Legend of Korra

Why Amon didn't just invent guns? It would be a much simpler solution than taking bending from literally every fricking bender in the world

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  1. 8 months ago

    Guns wouldn't do shit to someone that can make earthquakes or tornado

    • 8 months ago

      I dunno. I think it takes a second or two to fire a round vs a few seconds to do an earthquake or tornado.

      • 8 months ago

        >I think it takes a second or two to fire a round vs a few seconds to do an earthquake or tornado.
        For a modern automatic weapon. A matchlock, muzzle-loading musket, on the other hand, takes a few seconds to light off. Early man-portable cannon even longer. It took a couple centuries of technical innovation for hand-held gunpowder weapons to supersede the good old bow-and-arrow.

        • 8 months ago

          To be fair by TLOK they have the technology to skip a lot of the early gunpowder weapons.
          Especially since there's actually a form of gunpowder weapon already in the show, Azula's airships have cannons.

        • 8 months ago

          >For a modern automatic weapon. A matchlock, muzzle-loading musket, on the other hand, takes a few seconds to light off.
          Are you talking load or lock-time?
          Because even with a flint-lock or a match lock lock time isn't really a few seconds. There's more lock time than modern percussion cap fired weapons but no, that's not quite accurate. Canon were typically touched off the same way a match lock was. The cartoon convention of having a fuse isn't really all that true to life; they did have a burning wick or match that was lit that was touched to the fire-hole, but the lock time from when the fire hole was touched to ignition wasn't 'a few seconds.'
          I'd say the longest lock time of early muzzle loaders was probably a flint lock, but I'd measure that in hundreds of milliseconds, not several seconds.

  2. 8 months ago

    >Why didn't Amon just fling tiny bits of metal at metalbenders?
    Would probably wreck firebenders though. Waterbenders would probably be able to wall it off.

    • 8 months ago

      Bullets travel at a speed too great for a martial artist to react to

      • 8 months ago

        >A sniper rifle
        >Muster gas
        >Land mine

        All of these imply use on the unsuspected. It means literally nothing. If you try and draw a weapon against a bender and they're expecting you to put up resistance, they beat the shit out of you. They see you start to pull out a gun, you get a rock to the stomach or your head burned off.
        Remember, Avatar land is partial fantasy land. Fighters have reaction times that allow for that shit.

        • 8 months ago

          >benders can anti guns because "LOLFANTASY" script powers

          >There's an entire character who exists solely to show how the Jedi/Sith are absolute garbage against anyone who puts even an ounce of thought into it.
          Who? Grievous? He was killed as soon as he fought the first capable Jedi

          HK-47, fool!

          • 8 months ago

            >fantasy script powers don't count even though it's literally what allows for bending to exist
            People in the setting are able to react to lightning being shot at them, are able to survive being struck by large boulders, are able to survive being entirely encapsulated by ice without permanent injury. It's a cartoon.
            If you apply firearms to the setting, then yes they would be able to react to an untrained civilian drawing a firearm. If you want to say the person is trained, it becomes a fair fight in the same way a trained non-bender can fight a trained bender.

            >Name a weapon that would help against fricking Force
            ballistics in setting are literally used as special ops weaponry for killing jedis

            Isn't the main reason for that that ballistics can't be deflected via lightsaber? It doesn't really have anything to do with the force.

            • 8 months ago

              >People in the setting are able to react to lightning being shot at them
              A bare handful are. If that was something the average bender could do, then why the hell would the yuyan archers be feared?

        • 8 months ago

          goes both ways: gun users can unrealistic reflexes and aim

          • 8 months ago

            Yes, in which case you can look to what I said

            >fantasy script powers don't count even though it's literally what allows for bending to exist
            People in the setting are able to react to lightning being shot at them, are able to survive being struck by large boulders, are able to survive being entirely encapsulated by ice without permanent injury. It's a cartoon.
            If you apply firearms to the setting, then yes they would be able to react to an untrained civilian drawing a firearm. If you want to say the person is trained, it becomes a fair fight in the same way a trained non-bender can fight a trained bender.
            Isn't the main reason for that that ballistics can't be deflected via lightsaber? It doesn't really have anything to do with the force.

            At that point, it's essentially just a non-bender combatant versus a bender combatant. It'd just be a regular fight like any other in the show, neither side would one up the other.

        • 8 months ago

          This is moronic. A metal bender stopping a bullet would be like you dodging one. They don't have the fricking reflexes to stop something that fast, especially something that fricking small.

          • 8 months ago

            homie they don't gotta stop a bullet, they just have to make the bullet not hit them. That's a whole fricking list of options.
            >Metal Bend the gun away from the person
            >Hold back the striking pin
            >Move the barrel

            >People in the setting are able to react to lightning being shot at them
            A bare handful are. If that was something the average bender could do, then why the hell would the yuyan archers be feared?

            Distance and precision. Most bending has a seemingly limited distance, so being able to shoot arrows at such a distance that people don't see you coming is incredibly useful because reaction time doesn't matter if you can't see what you're reacting too. That's why I said it'd be good on the unsuspecting or from a great distance.

            • 8 months ago

              >lists a number of options a metal bender has to stop someone with a gun
              >literally destroys all of those arguments by explaining the advantages of bow and arrows against benders.
              Anon did you not see the incoherence in your logic before posting? If benders have a limitted range by which to use their bending abilities then a long range weapon like a firearm is going to be far more advantageous against a bender than a fricking bow and arrow.

              • 8 months ago

                homie, are you for real.

                homie they don't gotta stop a bullet, they just have to make the bullet not hit them. That's a whole fricking list of options.
                >Metal Bend the gun away from the person
                >Hold back the striking pin
                >Move the barrel
                Distance and precision. Most bending has a seemingly limited distance, so being able to shoot arrows at such a distance that people don't see you coming is incredibly useful because reaction time doesn't matter if you can't see what you're reacting too. That's why I said it'd be good on the unsuspecting or from a great distance.

                >it'd be good on the unsuspecting or from a great distance.

                All of these imply use on the unsuspected. It means literally nothing. If you try and draw a weapon against a bender and they're expecting you to put up resistance, they beat the shit out of you. They see you start to pull out a gun, you get a rock to the stomach or your head burned off.
                Remember, Avatar land is partial fantasy land. Fighters have reaction times that allow for that shit.

                >All of these imply use on the unsuspected
                I've been saying that using them in the same way you'd use a bow to kill someone is effective. But much like a bow, shooting someone reliably at a distance requires training. Because of this, it doesn't work as a good equalizer for non-benders.

    • 8 months ago

      If waterbenders can wall them off then firebenders can melt them

    • 8 months ago

      Firebenders could control the sparks and heat that launch the bullets

  3. 8 months ago

    Could YOU invent guns, anon?

  4. 8 months ago

    This is the problem when it comes to fantasy. Firearms absolutely shit all over magic, so writers desperately try to avoid them lest they break the setting to pieces.

    • 8 months ago

      >Firearms absolutely shit all over magic,
      Name a weapon that would help against fricking Force

      • 8 months ago

        >A sniper rifle
        >Muster gas
        >Land mine

      • 8 months ago

        You mean as in Star Wars? There's an entire character who exists solely to show how the Jedi/Sith are absolute garbage against anyone who puts even an ounce of thought into it.

        • 8 months ago

          >There's an entire character who exists solely to show how the Jedi/Sith are absolute garbage against anyone who puts even an ounce of thought into it.
          Who? Grievous? He was killed as soon as he fought the first capable Jedi

      • 8 months ago

        >Name a weapon that would help against fricking Force
        ballistics in setting are literally used as special ops weaponry for killing jedis

      • 8 months ago

        whatever weapon the writer wants to work against the force. AFAIK the force seems to be bullshit plot powers that don't make much sense, follow many rules, and constantly invent new powers.

      • 8 months ago

        Laser guns seemed to wreck Jedi shit during Order 66.

  5. 8 months ago

    I've got a related question to this. If guns were never invented in Korra's era then why did conventional arms like swords, spears and crossbows go outta style?

    • 8 months ago

      It's a cartoon for kids, don't think too much about it bro

      • 8 months ago

        But i thought that Korra supposed to be adult product......

        • 8 months ago

          If it was we'd have more scenes of Korra going naked

  6. 8 months ago

    I mean. Wouldn't inventing guns work against him beyond immediate short term? He's a rebel with limited resources, he can produce relatively few of them. But if a state apparatus gets its hands on his technology it would get far more use out of it then him, because it can fund it considerably more efficiently.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah this, the second some engineer opened their mouth weapon factories would open up and every country would have cannons, mortars and musketeers without need for firebending tricks like the Fire Nation did before, and they'd field a hundred soldiers and build a hundred machines for every one Amon could field.

      • 8 months ago

        I mean. Wouldn't inventing guns work against him beyond immediate short term? He's a rebel with limited resources, he can produce relatively few of them. But if a state apparatus gets its hands on his technology it would get far more use out of it then him, because it can fund it considerably more efficiently.

        Amon does have the under the table resources of one of the largest manufacturers on the planet, and once he pulls off his coup/revolution Sato can aid more openly. So he can produce a hell of a lot. Amon had a lot of resources in canon for this reason.

    • 8 months ago

      >But if a state apparatus gets its hands on his technology
      Well then don't give them that opportunity duh

      • 8 months ago

        It just takes one raid on a factory, one shipment of guns confiscated, and one engineer opening their mouth, and the cat's out of the bag.
        Suddenly it's not just Amon vs. The Republic, it's Amon vs. The Elemental Countries in search of a massively valuable new tech.

  7. 8 months ago

    Amon wanted to take away bending period he resented it in itself not just as a pragmatic threat against nonbenders, also because it's a kids show based around fun kung fu fights chiblocking and taser fists atleast give opportunity to show that off while evening the playing field guns less so.

  8. 8 months ago

    Guns are lame

  9. 8 months ago

    Because he didn't think of them
    Hindsight is 20/20 buster, if I threw you into the past you'd likely never invent firearms, or cars or vacuums or toasters or toilets.
    We take this stuff for granted but they really are magnificent and incredible machines.

  10. 8 months ago

    >non-bender cope
    Truly embarassing

  11. 8 months ago

    Well gee anon I dunno, why haven't you invented flying cars yet? Would make everything so much better so hop to it.

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