People complain about the tech in 0083 being way too advanced compared to what we see in Z, but the Orchis is just a big box filled with weapons.

People complain about the tech in 0083 being way too advanced compared to what we see in Z, but the Orchis is just a big box filled with weapons. The most advanced thing about it is the I Field Generator and that was already present in the MAs we saw in 0079.

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  1. 10 months ago

    I remember the main complaint I think was that the stats of the MS in 0083 were higher, like the perfotmance stats of the GP01Fb was higher than the Zeta.

    • 10 months ago

      If the Zeta had two giant thrust pods it'd also go as fast, but the Zeta adopted a sleeker profile for atmospheric entry and flight rather than raw output. I mean, there's stuff in Zeta that had giant thrusters as well, the Gabthley and Messala come to mind.

      Can GP01/Fb beat MK-II?

      Sure, probably. The Mark II didn't have amazing performance to begin with, it was on par with the best grunts of its day.

      • 10 months ago

        >Sure, probably. The Mark II didn't have amazing performance to begin with, it was on par with the best grunts of its day.
        That's reductive. The best grunts were on par because they're basically all clones of the Mk-II with some dressing

        • 10 months ago

          The only grunt that is arguably a clone of the Mark II is that one Barzam variant. Other than that the GM III inherits a near-identical backpack and the Jegan only has very loose ties to the Mark II. There's a bunch of NZ and Fed grunts that have nothing to do with the Mark II.

          • 10 months ago

            Any non-transforming MS with a movable frame is a Mk-II clone. AE lifted it straight out of the Mk II

            • 10 months ago

              We don't even know if most grunts have a movable frame since details like that (along with magnetic coating, etc) are almost never mentioned, and the ones that we do know that have movables frames like the Nemo are not Mark II clones.

              >AE lifted it straight out of the Mk II
              Pfft. I guess you think every MS with a core block is a clone of the Guntank then.

              • 10 months ago

                The Nemo is just a mk ii clone ever since the MG retconned it to give a movable frame.

                >Pfft. I guess you think every MS with a core block is a clone of the Guntank then.
                No, but I think all core fighters are clones of each other. Movable frame is a whole ass, fully functional MS.

    • 10 months ago

      >like the perfotmance stats of the GP01Fb was higher than the Zeta.
      Here's the thing and this is what people need to drill into their fricking skulls, the fricking specs they give mean shit for dick and are generally thought up by people after the fact, often times not even directly tied to the frickin project aside from like height maybe it's all pulled from various asses.

      • 10 months ago

        It's inconsistent though, that's the issue.

        • 10 months ago

          I know it's inconsistent and I'm saying it doesn't matter because the numbers mean jack shit, so don't let it bother you because it's meaningless fluff. Like yeah it's insofar a problem that whoever shitting the numbers out didn't do the due diligence but it's not a problem in any real way because it has zero actual bearing on the shows at all.

          Who at Sunrise is responsible for shitting out these technical stats for their mobile suits? I assume it's just baseless numbers for nerds but is there any math involved in calculating any level of thruster output? Do they use real world aircraft as a reference?

          I think allot of them are shat out by bandai's side like

          It happens at Bandai.

          for the manuals, others for random obscure shit that didn't have a kit came from various magazines and technical books, allot of which aren't even official but people tout them anyways.

    • 10 months ago

      The only grunt that is arguably a clone of the Mark II is that one Barzam variant. Other than that the GM III inherits a near-identical backpack and the Jegan only has very loose ties to the Mark II. There's a bunch of NZ and Fed grunts that have nothing to do with the Mark II.

      >like the perfotmance stats of the GP01Fb was higher than the Zeta.
      Here's the thing and this is what people need to drill into their fricking skulls, the fricking specs they give mean shit for dick and are generally thought up by people after the fact, often times not even directly tied to the frickin project aside from like height maybe it's all pulled from various asses.

      Who at Sunrise is responsible for shitting out these technical stats for their mobile suits? I assume it's just baseless numbers for nerds but is there any math involved in calculating any level of thruster output? Do they use real world aircraft as a reference?

      • 10 months ago

        It happens at Bandai.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't think there's ever been official mention of it even in databooks, but occasionally there does seem to be some workable math rather than always random numbers. Here's some reading on the matter if you want:

    • 10 months ago

      its not that impossible. some supercars from 1990s can still keep up/outperform supercars of today.

      I think that the GP series are like the Bugatti Veyrons, all that speed and power to reach the highest speeds. while newer supercars are all about balance of speed/acceleration/braking/handling

  2. 10 months ago

    Can GP01/Fb beat MK-II?

  3. 10 months ago

    People shit on 0083's tech levels but that's the thing I've been trying to tell people for years, it's all mostly OYW tech taken to its extremes and not a lot of new innovations. They don't like that the GP01Fb and GP03 outperform the Mark II, but what did they expect? They're all prototypes but the GP series had a massive budget and could be combat-deployed while the Mark II was meant just to test its new frame construction and the Titans wanted to save money and probably didn't intend it for combat since they didn't bother to give it the new armor tech that was just around the corner.

  4. 10 months ago

    The only piece of tech in 0083 I take any issue with is the Neue Ziel. Its output is comparable to stuff from ten years later during CCA. It's stupid for the time period it's in. At least the Rebellion manga somewhat addressed it by adding in the La Vie En Rose chapter where the Axis Fleet had to take it there for servicing because their equipment both in the Advance Fleet and at Axis itself was far from able to fine tune it in a way to prevent it from overloading.

    As for the GP03, it's so big and has so many thrusters on it you could justify it. It looks more like a small battleship. The way it moves is still fairly clunky and with its big boxes being mostly just missile storage, it's far lighter than it looks. So the Dendrobium's output is a lot more justifiable. The Neue Ziel is just a bit too cutting edge for late 0083. I think everyone's complaints towards it are entirely justified.

    • 10 months ago

      >I take any issue with is the Neue Ziel. Its output is comparable to stuff from ten years later during CCA.

      It happens IRL too:

      F-14 Tomcat: 1974
      F-18 Super Hornet: 1999

      The Tomcat is much superior than the Super Hornet.

      • 10 months ago

        It's happening right now with video cards too

      • 10 months ago

        Wait til you figure this out:

        Z Gundam: 1986
        0083: 1991

        They weren't foreseeing the future of real-life jets.

      • 10 months ago

        I was under the impression the Super Hornets are preferred for their lower maintenance outlays relative to the Tomcats? Swing wings are expensive, especially when most fighters are just missile trucks nowadays.

        • 10 months ago

          Also the Super Hornet has an actually working Radar. Tomcat radars were so bad they could be allowed to launch without them working if they only had bombs under wing.

          You'd be lucky if you had 2/10 available to go as they had that many issues.

      • 10 months ago

        The F-18 is better in every way except thrust and top speed. So its an apt comparison between the GP01FB and Zeta suits.

    • 10 months ago

      >Neue Ziel. Its output is comparable to stuff from ten years later
      It's also enormous — even compared to the Orchis — and thus has the capacity for all those generators and weapons.

    • 10 months ago

      >At least the Rebellion manga somewhat addressed it
      Don't even mention the Rebellion manga. That manga made things so much worse with their ridiculous upgrade they gave the Dendrobium. And changing the story from Gato beating Kou in the anime..... to Kou beating Gato in the final. Then Kou giving Gato a lecture! Utter nonsense.

      • 10 months ago

        >That manga made things so much worse with their ridiculous upgrade they gave the Dendrobium.
        That particular mode comes from the old Fix Figuration action figure designed by Katoki and released back in 2007.

        • 10 months ago

          Not that anon but how does that suit even work? It's too small to Power all those systems

          • 10 months ago

            Anon, you reached the level of autism that shouldn't even possible...

          • 10 months ago

            Anon, you reached the level of autism that shouldn't even possible...

            It's actually one of the flaws of that mode that it cannot power everything simultaneously, so Kou has to have great timing in terms of balancing the suit's prototype thrusters and protective I-field with the available power he has.

            • 10 months ago

              She said the output from the gundam is not big enough to operate everything, not " It has small size so it might drain battery fast ". It like when you build a PC and the PSU doesn't have enough output to active every other components. Electricity is not the problem, the problem is the PSU is weak.
              Also, this is a scifi giant robot we are talking about here, so who gives a frick? Because it looks cool, that's the answer.

              • 10 months ago

                I don't really see why you're concerned about the size.

                It's actually one of the flaws of that mode that it cannot power everything simultaneously, so Kou has to have great timing in terms of balancing the suit's prototype thrusters and protective I-field with the available power he has.

                never mentioned size.

        • 10 months ago

          Sorry but no. This is just too out of place. Technology had not miniaturized enough in 0083. The best they could do was the Dendrobium and Neue Ziel for I-field generators. That Gundam looks like a parody and is wildly unbalanced. Very stupid given what we know.

        • 10 months ago

          Sorry but no. This is just too out of place. Technology had not miniaturized enough in 0083. The best they could do was the Dendrobium and Neue Ziel for I-field generators. That Gundam looks like a parody and is wildly unbalanced. Very stupid given what we know.

          Was I the only one that thought that suit wasn't real?

          I thought it was something Bandai made up because they didn't want to make a full Dendrobium action figure because it would be too expensive.

          So they had this concept so collectors could still show off the Stamen Gundam.

          • 10 months ago

            I would have liked this more.

            • 10 months ago

              aw frick that looks cool

            • 10 months ago

              Imagine a backpack like this, but it's not just compatible with an MS, but is also compatible with a transforming MS jet mode that's not just a smaller Core Fighter

          • 10 months ago

            I think they didn't want to make the full figure twice. The MSiA was a little undersized compared to the HGUC.

  5. 10 months ago

    It's because GP03 was Katoki's way of making Deep Striker a real animated Gundam.

  6. 10 months ago

    How the frick did the Neue Ziel have an I-Field and the A-Azieru didnt??

    Makes no sense and nothing can justify such a frickup.

    • 10 months ago

      Because the writing with 0083 is sloppy.

    • 10 months ago

      Neo Zeon is full of morons, they chose to not give the azieru an I-field

    • 10 months ago

      >How the frick did the Neue Ziel have an I-Field and the A-Azieru didnt??

      Neue Ziel was a free gift from Neo Zeon to Delaz. It took months to build, and Admiral Delaz didn't need to pay for it. Alpha Azieru was built out of Char's own budget. While Char's Neo Zeon wasn't poor, they were not as rich as Haman's Neo Zeon. I-fields are crazy expensive and very maintenance heavy. That probably played a big factor. Char also had to build his suits in secret.

      Char opted to have Alpha Azieru be focused on firepower, speed, and funnel spam. Most grunts had missiles installed anyway by the time of 0093.

      Char ended up being right since the thing that destroyed Alpha Azieru was a missile to the wienerpit, and not a beam. An I-Field would have been a waste anyway

    • 10 months ago

      Char was on a budget. He couldn't buy Axis with gold, build a new ship fleet, mass produce Gears Dogas, make the Sazabi, AND give Alpha Azieru an I-field. Too much.

  7. 10 months ago

    0083 was influenced by ZZ and CCA more than Zeta. The NA release order just caused a lot of confusion

  8. 10 months ago

    Seems almost quaint after Thunderbolt.

    • 10 months ago

      Thunderbolt has the excuse of being an AU so it's tech inconsistencies don't matter.

  9. 10 months ago

    There is such a thing where the old tech is better than the new

    • 10 months ago

      Oh my god it's/vr/

  10. 10 months ago

    >Make bleeding-edge tech that doesn't actually do anything wrong
    >Zeon drop a fricking colony
    >Defeat the Zeon using said technology
    >Titans come in and somehow don't salvage all the data with the intention of steamrolling Zeon remnants

  11. 10 months ago

    Does Gundam actually even have a "canon"?
    There's the OG shows, then there's the movies, then there's the novelisations, then there's stuff like Char's Deleted Affair/Zeta Define, and now Thunderbolt takes a big stinking shit on anything that tries to reconcile these sorts of it just whatever you want or what

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