Why'd he do it bros?

Why'd he do it bros?

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  1. 12 months ago

    lazy writing

    • 12 months ago

      >We have astronauts in space with robot bodies but we can't afford to hire full time security to protect their families and our proprietary space tech

    • 12 months ago

      >We have astronauts in space with robot bodies but we can't afford to hire full time security to protect their families and our proprietary space tech

      Wait why not have the robot bodies be in space while the humans are on earth

      • 12 months ago

        >every thread
        have a nice day moron.

        • 12 months ago

          So what is the best answer from all the other threads?

          • 12 months ago

            Nothing that justified it. It's just a fat plot hole that exists as a contrivance to make the story happen.

          • 12 months ago

            They were testing the long term effects of space travel on the human body.

            • 12 months ago

              Why would they need to test long term effects of space travel when they have robots that could do long term space travel instead and can just put your genetic material with the robot and wait to reproduce until you are at your destination.

              • 12 months ago

                >why not just grow new people somewhere else
                Fricking idiot.

              • 12 months ago

                So you don't know any reason why it would ever make more sense to put the people in space rather than the robots?

              • 12 months ago

                They have people in space to test the long term consequences. You can't do that with a robot.

              • 12 months ago

                You don't need to do that, there is no reason for people to be exposed to the dangers of space long term other than to just torture them.
                >Why don't we just smash everyone's head with a chandelier to test the long term consequence of having a chandelier where your head should be.

              • 12 months ago

                You're a fricking idiot

              • 12 months ago

                How am I to compete with a mensa level dissertation such as this from someone who totally didn't assume it was in reference in our reality rather than a reality with surrogates?

          • 12 months ago

            The replicas were vaporwave sold to them before they left for the mission. They don't transport their soul to a replica, they just enter virtual reality where they think they do. This was the only way the space Corp could get people to leave everything behind.

            • 12 months ago

              >they just enter virtual reality where they think they do.
              So why not just control the entire ship with virtual reality, why do you need robots in the human form factor at all?

              • 12 months ago

                Lots of things can malfunction with machines or power. I don't know what you mean but control with virtual reality? You mean ai? The tech wasn't there yet.

              • 12 months ago

                >Lots of things can malfunction with machines or power.
                Lots of things can malfunction with people or biology and people/biology is much more susceptible radiation damage than machines purpose designed for the journey.

                > I don't know what you mean but control with virtual reality?
                I mean use the same virtual reality tech so people can take control of a ship instead of taking control of a human body like how not all video games are about controlling people, but many are about controlling cars or other machines.

              • 12 months ago

                The tech didn't actually exist to control things from a distance instantaneously whether it was a replica or a spaceship. It was vaporwave.

                >lots of things can malfunction with humans too
                Yes, but the point is you have both as a backup, machines and biology. Humans to fix machines if there is an issue. Machines to heal humans if there is an issue.

              • 12 months ago

                I think I understand your moronic point now since I didn't realize it was based on you not knowing the difference between vaporware and vaporwave at first, but why would they simulate the families being murdered in virtual reality?
                At that point, you might as well argue that they aren't even in space at all, some company is just putting people in holes together and trying to see how easy it would be to get them to murder each other.

                >Humans to fix machines if there is an issue.
                That is why you just have humans from mission control monitoring the ship and logging in some VR to do all the systems checks and equipment diagnosis.

              • 12 months ago

                I know it's vaporware but I like the term vaporwave more.

                >kill families
                The vr doesn't choose what happens, think of it more akin to lucid dreaming. It's part of the real experiment as mentioned at the start, to see the effects of space travel on the human body and mind. They wanted to see if with this "VR" they could stay sane but it was a failed experiment.

                >mission control
                Sometimes you physically need a body to tweak things. Also as mentioned the time delay from mission control to the ship might be an issue.

              • 12 months ago

                >They wanted to see if with this "VR" they could stay sane but it was a failed experiment.
                What the frick are you talking about?
                It was the "VR vaporwave" that drove them insane in this scenario, who did control the cult if not the VR and if it was just a lucid dream, why couldn't they just reverse the consequences of killing off the family and pretend like it never happened for his sanity?

                Your theory is moronic.

                >Also as mentioned the time delay from mission control to the ship
                There was no time delay, you are making that shit up just like you are making up some bullshit about vaporware being related to vaporwave.

              • 12 months ago

                He would still go insane if they brought his family back to life "wait you mean I haven't been spending time with them through a replica? It's been entirely in my mind/vr?".

              • 12 months ago

                >He would still go insane
                No he wouldn't, he would assume it was a dream, be happy that he still had his loving family, and he would appreciate them more for it.

              • 12 months ago

                They probably never expected him to "make" something so horrible happen to himself. It's probably part of the experiment. The machine side can't force him to believe it didn't happen, he can't believe it himself.

              • 12 months ago

                No, your theory is moronic, they would have noticed if it took months to communicate with mission control, but they could interact with the robots instantly. Also, he wouldn't have known what the other guy was imagining, so there would have been no coherency between the experiences when they used pinkman's robot since the drawing he made in the ship would have looked nothing like pinkman's house, it would have been based on the other guy's imagination instead.

              • 12 months ago

                Were they communicating with mission control? Evidence? Maybe that had "malfunctioned" only a short time after leaving earth.

                True, I guess the machine does influence their "VR" lucid dreams somewhat to keep the two of theirs set in the same "reality"

              • 12 months ago

                >Were they communicating with mission control? Evidence?
                Yes, Pinkman mentioned talking to them several times to his wife and they specifically had to ask mission control for permission to let the other guy use his robot plus they had calls on earth where they found out about what happened to the other guy's family.

                >True, I guess the machine does influence their "VR" lucid dream
                No, your whole theory is moronic and based on your inability to pay attention to details or understand what you watched.

              • 12 months ago

                What makes you think they were talking to mission control from the ship? All of those conversations could have been done over the phone by the replica?

              • 12 months ago

                What makes you think your theory isn't moronic, when I am just going by what was shown and what the characters said and did, they specifically said they were reporting physicals to mission control, they specifically said they had to ask mission control for thing, and a mission would require contacting mission control regularly, you don't think they would notice if the replica told mission control something over the phone, but they got back on the ship and realized mission control never got the message?

              • 12 months ago

                >What makes you think they were talking to mission control from the ship?
                He was able to see his own funeral, why the frick would you think they don't have a communications channel

              • 12 months ago

                Its because he is trying to justify a moronic theory that makes no sense unless you completely ignore what actually happened on screen.

          • 12 months ago

            If the replicas fail or malfunction on Earth, no problem, just have a team fix them there or abandon them. If they fail in space, that's trillions of dollars wasted, they can't even collect/measure anything if the ship manages to survive the trip without any accidents.

            • 12 months ago

              Why is it better to lose trillions of dollars and two astronauts lives if something goes wrong rather than just the ship?

    • 12 months ago

      This was just a twist on the gay black man video game episode

  2. 12 months ago

    Money I suppose, that and he hasn’t had a major role in a while. Shame though, he was good in Hollywood Homocide and Lucky Number Slevin.

  3. 12 months ago

    why didn't he just call the cops from the spaceship while he was tied up?

    • 12 months ago

      Why want he strong enough to fight off some malnourished hippies with a bat?

      • 12 months ago

        that was explained in the first scene with Jessie chopping wood. the replicas aren't as physically capable as humans

        • 12 months ago

          Thanks I missed this. I figured he was just weak.

        • 12 months ago

          >replicas are clearly made of metal
          >but can be cut through with a kitchen knife like butter
          nope lost me there

        • 12 months ago

          >fingers girl for maximum pleasure applying full pressure
          >too weak to fight back against basic hippies

          Bros you said that black mirror was accurate

  4. 12 months ago

    I liked this episode even though there's plot holes like why not have the replicas go to space instead
    It's like in Lord of the rings, why they didn't just fly those birds to mount doom and throw the ring in the lava. Just because one thing about it doesn't make sense, doesn't mean it's bad

    • 12 months ago

      If the replicas fail or malfunction on Earth, no problem, just have a team fix them there or abandon them. If they fail in space, that's trillions of dollars wasted, they can't even collect/measure anything if the ship manages to survive the trip without any accidents.

  5. 12 months ago

    >That's my wife, MINE, ONLY ME, never YOU. I own her. Every bit of her. Her mind, body, soul, EVERYTHING. SHE IS MINE.

    • 12 months ago

      >now here's my chip. I trust you not to do anything sneaky with it

  6. 12 months ago

    they couldn't even have a subtle hint that maybe it was paint on the wall? that's a bit trite but it would make up for how fricking flat the ending is.

  7. 12 months ago

    >Why'd he do it bros?
    Well 2 people are needed, unless he constructs a remote control for the door. So if he did that he could just kill the other guy and have some sweet years creeping on the family.

    But since he is moronic and would never be able to create a remote control, he did the second best thing. He raped the wife, killed her, then raped her again.

    He don't want to frick up the mission himself directly, so now it is on Pinkman.

    He will just suicide right before the end of the mission anyway and if Pinkman decides to kill him to early - he will just get a sweet release from life.

    • 12 months ago

      Pinkman could torture him rip his fingernails off and castrate him

  8. 12 months ago

    You wouldn't get it.

  9. 12 months ago

    I saw that picture 4 or 5 times before I watched the episode and I swear the fact that it was Josh Hartnett never even occurred to me.

  10. 12 months ago


    Why did this go nowhere?

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah that was a weird hook. I was expecting something like they're really dead! Or earth was destroyed or it's all a simulation of a space mission.

  11. 12 months ago

    >two astronauts cannot survive being together in space for six years
    >I've been alone my entire life
    Seems fake. Are normies like this? Some people have never had sex and don't go insane.

    • 12 months ago

      They were doing pretty fine until one got mind broke by not-Charles Manson murdering his family in front of him.

  12. 12 months ago

    Nothing left to lose, wanted to at least feel like someone else could relate to him.

  13. 12 months ago

    What a god awful season

  14. 12 months ago

    cause the writers wanted him to

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