Who do you prefer? And why?

Who do you prefer? And why?

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  1. 9 months ago

    The one who's daughter is still alive

    • 9 months ago

      James Gunn doesn't have any children because he's a 57 year old manchild

      • 9 months ago

        Not having children is objectively better than being such an awful parent that they kill themselves

        • 9 months ago

          youre over thinking parenthood

          every parent just wings it

    • 9 months ago

      Zack has two more daughters, anon.

  2. 9 months ago

    Snyder is delusional lib moron, but he is mostly honest in his work.
    Gunn is just another le ebin deconstructor of the genre.
    Snyder has fricktarded opinions on some superheroes, but every single one of Gunn's favorite comics is some kind of ironic satire. It's like only ever liking One Punch Man manga and nothing else in the genre.
    Gunn can do character work, and Snyder cannot to save his life, but I prefer Snyder in the end so far.
    Gunn's Superman will be make or break to demonstrate if there is anything to him.

    • 9 months ago

      >Gunn's Superman will be make or break
      He's just making Man of Steel 2 without Cavill.

      • 9 months ago

        It's uncanny how forced and fake is the politeness int the rest of the internet. You just KNOW that Gunn wanted to call him a fricking moron in the middle of his response but he just had to bow down or he would get cancelled by the s.oy twitter mob

        • 9 months ago

          ok schizo

    • 9 months ago

      Frick Gunn. Come home to Zack. He is king of kino. Frick all you paedoloving homosexuals. I blame him for Ellen Paige. Look what he did to her in Super

    • 9 months ago

      >Snyder is delusional lib moron,
      lots of liberals into ayn rand huh

    • 9 months ago

      There's noting about Gunn's work post-Super that is deconstructive.

  3. 9 months ago

    frick Snyder

    • 9 months ago

      Frick Gunn.

      • 9 months ago

        Snyder is a grandmaster of 'Would' plans.

      • 9 months ago

        Snyder was literally just doing the exact same thing as Marvel but le edgy. Justice League is beat for beat the first Avengers movie and his plans for the sequels were Infinity War/Endgame

        >Le ebil alien with horn helmet and bladed weapon invades Earth with an army of identical alien bugs supplied to him from a bigger, evil alien benefactor
        >I need the alien cube to open a big portal to my benefactor and his armies
        >We have to assemble the team to stop le aliens
        >One guy doesn't join the team until midway through the movie, dropping in out of seemingly nowhere
        >Strongest hero shows up, goes nut and fights the team instead of helping meaning the bad guy is able to get away with the alien box
        >Big final battle in which some heroes fight bugs, some heroes fight the big bad and one tries to stop the portal cube
        >Hero who went crazy is good now and shows up to turn the tide
        >Le heroes win
        >Le big bad will be back

        Then 2 and 3
        >Le big bad returns and wins, destroying the universe
        >Le surviving heroes are sad and undo the victory with time travel

        • 9 months ago

          >and his plans for the sequels were Infinity War/Endgame
          That's because the Russo brothers used his idea. The Russo brothers themselves admit it.

          • 9 months ago

            >The Russo brothers themselves admit it.
            post the source

            • 9 months ago

              There's an interview with them and Zack Snyder on Youtube. Just search their name.

          • 9 months ago

            Oh so that is why Endgame was a pile of burning shit, thanks Snyder.

        • 9 months ago

          Snyder League 2/3 were meant to be out in 2018 and 2020

      • 9 months ago

        He's already saying the same thing about his new movie and it's not even out yet. I don't know why people keep hiring him when he throws them under the bus the first chance he gets.

      • 9 months ago

        yea but Snyder's DC universe couldn't avoid all the post BvS complaints.

        • 9 months ago

          >couldn't avoid all the post BvS complaints
          Some of it is legitimate but in my opinion criticism of BvS has been way overblown. The majority just don't understand DC enough to fill in the blanks or basically make sense of the story.

          • 9 months ago

            Or it's just that bad

  4. 9 months ago

    Gunn only casts white people, frick that chud.

    • 9 months ago

      not even

  5. 9 months ago


  6. 9 months ago

    They have polar opposite styles but I enjoy them both. I fully understand why Gunn's movies are more successful, but in my opinion Snyder has made more good movies than Gunn has.

  7. 9 months ago

    Because I am not a cucksoi that needs quips every 5 mins.

    • 9 months ago

      >Because I am not a cucksoi
      >watches Snyder's diversity raceswaps and Leto Joker

      • 9 months ago

        >Leto Joker
        Best Joker ever.

        • 9 months ago

          >I am not someone who is loved *CLAP* I am an IDEA
          >HONKA HONKA

        • 9 months ago

          i really liked the joker in batman vs superman but in suicide squad it did not work.

        • 9 months ago

          All the worst Jokers combined into THE worst Joker.

    • 9 months ago

      (You) sound mad.

  8. 9 months ago

    James Gunn because he has actually made some decent movies.

    Zack Snyder is hot garbage. Feels like a Youtuber who made it big. Sometimes his visuals are gorgeous and sometimes they're hideous. Usually they're gorgeous when they're based directly off of someone else's work. Props to him for being able to capture it in a way that feels and looks distinct, but the man has no creative bone and no below surface consideration. You can see it every time he speaks about his work, too. He's completely inarticulate. He seems like a charming guy and I'm glad he now has his Netflix corner that he can go play in where his fans can enjoy him, but I am no longer interested in following his career from here on out.

    • 9 months ago

      This dude is a homosexual.

      • 9 months ago

        Zack Snyder's movies are all homoerotic. Literally the only people I've met irl who like him are gay.

      • 9 months ago

        Zack Snyder made 300 and Watchmen.
        James Gunn made.... Super and Slither.
        Only low T beta male homosexuals prefer Gunn

        This is why no one takes edgy snyderposting seriously. It's just endless seething based solely on someone liking something different from what snyder made. The OP is a straight up question based on personal preference and yet this whole thread ends up just being a hit piece.

        • 9 months ago

          cause you dislike him for stupid reasons, call him snoy and then shill for literal so snoy directors

        • 9 months ago


          Snyderbots also strike me as akin to flat earthers. In that most of them are likely just memeing, some of them are lonely people trying to fit in to a clique, and a very small amount genuinely bought into the meme. They speak in hyperbole and they don't bother to speak about these movies as if it were a human being describing a movie. I doubt any of them could muster up a sincere critcism of him or his work as well, which is something that any fan of anyone should be able to do.

          • 9 months ago

            i like snyder and a huge ammount of people acting passive aggressive towards his work and saying its trash and mocking his fans makes me bitter and defensive but i guess that makes me a bot
            you people are so toxic over some damn cape movies, i dont see people acting so hostile to marvel fans but when Sneed makes something different and people like it they get shit on as if you're not allowed to have different styles and everything MUST be some quippy gayshow just because its about capes

            • 9 months ago

              >i dont see people acting so hostile to marvel fans
              I'm sorry, are you new to Cinemaphile? People are hostile about everyone's thing. Stop being such a baby.
              >Toxic over some damn cape movies
              As the previous anon

              This is why no one takes edgy snyderposting seriously. It's just endless seething based solely on someone liking something different from what snyder made. The OP is a straight up question based on personal preference and yet this whole thread ends up just being a hit piece.

              had pointed out, it's usually Snyder fans who draw first blood. And it's usually THEM who come with this air of superiority which is so over the top and grandiose that it feels insincere and pretty ironic. Their inability to engage without drawing said hyperbole is where the passive aggressive and condescending response comes from. Because Snyder fans at worst come off like moronic and overly aggressive nerds and at best come off like larp from people trying to gaslight morons.

              It's a kind of "You made your bed now lie in it" situation. I have no beef with people who sincerely like something and I won't tease them for it. I know people irl who like Snyder that I've been perfectly cordial with even if some of their takes baffle me. That's not what you get here and it's completely disingenuous to act like the response comes out of the fricking sky.
              >Sneed makes something different and people like it they get shit on as if you're not allowed to have different styles and everything MUST be some quippy gayshow just because its about capes
              And see this is ultimately my problem personally, because I don't like the quippy shit either. But that's why I like real movies and when I do indulge in superhero movies, I go for the ones that actually are unique or different. Raimi's Spider-Man, Burton and Nolan's takes on Batman, Del Toro's Hellboy, Donner's Superman. Those are legitiately great movies. And to a lesser extent I can appreciate stuff like Joker, Logan and The Suicide Squad. Lower still some of the better Marvel and DC films. The genre is like horror in many ways. There's real art and there's fun, weird schlock and there's trash. For me, just because it's not quippy doesn't mean it's good. Snyder is every bit as cynical as the MCU.

              • 9 months ago

                its not just Cinemaphile, its like everyone unanimously agreed to hate on sneed movies for being different to force everyone to conform to the norm marvel has set for movies, so now every movie has to be some moronic comedy otherwise its

    • 9 months ago

      Zack Snyder made 300 and Watchmen.
      James Gunn made.... Super and Slither.
      Only low T beta male homosexuals prefer Gunn

      • 9 months ago

        >Zack Snyder made these two shitty adaptations of superior graphic novels
        >James Gunn made these two fun troma-esque b-movies
        >Only homosexuals prefer movies not made by the guy who directed a movie about half naked oily meds with matching eight packs

        • 9 months ago

          Nta but I've never heard of anyone ever saying "Damn, I want to rewatch Super and Slither."

          • 9 months ago

            Nor I for Legends of Ga'Hoole or Sucker Punch

            • 9 months ago

              >or Sucker Punch
              Women love that shit.

              • 9 months ago

                Sucker Punch actually has a cult following that includes hot alt chicks. The only people who would re watch Gunn's B movie trash are fat ugly perma virgins.

                You've never spoken to a woman in your life and you know that's false. Women either don't care about that movie or acknowledge that it's sexist in the way weebs and 14 year old boys are sexist IE harmless but laughably moronic.

              • 9 months ago

                t. loser incel

              • 9 months ago

                I've personally known women that love that movie. Cope and seethe not all of us are total fricking losers like you lol

              • 9 months ago

                >I've personally known women

              • 9 months ago

                Tulpa women are real women

            • 9 months ago

              Sucker Punch actually has a cult following that includes hot alt chicks. The only people who would re watch Gunn's B movie trash are fat ugly perma virgins.

            • 9 months ago

              >Nor I for Legends of Ga'Hoole or Sucker Punch
              Get the hell out. Both of those movies have an established cult status with large followings. They are not mainstream but at least in their respective indie scenes they are actually cherished for what they are. Slither and Super on the other hand are only watched by nearly senile turbo-boomers who don't know and also don't care what they are watching. Those movies lack in both quality and content when they are compared with anything done by Snyder.

              • 9 months ago

                Extremely disingenuous and lazy reply. You know nobody gives a frick about those movies and that they're only mentioned in reference to being either boring or
                >le heckin problematic
                Awful movies.

                Super is a hidden gem and Slither has plenty of cult appreciation and did way before Gunn was making capeshit.

              • 9 months ago

                Every single Snyder movie has some sort of cult following. Take the Snyderchads for example. There are no Gunn fans out there. Not even the people who like Gunn cares that much about him to be vocal in the outside world.

                >Super is a hidden gem and Slither has plenty of cult appreciation and did way before Gunn was making capeshit.
                Nopr. Both movies are disgusting low quality goyslop full of reddit quips, shitty characters and boring storylines.

                They are some of Gunn's worst. They are edgy but in a try-hard and lazy way. They are not even funny or entertaining. They give the impression to be fan-made parodies from youtube. The Suicide Squad was way better.

              • 9 months ago

                Snyder has a cult of loyalists, for sure. But Gunn is beloved by the general population at large.

                >They are some of Gunn's worst.
                Agreed for Slither not for Super, though it's not even bad, it's just okay.
                >They are edgy but in a try-hard and lazy way. Disagreed. They have a heart and soul. What you described is how I would describe every choice Snyder seems to make for his characters. Especially when he's dealing with funnybooks.
                >They are not even funny or entertaining.
                Again Slither, sure. I think it's mediocre. Super I disagree with. Perfectly captures what made troma successful and deconstructs the superhero better than anything Snyder was alleging to try with his colossal blockbuster trainwrecks.
                >They give the impression to be fan-made parodies from youtube.
                >The Suicide Squad was way better.

              • 9 months ago

                >than anything Snyder was alleging to try with his colossal blockbuster trainwrecks
                batman no kill
                deconstruct batman make him kill
                build him up to batman who no kill again
                why is this so hard to follow

              • 9 months ago

                Except it wasn't that. It was
                >Batman Kill
                >Build him up to Batman who is never again in a situation where he will be no kill

                We don't know who he was before this movie. You don't have to show it but you should at least acknowledge it. Basic story-telling. But Snyder doesn't understand this concept because he doesn't actually have a take on these characters.

                >But Gunn is beloved by the general population at large.
                The general population loves the Guardians movies because they're part of the MCU. They don't give a shit about James Gunn and most of them probably don't even know his name.

                I doubt they know his name like they know, say, Christopher Nolan, sure. But if you flash
                >"Director of the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy"
                before a movie, that'll get butts in seats.
                >Because they're part of the MCU
                They like them because they were well made. The movies themselves are relatively self-contained. If just being an MCU movie was enough to win credit they wouldn't be in such dire straits right now.

              • 9 months ago

                >But if you flash "Director of the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy" before a movie, that'll get butts in seats.
                Didn't work for The Suicide Squad and we'll see how Superman Legacy does but I think a lot of people are in for a rude awakening when they see Gunn without the Marvel machine behind him.

              • 9 months ago

                >Didn't work for The Suicide Squad
                It did actually. That movie had a lot going against it what the with the pandemic, being rated R, and being released simultaneously online. The studio was clearly pleased with it and with the subsequent success of Peacemaker which is why he's been given the top job at DC. Fundamentally wouldn't have happened if they were dissatisfied and they don't care about fanboy bullshit. They care about money.
                >I think a lot of people are in for a rude awakening when they see Gunn without the Marvel machine behind him.
                I think what's going to happen is Gunn is going to go very silver age/grant morrison and weird with the movie. A way that's very DC but screams weird aliens/superheroes shit and then the trailer is going to say
                >From James Gunn the Director of the Guardians of the Galaxy Trilogy
                And audiences are gonna go
                >Oh interesting, a new spin on Superman that's kind of like the weird quirky alien capeshit that I like
                And it's gonna get butts in seats. Whether or not they return will depend on the quality of the movie itself.

              • 9 months ago

                >They care about money.
                Clearly not since they lost over $100 million on TSS. And don't even start with that pandemic excuse bullshit when movies like Free Guy and Godzilla vs Kong released in similar time frames and did way better.

              • 9 months ago

                Godzilla vs Kong was a PG13 mega blockbuster starring 2 cinematic icons and did middling success for a movie of that scale and size would've done had it been released in better conditions. Free Guy was also rated PG13, had a big star and wasn't released day and date for free on streaming but rather had an exclusive theatrical run.

                I swear every time you nerds try to do this you don't do your due diligence before commenting.

                At the end of the day, if WB were upset with what they got, they wouldn't have given him the top spot. They wouldn't have backed him the same way the didn't back Zack.

              • 9 months ago

                >cope, cope, and more cope
                Sorry anon the R rating excuse doesn't cut it anymore when movies like Logan and Deadpool made bank. The reality is nobody gave a frick about Gunn's shitty soft reboot especially not the general public who actually liked the original movie or at least the aesthetic of it. Gunn took that all away so people didn't show up simple as. No need to bend over backwards to defend some talentless hack.

              • 9 months ago

                >when movies like Logan and Deadpool made bank
                During the pandemic?

                This didn't retroactively make you look smarter, sorry pal. At least you called yourself out for all the cope.

              • 9 months ago

                >muh pandemic
                I pointed out Logan and Deadpool because you're trying to say the only reason Free Guy and Godzilla were successful during the fake pandemic was because they were PG 13 which is just obviously bullshit since audiences have shown that they will show up to R rated comic book movies. Sure the movie would've done a bit better without the fake pandemic but I guarantee it wouldn't have outgrossed the first movie. There was zero hype around it especially compared to the original which still has some lasting pop culture influence to this day. Meanwhile nobody remembers or talks about Gunn's piece of shit except homosexual redditors like yourself.

              • 9 months ago

                >but I guarantee it wouldn't have outgrossed the first movie
                The PG13 first movie? Probably not. Especially since the first movie sucked so bad that not having bad will from the previous movie and one star wouldn't have helped it.

                But the point still stands, at the end of it all. If WB were dissatisfied with the film's performance given the set-backs, they wouldn't have kept him around as a creative presence nor would they have bet the entire farm on him.

              • 9 months ago

                >still holding on to the PG 13 cope
                Whatever helps you sleep at night James.
                >hey wouldn't have kept him around as a creative presence nor would they have bet the entire farm on him
                They did all that because they're still desperately trying to chase the success of Marvel and think hiring their sloppy seconds will be the key to their success just like they did with Whedon. And it's already blowing up in their faces because Gunn is a pompous homosexual that can't stop putting his foot in his mouth and sabotaged the remaining DCEU movies by announcing his reboot months in advance. But hey I'm sure if TSS is anything to go by I'm sure his Authority movie will do gang busters!

              • 9 months ago

                WB killed DCEU while in it was still in a craddle
                MoS is the only good thing to come out of this whole mess

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah it'll crush harder than anything Snyder has done whereas Snyder will kill any good will he has left with Rebel Moon and then hopefully we'll finally be able to move past all of this.

              • 9 months ago

                >Yeah it'll crush harder than anything Snyder has done
                LOL in your fricking dreams homosexual

              • 9 months ago

                Just watch nignog

              • 9 months ago

                because everybody already knows who batman is and what his origins are, are you seriously complaining about the lack of a rehash of the same origin for the millionth time? and i swear you're the type to turn a blind eye when another director does the exact same thing, and batman showed robin's suit referencing the killing joke but he doesnt get any points for that because everything he does is wrong to you people, EVERYTHING, you're also ignoring the fact that WB was rushing the frick out of everything and breathing down this dude's neck trying to get him to catch up to marvel's more fleshed out universe so of course he would do something like timeskip things that the target audience should already be familiar with, and if you're not a part of the target audience then what would you even care about wether or not batman kills? but whatever, the message is always the same with you people, cape stories that take themselves seriously le bad, lazy and shallow popcorn flick with moronic jokes every three seconds le good

              • 9 months ago

                >because everybody already knows who batman is and what his origins are
                Not this Batman. If you're going to do broad strokes Batman you make him a sequel to a previous incarnation or you use visual reference to cue your audience. Spider-Verse is an example. They cherry pick the best bits of the character's pop culture legacy, including Raimi's films a bunch, to fill in the audience on broad strokes version of the character they're telling. It's the same problem Man of Steel and The Patman have. They want you to bring your baggage but then directly under cut it. People don't know this Batman, you have to sell people on him as a character. That's how storytelling works. I don't need to see the origin story, but if the story of your character is
                >he's path to redemption
                Then you have to sell me on why he's worthy of redemption. Barebones.

              • 9 months ago

                >Then you have to sell me on why he's worthy of redemption. Barebones.
                BvS isn't a story of Batman's redemption, that's Justice League. BvS is the story of Bruce's descent. He brands criminals, he spends most of the movie losing himself to fear and rage, planning to kill a man in cold blood. It's a tragedy, seeing how the destruction of Metropolis has warped a beloved hero. By the end of the movie, his actions have contributed to Superman's death and this weighs heavily on him. And with a threat looming from beyond the stars, Earth is in need of protectors more than ever. This leads into Justice League, where Bruce walks the Earth to gather fellow heroes in Superman's name. He learns to put his faith in people again. In BvS, he fears Superman because he has not faith that Superman will use his power for good. In JL, he puts faith in many superpowered beings, willing to sacrifice his life so they can complete their mission and stop Steppenwolf. And his faith is rewarded when they save his life AND the world. Putting the Justice League together IS his redemption.

              • 9 months ago

                >BvS isn't a story of Batman's redemption, that's Justice League. BvS is the story of Bruce's descent.
                I was speaking of the entire narrative arc, anon. Covering both movies.

              • 9 months ago

                >But Gunn is beloved by the general population at large.
                The general population loves the Guardians movies because they're part of the MCU. They don't give a shit about James Gunn and most of them probably don't even know his name.

              • 9 months ago

                >Gunn is beloved by the general population at large
                Normies barely know their name. Maybe a few nerds like Gunn but even then it's just sympathy at best.

                >Perfectly captures what made troma successful
                I see your point. I think there are way better Troma movies. I think Super is unpleasant as a movie regardless. But yeah, from a Troma perspective, Super kinda fits the bill.

                >deconstructs the superhero better
                Now you went full redditor. Watchmen is eons better as a movie, no matter what. The pretentious hidden meaning you want to attribute to it is completely irrelevant. In terms of raw quality, Watchmen is just on another level.

              • 9 months ago

                >Normies barely know their name. Maybe a few nerds like Gunn but even then it's just sympathy at best.
                Nerds know him well. Normies likely don't, but they do know "Guardians of the Galaxy" which he can slap on any DC movie as I've mentioned in responses to other (?) anons.
                >Watchmen is eons better as a movie, no matter what.
                I think Watchmen is eons better as a comic, actually. Snyder owes all the good bits to the comic as he was basically adapting it panel for panel, word for word (which also doesn't translate super well as it turns out). Then he chickens out on the ending. The performances apart from Billy Crudup, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Patrick Wilson are mediocre to bad. It's hideously bad and it actually misses a lot of the point of the comic.

                Whereas Super points out how you're likely a mentally ill psychotic if you decide to put on a costume and fight crime and shows a harsh reality of what that would look like, but in that Troma kind of way it uses the ugliness to insert a bit of bittersweet heart and charm in a way that Snyder could never pull off.

              • 9 months ago

                >Guardians of the Galaxy

                >Watchmen comic
                The squid was always moronic

                >Whereas Super points out how you're likely a mentally ill psychotic if you decide to put on a costume and fight crime and shows a harsh reality of what that would look like
                Which is exactly what Watchmen shows too

                >but in that Troma kind of way it uses the ugliness to insert a bit of bittersweet heart and charm in a way that Snyder could never pull off.
                Uh, I agree? Watchmen was never a troma movie to begin with. Maybe you just like those types of movies more? The charm of Watchmen comes from its own beauty. Not only the visual aesthetics like the photography and appearance of the characters but also the portrayal of nihilism, hopelesness and even absurdism as the movie progresses. I guess Super and WM are not so different in that sense since they are oppossites. Super uses its own uglyness to show a ray of hope whereas WM uses its own beauty to reflect on human despair.

                Personally, I don't think they have to compete. But it is stupid to pretend the DCEU should be like Super. You can't have a troma Justice League. At least not as the official version. maybe in the new Elseworlds label. In any case, Snyder had the right idea. Gunn has been following Snyder's style accordingly with TSS and Peacemaker. The only thing that is actually moronic is wanting to erase the Snyderverse.

              • 9 months ago

                Okay, dude.
                >The squid was always moronic
                >Which is exactly what Watchmen shows too
                The comic does, yes.
                >Uh, I agree? Watchmen was never a troma movie to begin with. Maybe you just like those types of movies more?
                I'm not saying that Watchmen should be like a Troma movie. I'm saying that in general Snyder's movies lack any kind of a soul or emotional core. Nor are they making any interesting observations. They're telling stories without meaning or heart, merely function.

              • 9 months ago

                >I'm saying that in general Snyder's movies lack any kind of a soul or emotional core
                You are blind. That or you're arguing in bad faith.

              • 9 months ago

                Nope, it's just facts. His characters don't have chemistry, they're rarely fleshed out, they're reactionary to the plot rather than driven by their own agency.

                Which is partly why he skips over all of the important, main character building shit. He'll make a superman movie that's all boom and kaboom but then he gets the name "Superman" off screen as well as the Daily Planet job/alter ego. Because he doesn't have any interest in these characters or telling stories about them. He's interested in how they deliver set pieces.

              • 9 months ago

                The only fact here is you lying out your ass. Clark in Man of Steel makes several choices for himself and drives the plot forward when he wanders the Earth following his father's death. He's the one who makes an effort to track down the scout ship and learn of his true heritage. He makes the choice to turn himself in and learn of Zod's true motives. He formulates the plan to send Zod's forces back to the Phantom Zone. He makes the choice to kill Zod. And in BvS them being reactionary IS THE POINT. Both Superman and Batman are being manipulated by Luthor, and them being reactionary is treated as a bad thing. Instead of communicating through diplomacy, both heroes are blinded by surface level grievances to the point where they can't see the good in each other. Then in Justice League, the plot to form the team is driven by Bruce's agency. He goes out and seeks heroes to fight beside him. But the other heroes have their own agency, too. They initially turn down Bruce and only later make the choice to join forces.

              • 9 months ago

                >Clark in Man of Steel makes several choices for himself and drives the plot forward when he wanders the Earth following his father's death
                Right, that is until he unintentionally stumbles across two military dudes talking about an alien ship and goes to investigate, accidentally gets noticed by Lois and tracked down by her and then reveals himself only after his hand is forced by Zod.
                >He formulates the plan to send Zod's forces back to the Phantom Zone.
                Yeah, a plan that falls completely out of his ass. Not something he figured out how to do or that he should've had prior knowledge of. Just a complete asspull by the movie.
                >He makes the choice to kill Zod.
                Zod leaves him no choice. That's the point of the whole sequence.

                Batman's entire beef with Superman in BvS is borderline incoherent. He clearly hates him from the start but it takes Lex and his overacting zippy ass to trick him into doing it for some reason?
                >Then in Justice League, the plot to form the team is driven by Bruce's agency.
                Except not. He's being reactionary to the impending threat as forewarned by Luthor. Flash and Aquaman display agency in joining, I'll give you them. They then spend the rest of the movie following orders.

              • 9 months ago

                >accidentally gets noticed by Lois and tracked down by her and then reveals himself only after his hand is forced by Zod.
                Being tracked down by Lois doesn't affect his agency in any way. And Zod only reveals his existence, not his identity. And even after that, Clark spends much time mulling over what to do. You could make the argument that the priest in Smallville convinces him to do it, but ultimately I think his mind was made up by that point. He chooses to turn himself in to Earth authorities rather than directly into Zod's custody. It's made clear by him breaking the handcuffs and talking to the military through the two-way mirror that he could leave at any time, but he chooses to go along with their wishes in an effort to show that they can trust him - a gambit that ultimately pays off when they join forces officially for the third act.
                >Yeah, a plan that falls completely out of his ass.
                If you want to be uncharitable, that's your choice. But it's easy to assume that Clark may have learned more about Kryptonian technology while speaking with his father's AI duplicate on the scout ship. The movie doesn't make it clear how long he stayed there.
                >Zod leaves him no choice.
                The point was that Clark did have a choice. Throughout the movie, he always had a choice. To be a normal man, or to be superman. To keep himself hidden, or reveal himself to the world. To restore Krypton, or to build something new with the people of Earth. If Clark didn't have a choice, the scene would be empty. It's meaningful because it IS his choice. The whole film is about the value of free will over having a set role. Zod is the one who feels he has no choice, so he decides to go on a rampage when his plan fails.

              • 9 months ago

                >Being tracked down by Lois doesn't affect his agency in any way.
                That was a lead in to the next point, holy shit no wonder you like Snyder movies. Frick. Do you enjoy the arguing? Serious question. Because like, don't bother responding if you're just seeking ways to misread.

                >If you want to be uncharitable
                I don't feel a need to be charitable with this. I'll tell you what I like about Man of Steel
                >The Casting apart from Amy Adams as Lois
                >The Entire Smallville sequence is superb
                >World engine is a legitimately cool and memorable set piece
                >Superman's powers are very well displayed visually (IE the way they move, the visceral power of it all)
                I honestly would've preferred the movie stay there and explain rather than waste time with weird shit like
                >Lois being on the military craft at the end
                >The bully scene which is made redundant by the scene in the bar anyway
                >The overlong action climax
                Really I just wanted a reason to care. A reason to actually want to see Superman/Lois together other than "They do it in the comics". A reason for me to be sitting here and watching this story and the characters within it when I could be using the time elsewhere.
                >The point was that Clark did have a choice.
                If the choice is "Either you die or I do" then that's not a choice.

              • 9 months ago

                >That was a lead in to the next point, holy shit no wonder you like Snyder movies.
                If your point was "his hand was forced by Zod" then I addressed it in that very same post. But go ahead and pretend that I'm ignoring your issues.
                >Do you enjoy the arguing?
                Do you? lmao
                >I don't feel a need to be charitable with this.
                Well more power to you then. A discussion can't be had here if that's your mindset.
                >Lois being on the military craft at the end
                I'll give you this. Doesn't make much sense. It only serves to get Lois to Metropolis so she can get rescued and witness the final fight. Good thing I'm not arguing that Snyder's movies are flawless.
                >The bully scene which is made redundant by the scene in the bar anyway
                The purpose of the bully scene is the conversation with Jonathan Kent that happens immediately afterward. When his words once again reaffirm the message of choice and free will.
                >The overlong action climax
                I disagree that it's overlong. After the Smallville fight, Zod enacted his World Engine plan. There was no break because there would be no plausible reason for the heroes to stop when the Earth was in the process of being terraformed.
                >The point was that Clark did have a choice.
                >If the choice is "Either you die or I do" then that's not a choice.
                The choice there was "do I kill the last member of my species to save mankind or not". At least, that was my take away.
                >Really I just wanted a reason to care.
                See, that's a personal issue. And I'm not going to tell you you're wrong to not like these movies. But I am going to tell you you're wrong that these movies don't have heart or an emotional core. Just because they didn't resonate with you doesn't mean they aren't there. That's just false.

              • 9 months ago

                Shitty acting
                Shitty direction
                Shitty dialogue
                Shitty plot
                Shitty cinematography

                I get it, you have a 105 IQ.
                So Z man appeals to you.
                You can't argue out of everything he made being shit.
                You can't convince anyone otherwise.
                Try to convince us that Michael Bay is a genius as well.
                Won't happen.
                Realize that you are in the minoriti-est of minorities, and move on.
                Everyone else has.
                The DCU was a massive clusterfrick from the beginning and it was all spawned from Snyder's aesthetic and braintrust.

                The MCU is a clusterfrick now so Gunn has a chance to fix things in the eyes of the majority of DC fans, not DCU fans.

              • 9 months ago

                >Argumentum ad populum
                Snyder haters confirmed midwits.
                And Gunn's DCU is destined to fail. The DC fanbase is divided and nobody wants more quippy capeshit movies. It's over before it even began.

              • 9 months ago

                Good morning sir

      • 9 months ago

        snyder made the literal thing that watchmen… you cannot be this media illiterate

        • 9 months ago

          try forming a coherent sentence next time dipshit

    • 9 months ago

      >James Gunn has actually made some decent movies.

  9. 9 months ago

    Neither because I don't watch capeshit.

  10. 9 months ago
  11. 9 months ago

    I liked The Suicide Squad. I didn’t love it, but it was more enjoyable than I thought it would be. Snyder is fricking trash and after his Vegas zombie movie I’ll never watch anything that literal moron ever makes again.

  12. 9 months ago

    gunn has daddy issues but can write AND direct, snyder writes like an edgy highschool freshman who has no media literacy and directs nothing but CGI sludge

  13. 9 months ago

    Gunn at least made a semi-decent film so him

  14. 9 months ago

    Guardians trilogy, The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker are all better than Snyder's capeshit

    • 9 months ago

      lol no
      maybe if you're a redditor sure

      • 9 months ago

        You don't even know what "reddit"/"redditor" means. Stop trying to fit in, newbie.

        • 9 months ago

          James Gunn and his style are the epitome of reddit you moronic homosexual

          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              >DANCE OFF BRO

              • 9 months ago

                I wont say it's not cringe but at least it vaguely fit the comedic tone of the movie. Snyder is unintentionally comedic in his attempt at being cold and serious

              • 9 months ago

                I'd rather watch something sincere that takes itself seriously, even if that leaves it open to mockery, than something completely insincere that doesn't respect it's audience and everything is treated like a dumb fricking joke.

              • 9 months ago

                snyder's attempts at being serious are shallow and contrived and unintentionally comedic. the only halfway good movies he's made are carbon copies of source material and dotd which gunn wrote.

                Super is more sincere than anything snyder has made

              • 9 months ago

                Gunnjeet cringe

              • 9 months ago

                This one moment from 300 is more emotionally resonant than anything in Gunn's entire filmography: https://youtu.be/VaR1dEpa-6E?si=PjI3RfAJjqjPXJ-K&t=193
                >dotd which gunn wrote
                His script was rewritten but Gunngays never mention that part

              • 9 months ago

                >His script was rewritten
                oh, that explains why the movie has zero character depth. That 300 scene is cheesey as frick anon, do you have the autisms

              • 9 months ago

                >muh character depth in a zombie movie
                You sure you're not the autistic one? And the funny part is that the characters actually did have some depth CJ in particular.
                >That 300 scene is cheesey as frick anon
                Thanks for confirming you're a low T redditor bugman. And imagine calling 300 cheesy while defending Gunn's slop lmao

              • 9 months ago

                CJ's character transition is a good example of why it fails at character depth anon...the movie shows no arc for him he just is antagonistic at the start and then changes to not be and then to be self sacrificing, no explanation for his character motivations.

                I notice you didnt deny having autism. I imagine that's why you're completely tone deaf to 300's american cheesy hoorahing bullshit and dont understand character development at all

              • 9 months ago

                >300's american cheesy hoorahing bullshit
                Way to miss the entire point of the movie which is that it's supposed to be PROPAGANDA. The entire story is told from an unreliable narrator that is trying to rally and hype up his troops to go into battle. But not surprised to discover you're some leftist homosexual that gets all his arguments from Youtube video essays.

              • 9 months ago

                >Way to miss the entire point of the movie which is that it's supposed to be PROPAGANDA
                no its not anon, a) Thermopylae is historical and b) the guy reporting the tale isnt implied to be lying. but that's not even relevant because leonidas is babbling about freedom and shit when his society is built on having more slaves than freemen

              • 9 months ago

                Holy shit you're actually moronic. So was Xerces historically 9 feet tall? Did he really use Rhinos in battle? Were the immortals real too?
                >the guy reporting the tale isnt implied to be lying
                There's a scene where the spartans are fighting literal STRAWMEN. If that doesn't get the point through to you idk what will. https://youtu.be/aCUXncqVEgI?si=kkrbD2EC_as0pKhV&t=44

              • 9 months ago

                can you read? did you see the part where I said all of that is irrelevant?
                >Were the immortals real too?
                >So was Xerces historically 9 feet tall? Did he really use Rhinos in battle?
                it's not clear whether it's creative license for the movie/comic or embellishment. Why would he be talking up their enemies though, that's moronic.
                >fighting literal STRAWMEN
                those strawmen sure have a lot of blood and like one piece of straw (maybe?) on a guys ankle? not that it would make it any better if they were strawmen, so moronic

              • 9 months ago

                you like 300?

                well, thats because of frank miller (the author and artist of the comic) not because of synder


              • 9 months ago

                Fricking moron you could've given the same material to a number of other directors, Gunn especially, and the end result wouldn't have been nearly as good. The only other person that's done as good of a job directly translating a graphic novel to the screen is Robert Rodriguez.

              • 9 months ago

                >translating frank millers comics into live action make you a visionary

                does it really?

                nah, i dont think so

                its like a tracer calling himself an artist

              • 9 months ago

                Ya it does actually you reddit spacing homosexual and the fact that you compare it to tracing tells me you know frick all about filmmaking.

              • 9 months ago

                if frank miller wrote and drew sucer punch, id bet youd say it was snyder's magnum opus

              • 9 months ago

                >if a good writer wrote this movie it’d be better than if someone with 2 brain cells did it

                no shit anon, it’d be a different movie

              • 9 months ago

                also, the only reason why you like sin city and 300 is because of frank miller

                not because of snyder or rodriguez

              • 9 months ago

                You're a fricking moron that knows nothing about filmmaking.

              • 9 months ago

                >You're a fricking moron that knows nothing about filmmaking

                ive worked in the business for a number of years actaully

                and a lot of them, if not all, rely on fantastic artists to make their work look the way it does

              • 9 months ago

                Craft services doesn't count anon

              • 9 months ago

                oh, i wish i was in craft services

                all those long hours slaving away at my desk to make other people's movie look good, in hind sight, it was a joke

              • 9 months ago

                >staying true to source material le bad
                yea im thinking have a nice day troony

              • 9 months ago

                >The only other person that's done as good of a job directly translating a graphic novel to the screen is Robert Rodriguez.
                lol both sin city and 300 are total fricking garbage movies by inept hacks who personify incompetence while the comics are top notch
                they didn't translate shit they greenscreened some badly directed actors and shat out poorly edited mess, par for the course in their careers
                kys yourself moron

              • 9 months ago

                >kys yourself
                Hey moron, the Y and S in kys stands for your and self respectively, you didn't need to type it again.
                Fricking stupid homosexual lol KYS

          • 9 months ago

            Describe to me reddit, gaytard

            • 9 months ago

              Insincere, irony poisoned, juvenile, cringe humor, and overly sarcastic. You know, all things that apply to Gunn's shitty flicks. That good enough for you Black person?

              • 9 months ago

                You just described Cinemaphile, you dumb Black person. Reddit also has insincere and cringe humor, but in the form of lowest common denominator and people pleasing in search of applause type humor.

              • 9 months ago

                >but in the form of lowest common denominator and people pleasing in search of applause type humor.
                Exactly like Gunn's movies?

              • 9 months ago

                Guardians 2 definitely. That is his worst movie by a mile and his most indulgently and shittily Marvel. And I can admit this because I'm no loyalist to Gunn. That is an embarrassing movie.

                Otherwise? Not in the slightest.

        • 9 months ago

          No, James Gunn movies are made for homosexuals from Cinemaphile, Reddit, and Youtube.

          Gunn, Whedon, Taititi. They're all the same shit. Only homosexuals love them.

          • 9 months ago

            Whedon and Taika absolutely are reddit. Gunn is not reddit. He just knew how to play ball at Marvel, and even then he said frick it with the last one and made their best film.

            • 9 months ago

              Gunn and Waititi are exactly the same. Same kind of style, humor, and edginess.

              • 9 months ago

                Couldn't be more off and the failure to recognize the fundamental differences is kind of what makes you reddit. Maybe even twitter.

              • 9 months ago

                >They're the same because they both do comedy!

                sub 80 iq

            • 9 months ago

              holy shit he actually wrote something funny

  15. 9 months ago

    James Gunn literally steal all his best ideas and scenes from Zack Snyder.
    He even begged Snyder to lent him his stunt team for Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and The Peacemaker.

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        >Snyder invented a character screaming after someone dies.

      • 9 months ago

        >Snyder invented people screaming
        kys pajeet

      • 9 months ago

        this isnt stealing this is a jab at snyder. james gunn you evil man

      • 9 months ago

        top: earned dramatic scream
        bottom: forced dramatic scream

  16. 9 months ago

    Gunn's edgy style is jarring and annoying. He wants to be Sam Raimi so bad and it's pathetic. At least Snyder does his own thing.

  17. 9 months ago

    >it's another "gay manbabies argue about children's films" episode
    they're both talentless gays who have never made a movie worth watching

    • 9 months ago

      What a useless comment. Why are you even in this thread if you don't secretly care, Black person? You're just using cynicism as a way to avoid forming your own opinion.

    • 9 months ago

      >stop talking about things i dont like

  18. 9 months ago

    not watching capeshit
    that's my choice

  19. 9 months ago

    A lot of the problems wasn’t really Snyder fault and his version of justice league was better. Gunn seems cool but all the changes he’s making like not having cavill and ignoring justice league and first suicide squad aren’t the best decisions

    • 9 months ago

      >A lot of the problems wasn’t really Snyder fault
      >and his version of justice league was better.

      • 9 months ago

        everyone knows snyder's cut was better than whedon's

  20. 9 months ago

    Zach but my choice requires having testosterone and being under 6’0, that’s right tallhomosexuals, I can outlift you too oh and I can fit in most cars comfortably as well 🙂

  21. 9 months ago

    gunn is a more competent storyteller

    doesnt mean i like him, though

  22. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      snyder’s daughter killed herself because he was molesting her

      • 9 months ago

        Why are so many snyder haters such sick demented freaks?

        • 9 months ago

          ive NEVER spoken any ill will towards anyone's family, because i know, just on a surface lever, that its wrong

          that being said, i can see why anons here would say such a thing

          its because they look like pic related, and because they look like pic related, you have to give them a pass

        • 9 months ago

          i’m demented because of what snyder did? this got leaked and burried a few months ago after cnn covered it…

          • 9 months ago

            >still making stuff up out of thin air because a director made some cape movies you don't like
            seek help

    • 9 months ago

      >literally pajeet file name

  23. 9 months ago

    Affleck loves SNYDER and HATES Gunn

    • 9 months ago

      >affleck like valorant

      afflect loses automatically and his opinions are nullified

  24. 9 months ago

    Snyder is an actual filmmaker with praise from nolan cameron tarantino among others. Gunn is a hack who makes movies for brainlet edgy manchildren

  25. 9 months ago

    TSS was the best comic film in a decade.

    • 9 months ago

      >All white men die
      >Surviving white man becomes a cuck that jerks off to lesbian porn and humiliated by strong female characters
      No, you cuck

      • 9 months ago

        It's just like real life

    • 9 months ago

      It failed in the box office.

  26. 9 months ago

    Snyder makes beautiful pottery in his free time; Gunn? I don't think so

  27. 9 months ago

    I watched GOTG3 and was so fricking shit I shitted myself out of bore.
    Saldana can't act or be useful to save her life and I still don't give a shit about the cast of useless and more useless cucks.
    >uhhh but Rocket scenes were sad
    They were mediocre.

    • 9 months ago

      You sound rational

  28. 9 months ago


    >Gunn Raceswaps
    Perry "Not" White
    Wonder israelite?
    Batman was literally going to cuck Superman in his grand plan
    >Snyder is the toxic masculinity we need
    This is your brain on twitter
    >homie, I want to be like them not in them.
    Literally what all homosexuals say before they make the move to jacking off. I bet you frequent Cinemaphile a lot too.

    Snyder has never written a good movie in his life. He's barely articulate as a speaker.

    • 9 months ago

      >Perry "Not" White
      >Wonder israelite?
      Didn't say he didn't raceswaps, but Gunn has raceswaps of "OH I MADE THEM BETTER SINCE THEY'RE COLORED HECKINOSSS!!!". James Wan made Aquaman into polynesian words shit but not Snyder
      >Batman was literally going to cuck Superman in his grand plan
      That's white on white cucking and he was dead, so better
      >This is your brain on twitter
      >Literally what all homosexuals say before they make the move to jacking off. I bet you frequent Cinemaphile a lot too.
      Have fun dying alone and gelded. Admiring male form is how we fight modern culture

      • 9 months ago

        >but Gunn has raceswaps of "OH I MADE THEM BETTER SINCE THEY'RE COLORED HECKINOSSS!!!"
        Such as?

        • 9 months ago

          Man, I love it when racists can't even decide among themselves what is supposed to be good. It's like watching a bunch of girls trying to come up with a reason not to date the chad.

          Gamora was white in comics

      • 9 months ago

        >but Gunn has raceswaps of "OH I MADE THEM BETTER SINCE THEY'RE COLORED HECKINOSSS!!!"
        Such as?

        Man, I love it when racists can't even decide among themselves what is supposed to be good. It's like watching a bunch of girls trying to come up with a reason not to date the chad.

      • 9 months ago

        he made iris west a literal monkey

        • 9 months ago

          She was a cute monkey, unlike Saldana Ape

    • 9 months ago

      >Snyder has never written a good movie in his life. He's barely articulate as a speaker.
      have a nice day

      • 9 months ago

        pajeet is more articulate than snyder himself

        • 9 months ago

          Why do you support paedophiles? Are you a paedophile yourself?

  29. 9 months ago

    Gunn is a child molester and he is burning down DC and heroes in general with his writing style and stupid jokes and with the terrible nonheroic characters he promotes.

  30. 9 months ago

    Gunn is a pedo or pedo adjecent, everyone is VFX hates him, he's a super c**t

    Snyder is cool as frick, always encouraging, only gives constructive notes

    Synder is a true filmmaker
    Gunn is a gamma boy who licked the right buttholes

  31. 9 months ago

    Zack Sneeder is great and he should make his own original works since he's underappreciated in the axewound capeshit reddit snoyboy sector

  32. 9 months ago

    if snyder isnt copying directly from a good source material, its trash and you all know it

    same with gunn

    • 9 months ago

      army of the dead is the definitive proof that Snyder is a hack

  33. 9 months ago

    Snyder. Because his fight scenes don't suck. Because he doesn't try to be funny all the time

  34. 9 months ago

    Zack Snyder. He makes pure KINO pumped full of testosterone that reveres strength and masculinity while also showing respect and admiration of beautiful and powerful women. This makes all the dweebs, incels, and troons seethe who only like Gunn because he's le heckin wacky and goofy and TWISTED. If there's anything sincere in Gunn's flicks, it's always soaked in ten layers of irony and sarcasm. Snyder is genuine and is confident enough in the message of his story not to obscure it with cheap laughs.

  35. 9 months ago

    snyder I guess since less quips

  36. 9 months ago

    This is now a CHAD SNYDER THREAD

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago



  37. 9 months ago

    The snyder bots are here.

  38. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago
          • 9 months ago
            • 9 months ago

              Now posting supplementary materials, think on these revelations you filthy plebs, I hope to impart on you superior taste

              • 9 months ago

                you dont understand those movies need shwarma tier jokes every five seconds or they're boring

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Symbols can be co-opted, appropriated, warped beyond what they were meant to be, one of the themes of BvS

              • 9 months ago

                Made by design, you will find no coincidences in this world by Zack's hand

              • 9 months ago

                No one's disputing that, they're just so hackneyed and blatant that it's as bad as those Kirk Cameron movies. That's not good filmmaking, it's really shitty filmmaking.

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Yes Superman was chained inside Snyderverse and now he is freed by James Gunn. Kudos to Snyder for realizing this

  39. 9 months ago

    James gunn is directing peacemaker and that is an absolute rancid piece of shit

  40. 9 months ago

    im sorry, but no one, and i mean, NO ONE viewed any of snyder's dc films as a religious or mythological experience...

    expect for snyder

  41. 9 months ago

    >44 posters
    >145 replies
    Snydergays are something else

  42. 9 months ago

    >"Twenty years in Gotham, Alfred. We've seen what promises are worth. How many good guys are left? How many stayed that way?"

    >"I'm going to make you a promise... Martha won't die tonight."

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago
          • 9 months ago
            • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago

                >The entire world becomes a Justice League
                Absolute K I N O

    • 9 months ago

      sorry, but that isnt batman

      this drawing i did is batman

    • 9 months ago

      >>"I'm going to make you a promise... Martha won't die tonight."
      It wasn't enough with just beating Supes to a pulp. Did he really had to frick his mom too?

  43. 9 months ago

    Zack Snyder's career was built off of Dawn of the Dead, a remake, which was written by Gunn. I think that says enough.

    • 9 months ago

      Most of Gunn’s stuff was removed from the final film, like his 20 minutes dog POV sequence.

      • 9 months ago

        >20 minutes dog POV
        Sounds like kino, no wonder Zack was filtered.

  44. 9 months ago

    I still don't understand how Gunn got rehabilitated after he got caught red handed bussing busloads of teenage boys to his gay parties. How did he manage it?

    • 9 months ago

      no one cares unless its women cause people treat them like sacred goddesses

  45. 9 months ago

    one has only released 1 movie and 1 tv show
    nothing else has actually fricking been his

    • 9 months ago

      Both of them bombed

      • 9 months ago

        >Both of them bombed
        peacemaker did great you fricking moron

        • 9 months ago

          >"people" actually unironically watch peacemaker

          • 9 months ago

            Only terminally online capeshitters watched that garbage. I've never met one person irl that talked it about.

            • 9 months ago

              i saw the first episode to check it out and it was jaw droppingly bad, the first few minutes is literally cena talking with some brown janitor about how he should kill more white people to be less racist, and most of the "action" is just him running around dressed like a crackhead and tripping on literally anything and everything because the writers think its "funny" along with some fat black mami comedic relief screaming at something every couple minutes because otherwise the show would be 6dark9me!

              • 9 months ago

                You never watched it past the first scene

              • 9 months ago

                Why would anyone unless they're some homosexual soi redditor???

              • 9 months ago

                Why pretend? That's even more pathetic.

              • 9 months ago

                lmao i did, i wish i hadnt though, i think i even saw the second episode out of curiosity before stopping

        • 9 months ago

          >under 1 million viewership for premiere
          wow, what a massive success

  46. 9 months ago

    gunn seems like an irony poisoned frickwad. snyder just wants to make cool looking shit that'll stick with you. he's basically one of the few auteurs left making big movies. Both the director cuts of Watchmen and JL are cinematic masterpieces on the level of Lawrence of Arabia and Waterloo. Not even joking.

  47. 9 months ago

    i enjoyed SS2 but james is a massive homosexual for killing off captain boomerang in the most stupid and pointless way possible, along with the cringe forced friendship between him and harley, also harley taking up so much screen time god, much better than the rancid shit SS1 was but goddam

  48. 9 months ago

    Snyder sucks but he's not a pedo

  49. 9 months ago

    Slither - 7
    Super - 7
    GOTG - 9
    GOTG 2 - 6
    TSS - 7
    PM - 7
    GOTG 3 - 8

    DOTD - 5
    300 - 7
    WM - 5
    SP - 3
    MOS - 6
    BVS - 3
    JL - 5

    If you disagree your skin is brown and/or you are a streetshitter

    • 9 months ago

      holy reddit taste you should be ashamed of yourself
      t. blue eyed white man

  50. 9 months ago

    one is adored by hardworking Indian chads, the other one is friends with pedophiles

  51. 9 months ago

    As long as Gunn doesn't turn all the side material (comics, animation) into one canon, I'll be fine with him. Tie-ins are ok, but the two universes should ultimately be separate.

  52. 9 months ago

    Snyder because his movies don't look like dogshit

  53. 9 months ago

    If Gunn is actually going to go the All Star Superman route for the character I'd love it. The MoS trailers hinted at it being like that but it was just skybeams and stop, my invincible son

  54. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Seems like a pretty extreme measure to get him off the project. Especially considering it didn't work in the end.

  55. 9 months ago

    Snyder I suppose

  56. 9 months ago

    Snyder by default. Guardians sucked. All of them.

  57. 9 months ago

    Back in 2016 when Guardians was released, I would've agreed with you. It was sleek, funny although it had an underwhelming villain and climax. Still felt soulful compared to the rest. Then Gunn fell off hard. The more creative freedom he got, the worse he became. GOTG 2 and 3, Peacemaker were absolutely terrible and really exposed his ability to direct serious moments. The humor considerably got worse. He doesn't have anything interesting to say in his films as well. Just another garden variety american democrat who toes the party line.

  58. 9 months ago

    Snyder made Dawn of the Dead 2004 and 300
    Gunn has only made goyslop

    End of discussion.

  59. 9 months ago

    >James Gunn
    The pedophile?
    What movies has he made?

  60. 9 months ago

    Snyder. Gunn doesn't have a sincere bone in his body. There's something unlikeable about his movies I can't quite articulate. On a facile level they work. However, there is a nihilism to his movies bubbling under a sheen of faux wholesomeness. Gunn is cynical and ruins his movies by having a distain for basic goodness. He views goodness is dishonest and takes measures to undercut it in his films.

  61. 9 months ago

    Gee I can't wait for years and years of these exact threads

    • 9 months ago

      It's just the first day

  62. 9 months ago

    peacemaker was ass but super, gotg, and the suicide squad were fun and pajeets hate him so gunn i guess

  63. 9 months ago

    I can't wait to see how James Gunn's new Superman will fail.

    • 9 months ago

      Gunn is going to heavily reference smallville. He did the same for Guardians with Farscape.

      • 9 months ago

        No, thanks.

    • 9 months ago

      Gunn is doing his own Justice League and I think he could do a better job than Snyder, he did a better Suicide Squad other than the shit he did with Margot Robbie, I like Carrigan, Moner and Fillion.

  64. 9 months ago

    I like Watchmen and 300 more than Super, all their other movies are horrible, as for DC I think Gunn will do a better job.

  65. 9 months ago

    Snyder made 300 so he wins.

  66. 9 months ago

    Both hate women in leotard
    Both sucks

  67. 9 months ago

    I prefer REAL directors, not music video producers or capeshit enthusiasts

  68. 9 months ago

    Gunn, because my last name isn't Patel or Gupta.

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