I think Ian Flynn is not making as good work as he used to.

I think Ian Flynn is not making as good work as he used to. I think if more people read his Archie Sonic run people will get to be able to understand why some people like his writing and how he originally used to have such a good reputation that people were begging him to work on the games. I don't know why it happened or what's going on but his newer storylines are blander and less creative than his older ones. Nowadays from what I'm seeing his perception as a comics writer is pretty split down the middle and controversial.

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  1. 3 months ago

    I miss Penders

    • 3 months ago

      Can you buy old archie sonics anymore? How do you read them legally now?

      • 3 months ago

        You can't

        • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        I an can be a great writer when he is dropped in a pre-existing world with a lot of material that doesn't have a lot of rules, that's when the magic happens.

        However, when he gets pressured or pushed, either to follow rules or make a quick change, bad decisions or lack of creativity/motivation ensues.

        Archie already had hints of what was to come in IDW.

        >Ian was forced to make Sonic: Genesis and he didn't want to.
        People say that Genesis was lacking, and that Ian wasn't giving it his all. While admittedly not the most exciting arc, its still one of my favorites anyway. Sweet ending too... right before the pain...

        Makes him moronic via brain damage instead of just using a macguffin like the one Amy used or some other explanation like that, would've been a lot cooler.

        >Robotnik having a mental breakdown
        The Freedom fighters let him go with Snivley for... reasons? I don't even know why that happened.

        Then of course, we have IDW. It feels like that Ian just gave up due to the more restricted world and less lore, with him having to start from scratch after having his shit nuked twice. Don't really blame him. The question is, how much did his decline stem from depression, and how much from his actual inability to write new stuff?

        Buy them used from either Amazon or Ebay.

        There's also this site (adblocker/content blocker recommended): https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-The-Hedgehog

    • 3 months ago

      It’s nice to imagine it’s just the mandates but honestly I think he was never as great as people liked to say.

      Likewise, Penders isn’t as bad as everyone says, in terms of writing. His legal shitfits have tainted his work.

      sonic was doomed from the moment they removed my homies from the picture

      Same, won’t be buying any new Sonic media until they return (so probably never)

      • 3 months ago

        People need to seperate the art from the artist more often. I agree that some people overexaggerate how bad Penders is and how good Ian is due to behind the scenes stuff. But I still think Ian's work on the comic was pretty good and entertaining and more people should read it.

        >Nowadays from what I'm seeing his perception as a comics writer is pretty split down the middle and controversial.
        This is more because he now has a bigger spotlight on him than he did during the Archie days. He was always "good" when compared to other writers that regularly worked on the comics/series, but when you significantly widen that horizon his work just comes across as middling.

        I think his writing style has changed in recent years. I think he is no longer doing the big scope battles as he used to do inside Archie using elements on that universe inside IDW. The arcs almost feel like inconsequential filler by comparison. And he worldbuilds much less often nowadays

        • 3 months ago

          >I think his writing style has changed in recent years.
          Take note that a lot of what Flynn was known for during his Archie days involved re-shaping/re-framing elements that other writers had already introduced, all while having comparatively less oversight. Coming up with new ways to use existing content and fill existing story holes seems to be more of his specialty than actually coming up with original ideas that are interesting in both concept and execution (the latter of which being the usual problem).

          Basically Flynn leans more towards "advanced fan wiki editor" than "skilled writer"

          • 3 months ago

            That's his specialty but he came up with new stuff inside post reboot and also Dragon
            Kingdom factions and Eclipse the Darkling. Though I do agree he's more of a fanfic writer in terms of his skillset and maybe hasn't really evolved out of that shell because of how long he's been writing Sonic.

            • 3 months ago

              People need to seperate the art from the artist more often. I agree that some people overexaggerate how bad Penders is and how good Ian is due to behind the scenes stuff. But I still think Ian's work on the comic was pretty good and entertaining and more people should read it.

              I think his writing style has changed in recent years. I think he is no longer doing the big scope battles as he used to do inside Archie using elements on that universe inside IDW. The arcs almost feel like inconsequential filler by comparison. And he worldbuilds much less often nowadays


              I think Ian Flynn is not making as good work as he used to. I think if more people read his Archie Sonic run people will get to be able to understand why some people like his writing and how he originally used to have such a good reputation that people were begging him to work on the games. I don't know why it happened or what's going on but his newer storylines are blander and less creative than his older ones. Nowadays from what I'm seeing his perception as a comics writer is pretty split down the middle and controversial.

              have you actually read anything he's done outside Sonic? People's problems with him somehow still show up in his other work. It's not about Sega or Archie or IDW, it's just his style.

              • 3 months ago

                I guess its just flaws with his writing style. That I can understand. But its still not too bad.

          • 3 months ago

            It definitely has to be noted that his most celebrated contributions to IDW have been “what if roboticization worked like vampires” and “what if the Android Saga but furries.” Novel concepts seem to be… not his strong suit.

            It's sad this little blue dude's legacy will mostly be from people measuring his power level. That likely didn't even read his seriese.

            At least he still holds the title of “only Sonic to ever definitely get laid.”

            • 3 months ago

              Surge and Kit are “what if the Andoid saga but the Androids aren’t an actual threat”.
              Imagine if Android 18 slipped on a banana peel on the ground and started crying while having a schizophrenic breakdown. That’s Surge in a nutshell.

              • 3 months ago

                Who's Lanolin then?

              • 3 months ago

                Sally 2.0.

              • 3 months ago

                Very different from israeliteel, Tangle and IDW Amy, who are also Sally.

              • 3 months ago

                Very fitting as both are shit.

              • 3 months ago

                Who's Lanolin then?

                Lanolin is the tard-wrangler, which basically was Sally's role in Archie, to be the order on which Sonic and company's chaos is compared to.

                It's a role that really isn't needed now, and all she does is drag things down, but people like her because Adam Bryce Thomas draws her with fat breasts which makes them clap and go yay.

              • 3 months ago

                Sally wasn't even needed in the first place she was dogshit.

              • 3 months ago

                My dick needed her

              • 3 months ago

                Maybe if she didn't exist your dick would have better taste.

              • 3 months ago

                >your dick would have better taste
                Captcha: 0XXXY

              • 3 months ago

                You heard me, your dick has bad taste.

              • 3 months ago

                It's amazing how little she actually mattered to the overall narrative, in spite of both the show and comic bending over backwards to shill her.

              • 3 months ago

                *Geoffrey St. John

              • 3 months ago

                he popped sally's cherry
                it's canon

              • 3 months ago

                Lanolin is a sheep she can't be the offspring of a skunk and a chipmunk

              • 3 months ago

                Go to bed, Penders.

              • 3 months ago

                That's about as canon as JK Rowling saying House Hufflepuff hosts public circlejerk sessions which is to say if you believe it then you're a moron.

            • 3 months ago

              >At least he still holds the title of “only Sonic to ever definitely get laid.”
              Technically that's not true. That Sonic manga with Nicky and all that had Amy as his girlfriend. So Archie Sonic was the 2nd Sonic to get laid.

              • 3 months ago

                There's also AOSTH where he got laid with multiple chicks like Ms Possum, Roxy Racoon, Merna the Merhog and voiceless pink Christmas special Sally

              • 3 months ago

                Boom Sonic was also heavily implied to be dating Amy behind the scenes.

              • 3 months ago

                he wasn't. That thing you see repeated on Boom threads is out of context, Boom Amy doesn't even tell anyone she has a crush on Sonic.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't know. It's been a while, but I think there were one or two scenes that implied it.

              • 3 months ago

                They weren't dating, but had a clear crush between the two instead of being more onesided like in the 2000s games.

            • 3 months ago

              >“what if roboticization worked like vampires”
              >not zombies
              ...zombots is literally the name anon

        • 3 months ago

          I think the problem is that SEGA doesn't want to define world of Sonic. I see why they want to do so, since it allows them to pull locales out of their ass, but it isn't really good for building stakes.

          Also, the problem is that there no real side villians that can be trashed. There is Clutch and Surge, but they don't really have the means to really mess up heroes. It would be cool to have Nagus back, to contranst with Eggman and his technology.

          • 3 months ago

            Rough and Tumble but thats not enough

      • 3 months ago

        >Penders isn’t as bad as everyone says
        Yes he is. Sonic fans just have abysmal standards and didn't care until they had a grudge against him. People criticize him for stupid shit ("This battered housewife is saying awful things, that's sexist!!!"), but his actual ability to write, especially when he isn't stealing from Kirby, Ditko and PAD is just dreadful.

      • 3 months ago

        > Likewise, Penders isn’t as bad as everyone says, in terms of writing. His legal shitfits have tainted his work.

        Penders was only capable of making good, initial ideas at his best. As stories moved on, he lost his way on what to do with them or his characters. And then of course he had his infuriating love triangle stuff, echidna propping, and other stupid moments that just make all the good he does, meaningless.

        >Penders kept having a 25 year old character sexually assault a 16 your old minor and made him an unlikeable butthole with no good backstory to help.

        >Tried to kill off Robotnik to replace him with an OC.

        >Tried to kill off Sally for his own interests as well, Seethed when the fans and Sega themselves wanted her back.

        >Made Anti-Sonic rape Bunnie and all the other women he slept with.

        >All of his dumb love triangle shit.

        >Started the Tails cuckshit that Ian unfortunately had the brilliant idea to continue…

        >Knuckles stayed green and did literally nothing in the comics for two whole years.

        >Knuckles comics started off pretty good but then just became very boring and uneventful.

        >Echidna Nazis

        >Edited Holocaust poems

        >Believes that the age of consent shouldn’t be 18 and knows all of the state laws in the US about the subject matter… makes you think…

        >25 years later.

        Actually makes a good case as to why Sonic being King isn’t a good idea, I’ll give it that. Shadow being evil… why??

        >Everything is Sonic’s fault

        Ken making it to where Sonic’s actions to save everyone are actually dooming the world is stupid and goes to show how much he is willing to not understand even the main fricking character, and undermine him, while trying to uplift his own characters and Knuckles, who he turns literally into Jesus (dude even walks on water at some point).

        Penders decided one day that this story wasn’t the world of Sonic, but his own world, with echidnas at the helm. When he didn’t get what he wanted, he left.

        • 3 months ago

          Ian Droid

        • 3 months ago

          >Shadow being evil… why??
          The editor wanted Shadow in the book to boost sales. That's it. Ken was frustrated that he had to use the guy.

          • 3 months ago

            Oh in that case, if that’s true, I’ll take that one thing back. 25 years later is still only good for showing why Sonic being a monarch is not great for the dude. That’s the only things I’ll give Penders credit for because it’s a pretty accurate idea of how Sonic would turn out. Aimless, mid-life crisis, depressed, the feeling of being boxed in. Being a King is more or less a glorified miserable office job that Sonic had to be chained to everyday for the rest of his life, due to his personality and being.

            • 3 months ago

              Ken and Ian both talked about it. Pellerito went full Shadow-pandering to keep sales up while they were flushing inventory stories.

        • 3 months ago

          >Penders decided one day that this story wasn’t the world of Sonic, but his own world, with echidnas at the helm.
          >When he didn’t get what he wanted, he left.
          I think you perfectly nailed the explanation as to what is the deal when it comes to Penders. The man just can't let go of the fact that he invested so much of "his" precious storylines (you know, the ones he definitely "didn't" steal from other authors) in an IP he has absolutely no rights over.

          For the same reason, he could have made The Lara-Su Chronicles a completely original thing, with all Sonic ties completely cut and an all new setting, cast and narrative universe... but no.
          He needs the Sonic connection, not because he "knows it wouldn't sell otherwise", but rather because he is mentally dependent of Sonic, or to be more accurate, Knuckles.
          He feels entitled to Knuckles, even though it wasn't his comic nor his ideas what made Knuckles popular in the first place (I'll willing to make a concession regarding some US Sonic fans, given they grew up with Archie Sonic and related).

      • 3 months ago

        >Penders isn’t as bad as everyone says
        This is literally the only thing you guys say about him. I've never seen anyone actually enjoy his stories.

        • 3 months ago

          The Robin Hood/Atlantis one's ok.
          That's about it.

      • 3 months ago

        >Penders isn’t as bad as everyone says, in terms of writing.
        You're right... he's worse.

    • 3 months ago

      Have we really reached the levels of contrarianism and forgetfulness needed to want Penders again. He single-handedly almost killed the Archie Sonic Comics. He was given everything, complete artistic control over the comic and he fricked it up so bad Sega never let the comic writers have the same level of creative control again.

      • 3 months ago

        Just ignore him anon, chances are, he is just trolling. Very few people on this planet still like Penders as it is, just a handful of morons on Twitter. Chances are, everyone who praises him like this here is not being serious.

  2. 3 months ago

    sonic was doomed from the moment they removed my homies from the picture

    • 3 months ago

      Antoine looks so cool here

  3. 3 months ago

    i've been reading (and downloading) the Mega Man stuff. it's pretty good so far. i need to finish.

  4. 3 months ago

    >Nowadays from what I'm seeing his perception as a comics writer is pretty split down the middle and controversial.
    This is more because he now has a bigger spotlight on him than he did during the Archie days. He was always "good" when compared to other writers that regularly worked on the comics/series, but when you significantly widen that horizon his work just comes across as middling.

    • 3 months ago

      He only ever worked in the context of Archie, where he was free to write glorified fanfiction. But even then he still had a ton of issues that people ignored out of fear of the comics going back to Penders. Now that he has to adhere to the actual canon he's struggling and falling back on his worst habits. It really makes me glad he never had a chance to work on Mario because good GOD it would be insufferable.

      This, Ian is the definition of "big fish, small pond".

  5. 3 months ago

    It's sad this little blue dude's legacy will mostly be from people measuring his power level. That likely didn't even read his seriese.

    • 3 months ago

      It's amazing how he had more personality smashing into the SEGA logo in the intro of S3&K than he does now as Preachy McBluespines.

    • 3 months ago

      I'll take power scaling nonsense flooding Archie discussion over the whole "Penders wrote and drew the entire book! Echidnas!" type of talk that has been going on for years

      • 3 months ago

        Good GOD no, power scale wanking is the death of conversation all together. Have you seen any given shonen thread on Cinemaphile? It's almost entirely spam, shitposts, and shitposty spam. The DBS generals especially make even THESE threads look sane.

        Sega may have mishandled this franchise to hell and back, but keeping those morons at bay by putting a hard cap on the power levels with Super Sonic was the one reasonable decision they've made.

        • 3 months ago

          90% of the DBS generals talk about cucking or pedoshit. Latest chapter dropped and I think Death Battle gen talked about it more.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah. If they actually read the series, then they would realize that Archie Sonic is usually less impressive than game Sonic because of how often he ends up with PIW and character shilling.

      • 3 months ago

        Every year the Ride shows people that Archie-Sonic really doesn't hold up to nostalgia, outside of the trainwreck factor.

        • 3 months ago

          I want the old Flynn back. He was a true creative powerhouse and I love his work. All of his new stuff is making people not see his legacy properly. More people need to read his run on Archie to see it. It's not perfect and it has some of his flaws that he has nowadays but it wasn't nearly the same way it is today.

          Now kiss.

        • 3 months ago

          I went and reread it and I hold it up in the same regard as some of my favorite series such as Dragon Ball and Naruto which also has their fair share of flaws

        • 3 months ago

          Nah it's still plenty enjoyable. You can definitely see the cracks start to form during the reboot though.
          We get some crying lesbians here and there
          Evan introduces a dogshit OC in the form of Gold who we thankfully only saw once

        • 3 months ago

          The Ride shows how much one moron rard can obsessive try to ruin other people's fun with his hatred of a dead property while everyone else recalls what they like or don't like from the runs, writers or characters

          • 3 months ago

            >only one person in the world doesn’t like muh Ian Flynn’s rancid shit run
            Holy frick get over yourself

            • 3 months ago

              There are multiples that do not like his writing but most of his Archie stuff is looked upon fondly.

            • 3 months ago

              Lol it's not that, there is this really pathetic homosexual who goes in the threads, whines about Sonic self inserts while being all oh whoa is Tails or saying how Sally should bang him or goes into gross detail about cucl stuff or whatever. Honestly people can dislike Archie or Flynn but don't be a twat loser about it, but you probably already know that

              • 3 months ago

                This. There is plenty of things to criticize Ian for, and I still love his run. But some people are way too terminally online, it's pathetic.

    • 3 months ago

      If the power-level shit was actual legitimate, Archie Sonic should've had 0 problems dealing with Eggman. Literally just defeat the guy and his entire empire by merely simply snapping his fingers. Hell, defeat any enemy in the comic by doing this.

    • 3 months ago

      Sonic's real legacy will always be it's music.

  6. 3 months ago

    He was at his best working with other people's concepts, sprinkling in some new elements, and somehow stringing them together in interesting ways. There was ample room to flesh out the world given how outlandish the contrast is between the archie continuities and whatever passes as Sonic game canon. Flynn is not nearly as strong with purely original concepts and is kneecapped when he can't play off limits game material.

  7. 3 months ago

    >Flynn sucks, therefore Penders was good!
    let's not go nuts here

    • 3 months ago

      I didn't say Flynn sucks nor did I say Penders was good. I was just thinking that people don't really seperate art from artist and if you look at it from a neutral perspective some of Penders's work isn't that bad and some of Ian's isn't that good. Still think Ian is the better writer of the two.

      • 3 months ago

        Penders is miserable to read, especially without a storytime crew to gawk at it with. But you do you.

  8. 3 months ago

    Muh mandates

  9. 3 months ago

    Wasn't he used as an example of how not to write comics in something?

    • 3 months ago

      I only hear this from schizo flynn haters, who don't get notable views on their youtube content.

  10. 3 months ago

    Sonic Universe was good. The main title issues that focused on the game characters were good. Even the X comic issues that Ian wrote were good. The uniting thread is that Ian is actually good when he's forced to stick to using the game characters in a licensed game comic. Everything falls off the rails the more OC shittery is added, especially now with how much fan interaction dominates their creative thought processes.

    • 3 months ago

      Explains why I enjoy the IDW classic spinoff comics more than the main run. There's basically no room for awkwardly-handled character arcs and crying OCs.

    • 3 months ago

      Huh? His most celebrated works involve the Freedom Fighters. Many of whom are technically game characters, but I suspect you don’t count them as such. Granted his Sonic X work was leagues better than the actual show, but that’s a very low bar.

      • 3 months ago

        >Many of whom are technically game characters
        Based on the critters in the capsules /= furrified OCs in their image. If it's not SoJ designed, it's non canon.

      • 3 months ago

        I'll give them a pass since they predate every game character other than Sonic, Tails, and Eggman, but the OCs I'm referring to are mostly the IDW ones, since IDW isn't allowed to use non-game characters besides their own. This also came up post-reboot Archie since a whole bunch of their OCs got wiped off the board and Ian responded to it by just creating a frick-ton more.

      • 3 months ago

        >Huh? His most celebrated works involve the Freedom Fighters.
        I'm actually going to call bullshit on that. Outside of that one Sonic/Bunnie two-parter, his most celebrated stories in Archie were ones where the Freedom Fighters were tangential and the focus was on the game characters.

  11. 3 months ago

    Is the Flynn hate existing outside twitter? In tumblr and other social medias I don't see that much of it in comparison.

    • 3 months ago

      People just like to complain more than they like to cheer. Multiple writers with multiple mandates and multiple restrictions means it's easy to point fingers at the writers who have been working longer and have bigger names, which makes them scapegoats for everything. It's like how dumb people think a president can be the one responsible for gas prices.

      • 3 months ago

        >It's like how dumb people think a president can be the one responsible for gas prices.
        bidengay detected

    • 3 months ago

      From what I remember, Tumblr fanbase for Sonic was already pretty small comparative to other sites, even before the porn ban. Archie Sonic was even more niche. Definitely not enough to attract haters to it.

  12. 3 months ago

    The truth is simple: Sonic was never suppose to be Archie, IDW, Sonic Adventure-Frontiers, and ever since Sonic 2/CD he was doomed to being dogshit because SEGA were never made of people that knew how to make a long term IP that made sense. Even DB, the very thing Sonic is stolen from most, is now a clusterfrick of moronation. It was just destined to fail trying to go for a format about growth and development.

  13. 3 months ago

    Give me back my fricking Archie characters.

    • 3 months ago

      They're gone

      • 3 months ago

        I dont like this edit at all

        • 3 months ago

          It should have Sega's logo instead of Penders.

      • 3 months ago

        not yet https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tzJBq-fPrF4

  14. 3 months ago

    If Ian Flynn was a great writer Drogune would have a big audience.

    • 3 months ago

      There are plenty of great works that go unrecognized. Also different writers have different strengths. I think Ian is at his best when its an established universe with elements to remix and re use and has a skillset more aligned to that rather than coming up with original stories.

    • 3 months ago

      It constantly going on hiatus, having poor advertising/release timing (I don't know where you can buy it unless you go directly to Ian's store page), and character designs that weren't streamlined until years later really hampered it.

  15. 3 months ago

    Did Penders ever release his Lara-Su thing?

    • 3 months ago

      No, but he's selling a book collecting the Mobius 20 Years Later stuff into a sort of prequel book which I guess he's somehow legally able to use even though it has actual Sega characters in it

    • 3 months ago

      It is a total grift from how I understand it... Or so I thought when I was typing this. Holy shit it is actually set to come out in July, currently taking pre-orders for a $36 Hardcover.

      • 3 months ago

        Thats only old Archie issues, at that.

      • 3 months ago

        I mean it's still a grift, he's been doing this "my new stuff is coming out really soon" shit for like 12 years now and all he's putting out is reprints of his old stories. Penders never actually wanted to do anything with his OCs, what he wanted was for Archie to cave and pay him royalties for his characters and stories. That gambit failed and while he got the rights to his stuff he can't coast on it and let Archie or another company use them, now that the only way to make money off his work is to actually produce content he's just going to keep dragging his feet.

  16. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I can't help but wonder what it was that suddenly got everybody to collectively turn against Ian today. It came out of nowhere.

      • 3 months ago

        ABT is worse with him forcing his OC into the comic, at least the Shadow mandates actually do something good for once and protect him from Lanolin.

      • 3 months ago

        Man people have been complaining about Ian since the Metal Virus arc dragged on, and it started getting really loud with Frontiers.

      • 3 months ago

        Simply put, people carrypicked his "best traits" only for those traits to be decades old shit that doesn't reflect his headspace today on how he does things, while also revealing a lot of his headspace is soulless nostalgiapandering of the Adventure era with zero actual talent and self awareness to how to implement such shit in a way that even remotely comes off as organic and nature to how the games would do story telling in the first place.

        If I knew his form of "content" is dangling keys over shitty fanwank references that just tells the audiences "REMEMBER WHEN SONIC WAS BAD ASS AND COOL AND HAD GOOD GAMES YOU PLAYED AS A KID??????" and the overdone lyric as fricking dialogue shit he does as well, then I'd never shill for him just because Pontraff triggered the frick out of the 2000s gaybase. Fact is a real writer that actually knows how to make stories worth shit regardless if Sonic is the topic is who people should have been looking for.

        • 3 months ago

          I want the old Flynn back. He was a true creative powerhouse and I love his work. All of his new stuff is making people not see his legacy properly. More people need to read his run on Archie to see it. It's not perfect and it has some of his flaws that he has nowadays but it wasn't nearly the same way it is today.

          • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            >I want the old Flynn back. He was a true creative powerhouse and I love his work.
            What is your opinion of Drogune? What do you think of New Crusaders? Did you read his Rivals of Aether?

            • 3 months ago

              I didn't read any of it but it depends on the differing writing styles he's had over different eras. If it's closer to the one he had in Archie maybe I will like it.

              • 3 months ago

                My point is I see some fans be overly superlative about Ian's writing in general when what they mean is "I really liked what he did in Archie Sonic, in a specific moment in time, in specific". It sounds pedantic but it matters, because you're not going to understand him and why people react to his writing if you don't understand his writing in general- how do you know it's his writing you like and not his editing? How do you know what you like isn't his ability to edit other people's work, and his actual writing style is incidental to that? Can you like his writing when Archie Sonic is removed from the equation? If not, then you might start to understand what people dislike in his writing in Sonic too.

              • 3 months ago

                It’s easy to target a figurehead. If Stanley didn’t draw good feets, everyone would hate her, too.

              • 3 months ago

                You give Flynn haters too much credit.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm giving both haters and fans too much credit, which is insane. You'd expect at least the fans to have bothered to read more of the man's work

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah because Ian's work only encapsulates Sonic and Drogune.

            • 3 months ago

              Good base concept, too focused on franchising, no core motivation. Adam unironically came up with a ton of better ideas for the reboot to the point that I wonder why Ian is even part of it.
              >New Crusaders
              The most boring superhero comics this side of dropped Spider-Man Unlimited (the book, not the show) plotlines.
              Probably his absolute worst work. I have no idea what he thinks he's doing. Dungeons was awful.

              You didn't mention, but
              Terrible when he thought he had years. Great when he realized he actually just had a few issues.

              >Mega Man
              Adaptations: God awful.
              X stuff: God awful.
              Incidental stories: Decent to great.

              Ian is his own worst enemy. He holds himself back by being too rigid and not just operating on vibes.

            • 3 months ago

              I had no idea Dungeons of Aether came out s year ago.

      • 3 months ago

        Most Cinemaphile posters don't go into the Ride threads that are known for their occasional (sometimes very unhealty) Ian simping.

        • 3 months ago

          Constant. Archiegays are all terminally online manchildren with zero standards. I’ve seen several of them on their faux-gay general admit they’re in their 40s

          • 3 months ago

            I'm 21 and all I wanna do is just have fun with the silly and shitty le blue hedgehog comic, is that so bad?

            • 3 months ago

              You'll get your discount Freedom Fighter drama and you'll like it.

              • 3 months ago

                Why is Lanolin such a b***h??

              • 3 months ago

                Because she feels its her responsibility to do what the "heroes" won't and actually do something serious about all the problems Eggman and other villains cause.

                Because she has to deal with Tangle's ADHD and Whisper's trauma on a regular basis.

                Because she's trying to act like a soldier in a job nobody asked her to take.

              • 3 months ago

                So… what? Is she going to be a huge Surge simp since the latter was introduced being buttmad that she got mindraped by Starline because Sonic never killed Eggman, or are all these characters a mixed bag of dropped plot sign posts?

              • 3 months ago

                Lanolin would probably favor Surge's approach of actually trying to finish off her enemies instead of just letting them live to terrorize innocent people another day.

              • 3 months ago

                is there porn of them together

              • 3 months ago


                All of it futa.

              • 3 months ago


                I mean gay haha

              • 3 months ago

                Surge only seems to like Whisper, Sonic's friends, and ironically enough Sonic.
                Also I'm pretty sure her wanting Sonic to kill his enemies was dropped as when Evan was writing her she's given monumental amounts of wiener lust and obsession over Sonic and it's not even brought up in issue 67, which Ian did write.

              • 3 months ago

                She has to work with Tangle and Whisper, anyone would be irritable in such a situation. Doesn't excuse her existence in the first place but that's how ABT sees her character,
                Best case scenario is that she gets killed by Mimic so we never have to see her annoying ass ever again, the only reason people like her in the first place is due to being a coombait titcow.

              • 3 months ago

                I kinda relate to Lanolin just this one page cause everyone has moments where they are stressed and want quiet n relaxation but someone is talking about shit you don’t care for and don’t want to hear in the moment

              • 3 months ago

                Ian, go take a good vacation. Go to Hawaii or something. You need rest.

                Why is Lanolin such a b***h??

                Because she is the new pre-Ian Geoffrey.

          • 3 months ago

            Eh? How can that be? Archiechads are among the few Sonic fans who might reject Sega’s awful slop. “Moderngays” and “Classicgays” just slurp it right up and ask no questions. You can even find them revising history, trying to pretend Heroes, Unleashed, 06 and Shadow are under appreciated gems rather than pure reeking dogshit.

            No, Archiechads and other GenesisGODS are the only people associated with this franchise that have any claim to standards, taste or dignity.

            • 3 months ago

              >archie’s self-insert ntr cuckshit
              >standards, taste, dignity
              Oh god you had me for a second there, anon

            • 3 months ago

              Archiechads? The same people who refuse to let go of their garbage tier OCs just because they got their first boner to Sally Acorn? LOL

          • 3 months ago

            >zero standards
            You're not wrong, I'd let (you) call me daddy 😉

            • 3 months ago

              It seriously takes a sheltered autistic Archiegay to think calling themselves a gay wiener guzzler in public is somehow a sick own

              • 3 months ago

                You're not saying no though

              • 3 months ago

                I'm saying yes - that Sonic self-inserters are wiener-guzzling homosexuals.

              • 3 months ago

                >I'm saying yes
                Message received! Hit me up and I'll rock your world 😉

              • 3 months ago

                Archiegays being mentally-challenged homogays just like on every thread
                This is also why they simp for shit-tier fanfic writers like Ian


                Why do Archie-haters get so pissed about other people liking a comic? Are they really all just Tailsgays mindbroken by Fiona?

              • 3 months ago

                Noone likes simps. You'd get the same response being a homosexual trying to white knight Bendis or Joe Quesada's shite.
                Noone likes gays and troons either so that's a weird angle to try and position yourself as.

              • 3 months ago

                Bro, why are you getting so angry? No one here is seriously into the cuck arc, you are just taking the bait and/or getting angry for no good reason, making yourself look like a mentally ill, terminally online twitter user. Don’t you have something better to do, like deleting our replies and non-ride threads? Oh wait… you can’t do that anymore, can you?

                We’re gonna enjoy watching you seethe more than ever from here on out.

            • 3 months ago

              You're not saying no though

              >I'm saying yes
              Message received! Hit me up and I'll rock your world 😉

              Archiegays being mentally-challenged homogays just like on every thread
              This is also why they simp for shit-tier fanfic writers like Ian

              • 3 months ago


                You know, a good pounding would cure (you) of your neurosis 😉

              • 3 months ago

                Sadly I heard he was super into cuckoldry, he'd just watch in the corner instead of participating so you are out of luck there buddy

              • 3 months ago

                lmao, I'd forgot about that! Such a pity, with an attitude like that he'll never get a partner for me to plap on his behalf ;_;

      • 3 months ago

        It's been going for a while.
        As for what happended?
        While Ian was working on Archie Sonic, he was only exposing himself to the group who even cared about a specific side continuity comic.
        IDW was not only a jumping on point for people afraid of big numbers, but it's closer ties to the games and the boasting about how it was canon opened it to scrutiny from a much bigger chunk of Sonic fans.
        And then Ian started showing up in a shit ton of non-comic media in some role before straight up getting to write the games. And setting himself up as some sort of 'loremaster' for the games.
        Did some people turn against Ian? Probably. But I think a big chunk of it is people who wouldn't have liked him in the first place being exposed to him.

        • 3 months ago

          I’m fine with him being a lore master if his job was quality control instead of writing. I’m not fine with needing to justify every single thing and being in a position to, for example, have Tails monologue about his apparent personality inconsistencies, when it makes more sense to totally ignore contradictory elements entirely.

          • 3 months ago

            Wasn't the Encyclospeedia filled with errors too?

            • 3 months ago

              For a long time there was absolutely no quality control on forums, fandoms, and wikis. Even today you’re likely to find fan theories that are listed as canon fact, like Gerald thinking of creating the Ultimate Lifeform based on the mural in the Hidden Palace, or that the Biolizard looks like Perfect Chaos not because it’s an oversized salamander, but because Gerald planned for that, too.

          • 3 months ago

            >when it makes more sense to totally ignore contradictory elements entirely
            And then you get people whining still.

        • 3 months ago

          I think that his work on Archie is better than his work on IDW

        • 3 months ago

          Also excerpts from his podcast have exposed a lot of really dumb takes and lack of knowledge he has on many topics

          • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago

              Well people got mad at him when he said they should get rid of the Sol Dimension
              He didn't know that Sonic gets stronger and faster as stated in Sonic Battle and Sonic Colors
              Stuff like that seems to happen every other week on his podcast.

              • 3 months ago

                >He didn't know that Sonic gets stronger and faster as stated in Sonic Battle and Sonic Colors

              • 3 months ago

                The Phantom Ruby ignores universal laws, except when the plot demands Infinite lose.

              • 3 months ago

                Which is exactly why I don't understand why anyone cares about powerscaling in this series.

                It's powers are literally illussions
                For all we know Infinite was always standing a few feet to the side.

                Which is why Silver and Sonic are able to hit him later?

              • 3 months ago

                The Phantom Ruby ignores universal laws, except when the plot demands Infinite lose.

                It's powers are literally illussions
                For all we know Infinite was always standing a few feet to the side.

              • 3 months ago

                To be fair, the Sol Dimension might as well not exist. We have less world building for it than we do for the world of Sonic, which is saying a lot because the main world already has sandcastle world building. I don't know if I would campaign for its removal, but from a writing stand point I could see wanting to free up Blaze to participate in the plot more.
                As for the Sonic getting stronger aspect, that's honestly fine to not remember because Sonic is already very nebulously strong and fast, so him getting faster without a demonstration is kinda meaningless.

              • 3 months ago

                Specifically, his idea was merging Blaze's planet with Sonic's. So all the locations would still exist, just part of the same planet.

              • 3 months ago

                That seems pretty pointless given how Sonic's planet is rarely consistent to begin with.

              • 3 months ago

                Which just emphasizes the point there is nothing special about Blaze's dimension that keeping it separate serves a purpose.

              • 3 months ago

                It's just an excuse to justify the Sol Emeralds' existence.

              • 3 months ago

                Just examples. These kinda things happen pretty regularly on his podcast. All of his takes on Silver really really fricking wrong and he apparently knows very little about the character when writing him but if I get into that the Silver haters will chime up and I don't wanna deal with that.

              • 3 months ago

                >As for the Sonic getting stronger aspect, that's honestly fine to not remember because Sonic is already very nebulously strong and fast, so him getting faster without a demonstration is kinda meaningless.
                You're missing the point, it's not that Sonic is getting stronger/power scaling/whatever it's that Ian keeps making definitive statements like that without knowing these things, creating misconceptions and digging a hole for himself because he can't help but run his mouth.

              • 3 months ago

                Sometimes it feels like Ian's shooting himself in the foot. It's sad to see and I hope he eventually learns from his mistakes

              • 3 months ago

                >I hope he eventually learns from his mistakes

                After years of inciting fandom rages thanks to his Bumblekasts, I don't think he can do either.

        • 3 months ago

          Game purists never wanted Ian to touch the games and he was going to be in for it the moment he did. His reputation in the Sonic comic community though also started to get shaky when he revealed Sally and Nicole were planned to be a possible couple in the Nu-Archie universe. People started to accuse him of pushing “propaganda”, the accusation made worse in IDW with Tangle and Whisper.

          But all in and all, people mostly just liked him for his early Archie stuff because he looked miles better compared to past writers like Penders which really boosted his mediocrity. Once Archie died, people really started to notice the flaws of Ian's writing which always existed, but are now very noticeable the more he gets put in the forefront like your post is saying.

      • 3 months ago

        People have been sick of him for a while. Fans don't like him shilling lesbians, his terribly paced and padded out story arcs that go no where, and the fact his Sonic morally lectures people like Superman. Seriously, Sonic is supposed to be a guy who speaks with his actions and acts before he thinks. Instead we get issue after issue of Sonic going on moral lectures about forgiveness and redemption. I'm not asking for Sonic to act like he does in StC or OVA, but at least try to write him in character.

        • 3 months ago

          The saddest part is the that the best Sonic we recently had was the Sonic that bullied Surge so hard she had a mental breakdown. If it had ended with him beating the shit out of her and telling her that “Eggman makes his choices and you make yours, and I’ll treat you both how you deserve to be treated,” that would have been sexy as all hell. Trying to make her sympathetic (like how Frontiers tried to make Eggman sympathetic) was the wrong move.

          Sympathetic villains require heroes who sympathize. Sonic is a borderline anarchist butthole who just wants to be left alone and gets his kicks out of rebelling against authority… which is also why something like the Restoration as anything more than a relief effort should be a huge turn off for him.

          • 3 months ago

            Stop posting and get back to work Evan.

          • 3 months ago

            You have to understand that even most Surge fans, who aren't a majority in the first place, aren't ryona brained coomers like you, and WANT Surge to be a serious rival, not a weepy punching bag for the supposed hero.
            That's a very niche implementation of the character.

            • 3 months ago

              I don’t want her to STAY a punch bag. She’s green (figuratively) with a massive chip on her shoulder and got bodied like the rookie she is. I despise her loss at the workshop, I hate the Dynamo Cage, and I hate that at no point will she ever go Power Surge.

              What I am explicitly saying is that I don’t want Sonic to feel bad for her, because in his mind she chose to be a bad guy like Eggman. I don’t want Sonic to sympathize with any villains. That was the entire conceit of the post you replied to, because -that- post was agreeing that Sonic shouldn’t preach like Superman.

              • 3 months ago

                While I agree Sonic isn't some superman type boy scout, he also doesn't take any particular issue with people who try to kill him and he was completely fine with Metal when they defeated him during heroes and during SA2 didnt seem to hate Shadow despite their rivalry and Shadow trying to end the world.
                Unless he has a specific reason to hate Surge he'll probably treat her like any other person who tries to kill him, which is to say casually and almost friendly the entire time.

              • 3 months ago

                I can see why you would think that I want Sonic to hate Surge, but I don’t want that, either. I’m an old man. SA2 Sonic is peak Sonic for me for two lines:
                >What you see is what you get! I’m just a hedgehog that loves adventure.
                >Well! You’ve become a big-time villain, doctor!

                It was like I was falling in love with the Sonic franchise again when Sonic was treating Surge like a plaything. He’s at his best when he’s confident and smug. I just want that feeling again, and after typing this all out, I realize that I’m just as bad as everyone else, chasing a high that I can’t have anymore.

              • 3 months ago

                >I don’t want Sonic to sympathize with any villains.

          • 3 months ago

            That's around where I checked out of IDW. I agree with that's how it should of went, and yeah Sonic is more of an "anarchist" or "force of nature" type character than trying to rebuild furry democracy or whatever is going on. Like a lot of fans with complaints I'm just sick of other fans treating Ian as uncriticizable because of mandates or "he's one of us who got his dream job!". You could have cool moments with Surge still in her villain arc fighting Shadow. I think Shadow would care more about redemption or change than Sonic but he would also be way more brutal than Sonic.

            • 3 months ago

              The saddest part is the that the best Sonic we recently had was the Sonic that bullied Surge so hard she had a mental breakdown. If it had ended with him beating the shit out of her and telling her that “Eggman makes his choices and you make yours, and I’ll treat you both how you deserve to be treated,” that would have been sexy as all hell. Trying to make her sympathetic (like how Frontiers tried to make Eggman sympathetic) was the wrong move.

              Sympathetic villains require heroes who sympathize. Sonic is a borderline anarchist butthole who just wants to be left alone and gets his kicks out of rebelling against authority… which is also why something like the Restoration as anything more than a relief effort should be a huge turn off for him.

              The majority of that was Evan so...

              • 3 months ago

                >people blaming things evan did on ian
                It keeps happening

              • 3 months ago

                Some people still refuse to believe he hasn't been head writer since the end of MV.

              • 3 months ago

                Like for real, current thing he's doing is that fang thing lmao.

              • 3 months ago

                Evan could use a lot of work, but I feel her stuff's been better. Those Blaze backups late last year Ian did were terrible.

              • 3 months ago

                >I feel her stuff's been better
                Oh yeah? Like what? I never see anyone talk about her stories except to complain.

              • 3 months ago

                The Chao Race arc was a decent start. The VR arc sucked. People like shitting on the camping arc, but only the first issue was bad. Her Surge material was strong, even if people b***h about her being a "jobber." The Egg City arc she co-wrote with Ian was abysmal. The Lanolin/Duo story is mediocre, but better than Ian's Blaze stories. Her Cream two parter was really good. The Salmamder story is goofy and could have used a bit more weirdness, but was a fun little story.

                She could be better, but she's usually middling. Most of Ian's stuff on IDW is actively bad. The Classic stuff's been ok, but damn is the rest terrible.

              • 3 months ago

                >Her Surge material was strong
                Now I know you're taking the piss

              • 3 months ago

                >Her Surge material was strong, even if people b***h about her being a "jobber."
                What about her character is ""strong""? b***h has no personal history, her backstory revolves around a dead character and her motive is effectively to just make Sonic look good because it's an effectively unachievable task for her paygrade. We also didn't need a third "woe is me" weepy female OC. Surge might be a neat concept but her execution is weak and her continued presence doesn't feel like it has much potential with how she's already been treated.

              • 3 months ago

                I think Evan's first three issues of her four issue Surge arc are really fun, engaging comics that mixed fun antics with some character exploration. Last one was a bit repetitive, but the first three could have been the entirety of Surge's presence prior to joining the resistance and the comic would arguably be better for it.

              • 3 months ago

                I dunno, I just really am not impressed with her and Kit's dynamic. Even her fans don't seem to be into it.

              • 3 months ago

                Kit seems to be an after thought which is a shame, all he does is act as a plot device to get Surge where Evan wants, he'll probably be the villain she faces off against to prove that she'll fully switched sides.

              • 3 months ago

                What’s wrong with his Blaze stories?

              • 3 months ago

                Nothing ever happens in them. Even worse, they made her universe become even more underdeveloped when he decided to write off all the pirates that were in it.

              • 3 months ago

                Pirates in rush adventure pretty much got wiped anyway tho.

              • 3 months ago

                We still had some potential for any pirates that were left to still show up, but Ian just decided to have the story explicitly say how all of them were wiped out and that Blaze should just go to Sonic's universe since there's nothing to do in her world anymore.

              • 3 months ago

                >when he decided to write off all the pirates that were in it
                Sega did that

              • 3 months ago

                >Wow Sonic, we sure are in Spagonia, now let me exposit about my current situation for six pages.
                It's not even a story.

              • 3 months ago

                Personally I blame ABT.

              • 3 months ago

                >people blaming things evan did on ian
                It keeps happening

                Mind redpilling me on Evan? I live under a rock.

              • 3 months ago

                She wants Surge and Sonic to frick.
                Also she's a foot gay.

              • 3 months ago

                Started as an regular artist on the Archie comics in the preboot during Ian's run. Wrote one Silver arc in the reboot. Got picked up again for the IDW comic as an artist and was picked by editorial to be head writer after the Metal Virus arc ended and continues to be since while occasionally still doing the art.

              • 3 months ago

                Evan is also anti-hetero and can't NOT include LGBT themes in her work. This extends to putting homoerotic subtext in Sonic and Shadow's interactions and trying to introduce LGBT characters under the radar.

              • 3 months ago

                She's a coomer, and definitely wants Shadows and Sonic to frick, but I'd say that's more up to her general coomer fujo tendencies.
                Just look at how she writes and draws Surge, womans just horny.

              • 3 months ago

                >Just look at how she writes and draws Surge

                I don't get what A has to do with B.

                Unless you're buying into the fan autism that Surge wants to frick Sonic, in which case, that's a really bad look there.

              • 3 months ago

                So I cite how she draws Surge and Sonic when the fight, I'm calling her a general weirdo coomer, which I think she is, and give an example of what I think is her being that.
                Not to mention she's also drawn Shadow and Rouge.

              • 3 months ago

                Your pic related's ABT.

              • 3 months ago

                Sorry, here's a better picture, I need to sort my Surge folder better.

              • 3 months ago

                >Evan is also anti-hetero
                She tried putting sonamy moments into the comic, though? Sega forced her to redo one of them because Sonic was blushing.

  17. 3 months ago
  18. 3 months ago


    I'd hit it.

    With a brick.

    • 3 months ago

      Shut up, Boco

  19. 3 months ago

    Ian Flynn isn't an incredible writer, but he's infinitely better than the Meta era sonic writers could ever hope to be.
    I'll take references and member berries over excuse plots with next to zero continuity between them.

  20. 3 months ago

    To be fair, I have no idea how much SEGA keeps him under mandates. Apparently they rewrote Frontiers for the Japanese dub because they didn't like Ian's takes on things? I am not totally sure on that front, but for me it would read that SEGA might end up doing another East-West split of canon. Perhaps more subtlety, but that just ends up more annoying for the nittygritty details of worldbuilding.

    Also regarding Penders, he isn't that bad overall but he draws really hard from Cape Comics. That caused a lot of total disconnect and massive variance between what characters get shown doing and what they can actually do.

  21. 3 months ago

    >I don't know why it happened or what's going on but his newer storylines are blander and less creative than his older ones.
    He got cucked out of two comic universes. He had big plans and they all went to shit so now he sticks to small sol stuff

  22. 3 months ago


    You can’t be a super fanatic without having fanatical tendencies.

  23. 3 months ago


    Yeah I used to argue with the guy and take the bait but he is just sad and not worth even trying to insult cause he does a good enough job of to himself, have to wonder if he actually is a tails fan cause all he does is make people like the character or people who like the character less honestly

  24. 3 months ago

    Who is your favourite completely C-List character? someone who isn't a game character of significance or one of the massive fan faves or major players from the comics/shows. For me it is Mordred Hood cause he is a reptile which are criminally underused in Sonic and his drsign incorporates him being a cobra in a fun way with his posing or him using a robot shell to cope for being a boop rope, plus like how much of a smug smarmy prick he is then instantly a seething serpent once things go wrong

    • 3 months ago

      I admit it, I did think Rob was cool.

      They just never did anything good with him.

      • 3 months ago

        Funny he was meant to be In the arc that showed of the snake but the pendering happened and so was replaced with Bow, shame as Hood and him having this banter woulda been fun

      • 3 months ago

        They weren’t able to do anything with him in the end, he was supposed to show up right before the reboot and Amy’s royal lineage was to be explored further. They couldn’t show Rob again because of Penders

    • 3 months ago

      Jun Kun I like him because he is strong and honorable

      • 3 months ago

        They were gonna do a zodiac of cyborgs like him but never got to that before reboot, Jun is fun in how much of a blunt instrument and honour autist he is

    • 3 months ago

      Probably the alternate angry version of Lara-Su. It was nice how this arc actually gave pay-off to that one old story that initially seemed to go nowhere. I liked how her past was such a sore topic that she took a new name and refused to acknowledge her connection with her father until her very last line. Her dynamics with Silver were fun, too.

    • 3 months ago

      Sonic's dad was based.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah made Scourge cry like a b***h then made Naugus leave his house seething about Sonic's infuriating heroic nature bring genetic

    • 3 months ago

      Not a Pendersgay tho but she can get it

  25. 3 months ago

    I think they should just keep Flynn on games and kick Evan off main writer entirely and give the spot to Daniel Barnes. His work on Scrapnik Island was phenominal

  26. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      you're in a thread about archie.

      • 3 months ago

        You must be new, because otherwise you would have noticed who came to ruin the thread and is represented by Sherman in pic related

  27. 3 months ago

    >I think Ian Flynn is not making as good work as he used to
    See the pic you are using for your OP. In it, Sonic lose. One of his most terrible defeat. Back in the day, Ian was allowed to do that. Not anymore.

    • 3 months ago

      He literally wins again the issue right after. He was allowed to do more losses in Metal Virus than in this. I'm starting to think Ian fans don't actually read what he writes

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, the hero lose to win again, you are not making a point, there.

        • 3 months ago

          My point is anon's acting like Sega won't allow that to happen any more when it literally has.

          He never got his win back against the Egg Beater, his friends had to take it on.

          Metal Virus is kind of a strange situation because technically he never loses any fights but he’s always facing setbacks and not saving the day.
          The Surge and Mecha Sonic fights are pretty cut and dry examples of the guy never being allowed to lose. He was injured in those battles and he still somehow ends up winning.

          His friends take it on in two pages. It's the same as Metal Virus or any other overall confrontation in IDW- Sonic or the heroes can lose, so long as it's obvious they'll win after. 175 gets held as this lost standard when it's the most obvious example of it.

          • 3 months ago

            His friends take it on because it was designed to be a Sonic-buster, not a Freedom Fighter-buster. It remains undefeated against Sonic.

            • 3 months ago

              You can write it off however you want, it's still an anticlimatic end to a big threat and shows the same formula as anything else - heroes get to have losses so long as they're temporary setbacks.

              • 3 months ago

                >it's still an anticlimatic end to a big threat
                It absolutely isn't. What the actual frick?

      • 3 months ago

        He never got his win back against the Egg Beater, his friends had to take it on.

        Metal Virus is kind of a strange situation because technically he never loses any fights but he’s always facing setbacks and not saving the day.
        The Surge and Mecha Sonic fights are pretty cut and dry examples of the guy never being allowed to lose. He was injured in those battles and he still somehow ends up winning.

    • 3 months ago

      Because Sonic in Archie isn't the main character, the Freedom homosexual OCs are.
      Jap media never lets the MC lose, ever. If they do, even for a second, they always "find their inner power" and save the day. Always.

      If you don't like that, you are anti Japanese and thus anti Sonic.

      • 3 months ago

        >Because Sonic in Archie isn't the main character,
        He definitely is.

        • 3 months ago

          It depends on the arc and the writer, but while Sonic is usually a main player, he usually isn't the one to pull off a win or big plays. Knuckles, Tails, and Sally all get this prophecy type stuff to contend with while Sonic is mostly unspecial.

          • 3 months ago

            SatAM was the same way, except Sally was the actual main character while Sonic was more of a weapon.

          • 3 months ago

            Archie Sonic pulls off every single win all by himself, he's such a shameless gary stu that 175 became famous because for once in his life the comic stopped sucking him off for 5 seconds. The only "big win" Tails ever was involved with was that awful johnny bravo story, and I don't even know what you mean by Sally since she failed at fricking everything. Maybe you mean her bumping a jetski into Mogul's head? Every time Sally was involved she usually ends up crying about how useless she is, faux dying or needing to be rescued.

            • 3 months ago

              He's not a gary stu he has flaws

              • 3 months ago

                Lol no he doesn't, at the end of the comic he's the same as he started and hasn't had to fix or improve anything about himself at all.
                They even did that awful fanfic trope where the gary stu mc plays a cringy guitar in front of his house and everybody in town claps for him.

              • 3 months ago

                and the one where they do a cliffhanger where the mc rides a motorcycle off a cliff. And the one where his "bad" self wears a leather jacket like they think they don't look moronic. Now that I think about it archie had a lot of awful fanfic tropes

              • 3 months ago

                It depends on what you're looking for in a series on whether those tropes are good or bad

              • 3 months ago

                Then you haven't noticed how through Ian's writing he has a character arc and slowly becomes more humble with time, culminating in his darkest hour during the Mecha Sally arc, where after he gets past it, he's never as mean to anybody as he was before.

              • 3 months ago

                >and slowly becomes more humble with time
                No fricking way you're this deluded. Archie Sonic's just as much an arrogant spoiled narcissist at the end of Ian's run as he is at the start. He never had a single moment of humility, he's vain as fricking can be

              • 3 months ago

                >he has a character arc and slowly becomes more humble with time
                no??? What fancomic have you been reading

              • 3 months ago

                Sonic late preboot is never as much of a jerk as he was around 160-180 and is nicer generally speaking and much closer in demeanor to game Sonic. It was a gradual change I think. Sonic becomes very similar to his game counterpart after the reboot.

              • 3 months ago

                His demeanour is the exact same late preboot, he constantly sucks himself off and is obsessed with himself. He's also a jerk to others, especially Amy, he never changed that.
                Reboot probably yeah, that was a change but a change by literal reboot.

              • 3 months ago

                Well I don't agree. But I think this was an intention decision by Ian since he reportedly agreed on his podcast that preboot Sonic was a jerk and hard for him to write. I actually like preboot Sonic a lot. So it would make sense that he would eventually try to write him more like his game counterpart, through character development. Can you give examples of Sonic being a jerk during after the middle part of the Mecha Sally arc, because I can't remmeber any in particular.

              • 3 months ago

                Can you give any examples of Sonic losing or being humiliated for being such a vain butthole? He got showered with rewards and praise at every single junction for being vain and self-centred. Mecha Sally was literally the very end of preboot, if he never experiences any loss or humiliation then he never learnt his lesson about anything, he just stopped being written like that by the writer at the very end of preboot. That's not an arc, and that's not a flaw, that's just a writing style.

              • 3 months ago

                He got beat up by Tails, and he lost the first fight against the Iron Dominion for being too hasty and got chewed out by Monkey Khan about it, yeah maybe there's more but I kind of forgot

              • 3 months ago

                He beat up Tails back, and didn't even struggle in their fight, he's too much of a Gary Stu self-insert to even lose a fight after he humiliated Tails. If he actually suffered then he would've lost and tasted some humble pie, but he doesn't lose because he's a writer's self-insert gary stu.
                And Sonic literally soloed the Iron Dominion. The arc even started with a goddamn concert being held in his honor and him being given a medal.

              • 3 months ago

                >And Sonic literally soloed the Iron Dominion.
                He absolutely did not. He constantly got pushed back by their overwhelming numbers. There was an entire Sonic Universe story arc hammering that point in where Monkey Khan and Sally have to dismantle their army through diplomatic means.

              • 3 months ago

                where Sonic does. That entire arc does nothing but constantly suck Sonic off. "The Bat Clan surrender because they're so intimidated by Sonic's incredible power." "The Conquering Storm clan surrender because Sonic's so amazing he humiliates their strongest warrior without even trying." "The Destructix come back and Fiona constantly sucks off how handsome and attractive Sonic is because Ian can't help but suck Sonic off some more".

              • 3 months ago

                classic mary sue shit. That arc even STARTS with Sonic having to rescue Sally and Tails after they got captured and tied up somehow offscreen.

              • 3 months ago

                That's just because Sonics a strong character you wouldnt call Superman a gary stu

              • 3 months ago

                Don't even dare compare your shitty hedgehog self-insert to Superman you fricking twat. Every single great Superman story he loses, and is driven low, and changes and grows and develops himself.
                >Superman for all Seasons
                >Must there be a Superman?
                >Kingdom Come
                >Death of Superman
                >All Star Superman
                >Man of Steel
                >Red Son
                >For the Man who has Everything

                Superman is a strong character because he has an actual character, and a layered personality, and loses, and is humiliated, and grows and overcomes himself.
                Sonic's a 1-dimensional Gary Stu corporate mascot who only exists for the entire setting to suck him off while he shits on every other character to make himself look good.

              • 3 months ago

                He was less a corporate mascot in the Archie Comics and he is not a gary stu

              • 3 months ago

                He's a constant gary stu and shits on every character to make himself look good. Even collects a personal harem just by cucking every other character.
                Archie Sonic is the worst written gary stu to ever disgrace the comic medium.

              • 3 months ago

                Also I haven't read any Superman comics but I'm reading Flash walley west run right now and started with 164 vol 2 because the art was too bad in Waid's run the coloring was so flat and ugly looking. I like stories focusing on speedsters and I wanted to see what the whole fuss around superhero comics was.

              • 3 months ago

                Ian would pop a blood vessel if Sonic were humbled the kind of ways Superman always is. This is what happens to Superman when Batman is just jealous that he grew old while Clark is immortal. Compare that to Sonic who shits on and cucks every other character every single story just to artificially make himself seem the coolest.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh so you didn't even read this one then.

              • 3 months ago

                Did you? Bruce beat up Superman to feel better about himself when he fakes his death, he has a whole internal monologue going "Yeah THAT'S how it feels to be old like me, Clark. Frick you." Superman was never in on it, he found out at the cemetery by accident.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh is the capeshit fan gonna cry that someone compared a face character to a face character?

              • 3 months ago

                …”face character”?
                What’s with these weird terms archiegays invent to mental-gymnastics their way into pretending Sonic is deep and not just a shit shallow gary stu powerfantasy?

              • 3 months ago

                We know, Fartchiebro.

              • 3 months ago

                Don't even dare compare your shitty hedgehog self-insert to Superman you fricking twat. Every single great Superman story he loses, and is driven low, and changes and grows and develops himself.
                >Superman for all Seasons
                >Must there be a Superman?
                >Kingdom Come
                >Death of Superman
                >All Star Superman
                >Man of Steel
                >Red Son
                >For the Man who has Everything

                Superman is a strong character because he has an actual character, and a layered personality, and loses, and is humiliated, and grows and overcomes himself.
                Sonic's a 1-dimensional Gary Stu corporate mascot who only exists for the entire setting to suck him off while he shits on every other character to make himself look good.

                the actual delusion it takes for a sonic archiegay to think their cuckshit fanfic is comparable to an icon like Superman

              • 3 months ago

                >The Bat Clan surrender because they're so intimidated by Sonic's incredible power."
                That never happens. Khan convinces them to abandon the Dominion so they can become free bandits.
                >"The Conquering Storm clan surrender because Sonic's so amazing he humiliates their strongest warrior without even trying."
                Sonic beats the simp lynx but that’s not why they surrender. Conquering Storm finds a win-win scenario duel. Also LMAO at Lightning Lynx being their strongest warrior.
                >"The Destructix come back and Fiona constantly sucks off how handsome and attractive Sonic is because Ian can't help but suck Sonic off some more"
                I don’t remember her doing that. I do remember her calling Tails handsome though, which you’ll probably not accept for some reason.

              • 3 months ago

                >That never happens
                Kys, the shit comic can't take a single issue break from sucking off the gary stu
                >Sonic beats the simp lynx but that’s not why they surrender
                They surrender because they wanted to decide by duel and Sonic onesidedly beat him up.
                And Lightning factually was named as their greatest champion, he's considered weak by sonic self-inserters because Sonic the shitty Gary Stu wasn't allowed to even struggle in their fight so the comic could suck him off again
                >I don’t remember her doing that
                Then you're a cherrypicking moron because she DOES do that, because Ian can't stop sucking off Sonic every minute of the day
                >I do remember her calling Tails handsome though
                And she DOES NOT do this, so no I don't accept you having to LITERALLY MAKE SHIT UP to pretend your 1-dimensional gary stu archie sonic isn't a homosexual power fantasy for self-inserting manbabies

              • 3 months ago

                Where do the bats surrender to Sonic because he beat them singlehandedly? Post the page schizo.
                Conquering Storm uses the duel as an excuse to take over Iron Queen’s lands while she’s away.
                >And she DOES NOT do this
                Okay not exactly but I also don’t let Archie Sonic live rent free in my head 24/7. She still flirts with him though.

              • 3 months ago

                >Conquering Storm uses the duel as an excuse to take over Iron Queen’s lands while she’s away
                MORE Shit you made up. She never once says this, she wanted a duel and Sonic beat their champion easily to win them over because he's a gary stu. And the bats only bothered to talk after asking Sonic to fight the Destructix because they're so scawwed of him (while shitting on Tails because only Sonic must be sucked off 24/7)
                Conquering Storm uses the duel as a duel

                and that's not flirting. Calling Sonic handsome and writing a goddamn poem telling the reader how amazing Sonic is while Sonic beats up the bad guys, is flirting. It's also being a homosexual 1-dimensional Gary Stu with a harem, who never has any humility and never suffers any comeuppance for shitting on other characters because he's a spoiled brat.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeeeeaaah, that's not flirting. Ian would have an aneurysm if Tails had someone flirt with him without Sonic stealing them.

                She’s giving Tails frick me eyes and saying his wiener is big.

              • 3 months ago

                that's some projection if I've ever seen it. She wants their team to side with her and calls him 'big man'. That's not a flirt.
                If you really gotta jump through all these hoops to pretend Sonic's not a shit powerfantasy gary stu, then you really gotta face facts that he really is a shit gary stu.

                So then why haven't you posted the pages where this all takes place?

                Because I can't post an example where she DOESN'T say something. Monkey dude says he'll let her keep her castle after he takes charge (nothing about taking over from Iron Queen, Eggman takes over and Iron Queen stayed in charge with a fake snively). She says she doesn't care and wants a duel. Sonic the gary stu easily beats up Lightning.

              • 3 months ago

                Dude I think youre exaggerating things for fun. Maybe you do believe that stuff, but nobody being serious says gary stu that often. You're doing it for fun.

              • 3 months ago

                It's a discussion about that term is it not? You made up shit that never happened to say Sonic isn't a gary stu, I countered with actual things that happened that show him written as a gary stu.

                Iron Queen is imprisoned and Conquering Storm takes over her lands.
                Even when she is freed she takes over the branch of the United Nations Egg legion.

                Conquering Storm gets recruited by Eggman after Eggman takes over

              • 3 months ago

                Iron Queen is imprisoned and Conquering Storm takes over her lands.
                Even when she is freed she takes over the branch of the United Nations Egg legion.

              • 3 months ago

                So then why haven't you posted the pages where this all takes place?

              • 3 months ago

                that's some projection if I've ever seen it. She wants their team to side with her and calls him 'big man'. That's not a flirt.
                If you really gotta jump through all these hoops to pretend Sonic's not a shit powerfantasy gary stu, then you really gotta face facts that he really is a shit gary stu.
                Because I can't post an example where she DOESN'T say something. Monkey dude says he'll let her keep her castle after he takes charge (nothing about taking over from Iron Queen, Eggman takes over and Iron Queen stayed in charge with a fake snively). She says she doesn't care and wants a duel. Sonic the gary stu easily beats up Lightning.

                why can't Ian get sonic's tiny dick out his mouth? Like holy shit we get it you self-insert as him, you don't gotta make every single issue a parade for him.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeeeeaaah, that's not flirting. Ian would have an aneurysm if Tails had someone flirt with him without Sonic stealing them.

              • 3 months ago

                Tails went full 'Nam veteran in that panel.

              • 3 months ago

                except that in archie the only accomplishment he has to his name is becoming johnny bravo once.

              • 3 months ago

                Okay but he literally saved the entire multiverse, he's a bigger hero than Sonic by a longshot who's only saved a Star System during the Xorda attack

              • 3 months ago

                Okay but noone cares what fricking "verse" was involved when a 10-year plotline is wasted and thrown out and forgotten on the most moronic unserious possible shit.

              • 3 months ago

                The Iron Dominion could be such a cool alternate villain faction if they were brought over into the games. No need to directly invoke Eggman or ancient aliens. Hell you could probably fold the more charismatic members of the Zetis into the faction to give the Lost Hex more importance to the setting. Or maybe the Sol Dimension. Something that makes use of the one and done concepts so that they can be meaningfully invoked past Frontiers' style of having Sonic randomly be like, "I'm sure Tangle would enjoy this place!"

              • 3 months ago

                I'd have loved it if Sonic actually got beaten up by Tails, but Sonic held the advantage most of that fight. You can't exactly call that being humbled. Sonic never gets humbled at all, he's just constantly sucked-off and gets away with everything without a single moment of humility.

              • 3 months ago

                >Sonic never gets humbled at all, he's just constantly sucked-off and gets away with everything without a single moment of humility.
                So...Sonic's a Mary Sue.

              • 3 months ago

                He beat up Tails back, and didn't even struggle in their fight, he's too much of a Gary Stu self-insert to even lose a fight after he humiliated Tails. If he actually suffered then he would've lost and tasted some humble pie, but he doesn't lose because he's a writer's self-insert gary stu.
                And Sonic literally soloed the Iron Dominion. The arc even started with a goddamn concert being held in his honor and him being given a medal.

                I think I now have my final perspective: Sonic is not a gary stu and also developed as a person throughout the comic

              • 3 months ago

                --in spite of facts and reality, where Sonic did not develop at all and didn't suffer at all, because he's a Gary Stu and a shit character

              • 3 months ago

                Nicer how? Nothing about him changed, and he didn't make up for anything, just because Tails forgave him for House of Cards doesn't mean Sonic's made up for it or changed. Someone being forced to forgive you isn't an arc.

              • 3 months ago

                He's like the worst Gary Stu i have ever seen in a comic. Even down to the point of shitting on every other character to make him look good

              • 3 months ago

                >He's like the worst Gary Stu i have ever seen in a comic. Even down to the point of shitting on every other character to make him look good

                Then it's obvious what the answer.

                Sonic sucks as a comic book character. Since him being a Gary Stu is kind of the point of Sonic.

                Its obvious he should stick to those webtoons SEGA makes for him or something his fans could read, like coloring books

  28. 3 months ago

    Ian ruined archie worse than Penders ever managed

  29. 3 months ago

    You can bring a character from one continuity and place them into another, who would you pick and which show/game/comic? I think Blaze not being in Prime is still insane, Longclaw being Sonic mum In the games would be neat and Black Doom in Sonic X woulda been entertainingly over the top

    • 3 months ago

      Captain Plunder and his crew from Fleetway become Blaze's enemies in her dimension.

  30. 3 months ago

    Ian never truly cared about Sonic. Only Sally and the Freedom Fighters. He clearly doesn't enjoy writing pure game content.

  31. 3 months ago

    Archie Sonic is on the same level as the big 3 shonen battle mangas from the 2000s from 160 onwards imo

    • 3 months ago

      imo you need to get your brain scanned for any large caterpillars that have eaten away most your frontal cortex

      • 3 months ago

        Why are you saying the mangas is better or worse than 160 afterwards archies

        • 3 months ago

          They’re all WAAAAYY better than Ian’s archie, because none of them had:
          Multiple Years-long arcs back to back where everyone just does nothing
          Boring Politicsshit arcs
          Throwing away half the entire character list just because you aren’t interested in them
          Evaporated character arcs
          Petty childish feuds and mind-numbing retcons over “canon”
          Shitting on the original writers’ works out of spite
          Doing fricking nothing with most of the cast so you can repeat the same shit with the same 2 characters ad infinitum

  32. 3 months ago

    I don't know know if Ian is to blame personally and I don't really care if mandates are to blame for the state of IDW or not. Scrapnik Island and the Nack mini feel like fun adventures even a kid could appreciate. So why is the main comic so anti-fun? Why is a popular character like Shadow made into such a joke when even Prime which is 50% slapstick takes him seriously? Why is the whole comic a weird extended debriefing of the damage Forces did to the series? I can't imagine Sonic Team told them to shut on Shadow. I can't imagine they told IDW to keep prioritizing through promotion of a seven year old game.
    I don't even mind the OCs, but why does it feel like we speedran characters like Whisper and Surge just do we could get to them being vulnerable emotional messes? Does Sega tell them to do that? I doubt it.

    • 3 months ago

      I think that it may sadly be Ian and Evan's faults that the comic is that way. The reason why it stays on a post forces backdrop is because they want the series to be archie/satam lite and can't fully move on from that. I love Archie but they really need to let the comic end up being its own thing. They're kneecapping the potential of stories the comic has to tell. I really hope they bring in Barnes and let him be a main writer. I guess its like sometimes how some writers's second run on comics aren't of the same caliber as their first. Something's definitely up. I think if possible they should make an unspecified amount of time pass and turn the setting into post frontiers. Maybe give the restoration less focus and focus more on Sonic and game characters adventures.

      • 3 months ago

        I think they should throw in a wider Rogues Gallery while they are at it and maybe a cool scalie heroine, also maybe try letting characters have solo arcs or stories like Sonic Universe did as that was lot of fun

      • 3 months ago

        I don't think they want to time skip past Frontiers because it looked like Ian was setting up (pointless) character drama for all of Sonic's pals. But it looks like Dream Team didn't give a frick and ignored that Amy, Tails and Knuckles were supposed to go on college kid "self discovery" vacations. I think that's the right move. But it was Ian's writing so I guessing he was planning something.

        • 3 months ago

          Maybe he could possibly write those journeys into IDW if he wanted to

          • 3 months ago

            I assume that is his intent.

          • 3 months ago

            I assume that is his intent.

            These would be fine IF they were quarterlies and self-contained. Frontiers has been out since 2022. After getting approval in 2023, we should have seen the first four-issue side story of Amy, or Knuckles, or Tails having their journey of self-discovery. We didn’t.

            Flynn keeps opening up threads thanks to his position, and they never go anywhere. Is it his fault? I don’t believe to the degree everyone is complaining. He worked with Penders. He was there when Sega closed its jaws on the comic. He should know more than anyone how anal-retentive Sega is now. If anything, my complaint is that Flynn (and Stanley) are too ambitious because they want things to go back to the way they were before. After all, the Metal Virus is a great example of this. It’s a holdover from an idea they had during the Archie run, and look how it ended so shoddily.

            But we can never turn back.

            • 3 months ago

              I still don’t think Ian decided the plot or cutscenes of Frontiers.
              Like, you think Ian wrote the plot that they’re all sad about how useless they are…but didn’t write them actually contributing with fricking anything in the cutscenes? He just assumed it’s good enough they call themselves shit and cheerlead Sonic and promise to do some vague thint different in the future? Bullshit.
              It was always just Sega making Sonic’s shitty friends go “awww I’m so weak and pathetic, oh great and wise Sonikku please uplift us with your wisdom and inspire us to not be so worthless before you beat The End all by yourself”. Saying they’re gonna “improve” but doing nothing is because Sega want them to be “inspired” by Sonic’s homosexualness but not actually do anything in any game to steal the spotlight from Sonic.

              • 3 months ago

                Unless I am mistaken, Flynn bragged about doing all of the writing for Frontiers.

              • 3 months ago

                Writing, yes. I just don’t assume he decided what the plot of Frontiers was.
                In media, writers merely write the story that the director tells them to write. Sega tell Ian it’s about Sonic inspiring the shitty friends to stand around and cheerlead for him yet again, but they don’t actually do anything to steal his spotlight.

              • 3 months ago

                >Unless I am mistaken,
                You are.

                >IGN: You’ve been intrinsically tied to the Sonic series for a long time now, whether through comics, TV, or games. What has it been like taking the reins of writing Sonic Frontiers’ story compared to everything else you’ve worked on for the Blue Blur?
                >Flynn: It’s been a very different experience to be sure. With the other tie-in media, I’m the one to pitch the story, the characters, the themes, etc. With Sonic Frontiers, SEGA provided the story, backstory, plot beats, usable characters, and so on. So it was a very different approach to telling a Sonic story than what I’m used to.

              • 3 months ago

                >Like, you think Ian wrote the plot that they’re all sad about how useless they are…but didn’t write them actually contributing with fricking anything in the cutscenes?
                I mean, that's what Metal Virus was like.

              • 3 months ago

                Writing, yes. I just don’t assume he decided what the plot of Frontiers was.
                In media, writers merely write the story that the director tells them to write. Sega tell Ian it’s about Sonic inspiring the shitty friends to stand around and cheerlead for him yet again, but they don’t actually do anything to steal his spotlight.

                If you dont like Sonic's friends cheering for Sonic, than you're a fake ass fan.

              • 3 months ago

                NTA, and I don't mind Sonic being the guy who gets shit done. But literally writing a story where his friends have all agency taken away from them and are made totally helpless for most of the story is really taking things to a new level. It wasn't just a quick plot element to explain why Sonic has to fix things himself, the entire focus of each island is showing how inadequate each character feels and how they don't feel like they measure up. In fact if I didn't have such low expectations from the series I might think it was some kind of parody of their treatment in games like Forces.

              • 3 months ago

                All of that is a good thing.

              • 3 months ago

                Only because it makes sure Sage and Eggman the uncontested most interesting part of the story.

    • 3 months ago

      >Sega of Japan: “You will pay attention to OUR version of SatAM and you WILL like it”

      • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      It's trying to make an ongoing story while working within the constraints of the game stories, if instead we had a separate canon for the comics with less oversight and mandates and mini-series in the classic and modern continuity it would be better.
      Of course it's also Evans's and Ian's fault for not managing to create an engaging story with things as is, even when they seemingly have almost complete freedom regarding their OCs.

    • 3 months ago

      Oh no Ian has gone over and over again that Shadow being written like Cell Saga Vegeta but worse was 100% SEGA required.

  33. 3 months ago

    I think it says a lot about a writer if their fanbase's default reaction to criticism is blaming someone else. You can't control crazy people, but you do set the tone for your community.

    • 3 months ago

      Maybe instead of idolizing Ian we can recognize his faults and not everything is due to mandates. Either way, I think people who aren't fans of Ian should try being more respectful of the way they critique his work and also recognize that the #knowingsmiles aren't supposed to be taken so seriously and he's just kind of a teasing creator.

      • 3 months ago

        I think the way he behaves online builds a cult of personality that insulates (and isolates) him, makes fans prone to elevate his work, and radicalizes discourse. He's a flawed writer, but the way he handles social media is a way bigger issue than the quality of his work. Dude needs to cut that shit out. Just be real.

  34. 3 months ago

    What a great example of fanatic behavior.

  35. 3 months ago

    I don't understand how Ian has his fingers in so many pies that seem to have very different interpretations of things.
    In Prime, Sonic literally says Shadow is his biggest rival, the two fight very evenly and Shadow ends up being a voice of reason in the narrative. In IDW he's an idiot who constantly gets knocked on his ass and his big moment is suggesting they execute a guy with brain damage, and regardless of this actually being a good idea or not the narrative puts him in the wrong.
    IDW tries to make Amy into this no nonsense leader figure for the Resistance/Restoration and seems to go out of its way to remove her from any context that may relate her to her characterization from Adventure.
    In Forces she's as love obsessed as you'd expect any sentimental teenage girl to be. It's just that she's moved on from being a Sonic fanatic and has moves on to approaching "love" like she's some idol spouting platitudes for her fans.
    In IDW Rouge is some estranged orbiter who the know fans want to see, but have little use for.
    Prime seems to be trying to change her into a main cast member. And I don't know if Ian touched it, but Dream Team seems to share that agenda.

    • 3 months ago

      The answer is he doesn't have creative control over most of these things.

      • 3 months ago

        Then why even put him on payroll for unrelated projects?

        • 3 months ago

          He didn't get to write for Prime. That's part of why he was so pissy about it, he got snubbed.

          >Why give someone a job without complete free reign over the product!?
          That's a really dumb question.

          • 3 months ago

            >Why give someone a job without complete free reign over the product
            With the current state of Sonic media, and considering the people currently writing for it, we either...
            >Get a story with no real implications or stakes, completely policed by Sega and the Mandates
            >Get a story tailor-made for Sonic Xitter (and similars) masses, no different to the craziest fanfic you have read

            There are no in between, whatever the case... we lose.
            >inb4: "but muh fanfic is better than mandates!" If only you knew bad things truly are, anon.

            • 3 months ago

              I'd be just fine with comics like Scrapnik, or that Rouge story in the first annual, or the Christmas special, or that comic Adam did on Twitter.

              "NOOOOO IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT" is the refuge of mediocre writers. We've had people who work in an official capacity do better.

            • 3 months ago

              >Get a story with no real implications or stakes, completely policed by Sega and the Mandates
              All I see when I read this is "I NEED more to be autistic about."

              • 3 months ago

                >no real implications or stakes, completely policed by Sega and the Mandates
                >"I NEED more to be autistic about."
                Then you must see that constantly, cause that is a the most consistent complaint I have seen in Cinemaphile about IDW so far.

              • 3 months ago

                >Sonic fans are autistic and don't value quality as much as pandering.

              • 3 months ago

                What quality? The movies genuinely have the best character writing of recent Sonic content and they are still trashy Hollywood flicks.

              • 3 months ago

                >What quality?
                That's my point, yes.

              • 3 months ago

                >The movies genuinely have the best character writing
                I can't take any of you seriously.

              • 3 months ago

                How is he wrong? Tails is a nothing burger in the movies but Sonic is actually allowed to show negative emotion and react to stakes and movie Knuckles is finally giving the character some respect after years and years of the games decimating his IQ.

              • 3 months ago

                >after years and years of the games decimating his IQ
                As much as I like Boom, they are some of the main responsible for enforcing the "Knuckles is a complete moron" meme.

                Back to the games, are we a 100% sure this isn't just a Western side issue? Is he just as stupid in the Japanese versions?

              • 3 months ago

                >movie Knuckles is finally giving the character some respect after years and years of the games decimating his IQ
                By turning him into a big doofus as the tv show proves.

              • 3 months ago

                To be fair I haven't seen anything in the TV show, but I'm worried he's going to be a doofus in the third movie since Sonic doesn't need two active rivals with Shadow around. I will be shocked if Knuckles doesn't Worf for Shadow.

              • 3 months ago

                You presumably saw the ending of the sequel so you already got how he is going to be most of the time going forward.

              • 3 months ago

                Are you... implying that without the mandates IDW Sonic would be pure pandering rather than quality?

              • 3 months ago

                I'm saying you're a bunch of morons who don't actually care about quality and cling to easy scapegoats. We could have good Sonic comics with things as they are now, but they wouldn't be what specific fans want to see so they fearmonger about nebulous "mandates." It's stupid.

              • 3 months ago

                The people currently running the comics are the main proprietors in fear mongering with mandates.
                IDW seems to get pretty decent reception with anuals and spin-offs. People just don't like this Restoration stuff they have been doing since before the virus.
                People seem to like a variety of things out of Sonic. The Tangle and Whisper spinoff. That segment where Eggman shows Starline his toys. The Scrapnik Island stuff. The Fang mini. They just don't care for the thing the main comic story has decided to doubled down on for these last few years. Even fans of the OCs aren't getting what they want.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, that's fair.
                I'm talking about the broader problem where people insist regulations mean we can't get anything good. At most it just means the comic needs to embrace picaresque/episodic traits.

              • 3 months ago

                >We could have good Sonic comics with things as they are now
                Interesting choice of words... are you implying we don't have good Sonic stories up to this point?

                >nebulous "mandates."
                You know what? I think mandates is such an ugly word. I would rather say directives or directions, which is a normal thing any writer working for an IP must deal with.

              • 3 months ago

                >are you implying we don't have good Sonic stories up to this point
                I'm implying most issues of IDW haven't been great, but the problem is more in execution than content.

              • 3 months ago

                Ian and crew turning mandates into a baseless point of speculation by blaming them publicly one too many times is their own fault. Everyone brought into a larger IP deals with mandates. They usually shut up and deal and you'll only hear about the specifics years after employment has ended. Instead we got all this shit we didn't need to know about like Ian apparently being forced to make Shadow suck.

              • 3 months ago

                What quality? The movies genuinely have the best character writing of recent Sonic content and they are still trashy Hollywood flicks.

                Imagine somethign not Sonic for a second, hard I know, then imagine any random mass of people genuinely liking what they saw not because it's a brand, a trend, a cult, or anything like that, it was just well put together and people had a blast and the people behind it are competent and care about their work
                That's quality. Which Sonic lacks. He only has autistic people thinking up autistic things they THINK is good quality, but is very, very bad when you actually process through it.

          • 3 months ago

            He doesn't even seem to have any push as a creative consultant. He wouldn't need complete creative control just to nudge Shadow's depiction in a similar direction between current stories.

            • 3 months ago

              The problem is he's fighting other people. IDW is Ian doing what he thinks is right within the limitations provided. Prime is what other writers come up with.

              He literally does not get the character and he fights things instead of trying to understand what others are doing.

    • 3 months ago

      >And I don't know if Ian touched it, but Dream Team seems to share that agenda.
      He was told to do a second pass of the script.

    • 3 months ago

      >And I don't know if Ian touched it, but Dream Team seems to share that agenda.
      He was told to do a second pass of the script.

      Is Rouge going to get a push in the comics too?

    • 3 months ago

      He was just a "consultant" for Prime.

      • 3 months ago

        Prime would have been shit with or without Ian.

  36. 3 months ago

    As someone that grew up when SatAM aired but has no emotional attachment to the FF the amount of obsession with them strikes me incredibly odd.

    • 3 months ago

      I just they’re neat. Even with all the flaws that got in the show and the comics, I still like them. Is that so bad?

      • 3 months ago

        You're entitled to your opinion. I just think that being so centered on a single 2 years span in a 30 year franchise to the point that you have guys saying they'll quit entirely unless that specific cast of characters (and let's be real it's character designs because the roles and personalities have been recycled) is kind of "lost causey"

        • 3 months ago

          >single 2 years span
          The FFs lived on in the comics that lasted for 24 years including numerous fancontent. Don't try to brush that off as if it doesn't count.

        • 3 months ago

          Well yeah, people being weird to the point they’ll quit Sonic altogether if the FF or Archie stuff doesn’t come back is a rather much.

          Other than that, most people, even people here, are willing to admit that a lot of this stuff was crap, and yet still like it. It’s not that deep.

          As much as I love Archie stuff, it’s characters, and the FF, I don’t want them in the main storyline. They just wouldn’t work there. Or rather, those characters and concepts would have to be even more altered than what they had already been in the Reboot, which wipes away more of their identity.

          They belong in fan projects and… if Sega ever allows it, a new alternate continuity that isn’t tied to the games. That’s where that stuff can shine the most.

          • 3 months ago

            >As much as I love Archie stuff, it’s characters, and the FF, I don’t want them in the main storyline. They just wouldn’t work there. Or rather, those characters and concepts would have to be even more altered than what they had already been in the Reboot, which wipes away more of their identity.

            I think there is a way that you can bring them into the games without altering their personalities & roles too much...it's just, it could only work for ONE game. And it couldn't be a traditional Sonic game either. It would have to be another kitchen sink approach like Frontiers or something different (I vote rpg).
            After which, they will have to be drastically reformatted to fit the vibe of SEGA Sonic (which may piss off their fans) or just be shelved with Chip, Merlina & the rest of the one shots until the next mobile game needs bodies to fill in a roster (which WILL piss of their fans).

            >They belong in fan projects
            At this point, I'm more than ready for The Freedom Fighters to live on as expies in some Indie Sonic Clone down the line.

            Hell, if you squint hard enough, Freedom Planet is kinda like Archie Sonic in some ways.

            Too many Sonic Fan Devs are CanonNazis to care about SatAM, Archie, Boom or any divergence not tied to "canon"

            >if Sega ever allows it, a new alternate continuity that isn’t tied to the games.

            The only continuity that isn't allowed to be tied the games is the movies & that's because Paramount has a bigger dick than SEGA's. That continuity has trouble enough introducing the franchise's main female character, even I don't think we'll ever get that far where Sally will be prostituted off for quick nostalgia bucks.

            • 3 months ago

              >That continuity has trouble enough introducing the franchise's main female character
              More like REFUSING. Fowler doesn't even like Rouge and it seems to be the same with Amy. Sonic movies a dudecore.

        • 3 months ago

          The comic that used them and their setting went on for like, 26 years, man. Up until 2016-17, they had been a constant in the franchise.

    • 3 months ago

      Likewise. It helps that SatAM is incredibly, massively overrated.

    • 3 months ago

      >as someone who doesn't care about thing, I'm confused by people who do
      What was the point of this post?

      • 3 months ago

        To spur discussion? IDK I just want to understand what about the FF is so goddamn vital that they're a cornerstone of the property to some people.
        Sometimes it just seems like it's for coomer reasons but I wanna give anons the benefit of the doubt.

        • 3 months ago

          >To spur discussion?
          By insulting people? Interesting angle.

          • 3 months ago

            Where do you think you are?

            The comic that used them and their setting went on for like, 26 years, man. Up until 2016-17, they had been a constant in the franchise.

            Yes but it's still a very insular part.

            • 3 months ago

              >it's still a very insular part.
              To you but some people grew up with the comcis as their main source of Sonic content. You don't have to give a shit but people who do have reasons for doing so.

        • 3 months ago

          Two things:
          1) They're considered a cornerstone of the Archie comics because they were part of the Archie comics for its entire run, including predating SatAM.
          2) I emphasize again that they predated SatAM, because they weren't "the SatAM characters." They were cornerstones of the entire American Sonic brand identity throughout the 90s until everything got overhauled with Adventure. They were part of the cartoon, comics, books, stage shows, theme park attractions, etc. Outside of the games, it was always "Sonic and the Freedom Fighters."
          So yeah they're 90s characters that only continued in the Archie comics, but relative to the entire rest of the Sonic franchise that's a frick-ton. They lasted longer than most game characters. They lasted longer than the entire Boom sub-franchise, and that had official Sega backing!

          • 3 months ago

            >2) I emphasize again that they predated SatAM, because they weren't "the SatAM characters." They were cornerstones of the entire American Sonic brand identity throughout the 90s until everything got overhauled with Adventure. They were part of the cartoon, comics, books, stage shows, theme park attractions, etc. Outside of the games, it was always "Sonic and the Freedom Fighters."
            As someone that was there firsthand? They went from the cartoon to the archie comics. The games never really had them outside of one easter egg in a bonus level, the tie in books that weren't the archie comics were all over the place, and they weren't even in the other two cartoons that aired when I was a kid. AoStH was all Sonic and Tails, Sonic Underground was Sonic and his pallete swap siblings. So no, it really wasn't *always* "Sonic and the Freedom Fighters". It mostly *wasn't* from my experience.
            Never heard of the stage shows or theme park attractions either and I considered myself pretty deep into this. Is that non US stuff?

          • 3 months ago

            >They were cornerstones of the entire American Sonic brand identity throughout the 90s until everything got overhauled with Adventure.
            No they weren't. Only Sally at least. The US manuals made no reference to the Freedom Fighters outside of Sally being in the Sonic CD manual once in replacement of Amy.

  37. 3 months ago


    May I post humanized Surge?

    • 3 months ago

      >Slashy is here
      As if I didn't need anymore evidence of /sthg/ being the parasite leeching off threads here and of Cinemaphile and opening gates for their insects to shit over everything.

      • 3 months ago

        You just found out?

      • 3 months ago

        This place hates IDW and Flynn like /sthg/.

        • 3 months ago

          And like /sthg/ you project on everyone here

          • 3 months ago

            It is not projection it is a consistent pattern.

            If you get offended by reality, that is your problem

            • 3 months ago

              >it is a consistent pattern
              Yeah, you consistently project.

      • 3 months ago

        Who's slashy?

    • 3 months ago

      Do it

    • 3 months ago


  38. 3 months ago


    It’s going to be the other way around. She’ll force you to give her your seed over and over again, and electrocute you every time she orgasms. And it sounds pretty damn hot

  39. 3 months ago


    Sonic, Kit, whichever one of you wrote this, get back to work.

  40. 3 months ago


    >calls Archie cuck trash
    Yep, confirmed for a butthurt Tailsgay who's mad about the Fiona arc.

  41. 3 months ago

    The first chunk of Archie Sonic that's essentially a weird compromise between the setting and characters of SATAM and the humor and internal logic of AOSTH is the best part of any officially published Sonic comic.

    • 3 months ago

      He's not wrong.

  42. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Bursting your bubble, sorry. Other than the movie incarnation which has explicit toes, Sonic characters have weird blob feet.

  43. 3 months ago



    I want this to happen to me. Even if I die, at least I will be happy

  44. 3 months ago
  45. 3 months ago

    Sonic should be written like The Sopranos.

    • 3 months ago

      So which Sonic character gets an intervention that ends with them getting their shit beaten?

  46. 3 months ago
  47. 3 months ago

    I will still cherish the memories I have for his work on Archie Sonic and reccomend more people to read his work there regardless of his reputation as a writer. I think that every Sonic fan should at least try to read a few issues of it and if they like it continue until the end. I also accept that people can have different perspectives on the quality of his work and respect differing opinions. Its obviously not for everyone. I started this thread with the thought that something's up and wanted to see what everyone's perspective on it is. I am not also likely to shift my opinion on the matter that Ian's writing on Archie Sonic was decent, even good at times, and I think somehow his early work was better than his new stuff.

  48. 3 months ago

    I'll give my two cents:

    >haven't read all of archie sonic but i did read some of it and ALL of Universe
    >reading all of IDW since day one
    >saw all the cartoons
    >saw all movies
    >played most games, but know the plot of them all

    >Sonic was better when it had actual stakes and drama
    >gritty stories work best, but they need to stick to them and take them seriously, like in SATAM and Archie and early IDW and SA1 & 2
    >Forces had potential, so does current IDW if they made/make Eggman more competent and makes other villains more dangerous
    >the landscape too can be better, we ued to have big cities, interesting natural scenery and magical places, now most spots are very cartoony and simple

    Now, for character related changes they should use
    >Designs used to have that cool reflection effect and were very rubbery in their faces, gave them sturdy yet expressive looks
    >fights were more violent or appeared more violent
    >Make characters have independent goals and independent struggles with their own villains and such
    >Have characters on both sides struggle for real, not just petty shit
    >Humans dont need to return, but something similar to GUN served a cool function
    >Aliens arent necessary, but are a cool excuse to add a new faction that shakes things up, and have worked many times
    >Silver is a pot of gold, use him, Blaze too, give their worlds stories and make their worlds look impressive

    If they dont change soon, then the plot will just simmer down to boring talk every 3 issues with some fighting in between.

  49. 3 months ago

    fiona is the biggest non-character ever before she turns evil, why do people even care so much

    • 3 months ago

      because they used that non-character to jack Sonic the shitty gary stu off yet again, at everyone other characters' expense

      • 3 months ago

        ngl i refuse to believe someone is this animated over archie sonic, there's no way a mediocre comic is the highlight of your existence

        • 3 months ago

          hardly a highlight, more like a shitstain

          • 3 months ago

            that's just a highlight in inverse

        • 3 months ago

          Guy has been mad at this comic for so many years, goes into threads for it to scream at people at how assblasted he is at a blue hedgehog, it is so pathetic and not even annoying or frustarting anymore, just sad

          • 3 months ago

            >only one person in the world doesn't like my cuckshit comic
            Never change, archiegays, never change.

            • 3 months ago

              you sure love making it the one thing in your life of any significance with how many days and threads you seethe at a comic book, you have let this take your life over more then anyone who else who could hate or love the book, it is pathetic, even if you spent all this energy on something I personally disliked it’d still be utterly pathetic

              • 3 months ago

                because I said archie's cuckshit stories are bad? That's not "letting it take over your life", that's just calling it like it is.
                Holy shit get a life Ian Defence Force homosexual if criticism roils you over that much. Ian's archie run was AWFUL.

              • 3 months ago

                It doesn't make me seethe or feel bad I just felt the need to defend what I like. There's nothing morally wrong about liking something and wanting to defend it.

              • 3 months ago

                There is about being a simp. People calling your trash cuck comic a trash cuck comic is not an act of lunacy, it's you being a fricking abby because someone called your pigslop the pigslop that it IS.

              • 3 months ago

                >it's you being a fricking abby because someone called your pigslop the pigslop that it IS.

              • 3 months ago

                First time encountering him huh? Don’t worry he’s always this deranged about Ian, Sonic, Archie and people who dare not be as hateful of it as him, was a jannie for a while to so lmao

              • 3 months ago

                >anyone who doesn't dicksuck Ian's godawful cuckshit story is deranged
                So this is the mind of an Archiegay...

              • 3 months ago

                They're all like that. I call them the Ian Defence Force

              • 3 months ago

                please stop defending shit comics like a gay. Trash is Trash, Bendis-tier garbage like Ian isn't magically rendered good just because you're a tasteless idiot, accept it and move on.

        • 3 months ago

          It's one of my favorite series I can handle it being criticized say what you want about it go ahead I don't care because I have my opinion and you have yours. I'm not going to let myself get angry over something so small.

        • 3 months ago

          Me personally, I can't suspend my disbelief with this guy because it really feels like a dude trying to act like a caricature of what he "thinks" someone who hates (Archie) Sonic acts like, because what DOES he like? I'm not gonna act like Sonic doesn't veer close to Mary Sue (Gary Stu?) territory myself, but in that case, why's he even here?
          >the games
          Doubt it, I've never actually seen him talk about any of the games to my knowledge.
          >the comics
          Already clearly hates that shit.
          >the shows
          Same deal as the games.
          >the side cast
          Mega kek, genuinely the only decently well-written character (Sonic himself included) was Shadow -specifically- in SA2B, maybe Gamma and Emerl, but otherwise every character is clearly just a bog-standard archetype, which isn't even necessarily bad in a franchise that clearly focuses more on gameplay mechanics (for better or for worse), but it means there's literally no point trying to go this angle.
          So at the end of the day, I'm just left perplexed at yet another one of Cinemaphile's endless horde of schizos.

          • 3 months ago

            Sonic was never good in anything.

            • 3 months ago

              I think he was perfectly fine as a silent blue hedgehog with a "kewl" attitude.

          • 3 months ago

            If a person goes far enough they eventually become a parody of themselves.
            This is one such case.

        • 3 months ago

          Never underestimate the power of autism.

    • 3 months ago

      I think my second time reading through its hinted plenty of times of her turn to evil before it happened. I don't think it was so bad although I can understand how it gets under some people's skin

  50. 3 months ago

    Ian Flynn was never good.

    • 3 months ago

      I liked his writing before.

      • 3 months ago

        Good for you, I'm glad you liked eating steaming piles of shit.

      • 3 months ago

        Here's his writing "before".

        • 3 months ago

          You've posted this same image so many times its exhausting to explain it to you again and again that its not comparable to what he was doing in IDW. This is not some own you think it is.

          • 3 months ago


            Cope harder.

            • 3 months ago

              That's not a response. Also Archie Sonic is a hero unlike Game Sonic the adventurer so giving plodding speeches about his heroism makes sense here. He has a hero complex and believes himself to be the "Hero of Mobius" and is kind of an egomaniac so it makes sense that he is acting like this in this situation.

        • 3 months ago

          I really think this encounter rattled Scourge too. Cause he tried to break Sonic into thinking that they weren't so different One Bad Day style and got it flipped back on him. I doubt he would ever become a good guy, but he would probably strike out and do his own thing instead of falling back into just being the Evil Sonic.

          • 3 months ago

            He's kind of trying to make a false equivalence here and I'm trying to set things straight.

            • 3 months ago


              Oh I wasn't really responding to the arguments, I just remembered the scene and liking how it played out. Sucks that Scourge just got turned into another token for Penders to liscence out these days and we never did get payoffs from how Scourge could have developed further.

        • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          Cringe shit.

        • 3 months ago

          Based kino.

        • 3 months ago

          There's nothing wrong with this page.

          • 3 months ago

            I think he's saying Sonic is kind of being preachy here. But I think it makes sense in this context rather than divorcing it entirely from it.

        • 3 months ago


          Based kino.

          Imagine being such a tasteless archie manbaby you think this pretentious cringe shit is a good sonic comic. Read a real goddamn book for once, please.

          • 3 months ago

            But i read plenty of books and comic books already

            • 3 months ago

              Nah if this dogshit of "Sonic the Hedgehog makes a speech about how inspirational he is tot eh world" is your standard of good then you desperately need to read something that isn't archieshit.
              Read From Hell if you want an actually good book.

              • 3 months ago

                >Read le deep artsy fartsy graphic novel

              • 3 months ago

                >Adult Sonic manbaby only consooms babyshit goyslop like fartchie
                Well I knew it was true of Archiegays but at least you had the courage to admit it.
                No wonder you consider pretentious gradeschool sonicshit of blue mickey mouse giving a gradeschool lecture while noone else speaks or counterpoints him to be "deep" or "impactful", when you've never read anything adult in your life. No wonder you defend bottom-of-the-barrel cuckold SHIT like archie sonic.

          • 3 months ago

            It's a Sonic comic, Black. And i'm judging it as such.

            • 3 months ago

              >posts pretentious manbaby cringe scene from a pretentious manbaby cringe game
              Maybe just stop mindlessly consooming pretentious Sonicshit and you'll grow some better taste. Not everyone wants to hear your Mickey Mouse self-insert lecture them and "inspire" them with his elementary school grade moralising.

              • 3 months ago

                >Mickey mouse gay is back

              • 3 months ago

                >Maybe just stop mindlessly consooming pretentious comicshit and you'll grow some better taste. Not everyone wants to hear your Mickey Mouse self-inserts lecture them and "inspire" them with his elementary school grade moralising.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                Nah. Bite me.

              • 3 months ago

                The ironic thing about your "comeback" is Sonic is the only pretentious puddle-deep Mickey Mouse lecturer in all fiction. Every other comic has enough brains to write an actual story and not just some homosexual gary stu who is also a cartoon animal sniffing his own farts. Even Family Guy is self aware about how cringe Brian is. That's how cringe Sonic is.

              • 3 months ago

                Based bait.
                I have nothing else to say, this is beyond normal levels of based and is unbounded in it's basedness.
                Cuthulumythos high tiers shudder at this statment.

              • 3 months ago

                No it's not bait, Sonic is factually the only mickey mouse cerealbox-cartoon that's simultaneously so pretentious. No other comic has their homosexual corporate mascot try to lecture people with their puddle-deep self-fellatio.

              • 3 months ago

                Truly Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth and even the Supreme Archtype pale in comparison to Mickey Mouse poster.
                Stand proud.

  51. 3 months ago

    Well that was kind of not what I was expecting. I should have expected a divisive response. It was only natural.

  52. 3 months ago

    Sonic is a Gary Stu in game canon.
    Also the moments of heavy romance drama and political stuff was easily the worst part of Ian's run (still better than what came before). Sonic Universe was the peak of his writing, in part because it lacked any of that nonsense

    • 3 months ago

      Game Sonic is not a gary stu he is a paragon that everyone looks up to

      • 3 months ago

        > he is a paragon that everyone looks up to
        So…a Gary Stu, AND ALSO pretentious? Lol

        • 3 months ago

          But mechanically, well functionally speaking, he's a flat character who acts the the vehicle for change in other peoples stories. Even a far as Sonic 2 the main narrarive crux could be argued to be Tails' arc, and in Sonic 3/&k, although an antagonist the game character and plot wise is more about knuckles.
          SA 2 is more about Shadow's story, Heroes is more about Metal Sonic's character, the games in the 2000s don't really have much story.
          I mean you can hate Sonic all you like, but he's not exactly a well rounded and deep character that under goes a lot of development or learns from others. He's also not what I would call pretentious, except for when Ian is writing him, he kinda just does what he does 'cause he like playing the hero.

  53. 3 months ago

    Can't wait to see him or Evan frick up the Scrapniks by immediately killing them off/turning them evil because they're afraid of upsetting the status quo as they're spineles cowards

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      They will never appear again.

      • 3 months ago

        I doubt this. The end of the miniseries teases their return and they were explicitly referenced in the main series. There wasn't a single miniseries that wasn't folowed up in the mainline book, so clearly they're setting something up.

        Anyone else think this mini series was lame?

        Elaborate. I agreed that there were parts that could've been done better, but I like the potential it has to actually affect things. This is the first time a game-originating character got any meaningful development in a comic since... eell, pre-boot Archie, and it's canon this time, to boot.

    • 3 months ago

      Anyone else think this mini series was lame?

      • 3 months ago

        >Mecha Sonic says the heckin reference line after some goofy toy robots knock over his pc and he chases them a little
        So lame.

        • 3 months ago

          So when Ian makes multiple references in arc you either clap or brush it off, but when this one writer makes one reference in an arc, you call it lame

          • 3 months ago

            on the contrary, both are cringe as frick

      • 3 months ago

        I thought it was pretty good. I didn't notice a huge quality gap between it and mainline IDW like other people though.

  54. 3 months ago

    I shouldn't get defensive over something like this. I can accept other series writers being critiqued and being taken apart while still liking it. Why is this series different and why do I think like this?

    • 3 months ago

      Because you’re an autistic moronic homosexual who should leave for /r/eddit

    • 3 months ago

      Because people get hyper aggressive over it or feel adamant to act like you are wrong and vile for your interests? My advice is just either agree to disagree and or just maybe find other places to talk about it really suppose

  55. 3 months ago


    people hated IDW because instead of actually addressing Surge's point Sonic was being used to jerk off self-righteously over how "heroic" he was talking down to her about seemingly unrelated shit.
    It's the same preachiness and self-righteous fart-sniffing about Sonic's "deep heckin philosophy" that Ian has always done

    • 3 months ago

      I'd argue it makes a lot more sense in Archie if you take into consideration Sonic's Hero Complex and being a different all around character than game Sonic. He wasn't talking about a philosophy of forgiving others or freedom here, he was just delivering Scourge a verbal beatdown and putting him down for being a jerk. He believes he is THE hero of Mobius and that he's a really great guy, so this Sonic makes sense making speeches like that. I also like to think that he wasn't completely being shown to be in the right here.

      • 3 months ago

        >I also like to think that he wasn't completely being shown to be in the right here
        He was, though. Not a single thing that entire arc says anything else at all criticising Sonic or humbling him, it's just all wanking over how amazing a speshul snowflake that Sonic is.

        • 3 months ago

          I don't know if that's the case but I don't remember any real wanking of Sonic during that arc. I just remember the Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad fighting a bunch and Scourge saying he conquered his world a bunch.

          • 3 months ago

            that arc literally started with the entire FF + Amy going "we can't possibly fight any of these guys, our only plan is to call Sonic back from the Chaotix and beg him to save us!"
            the exact same with the suppression squad, who are all so weak and pathetic and scared of Scourge their only plan is to go to the FF...and ask them to beg SONIC to save them.
            The entire arc is just endless wank of Ian's 1-dimensional gary stu self-insert.

    • 3 months ago

      The whole addressing Sonic not killing Eggman plot line was stupid anyways, maybe in a work not taking place in the game's canon where they could kill him off it would be fine. But it really is overly pretentious and makes Sonic look likes a dick.
      Evan seems to have realized that eventually as well as Surge doesn't bring it up when she talks to Sonic during their second fight or when she joins the restoration.
      It also doesn't feel true to game Sonic as I never got the feeling he had any philosophical reasons for what he does, he's mostly in it for the fun.
      It worked with Starline as that plotline showed Eggman holding back, not Sonic, and there was actual resolution in the form of the trouble maker who tried to escalate things getting killed.

      • 3 months ago

        Well that's why I think that the equivalent scene doesn't really work that well in IDW. I'm not that put off by it, but I can understand why people don't really like that scene that much. But I think that it was mostly an IDW problem.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, by how completely it was dropped, I get the feeling Ian's pitch for the trio didn't include him explicitly mentioning he had a scene like that planned.
          Evan clearly thinks that going for that angle with Surge and Sonic is bad.
          Of course other than that, all Surge and Kit have is redemption bait, which isn't bad in of itself. While game Sonic isn't a redemption gay like IDW Sonic is, he gave Shadow and Metal a second chance after beating both of them up, and Surge has circumstances just about as tragic as the both of them as well as being significantly less of a threat.
          But that's clearly not what Ian was planning for.
          There's also the issue of Kit, just kind of being there, he's an accessory to Surge and not much else

  56. 3 months ago

    My favorite thread was the one where he legitimately had a porngay meltie because someone rightfully accused him of not actually liking Tails

  57. 3 months ago

    Ian won.

    • 3 months ago

      Speaking of Ian winning... I wonder how Penders felt the moment he learned Ian, his archenemy, was going to write a Sonic game.

      • 3 months ago

        I doubt he cares about the video games. Remember he had to be dragged by the hair to play Sonic Adventure in order to properly integrate it into his echidna lore.

        • 3 months ago

          He said himself he sees Sonic more as a comic character than a game character.

        • 3 months ago

          He said himself he sees Sonic more as a comic character than a game character.

          Penders is known liar. For all we know, he could have been biting his fist while saying "why was I born!".

  58. 3 months ago

    I should stop sharing the things I love with this website. It bites me back whenever it happens. Also twitter, not a fan of that site either.

  59. 3 months ago

    Archie Sonic is as good as the big three shonen manga from the 2000s. Change my mind. Oh wait you can't.

    • 3 months ago

      Good to know you don't think like an adult, but a petulant little (man)child who disavows facts for his own butthurt fee-fees.

      • 3 months ago

        How do you think about the big three then compared to this comic

        • 3 months ago

          much better and had competent writing if you compare it to the dogshit and cuckshit that was archieshit.

          • 3 months ago

            >dogshit and cuckshit
            I hate to tell you this...
            But Wan Piss literally has rape and cuckoldry.

            • 3 months ago

              Impressive. It appears Wan Piss and Ian's Archieshit are both shit-tier garbage and the worst of the worst.

  60. 3 months ago

    Sonic was never good.

    • 3 months ago

      Sonic was always shit.

  61. 3 months ago

    Reminder that Archie sonic wienersuckers are literally all manchildren in their 40s who never could grow up because of their autism and refusal to read a quality book instead of self-insert sonicshit like archie.
    They admit it in their gay circlejerk general right here:
    In. Their. 40s. That's you if you never consoom anything but Archieshit.

    • 3 months ago

      lmao. Imagine being in your 40s and still needing to self-insert as Sonic the Hedgehog in the most pathetic embarassing Gary Stu fanfic to ever be published. I'd be ashamed but I don't think they can even feel shame.

    • 3 months ago

      >One person in a thread with over 600 posts says they're 40, so that must mean all of them are!
      Are you moronic or something? lol

      • 3 months ago

        other anons also tell them they're old manchildren like him. And their homosexual lgbt circlejerk general never has more than 50 IPs, despite multiple of them using VPN. I know, archiegays are literally that pathetic.

        • 3 months ago

          "Other anons" meaning just one other dude

    • 3 months ago

      Hey how old are you since you are also someone obsessed over Archie/Sonic even if it's how much it makes you poop your pants in rage?

  62. 3 months ago

    Archie Sonic was always crap.

  63. 3 months ago

    The lack of self awareness is hilarious.
    Totally mindbroken.

    • 3 months ago

      I have more selfawarness in a single atom of my body than you do in a mote of existence.
      Now get your mickey mouse shit off of this fricking board you cuck.

      • 3 months ago

        Based chad

        The lack of self awareness is hilarious.
        Totally mindbroken.

        shit-eating archiegay

      • 3 months ago

        Ok janny

  64. 3 months ago

    Link me Sonic x Sally fanfics.

    • 3 months ago

      https://archiveofourown org/works/search?work_search%5Bquery%5D=sonally

  65. 3 months ago

    I am a cuck you are a cuck everyone is a cuck here

    • 3 months ago

      Maybe the real cucks were the friends we made along the way

  66. 3 months ago

    /sthg/ trannies lost

  67. 3 months ago

    this thread was a total failure on multiple fronts. maybe the skeptics and dislikers are vocal minority, or perhaps a majority. i'm fine with them existing. but i guess maybe i can just keep understanding things my way and remember this comic who had impacts on so many peoples lives. some people hate it. fair. some people like it. also fair. but its undeniably had an impact that spans many generations, and sometimes to clicks with some and doesn't with others.

    • 3 months ago

      It was dogshit and massively insulting to the beloved game IPs. Imagine defending a Sonic comic that turns Tails and Amy into cucks, Charmy into a braindamage victim and the entire setting into a bad joke.
      It's not fair at all liking it, it was DOGSHIT and if you like it then YOU EAT SHIT like a SHITEATING FRICKING PIG.

      • 3 months ago

        >massively insulting to the beloved game IPs.
        And the endless amounts of shitty games didn't? The cuck shit happened right around the time of Shadow, 06 and Secret Rings

        • 3 months ago

          those were shit too.
          Except unlike archiegays, gamegays don't praise shit like 06 and Secret Rings like shit-eating morons. Only archiegays love eating shit.

          • 3 months ago

            /sthg/ trannies do

            • 3 months ago

              Unironically, I do wonder if /sthg/ even plays the games.

          • 3 months ago

            >gamegays don't praise shit like 06 and Secret Rings like shit-eating morons.
            apologism over those have been going on for years
            >unlike archiegays
            Even the biggest Archiegays recommend that new readers should skip over large portions of the book, past all the Echidnashit, past all the cuckshit, etc.
            The shit quality during the 2000s and early-on in Flynn's run is well understood and sees very few defenders, outside of a couple miscellaneous stories from that time

            • 3 months ago

              Return to Angel Island was one of my favorites

    • 3 months ago

      It's just a samegayging schizo

      • 3 months ago

        >everyone who doesn't like my cuckshit comic is the same person
        Never change, archiegays, never change.

  68. 3 months ago

    sonic is a leftist freedom fighter that resist the control of a totalitarian polluter that's turning people and animals in to mindless robot slaves. it's a story about freedom when uncle chuck overrides his own programming to retain his autonomy. it's a symbolic story about civilization, the art of which like the mural in hidden palace zone reminiscent of the murals in the beginning of the nausicaa movie makes it obvious. it's a parable warning against unregulated capitalist industrialism destroying nature.

    in the instruction book for the first sonic sega game, it literally says save the animals. any sonic story that doesn't "get" these things WILL SUCK. EVERY TIME.

  69. 3 months ago

    Daily reminder he's a janny

  70. 3 months ago

    Any apologism toward any Sonic Shit Media is usually tied to said shit featuring/implying a specific ship the apologist like.

  71. 3 months ago

    Is Mickey more mature than Sonic since Epic Mickey and runaway brain exists?

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