What is your most memorable kinema experience?

What is your most memorable kinema experience?

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    What a doll

    • 1 month ago

      What can you tell me about the Deathclaw?

  2. 1 month ago

    Went to see Django Unleashed in theatre on opening day (I think it was the 24th). I was alone in the room. Was pretty good, didn't hear people talking over the movoe or chip bags ruffling

    • 1 month ago

      And that was on Dec 25th, not 24th

  3. 1 month ago

    I once went to see a movie...i still remember it

    • 1 month ago

      Looks like the trannies I frick every time I go to Brazil

    • 1 month ago

      Absolute prostitute tier. These girls scare me.

      • 1 month ago

        >These girls scare me.
        Because you are an incel, with a huge beat-off blister.

        • 1 month ago

          >with a huge beat-off blister.
          Made it too obvious you're projecting

    • 1 month ago

      I had a fren who looked like her. He was a male man tho.

    • 1 month ago

      fake video

    • 1 month ago

      alright... sauce?

      • 1 month ago

        looks like AI slop

    • 1 month ago

      shes clearly in a rolls royce cullinan you moronic pleb

  4. 1 month ago

    Most of the "memorable" experiences aren't for pleasant reasons. Because ideally, a movie theater experience should be quickly forgotten because it's about watching the movie.
    My most memorable theater experience was watching my mom sob in the car over family issues/someone we saw there as we were leaving. And we had just watched the sequel to the shitty fricking tim burton alice in wonderland garbage and none of us liked it anyways so it was a rough day

    • 1 month ago

      >My most memorable theater experience was watching my mom sob in the car over family issues/someone we saw there as we were leaving. And we had just watched the sequel to the shitty fricking tim burton alice in wonderland garbage and none of us liked it anyways so it was a rough day

      Uh....no one asked?

      • 1 month ago

        op asked

  5. 1 month ago

    Had the whole cinema to myself watching a horror film

  6. 1 month ago

    I went to watch The Aviator in 2005 and I was the only one in the theater.

    • 1 month ago

      >I went to watch The Aviator in 2005 and I was the only one in the theater

      When I saw The Aviator, there was a fire alarm midway through the screening and we all had to evacuate the building. When we got back they didn't go back to where we left, so missed a chunk. Got a free pass, but nothing for wasted time. Hadn't thought of that till today. Matinee screening, was almost half full.

  7. 1 month ago

    her and natalie grace need to remake blue is the warmest color before they get too old

  8. 1 month ago

    Went to see one of the James Bond movies with my bros and i ate some bad leftovers for dinner before leaving and about 1/4 way through the movie my stomach just did a backflip and i had to just get up in the middle of an action scene and waddle to the bathroom where i unleashed a shitnami on the toilet bowl. The shit sprayed half way up the wall before i managed to sit down and divert the rest of the shit ray into the toilet.
    The smell was so bad that i had to just get up and waddle into the stall furthest away from it to finish my shit sesh and i was in the bathroom for almost 1.5 hours while shit just kept spraying out of my ass like a geyser until it finally stopped and it felt like there was a vacuum in my stomach.
    I got to see the last 15 minutes of the movie and just went home and passed out. Then I went to watch the movie again after work the day after and thought it was alright.

  9. 1 month ago

    Recently Godzilla Minus -1, went with friends and took Ketamine

  10. 1 month ago

    When I've been with girls and kissed them throughout the movie instead of watching it.

  11. 1 month ago

    >7th grade closeted gay
    >friends bullied me into asking out 8th grade girl at birthday party because everyone knew she liked me
    >first date is to see Lords of Dogtown
    >dress in colors that make me look like a giant ice cream cone, with a colorful striped button down and bright slacks
    >sperg out before movie with her and dont know what to say
    >awkwardly sit there together
    >she grabs my hand, not really vibing with it and bring my hand back
    >she does this two more times and both times pull hand back
    >spend whole time thinking “does she want me to make a move”
    >movie ends, she want to keep doing something afterwards downtown but politely decline
    >lie and say parents are here to pick me up
    >walk home
    Ended up dating for like a month then her birthday came around and I no showed and she dumped me

    • 1 month ago

      how did you manage a month you freak

  12. 1 month ago

    When i watched the Batman, I lost my bike keys around my seat and luckily found them when i was abiut to leave. This girl (who i had been spying on with her boyfriend) congratulated me, i in turn complimented her by saying that her boyfriend is very lucky to have her

    I need to get me a gf one of these days....

    • 1 month ago

      batman 1989?
      theres still time when you reach the retirement home

    • 1 month ago

      >Good job on finding the keys you left on the seat, moron.
      >T-Thanks… your boyfriend is lucky to have you m’lady…

      • 1 month ago

        no actually she came over and hugged me and said my searching for the keys was almost more involving than the film and that if she were a few years younger then she'd be interested and then her boyfriend even came over and shook my hand and said if I were a few years older he'd consider me a bro.
        then when they were leaving she winked and me and blew a kiss.
        i saw her boyfriend the next day and he let me give him a blowjob and then gave me five bucks and said I could "lose my keys" if I came over to his place on the bus the next day after he finished work.
        i did and it was the most magical experience I've ever had.

        • 1 month ago

          True story

  13. 1 month ago

    probably Joker. I just wish that Cinemaphile didn't spoil the shooting. It was still so kino

    or Interstellar. because mackenzie foy

  14. 1 month ago

    Someone post a pic of her snatch

  15. 1 month ago

    >What is your most memorable kinema experience?

    Saw Home Alone 2 with friend. Walked there and back. No adults. We are same age as Macauly Culkin at time. There was an interval. When we came back to our seats they had been taken by these 2 girls from our class we didn't even know were there, including the one extra hot girl that everyone liked. They were just being playful.

    Me, should've played it cool, but acted like a complete tool. No clue back then, and never learned.

    • 1 month ago

      I was at the same screening. don't worry bro, I smashed those chicks. didn't even know them just said hey babes and gave them a ride in my dodge stratus.
      5/10 lays at best

  16. 1 month ago

    >What is your most memorable kinema experience?

    Avatar, opening night, December 18th 2009.

    Just mind-blowing. Completely packed on biggest screen in 3D. Shock and awe. The whole audience was blown away. Expectations surpassed massively. We all shared an experience. So fricking awesome.

    • 1 month ago

      watching that piece of shit is probably my most disappointing cinema experience

      • 1 month ago

        You mustn't go to the cinema as much as I do. I've been let down so many times.

        They pretty much give away the whole story of Avatar in the trailer, so I wasn't surprised by plot twists. I was sceptical that it'd work, that I'd believe a tribe could take down advanced military with bows and arrows. I was surprised how completely Cameron sold me on every little detail. He made me believe again.

        Absolute kino.

        • 1 month ago

          the plot is basically Dances with Wolves, only with blue aliums instead of injuns.

          • 1 month ago

            >the plot is basically Dances with Wolves, only with blue aliums instead of injuns

            Gee thanks I never new. I was told it was Pocahontas but that doesn't end with a bloodbath battle and forced eviction.

            Other people say Ferngully. I dunno, I've seen those films and none of them have robotic mech suits, or special hi-tech sunbeds that put you in alien bodies and you can walk again.

        • 1 month ago

          I was actually impressed that Cameron had the Na'vi lose and be saved by Eywa's awakening, rather than some dumb cliche of stone age tech beating space tech.

  17. 1 month ago

    >grew up watching jackass as a 12 year old
    >do dumb stunts with neighborhood friends in the early 2000s
    >be 20 in 2010
    >jackass 3d comes out
    >meet up with all the old friends from back in the day
    >we are all in college/have jobs or moved away but for some reason managed to be in town at the same moment.
    >decide to go see jackass 3d
    >the whole theatre is packed with similar friend groups like ours (only dudes ofc)
    >theatre explodes with laughter at every stunt
    >bottles and blunts are passed around between strangers
    >we get a little emotional at the credits where they show pics of the jackass cast as kids (reminding us how we’ve all grown up)
    I still talk with most of these guys regularly but that moment back in 2010 when we were all together for the last time was the biggest KINO moment of my life.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      >be me, 15
      >dating a cute black goth girl
      >pay to see National Treasure
      >five minutes into the movie I’m holding her hand
      >”hey anon, wanna try something weird?”
      >think “this is it, gonna get my dick sucked at the movies”
      >she reaches for my eyes and I flinch
      >”don’t worry, I won’t hurt you I promise”
      >trust her
      >tfw she’s holding my eyelids open, licking my eyeball
      >disturbingly pleasant, it felt wonderful but so gross
      >she giggles and sits back in her seat, goes back to watching the movie like nothing happened
      >few minutes later she blows me and I bust in her mouth
      >only time in my life I left a movie before it ended because she wanted ice cream and I felt like she deserved it.
      I wish more girls would lick my eyeballs.

      I went to see a movie when Rambo came out sometime in 2007. Don’t remember the movie but I remember a bunch of shirtless guys walking around the theater chanting “RAMBO RAMBO RAMBO” and I have never felt more jealous and left out of something before that.

      • 1 month ago

        >I wish more girls would lick my eyeballs.
        Still better than the fart/scat enjoyers

      • 1 month ago

        >be me
        Who else would you be?

      • 1 month ago

        >>be me, 15
        a cute black goth girl
        >>pay to see National Treasure
        >>five minutes into the movie I’m holding her hand
        >>”hey anon, wanna try something weird?”
        “this is it, gonna get my dick sucked at the movies”
        >>she reaches for my eyes and I flinch
        >>”don’t worry, I won’t hurt you I promise”
        >>tfw she’s holding my eyelids open, licking my eyeball

        Thanks. There's something I never knew I missed out on.

        Didn't have black goth girls when I was growing up. Seen one or two recently, but I'm too old and would be a creep.

        • 1 month ago

          >but I'm too old and would be a creep.
          Since when did goth girl types care about being with a man in his 30s, not like you're 60

    • 1 month ago

      Kino millennial memory. What’s the zoomer equivalent?

  18. 1 month ago

    I went to see Tropic Thunder with some friends, we didn't have school that day so we went on like a random Tuesday afternoon. The cinema was entirely empty of customers except maybe one guy and there were extremely few employees too. We kept running around the showing room and shouting and laughing with the movie.

  19. 1 month ago

    Went with a camgirl from /b/ amd her boyfriend to see forgetting sarah marshall. Me and her loved it. He had a bad time.

  20. 1 month ago

    For me, it's Elyse

  21. 1 month ago

    This reminds me of the "So sad" ("Too soon" if you're a newbie) pic

  22. 1 month ago

    Gf at the time dragged me to see Harry Potter 5 on first showing. Theatre was packed. Half way through I fell asleep and leaned on a teenage girl sitting next to me. She was all like what are you doing and looking at me disgusted. My gf said I was embarrassing. Should have just walked out but had to sit there for another hour. It was so boring, all I remember is that everything was grey.

  23. 1 month ago

    I forgot what movie it was, but what happened will never leave my mind.

    >be watching movie
    >guy in row in front of us is making this weird gargling noise, like clearing his throat
    >keeps making this gargling noise, to the point of annoyance
    >one of my mates gets up and taps him on the shoulder, asking him to stop
    >turns out the guy was having some weird aneurysm and was gargling up blood
    >movie is stopped, ambulance called, tickets refunded
    >don't know if the guy was ok

  24. 1 month ago

    >watching the vvtich when it first came out in a small art theater that allows you to take wine in
    >Swigging wine together, half way through a guy a couple of seats over started having a massive fit and collapsed after the black Phillip bit
    >Everyone has to leave for twenty minutes, and when we come back, he's gone
    >Gf fricking hated the film and found the guy fitting to be much more interesting.

  25. 1 month ago

    I saw the matrix in '99 on mushrooms. I had no idea what it was about . Went to see it again sober

  26. 1 month ago

    Getting sucked while theater staff watched
    The probably thought she'd stop just because of some homosexuals watching

  27. 1 month ago

    This is Lilly Brooks O’Briant. She has the desire and the look to be an A-lister

    • 1 month ago

      why are threads about her banned in waifuist?

      • 1 month ago

        Who cares. Make the jannies clean it up

      • 1 month ago

        Waifuist is the worst chan site i've ever seen that people actually use. Maybe that coon who runs it is just dumb.

        • 1 month ago

          God bless Brazil.

          • 1 month ago

            Lovely country, lovely girls.

  28. 1 month ago

    Once tried to surreptitiously enjoy my favourite movietime snack at a screening of Oppenheimer but ended up getting caught by some black teenagers who said "now this homie is become hungry, consumer of beans"

  29. 1 month ago

    Not gonna lie I went to see a terrible movie with my ex in a theater closer to where she lived. Empty theater. She was kind of a hoe and had slept with upwards of 20 guys before me but was clean. Relationship ended in flames when I had to walk out. Lot of issues.

    But movie was so boring and I was feeling her up in the the theater and tweaking her nipple that she suddenly grabbed her sweatshirt, threw it on the ground, knelt on her knees between me and blew me to completion 3x. First time was great but she really went at it the following 2 getting me hard again basically from the refractory period right up again. Sensitive as shit. I left that movie theater a different (and drained) man.

    It turned that terrible movie, the Expendables, into a fond memory actually.

  30. 1 month ago

    >watching Harry Potter 6 or 7 (I forget which one but the one where Dumbledore dies)
    >friends dare my little brother cheer when he dies
    >little bro stands up and does the loudest Ric Flair "WOOOO" you'll hear
    >Karen gets in our face and demands we leave immediately
    >she ends up getting the theater staff to escort us out
    >everyone claps and calls us morons as we're leaving

  31. 1 month ago

    Went to see Grease when it re-released in theaters circa 98 or 99. Can't remember. I'd seen it a bunch of times before but the theater was so packed full of fun positive energy with everyone singing along to the songs like it was a play/concert it was a really memorable viewing.

    My friend had a french exchange student visiting her too and I was her "double date." All-in-all will never forget that night.

  32. 1 month ago

    Went to see Matrix Reloaded. When the architect showed up all, (and I mean all), the black people in that Syracuse, NY theater got up and walked out after 20s of exposition. It was the funniest thing I probably ever saw that they literally couldn't process it.

  33. 1 month ago

    She's only 17 years and 10 months you sick fricks a literal child

    • 1 month ago

      16 is legal here and she has more "influence" and "power" than me so technically she would be taking advantage of me!

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