>jap hellraiser/evil dead

>jap hellraiser/evil dead
Jokes aside, it's pretty alright

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  1. 5 months ago

    Yeah, teenagers/young adults tend to overrate it but it's alright.

    • 5 months ago

      I actually had very low expectations for it, having been exposed to the shitty 2010s anime, but the manga is pretty good tbh. I actually feel like the person making it had more of a motive than just making money if that makes sense

      And it's more than just Hellraiser/Evil Dead.

      I know, but listing everything would have made the shitpost too long

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah, Miura worked decades on the manga. The anime movie trilogy and the 97 anime are fine, the 2016/17 one is an abomination though.

        • 5 months ago

          I just hope to god netflix and that castlevania gay don't get their grubby hands on it

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah. What they did with Castlevania was nasty. They've been making decent adaptations lately though (One Piece, Pluto), so I wouldn't be totally opposed as long as the Indian and that Warren Ellis manchild are kept out of it.

            • 5 months ago

              >One Piece
              I can't agree with the netflix one piece being good. It felt like they crammed too much worldbuilding into east blue, and it diluted the setting. In the manga the world has time to breathe as it grows, and they didn't accomplish that for me. I could go on for hours, but I really feel like they botched it hard.
              One piece, at least the first half, is largely the crew going to some unique setting with an equally unique culture, sort of an enclave within the world, and typically any outside force or broader world elements are antagonistic.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm not gonna disagree on that but I'd like to focus on the fact that it was technically competent, very close to the source material and had little pozz (other than that one ftm transgender).

              • 5 months ago

                It just didn't do it for me, I knew I wouldn't like it, but as a fan of one piece, I actually felt borderline offended. The scene with roger is a fantastic microcosm of the issues with the adaptation as a whole

              • 5 months ago

                I think that's just you having an unreasonably high standard.

              • 5 months ago

                I mean, maybe. I don't think it should have been made period, and I've held that stance since it was even announced. I think one piece benefits immensely from the medium it inhabits and I had no faith in it translating to live action.
                Call that prejudice if you want, but that's where I'm at

              • 5 months ago

                That's fine and all but looking at it compared to other live action adaptations (and not just of manga/anime) it does excel.

        • 5 months ago

          Why does everyone hate on the 2016 continuation so much is it really just the garbage animation ? I mean yeah it's not great but it's not like it's unwatchable.

          • 5 months ago

            Dude they cram events from like...200 chapters apart into 1 episode. Besides the absolutely horrible pacing they completely miss the point and feel of berserk. They rush through every single quiet or character building scene to get to the big action scene that's been expanded from a 1 or 2 page combat into an entire episode of fast paced anime cliche. Berserk needs it's quiet moments, it needs it build up to guts facing the big nasty enemy hoard...then he's supposed to end it in a big cathartic blow. Berserk is not a combat focused shonen, it's a dama and should be adapted as such.

    • 5 months ago

      The manga is great, just ignore the fandoms, they're always obnoxious homosexuals.
      Every. Single. One.

      • 5 months ago

        This. Never let a fan cult cloud your judgment. See them for the pathetic homosexuals they are and enjoy what they enjoy, confident in the knowledge that you understand their favorite shit more than they ever could.

  2. 5 months ago

    And it's more than just Hellraiser/Evil Dead.

    • 5 months ago


      >jap hellraiser/evil dead
      Jokes aside, it's pretty alright

      There came a point where I figured out that good manga steals from all kinds of stuff to the point that the creator mixes them into something too unique to be compared to just one thing.

      • 5 months ago

        That's everything, not just manga.

    • 5 months ago

      PURE unfiltered kino

    • 5 months ago

      thanks for that list, I was looking for medias that shaped Berserk to consoom them before rereading this manga again

    • 5 months ago

      where's mars attacks

    • 5 months ago

      whats under star wars?

      • 5 months ago

        I think it's Elric of Melniboné from the White Wolf saga, a highly influential but also faded, series of novels from I think the 70's written by author Michael Moorewiener haha If you like the Witcher, this is the character that Andrzej Sapkowski stole from. Pretty sure Moorewiener went after him with litigation.

        Anyway, I really like Moorewieners writing, and Elric is a hell of a character and book series. It's up there with the best of them, grim and dark and depressing and hopeless but also incredibly engaging and well written.

        • 5 months ago

          One day I'll jump into an Elric book. From what I understand, it doesn't even matter what order I read them in

          • 5 months ago

            I think it's Elric of Melniboné from the White Wolf saga, a highly influential but also faded, series of novels from I think the 70's written by author Michael Moorewiener haha If you like the Witcher, this is the character that Andrzej Sapkowski stole from. Pretty sure Moorewiener went after him with litigation.

            Anyway, I really like Moorewieners writing, and Elric is a hell of a character and book series. It's up there with the best of them, grim and dark and depressing and hopeless but also incredibly engaging and well written.

            un ackshually thats Corum, the Prince in Scarlet, also a series by Moorwiener

    • 5 months ago

      What is the one with a leopard's head between two peoples' heads on the cover? And also the one next to it on the left?

      • 5 months ago

        Guin Saga

        • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      the arrows point in the wrong direction

    • 5 months ago

      Devilman was amazing, 99% of jap demon designs are built around it.

    • 5 months ago

      the essence of this manga seems to be pastiche then

  3. 5 months ago
  4. 5 months ago

    the art is phenomenal, and i like how they tackle demons/monsters. plus the unflinching handling of rape will always stand out to me. it doesn't necessarily wallow in it, but it certainly forces you to look. i prefer golden age and black swordsman but everything up to the boat ride is top notch to me

    • 5 months ago

      >plus the unflinching handling of rape will always stand out to me. it doesn't necessarily wallow in it, but it certainly forces you to look
      Yeah, it's a prime example of using shocking subject matter in a way that actually drives character and deepens the meaning of a story, without being exploitative. Sadly a dying art in modern media

    • 5 months ago

      >the art is phenomenal
      lol no it isn't

      • 5 months ago

        Yes, it is. Shut up.

        • 5 months ago

          No it's really just alright. Never understood the hype for "muh art" much less the story that doesn't make sense at all
          >good and evil don't exist
          >but these guys are still "evil" and these other guys are still "good" anyways
          quite laughable
          only actually good part is Griffith's Femto costume but that's from a De Palma movie anyways

          • 5 months ago

            >>good and evil don't exist
            >>but these guys are still "evil" and these other guys are still "good" anyways
            NTA but my read on it is that evil is just a focal point that human consciousness creates, that manifests as the weird giant heart thing, and so it kind of creates a fixed point in the world. I know that's a bit convoluted, I'm admittedly having trouble articulating it well

            That's fine and all but looking at it compared to other live action adaptations (and not just of manga/anime) it does excel.

            I just don't think it belongs in live action. I'm glad that you enjoyed it though, I won't fault you for that, just for me it didn't track

            • 5 months ago

              why do so many homosexuals on here use 'NTA' now? is it some new amogus chungus replacement or what

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                Stands for Black folk Tongue my Anus

          • 5 months ago

            Shut up.

            • 5 months ago


              >no arguments
              got it, thanks
              keep crying

              >>good and evil don't exist
              >>but these guys are still "evil" and these other guys are still "good" anyways
              NTA but my read on it is that evil is just a focal point that human consciousness creates, that manifests as the weird giant heart thing, and so it kind of creates a fixed point in the world. I know that's a bit convoluted, I'm admittedly having trouble articulating it well

              I just don't think it belongs in live action. I'm glad that you enjoyed it though, I won't fault you for that, just for me it didn't track

              >NTA but my read on it is that evil is just a focal point that human consciousness creates
              That still makes evil arbitrary
              the whole reason Miura removed that chapter (the lost chapter, where Griffith speaks to the supreme being directly) is because it's the logical conclusion of all the shit he made up for his secondary world
              >evil and good are both crap that mankind just made up
              >so do whatever you want
              Miura wasn't qualified to write a story tackling those subjects (or worse, he knew exactly what the result was and had to cope by de-canonizing the chapter and attempting to stave off the inevitable by not finishing his book); he fell back into the "good guys vs bad guys" dichotomy at the end of the day because that's the story he was qualified and able to tell

              The story has its issued especially because you have that human subconscious manifesting as god thing in there (which I think was layed out in a decanonized chapter), without indication of a higher god, but if you ignore that part it's pretty alright having Guts as this struggler needing to fine meaning in life and ultimately having to choose between love (forgiveness) and vengeance.

              >if you ignore that part
              You wouldn't have to ignore it if the author was a good author, which he was not.
              >it's pretty alright having Guts as this struggler needing to fine meaning in life and ultimately having to choose between love (forgiveness) and vengeance.
              No it isn't. Guts motivation is inferior to Griffith's according to the parameters of the narrative. According to the fantasy Miura created, Guts is just a delusional moron being mad at fate because it "wronged" him and/or his buddies (when Miura already established right and wrong to not be fundamental truths), while Griffith is someone who chose to be its master for his own sake, the only cause that actually matters there.

              I guess my read on it was that humanity fixating on the "evil" in the world within their own definition empowered the concept itself, which led to the creation of the godhand and apostles. Were humanity in this world to instead be preoccupied with good and virtue, I think this psychic potential would instead manifest as a more benevolent and traditional concept of god, with apostles being replaced by more angelic beings. I think it's intentionally circular, sort of like an auroboros

              still means that "right" and "wrong" in Miura's world are manmade

              • 5 months ago

                >He got filtered

              • 5 months ago

                >Guts' motivation is inferior to Griffith's
                Guts wants to massacre griffith, who 100% deserves it. if you don't think that's good motivation, you ain't human

              • 5 months ago

                >who 100% deserves it.
                Already explained why it's an illegitimate and illogical motivation
                Guts has no reason to want to hurt Griffith since no one can wrong anyone else; right and wrong are arbitrary in Berserk.
                >if you don't think that's good motivation, you ain't human
                I would find it reasonable irl, where Good and Evil are real, but not in the fantasy setting of Berserk, where they are made up.


                not an argument

              • 5 months ago

                >not an argument
                It's a valid thing to remind you of. Ignorance strikes us when we think ourselves to be furthest from it. The moment you believe yourself to have everything figured out is the moment that you are the least wise.

              • 5 months ago

                Project more

                Griffith caused Guts to have to fight demons all night every night instead of sleeping. motivation better than any Shakespearian masterpiece: the man wants some fricking peace and quiet and he's gotta kill griffith before that can happen

                >Griffith caused Guts to have to fight demons all night every night instead of sleeping.
                What makes that bad?
                >motivation better than any Shakespearian masterpiece
                >the man wants some fricking peace and quiet
                again, the motivation would have no problems if the story were set irl. Miura torpedoed the logical consistency of his own work

              • 5 months ago

                >Project more
                There are two types of ignorance: Not knowing things, and not knowing that you don't know things.

              • 5 months ago

                >you don't know that getting no sleep is bad
                i do. ergo, griffith is bad and must die.

              • 5 months ago

                If I created a fantasy narrative where sleep doesn't exist, no one needs to sleep, and the main character kept saying "I need to go to sleep >:(", while the antagonist said, "I don't need to sleep >:)", which one would be deluded? The main character would be in the wrong for believing in sleep when it doesn't exist in his world.
                Either way, this conversation is clearly beyond you, as is Miura's work.

                >Project more
                There are two types of ignorance: Not knowing things, and not knowing that you don't know things.

                keep projecting

              • 5 months ago

                several characters in the series comment in a negative manner on the fact that Guts cannot sleep normally, proof within the narrative that sleep is good and needed in Berserk, and griffith is depriving Guts of that, making him bad and in need of the aforementioned massacring. i'm only reading a word or two of your posts btw

              • 5 months ago

                Griffith caused Guts to have to fight demons all night every night instead of sleeping. motivation better than any Shakespearian masterpiece: the man wants some fricking peace and quiet and he's gotta kill griffith before that can happen

              • 5 months ago

                >still means that "right" and "wrong" in Miura's world are manmade
                You simply don't have the composition of Berserk's world correct. Nothing indicates the Idea of Evil is the central force, highest being, or controls every facet of the world. It is only a deity to mankind, self-inflicted, and they're not the sole inhabitants of the world. In fact, Femto's crusade is to make that the reality because it's not already the case. So, what you're describing is the bad ending the truly good characters will need to prevent.
                The last millennium of human causality was manipulated to snatch the world from nature and make Falconia a farm of cyclical human suffering to fuel the God Hand perpetually, Femto is a controlled opposition recreation of Gaiseric, Void is the true villian and mastermind who usurped control of humanity from the previous incarnation of the God Hand, non-human deities exist and can be invoked, yada yada yada.

              • 5 months ago

                Berserk is.... actually kino?
                (How much of it is true btw?)

              • 5 months ago

                Everything I said has been directly hinted. Maybe not that Void specifically usurped control though-- but he certainly has the God Hand prerogative for a millennium. The Holy See and phasing out of old world magic and deities are his machinations. Griffith and then Femto are his catalyst for ultimate control, and most of his "utopian" designs are bastardized versions of things Gaiseric did. Falconia is literally Gaiseric's kingdom resurfaced from the Astral World. Any time characters talk about a millennium old legend it's a cue to recontextualize it with Gaiseric kingdom, downfall, and Void's rise in mind.

                It's likely that the IoE has been controlling the world since the first homosexual sapiens, or maybe when HS evolved consciousness.
                Before Miura died he showed the earlier God Hand from 1000 years ago with Void being the last member of the older five and also the oldest member of the future five.

                Again y'all are conflating the world with mankind. IoE doesn't preside over the world until mankind are its only inhabitants. It only acts through humans (which Apostles and God Hand still are) and only physically exists in the world of Idea. There's a reason you need a portal to access the God Hand domain, why they had to merge the Physical and Astral Worlds, why Femto is going out and destroying every natural spiritual hub.

              • 5 months ago

                >all this cool world building will never reach a satisfying climax

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah it's fricked, heartbreaking. Always hoped and believed Miura would vindicate himself and the series with the ending. One can deduce the direction he was going with it or the culmination from his final chapters (Femto's tear), but it's gonna suck not getting it communicated properly. There'll always be an air of mystery as to what his true intentions were and how loose threads were meant to be tied.

              • 5 months ago

                It's likely that the IoE has been controlling the world since the first homosexual sapiens, or maybe when HS evolved consciousness.
                Before Miura died he showed the earlier God Hand from 1000 years ago with Void being the last member of the older five and also the oldest member of the future five.

            • 5 months ago

              His shadowing is reallygood but he cant do foreshortening good,if you could draw you would notice that usually all characters have stiff poses.

              • 5 months ago

                i can't draw and his art is amazing to me. i play guitar very well and the shit i hear on the radio makes me gag. different strokes, m8

              • 5 months ago

                i've been saying this since forever. I don't think his action scenes are good because of this.

          • 5 months ago

            >>good and evil don't exist
            >>but these guys are still "evil" and these other guys are still "good" anyways
            NTA but my read on it is that evil is just a focal point that human consciousness creates, that manifests as the weird giant heart thing, and so it kind of creates a fixed point in the world. I know that's a bit convoluted, I'm admittedly having trouble articulating it well

            I just don't think it belongs in live action. I'm glad that you enjoyed it though, I won't fault you for that, just for me it didn't track

            The story has its issued especially because you have that human subconscious manifesting as god thing in there (which I think was layed out in a decanonized chapter), without indication of a higher god, but if you ignore that part it's pretty alright having Guts as this struggler needing to fine meaning in life and ultimately having to choose between love (forgiveness) and vengeance.

            • 5 months ago

              I guess my read on it was that humanity fixating on the "evil" in the world within their own definition empowered the concept itself, which led to the creation of the godhand and apostles. Were humanity in this world to instead be preoccupied with good and virtue, I think this psychic potential would instead manifest as a more benevolent and traditional concept of god, with apostles being replaced by more angelic beings. I think it's intentionally circular, sort of like an auroboros

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, I think I agree but not having any outside influence from a benevolent god still paints an ugly picture. Though there is an argument to be made that because Guts isn't a slave to causality and him carrying that giant sword on his back (not completely unlike a cross) is somewhat suggestive of him being a redemptive figure.

              • 5 months ago

                >Yeah, I think I agree but not having any outside influence from a benevolent god still paints an ugly picture.
                I still think it's a hopeful vision. Ultimately, hell derives everything is has from humanity and its beliefs, so were people to change and become virtuous, it would bleed the ability for hell to reign

                >no arguments
                got it, thanks
                keep crying
                >NTA but my read on it is that evil is just a focal point that human consciousness creates
                That still makes evil arbitrary
                the whole reason Miura removed that chapter (the lost chapter, where Griffith speaks to the supreme being directly) is because it's the logical conclusion of all the shit he made up for his secondary world
                >evil and good are both crap that mankind just made up
                >so do whatever you want
                Miura wasn't qualified to write a story tackling those subjects (or worse, he knew exactly what the result was and had to cope by de-canonizing the chapter and attempting to stave off the inevitable by not finishing his book); he fell back into the "good guys vs bad guys" dichotomy at the end of the day because that's the story he was qualified and able to tell
                >if you ignore that part
                You wouldn't have to ignore it if the author was a good author, which he was not.
                >it's pretty alright having Guts as this struggler needing to fine meaning in life and ultimately having to choose between love (forgiveness) and vengeance.
                No it isn't. Guts motivation is inferior to Griffith's according to the parameters of the narrative. According to the fantasy Miura created, Guts is just a delusional moron being mad at fate because it "wronged" him and/or his buddies (when Miura already established right and wrong to not be fundamental truths), while Griffith is someone who chose to be its master for his own sake, the only cause that actually matters there.
                still means that "right" and "wrong" in Miura's world are manmade

                >That still makes evil arbitrary
                I mean, our concepts of good and evil are derived from what helps us live our lives effectively. Semetic religions for example demonize pork consumption because pigs carry numerous parasites that infect humans. There's a practical basis for almost every belief

              • 5 months ago

                >I mean, our concepts of good and evil are derived from what helps us live our lives effectively
                Also not true.
                In real life, Good and Evil are based on God. God is good; what goes against God is evil. God is uncreated and these truths are derived from there.
                In Miura's fantasy, the highest being, the Idea Of Evil, is manmade. No absolute is derived from it.
                Glad you agree that Griffith is in the right tho

              • 5 months ago

                >n real life, Good and Evil are based on God. God is good; what goes against God is evil. God is uncreated and these truths are
                Anon, I'm going to pause you right here. We are reaching a point in the discussion where we're debating subjects that have perplexed mankind since we could string words together. We are not going to make any progress on this topic, we are morons on Cinemaphile. It is legitimately not a worthwhile thing to debate because no two human beings in all of history have ever fully agreed on it. I respect your position, but we do not and likely will not find common ground.

              • 5 months ago

                >We are reaching a point in the discussion where we're debating subjects that have perplexed mankind since we could string words together.
                >We are not going to make any progress on this topic, we are morons on Cinemaphile
                Projection on your part.
                >It is legitimately not a worthwhile thing to debate because no two human beings in all of history have ever fully agreed on it
                That is also false on multiple counts. In fact, religion is arguably the only thing worth debating or fighting for. Everything else except Salvation is ultimately irrelevant, and the idea that "nobody fully agrees" on religion is also erroneous.
                Yes, Miura inadvertently generated fictional justifications for rape, mass rape, mass murder, child rape, and all the various other obscene events in his narrative with his idiotic insistence on his ultracrepidarian theological stances. His work suffered due to his ignorance.
                This is a simple fact.

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                >I mean, our concepts of good and evil are derived from what helps us live our lives effectively. Semetic religions for example demonize pork consumption because pigs carry numerous parasites that infect humans. There's a practical basis for almost every belief
                It's not that simple. You don't get around the supernatural having unconditional love in the world.

              • 5 months ago

                The supernatural in berserk is literally derived from humanity empowering the concept of evil, there's no reason to assume that that exigent force couldn't be applied to good as well

              • 5 months ago

                I was talking the real world there.

              • 5 months ago

                Oh, my bad, I was remembering a different facet of the discussion I've been having

              • 5 months ago

                I think the main issue, as the maybe overly zealous anon laid out before, is that in Berserk the world's creator seemingly left his creation.

              • 5 months ago

                IIRC, as far as what's laid out, the supernatural aspects of berserk coalesced after the world formed, and there's little implication of an intelligent design to this world

              • 5 months ago

                >and there's little implication of an intelligent design to this world
                This kind of argument always makes me feel really irritated. Clearly we are intelligent and we perceive things in the way of meaning, so we don't have an actual idea how a non-intelligently designed world would look like.

          • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            either bait or you're mentally challenged
            here's your (you), homosexual

            • 5 months ago

              >no refutations
              keep crying lmfao

              • 5 months ago

                NTA but I already refuted your shit. Nice job avoiding it.

              • 5 months ago

                >NTA but I already refuted your shit
                Every post attempting to refute mine has failed and every time I've pointed out why.
                Your refusal to acknowledge this constitutes an invincible ignorance fallacy. It is not an argument; I will not address the same fallacious point twice simply because you cannot accept that your beliefs concerning the work are erroneous.

              • 5 months ago

                No, you didn't.

                >still means that "right" and "wrong" in Miura's world are manmade
                You simply don't have the composition of Berserk's world correct. Nothing indicates the Idea of Evil is the central force, highest being, or controls every facet of the world. It is only a deity to mankind, self-inflicted, and they're not the sole inhabitants of the world. In fact, Femto's crusade is to make that the reality because it's not already the case. So, what you're describing is the bad ending the truly good characters will need to prevent.
                The last millennium of human causality was manipulated to snatch the world from nature and make Falconia a farm of cyclical human suffering to fuel the God Hand perpetually, Femto is a controlled opposition recreation of Gaiseric, Void is the true villian and mastermind who usurped control of humanity from the previous incarnation of the God Hand, non-human deities exist and can be invoked, yada yada yada.

                Everything I said has been directly hinted. Maybe not that Void specifically usurped control though-- but he certainly has the God Hand prerogative for a millennium. The Holy See and phasing out of old world magic and deities are his machinations. Griffith and then Femto are his catalyst for ultimate control, and most of his "utopian" designs are bastardized versions of things Gaiseric did. Falconia is literally Gaiseric's kingdom resurfaced from the Astral World. Any time characters talk about a millennium old legend it's a cue to recontextualize it with Gaiseric kingdom, downfall, and Void's rise in mind.
                Again y'all are conflating the world with mankind. IoE doesn't preside over the world until mankind are its only inhabitants. It only acts through humans (which Apostles and God Hand still are) and only physically exists in the world of Idea. There's a reason you need a portal to access the God Hand domain, why they had to merge the Physical and Astral Worlds, why Femto is going out and destroying every natural spiritual hub.

              • 5 months ago

                >all speculation with no evidence
                the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate that the Idea Of Evil isn't the (most) supreme being. All evidence points to the fact that it is. It is literally the master of causality, as everything moves according to its plan. Neither of these refute that evil and good are manmade either.

                >seething moron
                not an argument. i accept your concession that sleep is inherently good in berserk, making griffith demonstrably bad for preventing guts from sleeping.

                >still crying that his "muh sleep" comparison got instantly btfo'd
                lmfaoo argument by assertion again. fallacy
                stay mad

              • 5 months ago

                just wait till you see the next 'phallusy' i whip out, zesty boy

              • 5 months ago

                >the burden of proof is on you
                You're dumb as frick to think you weren't the one making all the initial claims with zero evidence.
                It's you whose assumption that it is supreme or omnipotent is completely unfounded, and I could go on endlessly how the story points to the contrary.
                Every bit about causality, destiny, fate has always been on the topic of MANKIND. Even the introductory bit of narration establishes this. If it already controlled the world defiance wouldn't make sense, the Interstice's benefits wouldn't make sense, non-humans ignoring and disrupting woven causality wouldn't make sense, Femto's reincarnation and merging of the worlds wouldn't be necessary, the IoE only existing as an idea and only being able to act through humanity wouldn't make sense, Femto needing to go around and destroy non-human spiritual hubs wouldn't make sense, other deities like the Four Kings of the World wouldn't make sense, etc.
                In fact, the existence and description of the Four Kings of the World implies they supersede the abilities of the Idea of Evil by directly governing physical aspects of the world., and invoking them has always been successful in warding off any matter of evil.

          • 5 months ago

            You are defintely moronic.

          • 5 months ago

            >filtered by manga

            • 5 months ago

              not an argument

              he doesn't know it all. His personal knowledge of the plan doesn't change whether or not there is one, beyond him.
              So he conveniently only knew about the rest of the plan. Gotcha.
              them simply saying that they do this does not prove that they actually do.
              So characters are perpetually unreliable unless the information suits your assumptions. Yeah no I hear you dude.
              >We're not going off of what characters say or think, we're going off of what the story demonstrates
              Like how the story demonstrates at every turn that the Idea of Evil and the God Hand don't have full control, and their efforts have all been clearly in pursuit to obtain it?
              >yet the Godhand/Idea's plan involves them demonstrating control over aspects of the world itself. Multiple worlds, in fact, since Fantasia is the merging of two worlds.
              They don't control these worlds, they control their own domains within them. They don't control Fantasia, they're actively pursuing domination of it. These are fundamental aspects of the worldbuilding. Again, if they already had control, there's no point to the God Hand's plan. They would never have had to induce Fantasia.
              supports that they exist to protect humanity
              >>When it comes to living entities, King of the North presides over all living beings, of which mankind is only a subset
              Existing to protect humanity != one of them presiding over all living beings. One implies subservience to humanity and being created for that purpose, while the other implies it's only one ability within that entity's wheelhouse. I never contradicted myself.

              >So he conveniently only knew about the rest of the plan.
              That's the author's decision
              >So characters are perpetually unreliable unless the information suits your assumptions.
              quote me where I said that
              >Like how the story demonstrates at every turn that the Idea of Evil and the God Hand don't have full control, and their efforts have all been clearly in pursuit to obtain it?
              There's nothing yet that hasn't gone according to plan.
              >Again, if they already had control, there's no point to the God Hand's plan.
              Not necessarily true.
              >Existing to protect humanity != one of them presiding over all living beings
              it does actually
              your only contention is due to an implication you yourself created

              Damn, lots of autistic struggling in this thread. I'm not even 100% sure what everyone is mad about. If there is objective good and bad in the world, dictated by a creator? Maybe, though one has to keep in mind:

              >The Idea of Evil is not canon
              >Miura is infamously poor at fleshing out his own world's theology, or anything else for that matter
              >Miura is also inconsistent with his storytelling. He's admitted to just writing it as he goes along, not unlike Toriyama, so Miura putting any real long term thoughts into whatever he's doing was not the case. He threw ideas at his friend to see what he thought about them and then just put in what he thought the reader might like to see. Jar Jar, Sheev, whatever

              The most powerful entities in the series is the Godhand and the The Four Kings of the World. The Godhand serve some unknown entity, they have power over souls that are similar to theirs in nature and can condemn them to the Abyss, while also having an ability to see future possible events, to some degree

              We know very little about the Four Kings because Miura never sat on them long enough to explain what it is they do. We know that the religion of the Holy See actually worships them, originally, but that was lost to time. Now it seems Griffith uses the resources of the Holy See to push his agenda

              Do the Four Kings have influence over you in death? They could, we don't know. We know that Flora when she died, regained her youth and also became a powerful spirit capable of pushing Apostles away with ease. What decided that she was worthy of that sort of blessing in her death? Something overseeing everything had to have said "This person did wonderful things, thus is worthy of a nice afterlife".

              If absolute good and absolute evil didn't exist, then everyone regardless of what they did would just go into the Abyss and become a drop in the evil souls. Something has to be divvying up the souls according to what they did in life and giving them their reward

              did we ever get the rundown on what happens to the unassociated? that's the real question

              • 5 months ago

                >did we ever get the rundown on what happens to the unassociated? that's the real question

                No, we never did, even at the end of Miura's life. We see Mule directly confront Griffith on this too, asking where exactly do those clusters of lights go. Clusters of lights that happened to be assumingly good men who died, or women, or children. Griffith just looks at Mule, then gives him a nebulous, cryptic answer, that they "become one" somewhere. Of course, Mule doesn't understand what that means and asks if it is heaven or hell, but receives no answer that is definitive from Griffith, other than "you'll see"

                Right away, we as the reader have visions of the Abyss, where all the evil souls become one in the maelstrom of souls, which is not a reassuring thought. If that's where Mule's going, he's cooked no matter what he does. It seems that only the best of the best get spared from the Abyss, like Flora did, as Miura seemed reluctant to clarify any of it on purpose. What else can we assume from what little we know? Scary

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                It's the author's decision whether to expose true aspects of the world through characters, too. You've only claimed unreliability for the scenarios that contradict your claims, and only because they contradict your claims. Of which,. as of now, are unsubstantiated and the text points to their contrary.
                Your claim that the Idea of Evil is supreme and presides over all is unsubstantiated.
                Your claim about good and evil only being arbitrarily or subjectively defined by humans is unsubstantiated.
                Your claim about a system of causality that controls all things is unsubstantiated.
                You still can't wrap your head around how if they already controlled everything, there wouldn't need to be any effort on the part of the Idea of Evil and the God Hand. It's baffling at this point. You just say "nuh uh" with no explanation.
                Let me know when you can substantiate anything.

                >The Holy See includes the Four Kings as angels, but the Holy See are just a machination by the God Hand and haven't existed for long.

                The God Hand definitely are using the Holy See now for their own ends, no doubt about that, but from what little we get to know about the Holy See in the story from what Flora tells us, it wasn't originally so. The prophecy of the Hawk of Darkness was foretold by someone in the Holy See, for example. Miura never bothers to go into it, like who wrote it or why, but if a warning of Femto's coming and the doom of the world originally came from the Holy See and the benevolent Four Kings were its deities of worship, it can be assumed it was a good religion once

                Also, being that the prophecy of warning was issued by the religion of the Four Kings, that would lead one to believe that they are in stark opposition to the God Hand, actively trying to warn the world of their plans and take appropriate measures against them. The Four Kings easily drowning, burning and destroying all things with an evil soul, certainly makes that clear by itself, but their followers being apparently given clairvoyant visions of a dark future by the Four Kings, which did come to pass, helps with clarity too

                I can only find instances where they describe the Holy See as a corrupting force since its initial spread.

              • 5 months ago

                The work itself substantiated all these things. You've failed to refute any of my points.

              • 5 months ago

                I've refuted everything. You've never once substantiated anything, lol.

              • 5 months ago

                Argument via assertion. Fallacy.
                I win.

              • 5 months ago

                Amazing. This is the best you could come up with. Obviously not applicable.
                Again, once you can substantiate any of your claims, let me know. As of know I've refuted your claims. No one wins but you're a loser.

              • 5 months ago

                >Obviously not applicable.
                >As of know I've refuted your claims
                Invincible ignorance fallacy.
                I win again.

              • 5 months ago

                You've provided no evidence I haven't refuted. Not applicable. You're describing yourself, loser.

              • 5 months ago

                >You've provided no evidence I haven't refuted
                You haven't refuted any evidence I've provided.
                >You're describing yourself
                Project much?
                I keep winning.

              • 5 months ago

                Your claim that the Idea of Evil is supreme and presides over all is unsubstantiated.
                Your claim about good and evil only being arbitrarily or subjectively defined by humans is unsubstantiated.
                Your claim about a system of causality that controls all things is unsubstantiated.
                Let me know when you can substantiate anything.

              • 5 months ago

                Invincible ignorance fallacy.
                I can't stop winning.

              • 5 months ago

                Your claim that the Idea of Evil is supreme and presides over all is unsubstantiated.
                Your claim about good and evil only being arbitrarily or subjectively defined by humans is unsubstantiated.
                Your claim about a system of causality that controls all things is unsubstantiated.
                Let me know when you can substantiate anything.

              • 5 months ago

                Invincible ignorance fallacy.
                I can't stop winning.

              • 5 months ago

                I accept your concession.

              • 5 months ago

                Not an argument.
                I win yet again.

              • 5 months ago

                I'll give a you a little challenge. Quote yourself from posts within this thread where you substantiated your claims.
                This is literal drivel:

                not an argument
                >So he conveniently only knew about the rest of the plan.
                That's the author's decision
                >So characters are perpetually unreliable unless the information suits your assumptions.
                quote me where I said that
                >Like how the story demonstrates at every turn that the Idea of Evil and the God Hand don't have full control, and their efforts have all been clearly in pursuit to obtain it?
                There's nothing yet that hasn't gone according to plan.
                >Again, if they already had control, there's no point to the God Hand's plan.
                Not necessarily true.
                >Existing to protect humanity != one of them presiding over all living beings
                it does actually
                your only contention is due to an implication you yourself created
                did we ever get the rundown on what happens to the unassociated? that's the real question

                So you'll want to look for posts that precede where I was the one who last meaningfully continued the conversation:

                he doesn't know it all. His personal knowledge of the plan doesn't change whether or not there is one, beyond him.
                So he conveniently only knew about the rest of the plan. Gotcha.
                them simply saying that they do this does not prove that they actually do.
                So characters are perpetually unreliable unless the information suits your assumptions. Yeah no I hear you dude.
                >We're not going off of what characters say or think, we're going off of what the story demonstrates
                Like how the story demonstrates at every turn that the Idea of Evil and the God Hand don't have full control, and their efforts have all been clearly in pursuit to obtain it?
                >yet the Godhand/Idea's plan involves them demonstrating control over aspects of the world itself. Multiple worlds, in fact, since Fantasia is the merging of two worlds.
                They don't control these worlds, they control their own domains within them. They don't control Fantasia, they're actively pursuing domination of it. These are fundamental aspects of the worldbuilding. Again, if they already had control, there's no point to the God Hand's plan. They would never have had to induce Fantasia.
                supports that they exist to protect humanity
                >>When it comes to living entities, King of the North presides over all living beings, of which mankind is only a subset
                Existing to protect humanity != one of them presiding over all living beings. One implies subservience to humanity and being created for that purpose, while the other implies it's only one ability within that entity's wheelhouse. I never contradicted myself.

              • 5 months ago

                >This is literal drivel
                Not an argument.
                I win again.

              • 5 months ago

                Juiciest concession yet. Have a good one.

              • 5 months ago

                Not an argument either. Try again tho
                I keep winning.

              • 5 months ago

                Sure bro. See ya around.

              • 5 months ago

                >dude I'm so fricking DONE with you rn UGH
                lmfao he says after he got btfo'd.
                I win for all time.

              • 5 months ago

                pure unadulterated seethe

              • 5 months ago

                he says after he seethed for an entire thread.
                Anon you could've just left after the first "muh concession" post, but you capitulated by trying to argue again.
                Meanwhile I remained stone cold and waited for you to actually present an argument or refutation of my position.
                You never could. I mogged you
                I win forever

              • 5 months ago

                That's not me friendo. I gave you a chance to substantiate anything, you could still take it up if you wanna keep talking about it. I'm satisfied enough with your previous concession though.

              • 5 months ago

                >That's not me friendo.
                >I gave you a chance to substantiate anything
                I gave you a chance to read the thread? And you didn't.
                Keep crying.
                I am unable to stop winning.

              • 5 months ago

                Okay buddy just make sure to take your meds. Offer remains open if you're ever up to it.

              • 5 months ago

                lol not an argument
                stay mad
                meanwhile I stay winning

              • 5 months ago

                Alright have a good one buddy.

              • 5 months ago

                You tried that one before too
                stay mad forever LOOOOL
                I win

              • 5 months ago

                Still going at it I see.

              • 5 months ago

                still seething 4 hours later

              • 5 months ago


                Highlight of the debate

              • 5 months ago

                kek whatever keeps him going without actually substantiating anything. sorry for destroying the thread

              • 5 months ago

                Is it from a different section of the story, or something?

              • 5 months ago

                >I can only find instances where they describe the Holy See as a corrupting force since its initial spread.

                One instance of Schierke being warm towards the Holy See is when she points out that the Lady of the Depths is one of the archangels of the Holy See scriptures. The Holy See did at one point understand its own religion, but somehow ignored its own dogma and forgot about it, despite they'd surely have all of that information in their scriptures written down in archives and libraries. I mean, they remembered that prophecy, so why not the rest? The fundamentals of their own religion? That just didn't make sense and I don't think Miura cared. The prophecy never comes up again after awhile either, so I guess to Miura, it really was just something neat to draw and then he promptly forgot about it

              • 5 months ago

                I think it means "them (the four), and one (the Lady)" but I see what you're saying. I don't think the Four Kings were the main deities of the Holy See's worship, but I could see them having had a hand in inducing the initial prophecy.

  5. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Considering how the other godhand members turned out, griffith really lucked out on his apostle form

      • 5 months ago

        I think they decide which form they like the most
        (see Wiald and the moth girl)

  6. 5 months ago

    I've only read a few chapters of post Miura Berserk and stopped caring again. Did it ever get good again? Is it even still going?

  7. 5 months ago

    Skull Knight is Best Boy.

  8. 5 months ago

    So moonboy is just Griffith now? He's gone?

    • 5 months ago

      He is Casca's and Guts' stillborn child that died when Femto raped her and was absorbed by the egg of the new world before Griffith's rebirth through said egg. He's what innocence remains in Griffith.

      • 5 months ago

        >griffith cucked guts so hard that his offspring is partially what remains of griffith's immortal soul

      • 5 months ago

        Pretty fricked up that Griffith would make Guts and Casca's baby all about him again while removing their child from existence. Griffith defenders deserve the rope

        • 5 months ago

          Griffith is alpha as frick, stay mad
          You simply lack the capacity to appreciate the chadness at play

          • 5 months ago

            >sells bussy
            >le horny and lonely must coom into princess
            >atrophied torture victim
            >jealous of best bud and tomboy gf
            all his friends and turns into apathetic purple bird man
            >rapes best buds' tomboy gf

            • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                Snyder's Batman is Guts and his Lex Luthor is bussy boy Griffith.

              • 5 months ago

                I'M JUST A GIRL WHO CANT SAY NO

              • 5 months ago


  9. 5 months ago

    Before we're getting into a theological spit here, I'll just say pic rel mogs Miura HARD.

    • 5 months ago

      the king

  10. 5 months ago

    Men would rather have a swordfight on a snowy hill in the morning breeze, with the sun rising up in the horizon, while the birds chirp, than go to therapy. SMDH

  11. 5 months ago

    How can there be a good ending if Guts is damned? No matter what he does, he's going to the Abyss. So is Casca. Also, Griffith is so OP now, he can control where your soul goes, so how can they hope to beat him anyway?

    Is this why MIura dragged his feet so long with his manga? Did he write himself into a corner like GERM did? Miura said he couldn't imagine a sad ending at this point, but he left no other option when he began the series

    • 5 months ago

      The theory has been for a while that Griffith is vulnerable through Moonlight Boy, so it probably comes down to Gut forgiving Griffith, Void becoming the real enemy (and perhapy Moonlight Boy taking over Griffith in the end) or Guts killing Griffith through killing Moonlight Boy.

    • 5 months ago

      We're gonna get Skull Knight's backstory and we might learn something there that might help Guts. And the dwarf guy said Guts has not mastered the berserker armor, maybe it has more powers than we thought? Also the behelit sword might play a role. Also, the nips love to tie things back to the beginning, so Femto is going to fall the same way golden age Griffith fell: ego, lack of self control and overconfidence. Also, ancient magic is rising in the story and will play a part. This is all just my guess anyway.

    • 5 months ago

      If guts soul is damned but he saves humanity, is that not a good ending? The messiah figure dooming his soul for the good of mankind? I agree re casca though, she's innocent. I suppose there's something too that too, the sacrifice of innocence

  12. 5 months ago

    >this week folks, we have something special for you
    >we have with us today a special young lady, casca, and her demonic spawn
    >the issue here is that two men claim to be the father of this child, and casca can't say
    >guts, griffith, come on out!
    I've seen zero springer so please don't knock my impression too much

  13. 5 months ago

    What the frick was his problem?

    • 5 months ago

      Being useless filler in a stagnant story for a decade

      • 5 months ago

        I thought the idea of a demon strong enough to defy the godhand, even momentarily, was neat, and the artificial behelit was pretty gnarly

        If I created a fantasy narrative where sleep doesn't exist, no one needs to sleep, and the main character kept saying "I need to go to sleep >:(", while the antagonist said, "I don't need to sleep >:)", which one would be deluded? The main character would be in the wrong for believing in sleep when it doesn't exist in his world.
        Either way, this conversation is clearly beyond you, as is Miura's work.
        keep projecting

        Are you implying that you in fact know all there is to know?

        • 5 months ago

          Stop replying to the weird autistic homo

          • 5 months ago

            He started out alright, if a little abrasive, but he's gradually revealing himself as a mediocre mind with an obscene ego

        • 5 months ago

          >Are you implying that you in fact know all there is to know?
          Nobody said that.

          several characters in the series comment in a negative manner on the fact that Guts cannot sleep normally, proof within the narrative that sleep is good and needed in Berserk, and griffith is depriving Guts of that, making him bad and in need of the aforementioned massacring. i'm only reading a word or two of your posts btw

          Lol seething moron


          >implying I'm baiting or wrong
          Nothing I've said is wrong in the slightest.

          • 5 months ago

            >seething moron
            not an argument. i accept your concession that sleep is inherently good in berserk, making griffith demonstrably bad for preventing guts from sleeping.

          • 5 months ago

            >>Are you implying that you in fact know all there is to know?
            >Nobody said that.
            See lying like this might work if we weren't able to read the reply chain

            • 5 months ago

              Quote anyone where they said that then?

              • 5 months ago

                Own your own words Black person

              • 5 months ago

                >do you have a peer reviewed source for me saying what I said

                just quote the post where I said I knew everything. shouldn't be hard if I did say it (I didn't)

                >the burden of proof is on you
                You're dumb as frick to think you weren't the one making all the initial claims with zero evidence.
                It's you whose assumption that it is supreme or omnipotent is completely unfounded, and I could go on endlessly how the story points to the contrary.
                Every bit about causality, destiny, fate has always been on the topic of MANKIND. Even the introductory bit of narration establishes this. If it already controlled the world defiance wouldn't make sense, the Interstice's benefits wouldn't make sense, non-humans ignoring and disrupting woven causality wouldn't make sense, Femto's reincarnation and merging of the worlds wouldn't be necessary, the IoE only existing as an idea and only being able to act through humanity wouldn't make sense, Femto needing to go around and destroy non-human spiritual hubs wouldn't make sense, other deities like the Four Kings of the World wouldn't make sense, etc.
                In fact, the existence and description of the Four Kings of the World implies they supersede the abilities of the Idea of Evil by directly governing physical aspects of the world., and invoking them has always been successful in warding off any matter of evil.

                >the one making all the initial claims with zero evidence.
                I never made a claim without evidence.

                >the burden of proof is on you
                You're dumb as frick to think you weren't the one making all the initial claims with zero evidence.
                It's you whose assumption that it is supreme or omnipotent is completely unfounded, and I could go on endlessly how the story points to the contrary.
                Every bit about causality, destiny, fate has always been on the topic of MANKIND. Even the introductory bit of narration establishes this. If it already controlled the world defiance wouldn't make sense, the Interstice's benefits wouldn't make sense, non-humans ignoring and disrupting woven causality wouldn't make sense, Femto's reincarnation and merging of the worlds wouldn't be necessary, the IoE only existing as an idea and only being able to act through humanity wouldn't make sense, Femto needing to go around and destroy non-human spiritual hubs wouldn't make sense, other deities like the Four Kings of the World wouldn't make sense, etc.
                In fact, the existence and description of the Four Kings of the World implies they supersede the abilities of the Idea of Evil by directly governing physical aspects of the world., and invoking them has always been successful in warding off any matter of evil.

                Really none of this contradicts the fact that the Idea of Evil controls causality, you're simply questioning how it does. The operation of its control is irrelevant to the fact of it.

              • 5 months ago

                >just quote the post where I said I knew everything. shouldn't be hard if I did say it (I didn't)
                Anon said:

                >not an argument
                It's a valid thing to remind you of. Ignorance strikes us when we think ourselves to be furthest from it. The moment you believe yourself to have everything figured out is the moment that you are the least wise.

                >It's a valid thing to remind you of. Ignorance strikes us when we think ourselves to be furthest from it. The moment you believe yourself to have everything figured out is the moment that you are the least wise.
                You then said:

                Project more
                >Griffith caused Guts to have to fight demons all night every night instead of sleeping.
                What makes that bad?
                >motivation better than any Shakespearian masterpiece
                >the man wants some fricking peace and quiet
                again, the motivation would have no problems if the story were set irl. Miura torpedoed the logical consistency of his own work

                >Project more
                He then said:

                >Project more
                There are two types of ignorance: Not knowing things, and not knowing that you don't know things.

                >There are two types of ignorance: Not knowing things, and not knowing that you don't know things.
                To which you said

                If I created a fantasy narrative where sleep doesn't exist, no one needs to sleep, and the main character kept saying "I need to go to sleep >:(", while the antagonist said, "I don't need to sleep >:)", which one would be deluded? The main character would be in the wrong for believing in sleep when it doesn't exist in his world.
                Either way, this conversation is clearly beyond you, as is Miura's work.
                keep projecting

                >keep projecting
                Anon was making a point that nobody knows everything, which you took issue with. The only reasonable conclusion that can be drawn is that you disagree with that statement. Unless you have another explanation for you getting your panties into a twist, you were in fact implying that you knew everything.
                >yeah but I didn't SAY it

                I thought the idea of a demon strong enough to defy the godhand, even momentarily, was neat, and the artificial behelit was pretty gnarly

                Are you implying that you in fact know all there is to know?

                >Are you implying that you in fact know all there is to know?
                Was the the post you replied to asking where you said that.

                TL;DR you're an egotistical moron

              • 5 months ago

                lel btfo

                >t. ESL
                Couldn't quote me where I said it, could you? Didn't think so lol
                I will illuminate the matter, for your sake at least.
                This entire ordeal that your tantrum concerns starts

                >n real life, Good and Evil are based on God. God is good; what goes against God is evil. God is uncreated and these truths are
                Anon, I'm going to pause you right here. We are reaching a point in the discussion where we're debating subjects that have perplexed mankind since we could string words together. We are not going to make any progress on this topic, we are morons on Cinemaphile. It is legitimately not a worthwhile thing to debate because no two human beings in all of history have ever fully agreed on it. I respect your position, but we do not and likely will not find common ground.

                here, not in the post you quoted.
                Anon's contention was on the idea that any faith can be correct.
                his response to

                >We are reaching a point in the discussion where we're debating subjects that have perplexed mankind since we could string words together.
                >We are not going to make any progress on this topic, we are morons on Cinemaphile
                Projection on your part.
                >It is legitimately not a worthwhile thing to debate because no two human beings in all of history have ever fully agreed on it
                That is also false on multiple counts. In fact, religion is arguably the only thing worth debating or fighting for. Everything else except Salvation is ultimately irrelevant, and the idea that "nobody fully agrees" on religion is also erroneous.
                Yes, Miura inadvertently generated fictional justifications for rape, mass rape, mass murder, child rape, and all the various other obscene events in his narrative with his idiotic insistence on his ultracrepidarian theological stances. His work suffered due to his ignorance.
                This is a simple fact.

                is simply seething about the True Faith, informed by his response here

                >n real life, Good and Evil are based on God. God is good; what goes against God is evil. God is uncreated and these truths are
                Anon, I'm going to pause you right here. We are reaching a point in the discussion where we're debating subjects that have perplexed mankind since we could string words together. We are not going to make any progress on this topic, we are morons on Cinemaphile. It is legitimately not a worthwhile thing to debate because no two human beings in all of history have ever fully agreed on it. I respect your position, but we do not and likely will not find common ground.

                His projection was thinking I thought I had everything figured out. I never claimed that I personally had figured everything out. In fact, he admits to this projection via the wording of

                >n real life, Good and Evil are based on God. God is good; what goes against God is evil. God is uncreated and these truths are
                Anon, I'm going to pause you right here. We are reaching a point in the discussion where we're debating subjects that have perplexed mankind since we could string words together. We are not going to make any progress on this topic, we are morons on Cinemaphile. It is legitimately not a worthwhile thing to debate because no two human beings in all of history have ever fully agreed on it. I respect your position, but we do not and likely will not find common ground.

                , where he states
                >we are morons on Cinemaphile
                He believes himself to be moronic and cannot fathom the idea that someone isn't entirely ignorant concerning the subject matter, even if informed by others. However, neither of us claimed to know everything.
                My issue was not with
                >a point that nobody knows everything
                Because, as I said before, I never claimed that I, or anyone, knows everything. My assent was never to a "personal truth" either; my position is dogmatic and based in an absolute truth. Miura's failure is of course on his
                >idiotic insistence on his ultracrepidarian theological stances
                and his digression from ultimate truth. He dabbled in theology where he was unqualified (he acted as an ultracrepidarian), and his work suffered for it.
                Seethe harder tho

              • 5 months ago

                Kek you're such a midwit

              • 5 months ago

                >no arguments after your last cope was btfo'd
                lmfao holy seethe

              • 5 months ago

                Dude you aren't a serious person, nothing you've said holds any weight. Nobody is going to argue with you because you're not worth having a discussion with period. The only reason you're getting replies is because you're an easily baited moron who is way too self-assured.
                You are a lolcow ITT

              • 5 months ago

                >ummm dude I don't care heheh nobody cares anymore bro
                Said only after I thoroughly raped every opposing viewpoint

              • 5 months ago

                >just quote the post where I said I knew everything. shouldn't be hard if I did say it (I didn't)
                Anon said:
                >It's a valid thing to remind you of. Ignorance strikes us when we think ourselves to be furthest from it. The moment you believe yourself to have everything figured out is the moment that you are the least wise.
                You then said:
                >Project more
                He then said:
                >There are two types of ignorance: Not knowing things, and not knowing that you don't know things.
                To which you said
                >keep projecting
                Anon was making a point that nobody knows everything, which you took issue with. The only reasonable conclusion that can be drawn is that you disagree with that statement. Unless you have another explanation for you getting your panties into a twist, you were in fact implying that you knew everything.
                >yeah but I didn't SAY it
                >Are you implying that you in fact know all there is to know?
                Was the the post you replied to asking where you said that.

                TL;DR you're an egotistical moron

                lel btfo

              • 5 months ago

                >Really none of this contradicts the fact that the Idea of Evil controls causality, you're simply questioning how it does. The operation of its control is irrelevant to the fact of it.
                It controlling the web of causality doesn't substantiate your claims. If it only acts through humans, only applies to humans, doesn't apply to non-humans, is avoidable by humans, and there exists unforeseeable or disruptable planned events, then this web of causality is not true determinism and not an intrinsic aspect of the world.
                Even the lost chapter itself describes it being artificial and only acting through humans. The Idea of Evil is not omnipotent or supreme, which is what you're extrapolating your entire argument from.
                And, as I said, The Four Kings exist beyond the Idea of Evil and have power over it. They govern intrinsic aspects of the world, and are described as entirely benevolent. They have only ever been invoked against evil, and exist beyond humanity and thus subjectivity. This directly refutes your claims about good and evil beyond or that the Idea of Evil is the supreme deity.

              • 5 months ago

                It literally merged worlds, through Skull-Knight no less, a being that supposedly resists it.
                Your points are erroneous and not substantial, as even "resisting" the idea of evil ultimately satisfies its objectives, since it controls causality. The Four Kings never demonstrate effective digression from the Godhand's/Idea's plans either.

              • 5 months ago

                Guess I'll take this as a concession. We already know it didn't act through Skull Knight-- Femto outright said he was relying on a guess. More importantly, you've ignored everything else I said, like the web of causality not being true determinism nor powerful beyond humans and the Four Kings demonstrating a Good more intrinsic than humanity and its creations. It directly satisfies the definition of Good and Evil you claimed doesn't exist in Berserk's world. You're incapable of substantiating your initial claims and now you're moving the goalposts.

              • 5 months ago

                >We already know it didn't act through Skull Knight-- Femto outright said he was relying on a guess
                Griffith's personal knowledge of the Idea's plan doesn't change whether or not it's true. If you don't know WHY or HOW 1+1=2, does that make it not true? lmfao
                >Four Kings demonstrating a Good more intrinsic than humanity and its creations
                They aren't. They exist to protect humanity, but there's nothing to suggest they aren't also arbitrary creations like The Idea. In fact, if The Idea is a "high-level" or supreme astral being, and yet is created, and exists as one element of man's desires, it stands to reason the Four Kings are its weaker, and also created, opposites.

              • 5 months ago

                's personal knowledge of the Idea's plan doesn't change whether or not it's true. If you don't know WHY or HOW 1+1=2, does that make it not true? lmfao
                Ah, so when the story itself tells you what's happening you're just supposed to ignore it to suit your narrative. Gotcha.
                >They aren't. They exist to protect humanity, but there's nothing to suggest they aren't also arbitrary creations like The Idea.
                Nothing supports that they exist to protect humanity. As I've said multiple times, they govern foundational aspects of the world itself. When it comes to living entities, King of the North presides over all living beings, of which mankind is only a subset. You're just trying to constrain their abilities to suit your interpretation.
                >In fact, if The Idea is a "high-level" or supreme astral being, and yet is created, and exists as one element of man's desires, it stands to reason the Four Kings are its weaker, and also created, opposites.
                Again you're leaping to assume it's supreme which nothing points to and would defeat the purpose of the story. This deduction is completely illogical anyway.

                Damn, lots of autistic struggling in this thread. I'm not even 100% sure what everyone is mad about. If there is objective good and bad in the world, dictated by a creator? Maybe, though one has to keep in mind:

                >The Idea of Evil is not canon
                >Miura is infamously poor at fleshing out his own world's theology, or anything else for that matter
                >Miura is also inconsistent with his storytelling. He's admitted to just writing it as he goes along, not unlike Toriyama, so Miura putting any real long term thoughts into whatever he's doing was not the case. He threw ideas at his friend to see what he thought about them and then just put in what he thought the reader might like to see. Jar Jar, Sheev, whatever

                The most powerful entities in the series is the Godhand and the The Four Kings of the World. The Godhand serve some unknown entity, they have power over souls that are similar to theirs in nature and can condemn them to the Abyss, while also having an ability to see future possible events, to some degree

                We know very little about the Four Kings because Miura never sat on them long enough to explain what it is they do. We know that the religion of the Holy See actually worships them, originally, but that was lost to time. Now it seems Griffith uses the resources of the Holy See to push his agenda

                Do the Four Kings have influence over you in death? They could, we don't know. We know that Flora when she died, regained her youth and also became a powerful spirit capable of pushing Apostles away with ease. What decided that she was worthy of that sort of blessing in her death? Something overseeing everything had to have said "This person did wonderful things, thus is worthy of a nice afterlife".

                If absolute good and absolute evil didn't exist, then everyone regardless of what they did would just go into the Abyss and become a drop in the evil souls. Something has to be divvying up the souls according to what they did in life and giving them their reward

                >We know that the religion of the Holy See actually worships them, originally, but that was lost to time.
                The Holy See includes the Four Kings as angels, but the Holy See are just a machination by the God Hand and haven't existed for long. The Four Kings are ancient gods involved with all living beings, including non-humans, but their Holy See inclusion was done in a way to obfuscate their nature and conflate them with the God Hand. The Holy See don't need to be fleshed out much, they're just an allusion to Abrahamic religion absorbing pagan tradition to serve as foundation for a unifying savior prophecy, not all that important after it's already fulfilled its purpose.

              • 5 months ago

                >Ah, so when the story itself tells you what's happening you're just supposed to ignore it to suit your narrative
                You're right, the characters know everything about the story at all times. We as the readers can never piece anything together that has happened before.
                >Nothing supports that they exist to protect humanity
                Except that's the express purpose they've been summoned every time.
                >As I've said multiple times, they govern foundational aspects of the world itself
                Clearly false otherwise fantasia wouldn't exist.
                >When it comes to living entities, King of the North presides over all living beings, of which mankind is only a subset.
                You just contradicted yourself lmfao
                >Again you're leaping to assume it's supreme which nothing points to and would defeat the purpose of the story
                It has control over causality, as we've demonstrated.

              • 5 months ago

                >>You're right, the characters know everything about the story at all times. We as the readers can never piece anything together that has happened before.
                You're talking about a God Hand member that personally knows the intended web of causality admitting he was relying on a guess. Absolutely dense.
                that's the express purpose they've been summoned every time.
                Pic related.
                false otherwise fantasia wouldn't exist.
                ... According to what?
                >You just contradicted yourself lmfao
                Try and explain how.
                >It has control over causality, as we've demonstrated.
                And the web of causality only applies to humans and is fallible, which you've ignored how many times at this point?

              • 5 months ago

                >You're talking about a God Hand member that personally knows the intended web of causality
                Clearly he doesn't know it all. His personal knowledge of the plan doesn't change whether or not there is one, beyond him.
                >Pic related.
                Except them simply saying that they do this does not prove that they actually do. We're not going off of what characters say or think, we're going off of what the story demonstrates
                >... According to what?
                According to
                >they govern foundational aspects of the world itself
                yet the Godhand/Idea's plan involves them demonstrating control over aspects of the world itself. Multiple worlds, in fact, since Fantasia is the merging of two worlds.
                >Try and explain how.
                >Nothing supports that they exist to protect humanity
                >When it comes to living entities, King of the North presides over all living beings, of which mankind is only a subset
                >the web of causality only applies to humans
                If it only applied to humans, then again, Fantasia wouldn't exist.

              • 5 months ago

                he doesn't know it all. His personal knowledge of the plan doesn't change whether or not there is one, beyond him.
                So he conveniently only knew about the rest of the plan. Gotcha.
                them simply saying that they do this does not prove that they actually do.
                So characters are perpetually unreliable unless the information suits your assumptions. Yeah no I hear you dude.
                >We're not going off of what characters say or think, we're going off of what the story demonstrates
                Like how the story demonstrates at every turn that the Idea of Evil and the God Hand don't have full control, and their efforts have all been clearly in pursuit to obtain it?
                >yet the Godhand/Idea's plan involves them demonstrating control over aspects of the world itself. Multiple worlds, in fact, since Fantasia is the merging of two worlds.
                They don't control these worlds, they control their own domains within them. They don't control Fantasia, they're actively pursuing domination of it. These are fundamental aspects of the worldbuilding. Again, if they already had control, there's no point to the God Hand's plan. They would never have had to induce Fantasia.
                supports that they exist to protect humanity
                >>When it comes to living entities, King of the North presides over all living beings, of which mankind is only a subset
                Existing to protect humanity != one of them presiding over all living beings. One implies subservience to humanity and being created for that purpose, while the other implies it's only one ability within that entity's wheelhouse. I never contradicted myself.

              • 5 months ago

                >The Holy See includes the Four Kings as angels, but the Holy See are just a machination by the God Hand and haven't existed for long.

                The God Hand definitely are using the Holy See now for their own ends, no doubt about that, but from what little we get to know about the Holy See in the story from what Flora tells us, it wasn't originally so. The prophecy of the Hawk of Darkness was foretold by someone in the Holy See, for example. Miura never bothers to go into it, like who wrote it or why, but if a warning of Femto's coming and the doom of the world originally came from the Holy See and the benevolent Four Kings were its deities of worship, it can be assumed it was a good religion once

                Also, being that the prophecy of warning was issued by the religion of the Four Kings, that would lead one to believe that they are in stark opposition to the God Hand, actively trying to warn the world of their plans and take appropriate measures against them. The Four Kings easily drowning, burning and destroying all things with an evil soul, certainly makes that clear by itself, but their followers being apparently given clairvoyant visions of a dark future by the Four Kings, which did come to pass, helps with clarity too

              • 5 months ago

                >do you have a peer reviewed source for me saying what I said

      • 5 months ago

        He wasn't useless filler at all though. He was the catalyst for uniting the astral realm with the real world, basically changing the entire setting. His is probably one of the most consequential arcs from a story perspective.

  14. 5 months ago

    Is Cinemaphile really that bad now that you can only talk about Berserk on Cinemaphile on Friday nights?

    • 5 months ago

      >Is Cinemaphile really that bad
      Yes. Actual discussion on Cinemaphile is quite literally impossible

    • 5 months ago

      one piece is apparently the biggest anime going and that shit has the worst art and most braindead-10-year-old tier writing i've ever seen. i can't imagine how bad anime as a whole is

      • 5 months ago

        One arc from that show is better than entirety of berserk btw

  15. 5 months ago
  16. 5 months ago
  17. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      would Glen Powell work as Guts? i can't think of a single actor

      • 5 months ago

        Guts - Henry Cavill
        Griffith - Luke Eisner
        Julius - Marton Csokas
        Pippin - Geno Segers
        Gambino - Dolph Lundgren
        Corkus - Richard Brake
        King of Midland - Michael Shannon
        Adon Coborlwitz - Jai Courtney/Gerard Butler
        Void - Jeremy Irons/Ian McShane
        Nosferatu Zodd - Josh Brolin/Pilou Asbæk
        Grunbeld - Stephen Farrelly/Kristofer Hivju

        • 5 months ago

          >Luke Eisner
          You're too overqualified to be a hollywood casting agent

          >griffith gets caught banging the princess
          >thrown in the dungeon and tortured into nothingness
          was this part of his plan? or is that just causality n sheit? didn't the behelit just happen to end up in his hands again in the dungeon? it's been a while since i read it

          Griffith lets his personal relationship with guts cloud his Machiavellianism just long enough that he gets justed, the crimson behelit was tied to his soul from birth and it simply waited for his absolute lowest moment to reappear and activate itself

          • 5 months ago

            The whole idea is that his ambitions had to crash down around him to get him to such a low point as to accept the offer of sacrificing everything to become whatever the behelit has to offer, in his case he had the crimson godhand one and so he was required to sacrifice more than a lesser one would have wanted.

            ah that makes sense. so was he planning to sacrifice them beforehand, or was it his horrific state of being that caused him to accept the price? he seemed to really enjoy what he did to Guts and Casca, not to mention the others.

            • 5 months ago

              >his horrific state of being that caused him to accept the price?
              yes, he was literally in the middle of attempted suicide when he takes the offer.

              • 5 months ago

                >so was he planning to sacrifice them beforehand, or was it his horrific state of being that caused him to accept the price?
                Was his state and his pride. Didn't plan on. There's an earlier scene where he mourns a young Band of the Hawk boy that fell victim to combat under his leadership.

                i can understand that, even if i don't condone it. but he still took an awful sadistic pleasure in what came next, so is that just his true nature showing through or is Femto more prone to doing stuff like that than Griffith, being a top bloke of evil and such?

              • 5 months ago

                Femto is griffith sans humanity, so it's difficult to say


              • 5 months ago

                I think the idea is that Femto is heartless.

                makes sense. when griffith is reborn during the makeshift eclipse, does that mean femto ceased to be and became one with griffith? or will Femto be there with the others if an eclipse happened after the rebirth? these are sort of less pertinent questions i have, but things i still wonder about.

              • 5 months ago

                >when griffith is reborn during the makeshift eclipse, does that mean femto ceased to be and became one with griffith?
                I really think it's just femto in griffith's body

              • 5 months ago

                Reborn Griffith is Femto + Moonlight Child, I think.

              • 5 months ago

                Imagine if Guts actually gears up to kill griffith and skull knight rolls up to say
                >hey yo btw if you kill griffith your child dies, but you totally need to anyhow anyway byeee

              • 5 months ago

                i could see exactly that happening, skull knight is basically "bad shit's gonna happen bro, you have no idea": the character

              • 5 months ago

                I think the idea is that Femto is heartless.

              • 5 months ago

                Femto is a completely different character. I would say its a shadow projection.

            • 5 months ago

              >so was he planning to sacrifice them beforehand, or was it his horrific state of being that caused him to accept the price?
              Was his state and his pride. Didn't plan on. There's an earlier scene where he mourns a young Band of the Hawk boy that fell victim to combat under his leadership.

            • 5 months ago

              >not to mention the others.
              wasn't it more like he was vaguely aware that he ought to feel sorry for what's happening to them but he can't muster up caring feelings anymore?
              with casca and guts though yeah he definitely relished the reversal of control. but the transformation was complete at that point

        • 5 months ago

          give me Butler over jai courtney any day, really hate that guy for some reason. also
          >Richard Brake
          he needs to be in more shit. same with Ben Foster, whom i hope you could work into the casting process

        • 5 months ago

          >Not Hunter Schafer as Griffith
          What are you even doing?

  18. 5 months ago

    >Netflix adaptation

    >Guts is black
    >Gambino is white
    >Griffith is gay
    >Puck is mulatto
    >Casca is latinx (gay)
    >Farnese is gay
    >Void has a black voice

  19. 5 months ago
  20. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Zack Snyder wants to take this and ruin it

      • 5 months ago

        Chances are he'd improve on it or at least do a decent job adapting.

        • 5 months ago

          The digits were foretold by causality, snyder is the way

      • 5 months ago

        Snyder is basically the only director who SHOULD do it, except maybe Villeneuve. those two generally don't change shit and try to keep it true to source (300, Watchmen, Dune)

        • 5 months ago

          Villeneuve is too low-T. Eggers or Snyder.

          • 5 months ago

            Eggers is interesting, love his movies but i think he's from the same mold as Villeneuve in that regard. it has to be Snyder i think

            • 5 months ago

              Eggers has proven with The Northman that he can do high-T kino and he's also meticulous with his research.

        • 5 months ago

          >keep it true to source
          lol, lmao even

          • 5 months ago

            my boomer dad liked it and he read dune as they were published

      • 5 months ago

        Nah, give him BASTARD.

  21. 5 months ago

    >hasn't been posted yet

  22. 5 months ago

    >griffith gets caught banging the princess
    >thrown in the dungeon and tortured into nothingness
    was this part of his plan? or is that just causality n sheit? didn't the behelit just happen to end up in his hands again in the dungeon? it's been a while since i read it

    • 5 months ago

      Wasn't part of his plan.

    • 5 months ago

      The whole idea is that his ambitions had to crash down around him to get him to such a low point as to accept the offer of sacrificing everything to become whatever the behelit has to offer, in his case he had the crimson godhand one and so he was required to sacrifice more than a lesser one would have wanted.

  23. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      gives a whole new meaning to 'blue steel'

  24. 5 months ago

    >play M&B bannerlord
    >make character a curly haired blonde street urchin from the slums with high social/charisma stats
    >name clan 'Band of the Hawk'
    yep, it's gaming time

  25. 5 months ago

    >When you frick your best friend's girl so hard she literally loses her mind.

  26. 5 months ago

    >Most precious person in your life leaves you
    >You can't define what he was to you because you yourself don't even know
    >All you know is that with him gone, absolutely nothing is important to you anymore
    >He returns one day
    >Start to feel a bit better now that he's back with you
    >Someone else you know starts pushing him to leave you again
    >Can't deal with it
    >Try to have a nice day but fail
    >Devils surround you
    >One of them who's expertise is a silver tongue, starts hoodwinking you into murdering the one who's most dear to you, for something you abandoned in importance and attributed to "dull junk" in comparison to his company
    >In your despair-addled state of mind, you agree
    >Your heart is filled with evil
    >So evil and so disconnected from all things from your humanity that essentially it isn't even you now, not anymore

    What satisfaction would there be for Guts to kill Griffith at this point? Does it even matter? He isn't the same person now. Griffith can't even remember the details of his own Band of the Hawk insignia. Rickert had to point out the smaller intricacies of it to him. There's no way he could beg for forgiveness, or repent, sympathize, mourn, or anything, as he is now. That Griffith is gone

    Guts killing Griffith because he's part of the Godhand, sure, but killing him because he's Griffith? No

    • 5 months ago

      >Guts killing Griffith because he's part of the Godhand, sure, but killing him because he's Griffith? No
      I don't think it actually matters. Guts is angry, in his mind, Griffith fricked him over. How reasonable that belief is is almost irrelevant

    • 5 months ago

      Its seems pretty clear he wants to kill Griffith because of the rape of Caska first and foremost and the sacrifice of the band of the hawk a distant second

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah but more of a close second.

        • 5 months ago

          Invincible for all its faults created some fun meme formats

          • 5 months ago

            Agreed but it really is a horrible show.

            • 5 months ago

              No doubt, it has some great VAs and a couple of fun moments, bit it's awful

              • 5 months ago

                >Season 2 is 5 episodes
                Ignoring how shit the show is, I can't believe shit like this is happening. They barely tell any story then go on hiatus for 2 years. This cannot be sustainable. We're getting go the point where each season of a show is going to be a single 45 minute episode where the entirety of the plot is resolving the cliff hanger you were left on and then immediately introducing another.

              • 5 months ago

                It's like those old serials in the 30's, but somehow making a live action show with sets, costumes etc. Can be done weekly while a multi-million dollar animated show with modern technology takes 2 years for 5 episodes.

  27. 5 months ago

    i picked the manga up recently and the scene where guts realized casca turned non verbal and didn't recognize him anymore made me tear up. it's such a bleak moment, and I think if casca was still sane after they were pulled out of the eclipse she could've consoled guts so he doesn't set on his path
    the whole part with griffith post torture is great because he's mute, it reminds me of johnny got his gun and it's another example of things becoming worse because a character can't communicate anymore

    • 5 months ago

      >casca gets her old memories back
      >miura instantly dies and we'll never get a proper reunion between them

      • 5 months ago

        >No reunion between Guts and Theresia

        Gone too soon

        • 5 months ago

          Early Berserk women are such sexo. Miura's women got more and more generic over time.

      • 5 months ago

        cant believe he put berserk on the backburner to work on idolm@ster

  28. 5 months ago

    James Cameron, Neil Blomkampf, or Guillermo Del Toro are about the only directors who would do Berserk justice and I mean purely from an aesthetic perspective. I don't think anyone would handle the themes without hamming it up..

  29. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago
  30. 5 months ago

    Casca is worst girl. There's like 5 better girls. She's moronic for half of the story and the other half she's an insecure tomboy.

    • 5 months ago

      she's hot tho, and she love(d) guts

    • 5 months ago

      >She's moronic for half of the story and the other half she's an insecure tomboy.
      moronic women are sexy.
      Insecure tomboys are sexy.

    • 5 months ago

      >Insecure, caramel tomboy waifu with small pink nipples
      I feel like Miura made her specifically to my tastes. It's fantastic.

  31. 5 months ago

    Farnese sexo

    • 5 months ago

      This crazy b***h needs to get fricked, but I don't know who should do it. Guts can't do it because Casca is cured now. Serpico is her brother. Sailor boy isn't prepared to deal with her crazyness.

  32. 5 months ago

    I just finished volume 21, the whole Conviction arc was great specially the second part

    • 5 months ago

      conviction is my favourite
      it's sad that lost children part could never be adapted in it's true form

  33. 5 months ago

    my only guess what was the ending going to be is, femto would eventually be revealed to be preparing falconia for another big sacrifice aka gaiseric, but this time guts and his allies would successfully interrupt it with help of skullknight, this interruption would weaken femto and include moonlight kid somehow, guts would either kill him or the kid, both leading to femtos death and then void would descend for the last fight, skull knight dies to help guts, etc

    cant decide if miura would kill void too for a happy ending, probably not

  34. 5 months ago

    Golden age was good, the edgy demon crap and the current nakama setup both suck. At least we're getting to see the end before we die now.

    • 5 months ago

      frick off anon
      get over it already, it's not 1997 adaptation, there's more to it

      • 5 months ago

        and everything is mediocre meandering

  35. 5 months ago

    >Ruined after Golden Age
    Every single time

  36. 5 months ago

    Isn’t this some cuck comic or something? Doesn’t his girlfriend get raped in front of him?

    • 5 months ago

      cuck means the guy is into it, moron. after the rape happens, the protag's sole motivation for existing is finding and killing the guy who did it

    • 5 months ago

      cuck means the guy is into it, moron. after the rape happens, the protag's sole motivation for existing is finding and killing the guy who did it

      yeah he did like it at the time. In fact, he tore his arm off so he could get a better look of his woman climaxing on his best friend's dick. The rest of the series is about him trying to get over the shame of his enjoyment of it. His large sword is a good example of this, compensating for his inner cuck desires.

  37. 5 months ago

    Series is designated trash now that the author died before finishing it.
    We need to feed all of Miura's notes, sketches, letters. journal entries, and publications to an AI so it can mimic his character and get it to finish the work. Otherwise it'll just fade into irrelevance. No one will pick up an old unfinished comic with no chance of completion.

  38. 5 months ago

    Really cool comic, shame the quality of the writing takes a nosedive around the time the Berserker Armor shows up.

  39. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      I can't find the autism beamlock meme but it's basically that
      I am one of the people lol but I own it
      Who would have guessed an anime thread would become moronic?

  40. 5 months ago

    Damn, lots of autistic struggling in this thread. I'm not even 100% sure what everyone is mad about. If there is objective good and bad in the world, dictated by a creator? Maybe, though one has to keep in mind:

    >The Idea of Evil is not canon
    >Miura is infamously poor at fleshing out his own world's theology, or anything else for that matter
    >Miura is also inconsistent with his storytelling. He's admitted to just writing it as he goes along, not unlike Toriyama, so Miura putting any real long term thoughts into whatever he's doing was not the case. He threw ideas at his friend to see what he thought about them and then just put in what he thought the reader might like to see. Jar Jar, Sheev, whatever

    The most powerful entities in the series is the Godhand and the The Four Kings of the World. The Godhand serve some unknown entity, they have power over souls that are similar to theirs in nature and can condemn them to the Abyss, while also having an ability to see future possible events, to some degree

    We know very little about the Four Kings because Miura never sat on them long enough to explain what it is they do. We know that the religion of the Holy See actually worships them, originally, but that was lost to time. Now it seems Griffith uses the resources of the Holy See to push his agenda

    Do the Four Kings have influence over you in death? They could, we don't know. We know that Flora when she died, regained her youth and also became a powerful spirit capable of pushing Apostles away with ease. What decided that she was worthy of that sort of blessing in her death? Something overseeing everything had to have said "This person did wonderful things, thus is worthy of a nice afterlife".

    If absolute good and absolute evil didn't exist, then everyone regardless of what they did would just go into the Abyss and become a drop in the evil souls. Something has to be divvying up the souls according to what they did in life and giving them their reward

    • 5 months ago

      >The Idea of Evil is not canon
      I think it's a bit overkill to call it not canon, miura's stated reason for retracting it was that it revealed too much too soon, not that it was wrong per se. It's kind of hard to say now that he's passed, but I don't think it's right to fully disregard it

      • 5 months ago

        Well sure, hints of it remain, like Miura saw fit to leave in that bit with Griffith seeing it and asking if it was God. Clearly something is down in the Abyss that Griffith saw, but Miura decided to remove any further visions of it and any conversations

        I think Miura really hamstrung himself after that, floundering on what he could do now if he didn't want to explore the influence of the Idea of Evil on humanity, weaving its fate. He had built up to it pretty well too, or at least, as well as you'd expect from him. His reason for removing it was that it limited his creativity, but he never really brought anything to the table afterwards. The Holy See? He didn't flesh out that religion very well after he got bored of watching The Name of the Rose, so no go there. He didn't flesh out the Four Kings either, which were directly tied to the Holy See

        It felt like Miura wanted to just draw what he liked in the moment and molded the manga around that impulse, rather than telling a coherent story. "I want to draw trolls and dragons and magical e-girls, right now", so that's what he did. I can't fault him for it, though the story really began to take its lumps as a consequence of it

  41. 5 months ago

    after the eclipse it became mediocre to shit. cant stand dicky shierke and farnese

  42. 5 months ago

    he also did a japanese mad max in a special one shot too.

  43. 5 months ago

    Puck? My wife

  44. 5 months ago

    Anything past Conviction/Lost Children arc is pure garbage.
    Basically turned Berserk from something unique and vibrant to something dull and painfully commonplace; the man's love for idolshit sadly took over in the worst way by introducing a literal shoulder e-girl and an RPG party of assorted morons.
    Even Farnese, a "late" character, got absolutely destroyed in the span of few volumes to the point of being a RADICALLY different person.

    And let's not even talk about the switch from classic drawing to digital.

    • 5 months ago

      Dreamcast era Miura's art was the best, at the tail end of the 90s. After Conviction, I don't know what happened. Miura just shit the bed and never stopped. The art got worse and worse

  45. 5 months ago

    Slap my grasses on and everything went wong. Frick!

  46. 5 months ago

    holy seethe
    btfo'd this entire thread and you're still crying
    I win forever

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