Hot take

DC only flops because they're unfairly seen as a competitor to Marvel.

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  1. 12 months ago

    >Bad special effects should not be viewed as bad

    >Movies should not be seen as competition

  2. 12 months ago

    They flop because the movies are ass, their characters are a bit corny and antiquated, and they need to do something other than conventional capeshit to differentiate themselves

    Why not do a horror or fantasy or monster character instead?

    • 12 months ago

      It's too risky, it might fail and lose money. Capeshit is in, so it's going to be a sure win!

      • 12 months ago

        Horror is a big money maker. WB is good at fantasy.

        With capeshit tropes being oversaturated, they would benefit from looking at some other DC characters

  3. 12 months ago

    No, they flop because they make shitty movies, just like Marvel is finally starting to flop now

  4. 12 months ago

    DC film fans made an absolute snowflake infested Discord server. That's all you need to know.

  5. 12 months ago

    >dc only flops because they make worse movies than marvel
    OK. What's your point?

  6. 12 months ago

    DC and Marvel are outdated that's why shonen manga is selling tens of times more, DC is even more outdated because they are 90 years old while Marvel characters are more like 60

    • 12 months ago

      Marvel isn't outdated. They had the "world outside your window" brand and bite/edge for years that only went away after being bought by Disney. The fact that they are succeeding despite the saccharine nature of the MCU is a testament to that leftover ethos.

      >Shonen manga

      Japanese capeshit who's biggest names are 20 years old, just as nonsensical as DC and only appeals to hispanics and pre-teens

      • 12 months ago

        >Marvel isn't outdated
        Yes they are, that's why people don't read their comics not even the "classic" ones writen by Stan Lee, Dikto and Kirby
        >Japanese capeshit who's biggest names are 20 years old, just as nonsensical as DC and only appeals to hispanics and pre-teens
        More white kids and adults read manga than comics.

        • 12 months ago

          Yes Anon, adults read manga and that's fine, but people who read Shonens aren't adults

        • 12 months ago

          >Yes they are, that's why people don't read their comics not even the "classic" ones writen by Stan Lee, Dikto and Kirby

          Americans don't read books let alone comics anymore. "Classic" comics were at the hayday in the 60s through 80s and Marvel sold well then.

          Marvel should market their trades and classic collections better

          >More white kids and adults read manga than comics.

          No "adult" in America watches anime unless they are trans or stinky

          Also if we are talking live action adaptations, shonen shit has a worse track record. Is that not an indictment on them? Or is it different because you're a weaboo?

  7. 12 months ago

    i want to die

  8. 12 months ago

    DC Discord Trannies

    DC Discord Trannies

    Why did our fandom crash?

    • 12 months ago

      >Why did our fandom crash?
      Was it because of the DC discord trannies?

  9. 12 months ago

    If you're talking about Hollywood >>>Cinemaphile is that way
    If you're talking about comics I'd say DC is doing slightly better than Marvel atm, but they're both flopping because no one involved in the industry cares anymore.

  10. 12 months ago

    Warner destroyed DC because they were unhappy getting millions and wanted the billions Marvel was doing, so they became a shitty knockoff version.

    DC flops because it's just "more of that thing" rather than their own thing.

    • 12 months ago

      >DC flops because it's just "more of that thing" rather than their own thing.
      DC flops because they are shitty at casting
      Because they force diversity like mad
      Because they apparently don't have any good SFX artists in their rolodex
      Because they get the worst bang-for-their-buck of any Major Studio
      Because Marvel continuously beats them to the cinematic punch
      Because they can't decide between Faux Profundity and being Brazilian Knock-Off Marvel
      Because they attempt to knit a bunch of movies into a "we cinematic universe too" with no narrative consistency.
      Because they put people who Pretend they are fans and familiar with the mythos

  11. 12 months ago

    >Joss Whedon
    >James Gunn
    >Tom King
    >Brian Bendis
    >Kelley Thompson
    I think DC should stop hiring hacks from Marvel.

  12. 12 months ago

    They fail because the movies are ass, they do next to nothing with characters that arent related to their flagship titles, the characters they do shit with they obviously have no fricking clue what they are doing (tom king existing at all, alfreds death, ric grayson, clayface is/was a good guy who worked with the bat-family, the bat-family becoming like 20 people, etc). The best batman stories come from videogames now. Not to mention they do an awful job of cataloging past stories when marvel has things like marvel masterworks and a shitload of omnibuses for characters and eras. Alienating old fans and making characters unrecognizable for potential new fans is an awful business strategy turns out.

  13. 12 months ago

    Dc copied marvel films that were already pretty bad . Of course no one would watch them
    Plus they seemingly hate the characters they are making films out of , which doesn’t help

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