Kevin Feige Has Reached Out To Tobey Maguire And Andrew Garfield For "Avengers: Secret Wars"

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  1. 10 months ago

    I don't care.

    • 10 months ago

      LE EPIC CAMEO :0000

      >do a cool thing
      >cheapen it by doing it again

      it's impossible to miss you if you never leave

      They really should have stopped making mcu movies after endgame. It would’ve been best to wait like 5-15 years and make some new marvel movies in a new canon

      don't pretend like anything else they've been doing this entire time would be better

      • 10 months ago

        But they also would have saved a frickton of money by not dropping a cavalcade of flops and bombs
        Like DC, they need to learn when to just fricking stay down after getting kicked in the balls

    • 10 months ago

      You responded so yes you do.

      • 10 months ago

        No actually. I don't.

    • 10 months ago

      literally me

  2. 10 months ago


  3. 10 months ago

    LE EPIC CAMEO :0000

    • 10 months ago

      >noooo Spider-Man can't show up in a Marvel movie
      Did you cry when Iron-Man was in Infinity War you fricking child?

      • 10 months ago

        Oh, he was there just because? He wasn't relevant to the plot or anything?
        >you fricking child
        Says the MCU shill.

        • 10 months ago

          Spider-Man who has already teamed up with Spider-Man from another universe won't be relevant to the plot of a movie where Spider-Man will have to team up with Spider-Man from another universe again?

          • 10 months ago

            That's what we're discussing here, anon. They use the same trick as before in the hopes that people fall for it again.

  4. 10 months ago

    >do a cool thing
    >cheapen it by doing it again

    it's impossible to miss you if you never leave

  5. 10 months ago

    They really should have stopped making mcu movies after endgame. It would’ve been best to wait like 5-15 years and make some new marvel movies in a new canon

    • 10 months ago

      Should've done a Strikeforce Morituri movie series set in the distant future of the MCU

  6. 10 months ago

    Secret Wars is a toy commercial book not COIE. It should be about a bunch of heroes fighting a bunch of villains. That's the fun of it all.

    • 10 months ago

      >Please, we really need the audience back!

      They're only going with recent shit, so it's probably Secret Wars 5(?) already.

      If he knows they're the only reason people would go see their shitty movie, then why not just give them their own movie? Scrap secret wars and give us more Spiderman movies.

      This, but you know they'd frick it up.

  7. 10 months ago

    If he knows they're the only reason people would go see their shitty movie, then why not just give them their own movie? Scrap secret wars and give us more Spiderman movies.

    • 10 months ago

      >then why not just give them their own movie?
      It seems logical to assume that Disney has a sense of self-preservation. Shareholders certainly want it to do better. But what self-preservation actually is for certain factions inside Disney do not align with the survival of company itself. If Disney changes course and actually improves, then the architects of their prior strategy would have proven that the ideologies and mechanisms that got them their power in the first place are wrong. It's in their best interest to keep failing, because death takes longer.

      • 10 months ago

        Fair enough. I suppose I should be grateful that Disney isn't touching Spiderman anymore than necessary. Once upon a time, I also really wanted an Obi Wan series, and that got monkey-pawed hard.

  8. 10 months ago

    They are relying on nostalgia too much now and have to move forward

    • 10 months ago

      >move forward

      To where exactly? They already used up all their popular characters other than X-Men and Fantastic Four (if you want to call that popular these days). Marvel was always all about nostalgia. The novelty of these movies was always about seeing these characters you grew up with depicted in live action on the big screen. Once you start retiring characters like Iron Man and Captain America, and getting into obscure crap like The Eternals, Echo, or The Marvels, the brand is doomed to die.

      • 10 months ago

        well they still have X-Men, Fantastic Four, a possible Luke Cage/Iron Fist/Heroes for Hire reboot, Blade reboot, supernatural side, Silver Surfer

      • 10 months ago

        >getting into obscure crap
        No one annoys me the most than Shang Chi, unlike the Guardians which was sort of obscure to normies at the time and felt like a gamble that paid off and became popular after the Gunn movies, Shang literally feels like they just wanted a hero to pander to Asians that they dug into the archives till they found the most stereotypical hero that fit the criteria. Also once again fricking up the Mandarin in the MCU even more

        • 10 months ago

          >Shang literally feels like they just wanted a hero to pander to Asians that they dug into the archives till they found the most stereotypical hero that fit the criteria. Also once again fricking up the Mandarin in the MCU even more

          Shang-Chi was the only prominent Asian character Marvel ever had that was solo

          Master of kung fu was kino. Problem is Shang-Chi isn't capeshit so they had to turn him into one.

        • 10 months ago

          >Shang literally feels like they just wanted a hero to pander to Asians that they dug into the archives till they found the most stereotypical hero that fit the criteria. Also once again fricking up the Mandarin in the MCU even more

          Shang-Chi was the only prominent Asian character Marvel ever had that was solo

          Master of Kung Fu was kino. Problem is Shang-Chi isn't capeshit so they had to turn him into one.

          This. If they HAD gone with the most stereotypical, old kung fu movie style, I'd have been interested.
          And for crying out loud, if you don't wanna do the Mandarin right, just go with Yellow Claw. It's like you can have only one chinese evil boss.

          • 10 months ago

            >old kung fu movie style
            This is what pisses me off even more thinking about it. They could've opted for a different type of movie with good traditional choreographed martial arts fights and it would've let off some pressure from their already overworked VFX guys, but nooo, this is the MCU, we gotta make every final battle a straight up 15 minute CGI shitfest.
            >if you don't wanna do the Mandarin right
            It amazes me that the same company that casted such an good actor for Tony Stark that the role has become iconic could completely frick up one of his greatest enemies. Frick Feige and Favreau

      • 10 months ago

        >Marvel was always all about nostalgia. The novelty of these movies was always about seeing these characters you grew up with depicted in live action on the big screen.
        Anon, most of the characters the MCU was built on were people the average normie was barely aware of, or had never ever heard of. It took characters the average comics nerd didn't care about, like the Guardians of the Galaxy, Carol as Captain Marvel, and the second Ant-Man and made them hit movies and household names. They thought they were invincible and they could make anything a hit.

        It's this Multiverse Saga they're doing now that's all about nostalgia, but outside of the earlier Spider-Men, Deadpool and Wolverine there's not many other characters in those older non-MCU movies that many people are that nostalgic about.

        • 10 months ago

          >They thought they were invincible and they could make anything a hit.

          Boy, did they think wrong!

          • 10 months ago

            True, but the point is very much that the problem in the last few years has been in the execution. It's the writing, direction, casting, etc that have been the problem, not audiences checking out just because they've never even heard of the characters. If they just had one movie that kind of sucked they could take the hit and move on, but they've had more misfires than hits recently, and once you start building up a history of sucking audiences don't see the new Marvel movie as a must-see anymore.

      • 10 months ago

        >these characters you grew up with

      • 10 months ago

        ah yes spiderboy, my favorite childhood character so excited i was to see his first film adaptation.

  9. 10 months ago

    Hopefully they hung up the phone

    • 10 months ago

      They won't refuse, mouse will move mountains to make it happen, the future of their capeshit bullshit relies entirely on it.

    • 10 months ago

      Would you really turn down tens of millions of dollars for some low effort acting?

    • 10 months ago

      Did you see Toby in NWH? He looks like he needs to keep answering that phone.

  10. 10 months ago

    You know they're getting desperate because now all they have to advertise is that Secret Wars is a cameo fest. We are past the point where a movie needs to have an actual story or stakes, just sign on actors that people recognize from other things.

  11. 10 months ago

    I always thought this would be a great way to introduce Scarlet Spider to the MCU. Have Garfield go through the same general story beats as Miles, and when he hops universes he takes on the name Ben Reilly.

    • 10 months ago

      no one gives a flying frick about Scarlet Spider

    • 10 months ago

      Are you moronic?

  12. 10 months ago

    They already have a show called secret wars. It's going to be confusing now!

    • 10 months ago

      >They already have a show called secret wars.

      Do you mean, Secret Invasion?

  13. 10 months ago


  14. 10 months ago

    So they admit it, no one likes any of the post-Endgame characters and they know none of them can carry a big movie like this

    • 10 months ago

      They had to admit it eventually. Secret Invasion was a fricking disaster for them.
      NWH and GotG3 are the only good post-Endgame MCU movies and since Gunn is gone for good they gotta rely on what made NWH good moving forward. Even Feige isn't so deluded as to think The Marvels is gonna save the MCU. Spider-Mans a hot ticket atm and they saw the reaction people had specifically to Garfield in NWH, I wouldn't be shocked if we saw more of him going forward.

      • 10 months ago

        We're 4 years into the post-Endgame phases. By this point in the pre Infinity War MCU (Phases 1-2) Iron Man, Cap and Thor already established themselves as household characters for the franchise and everyone was just excited for them to team up eventually. Meanwhile here we are now and no one knows where the movie franchise is really going and neither have they found any of the new heroes to be particularly memorable enough to care where thier individual stories are going.

  15. 10 months ago

    Not surprising. No Way Home was absolute garbage but people ate it up because of yummy wummy nostalgia. Time to milk it to death. It's what the people want anyway.

    • 10 months ago

      Nice opinion bro

  16. 10 months ago

    The only way to make this not shit would be if they are after credits with the MCU setting up movies in other realities with stuff like Adult Garfield Peter vs Silver Sable.

  17. 10 months ago

    >neat one-off thing does well
    >"Time to drive it into the ground!"

    Every time.

  18. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      when was the first time?

      • 10 months ago

        No Way Home, of course.
        >inb4 it doesn't count

  19. 10 months ago

    >they show up
    >they die

  20. 10 months ago

    >more nostalgiagayging
    The problem is that it works and idiots will slurp it up.

    • 10 months ago

      That's what we're discussing here, anon. They use the same trick as before in the hopes that people fall for it again.

      Again what nostalgia what tricks? Spider-Man is Marvel's biggest character of course he is going to show up. All these characters are at least 50 years old how is it not always "nostalgia" when they make a fricking movie? Is Fantastic 4 going to be nostalgia bait because they are old characters.

      • 10 months ago

        >oh, remember NWH? Good times, good times.

        • 10 months ago

          >Those mad bastards, they did it again! Magnificent!

          As obviously cynical as this is, there is at least narrative precedent as it seems like they're adapting Hickman's Secret Wars / Battleworld so multiple iterations of the same characters is basically the point. Too bad they probably won't do the Thor Corps or anything else from Battleworld that was actually a bit weird and fun like picrel

      • 10 months ago

        >All these characters are at least 50 years old how is it not always "nostalgia" when they make a fricking movie?
        Because most movie audiences never heard of most of them until the movie happened. Spider-Man and the Hulk are the two real big exceptions, the two Marvel characters most normies had some basic awareness of who they were beyond maybe being able to name or recognize a picture of them. These movies aren't made for "nostalgia" for the relatively tiny number of people who actually remember the comics.

        And the point those anons are making is that instead of focusing on telling good, engaging stories that are competently made and entertain audiences, the MCU's Multiverse Saga's entire selling point is your nostalgia for older pre-MCU Marvel movies, and seeing cameos from those actors who were in that old movie 20 years ago. Since none of the other old pre-MCU movies performed anywhere near as well as the Spider-Man trilogy did, we've already reached the high water mark on this tactic with No Way Home, but the MCU has committed to at least 3 more movies like this. How nostalgic is the average normie for movies like Fantastic Four and Daredevil or for anyone from X-Men other than Wolverine and Deadpool? Not very. Most people who aren't committed nerds barely even remember most of them by now, but Disney have built an entire phase of movies around assumed nostalgia that isn't really there.

        • 10 months ago

          Daredevil isn't the ben affleck version u tard just a lighter toned cox
          Fantastic four has yet to be made properly unlike Spiderman or daredevil and wolverine would have showed up ages ago in Deadpool if it werent for 21century having no balls

          • 10 months ago

            >Fantastic four has yet to be made properly unlike Spiderman or daredevil
            Dr. Doom aside, they're at least on par with Spider-Man or Daredevil done so far. Those two movies also beat like, 90% of the MCU adaptations at this point.

  21. 10 months ago

    I don't buy that the entire point of the MCU isn't some form of nostalgia. If it wasn't, they wouldn't have purchased Marvel or Star Wars. The whole point was that it was an already established brand that Disney doesn't have to build up. The audience was already built-in when they bought it. The knew it would sell. Otherwise, they would have just made up their old junk. But they didn't because they know that nostalgia is what sells. Disney's entire business has been predicated on nostalgia since Walt and his brother created the company in the 1920s.

    • 10 months ago

      They bought Marvel and Star Wars with the intent of selling merch to boys, and those were established successful brands that they couldn't possibly mishandle and wreck, weren't they?

      The point was selling merch to kids who would be seeing these things for the first time, because they were young. They didn't buy them with the intent of selling nostalgia to grown adults. Especially not when it comes to lower-tier characters that only a few thousand comic readers would know or have nostalgia for. Sure, reuniting the original Star Wars cast was a total nostalgia move for fans of the earlier movies, and they couldn't even manage to get that right, but the long term aim was to just keep producing new Star Wars and Marvel material and merch for generation after generation of kids. If you understood how small the comic-reading audience really is, how most books only sell in the thousands, you'd understand nobody would be spending that much money to make Marvel product if the target audience was just a few nostalgic old comics nerds.

  22. 10 months ago

    Wouldn't they have to pay Sony a small fortune for that?

    • 10 months ago

      It’s pretty clear that SW (if it ever gets released) will be an enormous gamble that in all likelihood won’t pay off to the degree that Marvel/Disney is hoping for

  23. 10 months ago

    Well it would make all spidey fans happy. So why not. The problem is payment and arguing who is paid more.

  24. 10 months ago

    The Multiverse was a mistake and just leads to conservation of ninjutsu issues where it makes everything in the story seem less important. Maybe having a handful of alt universes can be fun and lead to some interesting stories like an evil hero universe. But once you get to infinite or even 52 it just leads to nihilistic thinking about the characters and story you are trying to tell.

  25. 10 months ago

    The upcoming Holland trilogy should have all three Spider-Men as the main cast t-b-h

    Amazing chemistry, they aren't getting any younger, easy 5B, what's not to like

  26. 10 months ago


    Spider-man will be the only capeshit left standing after the great capeshit flick industry collapse.

    • 10 months ago

      >Spider-man and Batman will be the only capeshit left standing

  27. 10 months ago

    He wants to kill them all realize that don't you?

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