>Take the powers of a villain, and use them for good

>Take the powers of a villain, and use them for good

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  1. 12 months ago

    What are powers usually associated with villains? The only one I can really think of is hypnosis/mind manipulation, but Jedi mind tricks and Martian Manhunter puts a positive spin on that as well.

    • 12 months ago

      Am I the only who thinks the Jedi mind tricks are fricked up?
      Star Wars always uses the force choke to symbolize a character is turning to the dark, but the mind tricks are much more wicked in concept than that.

      • 12 months ago

        It's diplomacy vs force. Mind tricks save the jedi time and the tricked their lives most of the time.

      • 12 months ago

        >Am I the only who thinks the Jedi mind tricks are fricked up?

        They're the R word as a magical power.

        • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          you have to be moronic to give a shit about calling rape "the R word"

        • 12 months ago

          Rhinoceros powers?

      • 12 months ago

        Jedi Mind Tricks are why I'm honestly kind of Okay with the Jedi being as strict and staunch about how the shit they teach is used, because the alternative is Force Sensitive Purple Man.

      • 12 months ago

        >Star Wars always uses the force choke to symbolize a character is turning to the dark, but the mind tricks are much more wicked in concept than that.
        That would require mind tricks to actually work on anything other than a few nameless mooks. Every third goddamn moron is immune to it in star wars.

    • 12 months ago

      This is honestly hard as frick to do, because villains will usually have powers that are suited for villainy.

      Mind control/mind altering powers, usually. There are heroes that have them, but they seldom use it, mainly because they will usually have other powers to use. Whenever a hero does something bad, it's usually mind control by a villain.

      One thing I liked about MHA was that it did try to explore this, although not too much, with Hitoshi Shinso who has a gimped version of Killgrave's mind control powers but he tries to still be a hero even while acknowledging how villainous his powers are. It's too bad MHA just really became doo doo dogwater and Shinso couldn't really be fully fleshed out.

      Another power considered villainous is reality warping. There's usually rarely any heroic reality warpers, mainly because they can just snap their fingers and solve the problem. And if they do exist, they're usually gimped or have some weird reason why they can't use their powers.

      • 12 months ago

        >It's too bad MHA just really became doo doo dogwater and Shinso couldn't really be fully fleshed out.

        The same could be said of a lot of MHA's early concepts: really cool ideas that the author was not interested in exploring because they fell into shonen formulas instead after they got a taste of success.

        Like, people with quirks that result in them "looking like villains" (aka, having monstrous forms) being discriminated against. Unfair, but totally realistic.

        What happens when Superman can't keep up being Superman, but society has made him a cultural icon and depends on him? Good concept.

        The villains, while being buttholes, not being *wrong* that the status quo is unfair to people and the hero profession is full of corrupt gloryhounds? Nice way to introduce some shades of grey and legitimacy to the villain's stance into the mix so its not just cops and robbers.

        And so on.

        Shame is got so bad later on.

        • 12 months ago

          This is honestly hard as frick to do, because villains will usually have powers that are suited for villainy.

          Mind control/mind altering powers, usually. There are heroes that have them, but they seldom use it, mainly because they will usually have other powers to use. Whenever a hero does something bad, it's usually mind control by a villain.

          One thing I liked about MHA was that it did try to explore this, although not too much, with Hitoshi Shinso who has a gimped version of Killgrave's mind control powers but he tries to still be a hero even while acknowledging how villainous his powers are. It's too bad MHA just really became doo doo dogwater and Shinso couldn't really be fully fleshed out.

          Another power considered villainous is reality warping. There's usually rarely any heroic reality warpers, mainly because they can just snap their fingers and solve the problem. And if they do exist, they're usually gimped or have some weird reason why they can't use their powers.

          Is MHA:Vigilante any good? I keep hearing that it really fills that gray superhero niche without falling into grimderp like a lot of similar works do.

          Also, do I need read MHA to "get" it?

          • 12 months ago

            >Is MHA:Vigilante any good?
            I've heard it is

            >Also, do I need read MHA to "get" it?

          • 12 months ago

            it has some weird moments, but overall I think it's pretty good

            • 12 months ago

              Who is that b***h and why isn't she in jail?
              She's clearly a villain that Allmight would SMASH

              • 12 months ago

                Midnight, she's a hero and one of the teachers at the school (somehow)

              • 12 months ago

                That's Deku's stepmom

            • 12 months ago

              She's objectively right. If there was more women like her, incels and all those other communities stewing in their own lack of positive experiences with women wouldn't exist.

      • 12 months ago

        >Shinso couldn't really be fully fleshed out
        Hori actually said he was going to have a focus on Shinso.
        But he’s so OP that I think he quietly dropped it

    • 12 months ago

      Any death-related power

    • 12 months ago

      >What are powers usually associated with villains?
      Decay? It's a nasty power thats easy to harm people, on top of being associated with death and rot.
      However, you could use it to disintegrate fallen debris during rescue if your control is good enough.

    • 12 months ago

      >What are powers usually associated with villains?
      acids and poisons

    • 12 months ago

      Bioweapons and viruses. Fugo from JoJo is an example of a good guy having this.

    • 12 months ago

      Mind control

      • 12 months ago

        there are plenty of heroic telepaths though

        • 12 months ago

          Since when do mouth breathers can't make the difference between simple basic shit like mind control and telepathy?

    • 12 months ago

      Something like EVIL magic. The power to corrupt. Stuff cartoonishly evil with no subtlety.

    • 12 months ago

      Any kind of person manipulation.
      Mental, body, emotional, blood, soul
      You get the idea

    • 12 months ago

      The main one I think of is the decay/death blight power that Shigaraki has in MHA and Wither has in Marvel. There's very little heroic potential in a power that kills anyone you touch, and it naturally makes whoever possess it bitter and antisocial.

    • 12 months ago

      Intelligence, and I wish I were kidding.

    • 12 months ago

      Necromancy, soul stealing, chemicals or hormones that persuades or manipulates the perception of judgement of a person, which is similar to mind control.

      Pretty much any power that hampers the consent of a person expressing their rights is usually is seen as evil. I would also argue having a power that manipulates memories is also an evil power, because it has the potential to fundamentally change a person against their will.

      I mean, when your power is forcing everyone around your target to give that target the silent treatment or make them disappear or be hated at a whim, that's kind of an evil power, even if you targeted someone who deserved it.

    • 12 months ago

      You reminded me of something I’m working on due to that exact question
      A story about a shy girl with mind control power’s trying to avoid being noticed by superheroes

    • 12 months ago

      very rare to see a hero with gadgets/robot minions even though that's one of the easiest ones to use for good

    • 12 months ago

      Mimicry of sorts. Sandman, Inque, a majority of Logia users (Crocodile, Enel, Akainu)

      • 12 months ago

        Huh, I never thought of elemental transformations as mimicry but you are right

  2. 12 months ago

    The entire schtick of Kamen Rider

  3. 12 months ago

    Powers become They/Them

  4. 12 months ago

    I guess necromancy could have a good side but that depends on how you see life at a philosophical level.

  5. 12 months ago

    this comic's artstyle was so ugly, homelander always looked like a chubby baby.

  6. 12 months ago

    Time control is almost inevitably a villain power because it makes time crisis situations non-issues and is therefore only useful dramatically as an OP adversary to overcome or a retcon power.
    Poison is a common villain power but the ability to create specific kinds of toxins or anti venom could be brilliant. Just the ability to transmute or produce vast amounts of chemicals is crazy useful. Also, lots of villains aren't immune to toxins, so subduing them with a touch might be possible.
    Illusions are a 'villain power' I think could be very useful heroically, as is invisibility. Get in and out of a dangerous environment quickly and undetected, or confuse a villain so thoroughly that they can no longer coherently commit crime.

  7. 12 months ago

    So basically Kamen Rider

  8. 12 months ago

    There's really no such thing as villainous or heroic powers, it's usually just the context in which they're used. We even have heroes whose powers are portrayed as literally toxic and radioactive, and they're still heroic because usually their dillemma is in containing themselves and using something dangerous for the greater good. Similarly Homelander's powers are only seen as heroic because he's obviously a juxtaposition of Superman, but comics are lousy with heroes with Superman's exact powers and they're rarely thought of innately heroic powers.



    Laius thinks it's about the scent. It's actually interesting to think of how domestication might work if we had different species. Like we domesticated dogs, are they wired to only work with humans? If Ayys came down and we gave them a dog, would they instinctually just be like "no that's wrong, it doesn't look right or act right or smell right, not a friendly!" or would it just be cool with it? Like I remember hearing on Rogan that Babboons have kidnapped dogs and then used them as guard dogs, but that's probably bullshit.

    Am I the only who thinks the Jedi mind tricks are fricked up?
    Star Wars always uses the force choke to symbolize a character is turning to the dark, but the mind tricks are much more wicked in concept than that.

    The context in which they're shown is usually pretty harmless like ObiWan basically just saying "please frick off", really the only fricked up use was QuiGon attempting to swindle what was presumably an innocent israeli TapirBug for no reason other than it being expedient.

    there are plenty of heroic telepaths though

    M'gann has whole episodes about the ethics of her telepathy, usually a heroic telepath usually explains the boundaries they need to keep to consider themselves good. Majority of telepaths in comics seem to constantly have moments where someone calls them out on being kind of fricking evil. Prof X and Jean are at the point where it's a fricking meme that they're just evil but on the good guy team.

  9. 12 months ago

    Wouldn't Rapeman be the perfect example of this?

  10. 12 months ago

    Magneto should have gone into the concrete business. He'd make a fortune setting up rebar so you wouldn't have to pay iron workers a union wage.

  11. 12 months ago
  12. 12 months ago

    >good guy
    >uses darkness/shadow powers
    Love that trope.

  13. 12 months ago


  14. 12 months ago

    That's sorta Hank Pym's (AntMan) whole thing.

  15. 12 months ago

    Let families talk to dead relatives from the same year all the way to the previous millennium
    >Mind control
    Talk criminals out of doing crimes + make prison riots end on a whim
    >Evil mustache
    Model for gel and pomade companies

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