If there's a Spiderman based on your nationality, what would he look like and what are his abilities?

If there's a Spiderman based on your nationality, what would he look like and what are his abilities?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Texan spiderman uses camouflage with only his mask being normal, long range web revolvers and rifles, and some firearms and explosives to achieve non-lethal criminal captures. His Uncle Ben was a sheriff who is shot by a crazed criminal after Peter dodged a bullet (not knowing his Uncle would be shot). Uncle Ben gave him the lesson after the criminal runs away, realizing he shot a cop and has to bounce.

    He saves people using web rafts during the once in a decade absolutely devastating floods. His "Gwen Stacy" moment will be many of his friends (including Gwen) being swept away by a flood caused by Norman Osborn, the Hydroman, who has gone absolutely bonkers with the goal to flood Houston forever. Unlike 616, he intentionally kills Norman and, every time he returns, Pete doesn't give mercy and tries to kill him again. Eventually he has a "Black Suit" moment that leads to drug addiction that he beats with willpower, counselling, and love. Harry Osborn is Venom, now knowing it was Peter who killed his father. Intentionally.

  2. 10 months ago

    Florida spider-man

    >banana spider logo
    >khaki shorts
    >tank top
    >tribal tattoos
    >salt life cap over mask
    >Michelob ultra can in hand
    >skinny everywhere but the beer belly
    >skin scorched red by the sun

    • 10 months ago

      What does he do?

      • 10 months ago

        His nemesis is the crack goblin and he thwips quarters at him at a 7-11 and yells “dance crack goblin, dance”

    • 10 months ago

      You forgot leprosy

    • 10 months ago

      Arizona Spider-man
      >Logo is a tarantula
      >Costume glows in the dark
      >Very tan
      >Spikes stick out of his costume like a cactus
      >Doesn't fight crime during the day because it's too freakin' hot
      >Attacks Californians on sight
      >Able to suck the fluids out of things with special fangs, instantly desiccating them
      >Proportional strength of a tarantula
      >No webbing, but body hair is spikey and can be shot out as a mid-ranged attack

    • 10 months ago

      California Spiderman

      >a wine snob who
      >logo is the yellow sack spider
      >keeps changing his costume colors on a whim
      >Sunglasses and booty shorts
      >has a lot of high-tech gadgets and the power of money
      >Brags his web fluid is organic, ethically harvested, biodegradable, vegan, raw, and gluten-free
      >Psychokenesis allows him to shake things, and even cause earthquakes in extreme circumstances
      >extremely flammable

  3. 10 months ago

    I'm Argentinian and recently found out there's an official one. Black Tarantula or something like that I think.

  4. 10 months ago

    >Australian Spider-Man vs the Lizard

  5. 10 months ago

    Exploding. He can do it once.

  6. 10 months ago

    What would American Spider-Man be like?

    • 10 months ago

      Classic Spider-Man but with a trucker hat. Maybe a plaid shirt with ripped off sleeves

    • 10 months ago

      bnd spider-man

      • 10 months ago

        Don't know what's that?

  7. 10 months ago

    Makker, wij hebben al een Spider-Man.

  8. 10 months ago

    Canadian Spider-Man with ice powers like Miles' electricity, the power to freeze his webs, and a superiority complex about how violent and bigoted American Spider-Man is while being slightly better at best.

  9. 10 months ago

    Spider-Man being a spider-themed pseudo-trickster makes it perfect to draw inspiration from native mythology instead of "hurr just make it a hockey jersey hijab" like a lazy frick. Webs and crawling make it perfect for him to just swing through forests, he can spin his webs as a defensive shield, and is a master of disguising himself out of suit. One part Peter Parker, one part Lupin, one part Big Joe Mufferaw. Instead of living with his aunt, he lives with his grandmother, who knows his identity without him knowing she knows, and is quietly supportive of him.

  10. 10 months ago

    >Czech Spider-Man
    >Sits at home watching TV
    >Hears sirens outside
    >"I wish I could help, but web fluid is just so expensive these days!"
    >"Also the buildings here are too low to swing from. What am I? Some rich butthole from Prague with his own tall rich building? I can't afford that! It's not my fault! Can't do anything!"
    >Turns TV volume up
    >Finishes beer, gets up to open another one
    >"This wouldn't happen if the communists were still in charge"

  11. 10 months ago

    >English Spider Man

    Not really a lot of tall buildings in London for him to swing across. Then again I haven't been to that shithole in years. His costume would have to be resistant to knives and acid attacks.

    Can't really thing of much else. I just want someone who isn't as cringe as Spider Punk to be an English Spider Man.

    • 10 months ago

      British Spider-Man gets arrested for not paying his webslinging licence.

      • 10 months ago

        Oi that Spoider-man's a menace innit?

  12. 10 months ago

    Italian Spiderman
    needs no further explanation

  13. 10 months ago

    looks nice
    too bad Americans would probably make him black...

  14. 10 months ago

    That architectural detail is honestly so unnecessary lol, the inker and colorist probably hate this fricking artist.

    • 10 months ago

      if you're lazy.

  15. 10 months ago

    Brazilian Spiderman

    >Sometimes he steals from others

  16. 10 months ago

    It gets really cold here sometimes, a spider-themed character would be out of place. And we don't have skyscrapers, because there's no life either. We don't have crimes to fight with for the same matter. Maybe just few dead alcoholics.

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