Die Another Day

>is said to be the worst James Bond movie and constantly maligned by reviewtroons as the worst thing ever made
>is actually very entertaining and SOVLful
>far better than any of Graig's Reddit garbage and a classic Bond movie through and through
>has Halle Berry in her prime with a tomboy haircut and semen demon Rosamund Pike
>catchy 2000's era aesthetic and techno theme

I'm never taking anyone's word on a movie ever again.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Casino Royale was the only good Daniel Craig Bond.

    • 8 months ago

      I'd agree but it was good despite of him, not because of him in any way. Graig is such a huge miscast and I can't believe 15 years have passed since he got the role. He looks NOTHING like what a Bond should look like and has no charisma which makes it laughable to believe so many women could fall for an ugly gopnik looking manlet.

      • 8 months ago

        Graig's Bond was made for women and homosexuals hence gay twink Q, mystery meat mutt Moneypenny and him being a marriage cuck. They destroyed EVERYTHING that makes the character special, even went as far to insinuate that his Bond had been done in by other men in Skyfall. Frick Barbara.

        >graig poster
        look everyone hates craig here but can you stop reposting the same shit word for word? it's boring as frick to listen to over and over, especially when everyone agrees with you and has told you as much every single bond thread

        • 8 months ago

          You're definitely right, anon, I'm just autistic and repeat myself sometimes. I just have such a deep resentment for Graig and everything to do with his movies that I get carried away. Sorry for that cause I see now how annoying it is.

    • 8 months ago

      No Time To Die is the only bad Craig Bond.

      • 8 months ago

        No Time To Die absolutely laps Spectre (pretentious garbage), Skyfall (Home Alone remake) and Quantum (lol shooting without script). It's still not a very good movie, especially not a very good 007 movie, but it sure as frick is better made than three other trash heaps. I feel at this point people hate on NTTD only for the weet ik memes.

        • 8 months ago

          I don't love it, but what in godsname is
          >pretentious garbage
          About Spectre? It's probably the least pretentious out of all the Graig films, it's a blatant return to the old formula

          • 8 months ago

            Which formula had Blofeld as Bond's "It was me all along!" brother? Austin Powers?

            • 8 months ago

              is that the author of all james' pain?

            • 8 months ago

              It speaks to the profound mental moronation and disattachment from culture that Barbara and EON have that they approved this despite it being an infamous gag from Austin Powers. Frick them for shoehorning Monica Belluci with Graig as a frick you to Brosnan fans after passing on her in TND.

            • 8 months ago

              Everyone agrees that was moronic but I don't see what's pretentious about it. Spectre is uninspired and dull, I'll give you that

          • 8 months ago

            >weird gold/silver color grading like it's an Arronofsky's film
            >IT WAS ME JAMES
            >the entire third act is a trip

  2. 8 months ago

    It's good shit. Remember when Bond was fun? Nu-bond is like going to church. So solemn.

    • 8 months ago

      Graig's Bond was made for women and homosexuals hence gay twink Q, mystery meat mutt Moneypenny and him being a marriage cuck. They destroyed EVERYTHING that makes the character special, even went as far to insinuate that his Bond had been done in by other men in Skyfall. Frick Barbara.

  3. 8 months ago

    True. It was kino, but angry youtube reviewer types are deathly allergic to CGI so that 1 wave scene made them fall into an angry anaphilictic shock of hatred

  4. 8 months ago

    The opening hovercraft chase is kino. The fencing match where they trash the whole fencing school also. All of the Brosnan Bonds are good times.

    • 8 months ago

      Best Bond after Connery and my personal favourite. It saddens me that he believed the nonsense from ((critics)) who don't even like Bond as a franchise and started spouting utter NONSENSE that he 'wasn't a good Bond' and that 'he was never comfortable in the role' among other stuff. Ideally, a Bond actor should make you want to be him badly and Brosnan nails this.

  5. 8 months ago

    It's one of my favorite bond films to be honest

    Maybe it's because I watched it as a kid

    >cool North Korean villain
    >genetic modification was a big topic
    >rosamund pike was cute
    >funny quips and gadgets
    >ice area was memorable
    >intro scene was memorable

    • 8 months ago

      I wonder if it was trashed because the reviewers were hoping for the villain to be from China

      They can't, it's all nonsense. MUH LACK OF LOGIC, MY ICE MOUNTAIN, MY CAMPINESS, it's all nonsense by people who don't know a thing about James Bond and that movies shouldn't be anything but fun escapes from mundane life and nothing more than that. Why do you classify TND and TWINE as the worst? What's the thinking there? I never liked TND myself (fugly Bond girl and lame villain) but TWINE is an S tier for me.

      Define an "Arthouse Bond film"

  6. 8 months ago

    tomorrow never dies or the world is not enough are the worst brosnan bonds
    never understood the hate die another day gets, can someone point out a few?

    • 8 months ago

      They can't, it's all nonsense. MUH LACK OF LOGIC, MY ICE MOUNTAIN, MY CAMPINESS, it's all nonsense by people who don't know a thing about James Bond and that movies shouldn't be anything but fun escapes from mundane life and nothing more than that. Why do you classify TND and TWINE as the worst? What's the thinking there? I never liked TND myself (fugly Bond girl and lame villain) but TWINE is an S tier for me.

      • 8 months ago

        tomorrow never dies, i get lost in the plot
        >something about controlling satellites or media, also boring villain
        the world is not enough, just christmas jones
        >terrible bond girl
        >really chessy or bad acting
        >drains the energy from the screen

        • 8 months ago

          I can forgive the character because she lead to possibly the best one-liner in Bond history.

  7. 8 months ago



    Sorry but TWINE is extremely fricking boring. Renard, despite the actor and concept is immensely fricking dull to watch and Elektra is only hot, that's it. The story itself blows ass too and there's no fun setpieces except for the boat opening and maybe the chopper-chopper scene.

    • 8 months ago

      TWINE is alright. I rate it above TND, which has similar issues, and only one good scene with the hitman.

    • 8 months ago

      >Elektra is only hot
      But wasn't she just

  8. 8 months ago

    >>far better than any of Graig's Reddit garbage and a classic Bond movie through and through
    This is not a compliment.

    DaD is an awful movie. Craig's dogshit being even worse doesn't redeem it in any way, it just shows how out of touch and moronic they are. The intro is okay, at least.

  9. 8 months ago

    >brown tomboy
    it’s kino

    • 8 months ago

      Best Bond waifu in the series now that I've watched DAD with an open mind. People who say she had no chemistry with Brosnan are wrong.

  10. 8 months ago

    Damn. Imagine how good that Skyfall Connery cameo was gonna be...

  11. 8 months ago

    >Asian man's life dream is to turn himself into a white man

    Unfathomably based movie.

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