Should I do it? Or is that autistic?

Should I do it? Or is that autistic?

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    this shit isn’t worth it. no movie is enjoyable with your head and neck positioned like that. find another screening, for your sake.

  2. 12 months ago

    the wheelchair seats are fine. they're not that close, at least not in my theater.

    • 12 months ago

      Do what? Definitely choose the wheelchair seat. You get something telling you that you'll have to move if asked but I've never been asked in the dozens of times I've chosen the seat and I live in a major city

      i've personally made someone get out of the wheelchair seat. homosexual wouldn't leave on his own so i narced on him

      • 12 months ago

        I'm one of the anons (You) (You)ed; if asked I would get up without being annoyed at all. The way I see it, it's a gamble

      • 12 months ago

        >made someone get out of the wheelchair seat.
        I can see this being awkward because people give me shit about my using/doing disabled things sometimes and they never respond well to being told that I'm actually disabled. I think the best ones have been
        >You're too young to be disabled
        >You don't have to be so rude about it
        The second one all I said was I couldn't stand up and could show them my disability travel card.

        • 12 months ago

          >The second one all I said was I couldn't stand up and could show them my disability travel card.

          They where probably embaressed and knew they where in the wrong. People sometimes do that shit

          • 12 months ago

            Everyone's embarrassed when they find out, it takes a special person to think you're rude for being disabled in a disabled seat. They probably think everyone is rude to them and that is probably not the case. People are crazy.

            • 12 months ago

              >People are crazy.
              Yeah. But I guess these kind of people have some disability in their head for reacting this way.

          • 12 months ago

            the dude i confronted practically cartwheeled into the seat and was bragging about it on his phone before the movie

      • 12 months ago

        >be in college
        >autistic virgin
        >have shitty morning
        >come to class late
        >theater-style lecture hall with cramped rows of folding seats
        >don't want to waddle past 15 people to sit in the middle
        >go to the front
        >middle of the 2nd row doesn't have seats in front of it for wheelchairs and shit
        >some tiny girl is sitting in one of these seats
        >come up and tell her to move over one seat an empty seat behind another seat
        >she starts gathering her shit in a b***hy way
        >"ugh, why can't YOU just sit there?"
        >say "I need the leg room"
        >she quietly moves and I sit, don't think anything of it
        >she randomly starts sitting next to me in that class
        >starts looking at me whenever she sees me in public
        >sat next to me on the bus once for no reason
        >never says shit
        what a fricking weirdo

        • 12 months ago

          what a b***h, trying to assert her dominance or some shit

        • 12 months ago

          You were supposed to bully her, anon

      • 12 months ago

        OP here. I'm a cancer survivor and I use handicap facilities frequently and just tell people that and nobody has ever done anything.

        • 12 months ago

          You don't have to tell anyone the nature of your disability. I'm

          Everyone's embarrassed when they find out, it takes a special person to think you're rude for being disabled in a disabled seat. They probably think everyone is rude to them and that is probably not the case. People are crazy.

          and I don't care if you use a disabled seat so long as I don't need it. If someone asks you to get up, ask them if they need the seat. Disabled people will be like, yes, while non disabled people who are just being dicks will be like, PROVE YOU'RE DISABLED GET YOUR DOCTOR ON THE FRICKING PHONE RN

          • 12 months ago

            I know but I still enjoy it because they come up all smugly and even though being a cancer survivor doesn't qualify as a disability they still have to go through the mental gymnastics in their head and conclude that they still can't do anything because of social connotations and I enjoy that exchange of power.

            • 12 months ago

              Fair enough but I know people who were told they're not disabled because they're not in a wheelchair despite being terminal so YMMV. I knew one guy who got called a pretentiousness c**t for using a cane once lol

            • 12 months ago

              Fair enough but I know people who were told they're not disabled because they're not in a wheelchair despite being terminal so YMMV. I knew one guy who got called a pretentiousness c**t for using a cane once lol

              Is this an american thing? Trying to ambush people who used a handicap WC without actually being disabled? In my country it would be considered a serious breach of social protocol and manners to try and question someone like that.

              • 12 months ago


                Fair enough but I know people who were told they're not disabled because they're not in a wheelchair despite being terminal so YMMV. I knew one guy who got called a pretentiousness c**t for using a cane once lol

                and yuropoor. Most of the time it happens to me on buses because I rarely need a bathroom with rails.
                It doesn't happen to me in cinemas but that's because I've a light sensitivity that makes nobody want to sit next to me in low lighting even if they don't think I'm disabled because I look like I'm on a lot of drugs.

              • 12 months ago

                People are such jerks. If they themselfs are not disabled and in need of the seats/etc why would they care?

                Of course it is a dick move to park in the handicap spot without the need or to take the spot in buses. But who has the energy and imagined authority to be some kind of controllant? I is embarassing

              • 12 months ago

                >Of course it is a dick move to park in the handicap spot without the need
                Lol I said this to my mom once forgetting I was the disabled person in the car.

              • 12 months ago

                It's one of those internet things that doesn't happen in real life with any appreciable frequency.

              • 12 months ago

                It happens a lot if you "don't look disabled", which normally means "only a wheelchair counts as disabled".

              • 12 months ago

                I get questioned entering handicap sections at concerts but it’s never happened to me at a theater before.

      • 12 months ago

        >brings a pair crutches
        Your move

    • 12 months ago

      Do what? Definitely choose the wheelchair seat. You get something telling you that you'll have to move if asked but I've never been asked in the dozens of times I've chosen the seat and I live in a major city

      this shit isn’t worth it. no movie is enjoyable with your head and neck positioned like that. find another screening, for your sake.

      Pretty sure this is the alamo drafthouse ui, you don't have to crane your neck there so bad at least at newly built ones


  3. 12 months ago

    Do what? Definitely choose the wheelchair seat. You get something telling you that you'll have to move if asked but I've never been asked in the dozens of times I've chosen the seat and I live in a major city

  4. 12 months ago

    why not the white dot in the middle

    • 12 months ago

      Are you asking if you should take the one good seat amongst strangers? Also what movie

      What if there are cute girls next to me and i get a boner during the movie?

      • 12 months ago

        wear jeans

      • 12 months ago

        then don't think about whose next to you, just watch the movie dipshit

        • 12 months ago

          >just turn off your brain bro

          wear jeans

          it's summer and a hot theather, but i guess

          • 12 months ago

            Stop being self conscious and giving a shit about the people around you. If you get a boner just have a boner and watch the movie with a boner.

            • 12 months ago

              Not him, but is that actually acceptable? Sounds pretty chill

              • 12 months ago

                No would be able to tell with you anyway

              • 12 months ago

                What's your obsession with dicks? For me to prove i have an above average size dick i would have to take a photo and post it or else you would never believe ot anyway. It sounds like you're asking people to show you their dicks you gaywad

              • 12 months ago

                I doubt you have a camera with a zoom function powerful enough anyway gayet

      • 12 months ago

        I doubt you are packing enough for it to be noticeable based on this thread you have created.

        • 12 months ago

          i didn't make the thread, i'm just looking for cinema tips for the next time i dare to go to one

          • 12 months ago

            Asking for "cinema tips" also implies a very small penis...and autism.

      • 12 months ago

        Tell them it's just a crease

  5. 12 months ago

    Are you asking if you should take the one good seat amongst strangers? Also what movie

  6. 12 months ago

    >go to movie by myself
    >comfy theatre with recliner seats
    >Seats are in sets of 3 with an armrest that can be lifted between 3 seats
    >get my seat (middle seat)
    >couple comes
    >asks me to switch with 1 of them so that they can sit together
    >ask to see their ticket - they bought the 2 seats on either side of me
    >"hmm looks like I'm in my correct seat and yours are to my left and to my right"
    >the "male" says "well we're just wondering if you could switch so we could sit together"
    >"why didn't you buy two seats together?"
    >"well we wanted to see if we could have an extra seat that no one buys"
    >"ok? well someone bought it...?"
    >"ugh you know what I mean, how about you just sit on one side?"
    >"how about you sit in the seat you pay for and not worry about my seat?"
    >the woman chimes in "are you SERIOUS right now? like are you so fricking bitter you can't move just one seat?"
    >me: "are YOU serious? are you so utterly dimwitted that you don't know how tickets work?"
    >the "male": "yo don't talk to my girl that way"
    >"'yo', learn English, and 'your' girl looks like she's been 100 other dudes' girl before she found you"
    >the "male" is speechless but the femoid loses her shit
    >starts literally screeching and trying to kick me
    >bystanders intervene
    >theatre staff comes and asks what the problem is
    >she can't shut the frick up so she gets escorted out
    >pathetic "male" sulks behind her out of the threater
    >enjoy the kino with 2 empty seats to either side
    'twas a good day

    • 12 months ago

      >set up Tinder date at theater
      >meet the girl, she's cute
      >take her to the concessions
      >tell her we're going to sit and have a soda for 15 minutes. if it goes well, we'll both consent to the date and go watch the movie
      >have coke, she's on her phone a lot
      >finish cokes, i ask if she's OK to continue the date
      >she says yes, we go to get snacks for the movie
      >I order a hot dog for me and popcorn for her
      >she says it's corny for the man to order for the woman without even asking her what she wants
      >I ignore her (passing her shit-test)
      >it gets awkwardly quiet, so I ask about her family, she says she has a little sister
      >ask her some questions about her little sister just to make conversation, she says it's weird that I'm asking about her 15 year old sister
      >i didn't know she was 15 but whatever
      >we watch the movie and she was quiet and staring blankly the whole time
      >movie ends
      >walk out of the theater, we both go to the bathroom
      >come back and she's gone, some employee is there waiting for me
      >he says she asked him to talk to me
      >she wanted to leave but did not feel safe
      >she asked him to delay me for 20 minutes while she leaves
      >he sits me down at a table and makes me wait "while I calm down"
      >makes me drink a massive cup of pepsi
      >afterwards he says "next time this happens, you're banned"
      we live in peak clown world. can't even talk to women anymore. frick this gay earth

      • 12 months ago

        >this still makes me angry
        glad i dont leave the house lol

      • 12 months ago

        Should've told the wagie to frick off and left.

    • 12 months ago

      >set up Tinder date at theater
      >meet the girl, she's cute
      >take her to the concessions
      >tell her we're going to sit and have a soda for 15 minutes. if it goes well, we'll both consent to the date and go watch the movie
      >have coke, she's on her phone a lot
      >finish cokes, i ask if she's OK to continue the date
      >she says yes, we go to get snacks for the movie
      >I order a hot dog for me and popcorn for her
      >she says it's corny for the man to order for the woman without even asking her what she wants
      >I ignore her (passing her shit-test)
      >it gets awkwardly quiet, so I ask about her family, she says she has a little sister
      >ask her some questions about her little sister just to make conversation, she says it's weird that I'm asking about her 15 year old sister
      >i didn't know she was 15 but whatever
      >we watch the movie and she was quiet and staring blankly the whole time
      >movie ends
      >walk out of the theater, we both go to the bathroom
      >come back and she's gone, some employee is there waiting for me
      >he says she asked him to talk to me
      >she wanted to leave but did not feel safe
      >she asked him to delay me for 20 minutes while she leaves
      >he sits me down at a table and makes me wait "while I calm down"
      >makes me drink a massive cup of pepsi
      >afterwards he says "next time this happens, you're banned"
      we live in peak clown world. can't even talk to women anymore. frick this gay earth

      Neither of these things happened

    • 12 months ago

      I'm going to pretend that this is real even if someone showed me evidence to the contrary.

  7. 12 months ago

    >going to the 'plex alone
    They should lock some of you sick fricks up

    • 12 months ago

      We didn't manage to get them with the joker movie, but hopefully with joker 2 we'll lock these sick fricks up

  8. 12 months ago

    This seat.
    This seat right here.
    Dont even watch the movie, just sideeye the couple the entire fricking time. Get REAL close to their side.
    Touch elbows on the armrest and apologize way to loudly way too much. Stand up to leave before they do and make sure they see that you have an erection.

  9. 12 months ago

    No, you shouldn't go see fricking dial of destiny in theaters. Im all for going to see movies alone or with friends but dont waste your money on shit movies especially when you're by yourself and you cant even sneer at it with others

  10. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Fricking brilliant

  11. 12 months ago

    Don't do it.

    Don't give money to this slop, ESPECIALLY on opening week. You know you'll be disappointed by it.

  12. 12 months ago

    Sit right next to the throuple in the second row.

  13. 12 months ago

    How can anyone stand being on the very edge?

    • 12 months ago

      It's a good spot if they have curtains at the sides you can use the curtain fabric to wipe off your wiener after you jack off.

  14. 12 months ago

    what's the crescent moon symbol for? muslim prayer seats?

    • 12 months ago

      Probably carer seats, a lot of cinemas have them if you need assistance

    • 12 months ago

      (C)opyright free zones. You can bootleg there for torrentchads.

    • 12 months ago

      Designated cum zone, please don't cum outside of the cum zone

      • 12 months ago

        >mfw I get to the kinoplex extra early and someone already took the cum zone seat

        • 12 months ago

          here the cum zone is more of an "open whenever you need it" type of seat, cum in the cum zone but go back to your seat afterwards

  15. 12 months ago

    No it'd be stupid. It's just a bad movie with no montage where Phoebe replaces Indiana Jones. It's way too long too.

  16. 12 months ago

    >when you tell a handy they just have lazyboneitis

  17. 12 months ago

    I paid for those handicapped seats since my ticket money is forced by the ADA to be used to subsidize cripples. I WILL use them.

  18. 12 months ago

    >I paid for those handicapped seats since my ticket money is forced by the ADA to be used to subsidize cripples. I WILL use them.

  19. 12 months ago

    Handicap row at Red Rocks from the other night. Handicap row 1 tickets are $35 and row 2 tickets to that show were $230+. Handicap people can't even get to the front row at Red Rocks, there is no elevator for the public in that section. They would have to go up like a quarter mile ramp. I've talked to the security people about it and as far as they're concerned it's a first come first serve section.

  20. 12 months ago

    Being fat isn't a handicap I will move for. Go be fat somewhere else

    • 12 months ago

      >fat people trying to sit in cinema seats
      I think you're safe

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