She fell in love with him on the first day and he's never even noticed her.

She fell in love with him on the first day and he's never even noticed her. Sure, he feels affection for her, the same way you do your familiar sweater. But as a man for a woman - it's just never occurred to him.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    what did she mean by that?

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Alright which one of you little piggies wants to apologise for the holocaust?

    White piece of shit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >the holocaust
      The bombing of Dresden was a necessary deterrent, no apologies

    • 4 weeks ago

      Im sorry it didnt work.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Watched Unruhe last night, kino episode. Is all of season 4 dark as frick compared to the previous 3? Digging the vibe so far at least. Personally I don't enjoy the mythos eps at all so tempted to just skip them from now on, and probably stop watching after the show moves away from comfy Canada

    • 4 weeks ago

      >the mythos eps
      its weird the farm in herrenfolk with the kids was one of my most eerie memories of the show and watching that ep recently all jaded i was just like 'this is "children of the corn"'
      'oh, now "the terminator"' and then they dallied about in some big bee hive set piece. i didn't even pay attention to the farm and just later was thinking hey that was THAT farm.
      something's changed about how i watch shows. I dunno i think i used to think the things on the show were real to some extent. now i just see all the influences which is other media

    • 4 weeks ago

      Scully is especially edgy in season 4, for a good reason though.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Reminder this show never named the israelite

    • 4 weeks ago

      Reminder you're a bot.

    • 4 weeks ago

      What about when Mulder visits his rabbi and calls Scully his little goyim princess

  5. 4 weeks ago

    They hated each other irl

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Scully was a femcel. I've maintained this from the beginning.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Wrong as always.

      They hated each other irl

      No, they just got tired of each other like what happens when you hang out with someone for a long period of time. I.e there are highs and lows.

      • 4 weeks ago

        yeah but when a woman "gets tired of you" that means she hates you

      • 4 weeks ago

        There should have been backstory about how Scully got the tard wrangler assignment because an FBI director was pissed at her dad for some bureaucratic slight that occured 10 years prior.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Scully used to have a life, then Mulder dragged her down to femceldom.

    • 4 weeks ago

      thats the thread contention. he is volcel she is lonelyhearts because she can't look elsewhere than him but can't have him

      • 4 weeks ago

        (And the reason for the thread is he bad for doing that because what should he have done instead? told her to frickin' 'get a husband dummy, i'm... not into real girls?'?

        • 4 weeks ago

          What kind of self respecting husband would have her? She's a high IQ, qt3.14, FBI agent, PhD forensic surgeon, daughter of an admiral, which means she's an upper class gal. Which means her prospects are limited. Even in a town like DC. On top of that, she'd constantly be traveling around the country with this cool, moody dude, who she's Clearly! into but can't have.

          >oh, hey baby. Yeah. I cant make it back tonight. Fox and I are stuck in Spokane for this cursed Totem Pole case. He's such a goofball. He actually believes it's cursed when clearly it's native Americans from the nearby reservation trying to scare off loggers. Ugh. He makes me sooo mad! But he's just so stubborn, you know? But it's been raining a lot a day yesterday and he lent me his jacket, which was sweet of him.. Well anyway. Don't forget to take Queegqueg for a walk. I'll let you know when I'm coming home. Byeee.

      • 4 weeks ago

        it was mulder who had something for her from the start, which showed in a playful rejection

        there's one ep in the 1st seasons where she says something like even though she doesn't agree with Mulder's believes she will still be there for him, I don't exactly remember. Though that's not necessarily romantic of course

        Scully was a femcel. I've maintained this from the beginning.

        what you dont seem to get is that both mulder and scully are highly suspicious of their surroundings and people. Even towards each other. She stems from a military family and there are episodes that reveal that she gets off being challenged and wants a strong man, but doesnt really give into her more softer side.

        Another episode where she is so closed off and disciplined, that she gets herself a tatoo in a whim, to do something out of ordinary.
        He is highly reserved to others, as he is not taken seriously and he cannot attach, if he even asked his parents to call him mulder.

        Their way of romance is build on a certain distance, independence. It is loyality and partnership, respect. That is the foundation on which their personalities play out, the inuendos, the back- and forth- movements, this is why their differences create tension instead of discrepancies, because ultimately they are the same kind of relation to the world and life, which is mirrored to one another.

        So their romance is vague and nuanced and seems even boring, stale, or platonic, in comparison to what the general considers the "true" romance which is overfloyingly emotional and dramatic. But they dont like that type of merging thats why they will be forever my favourite tv couple.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Or you're just a pathetically cringe boomer incel who due to chronic virginity can't handle the concept of a male and female being around eachother for an extended period of time and not having sex. Have you considered the idea that you're a loser who needs to get a grip on reality instead of this clearly unhealthy headcanon projection of your ideal relationship onto fictional tv show characters?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Only zoomers can be incels, because they're the only generation pathetic enough to be!

            • 4 weeks ago

              I can see I hit a nerve through your deflection. You're a grown ass man writing shipping fanfiction lmfao

          • 4 weeks ago

            Get a load of this anon's projection

            • 4 weeks ago

              >Have you considered the idea that you're a loser who needs to get a grip on reality instead of this clearly unhealthy headcanon projection of your ideal relationship onto fictional tv show characters?
              that was a bit too long of a sentence, to not be cringe incel who pathologically cant get a grip on themselves.

              I believe my character analysis is on point.
              ive watched it during my paid work, i should know.
              And i surely I welcome both women and men being around each other without romantic interest, in fact, that lack i believe, is what I think makes our society sick. With the implication, that for each contact has to be a sexual agenda, a relatibility and trust between the sexes starts minimizing, as surely one cannot enjoy someones personality for their sake, outside of ones own personal needs.

              >only response is "no u"
              I accept the concession of you cringey boomer dorks who will inevitably die alone, not that it's too hard to outsmart your leaded gasoline-damaged psyches

              • 4 weeks ago

                Youre trying too hard.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Have you considered the idea that you're a loser who needs to get a grip on reality

                What's funny is that I am an out of touch asexual loner and X-Files is one of my favorite shows because it depicts a platonic relationship which is so damn rare BECAUSE it's unrealistic and normies would find it odd. In real life they would definitely make out which would eventually lead to cringe drama.

                Looks like I really hit a nerve with the loveless boomers. Like you homosexuals are attracted to Agent Scully and that dyke c**t Ripley. You're essentially homosexuals and I'm basically only humoring your delusional point of view out of the goodness of my heart.

              • 4 weeks ago


              • 4 weeks ago
              • 4 weeks ago

                i will die alone, no worries.
                But do you actually think youre kind of funny or something? genuinely asked, because this kind of cartoonish recital seems like you think youre a big deal

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Have you considered the idea that you're a loser who needs to get a grip on reality instead of this clearly unhealthy headcanon projection of your ideal relationship onto fictional tv show characters?
            that was a bit too long of a sentence, to not be cringe incel who pathologically cant get a grip on themselves.

            I believe my character analysis is on point.
            ive watched it during my paid work, i should know.
            And i surely I welcome both women and men being around each other without romantic interest, in fact, that lack i believe, is what I think makes our society sick. With the implication, that for each contact has to be a sexual agenda, a relatibility and trust between the sexes starts minimizing, as surely one cannot enjoy someones personality for their sake, outside of ones own personal needs.

          • 4 weeks ago

            He's right tho.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Have you considered the idea that you're a loser who needs to get a grip on reality

            What's funny is that I am an out of touch asexual loner and X-Files is one of my favorite shows because it depicts a platonic relationship which is so damn rare BECAUSE it's unrealistic and normies would find it odd. In real life they would definitely make out which would eventually lead to cringe drama.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Do you feel as though watching Mulder and Scully influenced your expectations for your own relationships?

              • 4 weeks ago

                I only watched xfiles a few months ago so by now I know I will be forever alone so it was just escapism and a way to imagine what its like to have my desire fulfilled.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    casual fan here, how often was it indicated in the show that she was in love with him? that's not just a bad fan fiction you guys are making up is it?

    • 4 weeks ago

      look at her face when she walks in to the office of the spooky conspiracy man she's sent to debunk

      • 4 weeks ago

        i need concrete examples pal

        • 4 weeks ago

          there's one ep in the 1st seasons where she says something like even though she doesn't agree with Mulder's believes she will still be there for him, I don't exactly remember. Though that's not necessarily romantic of course

        • 4 weeks ago

          she barged in his room and tried to ply him with this wine and he quickly thought of something he needed to field investigate

          • 4 weeks ago

            I would say he was in a hyperfocus, spergy as hell. It took 30 seconds before he starts to sperg out about the case kek

    • 4 weeks ago

      Scully gets salty every time Mulder gets near another woman and there are a few scenes where they came close to kissing.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I love those moments so much, Scully was the closest americans ever got to the "tsundere" archetype

        gillian anderson seems perpetually horny in real life shes always posting things that resemble wieners on instagram

        Well no shit, she even fricked David Duchovny casually once IRL although they never had an actual relationship

      • 4 weeks ago

        >there are a few scenes where they came close to kissing.
        The closest one has to be in Fight the Future where they were interrupted by the virus bee which stung Scully.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    gillian anderson seems perpetually horny in real life shes always posting things that resemble wieners on instagram

  9. 4 weeks ago

    the two times he got body snatched she was gonna let him frick

  10. 4 weeks ago

    I liked the Christmas episode where the old couple ghosts are fricking with them the whole time, they find their own desiccated corpses under the floorboards of the haunted house.
    I'm about finished with season 7, I hadn't seen any of this show since the late 90s. I'm going to pause at the appropriate spot and binge The Lone Gunmen as well, I like those guys. I'm not interested in Millenium, though.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    i used to watch xfiles as a kid but it scared the shit out of me so i only remember snippets. i need to go back and watch the whole thing from start to finish
    >some dude smoking in a dark corner
    >a reference to "deep throat"
    >a dream or vision(?) of the apocalypse, maybe an alien invasion
    >some buff dude who looks like an Arnold Schwarzenegger rip off that had green blood
    >a bunch of kids getting abducted and mulder is there crying or something, and there's a Moby song playing
    i remember one thing that scared me which was really stupid was during the intro when it says "the truth is out there", it said something else instead and i'd never seen that before
    it's all a haze

    • 4 weeks ago

      >a bunch of kids getting abducted and mulder is there crying or something, and there's a Moby song playing
      I think that's the one where they catch a serial child-murderer and the drama is Mulder trying to determine if his sister was really one of the victims rather than the alien abduction he remembers. There's a field where they find all the dead kids, 24+, it's a pretty fricked up scene. The killer cuts little hearts out of the children's pajamas as his keepsakes, truly unsettling for a show that's usually about catching a fluke-man or chasing aliens around.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Samantha was not killed by the serial killer though. She escaped the Syndicate who were using her as a test subject, she was hospitalized for a period, then she disappeared before the Syndicate goons could get to her. Her soul was literally saved by benevolent spirits who save children from terrible fates.

        Paper Hearts is the child serial killer episode from season 4. Closure is the episode that finally reveals what happened to Samantha and is from season 7.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    What's up with the latter seasons, are they any good? T2 actor and other woman taking over the main roles, I'm not sure how that's gonna be. I only vaguely recall seeing them as a kid and not liking them as much as earlier seasons.

    • 4 weeks ago

      seasons 8 and 9 are shit

      Carter shit the bed massively when he thought he'd be able to get 10 more seasons out of Doggett and Reyes (the new agents). He genuinely thought the fans would go for it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        That's disappointing, as I'm at the end of S7 now. All I have left is those two seasons and the second movie. I heard they did a short-lived revival a few years back but I'm not interested in seeing Scully and Mulder looking 60 years old still doing the x-files shit.

        Samantha was not killed by the serial killer though. She escaped the Syndicate who were using her as a test subject, she was hospitalized for a period, then she disappeared before the Syndicate goons could get to her. Her soul was literally saved by benevolent spirits who save children from terrible fates.

        Paper Hearts is the child serial killer episode from season 4. Closure is the episode that finally reveals what happened to Samantha and is from season 7.

        >Samantha was not killed by the serial killer though
        Right but Mulder doesn't know that at the start, and neither do we the audience, that's the drama. Also it's funny that we get multiple fakeouts with her before a final resolution.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Also it's funny that we get multiple fakeouts with her before a final resolution.

          Too many IMO, like many things in the show they just could not decide on an answer and fricked around with different storylines too much.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah I got tired of it after the second fakeout with her, the first was at least novel but you can't keep doing that.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Watching this as a kid I thought Mulder was the red head and that he was a news reporter not an FBI agent.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    I fell in love with her in the first episode.

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