
Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.


Past threads:

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  1. 12 months ago

    >How does this work?

    >It works like a community toy chest. In the /coc/ threads you are free to post whatever ideas/settings/characters you want, but you have to be OK with other people playing with them (tweaking them, putting them in stories, using them for things, etc.)
    >There's no guarantee that what you post will catch on either.

    >If the OC you are posting is YOURS for something you are personally doing, then it would go to the "How is your webcomic?" threads.
    >If you just want feedback on an OC of yours, then it would go in the "donut steel" threads or drawthreads.

    If the thread dies suddenly or you still want to discuss something when there's no thread:

    Last time:
    -New pics
    -Violet Vice: Master in Disguise
    -Ladybug ideas
    -Crackdown discussion
    -Progress on the Highway Robbery comic
    -Progress on THEFAPV comic
    -NTH story boarding

    Thread died early. Second attempt:
    -Extensive NTH discussion
    -GG's birthday and new GG pics/comic pages
    -More of the same as the first thread attempt
    -Other stuff I didn't mention

    • 12 months ago

      Why not have Violet Vice as the OP? Will it attract bad crowds?

      • 12 months ago

        I wasn't entirely sure if she's a personal OC or not.

        Alright everybody, let's get on with it then.

        I wonder if how marley and crackdown just get to talking to one another instead of being awkward.

        Civvies or supersuits?
        If civvies, then are they attending any of the same classes?

        • 12 months ago

          Civvies, since supersuits is a bit weird to get between both of em. Also iirc Arthur is like a drop-out.

          • 12 months ago

            Either Marley would have to take initiative as a slightly more socilaly adjusted person or Lila would have to pitch in and goad both of them into talking with one another.
            >then are they attending any of the same classes?
            Funny thing, even after all this time I'm not really sure what kind of degree Arthur should get.
            I know that I've said that he secretly takes interest in fine arts and such, but I seriously can't imagine him striving for anything in the humanitarian field, especially anything related to law or political science.
            Right now the two options I consider the most are math or theoretical physics, both of which have classes that would overlap with Marley's.
            >Arthur is like a drop-out
            He is, but the crux of his character progression is him getting reinstated via the medical leave of absence.

            So... Physics classes?
            They might find some common ground in discussing theoretical physics that they both know are no longer theoretical and have already been made applicable.

            • 12 months ago

              It works. They might even study together so that Arthur's interest keeps being fueled in order to prevent him from falling back into the same chasm of apathy that caused him to drop out previously.
              This might also serve as a set-up for some interesting conversations since Arthur is less of a "science hero/mad genius" style of smart character and more of a "ponderer/scholar" type, so to speak.

              • 12 months ago

                Are they both trying to keep their identities secret from each other while also both trying to prove to the other that this theory is not a theory and has been successfully applied?

                I don't have the knowledge to write such a scenario. I can only image it as
                "No, if you [do the math like this] then it's totally possible!"
                "As if! The models show that would cause a massive collapse almost instantly!"
                "Only if you're using models based on these outdated equations, you have to supplement [this equation with that equation] and then it works."

              • 12 months ago

                Eh, Arthur probably wouldn't get this heated over a physics debate since
                1) He doesn't pride himself on being a "physics guy" or a "science guy"
                2) He'd probably be scared shitless of alienating one of the few (in his mind) people who tolerate his presence
                So he'd probably try to disarm to situation by daring her to prove it by the next time they hang out or "agree to disagree".

                In a way, Arthur is like a toned down version of Victor von Doom without his compulsive need of proving himself: sure, he might not be as knowledgable in theoretics as Richards, as good of an engineer as Stark and as powerful of a magician as Strange, but he doesn't really need to be since he has all three beat by simplynot having tunnel vision when it comes to their fields of expertise.

              • 12 months ago

                I really don't know how to work with him.
                Is he the kind of guy who will just sit there alone in a room and stew in his own anxiety and depression? That sort of person can only function if there are people around who he can't intimidate who will drag him out of being alone. It wouldn't make him any less miserable, but it would make him feel less miserable at least for a few hours.

              • 12 months ago

                >Is he the kind of guy who will just sit there alone in a room and stew in his own anxiety and depression? That sort of person can only function if there are people around who he can't intimidate who will drag him out of being alone. It wouldn't make him any less miserable, but it would make him feel less miserable at least for a few hours.

                The major thing about Arthur is that he actually wants to change as a person.
                He doesn't want to bow down to life's circumstances and rot alive in his bubble of insecurities, at some level he understands that all the shit that's actively making him miserable is all in his head and that his fear of people is laregly based on the VERY warped perception of others and himself.
                Sure, he may sometimes fall into his old habits, but that's why the positive outside influence is so important - so that he can receive a little push that would remind him that work he puts in isn't all pointless.

                You can even extend this theme to his alter-ego:
                His ability's source is literally the metaphysical concept of destruction itself and his upbringing has all tenets of a supervillain backstory, but he still chooses to do good, even if in a somewhat unconventional way.

                Ultimately, Arthur's character is all about taking strides towards a person you actually want to be in this life instead of sitting on your ass and using circumstances of life as a justification for inaction.

              • 12 months ago

                I think you need to pick a place to start his story at.
                The character changes, got it. But that's not helpful in writing him unless you know where/when the character is because they're actually a dozen different characters who are slightly different each story to the next.
                Does his story start with him as the wretch, picking a fight with the hero JackHammer because he projects all of his insecurities and hatred of people onto him? Or does it start later on when he's in a better headspace?

              • 12 months ago

                >because they're actually a dozen different characters who are slightly different each story to the next
                I don't see it like that: a major lifestyle change based on self-improvement almost always comes in the form of several incremental ones.
                You don't really have to put much focus on the fact that he made progress, just have him speak up a bit louder than he would previously, something of that nature.
                I understand that it's probably a tall order, considering that he isn't even really the story's focus, but still.

                As for what point he should start out at:
                I can suggest another Cinemaphile project (albeit not a Cinemaphile one) that more or less encapsulates the kind of mindset he'd start off with, give it a try if you have the time:
                You can also read Onani Master Kurosawa if you have no problems with Cinemaphile, another great "coming of age" story.
                Aside from that though: timid, prone to assuming the worst, tries to avoid head-on conflict if it concerns only him (he blows off his steam as Crackdown).

                I kinda like the style of Arthur's act to push on and make himself take life head on, and being given a chance to go back to school gives him a sort of path that could give him a satsifiying future.

                Also he's utilizing a SCP-Style ability? Conception of Decay?

                >Conception of Decay?
                Entropy, but yes.
                Arthur's power was always intended to be more conceptual rather than having it circumvent any one physical law in particular, which is why it seemingly has so many potential uses,

    • 12 months ago

      Violet is cute

    • 12 months ago

      I'm in for fantasizing this character.

      • 12 months ago

        If the fishnets are sharpied on, how much of the rest of her attire is faked?

    • 12 months ago

      She looks cuter when wearing large glasses

    • 12 months ago

      Here is another version

      If the fishnets are sharpied on, how much of the rest of her attire is faked?

      Dunno, but her 2 piece looks real to me.

      • 12 months ago

        Could've been electrical tape.

        • 12 months ago

          True, or black cloth but electrical tape sounds an enjoyable option.

  2. 12 months ago

    Alright everybody, let's get on with it then.

    I wonder if how marley and crackdown just get to talking to one another instead of being awkward.

    • 12 months ago

      Either Marley would have to take initiative as a slightly more socilaly adjusted person or Lila would have to pitch in and goad both of them into talking with one another.

      I wasn't entirely sure if she's a personal OC or not.

      Civvies or supersuits?
      If civvies, then are they attending any of the same classes?

      >then are they attending any of the same classes?
      Funny thing, even after all this time I'm not really sure what kind of degree Arthur should get.
      I know that I've said that he secretly takes interest in fine arts and such, but I seriously can't imagine him striving for anything in the humanitarian field, especially anything related to law or political science.
      Right now the two options I consider the most are math or theoretical physics, both of which have classes that would overlap with Marley's.

      Civvies, since supersuits is a bit weird to get between both of em. Also iirc Arthur is like a drop-out.

      >Arthur is like a drop-out
      He is, but the crux of his character progression is him getting reinstated via the medical leave of absence.

      • 12 months ago

        >Is he the kind of guy who will just sit there alone in a room and stew in his own anxiety and depression? That sort of person can only function if there are people around who he can't intimidate who will drag him out of being alone. It wouldn't make him any less miserable, but it would make him feel less miserable at least for a few hours.

        The major thing about Arthur is that he actually wants to change as a person.
        He doesn't want to bow down to life's circumstances and rot alive in his bubble of insecurities, at some level he understands that all the shit that's actively making him miserable is all in his head and that his fear of people is laregly based on the VERY warped perception of others and himself.
        Sure, he may sometimes fall into his old habits, but that's why the positive outside influence is so important - so that he can receive a little push that would remind him that work he puts in isn't all pointless.

        You can even extend this theme to his alter-ego:
        His ability's source is literally the metaphysical concept of destruction itself and his upbringing has all tenets of a supervillain backstory, but he still chooses to do good, even if in a somewhat unconventional way.

        Ultimately, Arthur's character is all about taking strides towards a person you actually want to be in this life instead of sitting on your ass and using circumstances of life as a justification for inaction.

        I kinda like the style of Arthur's act to push on and make himself take life head on, and being given a chance to go back to school gives him a sort of path that could give him a satsifiying future.

        Also he's utilizing a SCP-Style ability? Conception of Decay?

  3. 12 months ago
  4. 12 months ago
  5. 12 months ago

    Another possible scenario I came up for these two shortly after the last thread died.
    >Lila makes a very obvious and overt move on Arthur, the one that even he can't misinterpret/play dumb over
    >Arthur freaks the frick out and gets out in a hurry, leaving Lila confused and concerned
    >Arthur racks his brain trying to figure out why a girl he barely knows would want to put out for him
    >his malignant brain immediately assumes the worst and Arthur becomes convinced that she was offering him a pity frick so that he wouldn't kill himself, which kind of emotionally devastates him
    This is supposed to be early on in a story.
    Maybe this can even be the event that makes Lila reconsider hitting on him in that post about them I made at the tail end of last week's thread instead of her getting cold feet out of the blue.

    • 12 months ago

      What a sad sack! I'm not sure Lila would be able to work out why he reacted like that, which would certainly give her pause before teasing him again.

      From the previous thread
      >Speaking of wiki page factoids, Ma'am's mentions her boob potion is called Bimbonium. Maybe rather than making Ladybug more intelligent, it makes her ditzy, so the bit with her allies trying to cure her becomes a comedic sequence of her freaking out and awkwardly trying to escape her friends in her new top-heavy form. A BE story probably works best with a humorous bent.
      If Ladybug's breasts are more bigger like Golden Girl then maybe, but now its in the right size that her intelligence can handle. Why do you think I had the idea of Ma'm Aries stealing a new formula & kidnapped the scientist to make the improved Bimbonium? I was thinking with the improved Bimbonium that was made can give a person different skills & abilities based on the breasts size, but sometimes there are side effects to gaining such abilities. While Ladybug's breasts did make her more smart what I was thinking is that she's starting to become slightly stubborn or mad. Maybe something akin to a level 1 autism. If it expands more then it would make her more ditzy, or something serious. She would have to figure out sooner or later, bug it would be the moment she might have regret not taking the counter-agent & find a way to maintain her new form & control it without losing her mentality

      Her breasts size so far has so far manage to allow her to keep control of her abilities, & improved her intelligence, but anymore would be lethal to her. For humour I thought maybe Ladybug would unintentionally beat someone with her breasts. Just slamming them in the face hard until their teeth fell out

      This of course would lead to the conflict that woukd take place. Think "Boob Wars", were the new & improved Bimbonium formula has manage to make it to every villain & gain powerful abilities, with the biggest boob-sized villain being the most dangerous, but also the most dumbest. Also their gigantic boobs would kill a person just by smothering them

      >"Boob Wars"
      Starting to sound like Breast Quest in here.

      I'm in for fantasizing this character.

      She looks cuter when wearing large glasses

      Very cute!

      • 12 months ago

        >I'm not sure Lila would be able to work out why he reacted like that
        Well, we established that she's an empathetic enough of an individual to be able to surmise that Arthur is scared of casually displaying intimacy for whatever reason and that talking to Marley might give her food for thought, not only as an introvert, but maybe also as someone who keeps waiting for the "right one" to show up in their life.
        Maybe this exact confusion is something that would only motivate her further into trying to understand him, not as a potential bedfellow, but as a human being, something that would be pretty important for a more romantically involved relationship that's being layed out for these two.

        • 12 months ago

          Women often do love a nice enigmatic "I can fix him" puzzle, it's true.

          • 12 months ago

            >a character who's symbol is a heart wants to fix character who's symbol is a crack

            But I'm still interested in ways that Arthur can prop her up in turn.
            Despite his rough exterior, he's a pretty empathetic person as well, so it would be pretty nice to see him providing support to Lila in her little moments of weakness.
            One of the things I don't remember mentioning about Arthur is that, despite his social awkwardness, he's surprisingly adept at reading people (something that he uses to his full advantage as Crackdown).
            I wouldn't be surprised that Lila sometimes exaggerates her usual beaming persona so that people around her wouldn't be worried even if it's not how she really feels at the moment (I'd be seriously surprised if she doesn't feel considerable amount of pressure because of things like studies or her parents), so maybe Arthur would be able to pick up on that.
            Or maybe I'm misreading her character and she breezes through all that stuff with little effort, I dunno.

            • 12 months ago

              Lila's basically "Local co-ed wants to be an art hoe but her parents won't let her." It's why her high school look was so different from her college one, she wanted to rock and roll all night and party ev-er-y day but her parents finally convinced her they needed an heir to inherit the company. This is probably why partying is one of her main ways to de-stress.

              • 12 months ago

                >this is probably why partying is one of her main ways to de-stress
                But that doesn't mean that she would not want to talk about what's happening in her life every one in a while, right?
                Even Lila might need a "Lila" from time to time.

                On a related note, it's funny how Lila will basically be handed Carver Medical someday while the only two things that can possibly result from Arthur interacting with his father's old money empire are the complete destruction or the hostile takeover of it.

              • 12 months ago

                No bugdoodles this week

                Lila isn't much for venting, but she does appreciate a shoulder to lean on. Even if she's gotta bend waaaaay down to lean on it, like Marley's.

              • 12 months ago

                >a shoulder to lean on
                That's what I was referring to in a broader sense, it doesn't necessarily have to be verbal.

  6. 12 months ago

    From the previous thread


    >Speaking of wiki page factoids, Ma'am's mentions her boob potion is called Bimbonium. Maybe rather than making Ladybug more intelligent, it makes her ditzy, so the bit with her allies trying to cure her becomes a comedic sequence of her freaking out and awkwardly trying to escape her friends in her new top-heavy form. A BE story probably works best with a humorous bent.
    If Ladybug's breasts are more bigger like Golden Girl then maybe, but now its in the right size that her intelligence can handle. Why do you think I had the idea of Ma'm Aries stealing a new formula & kidnapped the scientist to make the improved Bimbonium? I was thinking with the improved Bimbonium that was made can give a person different skills & abilities based on the breasts size, but sometimes there are side effects to gaining such abilities. While Ladybug's breasts did make her more smart what I was thinking is that she's starting to become slightly stubborn or mad. Maybe something akin to a level 1 autism. If it expands more then it would make her more ditzy, or something serious. She would have to figure out sooner or later, bug it would be the moment she might have regret not taking the counter-agent & find a way to maintain her new form & control it without losing her mentality

    Her breasts size so far has so far manage to allow her to keep control of her abilities, & improved her intelligence, but anymore would be lethal to her. For humour I thought maybe Ladybug would unintentionally beat someone with her breasts. Just slamming them in the face hard until their teeth fell out

    This of course would lead to the conflict that woukd take place. Think "Boob Wars", were the new & improved Bimbonium formula has manage to make it to every villain & gain powerful abilities, with the biggest boob-sized villain being the most dangerous, but also the most dumbest. Also their gigantic boobs would kill a person just by smothering them

    • 12 months ago

      >If Ladybug's breasts are more bigger like Golden Girl
      I think it be cool if there was an alternate versions of LL from another universe has a very mature and developed figure but she have a different personality. Either of them will go to there universe and the explain what it's like to have or not have a body like the other.

  7. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      How's the new job?

      • 12 months ago

        Pretty good. Nice people. Great benefits. I'm happy with it so far.

        Carrot top BB

        yeah it does look pretty red here.

        • 12 months ago

          Glad to hear it.

    • 12 months ago

      Carrot top BB

  8. 12 months ago

    The question is, how old is Lila?

    • 12 months ago

      The wiki says "late teens to early twenties".

    • 12 months ago

      Old enough to be in college.
      How long has she been roommates with Marley?

    • 12 months ago

      I'm gonna guess about 20.

      Old enough to be in college.
      How long has she been roommates with Marley?

      12 years, IRL anyway. Maybe 2 in universe.

      randomly picked this character from the wiki for my warmup

      yeah, i used to be a regular in these threads. helped create Chicken Divine.
      cant wait to see it

      Nice. Feels like Fistress would fit in with the Vixen Six.

      • 12 months ago

        >fit in
        Yes, she would fit that into their evil behinds, for hers is the fist of JUSTICE.

        • 12 months ago

          and if she didnt fit, she would just use more lube

          I mean aesthetically. Feels like they could be her rogues. Though I guess that's the same as saying "those designs look gapeable"

      • 12 months ago

        >fit in
        Yes, she would fit that into their evil behinds, for hers is the fist of JUSTICE.

        and if she didnt fit, she would just use more lube

        • 12 months ago

          JUSTICE brand lube.
          Man, she predates that Jim Gorden meme, yet could embody it if someone desired her to do so.

          I mean aesthetically. Feels like they could be her rogues. Though I guess that's the same as saying "those designs look gapeable"

          If someone draws the women "juicy"(?) enough and aesthetically of course you'll group them together.

          OK, goodnight everyone.

          • 12 months ago

            >If someone draws the women "juicy"(?) enough and aesthetically of course you'll group them together.
            I dunno, Skathi and Brianna are plenty "juicy" but they have a different sort of vibe about them.

            Sleep well.

  9. 12 months ago

    randomly picked this character from the wiki for my warmup

    • 12 months ago

      Oh damn, I haven't seen new Fistress art in a while.
      It's really nice!

    • 12 months ago

      Your artstyle looks familiar.

      • 12 months ago

        yeah, i used to be a regular in these threads. helped create Chicken Divine.


        Do you think she ever uses her fist on any villians deemed NSFW or would it be strictly SFW for Cinemaphile?

        Grabbing some tacos, will draw something when I return

        cant wait to see it

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, those Vixen Six pics you did are nice.

          Someone was talking about drawing a Chicken Divine comic some years back, but only one test panel ever came of that I think. I don't think that was you though.

        • 12 months ago

          You know I just had a funny idea of a character named Fried Chicken Man, like some kind of dude whose made out of hardened and hot fried chicken. I kinda want to see em and CD be a "Bird" couple.

          • 12 months ago

            Sounds like King Tobacco.

            • 12 months ago

              This makes me think of those stories of a soldier being saved from a bullet by a bible, notebook or flask that they had in their pocket and making a suit of armor with a bunch of them

              • 12 months ago

                But instead it's cigarette packs.

          • 12 months ago

            Or it sounds like he'd be considered a type of zombie.

    • 12 months ago


      Do you think she ever uses her fist on any villians deemed NSFW or would it be strictly SFW for Cinemaphile?

      Grabbing some tacos, will draw something when I return

    • 12 months ago

      Your artstyle looks familiar.

      Lefthandblack I think it's The name.

      • 11 months ago

        That's probably right.

        • 11 months ago

          It does remind me of the artist.

  10. 12 months ago
  11. 12 months ago

    Imma sleep for 8-10 hours. Might work on something JackHammer related when I wake up. If others have stuff they want to share, it’d be nice to see when I come back

    • 12 months ago

      I'd need to dig out my notes on what story I was planning to write next with Jack, but I was still waiting on the second part of the I2Eye plot to be written before I committed to Blessing in Disguise.

  12. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      I haven't seen you in a while mang

      • 12 months ago

        u missed me?

        • 12 months ago

          I don't think i saw you in the last thread.

    • 12 months ago

      why are they not holding hands at that moment? why must you tease me, anon?

      • 12 months ago

        Why not (You) draw them holding hands

      • 11 months ago

        Is this lewd enough for ya

        • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          Is there a women equivalent of metrosexuality?

          • 11 months ago

            Being a tomboy?

  13. 12 months ago

    What makes for appealing comics scenes or panel?

    Especially in terms of securing sales.
    Maybe like

    Supermans or one piece. Those kinds. Or just enough to float.
    What are they key ingredients, when placed against those numbers?

    Other than tremd maybe, how do you make your material, elements and so on, achieve the sales?

  14. 12 months ago

    Calling it but-

    Fred- Arthur
    Lila- Daphne
    Velma- Marley
    Shaggy- NTH

    Ok we gettin the gang together now

    • 12 months ago

      >almost every episode has NTH fleeing from investigating weird spooky shit because he stereotypically hates ghosts

      >"gee gang, I wonder where this trap door leads to?"
      >NTH: "AWW HELL NAH"

    • 12 months ago

      Fred is quite literally almost a complete opposite of Arthur.
      But I guess it has some comedic value, like him clocking the "monster" with a right hook moment he first jumps the gang instead of doing a chase sequence

    • 12 months ago

      So who is Scooby in this scenario?
      And I'm surprised it isn't NTH given that one porn parody.

  15. 12 months ago
  16. 12 months ago
  17. 12 months ago
  18. 12 months ago

    postin progress.

    • 12 months ago

      Ooo, bigger progress.
      Interesting coloring methods in panel one.

    • 12 months ago

      Cool art.

    • 12 months ago

      I like it
      Very colorful

  19. 12 months ago


    Guess they found out you were posing on the Internet Hate Machine and banned you for pre-emptive wrongthing lmao

  20. 12 months ago


    Abandon SCP stuff entirely and make your own original content to fill in the parts of whatever story you wanted to tell that used that stuff.

  21. 12 months ago


    The last thing I remember hearing about scp is that the troony homestuck satellite author openly celebrates the fact that Metokur has cancer and others in the community actively defend it because of "muh harassment".
    From this alone, I can tell it didn't get any better from 4 years ago.
    Frick them.

  22. 12 months ago


    You're so obviously underage it actually hurts.

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        So am I.
        Literally every post you make reads like it was made by a 14 y/o and interest in things like scp and roblox isn't helping your case.

        • 12 months ago

          If this is (You)

          You're so obviously underage it actually hurts.

          than I was agreeing with you.

          • 12 months ago

            Ah sorry, the "he" kind of threw me off.

    • 12 months ago

      Actually I'm out of the loop on this, but I'm sorry for that and I do not wish to be hear anything on this then.

      • 12 months ago

        You've already said that someone deserves to be made fun of for having oncological disease for being a heckin problematic chud.
        I suggest quitting twitter.

  23. 12 months ago


    I know this sounds stupid but I don't understand SCPs is it public domain or who owns them?

    • 12 months ago

      Um kinda on the same boat as you but I think it's best to not care.

      • 12 months ago

        >same boat
        Wouldn't surprise me if there is a SCP as a boat. Bet you they got more shit than Pokemon.

    • 12 months ago

      a fictional secret organization that collects immoral creatures know as the SCP. That the best I could describe it.

      • 12 months ago

        They were referring to the stuff about the wiki itself and all.

        I know this sounds stupid but I don't understand SCPs is it public domain or who owns them?

        Basically I think no one owns thems, but they are technically some public domain-y kind of shit?

    • 12 months ago

      No one
      But plenty have tried to claim ownership in different countries

      There was a big hubbub a few years ago when an fan artist of it in russian tried to claim the rights to it

  24. 12 months ago

    i always had a soft spot for Vixen Six.

    • 12 months ago

      And you draw them looking very soft.

    • 12 months ago

      Nice. Wish I can slap that ass. So damn gorgeous!

  25. 12 months ago


    If you never had a story, then it will be even easier to abandon the SCP content in favor of your own.
    You have to think about what kind of story you want to tell and why you want to tell it. Be it for your own entertainment or the entertainment of others.

    • 11 months ago

      You see that's kinda funny: I don't know if I can make a story and I wonder if the SCP content was just there to help me out or something.

      Also I want a story about Jeremy Reiner, a 13 year old autist that can't speak, but has Ergokinesis. Aka energy manipulation.

      I don't actually have anything outside of that for him other meeting hot women and then maybe some giant guy. Really it feels like I jump to a conclusion or something? It's hard with me and all.

      Maybe I might need help?

      • 11 months ago

        From this i can't help but thing in a ironic way that he kinda is like Arthur, it's funny for a little bit, but after that it bothers me if I made a unintentional unoriginal idea.

  26. 12 months ago

    waddup /coc/

    • 12 months ago

      Waz dis?

      • 12 months ago

        A dead idea.

        • 12 months ago

          I don't think I've seen that particular pic before though.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah, that's because I just drew it.

            • 11 months ago

              Then I say the other statement of it being a dead project is false.

              • 11 months ago

                No, it is. I just like drawing her every now and then..

  27. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      >puts his hands behind his head like he's been caught by the police

      • 11 months ago

        Not quite.

        • 11 months ago

          Squish that Lil.
          All you need to know is to squish that Lil.
          We always squish that Lil.

        • 11 months ago

          ...Does Lila need a bodyguard..

          • 11 months ago

            Nah, it's fine.
            Arthur's face just does it sometimes in response to an intense emotion that he doesn't process all that often.
            A bit of a "neurophysiological quirk", so to speak.

            • 11 months ago

              Wouldn't Lila's friends be concerned? Actually Lila is still friends with her exes.

              • 11 months ago

                Eh, he doesn't make that kind of face often, not when he's not Crackdown anyway.
                It's not like he'll keep doing it everytime Lila shows him affection anyway, at some point he's bound to get used to it.
                Also, it might not be apparent, but in that picture his heart is beating like he got intravenously injected with a can of redbull, cut his some slack.

        • 11 months ago

          ...Does Lila need a bodyguard..

          Wouldn't Lila's friends be concerned? Actually Lila is still friends with her exes.

          On a related note, I actually wanted to communicate the feeling of desperation in Arthur's eyes, but he just ended up looking psychotic

          • 11 months ago

            Oh! Ok, that’s more understandable.

            • 11 months ago

              Well, it ended up working regardless, even if in a somewhat different way, considering that out of the characters that inspired Arthur's creation, about four of them share a theme of being obsessed with a blond woman.
              Five, if you count Jacket from Hotline Miami, but I don't think he was "obsessed", per se, or at least not with her.

  28. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Does it suck brains?

      • 11 months ago

        Injects his mind into a strong host to control

        • 11 months ago

          So it blows minds, not sucks?

          • 11 months ago

            He can suck brains if he only wants to eat them, usually want to keep the brain of a good host

  29. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Shake your tail, Shark Lass!
      Wonder what they're jamming out to?

    • 11 months ago

      How would Jack interact with each of them? Would he also join the dance?


      Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.


      Past threads:

      I’ve begun doodling Atomic Devil. For now I have my own personal vision, but if others want to pitch him with their ideas and designs, I’d be happy to hear them!

      • 11 months ago

        I don't know if he'd join the dance or not.
        Does he have rhythm?

        • 11 months ago

          He’s got incredibly sharp instincts and he’s an athlete, so maybe

          • 11 months ago

            I think he'd end up making a new dance by accident trying to mimic a dance.

        • 11 months ago

          If he walks without rhythm, he won't attract the worm. Jury's still out on the bug.

  30. 11 months ago

    Greetings anons, and as in every thread, I'm pitching my idea for this week, enjoy!

    >Lana and Lenny

    a Teal colored Fox with two heads and a lanky body (their body is 55% female and 45% male) , they try to live their life while being the unnatural being they are.
    it's like Catdog with just more adult-themed jokes and plots ofc
    (and I was inspired by the Wagie dog's short from adult swim https://files.catbox.moe/ethu5e.png)

    >characters :
    >Lana:a hyperactive Intelligent woman with a little body insecurity and social awkwardness,she likes to control their body most of the time and she loves her brother more than anything

    >Lenny: a chill dude with very good social skills but not very bright in mind which makes him the perfect pairing to his sister

    > Their interactions:
    >Lana wakes up in the bed
    >she yawns a little and then notices some crumbs all over the bed
    >"Lenny did you eat snacks while i was sleeping!!" she says with an annoyed tone
    >Lenny wakes up and sees his sister's mad facial expression
    >"oh hi sis.....eh yeah i had a small midnight snack",
    >"i told you that we are on a diet,i need to look good in the new bikini that i bought!"
    >"Wait you bought a new bikini?! i'm not gonna wear a bikini are you insane sister?!"
    >"i told you that one week when i asked if you prefer a bikini or a one-piece...."
    >"i thought you were talking about my taste in women!"
    >"Why would i ask you that you fricking idiot"
    >They get up from bed and go to the bathroom
    >they are a Teal colored fox with two heads and lanky body
    >Lana Uses the right arm to do her makeup and Lenny uses the left arm to shave his beard
    >"did you hear about what happened to Sally?" Lana asks
    >"she and Mark celebrated their anniversary in Italy..."
    >" Good for them.....oh, don't worry you will find the right person for you sis ,just wait"
    >"Yeah yeah i know,let's just go to work and don't talk about this"
    >They go to work with a custom-made suit

    thanks and see you next week

    • 11 months ago

      But who would hire both of them for the same position?

      • 11 months ago

        well they get paid as one person so when you think about it it's good for the employer and bad for them
        having two people doing the job of one person and getting paid as one person

        • 11 months ago

          I thought one would be doing desk job stuff while the other tried to be the custodian at the same time.

  31. 11 months ago

    Ghost anybody?

  32. 11 months ago
  33. 11 months ago

    morning bump

    • 11 months ago

      good morning, sir

  34. 11 months ago
  35. 11 months ago
  36. 11 months ago

    I made this character recently and would love some ideas to make them more interesting

    They're essentially a burger mascot/delivery driver and part time assassin - I liked the idea of maybe other assassins worked for other food chains and acted as possible antagonists both in deliveries and marks

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          I made this character recently and would love some ideas to make them more interesting

          They're essentially a burger mascot/delivery driver and part time assassin - I liked the idea of maybe other assassins worked for other food chains and acted as possible antagonists both in deliveries and marks

          They turn criminals into burgers.

    • 11 months ago

      A KFC Parody Mascot that’s actually the head of a Secret Intelligence Agency, bonus points if all of the Agents are Chicken themed.

      • 11 months ago

        KFC-like head, four captains themed after the McDonald's nugget shapes complete with weapons

        • 11 months ago

          >Agent Ball Buster
          >Agent Bell Bottoms
          >Agent Bonecrusher
          >Agent Bootlicker

    • 11 months ago

      Patty Wheels, not Patty Wagon?

      • 11 months ago

        I've known people that tied the burger with an egg on it
        Never done it myself but doesn't seem like it would add much to the flavor

        • 11 months ago

          the runny yolk really adds to a burger, it's hard to describe

        • 11 months ago

          Extra protein!

  37. 11 months ago

    Unprompted piece of Crackdown lore: Arthur was an agnostic for most of his life, but lately he's been willing to reconsider his position on that since... you know, one of his rogues is a literal demon.

  38. 11 months ago

    i posted this in the drawthread before realizing this was a more suitable place
    i zoned out listening to an emplemon video while dicking around in ms paint and accidentally created a furry OC
    No this is not a lackidaisy OC,
    nucky thompson (from boardwalk empire) was on my mind for the clothes, I just really like vintage suits and stuff like that.
    I like him and wanna draw more of him

    character profile:
    >freelance professional gangster, specializes in tying up loose ends and making evidence disappear
    >not even necessarily from the 1920s, he just wears suits everyday because he's too autistic to understand any other kind of fashion
    >quiet and generally unfazed but not reserved about his feelings
    >enjoys listening to sarah vaughan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDePdW8aP60
    >not terribly interested in money, power, or prestige, lives as quietly and comfortably as the gangster life will let him
    >mostly asexual, but touch-starved, and most desires intimacy from bigger, more masculine men
    >deadpan sense of humour, doesn't have a "tell" for when he's joking instead of speaking normally
    >loves scritches and having his hair fondled

    I've never drawn any furry art before, or any standalone OCs, this is my first time and honestly this put a big smile on my face so i might do it more often

    • 11 months ago

      Reminds me a little of The Cat's Pajamas, if only because he's also well dressed cat.

  39. 11 months ago

    What does she do, /coc/?

    • 11 months ago

      Fights the forces of Midnight Snackers.

    • 11 months ago

      She toasts in a French manner

  40. 11 months ago

    I'm working on a drawing of Eclipsa, but I keep getting burnt out before she can be finished. Anyone else get that?

    • 11 months ago

      I get that a lot, so the things I do are half-assed which I'll end up hating at the end.

    • 11 months ago

      I get that a lot, so the things I do are half-assed which I'll end up hating at the end.

      Same, but with literally everything in my life, not just drawing

      • 11 months ago

        I would give you a hug if I could anon.

        I get that a lot, so the things I do are half-assed which I'll end up hating at the end.

        I am trying to not half ass anything anymore. I want to full ass.

  41. 11 months ago

    good night

  42. 11 months ago

    Ok here's a crazy Idea. Ladybug, BUT tall!

    • 11 months ago

      The horror!

      • 11 months ago

        How would Jack Prime look?

        • 11 months ago

          Well, Ladybug Prime is a clone created by Goliath or something IIRC? So maybe egotist that he is, a Goliath-made Jack clone would be small and Snivley-esque.

        • 11 months ago

          You should be asking what does Evilverse Jack look like.

          • 11 months ago

            What's the gist of it again, in terms of basic worldbuilding elements?
            I might have some ideas related to what the Evilverse Arthur would be like.

            • 11 months ago

              same question as [...]

              An eldritch thing nudged a few events in the distant past the caused a lot of calamity much later.


              • 11 months ago

                Seems like an easy premise to write the Braun family involvement.
                But I'll leave it for later, I think. Way too much mainverse stuff in my head at the moment.

            • 11 months ago

              >What's the gist of it again, in terms of basic worldbuilding elements?
              In the "main" Cinemaphileverse, an elder god tried to corrupt a Fae queen and use her to control the course of history, but was defeated by Skathi. In the Evilverse, he was never defeated, and subtly corrupted the timeline until eventually his kin broke through or awoke en masse. Everyone's grimmer, edgier, more apocalyptic, since they're living through an apocalypse.
              Goliath is the Evilverse version of Ladybug, a very tall fellow with high powered armor who has set himself up as a warlord, turning the west coast into his territory and protecting it from elder gods that attack.
              Evilette is Colette's counterpart, who hunts down elder gods and seeks more power to battle them. So there's two examples.

              >Evilverse Jack
              Considering he isn't a jock in the main world, you probably would guess in this he's probably a big jock dick, wienery enough of his achievements and very uncaring for others, except if they were important for his achievement/winnings.

              >Probably mutton chops with a sort of van dyke?
              >Suit is probably alot more armored and comes off as some sort of foot-ball-y like suit.
              >Has a big and badass looking tech hammer (Something like from halo's gravity hammer combined with the roblox gravity hammer.)
              >Throw in a eyepatch just to add in the evil?

              Latter, but not exactly? They're more systematically here for a peek of what, or rather who, would've been in that project I wanted to do. Really considered these are twitter/social media stuff, it can be diluted down to:
              >Thick af woman
              >Thick af woman
              >Thick af woman
              >Thick af woman
              >Hot Buff guy
              >Walking horror
              >Punching Bag
              >Thick af woman

              you know how it goes with stuff like that

              Well at least you know what you like.

              • 11 months ago

                Well i mean that's twitter in general, heh.

                I've known people that tied the burger with an egg on it
                Never done it myself but doesn't seem like it would add much to the flavor

                like a full boiled egg or we talking fried?

          • 11 months ago

            same question as

            What's the gist of it again, in terms of basic worldbuilding elements?
            I might have some ideas related to what the Evilverse Arthur would be like.

          • 11 months ago

            >Evilverse Jack
            Considering he isn't a jock in the main world, you probably would guess in this he's probably a big jock dick, wienery enough of his achievements and very uncaring for others, except if they were important for his achievement/winnings.

            >Probably mutton chops with a sort of van dyke?
            >Suit is probably alot more armored and comes off as some sort of foot-ball-y like suit.
            >Has a big and badass looking tech hammer (Something like from halo's gravity hammer combined with the roblox gravity hammer.)
            >Throw in a eyepatch just to add in the evil?

            Yours? Or are you just posting random OCs?

            Latter, but not exactly? They're more systematically here for a peek of what, or rather who, would've been in that project I wanted to do. Really considered these are twitter/social media stuff, it can be diluted down to:
            >Thick af woman
            >Thick af woman
            >Thick af woman
            >Thick af woman
            >Hot Buff guy
            >Walking horror
            >Punching Bag
            >Thick af woman

            you know how it goes with stuff like that

  43. 11 months ago


  44. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        Skullgirls fusion? Looks like cerebella combined with filia

        Original Character, actually, could have inspirations from those two characters though.

        • 11 months ago

          Yours? Or are you just posting random OCs?

    • 11 months ago

      Skullgirls fusion? Looks like cerebella combined with filia

  45. 11 months ago
  46. 11 months ago

    He's talking to (you)

  47. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      >slowly sinks into a crack and disappears

      • 11 months ago

        Honestly, it depends on his mood: he might do that, try to offer a rebuttal, say something to the effect of " 'k" and disappear or even something a bit more... rude.
        I really enjoy the idea of these two having bants on somewhat equal footing.

        How does your favorite /coc/ character like their eggs?

        Tooting my own horn here a bit, but Arthur likes soft-boiled with shit-load of spices.
        Throw in a side of rice and it even can be qualified as a real meal!
        ...A very depressing meal, but a meal nonetheless.

        • 11 months ago

          Better than what I fix, most days

  48. 11 months ago

    Anyway just to save this thread, I wanna ask if anyone here would help a lad out on literature writing? I'm in a sort of a pickle?

    See, I'm trying to get myself to make this sort of thing on google docs that describes this project world I wanna do for Cinemaphile and myself. I think it's what one may call a tv bible/pitch bible? Or something like that but not exactly?

    May need help, if you can help that would be great! P.S it's that Project 201X thing I wanted to do.

    Names I kinda wanted to do was like Project Sandbox and Project Phanes, but they didn't sound good. Advice and opinions would be great

    • 11 months ago

      What is it about? Look at your summary and then base your title from there.

      And I mean what is it ACTUALLY about, not a board semi-idea.
      If you don't even have that much yet then start with a summary, then a bulleted outline, then think up all the cool shit you want to write, then come up with how to get to that cool shit.
      That's how I do it anyway.

      • 11 months ago

        Oh, well I don't have anything done yet, because I'm just that confused on it.

        Also okay then, I mean I think 201X was just made because it had a neutral thing and it was in the year 201X/2008-2010 era.

        Best way to put is this: Original Characters/Content meets Crazy Wacky Internet meets somewhat Mark Millar stuff/Ultimate shit (but better) meets...SCP (?)

        Pretty much starts out small though, while I don't anything much because I don't seem to know how to do a story thing and all for what goes down in this, like a bible? Idk really right now I'm working on this idea thing involving analog horror to maybe start off this Universe with something of a college made television channel that goes wrong in and out of it.

        There's also President Obama, who in this world is sort of better a bit in this world than his actual real life self? Stuff with him and high-tech stuff sort of being suppressed by the Illuminati, who has ties with much bigger folks.

        Really it goes into a small thing with a few handful of characters before expanding alot harder and bigger more and more. Idk things grow, idk this is my first time trying to expand this newer version of the project, so apologies.

        btw what's a bulleted outline and what's it look like?

        • 11 months ago

          The inability to put it into concise words is part of your issue.

          Beginning, middle, end. Start with the basics. The fundamentals of storytelling.
          Who are your characters?
          What are they doing?
          Why are the doing it?
          Where is it happening?
          And, if relevant, when is it happening?

          If you can't answer those questions, you don't even have the beginnings of an idea of a story.

  49. 11 months ago

    How does your favorite /coc/ character like their eggs?

    • 11 months ago

      would the creator of billy please come forth and answer this question

    • 11 months ago


  50. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago


  51. 11 months ago

    Any GG summer draw ideas?

    • 11 months ago

      Eating watermelon, noting if they are bigger or smaller than hers. Something along the lines of:
      "Well at least there's something around here bigger than me."
      "This is just ridiculous!"

    • 11 months ago

      Something playing with the idea of her disguising herself as a hula dancer, a coconut bra not fitting right and her thinking about it needing to be a bra made from watermelons

      Just melons on the mind after reading

      Eating watermelon, noting if they are bigger or smaller than hers. Something along the lines of:
      "Well at least there's something around here bigger than me."
      "This is just ridiculous!"

  52. 11 months ago

    tell me hwacha think, /coc/.

    • 11 months ago

      it looks great! just having trouble reading the title

      • 11 months ago

        Time's Infinity. It's just a prototype for the title design, wanted it to match his new logo.

    • 11 months ago

      >Time, huh?
      Ben 10 and Hal Jordan settled their differences and had a kid.

      • 11 months ago

        Can you believe me if I tell you that the first ever concept art for him looked like this?

        • 11 months ago

          Yes, absolutely. I appreciate the attention paid to making him cute.

    • 11 months ago

      That boy wants some of that cleavage


  53. 11 months ago

    Huh, guess we are done for the week.

    • 11 months ago

      decent run, for being content light

  54. 11 months ago

    Yeah I'll work on my current handful of characters, and potential the world as a whole for a start?

    It'll get somewhere for sunday? Anyway see you all then, and thanks for the help.

  55. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Are there any good topics?

      • 11 months ago

        There could be if you want to talk about something.

  56. 11 months ago

    Gave a bit more thought to Crackdown's abilities:

    Arthur can enter his pocket dimension through one oriface and exit through another, but it's more of a "fast travel" thing than something he can reliably do in the heat of the moment Portal-style. Since the "other side" is an absolute illogical clusterfrick to navigate, Arthur prefers to keep close to the initial entry point and pop right back out. With time, however, he would learn that he can memorise specific exit points while inside the dimension and, after retreading his path a couple of times, he'd be able to reliably travel long distances almost instantaneously. Initially he'd be willing to do this only with handful of locations from around the state. He would later on expand to rest of the country and even further beyond, but he'd do it very gradually since:

    >being there for prolonged periods of (and I'm using this word very loosely here) time starts bringing him the same kind of discomfort as to normal people, even if it's not nearly as severe
    >the pocket dimension works on Warhammer Warp-esque rules when it comes to personal perseption of time and space when he sets off to "uncharted waters" (he doesn't feel that he was there for literally 1000 years upon exit, but it still feels like it was certainly a lot)
    >the location of the exit points in the dimension does not correlate to the IRL crack locations (it's more about concetration and knowing what you want rather than actual directions you'd use for navigating conventional space), so he'd essetially be blind-hopping

    I think this is a logical evolution of his abilities with reasonable limitations that would:
    >considerably broaden Crackdown's range of operation, which would allow him to do his superheroing while still living in Los Palos without stepping on Marley's toes too often
    >add to his Batman-like factor of "oh frick, he's already here"
    >serve as a precursor for multiversal travel stuff

    • 11 months ago

      *the location of the exit points in the dimension does not correlate to the IRL crack locations (it's more about concentration and knowing what you want rather than actual directions you'd use for navigating conventional space), so blind-hopping could potentially be pretty dangerous
      Sorry for wording it so confusingly.

    • 11 months ago

      *the location of the exit points in the dimension does not correlate to the IRL crack locations (it's more about concentration and knowing what you want rather than actual directions you'd use for navigating conventional space), so blind-hopping could potentially be pretty dangerous
      Sorry for wording it so confusingly.

      So he can't reliably move between cracks with enough speed to be relevant in a fight, but fast enough to obviate long distance travel, is what I'm gathering. The line about crack locations not correlating suggests to me that the "other side" either has a fixed layout he'd be able to learn with time, or the exact opposite.

      Also, something I'm unclear on- is he able to create new cracks? Or does he have to find them? You've mentioned him manually abrading his muscles to promote growth, which would seem to imply he can do it with fine control at a very micro scale.

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