Good comics actually not infested with The Message

Honestly really enjoy reading comics but I dont want to waste my time reading garbo. Don't mind poltics or whatever in my stories, just have actual nuance please. My favorite of all time is The Dark Knight Returns, I just want to read some good stuff. any good reccs?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Watchmen is great too. Great one-two punch along with TDKR.

    • 7 months ago

      >ywn be a comic book fan in 1986-7

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        >Cerebus at its peak
        >Dark Horse launches
        >Saga of the Swamp Thing in full swing

        • 7 months ago

          Love and Rockets was also really good around this time with The Death of Speedy and Human Diastrophism.

      • 7 months ago

        >Kraven's Last Hunt

      • 7 months ago

        I’m just getting into comics and it seems all the interesting stuff happened in the 80s-90s

        I’m not interested that much in generic capeshit slop

        • 7 months ago

          Another great one.

        • 7 months ago

          >I’m just getting into comics and it seems all the interesting stuff happened in the 80s-90s

          Oldgay here. It was at that perfect timeframe of still having enough lighthearted elements from the silver age to have actual fun with, not too many characters or plot elements to be drowned underneath in, and "for kids"-kind of thinking in general to keep them accessible to normies, but the original kid fans of the silver age grew up and began to work in the industry - and were maturing the stories and making the various lores more coherent into a solid continuity WHILE STILL under relatively tight editorial fists - and also when comic shops and thus the direct marketing opening up. This meant you could still have one-and-done but entertaining stories at the Big Two while indies were free to explore much more serious themes, silly ones, or both at once in a huge burst of creativity. This is the era we got the Ninja Turtles in, the most successful indie comic ever. Even DC shook it up with COIE, to say the least.

          Thus you could follow the superhero universes and keep up with relatively everything while seeing them begin to become a solidified, living universe, but also see them finally "grow up" with you if you were a teen. And direct market comic shops suddenly placed so many more options at your fingertips.

          In many ways it was the swan song of a comic culture that was actually healthy, not the 90s bust or the collapse of the market in the 00s onward.

      • 7 months ago

        >Kraven's Last Hunt

        Why is that comic so hyped up? i read it and it seems bland. is it because he managed to beat the Spiderman?

        • 7 months ago

          It gives dimension to Kraven, a characterization of feeling frustrated and empty from where he is(in a meta sense, making him want to break out of this cycle he's been in comics of just being a jobber)
          Peter being driven by his love for Mary Jane, which emphasizes why people like that pairing.
          Also some good character moments like Peter tossing some money for the funeral of that one underworld contact he had. Basically it's a very human element story.
          The one thing I'm not too fond of is Kraven's big victory being fricking Vermin of all people- but maybe that's the point- he's basically a nobody but Kraven sees that as a win only because Spider-man needed Cap to take him in.

        • 7 months ago

          Incredible art and great thematic storytelling about jealousy, obsession and hatred (both of self and enemies). It's a great comic.

          • 7 months ago

            >great thematic storytelling about jealousy, obsession and hatred

        • 7 months ago

          You need to have the context to enjoy it fully. Spider-man just got married, kraven always jobbed to spidey

      • 7 months ago

        >Batman The Edge Knight
        >good comics
        They're all crap written by deconstructionist hacks.

        • 7 months ago

          >earliest result is 2014
          Christ, anon

          • 7 months ago

            Waid hasn't had a life since 2013

          • 7 months ago

            >17 results
            >only similarity between the other two old posts is the filename
            You should write for the news.

            • 7 months ago

              The 2017 post is replying to another variation of that Cap image (this time with a Nazi edit), and the image dimensions are also the exact same between all the posts. Inference on the 2013 one, which is necessary since the archives don't save images that far back, suggests it's when the guy first created this edit.

              • 7 months ago

                >all those writers hate nazis and ridicule them in their work
                Really gets the noggin joggin

        • 7 months ago

          Miller was reinventing Batman into the edgy dark knight character and trashing the goofy Adam West persona which is what everyone knew him as. Tim Burton helped that shift too with his movies.

          • 7 months ago

            Casual as frick. Miller did push the boundaries a bit but Batman comics by the 70's sure weren't campy Adam West stuff.
            Miller just did it with more artistic merit.

            • 7 months ago

              I never said he invented that, I’m saying that’s what he was going for. He was recreating Batman as this mythical figure. He wasn’t really deconstructing it in the pissy way Moore did with watchmen

              • 7 months ago

                Moore made them more human, but kept them larger than life.

            • 7 months ago

              >Batman comics by the 70's sure weren't campy Adam West stuff.
              Batman comics in the 70s also almost got the book canceled. He was in a death spiral until the Conway/Wein eras. As much as the O'Neill/Englehart stuff is beloved, it didn't sell at the time of release

          • 7 months ago

            Miller wasn't doing any of that shit. He was bringing Batman out of the fricking camp ghetto of the 60s and the obscurist pulp schlock that almost go thim canceled of the 70s in favor of a Batman with modern storytelling sensibilities, paying homage to both the pulp and gothic Carollian mythology of the character, but ultimately going back to the style of storytelling you'd find in the OG Finger/Kane/Robinson/Sprang books of the 40s and early 50s.
            That's the "Dark Knight's Return". Going back to the black bat, one fighting a city of horrors aesthetic where Joker is supernatural and Batman's job is being rational in an irrational world

            • 7 months ago

              >He was bringing Batman out of the fricking camp ghetto of the 60s
              and thank god for that
              Golden Age Batman did it right the first time

              • 7 months ago

                Miller is even on record saying his Batman was about returning the character to the Golden Age style.

          • 7 months ago

            The Adam West person WAS a subversion. Miller's Batman is just a grown up version of that.

            • 7 months ago

              Adam West Batman wasn't for kids, dude. It was marketed to adults to laugh at the absurd camp. That was the primary audience.

        • 7 months ago

          I like how you stopped replying to any and all threads involving these guys.
          Looks like Cap doesn't stand after all.

        • 7 months ago

          NONE of that applies to The Dark Knight Returns. Not even remotely.

          • 7 months ago

            Egdygarbage shit in TDK was a deconstuction of the classic adam west batman we all love.

            • 7 months ago

              You are beyond delusional.

      • 7 months ago

        That's not even 1/10 of what was worth buying during that period.

        • 7 months ago

          What else was there?

          • 7 months ago

            Jon Sable, Freelance
            American Flagg!
            Judge Dredd (reprint series)
            2000 A.D. Presents (reprint series)
            Spellbinders (reprint series)
            Ms. Tree
            Fish Police
            Xenozoic Tales
            The Chronicles of Corum
            Uncanny X-Men
            all 3 Superman books
            Teen Titans was still pretty decent
            Legion of Super-Heroes
            Dynamo Joe
            Elric (First Comics)
            Lone Wolf and Cub
            all 3 Spider-Man books
            New Mutants
            Swamp Thing
            Alien Legion
            Mai, the Psychic Girl
            The Prowler
            Area 88
            Captain Confederacy
            Justice League

            Keep in mind that this is just what was being published in America. And I didn't really even get deep into Marvel or DC. And there's more indie stuff as well.

            • 7 months ago

              >And I didn't really even get deep into Marvel or DC.

              Captain America (not as great as most of what's been listed, but still not half bad at the time)
              Elektra: Assassin
              'Mazing Man
              Secret Origins
              both G.I. Joe books
              The 'Nam
              Crisis on Infinite Earths
              The Shadow: Blood and Judgment
              Suicide Squad
              The Question
              Doctor Fate
              Green Arrow
              Fantastic Four

            • 7 months ago

              >And there's more indie stuff as well.

              Dark Horse Presents
              Usagi Yojimbo
              Sam & Max

            • 7 months ago

              >And I didn't really even get deep into Marvel or DC.

              Captain America (not as great as most of what's been listed, but still not half bad at the time)
              Elektra: Assassin
              'Mazing Man
              Secret Origins
              both G.I. Joe books
              The 'Nam
              Crisis on Infinite Earths
              The Shadow: Blood and Judgment
              Suicide Squad
              The Question
              Doctor Fate
              Green Arrow
              Fantastic Four

              >And there's more indie stuff as well.

              Dark Horse Presents
              Usagi Yojimbo
              Sam & Max

              Excluding Spidey (because that was sort of already mentioned here:

              >ywn be a comic book fan in 1986-7

              ) that's 63 titles (both ongoings and a few minis). And yeah, most of those are satisfying reads. Pretty insane how much stuff was coming out back then.

            • 7 months ago

              I liked the American Flagg intro to Time^2 more than the actual Time^2. Time^2 has some of the best lettering in any comic, though.

        • 7 months ago

          Jon Sable, Freelance
          American Flagg!
          Judge Dredd (reprint series)
          2000 A.D. Presents (reprint series)
          Spellbinders (reprint series)
          Ms. Tree
          Fish Police
          Xenozoic Tales
          The Chronicles of Corum
          Uncanny X-Men
          all 3 Superman books
          Teen Titans was still pretty decent
          Legion of Super-Heroes
          Dynamo Joe
          Elric (First Comics)
          Lone Wolf and Cub
          all 3 Spider-Man books
          New Mutants
          Swamp Thing
          Alien Legion
          Mai, the Psychic Girl
          The Prowler
          Area 88
          Captain Confederacy
          Justice League

          Keep in mind that this is just what was being published in America. And I didn't really even get deep into Marvel or DC. And there's more indie stuff as well.

          >And I didn't really even get deep into Marvel or DC.

          Captain America (not as great as most of what's been listed, but still not half bad at the time)
          Elektra: Assassin
          'Mazing Man
          Secret Origins
          both G.I. Joe books
          The 'Nam
          Crisis on Infinite Earths
          The Shadow: Blood and Judgment
          Suicide Squad
          The Question
          Doctor Fate
          Green Arrow
          Fantastic Four

          >And there's more indie stuff as well.

          Dark Horse Presents
          Usagi Yojimbo
          Sam & Max

          Yeah that pic was just a small cross section of the absolute top stuff I took from a blog somewhere
          Crazy to think there was a time when it was worth being into comic books

  2. 7 months ago


  3. 7 months ago

    Yea lotta nuance in TDKR. You're a mongoloid OP. You want a well written story, nothing more nothing less, but you've rotted your brain with so much YouTube you think it's about politics. moron.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      gonna have to explain that one, was saying I don't mind stories with political mesasges etc but dont like the message crap we have. Want well written stories with nuance, good writing etc.dont understand what youre saying TDKR is a political story, ps dont rot brain with youtube, watch a few tubers but prefer to just read on my own

      • 7 months ago

        It's Ronald Reagan (he was in office at time of publishing) in a hazmat suit prepping for a nuclear attack on the US lying to the public. Just imagine if it were Trump you'd be tearing your hair out crying POLITICAL POLITICAL POLITICAL.

        • 7 months ago

          Nah. The Trump stuff involved mass derangement. It's a whole other animal.

          • 7 months ago

            >t-that doesn't count
            It is literally Miller taking his mainstream Batman comic to shit on the sitting republican president (reviled by dems) with a direct reference, making him a cartoonish coward and butthole. This is why I called you a mongoloid

    • 7 months ago

      It’s pretty insane to think that Reagan opposed MAD and wanted to create the “Star Wars” tech as it was insultingly called to make nuclear ICBMs obsolete, and then just give it to the Soviets too in order to make sure nuclear war never happened, and he was painted as this nuclear Armageddon freak. But yeah, the sane normie liberal position at the time was to make sure Mutually assured destruction was cemented and they considered Reagan crazy for not wanting to be in a nuclear Mexican standoff with Russia.

      Of course all these people were wrong and Reagan was ultimately right in this regard.

      • 7 months ago

        He probably was painted as a nuclear freak because of him arming west germany to the teeth and re-stoking the flames of nuclear tension back to cuban missle crisis levels with the "evil empire speech". Gorbachev deserves more credit than the Gipper in de-escalation by a wide margin

        • 7 months ago

          >Call the Soviet Union an Evil Empire
          This is moron logic. Reagan instigated START treaty to reduce nuclear weapons.

          • 7 months ago

            >Call them an evil empire while simultaneously loading the USSR/European border with minutemen nuclear missles
            >actually libtard speeches from heads of state mean nothing toward their attitude in a nuclear standoff and how far they are willing to go
            Absolute moron. We're likely just lucky Reagan went senile and they reduced his influence significantly behind the scenes.

            • 7 months ago

              It was the Soviets who put nukes JUST out of range from Western Europe targets that was agreed upon in SALT. The Soviets always broke their promises because they were a rotten oligarchic authoritarian empire who were so used to bullshiting their own people that they believed they could do it to other countries. In either case, Reagan negotiated for them to eventually withdraw with the INF treaty.

              You’re acting like Reagan was crazy when his plan worked and he didn’t cause a war at all and got the Soviet to the negotiation table by bucking at their attempts to strong arm the west.

              • 7 months ago

                >rotten oligarchic authoritarian empire who were so used to bullshiting their own people that they believed they could do it to other countries.
                Jesus christ you unironically wrote this defending Reagan and the USA?

              • 7 months ago

                >Reagan bad! Zoomer homosexual communist Tiktok told me so!
                You’re a rock with teeth

                Also you're still just completely ignoring Gorbachav taking over with a completely different attitude to the US than every previous Soviet leader, while Reagan had a more aggressive attitude than his last few predecessors. And then you're somehow giving Reagan credit lmfao.

                Yes moron, Reagan’s policy forwards the Soviets obviously worked. It’s also obvious your an illiterate moron who knows dick about history which is why you dropped all pretense of trying to seriously discuss this and are just shitposting now. Go back to breadtube or whatever lol.

                The Soviet Union is dead and it’s NEVER EVER coming back

              • 7 months ago

                >it is impossible to hate 2 nuclear warmongering empires
                Americuck education lmao

              • 7 months ago

                Sure thing, now go actually read about history before embarrassing yourself again. And stop watching e-commie slop.

              • 7 months ago

                There's a reason your country is closer to Belarus than the EU median or Canada in Gini coefficient or IHDI. No country won the Cold War, just like Russia it turned the US into a country controlled by miltarism and destined its citizens to mass wageslavery.
                It's also fricking hilarious you keep flip flopping, was Reagan not actually a nuclear aggressionist or did his nuclear aggression make Gorbachev dealt with the US? Pick one mongo. Let's not even mention that Reagan couldn't remember his own name by the time the USSR was dealing with the USA too.

              • 7 months ago

                America won the Cold War and the Soviet Union and the eastern bloc collapsed in on itself.

                Cope, seethe and dilate

              • 7 months ago

                And yet the standard of living for the average Estonian or Czech is fairly better than someone in Missouri, West Virginia or Albama. Big win.

              • 7 months ago

                >living standards went up after the fall of communism

              • 7 months ago

                >standards of living in the US have gone down consistently since the Cold War took its toll on the country
                Also correct moron. I never once have supported the USSR in this thread, I know your pathetic American brain can only think in adversarial us vs them terms (ironically because of cold war propaganda) but think for 10 seconds how embarrassing that is for the US.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, you lost an argument you started on a topic you clearly knew nothing about, then went on a spastic rant

              • 7 months ago

                The fact that Reagan was a nuclear aggressionist is just that fact, but you still haven't picked whether he was one or not though you low attention span Black person.

              • 7 months ago

                >The fact that Reagan was a nuclear aggressionist is just that fact
                He’s not, his whole thing was ending MAD and he oversaw several limitation treaties

                I know you have a hate boner for Reagan because pop culture told you he’s bad, but you’re being moronic.

              • 7 months ago

                Carter had already changed the second strike protocols before he was even elected. You keep giving the Gipper undue credit because the media view thinks he was a half step below Jesus.

              • 7 months ago

                >rotten oligarchic authoritarian empire who were so used to bullshiting their own people that they believed they could do it to other countries.
                Jesus christ you unironically wrote this defending Reagan and the USA?

                Also you're still just completely ignoring Gorbachav taking over with a completely different attitude to the US than every previous Soviet leader, while Reagan had a more aggressive attitude than his last few predecessors. And then you're somehow giving Reagan credit lmfao.

        • 7 months ago

          It was the Soviets who put nukes JUST out of range from Western Europe targets that was agreed upon in SALT. The Soviets always broke their promises because they were a rotten oligarchic authoritarian empire who were so used to bullshiting their own people that they believed they could do it to other countries. In either case, Reagan negotiated for them to eventually withdraw with the INF treaty.

          You’re acting like Reagan was crazy when his plan worked and he didn’t cause a war at all and got the Soviet to the negotiation table by bucking at their attempts to strong arm the west.

          Also you're still just completely ignoring Gorbachav taking over with a completely different attitude to the US than every previous Soviet leader, while Reagan had a more aggressive attitude than his last few predecessors. And then you're somehow giving Reagan credit lmfao.

          >Reagan bad! Zoomer homosexual communist Tiktok told me so!
          You’re a rock with teeth
          Yes moron, Reagan’s policy forwards the Soviets obviously worked. It’s also obvious your an illiterate moron who knows dick about history which is why you dropped all pretense of trying to seriously discuss this and are just shitposting now. Go back to breadtube or whatever lol.

          The Soviet Union is dead and it’s NEVER EVER coming back

          It's practically an objective fact that Reagan went in hard on the Soviets, certainly in his first term or so. He won the 1980 election almost entirely based on the promise of ending détente and his not being some wimpy Democrat who dared to think the USA could live in a world with Communism in it as well as Iran, but that's a whole other can of worms. I don't see why that's something up for debate. Even SDI/Star Wars came about only because Reagan, in the case of nuclear war, wanted to be capable of wiping out Russia without them even touching the US. Sure, it meant he was against MAD which is a good thing by itself, but it was only because he wanted the security of blowing them all up first. I've never heard anything about Reagan wanting to share SDI's technology with the USSR, even if it had ever actually made it to the practical application stage. That hardly makes a peaceable president.
          But Reagan did change his mind later on during his presidency, after the several close calls in the 80s and the increasing prominence of anti-nuclear campaigning. There's that story of him watching Threads or The Day After in the White House, one of the two, and being genuinely shaken by it. It was due to both Reagan's growing dislike of the idea of nuclear war and Gorbachev's open, reforming approach to the USSR that also directly led to the Union's collapse in 1991, because Russia has a historically chronic case of awful, incompetent government no matter what they do which finally led to the various talks and treaties.
          TL;DR: yes, Reagan eventually helped cool down the Cold War, but only after he'd spent his first few years as president heating the whole affair right back up, and it's foolish to say that he was some peacemaker who really just only wanted to be friends with the Soviets all along.

  4. 7 months ago

    we need a Superman Returns book with Superman beating the shit out of Batman

    • 7 months ago

      Batman would die in one hit if Superman didn't hold back.

  5. 7 months ago

    He's facing away.

  6. 7 months ago

    gonna have to explain that one, was saying I don't mind stories with political mesasges etc but dont like the message crap we have. Want well written stories with nuance, good writing etc.dont understand what youre saying TDKR is a political story, ps dont rot brain with youtube, watch a few tubers but prefer to just read on my own

    • 7 months ago

      What the frick are you talking about

    • 7 months ago

      gonna have to explain that one, was saying I don't mind stories with political mesasges etc but dont like the message crap we have. Want well written stories with nuance, good writing etc.dont understand what youre saying TDKR is a political story, ps dont rot brain with youtube, watch a few tubers but prefer to just read on my own

      It's Ronald Reagan (he was in office at time of publishing) in a hazmat suit prepping for a nuclear attack on the US lying to the public. Just imagine if it were Trump you'd be tearing your hair out crying POLITICAL POLITICAL POLITICAL.

      >t-that doesn't count
      It is literally Miller taking his mainstream Batman comic to shit on the sitting republican president (reviled by dems) with a direct reference, making him a cartoonish coward and butthole. This is why I called you a mongoloid

      You are literally moronic.

  7. 7 months ago

    Usagi Yojimbo

    • 7 months ago

      Roy Thomas's Conan, the first volume of the Dark Horse series, and the French comics are all pretty top tier.

      • 7 months ago

        I'd put King Conan by Truman/Giorello up there too

  8. 7 months ago

    “>” In absence of the desire for your own country above the waves of an inland sea so if I cannot have Elysium I Shall Raise Hades! Into the world of the vitally living! Rise my soldiers!!

  9. 7 months ago

    None. You've become so infected with /misc/brain that you can't see straight anymore. And any decent story is going to come with its share of conflicts and meaningful stances, which your addled brain is going to interpret as being political sided.
    Go back to your social media safe spaces where you can only see specially tailored political messages and pretend like that is "unbiased" media.

    • 7 months ago

      >And any decent story is going to come with its share of conflicts and meaningful stances
      This! Making every single character a gay, race swapping them, making them lecture the reader about pronouns, hiring a crypto Islamic extremist writer who puts secret Islamist messages in the comics, and creating superhero’s like “The Snowflake” are all really cool and interesting and only a crazy chud wouldn’t think so!

    • 7 months ago

      >If you don’t accept our Marxist pozzed brainwashing, you’re a le Nazi

      I watched a clip of Joe Rogan explaining how there are people who live in spaces so leftist that anyone who disagrees with them are labeled Nazis. I guess you live in that kind of area too huh?

  10. 7 months ago

    dkr is woke garbage
    >le regan bad
    frick off

  11. 7 months ago

    What do you mean by the message anon?

  12. 7 months ago

    The Dark Knight Returns sucks and there's a whole arc where the president tries to kill batman or some shit so I don't see how it isn't "political".
    Also RoboCop 2 kinda sucks. Frank Millar sucks in general.

    • 7 months ago

      >I don't see how it isn't "political".
      Read OP's post again.

  13. 7 months ago

    Pretty much most of everything before 2012.

  14. 7 months ago

    Take the eurocomics pill bro.

    • 7 months ago

      I love this one I read like 10 years ago or more and I love it.

      • 7 months ago

        You love this one You read like 10 years ago or more and You love it.

  15. 7 months ago

    How come you misogynist guys actually read comics?

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