What does it take to beat Omniman?

I just had a dream where Omniman stomped my OC. Hes basically like Immortal but can also dimension jump. He never dimension jump during the fight the though. How can I make my OC strong enough so my subconscious thinks he can atleast give Omniman a run for his money?

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  1. 2 years ago

    That's the neat part, you can't.

    • 2 years ago

      This. Sorry OP, but your OC is a chump

    • 2 years ago

      /thread. He's basically the western Saitama

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          dyslexia is a serious problem,isn't it?

    • 2 years ago

      Thragg begs to differ

  2. 2 years ago

    Hit harder or just straight up rupture his eardrums so he loses his sense of balance.

  3. 2 years ago

    >my OC
    See that there is your problem.
    If you want to something right, you have to do it yourself.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Immortal but can also dimension jump
    Oof too weak. The best way to beat omniman would be to pull him into another dimension and leave him there while you figure out how to finish him off.

    • 2 years ago

      That trick didn’t work on mark, so it definitely won’t work on his father.

  5. 2 years ago

    Bonk him on the head, then poke him in the eyes, and finish him off with a pie to the face.
    Has worked for me every time so far.

  6. 2 years ago

    >His OC can't even beat Omniman

  7. 2 years ago

    a honest question, can Luffy in his current powerlevel in manga defeat Omniman?

    • 2 years ago

      No clue, I havent read all 5000 volumes of One Piece.

      • 2 years ago

        It only has 102.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          He flew around the speed of light and commited genocide in like 20 seconds, literal planet buster

          He can just drop Luffy in the fricking ocean anyway

          • 2 years ago

            >He flew around the speed of light and commited genocide in like 20 seconds
            You mean when he got into that portal for the dimension where time flows much more slowly than here?
            If them going to earth makes them age fast, someone from this dimension going there would age much more slowly.
            If by the end of his rampage he had long hair and a beard, it means that at the very least it took him a couple of months (in case he aged at a regular rate), likely years (since he would've had to age much more slowly).
            And he didn't even destroy the planet. You can see them rebuild in the last episode.

            • 2 years ago

              Ok but omni-man still wrecks

        • 2 years ago

          Luffy can't touch Nolan while Nolan has hundreds of ways to kill Luffy

    • 2 years ago

      He's some kind of cartoon rubber god now, right? Maybe he can tank all punches with that quasi-toon force but i doubt he can breathe in space

      • 2 years ago

        In G5 he tanked Kaido’s hits but still coughed up blood

    • 2 years ago

      Luffy has always been resistant to blunt force and is stronger than ever

    • 2 years ago

      In One Piece universe: yes.
      In Invincible universe: no.

    • 2 years ago

      isn't luffy instantly defeated if you just drop him in the ocean?

    • 2 years ago

      I think Omni man is physically stronger however Luffy has faster combat speed and is immune to blunt.
      It depends whether Luffy can hurt him and I would say yes.

    • 2 years ago

      Depends. If Omniman can chuck him into space or underwater he wins. If Luffy can figure out that Viltrimites are weak to sound based attacks and use his toon powers to exploit that weakness than Luffy wins. Just depends on what happens first.

  8. 2 years ago

    Easy, just give him a power without a Manton limit. Something like being able to manipulate temperature. Nolan may be physically invulnerable, but he has zero answer to having every drop of fluid in his body frozen solid, or instantly boiled.

    If that fails, just remove the Manton limit on his teleporting power so that he can just teleport a rail spike into Nolan’s skull. There’s plenty of powers that ignore durability outright.

  9. 2 years ago

    You'd need a character who's A. Strong enough to hurt him and B. Can heal fast enough to keep hurting him.

    Something like Lobo

    • 2 years ago

      Or just be too damn invulnerable for him to injure.
      Like Superman.

    • 2 years ago

      Lobo loses as that'd be funny.

  10. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Now this would be an interesting fight. Current Garous could win, he has the speed and literal nukes for punches.

      • 2 years ago

        not even a debate, current Garou would curbstomp him, why is Omniman even wanked that much here when he's not even the strongest viltrumites ? Thragg exist, and i'm pretty sure Conquest has big chance to win over him and no Mark killing him doesnt mean anything Mark at this point could have probably killed Nolan too if they werent blood related.

  11. 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    Just have a power that completely bypasses physical concerns like strength or speed or damage. If you answer to fighting Onmiman is 'hit HARDER', you are setting yourself up to lose because thats what he's good at.

    Things like mind control, transforming your opponent in some way, or any number of other instant fight enders can do the trick.

    For example, there is a minor one-off villain in Tiger and Bunny whose power is that he can bring things to a perfect stop instantly. All motion and energy in the target ceases to exist. This gets used to stop bullets, yes, but it also instantly kills people because it stops their heart, it stops all of the blood in their veins, it stops every electric charge running up and down their nervous system. Every biochemical process in their body, down to the cellular level, becomes frozen. Again someone with a power like this, Omniman would fly into the guy fast enough to crack the planet into gravel and would not only do no damage, his lifeless body would crumple to the ground a couple seconds later. He would never even have time to register that he had been beaten.

    • 2 years ago

      >Things like mind control, transforming your opponent in some way, or any number of other instant fight enders can do the trick.
      There is a limit to that. Atom Eve attempted to transmute Conquest and it was a minor incontinence to him.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, but thats an asspull. There no logical reason that should be true. If you can reshape matter on a whim, and your enemy is *made of matter* (most are) the only reason that fails to be an instant fight ender is author fiat extending the fight artificially.

        If the author decides that nothing is ALLOWED to beat the bad guy until the proscibed time and thus makes him have immunity to everything, even the things that should kill him, that doesn't make the powers weak. That makes the author a hack.

        • 2 years ago

          Dunno why you are surprised by this. If your body is durable enough, you should at least be capable of resisting transmutation attempts on you.

          • 2 years ago

            >If your body is durable enough, you should at least be capable of resisting transmutation attempts on you.

            Nope. Durability is a function of the composition and structure of your matter. If an enemy has the power to reshape matter, that stops being true. Hydrogen and iron and zinc and shit don't become *special* just because they are inside a viltrumite as opposed to a sandwich, matter manipulation operates at such a small scale that everything that makes a viltrumite impressive no longer matters. Biology is a function of chemistry, if you can alter chemistry directly nothing in the biology has a chance to apply, the the same way that quality of the dialog in your film doesn't matter when I can go in and randomize the frames and audio.

            • 2 years ago

              Everything you said pertains the way matter works in the real world.
              For Viltrumites to be the way they are, they can't be made just by normal matter, as a body made out of ANY kind of matter wouldn't be enough to explain their feats.
              Their powers can't the product of their particular arrangement of atoms and whatnot. There has to be something more. Either some special kind of matter that exists in the Invincible universe, or some kind of supernatural force, or whichever asspull the writer decides it makes sense.

            • 2 years ago

              Counter example, viltrumites are canonically made of "smart atoms" which explains away their supernatural properties. They are a form of atoms that can "remember" their states in relation to both their users and their environment capable of extraordinary self-encoding feats atomic levels to react to any changes in that environment. For example, atoms in a muscle can ensure that the molecules behave normally even under extreme forces. Or atoms in the air can be forced to maintain their relative positions, thus acting like an impenetrable wall. These atoms are also able to extract "Background energy" or "vacuum energy" as their source of energy. This means that since their composition is tied to a certain state, viltrumites would be resistant to transmutation or matter restructuring

              • 2 years ago

                >smart atoms
                Thats the dumbest shit I've ever heard of, wtf? Why couldn't the hero Invisible just have his atoms remember to not be beat up and bleeding everywhere?

              • 2 years ago

                How can their bodies grow if their atoms remember a single state they are "supposed" to be in?

              • 2 years ago

                Maybe through their genetics or something they can induce change in their state gradually over time.
                They can certainly cut their hair (which is just as resistant to attacks as the rest of their body) and groom themselves, so this state isn't 100% immutable in all cases.

              • 2 years ago

                The real question is how they can be alive at all. A rock can be immutable and indestructable due to its atoms being resistant to change because a rock doesn't have to do anything. A living body can't be static, however, all of its atoms have to constantly be being moved around, changed, broken down and built back up into other things. How does a smart atom know that having its atomic bonds be broken by respiration to keep the blood cells alive is okay, but having its atomic bonds be broken by fire or atomic manipulation is verboten? If it was just unchanging and immutable by nature, viltrumites would fricking die.

            • 2 years ago

              >matter manipulation operates at such a small scale that everything that makes a viltrumite impressive no longer matters
              That's how shit works irl, but fiction writers don't give a fig about that. It's far from uncommon for characters to just facetank offense that should have been operating on too fundamental of a level to counter with their powers (and it doesn't apply only to atomic manipulation, but also to even more fundamental shit like spacetime manipulation or outright reality warping). You can assume that these beings are made of some special matter with, say, much stronger electromagnetic bonds between atoms and/or strong force attraction between protons and neutrons in nuclei (so the transmutation failed because it wasn't designed to work with non-standard matter). Or that their bodies are covered in a field that doesn't consist it of matter (but rather out of energy or magical aura or whatever) that interferes with transformation (or makes it useless - like when Vegito was turned into candy by Buu, but kept his power and consciousness and just resumed kicking his ass).

          • 2 years ago

            That's like saying a really tough example of a species made out of sugar should be able to resist being dissolved in water.

            • 2 years ago

              But Omni man isn't just extremely durable. He's magically durable.

        • 2 years ago

          >If the author decides that nothing is ALLOWED to beat the bad guy until the proscibed time and thus makes him have immunity to everything, even the things that should kill him, that doesn't make the powers weak. That makes the author a hack.
          This is basically how Dragon Ball fight work. This is the problem with "Death Battles". The morons that say Goku or Saitama can take out the DC or Marvel Universe are ignoring how the character works in the setting. Batman can unironically take on Goku (not in uncharacteristic battle to the death that neither characters would do) because Goku is pretty much the peak of battle tactics working in the Dragon Ball setting and Goku is literal moron. If you think that any Dragon ball character isn't dumb enough to fall for a specific plan, you are wrong.

          • 2 years ago

            nice planet batman
            allow me to blow it up

            • 2 years ago

              >Still lost to Goku and Trunks because he didn't open with that.
              What reason would he start out by blowing up the planet when never ever did that?

              • 2 years ago

                Frieza only did that because he wanted to humiliate Goku first by murdering all his friends. Blowing up the planet from orbit wouldn't satisfy his sadism and desire for revenge.

              • 2 years ago

                Indeed, t'was hubris sealed his fate
                captcha: MLADY

              • 2 years ago

                Because he's a petty bully. He doesn't want to WIN, he wants to make other people lose and suffer while they do.

          • 2 years ago

            The problem isn't with "Death Battles". The problem is when you have to separate franchise that are so far a part that it seems ludicrous for both characters to win or lose. This comes into why clearly stating feats and stats are important because it bridges the gay between the people who aren't the knowledgeable on Green Lantern or Ben 10 for example. The bigger concern with DB is their shitty reasoning in the end at times, most of the time these could be easily explained if they just clearly stated in the feats or seemingly forgot to mention it. For example, the only reason why people were ban for GL winning was because they were told/confirmed that Ben had the ability to basically thanos snap instantly. Now imagine telling the same people, well GL can actually undo all of that at the end? Though this is getting to deep in DB critiques.
            >Batman v Goku
            Goku would beat batman if we're talking purely on a physical level. Batman may put up a fight, but Goku's experience with Martial Arts and MMA. The problem with, "Goku's a dumbass" isn't really true, Goku like most MC in shounens are oblivious, not dumb. This explains why when moments are serious or tense they seemingly jump in IQ when really they started to take things serious. Though even if Goku was dumb, if it revolves around fighting than he's pretty smart.

            My biggest complaint is that you're putting Batman against a guy who literally does Jeet Kune Do x100 and the chance of losing in this state are incredibly low here

            • 2 years ago

              itthink the actual problem of a death battle
              is what the reason for the characters to actually fight to the dead while staying in character

              i cant see goku having a death battle with basically no one....
              he didnt kill vegeta, he felt sad by finishing freezer even after he let him live etc

              superman usualy falls into the same too good to kill
              unless you use a non canon version and duuh im evil superman deeerp

            • 2 years ago

              >"Goku's a dumbass" isn't really true, Goku like most MC in shounens are oblivious, not dumb. This explains why when moments are serious or tense they seemingly jump in IQ when really they started to take things serious. Though even if Goku was dumb, if it revolves around fighting than he's pretty smart.
              I wasn't necessarily saying that Goku is dumb. I was saying that he never allowed to fight anyone smarter than him in the Dragon Ball Universe. If Toriyama is writing it, he would do the "Character oblivious to how strong Goku is and left in shock. Goku is oblivious to that character's malicious intent." joke with Batman. Batman could just drug him like Bulma did early in the manga. The moronic Dragon ball fans also say stupid shit like Goku being able to take on the Nasu-verse. Goku won't lose in a fair fight defined in terms of Dragon Ball but he really shouldn't get to keep his plot armor.

              • 2 years ago

                Also, Batman would likely tranquilized him like Merus did.

              • 2 years ago

                but why would they fight on the first place?

              • 2 years ago

                Because Batman is a paranoid idiot and would think that he's too dangerous or something.

              • 2 years ago

                based on what?
                he eating alot?

              • 2 years ago

                Based on the fact that Goku is significantly more powerful than Superman.

              • 2 years ago

                Fricking cap no hes not, goku is a b***h who got clapped by jiren

              • 2 years ago

                Jiren would had fricked Superman up too now that you mention it.

              • 2 years ago

                even if goku is teleported into dc earth fighting some foe

                unlike superman goku always push fights AWAY from cities

              • 2 years ago

                >goku always push fights AWAY from cities
                Goku let Piccolo completely level Papaya island just because he didn't want to leave the tournament grounds and lose the title. All the fights after that conveniently happen in the wilderness until Android 20 who again completely destroys that city.
                This is the problem with talking to Dragonball fans. You don't even know your own story

              • 2 years ago

                Batman isn't fast enough to do that to Goku unlike Toyotaro's shitty OC.

              • 2 years ago

                And the guys that were robbing Goku's truck were? Dragon Ball was never consistently written and DBS is even worse. Future Mai was able to save Goku by using tear gas on Goku Black and Future Zamasu.

                Frieza only did that because he wanted to humiliate Goku first by murdering all his friends. Blowing up the planet from orbit wouldn't satisfy his sadism and desire for revenge.

                >he wanted to humiliate Goku first by murdering all his friends. Blowing up the planet from orbit wouldn't satisfy his sadism and desire for revenge.
                And he would suddenly not act like that in the DC Universe because?

        • 2 years ago

          Viltrumites have some sort of technobabble hax related to their personal strength and durability, if I remember right. Kind of like the thing with Kryptonians but I can't remember the specifics.

          • 2 years ago

            All superpowers come from smart atoms in invincible (or magic, but there’s only one character who gets them from magic so it’s not really important), vultrumite dna is so complex using smart atoms that they’re the strongest

            • 2 years ago

              right that was it
              fricking smart atoms

      • 2 years ago

        >minor incontinence
        She made him poop himself just a little? Or was it a Prarie dog situation?

        • 2 years ago

          Stunned Conquest a bit. But Conquest was still strong enough to stop Mark's punch and break his hand.

          • 2 years ago

            Anon, the word you are thinking of is inconvenience. Look up the word you used

    • 2 years ago

      >Instant 100% entropy powers
      Wouldn't that literally make you fricking disappear because the actual atomic forces binding you together are now null?

  13. 2 years ago

    >My character that I created with any powers with any limits is unable to defeat a real comic character
    You have a shit imagination anon.

  14. 2 years ago

    I think ghost types tend to be overlooked in this scenario.
    >no amount of speed or sheer force can effect them if they can just turn intangible
    >if the ghost could overshadow omniman, they would possess all of his strength
    >simply use omniman's own strength to snap his own neck

    • 2 years ago

      Do you really think Ghost freak or Danny could physically overpower Omniman?

      Luffy can't touch Nolan while Nolan has hundreds of ways to kill Luffy

      Given that Luffy unlocked "Gear 5th" and basically got Buggs Bunny/Creative Mode on, it'll either be a draw most likely. The only way Omniman wins is by waiting for Luffy to power down, if they go at it constantly, Luffy would probably edge out

      isn't luffy instantly defeated if you just drop him in the ocean?

      Yes, but he found ways to beat this loophole (seriously this guy is a fricking hack lol). He can just go Gear 2 and basically just repel himself off the water due to his speed or use Gear 4 and literally fly short amounts

      He's some kind of cartoon rubber god now, right? Maybe he can tank all punches with that quasi-toon force but i doubt he can breathe in space

      This, but I highly doubt they'd fight in Space or Luffy getting dropped in water

      I'm pretty sure omniamn blitz luffy i don't think Luffy has a high AP to do severe damage to him, maybe with gear 5 he can do something but we haven't seen much if it yet.

      If this was pre-timeskip Luffy then sure, but Luffy has 3 haki.
      Observation (he can basically see really well and relatively recently has unlocked the feature to fricking predict multiple moves ahead)
      Armament (can harden an part of his body and basically allow luffy to send air wave punches)
      Conqueror (Basically allows someone to subdue anyone with their will. If you have a stronger will, you have the ability to resist or get affected a little bit)

      Cinemaphile vs Cinemaphile is always a 50/50 for fair fights or just hacks to win

      • 2 years ago

        >Do you really think Ghost freak or Danny could physically overpower Omniman?
        That's not the point of what the Anon is saying.
        >Danny goes intangible
        >Omniman's steel shattering blows completely whiff
        >Danny casually strolls into Omniman's body and possesses him
        >Reaches up, and snaps Omniman's neck with his own hands
        >Stroll out of Omniman's lifeless corpse fresh as a daisy

        • 2 years ago

          >That's not the point of what the Anon is saying.
          I know, I'm just asking since of picrel, I don't really know a lot of ghost based characters
          Why do you assume that Danny would be able to over power him? IIRC from the show, there were times ghosts would battle with the owner for control over the body. If you're going to tell me that Omniman would lose control to Danny, then I'd tell you that it would be impossible. Ghostfreak's different since he's more of a ghostly ghoul, I'm not sure how Omniman would handle getting scared by him

          • 2 years ago

            If I remember right, battling for control over a body happened when the person knew they were being possessed by a ghost.

            If Danny was smart (admittedly a big "If") he coukd get inside Omniman and kill him before Omniman even knew who he was.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah no. All of that is bullshit. Luffy is inferior to Nolan in every way. Nothing Luffy can do if Omni Man dunks him underwater, tosses him across the horizon, sinks whatever island he's on, launches him into space, shoves his head into his ass etc

        • 2 years ago

          >Hasn't read OP
          I don't know why you think it makes sense to argue for a DB when you don't know what an opponent can do. Not to even mention the chances where any of these might actually happen at all

          • 2 years ago

            I have read One Piece. All of those things would kill Luffy and are things Omni Man is capable of. If you disagree use a better argument.

            • 2 years ago

              >If you disagree use a better argument.
              Simply saying that you think it's not doable and just bring up instant KO's mean nothing for an actual fight. If you think Luffy can't do nothing with his Gears (especially "Gear 5") and Haki, then you don't know what you're talking about. Just keep throwing out cheap shots.

              • 2 years ago

                They will do nothing. Luffy is several times weaker than Omni Man. Omni Man has several different methods of murdering Luffy before he can do anything about it. Simply repeating yourself isn't going to change that.

              • 2 years ago

                >Luffy is several times weaker than Omni Man.
                Where did you even get this from?
                >Omni Man has several different methods of murdering Luffy before he can do anything about it
                This isn't a fight nor a discussion. Imagine having discussing if Superman and Flash fought who would win? And the other person just says Superman could fly Flash into space and throw him there or just grab him and break all his bones until he dies. These are just cheap shit and makes you seem like you aren't willing to actually think of a scenario where they have to fight
                >Simply repeating yourself isn't going to change that.
                Just because you don't think it's possible doesn't mean jack at all. Luffy could just use Observation Haki to predict Omniman's next multiple moves and use Gear 2nd and escape them. Or use Gear 4 to clobber him and fight or just use Gear 5 and just toy with him. You're just throwing numbers or moves that wouldn't change anything.

              • 2 years ago

                Not that Anon but
                >Luffy could just use Observation Haki to predict Omniman's next multiple moves and use Gear 2nd and escape them
                He can predict every move in the world but would never be fast enough to react and move out of the way.

                >Or use Gear 4 to clobber him and fight
                Omni man has tanked hits way above the power that gear 4th can generate

                >or just use Gear 5 and just toy with him.

                Luffy doesn't have proper toon force, at least as of the latest chapter.
                Even with gear 5 he had a hard time fighting against Kaido whose strength and endurance are a joke compared to Omniman's. Luffy kept getting pummeled by Kaido's blunt hits, which didn't defeat him because of his rubber constitution, but they very clearly still hurt him.
                Luffy then won by inflating his fist to the size of the island they were on and just simply punching Kaido hard enough to slam him through the earth's crust into magma. An attack that would barely do anything to Nolan.
                Luffy also did things like becoming a giant (not an issue for Omni, as it wasn't for Kaido) and grabbing a lightning out of the sky and zeus-throw it at kaido, who simply dodged it (if Kaido can do that, Nolan can do it in his sleep, or just tank it like he did that Akira laser that was WAAAY stronger than a simple lightning).


                In G5 he tanked Kaido’s hits but still coughed up blood

              • 2 years ago

                >He can predict every move in the world but would never be fast enough to react and move out of the way.
                This would just open a can of worms of speed feats and how fast each other is? Do you know how fast Omniman is? Or his fastest feat? His two fastest moments (I think) is when he did picrel with his Mark, Thaedus, and a ray beam.
                >Omni man has tanked hits way above the power that gear 4th can generate
                I was just talking Luffy following his Gear 2nd with straight attacking (whether or not Nolan tanks) since Luffy has multiple moves/combos with it.
                >>or just use Gear 5 and just toy with him.
                The first tag tells nothing really. I'll admit that Luffy doesn't have proper control, but anon's just replacing Kaido with Nolan here and not really acknowledging the things that changed or the variables placed. What I mean by this is with statements like this:
                >Luffy kept getting pummeled by Kaido's blunt hits, which didn't defeat him because of his rubber constitution, but they very clearly still hurt him.
                In OP, Kaido has Haki specifically Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki that he uses to help defeat Luffy or put up a fight with him. Kaidou infuses Conquerors Haki into his weapon and can use Armament Haki to project shit out of his weapon.
                The fact that by the time Luffy used "Gear 5" he was already incredibly weakened from their fight up to that point so it's weird to assume that this was the best we've got instead of just a weakened version of what could be
                >Luffy then won by inflating his fist to the size of the island they were on and just simply punching Kaido hard enough to slam him through the earth's crust into magma. An attack that would barely do anything to Nolan.
                Luffy inflated his arm to a big enough to size to defeat Kaido with this, I mean it's clear that he purposefully made it big enough to be the size of this island and clobber him. Why wouldn't/couldn't he just tweak for Nolan's case?

              • 2 years ago

                >Luffy also did things like becoming a giant (not an issue for Omni, as it wasn't for Kaido) and grabbing a lightning out of the sky and zeus-throw it at kaido, who simply dodged it (if Kaido can do that, Nolan can do it in his sleep, or just tank it like he did that Akira laser that was WAAAY stronger than a simple lightning).
                Unironically just become bigger or pull out a Sun type weapon
                A la toon force, which is why its funny and makes Luffy a walking hack
                >second tag
                Same thing.
                Anon doesn't acknowledge that Luffy and Kaido had a long ass fight and now just used G5

                >He can predict every move in the world but would never be fast enough to react and move out of the way.
                Also he can react to stuff pretty fast and move out the way, for example

                Nothing you said was even remotely convincing to me, but I can't be bothered to go point by point with you so I'll concede.

              • 2 years ago

                Simply giving out bad reasons or "I don't agree" means nothing but that your argument is nonexistent. You can keep concession and just not respond, have a good one.

              • 2 years ago

                All you said is the same
                >"but luffy can do X"
                And it's all things that are undeniably weake6 than stuff Omni Man has been shown to be completely unbothered by.
                Luffy is undeniably extremely strong, but nothing he can do is even close to what's necessary to hurt Omni man.
                Like the gear 2 combos (too weak and slow), or how Kaido's haki attacks are supposed to make a difference (when whatever powerup they give him is still far from what Omni tanked easily), or how he could "tweak" his giant punch move to fit Omni man (??? tweak how? it's just a really strong blunt attack, which, even with haki infusion, won't be close to something like the nuke-level Akira laser that he flew through), or how luffy has to win because toon force (which maybe works in the one piece universe thanks to what is basically plot armor, which isn't something you can use here, as I can also say "omni man is going to win because he's written to win", plus nothing says Luffy will never lose again), or how he dodged Pacifista's lasers (he dodged its aim, not the photons themselves, as he at the time was definitely not Kizaru-level fast, which is what he would've had to be to dodge the actual laser).

                I'll admit that you're right in saying that he was weakened at the time and that we haven't seen his full power yet, but considering One Piece standards, his full power isn't going to be so high to substantially change any of the above. Sure he might make the fight less one-sided, but the scale in the Invincible universe is so much higher than in One Piece.
                Plus, Kaido was weakened (and possibly slightly drunk) too. Maybe more than Luffy considering all the fighting he had been doing (and Luffy had the gear 5 resurrection that restored a lot of vitality in him, and used his power to revitalize himself when he was started looking old and deflated), so one can argue that Luffy's fatigue was cancelled out by the fact that he was being hit with much weaker attacks by a weakened Kaido.


              • 2 years ago

                The problem that I have is that these things were made FOR Kaidou as in he did this specifically for the person he was fighting. So it's weird to ignore that reality and just swap them and proceed. Sure these attacks wont do anything, but they were never for them or hinting at the prospect that this is possibly his best is absurd to me.
                >Like the gear 2 combos (too weak and slow)
                Typo I meant Gear 4 there
                >how Kaido's haki attacks are supposed to make a difference (when whatever powerup they give him is still far from what Omni tanked easily),
                You're just doing the same thing I said in my other post with swapping it. This is about acknowledging the variables of that with the specific characters in mind and how it affected Luffy's attacks on him is all
                > or how he could "tweak" his giant punch move to fit Omni man (??? tweak how? it's just a really strong blunt attack, which, even with haki infusion, won't be close to something like the nuke-level Akira laser that he flew through),
                I don't expect Luffy to KO Nolan with this? It seems like you think I'm just arguing for fast KO's or ultimate moves or something. Like in any other fight characters would use moves to attack each other to further push things in their tide

              • 2 years ago

                Kaido is extremely strong and sturdy + he has dragon powers.
                Omni Man is extremely stong and sturdy, without the dragon powers, but with flight and super speed.
                If Luffy was hitting Kaido with attacks that are supposed to hurt Kaido's very sturdy body, what kind of attack would he use against Nolan's very sturdy body?
                If anything, Luffy's techniques that deal with Kaido's dragon powers are unnecessary here, so Omni is ultimately just like the "strong and sturdy" side of Kaido, except much stronger, much sturdier, and much faster (which isn't something you can tweak your attacks for, except just making them stronger and faster).

              • 2 years ago

                Meanwhile Nolan as the other Anon said, can easily exploit the widely known weaknedd of DF users to water, and throw him in the ocean, which maybe would be a bit difficult to do with Luffy fighting back, but I really can't see a scenario where Nolan keeps trying to throwing him in the water (or in the sun or whatever) and doesn't eventually manage to do it or gets stopped by Luffy's attack or defense (which based on what I explained above are debatably not enough for Omniman). Especially considering how relentless Viltrumites are known to be.


                Now that you've baited me into spending 30 minutes arguing my point, I'm tired and no longer have any time to waste on this. I genuinely don't give a shit and it's not fun, so I won't be continuing to respond to anything you argue back. Have a good one.

              • 2 years ago

                >Unironically seethes into writing a response and wasting time
                No one "baited" you, you idiot, it's called a discussion. If you didn't one want one then just don't respond at all, you only have yourself to blame for your tiredness and apparent idiocy. I'm glad you conceded cause at least I know you were shit from the start lol, enjoy yourself now.

              • 2 years ago

                I know it's my fault.
                Replace "baited" with "induced" or whatever. I got myself into this, and keep doing it, like here

                Kaido is extremely strong and sturdy + he has dragon powers.
                Omni Man is extremely stong and sturdy, without the dragon powers, but with flight and super speed.
                If Luffy was hitting Kaido with attacks that are supposed to hurt Kaido's very sturdy body, what kind of attack would he use against Nolan's very sturdy body?
                If anything, Luffy's techniques that deal with Kaido's dragon powers are unnecessary here, so Omni is ultimately just like the "strong and sturdy" side of Kaido, except much stronger, much sturdier, and much faster (which isn't something you can tweak your attacks for, except just making them stronger and faster).

                because I can't let go.
                That's what I meant. Not that that post was some kind of troll.

              • 2 years ago

                >Unironically seethes into writing a response and wasting time
                No one "baited" you, you idiot, it's called a discussion. If you didn't one want one then just don't respond at all, you only have yourself to blame for your tiredness and apparent idiocy. I'm glad you conceded cause at least I know you were shit from the start lol, enjoy yourself now.

                I'm going to assume this is you (wouldn't be the first you walked back on yourself). So I'll just say give it up, I'm going to watch House, you can stay here annoyed that someone here disagrees you with lol.

                I know it's my fault.
                Replace "baited" with "induced" or whatever. I got myself into this, and keep doing it, like here [...] because I can't let go.
                That's what I meant. Not that that post was some kind of troll.

                Oh shit, it really is you. For the simple fact that you can't let go (I know how that's like, especially I'll concede for you). Nolan for the fact that Gear 5 is new and we don't know the capabilities. Gear 3 does nothing because of how slow it is, Gear 4 is a tank but there's a cool down. Gear 2 can only help him move and evade. Now you can have a good day (genuinely) and for the record, I don't think you're shit or a troll, I respect ""you"" more that you owned up to not letting go or made a genuine post. Enjoy your day and have picrel of Mark, Oliver and Nolan now

              • 2 years ago

                >He can predict every move in the world but would never be fast enough to react and move out of the way.
                Also he can react to stuff pretty fast and move out the way, for example

  15. 2 years ago

    My oc is a transforming robot AI that was sent back to the big bang to protect the earth, and in the billions of years it waited it trained across the galaxy and improved itself into the perfect autonomous being
    It could beat omniman

  16. 2 years ago

    I'm pretty sure omniamn blitz luffy i don't think Luffy has a high AP to do severe damage to him, maybe with gear 5 he can do something but we haven't seen much if it yet.

  17. 2 years ago

    Raditz stomps

    • 2 years ago

      Using DBZ in Death Battle threads isnt even clever or fun, or course Raditz stomps. The fricking baseline power levels of DBZ are planet buster and gets to multiverse buster as it gets stupider.

      Its like bringing a nuke to a fistfight

  18. 2 years ago

    Your oc sounds like a homosexual, glad he got clapped little weak ass Black person

  19. 2 years ago

    Can Omniman beat Kaiba in a duel?[

  20. 2 years ago

    but omniman did die though

  21. 2 years ago

    with fricking sound
    literally with a dog whistle

  22. 2 years ago

    Will he survive if you plunge him into a Sun's molten core or a supermassive black hole?

    • 2 years ago

      Give him the ability to go super saiyan. Easy win.

      Mark was shown fighting in the middle of a sun for a few minutes. It's not easy for them to survive, but they can do it. A supermassive black hole? Not at all possible.

      Just write a character whose shtick is that he can kill any other character because he just doesn't give a frick about the rules of narrative that define who can and can't be killed.

      That's what I did.

      This. Just make Powerman.

      • 2 years ago

        >Mark was shown fighting in the middle of a sun for a few minutes. It's not easy for them to survive, but they can do it.
        It was the very surface of the Sun and each dip was fricking him and Thragg up. The latter got turned into fricking ash after a while, and the only reason Mark didn't follow suit was Allen dragging him away.

  23. 2 years ago

    Just write a character whose shtick is that he can kill any other character because he just doesn't give a frick about the rules of narrative that define who can and can't be killed.

    That's what I did.

  24. 2 years ago

    The only thing that can beat a pureblooded Viltrumite is either another Pureblooded Viltrumite. Or Battle beast.

  25. 2 years ago

    >His OC can’t even beat Omniman
    Fricking lmao

  26. 2 years ago

    my oc can solo every single universe
    but he doenst because hes busy watching vtubers and jacking off

  27. 2 years ago

    Battle Beast, Conquest, Thragg, and later series Invincible and Allen can solo him. There is also the Space Racer Gun and virus. Then he did nearly die fighting the Guardians going into a coma for days. Had the Guardians not been taken by surprise or have had some members freeze up they could have beaten omni man. Then since he's drank tap water, he would also be susceptible to the light used that made the room and undead androids invisible; and can have his hearing messed with.

  28. 2 years ago

    Elijah Snow could beat him easily. Just freeze all the fluid in his brain solid. Durability doesn’t mean shit to someone whose powers have no Manton limit.

    • 2 years ago

      Easy, just give him a power without a Manton limit. Something like being able to manipulate temperature. Nolan may be physically invulnerable, but he has zero answer to having every drop of fluid in his body frozen solid, or instantly boiled.

      If that fails, just remove the Manton limit on his teleporting power so that he can just teleport a rail spike into Nolan’s skull. There’s plenty of powers that ignore durability outright.

      Why are you using a term that's only applicable to a single setting as if most people here know what you mean?

      • 2 years ago

        The term itself is unique to a setting, but the principle is pretty common throughout all superpower/magic fiction.
        Since that Anon never did actually define it:

        A/The Manton Limit is a term used to distinguish powers and magic that at environmentally effective vs those that are personally effective. For example, the object summoning charm "accio" in Harry Potter can bring objects out of your line of sight to you, but you cannot "accio" a person or injure a person by summoning individual body parts from them.

  29. 2 years ago

    Luffy doesn't have proper toon force, at least as of the latest chapter.
    Even with gear 5 he had a hard time fighting against Kaido whose strength and endurance are a joke compared to Omniman's. Luffy kept getting pummeled by Kaido's blunt hits, which didn't defeat him because of his rubber constitution, but they very clearly still hurt him.
    Luffy then won by inflating his fist to the size of the island they were on and just simply punching Kaido hard enough to slam him through the earth's crust into magma. An attack that would barely do anything to Nolan.
    Luffy also did things like becoming a giant (not an issue for Omni, as it wasn't for Kaido) and grabbing a lightning out of the sky and zeus-throw it at kaido, who simply dodged it (if Kaido can do that, Nolan can do it in his sleep, or just tank it like he did that Akira laser that was WAAAY stronger than a simple lightning).

    • 2 years ago

      >Luffy also did things like becoming a giant (not an issue for Omni, as it wasn't for Kaido) and grabbing a lightning out of the sky and zeus-throw it at kaido, who simply dodged it (if Kaido can do that, Nolan can do it in his sleep, or just tank it like he did that Akira laser that was WAAAY stronger than a simple lightning).
      Unironically just become bigger or pull out a Sun type weapon
      A la toon force, which is why its funny and makes Luffy a walking hack
      >second tag
      Same thing.
      Anon doesn't acknowledge that Luffy and Kaido had a long ass fight and now just used G5

  30. 2 years ago

    How would Superman talk Omniman out of conquering Earth?
    Also would Klark be able to survive all of Nolan's attacks?

    • 2 years ago

      None of Nolan's tricks work on Supes anyway and he could 99.9% talk him out of it. Also Anissa would get beaten to a pulp by Superman and given a stern talking too, but that wouldn't solve much since now she'll be gunning for his junk.

  31. 2 years ago

    This is the saddest thing I have ever read in my entire life.

  32. 2 years ago

    That's kind of a weird sound effect for this.
    Do you guys read sounds as someone saying them literally ("Thukk!" or try to read this what someone getting punched through the chest would sound like?

  33. 2 years ago

    the only thing I see whenever I see him is JJ jameson

  34. 2 years ago

    my OC is a guy who can destroy gods with planet busting power, and then he gets god powers to manipulate reality and what not and then he fights gods who even more godly powers

  35. 2 years ago

    >What does it take to beat Omniman?
    The only thing you need is for the writer to choose your character to win, that is the secret of beating invisible characters.

  36. 2 years ago

    >What does it take to beat Omniman?

    A working teleporter and someone willing to turn it off mid-stream or just to teleport half of him away.

  37. 2 years ago

    Imagine not having an immortal oc who beats omniman by simply annoying him so much he gives up killing him

  38. 2 years ago

    He’s just a basic brick, anon. All your of needs is some hax or to be a bigger brick.

  39. 2 years ago

    Well since we're talking about ocs now we'll here's mine

    Jackson Jeers an immortal black creature that's immortal and extremely annoying dude works on toob force logic

  40. 2 years ago

    Good writing.


  41. 2 years ago

    Alternate question because power levels are only as important as the writer/imaginer makes them: What is an interesting/cool power for an oc to have of they are to beat Omniman/Homelander/EvilSuperman

    I just keep getting stuck on fricking flight+energy projection

    • 2 years ago

      The power to clean anything they simply clean the evil superman into a good person

  42. 2 years ago

    Your OC could say "Martha" before being stomped to death.

  43. 2 years ago

    Omniman would have jobbed to the gardians of the glob if they knew he way evil, he's really not that strong.

    • 2 years ago

      He does in the comic on the reboot arc

  44. 2 years ago

    Why doesn't your boy just use his dimension jump to bow out of the fight and land somewhere he can get prep time and train? Maybe learn more about his powers or Viltrimite weaknesses?

  45. 2 years ago

    Isnt it interesting that there are few to no powerful psychics in Invincible? I always found it weird that GotG analogue to Martian Manhunter seemed to lack that aspect to him. If he had it, I think it might have actually gone in favor of them. Either way, viltrumites have no special immunity to psionic or viral attacks, and thus just sic any powerful enough psychic to mind wipe or mind control him and he's done.

    • 2 years ago

      Didn't the government test all sorts of viruses on that sample they had, concluding that they weren't able to kill viltrumite cells?
      If so, their strength extends to viral attacks too.

      • 2 years ago

        The Viltrumites were decimated by a virus developed by the Coalition of Planets that killed 90% of them. They are obviously highly resistant but not immune.

        Despite this, Im still seeing no one bring up the obvious fact that he's not immune to psionic attacks or the like. Why isnt anyone bringing that up? In which case, several mutants could probably do him in, esp if they caught him off guard. You dont fight someone like Nolan in his own court, you throw something novel at him.

  46. 2 years ago

    Omniman was only intimidating when he was the big fish in a small pond. He quickly becomes just an old man when other members of his species show up, as well as other beings capable of shredding his species's durability.

  47. 2 years ago

    Jimmy Neutron could beat him with the cheese ray

  48. 2 years ago

    At least star level

  49. 2 years ago

    So we're talking pure strength here? Because reality/physics warping characters could take him out. I haven't read all of Invincible, but I'd bank on a few Jojo characters being able to take him out easily

  50. 2 years ago

    Could Kenshiro kill Omni-man? Seeing how his style cause one own ki/chi (life force) to kill them?

    • 2 years ago

      If a Viltumite has the same basic pressure points as a human, sure. Ken can make muscles eject a skeleton from its own body.

    • 2 years ago

      Ken attempting to use pressure points on Omniman would be like a mosquito trying to do chest compression reanimation on you.

  51. 2 years ago

    Just do what Taylor did to Alexandria. Choke him with bugs.

    • 2 years ago

      Viltrumites don't have too breathe for weeks.

  52. 2 years ago

    copy cat powers. then like hope your oc is smart enough to outsmart him.

  53. 2 years ago
    i reallly reallly reallly really hate/uncapable of math

    >writers block
    >another season of walking bad
    > bad walking

  54. 2 years ago

    Leave Omni-Man and all his measly species to Saitama

    • 2 years ago

      Cluck cluck (Omni-Man's not worth your time there's a sale down the street on veggies) bacluck
      (I'll take care of the alien scum)

      • 2 years ago

        Who is this?

        • 2 years ago

          Oni from Rooster Fighter a supowered rooster who hates a hatred for bratty children and demons

          • 2 years ago

            Is he actually strong enough to b***hslap Omni-Man?

            • 2 years ago

              Yes, all he has to do is yell and Omni-Man is dead

    • 2 years ago

      >Saitama vs Garou
      I wonder how strong Saitama really is, especially given how DB seemingly decided to cap his strength with "generous numbers". Also if Saitama was dropped from the end of his story to the beginning (based on the creators words) how strong is he really and will Death Battle bring him back again?

  55. 2 years ago

    You watched Omniman die in the comics.
    You should know exactly what it takes to kill him.

  56. 2 years ago


    I know it's my fault.
    Replace "baited" with "induced" or whatever. I got myself into this, and keep doing it, like here [...] because I can't let go.
    That's what I meant. Not that that post was some kind of troll.

    Meanwhile Nolan as the other Anon said, can easily exploit the widely known weaknedd of DF users to water, and throw him in the ocean, which maybe would be a bit difficult to do with Luffy fighting back, but I really can't see a scenario where Nolan keeps trying to throwing him in the water (or in the sun or whatever) and doesn't eventually manage to do it or gets stopped by Luffy's attack or defense (which based on what I explained above are debatably not enough for Omniman). Especially considering how relentless Viltrumites are known to be.


    Now that you've baited me into spending 30 minutes arguing my point, I'm tired and no longer have any time to waste on this. I genuinely don't give a shit and it's not fun, so I won't be continuing to respond to anything you argue back. Have a good one.

    NTA,but Jesus Christ you're a lover. Unironically get of Cinemaphile if you can't handle internet arguments you autist

    • 2 years ago

      I love Internet arguments. I'm just not in the mood now and don't care about this one topic.
      I can't want to start multi-hour point-by-point arguments for every disagreement I have online.

      • 2 years ago

        If it's to the point where you can't stop and you need to win, you need to unironically seek help. There's more to it than spending 2+ hours arguing, but it's your life, waste it how you please

        • 2 years ago

          I don't need to win. I just need to explain myself or make my argument against something I disagree with.
          If I see a mistake in my reasoning I always make a point to say I was wrong (something that out of hundreds or thousands of people I argued with over the years, only a couple of people did).
          But yeah, it's a major personality flaw and I've been like this since forever. My earliest memory of acting this way was in preschool so I was 5 at most.

  57. 2 years ago

    read the fricking comics, Omniman is a mid-tier viltrumite

  58. 2 years ago

    Would Black Bolt be able to take Omni-man if he got the drop on him and just screamed?

    • 2 years ago

      Black Bolt would frick Omni-Man up with just his physicals

  59. 2 years ago

    How did this thread turn into Luffy vs Omni-Man

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      The real question is:
      With the Gear 5 powerup Luffy got instantly more powerful than almost everyone in the OP universe.
      So who's still stronger than him?
      The other yonkos? The admirals?
      Can he beat Garp? Sabo (or Ace basically)? Dragon? Mihawk?
      The Gorosei? Imu?

      I think he'll eventually surpass all of them but still needs to train his new abilities to be able to fully take advantage of his powers.
      Maybe Imu has some kind of hax (Ope Ope immortality recipient?) but the rest?
      High tier logias like Kizaru, Aokiji, Akainu, Sabo and maybe Dragon are still tough for him but once his haki is strong enough to solidify them he'll probably stomp them.
      Fujitora he can probably beat now by being immune to deformation and making funny gags about it.
      We don't know much about Ryokugyu but if he can create plants out of nowhere and use them to suck the life out of his enemies, it can be a serious threat to current Luffy.
      Haki monsters like MIhawk, Garp, or Shanks are still out of reach but not by much. No doubt Luffy will surpass them.
      Blackbeard's shockwaves will hurt him but won't be enough to beat him, however, his darkness powers are a serious problem. I think he's likely to be his final opponent.
      Buggy gets one-shotted alongside his fleet, but if he awakens his fruit he can maybe split atoms, so there's some S tier potential for the future. I don't think he will though (or maybe he will for the lols).
      Am I forgetting someone?

  60. 2 years ago

    I want JJBA matchups. Excluding the shitty powerwank ones like GER and Tusk, but still.

    They're always fun to think about since tons of crazy stand powers work on a metaphysical level, but they're also limited by weird activation conditions and being tethered to users that have base human reaction times and durability

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