It's so fricking tiring, you have no idea. I'm not even christian or religious, but this is absolutely retarded.

It's so fricking tiring, you have no idea. I'm not even christian or religious, but this is absolutely moronic.

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    some dumbass thought he was doing a warhammer show

    • 2 months ago

      Amazon is doing that one later

    • 2 months ago

      Seriously what the frick? The BoS worships technology. Unless waving a candle around them gives their power armor a 2+ to their STR they would think it was stupid

      • 2 months ago

        Stop lying!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. 2 months ago

    This religious chud probably dropped the bombs at the start of the war.

    • 2 months ago

      It was China since they were losing the war. America saw the writing on the wall and decided if they were going down then everyone can get fricked. It's alright Mr House is prepping the space ships and rebuilding humanity better.

    • 2 months ago

      Why would you say that? idgi

    • 2 months ago

      It was LE ALIENS

      • 2 months ago

        Lol that's hilarious. Since there are people here who don't know, it wasn't the aliens. Aliens don't need fricking nuclear codes from some rando to start a war. They could literally just destroy the whole planet with their death ray if they wanted to. It makes a bigger impact than a nuke and it has infinite ammo. That guy on the recording thought he was being interrogated for the nuclear codes because he was fricking paranoid. It's a theme you can find in several places in Fallout 3. In other games too to a much lesser extent. My man probably thought he was drugged as some new form of advanced chinese interrogation tactics, with some kind of drug or something to make him see demons. And maybe he thought the chinese were actually just wearing costumes and the drugs were making them look more real? Or maybe he thought the chinese employed actual demons. Really, that doesn't matter I'm just guessing for fun. The point is that he was paranoid and assumed they were out to get his codes when there was no reason to think that. I mean to believe this theory you would have to think that he knew the alien language, and iirc he he clearly had no clue what they were saying. It was implied that he was assuming. Themes man, themes.

        • 2 months ago

          >no reason to think that
          Well I mean there is a reason to think people want his codes, but from our more clear pov there is no evidence to suggest the aliens are interested or even know that he has them.

        • 2 months ago

          > Since there are people here who don't know, it wasn't the aliens.
          I know, but I find it hilarious

        • 2 months ago

          also many people in Fallout 4 had early warning and even knew what day it would be on. Even if the aliens got the codes out of the guy which I really doubt he would ever talk, how would anyone know what day the aliens were going to use it? Also they could have just changed the codes as soon as the guy who had them got abducted.

  3. 2 months ago

    the brotherhood is a cult. how do people not know this?

    • 2 months ago

      how can a group of chads with badass armor be a cult?

      • 2 months ago

        >i think its cool therefore it cant be bad
        you have the reasoning skills of a 7 year old

      • 2 months ago

        They kind of worship technology and try to hoard as much powerful pre war tech as possible

        • 2 months ago

          This trope is so stupid because outside of the Toddverse everyone has moved on. NV got it right showing them to be a bunch of moronic terrorists. I hope they at least hint at that here but its more likely its played straight and we need to care about “prewar tech” 300 years after the fact.

          The Shi would chinkflu the entire bos with a bioweapon if they wanted its just so stupid.

    • 2 months ago

      they don't worship anything. They just regulate technology. Is the ATF a cult now?

      • 2 months ago

        why is worshipping anything specific to a cult? they have inclusive and exlusive beliefs and are racists

        • 2 months ago

          okay so now the Stalinist Russia is a cult

      • 2 months ago

        >Is the ATF a cult now?

      • 2 months ago

        >don't worship

        • 2 months ago

          I don't remember BoS in FO1 worshipping technology. In 2 there's only one BoS guy and he gives you orders and then gets murked by Horrigan.

          • 2 months ago

            They think technology in the hands of primitive wasteland savages is unacceptable. They are quite fanatical about hoarding and controlling advanced technology whenever possible.

            • 2 months ago

              aka an ideological secular belief you moronic Black personfrick

      • 2 months ago

        I mean, did you forget that the brotherhood basically brainwashes members into certain belief systems regarding technology and other races?

        • 2 months ago

          They don't do that. Lyons doesn't even try to teach you their code, and Danse just says "it will become apparent the more time you spend with us."

      • 2 months ago

        >they don't worship anything
        >The Brotherhood of Steel
        You are an idiot, that has never even been near a Fallout game.

        • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Always have been.

      • 2 months ago

        >Is the ATF a cult now?

        Yes, a branch of Freemansonry to be specific.

      • 2 months ago

        All The Fallen?

    • 2 months ago

      It's not. Stop just coming on here to lie. Oh wait maybe you didn't know but in this show it's Maxson's brotherhood.
      >b-but HAOW can they get that far weest?
      By walking or flying. Ask yourself this, new vegAss troon. If you complain about things moving, like deathclaws living in DC over a hundred years after fallout 1, why don't you ever complain about the fire ants(which were invented by a mad scientist during the events of fallout 3) having entire colonies and natural habitats in the mojave desert just a few years later?

      • 2 months ago

        >New Vegas shitflinging when New Vegas is one of the only games where the Brotherhood is comparable to it’s FO1 and 2 incarnations compared to the goody goody two shoes from Bethesda

    • 2 months ago

      It’s not a Christian cult

      • 2 months ago

        >It’s not a Christian cult
        The Frontier canonized it and the producers most likely retconned Graham into evangelizing some scribe.
        Steel Crusaders incoming, ready yourselves Caesar or Autumn or whoever is the baddie in the show.

  4. 2 months ago

    stream piggies pay for this slop

    • 2 months ago

      sup hogwheels

    • 2 months ago

      I don't think Amazon Prime even had streaming when I started

  5. 2 months ago

    what the frick is this, why are there orthodox priests in 23rd century postapoc America?

    • 2 months ago

      why wouldn't there still be religion in 200 years, redditor?

      • 2 months ago

        The only religion that is actually canon in the Fallout universe is Scientology. I am not even kidding. They had (an albeit bastardised version) of Scientology in Fallout 2.

        • 2 months ago

          That's because Fallout writers are hacks. If there ever was a scenario where religion would skyrocket, it would be in a post-apocalyptic situation, especially since most people are shown to live as dirty peasants unless you're lucky to be in one of the few safe havens

          • 2 months ago

            They had a cult around the Master in Fallout 1.

        • 2 months ago

          >no cult of mars
          >no children of atom
          >no mormon
          >no father in the cave

          • 2 months ago

            For real and the children of atom are like the most metal religion ever. They believe that inside every single atom is an entire universe full of heat and nuclear flames, and full of monsters like ghouls and stingwings and all the mutants you see in the game. And that when the atom was split it brought these things into our world. It's cool but it's also weird that they like atom, since all his things are fricking monsters.

            The lowest ranks of the BoS are called scribes and they wear robes. They live in fortified settlements and are dedicated to preserving knowledge through the current Dark Age. Does this sound at all familiar to you OP?

            They don't wear robes anymore. In fact it's probably canon that they never did in the first place, because I think all the designs for things in Fallout 4 are actually just retcons and everything always looked like that. I know the bos in 76 wears the same stuff Maxson's guys wear. Also the weapons still look like fallout 4, etc. Either way, it doesn't matter because they don't wear it anymore anyway. Also you're wrong about scribes being lower ranks. Scribes are just a different path, they can get to high ass ranks too.
            >live in fortified settlements
            I guess the citadel may count as that, but the Prydwen doesn't. And even if the citadel does count as that, you're still wrong because you said settlements plural.
            >dedicated to preserving knowledge
            no they're really not. The only things they ever do in game is fight evil. They do also take power armor away from civvies who aren't using it for good(but it's only implied in one single offhand piece of dialogue). And lastly they do collect technical documents and technology from abandoned places, but that's more of a hobby that a few of them partake in than a main goal. Not one main mission has to do with preserving knowledge. Any main mission that has you getting technology or schematics for them is to help them fight a war. They actually use that shit, they don't preserve it.

          • 2 months ago

            You forgot the Children of the Cathedral, the followers of the master (you know, the final antagonists of the first game).

            And the Followers of the Apocalypse are basically a milqtoast Christianity that focuses entirely on charity and doesn't worship Christ, despite using the cross as a symbol.

        • 2 months ago

          >The only religion that is actually canon in the Fallout universe is Scientology

          • 2 months ago

            Know what's sad, the show is probably trying to out do Graham, there are dozens of video essays with millions of views about how the Burned Man is a religious character done right, and those hollywood writers don't want to lose to video game writers.

            • 2 months ago

              Video game writers are hollywood writers anon
              Look up the writing staff for Andor

              • 2 months ago

                Andor isn’t hollywood. it’s streaming cheap crap

              • 2 months ago

                It's literally made by a studio based in the greater Hollywood area of California. How much more Hollywood does it need to be?

            • 2 months ago

              Funny thing is that Graham was written by an atheist who hates guns.

              • 2 months ago

                For all of Avellone's flaws, he is a great character writer, and that's something most writing teams working for tv and streaming nowdays can't do.
                You can't write a charater by commitee, writing teams need to be severely reduced and have a leader with a clear vision.

              • 2 months ago

                True but if it’s written honestly rather than with a bitter ideological preference it will just shine through on it’s own regardless, the religion is like that. Nor is it any less effective and convincing for people. Not even a particularly unique situation either, Ben-Hur was written by a generally agnostic guy who was trying to find some outlet after his fights during the Civil War.

            • 2 months ago

              Lose? Because the drone hivemind homosexuals will say so despite being wrong every single time without exception? You can't make a worse "character" then that mummy homosexual. You just can't do it man.

            • 2 months ago

              Videogame writers are just aspiring Hollywood writers who didn't make it

        • 2 months ago

          t. has never played any fallout game after fallout 2

          • 2 months ago

            ew, why would you???

          • 2 months ago

            It's not even true though, he just watches pooptube. fallout 1 had religions. And fallout 2 mentioned those religions.

        • 2 months ago

          Even if you never played anything past FO2 you’d be wrong. 1 had that Dhrama shit in that one community that was some weird mishmash of Buddhism

        • 2 months ago

          This is false. Do you know how many fricking churches there are in 4? Just 4? Like thirty of them. And one of the main factions has a base in a historic, real life, christian church. Also Danse calls monsters godless abominations. Maxson calls synths soulless because they weren't born, and says that the institute is attempting to play god. And again, this is JUST 4. There are a hundred different mentions of christianity across all fallout games.

          • 2 months ago

            Bethesda's version of the BoS is insane, in Fallout 3 they are the uber nice guys that help everyone a recruit from the wasters, but not the player, you can't join until the end of the main storyline, they don't much care for technology other than Liberty prime, their main mission is killing mutants and then when the Enclave reveal themselves, killing them, all in the name of defending and providing water to wastelanders.
            in Fallout 4, they basically recruit everyone, they care about every little piece of tech they can find an they kill every mutant, not to defend the people, but out of dogmatic hatred for abominations.
            And that's just the east coast brotherhood, we still haven't seen what Bethesda is ging to do with the west, but in Fallout 4, they mention that the western Brotherhood is worried about members worshipping Arthur Maxson as a god.

            • 2 months ago

              >bethesdas bos is insane
              First of all they're the ones we're talking about unless op's pic is a flashback scene. Second of all no they're not they are awesome as frick!
              >Lyons recruit wastelanders
              No he doesn't. He is specifically very against that which is why you can't join until you personally kill all the enclave single handedly then he makes an exception. It is Maxson who allowed taking recruits, which is why people say they were tired of Lyon's foolish ways and are glad maxson is in charge. You need to replay the games.
              >they do all this nice shit
              How is that insane?
              >care about every little piece of tech
              That's a major exaggeration. You don't even grab the shit yourself. Danse just says he'll mark the place for sweep and retrieve later. There's no garuntee any of the stuff you saw would still even be there later. And I believe Danse even encourages you to travel light and not to pick up shit, even advanced junk like biometric scanners.
              >not to defend the people
              That's bullshit! That is exactly why they do it! Danse hates super mutants. Macready hates ferals. These are personal vendettas they have because of family members being hurt by those creatures. Danse's best friend ever was kidnapped and turned into a mindless, giant green cannibalistic monster. The guy lost everything he ever had. He functionally lost his soul because of the super mutants. And the super mutants did this to him because it's in their nature. That is why Danse hates them. But, even Danse is obsessed with helping the people. Man will even get mad at you for little shit like not giving a beggar a nuka cola. Who do you think you're kidding?
              >that's just the brotherhood that we're talking about right now
              Yes. Stay on topic.
              >in fallout 4 they mention some shit about western Black folk
              This never happened. And I'm pretty sure those shut-ins are extinct.

              • 2 months ago

                >in fallout 4 they mention some shit about western Black folk
                it's in the terminal in the prydwen where you can learn about Maxson's history.

              • 2 months ago

                I bet it says something completely different.

              • 2 months ago

                >Elder Maxson reigns supreme in the Capital Wasteland, and his authority and influence have been spreading across the Eastern Seaboard, thanks in no small part by the mobility afforded by the Prydwen. He has the full support of the Elders back on the West Coast, who have proudly reported that they've begun eradicating cults that have popped up, worshipping Maxson as though he's some kind of god. Maxson himself is almost offended by the idea of being referred to as a deity, as it goes against everything he believes in. Arthur Maxson is happy to be one thing... the perfect human specimen, an example of everything a human being can achieve. Assisted, even enhanced, by advanced technology, but still very much human.

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah anon I didn't think I had to tell you this but I'm not going to believe what you post is real.

        • 2 months ago

          there's the rocket ghouls in new vegas

          • 2 months ago

            and the five hundred churches throughout every game, and the christian father who makes you marry his daughter at gunpoint, and the master cultists, and the children of atom, and the all faiths chapel, and the raider giving his friend a religious burial, and Danse and Maxson mentioning god several times, and so on and so forth. MAYBE IF YOU ACTUALLY PLAYED ANY OF THE GAMES INSTEAD OF WATCHING POOPTUBE VIDEO "ESSAYS" YOU WOULD KNOW A SINGLE FRICKING DETAIL ABOUT THE GAMES!!!!

            • 2 months ago

              Also john henry eden, the ai enclave president, mentions god.

              • 2 months ago

                also the human enclave president in fallout 2 mentions god and says that he is going to heaven after you kill him. in fact iirc several enclave tards in that game mention god.
                Also there are several darker religions as well, like lovecraft ones.

            • 2 months ago

              >there are churches in america
              >patriotic american characters in a 50s aesthetic mention God
              Why did you make this post? Are you literally moronic?

              • 2 months ago

                Please learn how to read context.

              • 2 months ago

                >it's kinda weird how the brotherhood of steel that was never a christian group has an eastern orthodox ritual
                You are a worthless homosexual pajeet shill. You should commit suicide.

                Learn to play the video games moron. Stop just saying all lies in posts for no reason. And kys, please.

                >They didnt play or care about the games
                neither did anyone making these whiny homosexual threads

                This is definitely not coordinated shilling by streetshitters btw. le true fallout fans can't wait for this loreraping goyslop. you're just a heckin chud!

              • 2 months ago

                You read the incorrect context, and all you have to do to read the correct context is click on the things with arrows. Since that is too hard I will help you. Anon lied and said there are no canon religions in fallout except scientology, which in itself isn't even a canon religion in fallout. Then some hivemind drone chimed in and repeated what some literal queer on pooptube told him, that there were religious ghouls in new vegAss, claiming that they were the only religion in the series. Then I btfo those morons by giving a ton of examples of other religions being in the games all throughout the series.
                >shill for having played the chad games and btfoing new vegAss shills

              • 2 months ago

                >never a christian group
                Bullshit, there were clearly christians in the bos. Play the video games you fricking liar.
                >being a patriotic american soldier automatically makes you mention god
                No it doesn't. Lyons never did iirc, nor most people in the bos at the time.

              • 2 months ago

                There are Christians in the WNBA, are they a Christian group?

              • 2 months ago

                What is your point?

        • 2 months ago

          You’re an actual fricking moron, even the Bethesda games have Christians, to way nothing of the other religious groups you can find, like say, Caesar’s Legion, you know, one of the main fricking factions of Fallout New Vegas.

        • 2 months ago

          My homie there is an entire DLC around the moral conflict of two Mormons

        • 2 months ago

          >The only religion that is actually canon in the Fallout universe is Scientology.

          Oh really?

          I must have imagined all those bible quotes in Honest Hearts.

        • 2 months ago

          The Children of Atom exists too, there’s tons of religion in Bethesda games.

          • 2 months ago

            Where did I say there isn't religion in Bethesda games? I said the BoS isn't religious and they aren't.

        • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          The water purifier code is literally 3:16

        • 2 months ago

          The water purifier code is literally 3:16

          the literal first thing you see in fallout 3 is revelation 21:6 framed staring you right in the eye while liam neeson quotes it
          the goofy outrage over everything on here these days is gonna give me mega ass cancer im sure

    • 2 months ago

      I don't know what the shot is from, but it's not moronic since patriotism and religion explode now that meatheads are all on social media. They organize much more efficiently.

  6. 2 months ago

    Metallic Monks baby! OG brotherhoodbros we are so back!

    • 2 months ago

      Oh wait is this a flashback to the old homosexuals? Where is op's image even from?

  7. 2 months ago

    Oh so it's the same trope as star wars 7 where the nogs is a storm trooper but betrays his faction?

  8. 2 months ago

    I'm sure this would be an alright show if it wasn't fallout. Unfortunately, it is fallout and thus will be complete shit by fallout standards. Is it really so hard to be faithful to video game franchises in hollywood?

    • 2 months ago

      >master chief has never shown his face in all these years
      >first halo show has him take off his helmet and show his face
      I know it's a moot point now but unironically WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

      • 2 months ago

        >Later gets fully naked
        >Even later fricks a human member of the covanent while Cortana watches

    • 2 months ago

      The writing staff didn't go to Yale Drama School so they could write copy of pulp video game dreck. Instead, this popular IP will be a vehicle to showcase their exceptional writing talents. This scifi trash meant for children will be a stepping stone for future job offers in serious dramas and FINALLY Oscar contention.

      • 2 months ago

        >The writing staff didn't go to Yale Drama School so they could write copy of pulp video game dreck. Instead, this popular IP will be a vehicle to showcase their exceptional writing talents. This scifi trash meant for children will be a stepping stone for future job offers in serious dramas and FINALLY Oscar contention.
        this is unfortunately how these kids who end up writing video games and 80s franchise reboots think, which is especially funny because they're 22 year old creative writing grads who have nothing to say about life because they've never experienced life

    • 2 months ago

      >complete shit by fallout standards
      What exactly are fallout standards? These games aren't exactly famous for their tight 3 act narratives

      • 2 months ago

        >These games aren't exactly famous for their tight 3 act narratives
        yet they still mog the frick out of modern writing

      • 2 months ago

        Fallout 1: be bomb shelter man and join space marines to fight mutant hulk army
        Fallout 2: be tribal man and fight Republican US government
        fallout 3: be bomb shelter man and find dad
        Fallout NV: be mailman and join military or Roman military and take over vegas
        Fallout has incredibly deep stories

        • 2 months ago

          This is a lie.
          >fallout 1
          You're kind of right about this one but the bos weren't space marines and you don't even have to work with them or fight the hulks. You can just skip everything. Except finding the key in the church because for some reason that little ass door is the one door that cannot be blown open in the game.
          Troll. The Enclave is literally an evil secret society of dems. I know you only said republican to frick with me though.
          >bomb shelter man in 3
          Actually you're not a man, you're an angsty teenager with daddy issues.
          >join millitary new vegACK
          You don't do that, you just click on who you want to die and then the game ends and the narrator says that they died off camera.
          >fallout 4 missing
          >fallout 76 missing
          I can forgive 76, but why didn't you say anything for 4? Because it's too complex to fit in your bullshit format?

          • 2 months ago

            Just because a story is complex or has different endings doesn't inherently make it a good story

            • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                So the main stories in Fallout Games aren't the reason people play Fallout

              • 2 months ago

                Okay but I don't see how what you said has anything to do with what you're saying now. Where is the correlation?

              • 2 months ago

                So the stories and the standards of fallout have been pretty low for 2 decades. This show isn't going to do any damage to the fallout brand because it's already in the shitter

              • 2 months ago

                Stop trolling!!!!!!!!
                This trolling isn't even the same topic.

          • 2 months ago

            Oh, and you just lied about every game by leaving out everything in each game.

    • 2 months ago

      is that the singer from moroon 5?

    • 2 months ago

      >Be Hollywood suit
      >Negotiate with some game company to make one of their IPs into a TV show
      >Read over the plot, think it's moronic nerd shit and will never sell
      >Get some of your writers to "modernize it" and "make it more digestible for the suburban mindset"
      >Make more and more liberties with the source material
      >Soon becomes a pasteurized version of what it once was
      >Blame incels when it doesn't get as much traction as you thought it would

      • 2 months ago

        What is the plot of Halo?

        • 2 months ago

          John Halo kills aliens to rescue Cortana

          • 2 months ago

            Is that the plot of the show or the plot of video games?

            I didn't play the games or watch the show

            • 2 months ago

              Halo the videogame is a space opera like Star Wars, aliens are waging a genocidal war to wipe out humanity and humanity is losing bad. Then humanity discovers an ancient megastructure, the halo rings, that's basically the gateway to heaven according to the alien's religion, except it literally kills everything in the galaxy, which the covenant don't know about. The plot is about humanity trying to survive while also preventing the aliens from activating the rings and killing everyone. It's basic, but very fun.

              The show on the otherhand is all about a soldier realising he has FEELINGS and he's being USED by his superiors. He falls in love with a human who defected to the aliens for some reason and I didn't watch the rest of that bullshit.

              • 2 months ago

                What you described is a setting. Let me ask a different question.
                The soldier, what are his goals, what does he want? Does something motivate him beyond just not wanting to die? What are his values? His strengths and weaknesses?

              • 2 months ago

                He's a soldier, his only goal is to do his best to stop humanity getting wiped out. Motivation wise it's stopping the aliens from activating the rings, while also trying to discover more about whoever made them. Masterchief isn't much of a character, he's a faceless action hero, very 802/90s. One of the aliens who discovers his entire religion is false is a much more compelling character in the second game. Regardless, the TV show is dumb.

              • 2 months ago

                There were no faceless action heroes in the 80s or 90s. In fact what there was, was the opposite. Guys with so much charisma that they could make you care with just a look or a line reading

  9. 2 months ago

    This is less cucked than worshipping a israelite on a stick but it's still cucked since it is Amazon

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        no fair, jihads aren't counted as suicides

    • 2 months ago

      Jesus Christ was a israeli

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        Good thing the second israelite remembered his meme flag

        • 2 months ago
  10. 2 months ago

    This is one of the only cool things ive seen from the show. The bos are a religious cult and always have been.

    • 2 months ago

      They have never once been that way. They're the millitary and they give their lives for freedom and peace, asking for nothing in return, just because it's the right thing to do. The outcasts were a cult sure, but even they weren't religious so I'm really going to have to insist you play the game. Yes, Danse is christian. Yes, Maxson is probably too. Doesn't make them a religous cult, moron.

  11. 2 months ago

    It’s quite funny that for once the writers actually understand the source material better than the so-called ‘fans’ (who’ve only played F4 and NV). The Brotherhood has always been a pseudo-religious organisation with monastic traditions, based on the knights templar and Canticle for Leibowitz. Their theme in F1 is literally called Metallic Monks, they worship technology and deify Maxson.

    • 2 months ago

      >deify Maxson.
      They don't deify him, they just hold him in saintly regard. They worship God and view technology as a means of emulating Him, and you wouldn't want your average bumfrick raider playing God, now would you?

  12. 2 months ago

    I just got the science 2 perk AND the T-60 Tesla power armor bros. My laser rifle went from like 58 damage to 136 after upgrades.

  13. 2 months ago

    lol is that the green tv screen BOS guy from NV

    • 2 months ago

      Todd hates obsidian formerly interplay and will do anything to retcon

      • 2 months ago

        He used to, but he's dead now. He has been replaced by something that looks like if a raccoon was wearing a todd howard halloween mask. This new "todd" actually just tries to copy new vegack because pooptube video essays told the drones to like it. How do you think fartfield happened?

  14. 2 months ago


    >oh let me guess you want walkable cities
    of course not. i enjoy my goymobile

  15. 2 months ago


    >you dont want to have to drive 30 minutes to buy bread? must be israeli
    what a bizarre line of thinking

    • 2 months ago

      I didn't get that when I went to Canada and to an extent Tokyo. Here in Europe you have a different store around every corner but in Tornto and Tokyo, you had to walk like 20 minutes just to find the nearby store and then, not to mention how hard you had to try to find a liquor store near you in Canada. Tokyo at least had whiskey in their convenient stores but you had to go to a bigger store to get shit like Rum

    • 2 months ago

      Walkable cities are fine, but they only work if theres no Black folk or hordes of illegal spics

  16. 2 months ago

    The lowest ranks of the BoS are called scribes and they wear robes. They live in fortified settlements and are dedicated to preserving knowledge through the current Dark Age. Does this sound at all familiar to you OP?

    • 2 months ago

      preserving knowledge isn't a religion. Are z-library and the internet archive cults now?

      • 2 months ago

        it’s homaging monks copying books in the early middle ages

    • 2 months ago

      they are israeli?

  17. 2 months ago

    The show comes out in a week and I know nothing of the plot. Keyed.

  18. 2 months ago


    yeah, see i represented your post fairly while you just made up some bullshit no ones ever said

  19. 2 months ago


    >european style cities is secret "jew" code for the destruction of white people civilization and technology at the hands of swarthy golems
    do you actually believe this? do you know where white people come from?

    • 2 months ago

      >do you actually believe this? do you know where white people come from?

  20. 2 months ago


    How do you explain white civilization being European, and every European city not requiring a car?

  21. 2 months ago


    >Behold, my bastion of white civilization unlike you Eurocucks!
    >40% non-white and half the country is majority Mexican

  22. 2 months ago

    I'm tired boss

  23. 2 months ago


    There are more Mexicans in America than there are Muslims in Europe lol, the U.S. is literally browner than Europe.

  24. 2 months ago

    When did American accept Orthodoxy?

    • 2 months ago

      The BoS are going to be the evil agressors that are invading Ukrain... I mean, the NCR.

      Video game writers are hollywood writers anon
      Look up the writing staff for Andor

      Modern video game writers are desperate to go into series and movies, Neil Druckmann is the most obvious, but even Kojima is trying to use his video game fame to become a blcokbuster movie director, that's why he is always surrounded by american celebs now.

      • 2 months ago

        >evil agressors that are invading Ukrain
        rent free

      • 2 months ago

        pretty sure the NCR had already been destroyed by the time of this series...somehow

        • 2 months ago

          By 2260 they had started recouping their losses and had the biggest group of people. They had a minor civil war but overall were on track to getting back to power but never tried going past the mountains again.

  25. 2 months ago


    wtf are you on about?

    • 2 months ago

      /misc/ fetishism

  26. 2 months ago


    >enjoy your rapes/stabb- ACK!

    • 2 months ago

      >russians drive up the average and even bleed into former soviet states where they're the ones spreading aids and commiting crimes
      they really are the gamer words of Europe

    • 2 months ago

      You know this shit fake as frick when New Jersey is in the 1-2 category when you have places like Newerk, Camden, and Atlantic City in your state.

      • 2 months ago

        Thought that was odd too. Guess the guy who made that graph lives there.

  27. 2 months ago


    >pro white civilization
    >defends mexicans
    every time

  28. 2 months ago

    I bet that BoS will be the villians and the black guy is gonna desert because they're evil White Christians

    • 2 months ago

      I'm pretty sure the left will be on their side now because they both dislike artificial intelligence.

  29. 2 months ago


  30. 2 months ago

    The Vault Dweller: "{159}{}{What you would do if there was corruption within the Brotherhood.}"

    Vree: "{167}{Vree39}{Do what must be done. Stamp out the heresy and remove those responsible for the stain.}"

    Fallout 1 baby! The Codex is their bible and they are warrior monks. They call their best soldiers PALADINS.

  31. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >Enclave gets destroyed in Fallout 2
      >Somehow enough people survive to migrate across the whole country and re-establish the Enclave in the East coast
      >get destroyed again because by pure coincidence, the Brotherhood also went to the East coast and abandoned their traditions in order to become knights in shining armor
      >New Vegas makes it very clear that the only survivors of the Enclave in the west are old people that have to hide their past to survive, at most they have a few bunkers with cashes of weapons and armor, nothing that would allow them to become major players again, and they don't want it anyway, since they moved on and are too old and few to do anything.
      remember, they said this series is canon to the games, which means the Enclave is basically invincible, no matter how many times they get destroyed, they always come back.

      • 2 months ago

        They made it pretty clear in NV that some members of both the Enclave and BoS travelled East. There was already a new BoS chapter in Tactics anyways.

        Still not watching this gay show though.

      • 2 months ago

        You can't reestablish something that was never unestablished moron.

    • 2 months ago

      Yes. The Enclave is great factio in fallout 3 and should return. They are excellent.
      This will never be a meme. Also notice how you never kill any enclave women or children in Fallout 3. Yes, they are still fricking alive. Also just kys.

      • 2 months ago

        In case you're aren't aggressively baiting, the Enclave oil rig was their long-term plan for taking control of the West coast. That's where they grew up and lived, safe from radiation (that's why they're immune to lethal variant of the FEV). I think FNV's enclave remnants are troops that were on patrol when the rig blew up. They weren't left without organization, family or a base, so they fended for themselves

        • 2 months ago

          What is your point right now?

          • 2 months ago

            Total Enclave Death on the oil rig

            • 2 months ago

              That's not true. They were still alive in every game since then. And they were clearly not all on the oil rig. I never saw any women there. Also, come on due. It's too small for all of them. And, they're still alive to this day. Like, this is not refutable.

              • 2 months ago

                Fallout 3 was an asspull, and NV had like 5 enclave ex-members. Looking at it now, the oil rig had over 1000 souls on board.

              • 2 months ago

                No it wasn't. What the frick even makes you say that? Fricking think man! Use your brain and say something.
                >new vegACK
                Wow, you're really one of them. Kys cause I know you're actually just pretending to be one to frick with me. How the frick would that even be relevant anyway?

              • 2 months ago

                What? Of course I'm gonna talk about F2/FNV enclave when the show takes place on the West Coast.

              • 2 months ago

                It's fricking irrelevant to the conversation you moron! 2 was like a hundred years ago, they are not still on the oil rig, nothing that happened in 2 is still happening. 3 is where they are now. new vegACK had no fricking enclave, ony one or two ex-enclave tards who got left behind and don't even fricking know about what the enclave has been up to since then. They are no longer associated with the Enclave. You think if the Enclave came back they would let those fools back in? No, they have completely transformed since then. Plus, those ex-members are now muties/deserters/old/out of the loop. Go away trann1e.

                >New Vegas shitflinging when New Vegas is one of the only games where the Brotherhood is comparable to it’s FO1 and 2 incarnations compared to the goody goody two shoes from Bethesda

                What the frick are you talking about right now?

              • 2 months ago

                Why are you trying to make sense of a fallout timeline? Bethesda retcons it all by themselves all the time

              • 2 months ago

                No they don't. And the "timeline" or whatever makes perfect sense and has never been retconned even once. Literally, not one time ever. Beth does do retcons, but you don't even know WHAT they retconned.

              • 2 months ago

                Um akschually, the Enclave exclave were soldiers during F2 (the Vertibird pilot talks about the Heli she crashed during F2)

              • 2 months ago

                Whatever, who cares.

  32. 2 months ago

    i'm guessing we're gonna get the fallout 3 BOS, that go around and help people which is fine, but i think it would have been more interesting to have le evil brotherhood

    • 2 months ago

      I don't think the Brotherhood is going to be good, why make an image of an orthodox priest blessing soldiers like there are hundreds of IRL pics like that of russians soldier being blessed if they are the good guys?
      This series is fricked, I fell like the story will be about the BoS trying to invade and take over the mc's vault, with her playing the part of Zelensky while the black guy is just Finn from disney wars again.

      • 2 months ago

        >preasts blessing soldiers
        >muh POCCNR
        you are mentally moronic

        • 2 months ago

          I don't think the Brotherhood is going to be good, why make an image of an orthodox priest blessing soldiers like there are hundreds of IRL pics like that of russians soldier being blessed if they are the good guys?
          This series is fricked, I fell like the story will be about the BoS trying to invade and take over the mc's vault, with her playing the part of Zelensky while the black guy is just Finn from disney wars again.

          Okay, very cool, Eastern Europe is Orthodox. Why is it in the US?
          I think in the Fallaut universe, fraternity has a religion or an ideology, but they’re a very closed society and we don’t know anything about it. Maybe some kind of mechanicus cult or just a cult of the personalities of the founders of the brotherhood. But there’s no reason to think they’re Christians. It is likely that the Christian communities survived outside the bunkers.

    • 2 months ago

      if you honestly though this show was going to be a callback to FO and FO2, and not bethesdaslop you must be really dumb,
      If anything I wouldnt be suprised it if actively went out of the way to piss on FO and FO2

  33. 2 months ago

    They just can't help themselves. I am so tired of the things I like being raped. I'm so fricking sick of Bethesda.

    • 2 months ago

      Fallout was raped ages ago, granpa.

      • 2 months ago

        True, Fallout 2 shat all over the original.

        Bethesda's version of the BoS is insane, in Fallout 3 they are the uber nice guys that help everyone a recruit from the wasters, but not the player, you can't join until the end of the main storyline, they don't much care for technology other than Liberty prime, their main mission is killing mutants and then when the Enclave reveal themselves, killing them, all in the name of defending and providing water to wastelanders.
        in Fallout 4, they basically recruit everyone, they care about every little piece of tech they can find an they kill every mutant, not to defend the people, but out of dogmatic hatred for abominations.
        And that's just the east coast brotherhood, we still haven't seen what Bethesda is ging to do with the west, but in Fallout 4, they mention that the western Brotherhood is worried about members worshipping Arthur Maxson as a god.

        >in Fallout 3 they are the uber nice guys
        You're a moron who never played the game and just parrot surface level arguments like the console-war tier Cinemaphileermin you are.

        production crew posted this on the Cinemaphile thread

        Even with a Courier siding with NCR for the finale of FONV, NCR is bound to have a civil war by 2300. Everything in FONV was showing it to be a dysfunctional shitshow
        (they were borderline bad guys in FO2 too).

        • 2 months ago

          Don't listen to this moron. They are good guys in Fallout 3 with zero flaws who do absolutely nothing other than help people. That is their whole entire thing in that game.
          >new vegACK trann1e telling others to play the games
          You never did. go back to pooptube where your kind belongs. And learn how to play video games, moron troll.

          • 2 months ago

            Are you dumb? I think FO3 is the best 3D Fallout and FONV vanilla is the absolute worst broken shit I've ever played in the franchise; and have played every Fallout game besides BoS, 76, and the tabletops.
            T>1>S>3>NV>4>2 is my ranking, but they are all solid games worth multiple playthroughs. I get you Cinemaphileermin console-war morons can't concieve of things outside your made up branding nonsense, but stop being a dipshit.

            • 2 months ago

              Go away troll.

    • 2 months ago

      Just wait for ES6 to really send you on a rampage

  34. 2 months ago


    Sounds like a problem with Black folk, not with city planning. Maybe you shouldn't live around Black folk.

  35. 2 months ago

    get a grip

    • 2 months ago

      op definitely hasn't played fallout.

  36. 2 months ago


    Why does mexican ancestry stop at mexico? You arent better, amerilards

  37. 2 months ago

    christian fascism is a thing in society now so it needs to be destroyed in art

    • 2 months ago

      Good analysis

  38. 2 months ago


    Go away troll. You're not funny, you're not wanted anywhere.

  39. 2 months ago

    lmao pathetic rip off of the epic HMMMBURRRBUMM scene in Dune

  40. 2 months ago

    New thing for people who aren't christian to get offended by on someone else's behalf based on something they've imagined just dropped?

    • 2 months ago

      People spend all day trying to find stuff to be upset about. Especially in media made for kids. Strange way to live

  41. 2 months ago

    They didnt play or care about the games. They looked at screenshots and said "wow whos that priest looking guy, he must be a priest". Thats it. Thats the depth of it.

    • 2 months ago

      bro I can hear the fricking music. I love this game.

    • 2 months ago

      Hey wait a minute this is bullshit! Bos don't have gatling lasers in 3. Do they? Did that one just loot a high level mutant or something before you took the screenshot?

      • 2 months ago

        They level up with your character, so they get Gatling lasers at level 30

        • 2 months ago

          Guess I forgot.

    • 2 months ago

      >They didnt play or care about the games
      neither did anyone making these whiny homosexual threads

  42. 2 months ago

    If there is one thing the fallout lore did right was largely (at least for the most part) ignore the religious aspect of a post apocalyptic word and focus only on the human part,
    add another red flag to this show

    • 2 months ago

      you forgot the 3.

    • 2 months ago

      You fricking LIAR! Everything fallout 3 did was absolute perfect and you KNOW IT! Kys and go away right now!!! Frick you man. Die dude. Leave holy shit.

    • 2 months ago

      the human part and the religious part aren’t really separable

  43. 2 months ago

    Based as frick, maybe I'll give this slop a watch.

  44. 2 months ago

    I'm Christian and I'm not seeing any evidence that this is some anti-Christian thing; none of the pre-series interviews are making the Brotherhood of Steel out to be bad guys. There's plenty of anti-Christian shit out there but this time you gays are getting upset over literally nothing.

    • 2 months ago

      Anyone who thinks a show based on the Bethesda games is going to make the BoS genuinely evil is moronic. At worst they're gonna make them flawed, morally gray idealists/zealots which is what they are anyway. It's much more likely that they actually go the other direction and turn them into chivalrous knights like FO3 did before the DLC.

    • 2 months ago

      Anyone who thinks a show based on the Bethesda games is going to make the BoS genuinely evil is moronic. At worst they're gonna make them flawed, morally gray idealists/zealots which is what they are anyway. It's much more likely that they actually go the other direction and turn them into chivalrous knights like FO3 did before the DLC.

      It's not that it's anti-Christian, it's that it's something that definitely isn't Fallout and never hinted at in Fallout that is the real issue. If anything, Johnathan Nolan is a tard who only played Fallout 3 and Todd Howard dickrides BOS like crazy, so both of these mouth-breathers do some pseudo-Christian symboligy with the faction they consider to be face of the series.

      However, pseudo-Christianity just doesn't belong with BOS so it's confusing why they are doing this.

      • 2 months ago

        Learn to play the video games moron. Stop just saying all lies in posts for no reason. And kys, please.

      • 2 months ago

        >pseudo-Christianity just doesn't belong with BOS
        homie their whole aesthetic is basically the Teutonic Knights but steampunk.

  45. 2 months ago

    Reminder that all robots are probably synths. That was their real goal, to replace all the robots in the commonwealth with their own spy robots. Synths are a distraction. If they're out there replacing humans with exact replica robots, no one would think to check ACTUAL robots if they got replaced. The general goods woman even says this outright without noticing it, when she explains why at night her store is run by a mr. handy. "At least I KNOW he's a machine". Yeah but do you know if he's the SAME machine, idiot? And even if he is, do you know if he's been hacked? We KNOW for a fact that the institute is AT LEAST screwing with robotics programming. It's not coincidence that there are about a thousand robots in fallout 4 that don't act like fallout robots and instead act straight up human, despite that being redundant thematically or something. They didn't just decide to make this the one game where classic robots act like people when they already have this game full of synths. It's because they've been replaced by institute robots. And no, you don't need a synthetic flesh brain to act like human. The older gens do too, especially nick but not just him.
    Look at Codsworth. despite you having purchased him legally from general atomics, he has straight up free will and will disobey you and even decide to stop being your butler if you piss him off. If you don't piss him off he will constantly whine and moan about wanting you to consider him family. He's a synth robot. Then there's that assaultron in goodneighbor whose programming is so advanced that she became a feminist and just decided to work for herself. And the mr. gutsys who will let you go if there is a small chance you're a communist, as long as the chance is super low. They're all fake!
    Think about it man, with synth people and synth cows and synth crows to spy for them, who would suspect a mr. handy? Even the most paranoid b***h in diamond city doesn't. That's the idea.

    • 2 months ago

      Also notice how none of their "spies" actually frick anything up for them, and are never in any position to give them any useful information at all? McDonaugh doesn't frick up diamond city that much when he can do so much worse without even trying. And nothing he can tell them about diamond city politics would ever be useful to them, ever. But then look at Codsworth again, a robot who has clearly been replaced or tampered with. He is right at the start of the game waiting for you, and he travels with you and shit. Because (you) are an institute experiment and they actually want to see what fricking happens. Sure he made you go to concord on your own, but guess what was there? Crows. And then as soon as you get back he wants to start following you everywhere. I think he was directed to make you go to concord on your own just to see if you were strong enough to survive a fight on your own, just for curiosity purposes. Then he was to support you and monitor you. Also, if he was there at concord (you) could have just made him kill everybody. Maybe they wanted to see how a prewar dude would react to having to kill someone right out of the vault? Or maybe they wanted to see prewar army tactics or something as well.
      Look at Goodneighbor. They always find out who is a synth and kill them like right away. It's a scripted event even where you come out of a building or return to the city and there's just a dead guy there and the guards are right about him having been a synth. But nobody would ever even suspect Kleo, because they aren't keeping an eye out for Synth robots. In Hanwiener's speech you know what he tells people? To keep an eye out for PEOPLE acting strangely. He never mentions anything else. Not even crows. Human synths are the biggest distraction ever.
      The bos has no synth infiltrators and this is confirmed iirc. But they didn't check if the robots on board the prydwen were spies, only the humans. (Danse was only a synth by complete coincidence.)

  46. 2 months ago

    is that an eastern otrthodox priest?
    LMAO what the frick

  47. 2 months ago

    production crew posted this on the Cinemaphile thread

    • 2 months ago

      yeah my dad works for nintendo btw

    • 2 months ago

      Jesus fricking Christ.

    • 2 months ago

      >throws in a random bullshit line that would never makes sense in any way no matter what
      He's just letting you know he's trolling dude. How would it having been a republic make it make less sense?

    • 2 months ago

      > BoS captures towns and are killing off NCR for good
      wtf this is the opposite of what happened

      • 2 months ago

        the opposite of what happened when? the show takes place a decade after fo4. also, why are you taking a random shitpost from Cinemaphile as fact?

        • 2 months ago

          So a non-NCR FNV ending is canon.
          The brotherhood was utterly decimated in California and NCR control was absolute.

          • 2 months ago

            Even with an NCR positive ending in NV, it doesn't fix any problems the NCR has, and arguably makes them worse because they get away with being a shitty dysfunctional state because again a generational hero character bails them out.
            Them winning doesn't resolve the economic and social divides in the NCR, it does slightly alleviate the water and food shortages, but again without major social changes to the NCR's culture, it just kicks the can down the road.
            It's only a matter of time before the mismanagement of the nation as a whole tears itself apart. At the absolute best scenario a couple of the decently managed settlements can hold on as a city-state and possibly some powerful Brahmin Barons can hold a strong fiefdom and do some deals with eachother, but you'll have a breakdown in many settlements as shittier local Barons get lynched by angry farmers or local gangs rise in power. NV-FEZ or even a Legion ending in FONV is actually better for the NCR in the long run, as that will force the NCR to get it's shit together.

            is this religious larpers getting mad or atheist redditors getting mad?

            >religious larpers or atheist redditors
            I thought those were the same people?

            • 2 months ago

              I mean like “anti theists” and r/atheism types that have a mental breakdown if religion is mentioned in the newest netflix slop. Not atheists who are in favour of religion because it’s now counter culture

              • 2 months ago

                >have a mental breakdown if religion is mentioned in the newest netflix slop
                That's OP.

  48. 2 months ago

    How can anyone take fallout lore seriously when Bethesda itself doesn't?

    • 2 months ago

      no ones asking you to take it seriously
      fo2, to this day the one most autists swear by, is one of the goofiest games ive ever played

    • 2 months ago

      Bethesda, back when they made fallout 3 4 aand 76, cared about fun. And they would add in new things or retcons things for that purpose. There is no reason not to take fun seriously. What are you, illumination?

      • 2 months ago

        I dont think they cared about fun when they made fallout 76.

        • 2 months ago

          Well I had fun, but I didn't play it when it first released so idk.

  49. 2 months ago


    >bro just consume gasoline and pay Saudis for the privilege
    moron alert

  50. 2 months ago

    >Atheist technocrat militant group
    >Hurr durr they call themselves knights so they must be catholic right??
    These cash in shows are starting to get unreal.

    • 2 months ago

      Catholics deserve it and more. They ruined South America, they ruined Southern Europe, and they almost ruined Japan

  51. 2 months ago


    Oh wow a total unrelated non-sequitur from the resident schizo dumbfrick, who could have foreseen this?

  52. 2 months ago


  53. 2 months ago

    Man those power armors look so cheap, like a cosplay outfit.

  54. 2 months ago

    Russian YouTuber man says only Fallout 1+2 and New Vegas are any good

  55. 2 months ago

    I could see myself being annoyed by this if everything else about the show looked good and interesting, but the entire show, everything about it looks like soulless slop, so it's really hard to give a shit about this detail.

  56. 2 months ago

    >Here's your veteran rangers bro

  57. 2 months ago

    This is so fricking moronic.
    The BoS venerate their right to capture technology and decide how it is used. They worship the Maxim bloodline as saviours.
    They DO NOT wave fricking incense at technology to awaken the machine spirit or some shit. No BoS member believes their equipment is divine.
    Who wrote this fricking horseshit?

    • 2 months ago

      >No BoS member believes their equipment is divine.
      >Cumbersome? Not in the least. The sacred armor is so finely constructed to such exacting specifications that it feels like an extension of the blessed one's own body. It increases one's strength many times over and helps you resist the effects of radiation so that you may more effectively serve the brotherhood. I would feel diminished without my holy armor.
      From Fallout 1.

      • 2 months ago

        look man I'm a FNVshitter I don't know what your quoting so I'm going to ignore it

      • 2 months ago

        They wouldn't wave incense at it though, right?

  58. 2 months ago

    >we want the DUNC audience

  59. 2 months ago

    >the brotherhood of steel is now a cult
    Did they forget the Children of Atom?

  60. 2 months ago

    good but basic
    lots of moronic ideas but also lots and lots of great new ones, great characters
    its like fallout 1+2 combined, basic and doesnt evolve the franchise meaningfully and is mainly centered around brand appeal like the BoS, but its the most important game in the franchise
    perfect mediation between 1 2 and 3, its approachable while evolving the series franchise
    continues the theme of not doing anything meaningful wtih the lore or evolving it. again focuses most on brand appeal which is why 2 games in row have had most of their story centered around the BoS and their story, while telling "A Fallout Original" stories.
    similar "A Fallout Original" vibe, the BoS are not radically different from how they are portrayed in FO3, where appalachian BoS are ultimately good guys, even if knight Shin tries to insert the arthur maxson-style authoritarianism, they also have a similar origin to the BoS chapter in FO1 which featured a great and perilous journey that shaped them. crucially it also adds context for Roger Maxson which I like.

    much like the novel factions fo4 added, the factions in fo76 are similarly just fluff

    FO TV show is the first time they are trying to combine "A Fallout Original" template with evolution of the west coast setting, but todd has stipulated that he wants no changes to existing endings BUT this does not mean anything, unless he has decided on what ending for NV is canon, which would have wide ranging implications for his statement.

    • 2 months ago

      Assuming Mr House's 1 episode appearance isn't a pre war cameo, he won. Holy fricking shit.

      • 2 months ago

        u mean the vault tec guy? thats the ghoul

        • 2 months ago

          Mr. House is the RobCo guy, you FRICK.

        • 2 months ago

          Robert Edwin House, CEO of Robco Industries.

          • 2 months ago

            was there a new trailer? cool i guess.

          • 2 months ago

            Why did they hire an Arab to play House? makes zero sense since he is supposed to invoke an old school american capitalist.

            • 2 months ago

              Take any of these supposed castings with a grain of salt. On the other hand, maybe his voice is similar. After all, he's just a face on a screen. I doubt anything new vegas will be in the show.

    • 2 months ago

      >insane lies
      Insanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It doesn't make any sense! Fallout 3 literally invented fricking fallout! Paly the games, talk to a person, something!

  61. 2 months ago

    i swear to god none of the morons complaining about this have played anything other than NV and maybe 3

  62. 2 months ago

    Do you guys think there will be any mention of the Legion? I could see something like a wealthy Brahman baron having a former Centurion as a body guard. I doubt it though.

    I guarantee the NCR is going to be mentioned in passing similar to the supposed "government" the commonwealth had until the instate destroyed it.

    • 2 months ago

      I haven't seen any Legion leaks yet

    • 2 months ago

      They've probably been destroyed as well.

      • 2 months ago

        I figured in the event of a legion defeat and caesar dying of his tumor, the Legion would break apart. Lanius isn't very well liked. He wants to dismantle the Frumentarii. I could see Vulpes using the Frumentarii to assassinate Lanius and replace him with Lucius, Caesar's top Pretorian. However, just like the roman empire, this leads to a vicious cycle of generals vying for power now knowing that the title of caesar is not divine or sacred.

        I think I just put more thought into it than the show writers.

        • 2 months ago

          legion is not like roman republic/empire, ceasar's legion is more like a rogue legion commander running off with a bunch of gallic slaves to run over some barbarians, the very second that commander dies the whole farce ends

        • 2 months ago

          legion is not like roman republic/empire, ceasar's legion is more like a rogue legion commander running off with a bunch of gallic slaves to run over some barbarians, the very second that commander dies the whole farce ends

          The NCR is Rome; Caesar sees it as weak and corrupt and means to return his Legion; which was forged in the taming and conquest of the wild wastelands and installed a strength and disciplined order, back to Rome to restore it to it's fully potential.
          This dream is solely and uniquely Caesar's, as is the focus on the NCR, and will be gone when he passes. However there is still order and discipline in the Legion and areas it controls.
          I think people underestimate the Legion's domain; this is territory that is larger than the NCR, and it has never had a unified banner after The Great War until Caesar's Legion. Yes, upon his death there will be fracturing, and the entire polity as a whole won't have his order and vision as much, but the Legion to some extent is going to be a big player in the Four Corners states of the former USA for atleast a generation or two after the events of Fallout: New Vegas.


          Nothing worse than people frothing at the mouth about Bugfesta and Todd that never fricking played the original game.

          >The only religion that is actually canon in the Fallout universe is Scientology.

          Oh really?

          I must have imagined all those bible quotes in Honest Hearts.

          All The Fallen?

          Chuckles for you both.

          • 2 months ago

            >Caesar sees it as weak and corrupt
            ceasar's legion is not rome, the legion are not proud to serve their commander, nor are there proud romans in it helping to drive up unit cohesion and loyalty, they are enslaved peoples who probably do not even get paid beyond what they can steal from the people they enslave, so instead of the political power laying with the legion, it lays with the oligarchy running the legion, ceasar and his deputies.

            the whole "the west is decadent" thing is just a meme, also. there's no way they could organize the legion without either giving them the spoils of war of rape and pillage or paying them with lots of money, which they will obviously spend in prostitute houses and taverns just like the historic legions

            • 2 months ago

              I didn't say they were Rome, illiterate; the NCR IS ROME AND CAESAR IS CAESAR. The inspiration for his ideals comes from him finding a copy of Caesar's Commentaries and reading them.

              >It’s not a Christian cult
              The Frontier canonized it and the producers most likely retconned Graham into evangelizing some scribe.
              Steel Crusaders incoming, ready yourselves Caesar or Autumn or whoever is the baddie in the show.

              That'd be hilarious actually.

              • 2 months ago

                then why are you implying ceasar's legion of slaves is going to restore anything back to a "glory", his facion has no prestige like the actual romans led by gaius when he marched to take back rome

              • 2 months ago

                I'm only "implying" Caesar's plans, and considering the events of FONV, he was well on his way to do so. The restoration was his idea of imposing order to the NCR and using the Legion to provide security and with the naive hope that the NCR's economic forces would buckle under and right themselves out, to make a combined polity that would be an unstoppable force in the wasteland.

              • 2 months ago

                the problem with your plan, and with legion in general is that they have no justification for existing. "le west is decadent we le purify!" is just a way of saying "i'm a raider and i wanna raid u", NCR has a mandate for spreading civilization and relative good living conditions to the wasteland, legion is just going around what is the fallout equivalent of south africa and painting the map

              • 2 months ago

                I'm only "implying" Caesar's plans, and considering the events of FONV, he was well on his way to do so. The restoration was his idea of imposing order to the NCR and using the Legion to provide security and with the naive hope that the NCR's economic forces would buckle under and right themselves out, to make a combined polity that would be an unstoppable force in the wasteland.

                Caesar also respected Tandi and felt the NCR was at it's height becuase he felt she had a strong leadership role to contain the negative aspects of the economic forces in the NCR, but he didn't realise it was because Tandi had popularity, which he didn't have outside of respect of the Legion, which wouldn't have transfered over, but he was fundamentally an idealist and believed the NCR general citizens would come around fromt he security and stability the Legion would bring to them (which it never did or would).

              • 2 months ago

                Caesar also respected Tandi and felt the NCR was at it's height becuase he felt she had a strong leadership role to contain the negative aspects of the economic forces in the NCR, but he didn't realise it was because Tandi had popularity, which he didn't have outside of respect of the Legion, which wouldn't have transfered over, but he was fundamentally an idealist and believed the NCR general citizens would come around fromt he security and stability the Legion would bring to them (which it never did or would).

                Also note I'm not pro-Legion in any sense, the best factions for FONV and the region as a whole is to keep a strong independent NV-FEZ, that can mediate that part of the frontiers between the two other polities.

                the problem with your plan, and with legion in general is that they have no justification for existing. "le west is decadent we le purify!" is just a way of saying "i'm a raider and i wanna raid u", NCR has a mandate for spreading civilization and relative good living conditions to the wasteland, legion is just going around what is the fallout equivalent of south africa and painting the map

                >they have no justification for existing
                How so? And then how the frick does the NCR have reason to exist? They are a composite ordered conquest entity of many wasteland tribes and raider groups come together under the leadership of Caesar, who wants to use them to bring order to a polity he respects but feels is broken.
                Maybe you should stop being a stupid my-team/your-team dipshit and think about things from an outside perspective for half a second.
                >"le west is decadent we le purify!" is just a way of saying "i'm a raider and i wanna raid u"
                I love how projective asshats always have to ironically add in "le".
                >NCR has a mandate for spreading civilization and relative good living conditions to the wasteland
                LOL LMAO EVEN
                The NCR are just as much raiders as the Legion (talk with half of the Rangers and NCRA troopers in NV), and even worse back in FO2 when the majority of pro-NCR quests are straight up subterfuge and backstabbing of independent factions to bring them into the NCR fold.

              • 2 months ago

                >How so? And then how the frick does the NCR have reason to exist?
                the entire "legion is unfinished" statement exists because the legion is nothing but a counter point to NCR. "le decadent is you" exists because NCR servicemen are drunk and frick prostitutes in the promotional material so it's an immediately recognizable trait for both the NCR and Legion and shows their dichotomy, this creates the dilemma for legion's existence since you are fricking joking if you think you can govern a bunch of wasteland savages by giving them nothing but the faith in their glorious leader who will take away your recreational drugs, your culture in general, your ability to enjoy some free pussy from conquered lands from the locals against their will. the entire fricking raison d'etre is centered around this handwavy bullshit.

                >The NCR are just as much raiders as the Legion
                where do you see NCR slaves, and where do you see legion offering food shelters to the displaced? no they just enslave them to let the problem work itself out. NCR is obviously "omg le corrupt!! so bad!!" but they also have good actors such as corporal whogivesafrick running the shelter, among the occasional self centered, bad actors. where are the examples of legion's good actors, among their cartoon villain mousatche twirling lebensraum grabbing "le decadent" "polity"

  63. 2 months ago

    The fiends are apparently in.

    • 2 months ago

      > scene with Driver Nephi

  64. 2 months ago

    The more I learn about this show, the more optimistic I am about it. I'm sure it's not gonna be some masterpiece and it's gonna have plenty of bad writing but it's probably gonna be fun.

  65. 2 months ago

    Nobody b***hed and moaned about Mad Max Fury Road associating Valhalla with a bunch of "smegma crazy gay boys"

    • 2 months ago

      Two reasons for that
      >Nobody knows anyone who is actually a norse pagan
      >People who do know norse pagans agree that they're smegma crazy gay boys

  66. 2 months ago

    I think it’s one of those things atheist writers intend to look anti religion but it just ends up being cool

    • 2 months ago

      Now that you mention it, Cinemaphile is a bunch of pro-religion atheists trying and failing to make Christianity cool

      • 2 months ago

        if they’re failing why are you getting so defensive about it?

      • 2 months ago

        I don’t think christianity needs to be made cool, it’s just that atheism/ modern culture in general is so desperately uncool that people backpedal and look for something else.

  67. 2 months ago

    is this religious larpers getting mad or atheist redditors getting mad?

  68. 2 months ago

    Fricking lmao, he did it. Todd actually went full on "muh holy paladins" route. Dude's obsession with BoS has gotten unhealthy.

    • 2 months ago

      That's from Fallout 1, moron

      • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

      • 2 months ago

        Where are their crosses and statues of Jesus? How can they be said to be catholic knights without those things? I mean just look at their symbol, it has nothing to do with Christ, it’s obviously only stylistically similar and then only because their ascetic is based off of the monks in a canticle for Leibowitz.

        • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            that's got nothing to do with the thing you're responding to

            • 2 months ago

              how come?

  69. 2 months ago

    Why dont shows & movies get leaked

  70. 2 months ago

    It ain't Todd Howard that's obsessed with Catholic bullshit, it's Emil Pagliarulo

  71. 2 months ago

    I want to see some Nuka Cola world of refreshment content. Always get the urge for softdrinks when I play that dlc

  72. 2 months ago

    does reddit not realise these homies are based on a canticle for leibowitz?

    • 2 months ago

      >They are loosely inspired by a thing therefore that is what they are
      Okay moron

      • 2 months ago

        it’s less than loosely. they’re basically monks in the dark ages cloistered preserving philosophy and shit but with tech. the religious connotation is obvious

        • 2 months ago

          Except the BoS vary in their own ways that make them unique and one of those variations is that they aren't religious.

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah the guys shaving their heads and calling eachother brother and dressing up in robes, living in fraternities etc aren’t religious, sure. I guess it comes down to one of those what do you define as religious things, but literally living and being organised in the exact same way benedictines or tibetan monks are seems to be a clue

            • 2 months ago

              i’ve heard people say state atheists in the soviet union and china mass executing religious people were actually religious. what even is a religion

            • 2 months ago

              >They have vague religious aesthetics therefore they must be religious
              Your thought process is the exact same as these moronic writers. The whole point of the BoS is that they are supposed to represent an absurd contradiction. They call themselves paladins but their actual prerogatives are that of technocratic scientists.

              • 2 months ago

                I don’t mean aesthetics. I mean their group is literally organised and demands a way of life that cloistered monks have. I’ve never heard or seen a secular organisation that operates in such a way. You can take away the aesthetic element and just focus on how they live, talk and organise their group. It’s 1:1 with what you’d see in a monastery

              • 2 months ago

                >t’s 1:1 with what you’d see in a monastery
                Yes except they aren't religious.
                >But I've never heard or seen an organization like that!!
                Congratulations on figuring out how fictional writing works.

              • 2 months ago

                what distinguishes you from a religion if you behave exactly like a religious cult

              • 2 months ago

                The distinguishing factor would be if there are religious aspects at play. If there isn't any actual religion involved then it would be a non-religious cult of which there are plenty.

              • 2 months ago

                that’s what I mean… what is a religious aspect? because I count living the same way a monk does as a religious thing

              • 2 months ago

                They aren't actually living like a monk though. They don't pray to a god, they don't worship anything. If they aren't doing that then they aren't living like monks.

              • 2 months ago

                their entire society is literally based on monks irl, so if that isn’t monkish behaviour then how do you describe it? again living in a hierarchical fraternity with elders, novices, who all dress the same, have the same haircut, refer to eachother as brother. all of that is inherently religious because the only thing that inspired the writers on this was the way religious people in real life behave.

              • 2 months ago

                All of those things are purely aesthetic. They don't end up having any effect on the beliefs and motives of the BoS who are in effect atheistic technocrats. Plus everything you listed here is also in common with armies which the BoS actually descend from.

              • 2 months ago

                it's aesthetic in the same way hitler's nationalism was just an aesthetic for him to wrench his way up to the position of chancellor and take over half of europe

              • 2 months ago

                Mendel was a scientist and a monk

              • 2 months ago

                teh BoS hierarchy is entirely electoral-meritocratic, some elders get elected against thier wishes

                I can’t do that because you don’t explain what the distinction is. If mao, for example, who was an atheist, makes the state atheist, and says all his cabinet has to be atheist, and then kills people who aren’t atheist, what do I call that? “Religion” just becomes a word meaning anything bad I don’t like when you apply it to that.

                yes that is state propaganda to justify political goals. BoS is ruled by a council of elders wtih an obvious religious zeal spread across the command structure, but you can also observe the same zeal in initiates. their entire society is entirely brain washed, and in my headcanon reasoning it's to safeguard their mission so that any sort of ideological sway is easily stamped out, so in essence they have synthesized a form of religious fascism to enact their rule and doctrine.

          • 2 months ago



            i’ve heard people say state atheists in the soviet union and china mass executing religious people were actually religious. what even is a religion

            >can't seperate propaganda statements from obvious religious dogmatism
            I guess your next step is to claim Darrel was psyoping you, do the /misc/chud thing!

            • 2 months ago

              I can’t do that because you don’t explain what the distinction is. If mao, for example, who was an atheist, makes the state atheist, and says all his cabinet has to be atheist, and then kills people who aren’t atheist, what do I call that? “Religion” just becomes a word meaning anything bad I don’t like when you apply it to that.

  73. 2 months ago

    >pious power armoured crusader wasteland paladins
    I thought you chuds loved that shit

  74. 2 months ago

    is this the latest thing im gonna see people pretend to be outraged by knowing full well 10 years ago this would've been based

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