Greatest screen version

Sometimes an actor manages to portray an established character so well, they basically become the definitive version of that character. Pictured are three examples for strong contenders in that vein, and Patrick Stewart's Xavier comes to mind too.
Some exceptions:
>Heath Ledger's Joker is great, but he isn't THE Joker, but a version of him, so something like that doesn't count.
>Kevin Conroy is the official voice of Batman for all time as far as I'm concerned, and an argument can certainly be made for Mark Hamill as the Joker too, but as it's just voice work I'm not sure that should count.
Any other portrayals that Cinemaphile would consider to be definitive? Which do you think is the GOAT in this regard? I think my vote would have to be for RDJ as Tony Stark, but I'm interested to see what others might come up.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Christopher Reeves as Superman, but especially his performance as Clark. Cannot be topped.

    • 4 months ago


      Just Reeve and not George Reeves.

  2. 4 months ago

    jk simmons jonah jameson

  3. 4 months ago

    I think you're a Marvelgay

    • 4 months ago

      DC portrayals are a diamond dozen. By the time you are 50 there will have been a score of Batmen, all thinly written brooders with parent murder flashbacks.

      • 4 months ago

        >diamond dozen

        • 4 months ago

          I'm super-cereal.

        • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          DC portrayals are a diamond dozen. By the time you are 50 there will have been a score of Batmen, all thinly written brooders with parent murder flashbacks.

          To play doubles advocate, he's right and you're wrong.

        • 4 months ago

          it's a doggy dog world, you'll never make it if you keep getting butthurt over typos

    • 4 months ago

      What's with the tribalism? Did you actually read the post or did you only have the attention span to look at the pretty colours? Maybe if DC didn't so consistently drop the ball with its movies, the best examples for my question wouldn't all be in Marvel?

      • 4 months ago

        That anon is a moviegay casual. No one who reads comics is a corporate gay because comic fans know how shit both can and have been.

        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      I can tell you're like 16. RDJ was fine, but someone can definitely do a better Tony. I like the animated version better.

      Wolverine is great, iconic, but once again he was just the first and I think someone else can do it as well.

      Deadpool is a good fit, but he was Ryan Reynolds-like before they cast him.

      Only tourists that never saw these characters before watching movies or cartoons can actually write something like this drivel

      What's this samegays problem?

      • 4 months ago

        Abhorrent tourist!

        • 4 months ago

          Thanks for outing yourself btw - it's one thing for samegay anons to think a quick edit somehow proves a point, but quite another for them to frick up as hard as you did and actually leave the edit as obvious as you did.

          • 4 months ago

            You are lying to the people of Cinemaphile , you are literally THE lowest of the low.
            this is quite it for you

            • 4 months ago

              I don't know what you're trying to achieve, or what the russian is all about, but the only logical thing I can think of is that you're so simple you don't understand how I knew, and while part of me doesn't want to tell you, I'll humour you at least partially.
              See this? Those little lines are where you fricked up cutting out the (You)s. So when your pathetic troll ass gets called out next time and you try to doctor an image to 'prove' you weren't samegayging like the monumental loser you are, you'll know to look out for that.
              Of course, that doesn't tell you how I knew you were samegayging even before your crappy edit, but that would be far FAR too technical for the likes of you. Rest assured when you're shitting up a thread like you tried to here, most oldgays know it's all you, and it's why for the most part you're largely ignored across the site.
              Given you spend your free time trying to shit up threads on Cinemaphile, I strongly suggest you get a better hobby, like literally anything else. Maybe if you spent more time interacting with real people in the real world, you'd be a less shitty person.

              • 4 months ago

                You aren't even funny at this point.
                At very least 3 people know you are either complete moron or pathetic liar.

              • 4 months ago

                Your original post, with the image, with the lines, is still there for anyone to see. That's on you. Name-calling won't save you.

              • 4 months ago

                0 name calling ,just facts.Again, THREE people here KNOW you are full of shit.

              • 4 months ago

                Strange how they haven't spoken up, or rather I should say I'm surprised you haven't pretended to be one of them.
                Tell you what, as you seem to be some kind of last word freak waiting an hour at a time hoping I've gone offline, I'll cut you a deal - explain the edit lines, and I'll let you have the last word.

  4. 4 months ago

    Cliche answer but picrelated.
    Only downside is that they focus too much on the "I WANT PHOTOS OF SPIDER-MAN" side of him.

  5. 4 months ago

    Perlman Hellboy
    Roark Marv
    Stewart Xavier
    Dafoe Green Goblin
    Leguizamo Clown
    Carrey Mask
    Evans Captain America

    These would all be insanely hard to recast.
    Snipes Blade is pretty high up there too.

    • 4 months ago

      >Perlman Hellboy
      No. Looks and sounds fine, but the characterisation is too off to be definitive

    • 4 months ago

      >Any other portrayals that Cinemaphile would consider to be definitive?

      Michael Clarke Duncan as Kingpin. Vincent D'Orofino plays a good Wilson Fisk, but MCD was a superior Kingpin.

      >Stewart Xavier
      Just Captain Picard but in a wheelchair. Anybody could do Xavier better.

      >Dafoe Green Goblin
      Not the definitive Gobby, but Dafoe owns it in both movies that he's in.

  6. 4 months ago

    I can tell you're like 16. RDJ was fine, but someone can definitely do a better Tony. I like the animated version better.

    Wolverine is great, iconic, but once again he was just the first and I think someone else can do it as well.

    Deadpool is a good fit, but he was Ryan Reynolds-like before they cast him.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Comics Tony Stark is a dull industrialist that would have been another forgettable Batman.
      RDjr sold him as a wienery butthole that tent-poled an entire multibillion dollar franchise.
      He may not be YOUR Tony Stark, but he's the rest of the world's Tony Stark.

      • 4 months ago

        Tony's always been wienery read more comics

        • 4 months ago

          Tony was a srs bsns character for 95% of his run.

          • 4 months ago

            Serious doesn't he mean he wasn't wienery or had a lighter side. Movies just turn traits up to 11.

            • 4 months ago

              You cannot find a page pre-MCU where Tony Stark is acting anything like MCU Tony Stark, so shut the frick up.

              • 4 months ago

                >Shut the frick up
                >You cannot find a page Pre-MCU where Tiny is acting like MCU Tony
                I can't because I haven't actively read Iron man comics in fifteen years, but they exist. MCU just has an exaggerated and memey sense of humor and characters so you personally can't pick up on subtle characterization in older comics, but it's there.

              • 4 months ago

                >I have nothing
                Yes, I know. Yet for some reason you continue to prattle on.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't need anything because anyone who's read iron man pre MCU knows what I'm talking about. I doubt you even read comics.

              • 4 months ago

                Don't feed the troll anon, we all know.

  7. 4 months ago

    It's pretty remarkable that the most people still see him as the definitive live-action Barry Allen despite him being from a CW show and there being a movie version with much broader exposure.

    • 4 months ago

      The movie version is laughably shit.

    • 4 months ago

      And he's not any more definitive than any of the teevee Supermen, he's just the least rubbish Flash that's been used on teevee. He could be (decently) recast in a heartbeat.

    • 4 months ago

      He's done a great job making me feel for the character. Seasons 1-3 are still the best to date, and Grants performance when Henry is telling Barry "we won't be afraid of the man in the yellow suit anymore" was magnificent to me. Absolute tear jerker, so Grant gave good heart to Barry.

  8. 4 months ago

    Probably obvious but Macguire as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. I'd say Garfield as Spider-Man, but while his Spidey was more 2d jokey jokester and quippy, he didn't have the presence or depth Macguire's did since Tobey played an older Spidey even by the end of the first movie who was already more experienced than Garfield's Spidey, and so the character was taken more seriously. Maguire's Spidey was heroic, Garfield's Spidey is surface level Spidey.

    On Spidey, I'd say Josh Keaton is THE best Spider-Man VA of all time, with a very, very close second being Christopher Daniel Barnes. Both as Peter Parker, it's incredibly hard to choose.
    Keaton has the soul of the character down and CDB does too, but CDB also has that matured weight in his delivery that would make him perfect for an older or more serious Spidey. Keaton does a great older Spidey in Edge of Time, but CDB's huskier, darker voice is better for it. Very hard choice.

    • 4 months ago

      But Tobey has shit bants, basically zero agility so all his fights come down to slug fests and no smarts beyond characters telling each other how he's totally the smartest guy they know. He's objectively a terrible Spider-Man and he's only the definitive version for people who had never read or seen anything Spider-Man related before his movie.

      • 4 months ago

        Tobey is only the favorite Spidey of Anons who were in grade school when those movies released.

      • 4 months ago

        Tobey's banter is bad, but he has the HEROISM of Spider-Man done much better. That's why I said Garfield is surface level, because Spidey is more than his banter and his unserious joking but normies don't know or care about that. For them it's literally pic related. Garfield's Spidey is better at it than Tobey's Spider-Man, no question, but it's still not the most important aspect of the character.

        Tobey's was more respectable and respected in both how he acts and is portrayed. His slugfest still had weight and power, showing this is a man duking it out. His reception to the world shows him as an icon, more than just a man, who stands stall above it all as someone people look up to for hope and safety, which is then juxtaposed by Tobey's very Clark Kent-esque, mild mannered take on Peter.

        As far as driving home that Spider-Man is amazing, that he's a super hero, Tobey's Spidey did a far better job and I think that far outweighs the flanderization of Spider-Man constantly having to banter because that's all his character revolves around.

        >He's objectively a terrible Spider-Man and he's only the definitive version for people who had never read or seen anything Spider-Man related before his movie.
        We'll have to disagree on that. I have a great passion for the character and have since I was four, and I think his performance as Spider-Man pays more respect to more aspects of the character outside of banter.

  9. 4 months ago

    Only tourists that never saw these characters before watching movies or cartoons can actually write something like this drivel

  10. 4 months ago

    Tom HIddleston's Loki

    • 4 months ago

      Good shout, he feels pretty irreplaceable, and I guess that's what this really comes down to. Trying to imagine anyone else as Loki, Wolverine, Stark, just feels impossible. I can't think of a DC character I feel that way about, do they just suck at casting?

      • 4 months ago

        The don't write nuanced or interesting leading roles for DC heroes anymore. Reeves was the last person who really tried to project himself as a compelling Superman. Batman is just a foil for LE WACKY supervillains. I don't know what they expected from Gadot Wonder Woman.

        Remember, this is the studio that looked at John Constantine and thought "Keanu Reeves is a perfect fit for that guy!"

        • 4 months ago

          Ironically, Constantine is probably the most underrated movie DC ever put out, and Keanu actually does a reasonable job (despite a few obvious issues)

          • 4 months ago

            The don't write nuanced or interesting leading roles for DC heroes anymore. Reeves was the last person who really tried to project himself as a compelling Superman. Batman is just a foil for LE WACKY supervillains. I don't know what they expected from Gadot Wonder Woman.

            Remember, this is the studio that looked at John Constantine and thought "Keanu Reeves is a perfect fit for that guy!"

            Friendly reminder that Heath Ledger was in a movie that managed to be more Hellblazer-like than Constantine. He's still the closet we've got to John in movies.

          • 4 months ago

            John needed to be a scuzzy charmer, Keanu cannot into charm.

        • 4 months ago

          >I don't know what they expected from Gadot Wonder Woman.
          Israeli propaganda.

      • 4 months ago

        they have in the recent years. but the first movie Superman is still the most iconic.
        As for the newest DC heroes, i guess Harley Quinn? Also Bale is probably what most people think when you talk about Batman

  11. 4 months ago

    I've followed Iron Man comics since the mid 70's, and aside from the bit of banter that EVERY comic book character engages in, Tony Stark was a pretty unremarkable protagonist.
    MCU Tony Stark is practically a Spider-Man-tier snark artist. Comic Tony has never been that far up his own butthole pre MCU.
    wienery? Yes.
    Debonair? Occasionally.
    Smug? Yep.
    But he was never the spoiled man-brat of the MCU.

  12. 4 months ago

    Slight non-Cinemaphile answer: Wilder's Wonka. He's different from the book version, and every adaptation since has just been trying to capture his energy.

    • 4 months ago

      Absolutely god-tier.
      While probing the edges, I would add pretty much the entire cast of the LOTR movies.

      • 4 months ago

        >Entire cast of LOTR
        Lol No. Even if you're being lenient someone who's read the books would still exclude Frodo and Gimli

  13. 4 months ago

    This movie created the character. I don't why they bought the rights for such a niche character. They could have gotten away with basically making the same movie with a different title.
    Same with Men in Black.

  14. 4 months ago

    People don't think about it often, but Chris Evans as Cap is pretty iconic. If RDJ coming back would have a reaction more or less on par with Maguire's return then Evans would have a similar reaction to the one people had with Hugh.

    • 4 months ago

      Evans Cap is proof that you can sell Superman if you really put heart into it.

      • 4 months ago

        They took a man who wears a flag on his chest and runs around pranging people with a big ol' shield with a star on it, and they made him one of the most beloved characters IN THE WORLD. Not just in America, the entire frigging globe. That's a fricking achievement right there.

        • 4 months ago

          Chris Evans Captain America. Reb Brown's was memeworthy with his dollar store toy shield and motorcycle helmet, and Salinger's Cap had probably the most accurate attempt at his comic costume despite the rubber ears as well as the whole stealing cars bit, but Evans Cap exploded into popularity the way the other two didn't, and proved that characters that legitimately fight for good without any layers of irony and cynicism or tragic backstory and motivated by pain can still be likeable in an era where that's generally seen as too corny, especially since he has 'America' in his name working against him with a good portion of the world.

          Captain America's popularity says more about how DC has fricked up with Superman. There's really no excuse at this point with how badly they fumbled that.

          Wholly agreed on that, it's amazing how they made a boy scout with an American flag wrapped around him into one of the world's most popular heroes in this day and age.

        • 4 months ago

          Europeen here, I liked Cap even before the movies even though I never read that many comics with him, for many of the same reasons I like Superman. They fight for and embody "The American Way" only in the sense that they're the best parts of America that's actually hopeful, not the seedy underbelly that is the real history of slavery, illegal experiments on their own populace and CIA intervention in overthrowing democracies etc. He's got enough of that image that it's easy to imagine he'd change America for the better if he was real. I remember thinking it was fricking ridiculous that they expected there to be an ambiguity over who you should back in Civil War, especially after Maria Hill tried to get Cap to enforce a law that hadn't been enacted yet and then immediately tried to arrest him for not following illegal orders. Cap was obviously morally in the right the whole time, it was just ironic that he was wearing the American flag while being right in fighting against the government.

  15. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      Those movies will forever be the definitive version of those characters.

      • 4 months ago

        One of the great castings of all time.

        • 4 months ago

          pure kino

  16. 4 months ago

    Jack Nicholson was a great bronze age Joker

    • 4 months ago

      The kids are all about Hot Topic Joker now.
      Really they'll eat any flavor of Joker.

      • 4 months ago

        Doesn't change my point

      • 4 months ago

        >Really they'll eat any flavor of Joker.
        Not really, it is David Ayer's creativity always will be supreme.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah, I'll just wait til any Joker is rejected.
          Even DAMAGED Joker propelled that shitshow to 750 million.

  17. 4 months ago

    Such a perfect casting that he had the mantle of voice actor handed down to him as well. It's completely futile to try and cast anyone else as Shaggy.

  18. 4 months ago

    There's like two

  19. 4 months ago

    These days I actually hate the Xmen films because they're just a monumental waste of maybe some of the best casting ever

    • 4 months ago

      To be fair, towards the end Fox was making them like they hated the franchise too.

      • 4 months ago

        I don't think any of them are really good, they're just decent and carried hard by the casting

    • 4 months ago

      I clapped and sharted at his cameo in The Marvels

      • 4 months ago

        I stopped watching marvel films years ago so I didn't know
        Is he CGI? Since no one watched this one, the only image I could find was a grainy photo

        • 4 months ago

          He won't even wear fancy shoes for the Frasier sequel series, walking around in illusion-shattering sneakers instead, so there was no way they'd get him into hours of make-up for a short cameo.

  20. 4 months ago

    Cool nobody mentioned Toad yet. Should mention that for Toad the bar isn't set that high. Really this is one of those performances that didn't need to go as hard as it did. I heard that originally Toad was supposed to be saying toad facts in the battle (why storm says the line "what happens to a toad get struck by lightning") he solo the X-Men team which as a kid made me a fan.

  21. 4 months ago

    DeVito's Penguin

    • 4 months ago

      Maybe if you've only watched TAS. Every other incarnation tries to make him a freak like DeVito, but it never feels right if he isn't part of high society with his monocle and cigarette holder.

      • 4 months ago

        >Maybe if you've only watched TAS
        But in TAS he's all gentlemanly and cultured-like
        He's even voiced by Paul Williams to boot.
        He only shared the deformed appearance of Batman Returns's penguin, and they got rid of that later

      • 4 months ago

        >Maybe if you've only watched TAS
        But in TAS he's all gentlemanly and cultured-like
        He's even voiced by Paul Williams to boot.
        He only shared the deformed appearance of Batman Returns's penguin, and they got rid of that later

        Penguin should be a freak who is desperately trying to act cultured and fit in but never manages

        • 4 months ago

          >Penguin should be a freak

  22. 4 months ago

    OP here, feels like a lot of people in this thread have kinda missed the point.
    It's not "what are the definitive versions of every character?"
    It's "what character portrayals are so iconic and irreplaceable the character and actor are now practically inseparable and recasting the role will be practically impossible?"
    Many of the suggestions in this thread are great portrayals, but not at that level. No version of Spiderman falls into the latter unless you're wearing nostalgia goggles.
    I'd say that besides the three in the OP image, the only ones that have come up in the thread on that level are JK Simmons JJJ, and Hiddleson's Loki.

  23. 4 months ago

    BTAS Mr Freeze

    Better than Ryan Reynolds, and I don't hate Ryan Reynolds like everyone else does.

    All of these I'd accept that the performance throughout the entire movie or franchise may leave something or quite a lot to be desired but as far as individual scenes they nail it.

    This is what I want from any Daredevil live action. It's better than the Netflix "Hallways" in my opinion.

    Wolverine best performance of the character I wish and believe they could have done this for all the movies.

    I thought this was a great depiction of Bruce Banner, mostly just this part. Banner was a strangely intimidating and cunning character. I really like this scene and the attitude of Banner and just the threat of the Hulk represents and how they handled that.

    • 4 months ago

      You accidentally the same link 5 times bro

      I don't know what you're trying to achieve, or what the russian is all about, but the only logical thing I can think of is that you're so simple you don't understand how I knew, and while part of me doesn't want to tell you, I'll humour you at least partially.
      See this? Those little lines are where you fricked up cutting out the (You)s. So when your pathetic troll ass gets called out next time and you try to doctor an image to 'prove' you weren't samegayging like the monumental loser you are, you'll know to look out for that.
      Of course, that doesn't tell you how I knew you were samegayging even before your crappy edit, but that would be far FAR too technical for the likes of you. Rest assured when you're shitting up a thread like you tried to here, most oldgays know it's all you, and it's why for the most part you're largely ignored across the site.
      Given you spend your free time trying to shit up threads on Cinemaphile, I strongly suggest you get a better hobby, like literally anything else. Maybe if you spent more time interacting with real people in the real world, you'd be a less shitty person.

      Jesus I didn't think there were really people that pathetic in the world, even on Cinemaphile.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm a fricking moron, sorry
        Thanks for pointing it out

        OK something is wrong with my browser where I have to refresh it to get the address, anyone know what that is?




        • 4 months ago

          Nolan is just a phenomenal Deadpool
          If Reynolds wasn't such a huge driving force for the films, I think he could work as a voice with some good stuntman as the body

  24. 4 months ago

    People truly consider Jackman the definitive Logan/Wolverine or it's just nostalgia goggles?

    • 4 months ago

      I think 90% of normies would complain if they cast some really short guy like Daniel Radcliffe to play Wolverine in the new MCU, just because Jackman has imprinted the idea that Wolverine should be a huge jacked man. They'd talk about not being able to take him serious because Colossus and even Cyclops is towering over him and how silly it is that the little guy gets thrown by the big guy etc.

  25. 4 months ago
  26. 4 months ago

    How can the only person who has portrayed a character be the definitive version if we've never seen someone else ?

    • 4 months ago


      OP here, feels like a lot of people in this thread have kinda missed the point.
      It's not "what are the definitive versions of every character?"
      It's "what character portrayals are so iconic and irreplaceable the character and actor are now practically inseparable and recasting the role will be practically impossible?"
      Many of the suggestions in this thread are great portrayals, but not at that level. No version of Spiderman falls into the latter unless you're wearing nostalgia goggles.
      I'd say that besides the three in the OP image, the only ones that have come up in the thread on that level are JK Simmons JJJ, and Hiddleson's Loki.

  27. 4 months ago

    Mainly you can tell if the actor did an iconic job because it’s so popular, the comic version warps to try and mimic the film version. Beyond simple synergy.

    Wesley Snipes Blade for example. It’s funny to think about how he was a British black guy who had an Afro and jive talked before the blade movie.

    Then again the blade comics were never successful so it was easy to overpower them with a good movie version

    I don’t know if he’s technically supposed to still have a British accent in tne comic but if he does they seem to just not mention it, because it’s not like you can tell as a reader unless they write it obviously anyway

    • 4 months ago

      The only time when it should have mattered would be in the 70s during the blaxploitation peak, but that ship has long sailed. It didn't register for all the time Blade existed in comic books, and it didn't register when Blade had his only animated appearance role in the 90's Spider-Man cartoon.

  28. 4 months ago

    >Conroy as Batman
    >Hamill and DiMaggio as Joker
    >Stewart as Xavier
    >McKellen and Fassbender as Magneto
    >Evans as Cap

    • 4 months ago

      How fricking moronic are you?

      • 4 months ago

        You tell me

        • 4 months ago

          >OP states voice actors don't count
          >Whole thread is about DEFINITIVE iconic versions, and you post multiple iterations of a character
          >Fricking DiMaggio as a definitive Joker
          Honestly it's a miracle you can even use a computer without electrocuting yourself.

    • 4 months ago

      Anything else, vegana?

  29. 4 months ago

    Where are the screen here?

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