend sweater?

    • 12 months ago

      You can but the guy in the video will still flipout and reject you troon-anon.

      • 12 months ago

        As if troonanon wouldn't be exactly like the guy

    • 12 months ago

      >Twist: If you're the opposite gender it just makes you an uglier girl instead of an attractive one.

  26. 12 months ago

    >thing that never ever ever ever happened in real life
    An insecure man would never throw out the first girl who gave him attention. He would be infatuated with her for a long long time. Also isn't it kind of funny how the guy changes completely but the girl is pretty much the same except her hair is messy?

  27. 12 months ago

    Comics and Cartoons

  28. 12 months ago

    sex is for nomalgays

    • 12 months ago

      Not really. You can hire an escort any day you wish.
      Now, relationships on the other hand...

  29. 12 months ago

    I would absolutely reject a b***h who likes me just to make her suffer. It just feels good.
    But I would have to enter a relationship for that which means I would have to pretend to care about a b***h (which is just painfully exhausting) so it'd be hell for me as well. I'm already sick of pretending to be nice to others every single day.

    • 12 months ago

      people will call this anon an incel when he is in fact a psychopath
      please learn the difference, normalgays

  30. 12 months ago

    so wait, we just give incels hoodies and that's it?

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah but only the girlfriend sweaters

      • 12 months ago

        And femcels only get boyfriend sweaters to peg the incels wearing the girlfriend sweaters with.

  31. 12 months ago

    This kind of thinking doesn't work with women though
    god I bet she had the stinkiest pits
    and the greasiest hair
    I want to frick the sweater-less version more than the sweater one

    It's moronic, we have double standards baked in, men will jump at the opportunity to be with with not beautiful women, you just have to accept it instead of pretending that men can act like women

  32. 12 months ago

    >Bridgette Baron
    >UCLA's animation workshop
    Her opinion on men means as little as a chicano's on how horribly sexist latino culture does. It's like she ALMOST understands but then realizes she made him to sympathetic while also being straight and white so she made him instantly a douche. It's like she took one look at "looksmaxing" culture and did no follow-up research whatsoever, or that she did bit let her own personal hangups with men determine the ending.
    Even that one b***h that went ftm tackled this shit with more tact.

  33. 12 months ago

    Okay Cinemaphile, how would you make this animation better? What would you change?

    • 12 months ago

      Just change the ending, that the guy's relieved to know he wasn't the only one faking it here rather than chucking her out the door like yesterday's junk.

    • 12 months ago

      Reverse the genders. A women would do something like this.

    • 12 months ago

      Good ol' vanilla ending, everyone is happy.

    • 12 months ago

      Nothing, this is great. It's giving us insight into the brain of the modern woman and her delusions

      • 12 months ago

        yep. the comments from feminized men, and women praising it are the icing on the cake. the smug factor is overwhelming.

  34. 12 months ago

    It would have been more realistic if she looked like a sumo wrestler after removing the hoodie.

  35. 12 months ago

    Frick his homosexual ass this shit pisses me the frick off

  36. 12 months ago

    Does no one actually understand this?

    Isn't this basically saying that for the first few months of dating, you're putting on airs and a facade about the person you're trying to present yourself as to your date/gf/bf

    Then once you get comfortable, the mask comes off (The sweater) and your real self is revealed. Then you don't have to try as hard.

    • 12 months ago

      I think you're looking too deep into it. The point of the short is that he was a hypocrite who kicked her out after he found out she was doing the exact same thing as he was. The entire message of the short is 'look at this incel, he is so incel' women love to circlejerk. He's an incel because he wont settle for a "normal" looking woman and instead goes for girls out of his league. Of course when women do it it's completely fine.

      • 12 months ago

        Not even that, someone in the comments pointed out a bunch of microaggression bullshit but praised it as "realistic."
        >Couple observations here: first off, I really like how it's clear that the girl would still be perfectly fine with dating him because she clearly enjoyed (what she saw of) his personality rather than his looks. Secondly, it's interesting all of the foreshadowing for the REAL reason this guy can't get a date: He gets angry at everyone being in love instead of looking for someone himself, he edits a 6-pack onto a picture of his BFM-sona, he forgot their anniversary even though it was clearly important to his girlfriend, who he'd been dating for long enough that she HAD THE KEYS TO HIS HOUSE. Overall, I hope this girl doesn't spend too long crying over this guy, because he is TERRIBLY shallow.

        • 12 months ago

          The cartoonist was smart enough to not show him first failing with the same girl as his regular self, because now she and the intended audience don't have to deal with the unfortunate fact that his looks are the only reason she gave him a chance. Now they can instead handwave it with 'looks never mattered, he just had confidence now'.

          • 12 months ago

            It's like it exists in a vacuum and yet doesn't at the same time, it's almost ingenious. They'll cobble together entire animated videos and such about how horrible (straight white) men are and yet never attempt to look inwards and see their motivations for what they are.

            • 12 months ago

              Said people can't, they are too shallow.

  37. 12 months ago

    I don't get it.
    He changed his appearance because he was an unattractive nerd.
    But why did she change her appearance?

    • 12 months ago

      Because men are insecure they aren't Chad.
      Women are insecure because they can never be satisfied with themselves.
      That's why he threw her out, giant red flag, did the right thing.

    • 12 months ago

      One of the comments on the video summed it up well

      >There’s actually another hint to both their personalities within her reveal, her girlfriend material sweater only gave her a few touch ups, neat bright red hair instead of her messy dull brown, longer lashes, bigger perkier bust, and removed her freckles, this to me shows that her self consciousness was from a lack of confidence.

    • 12 months ago

      So she could get a chad, notice how she shoves that other girl away when she first sees him. She was committed to getting a chad.

  38. 12 months ago

    >'omg she's so cute how could that jerk kick her out'
    >ignoring the fact that the hoodies exist to turn ugly people pretty so her still being pretty undermines the entire fricking message
    are people genuinely this stupid

    • 12 months ago

      No moron, he wouldn't have kicked her out because she's a woman, he should have broke down cry and hugged her waist just happy to be with a woman now that he's returned to his insecure previous stage, of course women are FRICKING moronS so the creator didn't think of this.

      • 12 months ago

        >Just be happy with whoever you end up with
        >Be desperate for human contact and connection even if it's toxic

        You've never been in a relationship and it shows.

        Being single > Being with a batshit crazy person to avoid loneliness.

  39. 12 months ago

    it's realistic for normies, but to the losers on this board, it's unrealistic

  40. 12 months ago


  41. 12 months ago

    >watch it
    Women make it very hard not to dislike them. Imagine being this out of touch with the average guy.

    • 12 months ago

      people like to insist women and men are more alike than different but i genuinely do believe biological women see and process reality completely different compared to men. they just flatout choose to ignore how the average/below average dude lives and instead instantly label a man who has had trouble dating as someone toxic and evil who deserves to be alone. therefore they don't ever have to actually admit that this is very much a realm where most men are at a SIGNIFICANT disadvantage and a lot of dating success for men who aren't attractive in some fashion boils down to dumb luck. not game, or le "rizz". you just have to by some miracle meet the woman who will take a chance on you, and pray to god she doesn't lose interest or get le ick.

      • 12 months ago

        Ok cool.

  42. 12 months ago

    >Thread about cute little uni cartoon about relationships that ends in a twist
    >Thread is talking about incels
    Frick You! Frick You! Frick You! Frick You! Frick You!

    • 12 months ago

      >(s)he thinks this isn't some cope piece or attempt to get in with the right people on campus

    • 12 months ago

      I came here afer watching the short expecting cute art of the girl not incel chatter. Well you know what they say. If you want something done right...

  43. 12 months ago

    I'm too old to care about the relationship crap

  44. 12 months ago

    finally got around to watching this and the top comments are gonna give me a brain aneurysm. jesus fricking christ dude. not to mention the girl is genuinely cuter without the sweater. what a joke.

    • 12 months ago

      >the girl is genuinely cuter without the sweater.
      Noticed that

  45. 12 months ago

    You never realized his ridiculous your standards are before you sit back and analyze them, especially comparing them to yourself
    >Same hobbies and interests
    >doesn't wear makeup
    >doesn't take birth control
    >kind and respectful
    >dresses respectfully
    >not fat
    >not a certain persuasion
    >no social media
    >friends and family are good people
    It's a bit ridiculous, but I can admit it and don't expect anything

    • 12 months ago

      expecting a modern woman to be a virgin past high school is genuinely like looking for a unicorn man.

      • 12 months ago

        That's why it's ridiculous

  46. 12 months ago

    I feel like this is a metaphor for those people that use filters on their photos.
    I know a woman that weights like 200 kilos but when I once saw her internet photos she looked almost skinny and it was recent photos that she made at her new job where I was.
    Think MC is moronic though, though to be honest think that almost all non-gay men would take every woman no matter the looks. The only cases I know where men reject women is when the women are actually mentally ill or aggressive. If you ever meet a woman that WANTS a relationship but doesn't find any man or accuses men of having high standards and rejecting her for her look or weight then it's most likely a huge lie and a red flag and you should run for your life.

    That said the "real" girl from the video is cute imo.

  47. 12 months ago

    Good God, Brady, the years were just not kind to you.

    • 12 months ago

      >Good God
      I think you mean Good Grief

      No bait, anon, if you're gonna b***h about single mothers and old hags it's what you've gotta do.

      • 12 months ago

        or you know women could stop sleeping with men they know will make shitty deadbeat fathers.

        • 12 months ago

          Those are the only men they they notice. What is it, 80% of men with kids from multiple mothers are imprisoned or ex convicts? Crazy world

          • 12 months ago

            >ape aggressive and violent, ape make vegana tingle, give sex
            women are such a meme.

        • 12 months ago

          I'm sorry anon, I don't have any power to stop the single mother epidemic

  48. 12 months ago

    Women fricked themselves with make-up.

  49. 12 months ago

    This whole "The reason I can't get a girlfriend is because I'm ugly" is such a stupid cope. Go down to the walmart in a rural area and you'll find some ugly SOBs who are somehow married.

    • 12 months ago

      Even incels have standards higher than your nearest (literal) crack prostitute, anon.
      Most just want someone "normal", who returns their love in the form of physical attention.

      • 12 months ago

        you don't get it man. these people think that as a below average man if you're not willing to settle for said crack prostitutes you're not entitled to companionship. this is modern dating.

    • 12 months ago

      Honestly most pairings I know are ugly. Like, both are ugly. But maybe I am having too high standards not sure. I don't know any boomer without partner besides of a few weirdos that didn't want one and most of those with partner are overweighted and boring people and most of the men started to lose their hair in the early 30s or before.

      • 12 months ago

        >Ugly people are with ugly people
        That's how it works.

        you don't get it man. these people think that as a below average man if you're not willing to settle for said crack prostitutes you're not entitled to companionship. this is modern dating.

        To be fair it's hardly about literal crackprostitutes just women with any kind of bodycount. I mean go look at Cinemaphile who flipped a shit because their femcel troony game turned out to suck dick in college.

        • 12 months ago

          >Cinemaphile who flipped a shit because their femcel troony game turned out to suck dick in college.
          What game?

          • 12 months ago

            NEET Girl Date Night

            >That's how it works.
            I mean, yeah. But it's not the world being mean to incels then, it's a general issue and they could probably get women, just not the top 50%.
            Hell the bf of my 35 year old female friend looks kinda dumb as well and he's bald. They just like anime and were both singles which was enough to become friends and then partners.
            I feel like 95% of all incels, especially Americans, live in some tiny ass towns with 1000 other people and then wonder that they won't find anybody. Nobody finds anybody in such villages, you will most likely not even find a simple friend there and 60% of the citizens in towns are older than 55 anyway.

            I wouldn't say that high but yeah a good chunk are just isolated geographically, the rest are usually isolated socially, the rest that aren't are usually not in any decent social circle to meet women, the only other avenues being ones that don't favor being ugly and socially moronic. Like they do themselves no favors usually but the fact that it's becoming more difficult for people to socialize ESPECIALLY men isn't completely unfounded.

            I'm not browsing /LULZ/ because I'm not a homosexual one push away from trooning out, sorry.

            It's pretty mainstream, normalgay podcasters even say it and it's on shit like instagram and tiktok. You might just be old.

            where are these single women hiding? do i need to break into a house? genuinely all the younger women around here have bfs/husbands/or dozens of orbiters waiting to pounce. once again most of the dating game for below average men boils down to L U C K.

            >Where are these single women hiding?
            From you

            • 12 months ago

              >From you
              that goes without saying clearly. i am ugly after all. pretty sure my looksmatch would rather be alone or having casual hookups above her looks.

            • 12 months ago

              >black casual clothes
              >probably listening to metal
              >likes sharks
              Literally me. Prefer Transformers toys over stuffed animals though and power metal > death metal IMO.

              • 12 months ago

                >Likes sharks
                I don't think they like sharks in general

              • 12 months ago

                90s' kid's life in a nutshell.
                Though I guess being social media addicted with 12 is worse than being born in the late 80s or the 90s and ending up as a game nerd or IT hiki.

              • 12 months ago

                Bro, hit the gym

            • 12 months ago

              >mouth stuff

            • 12 months ago

              Y'know, I didn't believe you gays on this site when you said all trannies grab this shark until i started working at IKEA. A lot of cute ones have grabbed them

        • 12 months ago

          >That's how it works.
          I mean, yeah. But it's not the world being mean to incels then, it's a general issue and they could probably get women, just not the top 50%.
          Hell the bf of my 35 year old female friend looks kinda dumb as well and he's bald. They just like anime and were both singles which was enough to become friends and then partners.
          I feel like 95% of all incels, especially Americans, live in some tiny ass towns with 1000 other people and then wonder that they won't find anybody. Nobody finds anybody in such villages, you will most likely not even find a simple friend there and 60% of the citizens in towns are older than 55 anyway.

          • 12 months ago

            >have to deal with the HUSTLE and BUSTLE of the big city and pay out the butthole to live in some shoebox to maybe get some landwhale to frick you
            no worth it man.

            • 12 months ago

              >nooo I don't want to move
              >I don't want ugly women
              >don't want to pay rent
              I mean fine, but you cannot complain then. You chose to stay in your little town then and didn't actually try to find a valid solution. You have to be legit moronic to not find friends and partners in a city and the majority of people aren't landwhales. Also, most people aren't born with a house they own or would ever accumulate enough money to buy one, so at least in that regard you can consider yourself luckier than the majority.

              If I could choose between a partner and no rent I would easily choose the latter. Wouldn't even need to work fulltime anymore. Rent is unironically eating up 60%+ of your fulltime income in the Euro country I live in.

              • 12 months ago

                i live with my parents like most failure millennials in the west.

              • 12 months ago

                also i still have to pay rent just not like 2000+ a month i would be paying in a big city as a leaf.

              • 12 months ago

                Why is it even so expensive there? Rent is high in my country because we're overpopulated and people appear faster than the cities can build, but Canada is 90% just nothing. I always thought rent would be cheap as shit there not 1000 EUR+ for a micro apartment like here.

              • 12 months ago

                Same reason, everyone wants to crowd around major urban hubs. It's cheaper to live further away but then there's usually nothing out there.

              • 12 months ago

                >Legit moronic
                I mean yeah, of course. But how does an adult man actually find new friends? Partners, maybe, but actual friends? Kind of far fetched.

              • 12 months ago

                you don't. this is common knowledge. you're supposed to have a family.

              • 12 months ago

                I guess
                Look for local events in your area, pick events that interest you. Although, I have never used this website before

              • 12 months ago

                I think it's possible to find other loners with hobbies like you in a city but my problem is that I somehow cannot get really close to anybody anymore the way I did when I was a kid. I don't know whether that's just me and if I have lost that ability or if adults are just generally so distances that they cannot form genuine bonds anymore.
                I at least managed to have a week-long trip with a friend in Italy now without any issues, so maybe it's a step up at least. But it's really hard to find people and get close to them past a certain age. Most don't even want to socialize much anymore. It's not our generation, most old people I know are inherently lonely so it's seems to be a general issue.

              • 12 months ago

                I think in general that's just adults, especially men, others have more responsibilities and in general already have a friend group or loved one they rely on. There's really no reason to reach out for anymore than casual pleasantries, and anyone trying to force their way past that barrier is weird.

  50. 12 months ago

    Incelibacy aside, I greatly appreciated “one thing” halfway through the video

    • 12 months ago

      i nearly died laughing at that part.

    • 12 months ago

      I don't get it I don't know anybody, did this guy do something similar to something that happened in the video?

  51. 12 months ago

    where are these single women hiding? do i need to break into a house? genuinely all the younger women around here have bfs/husbands/or dozens of orbiters waiting to pounce. once again most of the dating game for below average men boils down to L U C K.

  52. 12 months ago

    I hate the term "body count", my mind is too pure for you fricks and instantly associates it with serial killers and mass shooters so reading these kinds of posts is always confusing at first,

    • 12 months ago

      Lurk moar homosexual

      • 12 months ago

        I'm not browsing /LULZ/ because I'm not a homosexual one push away from trooning out, sorry.

  53. 12 months ago

    I could use a good turkey sandwich with sliced tomato, lettuce, Dijon, a touch of mayo, and a good slice of muenster.

  54. 12 months ago

    I gave up on love when i reached 30, i have too many insecurities to even bother anymore.
    People tend to fret when i tell them but ive made peace with my loneliness, and i see no positive outcome from even trying again.

    • 12 months ago

      >gave up at 18

  55. 12 months ago

    Step 1. Start going to events and meetups that interest you
    Step 2. Start talking to people there and get to know them
    Step 3. Get their number, snaps or other related
    Step 4. Start hanging out with said people outside of said events
    Step 5. Slowly escalated this behavior and if any female friend is interested start going on dates with them

    • 12 months ago

      >normalc**t has entered the chat
      >bro just GO TO (EVENTS) & (MEETUPS)
      >approach STRANGERS and GROUPS as an awkward and offputting adult man who is COMPLETELY ALONE
      like a goddamn broken record with you people. it really is like the draw an owl meme.

      • 12 months ago

        Sorry mate it's the only help you'll ever get besides giving the frick up. Nobody cares about social morons because there's no real understanding them

        • 12 months ago

          I think its more like if you fall through the cracks as a man it is highly unlikely if not statistically impossible you're ever going to be able to recover. unless you're a very special case.

        • 12 months ago

          Oh god, you're the same moron from that previous thread.
          I am a 100% certain you have some kind of mental disorder.
          Frick you and frick your flame-baiting image.

          • 12 months ago

            Not baiting, I'm just saying the facts, anon. Social morons are something alien to normalgays who think the end all of social issues are just the person getting in their own way because shyness or some kind of hang up from a bad experience. They don't consider someone who's actually alienated and stunted. The comic is perfect, Petting a dog is something so simple and natural. Even kids know how to pet dogs, how could someone not know how to pet a dog? Just pet the fricking dog.

            • 12 months ago

              >The comic is perfect
              It's really not.
              It's insulting the supposed autistic person by making him appear bald and misshapen and by literally comparing him to a moron.
              It then proceeds to show the autistic person to cower in fear instead of getting angry or moving away from the situation.
              I don't know if you ever met an autistic person (it's obvious you haven't), but they're more likely to maim you for touching them without consent rather than promptly falling into a fetal position and cry.
              The last panel takes the fricking cake with instead of self-reflection (which autists do CONSTANTLY after EVERY single social situational event) it shows the autistic person saying something completely nonsensical, removing all supposed empathy for him.
              The entire thing is disgustingly insulting. Frick you.

              • 12 months ago

                You've really never seen social morons on Cinemaphile go through the same exact pity party?
                >ugly self-loathing loser fricks up at social interaction
                >Their only reflection of the situation is "I'm just doomed to be a sad lonely homosexual who isn't allowed to have friends"
                I'm not talking about hard on the spectrum Good Doctors, I'm talking about socially moronic losers who go to online circlejerks to comiserate.

              • 12 months ago

                >social morons on Cinemaphile
                Wow, it's almost as if the internet isn't a 1:1 copy of real life!
                The entirety of /LULZ/ is nothing but a place to vent about loneliness.
                I'd even dare to wager that if the most hostile piece of shit on there would meet someone they like, they'd immediately drop the /LULZ/-angst personality.
                You're trying to understand caricatures and then when people not on vent-mode try to talk about their disabilities, you apply your moronic logic on actual people.
                It doesn't work. You're moronic (or at least on the spectrum). The end.

        • 12 months ago

          >Nobody cares about social morons because there's no real understanding them
          Why should anyone care about social morons? I ask this with the utmost sincerity. I'm a social moron myself but eventually came to the realization that expecting people to accommodate me for that was wishful thinking.

          • 12 months ago

            people shouldn't i guess. not everyone gets to win in life or get what they want. life is simply unfair.

          • 12 months ago

            There's no real reason to care for anyone, just the people giving advice tend to be doing so from a place of wanting to atleast seem helpful and empathetic.

            you do realize unattractive men are seen as creeps by default right.

            That's where the social awareness comes in handy, sadly you're going to have to do extra work to prove to people you're not a creep. Which is all the harder if you're a social moron with no friends.

      • 12 months ago

        If you want to make friends and meet people, you are gonna have to get out of your comfort and start talking with people. Just have social awareness and don't be a creep.

        • 12 months ago

          you do realize unattractive men are seen as creeps by default right.

    • 12 months ago

      Not an incel but events are fricking shit anon, don't do it unless you want absolute superficial friendships that only exist as long as both of you enjoy the same chinese cartoon or something.
      if anything try the internet but not social media if possible.
      I unironically found my three best friends in forums and we are friends for over a decade now.

      • 12 months ago

        How? How does anyone actually meet on the internet? Apparently I'm a fricking moron because I actually listened to the PSAs about not meeting anyone on the internet so I don't get analized but it's left me unable to make ANY friends on the internet.

        • 12 months ago

          We were from the same country and happened to get along, post for years and have the same opinions on a lot of shit so we decided to meet once. Population in my country is dense and the country isn't that big so at worst someone might live 500km (250 miles) away since I live in the center. My friends actually happen to live in a radius of 200km, one even lives in my state only 50km away. Still a bit much but hey I only pay 50 EUR/dollars for some sort of train flatrate so I just play switch for an hour when I'm traveling to them.

  56. 12 months ago

    The end game is becoming a happy gay furry or a depressed lonely weeb.
    Better pick one and go to the associated conventions and online spaces to meet people, it's more cringe if you wait and you will be cringe either way.

    • 12 months ago

      Don't weebs have conventions and online spaces? I'm sure furgays probably have the same exact issues of being shunt-in losers. And getting them together in one place seems to just promise more misery for them and the surrounding area most the time.

      • 12 months ago

        You can be both at the same time or happy or sad as either. Good luck as a cartoon and comic book guy though.
        But the furry crowd at large are definitely more gay, whatever that means at the end of the day.

        • 12 months ago

          >Whatever that means
          It means they have sex with the same sex...or attempt to. It's not hard. Though weebs have been getting a lot gayer as of late, they're really leaning into the whole crossdresser thing. Like they did before but now there's like a whole enclave of the frickers.

      • 12 months ago

        weebs do yeah. people at conventions tend to keep to themselves though in my experience at least, especially women in groups. people all kind of go there with friend groups and unless you have plans to meetup with online friends there you're unlikely to just start up a conversation with a stranger at any weeb convention. most people are awkward and skittish. women who are completely alone are often very visibly autistic and possibly 2dsexual.

      • 12 months ago

        For some reason furries are everywhere and I legit even met workaholics in suits that happened to be furries online or maybe also in their private life. Shit is weird.
        Weeabos are a different thing. They are either hiki or borderline hiki, depressed slave wagers that do nothing but consuming anime in their free time or they super annoying quirky attention seekers that walk around with merch and anime logos and care more about socialising with anime fans than actually watching anime (most of them barely watch and read anything and they usually don't play games but talk about them).

        • 12 months ago

          I don't know I've met a bunch of people who watch anime at various jobs. Never met one furry. This seems like a weird bias

    • 12 months ago

      You can be both at the same time or happy or sad as either. Good luck as a cartoon and comic book guy though.
      But the furry crowd at large are definitely more gay, whatever that means at the end of the day.

      Take your furhomosexualry somwwhere else, preferably hell.

      • 12 months ago

        Where do you think we are?
        You're on the internet on a weaboo site in the designated western baby market board propped up entirely by shows with talking animals.
        Barneygay was right all those years ago.

    • 12 months ago

      Nah, I'm gonna do my thang

  57. 12 months ago

    I just want 2d to be real

  58. 12 months ago

    The irony here is that literally every woman that wears makeup is guilty of this.

  59. 12 months ago

    >Enjoy talking to shut-ins, Cinemaphile spergs and shy, socially over-sensitive people the most.
    >Will never be able to meet up with one of them IRL because they think I'm trying to murder them by luring them away from their rooms.
    I know it's a core part of your character, but get out of your damn houses once in a while so I can talk to and befriend you, you cowards.

    • 12 months ago

      Where will we meet?

      • 12 months ago

        Underneath the sycamore tree

    • 12 months ago

      I leave my house, it's just it results in me being the creepy guy wandering around various locales who occasionally awkwardly nods at others as to imply "I'm not a creepy threat" but it just feels as though that made things worse. Where the frick were you?

    • 12 months ago

      For me it's how people insist on wanting to meet somewhere so public and noisy like a cafe, even a bookstore gives me anxiety. I'd love to meet somewhere quiet but of course then the other party thinks you're a serial killer, because nothing says "I want to kill you" like shaky confidence.

    • 12 months ago

      >Me leaving my house to have fun

  60. 12 months ago

    Jesus christ, I'm so glad I don't have a relationship. It seems so tiring from the outside . I couldn't imagine constantly stepping on eggshells and bending over backwards to keep someone happy when they can't even be happy on their own. How do people enjoy that?

    • 12 months ago

      >I couldn't imagine constantly stepping on eggshells
      This. This is my issue. The moment people are in love they get overly sensitive and turn into annoying pussies that demand constant attention no matter whether they are women or men. I have no patience to deal with that shit. I always do what I want or don't do anything if I am not in the mood for it and I always say what I think. Lying is too much of a hassle and I cannot act at all so everybody would know I am lying about my feelings. I mostly just want to be left alone and enjoy my interests or do something creative. Socializing comes later and I don't want to do it every day.

  61. 12 months ago

    I do I get hookups?

  62. 12 months ago

    >girl is cuter with the sweater off
    No, and also the creator is wrong too.

  63. 12 months ago

    >This thread is worse than the youtube comments
    Didn't see that one coming

  64. 12 months ago

    The Linkin Park music sting was a nice touch but the ending absolutely ruined everything
    I don't know why Americans are obsessed with schadenfreude homosexualry all the time, everything has to have a twist or be buried under several layers of irony nothing can ever just be as it should be

    • 12 months ago

      t. humorless

    • 12 months ago

      It taught you a valuable lesson, don't get too invested in a relationship

    • 12 months ago

      I feel like everybody is projecting so hard while creating anything these days that almost every piece of media is fueled by hate against something the director personally keeps seething about.
      I know people that want to create their own comics and their stories are just about fat nerd MCs that are literally them and even looking like them getting revenge on badly disguised real people they have an issue with. Those issues aren't even laughable harmless shit but emotionally unstable gays and homosexualinas will never get over a harmless argument they once had and demand that the other person should die because of it. Surely not helping that half of the adults nowadays have the maturity of edgy ten year olds.

      • 12 months ago

        I've noticed this too, I think due to being so emotionally stunted modern writers have to ALWAYS be funny and always making quips and jokes because if they try and be genuine for just a moment then they think they'll be made fun of.
        I'm just tired of characters being senselessly abused just to be the butt of a joke it's so fricking old.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah. It might not help that a lot of people only consume one type of media and have all their knowledge from that one. So they are basically just producing a derivative of series that are already derivatives themselves. The most talented creators were almost always people that watched western movies, asian movies, talked to or observed real people, had varied hobbies and interested and they read books and not just novels. Now a web comic nerd reads web comics all day, most of them being shitty 4koma from twitter, and imitating those specific comics but believing to give them their own "touch".
          Eventually it ends up being another quirky ironic "literally me" shlog with shitty plot because they realised that they wanted their comic to have a plot half-way in, after doing episodical comedy for a year or two. Then it completely changes the tone because they cannot make another series since the MC is literally them.
          Compare that with old sci-fi writers that were often scientists themselves that lived an otherwise normal life and build up life experience and a sizeable common knowledge on top of it before starting their works.

  65. 12 months ago

    Man, this thread sucks. I'm a virgin NEET with no social skills but now I'm tempted to go to a bar and talk to the first hot girl I see just so I won't be associated with you homosexuals.

    • 12 months ago

      you don't have to associate with anyone. you can be a cool detached bad boy anon nobody is stopping you.

    • 12 months ago

      your attitude is better than just saying it's over for the 100th time and calling women femoids, i respect that anon. take care.

    • 12 months ago

      You will still be associated with the rest of them by browsing this board

    • 12 months ago

      Or a pottery class like a decent person.

    • 12 months ago

      >local anon arrested and sentenced to 15 years in prison for harassing woman in bar

      • 12 months ago

        Hail Britannia

      • 12 months ago

        Does that mean I can get the coppers in trouble if they're keeping an eye on me?

    • 12 months ago

      Bar gays are usually pretty cool and chill, I even have a metal bar nearby. Hookah bars are also great to hang out but I am usually too lazy to talk to others when there is no topic I care about so I mostly enjoy shit alone or with my equally autistic best friend.

      • 12 months ago

        How do you actually talk to randos though?

        • 12 months ago

          this dude clearly already has a social group and social skills. none of his advice is gonna be useful.

        • 12 months ago

          I barely do. Usually only when I am alone with someone. It works best when you have a non-shitty job like when you're an archeologist and having other archaeologists nearby since they are probably interested in the same shit. Another option are forums. Good forums, not those where most users are underaged.

    • 12 months ago

      Millennians and gen z gays don't go to bars anymore, that was a boomer generation thing. Millennials are mostly social media addicted so they barely leave the house and you cannot do BBQ with them either because they are usually vegan. It's unironically much easier to socialise with people in their 50s and become their friends, there is nothing you can do with most younger people they don't do anything, don't like anything, call you out on shit and have food allergies.

      • 12 months ago

        you sound profoundly moronic.

        • 12 months ago

          He's absolutely right, though.

        • 12 months ago

          Mabye cultural differences then? It's surely works that way where I live. Most bars are sadly shutting down. Slowly but surely. They don't get the guests they need anymore. Nightlife has changed a lot the last decades and most people my age want super healthy lifestyles now and call you out if you like fireworks because they claim it was traumatizing their dogs and they hate everything that they consider environmentally harmful and they deem absolutely everything but iPhones environmentally harmful. And don't let me get started on the social media addiction of the younger part (sub 26) that will star on their phone while someone is talking them, star on their phone when they are supposed to eat and annoy you with shitty memes instead of talking or joining any other activity. They usually don't even play games, they only watch let's plays and talk about it as if they played it.

          • 12 months ago

            touch grass.

            • 12 months ago

              I am sitting on and touching grass more often than instagram addicts like you. Enjoy your salad, b***h.

    • 12 months ago
      The Masterfully Mindful Moid
  66. 12 months ago

    oh man. i read the comments so i knew what was coming but i still laughed.

  67. 12 months ago

    I'd frick the shit outta both of them

  68. 12 months ago

    The artstyle immediately gave an impression that this was made by a woman.

  69. 12 months ago

    holy shit there are so many of you here that can't take a fricking joke.

    • 12 months ago

      Are you going to say the same thing on a Stonetoss thread or a Blobby thread Black person? Jannies ban those on sight because they know it's bait hidden as a joke or comic or cartoon and so is this.

    • 12 months ago

      not funny. didn't laugh. once again proving the vast majority of w*men are genuinely incapable of being funny. there are maybe 5 women currently in existence who are funny.

      • 12 months ago

        >there are maybe 5 women currently in existence who are funny

        Do you think one of those five women will thank you for being the least misogynist incel on the cartoon forum?
        You are painfully pathetic. There aren't any funny women. They do not exist

        • 12 months ago

          i have definitely laughed at the very least 5 women in my life. i will give them that.

  70. 12 months ago

    It's simple. Normalgays need to believe that every incel is actually a shallow and evil person because they cannot handle knowing that someone could be good and still end up alone. This is what all of the incel talk comes down to.

  71. 12 months ago

    >living in a small ass town from a "thirdworld part" of the US (actual quote)
    >not many girls around (women are statistically way more likely to move to urban areas than men)
    >refusing to ever move
    >whole personality is "woe is me"
    >blames look and evil others for everything, even the lack of male friends
    >zero passion, hobbies or personal goals besides being the "average" human
    >caring more about what some fictional others that can read thoughts might think of you instead of developing own individual hobbies and life goals
    >whining about every tip others are providing that could maybe help, calling them buttholes for giving tips
    >hating alcohol (fine by itself, but just another special need to add to the pile)
    >literally asking "how to talk to others" as 30+ or something

    If it's any help, I don't think it's your face or weight that are the issue.

    • 12 months ago

      Woah he's literally me, he's so fricking based....

    • 12 months ago

      But seriously, how do you talk to others?

      • 12 months ago

        We are already talking anon.

        • 12 months ago

          Like the other guy said this is typing this is what a actual conversation sounds like:

      • 12 months ago

        I mean I am not good at it either, but casually even I manage to trigger convos. Since I am silent and busy daydreaming it's individual situations that cause it so I cannot give any general tips.
        But let's say you are in the subway and it suddenly stops and stays still because of another subway crash (pic related, I needed to go there). Then the person sitting in front of you might look annoyed or grin or some shit. You first look at them to check whether they are avoiding eye contact (sign that they might not be in the mood to talk) or not. If they do, try some shit like "Another crash, I just had one last month. I couldn't even reach my office back then so I gave up and ate a kebab first" and unless they are a b***h, they usually reply with an own anecdote about their experiences with crashes and lots of times it's actually enjoyable getting such random infos from random people. Though talking might be even easier if it's a colleague. Just start off a convo by complaining about the job. That always works.

        That said, it's way, waaay harder establishing convos with younger people right now because most of them look at their phone non-stop and sometimes you cannot even tell whether they're wearing wireless earphones or not. And I generally don't talk to people that seem busy doing something else since I consider that rude. Unless it's something urgent.

  72. 12 months ago

    Well terrible thread everyone, let's never do it again

    • 12 months ago

      See ya tomorrow, Sam.

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