What's the worst movie you've ever seen? A movie so awful that it makes you genuinely mad to think about.

What's the worst movie you've ever seen? A movie so awful that it makes you genuinely mad to think about.

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  1. 11 months ago

    Anything Steven king related

  2. 11 months ago

    The Red Dawn remake. Holy shit there wasn't a likeable character in the whole damn thing.

    • 11 months ago

      That movie is pure Hollywood action goyslop. I literally forgot everything that happened the first time I watched it.

  3. 11 months ago

    It was spectacularly bad but in a hilarious way and I rewatched it because of how bad it was.
    Other very awful movies:
    Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

  4. 11 months ago

    Meet the Spartans

    I stopped talking to my friends after they dragged me into that

  5. 11 months ago

    It was a goofy action movie.

  6. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago


      Also, Tenet

  7. 11 months ago

    Scary Movie 5 is the worst movie I’ve ever seen

  8. 11 months ago

    La Grande Bellezza, the Oscar winning movie, comes to mind.

    • 11 months ago

      holy filtered

  9. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      That's the worst thing I've ever read so it must be a pretty good adaptation.

      *Ardwen - Arwen
      *Isenstar - Isengard
      *Mithrim - Mithrim or mithril
      *Angrenost - Angrenost
      *Morgothal - Morgoth
      *Elessari - Elessar
      *Furnost - Fornost
      *Hadarac - Harad
      *Melian - Melian
      *Vanilor - Valinor
      *Eridor - Eriador
      *Imiladris - Imladris
      *Undin - Fundin/Udun
      *Gil'ead - Gil'Galad
      *Ceranthor - Caranthir
      *Isidar - Isildir
      *Oromis - Orome
      *Eragon - Aragorn

      • 11 months ago

        Are the actual characters also clones of the LOTR characters? Shocking if true

        • 11 months ago

          They're clones of Star Wars characters.

          >Critics Consensus: Written by a teenager (and it shows), Eragon presents nothing new to the "hero's journey" story archetype. In movie terms, this movie looks and sounds like Lord of the Rings and plays out like a bad Star Wars rip-off. The movie spins the tale of a peasant boy who is suddenly entrusted with a dragon and must, with the help of a mentor, train, grow strong, and defeat an evil emperor. The way the critics picture it, the makers of Eragon should soon be expecting an annoyed phone call from George Lucas.

          Also note that Tortellini was not 15 when he wrote Eragon he was 15 when he "imagined" it. It was written between the ages of 18 and 19.

          • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago

              Bruh you have no idea.

              >At the start of the story a princess leading a rebellion against an evil empire is being pursued by the evil emperor's right hand man. She's in possession of an object of great importance which was stolen from the empire. Before she is captured she attempts to secret the item away to a hermit who once belonged to an ancient order of warriors with mystical powers. However the item inadvertently comes into the possession of a boy of foggy origins living with his uncle on a remote farm. The evil emperor's minions track the item to the farm and destroy it, killing the boy's relatives. But the boy escapes with the old hermit who gives him a sword he claims belonged to the boy's father. As they travel together the hermit trains the boy in the ways of the ancient order of warriors. Then the hermit dies protecting the boy, the boy rescues the princess from the start of the story with the help of a dashing rogue, and the boy, rogue, and princess journey together to the rebellion's secret headquarters which has come under attack by the evil empire. At the story's climax the boy saves the day with the timely help of his friends. Afterwards he has a vision of a powerful master of the ancient order of warriors who can finish his training. He seeks the master out and trains with him, growing very powerful. But before his training is finished the boy has premonitions that his friends are in danger. He decides he must go to help them despite his master warning him not to. The boy promises that he will return and leaves. He finds his friends just in time as they are threatened by the evil emperor's right hand man. In the ensuing fight the evil emperor's right hand man reveals that he and the boy are related. The boy is shocked and ultimately defeated, but not killed.

              • 11 months ago

                So glad I never bothered reading these books when they were hot shit. Holy frick.

      • 11 months ago

        They're clones of Star Wars characters.

        >Critics Consensus: Written by a teenager (and it shows), Eragon presents nothing new to the "hero's journey" story archetype. In movie terms, this movie looks and sounds like Lord of the Rings and plays out like a bad Star Wars rip-off. The movie spins the tale of a peasant boy who is suddenly entrusted with a dragon and must, with the help of a mentor, train, grow strong, and defeat an evil emperor. The way the critics picture it, the makers of Eragon should soon be expecting an annoyed phone call from George Lucas.

        Also note that Tortellini was not 15 when he wrote Eragon he was 15 when he "imagined" it. It was written between the ages of 18 and 19.

        Bruh you have no idea.

        >At the start of the story a princess leading a rebellion against an evil empire is being pursued by the evil emperor's right hand man. She's in possession of an object of great importance which was stolen from the empire. Before she is captured she attempts to secret the item away to a hermit who once belonged to an ancient order of warriors with mystical powers. However the item inadvertently comes into the possession of a boy of foggy origins living with his uncle on a remote farm. The evil emperor's minions track the item to the farm and destroy it, killing the boy's relatives. But the boy escapes with the old hermit who gives him a sword he claims belonged to the boy's father. As they travel together the hermit trains the boy in the ways of the ancient order of warriors. Then the hermit dies protecting the boy, the boy rescues the princess from the start of the story with the help of a dashing rogue, and the boy, rogue, and princess journey together to the rebellion's secret headquarters which has come under attack by the evil empire. At the story's climax the boy saves the day with the timely help of his friends. Afterwards he has a vision of a powerful master of the ancient order of warriors who can finish his training. He seeks the master out and trains with him, growing very powerful. But before his training is finished the boy has premonitions that his friends are in danger. He decides he must go to help them despite his master warning him not to. The boy promises that he will return and leaves. He finds his friends just in time as they are threatened by the evil emperor's right hand man. In the ensuing fight the evil emperor's right hand man reveals that he and the boy are related. The boy is shocked and ultimately defeated, but not killed.

        Amazing such a garbage story was made into $100M movie. I guess studios were ravenously hungry for fantasy IP's after LOTR and Harry Potter

  10. 11 months ago

    Oceans 12.
    Where the gang notices that Tess (Julia Roberts) looks like the real life Julia Roberts, and they cook up a scheme using Tess to fool people into thinking It's Julia Roberts for a distraction.
    The writers should be whipped in the street for this and I grind my teeth when I think about it.

  11. 11 months ago

    either this or The Lobster

    • 11 months ago

      why holy motors?

  12. 11 months ago

    Literally paid to watch OP's movie in theater.

    Luc Besson is a fricking hack.

  13. 11 months ago

    Irreversible (2002)

    It's not cinematically bad and there's quite a few things I like about it (mainly the camerawork) but the whole movie is literally just a giant trauma bin. You see some of the most horrific shit on screen mixed with wholesome romance. You basically get to see a 9 minute rape scene and after that you're day is ruined. That's it.

    I watched the full movie including the entire rape scene and just ended up hating how hard it tried to put me in complete misery. The gimmick of the movie being told in backwards is also just gay
    >guy gets head beaten with fire hydrant
    >the guy turned out to be the rapist
    >watch the fire hydrant scene again and it's actually not the rapist
    >the beginning reveals she's pregnant
    >induced seizure at the end of the movie
    The end.

    • 11 months ago

      this but with a redditjak

      • 11 months ago

        Frick off newbie

        Misery porn is a lazy genre for depressed Black folk like yourself.

        • 11 months ago

          Even when I was depressed shit like that was cringeworthy

    • 11 months ago

      >You basically get to see a 9 minute rape scene and after that you're day is ruined.
      maybe yours homosexual

  14. 11 months ago

    it was Fight Club until i saw Joker

    • 11 months ago

      Joker superficially looks like the shit I thought it was going to be, so I understand why you would think that, but it's actually a lot better than it looks. Not claiming you have to be some big-brain to understand it, just saying that it's worth watching again and not going in with preconceptions around the time it came out, about incels blah, blah.

  15. 11 months ago

    Man of Steel

  16. 11 months ago

    Army of the Dead

  17. 11 months ago

    House That Jack Built

  18. 11 months ago


  19. 11 months ago

    >What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
    All the capeshit movies but especially the early superman and batman movies because they were shit too but are responsible for starting the torrent of people in bodysuits easily green screened crappy cartoon high pressure pipe of capeshit poison that killed cinema and film, Relative to any film featuring nounwoman or nounman in a fricking bodysuit Lucy was quite good.

  20. 11 months ago

    This wasn’t even that bad, just terrible casting

  21. 11 months ago

    I have my suspicions with the new Barbie movie. Generally Will Ferrell is not funny anymore, and that ghostbusters fairy lady, ewe.

  22. 11 months ago

    This movie seems like it was written by big brain armchair wojak after he saw Limitless and Bruce Almighty.

  23. 11 months ago

    Zack Snyder's Justice League.

    It's probably the worst looking movie I've ever seen with the simple pretension of black and white and the aspect ratio not there to elevate anything. The opening minutes are pretty incomprehensible, I guess because it's a massive tie in, and it's 5 fricking hours long.

    Everything Everywhere All At Once was also a cringeworthy headache of a watch.

  24. 11 months ago

    The Matrix Resurrections is the most insultingly bad movie I've seen.

    Army of the Dead is probably the worst movie I've ever seen although it's barely a movie, it's more like a video made for Netflix.

  25. 11 months ago




    either this or The Lobster



    Also, Tenet


    Irreversible (2002)

    It's not cinematically bad and there's quite a few things I like about it (mainly the camerawork) but the whole movie is literally just a giant trauma bin. You see some of the most horrific shit on screen mixed with wholesome romance. You basically get to see a 9 minute rape scene and after that you're day is ruined. That's it.

    I watched the full movie including the entire rape scene and just ended up hating how hard it tried to put me in complete misery. The gimmick of the movie being told in backwards is also just gay
    >guy gets head beaten with fire hydrant
    >the guy turned out to be the rapist
    >watch the fire hydrant scene again and it's actually not the rapist
    >the beginning reveals she's pregnant
    >induced seizure at the end of the movie
    The end.


    • 11 months ago

      Anyone who would call anyone a 'midwit' for thinking 'Lucy' is garbage is ironically a midwit who thinks it's some kind of smart movie, because they're too moronic to understand how intelligence-insulting the up-its-own arse pseudointellectualism of it is. It's literally intolerable UNLESS you're a midwit.

      • 11 months ago

        You aren't just a midwit, you're a reddit midwit who's too dumb to realise that the movie knows the brain power shit is a myth and is in on the joke. But of course you feel the need to tell everyone how you're aware of the real science, jej.

        As I said, midwit.

        • 11 months ago

          You seem to want to tell everyone how smart you are by constantly using the term 'midwit'.

  26. 11 months ago

    Scott pilgrim was repulsive.

  27. 11 months ago

    Army of the Dead
    Sucker Punch

  28. 11 months ago

    Lucy is your WORST MOVIE EVAR? It's just a schlocky fun action movie

    Watch more movies zoomie

  29. 11 months ago

    Anything European.

  30. 11 months ago

    I didn't like the movie therefore it is awful: The thread

  31. 11 months ago

    The Hungry Games was probably the worst thing I've ever watched.
    Amsterdam fumbled the bag so hard with how good a cast it had. Even Kino Bale couldn't save it.

  32. 11 months ago

    Probably The Happening, don’t know if movies I couldn’t sit the whole way through count, but out of the ones I actually managed to finish, Baywatch 2017 was pretty fricking bad

  33. 11 months ago

    I was mad I paid to watch that Wizard of Oz movie with James Franco and X men dark phoenix

  34. 11 months ago

    tusk comes to mind

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