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  1. 4 weeks ago

    no because I am more moronic than Andy and even I managed it

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Another 6 years and it’ll be a reality for me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

      Just go to a hooker ffs

      • 4 weeks ago

        If a hooker is my only option I'd honestly rather die a kissless virgin

        • 4 weeks ago

          That's moronic.
          >I'd rather starve to death than buy canned food at the supermarket

          • 4 weeks ago

            >food analogy
            First incels, it's about the validation of being desired, not just the act of sex itself.

            • 4 weeks ago

              No, it's not. That's a female mindset. How much onions runs through your veins?

              • 4 weeks ago

                He’s right

              • 4 weeks ago

                He's wrong though.

              • 4 weeks ago

                No you’re wrong

          • 4 weeks ago

            You can't live without food, you can without sex.

            don't worry you will


        • 4 weeks ago

          don't worry you will

        • 4 weeks ago

          It boosts your self esteem and endorphins. Also as other anons have said, women sense it

          • 4 weeks ago

            > Also as other anons have said
            your sisters on /LULZ/? ;^)

          • 4 weeks ago

            >hookers boost your self esteem
            the literal opposite lmao

            worst post nut clarity ever

            • 4 weeks ago

              Stay virgin then. You are clearly already OK with it.

              • 4 weeks ago

                he is not and the solution being offered is garbage

              • 4 weeks ago

                >solution offered is garbage

                Whatever dude. I will have sex at least 2 times tonight with my gf, while all you virgins cry in this god forsaken board

              • 4 weeks ago

                you do that and stop talking about shit you know nothing about

            • 4 weeks ago

              >worst post nut clarity ever
              Not me, I am very lonely and enjoyed cuddling with a hooker after we had sex.

          • 4 weeks ago

            do women have psychic powers? how are they able to tell if a man has slept with other women or not

            • 4 weeks ago

              They don't for certain, they just notice that you don't seem very skilled and/or engaged socially, and extrapolate from this that you probably don't have sex often, or ever.
              Men can do this too, anyone can if they bother to think about it.

              • 4 weeks ago

                women don't need to have social skills to get laid though
                in fact, most of them don't. it's crazy how many women on dating apps give one words responses or don't know how to carry a conversation

              • 4 weeks ago

                >women don't need to have social skills to get laid though
                Probably because that's not what men are looking for. There is a double standard.
                They are socialized more heavily from a young age, and those who really have poor social skills in a similar way as some men are rarer. And even in those cases, they'll find men willing to have sex with them.

                But by "men can do this too", I was referring to having a guess as to whether a man is a virgin or not.

          • 4 weeks ago

            yeah man, and when i'm bad at the video game, i just spend money on microtransactions and feel like a pro

          • 4 weeks ago

            Literally haven’t had sex with a woman in over 7 months and women fawn over me. I tease them and lead them on and shit. I’m doing celibacy to work on myself and they can sense it I guess. They sense wanting something they can’t have.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Get a hooker just to break the barrier, moron, after that you'll feel more relaxed. I think.

          • 4 weeks ago


            • 4 weeks ago

              >tell the hooker you're a virgin
              Why?? Btw a lot of them don't care, just find one like that

              • 4 weeks ago

                she said she only fricks circumcised guys

              • 4 weeks ago

                Ok you're trolling, there's a hooker for every specific thing ever, being a virgin is not even close to be weird to them

        • 4 weeks ago

          So fricking have a nice day and live stream it for the world to laugh at you. Pathetic piece of shit.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Why are you such a heartless unempathetic twat?

            • 4 weeks ago

              Simple; you pathetic nerds make me fricking laugh at how easily fixable your lives would be if you just grew the frick up, and acted like adults instead of living on the internet.

              But you don't. You're just meat bags taking up space in civil society. Sharing your useless contrarian bullshit on a dying website, thinking the outside world owes you a fricking crown and a castle. You don't want to be men. you want to remain children until you're dead.

              So, fricking have a nice day. You specifically first. Black personhomosexual.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Bro, you're so fricking cool. I bet all the kids in middle school must think you're really tough.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Simple; you pathetic nerds make me fricking laugh at how easily fixable your lives would be if you just grew the frick up, and acted like adults instead of living on the internet.
                Wow. Such platitudes. What is this, reddit? You don't know these people, many of them may have very different reasons for being the way they are. But of course you just know the best. You completely lack any intellectual humility. Sign of low IQ.

            • 4 weeks ago

              nta but virgins who put sex and pussy on a pedestal deserve to be miserable, it's not that big of a deal

              • 4 weeks ago

                Have you been an incel? Have you read any of the research on the effects of this state of being? Have you talked to any to find out how they feel? You seem to have very low emotional intelligence.

              • 4 weeks ago

                if it makes you feel any better I ignored two women who wanted to hang out tonight to get drunk and watch x-files lol

            • 4 weeks ago

              To keep out the normies.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Shut up kid. grow the frick up, and speak like an adult. Stop pretending to be "autistic". Be a fricking adult!

              • 4 weeks ago

                Calmer than you are.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I'm staying. Enjoying my coffee.

          • 4 weeks ago

            nah, i'll keep living just despite you

      • 4 weeks ago

        I tried getting an escort, and they ripped me off for 500 dollars.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Lol don't you have to "see" an escort a few times before they deem you worthy of sex?

        • 4 weeks ago

          How the frick did a hooker rip you off? No wiener?

        • 4 weeks ago

          A friend of mine tried a escort and he got blackmailed by her pimp. He called the police, his mother found out and kicked him out. He then decided to become a gigolo and last time I saw him he was still going at it

      • 4 weeks ago

        I went to a prostitute, he said my life's a bore

      • 4 weeks ago

        not him but I tried to get to lose it two hookers twice and both ghosted me. On the second try, I made sure to get the exact address and everything in advance but the doorbell had no names on it and when I asked again on Whatsapp she blocked me, in front of the fricking door. I completely gave up there, what are the chances of that happening twice? That's when I came to terms that everything is a fake and gay simulation or similar.

        • 4 weeks ago

          *to hookers twice

          I'm druk, two hookers twice would be too expensive and too much work for a 30 (28 on the first try) yo virgin

      • 4 weeks ago

        Im honestly thinking about seeing an escort. Like, ive had sex but not good sex. Before shit gets worse in the world i just want to experience what mind blowing sex is like. I know that seeing escorts is somewhat sketchy, especially if they dont respond back to you. Any tips from anons ITT when i actually make the decision to go see one?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah let me just ruin any future political aspirations I have.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's not the same, Black person.
        t. guy who got addicted to "those" massage places

      • 4 weeks ago

        hookers dont count
        nor do condom

        you must creampie a girl whom you are not paying, that's the threshold

        anyone could hire a hooker, it isn't impressive

        • 4 weeks ago

          Also if it's not for the purpose of procreation

          • 4 weeks ago

            True procreation is a primal urge, recreational sex is just decadency

      • 4 weeks ago

        Where do people even find prostitutes? With how often people suggest them on this website it sounds like they're on every street corner.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

      9 more years.

      8 years to go bros
      I'm going to make it


      The countdown to being a 40yo KHV is truly the male equivalent of the biological clock.

      32 in a couple of days so yeah...

      lol fricking losers

  3. 4 weeks ago

    I'm ignoring a girl tonight to watch movies alone in the dark.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I literally can't imagine because like most normies people I lost my virginity when I was a teen.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Over halfway there

  6. 4 weeks ago

    I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

    • 4 weeks ago


      Just go to a hooker ffs

      If a hooker is my only option I'd honestly rather die a kissless virgin

      You post this in every thread.

      • 4 weeks ago

        newbie much?

    • 4 weeks ago

      literally me, not for long though, i'll become a wizard soon

    • 4 weeks ago

      Only 29? Enjoy it while it lasts, kid. One day you'll be an old virgin like me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Man, I'm glad I got that sorted out early on.

      t. 32 year old non-virgin NEET who hasn't had sex in 16 years

      • 4 weeks ago

        did you enjoy it

        • 4 weeks ago

          It was good stuff, yeah.

          Not worth dedicating half of your life to thoughever.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >turning 29 tomorrow
      >fiance is 31
      >never been with anyone else
      >she's been with quite a few
      It doesn't get any easier.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >older fiance
        >she's a prostitute
        >your the "man" she settled with after having fun in her youth

        Very grim, anon

        • 4 weeks ago

          >your the "man" she settled with after having fun in her youth
          it's not a bad thing if she can accept that the relationship you have now is infinitely better.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You're just the guy she begrudgingly settled for after realizing that she couldn't get the same caliber of men to date her, that she could get to hook up with her. But hey, if you're happy, then I wish you all the best. If I were in your shoes, I would feel so humiliated and worthless, that I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >she begrudgingly settled for
              Why are relationships such a bad thing?
              >the same caliber of men to date her, that she could get to hook up with her
              The bar for a long term relationship is so much higher than a fling or a hookup. I've done both

              • 4 weeks ago

                >The bar for a long term relationship is so much higher than a fling or a hookup
                For men. But not for women. Guys are much more willing to "frick down" than women do, so women have access to much more attractive men for casual sex, than they do for relationships. So, those are the guys they usually end up hooking up with. And when I say "attractive", I don't mean just physical stuff. Famous musicians frick hoards of groupies, but wouldn't date the vast majority of them.

              • 4 weeks ago

                What does that have to do with my standards for a long term partner? I'm not dating ugly women.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I'm not talking about your standards. Let me repeat for you the point I was making:
                >You're just the guy she begrudgingly settled for after realizing that she couldn't get the same caliber of men to date her, that she could get to hook up with her.

    • 4 weeks ago

      this but also haven't held a girls hand.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'm 25 years old and a virgin.

        It's okay. I think you're a valuable human being. Besides, women constantly sleep with criminals, murderers, rapists, etc. Their interest is not an accurate judgement of how good of a person you are.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    9 more years.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    No. This is unrealistic. Like, if you havent any nasty decease or you are buttfucc ugly, how can you manage to not have sex till 40??

    • 4 weeks ago

      Pretty easy, just go with the "dude chill don't worry it will happen" meme and guess what, nothing ever happens

      • 4 weeks ago

        >just go with the "dude chill don't worry it will happen" meme and guess what, nothing ever happens
        That's how it works for most people. Clearly you're doing something wrong.

        >go to school/work
        >don't talk to anyone
        >go home

        How can you normies not fathom how easy it is to go through life with no friends or relationships? If you do nothing and don't talk to anyone it's very easy to remain a virgin longer than normal. Being social is hard for a lot of people

        >there are no women at school or work
        >working or going to school means you can't online date
        Yeah nah. You're actively going out of your way to avoid having sex.

        Grow up in an environment where your mother is an absentee junkie who you never see, a father who’s obsessed with running a business, and keeps you at arms length constantly, a stepmother who openly hates you, an extended family who you barely know, a school environment who picks up on your weakness and bullies you relentlessly for it, not much in the way of any sort of support structure, spend your teenage years working for your dad instead of socializing, and then get told “Good luck, butthole”, and kicked out into adulthood with PTSD from the abusive stepmother, and minimal experience socializing, let alone know where to even begin with women.

        This is the only conceivable explanation - you've been so buckbroken and bullied that you're mentally ill and scared of human interaction.

        But I'm guessing 99% of virgin anons ITT have never had any bad shit happen to them that most people haven't also gone through.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >actively going out of your way to avoid having sex
          I'm not one of those people for whom sex and relationships, and friends just magically fall into their lap. I struggle to talk to people and no one talks to me so I have nothing. Actively avoiding sex is such a strange perspective. I can't avoid something I never have opportunities for

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Yeah nah. You're actively going out of your way to avoid having sex.
          Frick you. Requires effort, it doesn't just happen.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I recently became... very similar to the guy in the OP. Upon reflection, I have in fact actively avoided the forms of socialization which naturally lead to sex. Bars, prom, church (yes, church leads to sex, or so I have come to understand), places like that. I had a happy childhood and supportive parents. I am white. I am 6'0". I am not short, fat, or ugly. Just an average looking guy. It's the sheer autism. Also, I refuse to use social media beyond a few very perfunctory things (Cinemaphile doesn't count).

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I have in fact actively avoided the forms of socialization which naturally lead to sex. Bars, prom, church
            >It's the sheer autism.
            Are you sure it's autism and not anxiety over being in an uncomfortable situation? It sucks when you're in your 20s because everyone took that plunge as kids when the social stakes were much lower. By the time they turn 18 they have gone through the good and bad times and are relatively developed adults. But when you have avoided socialization and are now an adult man, failure becomes much more humiliating than getting laughed at by schoolmates. However, this is the only path to integrate into society and start getting experience with women.

            • 4 weeks ago

              You're probably onto something, I only use the word "autism" as a catch-all phrase. But there is definitely something "spergy" going on in my psychology.

              As I write, the weather is nice and there are thousands upon thousands of people outside socializing at bars and restaurants. A short distance away, I am sitting alone in my apartment analyzing a chess problem and shitposting. Also I'm a loner and people are wary of those.

              • 4 weeks ago

                > I only use the word "autism" as a catch-all phrase. But there is definitely something "spergy" going on in my psychology.
                I think you're probably like me when I was in my early 20s. I avoided doing stuff or being social because I was aware I was weird, found weird things funny, etc. I didn't want to get judged, basically. I think I'm still the same, just more aware of what I can do without coming off as a weirdo. I still avoid things I think are out of my depth but I participate in some things once in a while. Tonight my wife went to bed early and I'm drinking and posting on Cinemaphile, which I enjoyed back then too. I haven't changed at all, but am much more capable of seeming more normal to others and maintaining a humble social life.

        • 4 weeks ago

          actively choosing to online date is taking action
          online dating is not "doing nothing".
          Also, not him, but there are legitimately no women at my work, at least not ones that i would meet as part of my job. So I would be going out of my way to talk to them

        • 4 weeks ago

          >there are no women at school or work
          Workplaces are high risk and you're likely to get a call from HR or in the worst case fired for unwanted advances. Not worth risking your entire career over over pussy.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Yeah nah. You're actively going out of your way to avoid having sex.
          I do this
          Just don't care much for it is all

    • 4 weeks ago

      Grow up in an environment where your mother is an absentee junkie who you never see, a father who’s obsessed with running a business, and keeps you at arms length constantly, a stepmother who openly hates you, an extended family who you barely know, a school environment who picks up on your weakness and bullies you relentlessly for it, not much in the way of any sort of support structure, spend your teenage years working for your dad instead of socializing, and then get told “Good luck, butthole”, and kicked out into adulthood with PTSD from the abusive stepmother, and minimal experience socializing, let alone know where to even begin with women.

      • 4 weeks ago

        And now get this, I had a great childhood, two loving parents to this day, never bullied or any noteworthy trauma whatsoever and I still ended up as a kissless virgin whoops h-haha

        • 4 weeks ago

          Me too. I hope im actually autistic cause if im not that would really have no excuse.

      • 4 weeks ago

        You b***h like a woman. No wonder they don't want to frick you.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Hey, I was asked, and I answered.

      • 4 weeks ago

        You’re traumatized.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Shut up incel chud!!! Just be yourself and respect women. Now I have a date with Chad who treats me like shit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >go to school/work
      >don't talk to anyone
      >go home

      How can you normies not fathom how easy it is to go through life with no friends or relationships? If you do nothing and don't talk to anyone it's very easy to remain a virgin longer than normal. Being social is hard for a lot of people

    • 4 weeks ago

      Do you really not understand the concept of celibacy? Do you have no self restraint?

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      By getting rejected by the women you ask out on dates.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Haha, there's no way there are people who are actually like that! I mean you can just go outside and women will come up to you and ask for sex. It's not that hard!

  10. 4 weeks ago

    He was somewhat happy before all his friends made it "have sex you loser"

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Is there a way to wash off the virgin stink? A woman in my office told me I had it. I’m 33.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >A woman in my office told me I had it.
      She didn't say that.

      • 4 weeks ago

        She’s in her 40s and kind of flirty with the other guys. A little bit with me but it’s awkward and she told me I smelled like a virgin.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Just lie if you are asked if you have a girlfriend

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >everyone acts like this movie is mocking them
    >the actual movie's whole point is that sex doesn't really matter without love and being a virgin doesn't make you a freak
    Why do people who browse the Cinemaphile - Television and Film board have such poor media literacy? It wasn't even subtle

    • 4 weeks ago

      >media literacy
      this is not a real thing zoomie

    • 4 weeks ago

      then the movie is wrong and that sentiment is held by people who've had tons of sex

    • 4 weeks ago

      same thing with american pie, but the virgins here are far too bitter and hopeless to notice anything like this

  14. 4 weeks ago

    I lost my virginity at 26.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I lost my virginity at 23 and have slept with 80 women since

      Not even saying this as a meme: go outside. You will eventually meet a broken girl who is going to do all the work.
      t. lost it at 26

      Bros, be honest with me. I won't judge you. Was it with a prostitute?

      • 4 weeks ago

        No but she had BPD and was molested as a kid. You gotta find a broken one and they ain't under your bed waiting.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Nope, I met a girl in a friends reunion. She is my gf now.

          I admire your resilience. Many men would not be able to walk the same path you did.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Many men would not be able to walk the same path you did.
            Black person it's just a hole

            • 4 weeks ago

              Have some empathy

        • 4 weeks ago

          Omg that's an exact description of my first gf

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nope, I met a girl in a friends reunion. She is my gf now.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I lost it at 25. Since you asked, I'll tell you.
        I went back to school for a master's degree and I met new people there. I befriended a couple and the girl offered to introduce me to a friend of hers. I was nervous but I agreed. On the second date I did everything in my power to sleep with her, I even rented a hotel room because I am a poorgay who still lives with his parents.
        It was pretty pathetic but it was unironically cheaper than a postitute because I only laid down 15 euros for the room and she paid her own meal.
        I was really nervous that she'd notice I was a virgin and supposedly she didn't, if my friend is to be believed. That helped, but I might still as well still be a virgin.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I'm [...]. So no, it wasn't rape, I just got really lucky. She had just broken up with her boyfriend from another town and was sensitive, and I was desperate to get laid, so I pushed her pretty hard, but she was never unwilling. We were doing it and halfway through she stopped and told me she didn't want to keep going, so I pulled out, hung around a bit hoping she'd get into it again -she never did- and eventually fell asleep because I was too defeated to go home. It sucked on every level, but at least that virginity induced anxiety is now gone.

          Even though you felt bad, I still would like to congratulate you for sealing the deal. It must have taken a lot of mental fortitude to get to that point. I don't think I would have been able to do it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nah, also lost it at 26. Was at a bar in Spain and a fat girl accidentally stepped on my foot and apologized, so I asked her her name. Turns out she was a bit of a freak

    • 4 weeks ago

      I managed at 25. It was awful. I haven't been with a woman since (a year) and I'm perfectly okay with myself now.

      • 4 weeks ago

        How did it happen? Was it rape?

        • 4 weeks ago


          I lost it at 25. Since you asked, I'll tell you.
          I went back to school for a master's degree and I met new people there. I befriended a couple and the girl offered to introduce me to a friend of hers. I was nervous but I agreed. On the second date I did everything in my power to sleep with her, I even rented a hotel room because I am a poorgay who still lives with his parents.
          It was pretty pathetic but it was unironically cheaper than a postitute because I only laid down 15 euros for the room and she paid her own meal.
          I was really nervous that she'd notice I was a virgin and supposedly she didn't, if my friend is to be believed. That helped, but I might still as well still be a virgin.

          . So no, it wasn't rape, I just got really lucky. She had just broken up with her boyfriend from another town and was sensitive, and I was desperate to get laid, so I pushed her pretty hard, but she was never unwilling. We were doing it and halfway through she stopped and told me she didn't want to keep going, so I pulled out, hung around a bit hoping she'd get into it again -she never did- and eventually fell asleep because I was too defeated to go home. It sucked on every level, but at least that virginity induced anxiety is now gone.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >We were doing it and halfway through she stopped and told me she didn't want to keep going, so I pulled out, hung around a bit hoping she'd get into it again -she never did- and eventually fell asleep because I was too defeated to go home
            yikes and oofpilled

            • 4 weeks ago


              Goddamn, one of the most pathetic stories I've heard in a while.

              As you may imagine, I wasn't able to finish. It also didn't feel good, like at all. Not bad, just nothing. I came to loathe sex after that. All the mystery is now gone and replaced by disappointment. I lost all motivation to try again.

              Even though you felt bad, I still would like to congratulate you for sealing the deal. It must have taken a lot of mental fortitude to get to that point. I don't think I would have been able to do it.

              Thanks, I appreciate it. I rushed into it like a dumbass and she did too because she was probably still hurting from her previous relationship. It was hard I'm retrospective, choosing to do it was harder than actually doing it. I somewhat regret it, but it was a necessary step. The only thing that separates it from prostitution is that she was into me at first. I can claim I "did it" even if it was phyrric at best.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Goddamn, one of the most pathetic stories I've heard in a while.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I did at 22 with an experienced and sweet woman and got to have sex every day for 2 years and then started the longest dry streak in history

    • 4 weeks ago

      Lost mine at 24, literally couldn't have dreamed it was gonna happen the way it did

      • 4 weeks ago

        I had my first kiss at 24 and I didn't expect it either. The way it went down I'd be in prison if I were American.

    • 4 weeks ago


  15. 4 weeks ago

    I lost my virginity at 23 and have slept with 80 women since

    • 4 weeks ago

      How old are you now?

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Not even saying this as a meme: go outside. You will eventually meet a broken girl who is going to do all the work.
    t. lost it at 26

    • 4 weeks ago

      Stop with the moronic "UMM JUST LE GO OUTISDE!!" meme

      like yeah, just aimlessly wandering around your city will TOTALLY get you laid!

      • 4 weeks ago

        Social events clubs/bars and gym just today I had a girl check me out in the gym (I’m a gymmaxxer) but I was too much of a coward to approach.

        I’m slowly building up confidence since I’ve always been a fat frick.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The point is you have to meet a unicorn girl 1/100000 and you can't do that in your bedroom. You have to maximize odds by meeting a ton of women and 99% will reject you or be passive because you are not Chad. 1% will try to frick you.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I think you're taking it too literally.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Well then it’s vague to the point of being completely useless.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Only if you expect other people to do all the thinking for you. Too much thinking is the bane of our era. I once went to a party alone, which my friends later told me was stupid and weird, but I managed to talk to people there. I did it because I didn’t really think. Either way, it depends on you too, your likes, your interests, etc. Taking every opportunity within your routine to meet new people.

            • 4 weeks ago

              No, it’s just a gross oversimplification, up there with “You just walk in, dress well, look them in the eye, hand them your resume, and you’ll get that job”. It’s literal Boomer logic. We don’t live in that world anymore.

              • 4 weeks ago

                That’s how I got my last waifu

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is a lie. I had a IMPROOV arc and literally nothing happened.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    8 years to go bros
    I'm going to make it

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Lost it at 19. And I was one of the last virgins In my friends circle.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Most hookers give discounts to virgins but you have to ask for it up front.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    I’ve had sex several times in my 20s from online apps but no longterm relationships. I’m basically a virgin socially as a 31 year old single man.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    >”I don’t need to watch it, Dottie. I lived it.”

  22. 4 weeks ago

    As a sex haver, I can tell you one thing:
    Sex is overrated. There isn't much to it and you should stop worrying about it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >you should stop worrying about it.
      Of course, you will not do that.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    Just become a regular at a local dive bar. Go in midday on a weekend and just sit at the bar casually drinking. even if youre a turbo autismo if you act like a decent person youll become a regular and fresh meat to all the broken barslags that are also regulars.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I could go to the local dive bar every single day and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't ever speak a word with anyone but the bar guy when ordering if I don't actively try to approach other people

      • 4 weeks ago

        local places arent like that. Its a bunch of lonely alcoholics during the day time. Sometimes the crowd gets younger at night, but it doesnt matter once you become a regular. Youll have a bloated liver and an STD in no time.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    How do I stop being a feminine b***h who believes in soulmates and compatible and become a normal high test man who can be like

    I'm unironically way too picky about personality and that's my problem. I wish I could be like most men who only care about looks

    • 4 weeks ago

      sticking your dick in moronic women you cant imagine being in a relationship with is a waste of time. repeatedly sticking your dick in them until something snaps inside of you and makes you think a relationship is a good idea is doubly moronic. just jerk off. the entire broscience behind JERKING OFF BAD is moronic, just dont sit down for an 8 hour goon sesh. being a slave to pussy is fricking pathetic behavior.
      95% of women are not worth your time or effort in any way. i have had sex, masturbation is better almost every time.
      exposure to women also ages you, i have had much less sex than most of the other guys i know and they all look busted in their 30s meanwhile I look ~10 years younger than my actual age. Which sucks when you're in your 20s but by the time you enter your 30s it's very valuable.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >sticking your dick in moronic women you cant imagine being in a relationship with is a waste of time

      • 4 weeks ago

        This is true. Having a partner for life >>>> having unloving sex with hundreds of strangers

        I'm only 22 but it feels hopeless. I still have a few years left in college to make something happen but I commute and don't know anybody so I'm not sure how to even start. I also am extremely particular and autistic and can only do basic small talk with normies until they leave me alone. I'm basically waiting on some unicorn which will obviously never happen. Also my dick doesn't work because I'm a schizo on a heavy dose of risperidone. I try to hold on to hope but it feels over. I'm also so far gone with porn that I'm barely even attracted to normal women (mostly jerk off to fatties and traps). FML

        you should make it your #1 priority to learn how to socialize BEFORE you graduate. Join clubs and spots groups and you will make friends, go to parties, and meet women.

        >out on the town in college
        >drunk girl trips and stumbles into me, sort of catch her
        >without a word we start making out
        >hang out for the rest of the night
        >I'm drunk enough that I muster up the courage to ask her back to my apartment
        >she agrees
        >"Holy hell, this is it"
        >as we're going to my bedroom I'm suddenly overwhelmed by disgust at myself and (for some reason) her
        >have a literally physical reaction, fight or flight kicks in, feel like I'm going to pass out
        >say something like "Actually I don't think we should do this" and awkwardly apologize for wasting her time
        >she's clearly weirded out but leaves without saying much
        >haven't so much as held hands with another woman since, and the concept of casual sex makes me feel physically sick
        I don't know if it was the spirit of Hitler telling me that she had syphilis or what, but I've had no interest in losing my v-card since. "Making love" to "a girlfriend I care about" is currently off the table for other reasons.

        based autist

        I have been feeling very depressed recently.

        better days are on the way

        >girl wants to hang out this weekend and has been trying to make plans all week
        >ex-gf wants to hang out and cheat on her new boyfriend with me (again)
        >lie to new girl and tell her I have food poisoning with violent diarrhea so I can't hang out
        >don't even bother replying to my ex
        >getting drunk alone and watching x-files instead
        Women aren't worth it


        I was an autistic sperg and I lost it at 17 to a 15 year old emo girl that I messaged on myspace. how do you manage to NOT have sex in the age of tinder and grindr?


        • 4 weeks ago

          Thanks, but I don't need advice from other virgins.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The average guys not fricking hot girls that's chad only

      • 4 weeks ago

        What is a chad?

  25. 4 weeks ago

    after being a 24yo virgin i had sex with a few women and it was so traumatizingly embarrassing i wish id just stayed inside

    • 4 weeks ago

      what did you do?

      • 4 weeks ago

        dating apps and clubs

        • 4 weeks ago

          no, what did you do that the sex was traumatizing?

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Lv 23 virgin here
    I'm shit out of luck
    >get on dating apps
    >no matches
    >go out
    >nothing happens
    >talk to random on discord
    >nothing happens
    My life is a nothingburger

    • 4 weeks ago

      >No action on discord
      Holy shit I didn't know this was possible. Damn I didn't know I had e-game.

    • 4 weeks ago

      What kind of discord has single girls on it?

  27. 4 weeks ago


    The countdown to being a 40yo KHV is truly the male equivalent of the biological clock.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    I’m 69 and never did 69

  29. 4 weeks ago

    I don't get how some guys can live without sex. It's like one of the very few pleasures I have in life. I think I would probably kill myself.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I just jerk off instead, pretty easy

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yep looking at 10s on the internet releases more dopamine for me than trying to frick a fat ugly girl with a soft dick

        • 4 weeks ago

          Fricking chubby girls saved my life and turned around my attitude and confidence. Stop being a baby you queen

          • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      VNs and Virt-a-Mate get it done for now, and in the next 5-10 years, there will be AI waifus who will talk to you, and I’m sure with the right combination of VR and sex toys be able to have sex with you. Perfect for dudes like me who have basically checked out, and are kind of too old to get back into it anyway even if I wanted to get back into the dating scene.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You have a high sex drive. I'm 31 and I fap maybe once a week, when I get an itch. Sometimes I even forget about it and go for longer periods, and end up having a nightly ejaculation.
      I noticed the drive changing throughout my 20s, in my early 20s this would have been unthinkable.

      • 4 weeks ago

        You are low T. I am 38 and still fap daily. Sometimes several times a day for several days until my dick is raw

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah, what

      I just jerk off instead, pretty easy

      said. I can contain all my sex drive to 30 minutes (max, often less) in my room and then I'm free to do other things. Either way, all needs can be mitigated from the mind with enough scarcity.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    My mate and I wanted to try a threesome. He told me he had found someone. By the time we got there I was absolutely hammered. I gave her the money ( my mate asked me if I could front it).

    He ended up fricking her and I just sat there, naked, sipping my beer and taking a puff. Best money I ever spent, lel.

    They told me before there would be no pressure. Which I agreed on...

    Long story short: It was a costly experience. I didn't get laid. I feel like I'm at my nadir.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Based fellow cuck enjoyer

      • 4 weeks ago

        I felt humiliated. But it's ok, since the guy is a good friend. He gave me some dickpills before, but they just didn't work and I didn't care anymore at that point. Lesson learned: never go out for a frick when not sober.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I really don't get it. Sex is easy. This isn't even how I lost mine:
          >be me early 20s
          >total sperg, unable to make new connections outside of people I already know
          >best friend I've known since 1st grade is a super outgoing redneck extrovert
          >he's trying to frick this girl so we go drinking at her apartment with her roommate
          >roommate is a curvy redhead who I instantly get a boner for
          >we all play kinds and get completely shitfaced
          >redhead is into my friend but he's into the chick he went there for
          >redhead decides to go to bed
          >my buddy and girl he's talking to start making out on the couch
          >his girl tells me to go upstairs to redheads room
          >knock on the door and say "hey (roommate) told me to crash in here"
          >get in bed with her and start making out
          >undress her, fondle the tiddies, might have made out with her
          >frick but have whiskey dick and can't cum
          >pass out
          >wake up in the morning when she has to go to work
          >we're both a bit weirded out, don't even know each other's names
          >my buddy ditched that night when his girl wouldn't put out, he drove home and is passed out in his apartment
          >his girl drops me off at his apartment and I sleep in my car until I have to go to work
          Sadly that's the only redhead I ever had sex with. I saw her again when she came through the drive through at the restaurant I worked at the time. My buddy apparently works with her husband now but this was all years ago

          >>his girl tells me to go upstairs to redheads room
          >>get in bed with her and start making out
          you are a at least 08/10 dude, aren't you?

    • 4 weeks ago

      My first time trying to have sex I somehow wound up trying to frick some dumb b***h in the same room as another guy fricking a different dumb b***h one bed over and it was genuinely so awkward and nerve wracking I could not get it up. I genuinely do not know how people have threesomes and shit. The idea of being the in the same room as another couple fricking is so fricking weird.

  31. 4 weeks ago

    Just don't be desperate enough to stick your dick into a 4/10 who got clingy like I did. Biggest fricking mistake at age 20.

    I grew up in a podunk town so there was practically nobody around to hook up with and I lived in the sticks. I was on scholarship in college and just focused on my grind. Beginning of junior year, I had done well in my classes that I decided to socialize more and I got stupidly drunk at a party and fricked the first horny girl I could find.

    Next morning, I wake up to her giving me a BJ and I realized that she was chubbier than I realized and she kinda smelled. She was looking at me with bedroom eyes and wanted to get breakfast. I made up an excuse that I needed to work on a paper and was in a rush to get dressed. She kept texting and calling me the next 2 months and showed up at my dorm because she wanted to frick again. Got REALLY nasty when I gently shot her down and said I was too busy. I dodged cannon shells because she almost got me expelled after spreading false shit about me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You should have kept fricking her you goofball. You're not brad pitt running away from stalkers, you have one person who wants to have sex and she's enthusiastic. Some people have no sense

      • 4 weeks ago

        I would've but like I said, I was turned off by her body odor and the fact she got way too needy. If she had kept better hygiene and was more laid-back about DTF, of course I would've kept fricking her.

  32. 4 weeks ago

    This is so strange to me. Ive read every single comment on this thread. I refuse to believe there are so many virgins in one place. Like, this site being an incel stronghold is not a meme, i guess

    • 4 weeks ago

      >The virgin thread has a lot of virgins
      Imagine my shock

      • 4 weeks ago

        every thread is a virgin thread

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        You're not wrong. I treat this place like a zoo, or a freak show. Every once in a while I drop in to observe and laugh at you people

        • 4 weeks ago

          Dont worry im like that too. Can you imagine. Tough allknowing guys demand genocide and extinctions of entire races on Cinemaphile are just bitter, lonely, sad 30+ virgins. Shocker

    • 4 weeks ago


      You're not wrong. I treat this place like a zoo, or a freak show. Every once in a while I drop in to observe and laugh at you people

      All me btw

  33. 4 weeks ago

    yeah, imagine, hahaha
    >literally me in 8 years

  34. 4 weeks ago

    I'm graduating college next year and never had a boyfriend. ;_;

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's really easy to hook up if you're gay. Grindr is like butt sex central no matter what you look like

      • 4 weeks ago

        I've tried grindr. But they avoid trans men like the plague.

        • 4 weeks ago
          • 4 weeks ago

            you have done the needful sar

  35. 4 weeks ago

    I'm only 22 but it feels hopeless. I still have a few years left in college to make something happen but I commute and don't know anybody so I'm not sure how to even start. I also am extremely particular and autistic and can only do basic small talk with normies until they leave me alone. I'm basically waiting on some unicorn which will obviously never happen. Also my dick doesn't work because I'm a schizo on a heavy dose of risperidone. I try to hold on to hope but it feels over. I'm also so far gone with porn that I'm barely even attracted to normal women (mostly jerk off to fatties and traps). FML

    • 4 weeks ago

      There is no big change that can help you, only many small ones.

  36. 4 weeks ago
  37. 4 weeks ago

    >out on the town in college
    >drunk girl trips and stumbles into me, sort of catch her
    >without a word we start making out
    >hang out for the rest of the night
    >I'm drunk enough that I muster up the courage to ask her back to my apartment
    >she agrees
    >"Holy hell, this is it"
    >as we're going to my bedroom I'm suddenly overwhelmed by disgust at myself and (for some reason) her
    >have a literally physical reaction, fight or flight kicks in, feel like I'm going to pass out
    >say something like "Actually I don't think we should do this" and awkwardly apologize for wasting her time
    >she's clearly weirded out but leaves without saying much
    >haven't so much as held hands with another woman since, and the concept of casual sex makes me feel physically sick
    I don't know if it was the spirit of Hitler telling me that she had syphilis or what, but I've had no interest in losing my v-card since. "Making love" to "a girlfriend I care about" is currently off the table for other reasons.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >as we're going to my bedroom I'm suddenly overwhelmed by disgust at myself and (for some reason) her
      >have a literally physical reaction, fight or flight kicks in, feel like I'm going to pass out
      >say something like "Actually I don't think we should do this" and awkwardly apologize for wasting her time
      That's fricked and made me think of some of my own memories. None this bad, but lots of times I psyched myself out of opportunities and then made up some cope about why it was the right choice. For me it was 100% fear of breaking a new barrier, and fear of embarrassing myself due to inexperience. Only in my mid 20s did I manage to say frick it and go all the way, it was hard but very much worth it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Dude holy shit that actually started off kinda similar to my first time. Like, I just wasn't really feeling it but she wouldn't take no for an answer. Pulled my pants down, got going, after telling her to stop a bunch I eventually had to push her off of me. Fricked me up for a couple weeks but I think I might actually be better off now that it's out of the way. Grass is greener, right?

      • 4 weeks ago

        You got raped.

  38. 4 weeks ago

    I have been feeling very depressed recently.

  39. 4 weeks ago

    I read romance to experience it by proxy

  40. 4 weeks ago

    A lot of people use the title and Andy as an example of how they don't want to end up, ignoring the fact that Andy has a pretty good life. He has hobbies where he finds fulfillment, a job he likes and plenty of people in his social circle he gets along well with. Even with his sex life, it's a completely understandable reason; he had some bad experiences, anxieties prevented him wanting to try again and he has simply made peace with it. Note that the central conflict of the movie kicks off not because of Andy's own problems but because of other people finding out about Andy's lack of experience and how their reactions to it make him feel.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is true. But they were bro-tier and Andy probably ended up being more fulfilled for it. Of course we don't know how it ends.

  41. 4 weeks ago

    >girl wants to hang out this weekend and has been trying to make plans all week
    >ex-gf wants to hang out and cheat on her new boyfriend with me (again)
    >lie to new girl and tell her I have food poisoning with violent diarrhea so I can't hang out
    >don't even bother replying to my ex
    >getting drunk alone and watching x-files instead
    Women aren't worth it

    • 4 weeks ago

      I probably wouldn't care if I had sex at least once, it's about a missing experience
      >but once you had it you'll realize it wasn't important
      Ok but I need to have it first

  42. 4 weeks ago

    I was an autistic sperg and I lost it at 17 to a 15 year old emo girl that I messaged on myspace. how do you manage to NOT have sex in the age of tinder and grindr?

    • 4 weeks ago

      I lost it at 17 as well, but to be fair the girls were throwing themselves at me. I also did the barely 15 year old emo girl thing but when I was 18 (fight me). I think it's a bad mix of things out there, but to return it to movies, it used to be a movie trope that it's a big deal to make sure you get laid before you graduate high school. Just barely made it but it felt like a rite of passage. It's fricking crazy to me to see guys going into their 20s and still not having done it. I've seen mutants manage it better. Oh well. Sorry zoomers, you missed the last truly great period to be a teenager.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >It's fricking crazy to me to see guys going into their 20s and still not having done it.
        I think people just care less about it now, casual sex is having a big downturn

        • 4 weeks ago

          Fair enough dude, but I'm rather more sympathetic to that point of view when we're talking about a 20-something guy. When it's a 15-19 year old guy, I don't quite understand the argument. Teenagers are ravenous, unless the weird meds and chemicals in food and water changed that dramatically.

          • 4 weeks ago

            There's a bigger push for relationships and being able to wait for the right person. Out of the hundreds of women I've met, I can say I only know about five who went out looking to get picked up

  43. 4 weeks ago

    I dumped my girlfriend last Christmas and haven't replied to any of her desperate messages to get back together lol

  44. 4 weeks ago

    >can you image?

    Can you redeem the English?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Huh? Are you ESL?

  45. 4 weeks ago

    I think I've started to unironically hate women. It used to be for comedic effect but now I'm actually feeling it. What can I do? I want to go back.

    • 4 weeks ago

      i know what you mean. i don't like 95% of men either but it's like 99% of women. yet i want to get sex/frick out of them.

  46. 4 weeks ago

    Meh, I personally don't care about losing my virginity. Hence why I haven't paid a prostitute.

  47. 4 weeks ago

    I'm 26 and have not engaged in any socialization for 13 years outside of the bare necessities.

  48. 4 weeks ago

    Any painless way to kill myself? Sadly they don't allow guns in my shithole country.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The same stuff they use to put down pets, but in higher quantities. Imagine being so lazy you can't even put an effort into killing yourself. You're on the internet.

      • 4 weeks ago


  49. 4 weeks ago

    31 year old virgin, and i can imagine being 40.

    i'm hoping to get a job and lose weight and lose my virginity by i'm 35.

    but i need to learn to program first. someone motivate me.

  50. 4 weeks ago

    I really don't get it. Sex is easy. This isn't even how I lost mine:
    >be me early 20s
    >total sperg, unable to make new connections outside of people I already know
    >best friend I've known since 1st grade is a super outgoing redneck extrovert
    >he's trying to frick this girl so we go drinking at her apartment with her roommate
    >roommate is a curvy redhead who I instantly get a boner for
    >we all play kinds and get completely shitfaced
    >redhead is into my friend but he's into the chick he went there for
    >redhead decides to go to bed
    >my buddy and girl he's talking to start making out on the couch
    >his girl tells me to go upstairs to redheads room
    >knock on the door and say "hey (roommate) told me to crash in here"
    >get in bed with her and start making out
    >undress her, fondle the tiddies, might have made out with her
    >frick but have whiskey dick and can't cum
    >pass out
    >wake up in the morning when she has to go to work
    >we're both a bit weirded out, don't even know each other's names
    >my buddy ditched that night when his girl wouldn't put out, he drove home and is passed out in his apartment
    >his girl drops me off at his apartment and I sleep in my car until I have to go to work
    Sadly that's the only redhead I ever had sex with. I saw her again when she came through the drive through at the restaurant I worked at the time. My buddy apparently works with her husband now but this was all years ago

    • 4 weeks ago

      is a curvy redhead who I instantly get a boner for
      >>we all play kinds and get completely shitfaced
      this is the part where i'd frick not being in that situation in the first place. because i feel uncomfortable and fake as frick.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Imagining yourself in the moment and actually being there is different. I thought spaghetti would fall out of my pockets when in it, but it only did a little. Everything else flowed surprisingly naturally.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I'm the anon from the story and same. Best way to contain your spaghetti is to just don't babble about autistic stuff and relax. Alcohol helped me to relax, as did chain smoking.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I have dropped my spaguetti pretty hard on some other social situations. For instance, once a girl took me out dancing and I felt I was making such a fool out of myself that I turned away from her and leaned against the bar just drinking. I didn't realize what a social frick up that had been until I thought about it the next day (also, my friends told the story and I realized how weird I had acted). But for my first kiss I just sat down next to a girl I had met a couple of days back, went in for a kiss on the cheek and then she turned and started putting her tongue in my mouth. It was surreal for me at the time (24, btw).

            • 4 weeks ago

              the first time I ever kissed a girl was when I was 17. I messaged a bunch of random girls on myspace and one replied back and we started messaging each other. super skinny blonde, no tiddies, big blue eyes, rather large nose. we end up going on a date to the local park, and end up on these stepping stones. she comes up real close to me and looks up and smiles and I take my shot and kiss her. we go back to her house (her parents aren't home) and make out on the couch in her living room (she's very firm that we are NOT going to her bedroom). We go on another date (a double date) with my redneck buddy and her friend, and those two end up dating and are now married but me and the blonde girl never really ended up dating.
              >when my now-wife met the blonde girl she didn't know who she was and chatted with her all night but then seethed at me after we left my friend's house

              • 4 weeks ago

                another time (not sex but almost)
                >dated redneck bestfriend's gf's friend just after high school
                >skinny, big tiddies, curly hair, but she has a huge almost semetic nose
                >we make out a bit but never go much further than that
                >end up braking up with her because she's talking to this younger guy that's still in high school
                >fast forward a year or two
                >drinking at my buddy's apartment on Halloween with his gf and my ex
                >I'm autistic and dress like a russian soldier in an ushanka and fur lined coat I got from goodwill
                >buddy and his gf go to his room to frick
                >me and my ex are left on his couch
                >talking leads to making out
                >buddy's gf comes out of their room drunk off her ass and hands us a condom "just in case"
                >kinda kills the mode with me and my ex but we get back to making out
                >we move to the floor and lay on my coat, her top comes off and I finger her
                >buddy and his gf come out of their room right when I'm about to get it in
                >awkward looks between me and my ex that morning, she asks if we can talk but I brush her off mostly because I'm afraid she thinks I took advantage of her
                >we still see each other every now and then at get together's at my buddy's house. my wife seeths because I date most of my buddy's (now wife's) friends

                >be me in high school
                >have newspaper class with 2 girls and another nerdy dude
                >date one girl who wants to be emo but is super christian, just make out with her
                >brake up, end up handing out with the other girl a lot who the nerdy dude is dating
                >she's fat but has big tiddies and curly hair
                >her and her bf go through a rough patch
                >her and I start hanging out after school and stuff
                >driving home from one day and she says something like "you'd shit if I grabbed your dick right now"
                >I saw something like "try me"
                >she rubs my dick through my jeans, instant hard-on
                >that weekend she asks if I want to the drive in theater
                >says her BF is going with his friends in another car but it'll be a "fun night"
                >I drive an SUV and we lay in the back watching Iron Man 2 I think
                >she says to close the back up and we start making out
                >start fricking, she's on birth control and tells me to cum in her
                >frick for a few more weeks after that before and after school
                >she lies to her BF the whole time
                >eventually cuts it off with me when we both are going to different colleges

                The real kicker is there was a cute blonde girl who I went to prom with as friends who I didn't know was into me because I was too focused on fricking the fat girl, but the blonde ended up becoming a bulldyke druggie so I guess I dodged a bullet

                >be me, working at fast food joint after high school
                >develop onitis for this b***hy blonde girl who fricks everyone there
                >pine after her for a while but never end up getting with her, despite us sending each other nudes
                >end up talking to this other, kinda fugly blonde chick with horrible floppy tiddies who's a few years older than me
                >we're frick buddies for a few weeks
                >have sex in my car in her parent's driveway
                >spend hours fricking in her room until her dad knocks on the door and says "I think it's time that your friend went home" at 3 in the morning
                >frick (awkwardly and uncomfortably) in a hammock in her parents backyard)
                >always use condoms, but then after a while she says I don't have to use them if I use the pullout method it's just that she doesn't believe in birth control
                >she starts getting really clingy
                >my red-flag detector starts going off so I tell her I think we should stop seeing each other one day on my lunch break while at work
                >this was a bad idea
                >she gets really detached and creepy acting
                >gets really depressed
                >she ends up quitting I think, I don't really remember

              • 4 weeks ago

                >she gets really detached and creepy acting
                >gets really depressed

              • 4 weeks ago

                >still working at same fast food place after the blonde clinger
                >this short like 4'5 tattooed girl who's always been nice to me starts getting flirty
                >we start talking and texting
                >end up going to "hang out" after work
                >she brings me to see her and her ex's apartment (no idea, was kinda weird)
                >go back to her mom's trailer and watch some Rocky Horror Picture Show-type movie that's really kinky
                >start making out, she gives me a toothy blowjob
                >she gets a condom out from her nightstand
                >frick her missionary position
                >she's kinda pudgy buy has nice handfull-sized tiddies
                >she's so small it makes my dick feel HUGE
                >cum, make out with her for a while, cuddle and go home
                >next day at work she laughs and says her mom heard everything and called her a "little hoe"
                >this seems super trashy to me and really turns me off of her
                >also during this time I'd been talking to this girl I met at a party in college who I had a 3-way with with a college buddy
                >decide that day to choose the 3-way girl over the trashy trailer girl
                >3-way girl (who is admittedly fat but has nice tiddies) comes by my work and is all affectionate
                >trailer girl gets fricking PISSED and brings some random dude and is all over him in front of me to make me jealous?
                >oh well
                >now married to the 3-way girl (purged the college buddy from all contact)
                >been together for 12 years and are happily married with our first child
                >wife thinks I only went on a date with trailer girl, I deny-deny-deny that we ever fricked

                sex is easy anons

              • 4 weeks ago

                there was one time I really did spill my sgetti and missed out on sex though:
                >be working at said fast food job
                >this is after the clingy blonde but before trashy trailer girl
                >10/10 ex-stripper works there
                >I'm like 19 at the time, she's 24
                >stripper chick has black hair in like a bob cut, perfect rack, thin waist, sexy southern accent
                >she used to frick this black waiter who got fired for stealing tips (lol)
                >she's always been nice to me and jokingly calls me "baby daddy"
                >she's got two kids
                >knows I'm going to college and always says I have "doctor's hands"
                >everyone at work frequently gets together to drink/smoke/pot ect from time to time
                >after I break it off with the blonde clinger the ex-stripper asks if I want to go with her to one of these parties
                >bear in mind, clingy blonde was like a 5/10, trashy trailer girl was like a 6/10, curvy redhead was like a 7/10 but I was hammered, fat chick from high school was like a 6/10 but this chick is a solid 10/10
                >"uh, ok"
                >we all meet at the liquor store, she's wearing a blue tube top and this big shiny necklace thing that rests on her giant breasts
                >I'm too young to buy booze and she leans up to my window asking me what I want, cleavage on full display
                >go to the party house
                >she's super flirty all night, pouring me drinks and we're lighting each other's cigarettes
                >I'm kinda blowing it off because there's no way this 10/10 stripper is into me
                >while stripper chick is in another room this other chick we work with asks if I'm still in love with b***hy blonde girl mentioned in


                >be me, working at fast food joint after high school
                >develop onitis for this b***hy blonde girl who fricks everyone there
                >pine after her for a while but never end up getting with her, despite us sending each other nudes
                >end up talking to this other, kinda fugly blonde chick with horrible floppy tiddies who's a few years older than me
                >we're frick buddies for a few weeks
                >have sex in my car in her parent's driveway
                >spend hours fricking in her room until her dad knocks on the door and says "I think it's time that your friend went home" at 3 in the morning
                >frick (awkwardly and uncomfortably) in a hammock in her parents backyard)
                >always use condoms, but then after a while she says I don't have to use them if I use the pullout method it's just that she doesn't believe in birth control
                >she starts getting really clingy
                >my red-flag detector starts going off so I tell her I think we should stop seeing each other one day on my lunch break while at work
                >this was a bad idea
                >she gets really detached and creepy acting
                >gets really depressed
                >she ends up quitting I think, I don't really remember and if i want to get with stripper girl I ought to get it together
                >"w-what do you mean?"
                >after a few hours stripper-girl that she "doesn't think she can drive home" and asks if I can give her a ride
                >I'm pretty hammered myself and say I don't think I'm good to drive, spill sgetti all over the floor
                >she gives me a look like "really" and has another chick drive her home
                >I still think about that ex-stripper and her breasts

              • 4 weeks ago

                all these women you slept with were ugly and smelly weren't they

              • 4 weeks ago

                I mean I was pretty clear the only 10 was the ex-stripper that I sperged out with. I find even a 5/10 becomes a 7/10 when all she's got on are your bedsheets.

              • 4 weeks ago

                does working in a fast food place help get ez gf's?

                I'm 30 and 5'6"

    • 4 weeks ago

      >be me in high school
      >have newspaper class with 2 girls and another nerdy dude
      >date one girl who wants to be emo but is super christian, just make out with her
      >brake up, end up handing out with the other girl a lot who the nerdy dude is dating
      >she's fat but has big tiddies and curly hair
      >her and her bf go through a rough patch
      >her and I start hanging out after school and stuff
      >driving home from one day and she says something like "you'd shit if I grabbed your dick right now"
      >I saw something like "try me"
      >she rubs my dick through my jeans, instant hard-on
      >that weekend she asks if I want to the drive in theater
      >says her BF is going with his friends in another car but it'll be a "fun night"
      >I drive an SUV and we lay in the back watching Iron Man 2 I think
      >she says to close the back up and we start making out
      >start fricking, she's on birth control and tells me to cum in her
      >frick for a few more weeks after that before and after school
      >she lies to her BF the whole time
      >eventually cuts it off with me when we both are going to different colleges

      The real kicker is there was a cute blonde girl who I went to prom with as friends who I didn't know was into me because I was too focused on fricking the fat girl, but the blonde ended up becoming a bulldyke druggie so I guess I dodged a bullet

      • 4 weeks ago

        another time (not sex but almost)
        >dated redneck bestfriend's gf's friend just after high school
        >skinny, big tiddies, curly hair, but she has a huge almost semetic nose
        >we make out a bit but never go much further than that
        >end up braking up with her because she's talking to this younger guy that's still in high school
        >fast forward a year or two
        >drinking at my buddy's apartment on Halloween with his gf and my ex
        >I'm autistic and dress like a russian soldier in an ushanka and fur lined coat I got from goodwill
        >buddy and his gf go to his room to frick
        >me and my ex are left on his couch
        >talking leads to making out
        >buddy's gf comes out of their room drunk off her ass and hands us a condom "just in case"
        >kinda kills the mode with me and my ex but we get back to making out
        >we move to the floor and lay on my coat, her top comes off and I finger her
        >buddy and his gf come out of their room right when I'm about to get it in
        >awkward looks between me and my ex that morning, she asks if we can talk but I brush her off mostly because I'm afraid she thinks I took advantage of her
        >we still see each other every now and then at get together's at my buddy's house. my wife seeths because I date most of my buddy's (now wife's) friends

    • 4 weeks ago

      >"total sperg" having a "best friend"

      frick off

      • 4 weeks ago

        it's always the same with these stories about "oh, i was a total loser but I made it!"
        it always ends up being some shit like
        >oh, I stopped ignoring the people trying to invite me to parties
        >my social friends dragged me to a bar
        >I hit up my old highschool buddies to go bar hopping
        well, lucky for you that you've got a nice big social circle. It just proves that if you're an autistic loner you're fricked in the end

  51. 4 weeks ago

    am i ugly?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Ogres are like onions, they have layers.

      • 4 weeks ago


  52. 4 weeks ago

    >not scoring used to be so anomalous that getting a virgin peer's dick wet was considered to be an act of rescue

  53. 4 weeks ago


  54. 4 weeks ago

    i'm 26 and never kissed a girl, no one gives a frick about me

    • 4 weeks ago

      that image is probably fake but makes me really sad

  55. 4 weeks ago


  56. 4 weeks ago

    haha no of course not haha I'm only 25 haha
    the bright spot is I'm friends with lots of girls so I'm not like a shutin or anything, I'm gonna go monkmode for just a couple months over the summer and I'll also just fricking do roids, when I see them again we'll see if anything happens
    the crazy thing is when people find out I've never had a date they're shocked and don't believe me because I've actually done a pretty good job of turning myself into a normie, which I am now for the most part. I usually lie afterwards and say oh well I meant nothing serious even though I actually meant nothing at all, but if even women think I'm normal I think it's a good sign
    it remains to be seen if anything good will actually happen though

  57. 4 weeks ago

    yes unfortunately. my parents are practically begging me to find a girl and are more or less telling every young girl they meet that i'm single. kinda feel bad tbh but i just don't really like most of the women out there, they just seem obnoxious and demanding, i'm miserable enough alone and don't need others to make my life worse

  58. 4 weeks ago

    >has a fun life
    >friends tell him he must lose his virginity
    >ends up dating a single mom that makes him get rid of all the shit he loves
    >somehow this is good because he needs to "grow up"
    i would've preferred the action figures than the girl tbh

  59. 4 weeks ago

    >>This thread is an obvious bait to make fun of you fricking losers. My God, like 40 posts about little cry baby homosexual VIRGIN NERDS. SHUT THE FRICK UP AND GET OUT OF MY BOARD AND RIGHT INTO /LULZ/ you bunch of NERD homosexualS.

    Now us real mean can talk about how big of a loser those gays were lol

  60. 4 weeks ago

    I have no problem getting a girlfriend but I just hate interacting with women so much I'd rather be alone. I wish I was as desperate as the virgins in the thread but I just can't be

  61. 4 weeks ago

    I'll be 38 in four months and I've never went on a date, kissed a woman, or held hands. I'm the only person I know in my immediate family who isn't currently married.or dating. I eventually accepted it like Andy in the film and put my energy 110% into my creative pursuits and hobbies. It could be worse.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Could be worse: you could be divorced and working overtime to pay alimoney for some brats who will grow up to resent you.

  62. 4 weeks ago

    Nope. Because I'm not a loser who still plays with fricking toys. Lost my virginity at 12 to my 1st girlfriend who used to visit her aunt and cousin next door.

  63. 4 weeks ago

    All of the posts ITT are fake

  64. 4 weeks ago

    32 in a couple of days so yeah...

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's okay, bro. I feel for you. It must be very tough.

  65. 4 weeks ago

    Just go to a fricking shrink, anons. Your problem is clearly in the heads

    • 4 weeks ago

      What if somebody feels too embarrassed to go to a shrink with something like this? People go to see a shrink because the have stuff like schizophrenia and they need meds to be able to function. Meanwhile I just go in there and I'm like: "Uhhh, I guess I've never had sex and I'm sad about it." Just seems silly in comparison.

      • 4 weeks ago

        yeah,there you have it,you are a fricking moron

        • 4 weeks ago

          Why are you mean to me? You're making me feel sad 🙁

      • 4 weeks ago

        >What if somebody feels too embarrassed to go to a shrink with something like this

        Well, anon, you have to go out from your bubble from time to time.

        >im too embarssed to do this
        >im too embarassed to do that

        There is life outside your room and your computer, you know

      • 4 weeks ago

        You got to this point in your life because you feared embarrassment.
        It's time to grow up and take the first step, anon

        • 4 weeks ago

          I just don't think that this is the kind of issue you go to see a psychiatrist about.

  66. 4 weeks ago

    I'm 25 years old and a virgin.

  67. 4 weeks ago

    I got into dating apps 8 or so months ago and it's miserable tbh. I get, like, a match every couple weeks and it fizzles out after a few texts every time. I'm just tired.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I understand what it can be like. I feel for you, and wish you all the best.

    • 4 weeks ago

      My friend went on Bumble and had the girls throwing themselves at him, asking for hookups in cars and he met his gf on there after just 3 months. They are engaged now.
      Just bee urself 🙂

      • 4 weeks ago

        How would you rate your friend lookswise?

  68. 4 weeks ago

    >incel rage bait thread

  69. 4 weeks ago

    Imagine what?
    >has successful career and makes good money
    >has friends and an active social life
    >has hobbies which he needs to apologise to no one for
    >genuinely happy

    And the minute he gets b***h...
    >starts upending his whole career
    >drives a wedge between all his friendships
    >forces him to sell his whole collection and make her his sole source of attention

    Was it actually worth it?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >has successful career and makes good money
      He worked in the storehouse and barely made money, he explicitly says this. That's why selling his collection was such a big turnaround.
      >>has friends and an active social life
      He didn't until he was invited for poker, for two years before that he was seen as the quiet creepy guy from the office. They were reluctant to invite him out at first.
      >>has hobbies which he needs to apologise to no one for
      I'd call his situation of "contentment" rather than "happiness" but I agree.
      >starts upending his whole career
      He becomes the owner of his own business
      a wedge between all his friendships
      His friends, who had been pretty pushy and neglected his feelings until that point (despite being genuinely trying to help him) actually reached out to him to keep him from making something he'd come to regret, their friendship strengthened even more.
      him to sell his whole collection and make her his sole source of attention
      He did it out of his own volition and getting into a relationship means diving your selfcare with another person.

  70. 4 weeks ago


  71. 4 weeks ago

    Lost it at 17, fricked a couple of times with the same chick for a couple of months. I'm 28 now and never had sex since, am I a virgin again? I feel like it

    • 4 weeks ago

      Met one girl when I was 20, she was overweight so the sex wasn't very enjoyable, but better than nothing. Then nothing happened ever since, I am 30 now. Not even a kiss or a date.

  72. 4 weeks ago

    Who do I pay to make out with me? The strippers won't do it, massage parlor ladies won't do it, hookers probably wouldn't do it, I don't even want to have sex I just want to kiss someone deeply why the frick doesn't anyone sell that

    • 4 weeks ago

      Kek it's bizarre you can easily pay someone to push your penis inside them but kissing is too intimate, I guess.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You can make out with women in the club if you are both drunk enough. Or if she's drunk enough too, but you might get arrested.

  73. 4 weeks ago

    One more year for me (39), I don't really care about it any more, quite content with my life and hobbies right now.

  74. 4 weeks ago

    It was weird back then because the main character would have been a teenager in the 70s and 80s where you ran out of things to waste time on quickly. A 40 year old virgin today would have been able to be perpetually online and drown himself in video games in his teens.

  75. 4 weeks ago

    That's literally me in 16 years

  76. 4 weeks ago

    This whole thread should be in psychotherapist's textbooks

  77. 4 weeks ago

    I lost my virginity at 13 and then began a dry streak which has still not ended

    • 4 weeks ago

      You need to be 18 to post on this board

      • 4 weeks ago

        I am

  78. 4 weeks ago

    Im living it

    • 4 weeks ago

      The movie made it seem comfy. How is it?

  79. 4 weeks ago

    Had sex with 5 girls in varyingnfrom 20 to 28. I'm 30 now. I'm in good shape, like my job, and could get married but I haven't attracted the kind of woman that I would marry. I feel like I'm going to just be alone for the rest of my life unless I move out of the city. I think I need to go to a Red state and find a nice, simple girl with a good family if I want to get married.

  80. 4 weeks ago

    Early 30's, autism, small pensil dick that I'm too ashamed of. I can see myself keeping my virginity until I'm 40 easily.

  81. 4 weeks ago

    This exact same thread pops up on the catalog 4-5 times every single week with the exact same pathetic homosexuals in the replies venting and treating this thread like their own personal therapist. Nobody is even discussing the actual movie, it's just pathetic banter back and forth. You people are absolute homosexuals

  82. 4 weeks ago

    42yo ripped chad, full head of hair with not a single grey, who's had that much sex in my life that I'd rather stay home watch a movie and play vidya than go and bang an 18yo nympho thot

  83. 4 weeks ago

    yeah I'm a 36yo virgin and I'm getting close.
    However I would never settle for a single mother or any of these old roasties.

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