wtf Neil Gaiman you finna get canceled

wtf Neil Gaiman you finna get canceled

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  1. 8 months ago

    People on reddit and twitter have already been upset about this for a while.

    • 8 months ago

      And he's already taken the chance to go back and redo it for the audio version.

  2. 8 months ago

    Lol even Neil himself said the story was pretty tasteless and if he could change it he would. He just wanted to tell a overall melodramatic story with this character.
    >Why does the moon think she's not a real woman
    >Cause the writer said so
    Not really creative reasoning

    • 8 months ago

      Trannoid Cope.

      The Moon knows she's not a woman because no matter how many purely aesthetic changes you make, a woman is still a woman and a man is still a man.

      • 8 months ago

        >Anon literally argues his point with a fictional moon deciding how gender works

        • 8 months ago

          Considering Gaiman is a new age hippie homosexual it's pretty obvious when you know the Moon is a symbol of femininity in western pagan religions, often a symbol of Diana and Artemis, the virgin deities of womanhood.

          I'm arguing the point that a literal symbol of womanhood will know what a woman is, not the confused mutilated weirdo who has no real concept of womanhood at all outside of an outside perspective.

      • 8 months ago

        The moon is proven wrong in the story itself. You are posting bigoted cope based on a singular page that is just the moon being an butthole

        • 8 months ago

          No, the Moon is told to behalve on the whims of the others. Showing in reality that these people go against nature completely just to satisfy the whims of madmen.

    • 8 months ago

      It was the worst fricking arc in the whole series, troony or not. Pure filler bullshit.

    • 8 months ago

      Because CHROMOSOMES you moronic troon. It's right there on the page.

  3. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Don't bother trying to understand the so called "language" of these low level chimp motherfrickers.

    • 8 months ago

      I legitimately do not know that word.
      Is it "finally" but shortened for some reason? "wtf Neil Gaiman you finally get cancelled"?

  4. 8 months ago

    Same idea as people in the future determining that your corpse belonged to whatever your bone structure indicated, not the feelings you had while you were alive.

    • 8 months ago

      Pretty sure those actual researches will fact check the person was trans or not, no use finding bones of your not going to study the individual, and make the corrections to their findings. And it would mean transgenders has been a constant thing for centuries.

      • 8 months ago

        A person transitioning to the opposite gender is normal. Pretending like there’s more than two genders is batshit insane.

        • 8 months ago

          Many cultures around the world had multiple genders, sure they're not as simple as water down Tumblr genders, but both prove that humans have obsessions with gender as a concept since the very beginning and there probably won't ever be a default binary answer.

          • 8 months ago

            Name three cultures before the 20th century.

            • 8 months ago

              Native American, Polynesian, South East Asia, and the Balkans

              • 8 months ago

                >Sworn Virgins
                That just sounds like a monk

              • 8 months ago

                Basically they swear off sex forever and are acknowledged culturally as men in all roles and actions.

              • 8 months ago

                So it’s just a vow of celibacy with extra steps. Also if they’re considered men how does another gender come into play?

              • 8 months ago


                Actually he is right.

                The idea that gender is not simply the happenstance way we asign sexual characteristics onto language was entirely invented by John Money.

                It's an entirely reverse situation to reality, we asign gender based on sexual characteristics we observe as humans, and we then either anthromorphise them onto inanimate objects or display them on ourselves.

                This is why the idea of "Gender" beyond the three states of male, female and neuter are absurd, they make no sense unless you're confusing gender for random assignments.

                We assign Gender through observation and action. Most "Third genders" are a coping mechanism when said observation becomes obscured.

                What does a primitive society think when a man looks and acts like a woman? Are they a woman? no, are they a man? No. So they must be a third weird concept that does not assign to nature.

                This is why "Third Gender" only really shows up in extremely primitive cultures where Men are defined by strict rites of passage and where failure to pass these and instead adopting female mannerisms is seen as weird and otherworldly.

                The West long moved past such rigid rites of passage, assuming every man would come of age naturally, and thus the place of men and women was more codified in observation.

                This is very basic level anthropology.

              • 8 months ago

                So it’s all just bullshit? A coping mechanism for proto-trannies?

              • 8 months ago

                Sort of. You have to remember primitive societies were very VERY supersticious.
                Freak Storm when the weather as quite clear? Spirits
                baby born with a deformation? Spirits
                Guy fails to grow up properly and looks weak like a woman? Spirits.

                That's what I mean, he basically just agrees with the current thing.

                Not really, if there was a resurgence in say, British nationalism he'd be one of the first trotting out how evil the British are and how nasty we were, how we have no culture despite his work reeking of Alistar crowley fanboyism like Moore.

                He's just a rich left winger, he hates his country, loves an idealised form of paganism invented for scoring with stoned middle class women and happily lies in that bed with all the Socialists and Anti-British intelligencia.

                I truly do hate him and Moore and most of the British comic book writers for being such horrible hateful people in their passive aggresive way.

              • 8 months ago

                The current thing as defined by those he has aligned himself with, just to be clear.

              • 8 months ago

                Do you really think Neil gayman is heterosexual

              • 8 months ago

                Every single time someone says a culture has another gender it's always
                >homosexual or other slur
                >effeminate male
                >man who allows himself to receive buttsex

              • 8 months ago

                Anon, why the frick did you ask if you didn't want to hear it?

              • 8 months ago

                Because ultimately it's never going to be a real conversation. Regardless of the answer they're never going to count but technically speaking yeah...some of them don't and are basically gays eunuchs and transvestites but not actually considered transgendered in any sense.

              • 8 months ago

                >no you see I asked a question but don't care because I think your answer is invalid
                Anon, you're as thick as a brick and talking to you is like talking to a wall made of them. I didn't actually give a shit and just posted some examples cuz you ask only to hear it doesn't really count because "there's no real third gender bro". moron, just lead with that so I don't have to waste five picoseconds scrounging up some examples. Ffs homie, just say that in the first place.

              • 8 months ago

                You're talking to the wrong guy, moron.

              • 8 months ago

                Don't worry, I was the wrong guy too lol.

                I didn't ask and you embarassed yourself by pretending "homosexual in a dress who likes buttsex" was some kind of extra gender, dipshit.


                Name three cultures before the 20th century.

                he did. I was answering a question. I have no stake in any of this. I don't give a shit beyond being mildly annoyed I wasted a google copy-paste on nothing more than "these don't count" next time specrifiy your definitions rather than assume I will read your mind and know what you considered right.

                Don't bother trying to understand the so called "language" of these low level chimp motherfrickers.

              • 8 months ago

                fancy names for degenerate sex pests with brain problems does not another gender make.

              • 8 months ago

                I mean, yeah, otherwise you'd be the third gender all by yourself

              • 8 months ago

                I didn't ask and you embarassed yourself by pretending "homosexual in a dress who likes buttsex" was some kind of extra gender, dipshit.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                I mean he's not wrong.

              • 8 months ago

                It’s like saying no medicine existed until the 19th century because the Greeks had funny ideas about how the human body worked so it doesn’t count and medicine only started when we discovered bacteria and need to wash one’s hands

              • 8 months ago

                Not really, no.

              • 8 months ago

                >modern understanding
                genetics and biologie state that you will never be a woman, no matter the hormones, no matter the haircut, no matter the meat sculpture in your pants.

              • 8 months ago

                Third genders, even when they were just acknowledged as being "homosexual in a dress" were about transitioning, you unbelievable moron. It was a only a thing that could even loosely be called transitioning when it involved involuntary castration. That's your bar for historical evidence of trannies?

              • 8 months ago

                Basically what

                Every single time someone says a culture has another gender it's always
                >homosexual or other slur
                >effeminate male
                >man who allows himself to receive buttsex

                said. The current trans ideology is something new.

              • 8 months ago

                >modern understanding differs from different societies that existed centuries ago

                Wow you don’t say. That doesn’t invalidate the fact trans people have existed for ages and were not just invented yesterday

              • 8 months ago

                Only in the sense that there's always been despicable deranged lunatics.

              • 8 months ago

                But what do you mean by "trans people?" A lot of this was "invented yesterday." The current idea of trans didn't exist back then. Gender non-conforming people and groups did, transvestites did, men who wanted to be women existed, but there wasn't this same idea of "if you say you're a woman you are" for example.

              • 8 months ago

                If ancient societies didn't have a concept of "trans people", then "trans people" were in fact invented yesterday

              • 8 months ago

                His point is more that trannies desire to be a different sex existed beyond the idea that trannies are a new delusion. The point is that other societies had an consistent enough occurrence of these people acting outside expected roles to have phrases for them, even if ultimately the phrase in some cases boiled down to calling them a sissy or a homosexual.

              • 8 months ago

                It does make a difference because it means the specific interpret of modern times is new

              • 8 months ago

                Two-spirit is a literally scam made in the 1990s. the term didn't exist at all until then and literally every effort made under it's name is just a political power grab.

              • 8 months ago

                >JC Denton/Russian Chicken.png
                Lemme guess it came to you in a dream?

              • 8 months ago

                Literally look up the term and it's Origins. It was invented quite literally so the native americans could have their own unique way of saying gay.

              • 8 months ago

                It's bizarre seeing it on official forms nowadays

              • 8 months ago

                >It’s bizarre for the government to actually acknowledge native population’s customs and traditions

                I know, right.

              • 8 months ago

                It's not a custom or a tradition. It's literally made up from the 90s

              • 8 months ago

                To earn a living, a woman must swear to not frick ever. And dress as a man. Wow. So much for a happy healthy existence.

              • 8 months ago

                Which one of those allows for an alternative reproduction process?

                >inb4 there are men and women who cannot reproduce
                And there are broken clocks that are still clocks.

              • 8 months ago

                and there are broken wieners that call themselves women lmao

            • 8 months ago

              Native Americans got the Two-Spirit (they even still have those openly)

              Hijra of Indian basically viewing the intersex as equal to male and female

              While the history of Europe and gender is pretty undocumented, the church did believe castration to singing boys made them more "angelic". Which I guess is like a third gender. Not into females but no longer considered male either of they left the church.

              • 8 months ago

                No matter how many troons neuter themselves with pills, Eunuch is not a gender.

              • 8 months ago

                homie the church cracked down hard on Castrati and tried to stamp out the practice

              • 8 months ago

                Yes but they STILL started it in the first place

              • 8 months ago

                Not a ton of evidence either way.
                The practice did seem to be an entirely Italian thing.

              • 8 months ago

                >Which I guess is like a third gender.
                Cutting off little boys' dicks isn't a third gender.
                White people are fricking deranged.

          • 8 months ago

            Native American, Polynesian, South East Asia, and the Balkans

            >Many cultures around the world had multiple genders
            Truth be told, mosy of the examples offered are not alternative genders or comparable with trannies and the ones that are... were seem as shitty degenerates and to be avoided - so not unlike most people see trannies.

        • 8 months ago

          Pretty sure those actual researches will fact check the person was trans or not, no use finding bones of your not going to study the individual, and make the corrections to their findings. And it would mean transgenders has been a constant thing for centuries.

          the concept of "gender" was made up by a quack who cut a child's dick off and forced him to make out with his brother, both of which ended up killing themselves.

          Many cultures around the world had multiple genders, sure they're not as simple as water down Tumblr genders, but both prove that humans have obsessions with gender as a concept since the very beginning and there probably won't ever be a default binary answer.

          historical revisionism

          • 8 months ago

            That dude your referring to didn't invent gender as a made up thing hahah it's so sad people still think he's a credible man of anything. He's a obscure as frick scientist that the medical community sees as disgrace and most people around the world never heard of.

            • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                Yes I was laughing

            • 8 months ago

              Actually he is right.

              The idea that gender is not simply the happenstance way we asign sexual characteristics onto language was entirely invented by John Money.

              It's an entirely reverse situation to reality, we asign gender based on sexual characteristics we observe as humans, and we then either anthromorphise them onto inanimate objects or display them on ourselves.

              This is why the idea of "Gender" beyond the three states of male, female and neuter are absurd, they make no sense unless you're confusing gender for random assignments.

        • 8 months ago

          >A person transitioning to the opposite gender is normal

        • 8 months ago

          >A person transitioning to the opposite gender is normal

        • 8 months ago

          American conservative everyone

          • 8 months ago

            Don’t bring international drama into this to deflect away from the topic homosexual.

        • 8 months ago

          If a gender is a social construct created by society (as lefties like Judith butler would have us believe) then it's perfectly reasonable to say there are only two genders in certain societies since we can imagine one that only recognizes the male (a person with xy chromosomes) and female (a person with xx chromosomes) genders and no other genders.

          Additionally it's ridiculous to say under the social construct idea a society like ours recognizes genders other than male or female if half its members think trannies aren't women and there are only two.

    • 8 months ago

      You're acting like they're finding a neolithic skeleton in a hole in a cave. If an archeologist from the future were digging up a body, they'd be doing so in what's obviously a graveyard and know to look for headstones or go off of how the person inside the casket is dressed. We're really good at preserving bodies nowadays. They'd also know that transgenderism was a major societal thing in this time period, so their first conclusion for "female name and dress/male bone structure" would be that the body belonged to a trans person.

      • 8 months ago

        >thinks this is a convincing post
        I truly feel sad for you

      • 8 months ago

        So male.

        Also you are going under the wrong premise. "Oh they would know everything about the mental ilness of the time period".

  5. 8 months ago

    But why though? The book seems pretty Pro-troony especially for the day, Death literally pulls rank and lets Wanda be in death what he always wanted ontop of his friend scribbling out his tombstone with Wanda. This is literally the meme of "you let antagonists be mean to a minority, UNFORGIVABLE!"

  6. 8 months ago

    Neil Gay Man

    • 8 months ago


  7. 8 months ago
  8. 8 months ago

    Neil himself admits today he would write the story differently to be more sensitive about how he deals with Wanda’s character. But it doesn’t change the fact in the end Wanda is depicted as a woman.

    • 8 months ago

      >to be more sensitive
      He's kissing the ring

      • 8 months ago

        Oh yeah, the guy who has always written LGBTQ characters in his fiction and done representation, way before it was common and widely acceptable, is just kissing the ring instead of admitting he could have done a better job and understand how certain things could be misconstrued and perpetuate negative tropes.

        • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Gainan will always be the first racist white guy who insisted that Sandman didn't need a racially diverse cast.

        • 8 months ago

          >defending Black Death with his life
          Yes, he IS kissing the ring. Wanna argue? He fricking designed this character. He especially stated that he wanted to make her beautiful and comforting. And modeled after a pretty real WHITE person.
          Also pale, youkno. Pale as death. Out of ALL characters that could be changed they chose the wrong one...

          • 8 months ago

            >BAAAAAWWWWWW I can’t jerk off to a Black Death!!

            Neil is the author and creator and has the final say. You can even tell he was annoyed and dismayed that certain people just care about Death’s skin colour and act racist about it, because they’re that shallow and superficial even when Death isn’t human and her personality is what matters, not her skin pigment.

            Racist buttholes like you have to force yourself to think Neil is pressured to genuflect some imaginary Twitter boogieman because you can’t accept Neil isn’t bigoted and vainly superficial like you are.

            • 8 months ago

              Did you clap at black Cleopatra?

    • 8 months ago

      >trannies only become real women when they die

      Wtf niel…

    • 8 months ago

      He should've just talk to Rachel Pollack about it back then.

      • 8 months ago

        Who says he didn’t? Who says they didn’t have conversations about how to depict trans people and those views have evolved and gotten better as the understanding of trans people have developed.

      • 8 months ago

        Well back then Rachel Pollack was claiming to be a biological woman.

  9. 8 months ago

    I mean, the whole point is that the Moon and the witches - i.e. like pretty far out their ass feminists - were basically TERFs, just that word hadn't been coined yet. They were just as fallible as anyone else, and in the end she's affirmed by Death as a woman.

  10. 8 months ago

    Why is there a fricking face nailed to the wall and how is it talking?

    • 8 months ago

      Read the comic

  11. 8 months ago

    trannies are mentally ill freaks.

  12. 8 months ago


  13. 8 months ago

    Remember when Neil was a competent writer and a well functioning human. Pepperidge Farm remembers.

  14. 8 months ago

    Neil is too willing to compromise what little principles he has to be properly cancelled.

    • 8 months ago

      What principles? He's a New Age British hippie from a middle class background.

      The guy lost all bite out of him as soon as he got any gush because he mused about pagan gods to some stoned daughter of a London banker and he's been ascribing those musics to comic books since.

      Sometimes the new age shit is good, it makes a fun read to see an attempt at weaving a new mythology, especially with threads of an old one.

      But at the end of the day, he's still a spineless coward running in the same circles as man-hating feminists and trotskyist toalitarians.

      Gaiman is like Moore, he'll try and say HE is the one on the side of peace and love, yet the UK party he's registered to vote with is the one that defends nonces and wants to ban all speech that opposes them.

      • 8 months ago

        That's what I mean, he basically just agrees with the current thing.

        • 8 months ago

          Or, you know, he actually knows plenty of LGBTQ people and has gotten feedback from them over the years and as a more mature person can acknowledge that he did not perhaps do the best job when depicting marginalised groups, even if it was still progressive for its time, and due to his limited experience on the subject thirty odd years ago he did end up writing some things in a way that are negative tropes (or fetishised certain things, like iirc Corinthian convention arc specifically talking about killing trans people) and didn’t more clearly convey certain things as what was the intent, like asserting that the Moon was wrong and Wanda was in fact a woman because transwomen are women.

          But dipshits on Cinemaphile of course can’t handle an author they once liked ever admitting their failings in these issues or the fact the author might not agree with Cinemaphiles bigotry. So there’s giant cope related to Neil “kissing the ring”, fearing to be cancelled, “he’s an npc because he supports current views on trans people which are entirely in line with how he’s always generally thought and acted row the LGTBQAI+ but that’s inconvenient so I’m going to ignore it”, etc. You know, like when chuds thought Gaiman would be in favour of gamergate and harassing female Marvel employees.

          It’s part of the reason tons of people now have to bend over backwards and actively shit on him and his work and go the extra mile to use his divorce as a way to shit on him because petty little shits who are obsessed with hate and bigotry can’t handle famous authors they once liked not agreeing with them on all matters.

          • 8 months ago

            or maybe just stick to your beliefs and convictions and don't let yourself get bullied by terminally online wiener choppers who reject reality in favor of their own false version of it. of course, he just wants to continue to work and make money so it benefits him to play pretend with these troons, but it's pathetic to bend at the knee when you're getting bullied by autistic men in dresses who spend all day on twitter.

            • 8 months ago

              you are so close to getting it. Maybe this is him sticking up to his beliefs and not letting a bunch of schizos who obsess about trans people 24/7 dictate what he can and cannot write about

              As moral relativist by definition he can't have any solid principles or beliefs.

              quit using words you don't understand

              • 8 months ago

                Oh you are the pathetic lout. You can't go a single post without insulting people or using petty buzzwords. Do you have a single independent thought in your head.
                A single contradiction to the spew of dogma you have ingested to make you the good little prole?

                Let me guess, materialist collectivism is the key to all our woes yes? If we just steal from the rich and give to the poor minorities it will save the world, nevermind those rich seem to be richer the more to try to steal and the poor seem to be coming in from further afield.

              • 8 months ago

                >Oh yeah, well you also don't have thoughts of your own just like Gaiman
                Incredible you literally only have one argument and it somehow gets worse everytime you use it

              • 8 months ago

                Ironic. This entire thread all you have done is call your opposition names without presenting an argument yourself.

                All you are saying is "Maybe Gaiman is just a good party member" but you don't quite get it. That is what everyone else is saying too, you just think bowing your head is the good moral thing to do, while we all see is as the political browbeating it was.

                You spew insults because you know you're not among your peers of the party.

              • 8 months ago

                I thought I told you to stop using words you don't understand
                You keep saying that Gaiman has no moral backbone and just does these things because of public pressure even tho you have 0 evidence of that aside from your pathetic headcanon. y argument is that you have no evidence. Until you can prove that the claims you're making are backed up by something other than your weird cope I dont have to keep giving you anything. I know it must be weird to get out of your echo chamber but this is how normal people argue

              • 8 months ago

                I mean how exactly do you explain Gaiman defending fans and their adherance to a set style of a comic book character once, and then turning around and saying the complete opposite once a race-swap happens in an era where race-swapping is seen as a moral good?

                How is that not an outright perfect example of hypocrisy? How can you say with any reasonable doubt Gaiman has a moral backbone when one time he defended people getting angry at something he himself admonished people for later?

              • 8 months ago

                I'm gonna be honest I don't know wtf you're talking about. Can you link what he was defending?

              • 8 months ago

                Not him, but he's referring to a post Gaiman made on Twitter basically saying that adaptations should stick to the source material, IIRC he used the example of Batman and how people wouldn't like it if he was adapted as a man in a trench coat with a pet bat because that's not Batman.
                Personally, I don't really have standards for western creatives when it comes to them giving a frick about adaptations of their work.
                Just look at how Brandon Sanderson let Amazon absolutely fricking butcher Wheel of Time.
                Only eastern writers/artists/comic creators really care about how their work is adapted, which is why they tend to be adapted faithfully.

              • 8 months ago

                >Only eastern writers/artists/comic creators really care about how their work is adapted, which is why they tend to be adapted faithfully.
                Sometimes they'll even go out of their way to adapt it themselves, like how the writer for the manga Kamikatsu also wrote and worked on series composition for the anime.

              • 8 months ago

                Changing a skin colour in a live action adaptation, when the character isn’t even human and thus their ethnicity means frick all in terms of faithful adaptation (unless you are so superficial all you care is visual skin colour) and changing everything about what Batman is, eg now he is just a guy with a pet bat, are not the same thing.

              • 8 months ago

                So why didn't they just make all the non-human characters black?

              • 8 months ago

                Oh is this

                Not him, but he's referring to a post Gaiman made on Twitter basically saying that adaptations should stick to the source material, IIRC he used the example of Batman and how people wouldn't like it if he was adapted as a man in a trench coat with a pet bat because that's not Batman.
                Personally, I don't really have standards for western creatives when it comes to them giving a frick about adaptations of their work.
                Just look at how Brandon Sanderson let Amazon absolutely fricking butcher Wheel of Time.
                Only eastern writers/artists/comic creators really care about how their work is adapted, which is why they tend to be adapted faithfully.

                is? I'm sure you've heard this many times but Death being black is completely meaningless to the character. If the best actor for the role is black so be it. A man in a trench coat with a pet bat is completely different from Batman. A black actress is not different from Death (who btw constantly shifts form) Those statements are not contradictory

              • 8 months ago

                The point is being faithful to the original.
                Like I said, I don't really care much since I don't expect westerners to really give enough of a frick to care how their work is adapted.
                If I'm looking for a faithful adaptation, I look towards the east.
                I've personally never seen the Sandman show so I don't really have a dog in this fight, I was just explaining what I think anon was referring to.

              • 8 months ago

                I get that but those two things are completely different. If he thought the black actress was the better choice when it came to interpreting the character it so be it. Like

                >BAAAAAWWWWWW I can’t jerk off to a Black Death!!

                Neil is the author and creator and has the final say. You can even tell he was annoyed and dismayed that certain people just care about Death’s skin colour and act racist about it, because they’re that shallow and superficial even when Death isn’t human and her personality is what matters, not her skin pigment.

                Racist buttholes like you have to force yourself to think Neil is pressured to genuflect some imaginary Twitter boogieman because you can’t accept Neil isn’t bigoted and vainly superficial like you are.

                said being white is a superficial thing when it comes to her character.

              • 8 months ago

                Like I said, I don't really care, the point is about adapting what was in the original.

              • 8 months ago

                >If he thought the black actress was a better choice

                Except she wasn't. Death is supposed to be a charming slightly melancholic figure, both approachable but aloof.

                And in the show she is literally just generic London black woman.

              • 8 months ago

                The cool thing about opinions is that each person has one. Maybe the people in charge of casting thought she was perfect, maybe Gaiman thought she was perfect. IDK

              • 8 months ago

                And the fun thing about opinions is they can be formed from shit.

                Gaiman and the casting team, wanted a token, they then try and justify it with hollow excuses.

              • 8 months ago

                I mean a far bigger issue is turning Lucifer into an angry Karen instead of a jaded wristful gentleman.

                It's just funny how Gaiman's expy of Dream isn't turned into a black person is he?

                Or how Patton Oswald the known sex creep is magically in the show made by a sex creep.

              • 8 months ago

                Honestly, if it really didn't matter, they could have just made everyone black.
                I'm sure Gaiman would have loved it anyways, no matter what they did.

              • 8 months ago

                Well he is an abject coward in all things.

                Series Lucy works for being angelic and scary. But yeah, they need to somehow make her keep up with the charismatic characterization, which admittedly only does come up after Lucifer's initial introduction

                No she fricking didn't. She looked like someones angry nan, she was neither scary nor angelic. She looked like she was two steps away from crying due to her stern grumpy look not working instead of the mildly pissed off Lucifer who just throws his hands up in the air and says "Frick it I'm done."

                Just because you think being white is important to her character doesn't mean others do, which is pretty obvious based on how most people don't care about the race swap. She literally changes what her body looks like in the book.
                >>He's not hypocritical... because he's not
                I literally explained how those things are not contradictory. I'm sorry you can't read

                Man you really are going through every excuse leveled to deny the fact she was race-swapped just to add a token black to the main cast.

                You didn't explain shit, you went "he's da author so he knows best" despite that not at all refuting the fact IN THE PAST he agreed with others getting annoyed by the changing of a characters iconic look, and then when it came to HIS race swap people are just nasty and racist for it.

                You know what, Yes, I do think Death being white was an important part of her character, her pale white skin and black clothing was extremely iconic, her near monochrome apperance matched greatly with the shading and tone shown in the comic books, YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?

                Because it still makes her look like death, because despite being a nice cheerful girl and not a grim skeleton in a cloak, she still has the colors of death, Black and White. She's still a pale figure wrapped in dark clothing. You can tell, JUST BY HER LOOK that she is death.

              • 8 months ago

                Maybe take your autism out of the equation.

              • 8 months ago

                Running out of counterpoints are we?

                Frick of back to twitter or whatever discord spawned you, you dumb culture warrior.

              • 8 months ago

                That's not me btw but you sure wish it was huh?

              • 8 months ago

                You're the only one fighting a cultural war. We don't care about actors chosen to do a job as much as the end result. Your autism is preventing you from enjoying a story because you need to REEEEEE whenever you see a black person. Get over it or have a nice day, you aren't worth any effort.

              • 8 months ago

                >You're the only one fighting a cultural war.

              • 8 months ago

                I mean he has a very good point. Death was literally a pale figure in black clothing in the comics, that's very death-like.

                Show Death looks like a normal person.

              • 8 months ago

                And the fun thing about opinions is they can be formed from shit.

                Gaiman and the casting team, wanted a token, they then try and justify it with hollow excuses.

                >They wanted a token because....THEY JUST WANTED ONE OK?!
                Just like with the argument that Gaiman doesn't care about LGBT issues and just goes with the flow, you still can't prove that they wanted her because she is black. Hell I can probably find an interview in which he says she was the perfect actress for the role since her personality matches with Death's. Meanwhile, you just have to pretend that an insignificant change like that one is on the same level as completely changing a character so you can prove Gaiman is a hypocrite and prove you're not just upset at public figures caring about minorities

              • 8 months ago

                >Cannot form own arguments
                >Just parrots others

                Nobody claimed Gaiman wasn't progressive, they merely state Gaiman was forced to bend the knee from his older viewpoints and be thrust into the politics of today, that Trans people are now ascended beyond biology and any reference to biological realmism is evil.

                >Hell I can probably find an interview in which he says she was the perfect actress for the role since her personality matches with Death's.

                He's also blatantly lying, because she acts like a cardboard cut out, is far less soothing than comic death and in general acts like every single black woman coming out of hollywood.

                You can cry it wasn't a token change and that her skin colour wasn't important, but it straight up breaks the imagery of death.

                >so you can prove Gaiman is a hypocrite and prove you're not just upset at public figures caring about minorities

                That's really all it comes down to with you twitter-drones. You so desperately want your agenda and any attempt to halt it is decried as some form of ism.

                Know what, sure. I do think breaking imagery for the sake of tokenism is bad. Deal with it, if wanting artist integrity and refusing this Maoist march of progress bullshit is racist, then call me the fricking Grand Wizard, because I'd rather have good looking shit than bland token horsecrap.

              • 8 months ago

                >>Just parrots others
                That's because any sane person arrives at the same conclusion. Only pathetic losers like yourself care this much about such a meaningless issue like this to hold a grudge over a writer
                they merely state Gaiman was forced to bend the knee from his older viewpoints
                >He's also blatantly lying
                More headcanon based on nothing

              • 8 months ago

                >Nobody claimed Gaiman wasn't progressive, they merely state Gaiman was forced to bend the knee from his older viewpoints

                That’s exactly what they are doing by indirectly implying that Gaiman isn’t still a progressive today (hence would uphold modern progressive values of this day rather than clinging to what passed progressive thirty years ago) and is somehow through Twitter forced to support things he doesn’t actually support.

                >is far less soothing than comic death and in general acts like every single black woman coming out of hollywood.

                Time to just admit you’re being racist, mate.

              • 8 months ago

                What are you gonna do? File a police report if he does? Better pray he's white if you want it to succeed.

              • 8 months ago

                Series Lucy works for being angelic and scary. But yeah, they need to somehow make her keep up with the charismatic characterization, which admittedly only does come up after Lucifer's initial introduction

              • 8 months ago

                >instead of a jaded wristful gentleman.

                Much of that characterisation comes from Lucifer’s own book, not Sandman itself where he’s a very minor character. Also in context to what limited source material the show can use it makes sense to slightly change the character so that Lucifer’s actions works better and make sense in context of the show and how they adapt the material. It for example makes more sense to make the duel directly between Lucifer and Morpheus and thus make the loss spark a personal vendetta precisely because it more organically builds what comes later with the relinquishing of ownership of Hell. These type of considerations have to be taken into account when you adapt things to another medium.

              • 8 months ago

                >BAAAAAWWWWWW I can’t jerk off to a Black Death!!

                Neil is the author and creator and has the final say. You can even tell he was annoyed and dismayed that certain people just care about Death’s skin colour and act racist about it, because they’re that shallow and superficial even when Death isn’t human and her personality is what matters, not her skin pigment.

                Racist buttholes like you have to force yourself to think Neil is pressured to genuflect some imaginary Twitter boogieman because you can’t accept Neil isn’t bigoted and vainly superficial like you are.

                And here we have the leftist snake, instantly ignoring the argument to try and appealing to an authority, denying the argument is even correct due to this wholly new train of thought.

                Gaiman states quite accurately that comics are a visual medium, and Death as presented is a character with a distinct look. Black Death does not complete that look, so Gaiman trying to have his cake and eat it is 100% hypocritical.

                Death was always a Monochrome black and white woman as her unique and iconic look. The brown token is not that unique and iconic look.

              • 8 months ago

                Just because you think being white is important to her character doesn't mean others do, which is pretty obvious based on how most people don't care about the race swap. She literally changes what her body looks like in the book.

                >He's not hypocritical... because he's not

                Wow what an amazing argument, you even managed to fit in more pointless twitter talking points like calling all who disagree with you racist.

                Are you Gaiman himself? You on the prowl to try and find more underage alt girls to frick you disgusting old carrion crow?

                >>He's not hypocritical... because he's not
                I literally explained how those things are not contradictory. I'm sorry you can't read

              • 8 months ago

                >He's not hypocritical... because he's not

                Wow what an amazing argument, you even managed to fit in more pointless twitter talking points like calling all who disagree with you racist.

                Are you Gaiman himself? You on the prowl to try and find more underage alt girls to frick you disgusting old carrion crow?

            • 8 months ago

              >or maybe just stick to your beliefs and convictions

              Neil has always been pro-LGBTQ and depicted trans people positively. You being butthurt that a writer admits that in hindsight he could have done a better job thirty years ago when writing about a sensitive issue and he would certainly address and update it in a future adaptation scripting if the show gets to that point is insane. Your transphobia has wrecked your brain.

          • 8 months ago

            >has gotten feedback from them over the years and as a more mature person can acknowledge that he did not perhaps do the best job when depicting marginalised groups
            Regarding racial minorities, you can find plethora of older titles with more diversity.
            Regarding LGBT, he let 24/7 to be butchered from a nightmare about a supervillain torturing civilians into a wet dream about everyone but the gays lying about their sexuality. When in both the episode and the original it was depicted as wrong to even question gay sexuality.
            He is milking the crowd, and he has no real values. Just like the crowd he is milking.

          • 8 months ago

            >The Artist went through his struggle session and admited the party was correct, why can't you.

            See, I am a pretty liberal guy, I am tolerant of others and like to try and understand their viewpoints before I judge them. And I know your viewpoint.

            You're a bigot, in the true sense of the word, you actively seek out people you can knowingly trample and you seek admiration for hollow moral platitudes.

            The LGBT community hasn't had anything close to being marginalised since the fricking 80s, which in case you have not noticed, is close to 80 years ago, at least the poorer classes of the LGBT community, the rich and powerful were naturally free to follow whatever carnal desires they had until the plebs found out and raised the pitchforks.

            All Gaiman did was bend the knee to the doctrine of the time, that Trans people are totally women in every sense, and to deny them, even their mortal flesh, as ever not being the same as a woman is heresy. Gaiman knew that no matter how you sculpt it, a man's body is a man's body and tried to calm this truth with empty spiritual gains, that despite being a man's body, the soul was feminine.

            Gaiman is and always will remain a coward, a man who tried to champion good causes simply for the sake of clout and acting the hero, but then bent the knee when those causes called him evil for having his own values.

            >I know he doesn't truly believe these things
            You're literally just making shit up at this point lol. You know nothing yet you choose to pretend that he would act this way so you dont have to deal with the reality that people like this exist and they may be right

            Also nta but >Why wouldn't I be Pro-Brexit anon?
            Jeez idk, maybe because your country is worse according to every metric?

            Oh do shut up, and begone from this website you pathetic Discord Harridan; My country is shit because it is crippled and feckless due to globalists sucking the life from it, the EU or otherwise. But at least we need not worry about Nitrogen bans and such coming from on high for now. We can slay our own dragon's without inviting others.

            • 8 months ago

              >begone from this website
              You can' slay any dragons. That's exactly the problem. And meanwhile your country is sinking deeper and deeper and you can't even blame the EU anymore. See you in a couple of years when you finally admit that Brexit was a mistake like everyone else in your country has been doin for the last 2 years

              • 8 months ago

                Ah yes, do tell me, how would the EU save my sinking ship of a nation? What grand scheme did the EU have that would have saved our declining native population, lack of investment in non-global aligned businesses and the wave after wave of malicious greedy Migrant-beggers?

              • 8 months ago

                >wave after wave of malicious greedy Migrant-beggers
                Yeah your country has not imported any of those
                See this is why I pity brexiters. You literally voted for something you don't even understand because of what some people who would profit from it told you. You keep complaining about "Le globalists" but you got scammed by them into this

              • 8 months ago

                Ah yes, so you indeed have no argument as to how the EU was supposedly the Lynchpin and why being within the EU would have stopped the decline of my nation.
                You are a twisted person, bent by hatred of your own people due to your materialist mindset, you cannot even comprehend of the idea of people wishing freedom over false security.
                I don't care if the GDP number drops, it's a false measurement that tries to make my country that has stagnated and rotted for decades sound like we have some wealth.

                You "Pity" me because you don't understand me, you don't understand anything outside of consuming material and you are repulsed and terrified by what you don't understand.

                I want my country and culture to endure, not as a slideshow for foreigners to gawk at, but for something to live. I want to keep walking the green fields and hills of the countryside, I want to remain English.

              • 8 months ago

                I do pity you. Your country is poorer, not just in terms of GDP but also in terms of median wealth. Your energy prices are higher compared to other European countries, you have constant issues with basic resources due to border issues, your government is hellbent on destroying your healthcare system (ironic considering it was one of the main arguments behind Brexit) and you keep importing as many foreigners as before, except this time they're Africans instead of poles. All of these issues and many more would've been prevented by simply staying in the EU, as evidenced by them getting far worse after you left. Once again, one day you'll truly realise what you voted for and I hope you know I will be laughing at you

              • 8 months ago

                Not him but where are you from?

              • 8 months ago

                By the sounds of it, I assume he's either a rabid leftwing american desperate to praise the EU as a better example of a federal government.

                Or he's a metropolitan middle class spewtum from a faceless interchangable EU city, with as much culture hidden away in vaults as human shit on the streets.

              • 8 months ago

                I asked where you were from.

              • 8 months ago

                Except that's not true is it?

                We lowered our natural gas consumption to fit with EU standards and even now we are still exporting it all for profit instead of using it ourselves to make our energy cheaper, all for the Global elites benefit of course. We draw our power now from France, who sells it to us to in turn make a profit as a giant racket design to make all countries elites wealthier by design ( I do wonder if you ever thought the EU could benefit from Brexit? )

                Germany is in complete shambles, it's economy failing to bounce back and it's energy crisis even worse than the UK, forced to both rely on France and still on imports from Russia.
                All the Africans and Albanians would have come to the UK regardless, and France would have ignored them regardless, how do I know? Because Ireland is currently heaving and crushing under the weight of the same boat migrants the UK endures, and France does nothing to stop them coming to Ireland either.
                Your arguments are hollow, they're empty hearsay spoken by propagandist sites like the Guardian, who side the situations of other countries to isolate each of us.

                But do tell us, tell us how Netherlands is to be punished because the people have voted against tyranny? How a country that is the 3rd largest agricultural producer is being told by the EU to stop production, potencially starving millions and making the EU worse simply to hit some unscientific methane production goals.

                It sounds more like you know very little about this situation. But no doubt you will link a guardian article quoting a study done by an EU thinktank telling me all this is good. How the Albanian gangs in my country running people smuggling would totally be quashed under the EU.

              • 8 months ago

                kek you keep going
                >I do wonder if you ever thought the EU could benefit from Brexit?
                From the moment the UK left the EU they lost all of the benefits they used to have. Why would the EU keep selling it for the old price? Typical brexiter wanting his country out but still having all of the benefits.

                >All the Africans and Albanians would have come to the UK regardless
                Wow so the whole "claim back control over our borders" thing was a lie? At least you can admit it.

                This doens't really shock me coming from a Brexit but please tell me: How is agriculture supposed to survive if you make it completely unsustainable and focus purely on the short-term gains?

              • 8 months ago

                I like how you try to pick and choose your argumments, but fail even there.

                The UK still gets energy from France at the same rate it does when it was in the EU, because energy tariffs don't work that way under the EU. our energy is still far far cheaper than many places within the EU, despite supposedly needing to pay a premium for it.

                >Claim back control over own borders thing was a lie

                Not in theory, merely in practice as the Home Office and the Government entirely lacks the will to simply return the boats back to the shores of France, because it's more profitable for their globalist masters to keep them.

                >How is Agriculture supposed to survive if you make it completely unsustainable and focus purely on short term gain

                Because somehow we've been doing it for thousands of years, but now of all times we need to cull a third of all cattle because methane bad and we need to drop the like 5% of all global emissions and let the Indians have as many methane farting cattle as they want right? Just around the same time they want to get everyone to stop eating red meat also.

                You're pathetic, if my country was even an inch more hardline Brexit than it is now all your supposed issues would be solved by internal markets.

              • 8 months ago

                >Not in theory, merely in practice
                Boy you're gonna be saying that a lot when it comes to Brexit

                >Because somehow we've been doing it for thousands of years
                Not at this rate lol. The issue with the current state of affairs is that shit has been taken to 11 and it has become unsustainable. Do you think people in the 1600s polluted as much as we do now?

                >Let the Indians have as many methane farting cattle as they want
                India isn't a member of the EU, of course they still want them to reduce emissions, just like with China, this has been made clear in plenty of summits and the Paris agreements, but the EU doesn't have the same power over them as with the Netherlands.

                >If my country was even an inch more hardline Brexit than it is now all your supposed issues would be solved by internal markets
                Ah yes true Brexit hasn't been tested yet Kek

              • 8 months ago

                So you've just tipped your hand, you're just some angry middle class socialist going through various coping mechanisms to try and justify why the EU is both suffering just as bad as the UK and also purposefully harming it's composite states with mindless waffle.

                I've yet to hear how Brexit is the cause of Ireland's migrant issues, or why Brexit "totally killing supply" the weekly shop in the UK is still cheaper than mainland Europe, I mean the UK didn't need to ration cooking oil while Germany did.

              • 8 months ago

                You're not even bothering to tackle any of my points and have basically been reduced to saying "But country also has problems". Honestly I've proved what I had to prove and even you've agreed that Brexit didn't solve any of the issues it set out to "solve". I accept your concession. Be seeing you

              • 8 months ago

                So explain to me why Ireland faces every single issue the UK as, if Brexit was to blame. Or why Italy faces the same issues, or why germany has WORSE issues?

                Oh right, because you can't smugly pretend I have not given you ample proof that Britain is shattered not due to one political choice, but by a thousand small cuts bleeding us dry over the years.

                go ahead and pretend you won some great debate, we both know you're just fleeing the battlefield.

              • 8 months ago

                Not him, but you do know Germany literally had brown outs throughout last year, and had to go back on like dozens of enviromental promises because they cannot generate their own power due to reliance on imports right?

                Or France is only held up due to Nuclear generators that Macron campaigned against and that the EU were adamantly against

                Or Ireland is basically facing every single issue the UK is having and the EU has done literally frick all to help it.

            • 8 months ago

              Oh man you went full schizo

              • 8 months ago

                What a unique perspective, you can't even form an argument so you resort to utterly tired and toothless insults.

                Don't call people mentally unwell when you screech like a banshee if people mislabel you pudding.

          • 8 months ago

            >was in fact a woman because transwomen are women.
            Males who tranned are men, tho. Why saying that younare a woman would magically turn you into one? If thats the case what even is a woman on your definition?

            • 8 months ago

              Someone who self-identifies as a woman. Same way transmen are men. The fact is people like you are just afraid of being attracted to transwomen because you think it makes you gay.

              • 8 months ago

                >the definition is circular
                Anyway, medical organizations pushing this nonsense are going to walk back soon. It becomes a law their patients will be able to held them responsible in civil court for overrated castration and sterilization.

              • 8 months ago

                Uphill battle, same as it was for cigarettes

              • 8 months ago

                It’s amazing how transphobe can’t talk about anything else except their own projected castration fears

              • 8 months ago

                It's amazing how castration peddler projects their lack of consideration about others, like the children he wants to be "treated" by his medical corporate masters.
                You are tipping your hand by being demonstrably upset about giving trans people right to sue.

              • 8 months ago

                Remember, when you get diabetes, big pharma wants you to buy insulin. Don’t fall for their lies. Just eat more sugar

              • 8 months ago

                >suggesting diabetes is even remotely comparable to "gender affirming care"

              • 8 months ago

                Gender affirming care that saves lives and has better outcome, unlike FRICK YOU PEDO CRAZY FRICK KYS hateful sentiment people here peddle

              • 8 months ago

                There's no such thing as "gender affirming care". Coddling psychopathic schizophrenic narcissists is not "affirming care".

              • 8 months ago

                What if I'm gay/bi and happily admit I'm attracted to some of them, knowing they're men? What's wrong with being gay anyway?

                Is there some rule saying you can't be attracted to them while accepting the reality that they're men? In every reasonable sense of the term, not "they're men because they say so." Either way, calling people insecure isn't an argument for them actually being women.

      • 8 months ago

        That's what I mean, he basically just agrees with the current thing.

        Why can't people ever do things because they believe in them? Why does it always have to be some kind of virtue signaling? Honestly it just sounds like some massive cope so you can pretend that nobody out there actually believes in these things and that you are not wrong

        • 8 months ago

          I know he doesn't truly believe these things because as soon as the brigade of morale busy bodies harm his gravytrain he'll swing right back to advocating for free speech and artist voices. All Gaiman cares about is spouting new age stupidity to get clout and pussy.

          >"trust me guys Brexit wouldve worked if not for this random reason that everyone predicted"
          kek I'm amazed some people still admit they're pro-Brexit in the current year

          Why wouldn't I be Pro-Brexit anon? Why would I want to have an increasingingly draconian and invasive secondary government leer over my already inept one?

          Contrary to how you think, increased government power doesn't lead to better outcomes, and increased GDP rarely actually helps those at the bottom of society.

          • 8 months ago

            >I know he doesn't truly believe these things
            You're literally just making shit up at this point lol. You know nothing yet you choose to pretend that he would act this way so you dont have to deal with the reality that people like this exist and they may be right

            Also nta but >Why wouldn't I be Pro-Brexit anon?
            Jeez idk, maybe because your country is worse according to every metric?

        • 8 months ago

          Or, you know, he actually knows plenty of LGBTQ people and has gotten feedback from them over the years and as a more mature person can acknowledge that he did not perhaps do the best job when depicting marginalised groups, even if it was still progressive for its time, and due to his limited experience on the subject thirty odd years ago he did end up writing some things in a way that are negative tropes (or fetishised certain things, like iirc Corinthian convention arc specifically talking about killing trans people) and didn’t more clearly convey certain things as what was the intent, like asserting that the Moon was wrong and Wanda was in fact a woman because transwomen are women.

          But dipshits on Cinemaphile of course can’t handle an author they once liked ever admitting their failings in these issues or the fact the author might not agree with Cinemaphiles bigotry. So there’s giant cope related to Neil “kissing the ring”, fearing to be cancelled, “he’s an NPC because he supports current views on trans people which are entirely in line with how he’s always generally thought and acted row the LGTBQAI+ but that’s inconvenient so I’m going to ignore it”, etc. You know, like when chuds thought Gaiman would be in favour of gamergate and harassing female Marvel employees.

          It’s part of the reason tons of people now have to bend over backwards and actively shit on him and his work and go the extra mile to use his divorce as a way to shit on him because petty little shits who are obsessed with hate and bigotry can’t handle famous authors they once liked not agreeing with them on all matters.

          As moral relativist by definition he can't have any solid principles or beliefs.

  15. 8 months ago

    These supposed third genders are usually super sexist and come from cultures with strict gender roles

    • 8 months ago

      Pretty much, exactly what

      Because [...]

      We assign Gender through observation and action. Most "Third genders" are a coping mechanism when said observation becomes obscured.

      What does a primitive society think when a man looks and acts like a woman? Are they a woman? no, are they a man? No. So they must be a third weird concept that does not assign to nature.

      This is why "Third Gender" only really shows up in extremely primitive cultures where Men are defined by strict rites of passage and where failure to pass these and instead adopting female mannerisms is seen as weird and otherworldly.

      The West long moved past such rigid rites of passage, assuming every man would come of age naturally, and thus the place of men and women was more codified in observation.

      This is very basic level anthropology.

      The only reason these gender roles exist is because the strict roles enforced on the sexes means an outlier is basically magic and cannot exist.
      These third gender people often forget women who cannot have birth are usually labeled as cursed or third gender also, and usually fricking outcasts.

      This would be like Furries trying to co-opt the Viking idea of the Fylguir.

    • 8 months ago

      Transexuality and loose gender roles don't really co-exist well (which is one of the bigger flaws in the LGBTQXYZ movement). If your concept of masculinity is vague enough there's no reason to switch out and try not to be a man. Gender roles encourage transsexuality if anything

      • 8 months ago

        Not really.

        Strong gender roles sort of point out how Transexuality is simply a coping mechanism for people who failed to properly adapt to their own gender role.

        Look at all "Trans women" they're usually people who have failed, either in competitive areas or just at the idea of becoming men, and often devolve into autogynophilia as a coping mechanism.

      • 8 months ago

        But there are universal ideals within masculinity that have always been there like fatherhood, brotherhood, strength, loyalty, being a provider. Also troony shit is paradoxical by nature, it’s all about gender roles and norms due to the fact that they have no idea how to actually be male or female so they just do what they see men or women do in society. But at the same time they curse those same roles and norms that they emulate and that make up their entire persona.

        • 8 months ago

          It's sort of telling that at the height of equality and egalitarianism, we are seeing the bare instinctual limits of what actually defines a man or a woman.
          That despite complete and total legal equality, men still are more willing to brave higher risks or greater work for higher reward, while women always pick comfort.
          It's probably why I as a Britbong hate my own country so much, not the culture, but the government it has; a feminine government, that always chooses the most safe and protective choice without a hint of development of growth, too afraid to let go of comforts we only managed to gather via great risk.

          • 8 months ago

            This is honestly why I feel it will all just blow over in the end. It will end up being some moronic socio-political phase the western world goes through that will end up being laughed at the same way we laugh at people 200 years ago thinking that disease was caused by bad air.

            • 8 months ago

              I don't think so. This is all fueled by the rich plutocrats who want to wring as much money from as many sources as possible.

              They tried it with Empire, they tried it with Liberal Democracy and Communism, now they know they can do it with "Social justice" even better.

              Look at the world we live in, we came out of a pandemic that really was absolutely nothing at all, everyone wore masks that cost our governments billions that did frick all because the masks only work at best for 10-15mins. All from a virus that spread globally from a superpower we are in a cold war with freely via intercontinental routes all purely for the profit of cutting down vast swathes of small businesses and to bloat the banks of global investment firms.

              Because the risks aren't worth it at all. It's why France will never militarily intervene in Africa to secure it's trade agreements

              Bullshit. Brexit was a high risk and the rewards were more than worth it. Opening British engineering, still one of the bleeding edges in several fields, to the world alone should have been a billion pound market boom that led to a surge of new British engineering schools. If we invested even a fraction of our GDP into just Aeronautics alone every fricking space mission would be flown on British wings.

              Instead our Government, of all parties, pathetically scrambles around trying to shore up the leaking financial industry while letting our brainpower bleed out because our Government absolutely hates the British people.

              The UK as a nation doesn't really exist, it's a global finance sector that just so happens to squat in the ruins of a burnt out country, devouring it like a cancer.

              • 8 months ago

                All the shit they’re doing is short term, the gain I mean. It’s like the monopolist that wonders why the market stagnates. In the end they can’t control the economy only guide it. And when it bites back everything will fall. It’s happened before. 2008 was the first sign and they only barely made it away from it. Now something bigger is on the horizon and when it hits they’ll most likely lose their heads along with their shirts.

              • 8 months ago

                Nah. the forced global dependency, digital currency and other failsafes are designed 100% to make sure the big rich businesses keep their spoils and it will be close to impossible to stand against them.

                Think about it, all this transgenderism nonsense is just a way for large corporations to have an excuse to create laws that allow them to shutdown speech and in turn businesses.

                cashless society will mean you play by the rules of the big payment processors or you go under. You say something the big whigs dislike and you go under.

                We've seen how this looks, China was the prototype.

              • 8 months ago

                That’s true but ask yourself, what happens when people don’t want to? Fiat currency only has value because we as a society collectively say it does. Ultimately it’s just paper it has no intrinsic value, it isn’t scarce and requires little effort to replicate. What happens when even the physical aspect is taken away? China should not be held as an example either since they are, to put it bluntly moronic. A nation of slaves that will bow to pretty much anyone that takes the leash and chokes them with it.

              • 8 months ago

                >"trust me guys Brexit wouldve worked if not for this random reason that everyone predicted"
                kek I'm amazed some people still admit they're pro-Brexit in the current year

          • 8 months ago

            Because the risks aren't worth it at all. It's why France will never militarily intervene in Africa to secure it's trade agreements

            • 8 months ago

              >It's why France will never militarily intervene in Africa to secure it's trade agreements

              France still has lots of leverage and influence over their former African colonial countries and be try regularly has sent troops there on military operations to protect its interests.

          • 8 months ago

            >That despite complete and total legal equality

            Just because there’s a law on the books has never meant that in practice human society and customs and behaviours actually show that equality has been achieved. People are very persistent on sticking to old habits and views and perpetuate them unconsciously. This is why in hiring people for example will discriminate against people who have foreign sounding names. Or how when selling a house black people will get paid than white owners and it’s just because people know the seller is black. There’s numerous studies about this. Just by putting white family pictures in the house when it’s being shown it will get a higher price because of unconscious bias.

            That is why you have to be aware of them and address them. Pretending that just because Barack Obama got elected president twice means there can’t be racism in America is ignorant and moronic. Life and people are more complicated.

            • 8 months ago

              Ah yes, the eternal crusade, because if the outcome is not 100% the same, the answer is always discrimination and hate, never choice. Your ideas that we must discriminate to stop discrimination sicken me and eventually just lead to full circle

              Let me tell you of your poor black people in my country. They make up 3% of the population of the UK, yet are vastly over-represented in violent crime, vastly over-represented in the welfare system and dramatically under performing in education, all while black areas recieve more funding than the comparitive areas of white people.

              Tell me mr crusader, why should black people get more effort spent on them, in the UK, than poor white people who has historically suffered more than the black people in this country?

            • 8 months ago

              No legislation is ever getting rid of personal individual prejudices. Barring them from legal recourse is the best you will ever do, you authoritarian troll. Show some gratitude.

  16. 8 months ago

    Just wanted to say thanks to all the anons here. Very interesting discussion and debate, lots to think about.

  17. 8 months ago

    These types of people complain that the One Piece live action is garbage under the same breath while praising Cowboy Bebop live action.

    • 8 months ago

      They both look like absolute shit, just like all attempts to adapt a highly stylized animated series into live action.

    • 8 months ago

      Yet the media will have you believe that one of them is superior over the other because MODERN SENSIBILITIES!

  18. 8 months ago

    Both sides in this thread are right and wrong. Rule of thumb is that they tell the truth when it comes to bashing policies of others but defend their own policies with lies and half truth.

    I believe everything China says about the west, just like I believe everything the West says about China. Just like the Ukraine vs Rissia war.

    Thete's no prize for realising this except despair

  19. 8 months ago

    does he think kids should be allowed to get life changing surgeries?
    bad take Neil

  20. 8 months ago

    Isn't this what the Ts over in /lgbt/ discuss all the damn time? One of the greatest and most obvious insecurities of an FtM is whether or not they can "pass". To even have this discussion in a story seems quite liberal, par for the course with Neil Gaiman.

    • 8 months ago

      lol, he probably thinks everyone who thinks differently from him deserves to die a painful death. These kind of people are close minded are extremely bigoted towards other forms of thinking.

      • 8 months ago

        I mean
        >nail-gaiman likes this

        • 8 months ago

          I really didn't expect him to support ignorance as a virtue.

          • 8 months ago

            Final form of every outspoken artist, once they become cozy with the establishment. Gaiman is part of a clique, always has been.

          • 8 months ago

            He's not really. You just don't have to get into a debate with random people demanding it. Debates aren't about truth necessarily, but how well you can persuade, charm, and talk over a person. There's all kinds of way to be convincing while being wrong. Doesn't mean you shouldn't consider whatever the topic is rationally, but debates aren't always the best tool for that. Especially a random, unstructured debate.

            I think Gaiman is a tool, just saying debates aren't perfect and you aren't obligated to debate everyone you meet.

            • 8 months ago

              Debate is just code for having an open/honest discussion. It's why they'll completely drop anyone who disagrees with their world view.
              I can talk with a flat earther and not be convinced by his argument.

              Neil comes off as someone who can't handle people having different views or ideals than the ones he holds.

              • 8 months ago

                But you wouldn't recommend an uninformed teenager learn history by debating people on /misc/. Flat Earth is Obviously stupid, but there's also stupid things that might sound convincing when you don't have full knowledge. And debating someone trying to recruit you isn't always the best way to gain more knowledge. It's easy for a cult leader to take advantage of naive people with persuasive sounding but wrong arguments, or overloading them with "facts" that they can't readily refute. That post about not debating cultists is actually good advice for protecting kids from getting taken advantage of, it's just basic street smarts.

              • 8 months ago

                If you're open to new ideas you'll never be in a cult. If you say some dumb shit people will call you out or explain why your wrong.
                The only people who fall into cults are those that avoid discussion because they lack practice.

        • 8 months ago

          >Neil is afraid to debate flat earthers because they might change his mind

          • 8 months ago

            Am right here Neil I have done it b4

            Stop being a chicken

        • 8 months ago

          Wew lad

        • 8 months ago

          Who's the biggest fool, the fool or the fool who reasons with a fool?

          • 8 months ago

            The one who writes someone off as a fool without ever even listening to them.

  21. 8 months ago

    Honestly I think the outrage only comes from people who see this one snippet and haven't read the story. Sandman is constantly telling us that gods can be (and often are) wrong, and Wanda is shown as a woman (her "true self') when she dies.
    The whole story is very sympathetic to her.

  22. 8 months ago

    The moon represents feminine energy while the sun is masculine.

  23. 8 months ago

    I unironically support trans rights and hope they'll be able to get a better future

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