A LOT of concept art has just leaked, and I'm sure plenty have read the plot too. Anyone else still looking forward to it? Also pic related appears to be Insomniac's default/original suit to trademark their series.

Are you happy with the villain cast given what you've read?

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  1. 5 months ago

    I never really been into any Marvel games lately. This one isn't an exception. Sure it's interesting to see what has come out of the woodwork. I would've personally have wanted a game about the original team then have sequels about the later teams. I am aware they chose Wolverine because of popularity but I still am not keen on it. I also don't like how they're dragging Mister Sinister into Wolverine's backstory. Not to say having Mister Sinister is a fault but it makes me wonder why they couldn't have had Cyclops. I also don't like that Jean is the love interest to Logan once again.

    • 5 months ago

      >I would've personally have wanted a game about the original team
      I'd rather they do one thing well rather than 5 things mediocre. Otherwise you get shit like that Square Enix Avengers game for example.
      >I also don't like how they're dragging Mister Sinister into Wolverine's backstory. Not to say having Mister Sinister is a fault but it makes me wonder why they couldn't have had Cyclops.
      I get that, really, but oddly I'm fine with the change for a universe/story like this. I'm happy to explain why.
      >I also don't like that Jean is the love interest to Logan once again.
      Unfortunately thanks to the 90s cartoon and films doing the Scott/Jean/Logan love triangle shit, it's a well known pairing. Though it's not going to last anyway so might as well nip it in the butt now

      I guess the big takeaway here is Mister Sinister looking to Jean as the weapon against Apocalypse rather than Scott

      • 5 months ago

        this is new leaked art?

        • 5 months ago

          I hope this is placeholder because he does not looked ripped enough. More like some emaciated gamer. Also why does mystique look like an avatar

          apocalypse is teased at the end and will lead into the x-men game insomniac is planning

        • 5 months ago

          I believe so. I tried doing reverse image search to verify if it was fan art or something, results tied back to this game around the time of the leak. But if you can debunk it, please do.

          >Otherwise you get shit like that Square Enix Avengers game for example.
          Fair enough, it makes me wonder why it's so difficult to work around an ensemble? I haven't played it but I heard some praise about that Guardian of the Galaxy game. Although execution is key, I personally don't see it as infeasible to make a game surrounding the original five. But like you said, it could definitely result in mediocrity.

          >I'm happy to explain why.
          I am curious is there more to it beyond Sinister looking to Jean as the weapon against Apocalypse?

          > it's a well known pairing
          True, I guess that it was bound to happen someway or another. I'd think they would've been better off making Wolverine's love interest, Mariko.

          The Avengers game did well making every character feel different. Controls were solid. The problem was the mission/gameplay loop. To answer your question, I like the idea of Sinister being behind weapon x and starting the sentinel program for his own goals. Dude has been around for ages, and it makes sense that he would be working with the government via deception to reach that goal.

          I like it.

          I actually like the yellow/black original look they went with oddly enough.

          I hope this is placeholder because he does not looked ripped enough. More like some emaciated gamer. Also why does mystique look like an avatar

          apocalypse is teased at the end and will lead into the x-men game insomniac is planning

          It's just a test model

          • 5 months ago

            >But if you can debunk it, please do.

            • 5 months ago

              How? I'm not into spreading false info. If the leak is fake, call me out on it

      • 5 months ago

        >Otherwise you get shit like that Square Enix Avengers game for example.
        Fair enough, it makes me wonder why it's so difficult to work around an ensemble? I haven't played it but I heard some praise about that Guardian of the Galaxy game. Although execution is key, I personally don't see it as infeasible to make a game surrounding the original five. But like you said, it could definitely result in mediocrity.

        >I'm happy to explain why.
        I am curious is there more to it beyond Sinister looking to Jean as the weapon against Apocalypse?

        > it's a well known pairing
        True, I guess that it was bound to happen someway or another. I'd think they would've been better off making Wolverine's love interest, Mariko.

        • 5 months ago

          Guardians worked because you only actually play as Star Lord while issuing commands to the rest of the team who are otherwise AI controlled. They were able to focus on making one character work instead of having to design unique play styles for an entire team. The thing is Insomniac are actually planning on doing an X-Men game later on down the line after this, so they'll actually have a few characters already to work with.

          • 5 months ago

            And one of the major reasons aside from Avengers and Gamora not looking black enough was that people moaned about playing as only the white male lead

            • 5 months ago

              no one complained about that at all

              I'd say Nightcrawler but I already know that won't be the case.

              his traversal could be lifted straight from spidey but his powers may be tricky

              • 5 months ago

                >his powers may be tricky
                True, but it has been done before.

      • 5 months ago

        >Otherwise you get shit like that Square Enix Avengers game for example.
        The Original Cast played extremely well though

        • 5 months ago

          Yes, I acknowledge the base controls were fine in a later post. However I still believe they'd cram in multiplayer nonsense and fail to have proper focus

          I'm liking that they're doing different smaller locations instead of another open world game. The latter just doesn't suit Wolverine.

          I think the best comparison is Sly Cooper; levels have hubs and small maps, but globetrotting because the character has been all over

    • 5 months ago

      >I would've personally have wanted a game about the original team
      We are going to get an X-men game later tho

      • 5 months ago

        I know, but I would've rather had that sooner than a Wolverine game. I am aware he's popular and a solo game starring him has been a long time coming. That's just me.

  2. 5 months ago

    there ya go mate

    • 5 months ago

      OP here, I'm aware. There's links to damage, traversal, and battle damage too. But thanks for sharing


      Lady Deathstrike is cute

    • 5 months ago

      I like it.

      • 5 months ago

        His arms aren't hairy enough, looks weird

        • 5 months ago

          It's just concept art. From what was seen of his character model he does have some body hair on his arms.

      • 5 months ago

        GoW's Grassetti designing these?

        • 5 months ago

          could be, looks like his stuff and he left santa monica awhile back

          • 5 months ago

            looking at the album, it's more grassetti's being used as reference

    • 5 months ago

      >say they want a POC for Jean
      Genuinely why did they just not use Storm?
      >cool as frick
      >has history with Logan
      >also has history with the Morlocks
      >doesn't start moronic shipping wars
      Honestly it's been really weird seeing Insomniac frick up with the Marvel stuff after SM1 when outside of their Ultimate/Lois knockoff MJ it was pretty much the perfect modern take on Spider-Man.

      • 5 months ago

        It's so strange, sure they want to push for representation and diversity. But they have multiple characters of distinct backgrounds. Why be so obtuse about it? Although Storm is more than a love interest, she certainly could have filled that role for Wolverine as well. They are also a somewhat popular couple.

      • 5 months ago

        It's so strange, sure they want to push for representation and diversity. But they have multiple characters of distinct backgrounds. Why be so obtuse about it? Although Storm is more than a love interest, she certainly could have filled that role for Wolverine as well. They are also a somewhat popular couple.

        Jean/Logan tragic "wont happen" romance is more well known to the larger audience. But hey, Jean's romance isn't going anywhere in this universe, so maybe next game?

        You ask me they should lean into Logan's Asian fetish next time, bring in Silver Samurai seething about the woman who fell for a Westerner

        • 5 months ago

          they really should have done that since the game literally starts in a fictional asian city and game is chock full of him fighting ninjas. Insomniac are dumb ass homies

      • 5 months ago

        Jean is literally white ingame and her actress is white. Stop complaining about shit for no reason

        • 5 months ago

          They were clearly open to raceswapping her though. I think the complaining is warranted.

      • 5 months ago

        It's so strange, sure they want to push for representation and diversity. But they have multiple characters of distinct backgrounds. Why be so obtuse about it? Although Storm is more than a love interest, she certainly could have filled that role for Wolverine as well. They are also a somewhat popular couple.

        They were clearly open to raceswapping her though. I think the complaining is warranted.

        X-Men is a franchise where they really don't need to raceswap anyone if they want muh diversity, because the huge cast of characters has been deliberately diverse since Second fricking Genesis, but that thinking seems to be so hardcoded into the creative industry these days that they'll try anyways

        • 5 months ago

          I was just thinking that. It's like they'll probably make Cyclops hispanic but Sunspot and Rictor are just sitting there doing frick all. Really no need to raceswap anyone, just choose a character that has already represented a group for decades.

  3. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      I dig the Ghost in the Shell arms.

    • 5 months ago


  4. 5 months ago

    ignoring the actual leaked cast, whats your wishlist for mutants to pop up and maybe make appearance in the leaked x-men game

    • 5 months ago

      I'd say Nightcrawler but I already know that won't be the case.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't see us getting more than six X-men at most. Guaranteed:

      Jean Grey

      Stand a good chance


      Hopefully by the third X-men game DLC we'll have the full rosters of the blue and gold team and a handful more. I will be in my mid 50s.

  5. 5 months ago

    I'm liking that they're doing different smaller locations instead of another open world game. The latter just doesn't suit Wolverine.

  6. 5 months ago

    >healing items
    >nu-gow gameplay
    >crafting and '''rpg''' mechanics with shitloads of numbers on screen
    Into the trash it goes

    • 5 months ago

      >Healing items
      You got a source on that one? There's constant regen as a mechanic

  7. 5 months ago

    You know what would be neat? Either in Spider-Man 3 or a DLC where Peter and Logan team up to take down Juggernaut. Cain has fought both

    • 5 months ago

      Would be neat, sure, but I'm not sure how they'd take him down without huge plot assistance.

      • 5 months ago

        Bring down an entire construction site/building on him, or pull from his original ASM story where Peter had him sink in wet cement

    • 5 months ago

      he should say "IM THE JUGGERNAUT b***h!"

    • 5 months ago

      Only if they follow that one comic where they body swap and Logan fricks MJ.

  8. 5 months ago

    Why Sasquatch? Is it because they couldn't get Hulk or Wendigo?

    • 5 months ago

      Perhaps? I remember coming across some list showing what characters Sony was aloud to use for their games. It seems like it's mainly just the X-Men they can use.

      • 5 months ago

        Which is weird because Sasquatch is a Hulk character, correct? Or is it more ambiguous because of his obscurity?

        • 5 months ago

          >Which is weird because Sasquatch is a Hulk character, correct?
          Wrong. Sasquatch first appeared in The Uncanny X-Men #120 and was created by John Bryne. He was in Alpha Flight which was in the X-Men sphere of things.

          Wendigo first appeared in The Incredible Hulk #162 and was more a Hulk character. Although he was then also associated with Wolverine.

          • 5 months ago

            I guess I was getting confused because Sasquatch was in Immortal Hulk

      • 5 months ago

        they have access to the hulk but I believe it was only for spidey games

    • 5 months ago

      Would make sense, Square might still have the rights to Wendigo from GotG.

      • 5 months ago

        Square didn't have the red tape SONY does, less of a dick measuring contest between companies. Also who the frick could have called Wendigo of all things showing up in a Guardians game?
        >Aliens visit earth, get infected with the curse, crash land on another planet
        That's like getting scarlet fever or something from a canned coke you bought visiting Disneyland

  9. 5 months ago

    I don't like Jean Logan pairing (only if it's a threesome just for Jean getting double penetrated) and I'm also worried Jean is going to look ugly like Spider-Man 2's MJ.

    • 5 months ago

      >Spider-Man 2's MJ.
      Well take a look here and see what you think.

      there ya go mate

      • 5 months ago

        srry bro

        I expected from Insomniac. Spider-Man 2 reeks of spite.

        >(only if it's a threesome just for Jean getting double penetrated)
        Uh, based?

        Jean is made for DP

    • 5 months ago

      >(only if it's a threesome just for Jean getting double penetrated)
      Uh, based?

      • 5 months ago

        >No make out session between Scott and Logan

    • 5 months ago

      srry bro

      • 5 months ago

        Seriously, why the frick is it always the redheads?

  10. 5 months ago

    I'm still excited for this game, of only because I'm a big X-men and wolverine fan. My top 3 marvel characters are Spider-Man, Daredevil and Wolverine.

    I'd actually really like to see insomniac's (or another studio's, but with it being the same universe) take on Daredevil. Perhaps a more combo heavy combat system with style/weapon switching, also and mini open world like Yakuza with it being small but dense and having rooftops + underground layers too. And of course an Ace Attorney style mini game for regular daytime Matt sections too. And if they wanted to cram in a second playable character like they are with Jean in this game Electra would be the obvious choice

  11. 5 months ago

    After Spider-Man 2 I have no faith in this shit.
    >Side missions were boring as frick.
    >Did nothing really better than the first game.
    I mean there is one set of side missions called Unidentified Targets where you fly through rings Superman 64 style. At the end you get a little teaser of Chameleon to set up DLC or the next full game.

    Spider-Man was just a copy of the Arkham formula but hasn't done much new to it. Wolverine is just another iteration of this. But given how bad some of the content in 2 was I am not looking forward to this shit.

    • 5 months ago

      >>Did nothing really better than the first game.

      Bit of a disingenuous arguement there, 2 has plenty of improvements over 1, in fact in my opinion I'd say almost everything is a straight improvement gameplay wise. It's only really the story I think was a step down, but it wasn't even that much worse.

      • 5 months ago

        >Bit of a disingenuous arguement there
        Not at all, it is my opinion, just like how your opinion is just that the story is the only step down.
        >2 has plenty of improvements over 1
        I think each Arkham game genuinely improved on things just enough to keep things fresh. A lot of the changes in Spider-Man 2 were not improvements. Skill tree and upgrades felt rather pointless and some of the powers were eh. The mission design was poor. The whole third act felt rushed in terms of what was happening to the city. You have two protagonists now and they weren't balanced properly in terms of content. Side missions were awful, like I previously said. They doubled down on silly things like the MJ stuff. And had plenty of silly narrative moments like Peter in his house tidying. How did the gameplay improve? Gliding wasn't a huge addition to travel, it was alright. Neither was blocking in fights. Much of the core was the same. Just the content and mission design felt lacking.

        Calling me disingenous is a bit of an arse move. I am not saying it was "the worst game ever". What I am saying is that the formula feels burnt out already. And given that Wolverine is following the same formula, that is worrying. Hence why I have no faith in it.

        • 5 months ago

          >>Did nothing really better than the first game.

          Bit of a disingenuous arguement there, 2 has plenty of improvements over 1, in fact in my opinion I'd say almost everything is a straight improvement gameplay wise. It's only really the story I think was a step down, but it wasn't even that much worse.

          -the gadgets are way way too OP and have almost non-existant cooldowns
          -the combat, while reasonably fun, has gotten stale already and there should be better combos and such to keep it enaging, you can mostly sleepwalk through it
          -needs more enemy types that require changing up your strategy

          • 5 months ago

            >has gotten stale already
            >needs more enemy types that require changing up your strategy
            Yeah these were major ones for me.

            Traversal was improved from 1. 2 is a solid game and the biggest criticism is needing more content

            >Traversal was improved from 1
            Bit disingenuous to say that 2 had plenty of improvements over 1 and then only name one. And in terms of improvements I don't agree. I don't think the traversal was vastly improved tbh.

            All I am saying is that Wolverine needs to step up the formula somewhat.

            • 5 months ago

              >needing more content
              The content that we got was bad though and that is the issue.
              >Unidentified Targets
              You fly through rings 8 times! 8! Pratically impossible to fail it too. Just to get a tiny teaser for Chameleon who should have been in the game since it had Kraven.

              >Better quick turns and cancels
              >Tricks streamlined to square
              How is it not improved? I don’t want to derail into spider-man too much.

              • 5 months ago

                >How is it not improved?
                Did you willfully ignore everything I said? You seem to be completely ignoring things. I never said it was "not improved" I said:
                >I don't think the traversal was vastly improved
                Also I asked for what other things were improved in the game and you didn't answer me...

                >Better quick turns and cancels
                Didn't notice much of a difference. Quick turns were already in it.
                Didn't mind it but it didn't add a lot. A fun extra.
                >Tricks streamlined to square
                Now you're grasping at straws.
                The booster jumps like mid air and stuff? You could do that in previous games.

                Also this

                >needing more content
                The content that we got was bad though and that is the issue.
                >Unidentified Targets
                You fly through rings 8 times! 8! Pratically impossible to fail it too. Just to get a tiny teaser for Chameleon who should have been in the game since it had Kraven.

                was not talking about traversal. It was challenging your view that:
                >the biggest criticism is needing more content
                by saying that some of the content we got was bad. Flying through rings mini game for a small teaser isn't good gameplay. Did you not understand that? You seem to be ignoring what I am saying though tbh. You're focussing on one small aspect of things while stating a narrative that I am challenging without commenting on any other point I am making.

              • 5 months ago

                >Didn't notice much of a difference. Quick turns were already in it.
                They improved it and it's not reliant on corners anymore. You can do it nearly anywhere
                >Launching is situational
                No it's not. You can do it anywhere on the map, the launch points just provide more distance by comparison.
                You couldn't increase elevation or dash in the first game.

                But this is just my opinion on traversal, which was expanded upon.

                Also calm the frick down. I wasn't ignoring your other points, you can feel however you want on those topics. Yes I wish there was a bigger payoff than just teasing Chameleon. But by your own metric, why focus so hard on that specific side mission? Yeah it is weaker, but there's other stuff to do.

              • 5 months ago

                >They improved it and it's not reliant on corners anymore.
                I didn't really think it was needed. I don't think you use it that much in normal traversal.
                >No it's not. You can do it anywhere on the map
                I know you can use it anywhere. By situational I mean, it isn't really that necessary an addition. It is just another okay extra that doesn't vastly improve anything. It is situational in its usage.
                >Also calm the frick down.
                I am perfectly calm anon, you just seem bad at responding to points, that's all. It is just a discussion.
                >why focus so hard on that specific side mission?
                >but there's other stuff to do.
                Because it is a good representative example of the problems of the game. The problem wasn't always lack of content but some of the content we did get was pointless. There is no real meat in a gameplay that makes you repeat stuff like that when it was too easy and gave you very little reward. Clearing bases didn't have a list of challenges comparable to the first one. There were bad side missions especially. Many repetitions of "collect stuff for minor story moment". They spent their time on some rather pointless side missions when we could have got a bigger variety of stuff. Also what other stuff was there? For instance, there are far less crime types. Far too many collectibles. Side missions that repeat the same pattern. Less challenge content and the challenge content we got was far less interesting.
                >But this is just my opinion on traversal, which was expanded upon.
                If your defense of improvements is just a small list of traversal gimmicks then surely you see how this actually strengthens the point I am making? To link this back to the thread, I just think some of this design was rather lazy. And I worry about that laziness spiling into Wolverine and the X-Men games. Again, to reiterate, I am not saying Spider-Man 2 is the worst game ever but with so many games planned they need to show bigger improvements to the formula.

              • 5 months ago

                >I didn't really think it was needed. I don't think you use it that much in normal traversal.
                It does have its uses when you're traveling fast and want to duck through a small alleyway.

                I was mostly using traversal as an example of how, yes, Spider-Man 2 did improve the formula. In term of gadgets they got rid of the wheel and just made it an quick access input. I liked that they removed the stuff that most people didn't really use anyway (like the gravity lift) which was starting to feel a little off brand to focus on stuff that worked. The only gadget I really miss was web bombs, but I think that was replaced by the sonic grenade for obvious reasons. Combat is arguably better too what with the new ways to disarm bad guys, namely quicker. Suit abilities, be they arms or symbiote, do have their uses too.

                You don't have to agree with me, but maybe you can understand where I'm coming from. I don't think it will have major impact on Wolverine because we're in an apples to oranges situation here

              • 5 months ago

                >I don't think it will have major impact on Wolverine because we're in an apples to oranges situation here
                I mean the gameplay leaks we got shows that the game is similar in the formula, same action/stealth. I mean frick it, we are even getting playable red head sections (albeit Jean who is a bit more useful that MJ). A lot of the Arkham formula that went into Spider-Man is present in Wolverine.

              • 5 months ago

                >A lot of the Arkham formula
                I disagree when comparing these games to arkham. The arkham games were dense with shit to do and nothing ever really felt like a waste of time except getting all riddler trophies. They never bother you with irrelavent characters. Everything feels intone with batman compared to almost every character in spider-man having disney tier dialogue. Despite having the same combat in each game, batman never got stale cause they actually made different types of encounters built around the character rather than half assing and aping batman without any thought whatsoever. Batman never got preachy either.

              • 5 months ago

                >I disagree when comparing these games to arkham
                I mean similar in formula, not in content.
                >The arkham games were dense with shit to do and nothing ever really felt like a waste of time except getting all riddler trophies. They never bother you with irrelavent characters.
                If you read up the reply chain, this is literally stuff that I have been complaining about when it comes to Spider-Man 2. I feel like the Arkham games did enough to improve things each game with some alright side content which Spider-Man failed to do.

                >I mean the gameplay leaks we got shows that the game is similar in the formula
                Not in the sense of combat in my opinion. Far lass acrobatic, as one would expect, and able to take far more punishment. I also like the option to use either claws or fists, similar to this game[...].
                >I mean frick it, we are even getting playable red head sections (albeit Jean who is a bit more useful that MJ)
                That's for the sake of pacing and giving the player something new to do. That's not exclusive to Insomniac, and unlike MJ, Jean can actually do interesting shit with her powers. Plus the "arkham formula" complaint is virtually meaningless now. Character action has existed before Batman, just saying.

                >Not in the sense of combat in my opinion. Far lass acrobatic, as one would expect, and able to take far more punishment.
                The overall formula is the same. Of course animations and combat will be more like Wolverine, no one is denying that anon and that was not my point. It all hinges on if they actually have a challenge, enemy types, different content that changes up over the game in a decent way.
                >That's for the sake of pacing and giving the player something new to do. That's not exclusive to Insomniac, and unlike MJ, Jean can actually do interesting shit with her powers.
                Yeah no shit, I know why it is there and I made the exact same point about Jean in my post.. so I don't know why you're repeating it.
                >Plus the "arkham formula" complaint is virtually meaningless now. Character action has existed before Batman, just saying.
                It isn't a complaint, it is a comment on the central gameplay loop and how you need to constantly do more to keep it somewhat fresh.

              • 5 months ago

                Anon why are you getting so agitated? We're having a conversation. Relax. I'm playing Wolverine, where I punch or stab endless goons. It plays pretty much how everyone expects. It doesn't have to reinvent the wheel or fix what isn't broken. If you don't want to play it, that's fine too. You just have to understand others will.

                >That's for the sake of pacing and giving the player something new to do
                Then use Black Cat or Prowler. Don’t use normies in your superpower game.

                Oh I agree on that.

              • 5 months ago

                >Anon why are you getting so agitated?
                Honestly you're reading into something that isn't there.
                >I'm playing Wolverine, where I punch or stab endless goons. It plays pretty much how everyone expects. It doesn't have to reinvent the wheel or fix what isn't broken.
                I loved Wolverine's Revenge on PS2. I'd love a decent Wolverine game. Using the same gameplay formula gets old though. And all my point was that I worry Insomniac won't do enough. I mean that other anon mentioned how Arkham managed to stay more fresh with it:

                >A lot of the Arkham formula
                I disagree when comparing these games to arkham. The arkham games were dense with shit to do and nothing ever really felt like a waste of time except getting all riddler trophies. They never bother you with irrelavent characters. Everything feels intone with batman compared to almost every character in spider-man having disney tier dialogue. Despite having the same combat in each game, batman never got stale cause they actually made different types of encounters built around the character rather than half assing and aping batman without any thought whatsoever. Batman never got preachy either.

                >Despite having the same combat in each game, batman never got stale cause they actually made different types of encounters built around the character
                I just felt like Spider-Man 2 didn't improve on things well. That's all. You argued it had. We debated. I feel like none of your points connected with what I was saying tbh. But that was that. We weren't going to agree on it and that's fine.
                >If you don't want to play it, that's fine too. You just have to understand others will.
                Seems like a bit of a moot point anon. We are just having a discussion. It doesn't bother me what other people play and enjoy. To each their own. The point I have just made a few times is that they can do more to keep things fresh, keep the gameplay interesting. That's all. I feel like a lot of the buzz around Spider-Man 2 died down and it didn't win many awards. And those criticisms have been leaking through. Insomniac should learn from it tbh to improve on things. I love Wolverine and the X-Men and just want them to make good games. That's all.

              • 5 months ago

                why did I get (you)'d? I was shitting on spider-man 2

              • 5 months ago

                Just using your quote about Arkham games.

              • 5 months ago

                my bad I am a moron and didn't read the top half

              • 5 months ago

                >Honestly you're reading into something that isn't there.
                I'm just going by how you were coming off and the rhetoric. I have no issue with you. I say don't worry until there's actually something to be worried about, especially this early in development.

              • 5 months ago

                >I mean the gameplay leaks we got shows that the game is similar in the formula
                Not in the sense of combat in my opinion. Far lass acrobatic, as one would expect, and able to take far more punishment. I also like the option to use either claws or fists, similar to this game

                >Hack n Slash games are now just TLOU over the shoulder styled combat expo dumps
                I lost all hope when I saw the abysmal leaked gameplay.
                Origins is still the best Wolverine game, free.

                >I mean frick it, we are even getting playable red head sections (albeit Jean who is a bit more useful that MJ)
                That's for the sake of pacing and giving the player something new to do. That's not exclusive to Insomniac, and unlike MJ, Jean can actually do interesting shit with her powers. Plus the "arkham formula" complaint is virtually meaningless now. Character action has existed before Batman, just saying.

              • 5 months ago

                >That's for the sake of pacing and giving the player something new to do
                Then use Black Cat or Prowler. Don’t use normies in your superpower game.

    • 5 months ago

      Traversal was improved from 1. 2 is a solid game and the biggest criticism is needing more content

      • 5 months ago

        >needing more content
        The content that we got was bad though and that is the issue.

        After Spider-Man 2 I have no faith in this shit.
        >Side missions were boring as frick.
        >Did nothing really better than the first game.
        I mean there is one set of side missions called Unidentified Targets where you fly through rings Superman 64 style. At the end you get a little teaser of Chameleon to set up DLC or the next full game.

        Spider-Man was just a copy of the Arkham formula but hasn't done much new to it. Wolverine is just another iteration of this. But given how bad some of the content in 2 was I am not looking forward to this shit.

        >Unidentified Targets
        You fly through rings 8 times! 8! Pratically impossible to fail it too. Just to get a tiny teaser for Chameleon who should have been in the game since it had Kraven.

        • 5 months ago

          God I fricking hate the web wings. You can get through the city fast just fine by mastering web swinging. IT'S ONE OF THE BEST THINGS ABOUT PLAYING AS SPIDER-MAN!
          Half of the game being spent on Kraven the HUNTER's fricking ARMY sucked too. Should have been Kraven himself ambushing you out in the open world between missions like Taskmaster, then you have more time to develop the symbiote stuff instead of it happening in the last five minutes of the game.
          Kraven ambushing you also could have paved the way for Venom to do the same like he did in the comics, it would be a good opportunity to build up his desire for Peter to join him again.

          • 5 months ago

            You know you don’t have to use the wings, right? Theyre meant to cover large gaps where you can’t swing

            • 5 months ago

              >Theyre meant to cover large gaps where you can’t swing
              Why would you design levels with large gaps where you can't swing in a Spiderman game?

              • 5 months ago

                Bc that's the actual geography, like in the suburbs of queens. Parks. Etc.

              • 5 months ago

                Okay but it's a video game, not a road atlas. Concessions should be made to DESIGN for gameplay and fun, and in a spiderman game, the city should be DESIGNED for web swinging.

                It's just another symptom of laziness from developers just like face scanning and mocapping instead of actually modeling and designing anything from scratch. Instead of actually planning a level or a setting, they just import some GPS-scanned premade asset of NYC and add some shaders.

              • 5 months ago

                NTA but no I don’t want a gimped Central Park. It’s New York for god sake

              • 5 months ago

                So take your dumb ass to new york

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah? Good. It’s the fricking location

            • 5 months ago

              I don't want to use them at all. It's more fun to web-zip, jump from a point you zip to, or try to do short swings from trees than to use the wings. They're lame and I would rather them focus on refining what was already there and good rather than introduce this unfun thing just to show off what they can do on new hardware.

          • 5 months ago

            One of my biggest complaints too (not the wings, they were cool) but the lack of any danger or challenge when web swinging. When the city was invaded, the best part of the open world, symbiotes could snipe you out of the air. That kind of thing should have taken place the whole time. Kraven goons, mini bosses etc.

    • 5 months ago

      >Wolverine is just another iteration of this.
      It’s nothing like Arkham or Spider-Man. It’s a GOW clone mixed with mechanics from other action games like Bloodborne and Ninja Gaiden.

      • 5 months ago

        People have tunnel vision for 3rd person action games for some reason. They act like Arkham invented it

  12. 5 months ago

    2 excels at boss battles, that was far and away the best part (on hard at least)
    But it felt rushed, both as a narrative experience and behind the scenes. Incomplete.

  13. 5 months ago

    amazing how the best Marvel game to this day is still the stupid Marvel Avengers Alliance game that was on facebook

    • 5 months ago

      I still miss it

  14. 5 months ago

    >Hack n Slash games are now just TLOU over the shoulder styled combat expo dumps
    I lost all hope when I saw the abysmal leaked gameplay.
    Origins is still the best Wolverine game, free.

    • 5 months ago

      A tie in game to the worst X-Men movie is the best Wolverine game? Somehow I have my doubts.

      • 5 months ago

        It's pretty much common knowledge at this point. The game was developed by X-Men Legends & Marvel Ultimate Alliance developers and Wolverine is featured in all three of their games so he's practically their signature character so they wanted to make a game for him. And it was originally going to be a standalone game but Fox asks them to make it into a tie in, and they agreed since the game is pretty much about Wolverine's origins anyway. The miracle is that Fox allowed them to keep the M rating of the game. Also they developed it with the intention to release on 2008, but the movie got delayed to 1009 which gave them more time to polish the game which is why the end product is good.

        • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        The game was so good the movie would have improved drasticly if it just took its plot
        it had a whole DofP segment
        it actually gave Gambit a cool ass fight
        and you fought a giant Sentinel prototype solo

      • 5 months ago

        stupid zoomer

    • 5 months ago

      over the shoulder 3rd person is the bane of modern vidya. I'd rather have First person spam again

  15. 5 months ago

    So there's a good chance that in a hypothetical Wolverine 2 we'll get a surrogate daughter sidekick to replace Jean given the leaked events we're aware of. Question is, who would they use?

    • 5 months ago

      bro look at

      srry bro

      we are not getting a cute laura, jubilee, kitty, or rogue

      • 5 months ago

        I didn't make any such comment on the face model. That's another possible complication. Question still stands though. I want it to be Jubilee because she seems like she'd be the most fun to play as due to her powers, but cynically speaking I'm expecting Laura

        • 5 months ago

          my bad, I was just having a knee jerk reaction to the thought of women in any insomniac games since they drop the ball a lot. I am hoping for jubilee as well but if you take a look at the story, the x-men don't exist and all mutants are in hiding or something. We most likely getting laura or more jean as a side kick if these games continue

          • 5 months ago

            >We most likely getting laura or more jean as a side kick if these games continue
            I'd want Jubilee because it's less of a literal daughter relation like you get with Laura. Plus if we played as Jubilee, obviously she'd different than a slightly tweaked Wolverine set like you'd get with X-23. Worst thing they could do is have Jean come back in 2 along with Scott creating bullshit tension.

            While we're at it, why are we even talking about 2? First game isn't even out. I want to talk about Sinister and his squad

    • 5 months ago

      who would they use?
      Laura could be a likely candidate. But I would like to see Jubilee or Kitty as sidekicks.

      Which makes me wonder. Think they'd use Wolverine's other kids? Maybe Daken will be an antagonist?

  16. 5 months ago

    Considering sweet baby Inc is involved in this. Not really. Frickers killed spider-man 2 for me

    • 5 months ago

      >Considering sweet baby Inc is involved in this
      What really?

      • 5 months ago


  17. 5 months ago

    What do you think of the masked suits? Do you like the Insomniac design, the blue/yellow, or yellow/brown?

  18. 5 months ago


  19. 5 months ago

    im almost done with My Batman Arkham marathon im curious to give spider-man a try how much overlap do they have?

  20. 5 months ago

    >no sideburns
    >every suit is overdesigned to shit
    >reavers look utterly sovless
    this shit is dead on arrival

    • 5 months ago

      nah it will prolly be pretty good you're just a miserable Cinemaphilegay who will never be happy

      • 5 months ago

        >defending a live service god of war ripoff
        wasted trips

        • 5 months ago

          its not a game as a service

    • 5 months ago

      Legit autism

  21. 5 months ago

    I’m like 99% sure they’ll make a Hot Toys figure of Wolverine, but do you think they’ll make one of Sabretooth?

  22. 5 months ago

    Probably not gonna bother with this it's obvious insomniac is gonna include Miles in some way or another in a fricking WOLVERINE game

    • 5 months ago

      The entire plot has been leaked and features nothing from the Spider-Man games you obsessed frick.

  23. 5 months ago

    Tired of the facescan actor bullshit, I want comic book games to look like comic books

  24. 5 months ago

    >A LOT of concept art has just leaked
    You mean it's been released to the public by the company to promote the game?

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, and obviously one of their shills made this thread and has been promoting every other post

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, and obviously one of their shills made this thread and has been promoting every other post

      >”Clearly this is a marketing ploy”

      You guys are fricking moronic

  25. 5 months ago

    >look at the gameplay, it's just GoW bullshit where you just jump around stabbing shit with braindead easy stealth sections ala Assassin's Creed, with a "sniff a stale fart from 50 years ago to follow the trail" tracking system
    Game developers have figured out a formula, and god damn has it gotten boring as frick.

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