Is Teen Titans Go the only instance in recent time where the reboot was more successful than the original?

Is Teen Titans Go the only instance in recent time where the reboot was more successful than the original?

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  1. 12 months ago

    In general reboots aren’t as successful because they revive only the best-performing IPs for new content and have to compete against said original’s success, if they rebooted middling success shows or absolute failures you’d see more TTG or Horse Show successes

  2. 12 months ago

    Lion King live action made far, far more then Lion King at the box office
    Little Mermaid 2023 made more then Little Mermaid at the box office

    • 12 months ago

      >Lion King live action made far, far more then Lion King at the box office
      >Little Mermaid 2023 made more then Little Mermaid at the box office
      I think comparing moderns movie box office with the classic is always one important factor forgotten. No, not inflation, but that the market is simply bigger. Not only has the population increased, but also the amount of people being able to buy tickets and of course the globalization, which enables studios to sell their movie to far more cinemas around the world than before.

      • 12 months ago

        Money isn't worth now what it was back in the early 90's, Anon.

        • 12 months ago

          Yes, and? That's the point of inflation. The number is bigger, but it's not worth more. But inflation is always brought up in these discussions, but not the other points.

          • 12 months ago

            Outside of a count of butts in seats it's the best metric you can get.

          • 12 months ago

            The original post was implying that the remakes were more succesful(and possibly that they were better) than the originals. The original post wasn't making the points you are presumably referring to. I was replying to

            Lion King live action made far, far more then Lion King at the box office
            Little Mermaid 2023 made more then Little Mermaid at the box office


            >Lion King live action made far, far more then Lion King at the box office
            >Little Mermaid 2023 made more then Little Mermaid at the box office
            I think comparing moderns movie box office with the classic is always one important factor forgotten. No, not inflation, but that the market is simply bigger. Not only has the population increased, but also the amount of people being able to buy tickets and of course the globalization, which enables studios to sell their movie to far more cinemas around the world than before.

            The original Lion King and Little Mermaid were met with universal praise and remain legendary peices of animated cinema to this day. Live Action Lion King will be forgotten soon if it has not all ready and the Little Mermaid Live Action Remake has been panned and is the subject of much derision.

            • 12 months ago

              >I was replying to
              odd, since you quoted my post and not the other anons post

              Outside of a count of butts in seats it's the best metric you can get.

              you because one doesn't have exact numbers, doesn't mean the points should be ignored.

              • 12 months ago

                >odd, since you quoted my post and not the other anons pos
                My bad, excuse my homosexualry.

              • 12 months ago

                It's okay, we all accidentally suck dick sometimes, I know I have

        • 12 months ago

          I'm pretty sure every top grossing list worth its salt is adjusted for inflation.

    • 12 months ago

      With inflation Lion King 91 made 2,161m Vs Lion King 19 at 1,663m

      Probably the same with Little Mermiad

    • 12 months ago

      >Lion King live action made far, far more then Lion King at the box office
      >Little Mermaid 2023 made more then Little Mermaid at the box office
      Because companies started leveraging the international box office more and have basically no competition. Bluth was releasing movies the same day Disney released theirs to spite them.

    • 12 months ago

      >what's inflation?

      • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Disney movies made more money in merchandise than they did in ticket sales and by now those moves have been selling merch for 30 years
      Don't kid yourself they didn't make as much money as the originals

    • 12 months ago

      We want to Make Life action Lion King a Franchise in the Scope of Star Wars
      Is Disney Serious?
      The original Lion King's continuity already has two Direct to Video sequels that by a miracle are good by Dsney direct to video standards, an animated show and a succesfull Broadway show.

  3. 12 months ago

    But that table implies TTGO aired before the original.

    Can't find viewership numbers for the original series, but TTGO seems to had the same numbers as everything else airing at that time. Including right now with a pathetic 0.1M average, same as the Hailey trash.
    So I guess we could argue that it doesn't do better than anything else currently airing, but it also doesn't do worse, however sine it has been running for a longer time than the original and lacking the numbers for that one, then, yes it's more successful?

    • 12 months ago

      >But that table implies TTGO aired before the original.
      Whatever it takes to shit on the original show. Even lying.

      • 12 months ago

        Cope and seethe classicgay.

  4. 12 months ago

    lmao you think reboots actually fail and are rightfully called out by audiences instead of being consumed by instinct?
    i bet the fricking star wars sequels made back cash despite killing backlash and more than the originals or prequels, and don't make me start with the DCEU

  5. 12 months ago

    Teen Titans Go! was targeted at a much younger demographic and cost way less to produce. It was the next Johnny Test, a show so cheap, fast and easy to make that they woul;d profit even if it only had modest views.

    • 12 months ago

      Guess that explains why Capcom keeps making Monster hunter and Resident evil titles even though everyone wants more Mega Man titles and micro soft penis keeps making gaylo titles even though everyone wants microsoft penis to die. They keep making the same games over and over again.

      However, Johnny Test and Teen Titans Go are not fitting example because Johnny Test and Teen Titans Go are actually good unlike Resedent evil, Monster hunter and gaylo.

  6. 12 months ago

    This depends on which metric you are using to define success. Rather than looking at financials, I'd rather consider reboots that have displaced the original in the pop culture zeitgeist.
    MLP:FiM is the most obvious one. I mean, it has its own board.
    Voltron Legendary Defender, love it or hate it, is probably what most people picture when they hear Voltron.
    Super Mario Bros Movie is arguably a reboot, as there were two movies prior to it.

  7. 12 months ago

    Its kinda weird how they just shit on the original, could have also jabbed how GO! aired 24/7 to the point of brain rot.

    • 12 months ago

      Because the original actually is shit.

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