It's sad Macross doesn't get a lot of love, probably because of Delta and of course the Harmony Gold shit.

It's sad Macross doesn't get a lot of love, probably because of Delta and of course the Harmony Gold shit.
You think that Macross has a future at all? Think it would ever come back to prominence in some way?

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  1. 9 months ago

    >You think that Macross has a future at all?
    Maybe when Israel burns.

    • 9 months ago

      see , simple as

      Macross was a decent series that ran longer than it deserved too. It doesn't help that the series is devolved into, or maybe it's better to say it was patient zero, for idolru crap.

      Perhaps you have a point , i saw it simply more as becoming saturated and diluted. The longer it went on, the further it drifted from the original vision and execution, the more foreign people got their hands on it. Many attempts to step forward ended up taking 2 steps back from the former light that drew everyone to it. Even with the sequels coming over to the west, there's barely anyone to actually stream it or give a shit besides though who've already seen it. It's pretty illogical that the OG part of the entire series is what gets restricted worldwide

      • 9 months ago

        The "original vision" is the triangle.
        Love story x mecha x music.
        There has been zero drift beyond some crusty homosexual greybeards upset that they arent eternally rehashing SDFM forever like Star Wars or Gundam.

        • 9 months ago

          >arent eternally rehashing SDFM forever
          They are tho. Otherwise the love triangles, super idols and giant transforming battleships would have been dumped long ago.

          • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            Kawamori salvaged his proposed Advanced Valkyrie series from the 80s and turned it into Plus specifically by adding singers and a love triangle.

        • 9 months ago

          Absolute schizoid post. The “vision” for the original series was putting all the otaku stuff they loved inside an anime that could get green lit. And that includes the idol singer.

          epitome of tunnel vision. You have the proverbial pieces "there" yet every other show is polarizing as frick and didn't settle in like the original had, did you even read that post? mongoloids

          • 9 months ago

            >yet every other show is polarizing as frick and didn't settle in like the original had,
            "Every other show" has been massively popular, dipshit. Otherwise THEY WOULDNT KEEP MAKING THEM.

            • 9 months ago

              >"Every other show" has been massively popular
              I think it could be argued that Delta as a show wasn't as popular Walkure was. Hoping real hard that this new series will be good since two series in a row where the big bads grand schemes are instrumentality is lame as frick. Maybe there is something to be said about how in forty years time there has only been four Macross series will Gundam has more than three times as many series in the same time span (not counting the OVAs).

              • 9 months ago

                >Maybe there is something to be said about how in forty years time there has only been four Macross series will Gundam has more than three times as many series in the same time span (not counting the OVAs).

                Literally it’s just it’s easier to drum up support during an anniversary or did you not notice most of entries fell along a roughly 5 year gap. Flashback, II, Dynamite 7, Zero, and Frontier all marked an anniversary. Plus/7 was a little off because Kawamori had to come back it after 2.

              • 9 months ago

                >Literally it’s just it’s easier to drum up support during an anniversary or did you not notice most of entries fell along a roughly 5 year gap. Flashback, II, Dynamite 7, Zero, and Frontier all marked an anniversary. Plus/7 was a little off because Kawamori had to come back it after 2.
                There are also fewer entries because Kawamori still has a major part in the creative direction the franchise goes, unlike Tomino.

              • 9 months ago

                Maybe Kawamori is the problem? Who was the one to decided to have the big bads of the given shows (Frontier and Delta) have the same mo (hiveminds) and also have DYRL (the song) played during the climaxes?

              • 9 months ago

                Gundam is a force unto itself. No mecha franchise comes close to the same number of entries and Macross is doing quite well to even be a distant third or fourth given its vintage. Macross is also ultimate controlled by Big West, not Kawamori.

              • 9 months ago

                >Maybe there is something to be said about how in forty years time there has only been four Macross series will Gundam has more than three times as many series in the same time span (not counting the OVAs).

                Literally it’s just it’s easier to drum up support during an anniversary or did you not notice most of entries fell along a roughly 5 year gap. Flashback, II, Dynamite 7, Zero, and Frontier all marked an anniversary. Plus/7 was a little off because Kawamori had to come back it after 2.

                >Literally it’s just it’s easier to drum up support during an anniversary or did you not notice most of entries fell along a roughly 5 year gap. Flashback, II, Dynamite 7, Zero, and Frontier all marked an anniversary. Plus/7 was a little off because Kawamori had to come back it after 2.
                There are also fewer entries because Kawamori still has a major part in the creative direction the franchise goes, unlike Tomino.

                There's a huge handicap that Macross has compared to shows like Gundam, and it's that they can't release the new shows in the West. They can't sell merchandise related to those shows in the West either. All they accomplished was mostly in Japan. When they do a new Gundam they know that burgers will eat it up, so it will make money even outside Japan. Macross survived just by having most entries be extremely popular in its own country.

              • 9 months ago

                >They can't sell merchandise related to those shows in the West either
                They can sell shit post SDF/DYRL in the west now but that's only been for the last couple of years. Why aren't Macross autists as dedicated as that one moron who burned down Kyoani, we should've had someone torch Harmony Gold and Frank Agrama's house to the ground by now.

              • 9 months ago

                That fricking moron killed the wrong people in Kyoani if anything. The two character designers were great, in fact out of the shit that cesspool produced one of its remaining graces were that. I've been tempted to watch Hibiki Euphorium a few times because of how gorgeous the characters look. And I was looking forward to see how the two women that created those designs would keep evolving in the future.
                Now sadly we'll never know. The most important tragedy, of course, is the lost of their lives, among all the others that perished, but it pisses me off that such talented artists perished because of a piece of shit, and it's worst that some people celebrate it.

      • 9 months ago

        Absolute schizoid post. The “vision” for the original series was putting all the otaku stuff they loved inside an anime that could get green lit. And that includes the idol singer.

      • 9 months ago

        >the more foreign people got their hands on it
        You measure things using a system made by the French, frick off.

  2. 9 months ago

    Frontier was massive even with Harmony Gold. All they need for the next series to be relevant is a promising start.

  3. 9 months ago

    >new actual good kits never ever
    kill me

    • 9 months ago

      I've been starting to get into proper mecha kits, any "must haves" for Macross?

      • 9 months ago

        that was more specifically towards the Valkyrie II which has like only one ancient bandai kit

        most kits are alot like military plane kits and demand you paint them or at the very least apply a ton of waterslides
        personally I don't like anything that can actually transform and from a glance the action figures aren't too hot either

        the brand new bandai YF-19 is pretty cool because it has all the modes via parts forming and is a much more userfriendly build being more like their other hg kits. You end up getting a torso bust of battroid mode if you want to keep the kit in gerwalk or fighter. Big issue is it's only 1/100 to fit in along more with gundam's frickhuge sizes at 1/144 hg kits while all the haswega kits are the classical fighterjet kit 1/72

        if you like battroid mode a lot more than anything else PLAMAX is releasing a pretty articulate looking one sometime near the end of the year. It looks like it's prioritising as much articulation while retaining some anime accuracy compared to other battroid kits

        you can try asking the gunpla general about sugurya or like what the free postage website is. It keeps having free postage worldwide deals and that's ontop of already cheap prices. I think I saw some valkyries in 1/48 scale for like 3k yen

        • 9 months ago

          Posting in yet another zoomer thread that needs constant content feeds or the subject matter is "dead"

          You are insane if you think that the Yamato/Arcadia toys "aren't too hot"
          They are ridiculously amazing and cost accordingly.
          Don't even give a frick if you are talking about Bandai. Wave and Hasegawa make great model kits, and being required to paint models and apply decals is part of the hobby. Bandai only kids spoiled on color separations and stickers really need to frick off.

          • 9 months ago

            >You are insane if you think that the Yamato/Arcadia toys "aren't too hot"
            >They are ridiculously amazing and cost accordingly

            "Cost accordingly" is kinda nonsense considering Arcadia has jacked the price of their reissues quite a bit over what they retailed for in their time as Yamato (inb4 someone does the math and it works out to equivalent after any inflation adjustment). But yeah they've got one of the most well respected 1/60 "perfect transformation" VF-1 sculpts in the industry.
            I'm more a fan of the Bandai DX VF-1 myself though.

            • 9 months ago

              Realistically they have the only sculpt since the same designers work for both Arcadia and Bandai. Even the Kitzconcept one is a blatant copy.

              • 9 months ago

                Is it really all that one guy from TRex? Because if so damn that's some good work.

              • 9 months ago

                He says he started working for Yamato with the VF-0 so he's probably had a hand in everything since.

          • 9 months ago

            >You are insane if you think that the Yamato/Arcadia toys "aren't too hot
            was trying to convey that I've really only experienced the kits
            I do retract a bit, I do enjoy my frontier ewac girly boy valkyrie. I do only display it in flight for

    • 9 months ago

      There’s no good Valkyrie ii kits

  4. 9 months ago

    I see Valkyrie II is the image, is Bandai allowed to make kits from Macross II? I'd love to see it in their new HG line with the super-armored pack

    • 9 months ago

      Bandai already made a couple of Hi-Metal R Valkyrie II toys so I don't see why not.

  5. 9 months ago

    >probably because of Delta and of course the Harmony Gold
    Macross has 2-3 fanbases that don't like each other. This is because in the original work the power of music is psychological and the aliens are basically humans from space. In the original SDFM there are no "alien" aliens, just the humans and the zentran/meltran who are all genetically descended from the protocultures. The power of music in the original series happens in the form of Vrlitwhai's entire armada all getting their first boyhood crush on the same pop singer all at the same time and it works because their society has been stripped of anything other than military tactics and military thinking. It works again in Macross II because the Marduk (more humans from space, easily explained as another culture seeded by the protocultures) use the subliminal effects of music as mind control, the same way Sharon Apple uses it in Macross Plus.

    Then you have the other take where the vibrations of music affect the fabric of reality, where you can rock so hard you change the physical properties of matter like you're in an 80's music video. i'm not saying it's not a cool idea, but the power of music is approached in a completely different way in the later shows. And while there was a love triangle in the original series it was kind of in the background. Hikaru pines for Minmay who doesn't realize she's going to lose him until she's already lost him for Misa and only has a handful of sad scenes about it afterward. Plus similarly had Guld go after Myung as part of his competition with Isamu but Isamu didn't really compete against him for her attention. It was more just Guld stalking Myung.

    In the later shows the careers of the pop stars and the love triangles are much more front-and-center and the power of music is straight up magic (looking at YOU, Basara).

    • 9 months ago

      >Macross has 2-3 fanbases that don't like each other.

      No it's just a couple of loud Robotech fan boys who never grew up and think mecha is serious business.

      • 9 months ago

        >the Robotech crowd is more accepting of Macross II and thinks MOSPEADA made a better Macross sequel than Delta.
        your RPG group doesn't represent a fandom

        Case in point. Thanks, guys.
        i'll head back over to the Gundam fandom now. Have a nice day.

        • 9 months ago

          You act like a dipshit who got all his information from the gits still posting on Macrossworld and you expect to be taken seriously.

        • 9 months ago

          Anon, you were hated on because you told the truth.

        • 9 months ago

          I will bring up that it is ironic you talk about the Gundam fandom like they aren't split across the multiple timelines.

    • 9 months ago

      Then there's the fact that people who got into the show through Robotech eventually sought out the original and liked it, while those who got in through the later Macross series completely revile the Robotech version and refuse to watch it. This leads to that group having a highly exaggerated belief about how much the show was actually changed and a general dismissal of people who grew up with that version. This kind of further divides the "early Macross" fanbase because the purists stick to the Kawamori entries and dismiss Macross II while the Robotech crowd is more accepting of Macross II and thinks MOSPEADA made a better Macross sequel than Delta.

      So basically it's hard to have a thread about the franchise as a whole without starting an argument. You can have a thread about one show or another, but if you try a thread about SDFM you can expect it to devolve quickly into an in-depth discussion about trademark and copyright laws and a real estate company being evil.

      • 9 months ago

        >the Robotech crowd is more accepting of Macross II and thinks MOSPEADA made a better Macross sequel than Delta.
        your RPG group doesn't represent a fandom

      • 9 months ago

        >completely revile the Robotech version and refuse to watch it
        Why the frick would anyone bother with a pointless inferior version?

    • 9 months ago

      The love triangle thing is a lie, Hikaru is still pining for Minmay after he gets together with Misa. The main source of conflict in the final arc isn't even the few remaining Zentradi military holdouts, it's the fact that Hikaru is wavering and Minmay picked a guy who is making her miserable. With the sole exception of Britai the remaining main characters in the final arc are around solely to contrast the love triangle's stagnant romance (Claudia tells Misa how she fell in love, Max and Milia have a baby, Kamjin and Lap Lamiz are passionately in love) in order to force a real conclusion to the triangle's ambiguity. The war ends around 10 episodes before this does.

      • 9 months ago

        The war is over, yes, but the show got extended so that's why the reconstruction arc happened. And you may be forgetting the Zentran who weren't able to adjust and several skirmishes that lead up to Kamujin's suicide attack where he rammed Lap Lamiz's ship into the Macross at the actual end of the series.
        Also Kaifun is more of a controlling-her-life butthole relative than a "Minmay picked a guy" even if he was probably raping her in a drunken stupor.

        • 9 months ago

          >even if he was probably raping her in a drunken stupor.

          why are robotech fans like this

        • 9 months ago

          None of that refutes my claims of the main cast's scenes being primarily about romance in the last arc.
          Also Kaifun and Minmay kissed on-screen multiple times. Even before they were dating they flirted constantly, Hikaru being emasculated by him early on is a massive part of the character dynamics. If you watched the show you would know this. I can't believe someone who actually saw Macross would believe otherwise, even the movie is named "Do You Remember Love" and has a love song as the big emotional climax.

    • 9 months ago

      Case in point. Thanks, guys.
      i'll head back over to the Gundam fandom now. Have a nice day.

      Treating Robotech as a legitimate part of the Macross ecosphere is like treating Dragonar or Code Geass as Gundam entries.
      Robotech is so vastly different it really is just its own thing at this point.
      You might as well be saying Macross and Transformers are apart of the same franchise because the G1 Jetfire toy used the VF-1 design.

    • 9 months ago

      I will be honest.

      I was harder on Robotech than I should have been, and will admit it after seeing what comes after Macross Plus.

      Seven, Fronteir, and Delta were just not for me and, in some cases, made a lot of the same mistakes Robotech would make or accumulated some of the same issues.

      For me, the series has the same issues Gundam does, in that the fight between the UN Spacy and Zentraedi is more interesting than the fights between the New UN and their subsequent foes a lot of the time. There is also a bit of a tonal break as there are questions the OG series does not answer or leaves ambiguous and they dangle a far more interesting conflict between the Supervision Army and Zentraedi Armada before us, yet never revisit again except in scant side material.

      It is harder to get invested in new characters when I know I'm not likely going to see or hear from them again. This was an issue with Robotech and it's equally an issue for Macross. And I say that as someone who liked Dana Sterling and her 15th ATAC Squad as much as I liked Issemu Dyson.

      And Kawamori himself admits to wanting to tone down the Idol based Love Triangle in the newer series but was apparently rejected by the Studio Executives, which does not bode well for Macross going forward perhaps.

      • 9 months ago

        And to elaborate on the Gundam point, I mean the struggle between the Federation and Zeon is seemingly the Crux of Gundam and the bread winner.

        Well that is how it feels for Macross when it comes to the UN and the Zentraedi fleet.

        And evidently the Macross creators must feel the same given all the call backs to the OG series they have in there, going as far as to put Quamzin, Breetai and Exodol clones in one episode of Fronteir

        • 9 months ago

          No this is stupid. The UC may be endlessly recycling the Feds vs Zeon but Macross has had a new enemy faction in every entry. Certainly doesn't feel like humans vs Zentradi is some crutch the franchise is eternally fated to cling on to.

          • 9 months ago

            I'd say it is, given Humans Vs Zentraeidi is something they keep revisiting and it is the Crux of a lot of the subsequent series in some way or another. Even if it is not the focal point of a series, they will find some way to add it into there for one reason or another.

            Case in point:

            Seven: Has mind controlled Zentraedi serving as minions for the Varutia.

            Plus: The main rivalry is a Human vs a Zentraedi.

            Fronteir: One of the pivotal episodes is them fighting Zentraedi Malcontents.

            Delta: Very first two episodes has the Climax being the protagonist and his heroine fighting against a bezerk Zentraedi Garrison.

            Macross II: The main antagonist field mind controlled Zentraedi and Meltrandi forces.

            Games based around II and it's subsequent Games: Enemy is the Zentraedi, specifically remnants of the Boddole Zer Fleet and Nuld Fleet.

            VFX: The entire first game of the VFX series has the main foe be Zentraedi Malcontents who summon another Grand Fleet in Earth's Direction, complete with it's own Boddole Xer mothership. The second game likewise has one of it's iconic factions be Renegade Zentraedi under the organization Chaos. The same one the Zentraedi captain of Macross Delta's Macross Quarter once belonged to.

            Humans vs Zentraedi is Iconic.

            Meanwhile, their other antagonists largely don't get revisited near about as much. In fact, they usually aren't all that compelling or are more villian of the week than a lasting presence. So while they may introduce a new antagonist every new entry into the franchise, they don't seem to command the same on screen prescence or popularity the Zentraedi do.

            • 9 months ago

              honestly should've just not mentioned it
              calling Guld a zentraedi is very reductive and also ignoring that he's a deuteragonist and not the true antagonist

              • 9 months ago

                He may not be the True Antagonist. But his Zentraedi heritage is one of the things leveraged in his feud with Dyson. Plus it's shown that this spectre of hostility between the two races is still present in other ways, as the training course at the world where their competition took place had a shooting range that featured Zenraedi Power Armors being used as target practice. The opening fight in Plus also showcased a battle between the Spacy and Zentraedi of undisclosed Alliegence.

              • 9 months ago

                >a shooting range that featured Zenraedi Power Armors being used as target practice
                gee I wonder if that could have something to do with the millions of other hostile Zentraedi fleets still patrolling the galaxy. It obviously has nothing to do with any sort of internal conflict

              • 9 months ago

                >gee I wonder if that could have something to do with the millions of other hostile Zentraedi fleets still patrolling the galaxy.

                You're sort of missing the forest through the trees there, pal.

              • 9 months ago

                That is a concern, yes.

                But as shown with Dyson's combat record, Zentraedi Human relations are not so solid that they don't have to fight their former allies at some point or another on a semi regular basis. Because it's mentioned he has been involved in prior conflicts and out first introduction to him is him engaged in combat with what could just as likely be Zentraedi Insurgents.

                Indeed, as shown at the end of the OG Macross, things are not so stable that Zentraedi don't return to old and dire habits when peace doesn't prove fruitful. The Qamzin Look alike in Fronteir even said it is likely that Humans and Zentraedi will always be in conflict in some fashion at the end of his duel with the protagonists, implying that this belief is there among the NUN aligned Zentraedi on some level.

              • 9 months ago

                The main constant in Macross is there are those in power who want to do anything to get more (like there are no Zentradi in Zero but plenty of warmongers) but they never think about the consequences or doing things peacefully. It's why even in the original show Misa's father and the rest of the higher ups are portrayed as being just as bad as Boldolza.


                Robogays can't help but spell it wrong.

              • 9 months ago

                You can blame that on some of the localizations as I think some for Macross II and DYRL spell it that way as well. But I could be wrong.

            • 9 months ago

              >Zentraedi Malcontents
              jealous robotechgay detected. one that's confusing callbacks with THE CRUX OF THE UNIVERSE.

      • 9 months ago

        >conflict between the Supervision Army and Zentraedi Armada before us, yet never revisit again except in scant side material.

        this dipshit didn't pay attention during 7

    • 9 months ago

      It's because Macross makes most of their money through the idol concerts IRL now so that's the focus of the shows now. It wasn't so big in SDF because Mari quickly tired of the gig and their main selling point was toys of the robots as expected of the era but things shifted 7 and Fire Bomber and especially with Frontier.

    • 9 months ago

      The original Macross was at its core about the cultural division between the older WW2 generation and their post WW2 offspring as the later embraces the new influences of the booming economy. It's basically a space opera footloose. The latter sequels, aside for II anyways, completely forget this element.

      • 9 months ago

        >The original Macross was at its core about the cultural division between the older WW2 generation and their post WW2 offspring as the later embraces the new influences of the booming economy.
        This shit is getting embarrassing.

  6. 9 months ago

    >war is over so show is over too
    I couldn't possibly imagine being so simple minded.

    • 9 months ago

      hey it worked for MASH

  7. 9 months ago

    Best dogfight of the series?

    • 9 months ago

      isamu vs guld
      shin vs nora
      alto vs the cyber homie

  8. 9 months ago

    Macross was a decent series that ran longer than it deserved too. It doesn't help that the series is devolved into, or maybe it's better to say it was patient zero, for idolru crap.

    • 9 months ago

      I believe Kawamori mentioned he wanted to tone down some of those elements or try Macross without them, but was denied this by his superiors.

      I find it rather jarring now, with Seven being perhaps the worst offender, in competition with Delta.

      But Delta is at least funnier about how it does it and it's more comical.

      • 9 months ago

        >I believe Kawamori mentioned he wanted to tone down some of those elements or try Macross without them,
        They did that. It was called Plus. And given how AKB0048 was a thing I have a hard time buying that shit.

        >I find it rather jarring now, with Seven being perhaps the worst offender
        7 at least gave some decent rock music. In any other country than Japan the Macross soundtrack would be marketed at tween girls.

  9. 9 months ago

    Did Zero deserve the backlash it got for making music magic?

    • 9 months ago

      Sara was using her music to control Protoculture technology on the island. People hated it more for the hippie shit.

    • 9 months ago

      No, in fact it was the best Macross entry until Delta.

    • 9 months ago

      >for making music magic
      7 already did that anyway
      Zero mostly deserves backlash for just being painfully dull

    • 9 months ago

      My issue with it is the same with Enterprise for Star Trek and Unicorn for Gundam, IT NEVER HAPPENED in universe until some fricking moron came along and shoehorned it in. rwkdwd

      • 9 months ago

        canon doesnt really matter with macross

      • 9 months ago

        Britai and Exedore react to scenes of Kaifun using kung fu magic in a movie like it’s something they know about. What the Mayan people are doing is controlling ancient technology without knowing it until the very end. Technology looking like magic is pretty Star Trek

        • 9 months ago

          You missed completely what I said. Another example to try and explain my issue with Zero is SRW Alpha 3 having SEED in it. You have a established world where all of the sudden something just poofs into existence, that is bullshit. Zero is just Kawamori hippy bullshit that also served to set up Frontier which I also don't like. Zero = "dude floating rocks lmao", Frontier = "dude bugs are le good".

          • 9 months ago

            It's amazing it's always the floating rocks and not the decades of spaceships with anti-gravity.

            >Frontier = "dude bugs are le good".

            you're goddamn right they are

      • 9 months ago

        You missed completely what I said. Another example to try and explain my issue with Zero is SRW Alpha 3 having SEED in it. You have a established world where all of the sudden something just poofs into existence, that is bullshit. Zero is just Kawamori hippy bullshit that also served to set up Frontier which I also don't like. Zero = "dude floating rocks lmao", Frontier = "dude bugs are le good".

        Does your issue with Enterprise being a prequel in an established world extend to other examples like Temple of Doom, Star War's Prequel era and Godfather II?

        • 9 months ago

          Possibly. I don't ever recall seeing a upside down Akira class in the D's conference room.

          • 9 months ago

            That is the same series where they said the Klingons joined the Federation and show the Federation flaglarntly violating their own genetic engineering taboo. .

            I'm not sure I'd take everything they say and present at face value at all times within it.

          • 9 months ago

            That's because the temporal investigations bureau had yet to retcon itself into existence to retcon that into existence.

            No but for real though there's plenty that has been established before Ent rolled out to provide convenient excuse and hardware away discrepancy. Alternate universes, Q bullshit, temporal meddling (I mean for frick's sake thanks to the events of FC, which itself has contentious retcon criticisms leveled at it at times, the Borg get to show up in Ent as well as create a closed time loop for the events of Q Who as I recall)... the point is that you shouldn't let that stuff get in the way of Trek telling a story, at least if the story is good (well that and the refit NX that never got to debut in series is a treasure that must be protected, I get it's like a Connie for hipsters but the retrofit secondary hull is cute!)

            • 9 months ago

              Wasn't ENT a slapdash shitshow that was JUST thrown together to have something to air on UPN? I hear you on how shit can be screwy in Star Trek but it really did rustle muh jimmies when ENT came out.

              • 9 months ago

                Vague childhood memories have me recalling a mix of being burnt out on Trek and the reboot of Battlestar Galactica grabbing everyone's attention for a serialized space story. Oh, and that the theme song was annoying, at least at first. I've got big nostalgia for it 2 decades later and apparently a lot of other people do too.

                Vague childhood memories also tell me that "slapdash shitshow to give UPN a reason to exist" describes Voyager as well, perhaps even moreso.

  10. 9 months ago

    Maybe they should turn Macross into an yuri idol show, look at how many new fans Gundam gained with Witch From Mercury

    • 9 months ago

      >an yuri

    • 9 months ago

      Macross already has Yuri just watch Delta

      Macross was a decent series that ran longer than it deserved too. It doesn't help that the series is devolved into, or maybe it's better to say it was patient zero, for idolru crap.

      I think it's only gotten better with idol crap as you put it. Delta and frontier was very popular

      • 9 months ago

        >Delta and frontier was very popular
        >Delta is less popular than SDF, 7, and the Frontier movie

        • 9 months ago

          The gaps between the winners wasn't that big. And Macross fandom in general tends to have multiple favorites so it can be hard to pick one. The people who grew up on Frontier also like Delta and 7 a lot so their vote got split against the old people voting for the original and DYRL.

          • 9 months ago

            I love SDFM, DYRL and 7.

          • 9 months ago

            What do you mean "in some way"? Macross is probably the 4th biggest mecha franchise behind Gundam, Eva and Transformers (not necessarily in that order), one of the bigger anime franchises generally and reliably puts out a new series each decade or so, followed by secondary content to capitalize on the TV show's success and every series has launched the career of a musical act that has stayed prominent in the Japanese musical scene for years. Just because it doesn't have a new animation every 6 months doesn't make it not prominent.

            You're making a pretty reductive argument that isn't really borne out by the voting stats on the official sites, where the biggest block of votes demo wise for the original show was 40 to 49 year olds (54%) and DYRL (60%), but sizable sections of the vote for Plus (40%), 7 (22%) and Frontier (21%) were also in that age range. There's no numbers on how many voted for each show either, making it an even more flimsy argument that "the gaps between winners weren't that big", since we have no idea what the gap actually was.

            If the younger demo really was split, then so was the older across the original show, DYRL and Plus at the very least. Frontier is pretty definitively the most popular though, which isn't surprising looking at the sales figures for the show and how popular May'n and Megumi Nakajima were for years afterwards. The fact Delta didn't hit as hard as it doesn't make it unpopular.

            • 9 months ago

              makes some very good. especially about delta, just cos it wasn't a ball park run doesn't make it bad. I mean many shows wish to have the success delta had. hell Walkure was at the top of the charts for a while in Japan

            • 9 months ago

              I believe OP is talking about the west, and we all know the answer to why it isn’t as popular here.

      • 9 months ago

        it's a travesty that M7 didn't get a movie version that fixes the sunday cartoon terrible pacing and boring love triangle

        • 9 months ago

          >movie version
          Fricking this. Sure would be nice to have a Macross series that is good from the get go and not "need" movie versions to fix it. Maybe Frontier tv and Delta tv were purposely made bad to rake in more money with compilations?

          • 9 months ago

            >Maybe Frontier tv and Delta tv were purposely made bad to rake in more money with compilations?

            They don't get money to make a movie unless the series is a proven success.

            • 9 months ago

              This, and according to rrats the Delta movie was the original ending for the TV show but not in scope. I don't know how believable that is

            • 9 months ago

              Wasn't Mobile Suit Gundam not an initial success but got movies anyway?

              This, and according to rrats the Delta movie was the original ending for the TV show but not in scope. I don't know how believable that is


              This, and according to rrats the Delta movie was the original ending for the TV show but not in scope. I don't know how believable that is

              At least Voyager is canon 😉

              • 9 months ago

                >At least Voyager is canon 😉
                It's important not to try to gloss over your faction's atrocities.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh I don't really care for V'ger either just taking the piss. Surely we are all one happy fleet? Do you not know the old Klingon proverb anon, shitposting is best served shitty, it is very shitty in Cinemaphile.

              • 9 months ago

                I would never talk shit about our glorious admiral, lest she turn her gaze upon me.

              • 9 months ago

                Macross isn’t Gundam. It’s not even tied to an animation studio but an advertising company.

              • 9 months ago

                The original show started gaining a bit more viewership by word of mouth just after it was cancelled, and huge crowds turned up for the premiere of the first movie because that word of mouth had become so strong. It also did huge ratings in re-airings through the early to mid 80s; stronger ratings than any of the sequels got, initially or re-airing, to my knowledge. The movie was made because Sunrise realized it was a success despite the initially bad ratings, which makes sense, since no company is going to authorize a movie on the back of a failure just for the heck of it.

              • 9 months ago

                There's nothing wrong with Voyager, TNG had lots of moronic episodes too.

              • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        >Macross already has Yuri just watch Delta
        It does not, the green hair girl and pink hair girl both have boyfriends, the green hair one's is Bouge from the enemy faction.

        • 9 months ago

          Bogue is a simp at best and too cheap to afford Reina.

  11. 9 months ago

    In the case of Zero even if it had happened, it likely would not have been mentioned.

    As the UN Spacy has shown itself to be a duplicitous organization that does not always believe in being forth right.

    So I can see many things happening they would never bother having the public know if they could help it.

    Like with Windamere and what happened with the Dimension Eater.

  12. 9 months ago

    delta is massive in Japan. why do westernoids push their values of saying it's shit without looking at the impact delta had. it's not the best show but the music and characters have had some of the biggest impact.

  13. 9 months ago

    Never heard of it. You mean Robotech?

  14. 9 months ago

    >probably because of Delta
    Delta literally just had a new movie and it was the best Macross they've made since Zero when the frick are you morons gonna stop being such contrarian twats.

    • 9 months ago

      it's/m/ it's cool to hate popular things which is a shame

      • 9 months ago

        No, that's not the reason.

  15. 9 months ago

    So anyway why doesn't Studio Nue/Big West, the original creators and holders to this day of the original IP, just take away Harmony Gold's rights? Is it some frickery with the original contract or they just don't care? I can't imagine it's fun to deal with red tape each time they want to do something outside Japan, and you'd think it'd be easy to argue in court how HG stole wholesale many components and named them as their "original" creation, breaking almost every copyright law out there.

    • 9 months ago

      They are shintoists.

    • 9 months ago

      HG fulfills their contract with Tatsunoko. It's why they authorize so much merchandise of dubious quality to keep the trademark and keep it locked down.

  16. 9 months ago

    >Delta killed the franchise
    if anything Delta was the largest global exposure to macross since robotech kek
    and it's all thanks to Earth, Wind & Fire and youtube

    • 9 months ago

      i mean yeah, but as you can see, it clearly didn't last long kek. Adding on the fact that the show that got the most "exposure" was by far the worst extension of the franchise, no purpose in trying to sell redemption points

      • 9 months ago

        >it clearly didn't last long kek
        wtf are you talking about they only stopped doing walkure concerts this year, 7 years since the show aired

        • 9 months ago

          And not only that but they simulcast the live to cinemas across the world, I was going to go but the only place showing it in Bongland was in Londonistan.

        • 9 months ago

          A reminder with Walkure LIVE stream on Youtube most likely announcing FINAL LIVE TOUR Bluray release date and Crossover LIVE date around Christmas.

          Is Walkure really going away for good?
          Of course not.

          • 9 months ago

            I've lost count of how many months I've seen videos, livestreams and dated performances all claiming to be the "last", they are getting absolutely milked frickin hell

    • 9 months ago

      i never really thought those songs sounded similar

  17. 9 months ago

    Macross' place in the anime world is fine. The original series primarily cultivated a niche fanbase, and the franchise has never managed to expand beyond the more hardcore anime enthusiast. Would it be nice to get a bit more content, sure; but I'd rather take the chance with a new entry every ten years-or-so, over a series that needs to constantly support its own mini-industry (admittedly, for anyone really into plastic models, the Gundam formula works better in this regard). Still, we're getting a new series from the studio formerly-know-as Sunrise. Considering some of the content dumped in Delta and its last movie, the new show could be an interesting follow-up.

    • 9 months ago

      >The franchise has never managed to expand beyond the more hardcore anime enthusiast.
      What the frick are you talking about? Macross is extremely successful in Japan, no show that can't expand beyond hardcore enthusiasts have that kind of audience.
      Whereas in the West Robotech was extremely successful in the 80s, it was very important in cementing the first, second or third generation of anime fans (depending which country you're talking about) before things got real a few years later with Dragon Ball, Saint Seiya and Sailor Moon.
      The only reason it couldn't make a significant amount of new fans in the late 90s and afterwards is legal shittery, because most of mainstream channels can't show the new shows. I'm pretty sure if Frontier and Delta were in Crunchyroll, or Netflix or any kind of popular streaming services they'd be a huge success. And this is coming from someone who despises Frontier and Delta.

      • 9 months ago

        In Japan, Macross is a successful franchise, but with a niche audience. Painting with a broad brush, it currently sits between the single-season, 13-episode adaptation of some random light novel and ongoing mainstream hits like a Dragon Ball or Pretty Cure. Arguably, Macross' ability to reinvent itself about once a decade has been its strength, allowing the brand to remain somewhat relevant by keeping the fanbase from completely stagnating, unlike other popular titles that hit an evolutionary dead end. All the same, it still a series for the enthusiast set. To put things another way, people in Japan who follow anime are at least aware of the franchise, if not fans of it; to everyone else, Macross is just a funny-sounding word.

        • 9 months ago

          OF COURSE TO PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF JAPAN MACROSS IS A FUNNY-SOUNDING WORD. Harmony Gold rebranded it Robotech and then killed the franchise. It's not Macross' fault, if it weren't for HG's frickery it would be as popular as Gundam in the West, and perhaps even more.

          • 9 months ago

            >it would be as popular as Gundam in the West, and perhaps even more.
            Nah westoids are either of the "muh giant robots need to be mature grimdark and edgy" mindset or think they're silly outright, Macross isn't gonna gain much popularity now that the HG shit has mostly been resolved because Americans are literally too moronic to comprehend it.

            • 9 months ago

              >Nah westoids are either of the "muh giant robots need to be mature grimdark and edgy" mindset or think they're silly outright,
              That's just amerigoblins.

          • 9 months ago

            Apologies for the lack of clarity, let me rephrase: people in Japan who follow anime are at least aware of the franchise, if not fans of it; to everyone else in Japan, Macross is just a funny-sounding word. Macross isn't anywhere near as popular as Gundam inside Japan, making it doubtful the franchise would be more popular than Gundam outside Japan. Regardless, believe whatever you want.

            I'm just hoping the forthcoming series will be better than Delta and that the various companies handling the so-far licensed titles don't frick-up their physical releases.

            • 9 months ago

              Oh, kinda how Show Pai Long sounds like Star Fi Er and Minmai says Umayo Nakadashi.

        • 9 months ago

          OF COURSE TO PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF JAPAN MACROSS IS A FUNNY-SOUNDING WORD. Harmony Gold rebranded it Robotech and then killed the franchise. It's not Macross' fault, if it weren't for HG's frickery it would be as popular as Gundam in the West, and perhaps even more.

          Protect my balls.

        • 9 months ago

          Apologies for the lack of clarity, let me rephrase: people in Japan who follow anime are at least aware of the franchise, if not fans of it; to everyone else in Japan, Macross is just a funny-sounding word. Macross isn't anywhere near as popular as Gundam inside Japan, making it doubtful the franchise would be more popular than Gundam outside Japan. Regardless, believe whatever you want.

          I'm just hoping the forthcoming series will be better than Delta and that the various companies handling the so-far licensed titles don't frick-up their physical releases.

          true. There have been far too many factors working against this series, so even with the new agreement to free the sequels from licensing hell, not much can be said as the test of time drove it into obscurity. The idea that Delta not being the first thing people think of when you hear Macross is a pipe dream

          • 9 months ago

            Surviving beyond the 1982 series has allowed Macross to at least maintain a quantifiable worldwide audience, but odds are against it being the next big thing. Internationally, those who aren't familiar with the franchise probably can't even name check Delta and are likely more aware of the visual iconography from Frontier (which they also probably can't name); Macross is just the series with the transforming airplanes and idol singers.

            That said, the new agreement with HG means Big West does have a shot at garnering the brand more worldwide recognition. It'll be interesting to see what they do with this new series, particularly how heavily they play into past entries and whether this new show becomes something of a soft reboot.

            • 9 months ago

              >soft reboot
              I will now speak the most yabai words ever, soft reboot with Rowboatech. Think about it, Big West finally has made "peace" with Dai Satan (Disharmony Pyrite) why not have a series where the two shows meet? Explore just how "super" dimensions can be. Basically I want to be able to get "real" (not Rowboatech) VF-1s for non rape prices is what I am trying to say. Can't really do that because of Disharmony Pyrite.

              • 9 months ago

                Even with a franchise tie-up, I couldn't see that helping with toys. Japanese companies, like Bandai, who produce the higher-end figures likely wouldn't want to cut HG in on their business, especially since they already have established routes to tap international customers. More generally, I don't think any good would come from BW getting back in bed with HG and Tatsunoko. Just based on the press release from the HG-BW agreement, the companies were supposed to cooperate on the distribution of both series; you'd think this would mean some movement on releasing the 1982 series, but--of course--HG still seems to be holding the show hostage, at least going by the slides they keep showing at their various convention panels. I do think it'd be great to see original series content folded back into Macross, but it's probably best the franchise distance itself as much as possible from the original series.

              • 9 months ago

                Your right. Like I said though I really would like to get DX VF-1s and or the Hi Metal R VF-1s for non rape prices. I wonder now will the VF-1s in Delta be censored when the US release happens?

              • 9 months ago

                Going by the agreement text and comments made at panels or on Twitter, content from all the Macross sequels is supposedly in the clear, so we shouldn't have to worry about weird edits. Also, if I'm remembering correctly, the VF-1 designs in Delta are slightly altered, which probably helps. Even in Japan, BW has to clear the Tatsunoko hurdle with this stuff, again meaning international fans probably (hopefully) don't need to worry about changes.

                Back to toys, yeah, the prices for most VFs is rough. I wish some of these JP companies would do direct distribution deals with international businesses to help cut down on the tacked-on fees, but I'm guessing either lack of interest or more likely limited sales opportunities these expensive toys is what maintains the status quo.

  18. 9 months ago

    Macross’ lush fields of grass are underrated

  19. 9 months ago

    I loved the OG series but hated the DYRL and Plus movies so I dropped the series.
    I liked it when it was a mix of Yamato and Gundam, idol gay autism isn't fun

    • 9 months ago

      >a mix of Yamato and Gundam

    • 9 months ago

      >hated the DYRL and Plus movies
      ... huh? This has got to be the first time I've heard this opinion.

    • 9 months ago

      The music is one of the best parts.

  20. 9 months ago

    Girls getting handsy with each other isnt mutually exclusive with them getting dicked down

  21. 9 months ago

    Monday? frick that

    • 9 months ago

      Cool SEED pose.

  22. 9 months ago

    >tfw there will never be a Macross anime that acts as a sequel to 7
    >no story about a guy trying who loves rock n' roll + rock-adjacent music trying to find his place in a universe saturated with idol culture
    >guy has HUGE beef with a super popular idol who betrayed him way back in the day when she broke up with him, and took his songs while she skipped town, and eventually turned his songs into cutesy pop idol anthems, allowing her to achieve stardom while he was left to rot.
    >just kind of bumbles his way into the story's Major Conflict and manages to just Not Die by way of Plot Armor Bullshit while trying to make it in the music business and get famous

    • 9 months ago

      The closest thing you'll get is FB7

    • 9 months ago

      The closest thing you'll get is FB7

      >It's a new frontier....
      Dynamite in my opinion could've been made into an entire sequel if they extended and added onto that story. All they would've needed is a timeskip or so to set the plot of Basara going from planet to planet (essentially his galactic tour) while in a developing world quickly moving past his era. It sucks that the properly handled shows of M7 were shortened OVAs that only teased the idea of the characters growing at a normal pace before Frontier

    • 9 months ago

      Frick that just bring back Basara properly while Fukuyama can still do the voice, I want to see him and Mikumo being autistic. FB7 was an abortion that doesn't exist.

      • 9 months ago

        >FB7 was an abortion that doesn't exist.
        That's pretty intense emotion for what's just some people watching TV and then doing a concert in cosplay.

      • 9 months ago

        >I want to see him and Mikumo being autistic
        holy shit this was something I didn't know I needed

  23. 9 months ago

    Mikumo is three years old.

    • 9 months ago

      Yes and?

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