They should've never bothered doing another Craig Bond film after Casino Royale.

They should've never bothered doing another Craig Bond film after Casino Royale. It was never gonna get any better than this.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Nah, let's simp him out for a few more

  2. 10 months ago

    No Time To Die had a great villain lair.

    • 10 months ago

      Shame it didn't have a great villain
      >My name is Lucifer Satan. I hate SPECTRE so I wiped them out but now I will turn super evil and threaten the world for no reason

    • 10 months ago

      No Time To Die was the first time I realised the Craig era was its own self contained character and franchise with a beginning and an end. It made me finally appreciate Casino Royale as a fun spin off experiment as opposed to the pointless reboot that derailed the whole series. As far as I'm concerned Craig was never Bond so the imposter's death was a relief. Hopefully the next bond will be back to normal.

    • 10 months ago

      True, the production design of NTTD was some of the best in the franchise. The gun barrel bit in the lair was awesome

  3. 10 months ago

    The problem with his run is they were never sure he would sign on for the next movie or not .

  4. 10 months ago

    Lol he was the worst part of a film in which any other aspect was PERFECT. Mads as villain, Eva as Bond girl, adapting the first Bond novel, the direction, the theme. Graig is a fricking homosexual scouse mutant who only got the part because he fricked Broccoli's daughter. The worst Bond by a country mile. A blonde and blue-eyed bond is an insane idea and sacrilege. Henry Cavill or Clive Owen would have made it a 11/10.

    • 10 months ago

      Don't forget he was a beefcake. It was made clear from the introduction in Casino Royale where he ran through a wall that Craig's Bond wasn't going to be suave. I know the ballslapping scene is in the books, but Craig's run had just too many gay overtones.

      When Javier Bardem meets him he makes a joke about being Bond's first and Bond says: "Who says you are".

      Too much gay shit, sorry.

      • 10 months ago

        Nah, I read the first book and everyone is always going on and on about how gay they are and how gay everything is, so he fit the part.

        • 10 months ago

          When English authors said queer they just meant strange in those days lmao

    • 10 months ago

      >Henry Cavill
      Would've been fricking shit, and it's shown in the awful film The Man from U.N.C.L.E. that his film would flop. Thank god he'll never be Bond.

      • 10 months ago

        This. He has no charisma.

      • 10 months ago

        This. He has no charisma.

        I majorly disagree. He had good enough charisma and screen presence. I only see this about his charisma said in this site, too. He looks like a spot-on match for the character and jesus, look at him. He's a goddamn specimen, hands aside. The only person who should be so bothered by any lack of charisma he may have is a female. He can act and while he may not be no Connery or Brosnan he's better than the legit super gay Graig. But I will budge and respect your guys' thoughts. Who would you guys pick for Bond?

        • 10 months ago

          >Who would you guys pick for Bond?
          Someone young and unknown. Mid 30s at the oldest.

    • 10 months ago

      >A blonde and blue-eyed bond is an insane idea and sacrilege.
      superficial honestly, he was terrible because he had zero charisma.

      Don't forget he was a beefcake. It was made clear from the introduction in Casino Royale where he ran through a wall that Craig's Bond wasn't going to be suave. I know the ballslapping scene is in the books, but Craig's run had just too many gay overtones.

      When Javier Bardem meets him he makes a joke about being Bond's first and Bond says: "Who says you are".

      Too much gay shit, sorry.

      i could have accepted that if there was some growth and he started to embody Bond but i gave up by Skyfall when he was still basically just doing a Jason Bourne thing with a posh accent

      • 10 months ago

        Some anon broke it down for me one here once. Basically 'Skyfall' is two halves of a movie. I think that was the gist of it. I hated the title song too.

        God. I had to listen to it on the radio at work maybe five times a day. It's like a terrible Liam Gallagher impersonation.

        • 10 months ago

          yeah like half of it is parts of the James Bond formula and the rest of it is just a total shameless ripoff of The Dark Knight. i get that TDK was influential and whatever but it still blows my mind they got away with ripping it off so blatantly and never got called out for it lol

          • 10 months ago

            There's a scene in a Hong Kong skyscraper and a scheming villain... Any other similarities?

            • 10 months ago

              the entire bit where the bad guy of the movie gets captured on purpose to do some evil shit in jail and then escapes for no reason except he "planned" better, all the shit with buildings in the city being blown up, like taken 1:1 from TDK lol

        • 10 months ago

          >Basically 'Skyfall' is two halves of a movie.
          This is pretty easy to dissect. The first half ends when they capture whatshisface. Fairly decent until then. Solid 7/10 action film.
          The second half is dickhead breaking out of jail, revealing that his plan somehow predicted everything, revealing that his plan was all to murder a little old woman who he could've just shot, and then playing Home Alone in the Scottish highlands for some reason. 3/10 mess

      • 10 months ago

        Some anon broke it down for me one here once. Basically 'Skyfall' is two halves of a movie. I think that was the gist of it. I hated the title song too.

        God. I had to listen to it on the radio at work maybe five times a day. It's like a terrible Liam Gallagher impersonation.

        Skyfall is peak sovvless modern Bond. Graig is a miscast but it worked well enough for CR and QoS then they just shat the bed. Then got the gay Sam Smith to do the theme song to just set the bed on fire. Then they had to finish things off with le zoomer prostitute singer doing the last one. Horrible run of movies. He's truly the worst Bond.

    • 10 months ago

      Who are some naturally blonde male actors? The only guy I can think of who had blonde hair at any point in his career is Peter O'Toole, but he dyed it that color for Lawrence of Arabia. Although Bond shouldn't have blonde hair, it's better than having black skin. I'm sure people will appreciate Craig more after they ruin the franchise further with the next few reboots.

      • 10 months ago

        >I'm sure people will appreciate Craig more after they ruin the franchise further with the next few reboots.
        There won't be another reboot after Bond 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30. There's 25 movies currently in total and 5 more would make 30, and the next actor will be the 7th actor to portray 007. Seems like a perfect place to retire the franchise. Besides, Michael G. Wilson is old, and Barbara will be in her 70s by the end of the next series of films.

        • 10 months ago

          That's optimistic thinking. I hope you're right, but it seems unlikely due to the state of things.

      • 10 months ago

        Eh, I don't think so. Bond himself was already ruined and castrated and made a cuck anyway. Q is some university gay, M is an unbearable feminist hag who was made subversive even as far back as GoldenEye and was a blight on an otherwise excellent and sovlful film. Bond is also implied to be a gay, which is beyond grating and gave the 007 title to a nog sheboon. I don't know how much further they can ruin it. Even if they find a way, I will NEVER settle for appreciating Graig's films. I will never forgive them for wasting Eva Green and Mads Mikkelsen on such a charisma vacuum and ugly scrotum homosexual like Graig.

        • 10 months ago

          I really didn't mind Casino Royale. It's easy to ignore the shortcomings. The rest of Craig's Bond films, however, are dogshit.

  5. 10 months ago

    Skyfall was better.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah I liked Skyfall better too

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah I liked Skyfall better too

      You guys are lucky the Bond aficionado isn't here.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah I liked Skyfall better too

      Skyfall is his best Bond movie, arguably the best Bond movie in the entire series.

  6. 10 months ago

    He'd have gone down as one of the best like Lazenby if that was his only film

  7. 10 months ago

    I liked the Craig bonds
    Theyre more grounded and darker than the previous movies and only 2 of the 5 are complete stinkers
    Quantum of Sollace was actual dogshit
    Spectre just didnt have anything happen and they seriously misused Waltz as Blofeld

    • 10 months ago

      I disliked Spectre because it tried to retcon the last 3 movies into a "oooo we were actually controlling all those bad guys the whole time because we're spoiled spooky and evil!" Ya frick that, might as well make Bond travel through time or into a multiverse saga, it's the same level of cop out.

  8. 10 months ago

    I didn't like Skyfall at release, but it really grew on me. I really like all 3 of Casino, Quantum and Skyfall. Casino had dated the most of them though.

    The last two are among the worst of all Bonds though, with Moonraker and The Man With The Golden Gun.

  9. 10 months ago

    The series is lost without Fleming. The Brosnan era was passable. At least it was obviously Bond, albeit a very politically-correct take on him. The Craig era was a controlled demolition of Bond.
    After Casino Royale, the producers didn't know what to do with Craig's Bond, so they just copied other franchises. Quantum of Solace was an obvious Bourne imitation. Skyfall was a pale imitation of The Dark Knight. Nobody knows what the hell Spectre was. And No time To Die was trying to be The Last Jedi and Endgame, complete with an old 007 being replaced by a Mary Sue and bonding with his daughter before he gets killed off. It's not even really a Bond movie, but more of an ego trip for Craig. By the time NTTD came around, he was unrecognizable as Bond and was essentially playing a metafiction version of him.
    The best thing the producers can do at this point is either stop making these movies or apologize for NTTD and pretend the Craig era never happened.

    • 10 months ago

      Agreed, Bond had an identity crisis after Austin Powers so they started taking other action thriller plots and added a Bond element. Craig Bond had no real arch.
      Casino Royale he was too new to being Bond
      QoS I don't remember, Bond revenge plot
      Skyfall has Bond too old so what happened in between 2nd and 3rd?

  10. 10 months ago

    Casino Royale was a long boring pile of shit made for people who don't like James Bond. The fact that it includes a card game doesn't change the fact that it's basically an extended episode of 24

    • 10 months ago

      contrarian take

      • 10 months ago

        t. shit tastehomosexual

    • 10 months ago

      You're right. Craig should've been using Clown disguises, swimming in a crocodile suit, and battling Voodoo and metal teethed monsters.

      • 10 months ago

        >Craig should have
        Craig should have done nothing, since he never should have been Bond to begin with. It was stunt casting

  11. 10 months ago

    I think all sam mendes directed bond movie suck, martin campbell carry craig era with banger just like when he start brosnan era with a bang. Now he's too old to start another bond movie with a bang

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, he's old but he really should put in one last hurrah. His Bond movies have insane SOVL. Maybe the next one could benefit as long as it isn't a nog or that gay ATJ. I'd take fricking Pattinson or something over that guy but it looks like he's going to be the next Bond, sadly.

    • 10 months ago

      >Now he's too old to start another bond movie with a bang
      Despite his age, he said he was open to the next film, and with him being 2-0 in debut Bond films I can realistically see EON bringing him back.

  12. 10 months ago

    He unironically got fricked by the writer's strike.
    The last act of CR should've been the opening for QoS. Fix the ending and then QoS would've been on the same level and a great sequel.
    But they overshot their load by making CR too long. QoS relied way too much of CR's plot points that no one had seen in 2/3 years and couldn't remember (because it was too long to casually rewatch) and then the ending was a clear step below the rest of the film.
    Then Skyfall comes along and is just pure shit and audiences love it for some reason and Craig's Bond is permanently reimagined

    • 10 months ago

      Hard disagree with the last act of CR
      "the b***h is dead" is an iconic line and needed to be included

    • 10 months ago

      >for some reason
      It was Bond distilled and castrated for bugman audiences. Basically brit Bourne as someone correctly pointed out. No one of the normalgay persuasion even knows what Bond is anymore and the Marxist media certainly want to make them believe Pipi Ngubu from Yorkshire can totally play him and to say otherwise is le insane and racist.

    • 10 months ago

      CR/QoS Whole Bloody Affair cut when?

  13. 10 months ago

    Wtf was he thinking? A pink jacket and orange all over.

    • 10 months ago

      He touched more men than women while playing Bond. It unironically made him gay.

  14. 10 months ago

    It will always baffle me that people hate Skyfall so much.

    • 10 months ago

      Cause it's a shit film that destroys Bond and his mythos in irreparable ways? moron.

      I really didn't mind Casino Royale. It's easy to ignore the shortcomings. The rest of Craig's Bond films, however, are dogshit.

      Me neither. It's a great film.

      • 10 months ago

        >Cause it's a shit film that destroys Bond and his mythos in irreparable ways?
        I've seen enough Bond to know this.
        1) It has one of the best songs
        2) One of the best villains
        3) Great cinematography
        4) Fun set pieces

        And I'm being incredibly generous to the older Bonds here which have comically bad action redeemed by occasional death defying stunts here and there. Say nothing of the story which range from fun shlock to terrible shlock.

        Judging the film by its own merits, it's a top tier action film. If the argument is "muh mythos" then we call this Blond instead of Bond and the film will be just as good.

      • 10 months ago

        >Cause it's a shit film that destroys Bond and his mythos in irreparable ways
        If you're one of those muh codename reddit Black folk you can leave

  15. 10 months ago

    Timothy Dalton was the only true James Bond

    • 10 months ago

      /thread. Anything else is cope. Connery is great but he played himself, not Bond. They also gave him the cutest Bond girl I've seen and the catchiest theme song. What a travesty he didn't make a third film. Brosnan was ....fine, to be honest but Dalton was as perfect as it will EVER get. I mean, look at this SOVL.

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