So now that the dust has settled, was she a good parent?

So now that the dust has settled, was she a good parent?

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  1. 6 months ago

    >exiled herself to save her son's life who in turn also got exiled
    i guess?

    • 6 months ago

      If she could kill Azulon why would she need to go into exile in the first place?

      • 6 months ago

        Because Ozai is the Worlds Most Abusive Man

        • 6 months ago

          So why not just kill him? Can't imagine he's better guarded than the Fire Lord.

          • 6 months ago


            • 6 months ago

              Even Ozai was scared of Azulon.

          • 6 months ago

            Because the writers didn’t think of that.
            There’s a story about that premise called Reign of the Fire Lady Dowager.

          • 6 months ago

            Because Ozai knew she could do it to him, so he would either kill her first or use their children as hostages so she could never get close enough to poison his food
            Force them to test his food in case she got any ideas

            He couldn't reveal what she did without getting dethroned but he could make her life a living hell

            • 6 months ago

              >He couldn't reveal what she did without getting dethroned
              why not?
              the FN is already similar to the sith empire, why would anyone care that the new strongest fire bender killed the previous strongest one?

              • 6 months ago

                Because if the people knew that Ozai claimed power through underhanded tactics like assassination instead of something like an Agni Kai, enough of the honorable members of court could have made moves to show Iroh they would support his Reign instead for another coup

              • 6 months ago

                Because he did it with poison and sneakiness instead of an honorable duel.

              • 6 months ago

                so did Palpatine

                the other nobles were free to talk shit about it, but no one did for some reason

              • 6 months ago

                This royalty they either care about proper procedures or use them as a pretext to gain power.
                Ozai isn't heir apparent, therefore if it is uncovered he is also conspirator this will sure lead to consequences.

              • 6 months ago

                Nobody knew he poisoned Azulon, that's the entire fricking point of the "untraceable poison" shit. If everyone knew, no one would consider him the rightful Fire Lord and every tom dick and harry would trying to poison him right back.

              • 6 months ago

                This royalty they either care about proper procedures or use them as a pretext to gain power.
                Ozai isn't heir apparent, therefore if it is uncovered he is also conspirator this will sure lead to consequences.

                he was the strongest firebender, doubt anyone would object

              • 6 months ago

                At that point Iroh had to have been his equal or close to it

                He lost heart after Lu Ten died, but this soon after the Siege of Ba Sing Se he'd still be mostly loyal to Fire Nation and the war effort

                If his country asked him to take the throne from his brother he'd feel obligated to do it

              • 6 months ago

                the story doesnt work if Iroh could beat Ozai, after the latter had their father killed

              • 6 months ago

                Of course Iroh could be Ozai back then

                The only reason Ozai didn't try for the throne legitimately or challenge Iroh to an Agni Kai was because he didn't think he could win

              • 6 months ago

                that makes no sense, why didn't Iroh stop him then? or at any point later when Ozai was acting like the devil himself?
                instead of trying to set up some kind of world vide conspiracy with white lotus

              • 6 months ago

                A world wide conspiracy that did frick all.

              • 6 months ago

                Iroh might have actually believed that Azulon was disappointed in him for failing at Ba Sing Se and chose to make Ozai his successor
                Or he was suspicious but lost heart and belief in Fire Nation supremacy, so he didn't really want to be Fire Lord anymore so he was grateful for it

                If the advisors and generals told him that Ozai was crazy and genocidal back then, and there was no hope of the Avatar coming back, Iroh might have put his grief aside and actually tried challenging Ozai

              • 6 months ago

                the plot hinges on the fact that no one could take on Ozai 1v1 before Aang got his SS2 form

              • 6 months ago

                Iroh’s lightning redirection alone is enough to take out Ozai mano y mano.

              • 6 months ago

                you're right but it's mano a mano senpai

              • 6 months ago

                Aang almost beat Ozai but would have had to kill him so he held back at the last second

                And Zuko believed that Iroh could be Ozai, that he had the best chance outside of Aang.
                Iroh wasn't sure he could do it, because he didn't seriously train for years, he spent a decade getting fat and soft.
                He got back in shape so he could be ready for the Eclipse, but there's no way he could get back those 10 years of experience and hard work

                But Iroh at his peak versus Ozai back then? It's probably a lot closer

              • 6 months ago

                >there was no hope of the Avatar coming back
                It was obvious for anyone with more than 1 braicell. After Avatar had not showed up for more than 80 years it was stupid place fate of you and your loved ones on stupid belief that it would change in foreseeable future.
                I hate Iroh because he basically ostriched himself away from all problems and yet he is depicted and viewed as a wise sage when in reality he at best is just humbled man, who just learnt to submit to everything. After his frick up with Azulon succesion he basically gave up and yet in plot he was played basically as a clueless fool, who no matter what choice he makes always get saved by plot armor or deus ex machina frm all serious consequences. Heck, I have more respect Hakoda or Jet, they at least tried to make things better for themselves and fought for their beliefs.

              • 6 months ago

                >at best a humbled man
                Nah he got kwabbed by azula's plot armor and hated her for the rest of the series.
                Personally, I like to headcanon the reason he despises Azula is because he used to be exactly like her when younger but I doubt the guys at Avatar studios would make a story of his younger days and not make him a clueless fool just so he can keep le 100% wholesome redditor uncle good vibes.

              • 6 months ago

                >the reason he despises Azula is because he used to be exactly like her when younger
                Zuko being close to Ozai's character archetype, while Azula turns out to take after Iroh has always been the most kino explanation

              • 6 months ago

                >he used to be exactly like her when younger
                What a kino idea.

            • 6 months ago

              So don't tell him you can kill him, just kill him at around the same time you're killing Azulon.

              • 6 months ago

                Yet another thing Fire Lady Dowager does, right in the first chapter.

                The "colorless odorless poison" is such a stupid addition to the Avatar franchise because it INEVITABLY raises the question of why Ursa didn't use it to kill Ozai too. Hell, kill Ozai FIRST, and you don't have to kill Azulon at all. Giving Ursa elite poisonmaster skills out of nowhere is really and truly one of the dumbest things the comics do, and that's saying something.

              • 6 months ago

                wasnt Ozai the one who made the poison in the og show?

              • 6 months ago

                There's no poison mentioned in the show at all, the means by which Azulon dies are not revealed in ATLA itself.

                My assumption was always that Ursa either smothered him or slit his throat as he slept. Poison never occurred to me because it simply wasn't foreshadowed. We didn't need to know how Ursa killed Azulon, just that she did it.

              • 6 months ago

                I have always believed that Ursa poisoned Azulon on Ozai's orders, and then was killed herself for murdering a fire lord

              • 6 months ago

                Both of those methods leave too much physical evidence, it needs to look like Azulon died naturally or nobody will believe the whole "btw my dying wish is Ozai is fire lord" bullshit. I can completely buy that some court lady knows how to make poison, it's called a woman's weapon for a reason. The really moronic thing is her just telling Ozai instead of doing the same to him, or just stabbing him when he isn't looking as in dowager.

              • 6 months ago

                I'd say Ursa probably never wanted to risk how things would turn out beforehand if she poisoned Ozai during their marriage, and once the whole "I was told to kill my son and I'm willing to do it" thing came up, Ursa had no time to arrange for Ozai to be poisoned instead so working with him was the only way to save Zuko.

              • 6 months ago

                The point is that the comics reveal that Ursa knows how to kill someone who vastly outclasses her as a bender (assuming she's a bender at all). And the show itself reveals that Ursa basically has no good reason to trust Ozai to keep his word. Dowager is really good about this: there is NO GOOD REASON to trust Ozai and Ursa knows it. She's his wife, she knows him better than anyone, yet even we who merely watch the show can tell that he's utterly ruthless and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He's not the kind of guy you'd trust a guarantee from. So why not try and take him out, if you think he won't honor your agreement in the first place? Which Ursa had very good reason to assume he would not.

                Honestly, Fire Lady Dowager does such a good job spinning off this AU that it really makes me feel like the setup with Ursa in the show, and especially the comics, has too many plotholes. The show does a better job because it leaves so many things ambiguous, and the mystery allows us to buy in. But the comics wreck this and you really can't help but wonder why Ursa ever thought she could trust Ozai to look after Zuko when she's had a front row seat to what a monster he is.

              • 6 months ago

                >But the comics wreck this and you really can't help but wonder why Ursa ever thought she could trust Ozai to look after Zuko when she's had a front row seat to what a monster he is.
                Why do irl women write love letters to serial killers famous for specifically disemboweling and cannibalizing women?

              • 6 months ago

                My assumption was always that Ursa fricked Azulon and his weak old heart stopped working.

              • 6 months ago

                >former firelord
                >die to your daughter-in-law phat ass
                I am not sure if it's more humilliating to him or Ozai

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                Azulon was a munch.

              • 6 months ago

                Ursa was able to convince Azulon to kill Ozai instead of Zuko, in exchange for becoming his side piece

                but sadly, the old fart died of a heart attack when she went down on his dick

              • 6 months ago

                Azulon was a munch.


              • 6 months ago

                My assumption was always that Ursa fricked Azulon and his weak old heart stopped working.

                There's no poison mentioned in the show at all, the means by which Azulon dies are not revealed in ATLA itself.

                My assumption was always that Ursa either smothered him or slit his throat as he slept. Poison never occurred to me because it simply wasn't foreshadowed. We didn't need to know how Ursa killed Azulon, just that she did it.

                >Ursa had a child with her childhood lover
                >Ozai kidnaps her from the temple when she and her man were going to baptize (or what ever fire nation equivalent is) their child
                >he pumps her full of Zuko and Azula
                >when Azulaon tells Ozai to kill Zuko, Ozai thinks it would be supper funny to make Ursa kill him
                >instead Ursa convinces Azulon to spare Zuko and kill Ozai, but the old fart nuts his soul out
                >Ursa covers it up and pretends as if the poison killed him, then asks Ozai to let her go and escape with Zuko, since he hates him anyway
                >but our lovable joker pulls another prank and Zuko never shows up to the extraction point, forcing Ursa to leave without him
                >turns out that she's pregnant with Azulon's daughter
                >fast forward a decade and Zuko is now the fire lord - Ursa believes that he would not hurt his half sister, even if she is a royal bastard, but she is afraid of Azula
                >but her husband and her first son don't agree
                >they join Mai's parents in trying to kill Zuko and obv fail, getting themselves killed in the process
                >what's more Azula, technically under house arrest, quickly became her brother closest "advisor"
                >one day Ursa spots both of her daughters making out with Zuko in the garden
                >with Azula clearly encouraging her sister to go down on their brother
                >Ursa, terrified of what that may mean to Kya she decides to seduce Zuko herself
                >what she doesnt know is that Azula was actually trying to save her sister
                >with her milf charms Ursa convicts Zuko to breed her, not knowing that both Azula and Kya are already pregnant
                after she became known as a woman that gave child to every man who nutted inside her, women struggling to conceive started venerating as a goddess of fertility

              • 6 months ago

                >"Ursa: the true story of the royal cumdump" quickly becomes a bestseller amongst the fire nation housewives

              • 6 months ago

                Fire Lady Cumdump.

              • 6 months ago


                MOMMY! MILKY! PLEASE BE HASTY!


                I WANT MOMMY'S AND NO OTHER'S!

                GIVE IT! GIVE IT! GIVE IT NOW!

                GIVE ME MILKY, LAZY SOW!




                I REFUSE TO TAKE NAPPY!

              • 6 months ago

                And we are surprised Zuko was banished by his father.

              • 6 months ago

                is that what Zuzu sings when he nutts inside his mother?

              • 6 months ago

                Catchy, aint it?

              • 6 months ago

                man MrPatata's art really fell off

              • 5 months ago

                He's putting most of his magic on the comic

              • 6 months ago

                >"Ursa: the true story of the royal cumdump" quickly becomes a bestseller amongst the fire nation housewives

                imagine plapping Ursa's pussy as she uses her well trained muscles to milk your wiener dry

          • 6 months ago

            It would put a lot of suspicion on her if both her husband and the Fire Lord died of the same thing on the same night.

            If it's just the Fire Lord than it could've been anybody he has countless enemies.

            • 6 months ago

              The entire point of the poison is to make it look like Azulon died of natural causes. That's why ANYONE took that "dying wish" crap at his funeral seriously.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah. A bit weird innit?
        The mum can kill 'er Father in law right?
        I mean she goes through with it.
        Why doesn't she just tell Gramps 'er husbands lookin to kill 'im?
        He doesn't fancy him much anyway. Seems it'd be a safer way to keep your son looked after if the guy lookin' to kill 'im were gone.
        Bloody lady runs off anyway
        kinda defeats the purpose of protecting the lil fella dunnit?

        • 6 months ago

          Huh. Never noticed that.

        • 6 months ago

          carl you're a fricking genius

        • 6 months ago

          Because Azulon didn't like Zuko or care for her. She wouldn't have been safe if Ozai was dead but Azulon was still alive and that's without considering her didn't believe her and both Azulon and Ozai turn against her for causing problems in the Fire Kingdom

        • 6 months ago

          A fricking orange.

        • 5 months ago

          You are forgetting she was the odd one out in the family. If she had told Azulon anything he probably wouldn't have believed her. It was too risky

      • 6 months ago

        Because she's knows poisons and Ozai was paranoid he'd be next.

    • 6 months ago

      That was her son’s fault

      • 6 months ago

        Its insane how zuko did not know that talking hack at a general in the war room if the firelord, means talking back at the firelord.
        Its total bullshit he didn't know.

        • 6 months ago

          Ozai is the Final Boss of boomer asian conservative respect your parents/elders crap. Zuko, having individuality, compassion, and the intelligence to call out some generals dumbass plan is simply not registered by Ozai. Why did Ozai burn his face? He said it himself - to teach him respect. The actual thought or reasoning behind Zuko’s actions didn’t matter. Ozai is a fricking bug man. Muh respect.

          • 6 months ago

            >Zuko, having individuality, compassion
            He didn't have those, he just was extremely weak.

            • 6 months ago

              Ozai/Azula hands typed this post

              • 6 months ago

                Azula was right about everything.

              • 6 months ago

                His individuality is just being contrary to his father and sister.
                His compassion never leads to anything and is directed at weirdest places.

              • 6 months ago

                >His compassion never leads to anything and is directed at weirdest places.
                How so?

          • 6 months ago

            Real talk, what would have actually happened had Zuko fought his dad like he was supposed to? From what we've seen (sans the final one) Agni Kai aren't always fatal, it ends when one of the combatants is defeated. Zuko gets his ass whooped but at least did his best to defend himself, so would they just leave it at that? Burn his ass again and call it a day with no exile? Or Ozai roasts Zuko alive for some reason?

            • 6 months ago

              Ozai would probably let Zuko throw a few punches to save face, then lay him on his ass and declare the matter resolved. His son publicly pussying out in front of everyone is probably what set him off more than anything else.

              • 6 months ago

                Exactly my thoughts. I felt like he was giving him a chance.
                Your teenage pussy son joins war room, and then goes against some general. Maybe he did finally grew up? The fight was more like a rite of passage, yes Zuko would lose, but it is clear Ozai wasn't going to kill him. More than that, considering Zukos skill, he would hold long enough to prove to all the viewers, except Azula maybe, that he is finally a man.
                And then he starts begging for his life...

            • 6 months ago

              Ozai was always gonna get of rid of him to make Azula the heir, this was just a convenient excuse.

              • 6 months ago

                >Ozai was always gonna get of rid of him to make Azula the heir, this was just a convenient excuse.
                Why would Ozai need to get rid of Zuko to make Azula his heir when he could proclaim it ouright? He got the throne over everyone's favorite General-Crown Prince because Azulon "decreed" it, so it is not like the first-born has to inherit, nor would be there be an outcry if the still living first-born is disinherieted. And there is nothing in the story that suggests the Fire Nation would have a problem with a female Fire Lord.

              • 6 months ago

                He just didn't like Zuko.

              • 6 months ago

                >He just didn't like Zuko.
                So why not discreetly kill him then?

              • 6 months ago

                I dunno, maybe he thought fricking with him by sending him off on a snipe hunt was funnier.

              • 6 months ago

                >I dunno, maybe he thought fricking with him by sending him off on a snipe hunt was funnier.
                IDK about you, but Ozai doesn't seem to be the type to do anything just to have fun, so there had to be a reason for burning and banishing Zuko beyond shits and giggles in-unverse.

              • 6 months ago

                He strikes me as exactly the sort of guy who would do something just to be humorously dickish.

              • 6 months ago

                >maybe he thought fricking with him by sending him off on a snipe hunt was funnier.
                No, he was protecting his son while still preserving some of his freedom. If he wanted to frick with him, he would send him on the boring border patrol mission or something, and if wanted dead, to the front lines.
                What he did, gave him a task, that as a snipe hunt, boils down to: "okay you can have a ship, a crew and Iroh, just don't enter fire naton territory."

              • 6 months ago

                Exactly my thoughts. I felt like he was giving him a chance.
                Your teenage pussy son joins war room, and then goes against some general. Maybe he did finally grew up? The fight was more like a rite of passage, yes Zuko would lose, but it is clear Ozai wasn't going to kill him. More than that, considering Zukos skill, he would hold long enough to prove to all the viewers, except Azula maybe, that he is finally a man.
                And then he starts begging for his life...

                Some thoughts about this from an expert.

              • 6 months ago

                It was in fact very funny

              • 6 months ago

                Ozai would be a great troll. Imagine him with the energy of Azula during solar eclipse.

              • 6 months ago

                >Ozai was always gonna get of rid of him to make Azula the heir, this was just a convenient excuse.
                If we ignore comics for a second, I don't remember Ozai being mean to Zuko, except for war room indecent, where there is an argument to be made that it was justifiable, and their conversation during solar eclipse, which I remind you was done by Ozai to delay Zuko so there is a chance of him lying.
                Also Azula didn't had ambitions for the throne.

              • 6 months ago

                in the show Ozai is stalinesque psychopath, while in the comics he is a sociapath like hitler

                which is a difference between a corporate CEO that might make a journalist disappear if he writes an article that makes him look bad, and a school shooter

            • 6 months ago

              Ozai would probably let Zuko throw a few punches to save face, then lay him on his ass and declare the matter resolved. His son publicly pussying out in front of everyone is probably what set him off more than anything else.

              Ozai would probably give Zuko a less noticeable, less severe scar as a reminder

      • 6 months ago

        Are you really blaming the actual child for losing a firefight with his own father, one of the strongest benders in the world?

        • 6 months ago

          If we forget comics for a second then this is what happened.

          Ozai would probably let Zuko throw a few punches to save face, then lay him on his ass and declare the matter resolved. His son publicly pussying out in front of everyone is probably what set him off more than anything else.

          He is to blame for being a pussy.

  2. 6 months ago

    Not counting the comics, she's about as good as you can be in the terrible situation she was in and lacking omniscience and a psychology degree to see the subtext her kids were picking up.
    In the comics, she's fricking horrible

  3. 6 months ago

    No, but she's a great onahole.

    • 6 months ago

      She seemed pretty mediocre but her appearance is too brief to judge her.


  4. 6 months ago

    It’s really impressive how awful the comics are. They ruined Zuko, Azula, AND Ursa. I think it’s a symptom of Bryke wanting to keep Ozai and Azula as evil as possible without realizing that…there’s just nothing to do with them. Azula is craaaaazzzzyyyyyyy but yandere brocon Azula can only do so much before her arc is going in circles. Ozai exists solely to be evulllllllll and the Worlds Most Abusive Man but it gets repetitive seeing this without any reasoning outside of evuullllll, and Ursa…she ran away from her children, and yes this is because she was forced to. But they could have done anything with her. She could have been working as the behind the scenes mastermind to take down the Fire nation. She could have been hiding on a peaceful island trying to restore Sozin’s memory. She could have been secretly helping refugees in the war. But no, she gave away all of her memories of her own children to get her back blown out by her childhood crush and have a new replacement baby with the man she TRULY loved. How else could you not feel anything but revulsion and disgust at a woman who not only gave up on her original children, but chose to sacrifice all of her memories of them. It’s like a spiritual abortion. The most woman moment in comics I’ve ever seen. Not only is it an awful plot point, it goes nowhere - Zuko and Azula have their dumb adventure, Azula becomes a yandere imouto, and Ursa is just accepted and becomes a mom and has her dumb confrontation with Ozai where he is simultaneously this ultra narcopath monster but also SMALL (even though we don’t get any insight into his backstory or motivations to give any duality to why he is LE SMALL MAN) god I hate Bryke so much it’s unreal

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        So now that the dust has settled, was she a good parent?

        She cared about Azula she just didn't have the control to parent her properly Ozai I never saw Zuko as a legitimate child because of a spat so he never bothered corrupting him as much.

        • 6 months ago

          Zuko going from the weak link to Ursa bringing that ire through stupidity really undercuts her. You fricking risked your child's life to prove that Ozai was reading your mail? What a fricking moron.

        • 6 months ago

          >Ozai I never saw Zuko as a legitimate child because of a spat so he never bothered corrupting him as much.

          Zuko going from the weak link to Ursa bringing that ire through stupidity really undercuts her. You fricking risked your child's life to prove that Ozai was reading your mail? What a fricking moron.

          >Zuko going from the weak link to Ursa bringing that ire through stupidity really undercuts her. You fricking risked your child's life to prove that Ozai was reading your mail? What a fricking moron.
          Ozai said that shit just to frick with Ursa. Ozai's problem with Zuko was that, as far as everyone was concerned at the time, he was born a weak bender, and there was no indication that would change.

          • 6 months ago
            • 6 months ago

              >Ozai I never saw Zuko as a legitimate child because of a spat so he never bothered corrupting him as much.
              >Zuko going from the weak link to Ursa bringing that ire through stupidity really undercuts her. You fricking risked your child's life to prove that Ozai was reading your mail? What a fricking moron.
              Ozai said that shit just to frick with Ursa. Ozai's problem with Zuko was that, as far as everyone was concerned at the time, he was born a weak bender, and there was no indication that would change.

              Was that turning in the cartoon I remember? Azula was a prodigy but I never saw any evidence get Zuko was weaker than the average Firebender his age. I mean he took down a Fire Nation admiral.And he always seemed a lot more confident than the other firebenders on his boat.

              • 6 months ago

                yeah azula overall might've been the stronger one but zuko's by no means a weak bender, his problem for most of the series was the mental trauma. that's why he was beating azula during their agni kai and why she threw the match.

              • 6 months ago

                I mean what's his dad just picking on him for being weaker than his little sister with has superpowers? Or was he actually below average at that point that most firebenders his age? and at the start of season 1 is he below fire needs an average for his age about normal for his age better than most firebenders who are adults? Cuz it just seems like his dad was picking on him for being worse than someone else who is a natural prodigy?

              • 6 months ago

                In this particular case he is picking on him for adding unnecessary comments. Azula and Ozai already agreed their teacher was a dummy, and now child who is subpar to both of them is trying to correct, basically, both of them. Obviously this is unacceptable.

              • 6 months ago

                Telling someone not to be insulting someone doing the job isn't unacceptable behavior just because your dad is telling your little sister not to listen to her teacher and obviously his dad who is over twice his age who is not taught in teaching Firebending is better at him than him.Zuko could have easily just been about to tell them get neither one of them are qualified to teach anyone to the level of a professional Who considering who he's teaching is probably one of the best in the country .His father use his sister being better at him I fired and then to basically pick on him which is in a valid Counterpoint to him trying to make an argument and telling your child he's lucky to be born because he dare try and contradict you is near sociopathic Behavior. I mean azula's nehavior could be excused because she's Excited to tell her dad about her success( actually one of the less disturbing flashback scenes of her behavior on her part)but the dad is just so in favoritism ass wholeness.

              • 6 months ago

                I wasn't able to understand you, so i will just repeat myself.
                Not an expert telling experts about their expertise is stupid. Not only that, but he is clearly defending someone who is stranger from his own family. This in my opinion is unacceptable.
                Not that Ozai overreaction was justifiable, but not telling him anything would be equally just as bad.

              • 6 months ago

                Azula is not an expert she's a prodigy does a humongous difference and neither of them are experts in teaching it's like saying because you're natural Soldier or Green Beret your automatically able to teach anyone who's not one of those things more than someone who is actually legally qualified to train military personnel despite you never having any education in training.I want to call you families professional trainer a total stranger from your family and it's clear his dad treats him like s*** anyways. No he could have listened and possibly contradict what Zuko said if he had any grounds to do it but he automatically assume that tzuko had nothing of value to say because he is in As Good with his superpowers as the two but that has nothing to do about the legitimacy of the unknown argument he was about to make.There was no legitimate reason why the dad could not have heard out his argument.

              • 6 months ago

                >Or was he actually below average at that point that most firebenders his age?
                He was way above average for firebenders that we see, but he was below average for ROYAL firebenders. I think that's what Ozai's beef was.

              • 6 months ago

                >Disappointed in his better than average son to a level of disdain because he's below the Royal average despite being above super power average for his age.
                And some people called Azula and Zuko's mom a bad parent.

              • 6 months ago

                >And some people called Azula and Zuko's mom a bad parent.
                Yes compared to cartoonish genocidal villain Ursa is amazing parent.
                But no further than that, in every case there was myriad of ways to better guide her child, even without confronting her sccaaaary husband.
                And I'm not trying to say she is liable for what happened to Azula, just that she is responsible for that.It is actually indicative, that most people immediately try to argue against former.

              • 6 months ago

                >Or was he actually below average at that point that most firebenders his age?
                He was way above average for firebenders that we see, but he was below average for ROYAL firebenders. I think that's what Ozai's beef was.

                Zuko is a great bender and he’d be even better if his father wasn’t a monogoloid sperg. Good parenting gives children confidence and self esteem that makes them even better at their talents. Zuko is gifted in spite of his dads autism and homosexualry

              • 6 months ago

                His talents would be much better suited to use as a stealth assassin but Ozai was too dense to notice.

              • 6 months ago

                His talents would be much better suited to use as frickmeat but Ozai was too dense to notice.

              • 6 months ago

                It's hard to say because at that point he had been getting 1:1 training from Iroh due at least a couple of years. Prior to that he was at an unknown skill level.

              • 6 months ago

                >getting 1:1 training from Iroh
                se01ep01 established that Iroh did not teach him much, because he wanted Zuko to chill out first, and that wasnt happening

              • 6 months ago

                now that I think about it, being Zuko uncle was Iroh's side hussle - his main job being the Grand Lotus and dismantling the fire nation

                also at no point in the story did Iroh chose Zuko over Aang given a choice

              • 6 months ago

                >also at no point in the story did Iroh chose Zuko over Aang given a choice
                He helped Zuko throw a great ball of fire at Aang in the pilot.

              • 6 months ago

                the same pilot in which Zuko killed the Unagi?

              • 6 months ago

                No, the actual pilot. When Aang was escaping, Zuko and Iroh together throw a big old fireball at him.

              • 6 months ago

                It was still weak enough for Aang to block and cause an avalanche to frick their ship up

              • 6 months ago

                Not like Iroh had any way to know if the kid was powerful enough to do anything about it.

              • 6 months ago

                he knew he was an airebender and the avatar

              • 6 months ago

                He also knew he was some 12 year old bald kid.

              • 6 months ago

                *112 year old at least
                besides physical appearance and spiritual power are not the same

              • 6 months ago

                The kid surrendered to ZUKO, Iroh had to know he wasn't particularly powerful.

              • 6 months ago

                dude xD

              • 6 months ago

                of all people Iroh would have known

              • 6 months ago

                He considered Zuko a disappointment because Azula was a prodigy and he wasn't. Also because Zuko was meek and compassionate while Ozai and Azula were pretty sadistic and assertive.

                He was probably narcissistic enough to think he was the most powerful bender besides the Avatar so his child/heir should be just as if not more impressive or they were an embarrassment to his reputation.

            • 6 months ago

              >Zuko! how dare you lecture your sister on firebending?!
              No really what was the point? Zuko, as a prince, is literally defending no one, and is arguing about firebending techniques with gifted sister and his incredibly powerful father.

              • 6 months ago

                He’s defending the guy who’s about to be deported for doing his job, and he and the teacher are both correct. The traditional forms, however warped, are what remain of true firebending, Azula and Ozai are fueled with pure rage.

              • 6 months ago

                >who’s about to be deported for doing his job
                Should have worked better
                > and he and the teacher are both correct.
                As was the ship captain I suppose?

              • 6 months ago

                >As was the ship captain I suppose?
                Yeah. The sea don't give a shit about royalty.

              • 6 months ago

                If waterbenders were a more expansionist group the Fire Nation would never have a hope of being a naval power. Imagine benders like the twins from LoK skating around the ocean, running literal rings around ships and freezing icebergs for them to crash into.

              • 6 months ago

                >Yeah. The sea don't give a shit about royalty.

                >"The tides will not allow us to bring the ship into port before nightfall."
                >royalty gives speech
                >"I'll pull as in."

                So which one was it? Captain being wrong, or sea giving shit?

              • 6 months ago

                The captain didn't want to be thrown overboard.

              • 6 months ago

                And how is it relevant to my question?
                It is either possible to bring the ship into port or not. And since there was no accident I assume he managed it.
                Was his expert judgment incorrect, or did the sea gave a shit about Azula?

              • 6 months ago

                We don't know how much damage her ship took since there's an entire season before she uses it again.

              • 6 months ago

                >We don't know how much damage her ship took
                If it has taken any damage, it would have been shown, since the captain scene is clearly part of her characterization.

              • 6 months ago

                >there's an entire season before she uses it again.
                We see the Zuko and Iroh loading to sail back, and then they fight with Azula on it.

        • 6 months ago

          man these panels make it really obvious they had sex

      • 6 months ago

        comics look like she's trying to replicate the israelite meme

    • 6 months ago

      Without their team of 6 others writers those two couldn't make a readable comic

    • 6 months ago

      of course the comics were bad. they were based on a kataang end. shit in, shit out.

      • 6 months ago

        >they were based on a kataang end
        The kataang end was set up from the very first season. Is the whole show bad?

        • 6 months ago

          To the extent that it's kataang it is.

        • 6 months ago

          >Is the whole show bad?
          unironically yes. only the worldbuilding is good. the story itself has more holes than swiss cheese and only the flavor of american.

    • 6 months ago

      Remember when Ursa put Zuko in danger when she implied that he wasn’t Ozai kid for a “test”?

    • 6 months ago


      bryke could have gotten Aaron back, but they still didnt forgive him for saying that live action instead of the 4th season was dumb

      so now we have dogshit avatar, and aaron's dragon prince is being taken over by trannis

      • 6 months ago

        truly the worst timeline

    • 6 months ago

      don't forget mai, they ruined mai too

      • 6 months ago

        yeah, what the frick were they thinking

        if they had to have her and Zuko break up, why not make it so Mai learns that her parents are the ones trying to kill Zuko, but only after she reconnects with them and Zuko announces a death penalty for terrorists behind new ozai faction

        then have her parents accept the unavoidable punishment with dignity, only asking Mai to save Tom Tom

        this causes her to break up with Zuko after he refuses to spare her parents, citing all the death and destruction after the attacks

        >if they wanted to add drama
        Make Ozai loving husband and make Zuko feel conflicted.

        >Make Ozai loving husband
        I wouldnt go that far, but we could have Ursa showing up with Kya (who's Ozai's in this version) in tow to visit him in prison, and then ask Zuko to let him go so they can live in peace on a farm with their youngest daughter

    • 6 months ago

      Yep. The only comic worth reading is the short stories one. Rest are trash

      • 6 months ago

        >The only comic worth reading
        is burning heat by aarokira

        • 6 months ago

          It's rising heat dum-dum. Hot Dream is also a nice foreshadowing of such events though it would serve better as a flashback rather than 'it was all a dream'.

  5. 6 months ago

    She is a perfect example of why housewives in fact cannot rule states.

    • 6 months ago

      Housewife Azula can run Zuko’s state, if you know what I mean

    • 6 months ago

      She'd probably be a better choice than the actual canon idiot who screwed up a perfectly winnable war.

      • 6 months ago

        She would also be screwed by this plot armored bald equalizer. Without Avatar war would be lost by Earth Kingdom almost certainly.

        • 6 months ago

          She could probably just lull him into a false sense of security by acting harmless and then poisoning him or something. You know if she extended an offer for personal negotiations he would leap all over the chance to come right to her.

          • 6 months ago

            If Ursa was smart she’d frame Ozai for murder, then launch a soft coup with Iroh where they rule as Regents for Zuko until he comes of age and waterboard Azula until she’s normal

            • 6 months ago

              Why would they need to be regents she can make a deal that if Iroh Has no more kids and officially adopts Azula and Zuko and Protect them and keeps them safe and Mellows out their problems she quotation marks marry him under the condition they don't have any actual sex after divorce in her husband who they flame for murder and I will can do what he wants as father Lord as long as the her children are next in line.

          • 6 months ago

            And then he would spill the tea or accidentaly swap them or million of other stupid plot twists. It is not like in canon Aand was not on bring od death many times.

            • 6 months ago

              No way one of his previous selves were no enough about poison and come up to tell her like they did in the trial episode you should not try an F with the avatar tell her exactly everything she did wrong get made the previous life no it was poison and how she could have used the poison he invented better and then her grandpa Avatar Firebender shows up.

              • 6 months ago

                Roku died of poisonous gas.

      • 6 months ago

        >tfw that fic is finally updating again

        And the new chapter was a banger, too. I go from thinking it's dead to being treated to everything I could have asked for from a new chapter, it's like Christmas came early.

        • 6 months ago

          Why not go tell the author what you like about it then? Detailed feedback often motivates fanfic authors to write faster and more often.
          >t. A fanfic author

        • 6 months ago

          I might read it if it weren't
          >wall of text
          >wall of text
          >wall of text

          • 6 months ago

            >Anon admits that he can't read above a grade school level

            • 6 months ago

              >I want to read War and Peace in literal fanfiction

              • 6 months ago

                If it's GOOD why do you care?

              • 6 months ago

                I have self-respect and therefore value my time.

              • 6 months ago

                >I have self-respect and therefore value my time.
                Then what are you doing here?

        • 6 months ago

          IT'S UPDATING AGAIN? I'd literally just given up, it's like my favourite fricking fic

          • 6 months ago

            Is it fanfic about Ursa becoming firelady?
            What are her relationships with Azula in it?

            • 6 months ago

              >Is it fanfic about Ursa becoming firelady?

              >What are her relationships with Azula in it?
              She wants change Azula and Azula doesn't want to change.

              • 6 months ago

                >and Azula doesn't want to change.
                This 7 year-old still trying to please her *khe-khe* Dead father by being perfect or is she developed obsession with killing ducks?
                She clearly had ambitions as a child, yes but shouldn't her mother being on the throne change her attitude?

              • 6 months ago

                >This 7 year-old still trying to please her *khe-khe* Dead father by being perfect or is she developed obsession with killing ducks?
                The former.

                >She clearly had ambitions as a child, yes but shouldn't her mother being on the throne change her attitude?
                She's having an existential crisis about Ozai getting randomly ganked but keeps wavering back and forth between wanting Ursa's affection and following Ozai's instructions.

                Why don't you just read the fic if you want these answers though?

              • 6 months ago

                >and following Ozai's instructions.
                I assume she isn't on some sort of a secret mission, what kind of instructions?
                There isn't anything wrong or worth correcting in her attempt to perfect herself but the reason she is doing it. And it is not like she has a serious reason to continue being "evil" perfect. I'm no parent, but I feel like there is nothing "You are great Azula, but don't push yourself too hard, mommy loves you the way you are" wouldn't fix. It is not like she would be able to escape tight hugs.
                >Why don't you just read the fic if you want these answers though?
                I hate fanfics with all my passion, not because I hate the idea, but the execution is always.... well... lacking. I hated and dropped most of the ones I tried to read, the writing is for some reason unbearable. They are just... so cringe and it never happened with a type of book you wouldn't be embarrassed to tell granny about.
                To answer your question, I like the premise of this fic, but need an extreme convincing to even start, so I guess I'm looking for reasons to pick it up.

              • 6 months ago

                >I assume she isn't on some sort of a secret mission, what kind of instructions?
                No, Ozai got killed randomly, from her perspective. He wasn't expecting to die. She's just trying to imitate him in general like she does in show, and keeps attributing malice and jealousy to Ursa while also wanting her affection and denying that she wants her affection. Lots of wavering back and forth.

                >To answer your question, I like the premise of this fic, but need an extreme convincing to even start, so I guess I'm looking for reasons to pick it up.
                If you like the premise, read the first chapter and see if the writing style agrees with you. If not, you've only lost five minutes or so. Better that then asking rando anons for reviews.

              • 6 months ago

                >wanting her affection and denying that she wants her affection.
                Tsundere Azula - best Azula

              • 6 months ago

                Yandere Azula is superior.

          • 6 months ago

            Filthy Frank??

        • 6 months ago

          W-what fic?

          • 6 months ago

            He's talking about fire lady dowager, judging by the pic he's quoting.

    • 6 months ago

      my brain says no, my dick says frick yes

      How will history view Zuko after taking his mom and sister as his concubines?

      >How will history view Zuko after taking his mom and sister as his concubines?
      honestly? with women like those who could blame him

  6. 6 months ago

    We only see her from Zuko's perspective, and she was a good parent for him.
    Azula, when she's addressed as her own being and not just a villain, her problems come from a perceived lack of love.
    The most recent Avatar Comic, Azula in the Spirit Temple, has her say that Ursa leaving prevented her from protecting her from Ozai.
    So, maybe since Azula was naturally a bit sociopathic, she only criticized her, which made Azula worse.

    So she was quite literally hit and miss as a parent.

    • 6 months ago

      Azula was a weird creepy demon child who sperged out cause her mom thought her demon child was weird and spent time on the not demon child

  7. 6 months ago

    my brain says no, my dick says frick yes

    • 6 months ago

      How will history view Zuko after taking his mom and sister as his concubines?

      • 6 months ago

        Standard ruler.
        No joke.

      • 6 months ago

        how will the history of your life if you stop self-inserting like a cuck?

      • 6 months ago

        A man who knew the proper role of women, unlike his dad who let his crazy daughter have actual power.

      • 6 months ago

        With extreme jealousy.

      • 6 months ago

        It will be considered the beginning of the "Firelord's jaw line".

        • 6 months ago

          Me being a coomer besides, I always like to butt in that I have the "feeling" as an armchair biologist that one happening of incest just isn't enough to raise the possibility of a genetic defect over like...1%.

          • 6 months ago

            thats why he said it was the beginning

  8. 6 months ago

    She definitely could've been more strategic. Even if your other kid is a sociopath it's still a smart decision to have them bond with you more then Ozai to ensure you got two aces up your sleeve.

    • 6 months ago

      So now that the dust has settled, was she a good parent?

      Honestly she should have pointed out to her father-in-law get his second son doesn't care about his children half as much as he cares about himself or becoming Fire Lord and he's probably still scheming of a way to take from Iroh after the Lost of his son who unlike his dad Zuko actually mourn the lost of..

  9. 6 months ago

    Calling your like 6 year old daughter a monster instead of actually parenting the brat until she is a stable and functioning member of society that won't go insane and need to be locked up at age 14 was bad, yes
    I knew many shitty kids, most of them became functional adults with good parenting
    But no, she gave up and her daughter suffered for it

    • 6 months ago

      >But no, she gave up and her daughter suffered for it
      Never happened Azulatard, comics be damned

      • 6 months ago

        Azula was like 8
        All 8 year olds are hell spawn
        You just need to actually parent them
        Once ursa was gone azula had no authority figure to reign her in

        • 6 months ago

          Can anybody reign her in?

          • 6 months ago

            Built for Ugly_Bastards

            • 6 months ago

              100% chance of judaism.

          • 6 months ago
            The Demon

            You cannot destroy perfection.

            • 6 months ago

              Hi scrapper

            • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                >was never hugged by someone who loves her.
                I would be crying too.

              • 6 months ago

                Nobody loves her because she's unlovable, by choice.

              • 6 months ago

                >unlovable, by choice.
                There is no such people.

              • 6 months ago

                There are plenty of him.

              • 6 months ago
                The Demon

                Look at how the world failed her. She should never cry or be sad. She just wants to be happy

            • 6 months ago

              You can correct perfection though.

              • 6 months ago

                with a dick I suppose?

              • 6 months ago

                What suits her best, anon, what suits her best.

          • 6 months ago
            • 6 months ago

              Why would you let her beat you?

          • 6 months ago


            • 6 months ago

              Sokka would be her slave within a few minutes.

              • 6 months ago

                If instead of Zuko it was Azula in first episodes, he would be dead before she put her feet on ice.

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                Someone wrote a war and peace length fanfic around that, iirc.

              • 6 months ago

                You talking about Gladiator?

              • 6 months ago

                It’s over 4 million words now.

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago


          • 6 months ago

            >Dat smirk

            • 6 months ago
              • 6 months ago

                Bros, are all little sisters like this?

              • 6 months ago

                Yours aren't? You must be ugly af brah

        • 6 months ago

          Ursa didn't even tried to be the voice of reason. Just constant yelling at poor Azula, no wonder she chose her father.

          • 6 months ago

            >Ursa didn't even tried to be the voice of reason. Just constant yelling at poor Azula,
            I remember in the cartoon she had concerns about azure's more Disturbing Behavior as a child but not yelling at her. And to be fair Azula did have some trouble in Behavior as a child not so if it was because of that or born mental issues but it probably was not by mommy going away
            And her father encouraging her was aspects.

          • 6 months ago

            One thing to remember about the royal family flashbacks in the show is that they were almost entirely from the perspective of Zuko's victimization complex.
            Zuko can be viewed as an unreliable narrator in that regard. We only ever saw Ursa being a loving and tender mother to him and a c**t to Azula.
            We're not going to see moments where Azula is treated with tenderness by Azula in Zuko's flashbacks.

            What we do have are other context scenes.
            We know that the entire family was at least civil enough to go on vacations together to a private island resort, Ozai included, and Zuko remembers them fondly. Meaning that at some point, they all got along. Even Zuko and Azula, and Azula and Ursa.
            We know that, even when Azula's mind starts to break down, even when Azula herself WANTS to believe otherwise, the images her subconscious conjure of Ursa in the mirror are those of a proud mother who loves her and wants what is best for her. Azula knew deep down that Ursa gave a shit, and couldn't even imagine her being cruel to pacify her own massive ego.

            So it stands to reason that Ursa tried her best to be just as loving to Azula, but still rightfully scolded her when she was being a brat to her brother.
            It's just that, while Zuko put all of the blame for Ursa's absence on Ozai, all a younger Azula understood was that her mother abandoned her, and compensated by spending all of her time trying to impress the parent who didn't.

  10. 6 months ago

    She was kind of shit. Didn't she abandon her kids and start a new family?

    • 6 months ago

      You are still successful genetically as long as at least one kid has kids, and if the first set isn't panning out it's best to ditch them and make more with a new mate while you are still fertile

  11. 6 months ago

    >was she a good parent?
    Depends, what standard are we applying?

  12. 6 months ago

    Does anyone know what happened to the Fire Foursome ship?

  13. 6 months ago

    I say this as someone who has never wanted to see Azula redeemed and am actually happy that from what little I know of the comics and what can be inferred from Korra, she died a villain:

    It is insanely impressive that the comics made Ursa so evil, I can't help but see both Ozai and Azula as wanting her dead.

    • 6 months ago

      *as completely justified wanting her dead

    • 6 months ago

      She's basically a traumatized kidnapped sex slave. She's pathetic in that version, but hardly evil.

      • 6 months ago

        I find pathetic characters more contemptible than actively malicious ones, especially ones that go so far as to prefer ego death over admission of responsibility. Don't undersell her decisions-she was traumatised yes, but so were other characters in the series, and the way she dealt with it once she got her freedom is so pathetic that if I were Azula I'd actually just get over my trauma by realising she was never family in any way that mattered. I can look at Sauron and at least admit that armour is fricking badass. I look at Gollum, and I see someone who's probably fingered his butthole with the One Ring at least once.

        >never wanted to see Azula redeemed
        >happy that she died a villain
        Are you a fan or a hater? I cant tell.

        I don't feel strongly enough about Azula to rightfully call myself either. I think she was an excellent villain in TLA, and I also think she got everything she deserved. That's all.

        Porn's good of course, but that goes without saying.

        • 6 months ago

          How is Ursa responsible for basically being kidnapped and bred like livestock?

          • 6 months ago

            Again, I never said that. Stop putting words in my mouth. Ursa isn't responsible for being kidnapped and bred like livestock. She is, however, a coward and a failure as a parent for abandoning her VERY MIND to escape her pain with no hope of every reconnecting with the children.

            • 6 months ago

              t. incel incapable of empathizing with a traumatized victim of domestic abuse
              how would her keeping the memories and suffering futilely, knowing she could never see her kids again either way, have been better? she's supposed to suffer for no reason at all instead of moving on and finding happiness? man you're a dick.

              • 6 months ago

                t. simp. We can stand and trade insults all day, or we can look at some other characters in the series who were dealt shit hands how they coped. How about, I don't know, Uncle Iroh finding peace and growing as a person after the DEATH of his son? Or are men somehow weighted on different standards by psychological damage? In that case, what about Toph refusing to let little things like being BLIND and coddled prevent her from mastering earthbending? I'm not asking Ursa to be a hero. Even without bending you seeming either are a kung fu prodigy or you're not. I'm just saying, if you ABANDON your children to the extent of getting magical fricking brain surely then they were never really yours.

                How does keeping the pain help? It acknowledges that relationship. It conveys the chance, however slim, that one day you can meet again. It's not something pleasant no but something to be endured, overcome with time to recover and a safe environment. Ursa did not do that. She did not just run, which is understandable-she abdicated all responsibility so she could feel like she never did anything wrong.

                Look at it like this. It's a major plot point that Aang, terrified of the responsibilities of being the Avatar, froze himself alive. And while Aang does have the mitigating excuse of just being a child, how would you feel if Aang tried to erase his memories, so he'd never HAVE to be the avatar?

                The only thing she could possibly have done at that point was suffer in silence. If she wanted to assassinate Ozai the chance had passed and that was basically the only thing that could have stopped him.

                Suffer in silence and wait for another opportunity or leave, I wouldn't have judged her for either this harshly. I am specifically shitting on Ursa for essentially trying to become a different person.

                For GIVING UP even the slightest chance of salvaging anything.

                >who’s about to be deported for doing his job
                Should have worked better
                > and he and the teacher are both correct.
                As was the ship captain I suppose?

                >Should have worked better
                That said tbqh Ozai needs to shut the frick up about muh tard rage shortcuts, because Iroh definitively proves that the good old ways of firebending shit on cutting corners.

              • 6 months ago

                >Suffer in silence and wait for another opportunity or leave, I wouldn't have judged her for either this harshly. I am specifically shitting on Ursa for essentially trying to become a different person.
                >For GIVING UP even the slightest chance of salvaging anything.
                Ozai literally kicked her out on pain of death.

              • 6 months ago

                You're just deliberately ignoring my posts at this point. I fully acknowledge getting kicked out was beyond her control, I'm specifically calling the MEMORY ERASURE part a b***h move and an act of supreme cowardice since that happened long, long after she was outside his influence.

              • 6 months ago

                How exactly does a lifetime of miserable, hopeless longing help anyone?

              • 6 months ago

                Well for one thing it's not FRICKING hopeless because Ozai was overthrown, his daughter ended up a basketcase and the Fire Nation was defeated. You might say it's unreasonable for Ursa to know that, and to that I might say that erasing your fricking memories with spirit magic is a lot different to using alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism. It is turning your back on ANY hope, as opposed to acknowledging SOME might exist.

                What about giving up is admirable or even sympathetic? Should the Gaang have decided overthrowing the Fire Nation was too damn hard and given up and gone home, or for that matter should all those people who supported them despite NOT being the Avatar? Remember. Katara and Sokka are nowhere near as special as Aang in the grand scheme of things. He wasn't even their family.

                >an entire essay explaining why he hates women

                Oh sure, reduce the entire argument to Ursa being a beautiful butterfly who was a perfect mother. That'll sure help.

              • 6 months ago

                Ursa literally is a 10/10 who did nothing wrong. Zuko would break your nose for disrespecting his mother. Just say you hate Ursa because you lust after Azula, Scrapper.

              • 6 months ago

                I have no idea who that namegay even is, but Ursa is a coward who was broken and found wanting as a parent. That's all I care about. I'd judge her just as harshly as a man who, I don't know, whatever unlucky bastard ends up marrying Azula if that ever happens

              • 6 months ago
                The Demon

                You only got it half right. Any person would consider themselves lucky to be with azula and thankfully ty Lee is just that person. Ursa is indeed a shit though

              • 6 months ago

                >Ty Lee
                You mean the girl who abandoned her at the earliest opportunity and spent the rest of her life in fear of her?

              • 6 months ago

                Don't try to argue with scrapper "the demon" about Azula or Ty Lee. He's delusional.

              • 6 months ago

                He means the girl who betrayed her and then enjoyed torturing her in mental asylum.

              • 6 months ago

                Are you trying to tell me you wouldn't enjoy abusing a broken Azula?

              • 6 months ago

                I wish to say "I wouldn't", but.....

              • 6 months ago

                >I wish to say "I wouldn't"

              • 6 months ago

                I sympathize with her enough to feel guilty about thinking it would actually be enjoyable.

              • 6 months ago

                Your love would fix her anon.

              • 6 months ago

                If my "my love" you mean "my wiener" than yes, I do plan to frick the crazy right out of her.

              • 6 months ago

                Sauce? The reverse image search brings up nothing.

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                Greatly appreciated my fine fellow.

              • 6 months ago

                I would make her spend the rest of her fertile years constantly pregnant.

              • 6 months ago

                You and me both, Anon.

              • 6 months ago

                As the good book says, women shall be saved by childbearing.

              • 6 months ago
                The Demon

                Don't try to argue with scrapper "the demon" about Azula or Ty Lee. He's delusional.

                He means the girl who betrayed her and then enjoyed torturing her in mental asylum.

                Ty Lee was her friend since they were children and Azula loved her. Her being "scared" is completely out line because there was nothing to be afraid of. She isn't the fricking boogeyman she's a girl who wants friends and to be accepted

              • 6 months ago

                Azula hunted her down at the circus and manipulated her and the circus owner into doing a dangerous stunt with a burning safety net and frightened animals

                And that is their relationship in a nutshell. Azula manipulating them and everyone around them with fear and intimidation, forcing them to be loyal and subservient to her

              • 6 months ago
                The Demon

                That's absolutely bullshit. You act like Azula never cared at all. Azula loved her friends and we see how heartbroken she is when they leave her. She wanted Mai and ty Lee to be by her side like they used to be. It's why she chose them over assassins or any soldier. Also azula knew ty Lee would make it out ok because she knows ty lees skillset and knew she is more than capable.

              • 6 months ago

                Azula hunted her down at the circus and manipulated her and the circus owner into doing a dangerous stunt with a burning safety net and frightened animals

                And that is their relationship in a nutshell. Azula manipulating them and everyone around them with fear and intimidation, forcing them to be loyal and subservient to her

                Middle ground. She cares about them in the sense that she wants them to love her and does not want them to be dead or unavailable for her, yet she would do any manipulation to get that result, being sociopath she is.

              • 6 months ago
                The Demon

                She cannot be a sociopath a child's mind is not developed enough to solidify a mental disorder.

                It doesn't matter if Azula knew Ty Lee would be okay

                What matters is that she leveraged her position as Princess to intimidate Ty Lee into a dangerous position that endangered the entire circus, performers and animals alike.
                And threatened to do it all again the next night.

                And she did all that, to convince Ty Lee to join an even more dangerous mission where she would put her life on the line every day. And then return to a life in the Fire Nation that Ty Lee hated and ran away from, to make Azula happy

                Ty Lee's happiness and wellbeing didn't factor in at all

                Because Azula wanted her. Azula was willing to travel and look for her so she could have her friend back. Ty Lee should have been more considerate of azulas feelings when she ran away or at least properly ended the relationship

              • 6 months ago

                I think she's a psychopath. Rage and superiority issues rather than non-emotional issues.

              • 6 months ago

                Sociopath - is a term used to describe a person with dissocial personality disorder, and when a observer believes that this dosorder was mainly caused by social its interactions during forming of its psyche - i.g. in childhood.
                On contrary psychopath is used by the ones, who believe that this disorder is mainly caused by hereditary factors.
                I, as you can guess, prefer to believe in first and consider Azula to be a sociopath.

                She cannot be a sociopath a child's mind is not developed enough to solidify a mental disorder.


                Because Azula wanted her. Azula was willing to travel and look for her so she could have her friend back. Ty Lee should have been more considerate of azulas feelings when she ran away or at least properly ended the relationship

                As you can see, child's indeed could be sociopaths, same way, they could have most other disorders. And by start of the cartoon plot Azula's psyche was definetely already mostly formed, so absolutely had some disorders by that time.

              • 6 months ago
                The Demon

                Holy shit any textbook, scholarly article, or research paper can tell you that isn't the case. The most you can diagnose the child with is with conduct disorder. Are there attempts to see if you can identify it at an early age? Yes but none have been successful

              • 6 months ago

                I can see both, Azula obviously has a desire for normal ass friendship and love but was taught by her father everything is conditional and power/fear are the only reliable means of control. She wants her friends but she was raised that she cannot trust them to remain loyal through their own volition. Which is why when she's betrayed because their loyalty to others rather than her fear of her, she's confronted with the idea that she's been doing it all wrong, she could've had earnest loyalty AND her greatest tool had failed her.

              • 6 months ago

                > but was taught by her father everything is conditional and power/fear are the only reliable means of control.
                She "understood" it herself after betrayal. I believe she honestly could not tell, that she was doing something wrong with her friends.
                It is grim to think, why someone as perceptive as Azula doesn't understand friendship or love?

              • 6 months ago

                >why someone as perceptive as Azula doesn't understand friendship or love?
                because she is not innately perceptive or talented in general, but she is a quick learner and a dedicated student

              • 6 months ago

                It'd be pretty ironic if those were Lu-Ten's last words before being buried below an avalancha

              • 6 months ago

                "Middle ground. She cares about them in the sense that she wants them to love her and does not want them to be dead or unavailable for her, yet she would do any manipulation to get that result, being sociopath she is."

                What a weird thing to say before death.

              • 6 months ago

                Some people remain cryptic even when facing their demise, anon.

              • 6 months ago

                It doesn't matter if Azula knew Ty Lee would be okay

                What matters is that she leveraged her position as Princess to intimidate Ty Lee into a dangerous position that endangered the entire circus, performers and animals alike.
                And threatened to do it all again the next night.

                And she did all that, to convince Ty Lee to join an even more dangerous mission where she would put her life on the line every day. And then return to a life in the Fire Nation that Ty Lee hated and ran away from, to make Azula happy

                Ty Lee's happiness and wellbeing didn't factor in at all

              • 6 months ago

                Azula literally enslaved Ty Lee with the threat of death.

              • 6 months ago
                The Demon

                Show me where she did

              • 6 months ago

                The first episode in which Ty Lee appeared, in which she was dangled over fire and rabid animals with the promise of further such incidents unless she engaged in an indefinite stint of unpaid labor for Azula, ie. the literal definition of slavery.

              • 6 months ago

                No it's not.

              • 6 months ago

                Yes it is.

              • 6 months ago

                No it's coercion but not slavery.

              • 6 months ago

                Unpaid coercive labor is the literal definition of slavery.

              • 6 months ago

                Ty Lee is no commoner but a Fire Nation Noble meaning her family's wealth exist just because the royal family allows it so you see Ty Lee is getting paid.

              • 6 months ago
                The Demon

                Azula never explicitly tried to kill Ty Lee she came in her own accord, or do you not remember that scene?

              • 6 months ago

                She explicitly threatened her with a fiery death beneath her tightrope and the promise to come back and do it all over again the next night after Ty Lee refused to help her initially.

              • 6 months ago

                Don't argue with Scrapper "The Demon". He's delusional and will defend Azula to his dying breath.

              • 6 months ago

                You are foolish to think Azula would kill her best friend. All Ty lee had to do was just keep doing the trick

              • 6 months ago

                All she had to do was not fall, while balancing one-handed on a tightrope above a burning inferno. Every night. Forever.

              • 6 months ago
                The Demon

                Nah you are just a simp. Ty Lee knew Azula absolutely would hurt her.

                Azula would not have stayed that long. Ty Lee was not committed to her new life

                True, she was just showing Ty Lee, that circus executives are willing to risk her life. She would be better protected with Azula.

                You know that is actually good point. Frick those execs

              • 6 months ago

                Fact: Ty Lee told Azula to leave her alone and Azula threatened her life until she complied. No delusional lies, no amount of samegayging will change that scrapper.

              • 6 months ago
                The Demon

                Rewatch it again. Azula never says a single threat and ty Lee comes willingly to her

              • 6 months ago

                >"Set the net on fire."

              • 6 months ago
                The Demon

                They do that at disneyland

              • 6 months ago

                That's not disneyland.

              • 6 months ago

                both Ty Lee and Mai joined Azula partially bcause they were looking forward to Zuko, but in case of Ty Lee the other part was a death threat

              • 6 months ago

                Safety nets actually increases the chances of injury.

              • 6 months ago

                True, she was just showing Ty Lee, that circus executives are willing to risk her life. She would be better protected with Azula.

              • 6 months ago
                The Demon

                What this smart

                You are foolish to think Azula would kill her best friend. All Ty lee had to do was just keep doing the trick

                anon said. Azula loves ty lee and wouldn't harm her

              • 6 months ago

                Nah you are just a simp. Ty Lee knew Azula absolutely would hurt her.

              • 6 months ago

                Ty Lee is a an expert chi-blocker, she knows Azula cannot hurt her.

              • 6 months ago

                That's obviously you samegayging.

              • 6 months ago

                >What about giving up is admirable or even sympathetic?
                People break after a while. It's just reality. An heroing has been with humanity ever since self-awareness developed.

              • 6 months ago

                keeping the memories wouldn't help her kids, they would just cause her to suffer. is it noble to suffer for no reason? if so, go turn on the stove and seat your ass there. you aren't using those balls anyway.

                ah, but she's a woman and you have the expectation that women should be ready and willing to suffer for no reason at all just because you despise them and think they deserve to be miserable and subservient like good little masochists, as necessarily any fantasy of a woman being with you would include her suffering, and probably pinching her nose shut. if a woman wasn't a masochist, she wouldn't have sex with you, so you desperately hope they all are.

              • 6 months ago

                Yes Darlene, now be a dear and get me another beer. And if you could stop eating clam for 5 fricking seconds, you might pay attention to the crux of my argument.

                That erasing her memories reduced her chances of ever helping her kids, to NEVER helping her kids. At all.

              • 6 months ago

                >That erasing her memories reduced her chances of ever helping her kids, to NEVER helping her kids. At all.

                reduced them from 0 to 0?

              • 6 months ago

                Reduced them from 0.01 to 0 yes. Again. THE FIRE NATION WAS OVERTHROWN mainly thanks to the efforts of teenagers and their flying fricking bison, do not talk to my about realpolitik in this children's cartoon.

              • 6 months ago

                >this character is a HORRIBLE TERRIBLE MONSTER for not suffering for literally no reason at all
                You have to be 18 to post here.

              • 6 months ago

                She gave up all of her memories of the children she allegedly loved so she could go frick another man without being reminded of their existence. You don't give up your memories of your children if you really love them. You remember them and cherish them and live for them, even if you're separated from them. I've seen people who lived through fricking concentration camps talk about how even if they knew the chances of seeing their children again was practically nonexistent, they still perservered because they loved their kids and believed in that slim chance. Ursa, who has spent literally her entire life in unimaginable privilege as a granddaughter of an Avatar and then a royal family member, immediately gives up after being separated from her kids and throws her children away so she can ride Ikem's wiener and live a happy, peaceful life guilt-free.

                She's an incredibly shitty person and a sad excuse for a mother. And before anyone accuses me of hating women, I am a woman, and I'd be saying the exact same things if Ursa was a dude. Deadbeats are fricking wastes of oxygen no matter what sex they are.

              • 6 months ago

                IMO the worst part of what she did was planting this fake clue that Zuko was not Ozai's son. That was a dangerous lie to tell. It resulted in bad consequences for both Ikem and Zuko.
                Ursa made up that lie because she was trying to figure out whether her letters were being intercepted. She should've tried some other lie to test it. Something less dangerous. Like for example "Ozai's breath stinks" or "I wish Ozai would take me to the opera one day". If Ozai suddenly started to use breathmints or wanted to go to the opera, she could've confirmed her suspicions without putting other people at risk.

              • 6 months ago

                Same anon here and yeah, this was almost suidically stupid. She could have easily gotten herself AND her son put to death for it, and for what? To find out her peice of shit husband is reading her mail? For petty revenge agasinst him? She put Zuko's life on the line to piss Ozai off and that's unforgivable as a mother.

              • 6 months ago

                She should have just said she was having an affair with Iroh.

              • 6 months ago

                It wouldn't achieved desired effect if she wrote something everyone are aware of.

              • 6 months ago


                IMO the worst part of what she did was planting this fake clue that Zuko was not Ozai's son. That was a dangerous lie to tell. It resulted in bad consequences for both Ikem and Zuko.
                Ursa made up that lie because she was trying to figure out whether her letters were being intercepted. She should've tried some other lie to test it. Something less dangerous. Like for example "Ozai's breath stinks" or "I wish Ozai would take me to the opera one day". If Ozai suddenly started to use breathmints or wanted to go to the opera, she could've confirmed her suspicions without putting other people at risk.

                and all that shit only because they wanted cheap shock value

              • 6 months ago

                >and all that shit only because they wanted cheap shock value
                that was moronic

                if they wanted to add drama, introduce plot with Ursa having a son from a different man, and emphasise how much of a monster Ozai was
                all they had to do was introduce Zuko's half brother, that looks nothing like him, that stayed with his father, after Ozai kidnapped Ursa
                now Zuko has to question if his mother loved him at all or was her behaviour a result of Ozai's blackmail and that he himself if a spitting image of his father

                this would work well alongside drama on Azula's side of things if Kya, instead of bing a mary sue tier plot device, would have been a non bender that quickly starts idolizing Azula and becomes desperate to impress her

                Ozai was always gonna get of rid of him to make Azula the heir, this was just a convenient excuse.

                Real talk, what would have actually happened had Zuko fought his dad like he was supposed to? From what we've seen (sans the final one) Agni Kai aren't always fatal, it ends when one of the combatants is defeated. Zuko gets his ass whooped but at least did his best to defend himself, so would they just leave it at that? Burn his ass again and call it a day with no exile? Or Ozai roasts Zuko alive for some reason?

                >Ozai was always gonna get of rid of him to make Azula the heir, this was just a convenient excuse.
                he couldn't do that, because then he would have to admit that his firstborn was a failure, and admitting being wrong, in any way, is something that narcissistic psychopaths don't do

              • 6 months ago

                >if they wanted to add drama
                Make Ozai loving husband and make Zuko feel conflicted.

              • 6 months ago

                yeah, what the frick were they thinking

                if they had to have her and Zuko break up, why not make it so Mai learns that her parents are the ones trying to kill Zuko, but only after she reconnects with them and Zuko announces a death penalty for terrorists behind new ozai faction

                then have her parents accept the unavoidable punishment with dignity, only asking Mai to save Tom Tom

                this causes her to break up with Zuko after he refuses to spare her parents, citing all the death and destruction after the attacks

                >Make Ozai loving husband
                I wouldnt go that far, but we could have Ursa showing up with Kya (who's Ozai's in this version) in tow to visit him in prison, and then ask Zuko to let him go so they can live in peace on a farm with their youngest daughter


                more than a decade later, Ursa is still in "I can change him, this time for sure" mode

              • 6 months ago

                yeah, what the frick were they thinking

                if they had to have her and Zuko break up, why not make it so Mai learns that her parents are the ones trying to kill Zuko, but only after she reconnects with them and Zuko announces a death penalty for terrorists behind new ozai faction

                then have her parents accept the unavoidable punishment with dignity, only asking Mai to save Tom Tom

                this causes her to break up with Zuko after he refuses to spare her parents, citing all the death and destruction after the attacks

                >Make Ozai loving husband
                I wouldnt go that far, but we could have Ursa showing up with Kya (who's Ozai's in this version) in tow to visit him in prison, and then ask Zuko to let him go so they can live in peace on a farm with their youngest daughter

                This would frick zuko up hard if his mom requested this even more if his dad agrees

              • 6 months ago

                >This would frick zuko up hard
                he is too well adjusted for that, but it would take him for a spin - but it would absolutely floor Azula

              • 6 months ago

                Here is the idea.

                You can keep political marriage, but make them fall in love eventually.
                He is ambitious prince and she is his voice of reason and empathy.
                During happy days they conceive Zuko and Azula, who while being mom's boy and dad's girl respectively, they still are loved equally.
                During Iroh's stagnation, Ozai's ambitions grow and Ursa occupied with the children can't influence him as much as before.
                It reaches the peak when Iroh's son dies, Ozai sees opportunity and makes his move just like in the show. Demonstrates to Fire lord that younger kids are sometimes better, without any actual hate towards Zuko.
                Then Azulon orders him to kill his son, and in desperation parents contrive a plan to poison Azulon.
                They fear that sooner or later the poisoning might be discovered so Ursa goes into hiding, and since fire lord is constantly monitored they will not be able to meet each other. They make love for the last time.
                In Ursa's absence Azulon's ambitions grow stronger and his son's resemblance to her and her empathy makes him gradually hate Zuko, to the point of banishing him after war-room meeting.
                After the shows end, Ozai reveals it all to Azula and they together with Zuko go on a search. Remove the team Avatar, and make Azula extremely depressed so that she is not trying to run away, more then that, she is constantly trying to hurt herself in roundabout ways, so that Zuko has to stop her.
                After some serious siblings bonding they arrive at the remote location were they discover Ursa raising small girl alone.
                When they return and show up at his prison cell, Ozai upon seeing the girl and wife repents and realizes how much of a fool he was for pursuing his ambitions without second thought. They don't release him and he would not have wished for a release.
                They lived ever after and Ursa was sometimes seen sneaking out of the palace into the prison.

                What do you think? Would that make for a better story?

              • 6 months ago

                >What do you think? Would that make for a better story?
                it makes for a different story, once focused on Ozai and Ursa's tragic love story, and in that it's good
                but it doesn't really mesh with atla

                also that story needs a cap on Ozai's sentence, or changing it to house arrest or something

              • 6 months ago

                >but it doesn't really mesh with atla
                You mean that there is inconsistency or that tone is shifted too much? If former, which part? If latter, I think it is appropriate to continue the universe in a more "mature" way.
                >also that story needs a cap on Ozai's sentence
                He was too crazy during the ending of a show it might be hard.

              • 6 months ago

                I mean in atla he is a psycho that bbqs his son's face for making him look bad in front of his m8s

              • 6 months ago

                >I mean in atla he is a psycho that bbqs his son's face for making him look bad in front of his m8s
                Honestly, and it is me being crazy for loving all things evil especially Azula, but I find it is possible to see it in different light.(At least until he became crazy hitler phoenix)
                Think about it

                Ozai would probably let Zuko throw a few punches to save face, then lay him on his ass and declare the matter resolved. His son publicly pussying out in front of everyone is probably what set him off more than anything else.

                Exactly my thoughts. I felt like he was giving him a chance.
                Your teenage pussy son joins war room, and then goes against some general. Maybe he did finally grew up? The fight was more like a rite of passage, yes Zuko would lose, but it is clear Ozai wasn't going to kill him. More than that, considering Zukos skill, he would hold long enough to prove to all the viewers, except Azula maybe, that he is finally a man.
                And then he starts begging for his life...

                Ozai would probably give Zuko a less noticeable, less severe scar as a reminder

                You are ruthless ruler and your heir is a pussy, who talks before he thinks, is impulsive, and does not respect authority. Naturally you would want to teach him a lesson. And during Agni Kai you use to teach him that you should not act or speak unless you can back it up with power or authority, Zuko completely chickens out. So you send him on a mission where he could become real man. Yes leaving a scar, but what is a scar for a real man.
                Ozai for example, after Zuko kills the Avatar, restores his honor completely. To the point of not formally inviting him to the meeting, fully expecting for him to arrive on his own AND waits until Zuko arrives. He is fully expecting Zuko to be a real man worthy of being next Fire lord.

              • 6 months ago

                This is why the comics aren't canon.

              • 6 months ago

                This is why they are.

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                it's not an incel, clearly a Black person sociopath narcissist with no concept of human emotional pain

              • 6 months ago

                keeping the memories wouldn't help her kids, they would just cause her to suffer. is it noble to suffer for no reason? if so, go turn on the stove and seat your ass there. you aren't using those balls anyway.

                ah, but she's a woman and you have the expectation that women should be ready and willing to suffer for no reason at all just because you despise them and think they deserve to be miserable and subservient like good little masochists, as necessarily any fantasy of a woman being with you would include her suffering, and probably pinching her nose shut. if a woman wasn't a masochist, she wouldn't have sex with you, so you desperately hope they all are.

                femcels need not apply

              • 6 months ago

                Was Azula a femcel?

              • 6 months ago

                not really, but the two anons sloching up to Ursa clerly are

              • 6 months ago

                >an entire essay explaining why he hates women

            • 6 months ago

              The only thing she could possibly have done at that point was suffer in silence. If she wanted to assassinate Ozai the chance had passed and that was basically the only thing that could have stopped him.

    • 6 months ago

      >never wanted to see Azula redeemed
      >happy that she died a villain
      Are you a fan or a hater? I cant tell.

  14. 6 months ago

    Yes, she did the best she could given the circumstances.
    The comics are shit and non canon btw

  15. 6 months ago

    She tried to be, but her husband had manipulated her children to the point they didn't understand anything but the desire for the fire nation to rule the world. For her own safety she had to leave and go into hiding.

  16. 6 months ago

    She didn't molest Azula enough

    • 6 months ago

      Poor Azula, not getting enough attention from mommy.

      • 6 months ago

        Jesus christ Kill la Kill was something else

    • 6 months ago

      More angst Azula please.

      • 6 months ago
  17. 6 months ago
  18. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Kiss him. This will surely hurt him inside.

      • 6 months ago

        Don't kiss him for a week. This will surely hurt him inside.

        Kiss each other. This will surely hurt him inside.

    • 6 months ago

      Don't kiss him for a week. This will surely hurt him inside.

  19. 6 months ago

    In the show yes.
    In the comics no it basically character assassinated her.

    I'm gonna be honest if I had to choose between being abused and my parents literally forgetting I exist, I am choosing the face burn. At least Zuko can enjoy vindication over Ozai, what the frick does Azula do with a mother who voluntarily destroys all recollection of her?

  20. 6 months ago

    She was a #boymom who resented having a daughter

  21. 6 months ago

    Good to zuko at least

  22. 6 months ago

    Ayo, does anyone recall the name of the fic in which Azula blows herself and Ozai up?

    • 6 months ago

      > in which Azula blows herself
      Isn't flexibility more of a Ty Lee thing?

      • 6 months ago

        Just need the chi block

        • 6 months ago

          >imagine being chi blocked so many times you are able to notice few seconds of increased flexibility
          This is dark, I bet chi blocking is painful too.

          • 6 months ago

            >This is dark, I bet chi blocking is painful too.
            So, what you think happened in her asylum then?

            • 6 months ago

              >So, what you think happened in her asylum then?
              Constantly in a straitjacket, she was forced to drink and eat like a dog, and for each of her mandatory daily "walks" she would be chi blocked and rolled in the garden, where she could see glimpses of normal and happy life.

            • 6 months ago

              Sexual abuse, duh.

              It’s over 4 million words now.

              >Literally write eight times as much as War and Peace
              >As fanfic
              But y tho?

              • 6 months ago

                >Sexual abuse, duh.
                Even if Azula is disgraced, why would anyone, regardless if they are an Ozai supporter or Zuko supporter, touch her? Like I'm pretty sure if it came out someone was touching her like that, Zuko and Ozai might agree on something for once have the person offed.

              • 6 months ago

                > I'm pretty sure if it came out someone was touching her like that, Zuko have the person offed.
                He wouldn't, he ORDERED for her to be abused in the first place.
                No but jokes aside, he doesn't loves his sister. Just binged watched the avatar and precisely for treads like this noted every interaction they had. From their first meting on screen, to the last Agni Kai, I didn't saw any moment that can be interpreted as him having any sort of love or concern for her.
                Not when they "reunited", not when they fought, not when they "defeated" avatar, not when she gave up her spotlight, not during last fight.
                The closest to a concern of any kind was the scene, where she uses hairpin to save herself from a free fall. And even there, all you've got was just "She is not gonna make it." with a face from a pic. Does this looks like a face of a brother whose sister is free falling to her impending death, who he thinks "not gonna make it?"

              • 6 months ago

                Ahahahahaha and this is his face after she miraculously saves herself.
                "Of course she did."

              • 6 months ago

                >Zuko disgust

              • 6 months ago

                Ahahahahaha and this is his face after she miraculously saves herself.
                "Of course she did."

                speed watchers are as bad as speed readers

              • 6 months ago

                Explain the face then.

              • 6 months ago

                Open to interpretation.

              • 6 months ago

                I interpret that you are a homosexual.

              • 6 months ago

                I'll translate that as you looking for some dick.

              • 6 months ago

                Zuko and Azula have a complicated relationship that swings between deeply careing and trying to kill each other
                by that point of the story Zuko starts to understand that he will have to beat Azula into compliance and he is anot entirely ok with it

              • 6 months ago

                >that swings between deeply careing and trying to kill each other
                You just made that up. As I said there are no scenes where he cares about her even just a little, forget deeply.

              • 6 months ago

                have you really forgotten about the moment that made all the zutarians cry out in pain?

              • 6 months ago

                Yes, elaborate, please.

              • 6 months ago

                Zuko and Azula have a complicated relationship that swings between deeply careing and trying to kill each other
                by that point of the story Zuko starts to understand that he will have to beat Azula into compliance and he is anot entirely ok with it

                have you really forgotten about the moment that made all the zutarians cry out in pain?

                Yes, elaborate, please.

                >You just made that up. As I said there are no scenes where he cares about her even just a littl

              • 6 months ago

                Not that anon but I bet he's gonna say non-canon.

              • 6 months ago

                I'm not reading that, please provide an in-show-moment that illustrates your point. Author's opinion doesn't matter, especially when there is no something to back him up.

                Not that anon but I bet he's gonna say non-canon.

                How did you guessed it?

              • 6 months ago

                I am guessing you have skipped watching se02 and a huge chunk of se03

              • 6 months ago

                Yea yea, call me Scrapper next.
                The problem is, I cannot prove lack of something, duuh. So the only way this discussion can be resolved is for someone to provide a moment which proves me wrong.
                You guys, are yet to do it.

              • 6 months ago

                the most obvious would be Zuko choosing Azula over Katara or Iroh under Bas Sing Se

              • 6 months ago

                You imply he chooses Azula over Uncle or Katara, but he is choosing catching Avatar,restoring his honor and his father over Iroh and Katara. Even IF we assume that this scene can illustrate him caring for Azula, STILL the primary focus will be his honor. And I frankly cannot see how his brotherly love could be tangent to him uniting with someone to hunt Avatar.

              • 6 months ago

                wew lad
                it is good to be pasionate, but man, you are an actaul autist

              • 6 months ago

                >you are an actaul autist
                I would not deny it, so what?
                Imagine for a second she isn't his sister, how would it change anything in Ba Sing Se?

              • 6 months ago

                >I would not deny it, so what?
                it's hard to arge with someone who doesnt natiraly pick up on some things

                >Imagine for a second she isn't his sister, how would it change anything in Ba Sing Se
                if everything else stayed the same then Zuko would become a harem protagonist with no one trying to deny that Mai and Azula were figthing for his attention, with ty lee on the side hoping she too would catch some of that dick

                and zutarians would have been even more mad

              • 6 months ago

                >Azula was figthing for his attention
                Well she loves him, in a weird way, but still. We were talking about Zuko.

              • 6 months ago

                But we were talking about Zuko.

              • 6 months ago

                men show affection in different ways than women, and on top of that Zuko is emotionally stunted more than your average dude

                but surely you've noticed that the way he treats Azula is different compared to other women in his life, also her opinions affect him more

                in essence Zuko acts like a typical male love interest in a female centric love story, who is still in the first third of the romance arc when he clearly her feelings for the girl, but did not admit it to himself yet

              • 6 months ago

                May I perchance know, what is your opinion on Azula x Zuko ship?

              • 6 months ago

                while personally, I am a fan of jinko( Jin x Zuko ) just like with oreimo, I can recognize the setup that would lead to brother fricking his sister
                in fact in atla their relationship is much more tropey than it was the case with oreimo, but instead of anime tropes Zuko x Azula leans more into the conventions of female centric romance novels

                on top of that if you would roll Mai's into Azula we wouldn't have to waste time with that two dimensional character allowing for more storytelling to be done

                plus, in the case of fire siblings, especially moving forward pass the og show's runtimes, the incestual part of their romance would actually add something to the plot, instead of being there for shock value, like the sex scenes with Lannister twins in got

              • 6 months ago

                >if everything else stayed the same then Zuko would become a harem protagonist with no one trying to deny that Mai and Azula were figthing for his attention, with ty lee on the side hoping she too would catch some of that dick

                men show affection in different ways than women, and on top of that Zuko is emotionally stunted more than your average dude

                but surely you've noticed that the way he treats Azula is different compared to other women in his life, also her opinions affect him more

                in essence Zuko acts like a typical male love interest in a female centric love story, who is still in the first third of the romance arc when he clearly her feelings for the girl, but did not admit it to himself yet

                >in essence Zuko acts like a typical male love interest in a female centric love story, who is still in the first third of the romance arc when he clearly her feelings for the girl, but did not admit it to himself yet
                Honestly, why does there seem to be so much tension between Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, and Azula? And what would happen if they ever realized what was going on?

              • 6 months ago

                >Honestly, why does there seem to be so much tension between Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, and Azula? And what would happen if they ever realized what was going on?
                because, as Aaron admitted, his wife gave him a hand giggity writing fire nation girls and their relationship with Zuko
                here is an example of woman thinking to illustrate her influence:

              • 6 months ago

                So what do you think would happen if the four of them realized the tension that existed between them? Would their relationships fall apart? Or would they start fricking each other? Coming to an "arrangement"?

              • 6 months ago

                unironically harem sex

              • 6 months ago

                >unironically harem sex
                So you think Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, and Azula would start a four-way relationship? If so, who do you think would be the one to initate? Would they go public with their relationship? Also, what are your thoughts on the Fire Foursome ship, and are there any artists or writers you recommend?

              • 6 months ago

                after a very heated hug, Zuko would realize that he loves Azula as a woman and would approach Mai to explain that he can't live without his little sister, and vice versa, to which Mai would respond with "just keep her on your side of the bed"
                then Ty Lee would have learned about the agreement and asked to be let in

              • 6 months ago

                So you don't think Mai, Azula, and/or Ty Lee would have sex with each other? Cause if so, I find it hard to believe they would be ok with taking turns with Zuko, let alone while they are in the same bed.

              • 6 months ago

                anon, they are women

              • 6 months ago

                >anon, they are women
                So you think women are fine sharing a man like that even if they aren't involved with each other?

              • 6 months ago

                anon, how about you don't think about female behavior too much and just live your life being happy?

              • 6 months ago

                >He is dangerous.
                >He is also vulnerable.

              • 6 months ago

                Isn't it the same with Azula and half of the tread?

              • 6 months ago

                Men are prone to focusing exclusively on the vulnerability part, women are not.

              • 6 months ago

                Men are prone to focusing exclusively on the vulnerability part, women are not.

                for men it's: she's so weak, I can save her and protect her
                for women it's: if I make him feel good, he wont kill me, but will protect me

              • 6 months ago

                have you really forgotten about the moment that made all the zutarians cry out in pain?

                Open to interpretation.

                Here let me help you.

                Compilation of their interactions. It includes the scene I mentioned, and the Ba Sing Se one, you were talking about.
                Time stamp of him displaying any brotherly feelings for her?

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                >"Just be careful dum-dum."
                Why is she the only one who suffers in the end?

              • 6 months ago

                She's out of control and needs to go down [on my wiener].

              • 6 months ago

                >Why is she the only one who suffers in the end?
                it was suppoused to be a set up for her arc and their reunion later

                >You just made that up. As I said there are no scenes where he cares about her even just a littl

                but bryke really wanted that m s shaymalan live action movie

              • 6 months ago

                God I want to frick that smugness right out of her.

        • 6 months ago

          >great art
          >dogshit content
          I hate this

          • 6 months ago

            >Great art
            >That thing

  23. 6 months ago

    I see moms, I see momcest.

    • 6 months ago

      With Zuko or Azula?

      • 6 months ago

        Both. As long as Ursa is the main dish. If you wanna make it more creative maybe have Zuko and Azula only engage in light incest at most but they both focus on pleasuring their moms foremost.

  24. 6 months ago

    Yes Azula is a demon that should have been aborted

    • 6 months ago

      Imagine an army of millions aborted Azulas clones, which are constantly dying outside of fetus and then being revived instanteniously again while slowly creeping forward as a living flesh carpet....
      Would it not be funny?

      • 6 months ago


  25. 6 months ago

    No, but she had great childbearing hips.

  26. 6 months ago

    So, what's worse, Azula pulling off a lightning ball, or learning lightning redirection out of nowhere?

    • 6 months ago

      >learning lightning redirection out of nowhere

      • 6 months ago

        It is her own lightning and she was training like crazy
        > or lightning ball
        and what impossible about that?

        • 6 months ago

          >It is her own lightning and she was training like crazy
          Azula had previously spent the past year in an asylum where it was implied her movement was heavily restricted due to the threat she presented.

          >and what impossible about that?
          Iroh in the show says lightning generators only guide lightning, not direct it. And yet Azula is able able to engage in shape manipulation because....

          • 6 months ago

            >Iroh in the show says lightning generators only guide lightning

            Yeah, and in one episode he makes tea from a poisonous flower. The man isn't the be-all end-all of wisdom you think he is. Besides which, ball lightning is a real thing. It's just a variation of what a lightningbender already does, so there's literally no reason why they wouldn't be able to suss out how to generate it.

          • 6 months ago

            >Iroh in the show says lightning generators only guide lightning, not direct it.
            They create it, and after release, lose full control and only maintain ability to partially direct it. Not direct direct, as in command it, but direct as in giving direction same way you redirect it.
            What I'm trying to say is, they still maintain some degree of control after release and are in full control when creating it.
            Why Azula as someone who mastered directing a lightning can't redirect it naturally, she is very proficient in managing flow of energies required for that.
            It is also stated, that you need clear mind and cold emotions to do that, obviously she couldn't have done it when she was loose, but how do you know she wasn't able to do that before?
            Also ball lightnings are real, and she didn't maintained control of it after casting it.

    • 6 months ago

      Lightning redirection. She's way too proud to follow Iroh's example in learning from inferior bending styles.

    • 6 months ago

      Lightning redirection doesn't seem to be a difficult technique to master.
      You mostly just need to know its possible and to avoid running the current through your heart. Iroh taught Zuko in half a day, and Zuko pulled it off correctly on attempt one half a year after that lecture. Then Aang pulled it off 1st try as well after Zuko took like 15 seconds to show him, and against Comet enhanced lighting at that.

      • 6 months ago

        lighting redirection has one fundamental aspect to it though: it's based on waterbending
        as such a basic requirement in lightning bending is the ability to see value in other bending styles

        for Zuko that part was easy enough, for Azula though, that would be profoundly difficult

        As for Aang pulling it off well, the god damn AVATAR pulling off a hybrid bending technique should be no surprise

        • 6 months ago

          Lightning redirection doesn't seem to be a difficult technique to master.
          You mostly just need to know its possible and to avoid running the current through your heart. Iroh taught Zuko in half a day, and Zuko pulled it off correctly on attempt one half a year after that lecture. Then Aang pulled it off 1st try as well after Zuko took like 15 seconds to show him, and against Comet enhanced lighting at that.

          >Lightning redirection doesn't seem to be a difficult technique to master.
          >You mostly just need to know its possible and to avoid running the current through your heart
          in atla you bending is suppoused to be a mix of spirituality and combat skills
          so no, just knowing the moves is not nearly enough

          unless you operate of the narutioized rules of korra that is, but there is a reazon bending was so lame in that show

        • 6 months ago

          Azula got her ass handed her to by a waterbender, twice and she saw both Iroh and Zuko do redirect lightning. I think with these two things and her prodigy status she could piece together enough to figure out redirection

          • 6 months ago

            listen here you absolute Black person, bending is a spiritual art, she couldn't just "figure it out"
            and she isn't Zuko to just pick up shit from people she fights

            and most importantly:
            there is no narrative reason for her to be able to do that

            • 6 months ago

              If bending is a spiritual art then doesn't that mean Azula is highly spiritual?

              • 6 months ago

                >If bending is a spiritual art then doesn't that mean Azula is highly spiritual?
                More than that, lightning bending requires complete peace of mind and full control over positive and negative spiritual energies

              • 6 months ago

                >she isn't Zuko to just pick up shit from people she fights
                Are yo mental, she is that good. Why would a person so efficient at bending and perfecting her technique would be against adopting good moves of the enemy.
                >there is no narrative reason for her to be able to do that
                How about the fact her father was attacked by redirected lightning during solar eclipse, even if Iroh is the only one to discover it before, why would Azula be persistent enough to rediscover it just trough sheer determination? And don't spiritual bullshit me, It is just concentration and redirection. Water bending inspiration is just an anecdote an pathos from old wise man.

                >If bending is a spiritual art then doesn't that mean Azula is highly spiritual?
                More than that, lightning bending requires complete peace of mind and full control over positive and negative spiritual energies

                frickin americans and their obsession with power levels
                this is why we can't have nice things

              • 6 months ago

                >frickin americans
                As an European I take it as a complement. Get rekt weak Asian spiritualist. Let's see how your high spirit level protects you from my AR-15.

            • 6 months ago

              >she isn't Zuko to just pick up shit from people she fights
              Are yo mental, she is that good. Why would a person so efficient at bending and perfecting her technique would be against adopting good moves of the enemy.
              >there is no narrative reason for her to be able to do that
              How about the fact her father was attacked by redirected lightning during solar eclipse, even if Iroh is the only one to discover it before, why would Azula be persistent enough to rediscover it just trough sheer determination? And don't spiritual bullshit me, It is just concentration and redirection. Water bending inspiration is just an anecdote an pathos from old wise man.

              • 6 months ago

                >Are yo mental, she is that good. Why would a person so efficient at bending and perfecting her technique would be against adopting good moves of the enemy.
                it is established from the first scene we see her in, that Azula's real super power is her hard work and dedication
                she has achieved her level of mastery tough endless repetition

                meanwhile, Zuko and his dogshit work ethics are entirely carried by his talent that only now starts to blossom

                >How about the fact her father was attacked by redirected lightning during solar eclipse, even if Iroh is the only one to discover it before, why would Azula be persistent enough to rediscover it just trough sheer determination?
                because Zuko in general, and his ability to negate her lightning bending in particular, should be an obstacle that Azula has to circumvent relying on her smarts and knowledge of how to influence people or navigate the royal court - in her push to make her brother the kind of man she believes he should be

                which would have leaned into, the very good idea, of making Zuko's rapidly increasing similarity to his father something he would have to struggle with

                >And don't spiritual bullshit me, It is just concentration and redirection. Water bending inspiration is just an anecdote an pathos from old wise man.
                spirituality is the core of what makes bending, and the setting of atla as a whole, special

              • 6 months ago

                >it is established from the first scene we see her in, that Azula's real super power is her hard work and dedication
                No because she was always talented even before training.

              • 6 months ago

                >Zuko and his dogshit work ethics are entirely carried by his talent that only now starts to blossom
                Stop, Zuko is carried by a plot, his extent of talent is losing all of his fire bending and getting it back after some dances with dragons, because muh good heart.
                Azula has both talent and determination. She was hard working even in childhood and not as compensation for lack of talent. She was even able to produce lightning during her mental break down, feat impossible to Zuko who wasn't even able to control his spirit to produce a lightning once.
                >spirituality is the core of what makes bending
                And it comes naturally to some people. Or what if you are baaad you cannot be spiritually strong? We have examples of it the show and yin yang is a thing.

              • 6 months ago

                >getting it back after some dances with dragons, because muh good heart
                I am pretty sure Iroh went through the same thing.
                >She was even able to produce lightning during her mental break down, feat impossible to Zuko who wasn't even able to control his spirit to produce a lightning once.
                That is most likely shit writting given that the ending not to say S3 as a whole is full of plot-holes, Zuko shouldnt even be able to learn that much about lightning on a single afternoon.

                frickin americans and their obsession with power levels
                this is why we can't have nice things

                It's just your typical Azulacuck but yeah, I don't understand why Black folk watch shows like they're fricking sports, getting behind their favorite character as if they're a competing athlete rather than a part of a story.

  27. 6 months ago

    did she frick zuko later? if so, yes
    b***h died before she could parent doesn't matter she sucks should've died later i don't care about the comics i don't care about korra aside from being a slampiece only the half-remembered original show matters to me

  28. 6 months ago

    Above all, yeah. On the context she was put it was like asking a psychologist to remove a brain tumor.
    That woman from the comics is an impostor.

  29. 6 months ago

    No, her neglect of Azula is pretty unforgivable

    • 6 months ago

      how was that psychotic b***h neglected? her daddy made her the golden child and her mom couldn't do anything about that so instead devoted herself to trying to help her scapegoated son survive to adulthood and make his day a little less shitty between being abused by his father and being abused by his golden child sister.

      azula is a c**t who should get raped up the ass with a mace.

      • 6 months ago

        >both have serious issues with family
        >Zuko suffers during his childhood and adolescence because of that
        >Azula suffers her whole life after adolescence because of that.
        >Zuko wasn't loved by his father enough, but had mother
        >Azula was used by her father as a tool for political gain and as his own supper weapon, her mother ... was present I guess.
        >one is misunderstood, deep and good
        >the other is psychotic b***h and born evil
        I can't understand people like you.

        • 6 months ago

          didn't read that. you're just horny for azula and are handwaving the fact that she's just as much of a psychopath as ozai. ozai and azula are the same character, but one has breasts, and you think with your tiny brain instead of your slightly less tiny brain.

          • 6 months ago

            >she's just as much of a psychopath as ozai.
            >ozai and azula are the same character
            At the start of the show Zuko is arrogant, aggressive, impulsive and devoted to his father, just like Azula. He constantly receives chances for redemption and trows them away at the beginning. The only reason he gets all of that is lucky chance of being "lucky to be born"
            Azula doesn't even once gets a chance to redeem herself even if only to trow it away. Is accused of crime such as, making fun of dead relatives, at the age children don't usually understand the concept of death in the family with constant competition, and crime of following orders of the supreme leader and only person she thinks loves her.
            >Zukko is good. Azula is literally Ozai.
            Once again, I can't understand people like you.
            >didn't read that.
            Oh,wait, I'm starting to.

            • 6 months ago

              zuko was shown from the very first episodes to have empathy, honor agreements, understand mercy and self-restraint, etc. so i assume the rest of your post is just as deranged, scrapper.

              azula should be thrown in an active volcano to test her firebending ability.

              • 6 months ago

                >to have empathy, understand mercy
                I guess Ursa did a great job then, that and the fact that most of the time empathy and mercy are for the weak ones.
                >honor agreements
                Not applicable to Azula, she doesn't need to make deals with other people.
                >so i assume the rest of your post is just as deranged, scrapper.
                Doesn't responds to the rest and best of my argument, calls me names, rude much?

          • 6 months ago

            >ozai and azula are the same character
            wew lad you can not be serious
            she is clearly a deeply insecure person that masks her weakness with violence but the show provides us with instances of her doing her best for others
            chiefly Zuko ofc, for whom she goes as far as giving up her spot in the spotlight and bullshitting to Ozai

            • 6 months ago

              >she is clearly a deeply insecure person that masks her weakness with violence
              Not to mention the constant strain of trying to be perfect, by a 14 year-old. Only to have things ruined by people who do not put themself to similar standards as her: ship commander, the drill general etc.
              > for whom she goes as far as giving up her spot in the spotlight
              That was evil plan somehow too. And what good empathic boy Zuko did to her? I guess covered her with a blanket.

  30. 6 months ago


    Why is the idea of Zuko getting dommed hard by his own mother so fricking hot? Forget Zucest, THIS is my shit. This is what I personally find to be the hottest.

    • 6 months ago

      I would give you my honest reaction, but I cant post imgs from incognito

    • 6 months ago

      I would give you my honest reaction, but I cant post imgs from incognito

      shotadom if objectively superior

    • 6 months ago

      Technically that would be Zucest as well.

      • 6 months ago

        zucest always wins

        • 6 months ago

          What is this with incest and Avatar fanbase?

          • 6 months ago

            it's not a thing, it's just a Cinemaphile psyop unironically.

          • 6 months ago

            They pair characters with whoever they had the best interactions with. So Zuko gets paired with Azula since they understand each other, Katara chooses Aang, Ty Lee/ Toph didn't like Zuko the most, and the shippers hate Mai.

  31. 6 months ago

    azula is not real and will never have sex with you no matter how much you simp for her.
    touch grass and seek therapy

    • 6 months ago


  32. 6 months ago

    She thought her child was a monster. Would a good parent be like that?

  33. 6 months ago

    g-guys what happened to

  34. 6 months ago

    She could never be a good parent because her environment was never going to give her the chance to be so to Zuko and especially Azula. She's still stupid for not trying to escape with Zuko. I haven't read the comics though.

    • 6 months ago

      >I haven't read the comics though.
      Better keep it that way.

      • 6 months ago

        The beginning of it turned me off massively because I was getting the "they'll make the objectively correct person kick a puppy to be evil" vibe from Zuko and Aang's conflict. From what I gathered from these threads I really hope it's just all shitposts and half-truths.

        • 6 months ago

          The entire premise of the first part of the comic should have been a non-starter.
          The Aang that absolutely did not even want to take Ozai's life, would never for an instant consider making a promise to Zuko that he'd kill him under any circumstance.

          I have zero idea how that got greenlit.

          • 6 months ago

            >I have zero idea how that got greenlit.
            Bryke didn't have a writers room filled with people willing and able to push back against their worst impulses anymore.

        • 6 months ago

          >From what I gathered from these threads I really hope it's just all shitposts and half-truths.
          It is not. Unfortunately.
          You can just read the Azula one, its ahh okay.

          • 6 months ago

            stealing Zuko's blue spirit shtick and giving it to Azula was dumb, but I am not sure if making her look like a jester was an improvement

            • 6 months ago

              >I am not sure if making her look like a jester was an improvement
              It's almost poetic in a way...

  35. 6 months ago

    Yeah, I wish I could shift delete my kids too

  36. 6 months ago


    Why is the idea of Zuko getting dommed hard by his own mother so fricking hot? Forget Zucest, THIS is my shit. This is what I personally find to be the hottest.

    Eeh that might explain some things

  37. 6 months ago
  38. 6 months ago

    My mom fricked off and left me alone with my alcoholic father
    I wished every day that she would suffer a painful death

  39. 6 months ago

    Ursa was an AMAZING Mommy IMO

  40. 6 months ago

    No, she was a terrible mother to Azula
    if she loved her more Azula might have been less of a crazy b***h

  41. 6 months ago

    Why not just tell Azula to stop with death treats? I know it sounds crazy, but still, how she was supposed to know she was doing something wrong? As far as she is concerned, this might have been a good old childhood game.

    • 6 months ago

      Because then she will kill you for real.

      • 6 months ago

        Yea she will kill her for attempting to refuse. Just like she did when they BETRAYED her.

        • 6 months ago

          Literally was about to kill Mai on the spot.

          • 6 months ago

            and then she didn't because??????

            • 6 months ago

              Ty Lee chi blocked her mid-strike.

              • 6 months ago

                yes, and girls were captured for her to do as she pleases with them.

              • 6 months ago

                And she was already beginning to break down at that point.

            • 6 months ago

              >and then she didn't because??????

              yes, and girls were captured for her to do as she pleases with them.

              >yes, and girls were captured for her to do as she pleases with them.

              And she was already beginning to break down at that point.

              >And she was already beginning to break down at that point.
              Honestly, does anyone have a good explaination for why Azula didn't kill Mai and Ty Lee after having them arresting for committing treason, or at least have them tortured, other than deep down she knew she was responsbile for their betrayals, and therefore didn't want to hurt them. Cause that is essentially what is implied in her solo comic.

              • 6 months ago

                She was going to personally kill Mai all of five seconds before so I can only conclude that she wanted to it personally at the moment but had calmed down enough to try brushing them off as not worth it by the time the chi blocking wore off.

              • 6 months ago

                >She was going to personally kill Mai all of five seconds before so I can only conclude that she wanted to it personally at the moment but had calmed down enough to try brushing them off as not worth it by the time the chi blocking wore off.
                I read Azula wanting to kill Mai as a spur of the moment thing since killing Mai and Ty Lee, and telling Zuko this while attacking the Western Air Temple, would have been the perfect way to destablize him. Cause I don't think Zuko would be able to think straight, let alone fight well, if he knew Mai and Ty Lee's deaths were on his hands, even if Azula techichally killed them.

  42. 6 months ago

    Impregnating Azula and comforting her when she inevitably becomes worried if she will be a good mother!

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