Why can't a good female-led superhero movie or a show be made?

Why can't a good female-led superhero movie or a show be made? It seems like everything that's made is varying degrees of bad but not even close to being good.

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  1. 3 months ago

    It can, but it needs to not be feminist. feminist anything is unpalatable to men. And the potential audience for superheroes is ~90% male.

    • 3 months ago

      >Feminist anything is unpalatable to manchildren

      • 3 months ago

        >Looks at Madame Web, The Marvels and She-Hulk
        no he's right. More importantly women won't watch it regardless so appealing to them is pointless.

        • 3 months ago

          >Looks at Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, and The Scarlet Letter
          Indeed. No man could ever appreciate a feminist story. That's why nobody's heard of these books! Grow up.

          • 3 months ago

            I mean i've heard of the first and second but have no idea what they are about no idea on the second.

          • 3 months ago

            Feminist stories are dull and boring. Nobody wants to hear for the umpteenth time how men oppress women and all that crap. If you want a great female lead, create a normal person who respects women and men equally and who is also strong but without being a mary sue.

            • 3 months ago

              >Feminist stories are dull and boring
              Says you.
              >Nobody wants to hear for the umpteenth time how men oppress women and all that crap
              I doubt you've read a single feminist anything in your life. I bet you're one of those nitwits who whines about how feminism ruined society or something.
              >Blah blah blah any female character I don't like is a Mary Sue
              If you're gonna whine about pointless shit can't you at least be original with your complaints? I bet you can't even define what Mary Sue means.

              • 3 months ago

                I love how you put words into his mouth that he didn't even say.

              • 3 months ago

                >Literally quote a post
                >Y-you put words in his mouth!

  2. 3 months ago

    You can't make a female super hero because it requires that you lie to yourself and pretend and make believe that women are smart and strong. They aren't. And don't bother saying examples like Kimpossible or Ladybug. Sometimes shit becomes glitches in the system. But the reality is simply that most people understand that women aren't fighters, soldiers, heroes, warriors, etc. They don't have any of the strengths or values that men have to make such stories work.

    • 3 months ago

      >And don't bother saying examples like Kimpossible or Ladybug.
      Why not? She is French.


      Why can't a good female-led superhero movie or a show be made? It seems like everything that's made is varying degrees of bad but not even close to being good.

      The root ause is really bad writers who have no idea about back and front on women or girls.

    • 3 months ago

      Strong women serve the penis.

  3. 3 months ago

    Any non-moronic answers now?

  4. 3 months ago

    Most super hero things that feature men are mediocre as hell, but because there’s so many, there’s more chances to get something great, and sometimes lightning strikes.

    There’s far fewer female led stuff so fewer chances of something turning out good.

    Then there is indeed the question of the impulse behind making the thing. Female led stuff tends to be put in production to surf on representation concerns, and designed by comity to make something as inoffensive as possible.

    If they actually put a good creator with a voice and a story to tell on a female character, like they felt more comfortable doing with some male characters (in a sea of mediocre shit) we’d get more interesting offerings.

    • 3 months ago

      >something as inoffensive as possible
      IMO it's often the other way around.
      As in, there's certain spite about it all. I've said this before, but a villain for instance is not allowed to be threatening or not humiliated and made to look like a joke in some way. As if they are supposed to represent someone the writer has a grudge against.
      Most of the time good villains in male-led works are treated with deserved respect and it's shown that they earn that respect, maybe not from the characters themselves but from the narrative.
      Villains like dangerous and deadly opponents or respectable rivals.

      • 3 months ago

        That’s part of the inoffensiveness in the sense that they’re making this for an audience who already agrees, and wants to feel validated and pandered to.

        An actual challenging thing would be to show the protagonist as having genuine flaws to overcome and a villain with more nuance. But they don’t aim for that.

        Those movies don’t exist to change anybody’s mind, they exist to get the people who already agree with the message to pay money.

        Which is imo condescending, but eh. Clearly it’s stopped working cause way less people showed up to watch the latest installments of such productions, even the target demo.

        Like I have similar gripes with Barbie and how it panders to women by bombarding them with words they want to hear and making fun of men, while offering no actual solutions to patriarchy except buying a doll and keeping things as they are, but at least Barbie was entertaining

  5. 3 months ago

    The first Womder Woman movie was not bad.

  6. 3 months ago

    People want a superhero movie that has a female led character. Studio execs want a female led movie that has superpowers. The difference is small but noticeable. You see, the viewers with half a brain wouldn't care that the main protagonist is a chick. Studio execs however need the chick to do everything a man can do, and are so scared of negative press they want the woman to be flawless, creating a bland poster woman with no character.

    • 3 months ago

      Adding on:

      Studios can not fricking think for themselves. Women like everything, has to go through a check list for their heroing. This means doing what focus groups or loudest scream (social media) says. And ends with having anything that made the female hero stripped in place of safe product from some other IP.

      This shit becomes ironic because while "the evil male gaze" did make female leads stupid in some aspects. It also shows that these now enlightened progressives are afraid of letting women use their femininity as a super hero strength or be one of the guys who can fail. Which just results in the need to constantly circle jerk the character.

      • 3 months ago

        Man I miss xena, that show was greatx

  7. 3 months ago

    Battle Angel Alita…er excuse me Alita: Battle Angel was great but no one saw it because “oh man we’ve gotta see Captain Marvel”

  8. 3 months ago

    The juice only know to make it about how men are evil oppressive monsters and shit

  9. 3 months ago

    Wonder Woman was ok, but let’s be honest, most superhero media sucks ass objectively when having a serious story. That’s why silly/fun comedy shows like DCSHG G2 work and are the few times female SH are good

    • 3 months ago

      I think Raimi's Spider-Man movies are a happy medium between "serious story" and camp, but everything nowadays has to be obnoxiously self-aware destroying the camp in vain attempts to be seen as "valid" and "serious" or leaning too hard into comedy territory making it obnoxious.

      • 3 months ago

        This. sometimes going more dark can work (TDN with Batman as many people say) but the problem isn’t even just fine, it’s that the stories themselves are boring or nonsensical, and you just don’t give a shit about what happens since a lot of the stories feel the same. There’s a reason Ramos directing in the OG spidey movies are remembered while most people can’t even name one from the MCU. Speaking of spider-man, with the OP pic


        Why can't a good female-led superhero movie or a show be made? It seems like everything that's made is varying degrees of bad but not even close to being good.

        I think mayday could in a show where she’s dealing with street level thugs and corruption (like with crazy 8) while working with her dad, though he’s just a cop like in the comics. Lean more into the horror elements of spider-man/girl so it’s less campy if you want a more serious story. Rami even had a lot of horror stuff in his movies

        • 3 months ago

          IMO, "Nolan's Batman movies are dark" is a meme. I think the pseudo-realism of it all makes people think those movies are darker than they actually are but otherwise they feel very campy.

          • 3 months ago

            The first and especially third ones are, I agree, but TDN felt more like a crime thriller than a capeshit movie

            • 3 months ago

              Nah, Black person. You don't watch many crime thrillers if you actually believe that.
              it's extremely campy.
              How anyone could ever watch the ferries scene with a straight face is beyond me.

              • 3 months ago

                > it's extremely campy
                >ferries scene
                It wasn’t that unrealistic and showed a logical progression with the people on the two ferries deciding to blow the other one up, and proves jokers philosophy wrong. Sure the bat stuff is obviously silly to some extent but there’s nothing that campy about the jokers plans and what happens in the movie

              • 3 months ago

                I forget you TDKgays are delusional morons.

              • 3 months ago

                >can’t refute my point
                I’m not even a big DNK fan, you’re just wrong

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                There's nothing to refute, moron. You're an infantile subhuman. The whole movie is dumb capeshit through and through and you arguing otherwise shows how much of a childish moron with zero experience you are.

              • 3 months ago

                I forget you TDKgays are delusional morons.

                There's nothing to refute, moron. You're an infantile subhuman. The whole movie is dumb capeshit through and through and you arguing otherwise shows how much of a childish moron with zero experience you are.

                Just remember, Cinemaphile.
                A movie where a line like DIS CITY HAD SHOWN IT'S FULL OF PEOPLE READY TO BELIEVE IN GOOD is uttered with a straight face is not corny and campy, it's totally a serious crime thriller, I swear.
                A movie about a moron in purple suit committing ridiculous crimes and having plot armor the size of Uranus is totally realistic and not campy
                Capeshit manchildren need to be shot to death and thrown in mass graves, I swear.

                have a nice day already you annoying frick. No one cares about you.

  10. 3 months ago

    Ms Marvel was really good until they did like the comic and plucked her "from the streets" and into some universal horseshit that didn't move anyone and undermined the entire core appeal. I'd argue any YouTube asspie that had it been done right, Kamala could have been an MCU money printer.

    • 3 months ago

      >ms marvel was good
      what's your source?

      • 3 months ago

        your moms box, homosexual

  11. 3 months ago



    • 3 months ago

      Damn a lot of these are really bad,only one that was decent was the WW2009 movie

      • 3 months ago

        How the frick was the 2017 WW or the Jolie Tomb Raiders bad???

        • 3 months ago

          > 2017 WW
          Alright fine that was good
          Eh, it’s kinda whatever

          Sorry I forgot the StarGirl show. Click the Other option for it.

          How was Jessica Jones S1 bad?

          How was Avengers Confidential bad?

          >Jessica jones, avengers confidential
          Never watched them

    • 3 months ago

      The Witchblade anime is extremely underrated yes its hyper over the top fantservice but Masane is a genuinely great lovely mother character at the same time.

      Need to watch the live action Witchblade series. Heard its also good.

    • 3 months ago

      Sorry I forgot the StarGirl show. Click the Other option for it.

      Damn a lot of these are really bad,only one that was decent was the WW2009 movie

      How was Jessica Jones S1 bad?

      Damn a lot of these are really bad,only one that was decent was the WW2009 movie

      How was Avengers Confidential bad?

      • 3 months ago

        Not him, but Jessica Jones is absolute trash with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and I regret every second wasted on watching this garbage.

      • 3 months ago

        The only reasons people think Jessica Jones is even remotely good are
        1. it came out before it was trendy to hate the MCU.
        2. MUH TENNANT (why people like this obnoxious frick I will never understand)
        I can't think of a single thing about that show that isn't completely horrible. Maybe Sean Callery's score, the man is wasted on that tripe.

  12. 3 months ago

    The urge to fill it with woke shit and girl boss moments ruin all of them. You'll never see a female hero getting brutalized. Thus the stakes will always be low.

    • 3 months ago

      You'll never see She-Hulk getting her shit wrocked this hard. Weak men and woke Women feel its to close to reality so it's always toned down.

    • 3 months ago

      >You'll never see a female hero getting brutalized
      I haven't see L&T but didn't Jane Thor get messed up a bit? I saw shots of her face bleeding & face plate broken.

  13. 3 months ago

    Women can't write, produce or direct but have been allowed to "muh sexism and muh feminism" their way into those jobs. So you have a bunch of fat walled man hating incompetent unqualified roasties who are insanely jealous of women that are actually young and attractive, so they won't cast them in their movies which it turns out are fricking dogshit anyway.

  14. 3 months ago

    The issue is, generally speaking, female superheros are just men in skirts. I don't mean like your uncle. You know the one, that your mother said to stop lying about. I mean the trope of a 4'11" 105lb supermodel fist fighting multiple seven foot tall specops ninja dudes and beating the living shit out of them without effort, often with a witty quip.

    Superheros can be kind of an exception to this, having magic powers as they do, but it's still obvious the first draft of this scene was a man doing manly things but they decided to throw a pornstar looking b***h in at the last minute to own those evil republicans.

  15. 3 months ago

    >Why can't a good female-led superhero movie or a show be made?
    Dude, the magical girl genre

    • 3 months ago

      I'm a mechagay.
      Magical anything is boring to me.
      And before you say it, Witch from Mercury is rancid shit.

      • 3 months ago


  16. 3 months ago

    When message comes before entertainment, movies suck dick. Christian media famously sucked ass for decades for the same reason.

  17. 3 months ago

    There should be a mayday movie that’s just 2 hours of various ass shots and acrobatics fetishization

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        I know it’s bens suit but it really fits mayday super well

  18. 3 months ago

    because normies don't actually read comics or watch cartoons

    because CEOs of media corporations don't actually read comics or watch cartoons

    because the only time women have guns in media are the rare scenes of a gunfight with princess Leia, omega starting off with a stupid fricking lazer bow, and the mom in the black adam movie that people ignored even though she spoke directly to black adam and influenced his decisions

    maybe because some of the best female heroes are written by MEN

    maybe because the most "popular" female heroes are not the most heroic. jean grey just gets the phoenix power, that's not really a hero's journey.

    >why can't a good show be made
    she-hulk wasn't good because it was selfish b***hing, not a hero's struggle. there will never be a time when tolerating catcalling is the exact same as standing up to a mob boss like kingpin, or any other number of worse antagonists

    • 3 months ago

      It's kind of amazing to rewatch that shitty Hulk cartoon from the 90s and find how much better she was written in that than in her live-action show.

  19. 3 months ago

    Gamersgate broke a lot of mens' minds and also simultaneously crippled the feminist movement in nerd spaces. It's not forgotten about and the forced presence of woke media in everything nerd will always work against them.

  20. 3 months ago
  21. 3 months ago
  22. 3 months ago
  23. 3 months ago

    I want to make a super heroine that's a ditzy blonde who uses her sex appeal to stop baddies. An erotic comedy. Shame I can't draw

    • 3 months ago

      Empowered is that (kinda)

      • 3 months ago

        It's more of a subversion of that kind of story. Which I hate; w*sterners feel this insatiable need to subvert and mock everything that works about animanga.
        >oh, you like silly girls with big breasts? Well, what if her whole family got brutally murdered in front of her and then she got a breast reduction to cope with the PTSD. You should feel ashamed for finding her cute, she is a PERSON! Stop objectifying her!
        Frick. Off.

  24. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >spider-man strike a pose showing off his ass
      >no one says anything
      >female spider-person does the same thing

  25. 3 months ago

    Remember, remember what Marvel took away from you.
    And all the potential possibilities.

  26. 3 months ago

    Just remember, Cinemaphile.
    A movie where a line like DIS CITY HAD SHOWN IT'S FULL OF PEOPLE READY TO BELIEVE IN GOOD is uttered with a straight face is not corny and campy, it's totally a serious crime thriller, I swear.
    A movie about a moron in purple suit committing ridiculous crimes and having plot armor the size of Uranus is totally realistic and not campy
    Capeshit manchildren need to be shot to death and thrown in mass graves, I swear.

    • 3 months ago

      But homosexuals who pretend TDK is a serious crime thriller tend to be the ones always hating on "capeshit manchildren"
      Multiple times I've seen Nolangays claim it's "the only good capeshit" based on whatever arbitrary metric or criteria they have

  27. 3 months ago

    The superhero ethos is antithetical to modern woman’s psychological complexes masquerading as her “ideals”.

  28. 3 months ago

    >he’s this butthurt that someone disagrees with him

    • 3 months ago

      have a nice day already you annoying frick. No one cares about you.

      >nolangays seething when you point out how juvenile their SEWIOUS movie is

      But homosexuals who pretend TDK is a serious crime thriller tend to be the ones always hating on "capeshit manchildren"
      Multiple times I've seen Nolangays claim it's "the only good capeshit" based on whatever arbitrary metric or criteria they have

      Capeshitters in denial, really. Same people who think Invincible is good when it's the exact same capeslop but with extra gore and shock value.

      • 3 months ago

        You add zero value and you're better off dead in a ditch.

        • 3 months ago

          Funny, that's exactly how I feel about Nolan fanboys. Your dumb capeshit flick will never be anything but capeshit no matter how you cry and shit yourself before you inevitably 41% yourself.

          • 3 months ago

            Black person, do you even have a job? Any fricking hobbies at all? Is the only thing you do obsess and seethe over these evil "nolangays" all day? You sound like you were 100% raised by this website too. Everything you type comes off as you trying too hard to sound cool and edgy. You're just a pathetic child lashing out!

            • 3 months ago

              >he keeps melting down because someone pointed out The Dark Knight is nothing but campy capeshit
              It's okay, when you grow up you will watch actual serious crime movies and look down on the times you were thinking capeshit is in any way like serious crime thrillers with embarrassment.

              • 3 months ago

                >moronic rageaholic tries giving a sanctimonious lecture about growing up
                >still thinks anyone cares about his screed against TDK and doesn't see through his sad facade
                You're not a serious person.

              • 3 months ago

                A clown posting a clown, how hilarious.

              • 3 months ago

                FRICK!!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO AGAINST THE BADASS Cinemaphile POSTER!!!???

                have a nice day. I mean this sincerely.

  29. 3 months ago

    Well op, that is because you are gay and you prefer to see muscular men wearing spandex.

  30. 3 months ago

    Her show was good but the original nsfw comics were much better

  31. 3 months ago


    I never watched it, but isn't it a troony?

    • 3 months ago

      A reverse one: a woman dressed as a man. And the comic shows her nude several times.

  32. 3 months ago


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