

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      Where did she get a fur coat for $25? A thrift store?

      • 1 month ago

        Shein, it's a chinese market for clothes, likely not real fur

    • 1 month ago

      This type of woman literally does not exist. The top one just gives up her dignity and goes on Tinder (as she is, no cleanup) to get plowed by a minimally employed 6-7/10 Chad-lite (who in am objective sense is out of her league, but in today's sexual marketplace, it's likely what he'll settle with)

      • 1 month ago

        And see:

        Who keeps making these delusional comics about women who don't exist, she would have a million men simping for her even if she stayed with her looks in the first panel, it's literally impossible to be single as a woman.

      • 1 month ago

        All markets correct themselves after the inevitable crash. Eventually all the Chads that the Beckys are dating with move on to the Stacys and Veronicas they know they can land while Beckys will be forced to settle with the Virgins they originally snuffed out. I'm just here for the ride.

        • 1 month ago

          Anon, those Beckys just become secret sidepieces to Chads. They'd rather knowingly be some taken Chad's one night Tinder fling than date a suboptimal man; she probably even goes out of her way to satisfy the guy's depraved desires, with the hope that he'll dump his actual girlfriend and shack up with her instead. Eventually! Just one more hardcore anal frick and he'll surely leave that stuck-up b***h!

          • 1 month ago

            >They'd rather knowingly be some taken Chad's one night Tinder fling than date a suboptimal man
            Shut up, b***h. Nobody and I mean NOBODY wants to be a sidepiece. That's why 93% of polyamorous relationships fail. Becky might be okay with being a booty call, but eventually she'll want more or Stacy will want more and Chad will have to choose and since Chad knows his worth, the choice will be obvious.

            Once again, markets always fix themselves.

            • 1 month ago

              >since Chad knows his worth, the choice will be obvious.
              Get a new Stacy and Becky?

            • 1 month ago

              Yes they do, a lot of women romanticize being side pieces and these women are married btw but are cheating on their nice guy s.oyboy husbands, women actually cheat a lot more than men these days

        • 1 month ago

          That is called being in your 30s and settling with a women how only likes you for your stability.
          If your lucky this will happen at 28 and she won't have had a kid yet.

          • 1 month ago

            Are you old? No one settles anymore. That's why there are so many femcels seething- because 35yo HR lady can't get a betabuxxer.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah that's not as it if you've seen it play out IRL. Anybody whose met a chick like this has seen it. She always goes in expecting a relationship and will start thinking of him as "the one" within the first week or two. She immediately gets possessive of him when it comes to other women in his life, as well as just his guy friends. Red flags start waving and he fricking dips.
        Something I've learned about incels and chicks like this? This is why you need a healthy network of platonic friends, especially those of the same sex as you. They keep you oriented and mentally stable enough to approach your romantic life and pull you out of whatever shit you're in. And those of the same sex will typically be more empathetic to you by virtue of having faced rejection on your side of the aisle and know where the line of ranting goes from healthy to toxic because friends of the other sex will go in too soon in order to defend their own side so to speak

      • 1 month ago

        >(who in an objective sense is out of her league, but in today's sexual marketplace, it's likely what he'll settle with)
        This shit is so sad. Bro just jack off.

    • 1 month ago
      >In case anyone doesn't know this is a take on Francis Dolarhyde from Red Dragon except with the Codex Gigas satan replacing the William Blake Red Dragon painting (another iconic haunting depiction of the devil)
      Like every 'lol' thread OP is trying to misconstrue the context here, but the actual context is much weirder

      • 1 month ago
        >She's probably realistically a r/childfree poster who rants about how whimsy-filled children are ruining the Pokemon TCG for the REAL fans (joyless competitive minmaxers and gambling addict card speculators)

    • 1 month ago

      Who keeps making these delusional comics about women who don't exist, she would have a million men simping for her even if she stayed with her looks in the first panel, it's literally impossible to be single as a woman.

      • 1 month ago

        Not everyone lives in giant cities with millions of people some live in small towns with less than 100 people where consorting with these type would shame you from all towns members and their incessant gossip.

        • 1 month ago

          I'm not even sure what you're saying, but literally just move.

          • 1 month ago

            Not everyone is rich enough to have the privilege to move someplace better or buy a spouse.

            • 1 month ago

              Women are.
              You have the internet? Download Tinder, find a man willing to come to you.
              Women literally just need to exist to get a partner, even if you live in Siberia.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah but what's the likelihood they could find a decent guy or one that's willing to uproot himsellf to come to her or bankroll her.

                Who keeps making these delusional comics about women who don't exist, she would have a million men simping for her even if she stayed with her looks in the first panel, it's literally impossible to be single as a woman.

                Isn't really the norm.
                Like of course women have it easier just finding random guys who'd smash, but random guys who'd stay are rarer and random guys who'd be worth it even moreso.
                Besides it's not like incels couldn't do the same if they just really dumpster dived and tried to find the absolute worst most desperate woman who just wants to be desired in any capacity.

              • 1 month ago

                >find a decent guy
                Ok no, stopped reading right there.
                You don't find decent guys, you find guys period.
                This is always what it comes down to.
                All women are volcels who only are such because they want to hold out for Chad.
                Enough of this discussion, I've prodded at you far enough to get you to admit what I need you to. We're done here.
                >Besides it's not like incels couldn't do the same if they just really dumpster dived and tried to find the absolute worst most desperate woman who just wants to be desired in any capacity.
                Incels have no such luxury.
                Before you say bring up the "single mothers" fallacy, or "30 year old women" fallacy, statistically, younger 20 year old women are the most likely to be single, and 55+ year old women (the age when they start becoming single again only due to divorce and their husbands deaths) probably will refuse to date any man period.
                There is no "dumpster diving" for incels, the worst and ugliest women are still reserved for desperate average men, not ugly ones.
                Now that I've gone ahead and dismantled your copes, stop replying, we're done here, thanks.

              • 1 month ago

                Cool what's the actual context of these numbers

              • 1 month ago

                Are you blind? It quite literally states the context at the bottom. The PEW research center does studies like these all the time. It just shows there are no "undesirable" women, men always outnumber women in their 30's and how single they are(n't in womens cases). There are no "garbage" women to pick up, because they're eaten up by average men who have been locked out of average women by the competition.

                Tinder is just for a short fling not a stable long-term relationship.

                E-Harmony or whatever site Christians use now, no excuses, learn to sift and filter, get it done, if you are a woman, your womb guarantees you success in life on a platter, especially in dating.

              • 1 month ago

                Those Christian dating sites expect you to be a pure christian or to convert to christianity and remove all tattoos stop were loose clothing and to give up your freedom.

              • 1 month ago

                >Like of course women have it easier just finding random guys who'd smash, but random guys who'd stay are rarer and random guys who'd be worth it even moreso.
                The usual femcel entitlement speech (yeah sure I can get a bunch of guys who'd frick me and spend time with me, but they aren't the guys I want and/or I can't get one who will stick around). Incels have trouble finding a woman who doesn't go full "MY [nonexistent] BOYFRIEND" or "Oh sorry my I'm getting a call well it was nice meeting you" within the first thirty seconds of conversation.

              • 1 month ago

                Whenever I read posts like this that """defend""" women by saying /LULZ/ mantras word for word, it just comes across like an /LULZ/gay samegayging in some weird troony fetish larp so he can epically own it
                >yeah it's so hard for us women teehee, sure we have all these orbiters and we can frick soooo many guys at a moment's notice, but we're just holding out for chaaad~
                >AHA SEE YOU ADMIT IT!
                Any woman who's actually ugly knows that's complete and utter bullshit. Wait until you find out women can even be called creepy if they're ugly enough and try to interact with normies. Guys in high school even hit you with the "pretending they want to date you just to laugh in your face with their friends because you're so ugly and weird that the thought of anyone being romantic/sexual with you is the punchline" routine.

              • 1 month ago

                And all those ugly girls have at least two guys who jerk off to her, even though she would reject those guys and long for the kind of guy who plays said pranks on her (if not the literal guy who played that prank on her).

              • 1 month ago

                >And all those ugly girls have at least two guys who jerk off to her
                Then go say something to her if you like her! You're always b***hing at women for expecting you to read their minds, she can't read yours either. How's she supposed to know? How do guys know there aren't women flicking the bean to them but are too nervous and scared of rejection to say anything?
                >even though she would reject those guys and long for the kind of guy who plays said pranks on her (if not the literal guy who played that prank on her).
                Is this headcanon satire, or do you actually believe this kind of stuff without a shred of irony?

                Those Christian dating sites expect you to be a pure christian or to convert to christianity and remove all tattoos stop were loose clothing and to give up your freedom.

                See, this is what I'm talking about. You word it like you're arguing against the anon you're replying to, but you clearly agree with him
                >all women are godless tattoo-laced prostitutes
                You guys are so desperate to feel right that you larp as either blind simps or dumb roasties to make other guys feel more vindicated in their beliefs

              • 1 month ago

                >Then go say something to her if you like her
                Because not only would I have been rejected, I'm now well into my 30s and have entirely given up.

              • 1 month ago

                >never ask girls out because they might reject you
                >give up on girls forever because of too much doomscrolling exposure to vapid prostitutes on the internet
                Do you expect the pussy to magically spawn in your room?

              • 1 month ago

                That's how it works for Chad.

              • 1 month ago

                Nta, but I'm worried about a whole lot worse than being rejected. I've heard enough horror stories about guys getting their lives turned upside down that I want nothing to do with it.

              • 1 month ago

                That's fair. Men not knowing which woman is a BPD psycho is kind of like women not knowing which man is a rapey psycho.

              • 1 month ago

                Rapey? Poopy rapey?

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                Rapey? Poopy rapey?



                POOPIE RAPIE LIVES!!!

              • 1 month ago

                Jarvis pull up that video of army vets being jumped for speaking to women and asking them out.

              • 1 month ago

                No, I do not.

              • 1 month ago

                The last time I asked a girl out, I was expelled from school & almost became a sex offender because she lied & said that I tried to rape her (this was in 6th or 7th grade) I have only grown uglier since then & the west more hostile to sub average men who think they have a chance with non troony women. But yes. Ok
                I should risk getting arrested or worse, because there might be a slim chance that a woman who could 100% do better than me (even uglies can get normies) might not immediately reject me?

              • 1 month ago

                >frick trannies tho

              • 1 month ago

                But enough about TERFS and homophobic nonwhites, let's focus on societies most truly oppressed group:
                Nerdy incels.

              • 1 month ago

                He's not obligated to be attracted to trannies anon. Or she. Whatever.

              • 1 month ago

                Then can he really be called an incel?

              • 1 month ago

                Yes? Why wouldn't he?

              • 1 month ago

                He's forgoing possible if not probable sex because his high standards.

              • 1 month ago

                Well at the risk of a segue anon, are you gay, straight or bi? I'm assuming bi or pan or something but if not then it might be easier to explain it to you.

              • 1 month ago

                Being a heterosexual is "high standards" now? Not wanting to have sex with other men is why I'm an entitled inkwell virgin.

              • 1 month ago

                Welcome to 2024 anon. Unless you're willing to have sex with a literal man in a dress, you're an entitled bigot with too high standards.
                But women? Yeah, if some guy way out of her league has no interest in her, that's on him, he should give her a chance because All Women Are Queens.

              • 1 month ago

                Nobody actually thinks the second part though.

              • 1 month ago

                >The last time I asked a girl out, I was expelled from school & almost became a sex offender because she lied & said that I tried to rape her (this was in 6th or 7th grade)
                This sounds like complete bullshit

              • 1 month ago

                Woman should be allowed to dress loose without without being sexually assaulted by creeps or bawd shamed by moralist. Being Wiccan or a Neopagan is more sexually liberating not because of its tenets but because religious people that believe in a sexually liberal philosophy are ostracized along with nonchristians. A problem that plagues male and female relations is the belief of equivalency. Woman want sex to be slow and quickly build up while men just want to get off as quickly as possible are hurt when their sexually advances are rejected. This may be a generalization but all I want is understanding between sexes by empathize with each other rather than egotistically judging each other based on how they have done everything perfectly so their partner must be at fault for any trouble in the relationship.

              • 1 month ago

                >all I want is understanding between sexes by empathize with each other rather than egotistically judging each other
                Different anon:
                I wish you all the sincerest and genuine luck and good will I can give you anon. Because there's not enough of either of those in the world for you to ever see this happen.

              • 1 month ago

                Every identity group will always hate others because it's human nature to stick with your own. Why should I have empathy for women? Give me 1 reason that actually affects my life.

              • 1 month ago

                >Woman should be allowed to dress loose without without being sexually assaulted by creeps or bawd shamed by moralist
                >Woman should be allowed to do shit without there being consequences for what they do

              • 1 month ago

                >hurr someone wearing clothes i don't approve of should be raped
                shouldn't you be pretending not to be a psychopath who should be painfully tortured to death for the betterment of humanity?

              • 1 month ago

                Look, I don't go into dark alleys flaunting fistfuls of cash in bad neighbourhoods at night.
                I don't do that because it's stupid and not worth the risk.
                If another man did that, I'd question his mental state.
                Wearing loose clothes isn't essential to life, nor is dancing in seedy bars with only the creepiest of guys.

              • 1 month ago

                It's funny how women claim to be so frightened by "incels" when most rapists are actually the kinds of guys they actively choose to interact with, even outright flirt with.

              • 1 month ago

                NTA but look it's a very basic "Don't tempt fate" piece of advice.

              • 1 month ago

                Of course women should face consequences for their actions but is something as subjective as loose clothing really deserving of those consequence.

              • 1 month ago

                >but is something as subjective as loose clothing really deserving of those consequence.
                >Wears a shirt saying 'bawd'
                >Has a breakdown because a man treats her like a bawd and offers 20 bucks for a blowie or 30 bucks to stick it in her pooper
                It's what she's choosing to advertise to the world.

              • 1 month ago

                It's the Swedish word for final. If someone confused you for a prostitute due to culture misunderstandings you have a right to be angry but you can easily clear the misunderstanding. The misunderstanding would have never happened if people weren't constantly assuming things.

              • 1 month ago

                Why would anyone think that girl was wearing a swedish shirt?
                She's Indian, not Arab. Hence she's from England, not Stockholm.

              • 1 month ago

                >She's Indian, not Arab. Hence she's from England, not Stockholm.
                Do you have a source to back up that claim?

              • 1 month ago

                Different anon.
                Language is predicted on presumption of implicit definitions. Without a presumption of meaning language loses all function.

              • 1 month ago

                Presuming things is the easiest way to communicate with each other but something are not as clear as first assumed. The denotation of something is what the logical want but it is a fruitless effort as most people only learn with connotations from repeating others without ever finding out the exact denotation .
                Incel Denotation: Involuntary Celibate
                Connotation: A bad person.

              • 1 month ago

                Implicit definitions and common use often do not align with literal definitions. I must cede that the definition in that respect for incel has changed, regardless of the fact that its original intention and creation of the meaning is directly present in the word itself. Regardless of how the word was a literal compound of its meaning, it has clearly been subverted to develop into being a synonym for a concept of "othering" and social ostracization. A concept not particularly very modern.

              • 1 month ago

                The implicit definition of incel these days is jaded /misc/ potential mass shooter

              • 1 month ago

                >mass shooter
                stabber for the bongs and aussies
                honestly that's where I draw the line, I hate most women but who stabs a fricking baby girl to get revenge, only target your bullies not fricking random bystanders

              • 1 month ago

                Barring peculiar outliers, same archetype.

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, in so few and so crass terms.
                Language is nothing if not the most brutal and total mob rule.

              • 1 month ago

                >Guys in high school even hit you with the "pretending they want to date you just to laugh in your face with their friends because you're so ugly and weird that the thought of anyone being romantic/sexual with you is the punchline" routine.
                I felt bad for those b***hes. At least the autistic gaymer dudes had a group. Those girls were always alone and probably cut themselves in the bathroom to cope.

              • 1 month ago

                I didn't care, I went home and read yaoi and chatted with my online friends (and went on Cinemaphile).

              • 1 month ago

                Good to hear fem-san

                >Men can also be caring, generous, protective, patient, creative, funny, and the million other traits people have preferences for.
                that would entail the woman actually getting to know you and not instantly thinking
                >ew, no
                when she sees an ugly dude who's not tall.

                i literally had that exact same thing happen to me as an ugly dude in HS (granted it was guys saying a girl liked me and she was in on it), and i also didn't have a group and was totally alone.

                My homie, you were supposed to join the big gaymer friend group and learn to socialize there. Everything was legitimately great until the drama kid group merger. and there were never any problems between us until the drama kid group merger.

              • 1 month ago

                all the nerd/artistic groups thought i was an ugly weirdo. i do not know what to tell you. you people who think everyone had a group growing up are fricking moronic. plenty of people were legitimately alone.

              • 1 month ago

                Maybe your school sucked ass but all the ugly moronic otaku/gaymers/nerds all joined the group. Most of us were ugly and despite there literally being dozens of us only one (1) had a gf.

              • 1 month ago

                okay, and? not everyone had your experience and socialized in some ideal nerdy group where outcasts all stuck together. in fact you were literally just lucky to have that. people get so bent out of shape at admitting that so much in life is just up to chance and luck because that would mean they aren't speshal and unique. every fricking homosexual wants to believe they worked hard and struggled to get what they have and that everyone else just was lazy and or stupid. muh just world.

              • 1 month ago

                Damn, wish you could have joined us.

                And to be fair, we kind of did work hard and struggle. 4 of us made the group in freshman year from scratch and it expanded to dozens over time.

              • 1 month ago

                i literally do not fricking care.

              • 1 month ago

                Do you act like this because you didn't have friends or not have friends because you acted like this?

              • 1 month ago

                it doesn't matter at this point. you either get it or you don't, obviously you don't since you were lucky enough to have a support system and friends.

              • 1 month ago

                I'll be your friend anon.

              • 1 month ago

                <Tell a chubby girl in her late 20s that you love her style and she'll be happy unless you come off like a creep. Ugly women have an incel phase too, especially as teens when they think once their acne clears up they will be desirable to a chad.
                This is that 30 year old women cope again.
                Firstly what do you think I've been doing? Do you think I gave up after that moment?
                No, God no, I was still too young and stupid to give up, instead I kept asking out multiple women into my early 20's.
                All of it went horribly, all rejections upon rejections.
                In all honesty, it was far worse to get called out at age 20. What you described that these women should feel is what I felt, I had to take a look at myself and think
                >Why is everyone from my friend group, to the women I ask out, random women, to children, all calling me ugly? I'm not a scrawny dumb kid anymore, what's wrong with me?
                It was my face. It was my face all along.
                Second, this whole "Women eventually realize they need to settle meme." is just that, a meme.
                No they don't women don't magically turn 20 or 30 and suddenly scramble to suck on the nearest mans wiener for salvation.
                It's a myth, and ironically the opposite is true, women are the least single at age 30, none of them realize that they need to settle, because women don't need to, they get exactly what they want, men get what they can, and I can't get anything period.

              • 1 month ago

                WHOOPSIE DOODLE

                MEANT FOR

                >Funny story, it was the 7th grade
                There's your problem. Tell a chubby girl in her late 20s that you love her style and she'll be happy unless you come off like a creep. Ugly women have an incel phase too, especially as teens when they think once their acne clears up they will be desirable to a chad. Older women stop being delusional and just want to date a non-abusive guy with a job willing to help around the house.

                You got a date and you gave up? C'mon man. That was the opposite of how you should have reacted. That should have encouraged you to keep going until you found someone you clicked with.

                It is something women are aware of starting in early childhood, and most every woman has had scary encounters with men (often also starting in childhood). Because of this I think incels don't realize there is a creep factor they give off that repels women that they need to overcome. You need to ask yourself if your vibe is making women wary. Make sure you're hygienic, be aware of things like where your eyes go, don't invade personal space off the bat, be aware of how you dress. As a man you have to make yourself seem nonthreatening to women. Talk about little siblings that you've loved and taken care of, adopt a dog, have a disarming hobby like art or music. If you're crying that you seem to literally repel women/give them a reaction of disgust there is likely a reason why that's not just "you're ugly". Most people are average veering on ugly.

              • 1 month ago

                They have thier own cliques of cringy weebs

              • 1 month ago

                Tinder is just for a short fling not a stable long-term relationship.

              • 1 month ago

                As an ogrecel I can't even get that "short fling" you talk of so dismissively.
                If I could even get a few one night stands my self esteem would unironically shoot through the roof, & I would actually feel like a normal person.
                Also actual dating sites are very much a thing, although I guess you'll come up with some sort of excuse for that as well.

      • 1 month ago

        trannies. trannies are constantly projecting their own lunacy onto women that don’t exist
        a lot of incels are also pseudo-trannies in mind because they have the same amount of envy for woman that trannies do. the only difference being trannies mask their envy with admiration, while incels just hate them outright

      • 1 month ago

        That's a male prostitute

        • 1 month ago

          Massive cope, prostitutes charge an absurdly high amount to allow filming, I forgot how much, but like absurdly high, you're telling me she managed to hire a male prostitute and pay all the fees?
          The lengths some people go to, to cope with the fact that even the worlds ugliest women can get dates above their league is just hilarious.

          • 1 month ago

            Male hoes don't care about being filmed, if they only deal with women they're in much less danger

      • 1 month ago

        >it's literally impossible to be a virgin as a woman
        It's easy for women to get laid but if you think it's easy for women to actually be in a committed relationship than you're batshit insane. Fricking and being loved are completely different things and it's really fricked up how few people seem to realize this.

        • 1 month ago

          it is easy, maybe it never occurred to you, but most men want relationships too, but it's substantially harder to get one than it would be for a woman.

          • 1 month ago

            Maybe it never occurred to you that most men also don't want to put up with the moronic bullshit some women openly push onto them. It's almost like both men and women that are desperate for relationships and can't seem to keep them ahave serious faults that they're unwilling to fix or even work on.

        • 1 month ago

          Ah yes women have such trouble finding a Chad who not only will pump and dump them but also stay behind right?

        • 1 month ago

          >It's easy for women to get laid but if you think it's easy for women to actually be in a committed relationship than you're batshit insane.
          >Fricking and being loved are completely different things
          Is this the part where the woman asks for nothing less than a stay at home husband who has a 60K salary, cooks all the food, takes care of the children (cats), and agrees with his wife, especially when she freaks out at him over something she imagined two seconds ago and admonishes him in public?

        • 1 month ago

          >It's easy for women to get laid but if you think it's easy for women to actually be in a committed relationship than you're batshit insane.
          It is easy. It's incredibly easy.
          They just have to not be c**ts.
          All the women I know who aren't raging c**ts are in long-term relationships.

      • 1 month ago

        Fricking tragic m8

    • 1 month ago

      The self depcrecation reminds me of Roz Chast. Good job OP

    • 1 month ago

      >discontinued Spirit Halloween costume labeled 'bawd'
      Fukken lol. That's a great one, there.

    • 1 month ago

      She seems based. Where can I read her further adventures

    • 1 month ago

      You know, it's really a shame we can't get the incels and the femcels together to frick and make the world a better place.

      • 1 month ago

        I haven't been on it but apparently there's a Cinemaphile dating app

        • 1 month ago

          I tried it and there is a total of 30 women in my area. The biggest city in the usa lmfao.

          • 1 month ago

            >30 women in my area
            Unexpectedly high number for an underwater basket weaving forum

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah it's called grindr

        • 1 month ago

          Don't do it, it's a fed honeypot

      • 1 month ago

        I'm not entirely convinced that would change much.

      • 1 month ago

        They tried during the tumblr attacks a decade ago. And it was one of Cinemaphile's strangest moments.

      • 1 month ago

        incels and femcels are completely different things

        • 1 month ago

          >average to below average regular man in 2024

          • 1 month ago

            Femcels are basically radfems who hate men because they believe all men are violent rapists, abusers, pedophiles, and murderers. Also none of them are celibate.

            • 1 month ago

              >hates men
              just sounds like a dyke.

            • 1 month ago

              so just women?

      • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          How low IQ do you have to be to fall for this, at least post the real one

      • 1 month ago

        but then they would breed and the mutant offspring would survive nuclear winters.

    • 1 month ago

      It's the little details that really bring the whole thing together.

    • 1 month ago

      bawds form out of crippling insecurity and feelings of abandonement plus a slum culture that makes them feel no earnest attempt at jobs / career will ever amount to anything.

      they are the exact opposite of the arrogant femcel. those fall in love at first date.

    • 1 month ago

      This is like if Robert Crumb or Peter Bagge made shit up for himself to get mad at.

      • 1 month ago

        >This is like if Robert Crumb or Peter Bagge made shit up for himself to get mad at.
        Alright who's gonna tell him/storytime their examples?
        Cause it's not gonna be me but I know they did exactly that.

    • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      im so obssessed with this. is this based in real person? i want to read about this character tbh.
      pathetic chars are so neat....

    • 1 month ago

      >was expecting it to be another troon ragebait comic
      >it’s actually schizobabble made by a femcel
      Consider my expectations subverted…. I guess

      • 1 month ago

        the author is a dude.

    • 1 month ago

      would every stage

    • 1 month ago

      wait a second, I recognize that artstyle. either you copied it perfectly or your are that fricker!

    • 1 month ago

      So is this meant to be a parody of /LULZ/ (if female) or of Cafe posters, or just female 4chinsers?

      It reminds me of a comic I saved once about a guy who spends all his free time working out and he does weird shit like eat all the donuts in the office 'because he is a sigma male' or whatever.

      • 1 month ago

        the artist seems like a homosexual so i'm going to assume its making fun of men ultimately.

      • 1 month ago

        looks to me like the author was parodying a book or movie or something, going off of the original tweet, so the woman is a parody of some fictional character

    • 1 month ago

      Middle looks like my friend's sad mom

    • 1 month ago

      So is this meant to be a parody of /LULZ/ (if female) or of Cafe posters, or just female 4chinsers?

      It reminds me of a comic I saved once about a guy who spends all his free time working out and he does weird shit like eat all the donuts in the office 'because he is a sigma male' or whatever.

      All the comics about relationships are just the author projecting their own insecurities/negative experiences.

    • 1 month ago


  2. 1 month ago

    Are we posting shcizo-comic kino?

  3. 1 month ago

    why is the codex gigas satan image so popular among schizos
    is it because it looks goofy

  4. 1 month ago

    this is the only part of that image that matters

    • 1 month ago

      I want to work at the store she shops in and help her with her bread, milk, and eggs.

      • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      What's her endgame? French toast?

  5. 1 month ago

    Femcels are gross and undesirable

  6. 1 month ago

    Katie really lost her shit after her filming career failed huh?

  7. 1 month ago

    I wish I could even have the mental energy to be angry about this anymore. I talk about it less and less as I get older. Before long, I don't think I'll even have the energy to sadpost like this. I am unwanted. Any effort I ever made to improve myself wasn't enough. I was never good enough. I will never be enough. The problem is me. I just have to accept that women want better than anything I can hope to aspire to.

    • 1 month ago

      Improve to make yourself happy.
      I'm not saying you'll find women. I'm not saying it'll improve your odds with women. But those shouldn't be your goal in the first place. I know it sounds trite but true validation comes from the self.

      • 1 month ago

        I know, anon. Thank you for your kind consideration, but I am lonely. I do love myself, I am slowly improving in my own ways. I'm doing what I can piece by piece, day by day, but I am lonely. I feel a burning aching pang in my chest if I focus on the feeling. Shitposting here is all I have.

        • 1 month ago

          No one can ask anything more than your best. Try to find a way and a place where you can socialize in a safe and constructive way. Cinemaphile might not be the best choice for that, but try to keep a positive attitude in discussions and threads. It can be daunting seeing negativity and arguing so try to find places where you can connect with other people and find some kind of way to talk about things that are important to you that you can at least discuss civilly. Not necessarily a 'hugbox' but at least somewhere with common ground that you can find. Might make you feel a little bit less lonely. Try not to focus on what makes you feel lonely and more on what improves your quality of life and mood.

  8. 1 month ago

    >mfw the only girl who comes to the warhammer store is like this
    >caught her stalking me once
    >literally the most repellant creature I've ever seen and made me only play kill team with friends at my house

    • 1 month ago

      It's always nikacado fat or skeletal thin fujoshis who fricking stink. Sorry but I'm not touching that, I'm not THAT desperate.

  9. 1 month ago

    who knew the board with the highest influx of manchildren also had the highest influx of blackpill incels

    • 1 month ago

      Incel website.

    • 1 month ago

      Are you kidding? Cinemaphile is pretty tame on this topic compared to most of the other boards. At least there are a few people willing to disagree here, other boards are a complete circlejerk where the only dissenting opinions are obvious ragebait.

    • 1 month ago

      I still remember when this word first started circling around the site. It was an easy way to spot someone who didn't belong.
      But now it's been so long that I guess it's just in the lexicon now.
      RIP Wizards, incel took over through weight of shilling.

      • 1 month ago

        Cinemaphile is primarily a reddit refuge now so that's why.

      • 1 month ago

        wizards are fun and can do tricks. incels are insufferable homosexuals and bores.

      • 1 month ago

        I just wish incel would go back to its original definition instead of being a synonym for chud. I don't hate women and I'd say I'm pretty center, but I'm still a hopeless virgin because I'm autistic, lack discipline and have anger issues.

        Cinemaphile is primarily a reddit refuge now so that's why.

        People forget that incels were a reddit thing before they ate a banhammer and dispersed, even the redpill/bluepill was mostly associated with cringey fedora redditors. Even now, it makes me think of grifter youtubers who sell "how to be an alpha male" scam courses.

        • 1 month ago

          >even the redpill/bluepill was mostly associated with cringey fedora redditors.
          Those predate reddit. They were around in the livejournal/gaia years... wait, how old is reddit?

        • 1 month ago

          >I just wish incel would go back to its original definition
          Forgot to mention, but it's kinda hilarious when you still read 'incel' as 'virgin'.
          Makes you realize how immature the 'insult' is. It's high-school level posturing yelling "virgin, I bet you didn't frick the class bawd, eh virgin? haha! Gottem!"
          I mean, for frick's sake.

          • 1 month ago

            That is what the word means though.

            • 1 month ago

              I know, but it's still fun to point out to people who get tricked by synonyms.
              They just made a new word to use the old insult without sounding quite as juvenile.

              • 1 month ago

                Or those words just fall out of fashion and people find new ones to say the same thing they always have.

          • 1 month ago

            I used to think it was dumb to shame virginity (well, I still do), but I think the point of it is to say "you're so weird/ugly/bad that nobody wants you" rather than to say "you're inferior for not being a prostitute"

            Though yeah, there is nothing wrong with being a virgin.

            One thing I never got about incels is why they want women when they despise women. If you want to attract a gf, having a burning hatred for all women and believing they're all joyless subhumans eagerly waiting to falsely accuse you of something might make it a bit difficult to form a connection with a woman.

            • 1 month ago

              >but I think the point of it is to say "you're so weird/ugly/bad that nobody wants you"
              It's just an attempt at social shaming via accusing the other person of not having access to a few holes.

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, but it's the implication of why the person doesn't have access to the holes. It's implying their behavior or appearance is repellent.

              • 1 month ago

                >incel isn't about not having access to holes, it's about not having access to holes for imagined traits
                Okay, sure. I'm too tired to care much.

            • 1 month ago

              >One thing I never got about incels is why they want women when they despise women.
              Society judges men on their display of sexuality and ability to have sex. It's requisite to acceptance in society. Society is requisite to survival.

              • 1 month ago

                >Society is requisite to survival
                I'm sorry you couldn't get that job to put food on the table because you didn't bag enough holes

              • 1 month ago

                You disagree - with which part of the premise?

              • 1 month ago

                Survival hinging on acceptance from society, in the context of the display of sexuality and ability to have sex. Never having sex or even a relationship at all is miserable, I would know, but it won't kill you. If you hate women, why force yourself to long to acquire one because of societal expectations? You should focus on stuff that makes you happy. Not roasties.

              • 1 month ago

                I don't disagree with the conclusion you've reached, but on some level the modern man is still dependent to some degree on society. As much as I admire Thoreau's transcendentalism, I'm not sure it's realistic today, sadly.
                A self actualized man is still the ideal, but I find myself hard pressed to imagine one that kind of individual being completely segregated from society and ultimately its expectations.

          • 1 month ago

            wow, a sane man on the internet, how come?

      • 1 month ago

        Wizards and incels are not the same
        Wizards are content with their lonely fate and choose to pursue their passions in leau of intimacy
        Incels blame the world for their loneliness and refuse to introspect

        • 1 month ago

          Also incels aren't all over 30, in fact most are 20-something misanthropes angry at the world

        • 1 month ago

          Also incels aren't all over 30, in fact most are 20-something misanthropes angry at the world

          Wizard is a 30+ year old virgin. Incel is involuntary celibate. Nothing more. Nothing less.
          The two are not mutually exclusive.

    • 1 month ago

      >highest influx of blackpill incels
      Keep coping, you sensitive little moron

    • 1 month ago

      Cinemaphile didn't create incels or blackpill culture anon, you have to remember the ultimate reason we all come here is because we're pretty much allowed to talk about whatever we want so long as nothing illegal is posted, meaning that Cinemaphile is ultimately a proverbial canary in the coal mine. Everything people come here to talk about is what we're ultimately feeling on the inside that we're outright banned or blacklisted from talking about these things elsewhere. It's why there's such a massive effort being made to flood this website with so much meaningless drivel that the older hardened anons on the site will not want to post anymore because there's no good threads anymore.
      Cinemaphile may have very well definitely popularized the incel culture and movements, but it sure as hell didn't invent it. It was already there and this was just the first place to foster those feelings because this website is indifferent to everyone, and anyone can post what they truly feel about the world and how it effects them here and have an equal amount of people agreeing with them or wishing them death.
      Regardless of how you feel about men who feel like the world is against them and regardless of whether you think they should be given genuine support and care or vaporized and obliterated off the face of the Earth, it's completely irrelevant because you are not consulting with a person, but an idea that cannot be killed that is creeping more and more into the daily lives of what you think are "normal" people.
      There is nothing new under the sun.

      • 1 month ago

        >It's why there's such a massive effort being made to flood this website with so much meaningless drivel that the older hardened anons on the site will not want to post anymore
        It's all piss in the ocean of piss, anon. Nothing'll make anons leave this place barring it shutting down or a complete change of operations (like requiring an account, which would be tantamount to shutting down the current style)

      • 1 month ago

        Back in the day anons used to say Cinemaphile is the real face of humanity

  10. 1 month ago

    Christ is King

    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago
          • 1 month ago
            • 1 month ago

              the frick? you are not allowed to post actually funny comics in lol threads

            • 1 month ago

              i want to be friend of whoever did it. finally someone that does a decent conjuncture to in the end just say "oh yeah people get horny for jesus that is okay tho"
              satire comics r indeed powerful

      • 1 month ago

        >words words words words
        Frick off, not reading it, Jesus was the son of God and died for our sins on the cross and was resurrected to be at His right hand, and will return one day
        There is nothing further to discuss, either believe it in your heart or don't, I can't do anything to help you after you reach that point

        • 1 month ago

          It's just "Funny comic from this artist about Catholic school girls being horny for Jesus"

        • 1 month ago

          >too many words
          >this Black person expects you to read the fricking Bible

        • 1 month ago

          By this moronic ass logic, you'd go to Heaven if you committed suicide or you could even mass murder Christians to send them all to Heaven, and you'd get to join them.

        • 1 month ago

          did you really just "words words words" someone else whilst posting that fricking image

        • 1 month ago

          Is this bait? The fricking image you posted has TWICE as many fricking words as the one you're whining about. Grow some balls, homosexual.

          • 1 month ago

            he didn't read it and he probably didn't read the Bible either
            all that matters to him is being an annoying homosexual on Cinemaphile

      • 1 month ago

        hey that's the artist who made the Cinemaphile food comic right

        • 1 month ago

          i think so yeah

      • 1 month ago

        Well the parts about the girl are...questionable. But I will say I liked the story about Ex Cathedra declarations. I'm pretty sure most catholics don't even know the long history of that stuff.

      • 1 month ago

        Not reading that, TL;DR me

        • 1 month ago

          Bruh misspelled "Stare."

      • 1 month ago

        wtf is this lmao and who made it

        • 1 month ago

          beanytuesday, who made the OP comic

      • 1 month ago

        This guy wants to draw her "ugly", but I would totally kiss her with that face she has bottom left.

        I love these characters designs, good comic

  11. 1 month ago

    Men always whine that women get the "free sex" they want ignoring that most women don't just want sex and meeting random men always comes with the chance of being raped and/or murdered. That preferable to you?

    Sex for women sucks most of the time also because men don't usually know how to make women orgasm. Women are after relationships/settling down they don't care about getting laid past college unless they're a sex addict. And from that you have plenty of femcel-esque women who can't find husbands and settle for pets and vacations with friends.

    Maybe we've all fricked each other over with our expectations maybe it's too late for us.

    • 1 month ago

      >Men always whine that women get the "free sex" they want ignoring that most women don't just want sex and meeting random men always comes with the chance of being raped and/or murdered. That preferable to you?
      Go into an Anissa thread and watch as 90% of men all agree being raped by a woman even if it means death is the hottest thing ever.
      That's how bad men have it.
      Your pain and suffering is nothing compared to the plight of incels.
      Do not cite the deep magic to me witch, I was there when it was written.

      • 1 month ago

        You being a desperate coomer indulging in fantasy doesn't translate into reality. And we're not talking about women raping/killing you anyways, its men. Bigger and stronger than you, as a woman. Would you want to be raped and killed by a man? Even women would find rape by another woman less bad. Most women aren't losing sleep and not walking alone at night at the thought of being raped by a woman.

        But they can find husbands, they just reject those men and chase after chads who pump and dump them

        >they just reject those men and chase after chads who pump and dump them
        If you pay attention you'll find that women end up walking away from most relationships because it feels like adopting a child.

        women are desired inherently
        men are not desired inherently, they can go die and nobody cares
        we're social creatures
        yes, rape and murder are terrible experiences and worse than being an incel, and can damage you forever
        but being an incel puts you so much deeper out of touch with reality, it's basically guaranteed schizophrenia even if the suffering is lower
        imagine the childhood rape victim otherwise-khv-incels, reviled by all
        couldn't be me

        Incels don't have to be incels though, is the thing. It is always horrible personalities, delusional men that think they deserve more than what they offer, and groomed autistics. There are deformed and disabled men that get married. There's no excuse for it, incels would rather blame women and society than be realists and work on themselves. Most people compromise and settle when they realize they don't want to die alone. If you are incapable of that you have to accept dying alone.

        • 1 month ago

          >If you pay attention you'll find that women end up walking away from most relationships because it feels like adopting a child.
          Yeah, they usually want to be the children of the relationship and have their every whim catered to by their "daddy".

          • 1 month ago

            Sure, some women are like that. But a lot of the time "getting serious" and moving in with a boyfriend involves becoming a maid even if you are also bringing income into the household while the man defaults to thinking he doesn't need to do anything around the house and treating you like his mom. Maybe that worked back when women didn't also need to work to support the household and could just stay home and pop out babies but the world's different now and women are just as tired as you are when they come home from work.

            • 1 month ago

              Now, I'm only speaking from personal experience in watching my friends get girlfriends and spouses because that's very clearly not gonna happen to me, but I've never heard or seen anything like that. Maybe it's a cultural thing but where I'm from everyone starts working on the house. In fact, I know of more female slobs than male ones, although granted that one was a lesbian who had her girlfriend cleaning after her.

        • 1 month ago

          >If you pay attention you'll find that women end up walking away from most relationships because it feels like adopting a child.
          Welcome to the club, men have felt this for the past 2000 years, it's called being forced to do your part for once in your life, if you don't, feel free to complain to your local feminist organization about how they're the ones making life harder for you since you want to be the baby.
          >Incels don't have to be incels though, is the thing. It is always horrible personalities, delusional men that think they deserve more than what they offer, and groomed autistics. There are deformed and disabled men that get married. There's no excuse for it, incels would rather blame women and society than be realists and work on themselves
          No, I have been rejected by literally all women I have ever asked out and they have all openly told me it was because I was ugly, nothing more, nothing less.
          Personalities are a meme.
          >Most women aren't losing sleep and not walking alone at night at the thought of being raped by a woman.
          You ought to start, considering domestic abuse rates for lesbians.
          >Inb4 it's because they're male brained.

          • 1 month ago

            >Welcome to the club, men have felt this for the past 2000 years
            They were right to feel that way! They were responsible to take care of the women they married, because the women and children had no power of their own and were entirely dependent on him. But the world is different now. If your wife works you have to help with dinner, do dishes, and clean the toilet sometimes.

            >No, I have been rejected by literally all women I have ever asked out and they have all openly told me it was because I was ugly, nothing more, nothing less.
            Personalities are a meme.
            So did you start asking out ugly girls, or...?

            >You ought to start, considering domestic abuse rates for lesbians.
            Fake news

            • 1 month ago

              >If your wife works you have to help with dinner, do dishes, and clean the toilet sometimes.
              Contemporary women see these everyday tasks as degrading and they will try to dump everything on the man if they can. The only women who don't do this are the ones who had to live alone for a while.

            • 1 month ago

              >So did you start asking out ugly girls, or...?
              NTA but I tried. One agreed to a date, even. We went out for drinks and talking, but 30 minutes in she was already checking her phone and barely paying any attention. I tried asking her about herself or her interests, all that stuff you do when you're just meeting someone, but she only gave me one word answers. After paying her tab she told me I wasn't what she was looking for and that it'd be better if I didn't call her again. I don't know if she found someone better or not because I'm not a stalker, but I haven't felt the motivation to try again after that and I've just accepted I'll always be alone and that's okay.

            • 1 month ago

              >But the world is different now. If your wife works you have to help with dinner, do dishes, and clean the toilet sometimes.
              Is this really your biggest complaint? Are you one of those girls who saw the skidmarks meme and thinks all men are like that?
              >So did you start asking out ugly girls, or...?
              Sure did. Funny story, it was the 7th grade, approached this girl who was considerably ugly, I don't think a single other guy in the entire school wanted her. She had glasses, she was black, had a big forehead, skin craters, braces, but God she was smart, she sure sent my nerdy heart aflutter. In my eyes she was the hottest girl in school.
              So when I asked she looked me dead in the eye, and went "EW." Then we both moved on and I said nothing after that, because what can you say to that?
              Rule #1 of being a man is the same rule #1 of being an incel:
              Never assume women who are in your league or are your looksmatches, or match your interests ever like you for those reasons.
              Not only do all women only want Chad, ugly women want Chad even more to compensate, and as such they will resent you as an ugly man for having the gall to approach them.
              If I truly, truly resented women, I wouldn't go on a mass shooting or anything, but I'd dedicate myself to doing EXACTLY what you told me, and I'd go up to all women, ugly, beautiful, and everything in between, and give them a goofy smile while asking them out in the cold.
              Of course, while I hate women for this, I don't resent them. So I won't do that, I have better things to do than waste my time on that, like posting about it here on Cinemaphile.
              >Fake news
              It literally isn't lmao.
              What is it with anti-black pillers in this thread always instantly jumping to
              >It's fake
              >I don't care
              When confronted with statistics?

              • 1 month ago

                >If I truly, truly resented women, I wouldn't go on a mass shooting or anything, but I'd dedicate myself to doing EXACTLY what you told me, and I'd go up to all women, ugly, beautiful, and everything in between, and give them a goofy smile while asking them out in the cold.
                It is kind of funny seeing their eye twitch and their expression shift to disgust when someone they find ugly asks them out. At this point if I ask a girl out it's just to see them put on *that* face with zero expectations of hearing a "yes". I've done it a few times already and it is surprisingly entertaining. When you know that the outcome will always be rejection all your nervousness simply goes away, it becomes as easy as greeting a cashier.

              • 1 month ago

                >Funny story, it was the 7th grade
                There's your problem. Tell a chubby girl in her late 20s that you love her style and she'll be happy unless you come off like a creep. Ugly women have an incel phase too, especially as teens when they think once their acne clears up they will be desirable to a chad. Older women stop being delusional and just want to date a non-abusive guy with a job willing to help around the house.

                >So did you start asking out ugly girls, or...?
                NTA but I tried. One agreed to a date, even. We went out for drinks and talking, but 30 minutes in she was already checking her phone and barely paying any attention. I tried asking her about herself or her interests, all that stuff you do when you're just meeting someone, but she only gave me one word answers. After paying her tab she told me I wasn't what she was looking for and that it'd be better if I didn't call her again. I don't know if she found someone better or not because I'm not a stalker, but I haven't felt the motivation to try again after that and I've just accepted I'll always be alone and that's okay.

                You got a date and you gave up? C'mon man. That was the opposite of how you should have reacted. That should have encouraged you to keep going until you found someone you clicked with.

                listening to women online you'd think the only things that happen to them in life is rape and murder.
                >giving the well meaning average guy a chance? don't you know he could rape and murder me? now let me frick another playboy surely this one will stay.

                It is something women are aware of starting in early childhood, and most every woman has had scary encounters with men (often also starting in childhood). Because of this I think incels don't realize there is a creep factor they give off that repels women that they need to overcome. You need to ask yourself if your vibe is making women wary. Make sure you're hygienic, be aware of things like where your eyes go, don't invade personal space off the bat, be aware of how you dress. As a man you have to make yourself seem nonthreatening to women. Talk about little siblings that you've loved and taken care of, adopt a dog, have a disarming hobby like art or music. If you're crying that you seem to literally repel women/give them a reaction of disgust there is likely a reason why that's not just "you're ugly". Most people are average veering on ugly.

              • 1 month ago

                >You got a date and you gave up? C'mon man. That was the opposite of how you should have reacted. That should have encouraged you to keep going until you found someone you clicked with.
                so he should just be a paypiggy for random girls for the rest of eternity?

              • 1 month ago

                It's normal etiquette to split the bill now. Thank you feminism.

                >women can somehow telepathically tell when a man is a creepy incel who will RAPE and MURDER them (despite in reality its just an unattractive and shy man)
                >yet always frick and date the good looking tall butthole who will genuinely abuse them and pump and dump them
                wow that sure is an amazing superpower. couldn't just be women being shallow stupid c**ts. naaahhh. they're empaths and can instantly feel le """"vibes"""".

                >"if you are unhygenic and behave too strangely you will subconsciously remind women of the pedophile and stalker types theyve likely had encounters with

              • 1 month ago

                why can't you types just admit it all comes down to looks. the ugly dude with zero confidence because of his looks is always going to come off as creepy and weird because women are not willing to give men a chance unless they are vetted by other women, so he cannot build any confidence or social skills. married men are universally seen as hotter. its a the rich get richer situation where good looking and confident men will easily attract women in droves while everyone else has to fight to the death for a singular crumb of loose roastie puss.

              • 1 month ago

                Because I have an autistic male friend that's had several girlfriends so I know it's not true. He has every quality you would expect from an incel and he laments that dating is hard for him because it is. But he still tries, therefore he has been in relationships and had sex. It can happen to you!

              • 1 month ago

                yyessss everyone knows the 5ft tall moronic burn victim indian janitor who SLAYS tons of puss. fricking get real you homosexual. grow up and stop using extreme outlier examples (that are probably made up or exaggerated) as a fact that unattractive and awkward men don't have a nightmare mode tier time dating nowadays. for every 1000 stories of men likes me you have one success story. grow up.

              • 1 month ago

                He's not a janitor, he makes enough to afford a sweet city apartment alone. Not being a loser also helps immensely with dating, should have mentioned that sooner.

              • 1 month ago

                So autistic unattractive friend is actually rich.

                I totally believe Cinemaphile shitposts from fricking pol. Charge your fricking battery you phone posting c**t.

              • 1 month ago

                This is pretty revealing of the incel mindset, they both count themselves as the most unattractive repugnant individuals to go as far as to imply they're hideous enough to be counted as deformed and foreign but also believe the only measure of success is to be logfluming through any and every pussy 24/7.
                Their mindset is "I want everything and deserve nothing, so I will not try" like right now I can imagine you deducting a comebak as to say "yes it truly is that impossible for me, I'm not overreacting etc. Like not to imply it's easy and that you'll never get rejected but get a fricking grip, dating someone isn't this impossible thing unless you're the Chadliest of Chads.

              • 1 month ago

                that guy mogs me.

              • 1 month ago

                You sure? He's pretty short, you've probably got like two feet on him.

              • 1 month ago

                anyone below 6ft is short to women nowadays.

              • 1 month ago

                morons like him get enough disability money to live comfortable without working and he has a good face.

              • 1 month ago

                just ignore these gays, they literally start shit with incels on their own volition just because men aren't allowed to even lament some shit or get rightfully angry at anything, they're pieces of shit who do this to boost their own ego.

              • 1 month ago

                fricking go to wal-mart or whatever equivalent shithole grocery store you have locally, look around at the men who appear to be with women, and tell me the ratio of golden Adonises to literal ogres you see

              • 1 month ago

                More than that you see plenty of ugly people with ugly people. It's not hard, but getting over yourself, working out your issues, and letting go of fantasy is. Incels are more angry that they have to work towards being an appealing partner and that they are not seen as a pity case for women to love regardless, they expect the same grace they get from their parents from a stranger.

              • 1 month ago

                so basically love doesn't exist for uggos. its all transactional and cold and loveless. not useful and making bank as an ugly man? die in a ditch. meanwhile women have all the social safety nets in the world and often have large social groups to rely on, when its not uncommon for single young men to be completely isolated nowadays.

              • 1 month ago

                >Love is transactional
                Of fricking course it is
                All human interaction is transactional

              • 1 month ago

                well then i refuse to participate in a rigged game that gives vastly more leeway to people who were just born better looking and taller. what do i get out of a relationship that is entirely built upon hoping some b***h doesn't decide to up and divorce rape me? or lie and say i was abusive? what do unattractive men get in a relationship that isn't built on actual real attraction? a dead bedroom?

              • 1 month ago

                >Then I refuse to offer anything to other people in exchange for what I want and need
                Ok. Enjoy being miserable.

              • 1 month ago

                i will enjoy not getting divorce raped by some used up roastie who never actually was attracted to me, yeah. thanks. sounds good to me.

              • 1 month ago

                Once you get over focusing on appearance you realize there are other things that make you love someone, and they become attractive to you then.

              • 1 month ago

                for men? money and uh... money.. also money. so those top 5% of ugly men who are rich can maybe frick a fat chick.

              • 1 month ago

                >so those top 5% of ugly men who are rich can maybe frick a fat chick.
                Incredible detachment from reality here.

              • 1 month ago

                you said you need other qualities to be attractive as an uggo man. the only other qualities like that for men are wealth and resources. lets be honest nobody gives a shit about personality, not really. else attractive buttholes wouldn't have the majority of sex nowadays.

              • 1 month ago

                >lets be honest nobody gives a shit about personality
                If that were true relationships wouldn't fail. I also meant seeking attractiveness in others. Men can have a lot of good qualities, yes being a provider is one which is fair if he wants a family. Men can also be caring, generous, protective, patient, creative, funny, and the million other traits people have preferences for. Maybe just try being a worthwhile human being - and not for anyone else, for you own sake.

                you just admitted how fricking pointless caring too much about shit like hygiene and personality is and still act like you're right and on the winning side. Women should get over themselves, learn to socialize with and help such men with these oh so important aspects of life instead of psychotically shutting them out of society while propping up genuine pieces of shit just because they "take showers" (are hot)

                You think just because she was tricked into feeling safe by the guy good at presenting himself as safe she should date men who don't bathe? Are you really advocating for not bathing and wondering why women don't like you?

              • 1 month ago

                >Men can also be caring, generous, protective, patient, creative, funny, and the million other traits people have preferences for.
                that would entail the woman actually getting to know you and not instantly thinking
                >ew, no
                when she sees an ugly dude who's not tall.

                >Guys in high school even hit you with the "pretending they want to date you just to laugh in your face with their friends because you're so ugly and weird that the thought of anyone being romantic/sexual with you is the punchline" routine.
                I felt bad for those b***hes. At least the autistic gaymer dudes had a group. Those girls were always alone and probably cut themselves in the bathroom to cope.

                i literally had that exact same thing happen to me as an ugly dude in HS (granted it was guys saying a girl liked me and she was in on it), and i also didn't have a group and was totally alone.

              • 1 month ago

                >Men can also be caring, generous, protective, patient, creative, funny, and the million other traits people have preferences for.
                hence why all great things were created by men

              • 1 month ago

                >nobody gives a shit about personality
                Being a bit of a dick to a woman is actually the personality that a lot of them want. A guy who calls them on their shit and brushes them off drives them wild. They can, and do, go for some nice guys, but they obsess over that guy who they just can't quite break.

              • 1 month ago

                >its all transactional
                always has been

              • 1 month ago

                just one side has to bring a hell of a lot more to the table if they're not prince charming.

              • 1 month ago

                you just admitted how fricking pointless caring too much about shit like hygiene and personality is and still act like you're right and on the winning side. Women should get over themselves, learn to socialize with and help such men with these oh so important aspects of life instead of psychotically shutting them out of society while propping up genuine pieces of shit just because they "take showers" (are hot)

              • 1 month ago

                lmao there's a new brand of feminism that aims to take men's money as a form of reparations

              • 1 month ago

                >women can somehow telepathically tell when a man is a creepy incel who will RAPE and MURDER them (despite in reality its just an unattractive and shy man)
                >yet always frick and date the good looking tall butthole who will genuinely abuse them and pump and dump them
                wow that sure is an amazing superpower. couldn't just be women being shallow stupid c**ts. naaahhh. they're empaths and can instantly feel le """"vibes"""".

              • 1 month ago

                >going out with your friends and walking ominously next to women for 3 blocks until turning into the subshop and picking up a chicken parm
                never gets old

              • 1 month ago

                >>just wanna date a non abusive guy
                That they'll cheat on for an abusive chad, look at women's fantasies it's all filled with toxic abusive pretty boys

              • 1 month ago

                >It literally isn't lmao.
                >source: dude trust me

            • 1 month ago

              >But the world is different now. If your wife works you have to help with dinner, do dishes, and clean the toilet sometimes.
              Anon, he's not referring to "Ew, I have to scrub a dish?!?!" but the problem of "Hey honey, can you help with the dishes for once? I know the Kardashians are on but you can just record it..."

              >So did you start asking out ugly girls, or...?
              NTA but I tried. One agreed to a date, even. We went out for drinks and talking, but 30 minutes in she was already checking her phone and barely paying any attention. I tried asking her about herself or her interests, all that stuff you do when you're just meeting someone, but she only gave me one word answers. After paying her tab she told me I wasn't what she was looking for and that it'd be better if I didn't call her again. I don't know if she found someone better or not because I'm not a stalker, but I haven't felt the motivation to try again after that and I've just accepted I'll always be alone and that's okay.

              >but 30 minutes in she was already checking her phone and barely paying any attention.
              >After paying her tab she told me I wasn't what she was looking for
              Reminds me of HR in job interviews.

              >Funny story, it was the 7th grade
              There's your problem. Tell a chubby girl in her late 20s that you love her style and she'll be happy unless you come off like a creep. Ugly women have an incel phase too, especially as teens when they think once their acne clears up they will be desirable to a chad. Older women stop being delusional and just want to date a non-abusive guy with a job willing to help around the house.

              You got a date and you gave up? C'mon man. That was the opposite of how you should have reacted. That should have encouraged you to keep going until you found someone you clicked with.

              It is something women are aware of starting in early childhood, and most every woman has had scary encounters with men (often also starting in childhood). Because of this I think incels don't realize there is a creep factor they give off that repels women that they need to overcome. You need to ask yourself if your vibe is making women wary. Make sure you're hygienic, be aware of things like where your eyes go, don't invade personal space off the bat, be aware of how you dress. As a man you have to make yourself seem nonthreatening to women. Talk about little siblings that you've loved and taken care of, adopt a dog, have a disarming hobby like art or music. If you're crying that you seem to literally repel women/give them a reaction of disgust there is likely a reason why that's not just "you're ugly". Most people are average veering on ugly.

              >negative response and success would have meant seeing more of something you don't want
              >>>That should have encouraged you to keep going
              Women really do remind me of HR... wait a second, HR is full of women!
              Is everything women are involved in just shit and jumping hoops for a reward that's actually just more hoops to jump?

        • 1 month ago

          >Incels don't have to be incels though, is the thing. It is always horrible personalities, delusional men that think they deserve more than what they offer, and groomed autistics. There are deformed and disabled men that get married. There's no excuse for it, incels would rather blame women and society than be realists and work on themselves. Most people compromise and settle when they realize they don't want to die alone. If you are incapable of that you have to accept dying alone.
          blah blah blah i just want some good friends but I'm too ugly to even have that. i can only do so much to mitigate the emotional damage too. ive lived in basically the equivalent of solitary confinement for the past 12 years now and i can't even make friends online at this point. i literally have no interest in sex but i wish i had friends
          i guess I'm not technically an incel but i kinda feel like they're the only people that remotely get what i go through

          • 1 month ago

            Regardless of celibacy status you're blackpilled and understand the depressing truth that the world is a looksist system where actions, behavior, and strenth or wealth do no matter. Only looks.

        • 1 month ago

          Cope it's mostly women getting ghosted and they blame all men for this. They talked about it all over tiktok

    • 1 month ago

      But they can find husbands, they just reject those men and chase after chads who pump and dump them

    • 1 month ago

      women are desired inherently
      men are not desired inherently, they can go die and nobody cares
      we're social creatures
      yes, rape and murder are terrible experiences and worse than being an incel, and can damage you forever
      but being an incel puts you so much deeper out of touch with reality, it's basically guaranteed schizophrenia even if the suffering is lower
      imagine the childhood rape victim otherwise-khv-incels, reviled by all
      couldn't be me

    • 1 month ago

      >Sex for women sucks most of the time also because men don't usually know how to make women orgasm.
      If women tried a different approach other than "dead starsfish" maybe they'd have less issues with that.

    • 1 month ago

      >meeting random men always comes with the chance of being raped and/or murdered
      Then stop meeting with random men?
      >Sex for women sucks most of the time also because men don't usually know how to make women orgasm
      Communicate with your partner?
      Seems to me like most issues women have with dating are just caused by themselves.

      • 1 month ago

        I was gonna write like a paragraph to argue but I realized midway that there's literally no point and it's a massive waste of time. So take the (You) and have a good one

        • 1 month ago

          >I realized all my arguments are self defeating but still need to have the last word and implicitly shame you
          FTFY, no need to thank me, friend 🙂

        • 1 month ago

          pathetic loser

          • 1 month ago

            Kek I don't even think anon would be around anymore considering that was 10 hours ago. What got you so twisted up?

    • 1 month ago

      >Men always whine that women get the "free sex"
      And attention, and compassion, and understanding, and social validation...

    • 1 month ago

      no, we still have lovebots

    • 1 month ago

      >meeting random men always comes with the chance of being raped and/or murdered.
      >meeting random men
      >not carrying a a gun
      never understood why the people who hate guns the most are the ones who benefit the most from them.
      >"they don't want to kill someone"
      I guess they'll just get raped then. Wouldn't be me if I were female.

      • 1 month ago

        lol, based, and not only that but the image is a banger too.

    • 1 month ago

      >men don't usually know how to make women orgasm.
      no shit, women shove fricking anti aircraft cannons up their cooters and blast them with flash levels of atomic vibrations.

  12. 1 month ago

    >more banal shitflinging over how to get pussy instead of an actual beanytuesday thread
    I am disappoint

  13. 1 month ago

    >Dealing with holes in any non-professionel way/setting
    What are you, gay?

    • 1 month ago

      This. Don't engage with them. Be cordial but don't go any deeper than that. They don't want your help and will resent you if you offer it. Deep down they hate you and see you only as a tool. It's best to avoid the hassle and accept that they will never appreciate you or enjoy your company.

  14. 1 month ago


    >If I truly, truly resented women, I wouldn't go on a mass shooting or anything, but I'd dedicate myself to doing EXACTLY what you told me, and I'd go up to all women, ugly, beautiful, and everything in between, and give them a goofy smile while asking them out in the cold.
    It is kind of funny seeing their eye twitch and their expression shift to disgust when someone they find ugly asks them out. At this point if I ask a girl out it's just to see them put on *that* face with zero expectations of hearing a "yes". I've done it a few times already and it is surprisingly entertaining. When you know that the outcome will always be rejection all your nervousness simply goes away, it becomes as easy as greeting a cashier.

    • 1 month ago

      Based anon, forcing women to suffer by our unholy powers of just speaking to them.
      Like I said, if I were ever so resentful that I'd be willing to invest time into it, I'd do the same. Godspeed.

      • 1 month ago

        The first few rejections hurt, but they also came with a rush of "I did it!". I was so ecstatic at having tried and overcoming that fear that it didn't bother me to be rejected. Then when all I got was rejection I decided to take it in stride and yes, getting rejected is honestly fun. It's like pressing a button to always get the same reaction. I have dipped in the negatives of self esteem and come the other way around. At this point, the only thing that could throw me off is being accepted, which might put the fear of God back in me. But that's never going to happen.

  15. 1 month ago

    Would be down to be with her pre-alteration if she was willing to shower and cuddle.
    Then I could have someone to work on my weight and acne with.

  16. 1 month ago

    I remember being into a girl with really bad acne who liked anime. We talked for a while but she had a boyfriend and he was one hell of a tall guy, tattoos, long hair and beard, that stuff. She dropped out and we lost touch. She was fun, to be honest, and I would have tried dating her if she'd been single at the time.

  17. 1 month ago

    >if you want boys to like you

  18. 1 month ago

    waiting on the waifubots

  19. 1 month ago

    I don't know who needs to hear this but its ok to pay for sex if you're reaching a certain point.

    • 1 month ago

      It's not.
      Unironically just fap. It's cheaper and sex without any emotional attachment fricking sucks.

      • 1 month ago

        Hard disagree on the last part but yeah always fap first. This is for the people close to going postal due to lack of actual sex. But if I ever hit a dry spell longer than a couple months and I need a pick me up a pump and go does me well. I'm also involved a lot in my sex/fetish community so it's something that only happens once in a while. Obviously don't monger away your money.

        • 1 month ago

          I don't know who needs to hear this but its ok to pay for sex if you're reaching a certain point.

          It's illegal in most of places that matter in the west. So no, it's not okay.

          • 1 month ago

            Lol nerd bet you would have been a boot licker in prohibition times

            • 1 month ago

              >dude just break the law and interact with dangerous drug addicted degenerates
              no. if western society truly wanted men to see prostitutes nowadays there'd be a legit and well run brothel in every city that wouldn't force women to engage in prostitution out of substance abuse/addiction or physical force, but western society wants the less fortunate man to suffer. they want him to feel worthless.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah whatever man for anyone who isn't a nerd grab a nice escort there's lots of resources and reviewers online so use your best judgment

              • 1 month ago

                its just a prostitute.

    • 1 month ago

      what point? dude, it's just sex, it's not a big deal.

  20. 1 month ago

    listening to women online you'd think the only things that happen to them in life is rape and murder.
    >giving the well meaning average guy a chance? don't you know he could rape and murder me? now let me frick another playboy surely this one will stay.

    • 1 month ago

      The best part is that statistically the men who rape them are 95% teachers and family. They should be smiling at random men in the street daily while being anxious around parents and school 24/7. Sadly rape hysteria pushers always leave out this fact to weaponize it against men.

  21. 1 month ago

    You idiots are asking the wrong questions.
    What does terminally online Will Graham and Hannibal look like!??!

  22. 1 month ago

    femcels aren't hot and I have to remind myself that daly when my dick gets the best of me

  23. 1 month ago

    And if I would've fricked this shut-in as is, what then?

  24. 1 month ago

    I would likely had a crush on her original state the if she had the post-boobjob confidence.

  25. 1 month ago

    This is the worst fricking thread I've read in a long fricking time. You people simmer in misery and it's pathetic.

    • 1 month ago

      rather be a realist and miserable than a delusional smegma male grinder.

  26. 1 month ago

    Okay but what army does she play. I don't want to date someone with sit taste in armies.

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