Why are we pretending this has any cultural relevance? It outright flopped. Dune 1 didn't even clear $400M. Dune 2 is tracking to land around $600M. It lost to kung fu Panda 4 domestically. It probably won't even end up being top 5 box office this year alone.

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    It’s just The Batman (2022) of the current year. It’ll be memory holed in a few months.

    • 3 months ago


      I've liked Denis Villeneuve by and large, but DUNC and The Batman from Matt Reeves are pure examples of
      >If you make capeshit but make it plodding and dull, you can convince midwits into thinking you're sophisticated.
      It's the shit people accused Nolan of with his Batman movies (TDK is ultimately to blame for everyone getting this idea). But the difference is Nolan was making things "realistic" relative to what Batman and superhero movies were at the time. They're still high octane action movies. They have more in common with 007 than they do frickin' "Heat". The Batman and DUNC are just the types of movies you get from people who have no real vision but want to present like they do.

      • 3 months ago

        For all those on this site who spend their time complaining about Dune, I ask you: what the hell were you expecting? Seriously, it's just space Arabs fighting each other and riding giant worms. I haven't read the books but damn; The premise simply sounds impossible to adapt to film.

        • 3 months ago

          You can tell by watching it that it doesn't need to plod on as long as it does. Nothing happens in that first movie. It's all world building for a world and character arc that are pretty clear from the jump. It's not an issue with the concept or content, it's an issue with pacing and story-telling.

          Lynch's Dune is a mess, but it's visually more engaging and breezes through the story at a much better pace.

          • 3 months ago

            I agree, Lynch's version is great in that sense. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VSV9S2Ol3bc

            • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            Dune is very insteresting from an exposition standpoint. Were all judging it having seen Lynch or havikg read the books. To a newbie, the story candy is still untasted

            • 3 months ago

              I saw the first of the new DUNC movies before Lynch's and never read the books. I think the Lynch movie just functions better as a viewing experience period.

          • 3 months ago

            >Lynch's Dune is a mess, but it's visually more engaging and breezes through the story at a much better pace
            It gets through the story at a nice pace, until we get to the second half, then it just goes at breakneck speed. Could definitely benefit from an extra 45 minutes.
            The Spicediver cut is nice as a curiosity, but it does little to fix this fundamental issue. Much of the extra content seems to be front loaded which is where it is not needed in the slightest.

            • 3 months ago

              It should have been two films just the way Villaneuve did it. I don't remember well but I think Lynch's film became the most expensive Kino of its time

        • 3 months ago

          >Seriously, it's just space Arabs fighting each other and riding giant worms. I haven't read the books but damn; The premise simply sounds impossible to adapt to film.
          Avatar managed.

          • 3 months ago

            avatar has sexy space cats, that's different

          • 3 months ago

            Honestly as a fan of the books if you take out the shield bullshit Avatar pacing would make sense. It's the autistic amount of lore for each object, contextualizing it within a future where computers don't exist and guns exist but are very sparingly used that gets in the way. That and the huge cast of characters but there would be more time to let them breathe without the lore autism.

      • 3 months ago

        It could've been 10 minutes shorter but it still kicked ass, I don't know wtf people were expecting out of these movies, like this would be the first Hollywood adaptation in history to explore every single nook & cranny of a book that's 70% worldbuilding? They simplified it as they should have.
        I really wasn't put off by the pacing or the whispering because it suited the look of the world. I would rather it look like ArtStation-core than the dated as frick Moebius style that people think would somehow translate well into a big budget movie.

    • 3 months ago

      If it's memory holed, how did you recall it when making your comment?

    • 3 months ago

      I like The Batman a lot better than this shit. It's a stale ass adaptation of a far superior book.

    • 3 months ago

      Denisflicks always flop. Why did you expect this one to be different?

      Exactly. Someone last night here was trying to claim Matt Reeves will never be on the level of Nolan and Villeneuve, which is ridiculous, because Nolan is the outlier. Nolan has made several immensely profitable films like Oppenheimer, Inception, and Dark Knight. Reeves and Villeneuve don't have the industry capital to survive multiple Tenets. Nolan's next movie could be another Tenet, without a pandemic excuse, and he'd still have no trouble getting the budget he'd want on the subsequent film.

    • 3 months ago

      >It’s just The Batman (2022) of the current year.
      I loved both and desire to see them multiple times on the silver screen. I guess you're right.

  2. 3 months ago

    It's projected to make 700 million at the moment.

  3. 3 months ago

    it has relevance in my mind, and that's all that matters to me
    i'm going in to watch it a fifth time on friday and i can't wait
    it's becoming my favorite film of all time

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        >i should kill myself for liking a film you don't like
        seek help NOW

        • 3 months ago

          >only a fool would take these posts as fact
          Is only wee banter, love. No wonder you're trying to escape through film

          • 3 months ago

            >h-haha I was just p-pretending xD

            • 3 months ago

              Just keep shilling bro, it'll work out

              • 3 months ago

                i dont need to shill, the movie is a massive success :3

    • 3 months ago

      These obvious shill posts don't help your cause. Try something more subtle.

      • 3 months ago

        concession accepted

        • 3 months ago

          Concession on what? Your non sequitur makes me conclude they're outsourcing third worlder shills that can't even understand English properly.

          • 3 months ago

            i already accepted your concession, robert. dont talk to me.

            • 3 months ago

              Sure thing, Pajeet. Sure thing.

            • 3 months ago

              Take the poo to da loo Radish.

    • 3 months ago

      i loved it too! i'm going to watch it for the seventh time on saturday with my wife and her boyfriend
      hopefully she'll let me watch them when we get home, we'll see

      • 3 months ago

        Try seven billion

  4. 3 months ago

    The acting was bad, the story was almost non-existent and there were no stakes. The visuals were just meh. If you loved the book then I'm sure it was nice to see an adaptation but didn't do it for me. Was incredibly bored for the final hour.

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I love the book and I thought these shit movies made a mockery of it.

    • 3 months ago

      I liked the movie, but agree that it dragged a bit.

    • 3 months ago

      >there were no stakes
      I do love that exact criticism when it's applied to vampire flicks.

    • 3 months ago

      Saw both and read book. Movies shat on the book.

      • 3 months ago

        The movie went down a different avenue then the book but doesn't inherently make the movie shit.
        If the entire gladiatorial scene didn't strike you as frick that's cool then good for you but you are a homosexual. The pacing of Pauls and Chi's romance was weird though, thought we had an entire crossing the desert love story budding but it immediately cut to them being battle buddies.

        • 3 months ago

          that gladiator scene was awesome. whats his name who played sting's character did a great job

          • 3 months ago

            Dunc 2 wasn't anything deep or particularly sensical at parts but frick was it awesome when it was genuinely awesome.
            Evil Lady Jessica is my favorite hard change and I'm curious where it plays out. EVERYTHING on the black/white planet was fun. The liquidy fireworks made me feel gross and slimy whenever the Baron was on screen afterwards.

        • 3 months ago

          >frick that's cool
          Imagine even considering grading a film-viewing experience in those categories.

          • 3 months ago

            Enjoying a movie based on my enjoyment of what I'm seeing? My God!
            Go back to smelling your own farts and tell me why Waterworld isn't a great fricking movie because it's just dumb fun.

            • 3 months ago

              >Enjoying a movie based on my enjoyment
              That's circular. The problem is not that you enjoy something, but that you base your enjoyment on the perceived "coolness" of what you see, rather than the intellectual and emotional stimuli you get from the narrative and characters.
              >just dumb fun
              Nothing is ever just "dumb fun". There are reasons why you consider something "fun". Those can be good reasons, or bad reasons. They are reasons nonetheless.

              • 3 months ago

                I enjoyed the books based on their intellectual merits, genuinely if you want to talk the books themes I'm

                >Themes, though? You have to fundamentally not understand Dune to believe this.
                That all extreme are destine to fail? Leto fails despite being the Lawful Good guy that he is, because somethings are more valuable then loyalty.
                Fat boy slim fails being the Lawful Evil that he is, because he doesn't inspire loyalty just fear.
                Human PC's are destine to fail because somethings in our life defy what we know as "the rules".
                Benjeserit are just overbearing fools who want humans to be machines after fighting a war to make sure machines didn't pretend to be humans.

                so tear into me.
                But the movies provided enough spectacle to be entertaining, I don't care much if you think a fireworks show is too simple to be a good reason to enjoy it.
                How about you provide your own opinion and contribute to the conversation, just being a nitpicker of others isn't interesting to talk to.

              • 3 months ago

                >How about you provide your own opinion and contribute to the conversation
                I have. DUNC gives me nothing. It's empty. Devoid of anything. I do not care about spectacle, I care about whether something resonates with me on a deeper level. The books did, DUNC did not. I cannot even hate it for disrespecting the book, because there's just nothing of substance there that I could hate.

              • 3 months ago

                Fair enough I really disliked Dunc for turning my favorite character, the Imperial geologist, into a fricking nothing character and making the coup incredibly uninteresting.
                But 2 was much more enjoyable in the parts it exceled at then shitty in the parts it failed at.

              • 3 months ago

                >But 2 was much more enjoyable in the parts it exceled at

                I enjoyed all the action in Dune 2, and it's just any and all romance that was a complete waste of time. It was really clear to me that the two leads didn't even like each other, and they were paid to be with each other on screen. A movie like that will never be remembered.

              • 3 months ago

                This is a movie with Timothee that's much better than Dune 2, and he loves a man in this one. So either
                >the actor is gay
                >it's easier to pretend to love a man compared to Zendaya

              • 3 months ago

                so you think this gay romance movie is better then Dune 2? pretty "homosexual" opinion

              • 3 months ago

                I bet you haven't even seen it, and you're trying to say it's bad. Anyway, I'm filtering this thread now. I single handedly destroyed the Dune general by filtering it and never posting it. You can doubt it, but it's true. If the movie was good, the general would still exist. Please reply after I've left.

              • 3 months ago

                go watch more gay shit and enjoy yourself

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah they sucked in that role, again it felt like there was supposed to be a falling in love travel into the desert scene but it just jumped to an action scene.
                I "get" that they aren't having Chani be the character in the book by feeling betrayed by Paul's choices, notably already being a 2nd wife and having had a kid missing, but it's clearly the pay off in the third where she rising against Paul and Jessica leads him into being a "monster", worm.

    • 3 months ago

      >starts with unbelievably slow pace, 2 hours of the worst parts of the books. Completely glosses over world building outside the freman
      >all of sudden the emperor comes down to Arakis and there are 2 second battle scenes then… that’s it

      Amazing movie

  5. 3 months ago

    Denisflicks always flop. Why did you expect this one to be different?

    • 3 months ago

      >Why did you expect this one to be different?
      He didn't say that he did.
      But /r/eddit most definitely did. Their box-office subforum (which is full of Villeneuve bootlickers) was unironically predicting it to break a billion before it came out. And right now they're all about whether the "700M dream" is still possible, overhyping every single day's new domestic numbers.
      They also downvote anyone who dares to say that all projections for DUNC2 point at 600M, or that DUNC1's 400M were barely enough to break even.

  6. 3 months ago

    The budget was below $200M
    how on earth is that a flop?

    • 3 months ago

      My cope formulas can prove everything under $600m gross is a flop.

  7. 3 months ago

    it's just sand starwars

    • 3 months ago

      dune (the book) is the inspiration for star wars. star wars is literally a dune ripoff.

      • 3 months ago

        and the book was inspired by lawrence of arabia

      • 3 months ago

        > if it's an inspiration, that makes it a rip-off
        Do Americans really?

  8. 3 months ago

    What could have been..

    • 3 months ago

      She'd get a nasty sunburn, Satan.

  9. 3 months ago

    They've both made a large enough profit to greenlight part three, learn to cope /misc/tard, people like what you don't. Just wait for that right wing snow white on youtube, that sound more your speed.

    • 3 months ago

      >white savior
      >women are the ultimate form of evil in the universe
      i dont think them casting a single monkey means it can't be a pol film.

    • 3 months ago

      Nothing has been greenlit. Opposite actually. Denis said that he would "like to" adapt Messiah "someday".

      • 3 months ago

        denis went into hans zimmer's studio and handed him a copy of messiah

        • 3 months ago

          The CEO himself said its not greenlit. Plus, Denis already has at least 2 other films on his docket.

  10. 3 months ago

    >dune 2 is bad because.... BECAUSE PEOPLE LOVE IT!!!!

    • 3 months ago

      It's bad because it's a fricking shit adaptation, you c**t.

      • 3 months ago

        >it's a shit adaptation because.... BECAUSE PEOPLE LOVE IT!!!!!!

        • 3 months ago

          It's a shit adaptation because it absolutely fricking butchers the book's story, characters, themes and everything else that made it good in the first place. People love it because they're moronic and don't/can't read.

          • 3 months ago

            >It's a shit adaptation because it absolutely fricking butchers the book's story, characters, themes and everything else that made it good in the first place.

            • 3 months ago

              So you haven't read it then.

              • 3 months ago

                yeah i did
                he didn't butcher anything

              • 3 months ago

                So you haven't read it then.

              • 3 months ago

                there are three characters that are changed at a foundational level in the dune films compared to the books: stilgar, chani, and lady jessica.

                Stilgar in the book is a mentor and friend to paul, who is at first skeptical of the prophecy, but sees potential in paul in becoming a powerful fremen, and so takes him under his wing to teach him how to become a fremen. over time, he becomes enveloped in the idea of paul being the mahdi and paul cries that he lost a friend to the religious fervor surrounding him. In the film, he very quickly becomes a believer, and is changed to be comedic relief during key moments. this change is the only change i didn't fully like, but i understand why they felt the need to do it.

                chani in the book is very supportive of paul and thinks he might be the mahdi. she is with him the whole way through. as a result, she's kind of a non-character in the book to be honest. in the film, she is a non-believer and serves as a counter to paul's religious rise while at the same time being his romantic partner, introducing an interesting conflict for paul and a character that shares the audience's sentiments. this is a change i really like, although i wish zendaya was better at acting and didn't act like an american the entire time.

                lady jessica in the book is extremely cautious of paul's gradual rise as the messiah and at many points tries to quell it, but eventually becomes agreeable to it as it can help her and paul get revenge. in the film, once she takes the water of life she becomes a big driver in pushing paul towards becoming the kwisatz haderach, as if she had been taken over by the bene gesserit reverend mothers. i find this change interesting in the same way as chani as it adds further conflict for paul, and rebecca ferguson sells the role extremely well - i love seeing her act motherly, then her transition into becoming menacing.

                all in all, most of the changes in the adaptation i feel helped the film.

              • 3 months ago

                good post unironically

              • 3 months ago

                >while at the same time being his romantic partner
                And it was extremely poorly done, the "romance" materialized out of thin and wasn't anywhere near believable at any second of it. It was just there for the sake of being there
                >introducing an interesting conflict for paul
                Can you elaborate exactly what conflict Zendaya's c**t persona brings to Paul, that wasn't in the book, but much more nuanced?
                >as it adds further conflict for paul
                Now I get it. You are just parroting that every change is adding a new "conflict" like a NPC, without understanding yourself what it means. A literal plebbitor turning terms into buzzwords, spewing them mindlessly to give his gibberish a shallow appearance of any sort of meaning behind it

              • 3 months ago

                if you dont understand how chani and jessica being two opposing forcing pushing paul in different directions isn't conflict (person v person) you're an idiot.

              • 3 months ago

                Shut your stupid mouth plebbitor before embarrassing yourself any further. It is not the conflict you're imagined it to be because
                >Paul never considers his mother wishes
                >he didn't want to become a messiah regardless of Zendussy telling him "not to change". He's on the same page with her from the start so there's no conflict at least untill the final events
                His decision yo take the mantle of a messiah is abrupt and messy in the movie. He sees Tabr Sietch destroyed and that for some reason pushes him drink the water of life and through the visions obtain motives hidden from the viewer

              • 3 months ago

                >>Paul never considers his mother wishes
                you don't need him to consider her wishes in order for their to be conflict. his mom is trying to push him a particular direction that he's desperately trying to reject. that is conflict.
                >>he didn't want to become a messiah regardless of Zendussy telling him "not to change". He's on the same page with her from the start so there's no conflict at least untill the final events
                so then there's conflict.

              • 3 months ago

                "A conflict is a literary device that presents the struggle between two sides due to a disagreement in values, desires, motivations etc."

              • 3 months ago

                They were already on opposite sides, for different reasons stemming from their love for Paul. Having Zendaya scrunch up her face a bunch and be completely different from other Fremen is not a good change, it only takes away from the character.

              • 3 months ago

                Based effortposter spoonfeeding the contrarians. Anyone with eyes and a brain comes to these same conclusions.

              • 3 months ago

                Dune fans don't read other books, so they don't understand how book-to-screen adaptations work.

              • 3 months ago

                Dune was considered to be ''unadaptable'' for so long, after lynch's terrible looking slop we got this kino, It's truly bizarre that you gays have such a hate boner for this.

              • 3 months ago

                >there are three characters that are changed at a foundational level
                What about Duke Leto? His book counterpart is a good man yes, but he is also a sharp guy when it comes to politics. He frees slaves, because they will be fiercely loyal, he uses spies and espionage, he sends men on suicide raids, he has a propaganda man sell his big good guy image, and he even does kind deeds in front of everyone, so that the legend of his benevolent nature will spread. His downfall came because the emperor took sides, and because Piter managed to turn Yueh.
                Movie Leto lacks all of that nuance. He just was an unironically Ned Stark-like, honorable fool. They dumb him down for the adaptation, and then they have the emperor call him out for being a weak man, who used kindness, despite being in cutthroat politics. Well book Leto was just as cutthroat, if he felt the absolute need to be, and his kind and benevolent image was carefully manufactured.

                I could go on and on about how characters like Piter, Baron, Rabban, Gurney, Kynes, Thufir and the rest, were either made simpler, or entirely disregarded.

              • 3 months ago

                Chani will mostly be cut from the fan edit.

              • 3 months ago

                I wonder if we'll ever get those close to 180 minutes of deleted scenes from Dune 1 and 2? Like if Denis doesn't release them, maybe the studio will, or maybe someone leaks them? Either way, that's the only way to make a fan edit.

              • 3 months ago

                Good for the fans. Spiderman's cut of the Hobbit movies is only better because it's taking from shit source, Dunc isn't that.

          • 3 months ago

            Characters, maybe, but that's to be expected when adapting a 900 page paperback novel to just under 6 hours of film. Changes have to be made, characters and side plots cut/condensed.
            Themes, though? You have to fundamentally not understand Dune to believe this.

            • 3 months ago

              >Themes, though? You have to fundamentally not understand Dune to believe this.
              The unpleasant air of Paul becoming a leader was about all it got right and even then it barely scratched the damn surface, for frick's sake.

              • 3 months ago

                What themes were left out that were so central as to make this a bad adaptation?

              • 3 months ago

                They cut the fact that the war is a jihad. The movie makes it a war of liberation. The Fremen weren't fighting for liberation...they were already free. The Harkonnens literally gave zero fricks about Fremen and had no intention of oppressing them. The Fremen wanted to kill Harkonens because they are religious fanatics that want to behead heretics. The movie did not cover that whatsoever.

              • 3 months ago

                >they were already free
                The Harkonnens hunted them down. There were not free to do as they please. The only time they were sort of free was for the very brief Leto rule but after that it was back to normal, until Paul won the war ofc

              • 3 months ago

                That isn't a theme anon. Your are correct in that it's a better motivation to the Fremen for trying to slay the galaxy but learn some "media literacy", as homosexual as that is, before you confuse story telling elements.

            • 3 months ago

              >Themes, though? You have to fundamentally not understand Dune to believe this.
              That all extreme are destine to fail? Leto fails despite being the Lawful Good guy that he is, because somethings are more valuable then loyalty.
              Fat boy slim fails being the Lawful Evil that he is, because he doesn't inspire loyalty just fear.
              Human PC's are destine to fail because somethings in our life defy what we know as "the rules".
              Benjeserit are just overbearing fools who want humans to be machines after fighting a war to make sure machines didn't pretend to be humans.

          • 3 months ago

            >It's a shit adaptation because it absolutely fricking butchers the book's story, characters, themes and everything else that made it good in the first place.
            But it doesn't and also it's universally acclaimed

            • 3 months ago

              >it's universally acclaimed
              By morons.
              >But it doesn't
              As you've just proven.

              • 3 months ago

                >I, the Cinemaphilecel, am a supremely intelligent gentleman and everyone else is wrong

          • 3 months ago

            literally who gives a frick about books

            • 3 months ago

              Black person mentality, lmao

              • 3 months ago

                if you like the books so much maybe you should marry them.

          • 3 months ago

            It's literally the only adaptation of Dune that understands the themes of the novel. Lynch treated it as a standard hero's journey.

            • 3 months ago

              >Lynch treated it as a standard hero's journey.
              You're not particularly intelligent, are you?
              Not every story fits your Campbellian mold, shithead.

              • 3 months ago

                >Not every story fits your Campbellian mold
                Sure, but Lynch's Dune, which was financed as a response to Star Wars, is one of the stories that does.

              • 3 months ago

                It's also a terrible movie that moronic incel homosexuals pretend to like to be contrarian on an anime forum

              • 3 months ago

                No, it does not. You're a fricking brainlet.

              • 3 months ago

                It's literally the only adaptation of Dune that understands the themes of the novel. Lynch treated it as a standard hero's journey.

                >Herbert likened the initial trilogy of novels (Dune, Dune Messiah, and Children of Dune) to a fugue – Dune was a heroic melody, Dune Messiah was its inversion, while Children of Dune expands the number of interplaying themes. Paul rises to power in Dune by seizing control of the single critical resource in the universe, melange. His enemies are dead or overthrown, and he is set to take the reins of power and bring a hard but enlightened peace to the universe. Herbert chose in the books that followed to undermine Paul's triumph with a string of failures and philosophical paradoxes.
                Aside Paul worrying about a potential Jihad, the first book is a standard hero's journey, with a bit of a twist that the prophecy and the messiah are engineered. Still, Paul geniuenly falls in with the Fremen, and even if the prophecy is artificial and not divine, he does accomplish his goals. It's the second novel that really undermines Paul, and hits home that a charismatic, righteous and justified leader, can still become a monster.

              • 3 months ago

                >the first book is a standard hero's journey
                Funny how it says the exact opposite in the passage you quoted.

          • 3 months ago

            didn't read have sex and kys

          • 3 months ago

            I think it did a pretty good job with the time constraints, it should have been a 10 episode mini series for sure, but it's definitely as good as we'd ever get with the time and resources allotted to it.

            • 3 months ago

              I could have done a better adaptation, at least from screenplay perspective.

              • 3 months ago

                What movies have you made? Why haven't you made (it)?

  11. 3 months ago

    Villeneuve's Dune is an amazing critical and commercial succes, and a modern classic in the making. Baiting incels can stay mad while slurping DUNChads' big meaty gonads

  12. 3 months ago

    cope and cry b***h breasts. DUNC has already prevailed

  13. 3 months ago

    i liked the films.
    i enjoyed them.
    will i watch them again? well yeah, i watched dune part one two times, once with my brother and once with a girl that i know and appreciate.
    dune part two i watched with the girl, but i will watch it a second time, with my brother.
    why? because i did enjoy the films.
    it was entertainment, and this is what im looking for.

    like the worms.
    like the soundtrack.
    like the white bald guy.
    just entertaining movies.

    • 3 months ago

      >like the soundtrack.

      • 3 months ago


  14. 3 months ago

    >It lost to Kung Fu Panda 4 domestically
    KFP4 will end its domestic run around $175M, the number that Dune 2 has surpassed today

    >It probably won't even end up being top 5 box office this year alone.
    Wonka doesn't need to be in Top 5 to be profitable

    • 3 months ago

      > As of Tuesday, the Kung Fu Panda franchise sits at approximately $1.82 billion in total box office gross. Since the latest sequel had the second-highest domestic opening of the franchise, and compared against the other installments, even a pessimistic prediction would see Kung Fu Panda 4 topping $300 million (surely an impossibly low figure) by the end of its run, enough to put it well over $2 billion.

      > More likely, Kung Fu Panda 4 will finish with at least $500 million worldwide when it finishes its run, if not higher. I suspect the higher end of outcomes could be $700 million if the nostalgia factor kicks in enough. [Forbes]

      And the entire KFP fancise cost less to make and market than just Dune 2 alone.

      Now, we dance:


    • 3 months ago

      The Kung fu must flow

  15. 3 months ago

    >next gen zoomies are swapping the already jaded zoomers in a competition on who can act the biggest contrarian on this rotten butthole of a site that has seen far better days

    • 3 months ago

      Damn bro, you're pretty smart. Wanna be our new king?

      • 3 months ago

        i'm good lil bro, grown out of this game already but you kids have fun now

        • 3 months ago

          You're over it but still posting? Interesting technique

  16. 3 months ago

    “Cultural relevance” is a meme invented by “journalists” (read: shills) upset they weren’t paid to shill avatar

  17. 3 months ago


  18. 3 months ago

    >movie studios can never make money but can continue to make movies
    so glad we got Cinemaphile accountants breaking these news stories.

  19. 3 months ago

    I liked the movie, the arena scene was kino

  20. 3 months ago

    Dune 1 came out during COVID and had a day one release on HBO Max. Dune 2 is likely going to make around $700 million worldwide, which is pretty good for a movie with a budget of $190 million. And the movie is making much more money than Kung Fu Panda 4.

    • 3 months ago

      >Dune 2 is likely going to make around $700 million worldwide
      Its trajectory is 600M, maybe slightly more. And that's the breakeven point for it.

      • 3 months ago

        You have a source for this?

        • 3 months ago

          >You have a source for this?
          For what? The trajectory? Look at what it made so far, take the 40% loss per week and apply a simple recursive projection. The numbers are all out there. 600M to 650M is where it's headed. That is assuming that its rate of decline keeps consistent, of course.

          • 3 months ago

            Your source is "I can just tell"?

            Dune 2 had the exact same opening weekend gross as Oppenheimer, which went on to gross nearly $1 billion worldwide.

            • 3 months ago

              >Your source is "I can just tell"?
              My source are cold hard numbers.
              Let's wait and see. You don't have to trust me, you don't even have to trust the official reported numbers when DUNC leaves cinemas in a few weeks. But if the trajectory holds, those numbers will agree with my prediction, not yours.

            • 3 months ago

              >Dune 2 had the exact same opening weekend gross as Oppenheimer, which went on to gross nearly $1 billion worldwide.

              "Therefore, all movies that have the same opening weekend have the same final box office. I just proved it with logic!"

              • 3 months ago

                >"Therefore, all movies that have the same opening weekend have the same final box office. I just proved it with logic!"
                If two movies have the same opening weekend AND second weekend grosses, then it's extremely unlikely that the two movies will end up having a $400 million gross disparity at the global box office.

              • 3 months ago

                Okay, if you insist. So, how does Dune 2 $250M domestic final compare to it's $300M production and marketing nut? Doesn't look good.

                > China will save it!


              • 3 months ago

                >So, how does Dune 2 $250M domestic final compare to it's $300M production and marketing nut?
                lol this is so disingenuous. The first one grossed $325 million overseas during COVID and part 2 is outpacing it. It'll make around $700 million worldwide, which is fine.

              • 3 months ago

                > N-n-no! Those numbers d-d-don't count!

                Doesn't work that way.

              • 3 months ago

                >movies only make money in the US
                Stop pretending to be moronic to prove your non-point

              • 3 months ago

                >Stop p-p-pretending to be -r-r-moronic to p-p-prove your non-p-p-point!!!

              • 3 months ago

                Superhero movies are front-loaded. JL made $2,103,667 in its second Monday. Dune 2 just made $4,808,963. 130% more.

              • 3 months ago

                >Superhero movies are front-loaded.
                EVERYTHING is frontloaded. Fricking moron.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't know if English is your first language, but when people who talk about this say "front-loaded" they're referring to drop off over time. A film is "front-loaded" when it has a 60-70% drop off from its first to second week. Dune's drop off is significantly better than JL's.

              • 3 months ago

                >when people who talk about this say "front-loaded" they're referring to drop off over time.
                No shit, Shylocke.
                Yes, by that very definition, EVERY FRICKING THING is frontloaded.
                >A film is "front-loaded" when it has a 60-70% drop off from its first to second week.
                Nope. Those numbers are arbitrary. If something drops off just 1% per week, it's also frontloaded. You're not very bright, are you?

              • 3 months ago

                This is autism for sure. If you're interested I can explain how languages work: a word's literal meaning often isn't how said word is functionally used in a sentence. When people say so-and-so is "front-loaded" they're using the term as a comparison to other films. Otherwise the term is useless, since it would apply to all movies.

              • 3 months ago

                >a word's literal meaning often isn't how said word is functionally used in a sentence
                Kek. I accept your concession.
                Next time, use words the way they're meant to be understood, not how you want to "functionally" use them.

              • 3 months ago

                This is literal autism btw. You should get checked. Heads up, when someone says “traffic was torture this morning,” they aren’t literally comparing their morning commute to waterboarding.

              • 3 months ago

                You've lost. And this wasn't even a huge argument. All you had to do was to correct yourself on your word choice. Instead you doubled down and made a fool of yourself.

              • 3 months ago

                Again, "front-loaded" in this context is a comparative term you absolute fricking mong. It's like "tall" or "small"; they aren't used as terms with objective meaning in themselves, but as comparative adjectives.

                A way to compare the relative performances of a movie that drops 10% in its second weekend and movie that drops 80% is to say that the latter was "front-loaded"

              • 3 months ago

                >It's like "tall" or "small"
                Nope. It's like "positive" and "negative". Any number > 0 is positive, any number < 0 is negative. Anything that makes more at the beginning than at any later point is frontloaded, anything that does not is not. It really is that simple.
                You argument is like saying "10 is positive, that means 4 is negative, because functionally I want to use this as a comparative adjetive".
                You're simply a moron. And keep doubling down.

              • 3 months ago

                But Dune isn't a superhero movie! It's a movie about a spaceman, with superpowers like clairvoyance, a mind controlling sonic scream and Batman tier fighting skills.

              • 3 months ago

                >JL made $2,103,667 in its second Monday. Dune 2 just made $4,808,963. 130% more!!! *begins to cry*

                So now you're reduced to cherry picking individual days and ignoring those that disprove your point. This is just sad.

              • 3 months ago

                This literally proved my point. Like I said, JL is heavily front-loaded. Look at how much better Dune's doing in its second week.

              • 3 months ago

                >This literally proved my point! Because $167M is bigger than $176M. And don't mention years of inflation or I'll cut myself! I will!

              • 3 months ago

                Notice how the numbers in the left column are higher than the numbers on the right column? Now based on this you can extrapolate that column A will end up outpacing column B over time.

              • 3 months ago

                > Regression toward the mean? No!!!!!!

                Sad. So very sad.

              • 3 months ago

                >The first one grossed $325 million overseas
                No, it did not. Learn to use box office mojo properly. It made 290M during its original run.
                The rest is from the IMAX rerelased from this year ... for which it reports 30M from the UK (which people have called out as a misreport, by the way, because there's no way it made 30M in the UK in IMAX theaters exclusively within two weeks, while making at most 100K anywhere else).

    • 3 months ago

      The funny thing is that 50%-100% of production budget is spent on marketing. So they may have spent $285-$380M in total

      • 3 months ago

        Yes, I understand how Hollywood accounting works.

      • 3 months ago

        >50%-100% of production budget is spent on marketing.
        The number usually given is 50%, and that only holds true for very few things nowadays: Mid-budget, non-tentpole projects. The other figure given is an absolute number of 50M, but with the same caveat.
        You cannot apply it at all for arthouse stuff, which often doesn't have an ad budget at all. And you cannot apply it to high-budget films (400M+), because not even the most excessive marketing will get anywhere close to 200M.
        The problem you have with DUNC2 in particular is that it had very aggressive marketing, moreso than would be usual for a film of its budget and relative importance. So even assuming a 100M marketing budget seems pretty sensible.

        • 3 months ago

          >moreso than would be usual for a film of its budget and relative importance.
          Is this based on literally anything but a subjective hunch? Or do you have actual data? I haven't seen a single trailer for Dune 2 on television.

          • 3 months ago

            >I haven't seen a single trailer for Dune 2 on television.
            You probably haven't watched much television then. And had an ad-blocker online.
            Either way, DUNC2 also had premier events with its full cast in like 15 different countries. That's pretty expensive. I don't recall any film ever getting that kind of publicity. Not even Star Wars Episode 1. (That one was huger in cross-marketing, licensing and product sponsorship though.)

  21. 3 months ago

    bot post

  22. 3 months ago

    that's considered a flop?

  23. 3 months ago

    >It lost to Kung Fu Panda 4
    Kung Fu Panda 4 is a better movie by any reasonable metric.

  24. 3 months ago

    The second one made more money than the first one? How is that possible?

    • 3 months ago

      >How is that possible?
      Why would it not be possible? Many sequels make more than the first film.
      And DUNC2 quite obviously had a significantly bigger marketing push than DUNC1. (Also a higher budget. So it needed to make more money. Much more, actually, which is why 600M is not looking good for it.)

      • 3 months ago

        You don't care about film, and you don't know anything about economics, so why are you talking about this? Why not do something more productive, like suicide?

        • 3 months ago

          I like your prose.

        • 3 months ago

          >You don't care about film
          Kek. That's a good one, coming from a Villeneuve fanboy. Have you ever even seen a real film? As in, not Hollywood mainstream schlock?
          >you don't know anything about economics
          Right. That's why you get so butthurt over someone giving you one of the simplest possible mathematical projection models.
          Here's my offer to you: Lets wait two or three more weeks and see where DUNC2 ends up, okay? Then you can try to come up with excuses for why someone who knows nothing about "economics" schooled you.
          >Why not do something more productive, like suicide?
          Ah, ever so civil. As expected from Villeneuve bootlickers.

          • 3 months ago

            NTA but you're so pseud you sound like you learned English from anime villains.

            • 3 months ago

              >learned English from anime villains.
              Anime dialogue is not even written in English, child.

      • 3 months ago

        Who THE FRICK goes to the cinema to watch the second installment of a series without having bothered to watch the first one?

        • 3 months ago

          I didn't see it in theaters. Why are you being stupid on purpose?

          • 3 months ago

            Oh, so YOU didn't saw it in theaters and then went to watch the sequel at the cinema? Well that changes EVERYTHING.

            Many more people see a film than see it in theaters. Dune has been on streaming services for 2 years now. There will be a considerable number of people who saw it that way.

            So what? How are the people who were only willing to watch it on streaming devices going to turn into people who want to watch the second one at the cinema?

            You moronic homosexuals or shills or whatever are pretending that the statement that a sequel made more money in the cinema than the original movie is not outrageous so you cannot be taken seriously.

            • 3 months ago

              >the statement that a sequel made more money in the cinema than the original movie is not outrageous
              Dunno what to tell you, anon, other than to look up different franchises in terms of their relative box office. For about half of them, the sequel DID make more money:

        • 3 months ago

          Many more people see a film than see it in theaters. Dune has been on streaming services for 2 years now. There will be a considerable number of people who saw it that way.

    • 3 months ago

      First one had a day one streaming release because it came out during COVID

      • 3 months ago

        >First one had a day one streaming release
        It didn't, actually. It did for the US. But at that point, it had been out in Europe for a whole month, and underperformed there.

        • 3 months ago

          >and underperformed there.
          Not by 2021 standards, which was the height of COVID. For reference, the top 10 highest grossing movies of 2019 made over $1 billion worldwide, while only a single film made over $1 billion worldwide in 2021.

          • 3 months ago

            >Not by 2021 standards, which was the height of COVID.
            Yes, by 2021 standards. And it was well past the height of COVID, imbecile. At the height of COVID, in 2020, cinemas were closed to begin with. And DUNC came out half a year after they'd reopened, performing worse than things that had come out one month after, with much stricter restrictions.
            Anyway, by 2021 standards, DUNC was only the 12th best performer overall. That's hardly something to write home about. Behind such "giants" as Fast and Furious 9, Venom, Shang-Chi, The Eternals and fricking Godzilla vs. Kong. None of which was considered a huge hit. Some of which are in fact considered outright flops.

            • 3 months ago

              >DUNC was only the 12th best performer overall.
              That's without a proper NA release. If you look at the bottom half of the top 10 highest grossing films of 2021, they all did worse overseas than Dune. Which means that if the film had an actual NA release, then it would have comfortably been the 6th or 7th highest grossing film of that year.

              • 3 months ago

                >without a proper NA release
                What are you talking about? There was a "proper release".
                >would have comfortably been the 6th or 7th highest grossing film of that year.
                Which is still not that great. Again, you claim it was a massive success, when it really only made back what it cost, and did worse than cheaper things did under worse circumstances.

              • 3 months ago

                >What are you talking about? There was a "proper release".
                There absolutely wasn't. Not only was it on HBO the day before its official theatrical release here, but there was a streaming-quality leak a week prior to that. I don't know a single person who saw Dune 1 in theaters, which explains why the second one is doing so much better here, despite drop offs from the people who found the first one boring.
                >you claim it was a massive success
                Literally where did I claim that?

              • 3 months ago

                >Not only was it on HBO the day before its official theatrical release here, but there was a streaming-quality leak a week prior to that.
                So, let me get this straight: Because the studio decided to release it on their streaming platform, of their own volition, the cinema release was "improper" and shouldn't be counted when we discuss box office revenue?

              • 3 months ago

                Yes, that's exactly what it means. Dune's streaming revenue isn't counted in the original's BO numbers, which again, is why part 2 is doing so much better at the box office.

              • 3 months ago

                >Dune's streaming revenue isn't counted in the original's BO numbers
                And why would it?
                By the way: There is no such thing as a "streaming revenue". Streaming models aren't usually pay-per-view. The moment something releases on stream, it becomes part of a package deal of lots of different shit that people either pay for in bulk, or not at all.
                >which again, is why part 2 is doing so much better at the box office.
                Oh, so suddenly COVID is not the reason DUNC1 did poorly anymore? Because, for some reason, things now tend to do better than in 2021 in general now.

              • 3 months ago

                >There is no such thing as a "streaming revenue".
                Yes there is. App revenue is the primary metric investors judge these services by, not viewership per se.
                >Oh, so suddenly COVID is not the reason DUNC1 did poorly anymore?
                A movie can do poorly for multiple reasons. You know this. Again, you're being disingenuous.

              • 3 months ago

                >App revenue
                App revenue is not counting for singular films. That's the fricking point.
                >A movie can do poorly for multiple reasons.
                And DUNC1 did poorly because it was trash. Same reason DUNC2 is doing poorly.

              • 3 months ago

                >App revenue is not counting for singular films. That's the fricking point.
                No one even implied that it was. There are ways to calculate how much value a film adds to a platform based on multiple factors, including a spike in subscriptions when it's released. WB felt that Dune 1's streaming performance was good enough to justify green lighting a sequel and giving it an even higher budget.
                >And DUNC1 did poorly because it was trash. Same reason DUNC2 is doing poorly.
                Dune 2 is doing objectively well, and that's according to every industry analyst. You can think it's trash, which is fine, but given the film's high cinema score (and high scores on quite literally every platform) that's a minority opinion.

              • 3 months ago

                >There are ways to calculate how much value a film adds to a platform based on multiple factors
                Except, no, not really. That's the problem with Netflix' model of wildly cancelling their most succesful shit based on some truly ridiculous metrics and then wondering when there's fan outrage, while keeping trash that no one really needs or wants. They basically fly blind.
                >Dune 2 is doing objectively well, and that's according to every industry analyst.
                It's doing well enough to break even. It's not doing well enough so far to promise much of a profit.

              • 3 months ago

                If your contention is that nothing that is streamed can ever be said to "do well" because the format doesn't have a metric for success that makes sense, then that's an indictment of the model itself, not of Dune's performance in particular. My only point is that Dune 1's domestic box office isn't representative of the popularity of the first film, given that most Americans saw the film on a streaming service, not in theaters.
                >It's doing well enough to break even.
                This is speculation on everyone's part. We actually don't know what would constitute "breaking even" for Dune 2 at this moment.

              • 3 months ago

                >then that's an indictment of the model itself
                >not of Dune's performance in particular
                It means that DUNC's performance in streaming cannot be fully evaluated. And that it therefore cannot be responsible for any part of the share of the streaming service's revenue.
                Therefore, just adding some arbitrary number to the box office to "correct for" anything won't work.
                >isn't representative of the popularity of the first film, given that most Americans saw the film on a streaming service, not in theaters.
                Yet, most of those who saw it on stream would not have gone to the cinema to see it. So, again, not a good argument. People watch anything on stream, because it's convenient and barely an effort.
                >We actually don't know what would constitute "breaking even" for Dune 2 at this moment.
                We will never know for certain. Not for this film, nor for any other. Because marketing budgets aren't usually released publicly, distribution costs aren't released either, and the cinema's share isn't either. It's all based on estimates, some more conservative than others.
                But the very lowest breakeven-point that I've seen for DUNC2 is in the low 500Ms. More commonly are the mid-to-high 500Ms, sometimes going up as far as 650M. The marketing is what's throwing everyone for a loop here (and in most cases where it's questionable). It just so happens that it's a pretty wide range and DUNC2 looks to end up right within that range after all is said and done.

  25. 3 months ago

    anyone have the image of the anon with a yarmulke?

  26. 3 months ago

    >It lost to Kung Fu Panda 4 domestically.
    Kung Fu Panda 4's opening weekend gross was $57 million and Dune 2's opening weekend domestic gross was $82 million. So this is objectively wrong.

  27. 3 months ago

    It was great regardless. way better then Dune 1

  28. 3 months ago

    Yo momma flops

  29. 3 months ago

    >DUNC is a FLO-ACK

    • 3 months ago

      Do banks accept review scores as deposits?

    • 3 months ago

      What's a flo-ack?

  30. 3 months ago

    Dune 2 is an incredible film and a massive success. I am 100% immune to Cinemaphile contrarianism.

    Also, Paul Atreides is the man. Dorks could never understand.

    • 3 months ago

      >an incredible film
      It is indeed incredible that something as bad as this could be made with no one stepping in and course-correcting at any point.
      >a massive success.

      • 3 months ago

        Doesn’t work on me, sorry bro.

        total sperg death

        They might see the truth one day.

    • 3 months ago

      total sperg death

  31. 3 months ago

    DUNC cannot fail

    it can only be failed

  32. 3 months ago

    I thought it was a good movie, albeit a bit disjointed. They did a good job making Paul's rise to power not look like heroic but tragic.

  33. 3 months ago

    Zoomers being this desperate for a cultural landmark is endearing.

  34. 3 months ago

    Man I just saw it. Part 1 was nearly perfect but this shit just butchered it.
    All the fremen stuff, what they did to Paul and Jesscia, the lack of chemistry with Chani, the weird additional scenes. Weirdly it didn't bug me with Part 1 but this one I just don't understand why they shifted it so much. Felt like a skeleton of the actual story was there and they just filled in the gaps with some bad pacing. Paul isn't a man assuming the mantle of destiny with his eyes on the horizon for a greater tomorrow, he's just a zealot.

    • 3 months ago

      >Paul isn't a man assuming the mantle of destiny with his eyes on the horizon for a greater tomorrow, he's just a zealot.
      huh i got the complete opposite reading from his character. he's at first reluctant at doing what he needs to do, but then he realizes it's the only path forward for everyone he loves. and he takes it by the balls once he drinks from the water of life.

      • 3 months ago

        Really? I felt like Paul's character and his connection to the Fremen were such a non-factor in this movie. There was barely any chemistry between him or anyone as they all barely interacted as we had to jump to a new scene. When he drank from the Water of Life I felt more confused than understood as compared to the book.

        • 3 months ago

          >Really? I felt like Paul's character and his connection to the Fremen were such a non-factor in this movie
          There is no way anyone can actually think this way is there?

          • 3 months ago

            Is he wrong? How many of the Fremen does Paul even interact with? It's like Chani and Stilgar. He's using the brown hordes to destroy people who wronged him.

    • 3 months ago

      you actually enjoyed part 1 over 2? 2 was so much more entertaining. especially the last 20 minutes of dune 1 that are super slow randomly

      • 3 months ago

        There were more scenes in Part 1 that left a impression on me of the grandiose nature and scale of the universe in Dune. Even small, simple scenes leave a lasting impression on me.
        I walked away from this feeling nothing. It felt bland and uninspired in comparison, plus all the changes to Chani annoyed the hell out of me.

        • 3 months ago

          the emperor's ship landing on arrakis didnt give you that sense of scale and grandiosity?

          • 3 months ago

            No. I care more about the character moments. Even when I was reading the novel the things characters would say felt stronger to me than the world itself. Yeah the special effects were good but it's at the service of a hollow product for me.

  35. 3 months ago

    Fok anyone spoonfeed me some resources on getting numbers?
    I think we can agree Dune 2 was a pretty good movie and at the same time Panda 4 seems to have more Gross daily compared to Dune.
    Feels like this is a # thread

    • 3 months ago

      >Fok anyone spoonfeed me some resources on getting numbers?
      You can also try the box office reddit for daily updates, but most people over there are morons with an agenda, why try to spin the numbers certain ways, as if they could influence them with their interpretations.

      • 3 months ago

        TY for the link
        >why try to spin the numbers certain ways, as if they could influence them with their interpretations.
        Yea I agree with that, but a lot of peps probly enjoy shitting or talking bout numbers similar to that board with # threads.
        THOUGH I can argue Dune 2 did better in the span of 5 days compared to Panda 4 no?

  36. 3 months ago

    >400 million while same day digital
    >part 2 scoring about 700 million, biggest opening since Barbiehimer
    >cost less then 200 million.


  37. 3 months ago

    dune 1 sucked
    I don't understand why people pretend these movies are good

    • 3 months ago

      Dune 1 kinda does suck compared to the new movie at least

  38. 3 months ago

    Nu-Dune was good. Nu-Dune was kino.

  39. 3 months ago

    It's attracted a really annoying fanbase of political nerds that keep talking about how weird it is

  40. 3 months ago

    the books are just so rich with dialogue and prose. to hand it over to a hack like vilneve and watch him do the "muh dialogue is unimportant, it's about the visuals" bullshit is just hard to see

  41. 3 months ago

    The first movie should have ended with the attack on house Atreides, with the heroes ether captured, or scattered.

  42. 3 months ago

    Is there any way to do the world building and exposition of Dune, without it being clunky? Even the new movie had to have narration, and video books for exposition.

  43. 3 months ago

    dune 2 in imax is one of the coolest movies i've ever seen. kys homosexual.

  44. 3 months ago

    Dune is as famous as LOTR. Why the frick tehe movie is not making billions?

    • 3 months ago

      It's shit.

  45. 3 months ago

    I'm trans btw

  46. 3 months ago

    Dunc2 is profitable and is tracking closer to 700 million than 600 million. My guess is it'll fall around 650 to 680 million which is a fine performance I guess. It's definitely profitable but it's not the cultural phenomenon that zoomies are claiming it is.

    Like I'm legit baffled that they're constantly denigrating OG Star War trilogy and LOTR to prop this up. It's kind of funny and a bit sad. It's like they want a film franchise that'll be their cultural touchstone but nothing quite sticks.

  47. 3 months ago

    + that "correction" itself is going to be little more than smoke and mirrors and vary wildly between j*wish "accounting" and executives angling for pay bonuses.

  48. 3 months ago

    I haven't seen it but I've seen normies comparing it to the godfather part 2, empire strikes back, two towers, etc.

  49. 3 months ago

    can someone point me to a regular thread? I just got back from the theater

    • 3 months ago

      Dune generals died because it turns out most anons thought the film was meh at best and just aren't interested.

  50. 3 months ago

    I saw it with my boomer dad today, during march break, and the theatre was 15% full

    Granted this is Canada and two medium popcorns and two drinks were literally and I am not kidding 50$, it cost nearly 100$ to see this movie for two people
    Absolute fricking insanity

    It's just beyond the pale at this point and I don't care how good the movie is. I'm not going back to theatres for a long while.

    • 3 months ago

      15% full makes sense if you watched it during the day, and not at night. It cost me $50 to watch it as well. I don't go to the movies often anyway.

      Dune generals died because it turns out most anons thought the film was meh at best and just aren't interested.

      I liked Dune 2, but Cinemaphile is absolutely right in that it was good at best, and not great. The casting of Chani alone ensured it wouldn't be great.

    • 3 months ago

      Didn't you enjoy how fricking awful the trailers for future movies were? Remember when they used to tailer which trailers played for which movies, instead we get Soctiabank telling me that if I enjoyed Dune I'll enjoy The League Of Magical Blacks or whatever the fricking Quebec rom-com was.

      • 3 months ago

        I had different trailers during my previews, so I think trailers differ depending on country. For me, it was some Godzilla movie, and Furiosa. It says a lot about where you live, if you saw a trailer for a Black person movie.

        • 3 months ago

          I'm in Alberta hence the Scotiabank reference, good to know they treat others with more respect then us. We did get that Furiosa one which might actually be worth seeing, on a small screen for less then 50$ a person.

          • 3 months ago

            >good to know they treat others with more respect then us

            I'm Australian, and they think they just know that nobody would watch Society of magical Black folks for free. Also, you can watch Furiosa and I'll listen to what Cinemaphile thinks about it; I do that with most movies. I didn't even think Fury Road was particularly good.

            • 3 months ago

              I think they just know*

      • 3 months ago

        my movie didnt start until 24 minutes after the booked time.
        all of the trailers were awful with the exception of gooses movie with blunt, but the only other movie Im going to watch this year is deadpool, and I dont need to see that in imax

        • 3 months ago

          I saw the trailer for that goose movie during the Oscars and thought it was literally a parody movie trailer. Back burner of a movie that I'm sure will be fine but not worth going to the theaters for, see also Bullet Train.

  51. 3 months ago

    Why is the most important thing about a movie for zoomers how well it does at the box office?

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