Leaving Neverland

>Destroys his legacy by licking white boy ass
Is white boy ass really that delectable? Even the Kang of Pop couldn't resist it.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Reminder that not a single one of his accusers was ever able to prove anything in court. It's not illegal to be a rich, creepy, weirdo

    • 5 months ago

      If you seriously think celebrities have to follow laws then you're delusional.

    • 5 months ago

      Remember how the """press""" treated this man because he named them.

      • 5 months ago

        I watched a video of him opening the stock exchange in NY. It was 2001, there was like always a massive crowd watching & cheering for him. And CNN was seething, claiming on the broadcast that people under the age of 30 didn’t know who he is. Even though those same journalists insistently shill the Beatles & Elvis time and time again

        • 5 months ago

          >Studio Album sales
          1) Michael Jackson - 193.7 Million (6 Albums) (1979 to 2009 only)
          2) Pink Floyd - 170 Million (15 Albums)
          3) The Beatles - 160 Million (15 Albums)
          >Singles sales (all formats)
          1) Rihanna - 260 Million (257 Million Digital / 3 Million Physical)
          2) Eminem - 218 Million (204 Million Digital / 14 Million Physical)
          3) Michael Jackson - 179 Million (100 Million digital / 79.3 Million Physical)
          >Compliation album sales (incl. Box sets)
          1) Elvis Presley - 212 Million (163+ albums)
          2) The Beatles - 200 Million (68 albums)
          3) Frank Sinatra - 139 Million (100+ Box sets / 8 compliation albums)

          • 5 months ago

            How many compliation albums did MJ have?

            • 5 months ago

              25-30 all together, 3 of which are box sets

          • 5 months ago

            Those physicals though.

          • 5 months ago

            Never knew Pink Floyd was so big.

      • 5 months ago

        >miss, 27 on pupil sex rap

    • 5 months ago

      Judging by Bill Cosby and OJ Simpson, he really did it

      • 5 months ago

        Strawman also see

        Michael Jackson had a gigantic private library and those (entirely legal) books were all they found. If you came out of that trial thinking he was guilty then you were successfully hoodwinked by the israeli-run media. Whatever else there is surrounding Jackson, that trial was a complete joke based on "evidence" that was laughed out of court.


        >The conspiracy charges from Sneddon undermined the credibility not only of the witnesses who tried to support them, but of the prosecution that included them in the indictment.
        >In disproving them, the defense was devastating: It showed that during the weeks the boy and his family were supposedly being held against their will at Neverland, they were taken on all-expense paid shopping sprees and spa treatments courtesy of Michael Jackson. After the sprees and spas, they willfully returned to Neverland three times or more during their alleged imprisonment. If this is imprisonment, many overworked Americans may be moved to cry out, "Imprison me too!"
        >As another basis for their not guilty verdicts, jurors cited the time line of the alleged acts of molestation. Mesereau used prosecutor's own version of the case to demolish them - in a sort of legal kung fu move.
        >Prosecutors said Jackson molested the accuser after the airing of the now infamous documentary by Martin Bashir entitled, "Living with Michael Jackson" - in which Jackson admitted sharing his bed with children.
        >Mesereau underlined for jurors how illogical this was: According to prosecutors, Jackson chose to strike at precisely the wrong time: while the eyes of the world were upon him.
        >Prosecutors also tried to convince jurors that, at the same time, despite his worldwide celebrity, and the intensification of interest in him caused by the documentary, Jackson plotted to secretly kidnap the family and perhaps spirit them away to Brazil! (Hot air balloon not included.)
        >This case never should have been brought in the first place. But it was - and thankfully, this smart, thoughtful jury did the right thing. - Report by Jonna M. Spilbor (In the courtroom, she has handled hundreds of cases as a criminal defense attorney, and also served in the San Diego City Attorney's Office, Criminal Division, and the Office of the United States Attorney in the Drug Task Force and Appellate units)

  2. 5 months ago


  3. 5 months ago

    are there any docs that make a compelling argument for what was actually wrong with him? other than being a homosexual pedophile

    • 5 months ago

      Was in a travelling band since birth. His father was The Jackson's manager.
      Mentally and physically abused by his scumbag father his whole childhood.
      Relentlessly mocked about his big nose and appearance by father (gee I wonder if this will have lasting trauma later in his life)
      Forced to learn dance routines all day every day and if they got a step wrong they would be beaten with a belt.
      Developed lupus that fricked his immune system up.
      Developed vitiligo which made his skin patchy and made him incredibly sensitive to sunlight.
      Head catches fire filming a Pepsi commercial. Third degree burns on his entire scalp and part of his face. Requires over a dozen surgeries in the next decade. Decides while he's going under the knife to get some cosmetic surgery because why not. What could go wrong?
      Needs synthetic morphine demmoral and other heavy drugs just to sleep and cope with the pain. He continued having pain for the rest of his life from this injury. Also the reason he started wearing wigs. He called it his "milk" because the drug is a cloudy white. Which would later be his cause of death.

      Among dozens of other things.

      • 5 months ago

        MJ is one of the most tragic stories in the music world d e s u

  4. 5 months ago

    Nobody remembers or cares about this hit job documentary.

    Remember that people fricking hate Oprah for being a elite cabalist and she funded this shit.

  5. 5 months ago

    The first accuser later recanted and admitted his father made him lie about MJ in an extortion scheme. Once that scheme was successful, others were pipelined by the law firms to create an extortion racket and extract wealth from MJ and punish him for defying the israelites.

    • 5 months ago

      >The first accuser later recanted
      Never happened. That was a hoax created by Wacko fans after he died. I can't believe dumbasses still believe this, even though there isn't a single credible source for it and it's been debunked years ago.

  6. 5 months ago

    In his mind

  7. 5 months ago

    just another dead american legend. they were a dime a dozen in the 90s. now they have dried up

  8. 5 months ago

    >looks directly at camera lens

  9. 5 months ago

    MJ didn't touch kids

  10. 5 months ago

    Timely Reminder: Zero Physical Evidence

    • 5 months ago

      What physical evidence do you expect to find? Saliva off the boy's butthole? They found a naked photo of one of the boys.

      • 5 months ago

        didn't know they found text evidence. seems definitive.

      • 5 months ago

        Michaels "bedroom" was an entire section of his gigantic mansion. It was a 3 story 5000 square foot home.

        In his "bedroom" he had a library with thousands upon thousands of books. In this large library was a photography book that's one of the best selling photography books ever and pictures were taken from scenes of the film Lord of the Flies. Other books were sent by fans and shelved.

        Such a weak attempt to shit on the man. Like saying children stayed in his bedroom. Yeah, kids slept on the ground floor of his "bedroom" with their parents while he was half a mile away up on the third floor. He was a billionaire in case you didn't know.

      • 5 months ago

        Michael Jackson had a gigantic private library and those (entirely legal) books were all they found. If you came out of that trial thinking he was guilty then you were successfully hoodwinked by the israeli-run media. Whatever else there is surrounding Jackson, that trial was a complete joke based on "evidence" that was laughed out of court.

    • 5 months ago

      >pass user is a gay pedo apologist
      Checks out.

      • 5 months ago

        Source on both schomo?

      • 5 months ago

        Lol. That’s not what actually happened according to people who were in the court room

        >The jury in the Michael Jackson child molestation case has spoken, acquitting the pop star on charges that the star molested a teenage cancer survivor who briefly resided with him between 2002 and 2003. Jackson was cleared of ten charges in all. They included four counts alleging he molested, or attempted to molest, the then 13-year-old accuser; four counts alleging he'd plied the boy with alcohol; and one count alleging he'd conspired to hold the boy and his family hostage at Jackson's sprawling Neverland Ranch. The case began with a confident forty-six-year old Jackson dancing for fans on the roof of an SUV. But it concluded with a sullen slip of a man shuffling slowly away from the courthouse; Jackson seemed not jubilant to have won his freedom, but exhausted and spent. The verdict essentially vindicates the King of Pop, ending what has been described as a long-standing vendetta between Tom Sneddon, the Santa Barbara District Attorney, and Jackson himself. And it resolved this vendetta the right way: In Jackson's favor.

        • 5 months ago

          >The evidence against Jackson was copious in quantity, but very poor in quality, and that's what led to the jury's acquittal.
          >There was virtually no physical evidence. There was no chilling confession. So the prosecution based its case on testimony - calling eighty-five witnesses, and dragging in allegations of molestation that were NOWHERE to be found in its indictment.
          >The prosecution's case thus turned on the credibility of those who testified. And on credibility, the case was lost: When jurors addressed the awaiting cameras, in the hours after the verdict was returned, their message was consistent and clear: They didn't believe the key prosecution witnesses, particularly the two whose testimony was crucial: the accuser and his mother.
          >The defense successfully portrayed the Arviso family as a family of grifters who exploited the boy's illness to shake down celebrities for money. The accuser's mother, Janet Arviso had to admit on the stand that she'd lied under oath to bolster her damages in a previous civil case against retailer J.C. Penney - a case in which she'd collected more than $152,000. During the defense case in chief, Mesereau presented evidence that the accuser's mother had coached her children to lie in the J.C. Penney case, going so far as to send her children to acting school to make them better storytellers under oath! With evidence like this, a jury would have been hard pressed to believe the accuser's testimony beyond a reasonable doubt.
          >The prosecution seemingly tried to make up for the shaky credibility of Janet Arviso, by throwing more evidence at the jury - "prior bad acts" evidence, to be specific. As I discussed in a prior column, this evidence is admissible in California if the judge so rules. But this additional evidence didn't bolster the prosecution's case; it sunk it even further

          • 5 months ago

            >The prosecution seemingly tried to make up for the shaky credibility of Janet Arviso, by throwing more evidence at the jury - "prior bad acts" evidence, to be specific. As I discussed in a prior column, this evidence is admissible in California if the judge so rules.
            >But this additional evidence didn't bolster the prosecution's case; it sunk it even further.
            >Prosecutors attempted to paint Jackson as a pedophile by proffering evidence that Jackson had allegedly molested five boys over the past thirteen years. But to try to prove this, they relied, again, on testimony the jury was unlikely to find credible, to say the least.
            >This testimony was almost entirely provided by witnesses who, by all accounts, were former disgruntled employees of Neverland, with axes to grind. One accuser was sued by Jackson and forced into bankruptcy in the face of a judgment that had exceeded one million dollars; it's hard to imagine a clearer example of the kind of bias that causes a jury to mistrust testimony.
            >Meanwhile, this biased testimony was countered by much less biased testimony.
            >Prosecutors had asserted that former child star Macaulay Culkin was once a victim of molestation by Jackson more than a decade ago, when Culkin himself was a frequent visitor to Neverland. But Culkin took the stand and adamantly denied the allegations. Might Culkin have been biased by his continuing friendship with Jackson? Sure. Would this bias have caused him to voluntarily perjure himself on the stand - denying an incident that, if it had actually occurred, would have badly scarred him psychologically? That's doubtful.

            • 5 months ago

              >The conspiracy charges from Sneddon undermined the credibility not only of the witnesses who tried to support them, but of the prosecution that included them in the indictment.
              >In disproving them, the defense was devastating: It showed that during the weeks the boy and his family were supposedly being held against their will at Neverland, they were taken on all-expense paid shopping sprees and spa treatments courtesy of Michael Jackson. After the sprees and spas, they willfully returned to Neverland three times or more during their alleged imprisonment. If this is imprisonment, many overworked Americans may be moved to cry out, "Imprison me too!"
              >As another basis for their not guilty verdicts, jurors cited the time line of the alleged acts of molestation. Mesereau used prosecutor's own version of the case to demolish them - in a sort of legal Kung Fu move.
              >Prosecutors said Jackson molested the accuser after the airing of the now infamous documentary by Martin Bashir entitled, "Living with Michael Jackson" - in which Jackson admitted sharing his bed with children.
              >Mesereau underlined for jurors how illogical this was: According to prosecutors, Jackson chose to strike at precisely the wrong time: while the eyes of the world were upon him.
              >Prosecutors also tried to convince jurors that, at the same time, despite his worldwide celebrity, and the intensification of interest in him caused by the documentary, Jackson plotted to secretly kidnap the family and perhaps spirit them away to Brazil! (Hot air balloon not included.)
              >This case never should have been brought in the first place. But it was - and thankfully, this smart, thoughtful jury did the right thing. - Report by Jonna M. Spilbor (In the courtroom, she has handled hundreds of cases as a criminal defense attorney, and also served in the San Diego City Attorney's Office, Criminal Division, and the Office of the United States Attorney in the Drug Task Force and Appellate units)

  11. 5 months ago

    israeli propaganda
    Couldn’t be further from the truth
    >2005 during the trial, 87% of Chinese people believed he was innocent & supported him (this is from the poll of Sina, one of China’s largest website) and now the number is higher than 90% - 2009
    >50% of Americans are Michael Jackson fans (CNN - 2009)
    >Michael Jackson accounts for 26% of Music downloads in India (2010 - Times of India)
    That’s over 1.5 billion fans just from those 3 countries. He’s bigger in Africa (King of the Nation) & Latin America than America

  12. 5 months ago

    White bussy is the most heavenly drug known, but it is reserved solely for the most learned elders of the tribe.

  13. 5 months ago

    >people would use Jackson inviting people to stay at neverland ranch as proof he fricked kids
    >people ignore that neverland was twice the size of disneyland and had like 5 houses where the families he'd invite would stay
    >Jackson wouldn't even meet most of the families who stayed there.

  14. 5 months ago

    my boi mj finna clog da bussy

  15. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago



  16. 5 months ago

    For weird sick Black folk, yes

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