Would TLJ be a better movie if Luke stayed alive at the end?

Would TLJ be a better movie if Luke stayed alive at the end? Feel like the fact that he dies makes the whole projection trick pointless.

"Haha joke's on you Ben, i'm not actually there, you can't kill me!" *dies anyway*

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  1. 6 months ago

    there are bad movies where you can catch glimpses of a good movie somewhere inside them. TLJ is not one of those.

    • 6 months ago

      >Would TLJ be a better movie if Luke stayed alive at the end?
      Yes, but it still wouldn't be good by any metric.
      If Luke had survived, the film wouldn't have such a dumpster fire because, going forward, he'd still be alive and could be in a good film in the future. Part of what made TLJ so atrocious was the way it permanently fricked the franchise going forward by killing off Luke like a b***h, as well as killing off Snoke unceremoniously and not killing off Leia despite going through all the motions.


    • 6 months ago

      I thought the Rey/Ben plot could have been salvageable but everything else in the movie was too moronic

  2. 6 months ago

    Not really.

    • 6 months ago

      This is actually what normie midwits think is good criticism. The perfect target audience for this insult to film

    • 6 months ago

      If TLJ had ended with Luke jumping in with his lightsaber and decapitating a bunch of stormtroopers, then doing a triple super force backflip into orbit and destroyed the Death Star #705 the neckbeards would have loved it

      • 6 months ago

        I would have loved a movie that didn't spend most of it's time emasculating him, assassinating his character, and having him die like a b***h.

        • 6 months ago

          What movie did that?

          • 6 months ago

            >utterly fails to rebuild the Jedi order
            >tried to murder his own nephew
            >hides from his problems like a scared b***h, let's friends die and galaxy go to shit
            >doesn't even train R*y
            >dies for no reason after sending a fart projection

          • 6 months ago

            The only one where he dies.

          • 6 months ago

            Putting aside the direction Rian wanted to take Luke there are so many blatantly stupid contradictions out in the open that undermine believability in his supposed character development.
            >the jedi must end!
            >and yet I preserve and keep le sacred texts instead of following through with that conviction and burning them myself long before Rey even arrives
            That's Rian's Luke's cardinal sin: he has no conviction. Because he has been infected by the Mary/Gary Stu effect where he has no life or agency outside of when Rey is in proximity to him. None of his actions make sense or have any consistency or coherence with his own history because he has been relegated to a plot device for Rey.

      • 6 months ago

        >audiences would have loved if their favourite character got a cool moment of fan service
        WOAH, REALLY? Holy shit, this is so hypocritical. Good thing that modern star wars doesn't fall for any dumb attempts to please their audience base anymore and can instead focus on writing... scenes where Ahsoka stands with her arms crossed while nothing happens?

    • 6 months ago

      What is that weird pterodactyl (archaeopteryx? Or whatever the frick is that?) looking thing in the first miniature?

    • 6 months ago

      But this isn’t true he shit talked Ben and made fun of him the whole time his last remark was a insult to him

  3. 6 months ago

    I liked it better than TFA, until he died. Then it was the same

  4. 6 months ago

    He'd served his purpose at that point

    >Haha joke's on you Ben, i'm not actually there, you can't kill me!
    That wasn't the point at all

    • 6 months ago

      There was no point the movie was written by a moron.

  5. 6 months ago

    I love that the new Rey movie is going to be her rebuilding the Jedi order AGAIN. Got to shit on Luke's legacy one more time they can't help themselves

    • 6 months ago

      Rey will be replaced with a strong black woman, I can’t wait, Disney giving us what we desire.

    • 6 months ago

      Luke's legacy is safe because disney wars isn't canon. We the fans kept this franchise alive for 46 years, so we get to decide what is canon.

    • 6 months ago

      Luke's legacy is safe because disney wars isn't canon. We the fans kept this franchise alive for 46 years, so we get to decide what is canon.

      We're like 5, 10 at max, years away from being able to use ai to adapt Heir to the Empire properly without any of disney's bullshit. It doesn't matter what crap they try and push anymore

      • 6 months ago

        You're right. I look forward to being able to make completely customisable films through AI within the next few years without any of disney's sinister marxist propaganda.

  6. 6 months ago

    >leia is the one they leave alive
    >carrie fisher dies

    • 6 months ago

      >every single skywalker/solo dies defending rey palpatine from ben solo

      • 6 months ago

        >and she's the last one left standing
        >proceeds to steal luke's name and ancestral home
        sheev won

      • 6 months ago

        >rey palpatine
        Ummm you mean rey skywalker??

    • 6 months ago

      This shit was so fricking funny and they thought it was so fricking clever. Then the stupid c**t died from her years of being an absolute drug fiend leaving them completely fricked. I cannot imagine how many suits and writers had their hands on their heads in sheer exasperation the day she died thinking
      >what the frick are we gonna do now?!

  7. 6 months ago

    People like to say that Luke's legacy was ruined by having him as washed up and bitter but I think the whole point was so he could redeem himself at the end. It was done badly but thats what they were trying to do.

    • 6 months ago

      Why would he need to be redeemed in any way? He was written as the perfect hero in the original trilogy. For him to be redeemed they had to ruin him first and that's the issue. There was no need to ruin him. But they can't leave anything good or pure--they have to postmodernize everything.

    • 6 months ago

      Replace "Luke" with "Superman" and tell me the idea still sounds good in your head. I know, I know, that's a great oversimplification of an analogy but I'm trying to avoid straining your mental faculties on a day when you're more likely than not distracted and possibly already somewhat inebriated.

  8. 6 months ago

    Lol are you here right now Ryan you fricking loser. Stop defending your trash movie on Christmas day. Go be with your family.

  9. 6 months ago

    Would TLJ be a better movie if Rey had to tearfully eat an entire live porg?

    • 6 months ago

      without a single doubt

    • 6 months ago

      Large teeth for cracking porgs.

    • 6 months ago

      Only if she washed it down with green alien tit milk

  10. 6 months ago

    >Rian forgoes any sort of plot or characterization to deliver a 3 hour long meta-PSA that it's ok to hero worship and feel inspired by Luke Skywalker even though he's fictional
    >tards on the internet are utterly convinced that this movie hates Luke Skywalker
    I'm rarely this baffled by internet discourse, but this one has me stumped. Did we even watch the same movie? This shit fricking worshipped Luke Skywalker, to the point of relegating everything else to the background

    • 6 months ago

      >the film worshipped Luke so hard that it killed him off like a b***h after he meditated too hard while constantly being shown up by Rey
      wow, you really made me reconsider things

      • 6 months ago

        consistently proving

        If TLJ had ended with Luke jumping in with his lightsaber and decapitating a bunch of stormtroopers, then doing a triple super force backflip into orbit and destroyed the Death Star #705 the neckbeards would have loved it


        • 6 months ago


          • 6 months ago

            How do you even watch the original trilogy if you idea of a 'good' Luke scene is one where he kills people with a lightsaber?

            • 6 months ago

              You ignoring every other aspect of the movie moron? I don't remember Luke abandoning his friends in the OT either. The guy who redeemed fricking Darth Vader contemplates killing his nephew? Seriously?

              • 6 months ago

                >I don't remember Luke abandoning his friends in the OT either.
                Again I'm unsure how the frick we watched the same movies when this is your takeaway.

                Did you miss the part in ESB where abandoning his training to jump in head-first and save his friends was completely futile and only made everything worse? In Return he'd already learned his lesson, but you wanted TLJ to revert him back to being a stupid naive kid?
                Ironically Empire subverted the traditional hero tropes a lot more than TLJ did, funny how you're not foaming at the mouth over that one.

                >The guy who redeemed fricking Darth Vader contemplates killing his nephew?
                He didn't kill his nephew moron, just like he didn't kill Vader.

              • 6 months ago

                His attachment and love is what saves everyone. It's his weakness and strength. And what separated him from the autistic monk Jedi order. Yoda and the others had long given up on Anakin but Luke didn't. In the TLJ he explicitly is NOT training or helping anyone until the very end. He's hiding like a b***h. It's not similar at all.

                Reading comprehension homie. I said he CONTEMPLATED killing Ben. He thought about it. And then failed to bring Ben back. The guy who redeemed ultra space Hitler Vader.

              • 6 months ago

                >I said he CONTEMPLATED killing Ben. He thought about it.
                The popular reading of the Kylo scene is so fricking bizarre.

                Luke (a psychic space wizard who can see the future) knew in that moment that Kylo 'would bring destruction, and pain, and death... and the end of everything I love'. He pretty much knew for certain that leaving Ben alive would mean the end of his Jedi Order, the death of Han and Leia (indirectly, I haven't seen Rise of Skywalker so idk what actually happened there).
                And he STILL doesn't kill him, precisely because it's NOT in his character to do so. And then he feels crippling shame that it even crossed his mind.
                >And for the briefest moment of pure instinct I thought I could stop it. It passed like a fleeting shadow. And I was left with shame... and with consequence. And the last thing I saw were the eyes of a frightened boy whose master had failed him.

                Remember he almost killed Vader too after he threatened Leia For a brief moment he gave into rage and despair, but he stopped himself and threw away his lightsaber. That is literally the mark of a good person, that's what Luke represented. Not some bizarre puritan idea that if you have a bad thought you're pure evil. Recognizing your own darker impulses and consciously not acting on them is a far greater testament to his moral fiber than you're giving it credit for.

              • 6 months ago

                You're right, but TLJ is a still a bad film not because it subverts our expectations but because it underwhelms our expectations. Good films exceed our expectations, whether they subvert our expectations or not. And TLJ didn't exceed our expectations.

              • 6 months ago

                * but TLJ is still a bad film

                We're like 5, 10 at max, years away from being able to use ai to adapt Heir to the Empire properly without any of disney's bullshit. It doesn't matter what crap they try and push anymore


              • 6 months ago

                >Luke (a psychic space wizard who can see the future) knew in that moment that Kylo 'would bring destruction, and pain, and death... and the end of everything I love'.
                Vader already did that, and refused to kill him even in a moment of anger. NIce trash movie you got there, Johnson.

              • 6 months ago

                If you can really see the future 100% with no room for changing it or doubt about its accuracy, then the universe is deterministic and pointless. Without free will there is no light and dark, no good and evil.

              • 6 months ago

                Right but then despite all that when he finally pulls himself up by his bootstraps and force zooms Ben he proceeds to continue heckling him and busting his balls.
                Now I'm all for that in a loving uncle having a good laugh at the expense of his shithead nephew. But after everything that happened, including murdering his own father, you'd think Luke would have had something better and deeper to say/do. It's all done on purpose to belittle and dehumanize Luke (hence them deleting the scene of him mourning Han) to further make him a failure. Just like Han, just like Chewy, just like the entirety of the surviving OT protagonists.

              • 6 months ago

                But this isn’t true he shit talked Ben and made fun of him the whole time his last remark was a insult to him

                That's a Joss Whedon moment right there.

                >somber moment with potential to have some depth

                just gotta have a snarky joke or quip break up every moment.

              • 6 months ago

                You're minimizing the "evil thought" thing as much as you possibly can, and doing your best to strawman finding it off as some "Puritan" stance, but the fact is contemplating killing your own nephew who you're the guardian of is extremely fricked and does feel out of character. Vader is a very different case.
                Its also not in Luke's character to give up, especially on family, especially on someone he has responsibity for. He risked it all to try and save his father when no one would have faulted him for killing him. That just doesn't jive with running away and hiding and becoming bitter when his nephew turns to the dark side, it's like two completely different characters.

              • 6 months ago

                Why do you slimy homosexuals ALWAYS leave out the fact that Luke did not snap instantly on the Death Star. It took the combined effort of watching the rebel fleet die before him, believing his friends and family were all likewise doomed, and THEN having Vader deliver the final blow that sent him over.
                His first reaction to Vader taunting him on Endor was to try winning him over
                His reaction to Palpatine’s taunts was to talk shit back and turn it around
                His reaction to knowing the emperor wouldn’t die for certain, due to the fleet being ambushed, was to take a swipe at him, which was a calculated (if poor) decision

                It’s not comparable in the fricking slightest to TLJ, where he walks in has his vision and instantly reacts. If it was supposed to be reflective of that, we’d have seen multiple examples of Luke taking reasonable actions until he hit critical mass
                >b-b-but they said Kylo had been a bad egg for a whi-
                That’s telling, not showing. Imagine if the throne room scene cut out all the buildup to Luke going apeshit and replaced it with Palpatine narrating what had just gone on. It would have been just as fricking shit.

              • 6 months ago

                Even mark hamil thought this was completely moronic and luke wouldnt even consider drawing his lightsaber on a sleeping child based on a bad dream

              • 6 months ago

                If that’s the story they wanted to tell, it should have had multiple flashback scenes, or an extended prologue, to let us feel Luke and Ben’s relationship. Storytelling via a single contextless exposition scene works badly and is fundamentally pathetic

              • 6 months ago

                >Did you miss the part in ESB where abandoning his training to jump in head-first and save his friends was completely futile and only made everything worse?
                It didn't make anything worse, though. Nobody would have escaped had he not intervened.

              • 6 months ago

                >the guy who redeemed vader
                I guess luke never told kylo that part of the story because little ben still worships vaders helmet as a dark side ritual

            • 6 months ago

              >battle droids
              lmao this is low effort even for a moronic shill

      • 6 months ago

        Star Wars movies started off by killing major characters. Kenobi dies in Episode 4 then later Yoda dies and Anakin dies too. Even Force Awakens had the balls to kill off Han Solo but somehow Ryan killing off Luke in TLJ is heresy?

        • 6 months ago

          >ignoring literally all context except for the action of Luke dying
          Wow, what an interesting and amazing way of making your point. Let me try:
          Indiana Jones films have always been about Indie finding some magical artefact with a female sidekick. I can't believe people suddenly didn't like it in Dial of Destiny!

          • 6 months ago

            How is Luke's death different from Obi-wan's?? Remember Obi-wan didn't even fight Vader but instead created a distraction so his friends could have time to escape. Luke shows up to distract the First Order long enough to allow the others to escape.

            • 6 months ago

              >Remember Obi-wan didn't even fight Vader
              Why would you liken your shitty defence to a scene in a film you clearly never watched?

        • 6 months ago

          TFA killing Han was also egregious.

  11. 6 months ago

    lukegays project themselves onto the character too much

    • 6 months ago

      Are you truly so young to not know that Han was overwhelmingly the fan favourite pretty much always?

  12. 6 months ago

    I don't think anything could save it. It's just a fundamentally bad movie.

  13. 6 months ago

    There's a fanedit on YouTube somewhere where Palpatine gives Luke a nightmare that makes him think he's battling Vader again and the whole thing with Ben is a giant misunderstanding. It makes more sense in context that way but Disney will never go back and edit any of these movies, and they're mostly too far gone to even be saved with editing anyway.

  14. 6 months ago

    >run out of mana
    >also two suns lmao

  15. 6 months ago

    >"Haha joke's on you Ben, i'm not actually there, you can't kill me!" *dies anyway*
    TLJ is unsalvageable garbage, but even so, the point of the Force Projection isn't to survive his battle against Ben but to buy the Nu-Rebels more time. That's it.

    • 6 months ago

      If his goal is just to buy the nu-rebels time though, then why not just actually show up? OP's point makes sense. I understand that it shows how powerful Luke is, but it's still pretty bizarre to have this reveal of "I CANNOT DIE" when Kylo stabs him then be followed by "OK I'M GONNA DIE"

      What did the force projection achieve that actually being there would not?

      • 6 months ago

        >"see you around kid"
        was actually a pretty awesome line. Weird that then he just died five seconds later and never saw Kylo again though

      • 6 months ago

        The idea is that it depicts him as an uber-powerful figure that stood up against the entire First Order alone, tying into the earlier line. His appearance being changed and the Anakin lightsaber reflect this also. In his own way he is living up to those legends. I liked this aspect of it. Dying from exhaustion afterwards felt a lot like plot convenience to me, though.

      • 6 months ago

        if luke actually showed up on crate then he would wipe the salty floor with adam drivers face. kylo is just lucky rey didnt jump out of the falcon or else she would have beaten him for the third time. hell, leia might have been able to beat him too if she had a light saber

  16. 6 months ago

    >you thought I was there?
    Rian is a hack.

    I look forward to his next whodunnit where the white man bad.

  17. 6 months ago

    in this movie they just made up rules as they went along
    >oh guess you can hyperspace ram now
    >oh guess lea can float in space now
    >oh guess luke can make a projection of himself but it kills him in the process
    when there are no more rules and you can do anything, there are no more stakes

  18. 6 months ago

    The problem with Luke surviving is that you end up with the same stakes issue that TFA wrote around by ditching him in Ireland. This is why some of those early Lucas ideas about Luke being like Kurtz or whatever did something similar.

    What would Luke do in IX, a movie that would already need to tackle Rey, Finn, Poe, and Leia (as well as Kylo and the First Order)? You could have Luke and Rey confront Kylo together I guess, but that's probably too crowded for a story that's more about the dynamic between Rey and Kylo than any other pair of characters. Even the OT didn't approach that degree of focus. Luke living would have required a very different story in general.

    • 6 months ago

      >What would Luke do in IX
      Trained Rey properly? Like Luke to Yoda in ESB vs ROTJ, IX could literally open with Rey accepting her shortcomings and seeking proper training (of course this would interrupt her character of being the most perfect person to ever perfect in the universe).
      >b-but why wouldn't Luke just solve all the issues himself?
      You know, literally any writer who isn't a complete hack could solve this. From the lazy "oh, there's a thing that means Luke can't or has one specific weakness that Rey doesn't have", to the more thought-out Goku-type framework of Luke recognising the need for someone who isn't him to defeat Kylo (or hopefully a villain that's more threatening than the moron who already jobbed in the last 2 films)
      > Luke living would have required a very different story in general.
      You say that as if IX wasn't already completely rewritten several times, or as if IX was some really tight, well-written story that we don't want to interrupt or risk losing.
      Yes. It would have required a different story.

      • 6 months ago

        >Trained Rey properly?
        I guess. It could've been a nice means of getting more introspection out of Rey, but that could have been accomplished with or without Luke being recycled Yoda. It wasn't, of course.
        >or hopefully a villain that's more threatening than the moron who already jobbed in the last 2 films
        Somehow Palpatine has returned and is ready for a wrestling match against Luke Skywalker this Monday night.
        >You say that as if IX wasn't already completely rewritten several times, or as if IX was some really tight, well-written story that we don't want to interrupt or risk losing.
        No. What I'm saying that a story that made better use of Luke would've required a very different version of VIII beyond Luke surviving, and preferably a very different Episode VII to begin with.

  19. 6 months ago

    I think you missed the point
    That kind of force projection takes so much energy it kills you
    But he did it to save the lives of the people there
    It was a sacrifice, possibly the one good bit of that film

  20. 6 months ago

    The fan edit actually kept him alive.

  21. 6 months ago

    >people who wanted Luke to survive wanted Finn to die for no reason
    This is why I don't take these people seriously

    • 6 months ago

      Finn would die a fricking hero destroying that laser that for some reason needed to be positioned close to the bunker despite being you know a laser. The whole scene was regard

      • 6 months ago

        This. I don't even hate the guy. If anything he deserved a heroic sacrifice, especially after being treated like a sidekick the whole movie.

        • 6 months ago

          Finn would die a fricking hero destroying that laser that for some reason needed to be positioned close to the bunker despite being you know a laser. The whole scene was regard

          That's because he was clearly meant to die at the end of TFA
          His character arc was over and him dying fighting Kylo to save Rey was a perfect send-off
          Because they clearly had no idea what to do with him for the rest of the saga, which is why he went from co-protagonist to comic relief/mascot

  22. 6 months ago

    It would be better if it wasn't a Spaceballs sequel.

  23. 6 months ago

    Given that Carrie died a whole year before TLJ came out they could have easily swapped Leia for Luke in terms of who needed to go. There was plenty enough time to reshoot and edit. Luke would be fine in her place throughout Ep 9. Culminating him redeeming Ben (instead of that awkward scene with Leia) and either dying helping kill Palps like Ben or instead of Rey bunking up in the Owen farmstead, Luke returns home to live it out.
    Either way it would have been better than what we got. (I've only watched like 5 mins of Ep 9).

    • 6 months ago

      Kathleen Kennedy refused to leave Leia alone even after Carrie died. I bet she was seething how much popular Luke and Han were so she wanted to pull them down

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah but then the fanbase will still keep wanting Luke to be their hero instead of accepting how amazing and great Rey is. Can't have a favourite character who's dead.
      Hopefully the fanbase will finally realise how wrong they've been when Rey gets her trilogy

      • 6 months ago

        >when Rey gets her trilogy
        When Rey gets her SECOND trilogy, which is the bigger crime.

        • 6 months ago

          That shit is never coming out.

    • 6 months ago

      I remember watching TLJ for the first time and seeing Leia's bridge explode, I thought "ah right they had to kill her off, a bit sudden but that's war sometimes, not everyone gets a big dramatic end" and then Space Leia happened
      And I knew the movie was going to frickland and never returning

      • 6 months ago

        Killing Leia off that way would have been moronic anyway.

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah but at least understandable given the situation, just get her out of there and move on
          NOT have her force fly on the fricking void while wearing no protective gear

          • 6 months ago

            I think the biggest obstacle to killing Leia off in TLJ is that giving her a good sendoff would've been hard to fit in with everything else going on. TROS didn't do a good job of it either, but at least it tied into Kylo's redemption. It was a bad situation in general.

          • 6 months ago

            It would also indicate the man had the balls to do something actually subversive.
            Leia dying in a random bridge attack and staying dead would have been surprising but also a logical story beat.

  24. 6 months ago

    Honest question.
    Do you think there's still a dedicated small group of total morons who defend TLJ with all sorts of fallacies, or is it just one turboautist who just cannot comprehend facts, so he farts out the same lame "arguments" over and over again, even though they've been debunked fricking 6 years ago?

    • 6 months ago

      Yes I think there are a group of morons that will defend anything SW related regardless of the giant piles of dog shit Disney keeps shoveling out.

    • 6 months ago

      Yes I think there are a group of morons that will defend anything SW related regardless of the giant piles of dog shit Disney keeps shoveling out.

      It's more than one tard.
      But I understand your doubt, since they all repeat the same shit since the movie came out. I think they know it's fricking bullshit, but they try to be as tiresome as possible, so others will finally give up on discussion. I guess the TLJ tards count every case of this as a win.

  25. 6 months ago

    No, it would still be shit because while Luke dying is a final frick you to the audience, it’s nowhere near the worst bit of writing in the movie.
    Luke staying alive would have helped JJ out massively for pandering purposes, but that’s about it.

  26. 6 months ago

    If you took the script, line-by-line, and made each sentence and direction the opposite, it would have likelier been a better movie. Rian was so obsessed with subverting expectations that he forgot to make a good movie.

  27. 6 months ago

    Dumb Cinemaphilener

  28. 6 months ago

    This shot of Luke looking at the sun before becoming one with the Force was perfect. Mark gave the best acting of his life yet Star Wars fans got mad about the movie.

    • 6 months ago

      Want to bet Hamill had no idea he died in that scene?

  29. 6 months ago

    Only a bit.
    But TROS would have been significantly improved.

  30. 6 months ago

    TLJ is poorly made in general and incomprehensibly bad as a part 2 of a planned trilogy

    • 6 months ago

      The whole entire trilogy is so bad it is literally going down in history as the biggest media blunder in the history of all fiction. Seriously 100 years will go by and people will discover them, watch them, and grow to hate them. They really are a fricking black hole of misery.

      • 6 months ago

        >tiktok+ content ambassadors in 100 years time delivering toks about "the quickly forgotten stain of disney's media empire that lead to its downfall"

        • 6 months ago

          I don't think it'll even be viewed in that lens because even that attributes them with some kind of cultural significance they do not deserve. They really are so fundamentally bad and the decisions behind making them so bizarre, silly, and honestly just upsetting.

  31. 6 months ago

    Better? Yeah passable? No
    Luke's complete character butcher is only one of the many problems the movie has
    Killing Smoke was worse IMO because that really killed whatever story RoS could've had
    But even then the real issue was giving Mystery Box man the reins for the first movie, he can only write one-off stories not series where plotlines are expected to have pay offs

  32. 6 months ago

    they're trying to capture the same essence as Dorsk 81 dying from using the force to throw an entire fleet of star destroyers out of the system, but it's not nearly as impressive of a feat so it just feels like he dies for no reason

  33. 6 months ago

    The whole movie has this weird, moronic vibe like Rian Johnson is terrified of sincerity and has to turn everything into mockery to cope.

    • 6 months ago

      It is what happens with emotionally stunted children who don’t understand they aren’t as clever as they think they are.

  34. 6 months ago

    Filoni has already ruined Luke by questioning if he was even a Jedi at all.

    The order came from above to ruin the Legacy of Luke to replace it with lame gay women.

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