What's the most asshurt you've ever been over a movie/show?

What's the most asshurt you've ever been over a movie/show?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Wheel of Time. Yes I know I’m moronic for not expecting the worse. It hurts anyways, especially when twitter echo chambers convince the writers that they did a great job and double down the next season.

    • 4 months ago

      Seconded....so disappointed

    • 4 months ago

      Seconded....so disappointed

      As someone who never read the books I enjoyed the show and it made me want to read them. What are the main differences?
      Also it seems like most posters here who are a fan of the series hate at least one of the books which makes me hesitate.

      • 4 months ago

        I actually like the entire series (of books).
        There are some that meander a bit, but still worth it. To be honest I started reading it, when only 3 of them were published so it has been a long journey.
        Also I wish that Jordan had finished it before he died and the hack Sanderson had never been involved.
        The books are 1000x better than the tv adaption.

        • 4 months ago

          >when only 3 of them were published so it has been a long journey.
          So do you actually like the series, or are you too invested on it to quit

          • 4 months ago

            No I honestly enjoyed it.
            The world building and historical lore was fantastic.
            Very epic.
            Also it did not need graphic sex or torture scenes etc in the story, that sort of shit was only implied. It allowed a lot of space for you to use your imagination of how things went down, rather than being spoonfed crap like GRRM.

            • 4 months ago

              Honestly curious, what are some scenes on the book that implies torture and how well it's done

              • 4 months ago

                The main instances are more emotional tortures that come from people (or other beings) misusing the power. Like using compulsion to bend peoples will etc. Also some of the more twisted agents of the dark one and other more ancient evils like to leave "messages" for people usually through torture or some sort of dismemberment etc. Most of these are depicted by someone seeing a horrible sight and relaying their horror at the sight afterward. More psychological than straight gore.

        • 4 months ago

          No I honestly enjoyed it.
          The world building and historical lore was fantastic.
          Very epic.
          Also it did not need graphic sex or torture scenes etc in the story, that sort of shit was only implied. It allowed a lot of space for you to use your imagination of how things went down, rather than being spoonfed crap like GRRM.

          No offense homosexual. The books were fine.
          ((You)) sound like you are filtered from your experiences on the electrified (H)rollocausters and other terrible made up forms of extermination

          I love magical fantasy, fun stuff
          But let's not act like there's even a single well written magical fantasy book.
          They're all trash with weak writing; unrealistic dialogue, pretentious prose, and predictable.
          Fantasy only gets away with having bad writing because of LORE and WORLDBUILDING and other buzzwords, but they're never actually substantive

          • 4 months ago

            I would argue several of Pratchett's books (particularly his non-Discworld ones) are incredibly well written fantasy. Check out Nation some time.

      • 4 months ago

        iirc the producers tried to turn it into their GoT despite the fact the source material is nothing like GoT.
        Also blacks. Lots of blacks.

      • 4 months ago

        The books are generally decent but some of them spend to mutch time on gay characters and their struggles whit homosexuality and becomes downright infuriating to read its like no we don't need 500 pages on the strugels of being a queen and pregnant and other shit this happens about 3 times. Also there is these Black folk who got 0 armor and wooden Spears and they are the bestest warriors in the world cause plate armor and mounted combat is for gayots or something

        • 4 months ago

          >spend to mutch time on gay characters and their struggles whit homosexuality and
          >when a moron pretends like they read the books unconvincingly
          such a bizarre lie

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Seconded....so disappointed

      you're both moronic

      • 4 months ago

        Hope is a dangerous thing fren,,,

    • 4 months ago

      Seconded....so disappointed

      WoT was always derivative slop and your mistake was expecting anything at all.

      • 4 months ago

        No offense homosexual. The books were fine.
        ((You)) sound like you are filtered from your experiences on the electrified (H)rollocausters and other terrible made up forms of extermination

    • 4 months ago

      main woman keeps pulling a face that reminds me of this

  2. 4 months ago

    that moronic one by steven hack king the one with floating mouths dumb fricking hack

  3. 4 months ago

    >ends with a guy looking directly at the camera for 30 minutes and explaining how literally every element of the story was all just a giant red herring and there was barely even any illegal activity at all, even though it doesn't even make any fricking sense

    • 4 months ago

      I didn't even finish S3 I was so not engaged or interested

    • 4 months ago

      if you only knew how bad things really get

      • 4 months ago

        let me guess, I heard it's about missing Indians, so they instead run away to this house to avoid their abusive husbands, like some kind of underground railroad?

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah I wish they had such a great ending as *checks notes* umm the janitor lawn cutter guy was the criminal mastermind of the national pedophile ring and um... le light... is le winning...

      • 4 months ago

        kinda obvious you didnt even watch it

  4. 4 months ago

    Game of Thrones, last season battle of winterfell. I fully realized the show went to shit since a couple seaons but kept watching, because I atleast hoped for some kind of revelation about the White Walkers/Others instead of Arya just jumping out of nowhere to ruin it

    • 4 months ago

      >Game of Thrones, last season battle of winterfell
      I remember my disappointment over that was so exact, that I wasn't even mad. I just immediately and completely stopped caring about the show, even the earlier seasons. Sucked out all interest I had.

    • 4 months ago

      8 seasons of build-up of this supreme evil
      instantly defeated, not even a big deal

    • 4 months ago

      This. I was lukewarm on it since about season 5, but this killed it for me. I'm not even a realism autist but the battle tactics were so profoundly fricking stupid I couldn't deal with it. When they gave up the defensive high ground advantage and rode cavalry head first into dense fog after doing this Olympic torch pageantry bullshit I nearly threw my TV out the window.
      >Arya just jumping out of nowhere
      I shit you not: right before this I thought "what's the dumbest thing they could do right now: Arya out of nowhere" and then she jumps out of nowhere.
      I still haven't seen the rest of the season.

      • 4 months ago

        >I still haven't seen the rest of the season.
        If you were anything like me and only cared about the WW/Others plot, I recommend you never watch it

    • 4 months ago

      I'm generally not a very expressive person but I audibly groaned when arya killed the night king, it was ridiculous

    • 4 months ago

      Same. I was so dead inside I couldn't even summon the emotional energy to be sad about the last 2 episodes (except when they killed my boy Jaime).

    • 4 months ago

      Then they released the truly lynchian horror documentary about the making of "The Long Night" where people spent weeks or months working their asses off doing night shifts to produce one of the worst episodes of television ever

    • 4 months ago

      fricking christ this along with mass effect 3's ending will never not make me salty.

    • 4 months ago

      >he watched le meme fantasy capeshit in the first place
      your problem

    • 4 months ago

      The only things I really had any issue with was Jamie dying with Cersei and Arya killing the Night King like he was made of glass with no real fight or battle.

  5. 4 months ago

    It’s been so long since I watched this on equals three

  6. 4 months ago

    When they jankiky killed off Alex on the Expanse

  7. 4 months ago

    Most recent one I can think of the ending of Dexter New Blood. Fricking up the ending one time was one thing but doing it all over again and somehow worse made me angry, and my name band is Syskill.

  8. 4 months ago

    > the real finale was the friends we made along the way

  9. 4 months ago

    >Conan the Barbarian was so great
    >get excited for sequel
    >Conan the Destroyer is shit
    >never watch a PG rated Schwarzenegger film in the theater again

    • 4 months ago

      Destroyer is pg? I never knew that honestly. I always felt that movie had more of a kids movie feel to it, or a more laidback campy feel. Damn that sucks.

  10. 4 months ago

    BBC's Sherlock and Doctor Who during Moffat's reign. Not just because they were utter shite, but because people absolutely loved them, until they both fell apart and everyone suddenly realized that Moffat is a hack. I've felt like an alien back in the day.

    • 4 months ago

      Moffat was pretty good as episode writer, but his work as showrunner was fricking awful.

  11. 4 months ago

    >look up syskill
    >nothing good

    • 4 months ago

      It's his new band. Give it some time

  12. 4 months ago

    When the Night King jobbed and everyone around me cheered while I just felt disappointed. Thank god the ending shat the bed so bad and now I can complain freely about it.

  13. 4 months ago

    I bought custom engraved hexagonal dog tags from an online Battlestar Galactica merch store. After I watched the show finale I stumbled out into the street and threw them into a drain. Then I threw my DVD box set of season 1-3 into the trash.

    • 4 months ago

      Definitely filtered.....
      Out of curiosity, did you watch it from the beginning when it came out?

  14. 4 months ago

    The hobbit movie. I was looking forward to it so much

    • 4 months ago

      Same here. It was my favorite book since reading it at 10 and all I ever wanted was it to get the lotr treatment.

    • 4 months ago

      Same here. It was my favorite book since reading it at 10 and all I ever wanted was it to get the lotr treatment.

      when they announced it would be 3 movies you didnt suspect anything? you may be moronic. I've still never seen it based on that.

  15. 4 months ago

    >show comes out
    >season 1 is released 1 time per week for the first season
    >gets renewed for subsequent seasons
    >season 2 and onward have """"""""split seasons"""""""""""" and """"""""""mid season finales"""""""""" with massive multi week or month long or more breaks even after a year or more since the last season to try and shake more shekels out of advertisers on the double dipped season premiers and finales
    any show does this now I drop it permanently and never come back

  16. 4 months ago

    The Tick Season 2. As a fan of the comic (I own almost all of the omnibuses), cartoon, and the other live action show, the first season of The Tick was a brilliantly written non-cynical deconstruction of the superhero genre and a huge breath of fresh air.

    Season 2 was a disastrous attempt to make the show into the very thing it hated, dripping with saccharine flavors and leaving a bitter taste. You keep seeing great ideas that are hindered by new writers in favor of bad ideas that are forced and thrusted upon you in hamfisted ways. Truly, truly awful.

    • 4 months ago

      Seconded. Season one of Amazon Tick is legitimately great. Season 2 isn't worth watching.

    • 4 months ago

      yep. made it two episodes into season 2. night and day

    • 4 months ago

      I thought Omnibus was a jav porn term

    • 4 months ago

      Is that Peter Serafenowicz as The Tick?

      • 4 months ago


  17. 4 months ago

    Canceling Dark Crystal Age of Resistance got me butthurt
    It was one of the most beautiful, challenging and different fantasy shows ever put since Lord of the Rings and it just died...
    Now I have to wait 20 fricking years to get some other amazing fantasy show and hope I'm alive by then, AND that they won't fricking kill it that fast too

    • 4 months ago


  18. 4 months ago

    Legend of Korra going full globohomo. I loved AtLA a lot, so it angered me very deeply. I was going to say it took me years to get past it, but to be totally honest, I'm still furious. I can hardly even enjoy the original series now, knowing what they would do with it. It was such an egregious middle finger to fans of the original.

    • 4 months ago

      This, I just don't understand it, the original team was on board and all the decisions were theirs. They had an extremely compelling heroes journey, in a rich Multicultural world. And they threw it all away so they could have FRICKING STEAMPUNK MECHAS AND 1920S NEW YORK. They just wrote another series but tried to hamfist avatar shit into it.
      And it COULD have worked, if they didn't have a good damn Rey Skywalker as the protagonist who Nevers grows, matures, or changes and who's only character flaw is that they're a petulant brat.

  19. 4 months ago

    Dexter having a second chance at a finale and the writers fricking it up again.
    Lost devolving into absolute fricking nonsense.
    Gus walking out with half his head blown off and adjusting his tie in Breaking Bad.
    The Simpsons not ending 20+ seasons ago.
    The Peter Serofinowicz Show only getting one series.
    Skins being kino for 2 series then shite for all the rest.

    • 4 months ago

      >Lost devolving into absolute fricking nonsense
      There is no show that filters plebs harder than lost and I love to see it.

      • 4 months ago

        Enjoying Lost past season 3 is a moron take.

      • 4 months ago

        you realize that Lost was create by JJ right? the guy who comes up with interesting ideas and then just fricks off because he cannot come up with conclusions to those ideas?
        they just made shit up as they went every season, and never had a plan as to what any of it meant or where it should go, and then just kind of threw together an ending to ret-con what the whole story was supposed to be about
        it's not that deep bro, it could have been so much better if there were actual through put into it and a vision

        • 4 months ago

          >they just made shit up

          • 4 months ago

            lost is a huge reason why shows are incomprehensibly shitty now and we don't have anything legitimately good, writers think they have a hack to the human psyche where they don't have to make meaningful art, they just have to confuse the audience and offer them a mystery and then they don't even have to deliver on that mystery, lost single handedly created "mystery box" writing and its raped media so hard that it never recovered.

          • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          Weird how the ship in the middle of the jungle was called "Blackrock".
          And that was the location where the character that asked too many questions and pointed out too many logical inconsistencies got dynamited.

          Then after that reality itself became one big ARG of bizarre shit happening like we're all being run through hidden tests.

    • 4 months ago

      >Gus walking out with half his head blown off and adjusting his tie in Breaking Bad
      It's extremely out of place but that scene doesn't change much and serves as a really bait and switch. Not good but doesn't really hurt the series overall

      • 4 months ago

        Everyone forgets this. They think it was just a haha funny capeshit moment. It was LITERALLY a bait and switch like "hey he still survived frickers what's Walt gonna do now!? Jk nvm he's dead as frick".

      • 4 months ago

        Dexter having a second chance at a finale and the writers fricking it up again.
        Lost devolving into absolute fricking nonsense.
        Gus walking out with half his head blown off and adjusting his tie in Breaking Bad.
        The Simpsons not ending 20+ seasons ago.
        The Peter Serofinowicz Show only getting one series.
        Skins being kino for 2 series then shite for all the rest.

        I'm too old for this fricking website but does anybody else remember the week before the premier of that episode somebody from the breaking bad post-production house leaked a screenshot of Gus with half his head to Cinemaphile and when it turned out to be genuine, Cinemaphile lost their absolute shit?

    • 4 months ago

      >Gus walking out with half his head blown off and adjusting his tie in Breaking Bad.
      What an overreaction, like that other anon said it’s a fun bait & switch but who cares
      >Skins being kino for 2 series then shite for all the rest.
      The second cast for series 3&4 were better than the original cast

  20. 4 months ago

    Ending of Attack on Titan. I don't think anything will ever come close to that.

    • 4 months ago

      I heard that the mangaka was forced to do that ending by the editors of the magazine but not sure if that's true.

      The story of AoT was already dogshit by the time the big basement reveal occurred. The route the story took after that was so dumb and a blatant israelite / Nazi parallel. It was the very definition, for me, of sunken cost fallacy, because the only reason I continued every month was to finish the story and see what the mangaka was going to do. Truly a grave disappointment on all fronts, after such a strong and unique start to a series.

  21. 4 months ago

    Never getting a good Hitman movie. Like seriously it's the easiest fricking concept.

  22. 4 months ago

    >Mothu fricker
    >Frick the frickin' gold
    >And my new band is called CisKill
    WOOOW trannies were a thing back then too, huh?

  23. 4 months ago

    Beating a dead horse but, The Force Awakens.

  24. 4 months ago

    Thanos losing.

  25. 4 months ago

    Recently, this one.

    The characters were detestable, the dialogue was silly, the story was lame, the israelite-worship was laughable, and the explosion was less intense than the time I blew up a GI Joe with an M-80 in my driveway.

    • 4 months ago

      I thought it was disappointing too. The story just wasn't that interesting as a movie.
      >build up and building the bomb is kinda cool
      >they detonate it around halfway through
      >second half of the movie is some mundane shit about Oppenheimer being questioned
      Also Florence Pugh's character was utterly pointless

    • 4 months ago

      It’s amazing how badly this kino filtered the chudcels. They couldn’t cope with it at all.

      • 4 months ago

        I vote Democrat and think Trump is basically the devil, bro. It's just a shitty film.

        As far as the "israelite worship" part is concerned, the film is like a propaganda piece promoting israeli excellence. It's ridiculous.

        • 4 months ago

          Why did you need to reddit space this? FYI voting is for israelites.

      • 4 months ago

        Who even is chudcels? Why is it the people that unironically throw words like that around are always homosexual losers themselves
        You guys can’t meme at all it’s hilarious

        • 4 months ago

          Why do you think it's being used unironically?

          • 4 months ago

            becasue the left can't meme

            • 4 months ago

              I can smell him from all the way over here

              You could just say you're from reddit next time. It'd be less embarrassing for you.

              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago

                OK tourist, just try not to get trolled by basic b***h shit next time. After all, trolling is a art.

              • 4 months ago

                And you are a self appointed artist, I guess

              • 4 months ago

                Don't get mad at me you went into a frothing rage because another neckbeard typed chudcel.

          • 4 months ago

            I can smell him from all the way over here

    • 4 months ago

      The explosion was definitely a letdown. I respect Nolan wanting to avoid CGI but it's stupid to eschew it to the point your big climax suffers.

      • 4 months ago

        he should have used tnt instead of gasoline
        it was an extremely amateurish decision

    • 4 months ago

      >and the explosion was less intense
      I dont see people talking about this, I was expecting an explosion greater than Twin Peaks s3 one but it was so underwhelming, Lynch did a far better job at showing the terror of an atom bomb than this movie did

  26. 4 months ago

    I Don't get butthurt about shows, but even as bad as GoT was in S5, 6, and 7. I still wasn't prepared for for how bad The Long Night was. I was visibly stunned.

  27. 4 months ago

    Definitely True Detective S2, It's still great but It could have been kino if there's no israelite

    • 4 months ago

      What israelite?

  28. 4 months ago

    How disappointing The Sopranos was. The way people talk about it, I thought it was going to be amazing, but it was just okay. So many episodes were dull filler and so many seasons were
    >oooh here's an edgy new guy in the crew
    >he rubs up Tony the wrong way
    >he gets killed

  29. 4 months ago

    Phantom Thread, but not because it's bad, but because it didn't win the Oscar for best score

  30. 4 months ago

    One Piece
    Some of the best anime ever made....until it starts dragging because they've caught up with the manga
    >another shanks flashback? Surely the audience hasn't tired of this
    >here's that stupid toy solider again
    I can't believe I watched all the way to wano. Just read the manga or wait for them to put out a version that cuts out all the filler

  31. 4 months ago

    game of thrones. it was my go to topic of convo at shitty home parties during uni, then they fumbled it so bad everybody just stopped talking about it

  32. 4 months ago

    when fincher dropped mindhunter to make his boring oscar-bait "passion project" which flopped and netflix canceled the show frick youuuu im still mad

  33. 4 months ago

    The movie my uncle made with me after he gave me silly pills.

  34. 4 months ago

    First one is in my top 5 of all time and this is generic boring trash.

    • 4 months ago

      The first Incredibles is fricking glorious and after two decades I still want more silver agey comic book goodness. The sequel gave me nothing.

    • 4 months ago

      I dont remember anything from this other than them spoiling the woman being the villain by naming her Evelyn Devor (Evil Endeavor). Spoiling your own movie for the sake of a pun name is so cheap.

    • 4 months ago

      I knew the second they rolled out the quirky new heroes that they had lost the narrative. If anything, they should have gone the comic route and made them 80s/90s XXXtreme dark heroes as the next generation to homage the Modern Age of comics following up the Silver/Bronze world of Incredibles.

    • 4 months ago

      The problem here was mainly a very weak villain. Syndrome from the first one was iconic because of 3 things:

      1. great design
      2. great acting performance from My Name is Earl guy
      3. connection to the MC Mr. Incredible

      The chick in number 2 is flat, one-note, and her plan is dumb and also the ending doesn't even have higher stakes than the first one.

  35. 4 months ago

    Fargo season 4 was a kick in the pants. Lasted 10 minutes.

  36. 4 months ago
    As far as they will go but even farther

    Twd season 6 ciffhanger

    • 4 months ago

      Underrated if I remember correctly that’s when that show had a massive exodus of fans including myself, the cliffhanger garbage in shows is weak and a cheap way to keep people invested and the walking dead just didn’t know when to quit, you’d wait week after week of literal repeated slophangers and then they had the major one at season 6 and I just lost interest entirely

      • 4 months ago

        because morons like you slurped it up

        • 4 months ago

          Eat shit and die inbred homosexual

          • 4 months ago

            Says the moron who slurped up 6 season of TWD. Oink oink piggy.

  37. 4 months ago

    When they replaced Fiona on So Weird. Annie was fricking pointless.

  38. 4 months ago

    The end of the Good Place filled me with existential dread for weeks. The end is essentially they all got into Heaven and spent billions of billions of years there, they saw everything and did everything fun there was to do until even Heaven became tedious. There was a portal for anyone who's had enough Heaven which is essentially a suicide portal. The show ends with the main character choosing the suicide portal.

    Kinda fricked me up for awhile, until I realized how rife with ~~*typical tricks*~~ their vision of Heaven was. No children, no loved ones, no higher purpose, just consooming and carnality.

    • 4 months ago

      >you can reproduce and have a higher purpose in heaven
      Seems like cope

    • 4 months ago

      yea ok but thats not actually a bad ending though, especially because not all the main charectors chose moksha (going through the door), the indian chick chose to become an architect which is more in line with a traditional chinese view of ascending to become part of the celestial beuracracy.

      its basically exploring all the options for the after life to let the audience decide what they want and see what it all might be like.

    • 4 months ago

      I can't imagine how hylics see heaven.. like really? They all think it's the same physical pleasures and the same identity like back on earth?
      I've seen euphoric Reddit's say that heaven is just being pumped with heroin and dopamine forever and ever.

      These people cannot handle the abstract concept of a place that is all good but non physical. Yet they also hypocritically subscribe to some Buddhist concept for some reason.

      • 4 months ago

        the whole point of the actual good place was that it was flawed and thats why the main charectors improved upon it including introducing the concept of moksha

  39. 4 months ago


    One lives in hope that a faithful adaption will be made.....one day.

  40. 4 months ago

    Recently? Fargo season 5. You cant even call it a cartoony parody of what Fargo is. Its a straight up 10hs ad against domestic violence. The strong women do no wrong and the men are all cucks or one-sided villains. Im not american, but that shit was too much for me, whoever wrote it managed to insert their politics everywhere in the show.
    >ruthless mastermind billionaire woman has a hotline with the "orange idiot"
    >main characters husband is a literal mommas boy naive homosexual
    >woman cops husband is a NEET moron
    >the main villain is your stereotypical christian fanatic women abuser

  41. 4 months ago

    The new Exorcist sequel. I cannot fathom how they made that piece of shit and said
    >Yup this is a worthy successor to one of the greatest films ever made let's release it and say the sequels aren't canon
    It was a disgrace.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't understand the appeal of a new Exorcist movie when there's a dozen exorcism movies released every year. What made the original great, was that it was something new.

  42. 4 months ago

    These Are the Voyages, what a fricking slap in the face. Enterprise ends at Terra Prime. Hope Berman and Braga get terminal diarrhea for this abomination

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, I rewatched Enterprise recently and just skipped it. Enterprise was underrated and the last season of it was really good; but that finale is shit.

      I remember Jolene Blaylock the chick who played T'Misc called it out for being trash before it even aired. That probably hurt her career; but good for her.

      • 4 months ago

        These Are the Voyages, what a fricking slap in the face. Enterprise ends at Terra Prime. Hope Berman and Braga get terminal diarrhea for this abomination

        I had never watched ENT but I knew what the ending was, so I just went into it having decided Terra Prime was the real ending and then watching the 'finale' for curiosity.
        Overall I found ENT to be way better than I was expecting. I put it on par with Voyager, although Voyager has some individual episodes better than anything from ENT, and the way that Hoshi got downplayed the further they went into the show pissed me off.

    • 4 months ago

      S5 of ENT was supposed to have the NX-01 refit, Shran a consistent character on the ship, and T’pol revealed as half Romulan. Instead, we had it cancelled and got liberal homosexual Trek. JJ Abrams set forth the beginning of the end. Kirk, fresh out of the academy gets to be first officer and then captain? What the frick is this moronic shit?

  43. 4 months ago

    I wouldn't use the world asshurt, but Jurassic Park 2 was the biggest letdown of my (fiction consuming) life.

  44. 4 months ago

    Sopranos series finale

  45. 4 months ago

    HBO The Outsider
    It was 2020 I started watching this cuz it had S1 true detective vibes
    First episode was kino
    Then they added a Woman that is a nerd, autistic and a genius and the detective depends of her to do anything
    Droped it in 4th episode

    • 4 months ago

      I kinda forgot about this one
      it was so interesting at the start, and it just massively petered out by the end, it has so much potential

    • 4 months ago

      You just described almost every show made in the last decade.

  46. 4 months ago

    >What's the most asshurt you've ever been over a movie/show?

    Frick Rian Johnson.

  47. 4 months ago

    I went into this movie expecting more kino like Sin City, and instead I got Samuel L. Jackson bashing people over the head with toilets.
    To be fair, I am not familiar with the source material so maybe I was the one in the wrong?

    • 4 months ago

      Frank Miller had a literal brain tumor. Everyone thought he went nuts from 9/11 trauma but tumors in the frontal lobe will turn a person's personality inside out.

      The Spirit comic is very meta in that it plays with the form a lot (and characters have names taken from Lettering Fonts etc), so maybe he thought he was playing with cinematic form in the same vein. But he should have taken the lead from his own adaptations and been more faithful to the source. Come up with clever ways of transposing the sequences as they were originally visualized etc.

      There are some sequences in Comicbook Confidential that show the transition could have been a smoother one. That doco in general gave insight into how the original creators see the sequences play out like movies in their heads.

    • 4 months ago

      >I am not familiar with the source material
      I saw this turd in the theater because I loved The Spirit (best thing Eisner ever did btw), and thought the Sin City movie was pretty good. Massive disappointment.

      I wouldn't use the world asshurt, but Jurassic Park 2 was the biggest letdown of my (fiction consuming) life.

      >Jurassic Park 2
      God that was such a letdown. Had a sinking feeling when Malcom's daughter was a Black person. Movie sucked so bad it gave my Grandad a stroke lol.

      • 4 months ago

        I wouldn't use the world asshurt, but Jurassic Park 2 was the biggest letdown of my (fiction consuming) life.

        >Jurassic Park 2
        That sequence where Ian Malcolm's black daughter beats the maneating superpredator with gymkata made my brain and my soul run out of my ears.

  48. 4 months ago

    Hard times of RJ Burger being cancelled after one season. Funny as hell show. Suicide Squad. Trailer looked pretty legit. Walked out after 15 minutes. That was being high too.

  49. 4 months ago

    Better Call Saul Season 6A meandering with too much bullshit, ensuring the season wasn't going to get to the places I wanted it to go.

    • 4 months ago

      Nippy was such a a pointless episode, that really pissed me off. Also the close ups of that fat security guard sloppily eating Cinnabon was nauseating.

  50. 4 months ago

    all those corny/comfy mid-season replacement tv shows getting cancelled

  51. 4 months ago


    op asked about shows that burned your ass. this already implies that you watched them, frickwit.

  52. 4 months ago

    Probably the GoT ending and Foundation. I gave up on Season two of Foundation and think to myself everynow and then "I'm so glad I'm not watching this show". Also True Blood, I can't get past S1, it's so ugly and degenerate, all I wanted was some romance.

  53. 4 months ago

    The moment Daniel Craig was cast as James Bond.

  54. 4 months ago

    JJ Star Trek. Into Darkshit was the last ST made after ENT I will ever watch.
    Snydershit. I wass done with capeshit after that.

    Al the modrn shit you can tell it's shit and woke with a brief look at the promotional material so I just dodge them 100% of the times and they can't disappoint me

  55. 4 months ago

    rings of power

    • 4 months ago

      Didn't the woke marketing and muh multiethnic Middle Earth warn you loud enough?

  56. 4 months ago

    Season 3 of Ted Lasso really pissed me off. The ONLY reason I watched this show was for Ted, but the writers completely side lined the main character for a bunch of side characters I never gave a shit about. The enjoyment of the show came from seeing Ted's positivity shine through the people around him. Instead they focused on that ugly slag lezzing out for no reason before getting back together with Roy, ruined Danny's positive character for a shit joke at the end of the season, and rehashed Jamie's arch from season 2.
    I knew it was woke to begin with, but having a subplot where a black immigrant rants about the British government not letting any random foreign butthole invade their land illegally, getting into a Twitter beef about it, and then getting hate crimed just pissed me off. Had the subtly of a hammer to the face.
    And the only arch they gave Ted was for him to be a cuck in the first part of the season and then having a tense convo with his mom towards the end. Then in the CREDITS he gets back together with his wife. Such horseshit for the character progression they had in season 1 and 2.

  57. 4 months ago

    good thread, for me When Tony killed Chrissy

    honorable mentions:
    >HIMYM ending, they really fumbled the ball
    >When simpsons started trying to be modern they should have just ended the show
    >The new wonka is pure trash, I felt sexually abused when I left the cinemas
    >Also TD:NC is utter trash
    >Anchorman 2 when they essentially made brick a full flown moron
    >When I watch anything produced by Netflix

  58. 4 months ago

    The fact that Dark Rey never happened. Holy shit, if they had actually had Rey go to the dark side and have Kylo be the one to redeem her would have made the sequel trilogy actually interesting. They sure as shit tossed the idea around, but were too fricking pussy to do it. I hate Rian Johnson.
    Other than that I don't get mad about Cinemaphile shit, just disappointed.

    • 4 months ago

      how can the sequels be a letdown when it was a lost cause from the get-go?

  59. 4 months ago

    Carnivale canceled. American Dreams canceled. Testees canceled. Lights Out canceled. Mindhunter pozzed and canceled. Hannibal canceled. Prodigal Son canceled. The Orville probably dead. Doctor Sam Beckett never made the leap home. Yes I am fricking mad.

  60. 4 months ago

    op's pic rel was one of my first ever crushes, brings back memories.

  61. 4 months ago

    i still cant get over how fricked up nutrek is, i know some truely desperate creatures try to talk up picard season 3 like it makes up for how fricking awful the rest is, but i dont be tricked by their cope.. im just beyond upset that star trek is fricking moronic and i'll probably never get over it.

  62. 4 months ago

    I'm so butthurt about it I can't speak about it without becoming upset.
    Even slightly referring to it in this scene is irritating me.

  63. 4 months ago

    Sherlock beyond season 2. It even made me realise that the show wasn't even good to begin with. Sad

  64. 4 months ago

    Trailer Park Boys. The very end of the show when Lahey eats that olive and gets drunk. I couldn't keep watching. Three years later and I still haven't calmed down.

  65. 4 months ago

    Last Jedi. Felt physical pain watching that shit and I'm not even a Star Wars fan. I still want to punch Rian Reynolds and KK for that.

  66. 4 months ago

    not the most but recent is many saints of newark

  67. 4 months ago

    I guess the ending supposed to leave the viewer with a bit of sadness inside
    But the movie made me love characters so much, that the ending simply made me mad.
    I watched the movie with my mom and we both loved it untill the last scenes, and both agreed it just shat the bed loudly.
    Hate that movie and consider it an absolute shit both directing and screenwriting wise.
    Its quite an achievement to shit all over the otherwise great movie with such a shitty ending.
    Still mad after all those years.

  68. 4 months ago
  69. 4 months ago

    >Be me, SW fan
    >Be disappointed by TFA, it was clearly shit movie i hated since first teaser for how dull and obviously remake'ish it looked
    >TLJ release day
    >Go there in the morning, all alone, trying to be as unbiased as possible
    >Movie starts with nonsensical text crawl
    >First scene is Carrie Fisher daughter telling some guy that evacuating people is more important than equipment.
    >Second scene is outright cartoonishly evil Hux
    >Third scene is Villain mocking Hux physically
    >Fourth scene is Poe telling YO MOM joke
    >moronic, not good looking, not good planned, not good shot, space battle
    >Next scene is Luke throwing lightsaber away

    An entirety of people who wrote it, directed it, greenlighted it, watched it and approved it, deserve to be murdered.

  70. 4 months ago

    You cannot imagine how excited I was for this. I figured they'd have to make it a more simple, linear story and end up following the major events like the Battle of Yonkers and Battle of Hope, which I figured was keeping my expectations reasonable for a blockbuster movie. Oh God how wrong I was. I was just so upset.

  71. 4 months ago

    Lynch's """""Dune""""". I'm still angry to this day.

  72. 4 months ago

    Rings of power was offensively bad.

    • 4 months ago

      wasnt even mad since i knew it would be dogshit the minute they announced it

      • 4 months ago

        i thought it would be somewhat palpable with some kino sprinkles but it's so fricking terribly written it actually enraged me. I had some faith in at least a little middle earth kino. frick I was wrong

  73. 4 months ago

    when they killed doc frasier on stargate. made me mad as frick.
    then they did the same thing to weir on atlantis.

  74. 4 months ago

    In recent memory...The Expanse for reasons we all know. And for all time...Lost. it was the first time i realized the power writers have over a show.

  75. 4 months ago

    When the sunday morning cartoon slot was replaced with soap opera reruns.
    20 years later and I'm still seething.

  76. 4 months ago


  77. 4 months ago


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