REBEL MOON director's cut will feature all the character building and interactions missing

>“It is a deeper dive into Zack’s lore. It’s a deeper dive into these characters individually, how they intersect, how they got there, and the inner workings of them trying to, form a team to stand up against the enemies.”
>Michiel Guisman noted that the pace is “up, always” in Netflix’s first version, but the director’s cut will give viewers a chance to “dive into a bit more backstory and into these characters. Their tics and how they interact.”

This is so fricking moronic. Why cut this shit?

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  1. 6 months ago

    >cutting an entire hour from a movie and still expecting it to work
    What were they thinking?

    • 6 months ago

      in their logic, doubling the amount of views

    • 6 months ago

      3 hours is TOO LONG for any film.

      • 6 months ago

        No it isn't. I want my movies LONG, more bang for buck. If I wanted to watch something short I'd watch a YouTube video

        • 6 months ago

          >Open world slop zoomers have now infiltrated movies
          God help us all.

        • 6 months ago

          >youtube video
          "Video essays" as they call them even though they don't bother to include the actual purpose of an essay most of the time, are like six hours long

      • 6 months ago

        It's on Netflix, you can fricking pause it and come back later./

      • 6 months ago

        LOTR extended editions are pure kino and 4 hours each. You’ve got tiktok brain.

      • 6 months ago

        The movie Rebel Moon rips off is 4 hours long.

    • 6 months ago

      People are more likely to watch 2h movie than 3h movie, simple as that. In theatre releases studios want shorter running time to maximise how many times they can run the movie per day.

      • 6 months ago

        But 3h movies cost more in cinemas. Hell, where I live you pay extra once a movie goes over 135mins, which is basically any movie these days because they're all so fricking bloated.

    • 6 months ago

      Love how Sneeder simps already prepare the usual song about muh interference for when it will sucks major ass even though Netflix was incredibly forthcoming to that pampered moron.

    • 6 months ago

      Because of the "Muh Snyder's Cut" meme

    • 6 months ago

      an entire hour from a movie and still expecting it to work
      >What were they thinking?

      This was dumb, it was one action scene after another, no breathing space

      I mean you one second you had that flying bird thing, next second is some chinky woman out of nowhere, no introduction

      • 6 months ago

        >30 minute allocated to grain talk
        >20 min rape attempt scene
        >20 min in a different rape attempt scene in cantina
        >20 min spent on bird-wrangler
        >20 min spent on jedi vs spider
        >10 min spent on arena world
        >10 min spent on rebels intro
        >20 min spent on final battle
        >between each one 5 min spent on flashback for boutela

        idk snyderbro, there were 2 action scenes and it was all just introductions and attempted rape scenes

        maybe he has more attempted rape scenes in store?

    • 6 months ago

      this is like when they started cutting sections out of games and having them as 0 day addon packs so they could charge another 20 for something that should have been included in the first place.

    • 6 months ago

      Netflix was scared about watch time and so ordered an additional version cut down for time

  2. 6 months ago

    Can this hack release a complete version of his movies just for once? Frick this israelite

    • 6 months ago

      A complete version of his drivel is just another hour of the same inanity that made the first version so awful added on.

    • 6 months ago

      Why? He would have no excuses for why it's shit.

    • 6 months ago

      They liked how Justice League had a second lap of "hype" with the DC release, guess they want to pull off that trick. Release the DC like a month before part 2 or something like that. Maybe it would've worked if the movie was better

  3. 6 months ago

    >Ray Fisher, reuniting with Snyder after their DC collaborations, also stressed that “the action in the director’s cut is going to be R-rated as well, so those fight sequences will be much more intense.”
    >One fight featuring Boutella’s rebel leader is especially crunching, even with a softer age rating. “After seeing the rated R [version of that scene], I remember feeling that it was so violent – and I couldn’t put my finger on why. I didn’t feel like I saw much more blood than in the PG-13 cut. I don’t know if it’s the editing or the sound, but it’s so visceral and ambitious,” she said.

    I guess the movie is too violent and gory? But that makes no fricking sense since we are talking about a streaming movie, not something made for theaters.

    • 6 months ago

      >Zack Snyder on the 3 hours R rated cut of Rebel Moon Part 1: “Way more brutal. More bizarre. Verhoeven-esque. More RoboCop than you know... in the way that is uses violence as another character. And there's a lot of nudity and sex in it, and Sci-Fi fantasy.”
      >One of the main differences between the original and the director's cuts will be their explicit content. Rebel Moon received a PG-13 rating from the Motion Picture Association for "sequences of strong violence, sexual assault, bloody images, language, sexual material, and partial nudity." While the original version is already pushing the limits of the PG-13 rating and drawing some ire, the extended director's cuts will be rated R, allowing them to show even more of the aforementioned explicit content, including some very, VERY graphical sex scenes as well as a rape scene.

      we have these exact posts every single day
      buy an ad, Black person and kys

  4. 6 months ago

    "The director's cut" has now become a marketing strategy driven by the production company rather than the director's creativity.

    • 6 months ago

      Netflix must love this. Trick people watch this twice

    • 6 months ago

      Netflix must love this. Trick people watch this twice

      Netflix moronly thought they could double dip by inciting Snydercut esque excitement

  5. 6 months ago

    Yeah you can add 4+ hours and tell me that it somehow "improves" the film, I'm still not watching this slop.

  6. 6 months ago

    How intense are the rape scenes in the director's cut?

    • 6 months ago

      >Zack Snyder on the 3 hours R rated cut of Rebel Moon Part 1: “Way more brutal. More bizarre. Verhoeven-esque. More RoboCop than you know... in the way that is uses violence as another character. And there's a lot of nudity and sex in it, and Sci-Fi fantasy.”
      >One of the main differences between the original and the director's cuts will be their explicit content. Rebel Moon received a PG-13 rating from the Motion Picture Association for "sequences of strong violence, sexual assault, bloody images, language, sexual material, and partial nudity." While the original version is already pushing the limits of the PG-13 rating and drawing some ire, the extended director's cuts will be rated R, allowing them to show even more of the aforementioned explicit content, including some very, VERY graphical sex scenes as well as a rape scene.

      • 6 months ago

        Ironically, what this guy is saying sounds exactly like a 13 year old kid.

        • 6 months ago

          R-RATED! R-RATED!

          • 6 months ago

            He cute

        • 6 months ago

          That's because Snyder never progressed past the age of 13 mentally. View it as a kid talking and all his interviews make sense.

      • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          Zack just says things. They're never anywhere in this movies. He just blabbers out claims in interviews.

        • 6 months ago

          >calls himself visionary
          >calls himself verhoeven-esque
          what a Black person
          meme pic ofc since it's the most superficial divide

      • 6 months ago

        >Verhoeven-esque. Prepare for some scorn if it is not as advertise.

      • 6 months ago

        >"So yeah the added violence makes my movie like one directed by a much more talented person"

        stfu snyder

        • 6 months ago

          Also the only time Verhoeven ever used slo mo was when Dizzy got killed in Starship Troopers

      • 6 months ago

        Pompous dickhead, holy shit.

      • 6 months ago

        I used to defend Zack Snzder but if he really thinks he is on the same level as Verhoeven he is just delusional

        Verhoeven is one of the best directors to have ever lived.

        • 6 months ago

          and you just know his comparison point is "my movie is violent too like Verhoeven's action films were so they're just like Verhoeven's movies"

        • 6 months ago

          Verhoeven is mid. Robocop is decent, Total Recall is whatever, Starship Troopers I remember to be decent and everything else is poo poo doo doo.

          • 6 months ago

            >Total Recall is whatever

            Moron alert!! Moron alert!!!

            • 6 months ago

              No, it really just isn't all that great. Impressive VFX work, some embarrassing compositing, an okay Schwarzenegger and the way I see it, the story is mocking power fantasies and commie shit but that doesn't make it great.

              • 6 months ago

                Moron alert!! Moron alert!!!

              • 6 months ago

                Okay, chungus. I allow you to say something substantive but I also know your coward little midwit ass won't.

              • 6 months ago

                >Total Recall is shit

              • 6 months ago

                It's not shit, it's just kind of an exercise in futility. Making things ambiguous like Verhoeven does (or Kubrick loved to do) doesn't add merit, if anything it's likely to take away from the movie.

              • 6 months ago

                >I want the movie to make all my decisions for me

              • 6 months ago

                Like, you can be ambiguous about details. It's fine to be a little subversive like that. But if it all resolves around ambiguity and there's no solid core it actually focuses on, then that's the director/writer playing a trick on you.

  7. 6 months ago

    >Release bad movie
    >Hehe but wait there's a director's cut coming guys!
    >People watch it AGAIN
    >It's slightly better but still bad (shocker)
    Pulling this BvS shit again?

    • 6 months ago

      And Watchmen
      And Justice League

  8. 6 months ago

    I don't think more violence would solve the clumsiness and boringness of the film's storytelling.

  9. 6 months ago

    >make an awful first impression on viewers for your new franchise
    >make Netflix executives look meddling and out of touch
    What possible reason would they have to do this? Do they really think after hyping it up the first time and disappointing that hyping a rerelease is going to pull in more and not less viewers?

    • 6 months ago

      Netflix execs did this because according to them their subscribers won't watch long movies. They'll binge hours upon hours of long format series, but won't sit down to watch more than a two-hour movie.
      They also wanted something for their big Christmas release, and a R-rated movie wasn't in their plans.
      They also want content. The more of it better. There being several different cuts of the same movie but that present a different experience to their subscribers is optimal.

      Or you know, israelites being israelites.

      • 6 months ago

        I guess it's better to get niche movies that would have a difficult time getting funding this way, than not at all. But god, the distribution of this is some bullshit. How do you turn one project into two movies with four different versions released at four different times? How scummy is it to string people along for a year until they get one complete movie with a proper beginning, middle and end?

        They didn't pull that shit with The Irishman, did they?

      • 6 months ago

        But Netflix doesn't even have to abide by MPAA ratings, right? This is so stupid.

        • 6 months ago

          They know Snyder fans are all morons so they made it so there's another "Snyder cut" so the fans can do free marketing for them and now spend the next half year explaining how the true movie didn't come out yet.

      • 6 months ago

        But it's already part I.
        Why not make Part I, Part II and Part III instead

        • 6 months ago

          This way they're making people watch Part 1, then Part 1 again, then Part 2, then Part 2 again.

          It's brilliant.

  10. 6 months ago

    >REBEL MOON director's cut will be entirely different from the movie that debuted on NETFLIX a few days ago. For one the beginning, middle and ending are completely different. Several scenes were reshot in mind for the new cut. For another it will have another protagonist: Regent Balisarius. The focus will be his rise to power and his hunt for wayward daughter.
    The frick?

    • 6 months ago

      >"We're still tweaking, but they'll probably be 45-minutes to an hour longer, each one. You get more character. You get a lot more of everything. It's not just a few deleted scenes."
      >Snyder teased: “It’s, like, an hour longer and has a whole other opening that’s all Ed (Skrein). It focus on Belisarius. It’s really crazy.”
      >“Basically, there was a Royal Family devouring the universe but with benevolent intentions,” Snyder explained.
      >“Then, once [Regent] Balisarius (Fra Free) comes to power, it’s more of a Napoleonic concept, as he was afraid of the Motherworld’s Empire but decide to take it from within and not only continue is expansion efforts but double down on it.”
      >“And I just think that those things are so easy to relate to in our history and mythology. And it’s incredible how humans just keep doing the same thing over and over.”

    • 6 months ago

      What's the fricking point of releasing two versions like this?

      • 6 months ago

        More content.

    • 6 months ago

      Shit-Foundation did it better with homosexual Bel Riose.

    • 6 months ago

      Wait so the woman in the first movie wonh't even be a protagonist? LOL

    • 6 months ago

      >biggest problem with your movie is a total lack of introduction and development of your cast of heroes, who just show up one by one and do nothing and are nothing
      >extended cut adds in development....for the villain

    • 6 months ago

      Kek, the directors cut is like a remake of a JRPG on a newer system.
      >you get a new party member and two new dungeons!

  11. 6 months ago
  12. 6 months ago

    This movie is so fricking annoying with it's strong female hero bullshit.
    Also Zack is a cuck and a rat. Went on a stream to raise money for some good cause and first thing he did was shit talk the organizers of the stream and call them Nazis with absolutely zero justification, just so that his lords let him make his dumb movies.
    FRICK Zack Snyder and frick all of the bullshit fake edgy yet 1000% politically correct movies he is doing these days. What a fricking loser.

    • 6 months ago

      >Went on a stream to raise money for some good cause and first thing he did was shit talk the organizers of the stream and call them Nazis with absolutely zero justification, just so that his lords let him make his dumb movies.
      Based Zack shitting on nazi chuds

    • 6 months ago

      The streamers were c**ts.
      Zac Snyder wanted to promote the Snydercut and raise awareness to suicide prevention, because of his Chinese daughter that offed herself.
      Meanwhile the streamers tried to use Zack Snyder's presence to talk about all the violence done by Blacks on Asians, that were happening at the time, something Snyder asked them not to talk about beforehand, and also wanted to shill their other channels and products, which Snyder also asked not to do.

      • 6 months ago

        >noooooo you can't just have a nice day!! you are my half breed pet because I sired you!!
        breeders are so disgusting

      • 6 months ago

        >Meanwhile the streamers tried to use Zack Snyder's presence to talk about all the violence done by Blacks on Asians,

        Why are Snyder gays so comfortable with lying?

        • 6 months ago

          lying about the truth?

          • 6 months ago

            Stream is available for everyone to watch, Pajeet.
            >I-I-I condemn all forms of racism, sexism, misogyny, hate speech is NOT okay.
            Out of nowhere, right on cue by his DNC handlers.

      • 6 months ago

        What are you even talking about? Show me the clip of where in the stream they talk about black on asian violence.
        That's number 1. Number 2 is, even if they did, what's wrong with that. Movie industry talks about political shit all the time, but I guess it's only acceptable if "the right side" does it. Number 3, so it's okay for him to use the stream to shill his own movie but if the guys organizing it even mention who they are, that's not okay? Like I said, dude is an absolute rat and a loser, afraid of being associated with "the uncool kids", made worse by the fact that deep down he probably doesn't have an issue with them otherwise he wouldn't have gone on the stream. He backstabbed them. What kind of "man" does that? He could have just shut up about it and not said anything if he wanted to remain neutral.

      • 6 months ago

        >streamers were c**ts
        Yeah yeah, I am sure that your massive libtard director dinduffin.

      • 6 months ago

        That’s not what happened at all, but the worst part was the YouTubers just sitting there saying nothing while being called nazis because they were so stat-struck by Zack fricking sneeder

      • 6 months ago

        >silence black on asian violence
        Damn if only his daughter didn't off herself then she'd have the opportunity to get hate crimed by a black kek

  13. 6 months ago

    Why do trannies hate this so much?

    • 6 months ago

      But rabbi, the trannies that you ordered were in the movie.

    • 6 months ago

      Weird, because Snyder consistently shoves trannies into all of his productions.

  14. 6 months ago

    Will it explain why the bad guys landed on a single farm out in the middle of nowhere instead of the "Port city", and presumable, capital of the fricking world they want to take over?

    • 6 months ago

      Because the farmers were feeding the rebels and the bad guys knew it.

      • 6 months ago

        So what was their plan? To hope one of the farmers would lead them to the rebels? To prevent the rebels from getting more food? The motivation presented in the movie is that the bad guys do genuinely need food.

        • 6 months ago

          To get more information from the farmers about the rebels. Where they meet, their whereabouts, and so on. That's why the general at first presented such a gentle disposition. It was only after the farmers got cagey with information, that he revealed his true nature and purpose

          • 6 months ago

            None of this is in the film, nor is it suggested anywhere.

            • 6 months ago

              It is in the film. You're crazy?

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah actually both all of the above but as an afterthought.
          The only question was how a farm can destroy and imperial ship but the empire forgets and moves on.

    • 6 months ago

      Do you not know what happens when you take out a food source?

    • 6 months ago

      >lets use our giant battleship to... extort a few farmers for their grain

      makes perfect sense. Intergalactic civilizations are well known to rely on small communities of amorites to feed their war machine

  15. 6 months ago

    I dunno why I bothered watching the first release.

  16. 6 months ago

    Should have led with that.

  17. 6 months ago

    An extra hour will not fix this "movie". The combat scenes and plot alone are bollywood tier junk. Not even taking into account that they introduced like 8 characters and only gave 1 the focus for 2 fricking hours.

    • 6 months ago

      >bollywood tier junk
      I noticed this too. This is the future of film just by demographics alone. Slow mo, cgi cheeze.

    • 6 months ago

      The action scenes are weird and look unfinished because they were clearly shot and choreographed, I think, with the R rated cut in mind.
      Like, you have these brutal struggles where people are getting knifed in the neck and hacked up. It is all weirdly bloodless and lots of the time it cuts away when there is clearly meant to be killing blow/finishing move, so instead characters just stagger out of frame, presumably dying off screen, or alternatively a blade is racked across someones body multiple times in what is probably intended to be a Samurai-esque blood splatter spectacle but nothing happens.

    • 6 months ago

      It would fix the movie if they delete slow mo bullshit and 80% of the flashbacks.

    • 6 months ago

      An hour’s worth of new footage can easily fix the main issues, which is rushed pacing and characters not getting enough development

      • 6 months ago

        No it can't.

        Every scene is already boring as frick and characters literally talk like NPC mouthpieces that say 10 lines when one is enough.
        It's all boring and drawn out and lacks any kind of energy and flair. Just boring overly long stock situations and stock conversations.

        Adding MORE shit will not make it better, it will make it even more of a slog.

        He should've cut both movies down to one movies and sped it up. Do we really need to spend one whole movie just to have these boring stock character jabronis assembled? This entire movie is like a first act of an actual movie. So yeah, by all means let's have a first act of the story even more ponderous and drawn out.

  18. 6 months ago

    So Snyder's angle is just to release half a movie and then the other half as DLC? Since the movie is only just out it's obvious that this is a marketing strategy.

  19. 6 months ago

    Frick off.

  20. 6 months ago

    When shills make these threads on Cinemaphile you have a duty to hit the imdb rating (at 5.8 and dropping lol)

  21. 6 months ago

    Funny how other movies don't need three and a half hours to complete basic narratives and characters.

    • 6 months ago

      uh because they're not telling this complex and sophisticated narrative with bone chilling undercurrents

  22. 6 months ago

    This assumes I give a shot about any of this. I do not.

  23. 6 months ago

    And how exactly is this extra hour going to fix the ugly camerawork, terrible acting and dialogue, and the generic story and setting? Are we going to get even more flashbacks to explain the good guy band?

  24. 6 months ago

    Lucas could define his characters in Star Wars with a few lines of dialog: Kid longing for adventure, smart talking mercenary pilot, sassy princess.

    Hack needs two movies, a shelf of reshoots and his characters are still just bloodless copies from better films.

    • 6 months ago

      Actors and actresses are super ugly 100% of the time

    • 6 months ago

      Boutella is an absolute semen demon but that little asiatic has some great legs. Snyder needs to show those off more.

    • 6 months ago

      Which character was that on the far left?

      • 6 months ago
        • 6 months ago

          Why does she wear the mask?

    • 6 months ago

      meme models as "actors"
      not that sneeder wouldn't waste a good actor anyway

  25. 6 months ago

    So there's no reason to watch any of these movies on release. Got it. Not watching this shit twice I'll wait for the cuts.

  26. 6 months ago

    Why is this hack unable to edit his movies? He has to just spew for 4 hours to cover a basic narrative?

  27. 6 months ago

    Lmao glad I didn't watch it yet.

    Thanks for beta testing

  28. 6 months ago

    It's such an obvious fricking scam to imitate the snyder cut shit from before, it's fricking moronic.

  29. 6 months ago

    Seriously, the next time this boob even reaches for a fricking camera, just shoot him on sight.

  30. 6 months ago

    You know what I want? Even more of a bad movie.

  31. 6 months ago

    >extended directors cut for a direct to streaming movie

  32. 6 months ago

    >movies now have day 1 dlc's announcements
    it's despicable, snyder's own director cut already exist but they want to sell you the incomplete shittier version first to artificially extend the engagement period of the movie.
    The justice league one worked because warner and walter hamada fricked him up so there was a narrative about him redeeming his own vision and we had 5 years in between those 2 versions, this time, there's nothing like that for rebel moon, I really hope people learned the lesson and make this one fail horribly to send studios the message

    • 6 months ago

      They know their audience.

      The kind of chuds that defend this movie are the kind of chuds that will watch any further Snyder cuts that come out. He can keep tinkering and releasing 10 more version of the same movie and they'll be watching every single one and so on...

      Netflix knows this so they're pull this move to exploit it

    • 6 months ago

      I'm not even sure why they're doing this, now that I know there's going to be a complete version of this movie released later, what's the point of me watching this version? It's not like people are likely to be super hyped for this that they can't wait even a day. I probably won't watch this movie twice, so I'll just wait.

  33. 6 months ago

    Did they really not release this bullshit in 2160p HDR? Where the frick is the native 4k copy? All I’m seeing is some dagos upscale.

  34. 6 months ago

    Why can't he do this shit in a shorter run time? Seriously asking. Other directors, especially Kurosawa, seemed to donit just fricking fine.

  35. 6 months ago

    still won't fix the fact that the dialogue and story are childish, the action corny and overeliant on slow mo, and the aesthetic cribbed from every other sci-fi IP

  36. 6 months ago

    I can make a Zack Snyder film too. You see I start with 90 minutes of generic but overstylized capeshit, then I film another 90 minutes of full frontal male nudity, crop it all to 4:3, desaturate the whole thing and release it twice for double the basedbucks.

  37. 6 months ago

    >Merry Christmas, son

    • 6 months ago

      direct to landfill

    • 6 months ago

      it's bewildering that netflix actually thinks this is a star wars tier franchise

  38. 6 months ago

    I liked it. It felt a little rushed though. There was one specific shot near the start of the film where whatever gay lens sneeder was using makes the hill look like a ps2 graphic.
    The characters just kind of show up.
    The action is pretty well choreographed, and it's not edited in a way to obscure what's happening, but it's a little to clean (the pg cut).
    I love sofia and I want her to get more work 🙂

  39. 6 months ago

    >pay the Netflix's fee next month too, in order to enjoy the full version sir

  40. 6 months ago

    an hour more of exposition isn't going to save this movie. In fact the premise is so generic that they could do well to cut the useless flashback scenes. In fact cut half the farm scenes, shorten the cantina scene, remove the villains POV scenes, cut the stupid looking rebels and maybe remove the pilot heel turn and you might have enough screentime to give the team members the introductioins they deserve

  41. 6 months ago

    Games Industry
    >release a half finished game at full price
    >bribe reviewers to trick customers into buying
    >promise to finish the game via free updates
    >still lock parts of the base game behind payrolls

    >release a shit movie with high school calibre writing and PS1 tier CGI
    >bribe reviewers to praise it to trick people into watching it
    >promise to release the REAL movie later in an attempt to make people watch it twice or buy the overpriced Blu Ray collectors edition

    • 6 months ago

      reviewers to praise it to trick people into watching it
      They must have gotten lost in the mail because Rebel Moon got terrible reviews.

  42. 6 months ago

    ... And I'll watch that one, too, while I sip cognac out of your mom's ass crack.

    • 6 months ago

      Is this how people nowdays say "eating shit?"

      • 6 months ago

        yeah they post a chad and say, 'why yes, I will gargle cum and shit mixed together, how can you tell?' and then presumably repost it to r/Cinemaphile or discord or the like

  43. 6 months ago

    I feel bad for Snyder because he could easily use his very specific talent to make adaptations of other dudebro edgy comics. He seems to work quite well when given ready made storyboards (which comics more or less are).

    But every time he works with his own material it is abysmal and just exposes him for a tasteless midwit. Hell, not even a midwit, Rebel Moon's writing is unironically garbage. This is the kind of garbage that should've stayed in the form of doodles in his highschool notebooks.

  44. 6 months ago

    Im so tired of these stupid homosexual directors having ZERO self control. Studio meddling was a good thing. Giving directors 100% creative control literally almost killed the entire industry with Heavons Gate in the 70’s.

    Scorcesse doesnt need almost 4 hours to tell a mediocre story about a bunch of dead redskins. And Hack Snyder doesn’t need more than 2 to tell any story period.

    Fricking trim the fat you homosexuals not every fricking second you wrote is necessary to the fricking film good god. Streaming ruined these homosexuals. Streaming execs need to nut up and set boundaries on these Black folk again.

    • 6 months ago

      Some of the best movies ever made were done with the le studio meddling-bad meme, Alien being one of them.

      • 6 months ago

        sometimes the studio IS right, and that isn’t acknowledged enough.

      • 6 months ago

        Snow piercer too even though the overall the movie was shit anyway

    • 6 months ago

      really low IQ take. the movie felt like a 3rd of it was cut, and that's exactly what happened. you have to look at things on a case by case basis, you clearly haven't watched the movie you have an opinion about. your comment is so stupid
      >directors NEED arbitrary times set for how long their movie is allowed to be!!!! because I say so!!

      • 6 months ago

        Hey zach

        Theres a thing that makes even a mediocre story great. Its called pacing. If your story doesn’t work in an 120 minute rune, rewrite the god damn script and trim the fat.

        Also don’t act as if more time makes your shit movies good. Justice league snyder cut was still shit (just the fact that any capeshit would ever be that long is still laughable).

        The studio execs are doing your 23 fans a favor by reducing the time of suffering. Write or choose better scripts in the future and you wont have to worry about trying to cram 3 hours into a normal run time.

        • 6 months ago

          It's legitimately bizarre that when he makes these lousy cut down edits he rips out connective tissue and what counts as substance. His creative instincts even at the editing level are complete shit.

          • 6 months ago

            bro, there's nothing to edit
            everything is already boring and trite

            yeah, I'm sure spending 20 more minutes listening to that shirtless bird-wrangler drone on in his flashback about how he was prince of something or another and was wrangling birds in his youth is super compelling

            or some cgi fat ogre shits swinging at each other in the "castor arena on the moon of pollux" for 15 minutes with more horrid special effects and compositing

            this is an abortion from the ground up

            • 6 months ago

              I'm being super generous
              I think BVS ultimate is the closest thing to a 'good' movie his capeshit run produced and his theatrical cut of it is completely moronic and guts one of the two protagonists almost entirely

              • 6 months ago

                BvS had its plot lifted from the Death of Superman and DKR so Snyder had (again) something to work that people prepared for him.

                This is entirely his project with his characters and his story and he chose to waste a whole movie on something that should've been done in the first act of a regular movie and that is assembling a team.
                We don't need to see all these boring one-dimensional characters assemble for three fricking hours. What do you think will be added? 15 more minutes for each one to have some stock sad story that's insultingly stupid but something that Snyder believes is amazingly well thought out.

              • 6 months ago

                Like, the D&D movie introduced its characters just fine, one after the other, and let us know them and have a place in the group, three of them even had arcs going in the film. One of them (Lillis's character) was shortchanged outside of a setpiece action scene and didn't really have a story role, but Snyder's film didn't have that for ANY of them. That film was two hours and ten minutes, and it didn't need a three hour cut to include "character development". I don't see how flashbacks for EVERY character when the film is already inundated with lengthy flashbacks by Boutella's character is going to help.

                It's hardly any sort of masterpiece either, it's a solid good adventure film, no more.

  45. 6 months ago

    i don’t care, not watching it

  46. 6 months ago

    so because of streaming, films are like games now. I need to wait 1 year+ for the Extended Addition so I can get the DLC character development pack™
    >b-but films have always had DCs!
    a 3rd of the fricking movie is missing because anything over 2 hours is torture for zoomers. I've watched the equivalent of an Early Acess game. the absolute FRICKING STATE of this timeline

  47. 6 months ago

    I liked the movie, better than most shit I've seen come out lately. Sure character introductions could have been better. Almost like someone wanted to fast forward through it. I actually watched it twice just to make sure I just didn't miss anything but yep way to fast. Should have been the meat of the movie tbh but good enough.

  48. 6 months ago

    When does it release?

  49. 6 months ago

    I thought this was supposed to be a series??
    Now I find out it's a shitty movie with a director's cut. Wtf??
    Isn't it way better for view count when it's split up into smaller chunks with natural breaks and cliffhangers? That was always the big draw since the beginning of Game of Thrones.

  50. 6 months ago

    This shit fricking sucked.
    I'll get the good out of the way, first. It was better than army of the dead. It had some cool visual designs.
    It so blatantly and tastelessly steals from Warhammer (The imperial army is essentially called the astra militarum, there's warp travel and the fricking antagonist is called Ballisarius) and Star Wars. My biggest gripe, however, is how utterly pointless most of the first part is.
    >We need to gather all these seven samurai
    >"I can't help you, sorry"
    >"PLEASE! We could really use your help!"
    >"Heh... alright. I'm in..."
    >Constant epic orchestral music and everyone moving in slow motion every action scene
    >Spend the entire film gathering all these unique characters to defend the village
    >We should get a general so he can devise battle plans and tactics etc...
    >"Hold up... we just gotta make a quick stop"
    >PSYCH! The bad guys are here to take you, HAHA. Look how you're all immobilised right in the open, within the firing line of like 100 guys with guns
    >The farmer frees one (1) person and apparently this leads to a chain reaction of absolutely no important character being immediately shot and all of them escaping their confines
    >None of the characters do what they were recruited to do, they just fight some goons
    >Rebel leader guy dies for no reason
    >"Looks like we killed the bad guys, guess we don't need to defend the village after all, haha"
    What a fricking waste of time. I'm aware that is what the next part is, but they already blew their load on an absolutely out-of-nowhere nothing climax. This shit consistently sucked ass. It's also painfully obvious the super special princess is still alive.

  51. 6 months ago

    The epic swordsman assassin b***h was so fricking lame. I legitimately laughed when she did a 20 meter powerslide to cut the spider freak.

  52. 6 months ago

    idk why Cinemaphile gets so bent out of shape about this, its a George Lucas inspired movie for teens ffs, it doesn't pretend to be anything else.

    • 6 months ago

      The push for a hard R rating says otherwise. Same goes for Snyder talking about how "As an adult, I think about what would REALLY have gone down in the Star Wars cantina scene, and it would have been prostitution". The guy is deluded and thinks he's making mature adult films.

    • 6 months ago

      >its a George Lucas inspired movie for teens

      >Yes, it's influenced sort of iconographically in some ways. We have space fascists, they have space fascists, but I was kind of into that relationship because I like the comment. I think that's one thing that you'll see in the director's cut that is different from the PG-13 version is the irony of a super hard R-rated sci-fi movie at this scale is cleaner in the R-rated version. In the PG-13, we push. It's a hard PG-13. We push them to the ragged edge."
      >Snyder added to his comments: "The sort of sex and violence aspect of it, being able to understand that, like, for instance, when they go into the bar, it's a brothel, right? It's like a real brothel, and the dog-faced man wants to frick them. That's what he wants. And so that wouldn't happen in a Star Wars movie, you know? But I like the idea that I saw Star Wars when I was 11 years old. I've grown up now. The implications of what could be happening in that bar, that cantina, are now a reality to me. These are things that could have been going on, and would have been, if looked at from the perspective of a grown-up.
      Snyder has made it very clear this movie is for adults, not kids. Grown-ups.

      • 6 months ago

        But he's talking about garbage that edgy teens want to see in movies, not adults.

        • 6 months ago

          And yet, he says grown-ups, not teens, and presents it as an adult's film made for adults. Catching on to the problem yet?

      • 6 months ago

        Then why is the script and plot so infantile?

        • 6 months ago

          Probably because Snyder is infantile and always has been. No one thinks they're more grown-up and mature than a 14 year old and that's about when he stopped developing.

  53. 6 months ago

    >It is a deeper dive into Zack’s slow motion
    frick off Black person

  54. 6 months ago

    Somehow a funnier and more idiotic blunder than the Morbius re-release

  55. 6 months ago

    kora babe is hot and cummy but i suspect she has fake boobers

  56. 6 months ago

    everything but the main characters were good. show more robotman and village girl.

    • 6 months ago

      I think it shows an inverse talent when this type of thing happens - and it happens a lot in other media as well. Interesting characters or events that are barely in a story, while the focus is on boring shit.

  57. 6 months ago

    >Can't make a competent movie work in less than 3 hours

    He's a fricking meme

    • 6 months ago

      >Dawn of the Dead
      >Man of Steel

      You're a moron.

      • 6 months ago

        None of those movies are good though

  58. 6 months ago

    The entire "getting the crew together" culminating in a betrayal would be properly conveyed the first act (maybe second act for the betrayal) of any decent blockbuster movie, but Snyder wastes a whole movie on introducing these stock party members and apparently that's not enough we need MORE flashbacks to establish who they are.
    Oh yeah, more flashbacks also for the irish emperor guy with the fake beard, truly something to look forward to.

    I'm additionally amazed that he actually thinks people are so interested in these random npc characters that we have to check out side materials like tie-in comics and random blurbs and burps he emits about them preceding, during and after the movie. Yeah, sure bro ... totally interested in learning more about the characters I can barely stomach flapping their gums on the screen instead of anything interesting happening.

  59. 6 months ago

    Why is there no release date? Could have just released at the same time and have the option at the start of the movie on which version you want.

  60. 6 months ago

    >Zack’s lore

    • 6 months ago

      >Zack lore

      >these are the imperial troops from planet Imperius, the seat of the imperial empire
      >they are all dressed in imperial clothes and also have roman names

      >these are a rebel faction called the rebels, they come from a planet rebelia, that is currently rebelling against the empire

      >these are farmers from the farmlands of Farmia, they all look like farmers and they farm grain

      >this is a robot made for warfare, he is a roboticus mechanicus from the factories of factoria mechanica robotica, he is made for war but he doesn't want to fight, he also fights amazingly well and kills people in a cool way

      >this is a shirtless tarzano from the planet tarzania, he has long hair and is good with animals, here he tames a gryphon also from the planet tarzania which is also known in the old tongue as gryphonia, because it has gryphons, he's good at taming them

      • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        How does he come up with it?

      • 6 months ago

        he really has the thought process of a 10 year old

      • 6 months ago

        >these are the imperial troops from planet Imperius, the seat of the imperial empire
        >they are all dressed in imperial clothes and also have roman names
        >these are a rebel faction called the rebels, they come from a planet rebelia, that is currently rebelling against the empire
        Star Wars
        >these are farmers from the farmlands of Farmia, they all look like farmers and they farm grain
        Star Wars
        >this is a robot made for warfare, he is a roboticus mechanicus from the factories of factoria mechanica robotica, he is made for war but he doesn't want to fight, he also fights amazingly well and kills people in a cool way
        Star Wars (The Mandalorian)

      • 6 months ago

        >a roboticus mechanicus from the factories of factoria mechanica robotica

      • 6 months ago

        Don't forget some rape and gore added in there to announce this is a mature sophisticated film for adults.

        • 6 months ago

          >the Rape arena on the moon of Gore

        • 6 months ago

          General Slaughter from the Planet Fightmallet 50 Thousand.

      • 6 months ago

        >he is made for war but he doesn't want to fight, he also fights amazingly well and kills people in a cool way
        This is unironically kino thoughever

      • 6 months ago

        My sides are in orbit

      • 6 months ago

        > these are a rebel faction called the rebels, they come from a planet rebelia
        Wait, that’s not real, right?…

        • 6 months ago

          It's real in my mind.

        • 6 months ago

          no, there are like two rebel groups the main one with the protag and the pre existing rebel group that the main rebel group wants help from
          the main one is the veldt resistence (because they want to defend the planet veldt), the second is the bloodaxe family because it's led by the bloodaxe family

        • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Unironically this kind of thing is why I cant get into 40k

        • 6 months ago

          WH40K was supposed to be satirical in the same sense that Judge Dredd is.
          Snyder doesn't get that so he plays these kinds of things straight.

          This is when he's compariing himself to Verhoeven is ludicrious. Verhoeven was doing the same thing by tapping into the satirical roots of ultraviolence. Snyder doesn't get any of that. Imagine Starship Troopers or Robocop by Snyder. Exactly.

      • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Thanks, Zack! Very cool!

      • 6 months ago

        Filtered midwit

  61. 6 months ago

    what is the point of this?

    • 6 months ago

      tricking innocent bystanders

  62. 6 months ago

    I haven't seen it but it's a terrible movie.

  63. 6 months ago

    >sat through nearly 2.5hrs of garbage
    >sit though nearly 3.5hrs of garbage, so that its stench overwhelms that of the previous garbage
    Who about... NO(?)

  64. 6 months ago

    >“dive into a bit more backstory and into these characters. Their tics and how they interact.
    They should have included this shit in the first place because the characters not feeling like characters is one of the biggest problems with this film. I also don't understand why they need 3 hours to show this, it's probably all the fricking slomo shots or something.

  65. 6 months ago

    How will that fix the terrible dialogue and ugly camerawork?

  66. 6 months ago

    why the frick is this snyder moron is still making movies, he should just make series if he wants longer runtime for his projects

    • 6 months ago

      making a series is not verhoevenesque enough for him, he aims higher

  67. 6 months ago

    >Movie is called Rebel Moon
    >Its about a Moon that rebels...


    • 6 months ago

      >it's about a rebel that moons

  68. 6 months ago

    >Fricking movie DLC
    I hate the antichrist

  69. 6 months ago

    >Netflix execs want a PG-13 movie that is under 2 hours
    >Zack makes a 3 hour rated R movie and just does a sloppy edit job to give them what they want afterward
    >he has successfully taken their money to make the movie he wants to make and will release it later
    Actual genius strategy.

    Execs typically will not fund a R rated version later. Completing the movie as intended then handing them a shittier version is the biggest IQ move of all time.

    • 6 months ago

      I guess that makes sense.

    • 6 months ago

      >Actual genius strategy.
      Except it isn't. He should have released both versions, PG-13 and R, at the same time and let people decide which version they want to see instead of letting shitflix release the PG-13 version first and giving critics the opportunity to shit on it. Now less people are going to watch the second part and R versions.

      • 6 months ago

        >Netflix execs want a PG-13 movie that is under 2 hours
        >Zack makes a 3 hour rated R movie and just does a sloppy edit job to give them what they want afterward
        >he has successfully taken their money to make the movie he wants to make and will release it later
        Actual genius strategy.

        Execs typically will not fund a R rated version later. Completing the movie as intended then handing them a shittier version is the biggest IQ move of all time.

        I guess that makes sense.

        Are you people legitimately moronic? They noticed that Snyder fans had the entire "Snyder cut" grassroots marketing thing so they're attempting to do the same. As if Netflix gives a flying frick if it has a PG-13 or R rated cut. They just want you morons to watch this, then prattle on for half a year online about the Snyder cut, because that's what you do, and then watch that later. It's free continuous marketing that they don't have to spend a cent on.

        • 6 months ago

          >Are you people legitimately moronic? They noticed that Snyder fans had the entire "Snyder cut" grassroots marketing thing so they're attempting to do the same.
          Snyder fans are poor pajeets who pirate all his movies instead of subscribing to HBO Max or Netflix. Releasing the R-rated version now instead of PG-13 or at the same time would be better in terms of marketing and profits if the R-rated version is really better than what we got now.

        • 6 months ago

          They're asking rhetorically and with cynicism. We all know why they're doing it, anon. You're not special. I mean in the snowflake sense. You're definitely moronic.

        • 6 months ago

          >Are you people legitimately moronic? They noticed that Snyder fans had the entire "Snyder cut" grassroots marketing thing so they're attempting to do the same.

          Dude, the "Snyder Cut" campaign was because Warner Bros literally went behind his back to butcher his movie while he took a break from directing to mourn the death of his daughter and spend time with him family.

          This is just Netflix trying to get 4 releases out of one single movie.

          • 6 months ago

            >went behind his back to butcher his movie

            It's the same fricking shit, dude.

    • 6 months ago

      Exactly but it's pretty funny that most people seem to be under the impression that this whole thing was Snyder's idea not realizing that this has always been his M.O.
      He's always been willing to play ball with the studio as long as he gets his version of the movie released in the end. I still find this whole release strategy very frustrating but it's better than not getting the real versions of the movies at all.
      Anyone else holding out for both directors cuts? I'm not wasting my time with the early access version I've learned my lesson with Snyder.

    • 6 months ago

      Why can't he make a coherent 2 hour film? This is not a complex narrative.

  70. 6 months ago

    Star Wars > Fifth Element > Riddick > Jupiter Ascending > Valerian > Rebel Moon

    Honestly it's amazing how the quality for space opera movies is just plummeting.

  71. 6 months ago

    It's getting really hard to defend Snyder.

    • 6 months ago

      Just say "filtered" like you've been saying since Man of Steel

  72. 6 months ago

    >Snyder film needs a separate directors cut so the film makes any sense
    At this point he has to be doing this on purpose to inflate sales.

    • 6 months ago


      >Netflix execs want a PG-13 movie that is under 2 hours
      >Zack makes a 3 hour rated R movie and just does a sloppy edit job to give them what they want afterward
      >he has successfully taken their money to make the movie he wants to make and will release it later
      Actual genius strategy.

      Execs typically will not fund a R rated version later. Completing the movie as intended then handing them a shittier version is the biggest IQ move of all time.

      He's doing this to get around stupid limitations put on him by backwards thinking executives. Otherwise only a single shitty version of the movie would exist. Which is why Hollywood and streaming feel so creatively bankrupt.

      • 6 months ago

        Snyder is the most pampered director in Hollywood, and yet you gays still run the muh oppressed by studio cope.

        • 6 months ago

          And yet he still isn't allowed to release the version he wants. Let that sink in. Hell, Deadpool 3 was going to be PG13 until fans went absolutely ballistic at the news and they reversed course. Blade is PG13 despite the successful movies with Snipes being R. And that movie is in a ton of trouble right now from leaks.

          The fact is hollywood execs and streaming execs hate R rated movies.

          >Actual genius strategy.
          Except it isn't. He should have released both versions, PG-13 and R, at the same time and let people decide which version they want to see instead of letting shitflix release the PG-13 version first and giving critics the opportunity to shit on it. Now less people are going to watch the second part and R versions.

          They'd never let that happen because then they'd have to admit they were wrong in requesting a PG13 version in the first place.

          • 6 months ago

            >he still isn't allowed
            This is the deal he made since the beginning you simping wienersucker.
            This troony lover got $400 millions to produce string of flops and shit the DC brand for more than a decade, then he got another $80 million in exchange for Biden election ad to produce another version of his flop and now Netflix gave him ungodly amount of money to produce another pile of shit while they were extremely forthcoming.
            He could make a good cut of his version, instead he produced another hackjob and started to cry about muh oppression as usual, Verhoevenesque Black person.

          • 6 months ago

            >>And yet he still isn't allowed to release the version he wants.
            Wow, cry me a fricking river, he doesn't get free rein unrestricted with Netflix's 200M? How many other directors get a pre-planned "do what you want" cut guaranteed at the same time as a PG13 cut?

            • 6 months ago

              >he doesn't get free rein unrestricted with Netflix's 200M?

              That's the thing, he did, that was the deal since the beginning, but now that the reviews are coming out his simps are once again running the interference.

              Not only he had control over both cuts, he had control over the merchandise which rarely happens.

      • 6 months ago

        >He's doing this to get around stupid limitations put on him by backwards thinking executives.

        He has openly said that wasn't the case this time and he was completely on board with this two versions shit

      • 6 months ago

        >He's doing this to get around stupid limitations put on him by backwards thinking executives.
        Funny how all other directors don't need 3 hour cuts for basic narratives.

  73. 6 months ago

    I especially liked how the actual rebel moon village is like three houses like a skyim town full of dull npcs with nothing to say and because of these nobodies the most skilled combatants of the entire galaxy need to be assembled.
    what's the logic here? why not just relocate the 10 people populating this village somewhere else? they obviously now have access to a spaceship and can scoot them out of there.
    on top of that it's not like the badguys even have to come down to fight them, they can just bomb them from orbit?!

    Snyder just completely doesn't get what made the original seven samurai story so compelling.

  74. 6 months ago

    this is probably why they gave snyder a bunch of money because he has a bunch of morons who do free PR so when he makes an awful movie they say "ACKSHULALY U HAVE TO WATCH THE FOUR HOUR CUT" and netflix gets a double dip

    i dont even think it was that bad either if it had "star wars" in the title it'd be better received because you can slap the most mediocre shit with that title and people basedface

  75. 6 months ago

    The evil executives of Neftlixus Prime in the core imperial sector are preventing the humble kinoist of the Kino planet in the blockbuster sector from making his magnum opus, so he devised a cunning plan to make a lesser minimum opus into the galaxy first and then unleash the full force of his work later on. Even now, he is pursued by the forces of Netflix Prime [text crawl floats off the screen, giant muscular spaceship slowly moves in]

  76. 6 months ago

    Let me guess, in the next movie they defend the village, commandeer the dreadnought and ride it back to the imperial homeworld to fight the emperor there. turns out the girl from the village is the princess and she uses her powers to heal boutela at some point and the princess ends up ruling in the end

  77. 6 months ago

    im not watching snyder's cut, i will wait till april to see if it gets better

  78. 6 months ago

    >the character building and interactions
    the movie could work with less character introductions, it is not that hard to pack them in 2-3 groups, with the final battle in the defense of the planet and with a fricking male lead.

  79. 6 months ago

    Its going to be just like JL, it fleshed things out, but its still shit

  80. 6 months ago

    >directors cut will fix it
    worst timeline

  81. 6 months ago

    >director's cut
    so who the frick directed that turd? Whedon?!!!1

  82. 6 months ago

    I haven't seen it but how is the battleship taken out with a stick?

    • 6 months ago

      It isn't. The spear guy attacks the pilot, and after a bit of fighting they both kill each other. As spearman dies he pulls down the equivalent of the gear shift and since no one is alive to pilot it, the ship veers into the port and crashes.

      • 6 months ago

        The black bloodaxe guy jumps right up to the wienerpit of the battlewiener and jams his wieneraxe right into the wienerpiteer, which makes the entire dickship flaccid and it flops down. The male sperm dies during the process.


      • 6 months ago

        Why is the pilot also the gunner and why are they just on the side of the ship easily attacked? What is the rest of the ship for?

        • 6 months ago

          The rest of the ship is for the big badaboom when it falls down.

        • 6 months ago

          Nothing immediately obvious. The ship is vertical like a pillar for some reason and they're within the atmosphere, maybe some kind of anti-gravity machine? It's not clear why most of the ship is just a giant rod but it does allow it to smash shit on the way down, which looks cool I guess.

    • 6 months ago

      The black bloodaxe guy jumps right up to the wienerpit of the battlewiener and jams his wieneraxe right into the wienerpiteer, which makes the entire dickship flaccid and it flops down. The male sperm dies during the process.

  83. 6 months ago

    Why does it take so long for Netflix 4k shit to be released to torrents

    • 6 months ago

      >Why does it take so long for Netflix 4k shit to be released to torrents

      This was probably finished at 2k resolution, just download the 1080p torrent

      • 6 months ago

        But he needs to see how sharp the blur is

  84. 6 months ago

    Funny how there was less dismemberment and blood from the not-lightsabers in Adult Star Wars For Grown Ups than in a New Hope.

  85. 6 months ago


  86. 6 months ago

    Every time they collected a new character that character would disappear from the movie for the next 30 minutes like an RPG with a party limit of 4.

    • 6 months ago

      even worse the characters they recruited don't even look like unique party members but randomly generated ones

  87. 6 months ago

    >arrive at Castor arena on the world of Pollux lol
    >huge crumbling arena
    >we're looking for general Titus lol
    >he's just sitting in the middle of the room waiting for them
    >pls come with us general
    >don't call me that heh, you need to live ten thousand more years to be on my level kid
    >but pls mister general sir
    >okay I'll go but riddle me this first, what's black and wet with a little bit of wide hair on it
    >y-you general Titus sir
    >heh you're alright kid okay let's go
    >[disappears for the rest of the movie]

  88. 6 months ago

    He really is the next Ridley

    • 6 months ago

      He's the next Uwe Boll.

      • 6 months ago

        At least Uwe was self-aware and did it for money.

    • 6 months ago

      A guy who can make pretty pictures and deliver projects on time, but is also kind of a twit?

  89. 6 months ago

    >final battle scene
    >the giant warship's gunner seat also was the driver seat and his joystick controlled the entire ship
    >his windshield glass that has to withstand space and shit broke from a javelin being stabbed at it
    >afterwards admiral falls off the buoy hitting a sheet of ice below... but survives
    Nothing short of a complete rewrite can fix this film. Also
    >entire point of the movie is for a gang of what appeared to be less than 40 people with a handful of small fighters to take on a dreadnought ship that literally shot down nukes as it pleases

  90. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      why did that smuggler have such a strong irish accent. the emperor did as well. maybe they both come from the same Eire planet in the I'r'land system where they were hiding pots of gold together

      • 6 months ago

        The emperor's was real, Hunnam's was very much not, and it was a bad idea because he spent all his lines trying to maintain his fake accent and forgot to also act at the same time.

    • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        >this is Kai's twin brother, Wanai. he has one eye

        • 6 months ago

          >he grew up on cyclopia

          • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        Kai's brother Eai.

      • 6 months ago

        I hate this homosexual because his accents are terrible.

  91. 6 months ago

    Why didn't he give a proper characterization to the people Kora recruited? Why didn't they interact with each other
    Snyder claimed he was inspired by Seven Samurai, well that was one of the best parts of that movie.

    • 6 months ago

      because the entire thing was written as if a 12 year old wrote it and kids like that can't think of interesting things for characters to talk about. everyone is either posing, explaining their powers and traits, explaining their backstory or fighting

  92. 6 months ago

    if you can't make a compelling movie in 90 mins you can't make one at 3 hours.

  93. 6 months ago

    >It’s not an "extended cut" of this movie. It’s almost like a different movie. It’s almost a different universe that [the R-rated cut] lives in than this movie. The reason for that is because it’s such a philosophical thing to shoot a director’s cut of a movie before you finish this version. All of my director’s cuts existed as a response to the things that were demanded of me to take out of the theatrical version, right? With [Rebel Moon], that demand was never really made.

    >We knew it would be a PG-13 movie. In my heart of hearts, I’d always wanted it to be rated R, but you realize this sort of scale and cost of a movie like this, "Well, it’s not 100% responsible to have that be the demand." [They were] like, "What if we said do whatever you want over here? Do the PG-13 version for us and then go nuts [with the other cut]. We don’t care." That was a thing I’ve never experienced before. [It will be a] really crazy experience for fans, because it’s the fully realized weirdo, heavy metal, bizzaro-land movie.

    • 6 months ago

      >. The reason for that is because it’s such a philosophical thing to shoot a director’s cut of a movie before you finish this version. it?

  94. 6 months ago

    You can't even come up with harder cope if you tried

  95. 6 months ago

    omg guys imagine slow-mo, but with more eye gouging and blood this time!

  96. 6 months ago

    Whats the point of releasing PG13 cut on Netflix and then later releasing the "directors cut" when the original cut is so disappointing no one will be interested in the DC? If they think they can repeat the Justice League situation they're morons, the circumstances were different with that movie

    • 6 months ago

      Netflix does not operate on the same model as a regular movie studio.
      A regular movie studio wants to get people to buy tickets when the movie is released.
      Netflix wants the target audience for that particular movie/show genre to subscribe.
      In this case they want the snyder fans to subscribe and stay subscribed so they will release part 1, snyder cut of part 1, part 2, snyder cut of part 2 and maybe even more down the line.
      They don't care about quality (most netflix projects are mid at best), they only care about subscriber numbers.

      • 6 months ago

        They're not "Snyder Cuts". Snyder had the final cut on all of the versions they release. They're extended cuts.

        It's not Justice League. The current "family friendly" version of Rebel Moon is clearly rushed to fit into a two hour runtime, but it hasn't been literally vandalized the way the theatric version of Justice League was.

        • 6 months ago

          Rebel Moon "Snyder Cut" Part 1 : The New Cope

  97. 6 months ago

    There will be more cuts than just the director's cut. Netflix execs will be making another one as well.

    >“We shot so much material. It was bound to have things drop on the cutting room floor [...] So with that amount on the cutting room floor, you don't want to just leave it there, right? [...] There's potential to expand further with the extended cuts. All I can say”

    • 6 months ago

      Can I get a cut where it's just Nemesis scenes, thanks

  98. 6 months ago

    Now I'm starting to doubt that #ReleasetheSnyderCut was even really a fan movement.

    • 6 months ago

      I'm starting to doubt these threads are organic

  99. 6 months ago

    Couldn't even get through the first scene. First the director tries to manufacture emotion with the music without a single line or action from the characters, which is the lowest tier of hack directing. Then they began to speak and I could not last another second.

    • 6 months ago

      I checked out at that village at the start. Looked like some high school musical production. Three houses and everyone just standing around gormlessly in cheap costumes.

  100. 6 months ago

    >make shitty movie
    >release much longer and shittier version of shitty movie

    Thank you, Snyder

    • 6 months ago

      >make shitty movie
      >it's only part 1
      >release snyder cut of shitty movie, part 1
      >it's shit
      >release shitty movie
      >it's part 2
      >it's shit
      >released shitty movie part 2 snyder cut
      >it's shit

      that's a whole lot of shit and instead of just chalking it as a miss and moving on to the next project now he'll be in damage control for a whole year over this debacle, digging himself deeper into the shit

  101. 6 months ago

    So he's claiming the R rated one has all the character development, but he's also saying most of the new footage besides the gore and nudity is of the villain, the Regent, showing his backstory and shit. So it's not about the protagonist and the warriors, who are the ones who are woefully underdeveloped. I don't think we need expodumps of the big bad in the first movie's first part.

  102. 6 months ago

    >R-Rated Director's Cut
    If the main selling point of the Director's Cut is that it's R-Rated then i'll pass. The fight scenes were dogshit. Adding in gore to them does not help. Just makes it more comically embarrassing.

    • 6 months ago

      So he's claiming the R rated one has all the character development, but he's also saying most of the new footage besides the gore and nudity is of the villain, the Regent, showing his backstory and shit. So it's not about the protagonist and the warriors, who are the ones who are woefully underdeveloped. I don't think we need expodumps of the big bad in the first movie's first part.

      Already a myth is forming that he was backstabbed by the evil netflix executives who demanded that he cut up his one true vision of the best story ever told. We might never get the full cut of either part, only the emanations of these cuts raining down from the pure Snyder apeiron. Always diminished, Snyder walks the Earth cursed forever.

      • 6 months ago

        This, and when his Director's cut flops he will immediatelly switches to 'akhsually the first version is better, it was just mangled by the studio and the longer cut had tons of mandates imposed on it'.

      • 6 months ago

        The problem here is we have Snyder out there for months singing the praises of Netflix and his PG13 cut, and how he was able to make both at once and had no problems with Netflix like he did previous studios who made demands of him, even saying how his previous director's cuts were driven by defying stuff denied of him, but this one isn't, it's just an indulgent version for him.

    • 6 months ago

      Snyder seems to be promising extra gore, backstory and rape in his 'Directors Cut'. Netflix knows form their stats that this kind of thing gets people to watch

      • 6 months ago

        >promising extra gore, backstory and rape

        The problem is that we already know it's attached to a shit story, shit characters and shit directing style.
        It overall somehow managed to be lamer than both Riddick and Jupiter Ascending.

        Also what the frick was up with the special effects. Half the time everything looked like it was out of some early 00s Neil Gaiman straight to dvd flick.

  103. 6 months ago

    They're making patch notes for movies now

  104. 6 months ago

    I'm starting to think Junkie XL might be a hack. Fury Road was a truly great score but he's failed to live up to it time and time again. Maybe it was just a fluke. His Godzilla vs Kong score was such a nothing, made worse by following up Bear McCreary's phenomenal score for KOTM. This one was nothing as well, coming after ZSJL, which just became comical for how much it overused the same cues (like Wonder Woman's).

    • 6 months ago

      >Junkie XL
      I hate Man of Steel, but the soundtrack is 11/10.

      • 6 months ago

        Man of Steel was composed by Hans Zimmer.

        • 6 months ago

          With Junkie XL if I remember correctly.

          • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      >I'm starting to think Junkie XL might be a hack
      He is. Perhaps Miller gave him some good direction on Fury Road that made that score fit, but otherwise he is literally AI ACTION MUSIC maker

  105. 6 months ago

    >release movie
    >it flops
    >blame netflix
    >claim the cut version will fix it all
    >but you gotta watch it on netflix later this year
    frick off synder

  106. 6 months ago

    Movies aren't a video game. Just release the completed version instead of holding back the super deluxe edition that is actually comprehensive.

  107. 6 months ago

    Just watched it.
    Extremely disappointing.
    It was this incredibly generic formulaic crap we have been seeing for years now. It was so fricking formulaic i was able to call it out within seconds
    like the robot and the young solder guy joining the rebels, instantly apparent, then the cringe cliche quest
    >let's gather the "heist" crew
    generic psycho soldier bad guy, generic strong stoic female lead
    by the way the casting choice was terrible, she had no presence, it seemed like Jessica from HR who was trying to larp as a strong female hero character
    the setting was like a boring combination of star wars and dune
    the combat was what the frick? anyone notices how the b***h stabbed like 10 people in a combat and not a single fricking drop of blood to be seen?
    i am so fricking tired of this shit
    so fricking tired
    i just want good movies

  108. 6 months ago

    I understand Netflix wanting as much content as possible and a second version would keep people talking about the movie but it just sounds confusing. Doubly so cause the sequel is out next year and Snyder wants to make a million things out of this property.

    • 6 months ago

      >r wants to make a million things out of this property.
      this will never happen, with this first one out and now apparent it's shit and it will bomb, netflix would have to know making any more is literally burning hundreds of millions

  109. 6 months ago

    that griffin thing could never fly. its body mass is too great for the size of its wings even if it had hollow bones. specially with that guy riding it
    and the spider lady on the cobalt planet really.. you telling me a spider with a top half body of a human just randomly evolved there?

  110. 6 months ago

    >make 3.5 hr movie
    >zoomers cant sit still for that long
    >make a zoomzoom friendly cut
    >mr nosenberg says to release both the same day so it will generate headlines (free press)

    Always israelites and zoomers.

    • 6 months ago

      what the frick are you talking about?

    • 6 months ago

      >make 3.5 hr movie
      >zoomers cant sit still for that long

      If that were the case, Avengers Endgame and Avatar 2 wouldn't have made billions.

  111. 6 months ago

    directors cut will not save this, there is just nothing there to pull from

    • 6 months ago

      what made the movie shit was the lack of characterization and if it's added it would make it better. not great mind you, just better

  112. 6 months ago

    >will feature all the character building and interactions missing
    I liked it, but this was the biggest problem I had with this movie. It desperately needs some character interaction.

  113. 6 months ago

    Why don't they just put out the version they want people to see day 1, because it's unlikely most will go back and watch the version they "should've seen"

  114. 6 months ago

    A whole hour of extra slow slo-mo scenes, now with mega slowening using the state of the art AI-assisted Snyde-mo™ slow effect.

  115. 6 months ago

    It wasn't bad
    It wasn't great
    It's biggest flaw was poor character development, half the cast just disappears after the opening farm scenes

    • 6 months ago

      I'd say the biggest flaw was that the story was absolute garbage.

      >assemble a team to save a small village from the galactic empire

      I would've been okay with the characters being paper thin if the story was engaging and interesting, but it's the dullest outline imaginable.

  116. 6 months ago

    what the frick were they thinking???
    this is literally a vegana

    • 6 months ago

      Not only that but all the special effects in this movie look cheap as frick. Unironically looks like some syfy production.
      That gryphon thing is the only bit that looked decent

      • 6 months ago

        >Not only that but all the special effects in this movie look cheap as frick.
        i don't know the ships look good

  117. 6 months ago

    what was snyder doing? did he actually think this storyline was good?
    is everyone in holywood a yesman?
    even an average person could tell him this is crap
    i mean frick at this point even i could write a better story

    • 6 months ago

      He seems like a well-meaning simpleton that surrounded himself with meathead simpletons that think he's awesome.

      The problem is that he's just about competent enough to slap together something bland, but not inept enough to make something that's campy bad or good enough to elevate it. In the end you just have this dull slog of "cool stuff" he think is amazing.

      I honestly wish he was a bit worse at making movies than he is because then we'd have some shlocky fun movies out of him.

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