Cyclops was right

Cyclops was right

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Do you remember Garfield's orange penis?

  2. 2 years ago

    AvX was shit but the aftermath was kino.

    • 2 years ago

      Is Beast still ugly or did he revert back to a sexy face?

    • 2 years ago

      yeah everyone loves Wonder Woman now

      >on panel
      >non canon

      c'mon buddy, you know Marvel's sliding timeline will have squeezed that out of canon by 2025

      it's just dogshit, wipe your shoe and move on

    • 2 years ago

      those are certainly words

      Bendis was based

      those are certainly words

      • 2 years ago

        They're words, but arranged into sentences that make no sense at all.

    • 2 years ago

      Only the stuff with Gillen, Bendis pretty much ruined the concept.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree, also Schism

    • 2 years ago

      I have the feeling that in latter years, nothing X-men related in between this and Hickman's run will be acknowledged.

  3. 2 years ago


    opinion disregarded

    • 2 years ago

      >Cyclops was right
      >to join Logan's harem

      Right about the awesome taste of Wolverine and dozens of other men's cum

      >Non canon shit

      • 2 years ago

        Denial isn't healthy.

        • 2 years ago

          >on panel
          >non canon

          Every comic after 2008 is not canon

      • 2 years ago

        >on panel
        >non canon

  4. 2 years ago

    >Cyclops was right
    >to join Logan's harem

    • 2 years ago

      The X-Men ended at

      AvX was shit but the aftermath was kino.

      This point, Bendis takes over plus they merely exist as means to drum up cheap publicity for the MCU

      • 2 years ago

        At least choose an earlier end point. At least a decade earlier.

        • 2 years ago

          The decade of 92-02 was certainly worse than 02-12

          • 2 years ago

            No way. No matter how good or bad things were then, at least the X-Men were still recognizably the X-Men, and hadn't become as unlikeable as they'd go on to become in the 2000s and 2010s.

            Bendis is a shithead but at least he was interested in telling a story (poorly) instead of just jacking off to a dumb power fantasy

            Bendis was playing to a different kind of power fantasy of fighting the cops, SHIELD and the establishment superheroes to protect and recruit the mutant teens that the authorities are trying to arrest or kill for no reason, and empty talk of the coming revolution. It played to the power fantasy self-inserters just as much as Hickman's orgy island ethnostate does, but as the real world got crazier, so did the power fantasy.

      • 2 years ago

        Bendis was based

        • 2 years ago

          Bendis is a shithead but at least he was interested in telling a story (poorly) instead of just jacking off to a dumb power fantasy

      • 2 years ago

        bendis already took over by then, wotxm was just a prelude

  5. 2 years ago

    Right about the awesome taste of Wolverine and dozens of other men's cum

    • 2 years ago

      >and dozens of other men
      ....who else has he been sucking off? Xavier? Beast?

      • 2 years ago

        Depends on Jean, Cyclops can only taste second-hand cum

        • 2 years ago

          >Implying Jean doesn't just sit back and watch Scott getting WOLVERINED all night long

          • 2 years ago

            She could never stand leaving Wolverine's wiener that long, in fact as a selfish b***h as she is she won't even share it with Scott

            • 2 years ago

              >She could never stand leaving Wolverine's wiener that long
              Pretty sure anyone who manages to pull it out of Cyclops' butt gets crowned king of Krakoa.

            • 2 years ago

              It's not up to her, even her son calls in Wolverine to take care Scotts needs.

              • 2 years ago

                i admire your weird autistic devotion to heterosexual relationships in fictional comic books

              • 2 years ago

                I'm pretty sure anon is implying they do gay stuff.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          Wolverine is Summer's dog/pet. You just know

          • 2 years ago

            So you're say Scott lets his own dog sexually dominate him?

            • 2 years ago

              you can't pronounce bestiality without best

        • 2 years ago

          wonder if jean feels weird having a full family of kids that everyone would swear are hers but aren't actually her kids.

    • 2 years ago

      why the frick is Cinemaphile so afraid of women fricking other people. Its not like your ever getting a gf you frick

      • 2 years ago

        Husband and wife stay loyal to each other is basic moral, you must be fricking mentally ill to think otherwise. Cyclops and Jean Grey are terrible beings what's difficult to admit it?

      • 2 years ago

        It’s so funny polyamory triggers Cinemaphile so much

        • 2 years ago

          It basically triggers everywhere as much, I wonder why

          • 2 years ago

            usually it's at people in poly relationships doing dumb shit, not at the very idea in a fictional context

            • 2 years ago

              Oh really of course

            • 2 years ago

              Believe it or not, most people don't think it's a good idea IRL, and also don't want to see fictional characters they've followed for years suddenly doing this either.

      • 2 years ago

        I honestly can't even tell if it's trolling at this point. Fricking Poe's law.

      • 2 years ago

        It's a white thing, you wouldn't understand. Get back to me when your race figured out how to land on the moon.

        • 2 years ago

          But mutants existed before humans and probably reached the moon first.
          Thanks, Marvel.

          • 2 years ago

            >Krakoa believes in this shitpost that I made up
            Ok moron

            • 2 years ago

              >this shitpost that I made up
              The Yakub stuff was a joke from the thread about it, but the latest issue of Marauders really did claim there was a highly advanced civilization of mutants on Earth before humans even existed.

        • 2 years ago

          NASA was integrated.

    • 2 years ago

      Jon Hamm? So I guess Mad Men exists in Marvel. Funny to imagine the SCDP gang reacting to Galactus touching down for the first time or whatever shit was going on in Marvel 60s

  6. 2 years ago

    right on what tldr please

  7. 2 years ago

    >tbf logan is kinda a prick

  8. 2 years ago


    I'd offer to go with you, but I am already in my pajamas.

  9. 2 years ago

    >Cyclops was right
    About what

  10. 2 years ago

    Bullshit, he just took credit for what others did.

  11. 2 years ago

    he was right to do what? put mutants on an isolated island in the middle of a bay that can easily be bombarded by artillery from all sides?

    much strategery!

    • 2 years ago

      >put mutants on an isolated island in the middle of a bay

      They stayed alive on that Island until he was betrayed from within. You can make up hypotheticals all day long but it's canon that Scott kept those backbiting b***hes alive no matter how many nations were trying to finish the job. Then in AvX he fought off *everyone* and pulled it off: he brought mutants back.

      • 2 years ago

        >he brought mutants back.
        No he didn't. Hope did that, after she and Wanda were done kicking Scott's ass when he killed millions and tried to destroy the entire world.

        • 2 years ago

          in other words, Cyclops was right

          • 2 years ago

            >Cyclops tried to destroy the Earth, and killed millions
            >he was right
            What's wrong with you?

            Even if you're trying to credit him for what Hope did, it wasn't a good thing. She didn't give any former mutants their powers back, she turned a new generation of normal humans into mutants, ruining their lives in the process.

            >brought mutants back

            for what? so he could warmonger the other mutants to start a race war with inhumans, then medusa stops the mist, making it the inhumans that saved mutants from their own bullshit, no cyclops saving anyone? cyclops didn't do jack shit

            wait no, cyclops did something. he started an ethnostate with magneto, apocalypse, sinister, mystique, and invited cassandra nova (who's guilty of genocidal crimes against mutants) over with open arms like it's nothing

            99% of mutants 'powers' were just curses or disfigurements, and the X-Men have spent about 20 years trying to take those people's chances of a normal human life away from them just to make their own lives mean something.

        • 2 years ago

          Scott only got the Phoenix because the Assvengers wanted to stop Hope from doing what she had to do.

      • 2 years ago

        >brought mutants back

        for what? so he could warmonger the other mutants to start a race war with inhumans, then medusa stops the mist, making it the inhumans that saved mutants from their own bullshit, no cyclops saving anyone? cyclops didn't do jack shit

        wait no, cyclops did something. he started an ethnostate with magneto, apocalypse, sinister, mystique, and invited cassandra nova (who's guilty of genocidal crimes against mutants) over with open arms like it's nothing

  12. 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago
  14. 2 years ago

    The idea of the former child soldier growing up and realizing his mentor's flaws only to become a freedom fighter for his people and planet is such a strong character arc.

  15. 2 years ago

    I just can't get over how easily people are willing to accept separation as a solution for racial divides when you look at how people talk about Krakoa.
    People say that it's fine if a minority is the one enforcing racial separation like enforcing a state with government, laws, and culture based purely around your ethnic status (and even the superiority if your ethnic status, overtly) isn't incredibly wack in itself.
    They also say that of course the X-Men had to separate because of the decades of history of genocides attempted and successful on their kind like this isn't solely because the X-Men brand of being horrifically persecuted had to be artificially maintained and people haven't been saying that the handling of X-Men within the Marvel universe has been clumsy and difficult to believe for decades.
    You can justify fricking anything in a fantasy setting if you just, you know, write the justification for it. They could've written mutants as universally bloodthirsty conquering buttholes and justified sentinels coming for them but that wouldn't have made it a good fricking look.

    • 2 years ago

      and the look right now is better?

      nah, it's just liberals who end up with racist plots because, as right wingers, liberals settle in to racism just like any other right wing authoritarian.

      in IvX, beast suggested they frick off to space. that was when they should have explored the mars thing, that was when they should have pushed to ask the avengers to let them integrate

      OH WAIT.


      Cyclops was right

      captain america already invited mutants to join the rest of society. captain america and cyclops had that conversation in the savage land. cyclops didn't take captain america up on his offer. now they're a shitty ethnostate and beast has been forced to fit in by turning from one of the best most moral characters to being considered worse than the actual villains not because he's a villain, but because he's been x-men writers' scapegoat for 10 years straight

      cyclops gays are literally up their own ass. x-men is where it is now because cyclops was held up like he was hot shit in a champagne glass. the result is cold diarrhea in a dixie cup

      • 2 years ago

        I'd say it's obviously better, but it's still not good. That's kind of the point. The fact that you can say the X-Men were plausibly justified into taking this course of action doesn't matter because the writing was always a shit portrayal of racial divides and shit writing can be used to justify anything you can imagine.

        The idea of marvel's favored allegory for social/racial justice struggles coming to the conclusion that we're too fundamentally different and the only solution that will work is getting away from our oppressors and start a new land SOLELY BASED on racial divides is a nightmare.

        • 2 years ago

          >justified in taking this action

          not when captain america offers them a place in the world.

          not when they pass up the chance to frick off in to space when it matters

          not when they invite cassandra nova with open arms.

          not when they join with apocalypse, the biggest social darwinist in the marvel universe

          saying those details don't matter is damage control. no, it's not plausible because no normal person would be friends with cassandra nova. we're here because writers chose to have cyclops be the main chad character. this is worse than integration, this is worse than if they fricked off in to space. the way it is now, an ethnostate on planet earth while not integrated is a recipe for race wars. there is no "moral of the story" here, this is capitalists writing reactionary scenarios, the opposite of class consciousness and cooperation

          if they wanted to be isolationist, they would have fricked off to another planet or even another solar system, which can be done in the marvel universe with the help of the shiar, maybe even nova corps to help with nova corps. hell, there's no reason for mutants not to work with the nova corps on humanitarian efforts in the galaxy/universe. none of what they're doing makes sense unless you just accept liberals are racist and the correct path would be ending alienation of different factions, which is part of marxism. capitalist writers will never do that. i don't know why you're saying that what marvel is doing is nightmare after trying to say it's "better". it's literally the worst one possible

          • 2 years ago

            Painting mutants as insane monsters as in the deliberately extreme hypothetical would be pretty terrible.

            The issue though is that the X-men's treatment in the marvel universe never made sense. For the longest time, people have been saying that they should probably split off into another universe because the sheer gravity of the hate mutants receive in 616 has multiple problems.
            >It's so extreme that it makes everyone else in the marvel universe look terrible by proxy for not doing anything about it, literally millions dead and governments constantly secretly trying to kill them, every other hero in the universe looks like a massive butthole whenever they have to deal with the X-Men because for the X-Men concept to persist they have to be persecuted to the degree of being forced to violently defend themselves
            >It doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. In the Marvel universe, you have literal demons, evil foreign regimes, hostile alien races, swarming monsters of all stripes- mutants being the one thing all humans seem to agree to hate feels utterly absurd and unnecessary.
            >Because the universe isn't ABOUT the X-Men, their struggle usually seems irrelevant outside of their books. The sticking point of a social struggle is usually that a group is everywhere and not going to go away, but they're not being heard or treated rightly. X-Men would have to believe that mutants becoming accepted is an inevitability and that they're everywhere, but they also never appear outside of their own books. To be a proper allegory they need to be an actual part of humanity

            • 2 years ago

              >would be

              what do you mean would be? what do you think is going on right now at krakoa?

              >there's hate for mutants
              >this can never change ever ever ever

              bad argument

              >makes everyone look terrible
              so have them reach out, like captain america did when he spoke with cyclops in the savage land
              (cyclops turned him down, this is a failure of the writers)

              >evil foreign regimes
              Latveria (?) doesn't contraindicate mutants
              >hostile alien races
              you mean like brood and phalanx?
              >swarming monsters
              yeah and?
              >it's unnecessary
              ah so the other stuff is normal but mutants are the part that you think is superfluous? what the frick is wrong with you?

              >their struggle is irrelevant outside of books

              pretty sure avengers and ff got shunted to another reality because of onslaught in the 90s

              >never appear outside their own books
              beast was an avenger

              >to be a proper allegory they need to be part of humanity
              well yes. that's what the premise of fricking was. it's like stan lee came up with this shit and then 60 years later dumbass liberals can't fathom the shit they claim to support

              you're not saying anything

              • 2 years ago

                I think you're confused

            • 2 years ago

              For how much the fanbase and X-Men writers love God Loves, Man Kills, they seem to miss the part where Stryker's human followers turn on him and realize that not all mutants are bad.

              • 2 years ago

                Claremont X-Men isn't really a part of the discussion. His shit was more restrained. It's all the post-Morrison writers who kept increasing the mutant plight to ridiculous proportions.

          • 2 years ago

            >captain america offers them a place in the world.
            What does this mean?

          • 2 years ago

            >pass up the chance to frick off in to space when it matters
            Why should they frick off to space? They've essentially done the same thing anyways. Krakoa doesn't harm humanity in any way. They've even bargained for their recognition when they could have demanded it with nothing in exchange.

        • 2 years ago

          >justified in taking this action

          not when captain america offers them a place in the world.

          not when they pass up the chance to frick off in to space when it matters

          not when they invite cassandra nova with open arms.

          not when they join with apocalypse, the biggest social darwinist in the marvel universe

          saying those details don't matter is damage control. no, it's not plausible because no normal person would be friends with cassandra nova. we're here because writers chose to have cyclops be the main chad character. this is worse than integration, this is worse than if they fricked off in to space. the way it is now, an ethnostate on planet earth while not integrated is a recipe for race wars. there is no "moral of the story" here, this is capitalists writing reactionary scenarios, the opposite of class consciousness and cooperation

          if they wanted to be isolationist, they would have fricked off to another planet or even another solar system, which can be done in the marvel universe with the help of the shiar, maybe even nova corps to help with nova corps. hell, there's no reason for mutants not to work with the nova corps on humanitarian efforts in the galaxy/universe. none of what they're doing makes sense unless you just accept liberals are racist and the correct path would be ending alienation of different factions, which is part of marxism. capitalist writers will never do that. i don't know why you're saying that what marvel is doing is nightmare after trying to say it's "better". it's literally the worst one possible

          Painting mutants as insane monsters as in the deliberately extreme hypothetical would be pretty terrible.

          The issue though is that the X-men's treatment in the marvel universe never made sense. For the longest time, people have been saying that they should probably split off into another universe because the sheer gravity of the hate mutants receive in 616 has multiple problems.
          >It's so extreme that it makes everyone else in the marvel universe look terrible by proxy for not doing anything about it, literally millions dead and governments constantly secretly trying to kill them, every other hero in the universe looks like a massive butthole whenever they have to deal with the X-Men because for the X-Men concept to persist they have to be persecuted to the degree of being forced to violently defend themselves
          >It doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. In the Marvel universe, you have literal demons, evil foreign regimes, hostile alien races, swarming monsters of all stripes- mutants being the one thing all humans seem to agree to hate feels utterly absurd and unnecessary.
          >Because the universe isn't ABOUT the X-Men, their struggle usually seems irrelevant outside of their books. The sticking point of a social struggle is usually that a group is everywhere and not going to go away, but they're not being heard or treated rightly. X-Men would have to believe that mutants becoming accepted is an inevitability and that they're everywhere, but they also never appear outside of their own books. To be a proper allegory they need to be an actual part of humanity

          >would be

          what do you mean would be? what do you think is going on right now at krakoa?

          >there's hate for mutants
          >this can never change ever ever ever

          bad argument

          >makes everyone look terrible
          so have them reach out, like captain america did when he spoke with cyclops in the savage land
          (cyclops turned him down, this is a failure of the writers)

          >evil foreign regimes
          Latveria (?) doesn't contraindicate mutants
          >hostile alien races
          you mean like brood and phalanx?
          >swarming monsters
          yeah and?
          >it's unnecessary
          ah so the other stuff is normal but mutants are the part that you think is superfluous? what the frick is wrong with you?

          >their struggle is irrelevant outside of books

          pretty sure avengers and ff got shunted to another reality because of onslaught in the 90s

          >never appear outside their own books
          beast was an avenger

          >to be a proper allegory they need to be part of humanity
          well yes. that's what the premise of fricking was. it's like stan lee came up with this shit and then 60 years later dumbass liberals can't fathom the shit they claim to support

          you're not saying anything

          I think you're confused

          Eat shit commies
          No racial divides cannot be changed because biology has already made them insurmountable and no you aren’t going to have your disgusting mud brown dystopia

    • 2 years ago

      Kys shitskin lover
      Ethnostates are good and your brown trash is going to extirpated

      • 2 years ago

        Eat shit commies
        No racial divides cannot be changed because biology has already made them insurmountable and no you aren’t going to have your disgusting mud brown dystopia

        So nazis are really digging the new direction the X-Men have taken.

  16. 2 years ago

    How does cyclops sleep?

    • 2 years ago

      With his eyes closed.

  17. 2 years ago

    I think I liked Cyclops's rightness more when he was dead.

  18. 2 years ago

    Mark Waid wrote the best cyclops

  19. 2 years ago

    can someone explain this to a noncapeshit gay?

    • 2 years ago

      Once upon a time, within the X-men it was a well established fact that Scott 'Cyclops' Summers was the put-together boy scout team leader X-man with a massive stick up his ass but fully willing to believe in and commit to Xavier's dream of peaceful integration between humanity and mutants by way of showing the good they could do. It was also a well established fact that Wolverine was the cynical bad boy counterpart whose bullt-headed stubbornness, rough treatment from life, and cynical personal views on how humanity will never properly accept mutants lead him to perpetually clash heads with the goody two shoes leader of the X-men regarding nearly everything. In short, everyone either loved or hated Scott for being the straight laced heroic type, while everyone either loved or hated Wolverine for being the whiny bad boy who shivs people.

      ...And then in the 2010s, some chucklefrick decided to switch the two's position, and now you have Wolverine as the short tempered leader of a mutant educational institution trying to protect the dream of integration not out of personal beliefs but out of respect for the memory of his friends who have died trying to make that dream come alive, while Cyclops is now the hotheaded cynical bad boy who never stopped working to protect the X-men but is too emotionally burnt out from how much life sucked to think humans and mutants can get along and will repeat it as many times as possible to your face while STILL having a massive stick up his ass.

      And yet Wolverine became considered the mutant uncle tom for being the goody two shoes and Cyclops the "Right"clops for being the abrasive dick this time around. Primarily because years of bad stories and shifting demographics has lead not just the X-men but the fans themselves to buy into Magneto's bullshit that a race war is inevitable between humans and mutants. Ergo, this tired old meme. The X-fandom's a funny thing that way.

  20. 2 years ago

    Mutants are buttholes.
    I hope they get Genosha'd again soon

  21. 2 years ago

    Since Krakoa started I've learned X-Men readers are massive wienergargling homosexuals, figuratively and literally, which makes sense given X-Men sucked for 30 something years in a row now.

    • 2 years ago

      It took you a while. Are you a moron, as in, were you in special class, because you were so fricking slow?

      • 2 years ago

        I didn't care to know until mugga lovers stepped outside their containment threads.

        • 2 years ago

          in other words, you are a black person of color

  22. 2 years ago

    damn this comic sucks
    imma go reread Age of Apocalypse, at least that shit's fun

  23. 2 years ago

    how did he get out of doing serious jail time again?

    • 2 years ago

      The X-Men broke him out, they then spent years screeching about SHIELD and the Avengers considering Scott and Emma criminal fugitives, and acting like they had no reason to do so at all.

      • 2 years ago

        Makes sense since the X-Men have always flipped out if anyone tries to arrest Magneto since the Claremont days.

        • 2 years ago

          It's honestly amazing how tone-deaf Claremont and other X-Men writers have been about Magneto, Emma, and other mutant villains joining the X-Men and expecting everyone else to just accept they've changed sides and should be allowed to get away with everything they've done.

          • 2 years ago

            >It's honestly amazing how tone-deaf [comic book writers] have been about [villain characters] joining [superhero team]

            • 2 years ago

              I mean, you're not wrong, but the X-books are just out of control on this issue in a way nothing else comes close to.

          • 2 years ago

            >It's honestly amazing how tone-deaf [comic book writers] have been about [villain characters] joining [superhero team]

            >B-But the Avengers accepted ex-villains.
            Because what Clint, Natasha, Wanda, and Pietro did back in the 60's is at all comparable to what Magneto and Emma have done.

            • 2 years ago

              >Because what Clint, Natasha, Wanda, and Pietro did back in the 60's is at all comparable to what Magneto and Emma have done.
              Sadly, I think a combination of Ultimate Marvel and X-Men cartoons having versions of Wanda and Pietro who were full and willing members of the Brotherhood, and X-Men fandom always telling new readers to ignore 60s X-Men and start with Claremont does mean there are a LOT of readers who honestly don't know that Wanda and Pietro weren't really villainous at all and spent more time trying to escape or undermine Magneto's plans. Even Jason Aaron doesn't know, his Heroes Reborn event last year had as an actual plot point that they would have "remained villains" if the Avengers hadn't recruited them.

            • 2 years ago

              I don't want to invoke Tommy, but I could go on about all the shit Doom and Namor did.

          • 2 years ago

            Magneto was literally a terrorist

          • 2 years ago

            Silver Age Magneto was retconned to being insane because of his powers or some shit. His first heroic turn around the Claremont New Mutants era was fine.

            • 2 years ago

              >His first heroic turn around the Claremont New Mutants era was fine.
              It really wasn't. It takes a villain who was trying to conquer the world, trying to enslave humanity or exterminate them with nukes, and pretends he was just trying to protect his people from persecution. And it lets him just get away with everything he'd done. Shooter really should have said no to Claremont on this.

  24. 2 years ago

    What the frick was Cyclops even supposedly right *about* again?

    • 2 years ago

      As someone who hasn't read an X-book in several years, my understanding of it is every action of his past a certain point became "mutant survival at all costs" and when others in-universe were calling him out for it, the writers (knowingly or not) vindicated him nearly every time.

  25. 2 years ago

    About what?

  26. 2 years ago

    Why does Scott still need the visor in the Krakoa era? The only reason he couldn’t control his optic blasts was because of a head injury he sustained as a child. He’s been resurrected multiple times already, are they bringing him back with the same head injury or something?

    I know they’ve rezzed that one girl with the mechanical leg without restoring her original limb, but that’s at least a visual thing, I can sorta understand not wanting to give that up, even if I personally wouldn’t do the same. But keeping a brain injury that forces you to wear a visor every minute of your life is moronic.

  27. 2 years ago

    Why did this piece of shit deprive us of Rightclops' full potential?
    I hate him so much. I hate him more everyday. Everything he touches is ruined.

  28. 2 years ago

    Was thinking on start reading xmen what order should i Go?
    Firstlass>Clermont>god loves>agr of apocalypse>Morrison>AXM>House of M
    What should i read after house of M to cover until AvX? Also anything to add?

  29. 2 years ago

    Kids and women never like a disciplined and responsible leader characters. Many writer always fail to write a good leader. They always put these character in unnecessary torment.

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