This is just not the same character.

This is just not the same character.

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    >before calarts (even though that's impossible to say with viv's hot topic art)
    >after calarts

    • 3 months ago

      I don't think you know what calarts is

      • 3 months ago

        It's a meme, dipstick.

        • 3 months ago

          Memes are supposed to make sense

          • 3 months ago

            ? What? Memes haven't made sense for like 10 years.

          • 3 months ago

            No, nothing has to make sense, you just say whatever shit at random, and it's okay.

            • 3 months ago

              c**tb***h shitass. Am I doing it right?

              • 3 months ago

                c**tb***h shitass sounds like a raunchy spongebob parody

    • 3 months ago

      old one looks more like calarts though

      • 3 months ago

        The old one looks more like Calarts stuff

        >(even though that's impossible to say with viv's hot topic art)

    • 3 months ago

      The old one looks more like Calarts stuff

    • 3 months ago

      >muh calarts
      Reaching for buzzwords is the sigil of subnormal IQ.

      • 3 months ago

        >waahhh stop saying buzzwords on a Mongolian basket weaving forum that only speaks in buzzwords

        newbie zoomers like you should leave

        • 3 months ago

          >zoomers like you should leave
          relax, it's just a mongolian basket weaving forum, after all 🙂

    • 3 months ago

      Viv didn't even go to Calarts.

    • 3 months ago

      she went to SVA

  2. 3 months ago

    I liked his pilot voice actor more

  3. 3 months ago

    Why does he even have a monocle if it isn't over his eye?

    • 3 months ago

      All vivziepop designs have to have at least one thing that didn't need to be there

      • 3 months ago

        like a face

  4. 3 months ago

    I miss his cheery attitude. They made him such a hormonal b***h

    • 3 months ago

      He was a lot harder to read in the pilot, which made him much more interesting and ambiguous.
      NuLastor feels more like a generic villain with a radio host gimmick. Pilot Alastor was relentlessly charming while also having malice hidden underneath, while with NuLastor it's malice that takes the centerstage.

      • 3 months ago

        I love both Alastors but I miss the whimsy of the pilot version a lot and I wish we had more of that
        this anon sums it up pretty well

      • 3 months ago

        Just say “old good, new bad” or that you don’t like the new voice even tho it’s amazing. I miss the pilot cast too but the new cast isn’t that bad.

        • 3 months ago

          >Just say “old good, new bad” or that you don’t like the new voice
          NTA but that post is obviously talking about characterization, not casting.

      • 3 months ago

        It's because they made him have a dumbfrick vendetta with Vox and Lucifer while also getting pissy if no one acknowledges him. He went from chaotic neutral to chaotic good cause they wanted to give him "character"

        • 3 months ago

          >It's because they made him have a dumbfrick vendetta with Vox
          This was always the plan.
          >and Lucifer
          I don't see why this is worth complaining about.

        • 3 months ago

          TIL Chaotic Good is when you own slaves and have a whole verse about how you’ll rule everything once you’re free

          • 3 months ago

            Its hell homosexual. Alastor is the closest to chaotic good you're gonna get

  5. 3 months ago

    They made him cuter and more breedable.

  6. 3 months ago

    He wasn't the only one...

    • 3 months ago

      Pretty sure this was an ~~*Amazon*~~ change. Can't have what is essentially your god being portrayed as evil. Make him seem affable and harmless, a good dad with a sympathetic backstory. Gee, wonder who made that ~~*Creative*~~ decision?
      (I :^)

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          >thinking about meds

      • 3 months ago

        Was he the character with the least changes to his design?

        Viv said Lucifer is her favourite character to write so I doubt it was them

      • 3 months ago

        you really think writing literal creator of hell as owo anxious duck dad was amazon's creative decision?

      • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Pretty sure this was an ~~*Amazon*~~ change. Can't have what is essentially your god being portrayed as evil. Make him seem affable and harmless, a good dad with a sympathetic backstory. Gee, wonder who made that ~~*Creative*~~ decision?
      (I :^)

      Was he the character with the least changes to his design?

      Viv said Lucifer is her favourite character to write so I doubt it was them

      Lucifer is meant to be a creepy ass b***h clown that throws you off with his duck quirks and charm. But to Heaven, he’s the terror they must honor. And to Adam, a stalker that makes him go seto-incognito mode as some wacky bachelor that totally didn’t frick an entire army into existence with a special someone.

    • 3 months ago

      We were robbed

      • 3 months ago

        In a sense we most certainly were. However, I feel if instead of entirely removing what we have from the show, we should have a mix. Hear me out with this.


        Have some of the show version of Lucifer as a form of "front" or "mask" he uses for a lot of people, even Charlie. Maybe even somewhat for Lilith.

        Then, some of that fandom magic and pizazz we were excited for, a ruthlessly charismatic psychopath that is hopelessly self-centered, much like Lucifer was when he fell from God's grace.

        I wouldn't even forego any of his "positive" traits he was written to have that he does in the Bible, try making him accurate, because when his character is explored, it's genuinely layered, when trying to understand Lucifer as an actual person/angel thingy.

        • 3 months ago

          I mean he still somewhat of his pride in the show even if it's subtle, notice how he never blames himself for anything, its always someone else's fault

    • 3 months ago

      This is the problem with fandom culture. The show will always inevitably take a backseat to the fandom and said fandom will dedicate itself towards making something far more interesting than the show itself (that often couldn't work within the confines of the actual project). Look at RWBY, large chunks of its own fandom now hate the show itself and what do they do? Endlessly dedicate themselves to fanfics and fanart that they feel is indicative of what should have/could have been. Given Hazbin was 4 years of hype based on a pilot? It's actually amazing how little it received in this regard.

    • 3 months ago

      isn't the left image fanart

    • 3 months ago

      Viv can only write 1 personality.

    • 3 months ago

      >me on tumblr
      >me on Cinemaphile

      >me on twitter
      >me on facebook

      • 3 months ago

        Kinda true though.

    • 3 months ago

      he's zesty now

  7. 3 months ago

    Show gave us nun Alastor
    Show > pilot

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Are you ESL? Honest question because otherwise you're hopelessly cumbrained and are actively courting death.

        • 3 months ago

          not esl, but i am horrifically cumbrained for the deer

      • 3 months ago

        Subjugate the deer
        Oppress the deer
        Molest the deer
        Rape the deer

    • 3 months ago

      it did?

  8. 3 months ago

    Asking once again in the new thread, does anybody have any genderswapped drawings of Val and Vox?

  9. 3 months ago


    Continued from last thread

    >"Adam, look, I'm sorry, but what the frick?" Sera said, pinching the bridge of her nose with 2 fingers.
    >"Who is that..?" Peter asked, uncomfortably shifting. "I don't even need to check the list... whoever he is, hes definitely NOT on here."
    >"Yea nah its fine, he's a souvenir from Hell, hes with me."
    >"Why would you bring him here?!" snapped the Seraphim, looking at Adam with pure incredulity "You literally went down there to kill everything! Even if you wanted to save someone, why him?!"
    >Adam scoffed. "Ah come oooon Sera, lighten up! Hes harmless! I mean, hes not, but he will be! Hold on, I've got something here..."
    >With a snap of his fingers, Adam materialized a golden collar, with a little lock on the middle, and approached Alastor.
    >"No, stay away, I don't-!"
    >Lute grabbed him from behind and held him still while Adam snapped the ring around his throat. Instantly, he felt even weaker than he had before. It took serious effort just to sit upright.
    >"There! A little Collar of Binding and hes powerless! Can't so much as bite me!"
    >The Radio Demon inavdertently proved his point when he tried to rise to attack Adam, and yelped with confusion as he suddenly twisted away at the last moment and sprawled on the ground.
    >"Neat huh? Yea, the magic won't let him attack me, he'll literally throw himself aside at the last moment, and it also makes it so he can't use any of his demonic powers. He's like a mortal, except worse! Haha!"
    >"So... why not just kill him?" asked Sera.
    >"Because hes... look, I don't want to be here all day. I got Lucy's little girl, see, right here."
    >Lute threw Charlie down on the ground in front of the throne, with Vaggie's head. When Charlie saw that, she wailed and cried like her whole world was gone... because it was.
    >"Tell you what," Adam said. "I got Lucy's daughter, so I just hand her over unharmed, and you let me keep him. Deal?"
    ..."Deal." Sera said reluctantly.

    • 3 months ago

      Previous entries because I forgor the arrows (Its a story where Adam wins in the finale and decides to keep Alastor as a pet. Humiliation stuff.


    • 3 months ago

      i'm invested. continue pls

  10. 3 months ago

    Previous entries because I forgor the arrows (Its a story where Adam wins in the finale and decides to keep Alastor as a pet. Humiliation stuff.



  11. 3 months ago

    Dating sim to pair up Charlie and Alastor.

    • 3 months ago


  12. 3 months ago

    >Alastor leaned on Lute as he walked through the streets of gold and palaces of saints and heroes of virtue, eyes down, hopeless and bitter. Would the humilation ever end?
    >People gave them weird looks as they went by but, it was Adam, so everyone assumed it was official business, and simply ignored the odd trio.
    >Eventually, after having walked off the main street for a while, they came to a big mansion, with statues of women with beautiful bodies in exorcist helmets standing in a large garden, filled with flowers and small animals. A little duck pond out front, painted gold and white, with Adam's signature A sigil wrought in burnished gold on the sterling silver front gate.
    >"Well, here we are! My little slice of heaven. Haha, get it?"
    >"I hate you." he said.
    >He shrugged. "I think I'll grow on you, Alistan"
    >"ALASTOR!!!" he corrected, screaming it in his face. "MY NAME IS ALASTOR!!!"
    >"...can I call you Ally?"
    >"Awesome, alright Ally lets go, genocide makes me hungry. LUTE!"
    >She snapped to attention, performing a quick salute and standing stock straight.
    >"YES SIR!"
    >"Can you make me macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets? Pleeeease?"
    >"RIGHT AWAY SIR." she replied, as they went through the gate and into the house, she stopped and held the door for him and his new... pet.
    >"Lute you're so freaking awesome, b***h."
    >"I know sir."
    >"Ok so Ally-"
    >"Ahp bupbupbupbup, shhh, daddy's talking. Now, ALLY... lets get you out of that silly suit I mean come on you look ridiculous in that."
    >Snapping his fingers, Alastor went from wearing his signature pinstripe red suit and slacks, to a dress up onsie meant to look like a deer (pic related, but no hood because he already has antlers. Oh and red. Just like imagine that but no hood and red)
    >"Much better!"
    >Alastor hid his face in his hands... hooves... whatever. "Kill me... please."

    • 3 months ago

      Fugg I forgor to link and


      Continued from last thread

      >"Adam, look, I'm sorry, but what the frick?" Sera said, pinching the bridge of her nose with 2 fingers.
      >"Who is that..?" Peter asked, uncomfortably shifting. "I don't even need to check the list... whoever he is, hes definitely NOT on here."
      >"Yea nah its fine, he's a souvenir from Hell, hes with me."
      >"Why would you bring him here?!" snapped the Seraphim, looking at Adam with pure incredulity "You literally went down there to kill everything! Even if you wanted to save someone, why him?!"
      >Adam scoffed. "Ah come oooon Sera, lighten up! Hes harmless! I mean, hes not, but he will be! Hold on, I've got something here..."
      >With a snap of his fingers, Adam materialized a golden collar, with a little lock on the middle, and approached Alastor.
      >"No, stay away, I don't-!"
      >Lute grabbed him from behind and held him still while Adam snapped the ring around his throat. Instantly, he felt even weaker than he had before. It took serious effort just to sit upright.
      >"There! A little Collar of Binding and hes powerless! Can't so much as bite me!"
      >The Radio Demon inavdertently proved his point when he tried to rise to attack Adam, and yelped with confusion as he suddenly twisted away at the last moment and sprawled on the ground.
      >"Neat huh? Yea, the magic won't let him attack me, he'll literally throw himself aside at the last moment, and it also makes it so he can't use any of his demonic powers. He's like a mortal, except worse! Haha!"
      >"So... why not just kill him?" asked Sera.
      >"Because hes... look, I don't want to be here all day. I got Lucy's little girl, see, right here."
      >Lute threw Charlie down on the ground in front of the throne, with Vaggie's head. When Charlie saw that, she wailed and cried like her whole world was gone... because it was.
      >"Tell you what," Adam said. "I got Lucy's daughter, so I just hand her over unharmed, and you let me keep him. Deal?"
      ..."Deal." Sera said reluctantly.

    • 3 months ago

      >pic related, but no hood because he already has antlers. Oh and red. Just like imagine that but no hood and red
      Getting a little too autistic anon.

      • 3 months ago

        The costume choice or the pedantry of explaining the outfit twice?
        I can't just have him be naked because Adam doesn't swing that way but him being in his full regalia and being treated like an actual pet animal just feels silly.

        • 3 months ago

          put hi in Adams old band shirt or something.

    • 3 months ago

      it would be funny if his mom liked him and adam being together

    • 3 months ago

      >adam has a duck pond

    • 3 months ago

      >"Ah come on, c'mere!"
      >Alastor yelped as he was roughly yanked back up. They were in the living room of the mansion, an 80 inch Plasma screen TV with every channel ever conceived was on the opposite wall, and Alastor was yanked up onto the couch where Adam sat. With the collar around his neck, he had very little physical options to resist, and so he just kind of ended up in the First Man's lap.
      >"I wanna try something..."
      >Reaching deep into the thick red hair on the Radio Demon's head, he dug in and scratched at the base of his ears, stimulating extremely sensitive nerves and making him feel weak in a whole different way.
      >"S-stop that..." he hissed.
      >"Ahhh? Did I find good spot? Awwww, does the wittle deer wike it when I scwatch behind his eawrs?" his captor said in a mocking baby voice that made Alastor seethe.
      >As he continued Alastor couldn't help but melt into the scratches. Nobody had ever scratched behind his ears before... he'd done it himself, but normally he didn't like to be touched at all. That... particular spot though, oooohhhhh it felt good... made his head tingle all over and caused his leg to do a funny little twitchy thing he couldn't seem to stop.
      >Adam leaned over and called into the Kitchen "Lute, come here, you gotta see this!"
      >Poking her head out, she looked and started laughing. "Is his leg shaking like a puppy?!"
      >"Yea I know I couldn't believe it either!"
      >Alastor groaned. "I-I... am not... a-a-a... pet..."
      >"Awwwww, gwumpy little guy... make him some food too, I bet hes a hungry wittle man, yes you are, yes you are!"
      >He switched from the ears to scratching under Alastor's chin. He tried to bite him and succeeded only in biting his own tongue.
      >"I already told you that won't work... silly little guy..."
      >The humiliations were neverending, and he was plotting on how to escape, but just now, perhaps it was best to lay low. They would let their guard down somehow... and when they did... he would get out of here.

      • 3 months ago

        can you make them watch bambi please

        • 3 months ago

          I feel like its easier to make a short of them watching bambi than it is to describe it with words.

      • 3 months ago

        >Alastor leaned on Lute as he walked through the streets of gold and palaces of saints and heroes of virtue, eyes down, hopeless and bitter. Would the humilation ever end?
        >People gave them weird looks as they went by but, it was Adam, so everyone assumed it was official business, and simply ignored the odd trio.
        >Eventually, after having walked off the main street for a while, they came to a big mansion, with statues of women with beautiful bodies in exorcist helmets standing in a large garden, filled with flowers and small animals. A little duck pond out front, painted gold and white, with Adam's signature A sigil wrought in burnished gold on the sterling silver front gate.
        >"Well, here we are! My little slice of heaven. Haha, get it?"
        >"I hate you." he said.
        >He shrugged. "I think I'll grow on you, Alistan"
        >"ALASTOR!!!" he corrected, screaming it in his face. "MY NAME IS ALASTOR!!!"
        >"...can I call you Ally?"
        >"Awesome, alright Ally lets go, genocide makes me hungry. LUTE!"
        >She snapped to attention, performing a quick salute and standing stock straight.
        >"YES SIR!"
        >"Can you make me macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets? Pleeeease?"
        >"RIGHT AWAY SIR." she replied, as they went through the gate and into the house, she stopped and held the door for him and his new... pet.
        >"Lute you're so freaking awesome, b***h."
        >"I know sir."
        >"Ok so Ally-"
        >"Ahp bupbupbupbup, shhh, daddy's talking. Now, ALLY... lets get you out of that silly suit I mean come on you look ridiculous in that."
        >Snapping his fingers, Alastor went from wearing his signature pinstripe red suit and slacks, to a dress up onsie meant to look like a deer (pic related, but no hood because he already has antlers. Oh and red. Just like imagine that but no hood and red)
        >"Much better!"
        >Alastor hid his face in his hands... hooves... whatever. "Kill me... please."


        Continued from last thread

        >"Adam, look, I'm sorry, but what the frick?" Sera said, pinching the bridge of her nose with 2 fingers.
        >"Who is that..?" Peter asked, uncomfortably shifting. "I don't even need to check the list... whoever he is, hes definitely NOT on here."
        >"Yea nah its fine, he's a souvenir from Hell, hes with me."
        >"Why would you bring him here?!" snapped the Seraphim, looking at Adam with pure incredulity "You literally went down there to kill everything! Even if you wanted to save someone, why him?!"
        >Adam scoffed. "Ah come oooon Sera, lighten up! Hes harmless! I mean, hes not, but he will be! Hold on, I've got something here..."
        >With a snap of his fingers, Adam materialized a golden collar, with a little lock on the middle, and approached Alastor.
        >"No, stay away, I don't-!"
        >Lute grabbed him from behind and held him still while Adam snapped the ring around his throat. Instantly, he felt even weaker than he had before. It took serious effort just to sit upright.
        >"There! A little Collar of Binding and hes powerless! Can't so much as bite me!"
        >The Radio Demon inavdertently proved his point when he tried to rise to attack Adam, and yelped with confusion as he suddenly twisted away at the last moment and sprawled on the ground.
        >"Neat huh? Yea, the magic won't let him attack me, he'll literally throw himself aside at the last moment, and it also makes it so he can't use any of his demonic powers. He's like a mortal, except worse! Haha!"
        >"So... why not just kill him?" asked Sera.
        >"Because hes... look, I don't want to be here all day. I got Lucy's little girl, see, right here."
        >Lute threw Charlie down on the ground in front of the throne, with Vaggie's head. When Charlie saw that, she wailed and cried like her whole world was gone... because it was.
        >"Tell you what," Adam said. "I got Lucy's daughter, so I just hand her over unharmed, and you let me keep him. Deal?"
        ..."Deal." Sera said reluctantly.

        Alright so, taking suggestions, what happens next? After Adam makes Alastor curl up and sleep at the foot of the bed, I don't know where to go from there.

        • 3 months ago

          Adam feeds him by hand like an animal at a petting zoo. Adam calls Alastor's mom somehow?

          • 3 months ago

            Is Alastor's mom like an actual character? Is she in the comics and does she have lore?

            Adam makes him use a litter box

            Kinda gross tbh I was thinking he'd just make him go outside like a dog.

            Maybe cut to Charlie to see how she's holding up? Then cut back to Al waking up afterwards?

            Good idea, probably will do that. I was planning on her being kinda lowkey forced into being the new admin of Hell and keeping track of all the souls that go there. Maybe she makes it a better place since shes in charge, maybe she plots for revenge, we'll see.

            • 3 months ago

              no, but he does mention her. and it would be funny seeing Alastors mother scold Alastor for going to hell and being happy with Adam

              • 3 months ago

                >Alastor! why aren't you married yet!

            • 3 months ago

              >maybe she plots for revenge
              Hopefully. Her dad, GF, and friends are all dead, along with Lilith nowhere to be found. On the other hand, though, did Pentious respawn in this AU? Things could get very interesting if maybe a few of the others respawned too.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't think it'd go well unless she bides her time, a lot. All her potential assets are dead.
                I also dunno if they would have respawned in the AU, actually, considering it isn't canon precisely what caused it. I think it had something to do with what happens to Adam, so I don't think they COULD come back, but maybe? I'm trying to think of characters who could have, and I'm drawing a blank tbh.

              • 3 months ago

                I could see her being smart enough to realize that revenge would essentially be a suicide mission, making her pick her targets selectively. Going after Adam would be a very likely option, but what if she went after Lute instead? And she died knowing that Adam would have to live with the fact that he can't keep any woman in his life? But also not realizing this would inadvertently push Adam closer to Al?

              • 3 months ago

                I really did't want this to become gay romance so I hate how good of an idea that is. Might have to do it.

                Adam forces Alastor to entertain him (ie put on a show or something or make him do tricks like a dog)

                Yep, gonna probably do that too.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                could be platonic stockholm syndrome?

              • 3 months ago

                Oooo yea that'd more fresh to write too. Gay smutfics are a dime a dozen.


                What if Charlie captures Lute, is going to kill her, then Adam reveals he has Alastor, offers him in exchange for Lute's life, and then Charlie has to choose between revenge or the last friend she has? Bonus points if Alastor has gotten so used to being Adam's companion that he doesn't actually want to go with Charlie anymore...

              • 3 months ago

                I would like a happy end for everybody but I understand that's not always fun to write

              • 3 months ago

                I think it's too late for that in this AU, no matter what happens someone has to lose

            • 3 months ago

              Just that he loved her

        • 3 months ago

          Adam makes him use a litter box

        • 3 months ago

          Maybe cut to Charlie to see how she's holding up? Then cut back to Al waking up afterwards?

        • 3 months ago

          Adam finds out Alastor has a tail when making him change outfits

          • 3 months ago

            Oh yea next segment I definitely will be having him notice his tail. In my headcanon he does have one, I mean he has ears, and antlers. Why not a tail?

        • 3 months ago

          Adam forces Alastor to entertain him (ie put on a show or something or make him do tricks like a dog)

        • 3 months ago

          Adam (deliberately) confusing his hooved mammals and bucking Alastor while he strains as hard as he can not to have Adam snap his weakened back like a twig because of how much of a fatso he's become

          • 3 months ago

            Definitely a possibility for tomorrow. Unfortunately I have to go to sleep now, I work overtime tomorrow and I'm waking up in less than 6 hours. It was worth it though to make something at least a couple people liked. 🙂

            • 3 months ago

              Thank you anon, I await the next chapter of the Alastor and Adam show. do not die till you finish.

            • 3 months ago

              Looking forward to it!

      • 3 months ago

        >After a few more minutes, Lute entered the room with 2 plates of Macaroni and Chicken Nuggets, and some meat for Alastor.
        >"I know demons like eating flesh... I didn't bother cooking it. Its strip steak."
        >The grumble in his stomach gave him away, and hesitantly, he took the steak. The healing tonic he'd had earlier had done its work well, he was feeling a lot better, and as he sunk his teeth into the meat, he felt his pulse slow a little bit. Just a tad less stress, just a little less pain.
        >With a surprise, he tasted salt, and pepper. The steak was seasoned... he felt absurdly grateful that Lute had bothered.
        >"You... seasoned it?"
        >"You think I'm some kind of fricking hack? Like I can't season a steak?!" she snapped, suddenly enraged.
        >"N-No my dear, not at all! I just didn't expect to be treated with any consideration... thank you."
        >Her expression softened and she huffed, taking off her helmet and tossing her white hair.
        >"You're welcome."
        >Alastor stared at her.
        >"I didn't know that was a helmet."
        >Adam pulled his off and sighed. "Yea, they're pretty sick huh?"
        >Alastor looked at Adam's face, then at his hair, and laughed.
        >"Pfff... nice hair."
        >"Thanks." he said as he switched the TV on, not at all understanding the sarcasm.
        >"He was mocking you sir." Lute said without looking away from the screen.
        >Adam snapped to look at Alastor, and frowned, pointing an acusing finger at Lute.
        >"I KNEW THAT! You think I didn't know that? I just... I-I wanted to make sure you got it! Thats why I didn't say anything."
        >"Yea sir, I got it."
        >For a moment Alastor thought he'd gotten away with it. Then Adam materialized a spray bottle and squirted ice-cold water on his face.
        >Alastor screeched and ran out of the room and around the corner behind a statue Adam had commissioned of himself. It was one of 5 in this hall alone.
        >"Hey! Ally! Come back! We're gonna watch Bambi!"
        >"N-" but Lute whipped around the corner and grabbed him before he could refuse

        • 3 months ago

          This has become something I'm legitimately enjoying.

          • 3 months ago

            Awwww, I'm glad you like it! I'm enjoying making more casual banter between Adam and Lute and Alastor, we didn't get enough of either Adam or Lute imo, and hes really fun to write.
            What do you like about it, I'm curious

            • 3 months ago

              I always like seeing more Adam and Alastor, and I like the power dynamic between Subastor and Chadam.

        • 3 months ago

          Now I want a steak

        • 3 months ago

          This is going to be emotional now I decided.

          can you make them watch bambi please

          Are you happy
          >Alastor was swallowing the last of his steak as he watched this... odd moving drawing show.
          >"This is a movie?"
          >Adam looked at him like he was crazy. "Yea, fricking- what do you mean "this is a movie" haven't you ever seen a movie before?"
          >"Not like this... I'm more a fan of Buster Keaton."
          >"... you're so lame dude..."
          >"Well... I didn't say this was terrible."
          >It had been a wholesome film so far, very nice little story, right now he watched as the little "Bambi" and his mom ventured out in the winter snow... it was charming. Reminded him of his own mother.
          >"Shit man, this is the worst part." Adam groaned.
          >Alastor was confused. Worst part? This was very quaint and enjoyable. They found spring grass and-
          >A gunshot in the woods. A gunshot, many years ago, deep in the forest south of New Orleans.
          >A hunter's rifle cracking the peace. "RUN! RUN BAMBI!" Flashes, running through the marsh, the shots striking trees, the baying of hounds panic, fear, dread. Don't hit me... don't hit me, please don'-.
          >The final shot, the sharp way his head had snapped up. Then he was laying there, broken, one word pounding through his perforated skull
          >"Mother... Mother... Mother... Mother..."
          >Her face as his limbs grew numb, and his body felt cold.
          >Dimly, distantly, Alastor was aware that someone was calling his name.
          >It felt like there were tears on his cheeks.
          >Between the silent, racking sobs, they heard him muttering.
          >"M-Mother... Mother... I'm s-scared... Mother..."
          >Movie paused and forgotten, they knelt over him. Adam looked genuinely concerned. Even Lute looked at the weeping demon with. For the first time... he wasn't smiling.
          >He was on the ground, knees hugged to his chest, crying.
          >"M-Mother... p-please... I want to go home... Mother..."
          >Adam pet his head. "Hey, hey dude, come on, snap out of it. Its just a movie..."
          >Slowly, he felt himself start to calm down...

          • 3 months ago

            >Even Lute looked at the weeping demon with something approaching pity* fml

            • 3 months ago

              This is going to be emotional now I decided.
              Are you happy
              >Alastor was swallowing the last of his steak as he watched this... odd moving drawing show.
              >"This is a movie?"
              >Adam looked at him like he was crazy. "Yea, fricking- what do you mean "this is a movie" haven't you ever seen a movie before?"
              >"Not like this... I'm more a fan of Buster Keaton."
              >"... you're so lame dude..."
              >"Well... I didn't say this was terrible."
              >It had been a wholesome film so far, very nice little story, right now he watched as the little "Bambi" and his mom ventured out in the winter snow... it was charming. Reminded him of his own mother.
              >"Shit man, this is the worst part." Adam groaned.
              >Alastor was confused. Worst part? This was very quaint and enjoyable. They found spring grass and-
              >A gunshot in the woods. A gunshot, many years ago, deep in the forest south of New Orleans.
              >A hunter's rifle cracking the peace. "RUN! RUN BAMBI!" Flashes, running through the marsh, the shots striking trees, the baying of hounds panic, fear, dread. Don't hit me... don't hit me, please don'-.
              >The final shot, the sharp way his head had snapped up. Then he was laying there, broken, one word pounding through his perforated skull
              >"Mother... Mother... Mother... Mother..."
              >Her face as his limbs grew numb, and his body felt cold.
              >Dimly, distantly, Alastor was aware that someone was calling his name.
              >It felt like there were tears on his cheeks.
              >Between the silent, racking sobs, they heard him muttering.
              >"M-Mother... Mother... I'm s-scared... Mother..."
              >Movie paused and forgotten, they knelt over him. Adam looked genuinely concerned. Even Lute looked at the weeping demon with. For the first time... he wasn't smiling.
              >He was on the ground, knees hugged to his chest, crying.
              >"M-Mother... p-please... I want to go home... Mother..."
              >Adam pet his head. "Hey, hey dude, come on, snap out of it. Its just a movie..."
              >Slowly, he felt himself start to calm down...

              Finally getting to the good stuff.

              • 3 months ago

                I was sitting there thinking "Frick it I guess we'll say they watch Bambi thats funny, its about a deer and hes a deer and... and he loves his mom... and Bambi loves his mom... and he got shot... and Bambi's mom got shot... and... frick now I have to write this, this is a perfect scene its right there waiting for me."

              • 3 months ago

                And it was perfectly written in every way. Hopefully, since its heaven, they just call Alastor's mom over to try to get him back into the swing of things, since he is asking for her after all.

              • 3 months ago

                >And it was perfectly written in every way
                Its very touching to have anyone describe anything I've made as "perfectly written",
                that means a lot 🙂

                Well put together, writegay.

                I see a picture in my head and I describe it, nothing more too it really...

              • 3 months ago

                Well put together, writegay.

          • 3 months ago

            aaaand you've got my full attention.

          • 3 months ago

            >Adam lifted the crying Radio Demon in his arms, and carried him to bed, feeling something like actual care for this... sinful degenerate. I mean, yea he was definitely a sinner, and he belonged in hell, but frick dude, how do you bully a guy who's just breaking down weeping in front of you?
            >Alastor had started to calm down, and while he wasn't smiling with his teeth anymore, he had managed to return to a sad, yet small semblance of a grin.
            >"That wasn't because of you." he said. "I'm not breaking down because you put me in this ridiculous costume and... belittle me..."
            >"Well then what the frick dude?" Why the fricking waterworks, I mean yea its a sad scene but-"
            >"The day I died. It was a sunny summer day, and Mother and I were having Gumbo for lunch under the oak out front."
            >Adam briefly felt the urge to ask what Gumbo was, but he felt like now probably wasn't the time
            >"Mother said that the shed out back smelled, and asked if I could go see if maybe an animal had died in there. Poor Mother, she would be crying all day if she had to bury some poor cat or possum."
            >"So I told her I would handle it, and she went in to do the dishes. That was when I pulled my Jowett-"
            >"Your what?"
            >Alastor sighed. "My pickup truck, around to the shed, and loaded in... ahem... the body."
            >"The body...?"
            >"Yes, the man I'd killed 3 days prior outside a bordello in the Red Light District."
            >Adam's eyes widened slightly.
            >"I will explain, but please, allow me to continue. Now, as I was saying, I loaded the body in the back, and drove into the woods. I dragged that fat... worthless... sleazy bastard what must have been a mile, and started digging."
            >"I didn't know that a hunter had seen me, and decided that today was the day to be a hero."
            >"I was just breaking ground when a shot zipped past my ear. I tried to run... but failed. And I died there. In those woods. I don't know if Mother ever even knew what happened to me."
            >"Why were you burying a body..?" Adam finally asked.

            • 3 months ago

              (Pic related is the truck mentioned. Manufactured in 1930, seems like the kind of thing Alastor might drive. Classy and sleek, and some room to dispose of corpses in back)

              Nice. good job on making a butthole too, most people try making Alastor into some vigilante who dinna do noffin

              • 3 months ago

                Hope you don't mind

                >"I killed people Adam. I killed a lot of people."
                >"But like, why?"
                "When I was young, we were very poor. Father had walked out on mother when I was born, and she had to do whatever she could to stay alive, and to care for me."
                Adam hesitated. "So you mean-"
                >"Whatever. She. Could. I don't remember when exactly it started. I could have been 6, maybe 8, young though, very young. I would turn on the radio, and try to drown out the souns of my mother being... used... in the next room. Some lecherous drunkard usually, abusing my Mother's body like it was his TOY."
                >"I grew up though, and I found work in the one thing that let me ignore the horror all around me. The Radio. I became the star speaker on my local radio show, and I made a lot of money... enough to get out of that cesspit apartment in downtown and into a real house, near the woods. I was happy there with my mother for a time. She kept asking me when I would bring some nice girl home..." he sighed, smiling sadly. "I didn't have the heart to tell her that what I heard as a boy made it hard for me to find any sexual desire in... anything. I didn't want to be anything like those men."
                >His eyes went dark.
                >"Those men were still out there. Those men went to those seedy parts of downtown every day, and nobody fricking cared... but I cared. I would wait outside those little dens of depravity, find those men, and kill them."
                >"...Did you ever actually get the guys who would go for your mom?"
                >Alastor laughed. "I don't actually know... I just knew that anyone who frequented places like THAT... deserved to die."
                >"What, just for getting their dick wet?"
                >Alastor's grin widened.
                >"For being lecherous fools, who were easy prey..."
                >The first man was speechless for a while, which in an of itself, was something of a first.
                >"You got issues man..." he finally said.
                >Alastor laughed. "Who doesn't? But I don't regret it. I'd kill them all again if I could... I just wish I could have said goodbye to Mother..."

                . I wanted to give him a reason for his killings because the canonical lore says he "has a code" so I thought it would be neat to write it to be that he kills random horny dudes who go to strip clubs and brothels as a way to deal with the emotional trauma of his mom having to prostitute herself out when he was a kid to support them as a single mom in the 1930s. Its still obviously evil, but in his own twisted worldview, hes ridding the world of "deviants".

              • 3 months ago

                Certainly, it's quite good while you can still have some sympathy for him, he is still obviously a bad element.

              • 3 months ago

                It also can tie in to give a reason for his lack of sexuality, I just like writing things that all kinda come together and you can looking at them in different ways and see the situation at different angles.

            • 3 months ago

              >"I killed people Adam. I killed a lot of people."
              >"But like, why?"
              "When I was young, we were very poor. Father had walked out on mother when I was born, and she had to do whatever she could to stay alive, and to care for me."
              Adam hesitated. "So you mean-"
              >"Whatever. She. Could. I don't remember when exactly it started. I could have been 6, maybe 8, young though, very young. I would turn on the radio, and try to drown out the souns of my mother being... used... in the next room. Some lecherous drunkard usually, abusing my Mother's body like it was his TOY."
              >"I grew up though, and I found work in the one thing that let me ignore the horror all around me. The Radio. I became the star speaker on my local radio show, and I made a lot of money... enough to get out of that cesspit apartment in downtown and into a real house, near the woods. I was happy there with my mother for a time. She kept asking me when I would bring some nice girl home..." he sighed, smiling sadly. "I didn't have the heart to tell her that what I heard as a boy made it hard for me to find any sexual desire in... anything. I didn't want to be anything like those men."
              >His eyes went dark.
              >"Those men were still out there. Those men went to those seedy parts of downtown every day, and nobody fricking cared... but I cared. I would wait outside those little dens of depravity, find those men, and kill them."
              >"...Did you ever actually get the guys who would go for your mom?"
              >Alastor laughed. "I don't actually know... I just knew that anyone who frequented places like THAT... deserved to die."
              >"What, just for getting their dick wet?"
              >Alastor's grin widened.
              >"For being lecherous fools, who were easy prey..."
              >The first man was speechless for a while, which in an of itself, was something of a first.
              >"You got issues man..." he finally said.
              >Alastor laughed. "Who doesn't? But I don't regret it. I'd kill them all again if I could... I just wish I could have said goodbye to Mother..."

              • 3 months ago

                >It hadn't struck the Radio Demon just how tired he was until now
                >Why had he done that? Why had he admitted that to this stuck up pompous butthole?
                >But... not like it mattered. For a time, keeping an air of mystery had been important, but now, well, with everyone dead... it seemed pointless.
                >Lute entered the room, keeping a straight face, but Alastor's story had made her feel something. He was still a bad person, but what sinners had gone through on earth to make them what they were, it just wasn't fair.
                >She was glad her and her sisters had torn apart that pompous little shit, Lucifer. What he'd started in humanity, the sin he'd made them desire, it caused so much suffering every day. Like ruining the life of a small boy, in New Orleans.
                >"If your mother went to heaven, we might be able to find her... I don't know." she finally mumbled.
                >Adam nodded. "Not making any promises we can't keep, but like, I'll ask around. We'll see."
                >Alastor stared for a long moment. raising an eyebrow. "..Why would you do that for me?"
                >Adam got defensive. "I-Its not for YOU or anything! If your Mom is in Heaven, then she should get to see her son!"
                >For the first time all day, Alastor felt slightly hopeful. His mother had been a good and faithful woman, if anyone deserved to be in heaven, it was her. If he could see her again, and tell her everything, that he was sorry, he didn't mean to disappear, he loved her, it would make all this worth it.
                >"Well that would be nice..." he yawned, and flinched slightly as Adam reached for his ears.
                >He withdrew his hand and looked away. "Sorry, if you don't want to-"
                >"Actually..." he dipped his head towards the First Man and shifted his ears slightly forward. "I wouldn't mind a little scratch...
                >Adam complied, and he closed his eyes and sighed with bliss.
                >"You try, Lute! Its fun!" the Exorcist hesitantly gave him a scratch. He made a low little purring sound and leaned into it. Maybe he wouldn't leave right away after all...

              • 3 months ago

                >the ear scratch

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                >As Alastor sprawled across the bottom of the bed, he felt himself drifting away into sleep. Too much had happened today, too much... being outmatched in combat for the first time, recovering from severe injury, dragged through different spiritual realms, given a full belly and an emotional panic attack to go with it, combined with being treated without a hint of fear for the first time in centuries, too much had shifted and changed. He was briefly thankful for the silly little costume they made him wear, mostly because it was warm and fuzzy, and would be great to sleep in.
                >As he was making himself comfortable, he felt Adam rubbing behind his ears, and Lute gently petting down his back.
                >"Its alright Ally, go to sleep, we won't let any mean hunters hurt you, right Lute?"
                >Lute huffed as Alastor began to snore softly.
                >"Why did he have to be all pathetic and shit and make us pity him?"
                >Adam sighed. "Tell me about it, now I don't even want to make him eat grass..."
                >"Well there's always tomorrow." she said, halfsmirking before she got undressed and slipped into an old T-shirt and sweatpants for sleep. Adam just went shirtless, with pajama pants.
                >"Can I be little spoon this time?" she asked hopefully.
                >"Ughhhh, fine..." he sighed, and crawled into bed above Alastor, who stirred, but didn't rise.
                >Adam wrapped his arms around his second-in-command and she leaned into him, closing her eyes.
                >"So do you like the new pet?"
                >"He's got a lot of baggage..." Adam mumbled. "But hes kinda fun."
                >She smiled as she went to sleep. "Taking him was your idea..." she reminded him.
                >"I know!" he whispered, back at her. "and soon he'll be our snuggly little buddy, just you watch..." he whispered.
                >"Anyway... goodnight Lute."
                >"Goodnight Adam..."

              • 3 months ago

                > Make him eat grass
                they should definitely do that. Maybe make him wear a maid outfit or something next. or a nun outfit.

              • 3 months ago

                (Alright guys, fair warning. This is gonna be sad.)
                >Charlie was up to her ankles in golden and red blood, screams and carnage everywhere, Adam fighting her tooth and nail, when suddenly, hope!
                >Dad was there, he pushed the First Man back, driving him further and further, he was winning!
                >Just as the tide began to turn, a flash of black and white streaked across the blood-red sky and crashed into Satan.
                >Caught completely off guard, Lucifer went sprawling, trailing golden blood as he crashed into the dirt.
                >She heard herself scream as Lute drove down at him, and Lucifer, on the backfoot, parried desperately with his staff. He was the better fighter, but she'd caught him off guard. But how...? Vaggie had been dealing with her... if she was here, what had-
                >She turned around and felt relief wash over her. Vaggie was there, still alive and holding... why was she holding her neck?
                >Her hand fell away and a gush of golden angelic blood sprayed free, her pale skin and clothes stained as she fell to her knees.
                >Charlie ran to her side and caught her before she hit the dirt. No, no no no she couldn't have lost, she couldn't! It couldn't end like this!
                >"She... she got me... I-I'm sorry... I didn't fight h-hard... enough."
                >"No..." Charlie whimpered through the tears. "No its ok... you'll be ok... d-don't die on me Vaggie, I love you! PLEASE!!!"
                "Charlie... I..." she reached to touch the Princess of Hell's face, to profess her love one, final time... and then her eyes got glassy, and she was still, arm falling limply to her chest.
                >As if on que, Lute came crashing to the ground a few feet away, rolling to her feet as Lucifer came on.

              • 3 months ago

                >She caught his staff with her sword, and they braced, eye to eye.
                >"I'm going to clip your wings little exor- AH!!"
                >Lucifer's taunt was clipped short as Adam's holy light struck him from behind, burning clean through his chest and leaving a hole the size of a dinner plate.
                >Naked shock played across his features as he staggered back, staff falling from limp fingers.
                >"Oh..." he mumbled. Then turned, and saw Charlie kneeling there, her lover's head in her lap, eyes wide as she watched her father die.
                >"Sorry... sweetie... I tried..." Then his knees gave out from under him, and he topped forward, to lay in the red and gold mud.
                >The tide had turned. She looked around in shock, taking it in as everything she ever loved and believed in was destroyed.
                >Angel Dust was still firing his tommygun when Lute's sword took him full in the chest. "This kinda penetration... d-don't feel so good..."
                >Husker was backing towards a wall, throwing his last card at the exorcist coming at him. It missed entirely. The axe she drove through his belly did not. "One last run of bad luck... f-figures..." the return stroke took off his head.
                >Nifty was roughly grabbed up, and squealed as the exorcist laughed and impaled her on a spear.
                >Pentious was cut apart by half a dozen angels trying to shield Cherri from their wrath. He was still fighting with a sword through his belly when the Aussie demoness' set off all her bombs at once, and killed herself, Pentious, and their 6 assailants in one raging fireball.
                >The cannibals routed to no avail. The Legions of Divinity cut them down as they fled, like wolves chasing sheep. Soon all of Hell was screams, blood, fire, and death.
                >Charlie simply knelt there, holding Vaggie's corpse. She fought when they came to chain her up, but a few rough punches to her face and she was too dizzy and in pain to do anything but cry while Lute bound her in chains and cut the head free of Vaggie's shoulders.
                >This was all her fault...

              • 3 months ago

                TOTAL CHARLIE REVENGE incoming

              • 3 months ago

                >All her fault... if she hadn't insisted on this stupid "dream..."
                >Sera's voice broke her daze.
                >Everyone was looking at her. An assembled council of high ranking angels had gathered, to decide what to do after the most recent, most... thorough purge in history.
                >"Remembering" she said numbly, face devoid of emotion.
                >"Right..." Sera said. "We were trying to ask you, do you feel as though you could run Hell now? After your father's... well..."
                >"Murder?" she snapped.
                >"...Death." the Seraphim replied, not meeting eye contact.
                >"Whatever..." she mumbled. "Can you just kill me..."
                >"No..." Sera said. "We need you Charlie. We need someone to rule. We need order, so nothing gets this out of hand again.
                >Part of her knew she was right. There would be more people in Hell, and someone would need to keep it controlled. Orderly. Someone to oversee everything... or this could happen again.
                >"5 years."
                >"What?" Sera was confused.
                >"No exterminations for 5 years... then I'll do it."
                >Sera hesitated, but one at the end of the table spoke up. He was a tall angel with wavy chestnut hair and a fair face.
                >"Give her as she requests. There has been enough of an extermination already, and there will not be another overpopulation crisis for some time. There is no reason to continue besides wanton slaughterlust. Bloodshed for bloodshed's sake is not our way."
                >Murmurs of agreement down the table, but another angel, with short curly blonde locks, and a hard, stern countenance, spoke out.
                >"I would say that this is not far enough, Gabriel. Adam does war for his own vengeance, but I would settle for no less than scourging of the damned plains of the Underworld. All Hellborn must be slain as well. Everlasting fire should be their only refuge."
                >Sera looked uncomfortable. "I don't know, Michael... we'll call a vote."
                And so they did, and in the end, Gabriel won out, by a slim margin. Michael sat, stoic, yet Charlie could tell he was disappointed.

              • 3 months ago

                This makes me wish there'll be a high tier angelic character who wants Hell gone. Would be dumb if there isn't.

              • 3 months ago

                Next season we'll probably get something like that. They gotta have conflict somehow.

              • 3 months ago

                if it were an actual high tier archangel a vote wouldnt stop him from decimating hell to less than dust. Especially Michael. He could go down there drunk and on drugs, fight all of Hell with one arm and kill everyone in less than a minute

              • 3 months ago

                Michael probably could but until Big Daddy God says so, nothing of the sort will happen.
                Why won't he say so?
                "Mysterious Ways", b***h.

              • 3 months ago

                I kinda hope that Vivzie just keeps this in a psuedo-Catholic "heaven" idea and doesn't actually involve anyone besides saints and angels because if Jesus and God were in the show it'd be so sacreligious that it would become unwatchable.

              • 3 months ago

                Most likely correct.
                Also, I hope she read James Blish's novels on a related topic.
                It would amp up the grimdark.

              • 3 months ago

                Paradise Lost and Dante's Inferno are great reads for if you want to write HH fanfiction. There's a lot of stuff from those books you can headcanon into HH and it fits fine. Wonderful idea mine.

              • 3 months ago

                I just like the idea of how souls, angels and demons are explained to be a possible reality.
                And the implication that, having this figured out, mortals could pop them like soap bubbles if given some time. (In the novels that time is not provided due to full-scale nuclear war).

              • 3 months ago

                Dante walked so Vivziepop could run

              • 3 months ago

                Dante would hate this show so much dude its unreal, though he might like Adam. He'd probably be grossed out by how carnal and curse-happy Adam is, but the sheer level of demon-hate is a strong vibe in The Inferno. His arc in that book is basically losing empathy and learning to be happy that everyone who is in hell is suffering.

              • 3 months ago

                Right now I like the show but I'm giving it so much benefit of the doubt that if I took everything in the script with a grain of salt, I could turn the Atlantic into the Dead Sea. There's some concepts that I find interesting like the angels not knowing what gets someone into heaven but zealous in the the belief they're right being a mirror of catholics and Christians who don't read the Bible but are quick to judge sinners for sinning more obvious than them. Or Lucifer being as cynical as he is because he only sees the worst free will has to offer. Or hell even the concept that the irredeemable can improve if they look for it. And I think it's interesting but S2 will make or break the series for me depending on whether this Vizie lady can follow up with it. Though admittedly I haven't seen Helluva Boss or researched the person yet, I just finished the HH a week ago.

              • 3 months ago

                Same. Also I hope they tone down the sex jokes. They became so tiresome that basically the only time I was smiling watching the show was either when Pentious or Adam was on screen. Everyone else was too horny or too close to other horny characters to be fun, and Angel Dust got old after like 3 episodes.

              • 3 months ago

                I began to like Angel Dust a bit more after I noticed he was cutting down on the sex jokes after his episode. Which is good on the writers to realize they couldn't make him do a 180 but glamorizing his porn star attitude after that might be a bit of a faux pas. But Charlie and Alastor swearing, while it did perk my ears up, didn't have the impact it should have because there's so much fricking swearing in this fricking show that my fricking ears didn't fricking notice that fricking Alastor fricking said frick at the final fricking episode. Even writing that sentence made the word lose meaning after a bit. I know the show is in Hell and therefore the humor needs to be a certain level of edgy. But the Hell in this show is basically just Detroit, I'm certain whoever does dialogue in this show can open a thesaurus every other episode.

              • 3 months ago

                Adam was one of the worst culprits when it came to spewing sex jokes though?

              • 3 months ago

                >Adam was one of the worst

                Different anon, but is he, though? Adam uses lots of coarse language and brags about his sexual prowess. Angel Dust's jokes are mostly innuendo and situational humour from other guys reacting to his come-ons. They're both lewd frickers but I can see why writing clever dialogue for Angel is harder.

              • 3 months ago

                Yea but his intense chauvinism and violent hatred of literally everything else in the show made him feel fresh and enjoyable to watch.

              • 3 months ago

                >Charlie left the meeting room, and Emily was by her side in an instant.
                >"Charlie, Charlie! Look... I heard what happened and... its just too much. I can't believe they killed all those people..."
                >"Of course they did..." Charlie sighed. "I should've done better, done something different. Maybe if I had been more lowkey... hadn't pushed as hard... things wouldn't have escalated...
                >Emily frowned and stopped Charlie in her tracks, holding her shoulders and looking into her eyes.
                >"Listen to me. You didn't do anything wrong. This was a crime... this was evil... I can't believe the others allowed this to happen... I can't believe Adam could go through with it... but I'm not going to just watch as it gets worse. I want to help. Please... I want to do something good."
                >Charlie thought about it for a long moment, and decided she needed allies... any allies.
                >"Just lay low for now... but if you want to help, tell me if something happens. If someone is coming, or you hear of them doing something to watch me... tell me. Thats what you can do."
                >Emily looked concerned. "What are you planning...?"
                >"I... I can't wage war on heaven." she said after a moment. "But if I can hurt... or kill Adam... maybe that would stop him from doing this again. I just need to find out how..."
                >Emily was conflicted. This would put her against everyone she knew... but... it didn't matter who she knew. She was an angel. She existed to do what was right... what Adam had done, wasn't.
                >"Ok... I'll let you know if I hear anything... good luck down there."
                >"I guess I'll go see whats left." she said, the portal to Hell opening behind her.
                >"Oh and Emily?"
                >"Watch Michael closely... if he gets his way, its all over."
                >Without saying anything else, Charlie entered the portal, and stepped onto the grounds of her destroyed dream, to bury her dead friends, and to finally cry, where nobody could see...

              • 3 months ago

                Total ArchAngel Micheal Victory

              • 3 months ago

                Irl hell yes, in my story... maybe idk how sad I want it to be. Alastor, Adam, and Lute's dynamic is WAY more fun to write than grimdark Charlie though.

              • 3 months ago

                >charlie avenging her father by killing michael
                K I N O

              • 3 months ago

                >Alastor woke up slowly, groggily. This wasn't his room... why wasn't he in the hot-
                >The battle. The fighting. Getting taken to heaven under Adam's yoke, the uncomfortable yet oddly comforting afternoon. The panic attack... the weird bonding experience, it all came back in a rush, and he groaned, stretching as he looked around the room.
                >The beautiful golden shine of heaven's early morning light was just coming through the window. Adam was snoring, and Alastor had been sleeping at his feet. Lute wasn't anywhere to be seen... but he could smell bacon and eggs, and pancakes... and felt his mouth water.
                >Water... water... oh, yea, a shower would be nice...
                >He crawled up the bed and poked Adam in the chest with his antlers a few times.
                >"Huh... wha- AH WHAT THE F- Oh right... Ally..."
                >"Would you stop calling me that?"
                >"Yea like... maybe, if I feel like it."
                >"I wanted to take a shower... if thats allowed."
                >"Oh uh, yea, sure... right in there..." he pointed to the door at the other end of the room and Alastor walked in, looking around at the large bathtub/shower combo, golden shower head and toilet, Adam's signature A on most of it, and a big mirror on the wall. Alastor took off his silly little deer onsie, and stepped into the shower, turning on the tap and sighing with relief as the warm water washed over him.
                >At the same time, Adam got up and stumbled into the adjoining bathroom down the hall to wash up for the day himself.
                >Lute, not realizing Adam was in the other bathroom, and not the shower, walked back into the bedroom, and opened the bathroom door with no warning.
                >"Adam, breakfast is- AH FRICK-"
                >"GET OUT!!!" Alastor snapped.
                >Lute slammed the door shut, then thought about what she'd seen. She hadn't gotten a good look but... she could have sworn...
                >She got down on her knees and looked through the keyhole. Holy shit. He had a tail.
                >Alastor had a cute little deer tail.
                >"ADAM!!! GET IN HERE!!!"

              • 3 months ago

                Adam and Lute treating Alastor like he’s an angsty son is hilarious.

              • 3 months ago

                Nothing snaps an edgelord back to normal faster than just not taking him seriously.

              • 3 months ago

                YES YES YES, IT BEGINS!

              • 3 months ago

                I figured "He has ears, so a tail is only natural, right?"
                Besides, writing Adam and Lute teasing him about wagging his tail while hes trying to pretend to be mad and angsty is gonna be so fun

              • 3 months ago

                I wonder if Lute and Adam would be morning for Vaggie and the dead exorcist.

              • 3 months ago

                They'd be too happy with total victory to think about it much, and Adam literally ordered them to take Vaggie's head so I don't think he has any nostalgia for her.

              • 3 months ago

                You may think that, but Adam tried to make Vaggie realize the errors of her ways and comeback to Heaven. He also called her the best thing ever.
                The fact Vaggie offended him and Lute so much are signs they truly did love her.

              • 3 months ago

                What? Adam watched as Lute gouged out her eye and ripped off her wings. He doesn't express any guilt for her or even send exorcists back for her or even had anyone watching over her while she was in Hell. He only went back for her after Sera told Adam to get Charlie under control. So he could weaken Charlie's position and make it harder to argue the merits of the Hazbin Hotel. Which worked, Charlie basically had to solo that entire trial and at the apex of her argument Adam dropped the angel reveal which stopped Charlie cold. Not that Sera was ever going to let the damned have an avenue of salvation or even stop the extermination but Charlie was able to reveal enough hypocrisy to sow discord in the heavenly court.

                Point being I don't think Adam as we know him is a "good guy." Maybe he used to be but just as damned souls can get better, divine souls seemingly can get worse.

              • 3 months ago

                > Adam watched as Lute gouged out her eye and ripped off her wings. He doesn't express any guilt for her or even send exorcists back for her or even had anyone watching over her while she was in Hell.
                He knew the duties and Vaggie went against them.
                Adam and Lute quickly hindered her and left behind because she rebelled and they had to move on from her. It’s done swiftly and emotionlessly because they didn’t want to do it, but they had to.

                They left Vaggie alone in Hell in the hopes that if she did see how Hell was normally like, she would’ve regretted her actions.

                Remember, Adam has to let go everyone he ever cares about once God deems them as evil. Especially Eve. He’s too used to this, but it still hurts for him.

              • 3 months ago

                I mean if you want to believe that go ahead bro

              • 3 months ago

                Leave him, it's the Adamschizo

              • 3 months ago

                >He’s too used to this, but it still hurts for him.

                He's portrayed as a narcissist, how is it supposed to be obvious to viewers that he actually secretly cares..?

              • 3 months ago

                A narcissist who wouldn’t say that his deeds made him good enough to enter and remain Heaven?
                That’s a massive contradiction to his entire persona.
                He often makes a lot of big claims and doesn’t actually indulge in them. He didn’t write down his name in his little papers, did he, mr. “I love putting my name on shit. It’s the best” Adam.

              • 3 months ago

                You’re thinking of things the wrong way. Adam and Lute are the angels who takes their duties to the uppermost extremes, which is what God desires and allows them to always come back to Heaven (the Cherubs establishes that God doesn’t play around or give a damn phony “good” personalities).

                To God, Charlie is the perfect tool to test the Heavens and their faith on his judgements. So if the Angels went against Adam, it would ironically cause them to fall instead.

                It’s like being against King David for performing God-ordained genocides and not being sure if he was good enough to be in Heaven. You deserve to be kicked out of Heaven for not being as good as David and for your lack of faith for God’s will and judgements. Because David would honor the father and you wouldn’t in his position.

              • 3 months ago

                >He came into the room still shirtless in sweatpants from sleep, toothpaste on still on his face. "Wha- what?! What is it- oooohhhh, did you walk in on deer boy in the shower?
                >"No- yes, look you won't believe this sir, but uh... he has a deer tail!" she said, giggling.
                >"b***h shut the frick up, no way dude." he said, grinning ear to ear and wiping his mouth.
                >"No seriously, for real! I thought you were in the shower so I walked in and... I saw it..." she suppressed another giggle. "Do you think it wags when hes happy or excited?"
                >"Haha frick that would be hilarious!"
                >"I CAN HEAR YOU!!!" Alastor's voice came from the bathroom, shower now off.
                >Lute quickly grabbed a spare pair of pants and a shirt (with Adam's A on it, ubiquitously), but not before cutting a decisively tail-sized hole in the butt of the pants. Then she opened the door just wide enough to put them down on the counter, and then retreated back, this time respecting his privacy and not looking.
                >There was a pause, and then an angry growl.
                >"I am NOT going out there with my tail exposed for you to gawk at!"
                >"Well those are the only clothes you're getting... so unless you'd rather be naked, get your skinny little ass out here and show Dad that tail!
                >"You're really going to make me aren't you?" he said after a sigh.
                >There was another pause, and then Alastor stepped out, ears down, hair still damp from the shower, and his tail sticking out of the butt of the pants, bright red and bushy.
                >Adam fell over laughing and Lute actually said "Awww!" and Alastor could swear all the blood in his body went into his cheeks.
                >"This is EXACTLY why I hide it... everyone always reacts like this."
                >"But its so fluffy!" Lute said, pointing at it with a big grin.
                >"DUDE ITS SO FRICKING FLUFFY" Adam said through peels of laughter.
                >Alastor hid his head in his hands and groaned.
                >Yes, yes, I have a very fluffy cute tail, it is very adorable, yes, I know, can we PLEASE eat breakfast now..."

              • 3 months ago

                >Charlie spent months trying to get people to be slightly less awful.
                >Adam and Lute completely buck broke Alastor in a couple of days like he’s their bratty son.

              • 3 months ago

                I mean if you remember, it was established early on that he has a collar on that doesn't let him do any of his freaky demon shit so he kinda just has to sit there and take it.

              • 3 months ago

                >Adam and Lute knows that the Apple makes Alastor feel shame from nakedness. They themselves don’t mind it.
                >They take advantage of it.
                Such a wild couple.

              • 3 months ago

                Cant wait for them to force him to use/ learn to use a cell phone.

              • 3 months ago

                that has got to be a massive shirt if its Adams if anything Alastor is more the size of Lute if anything.

              • 3 months ago

                In their fight scene wasn't Adam like, slightly shorter?

              • 3 months ago

                Alastor can change his height with his powers. and all the scenes with charlie he towers over her so. alastor is a shortie.

              • 3 months ago

                (Hey lets just pretend that Alastor isn't also in a deal in this AU because even though everyone thinks its Lillith we don't know anything about her really so even if it is I don't wanna make up a bunch of bs about an established character and also toss that into this plot)
                >Breakfast managed to go on for 5 minutes in polite silence before Adam said "So does it wag when you're happy?"
                >Alastor's fork began to bend in his hand and his teeth creaked as he tensed with rage.
                >"One more question about my tail and I'm going to throw this breakfast clean through your TV."
                >"I could just get a new one in like literally a snap of my fingers but fine, whatever." Adam said, shrugging. "You know I might go ask around town about your mom today. See if I can find her."
                >Alastor didn't realize his tail started wagging excitedly. "Really?"
                >Lute noticed and grinned knowingly. "You'd like that huh?"
                >"Well yes I-" he followed her eyes and blushed again. "DAMN IT"
                >Adam started laughing again and Alastor stood up to storm off but the First Man managed to calm himself down.
                >"Hey hey come on haha, hahaha frick... sorry... its just really funny how flustered you get..."
                >The Radio Demon sighed and sat down. "Yes I suppose I would probably laugh too... but I am not accustomed to being the subject of the joke."
                >"Well, for what its worth Alastor, its all in good fun."
                >" used my name."
                >"Well yea!" he said, grabbing Alastor by the neck and nuzzling his antlered head with his knuckles
                >"We're buddies, right? I'm your owner, and you're my little deer guy!"
                >Alastor smiled a little, despite himself. Now he knew how Husker felt...The irony made him laugh.
                >When he laughed, Adam laughed, and by the end, he felt a little better.
                >"Do you really think you can find her? My mother?"
                >"Hey, if anyone can do it, its me!" he said. "You think you'll be alright with Lute here for a little while?"
                >She smirked. "Hes not going anywhere, I can tell you that for sure..."

              • 3 months ago

                when are they gonna make him eat grass? also lol.

              • 3 months ago

                All in good time anon (Probably in a couple greentexts, I'm gonna make em hang out in the garden)

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                Ofc fren! I'll be back from the gym soon. I was just waiting for the next thread

              • 3 months ago

                Anon can you compile all you've written so far?

              • 3 months ago

                I've already done so, been collecting everything in a notepad file, just in case. I just don't know where to post it...

              • 3 months ago

                Just post it on AO3

              • 3 months ago

                Okay, just for compiling purposes though. The format of the story is kinda set in grentext at this point I feel like it'd be jarring to swap it to standard format.

              • 3 months ago

                No biggie, some fics on AO3 look like they are chatrooms.

              • 3 months ago

                Cinemaphile writegays used to use pastebin. That or one of its copycats could work.

              • 3 months ago

                I think they want you to pay for an account now

              • 3 months ago

                Oh wow. I'f heard they pissed a bunch of people off for deleting proprietary code, but not that. Guess they're totally pozzed.

              • 3 months ago

                My complaint with pastebin is a lack of support for things like italics
                I prefer to just copy and paste from my google doc and be done

                Okay, just for compiling purposes though. The format of the story is kinda set in grentext at this point I feel like it'd be jarring to swap it to standard format.

                It's not that jarring but it's annoying to delete all the > but personally I love the style of greentexts anyway because it lends itself to a simpler style good for the flow

              • 3 months ago

                I think that's primarily why I've been so good at just spamming new parts to this, when I write fanfiction in standard form, I feel a compulsion to explain and describe everything, and it becomes mentally exhausting to the point where I end up becoming overwhelmed and abandon the project.
                Keeping everything focused around character interaction and dialogue makes the writing way more fun, imo.

              • 3 months ago

                Exactly anon exactly
                My "real" fics get out of control so fast I'm 4k deep in something that I wanted to be a quick smut fic but I never learn my lesson lol
                Here I can just greentext as anon and if something sucks or I make a mistake I don't feel the same amount of pressure I put on myself
                It's a rewarding and not a bad pressure but sometimes I just wanna unleash the autism RAW

              • 3 months ago

                Wait till the next thread then lol, it will be better

              • 3 months ago

                >She caught his staff with her sword, and they braced, eye to eye.
                >"I'm going to clip your wings little exor- AH!!"
                >Lucifer's taunt was clipped short as Adam's holy light struck him from behind, burning clean through his chest and leaving a hole the size of a dinner plate.
                >Naked shock played across his features as he staggered back, staff falling from limp fingers.
                >"Oh..." he mumbled. Then turned, and saw Charlie kneeling there, her lover's head in her lap, eyes wide as she watched her father die.
                >"Sorry... sweetie... I tried..." Then his knees gave out from under him, and he topped forward, to lay in the red and gold mud.
                >The tide had turned. She looked around in shock, taking it in as everything she ever loved and believed in was destroyed.
                >Angel Dust was still firing his tommygun when Lute's sword took him full in the chest. "This kinda penetration... d-don't feel so good..."
                >Husker was backing towards a wall, throwing his last card at the exorcist coming at him. It missed entirely. The axe she drove through his belly did not. "One last run of bad luck... f-figures..." the return stroke took off his head.
                >Nifty was roughly grabbed up, and squealed as the exorcist laughed and impaled her on a spear.
                >Pentious was cut apart by half a dozen angels trying to shield Cherri from their wrath. He was still fighting with a sword through his belly when the Aussie demoness' set off all her bombs at once, and killed herself, Pentious, and their 6 assailants in one raging fireball.
                >The cannibals routed to no avail. The Legions of Divinity cut them down as they fled, like wolves chasing sheep. Soon all of Hell was screams, blood, fire, and death.
                >Charlie simply knelt there, holding Vaggie's corpse. She fought when they came to chain her up, but a few rough punches to her face and she was too dizzy and in pain to do anything but cry while Lute bound her in chains and cut the head free of Vaggie's shoulders.
                >This was all her fault...

                If you're wondering, Charlie didn't see it happen, but in this AU, the butterfly effect change that caused this is that when Lute smashed Vaggie's head into the table in their fight, she ended that combo by slashing her throat down to the bone. Once Vaggie was incapacitated, Lute was free to assist Adam in fighting Lucifer, and together, combined with the element of surprise (as Lucifer was already engaged fighting Adam when Lute blindsided him) they were able to kill him. Once Lucifer fell, the exorcists rallied, and the Hellborn began to lose hope. It was just mass rout and ensuing mopup butchery after that.

              • 3 months ago

                Just a little correction
                Lucifer =/= Satan in this setting

              • 3 months ago

                oof. I like to mix up terms for characters in my writing because I've found that when you use a character's name repeatedly it can become tiresome to read it, and when you just use pronouns in scenes involving many characters, it can be confusing.
                My B.

              • 3 months ago

                Fun fact; in most settings regarding Christianity, Satan is in fact NOT Lucifer whatsoever, but rather is a form of "suffering personified" for those that are sentenced, or rather cursed to the depths of Hell.

                So yes, you're correct that Satan is not Lucifer in this setting, that's also accurate to Christianity overall.

              • 3 months ago

                >She caught his staff with her sword, and they braced, eye to eye.
                >"I'm going to clip your wings little exor- AH!!"
                >Lucifer's taunt was clipped short as Adam's holy light struck him from behind, burning clean through his chest and leaving a hole the size of a dinner plate.
                >Naked shock played across his features as he staggered back, staff falling from limp fingers.
                >"Oh..." he mumbled. Then turned, and saw Charlie kneeling there, her lover's head in her lap, eyes wide as she watched her father die.
                >"Sorry... sweetie... I tried..." Then his knees gave out from under him, and he topped forward, to lay in the red and gold mud.
                >The tide had turned. She looked around in shock, taking it in as everything she ever loved and believed in was destroyed.
                >Angel Dust was still firing his tommygun when Lute's sword took him full in the chest. "This kinda penetration... d-don't feel so good..."
                >Husker was backing towards a wall, throwing his last card at the exorcist coming at him. It missed entirely. The axe she drove through his belly did not. "One last run of bad luck... f-figures..." the return stroke took off his head.
                >Nifty was roughly grabbed up, and squealed as the exorcist laughed and impaled her on a spear.
                >Pentious was cut apart by half a dozen angels trying to shield Cherri from their wrath. He was still fighting with a sword through his belly when the Aussie demoness' set off all her bombs at once, and killed herself, Pentious, and their 6 assailants in one raging fireball.
                >The cannibals routed to no avail. The Legions of Divinity cut them down as they fled, like wolves chasing sheep. Soon all of Hell was screams, blood, fire, and death.
                >Charlie simply knelt there, holding Vaggie's corpse. She fought when they came to chain her up, but a few rough punches to her face and she was too dizzy and in pain to do anything but cry while Lute bound her in chains and cut the head free of Vaggie's shoulders.
                >This was all her fault...

                >This kinda penetration... d-don't feel so good...

              • 3 months ago

                Im suprised that Adam didnt take Angel Dust as well. he is cute.

              • 3 months ago

                I just really didn't want to write Angel Dust because to write him accurately I have to come up with a preferably homosexual sex joke like every 2 lines.

              • 3 months ago

                truly the hardest part of being a writegay. keep it up though, the story is getting good.

              • 3 months ago

                Indeed. I feel obligated to portray the characters as accurately as possible. Its a struggle.

                I cast my vote to his mother (eventually) forgiving him. it is heaven after all

                i like option 2, but i would leave the door open to the mom potentially forgiving him like what [...] said, you don't want to get too grimdark and depressing

                I'm probably gonna go with mostly option 2 because of what

                Yeah. Go with option 2. Headcanoning a huge chunk of a character's background by introducing 100% OC versions of their parents/siblings is usually a mistake anyway. Better to leave Momlastor vague.

                said but I might still have a part towards the end where he reconciles with his mom. Would be sweet.

    • 3 months ago
  13. 3 months ago

    Why do Alastor threads always smell like period blood?

    • 3 months ago

      >why does the tumblr demonic sexy man smell like periods
      Dunno man, shits a mystery

    • 3 months ago

      I'm glad I get to witness this madness before I go away forever.

      • 3 months ago

        where are you going anon

    • 3 months ago

      Why do Lute threads smell like semen

    • 3 months ago

      Quit snorting your own period blood anon, don't you know you're supposed to make sigils with it and then burn it? Fricking newbies.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm still waiting for a gojo incident but with alistor marketable plush

      • 3 months ago

        what is a gojo incident

        • 3 months ago

          Think he means when Gojo gets literally split in half

    • 3 months ago

      He’s Onceler in hell design wise

  14. 3 months ago

    I want to watch alastor get shot in the head again

  15. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      need drunk charlie fanfic

  16. 3 months ago
  17. 3 months ago

    What would Al look like with a big mustache?

  18. 3 months ago

    He was drawn so adorably in the pilot

  19. 3 months ago

    why do gay furries keep drawing husk fat

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      he should be a husky man.

  20. 3 months ago

    femlastor > alastor

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        i ship it

  21. 3 months ago
  22. 3 months ago

    Was there ANYONE in the pilot that got improved in the series? only one I can think of is Keith David voicing Husker

    • 3 months ago

      Charlie overall was an improvement (don't give a frick that she's not "soft" anymore), Vaggie's new outfit is better, Keith David as Husk is good. Roman Blake does good as Angel.

  23. 3 months ago

    Adam x Lulu

  24. 3 months ago

    Only 8 episodes

  25. 3 months ago

    I am ready to indulge in all my deer thoughts and maybe some Vee thoughts too happy Friday

  26. 3 months ago

    >while he hid in radio we pivoted to video
    why is this part so catchy

    • 3 months ago

      My favorite part is when Vox says, "you OLD TIMEY PRICK!" the sheer anger in his voice is so gold I love Vox's voice

      • 3 months ago

        >I love Vox's voice

        Same. He's a standout for me too and I'm not even a Voxgay. He chews scenery beautifully.

  27. 3 months ago

    Can Charlie fix Alastor with her boobs

    • 3 months ago

      with her squishy cheeks

      • 3 months ago

        Does Charlie have those red circles on her asscheeks too

        • 3 months ago

          No, she has red handprints on them

  28. 3 months ago

    How am I supposed to take him seriously when he's got fluffy cute ears and can pull off a dress so well?

  29. 3 months ago

    >Characters in pilots change
    Wow! What a revelation!

  30. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      needs to be raped

  31. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago


  32. 3 months ago
  33. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >Charlie in a nun outfit

  34. 3 months ago

    >adam thread deleted before i could properly post in it.
    cant have shit in Detroit

  35. 3 months ago

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I found that one Alastorgay's embarassing fanfic


    • 3 months ago


  36. 3 months ago

    I love him so much, I wish he was the protagonist

    • 3 months ago

      Overlord Husker spin-off when?

      • 3 months ago

        A movie would be neat

    • 3 months ago

      Dr. Seuss looking ass

    • 3 months ago

      a sidestory of him working at a bar and hearing different stories from the denizens of hell would be nice

  37. 3 months ago

    Petting Alastor's ears!

    • 3 months ago

      Erotic ear rubs from the Charlie

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          she's sucking the base of his ear

  38. 3 months ago

    (Pic related is the truck mentioned. Manufactured in 1930, seems like the kind of thing Alastor might drive. Classy and sleek, and some room to dispose of corpses in back)

  39. 3 months ago
  40. 3 months ago

    >Alastor apparently is not particularly big on oral hygiene, with Vivziepop describing his breath as "not good"[73], and Faustisse making reference to his having black gums.[note 9]

    Alastor canonically has bad breath

    • 3 months ago

      It would make sense. Sinners I imagine are naturally not good people, so why would most of them give a shit when they're already in Hell?

      Not to mention someone like Alastor having bad breath would make a lot of sense, I can imagine human flesh doesn't have the most amazing after-smell when digesting inside the stomach of a deranged serial killer cannibal.

  41. 3 months ago

    I hope the Voxsis is still around and sees this sorry it took so long also this turned out way longer than I intended but LOVE VOX!
    >Be you, fourth Vee
    >Vox has been especially stressed with work lately and so you conspire with Val and Vel to get him to go on a vacation to a newly opened resort
    >The resort is called Earthslice and offers a variety of vacation packages in a huge controlled environment, mainly relying on holograms and a giant screen that overtakes nearly the entire room and the whole ceiling to create the illusion of being somewhere in the world of the living
    >Vox doesn't really seem to care where you "go" and chooses "the beach"
    >It's your responsibility to vacation with him and make sure he enjoys himself!
    >You enter the beach room together, which has authentic sand for flooring, and there's a bright blue sky cast overhead
    >Vox doesn't seem too thrilled, but you're amazed how realistic it is...until you try to lean against a palm tree to adjust your sandals and fall flat on your ass
    >"Don't hurt yourself." He laughs at you and sits on a reclining beach chair, relaxing back and doing something on his phone.
    >He's dressed up for a vacation in a gaudy Hawaiin shirt and shark patterned swimming trunks but he is wearing the same stressed expression as always.
    >He does look very, very handsome's rare to see him exposing this much skin
    >You sit next to him on your knees and lay your head on his shoulder. "What are you doing?"
    >He's got an app open detailing the stock market and a bunch of calculations with business lingo that you don't entirely understand because that stuff isn't your job
    >"Voooox," you whine, lightly butting your head against the side of his monitor. "C'mon you're supposed to be relaxing!"
    >"How?" He doesn't even looking at you. "This whole beach is fricking fake anyway."
    >"Whaaaat?" He says in a mocking tone.

    • 3 months ago

      "Sweetheart, look, I know you guys are well meaning sending me here but I can't be convinced by this fake fricking environment. It doesn't even smell like the ocean."
      >"You can't even smell, though."
      >"That's not the point." He sits up with a sigh and motions out to the virtual ocean, the island in the distance, and the floating silhouettes of seagulls. "The water hologram is playing on a three second loop and look the illusion of the wind swaying the palm trees isn't consistent with the bird shadows. This whole thing is a giant scam. Can you really not tell?"
      >"Um...I never actually saw the ocean back on Earth. And I wasn't thinking that hard about it." Somehow, you feel stupid for trying to help because now that he's pointed out the inconsistencies you can't unsee them.
      >"Really?" Vox puts his phone in the drink holder and sits up, resting a hand on top of your head. "You never went to the ocean ever?"
      >"I used to go." He looks out towards the hologram, no doubt remembering the real thing. "At least a few times a year."
      >"Really? That often?" It was an unspoken rule that none of you really spoke about your human lives--you certainly didn't want to go into detail, but it was just the two of you right now.
      >Vox replies in a quiet voice, "yeah. That often."
      >Maybe it could be a special secret.
      >"Were you super important?" You ask, reaching up and putting your hand on top of his. "I mean. You've always been super important, but y'know..."
      >"Well," he smirks down at you, his ego buzzing back to life with a crack of his speakers. "Of course I was. I'd visit the most expensive resorts--real resorts--and I'd be the guest of fricking honor thanks to the influence of my...the empire that I worked so hard to build. Yeah, we'll call it that."
      >His voice trails off again. He doesn't want to tell you too much.
      >That's alright.

      • 3 months ago

        >He clears his throat. "Anyway, I had so much of the real thing back on Earth I don't care for this fake shit and it isn't gonna convince me or help me relax. Besides, if this is the beach, where are the sexy women? The beach prostitutes? That was half the fun of even going."
        >You playfully elbow him and mock offense. "I'm right here!"
        >"You're just one sexy woman."
        >"Just?! I'll show you..." You pull the lever on his chair, forcing it from lounge to sitting position, and crawl between his legs.
        >He watches you with a trickle of red saliva dripping down his mouth, resting the side of his head on his palm.
        >You nuzzle your face against the crotch of his shorts, satisfied that he's already half hard.
        >You waste no time pulling the waistband down, freeing his huge blue wiener and taking the head into your mouth.
        >You work your hand along the shaft as you swirl your tongue along the inside of his foreskin with an exaggerated hum.
        >"Yeah, j-just like that..." Vox presses the back of your head and shoves his wiener into the back of your throat.
        >It's big enough to choke you now, but you happily take him stabbing your esophagus
        >It's thick and blocking your airway, so you bob your head and have to space out your breathing
        >"Frick..." He hisses and starts thrusting his hips ever so slightly to meet your rhythm "Such a good little girl, yes you are..."
        >He's praising you like you're some sort of small animal which is your favorite kind of praise.
        >You can't fight gagging against him as his length starts thrusting into your throat, stretching it painfully, but you persist despite the tears flowing down your face
        >You can feel his flesh pulsing and slide your hands up his shirt to feel his chest.
        >His abs are always so tight and his muscle is just the right amount of lean
        >Vox is so sexy and you love him so much you're so happy--so honored--to be taking his dick down your throat

        • 3 months ago

          >The salty taste of his precum at the end of your tongue has you swirling it around his girth the best you can
          >All at once he pushes your head back and pulls out of your mouth, thick threads of your saliva still stuck to him
          >He aims directly at your face and cums, spurting his light blue seed all over your face and down your chest
          >His face glitches out for a split second as he strains and pushes out every drop.
          >You let it happen, shutting your eyes and whimpering because you had wanted him to cum in your mouth!
          >But you won't be a brat about it. Not today.
          >Vox chuckles, his audio ebbing between static and clear
          >He sits back and sighs, his shoulders slouching, and he finally looks relaxed for the first time today
          >You wipe your eyes and stare at him, offering a small smile. "Was that 'beach prostitute' enough?"
          >He laughs affectionately, pixel hearts flashing in his eyes. "Yes."
          >Gliding your tongue along the collection of cum in your hand, he nudges you with his knee. "Go wash it off."
          >"Oh. Right."
          >You stand up and run over to the shore, kicking off your sandals and running waist deep into...nothing.
          >Pixels dance across your skin.
          >Vox bursts out laughing, holding his sides, and although you cross your arms and puff your cheeks at first you can't hold it--you giggle into your fist.
          >He got you!
          >You walk back over next to him and sit on his lap. "Okay. You got me."
          >"You should've seen the look on your face."
          >An imp employee emerges from the set of doors at the end of the room, saying nothing but laying a stack of fresh towels by the chair and quickly scurrying back off.
          >Of course they'd have cameras wonder if Vox had really allowed the staff to watch that whole incident.

          • 3 months ago

            >He wraps his arm around you and pulls you close to him, grabbing a towel and rubbing it along your chest.
            >When no one is looking, Vox is a great lover. Sometimes.
            >"Vox, Tell me more about what the real beach is like?"
            >"I'd rather just show you, Sweetie. One day."
            >One day, yes...when the Vees have achieved their ultimate goal and Heaven and Hell are all theirs--yours--overtaking the Earth will be a walk in the park!
            The End<3

            • 3 months ago

              i liked this a lot! good job writefren

              • 3 months ago

                Thank you anon I'm glad you liked it!
                Vox is so so so...

    • 3 months ago

      "Sweetheart, look, I know you guys are well meaning sending me here but I can't be convinced by this fake fricking environment. It doesn't even smell like the ocean."
      >"You can't even smell, though."
      >"That's not the point." He sits up with a sigh and motions out to the virtual ocean, the island in the distance, and the floating silhouettes of seagulls. "The water hologram is playing on a three second loop and look the illusion of the wind swaying the palm trees isn't consistent with the bird shadows. This whole thing is a giant scam. Can you really not tell?"
      >"Um...I never actually saw the ocean back on Earth. And I wasn't thinking that hard about it." Somehow, you feel stupid for trying to help because now that he's pointed out the inconsistencies you can't unsee them.
      >"Really?" Vox puts his phone in the drink holder and sits up, resting a hand on top of your head. "You never went to the ocean ever?"
      >"I used to go." He looks out towards the hologram, no doubt remembering the real thing. "At least a few times a year."
      >"Really? That often?" It was an unspoken rule that none of you really spoke about your human lives--you certainly didn't want to go into detail, but it was just the two of you right now.
      >Vox replies in a quiet voice, "yeah. That often."
      >Maybe it could be a special secret.
      >"Were you super important?" You ask, reaching up and putting your hand on top of his. "I mean. You've always been super important, but y'know..."
      >"Well," he smirks down at you, his ego buzzing back to life with a crack of his speakers. "Of course I was. I'd visit the most expensive resorts--real resorts--and I'd be the guest of fricking honor thanks to the influence of my...the empire that I worked so hard to build. Yeah, we'll call it that."
      >His voice trails off again. He doesn't want to tell you too much.
      >That's alright.

      >He clears his throat. "Anyway, I had so much of the real thing back on Earth I don't care for this fake shit and it isn't gonna convince me or help me relax. Besides, if this is the beach, where are the sexy women? The beach prostitutes? That was half the fun of even going."
      >You playfully elbow him and mock offense. "I'm right here!"
      >"You're just one sexy woman."
      >"Just?! I'll show you..." You pull the lever on his chair, forcing it from lounge to sitting position, and crawl between his legs.
      >He watches you with a trickle of red saliva dripping down his mouth, resting the side of his head on his palm.
      >You nuzzle your face against the crotch of his shorts, satisfied that he's already half hard.
      >You waste no time pulling the waistband down, freeing his huge blue wiener and taking the head into your mouth.
      >You work your hand along the shaft as you swirl your tongue along the inside of his foreskin with an exaggerated hum.
      >"Yeah, j-just like that..." Vox presses the back of your head and shoves his wiener into the back of your throat.
      >It's big enough to choke you now, but you happily take him stabbing your esophagus
      >It's thick and blocking your airway, so you bob your head and have to space out your breathing
      >"Frick..." He hisses and starts thrusting his hips ever so slightly to meet your rhythm "Such a good little girl, yes you are..."
      >He's praising you like you're some sort of small animal which is your favorite kind of praise.
      >You can't fight gagging against him as his length starts thrusting into your throat, stretching it painfully, but you persist despite the tears flowing down your face
      >You can feel his flesh pulsing and slide your hands up his shirt to feel his chest.
      >His abs are always so tight and his muscle is just the right amount of lean
      >Vox is so sexy and you love him so much you're so happy--so honored--to be taking his dick down your throat

      >The salty taste of his precum at the end of your tongue has you swirling it around his girth the best you can
      >All at once he pushes your head back and pulls out of your mouth, thick threads of your saliva still stuck to him
      >He aims directly at your face and cums, spurting his light blue seed all over your face and down your chest
      >His face glitches out for a split second as he strains and pushes out every drop.
      >You let it happen, shutting your eyes and whimpering because you had wanted him to cum in your mouth!
      >But you won't be a brat about it. Not today.
      >Vox chuckles, his audio ebbing between static and clear
      >He sits back and sighs, his shoulders slouching, and he finally looks relaxed for the first time today
      >You wipe your eyes and stare at him, offering a small smile. "Was that 'beach prostitute' enough?"
      >He laughs affectionately, pixel hearts flashing in his eyes. "Yes."
      >Gliding your tongue along the collection of cum in your hand, he nudges you with his knee. "Go wash it off."
      >"Oh. Right."
      >You stand up and run over to the shore, kicking off your sandals and running waist deep into...nothing.
      >Pixels dance across your skin.
      >Vox bursts out laughing, holding his sides, and although you cross your arms and puff your cheeks at first you can't hold it--you giggle into your fist.
      >He got you!
      >You walk back over next to him and sit on his lap. "Okay. You got me."
      >"You should've seen the look on your face."
      >An imp employee emerges from the set of doors at the end of the room, saying nothing but laying a stack of fresh towels by the chair and quickly scurrying back off.
      >Of course they'd have cameras wonder if Vox had really allowed the staff to watch that whole incident.

      >He wraps his arm around you and pulls you close to him, grabbing a towel and rubbing it along your chest.
      >When no one is looking, Vox is a great lover. Sometimes.
      >"Vox, Tell me more about what the real beach is like?"
      >"I'd rather just show you, Sweetie. One day."
      >One day, yes...when the Vees have achieved their ultimate goal and Heaven and Hell are all theirs--yours--overtaking the Earth will be a walk in the park!
      The End<3

      Oh that was me!!!! Thank you anon, this is really good. I always look forward to your writings!

      • 3 months ago

        You are more than welcome Voxsis hopefully I have another little something done some time tonight that is Vees centric...

        • 3 months ago

          Writegay requesting something with Velvette. She doesn't get any attention and I think it'd be neat to see her.

          • 3 months ago

            I was planning to include something with her too but idk if it will be porn
            It will be gay though

            • 3 months ago

              I would actually prefer if it wasn't porn, but why gay? It doesn't list her as having any sexuality at all on the wiki

          • 3 months ago

            Would you accept velvox? NTA but I'm a writegay

            • 3 months ago

              Sure bro, it'd be neat to have Vox not be either thirsting for Alastor or being sus with Val for once.

        • 3 months ago

          Cute! I should really post my own shit

          • 3 months ago

            You should anon! I'd love to read it

            I would actually prefer if it wasn't porn, but why gay? It doesn't list her as having any sexuality at all on the wiki

            Well what I'm writing already has porn in it and gay because my reader character is a girl but that said the Vees are a poly so I'd say I think she's bisexual she'd just be doing gay stuff with reader

          • 3 months ago

            Whats your shit I'm curious

  42. 3 months ago

    Anyone wanna help me name an OC? Dubs names him.
    >Demonic Brown bear labor organizer
    >Yakuza dress, Italian attitude.
    >Makes his friends, allies, even vague associates feel like rock stars when he walks in the room.
    >Realm of influence slowly growing.
    >Lean Sumo strong.
    >Carries club made from some fake tough guy's demon beetle horn.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >Gonna unionize these prostitutes
      I laughed
      Rolling for the name Big Appalachia

      • 3 months ago

        >Big Appalachia
        I chuckled.

    • 3 months ago

      Jimmy Hoffa

    • 3 months ago

      Cuppy T.

    • 3 months ago

      Sir Honey Havoc

      • 3 months ago

        WE HAVE A WINNER. For real though, these were all great. Thank you all.

        • 3 months ago

          I am happy to help anon I hope you share more of him and other OCs with us
          More anons should be posting their OCs too

      • 3 months ago

        >All his friends, and boy does he have a lot of friends, call him "Hon."

  43. 3 months ago


    ...please take a theology course

    • 3 months ago

      Please understand current reality

  44. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago


  45. 3 months ago
  46. 3 months ago

    >It's a 'intimidating and scary member of the main-cast gets de-aged' episode.

    • 3 months ago

      I want to see shota alastor dominate

    • 3 months ago

      I need this episode to be a real thing, at least in writing, but how creepy do I want to get with it is the question
      The answer is probably shota Alastor fricking (you) and making you cum over and over while teasing you about the fact that it gets you off to have a little boy inside of you

    • 3 months ago

      >not his old glasses when he was alive

  47. 3 months ago
  48. 3 months ago

    Say no to this?

    • 3 months ago

      no one in their right mind would say no to that.

  49. 3 months ago

    I need more Al guro

    • 3 months ago

      There is something extra diabolical about human Al that I cannot put my finger on
      Like yes demon Al is stronger and more powerful and has close to a hundred years of uninhibited killing on his side but his predecessor is the root of it all
      It was the darkness in his heart that planted the seed for demon Al to grow and yet he had no idea of the monster he would become in the next life
      He could not have fathomed the power he'd have in hell, could not have seen his greater immortal ambitions...and yet he persisted, for the sake of satiating that hunger within him, feeding the beast that was himself

      >all of those trigger warnings plastered at the top of the page
      What kind of homosexual shit I'm not reading all that into the trash it goes

      • 3 months ago

        its diabolical because he's human, demons are meant to be evil so it doesn't hit as hard
        Psychopathic Human > Hell Demon

      • 3 months ago

        I find human Al's smugness without any of the power backing it up more intimidating tbh, never mind that it's more fricked for him to be a serial killer when he was just a normal human being.

        • 3 months ago

          its diabolical because he's human, demons are meant to be evil so it doesn't hit as hard
          Psychopathic Human > Hell Demon

          Yeah I think that's it!
          I know he practiced witchcraft as a human but even taking the voodoo into account he wasn't immortal and yet he was still out there killing people for the thrill of it
          >imagining if Al could just transform into his human form as an illusion for jokes
          The teasing would never stop

          • 3 months ago

            if Al could just transform into his human form as an illusion for jokes
            I don't think he would, I feel like he would think his human self was weak or pathetic and wanna distance himself from that.

            • 3 months ago

              I agree but I was thinking in terms of...nevermind

            • 3 months ago

              I feel like he should be more ashamed that he's a deer, the most moronic animals on earth.

              • 3 months ago

                NTA but deer are so moronic where I live there are signs by the road in some areas that caution drivers to look out for them and I've had to break for them plenty of times

              • 3 months ago

                deer kill more people in the united states than any other animal (its mosquitos worldewide tho)

              • 3 months ago

                >they do this by getting hit by cars and dying with them
                absolutely 0 IQ creatures

              • 3 months ago

                I find it funny that theyre so such a stupid way.

              • 3 months ago

                I want to see alastor getting hit by a car

              • 3 months ago

                >Alastor accidentally defeats Adam by getting hit by his car while the latter is out for a country drive

          • 3 months ago

            There new forms are a punishment. You can't shake a punishment, least of all not with something as stupid as "voodoo"

  50. 3 months ago

    So the angelic weapons can actually kill souls permanently, but can the overlords permanently kill people too?

    • 3 months ago

      If they have an angelic weapon, most likely. Carmilla does sell them willy nilly, so if a schmuck has enough souls to trade in, they are good to go on angelic weaponry.

      • 3 months ago

        Can they do it without the weapon though, if the other person is just a normal soul there? No I guess?

        • 3 months ago

          Sinners respawn if they are killed by anything other than an angelic weapon. It's apparently a slow and very painful process.

          • 3 months ago

            Man that's gotta be frustrating if you have to keep killing the same butthole over and over.

  51. 3 months ago

  52. 3 months ago

    I kinda miss the era when people wrote fics about people in the human world contracting with Alastor

    • 3 months ago

      that a cute page

    • 3 months ago

      Got a link to the full comic

  53. 3 months ago

    how do I get an alastor dakimakura from vox?

    • 3 months ago
  54. 3 months ago

    Suppose we'll see any of the formerly human characters in their human versions on the show?

    • 3 months ago

      I really hope not.
      There is no winning in showing human Alastor in particular.
      >He keeps his current human design, which was approved by Viv years ago
      "Viv is racist because he's white/not black enough."
      >He gets a new design that is more black
      "Viv is a backpedalling b***h and now the fandom is split in half with one half calling the other racist for not liking the new design"
      Also the asian fandom would be angry and you don't want to piss them off
      It's better to just leave the human designs to the imagination
      To my fellow former dangangays:
      What happened when we got Danganronpa 3's Despair Arc? Yeah exactly.
      I hope the human pasts aren't explored in any great detail and especially not flashback episodes.

      • 3 months ago

        sadly for you they're exploring pentious past in season 2

        • 3 months ago

          There’s more of a point for Pentious’ character to have Cherri Bomb reveal her past than for Pentious to reveal his past.

  55. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      this is fricking adorable and I need more of them hanging out like this

      • 3 months ago

        Radiorose is pretty popular, like all Al ships

        • 3 months ago

          I think it helps that Al genuinely seems to enjoy her company and lets her manhandle him.

    • 3 months ago

      this is fricking adorable and I need more of them hanging out like this

      Radiorose is pretty popular, like all Al ships

      I think it helps that Al genuinely seems to enjoy her company and lets her manhandle him.

      Rather this ship than Alastor and Charlie. Simply to keep the pure mentor and student vibe going.

  56. 3 months ago
  57. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >getting deer nipples that wrong
      Tell me you've never seen a deer in person without telling me you've never seen a deer in person.

      • 3 months ago

        Now now anon not everyone is from the woods, I once met a boy from Arizona who couldn't stop obsessing over trees
        t. from bumfrick middle of nowhere

        • 3 months ago

          I once met someone who thought bulls were their own species and that both male and female bulls looked like bulls. They thought cows were their own separate thing.

          • 3 months ago

            Wasn't it stated somewhere that Alastor was really ashamed of his hooves?
            I think it makes sense he'd at least somewhat despise being a deer since they are prey animals
            He just had to get used to it

            Okay I laughed, these poor city people and their total disconnect from nature...
            Although I'm no better I get scared of being in big cities because I'm worried about the skyscrapers randomly tumbling down

            I wonder if he feels compelled to walk into traffic and then walk even slower when he realizes cars are all around him waiting for him to move the frick out of the way.

            I wonder if he ever gets panicked by sudden noises and tries to jump over a fence to escape only to completely underestimate how far he can jump and get his legs stuck on the fence while his top half faceplants.

            one time I was driving home and a deer used the fricking crosswalk to cross the road as the light turned red

            I want to see Alastor being victim to his animal side now

            • 3 months ago

              >I want to see Alastor being victim to his animal side now
              Wish we saw him stamp his foot threateningly after he got rekt by Adam.

            • 3 months ago

              I dislike being in cities because you feel like a cog in a giant machine. I feel worthless there.

  58. 3 months ago
  59. 3 months ago

    >charlies breasts can fix al

  60. 3 months ago

    I wonder if he feels compelled to walk into traffic and then walk even slower when he realizes cars are all around him waiting for him to move the frick out of the way.

    I wonder if he ever gets panicked by sudden noises and tries to jump over a fence to escape only to completely underestimate how far he can jump and get his legs stuck on the fence while his top half faceplants.

    one time I was driving home and a deer used the fricking crosswalk to cross the road as the light turned red

  61. 3 months ago
  62. 3 months ago
  63. 3 months ago

    >log on to twitter
    >it's another westerners harass asian artists for "whitewashing" episode
    I wish the asian artists would tell them to frick off

    • 3 months ago

      its a blessing they probably can't even understand what they're saying

  64. 3 months ago
  65. 3 months ago
  66. 3 months ago

    >haven't smoked wee in almost 2 years
    >seriously considering buying some delta 8 to have a psychotic all encompassing fap session and indulge in hyper imagination with husbandos
    it's been a rough month.

    • 3 months ago

      Weed doesn't hit that hard dude

  67. 3 months ago

    I'm starting to think Alastor actually shares Charlie's dream, and that's why he was killing off Overlords. He left the Overlords who are "nice" or just weaker than him to live.

    • 3 months ago

      Why did he say it was stupid then? Like genuinely what's the point of lying

    • 3 months ago

      He just want to take Lucifer's place as king of hell, and in doing so he probably found out the secrets of the universe by meddling with Roo and shit, and so his goals have evolved with new information, but the original goal stayed the same.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm not liking how Charlie my inadvertently aid him in this endeavor considering how often he molests her...

        • 3 months ago

          Alastor's big goal has to do with being able to have the power to kill or control those who wronged him, persisting from his earthly life. My guess is he's trying to take down Roo ultimately after he discovered her purpose, but had to make a deal to double cross her later on. He's bringing Charlie to the fight with him, he sees she has the potential with her angelic and hellish genes to be the ultimate hybrid.

  68. 3 months ago
  69. 3 months ago

    rigjt looks better, they made a lot of characters a lot less sexier tho, charlie was thicc, vagi showed a shoulder and the cat had no pants

  70. 3 months ago

    Lol in Japan Alastor's name translates to "Aracha" which is why it appears that way on some fanarts. I'll now refer to asian depictions of him as Aracha.

    • 3 months ago

      I've seen a Japanese artist refer to Lucifer as "Lucaida" (they were drawing comics of what I can describe as toxic yaoi between adam and lucifer

    • 3 months ago

      I like that VoxAl is VokuAra, cuz it sounds like “vocal”

  71. 3 months ago

    Penance is hot.. I like how the author highlights Alastor's manipulativeness

    • 3 months ago

      That is way sexier than it has any business being
      This is the most accurate way of portraying Alastor in a relationship imo

      • 3 months ago

        This is still pretty early on too. Love for the writer getting fanart inspired from their fic.

    • 3 months ago

      colleen hoover ass writing

  72. 3 months ago

    >Amir just confirmed that he misspoke and that Alastor is not actually asexual

    • 3 months ago

      he said he misspoke about him being aromantic not asexual
      so you can romance the venison but his deer jerky and rump are off limits

      • 3 months ago

        It's over...

        • 3 months ago

          rape da deer 🙂

          • 3 months ago

            We're so back

        • 3 months ago

          Some asexual folks are cool with getting their partner off, they just don't crave the deed themselves

          • 3 months ago

            This is how I've always imagine it would be with Alastor anyway
            He can enjoy the sex too he just doesn't initiate it

      • 3 months ago

        >romance but not sex

        That just means he has to be coaxed into it. Not like couples don't have sex all the time where one partner is into it and the other is humouring him.

        • 3 months ago

          Asexuality isn't black and white like Twitter likes to think it is, sex can be in a gray zone, asexuals aren't all sex repulsed

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah, it's a spectrum. Demisexuality actually falls under the Ace umbrella if people want to go that route.

      • 3 months ago

        That scene where Vox screams "This is better than sex!" and then it cuts to Alastor saying "Have to disagree with you there" looks like it was placed that way on purpose. I headcanon from it that Alastor enjoys sex but doesn't place much importance to it and could easily live without it

    • 3 months ago

      He absolutely is asexual, Viv drew art of him with the Ace flag years ago. VA's don't dictate shit

  73. 3 months ago


    meant to link to

    >me on tumblr
    >me on Cinemaphile

    >me on twitter
    >me on facebook

  74. 3 months ago
  75. 3 months ago

    It's because Vivz got rid of the original writers from the pilot. Dave and Ken really brought a lot to the characters and once she got rid of them they all went the way of Helluva.
    Vivz just isn't a good writer. she's always been pretty shit at it, just read Zoophobia and you'll get an idea of how lame and surface level her shit is.

  76. 3 months ago

    A lot of pilot moments:

  77. 3 months ago

    This shit feels like it was written by a teenager

    • 3 months ago

      What does?

  78. 3 months ago

    Please don't post sexy nun Alastor. My christian dad is behind me supervising what I do on the family computer.

  79. 3 months ago

    How would he do in hell?

    • 3 months ago

      Probably run a popular blood cult in Hell.

    • 3 months ago

      He'd be popular with horned demons and hellborn as they all are graceless and are born without the qualifications of even being considered redemption material.

    • 3 months ago

      He isn't gay, a furry or effeminate so probably bad,

      • 3 months ago

        >He isn't gay,
        Anon I...
        He's a gay incestual AIDS poz spreader

  80. 3 months ago
  81. 3 months ago

    he based

    • 3 months ago

      Trips of truth

      • 3 months ago

        I made that post. Didn't expect to make history.

        • 3 months ago

          The numbers do not lie

        • 3 months ago

          When you make those digits with the post of truth, it will always be honored via screenshot

    • 3 months ago

      Trips of truth

      >post about adam is made
      he's a menace even as a dead character

    • 3 months ago

      Trips of truth

      I made that post. Didn't expect to make history.

      >post about adam is made
      he's a menace even as a dead character

      Based CHADam posters.

  82. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      This is also good visual representation of the enjoyability of You Didn't Know vs Hell is Forever. To be fair, YDK is one of those end of act medleys musicals do, so it was never going to be as good as the original songs it's made from. But parts are just barely tuneful wordswordswords. Not the reprise I was hoping for.

      • 3 months ago

        Welcome to Heaven and You didn’t know feel like purposely weak songs, since the main singers are speaking from a weak position.

        Emily is a naive angel girl who will end up falling, making the lyrics she sings incredibly ironic in the latter song.
        However, the former song feels more like the perversion of Heaven. Emily shows her love for the pleasures of Heaven, but not to the people of Heaven. The welcoming and protective father for all Winners, Adam, and the sincere and orderly Sera. It literally does a “oh muh science” joke, and science is often used incorrectly for supplementing God and his most loyal followers to proclaim your own selfish truths.
        I’m not saying that Vivziepop is purposely doing some stupid genius writing or is even thinking about Richard Dawkins and stuff I’m mentioning.
        What I am saying is that Vivziepop is establishing that Emily’s priorities (materialism and her own desires) are in the wrong. And her walking pass Adam, without having the “sinner” meet him for the very first time, is a very big red flag. If she truly cared about Sinners, she would’ve been far more considerate of Adam’s extremely personal relationship with them. And allow them to meet him for the first and last time in their seemingly only visit to Heaven.

        Hell is forever is a song of Adam accepting the sad outcomes of his family, which he only knew when he arrived to Heaven, a place he expected Abel and many children to arrive and await for him. And despite him objectively far worse off than the angels and Emily in that entire situation, he doesn’t rebel against his father, and instead appreciates what he has left and what the father has given to him in Heaven, Lute. In order to go to Heaven, you need to give up everything, including the people you love the most.

        • 3 months ago

          You may think that, but Adam tried to make Vaggie realize the errors of her ways and comeback to Heaven. He also called her the best thing ever.
          The fact Vaggie offended him and Lute so much are signs they truly did love her.

          > Adam watched as Lute gouged out her eye and ripped off her wings. He doesn't express any guilt for her or even send exorcists back for her or even had anyone watching over her while she was in Hell.
          He knew the duties and Vaggie went against them.
          Adam and Lute quickly hindered her and left behind because she rebelled and they had to move on from her. It’s done swiftly and emotionlessly because they didn’t want to do it, but they had to.

          They left Vaggie alone in Hell in the hopes that if she did see how Hell was normally like, she would’ve regretted her actions.

          Remember, Adam has to let go everyone he ever cares about once God deems them as evil. Especially Eve. He’s too used to this, but it still hurts for him.

          You’re thinking of things the wrong way. Adam and Lute are the angels who takes their duties to the uppermost extremes, which is what God desires and allows them to always come back to Heaven (the Cherubs establishes that God doesn’t play around or give a damn phony “good” personalities).

          To God, Charlie is the perfect tool to test the Heavens and their faith on his judgements. So if the Angels went against Adam, it would ironically cause them to fall instead.

          It’s like being against King David for performing God-ordained genocides and not being sure if he was good enough to be in Heaven. You deserve to be kicked out of Heaven for not being as good as David and for your lack of faith for God’s will and judgements. Because David would honor the father and you wouldn’t in his position.

          A narcissist who wouldn’t say that his deeds made him good enough to enter and remain Heaven?
          That’s a massive contradiction to his entire persona.
          He often makes a lot of big claims and doesn’t actually indulge in them. He didn’t write down his name in his little papers, did he, mr. “I love putting my name on shit. It’s the best” Adam.

          There’s more of a point for Pentious’ character to have Cherri Bomb reveal her past than for Pentious to reveal his past.

          Bro is this your youtube?

  83. 3 months ago
  84. 3 months ago

    Drawanon who made this Vaggie, thank you! It made my day.

    • 3 months ago

      Good stuff.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm more and more into her by the day.

      • 3 months ago

        <<<Pilot Vaggie

        • 3 months ago

          I much preferred Pilot Vaggie over what Show Vaggie is supposed to be.

          Her "death marker" literally works just like every other Sinners' mark does, so her having a 'le special' mark that just so happened to look like the "finisher" marker Sinners have is autistic last minute plot switching in my opinion.

  85. 3 months ago

    Can we have more Alastor in an SS uniform?

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago


      He is literally black

      Writegay here, I'm actually probably the only straight white male in the thread.

      Ftms don't count

      • 3 months ago

        There were black SS, what's your point.

      • 3 months ago

        >He is literally black
        He literally isn't. They can say he's mixed race all they want, his character just ISN'T black. They clearly only said that to garner brownie points with wokegays
        >Ftms don't count
        Fricking obviously, lol. I'm not FTM just autistic as shit. I like writing, and I liked Adam and Lute, and I thought the idea of Alastor being stuck with them would be fun to write. It is.

        • 3 months ago

          >He literally isn't
          I wasn't serious lmao..
          I have trouble believing any man would be interested in this show, even gay ones, but whatever you say

          Al is red

          His skin grey doe

          • 3 months ago

            To be fair, I was a bisexual white male when the pilot came out.

          • 3 months ago

            >have trouble believing any man would be interested in this show, even gay ones, but whatever you say

            I personally know a couple of guys who've mentioned it in passing. A post in another thread summed up the reason pretty well: there's frick all else to watch. Aside from that, lots of guys also watched Zim as kids. Some were no doubt lured in by the aesthetics. And Charlie.

          • 3 months ago

            >I have trouble believing any man would be interested in this show, even gay ones

            Sort of a guilty pleasure for me, in theory I despise vivziepop's writing, beliefs, interests and design philosophy but there's something charming about a deviantart/tumblr b***h turning her OCs into an actual show plus its the only remotely unique animated show on air at the moment

            • 3 months ago

              Same here. Its interesting, and I wanna see some MCs die.

              • 3 months ago

                >I wanna see some MCs die.

                Is there any chance of this happening? Did she ever kill a main character in Zootopia? I get the impression Vivzie's the sort of writer who can't off anyone she's invested in. The two characters who've died so far—Adam and Pentious, who also came back—were very late additions to the cast compared to the babies she's been nursing since highschool.

              • 3 months ago

                More writers really need to adopt the GRRM stance towards characters. If a character makes a mistake that should get them killed, they should die.
                For example, Vaggie shouldn't have won the fight with Lute, but the plot needed her to win, so she did.
                She spends the whole fight getting her ass kicked and then rubble wins it for her.
                Another is Angel Dust, like there's no reason Val wouldn't try to kidnap him or force him to stay at his studio, he just keeps letting him go to the Hotel when it apparently annoys him. Why not just force him to stay? Hes clearly not intimidated by Charlie at all. The answer is that the plot needs him to be at the hotel, so he is. It doesn't matter if logically, he should be stuck in the studio or at the very least dodging kidnappers every now and then, because keeping his abusive relationship in high tension for character development/drama is better for the show.
                Theres a LOT of contrivance that you have to ignore.

              • 3 months ago

                With Val, he has Alastor being the thorn on his side, so forcing Alastor’s guest to be in his studio provokes big conflicts with the guy who is willing to kill him.
                Vaggie is simply a black hole that has the plot and character fold to her. Maybe because Lute struggles with the idea of killing her own exorcist that she may-or-may-not have birthed, or Vivziepop is trying and failing to make Vaggie even slightly cool. homosexuals are bad, but dykes are hypeless black holes.

              • 3 months ago

                >Lute struggles with the idea of killing her own exorcist that she may-or-may-not have birthed
                If Lute was Vaggie's mom that definitely would have been mentioned. I think Adam just kinda wills them into existence or something, idk, Viv didn't feel like explaining the exorcists.

              • 3 months ago

                Adam and Lute are meant to be mysterious characters. They just seemingly look open-ended and shut to deceive the audience. Even though Adam had his entire face hidden away the whole time, like the mysterious Lilith/Eve, till the end of episode 8.

                If Lute was revealed to give birth to Vaggie and the Exorcist, it would give away too much on her relationship with Adam and make Charlie and Vaggie look like an utterly selfish monsters (Vaggie is one, but the audience is supposed to be biased for her side).

              • 3 months ago

                Why would the writers want to influence the audience to be on Vaggie's side of they plan to reveal Lute is her mom later?
                I feel like you're just saying shit to say it at this point

              • 3 months ago

                Because it’s a story with twists and turns. Fricking Eve is Adam’s worst enemy in this show.
                It’s the basics of story telling, with twist villains and twist heroes.

              • 3 months ago

                >Another is Angel Dust, like there's no reason Val wouldn't try to kidnap him or force him to stay at his studio, he just keeps letting him go to the Hotel when it apparently annoys him.

                Angel's recovery arc is one of the elements that suffers the most from S1's lack of focus. You're right; it doesn't make sense that Valentino just lets the hotel situation slide. After Charlie's failed intervention, I would expect escalation from an abuser who has no reason to fear retaliation. I'm sure that plot thread will be picked back up in season two. But there's really no character-driven reason reason to put it on ice for months in-universe. The writing team simply wanted to rush through a time skip so the season finale could be an "epic" clash with heaven and the destruction of the Exorcists.

                I don't understand the point of taking a scenario purpose-built for medium stakes character drama (written by a woman who obviously loves that going by HB's second season) and turning it into a battle shonen.

              • 3 months ago

                >The writing team simply wanted to rush through a time skip so the season finale could be an "epic" clash with heaven and the destruction of the Exorcists.
                This is why, even though I enjoyed the show somewhat, I don't call it "good". It has great characters, interesting in-universe elements, and a lot of amazing design and animation that people clearly put a lot of effort into, but the writing is just not there.
                Its a shame so much talent and effort is muted by that fact.

            • 3 months ago

              the idea of a show about redeeming the unredeemable set in hell is very pleasing to me.

            • 3 months ago

              It’s ultimately because the side-characters and villains are what the story centers around, so if they are good, they carry the thing on their shoulders. If they weren’t, it would be the boring dyke show.

            • 3 months ago

              I'm more or less in the same boat, I saw the pilot when it premiered, enjoyed it, & have stuck around since. The show has a weird way of tickling the late 2000s/mid 2010s edgy teen side of my brain like no other. Also, I want to hatefrick pilot Vaggie.

          • 3 months ago

            I and my boyfriend both love the show.

      • 3 months ago

        Al is red

  86. 3 months ago

    Alright so with Alastor's mom... I have 2 ideas.
    1. they find her, they meet, Alastor is happy to see her, shes happy to see him, they bond, and things are better, Alastor becomes even friendlier with Adam and Lute because of this.
    2. They don't find her/they do and what Alastor has done (serial killing, becoming a demon, torturing souls and destroying lives) horrifies her so much she doesn't want anything to do with him. This would leave Alastor with no mother figure, and emotionally devastated because his mom doesn't love him anymore. Since hes so attached to the idea of "mom", I was thinking he could start to see subconciously treat Lute maternally, which would allow me to give Lute more sympathetic character development. Also a lot of cute awkward scenes.
    I can't decide what would be best though.

    • 3 months ago

      Option 2 with finding her is my vote.

      • 3 months ago

        Writegay here, I was leaning towards that too, it feels the most natural imo, because if Alastor's mom DID go to heaven, there's no way she'd be cool with what hes done.

    • 3 months ago

      Writegay here, I was leaning towards that too, it feels the most natural imo, because if Alastor's mom DID go to heaven, there's no way she'd be cool with what hes done.

      Yeah. Go with option 2. Headcanoning a huge chunk of a character's background by introducing 100% OC versions of their parents/siblings is usually a mistake anyway. Better to leave Momlastor vague.

    • 3 months ago

      I cast my vote to his mother (eventually) forgiving him. it is heaven after all

    • 3 months ago

      i like option 2, but i would leave the door open to the mom potentially forgiving him like what

      I cast my vote to his mother (eventually) forgiving him. it is heaven after all

      said, you don't want to get too grimdark and depressing

      • 3 months ago

        If the story gets too depressing I'm gonna be sad, I want alastor to be treated like a pet, not sad!

  87. 3 months ago

    the toxic yaoi potential between michael and lucifer... i'm already wet

  88. 3 months ago

    Barring out on xan as to see Luci

  89. 3 months ago
  90. 3 months ago

    huskerdust will be canon in s2

    • 3 months ago

      i just cant see husk being this kind of character knowing hes voiced by keith david. not saying there couldnt be some kind of deeper relationship/tension between the two
      its bad enough he looks like a kitty. i can kinda see why people draw him fat to fit the voice

  91. 3 months ago
  92. 3 months ago

    >Alastor thread being the most active and lasting the longest
    Many such cases

    • 3 months ago

      i think people are just jumping from alastor thread to alastor thread. it's what i've been doing.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes but so far aside form maybe like one, these have been somewhat the most civil.

        • 3 months ago

          I think the schizo got banned for shitposting on /cm/, hence the civility

          • 3 months ago

            >shitposting in /cm/
            For what purpose?

            • 3 months ago

              because he's god's little self-appointed soldier and he has to make sure everyone knows it

            • 3 months ago

              Posting wojacks
              Hopefully he takes the opportunity to finally go outside

              • 3 months ago

                >Hopefully he takes the opportunity to finally go outside
                Come on anon, you know that will never happen

        • 3 months ago

          Charlastor is very powerful.

    • 3 months ago

      I don't know when Cinemaphile will accept he's always been the most popular thing to come out of HH, the denial is embarrassing at this point.

  93. 3 months ago

    viv has no balls to do alastor great and instead will be a generic ally
    hell viv has no balls to make angel vs valentino being kino

    • 3 months ago

      >no evil final boss Al
      Feels bad man

  94. 3 months ago

    I need Alastor flirting with Vox to frick with him next season.

  95. 3 months ago

    All I see is an improvement, I really dig the more angular and exaggerated look
    What about the redesign do you think is worse?

  96. 3 months ago

    How many people in these threads are some kind of Lgbt?

    • 3 months ago

      Writegay here, I'm actually probably the only straight white male in the thread.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm a straight black male

    • 3 months ago

      bisexual woman with she/it pronouns. didn't expect to care about this show, much less want to frick the rapist.

      • 3 months ago

        I will never understand the Val appeal

        • 3 months ago

          i have a fear kink about a mile wide and a nine-foot tall, four-armed, sexual sadist monster boy fits the bill real nice. also i'm a ryonagay

    • 3 months ago

      Bisexual girl, used to identify as genderfluid and use they/them but stopped that when I began to feel embarrassed by the trans shit
      just want to point out that I've been on Cinemaphile since I was 14 I really did have dysphoria back then
      I don't identify as lgbt I just meet the definition of bisexual

    • 3 months ago

      Does ASPD count?

      • 3 months ago

        >Adamschizo has Anti Social Personality Disorder

        • 3 months ago

          No. He just misspelled "aspie".

          • 3 months ago

            I feel way too cold and inhuman to apply to that.
            Everyone gets fascinated with the activities and the personal issues, deaths. and stuff. But I’m way too mellow and emotionless. I was put on laughing gas and I felt nothing but tiredness.

            Very few things thrill me. The shocking stories bore me. Without God, I would likely be some heinous monster and quickly get up to the top as some top satanic agent. With the looks, voice, and talents. Twisting the bIble to see how I can sabotage Christians.

            A totally empty monster.

            • 3 months ago

              Bro you make schizophrenic hazbin hotel theories on a Turkish Roach-Whisperer forum you're not him

              • 3 months ago

                If I was satisfied with anything, would I be here?
                Think about it, anon, I instantly thought Adam was based and heroic for killing sinners with no love and remorse inside of him.
                You normal people are hesitant on that kind of mindset and let your emotions break the simple stance of logic.

                If I was told to kill you under God’s command, I would. Get shocked for a bit, and then I mellow back into my original husk self in moments. That’s not human.

              • 3 months ago

                Bro I 100% agree with that, that's most of the reason I like Adam, I just am not under the impression that he's doing it because of virtue or God's order. He's doing it for himself. He enjoys it WAY too much. I know you're gonna say "nah he's just putting on an act to cope with what he has to do and like... MAYBE but that's entirely in your head and there is no indication in the show that any of that is true. If he was what you say he was, he should be almost completely emotionless and barely even speak to Charlie and her friends. He should be heartlessly obliterating everything and everyone without it being personal or emotional. He literally died in the end because he let his emotions get the best of him.

              • 3 months ago

                >adamschizo is actually a schizo
                this is why schizos and people who do meth are terrifying
                "god" could tell them to do anything at any time with no rhyme or reason and they'd just fricking do it
                like that b***h high on meth who pulled out her own eyes

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, it's fricking scary. I hope he doesn't hurt anyone.

              • 3 months ago

                I wouldn't worry too much. The more someone talks about how dangerous they are anonymously online, the less dangerous they probably are.

              • 3 months ago

                This is the only time I brought this up. Demons seethed at me when I saw truths and tried to scare off with their stupid dark energies, torture dreams, and such, and all I think about is how pathetic and scared they are to be pure living darkness.

                What makes me safe-ish is self-control and diligence. There’s nothing to tempt me with. And under God’s mercy, I am not an agent of destruction. But there are many people like me in the world who aren’t as wise and they wicked to the core.

              • 3 months ago

                What's funny is he is trying to say Adam is like him when he VERY clearly is not. Adam in the show is very clearly doing everything for selfish reasons of hate and vengeance. Besides, Viv and the Amazon writers aren't NEARLY talented enough to write a character that complex and involved. Bro just writes fanfiction about characters and staples it to the official lore

              • 3 months ago

                It's fitting he calls himself matpat much like the real guy he asspulls and treats his fanfiction as fact

              • 3 months ago

                All you are is a dumb normie mocker that is blinded by God because you are humble as a Pharaoh made of stone. Without the humbleness, he’s keeping your eyes shut till you die. And Jesus mentioned this because he knew the father blinded the unbelievers.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh yeah which bible or denomination do you follow

              • 3 months ago

                I don’t know.
                Follow god’s commands to show your love for him. The end, I guess?
                The paranormal stuff is a bonus feature.

              • 3 months ago

                God’s justice and ways are higher than yours. You cannot create a true Heaven for everyone. He can.
                You inferior rat.

                Bro I 100% agree with that, that's most of the reason I like Adam, I just am not under the impression that he's doing it because of virtue or God's order. He's doing it for himself. He enjoys it WAY too much. I know you're gonna say "nah he's just putting on an act to cope with what he has to do and like... MAYBE but that's entirely in your head and there is no indication in the show that any of that is true. If he was what you say he was, he should be almost completely emotionless and barely even speak to Charlie and her friends. He should be heartlessly obliterating everything and everyone without it being personal or emotional. He literally died in the end because he let his emotions get the best of him.

                Adam showed love by obeying the speaker of God, Sera. And he put the higher ways of Heaven over his own desires to have Eve and the Sinners they’ve had.
                Emily is the selfish one who goes against Sera, despite all of the warnings given to her, and shows so much passion for the materialisms and pleasures of Heaven, rather than for Adam, the father and guardian of Winners, and Sera, the speaker who manages and takes care of her, Adam, and the rest of heaven.
                Simply by having Emily ignore Adam, instead of pushing the “sinner” (Vaggie) to him, shows how surprisingly shallow she is.

              • 3 months ago

                Yea dude I'm sorry but that's all in your head, this show is not that smart. It is nothing more than what it claims to be. Pretending God has anything to do with this show is teetering on sacrilege. It's effectively an entirely different universe. Adam submits to her in court because she's the boss, Emily speaks out because she is outraged at sinners being killed. That's it.
                YOU CAN STILL LIKE ADAM FOR SLAUGHTERING SINNERS, THATS FINE. But all this extra shit just isn't there in canon.

              • 3 months ago

                Everything is possible with God. And he would want to leave messages for the lost, confused, and aware, especially when his Son comes to the earth in few years or so.
                This is almost the end of our second day.

              • 3 months ago

                >God’s justice and ways are higher than yours.
                Yeah so you're a schizo who could hurt someone because a voice in your head tells you to
                Stay away from me.
                You are a danger to society man

              • 3 months ago

                If "God" tells you to attack someone unprovoked, that's not God. Followers of God are supposed to take up arms only in defense of others.
                Dude makes us all look bad.

            • 3 months ago

              >I was put on laughing gas and I felt nothing but tiredness.
              it's supposed to make you sleepy?

            • 3 months ago

              Btw have you considered to make a Tumblr account to write your theories on? I don't think they require mobile number to sign up, just email

    • 3 months ago

      aroace had all the medical tests done, no thyroid issues, no other health problems, never had any traumatic is just boring to me

    • 3 months ago

      Straight beaner here

    • 3 months ago

      Bisexual male.

  97. 3 months ago
  98. 3 months ago
  99. 3 months ago

    From shit to shit.

  100. 3 months ago
  101. 3 months ago

    "She's filled with potential that I could guide.."

  102. 3 months ago

    >I don't know, Al. What if someone sees us?

    • 3 months ago

      >I'll make them frick your ass too.

    • 3 months ago

      I love Alastor so much. He's a character that I love to imagine doing the domination and raping, but I can also imagine him being dominated as well. He's a good hammer and nail. Although as of right now I prefer stories and art of him molesting and manipulating Charlie. I hope there' more art of him raping and deflowering her as well soon.

      • 3 months ago

        I enjoy the manipulation ones. Penance is a good one right now. Does anyone here have any other favorites they can recommend?

  103. 3 months ago
  104. 3 months ago

    Charlie and Al having fun together melts my heart

    • 3 months ago

      I wanna see Al invite her and the others to be guests on his show.

  105. 3 months ago

    so do any of you cosplay

    • 3 months ago

      Writegay here, no, its too expensive. I would love to cosplay as something from Warhammer 40K, but I'm poor as shit. I guess I could go as an Ork, I'm muscly enough, but that'd take so much green bodypaint lol

      • 3 months ago

        I did a sob and made everything from cardboard coated in paper mache, it was super cheap. alot of costumes can be done for cheap if you dont mind spending more time on it.

    • 3 months ago

      Maybe someday

    • 3 months ago

      I want to cosplay Verosika

      • 3 months ago

        dont let your dreams just be dreams anon

        I want to cosplay Rosie

    • 3 months ago

      i'm planning on cosplaying hellaverse characters with some friends later this year

      • 3 months ago

        who are you all doing

        • 3 months ago

          potentially charlie lucifer vaggie and alastor

          • 3 months ago

            thats a nice group, you all are gonna get so many pictures

  106. 3 months ago

    >Adam claims he likes putting his name down and passionate about it
    >Instead, he likes drawing for funsies
    Rosie/Lilith was hinting that Adam wasn’t what he seems.

    • 3 months ago

      Honestly, if your theory comes true I think everyone ITT should give you a BJ

      • 3 months ago

        Don’t give to me. Show your appreciation for Vivziepop for the work she has done.

      • 3 months ago

        And if it doesn't, you should apologize for shitting up threads and derailing discussions for everyone else who likes Adam and Lute.

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            >ducktape to keep the glasses in place
            It's the little things that bring me to smile

        • 3 months ago

          You guys are your own cancer.

          • 3 months ago

            >t. Hedonist

            • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                Hey this is the greatest thing I've ever seen thank you

              • 3 months ago

                The presence of Collin really brings the whole piece together.

  107. 3 months ago

    >If hell is forever, then heaven must be a lie
    That sounds like a villain line.

    • 3 months ago

      In a better story, it is. In Vivzie's world, it's just an ebin Uno reverse that sounds profound but doesn't make much sense if you think about it.

      • 3 months ago

        Considering that Emily is given Fallen Imagery while Adam is given ascension imagery, it feels like we are supposed to be shocked that Adam is good all along and you have Emily and a good Portion of angels/winners descending down to Hell for their rebelliousness.

        I wonder if the story has Emily and the angels to oppose Sera for continuing the exterminations out of duty, proclaiming her and Lute as monsters, even if they have shown love for the redeemed sinners and want to protect them from Hell as well.
        So later on, when Sera and Lute are in dumps, depressed at everything turned out, Hell suddenly having an entire army of Seraphims and angels on their side, Adam and resurrected exorcist appear before them with six wings on their backs.

        Thus, season 3 will be a full-blown end of the world scenario.

    • 3 months ago

      No it doesn't

    • 3 months ago

      You sound moronic

  108. 3 months ago

    He had more mouth expression in the pilot.

  109. 3 months ago
  110. 3 months ago

    Uh hey guys the Alastor cultist girl hasn't posted in a while, do you think whatever she was calling from the aether actually manifested and ate her soul or something?

    • 3 months ago

      god i hope so, women belong in the kitchen and should take care of children and not worhship some gayster deer demon

      • 3 months ago

        Hell yea Lute you tell em'

      • 3 months ago

        >women belong in the kitchen and should take care of children

        Yes. But what if the demon teaches her how to make excellent jambalaya in a dream? And then impregnates her with his monstrous spawn?

        • 3 months ago

          That's actually kinda hot

        • 3 months ago

          That's actually kinda hot

          >how to get tricked by demons and sell your soul for momentary pleasure 101
          that or its just another women moment

          • 3 months ago

            >how to get tricked by demons and sell your soul for momentary pleasure 101

            The entire loreset around succubi and incubi was pretty obviously imagined up by fellows with one hand down their hose, so in a way you're not wrong.

            • 3 months ago

              No. It’s literally genesis 6 on a smaller scale.
              Mankind really wants to frick angels and Fallen angels want to frick them. Holy angels are like Christians, they wait.
              It’s real.

    • 3 months ago

      i think she posted earlier today about feeling a presence since burning the sigil

      • 3 months ago

        Yea Alastor isn't real, because, you know, obviously, so if she did actually get something to listen to her, it definitely wasn't what she was asking for... gonna say a quick prayer for her soul.

        • 3 months ago

          people on /x/ were saying she could summon a dark entity who takes the form of alastor, so I imagine that's what most stagsisters are going for

          • 3 months ago

            >people on /x/
            Thread or screencaps?

    • 3 months ago

      Godspeed.. she fricking did it. Alastor got her.

  111. 3 months ago

    >be you, Alastorschizo
    >for over a week offer your blood to him via a hand drawn sigil of his wacky witchcraft symbols
    >burn the sigil and release the energy
    >meet an entity that will at least pretend to be your deer husband
    >get fricked and impregnated by this entity and dragged back to hell
    >he just makes you into his housewife and has you cooking him some fricked up cannibal dishes every day
    I'm ngl this sounds pretty based to me

    • 3 months ago

      I want it i want it i want it

    • 3 months ago

      You know Hell isn't actually like the Hellaverse right? It's literally eternal suffering

      • 3 months ago

        >eternal suffering
        Not with all those hotties down there to frick and a body that won't die

        • 3 months ago

          Again, it's not the Hellaverse dude


          Autism truly is the great uniter

      • 3 months ago

        You know hell isn't real right, it's just a cartoon

        • 3 months ago

          Yea that's why all the highest ranking members of society keep getting caught in Satanic ritual worship and keep referencing Satan favorably in art constantly, just for fun lol

          Everything is possible with God. And he would want to leave messages for the lost, confused, and aware, especially when his Son comes to the earth in few years or so.
          This is almost the end of our second day.

          Are you actually fricking implying that this moronic cartoon is a message from God

          • 3 months ago

            Anon, Adam’s character is themed around abandoning and killing your loved ones and children for God’s divine justice. And moving on to what God will give you in Heaven.
            Barely any character is like him and that’s scary.

            • 3 months ago

              >Adam’s character is themed around abandoning and killing your loved ones and children for God’s divine justice. And moving on to what God will give you in Heaven.
              Then how come nothing in the show indicates that in any way whatsoever and only make sense when you consult your board of thumbtacks on random HH characters woven together with yarn

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                So like what does this prove

              • 3 months ago

                Adam abandoned everything and everyone he knew when he arrived and stayed in Heaven. Fully accepting that he would never see them ever again if he did remain there.
                That should scare you.

              • 3 months ago

                But it doesn't say that, it says he was the first soul to enter heaven, you made up that other part

              • 3 months ago

                Adam literally replaced Eve the sinner with a holy angel. He picked the heavenly wife as his other half.
                It’s not my fault you’re stupid.

  112. 3 months ago

    It’s not the same show, Amazon’s show is soulless trash

  113. 3 months ago


    New thread b***hes

    • 3 months ago

      Don't call them generals, b***h.

      • 3 months ago

        But why tho

        • 3 months ago

          Literally a rule.

          • 3 months ago

            This board doesn't have a rule thread

            • 3 months ago

              You're supposed to lurk more instead. Cinemaphile doesn't caution against request threads either but it's still a warning/deletion on sight.

              • 3 months ago

                The fact that I've been on this fricking website over a decade and never heard of this before is insane

  114. 3 months ago
  115. 3 months ago

    >indulging an obvious LARPer

    Shiggle diggle. NGMI.

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