Name a bigger character assassination

Name a bigger character assassination

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 months ago

    What a crusty ass picture.

    • 2 months ago

      Couldn't find a better one

  2. 2 months ago

    She was never a character and obviously she did not love her children because she had them with someone she did not love. Yes, women can be very selfish and awful. Because women, like men, are people. You figured it out dumb ass. Thread over.

    • 2 months ago

      >obviously she did not love her children because she had them with someone she did not love.
      She killed her father in law to protect her kids dumbass.

      • 2 months ago

        >She killed her father in law to protect her kids dumbass.
        If it did not happen in the cartoon, it is not canon.

    • 2 months ago

      Imagine being this stupid. You didn’t even watch the show.

    • 2 months ago

      >She was never a character
      The original Nick site said she was born royalty, the perfect match for Ozai, and was concerned with raising her kids into good royals. The abused, theater girl Ursa was a retcon.

      • 2 months ago

        >The abused, theater girl Ursa was a retcon.
        It isn't retcon. It is fan fiction.

    • 2 months ago

      Stupid head

    • 2 months ago

      You need to be 18 to post here, Azula.

    • 2 months ago

      >Because women, like men, are people

    • 2 months ago

      *mic drop

    • 2 months ago

      Women arent people, what silly notion is this. Theyre half-men.

      • 2 months ago

        >Theyre half-men.
        >Every woman is half her father
        ...Son of a b***h.

    • 2 months ago

      kinda surprised the comic autist didnt respond to the post with the most replies on this thread

      • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          an anon who'd just spam comics panel in response to ANY reference to the comics.

    • 1 month ago

      >she did not love her children because she had them with someone she did not love.
      You don't know how motherhood works.

    • 1 month ago

      >She was never a character and obviously she did not love her children because she had them with someone she did not love.
      Her original character bio said that she was Ozai's perfect match when they first met.

    • 1 month ago

      >women, like men, are people
      good one

  3. 2 months ago

    Mai got it pretty bad in the comics too

    • 2 months ago

      friendly reminder that gene yang was the fall guy for yet another byrke frick up. they cant write character dynamics to save their lives. the ehasz, o bryan and the rest of the orginal writing team carried those hacks

      • 2 months ago

        It was a combined effort. When Ehasz went off on his own it wasn't really that much better than Korra. Ultimately ATLA was lightning in a bottle and the team fracturing basically killed it.

        Warren Spector said that no game is created by one person, and the same can be said here. None of them have been able to create an ATLA level success again because no single one of them was the solitary reason behind the success of ATLA.

        And every animated show nowdays wants to be either this, Steven Universe, or Gravity Falls.

        • 2 months ago

          that's why i also mentioned o bryan, the ehasz's (plural) and the others (should have mentioned josh hamilton).
          though in the case of aaron, dragon prince in season 1-3 prior to the writer mutiny easily beats out korra IMO. bad worldbuilding with good characters are far easier to put up with than the reverse.

          I mean based on how they talked about her in their commentaries for season 2, or their interview in 2007 before season 3 came out, Im pretty sure that their takes on her in pic related are them just quoting what notes/drafts Aaron gave them for her character

          >Im pretty sure that their takes on her in pic related are them just quoting what notes/drafts Aaron gave them for her character
          i believe it. iirc it was stated by a writer that no one else had a real grasp on azula's characterization.

          • 2 months ago

            >iirc it was stated by a writer that no one else had a real grasp on azula's characterization

            Can you provide me a link to that?

            • 2 months ago

              It was mentioned here in one of these threads, i'll look for it on the archive

            • 2 months ago

              It was mentioned here in one of these threads, i'll look for it on the archive

              It was aaron himself who said it, which stills tracks because he clearly understood her the most given how much he changed from azula's initial draft byrke came up with

              • 2 months ago

                Okay, yeah I know about that, but Ive heard a guy on the fandom-wiki forums say that this was made by a fake/troll account, so I wonder is this 100% his account or not, I mean I do think it actually is probably true though, as this is what one of the people that worked on the show said about her:

                >DOS SANTOS: Who knows, if given the proper circumstances growing up if Azula would have turned out differently or if that was just her inherent nature. I think my big takeaway is that it's an incredibly tragic ending to that specific arc. For Zuko to have to watch his sister reduced to that state of pure feral rage ... again, kids' show. My mind was pretty blown working on it.

                Which this does honestly seem to suggest that most of the people working on the show had very little understanding of her character.

              • 2 months ago

                it's real. not only is his username/handle the same but most of the tweets in picrel popped right up when i searched the profile. i assume the top middle tweet not popping up is because he probably got sent a CAD because byrke got there panties in a bunch.

              • 2 months ago


                Yeah thats definitely Aaron, though the argument by the guy is that because when you search for the comments they dont show up, even though they still should, meaning that theyre fake

                > Try to actually go to the comments directly, & you'll find them missing. The way Reddit works, deleted comments still appear on your own profile. That is one of several red flags that they're fake, & also that's asking the wrong question, the right question is where's the proof that they're REAL?

              • 2 months ago

                Although, was that comment made 8 years ago, because there are a couple comments at the very end, in a thread talking about ATLA, which say [removed], meaning thats likely where they are and the guy is a moron (I mean that was obvious to me already before)

              • 2 months ago

                That's because twitter doesn't load every tweet from profiles with hundreds of tweets, especially anything pre 2015.
                >Redditors being moronic
                Many such cases.

              • 2 months ago

                I mean this same guy unironically tried to convince me that a true psychopath is capable of emotional attachments, and caring about such things as their parents being proud of them, because psychopaths are capable of caring about what other people think of them in a cognitive sense thus this obviously means that Azulas strong attachment and care about her mother and fathers opinions of her totally isnt definitive evidence of her not being a psychopath, according to this guy she MUST show remorse/guilt for her actions in order to not be a psychopath (which she did in The Search at the end) because he is an obvious liberal who believes that not acknowledging the moral principles of western liberal democratic society means you are a psychopath.

              • 2 months ago

                Did he really ruin ATLA?

              • 2 months ago

                >aaron claims the reason season 4 of atla didn't happen despite him being approached by nick for ideas is that byrke pushed for the live action shamalan movie even though shamalan himself insisted that they just do season 4 instead.
                IMO yes, as everything since tracks with a lot of what aaron has said. byrke were executive producers on the movie and never let people forget that...

            • 2 months ago

              It's on the novelization if I am not mistaken

          • 2 months ago

            on whim i decided to look at the writing credits between atla and korra and the difference in quality makes complete sense.
            >korra had no head writer, thus no one to overule byrke
            >dos santos is the only director from atla who worked on korra, and there were 4 directors who did more than him
            >josh hamilton and tim hendrick are the only atla writers who worked on korra, and the most notable episodes they wrote consist of the cave of two lovers, the painted lady, the swamp, lake laogai, sokka's master, the puppetmaster and ember island players among others.
            >the following writers didn't work on korra: aaron ehasz, elizabeth welch, john o bryan, may chen, james eagen and 15 different co writers.
            >source: IMDB
            i want to not shit on the two writers who did stay, as they clearly had to write whatever byrke stuck on the wall, but the fact that they're the reason the puppetmaster, the painted lady and two lovers exist explains so much kek.

          • 2 months ago

            >dragon prince in season 1-3 prior to the writer mutiny easily beats out korra IMO

            Don't make me remember how much they fumbled the story and characters in these new seasons.
            As soon as they promoted the new female head writer,to appease the twitter/tumblr mob who believed in the false accusations against Eshaz,everything went to shit.
            She was able to completely make Rayla,what was the favorite character of the fandom,to one of the most hated one's just because she wanted her to be always forgiven no matter what she does or how she act's so she could live her fantasy of being always right and forgiven

            • 2 months ago

              i really do have to get around to watching dragon prince... did they at least get rid of this writer for season 6? i can just head cannon 4/5 out of existence

              • 2 months ago

                Season 6 is still not out and there is no date since it seems Netflix is postponing it's release date for some reasons especially since it was already done in September.
                Some say that it is because they have problems with the apparently change of rating and the maturity of season 6 and 7.
                Regarding the head writer she is still there and she will remain for all of this series since the writing is already done for the last two seasons and they even maybe already done all voice recording
                We just have to hope that the writing improve in these last two seasons since they are finally done with the presentation of the time skip and start of the new plot.
                Already season 5 was way better than season 4 and had already better animation,which season 6 seems that it improved it even more if the spoilers from the first ep are true,but it still had some problems that didn't let it be as enjoyable as the first three seasons so let's hope the trend continues and these last two seasons are actually good

      • 2 months ago

        It was a combined effort. When Ehasz went off on his own it wasn't really that much better than Korra. Ultimately ATLA was lightning in a bottle and the team fracturing basically killed it.

        Warren Spector said that no game is created by one person, and the same can be said here. None of them have been able to create an ATLA level success again because no single one of them was the solitary reason behind the success of ATLA.

        And every animated show nowdays wants to be either this, Steven Universe, or Gravity Falls.

        that's why i also mentioned o bryan, the ehasz's (plural) and the others (should have mentioned josh hamilton).
        though in the case of aaron, dragon prince in season 1-3 prior to the writer mutiny easily beats out korra IMO. bad worldbuilding with good characters are far easier to put up with than the reverse.
        >Im pretty sure that their takes on her in pic related are them just quoting what notes/drafts Aaron gave them for her character
        i believe it. iirc it was stated by a writer that no one else had a real grasp on azula's characterization.

        on whim i decided to look at the writing credits between atla and korra and the difference in quality makes complete sense.
        >korra had no head writer, thus no one to overule byrke
        >dos santos is the only director from atla who worked on korra, and there were 4 directors who did more than him
        >josh hamilton and tim hendrick are the only atla writers who worked on korra, and the most notable episodes they wrote consist of the cave of two lovers, the painted lady, the swamp, lake laogai, sokka's master, the puppetmaster and ember island players among others.
        >the following writers didn't work on korra: aaron ehasz, elizabeth welch, john o bryan, may chen, james eagen and 15 different co writers.
        >source: IMDB
        i want to not shit on the two writers who did stay, as they clearly had to write whatever byrke stuck on the wall, but the fact that they're the reason the puppetmaster, the painted lady and two lovers exist explains so much kek.

        I mean the main problem of Korra, that remained constant throughout the whole series, was the underwhelming characterization and character dynamics of the main cast, the ONLY character that is on par with the ATLA main cast (Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Iroh)+Azula is Tenzin, everyone else remains extremely one-dimensional and uninteresting for the rest of the show, Korra does get a little bit better in season 4 due to the whole PTSD thing, but was a too little, too late and wasnt even executed that well.

        It is obvious beyond belief to anyone that pays attention that whilst Bryke are definitely good at worldbuilding, they are beyond terrible when it comes to actually writing characters and if it werent for Aaron fixing Toph and Irohs characterizations, and writing most of Zukos character arc, and also clearly being the driving force behind making Azula an actual complex character, just taking those things away makes it blatantly clear that without him and several others the show would have been no better than your average Saturday morning Nickelodeon show post-2000, whichbis exactly what LoK ended up becoming, despite all its attempts to tackle more mature topics, it never reached the heart and soul that ATLA managed, and on the maturity part, nothing in LoK comes close to this quote

        >Sozin was just as much Fire Nation as Roku was, if anything their story proves that anyone is capable of both great good and great evil.

        Hitting at the heart of eastern philosophy the show is based upon, and the nature of Yin and Yang “In good there is evil, in evil there is good”

        • 2 months ago

          Fully agree anon. ATLA is a case study on how great execution is just as if not more important than a great inital premise.

        • 1 month ago

          >the ONLY character that is on par with the ATLA main cast (Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Iroh)+Azula is Tenzin
          And Lin.

    • 2 months ago

      Maybe but
      Tbh toph was better for toph.

      • 2 months ago

        Toph was better for Zuko* god damn it

        • 2 months ago

          He should be plowing Jin, anyway.

          Zuko should have married and procreated with an Earth Kingdom girl. Nothing would be a bigger "frick you" to Ozai than having an Earth Bender be the next Fire Lord.

          • 2 months ago

            How many wives can zuko have?
            Would empress toph get mad?

          • 1 month ago

            That would get him killed by basically all the nobility.

    • 2 months ago

      He should be plowing Jin, anyway.

      • 2 months ago

        >He should be plowing Jin, anyway.
        Why do people think Jin would be good for Zuko when she only briefly interacted with "Lee"? Is it because she considered to be is hotter than Mai?

        • 2 months ago

          >to be is hotter than Mai

        • 1 month ago

          Because Jin was a well-adjusted girl who knew how to have fun which balances Zuko out nicely and even brought out some of his sentimental side. Mai is a depressed, gloomy woman and when paired with Zuko, a depressed, gloomy pessimist they are an actual black hole of charisma.

          • 1 month ago

            they should have tried to balance Zuko's gloom with Ty Lee's cheerfulness. Mai just brings out more angst

            • 1 month ago

              im in the anyone but mai camp, but yes this was the obvious decision if it has to be a fire nation girl. some times i really do think byrke paired zukp with mai out of spite. she's literally the worst option for him

      • 2 months ago

        >He should be plowing Jin, anyway.
        Why do people think Jin would be good for Zuko when she only briefly interacted with "Lee"? Is it because she considered to be is hotter than Mai?

      • 2 months ago
        • 2 months ago

          >Basically the same height as Azula compared to Zuko
          Jin is about 5'

      • 2 months ago

        Sorry, Jin is taken.

        • 2 months ago

          why are you posting a set where jin is forced to deepthroat zuko tho

    • 2 months ago

      >Name a bigger character assassination
      Azula in the comics

      The only people who make it out of the comic virtually unscathed are Aang and Sokka

      • 2 months ago

        Aang became a genocide enjoyer and Sokka was quite irrelevant through it all

      • 2 months ago

        Aang became a genocide enjoyer and Sokka was quite irrelevant through it all

        >byrke not derailing any male without making their insert right challenge: impossible
        dont even get me started on what they did to roku

    • 2 months ago

      I've honestly never seen anything good from the comics. I dropped them early on, a decision I don't regret.

  4. 2 months ago

    >Name a bigger character assassination
    Azula in the comics

    • 2 months ago

      How exactly?

      >She killed her father in law to protect her kids dumbass.
      If it did not happen in the cartoon, it is not canon.

      Its not explicitly stated, but its heavily implied by Ozai that she killed Azulon in the show

      • 2 months ago

        All depth is stripped from her character, she's just a crazy b***h
        Also Zuko got done pretty dirty with how he treated her

        • 2 months ago

          I mean, The Search had 2 good scenes with her, the one where shes second guessing herself about the throne being her destiny, and the whole part with her confronting Zuko and Ursa was pretty great.

          Plus her most recent comic is pretty, it asserts a lot of the things about her character that were previously mostly hinted at, and leaves her off in a much better position than before.

          • 2 months ago

            *pretty good

        • 2 months ago

          She had like 3 seconds of screentime.

          Lol. She is an one-dimensional villain. The writers tried to rush and give her some flaws in the last couple of episodes.

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah, and then there is this moron, who insists she is a psychopath based on her being a one-dimensional villain at the beginning, and refuses to accept that maybe Bryke were morons, just like they were for many other things, who didnt listen to Aarons pleas about how making Azula more flawed earlier on, to set up her possible redemption would make for a great story, until Book 3 when they finally listened to him.

            “If they don’t want to say things outright, but they still want it to be interpreted a certain way, they have to be very careful to frame things so that it actually comes across that way. A couple half-assed reactions in a single episode or two isn’t going to change how people interpret the whole character based on the rest of the context, & if the writers really expected it to, I’m honestly very disappointed in them. I will continue to think they’re better than that until when & if there’s so much evidence to the contrary that I can no longer extend that charitability.“

            • 2 months ago

              i dont think it was just aaron calling them out for being morons, but yea byrke not noing how multifaceted characterization works isn’t anything new.

              • 2 months ago

                I mean based on how they talked about her in their commentaries for season 2, or their interview in 2007 before season 3 came out, Im pretty sure that their takes on her in pic related are them just quoting what notes/drafts Aaron gave them for her character

      • 2 months ago

        >Its not explicitly stated, but its heavily implied by Ozai that she killed Azulon in the show

        • 2 months ago

          Genuinely have you ever watched the show
          Even as a kid, long before I was even aware the comics existed, I caught the implications clearly

          • 2 months ago

            I saw it when it came out, people thought that Ozai had killed his father and killed/exiled his wife for opposing it.

      • 1 month ago

        >she killed Azulon in the show
        It was also HEAVILY implied earlier in the show that either Ozai backstabbed & blamed her, or he made it clear beforehand that if she did it it was her funeral, either way she fricking died.
        Then Bryke & DiMartino pussied out, or possibly Nickelodeon forced them to censor out the mother murder, (see also: Jet) and she was clumsily retconned to be cucking Ozai or something. Weakest plot point in the show IMO and very deservedly swept under the carpet, and one of many reasons to ignore the comics.

    • 2 months ago

      Azula in the Netflix show

  5. 2 months ago


  6. 2 months ago


  7. 2 months ago

    Talia Al Ghul

  8. 2 months ago

    Who's ikem

  9. 2 months ago

    I'm just waiting for them to declare the comics not canon

    • 2 months ago

      If they did that, what would be the one thing they'd keep that'd cause the funniest reaction and/or most butthurt? Mai cucking Zuko? Smokebending? Forklift?

      • 2 months ago

        The frick is smokebending? Is that a subset of airbending?

        • 2 months ago

          No, villains use smoke bombs and morons think it's magic.

        • 2 months ago

          >The frick is smokebending? Is that a subset of airbending?

          No, villains use smoke bombs and morons think it's magic.

          >No, villains use smoke bombs and morons think it's magic.
          Smokebending appears to be a subset of firebending. How can you explain shit like smoke coming out of Azula while she is generating lightning otherwise?

          • 2 months ago

            Azula and Aang's kid should be a smokebender.

            • 2 months ago

              >Azula and Aang's kid should be a smokebender.
              So you are saying their kid would be firebender then?

              • 2 months ago

                if anything, fire x water would make for hot steamy sex

                Anyway, have any good ATLA Fanfiction?

                Fire Lady Dowager

              • 2 months ago

                Or some kind of half-breed or mutation since Aang is both an airbender and the Avatar. Probably it would just be one of their many kids.

            • 2 months ago

              >Azula x Aang
              What the actual frick?

              • 2 months ago

                Its unsarcastically 10x better than Kataang in this fic

                Distorted Reality

                As for canon timeline, other than Azula potentially crushing on Aang due to him being the most powerful bender around, its just just a crackship

            • 2 months ago

              Or some kind of half-breed or mutation since Aang is both an airbender and the Avatar. Probably it would just be one of their many kids.


            • 2 months ago

              Or some kind of half-breed or mutation since Aang is both an airbender and the Avatar. Probably it would just be one of their many kids.



              posting the superior firelady crackship

              • 2 months ago

                >anything involving mai
                Yeah, nah. She was trash in the show and made even worse in the comics.
                She contributes nothing to azula's team that ty lee doesn't do 10x better, she has the worst chemistry with zuko out of all the girls he interacts with, and overall has a shitty personality.
                Should have replaced her character with june.

          • 2 months ago

            >How can you explain shit like smoke coming out of Azula while she is generating lightning otherwise?

            • 2 months ago

              >Says smokebending is really Azula and her goons using sleigh of hand and smokebombs even though their hands are occupied and no character ever comments on them using smoke bombs.

              >How can you explain shit like smoke coming out of Azula while she is generating lightning otherwise?
              she's firebending out of her ass to produce the smoke duh

              >she's firebending out of her ass to produce the smoke duh
              I think smokebending is the precusor to true psychic firebending, unlike combustionbending, and think Azula learning how to psychically firebend is how she'll remain a threat to the adult Gaang when she eventually confronts them in a show or movie.

              • 2 months ago

                >even though their hands are occupied
                The switch is controlled by sphincter.
                >no character ever comments on them using smoke bombs
                Why would they need to?

              • 2 months ago

                >The switch is controlled by sphincter.
                Ah. I see now that you are just messing around trying to cope with the comics fricking with the bending system. It's fine, I don't like it either, but Bryke decided to keep them canon.
                >Why would they need to?
                If they were smokebombs, then why wouldn't Aang for example quickly disarm the Fire Warriors instead of letting himself get knocked out and need saving from Mai and Kei Lo?

              • 2 months ago

                >Ah. I see now that you are just messing around trying to cope with the comics fricking with the bending system.
                Not really. You are just being a bit autistic. The comics have far worse things than fricking smoke.
                I don't see it as a fire bending or bending in general. They are posing as ghosts, and the smoke, which appears only when they are in costumes (right?), is part of the facade and the clothes. They just stuck smoke bombs under the cape. They don't need to do anything because smoke bombs work automatically.
                >why wouldn't Aang for example quickly disarm the Fire Warriors instead of letting himself get knocked out and need saving from Mai and Kei Lo?
                The pic? He just took a breath at the wrong time.

              • 2 months ago

                >They are posing as ghosts, and the smoke, which appears only when they are in costumes (right?), is part of the facade and the clothes. They just stuck smoke bombs under the cape. They don't need to do anything because smoke bombs work automatically.
                We see the inside of their cloaks and there are no bombs, nor are, or at least Azula, is carrying a belt of bombs.

              • 2 months ago

                You can only see the legs in this image

              • 2 months ago

                >You can only see the legs in this image
                You can see a part of the inside of the cloak. The outside of the cloak is a sleek black while part of the inside of the cloak is gray with lines inside of it.

                None of azula’s soldiers who use smoke in smoke in shadow use it in the next comic. Neither does Azula.

                >None of azula’s soldiers who use smoke in smoke in shadow use it in the next comic. Neither does Azula.
                Zuko does capture some of the Fire Warriors and (probably) learned of smokebending from interrogating them. If Azula or the remaining Fire Warriors use smokebending, it would instantly alter everyone to their true identities. And considering the Fire Warriors don't want to actually hurt anyone, only help the Fire Nation's downtoddern, I don't think they would want to start a true life or death fight.

                >How can she use a smokebomb when her hands are occupied tho?
                They activate it when no one sees it, between panels
                >And why does the comic never imply or show them using such bombs?
                so that there is mystery and mystisism.

                >>How can she use a smokebomb when her hands are occupied tho?
                >They activate it when no one sees it, between panels
                >>And why does the comic never imply or show them using such bombs?
                >so that there is mystery and mystisism.
                Zuko has every incentive to not allow Azula escape and she is within his line of sight the entire time during the Catacombs talk. Yet, if she is using a smokebomb, Zuko allowed her to use in front of him and escape because...? Whereas if it is smokebending, then it makes sense why she was able to activitate without Zuko being unable to do anything about it: he doesn't know how to smokebend himself.

                Also, considering Bryke said the comics are canon subject to minor revisions, and we don't see Azula use smokebending or her advanced lightning techs in her comic, I think they are going to ignore most of Azula's bending feats in the comics so non-comic readers aren't caught off guard by Azula's absurd jump in power and skill.

              • 2 months ago

                >You can see a part of the inside of the cloak.
                Yes, only the part that corresponds to the legs.
                They have much more space to hide a bomb
                .> Zuko allowed her to use in front of him and escape because...?
                He didn't know they had bombs and she was always faster than him.

              • 2 months ago

                >They have much more space to hide a bomb
                But where tho if not on the bottom part of their cloak or on a belt tied to their waists. ATLA takes place in the rough equivalent of the 19th century; their smoke bombs are going to be relatively big, especially considering how much smoke they make even when not fighting.
                >He didn't know they had bombs and she was always faster than him.
                I agree on the always faster than him part, but he already experienced her using smoke on him and others before, yet he never mentions the possibility of them using smoke bombs, or trying to come up with countermeasures, because?

              • 2 months ago

                >I think they are going to ignore most of Azula's bending feats in the comics so non-comic readers aren't caught off guard by Azula's absurd jump in power and skill.
                >byrke not powercreeping for the frick of it.
                i'll believe it when i see

              • 1 month ago

                not powercreeping for the frick of it.
                >i'll believe it when i see
                But how they can powercreep Azula without using her genetics as an excuse for why other firebenders can't copy her abilities or having the Gaang kill after she mostly succeeds in her scheme? Because all that's left imo is for her to make her instant lightning lethal and/or learn pyschic firebending, both of which would make her a deadly threat to an adult Gaang.

              • 2 months ago

                None of azula’s soldiers who use smoke in smoke in shadow use it in the next comic. Neither does Azula.

          • 2 months ago

            >How can you explain shit like smoke coming out of Azula while she is generating lightning otherwise?
            she's firebending out of her ass to produce the smoke duh

          • 2 months ago

            literally a smoke bomb

            • 2 months ago

              >literally a smoke bomb
              How can she use a smokebomb when her hands are occupied tho? And why does the comic never imply or show them using such bombs?

              • 2 months ago

                >How can she use a smokebomb when her hands are occupied tho?
                They activate it when no one sees it, between panels
                >And why does the comic never imply or show them using such bombs?
                so that there is mystery and mystisism.

  10. 2 months ago

    Mai, easily.

    • 2 months ago

      she’d have to had a character to assassinate it anon

  11. 2 months ago

    comics are not canon

  12. 2 months ago

    >Name a bigger character assassination
    Azula's mental breakdown.

  13. 2 months ago

    even if show ursa was mostly prompted up by fanon and headcanon i still find it funny how despite the writers going out of their way to make ursa seem sympathetic most fans ended up hating her

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        posting more old comics

        • 2 months ago
          • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        even if show ursa was mostly prompted up by fanon and headcanon i still find it funny how despite the writers going out of their way to make ursa seem sympathetic most fans ended up hating her

        Maybe if I gouge my eyes out I would have a better chance of reading these

    • 2 months ago

      maybe i'm moronic but I don't get what this comic is trying to say what happened to her

      • 2 months ago

        I honestly thought that it was implying that its implying that Ursa transitioned into Ozai, and that the reason “Ozai” is laughing at the end is because thats actually Ursa

        • 2 months ago

          how deep

  14. 2 months ago
  15. 2 months ago

    Anyway, have any good ATLA Fanfiction?

    • 2 months ago

      Distorted Reality

    • 2 months ago

      There was this fanfic I read that had Ursa end up in the Water Tribes and Kya end up in the Fire Nation, Ursa marries Hakoda and Kya marries Ozai. I can't find it though.

    • 2 months ago

      LOK, though I wouldnt call it good

      • 2 months ago

        Legend of Korra is just the most expensive fan fiction of all time

      • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Burn The World Down is pretty good if you're fine with smut and a villain SI protagonist.

    • 1 month ago

      The Alliance is a good one.

  16. 2 months ago

    Azula made me so sad when I rewatched the show recently. It seems like she was supposed to be a parallel to Toph - Yin pretending to be Yang vs Yang pretending to be Yin - but man was that nowhere to be seen in Season 2. It's like how Katara flips between hardcore and nag at will, but without the human side entirely.

    • 2 months ago

      >Azula made me so sad when I rewatched the show recently.
      Me too.
      >it seems like she was supposed to be a parallel to Toph - Yin pretending to be Yang vs Yang pretending to be Yin
      Elaborate please, I can't really decipher your message
      >in Season 2
      whatever it is, she has too little screen time. Despite that, and her role as a villain, she still manages to show a lot off human-like characteristics.

  17. 2 months ago

    Choosing to forget your own children is repulsive.

  18. 2 months ago

    that's kinda hot

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      She should grab her chin and make the girl watch her in the eyes.

  19. 2 months ago
  20. 2 months ago

    The more they build on Ursa, ironically the worse a mother she becomes.

  21. 2 months ago

    >5' vs 6'2"

    • 2 months ago

      >the whole time in ATLA azula was just an angry femlet femcel

      it all makes sense now

    • 2 months ago

      Ozai and Ursa are tall, aren't they?
      You are forgetting that she is only 14.

      • 2 months ago

        I'm aware, but all the main recurring cast members of ATLA are small. Zuko is the tallest at 5'3", Iroh is 5'1 or 5'2" and so is Sokka.
        >Ozai and Ursa are tall, aren't they?
        I'm gonna guess Ozai is about 6', not much more. A good comparison shot would be great.

        • 2 months ago

          Kinda shitty comparison shot, but Ozai is seemingly about 6'3"

          >Iroh is a manlet compared to his brother
          Why's that?

          • 2 months ago

            Because he doesnt have a Z in his name, he didnt inherit the ability to grow vertically, but instead only horizontally

            • 2 months ago

              I think Azula is the shortest person in the room in nearly every scene she's in except when facing Aang or Toph tho.

              • 2 months ago

                Azula is taller than Katara for sure, Ive seen the rule34 models

              • 2 months ago

                >rule34 models
                I would say Mrpotatoparty is the most accurate to an extent.

          • 2 months ago

            Because shortness = weak, resentful, treacherous.
            Take from that whatever you want.

          • 2 months ago

            you're talking about the guy whose constantly willing to take care of other men's kids.
            we dont know anything about his supossed wife either.

      • 2 months ago

        I'm aware, but all the main recurring cast members of ATLA are small. Zuko is the tallest at 5'3", Iroh is 5'1 or 5'2" and so is Sokka.
        >Ozai and Ursa are tall, aren't they?
        I'm gonna guess Ozai is about 6', not much more. A good comparison shot would be great.

        Kinda shitty comparison shot, but Ozai is seemingly about 6'3"

        • 2 months ago

          just so we're clear, these are all guestimates right?

          • 2 months ago

            -Korra at 5'7"
            -Mako at 6'2"
            The ATLA crew has this height chart from production
            Beyond that, most of the stuff is guestimates

    • 2 months ago

      >the whole time in ATLA azula was just an angry femlet femcel

      it all makes sense now

      azula is only 14 so she might have a growth spurt. it is actually over for zuko though

      -Korra at 5'7"
      -Mako at 6'2"
      The ATLA crew has this height chart from production
      Beyond that, most of the stuff is guestimates

      • 2 months ago

        >growth spurt

      • 2 months ago

        I mean, girls do tend to enter puberty 2 years before boys do, so maybe theyll both grow to be about as tall as eachother

      • 2 months ago

        Old man Zuko in Korra is a bit taller than Korra, might be 6'

    • 2 months ago

      >the whole time in ATLA azula was just an angry femlet femcel

      it all makes sense now

      That logic could apply to nearly everyone from the main cast despite the fact that they're growing teenagers

    • 2 months ago

      >the fire nation lost to a bunch of gnomes

    • 2 months ago

      >the whole time in ATLA azula was just an angry femlet femcel

      it all makes sense now


    • 1 month ago

      >the whole time in ATLA azula was just an angry femlet femcel

      it all makes sense now

      >casually manhandling a bratty 5 ft tall azula during the eclipse

  22. 2 months ago

    the reason toph exists is due to higher ups at nick

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      They truly do ruin everything.

  23. 2 months ago

    toph and raven gave me foot fetish...
    ain't fair

    • 2 months ago

      Foot fetish from TLA? I have no idea how that could have happened.

      • 2 months ago

        how did they get away with this

        • 1 month ago

          >how did they get away with this
          It fricking Nick anon. I'm surprised they didn't add in more foot shots to be quite honest.

      • 2 months ago

        i was same age as toph and her just...doing kung fu and stomping did something to me.

        i wanted to clean them and put them on my face.

  24. 1 month ago

    Mommy Ursa = goat

    • 1 month ago

      Frick off

      • 1 month ago

        frick you homosexual

        • 1 month ago

          Weren't you banned for posting porn? Why don't you go get your hand pregnant and stop shitting up this thread

    • 1 month ago


  25. 1 month ago


  26. 1 month ago

    Azula herself, in show. The cold, rigorous Azula we met in season two would have just killed her "friends" after they betrayed her and moved one without a second thought, like sociopath she clearly was.

    • 1 month ago

      Yes, because having our 2 main villains be basically the exact same character would have been such a great decision.

      The only mistake with Azulas character was not showing us the cracks in her armor earlier, which was most likely due to Bryke being morons and not listening to Aaron until season 3

      • 1 month ago

        >NOOOOOO Azula can't just take after her father she has to be the poor misunderstand victim NOOOOO

        • 1 month ago

          I never said that, what I said was that having Ozai and Azula basically be the exact character is simply redundant, it adds nothing to the story, and if anything only detracts from Ozai as a threat even more, because there is really no way to distinguish him from Azula, who we were introduced to first.

          And who ever said that Azula was just a misunderstood victim or whatever, she is both a victim and an abuser, she ultimately decided by her own actions to choose to go down a dark path, instead of her just being born that way.

          If anything having her just be born that way makes her actually less evil, because you cant judge her as culpable for her actions as you otherwise could if she was a result of both nature and nurture, because she was simply acting according to her nature, there was no choosing the dark, or making the wrong choices in life with her anymore, because she could of only ever made one choice which we happen to judge as evil.

          Would a praying mantis be judged as evil for eating its partners after sex, even though thats just as natural to them as seeking a life-long partner is to you, no of course, thus in the same vein making Azulas behavior just be a result of her nature, and almost nothing to do with her nurture suddenly just makes her not evil.

          I know that you have a boner evil villainesses, and you Azula to remain just that instead of being a more complex character, but I want you to ask yourself, what do you think makes for a better story, in particular when it comes to ATLA.

          A pure evil villainess, with zero complexities beyond being a perfectionist and wanting to please her dad, and who the only things she ever does is by a obstacle to our heroes, and look hot whilst it.

          Or a villainess who explores the less bright and optimistic aspects of the struggle between good and evil, where someones soul and spirit is so immensely corrupted by hatred and jealousy, that the only piece of light and goodness within her is in cont.

          • 1 month ago

            Cont. the fact how that hatred is based upon a wrongdoing that never was, thus ones whole reasoning and justification for ones actions in this regard comes crumbling down, and we see this person eventually come to terms with the fact that the cause of their misery and pain was their own choices and mistakes in life, where they are able to restore some of the light within their soul, and come to peace with their past, but are will ultimately remain forever scared for the rest of their lives.

            Basically, showing that indeed “Anyone is capable of both great good and great evil”.

            But of course, a liberal, or abrahamic would never be able to possess such nuance towards good and evil, where one is always found within the other, no instead evil is evil, and good is good, because we care so much about the concept of universal justice, and dividing the world into obviously good and obviously bad people because that makes things simpler for ourselves and justifies us whenever we need to punish anyone who dares question our preconceived assumptions about life.

          • 1 month ago

            >Would a praying mantis be judged as evil for eating its partners after sex,
            They don't actually do that in their natural environment though.

            • 1 month ago

              Okay then, would a lion be judged as evil for killing its rival cubs

              >inb4 the mothers protect them

              Yes because its in their nature to want to protect their offspring, just like it is in the male lions nature to kill any rival offspring, their actions cannot be judged as evil though.

              • 1 month ago

                Assuming the lion was sapient and capable of self-reflection, yes. You can be an unfeeling sociopath and still decide to abide by the moral norms of society.

              • 1 month ago

                ??? Why though, there is no such thing as objective morality in a world where there is no such thing as the ultimate consequence for deciding to do one thing instead of the other.

                The only moral systems that work are, ordered from the system with the weakest metaphysical understanding, to the highest:

                1.egoism-the only thing that is right are things that satisfy the ego, the reason you care for others is because you want to, not because there is any moral law stating you must

                2.negative utilitarianism-suffering is all that matters, a perfect life with no suffering is the equivalent of non-existence by either never being born, or by death

                3.non-dualism-there is no such thing as separateness of things, all things are just aspects of a greater singular unity, consciousness is a self-aware screen that does not begin with birth, nor end with death, and is the only possible source of identity, meaning that YOU are everyone at all times, all the pleasures, all the pains in all of existence, YOU will experience all of them, this means that preventing a birth, or death do not achieve the absolute nothingness and prevention of suffering that is expected, meaning that life is worth continuing or worth starting if it is going to have more no suffering states, than suffering states, as there is no such thing as non-existence. This also means that since YOU are everyone at all times, hurting another is hurting yourself, thus in an egoist sense, the right course of action is that which generates as much happiness as possible, and whilst minimizing the suffering.

                As you can see, none of these moral systems are anything alike the moral system of western liberal democracy, since unlike that, these moral systems dont rely on social constructs or “spooks”, but instead on actual epistemologically and metaphysically provable facts.

              • 1 month ago

                > there is no such thing as objective morality
                That is it.

          • 1 month ago

            Cont. the fact how that hatred is based upon a wrongdoing that never was, thus ones whole reasoning and justification for ones actions in this regard comes crumbling down, and we see this person eventually come to terms with the fact that the cause of their misery and pain was their own choices and mistakes in life, where they are able to restore some of the light within their soul, and come to peace with their past, but are will ultimately remain forever scared for the rest of their lives.

            Basically, showing that indeed “Anyone is capable of both great good and great evil”.

            But of course, a liberal, or abrahamic would never be able to possess such nuance towards good and evil, where one is always found within the other, no instead evil is evil, and good is good, because we care so much about the concept of universal justice, and dividing the world into obviously good and obviously bad people because that makes things simpler for ourselves and justifies us whenever we need to punish anyone who dares question our preconceived assumptions about life.

            Nah, she's crazy and she needs to go down.

        • 1 month ago

          >NOOOOOO Azula can't just take after her father she has to be the poor misunderstand victim NOOOOO
          That is not the point.
          First of all, she clearly isn't just psychopath, because otherwise we wouldn't have this tread over and over again. See how no one tries to defend Ozai?
          Second, the problem with Azula's characterization is that it was not finished. You concentrate on a few cases when she displays "evil behavior". Others concentrate on her human side and all the mistreatment she got. The problem is there is no distinctive answer given by the show, which one it actually is.
          She is, at least in my opinion very similar to 1st season Zuko, only more capable. And while Zuko gets the help of an uncle and multiple chance to redeem himself, he still manages to blew some of them. Azula on the other hand, doesn't get even one. How can you make a statement about her psychopathy when you can't juxtapose her actions?

          • 1 month ago

            Im going to use a bit of a cringe terminology here, although there definite merit in its parts, and thats Zuko and Azulas base personality based upon MBTI.

            Now Zuko is most likely an ISFx, I cant decide whether he would be judging or prospecting, Ive seen others put him as and ISFP, but struggle to see how he doesnt follow rules, or a strict schedule, but it doesnt matter.

            Azula is most likely an xNTJ, its kind of difficult to say whether she is an extrovert or an introvert, but I the most likely answer to that is shes somewhere inbetween so an ambivert, otherwise Ive seen her classed as an ENTJ, and think that makes sensr for her.

            Now the part that actually matters for this, are the cognitive functions, as thats the part that is actually somwhat scientific and its what Jung was talking about.

            So for Zuko, his functions would be

            And for Azula, her functions would be

            I dont wanna bother going into too much detail, but what this means is that Zuko is a lot more value/moral based, and thinks in a lot more practical/grounded terms, he struggles with abstract thinking, and cares a lot about upholding said values to himself.

            Azula on other hand, is a lot more logic/reason based, she thinks in creative/abstract terms, she has very good abstract intelligence, and cares a lot about having her thoughts and opinions be expressed and asserted to others.

            This means that even if lets say Zuko was the prodigy and Azula was average, they would not act the same even if morals were shifted, where Azula values Ursa, and Zuko values Ozai, Zuko would promote his fathers worldview in a very emotional/passionate manner, and would be acting like, well apparently Louis XVII of France, aka the guy who was killed during the french revolution, whereas Azula would be upholding her mothers values in much more controlled but extremely committed manner, and would basically be committing her life to spite her father, and honor her mother.

            • 1 month ago

              It certainly is interesting and it does makes some sense. btw, when I said they are similar I didn't mean it like that, I meant their views and relationship with the rest of the world.

              • 1 month ago

                Ok, I get that.

                But honestly, Ive been thinking for the last 10-20 minutes, about a potential AU, where Zuko was the prodigious and favored son, whereas Azula was the average embarrassment who Ursa took under her wing, and it honestly sounds very interesting, because it wouldnt be just a retelling of the original, as I believe that when Azula got banished by Ozai, she would go and try to find the Avatar just like Zuko did, but instead of doing it with the goal of restoring her honor in the face of her father, she would instead do it with the intent to team up with the Avatar to defeat her father, and basically book 1 Azula would tell Aang in the pilot that she intends to join forces with him, but must keep it secret from everyone but her uncle, as otherwise they would be labeled as traitors and lose all their potential privileges from being Fire Nation, even if limited, but Aang with the advice of Katara and Sokka wouldnt know whether to trust Azula, so the rest of book 1 would be a lot about Azula unsuccessfully trying to earn Aangs trust, until when book 2 begins, and Zuko is sent by Ozai to capture/kill Azula and Iroh, Azula would figure out that Zuko is lying to her, and even if he werent she would never want to return to her father, but goes along so that her and Iroh are officially labeled as traitors so that she would have an easier time getting Aang to trust her, and from there you can write pretty much anything you want, though I would suggest keeping an Azula Alone episode in there, to give an insight into Azulas attachment to her mother.

              • 1 month ago


                What if she and Zuko were raised in a Sokka and Katara environment?No royalty, just a normal peasant

              • 1 month ago

                Thats just Distorted Reality, although thats a not full on AU, since Aang is from the original timeline, where they failed at Sozins comet 3 years into the future, so hes 16 years old mentally, but back in a 12 year olds body [SPOILER] Also Azula develops a crush on Aang, and the ship is significantly better than Kataang, or any canon ship [/spoiler]

              • 1 month ago

                Frick, first time spoiler fail

              • 1 month ago

                Is it accurate to their personalities?

              • 1 month ago

                Aang is a lot more jaded and serious than in the original due the whole 3 years of watching your allies and world be destroyed and left in ruin, to the point where he wants to kill Ozai and Azula out of revenge, which kickstarts the whole AU

                And Azula is pretty much exactly how you would think she would be (unless you think shes a psychopath, but if you think that youre an idiot), if she had a normal childhood, with a loving mother and father, she is still incredibly mean, ruse, condescending, scheming, merciless to her enemies, lies to her enemies (not friends) to get what she wants, incredibly intelligent, and highly competitive.

                The only times she acts differently are after she develops her crush around Aang, she acts incredibly awkwardly and sheepishly around him, as she doesnt know how to win his affection, or when she is jealous of Toph after she learns Aang and her were friends in the OG timeline, she starts acting incredibly petty and hostile towards her, though I guess that is in character aswell.

              • 1 month ago

                >disorted reality
                No, not really.

                you're talking about the guy whose constantly willing to take care of other men's kids.
                we dont know anything about his supossed wife either.

                The frick are you even implying dude...

            • 1 month ago


            • 1 month ago

              explain this terminology to me like im moronic

              • 1 month ago

                Just look up, mbti types and mbti cognitive functions, and go into images, or read up on it on some sites.

                Actually, I will provide a link here

            • 1 month ago

              meyers-briggs is horoscopes for the I HECKIN HEART SCIENCE crowd

              • 1 month ago

                Dude it is literally:
                -Are you extroverted?
                -You are extroverted.

          • 1 month ago

            >She is, at least in my opinion very similar to 1st season Zuko
            First season Zuko risks his life to save a member of his crew, and then rejects the chance to chase the avatar first to spare his crew, then to save his uncle. Azula's very first action is threatening to murder her crew if they minorly inconvenience her. Her next is to try and murder Zuko in cold blood, when he went out of his way to try and save even Zhao. Then she threatens her supposed friend with death in order to enslave her.

            Like season 1 Zuko my ass

            • 1 month ago

              Azula stans really do have a terminal case of headcannon

              • 1 month ago

                Yes. Case in point.

                >First season Zuko risks his life to save a member of his crew
                >Azula's very first action is threatening to murder her crew if they minorly inconvenience her
                This are not similar situations.
                >Her next is to try and murder Zuko in cold blood
                Her next is to try and bring them home without any fights and murders, before "cough cough" captain blew it.
                >Then she threatens her supposed friend with death in order to enslave her.
                Zuko threatens with death in order to enslave Avatar.

              • 1 month ago

                Okay, which statement is incorrect?

              • 1 month ago

                Literally all of them.

              • 1 month ago

                So according to you:
                >threatening someone with a murder
                is the opposite to
                >saving someone
                According to you Azula did not try to lure Iroh and Zuko on the ship with deception.
                According to you Zuko doesn't threaten the village in order to capture the Avatar.
                Good job Zuko stan!

              • 1 month ago

                I mean this is the logic applied by the most powerful Azula villifier in a debate he had with me, constantly confusing emotional empathy(feeling anothers emotions) with compassionate empathy(caring about anothers emotions), talking about how a clearly sad face in animation is ambiguous, or how she totally isnt empathizing with Ty Lee here because, umm she could be thinking about her mother for literally no reason, or how psychopaths cant totally care deeply about their parents being proud/happy of them the way Azula is shown.
                Also they are a Redditor, with all the stereotypes that come with one (hes a fricking mod on the LoK subreddit ROFL)


              • 1 month ago

                >Also they are a Redditor

              • 1 month ago

                Im not going to call names, but if you go through the thread, and the following comments, I think there is possibility that you would be able to piece together who they are

                Okay, yeah I know about that, but Ive heard a guy on the fandom-wiki forums say that this was made by a fake/troll account, so I wonder is this 100% his account or not, I mean I do think it actually is probably true though, as this is what one of the people that worked on the show said about her:

                >DOS SANTOS: Who knows, if given the proper circumstances growing up if Azula would have turned out differently or if that was just her inherent nature. I think my big takeaway is that it's an incredibly tragic ending to that specific arc. For Zuko to have to watch his sister reduced to that state of pure feral rage ... again, kids' show. My mind was pretty blown working on it.

                Which this does honestly seem to suggest that most of the people working on the show had very little understanding of her character.


                Yeah thats definitely Aaron, though the argument by the guy is that because when you search for the comments they dont show up, even though they still should, meaning that theyre fake

                > Try to actually go to the comments directly, & you'll find them missing. The way Reddit works, deleted comments still appear on your own profile. That is one of several red flags that they're fake, & also that's asking the wrong question, the right question is where's the proof that they're REAL?

                I mean this same guy unironically tried to convince me that a true psychopath is capable of emotional attachments, and caring about such things as their parents being proud of them, because psychopaths are capable of caring about what other people think of them in a cognitive sense thus this obviously means that Azulas strong attachment and care about her mother and fathers opinions of her totally isnt definitive evidence of her not being a psychopath, according to this guy she MUST show remorse/guilt for her actions in order to not be a psychopath (which she did in The Search at the end) because he is an obvious liberal who believes that not acknowledging the moral principles of western liberal democratic society means you are a psychopath.

                I mean this is the logic applied by the most powerful Azula villifier in a debate he had with me, constantly confusing emotional empathy(feeling anothers emotions) with compassionate empathy(caring about anothers emotions), talking about how a clearly sad face in animation is ambiguous, or how she totally isnt empathizing with Ty Lee here because, umm she could be thinking about her mother for literally no reason, or how psychopaths cant totally care deeply about their parents being proud/happy of them the way Azula is shown.
                Also they are a Redditor, with all the stereotypes that come with one (hes a fricking mod on the LoK subreddit ROFL)


                I mean the dude said he was a studying for a degree in psychology in one of his comments, as a diagnosed Aspie I must take someone for their word when they claim something as I dont understand why someone would just lie on the internet for no reason.

                One bit of help I will give is that they have the same username on the fandom-wiki forums, and reddit

              • 1 month ago

                >I'm the anon in most these replies
                oh you're talking about the guy you mentioned earlier. yeah, i went back and looked and your not wrong, though like i said:
                >redditors being moronic
                many such cases

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                No? Why would it be Aaron, his opinion on Azula is absolutely based, to the point this guy refuses to acknowledge his opinion as meaning anything because he doesnt work on the series anymore, despite Bryke changing their tunes about Azula very clearly after they decided to look at what Aaron had to offer to him.

              • 1 month ago

                IDK then

              • 1 month ago

                >I think there is possibility that you would be able to piece together who they are
                I am out of the loop, who is it?

                I dont want to namecall the dude, since he b***hed to me about my “bad manner” or whatever in the google doc (you can just look into it and see, at the end of the second and third chapters), so I dont want to give him any more food by namecalling him

              • 1 month ago

                Is the google doc his work?

              • 1 month ago

                Yes it is

                I mean this is the logic applied by the most powerful Azula villifier in a debate he had with me, constantly confusing emotional empathy(feeling anothers emotions) with compassionate empathy(caring about anothers emotions), talking about how a clearly sad face in animation is ambiguous, or how she totally isnt empathizing with Ty Lee here because, umm she could be thinking about her mother for literally no reason, or how psychopaths cant totally care deeply about their parents being proud/happy of them the way Azula is shown.
                Also they are a Redditor, with all the stereotypes that come with one (hes a fricking mod on the LoK subreddit ROFL)


              • 1 month ago

                >One bit of help I will give is that they have the same username on the fandom-wiki forums, and reddit


                Isn't the guy who wrote a whole war crimes google doc that got roasted on her and on tumblr?

              • 1 month ago

                I dont know show me

              • 1 month ago

                >Isn't the guy who wrote a whole war crimes google doc that got roasted on her and on tumblr?

                >Not knowing who BahamutLithp is

              • 1 month ago

                Yep, thats the guy

              • 1 month ago

                >Isn't the guy who wrote a whole war crimes google doc that got roasted on her and on tumblr?

              • 1 month ago

                Who's her?

              • 1 month ago

                >I think there is possibility that you would be able to piece together who they are
                I am out of the loop, who is it?

              • 1 month ago

                someone with a murder
                >is the opposite to
                Yes, and if you are genuinely too moronic to see that then you unironically should be locked in a padded cell forever. Just like Azula.

              • 1 month ago

                Azula vilifiers on the other hand have a terminal case of armchair psychology, where a villain acting like a villain immediately makes them a psychopath, and any future evidence to the contrary is to be either ignored, or reinterpreted via bullshit ulterior motives

              • 1 month ago

                I mean your not wrong but surely there has to a balanced take between "she's evil incarnate" and "she's no different from zuko"

              • 1 month ago

                I mean there is, and its the one I and most Azula defenders on the internet seem to take, Ive honestly seen way more of the former than the latter.

            • 1 month ago

              >First season Zuko risks his life to save a member of his crew
              >Azula's very first action is threatening to murder her crew if they minorly inconvenience her
              This are not similar situations.
              >Her next is to try and murder Zuko in cold blood
              Her next is to try and bring them home without any fights and murders, before "cough cough" captain blew it.
              >Then she threatens her supposed friend with death in order to enslave her.
              Zuko threatens with death in order to enslave Avatar.

              • 1 month ago

                >This are not similar situations.
                Yeah, Azula had nothing urgent at all propelling her forward, she just didn't want to wait slightly longer and was willing to murder a guy over it.

                >Her next is to try and bring them home without any fights and murders, before "cough cough" captain blew it.
                She had him down for the count and decided to murder him with lightning. Contrast Zuko's behavior with Zhao in episode fricking three.

                >Zuko threatens with death in order to enslave Avatar.
                He doesn't threaten his friends with death or going around conscripting teenaged girls.

              • 1 month ago

                >Yeah, Azula had nothing urgent at all propelling her forward, she just didn't want to wait slightly longer and was willing to murder a guy over it.
                Whatever? Making sure your subordinates follow orders is bad. If she did kill him, that would be another story. You are making such a big deal out of it because?
                >She had him down for the count and decided to murder him with lightning. Contrast Zuko's behavior with Zhao in episode fricking three.
                They were fighting, each blow is deadly, so what? Yes Zuko stoped during Agni Kai, since he won and doesn't have balls to kill, but this wasn't a honor duel, it was a fight. Btw, Iroh had her down for the count and decided to murder her by drowning.
                >He doesn't threaten his friends with death or going around conscripting teenaged girls.
                She is teenage girl and removing the net of a skilled acrobat is not the same as threatening to destroy a village.

              • 1 month ago

                >Whatever? Making sure your subordinates follow orders is bad. If she did kill him, that would be another story. You are making such a big deal out of it because?
                The sheer unreal levels of reality denial of Azula stans is something to behold. Care for crew = actively threatening to murder crew for small inconvenience, as long as it's precious little Azula doing it uwu.

                >They were fighting, each blow is deadly, so what? Yes Zuko stoped during Agni Kai, since he won and doesn't have balls to kill, but this wasn't a honor duel, it was a fight.
                She lured him into a trap with a squad of soldiers, then won, then decided to murder him anyway just because she could. The fact that you are claiming this as being the same as season 1 Zuko only shows how insane you have to be to stan Azula.

                > Btw, Iroh had her down for the count and decided to murder her by drowning.
                He kicked her into water right beside a fricking pier. You're now telling me she can't swim and he knows that? If he wanted to kill her he'd just redirect her murder weapon right back into her chest.

                >She is teenage girl and removing the net of a skilled acrobat is not the same as threatening to destroy a village.
                Actually it's a great deal worse because a village of enemy combatants is a much more legitimate target than a teenaged noncombatant on your own side.

              • 1 month ago

                >The sheer unreal levels of reality denial of Azula stans is something to behold.
                keep repeating it and you will be able to convince someone

                > Care for crew = actively threatening to murder crew for small inconvenience
                Threatening to murder != murdering.
                Making sure your subordinates follow orders is not opposite of caring for them.

                >She lured him into a trap with a squad of soldiers, then won, then decided to murder him anyway just because she could
                >He kicked her into water right beside a fricking pier. You're now telling me she can't swim and he knows that?
                She would have shot at his feet to render him immobile. You're now telling me he can't survive a zap in the leg?
                If my sarcasm escaped you. Since you infer her murderous intent from charging a lightning, fair enough, lightnings kill. You know what also kills? Falling in the water on your back from the height of a battle ship. Falling in the water and tacking involuntary breath of water since you have been just kicked in the solar plexus. Losing conciseness in the water from a high fall and a kick.

                >Actually it's a great deal worse because a village of enemy combatants is a much more legitimate target than a teenaged noncombatant on your own side.
                She is teenage herself, and the audacity to call a village with the only "male" Sokka a village of enemy combatants is fricking hilarious.

              • 1 month ago

                >keep repeating it and you will be able to convince someone
                No one who isn't a fricking moron needs convincing of that. This has to be a troll.

              • 1 month ago

                >Threatening to murder != murdering.
                >Making sure your subordinates follow orders is not opposite of caring for them
                Yes, in fact, diregarding your subordinates lives is, in fact, the literal opposite of caring for them. You moron.

              • 1 month ago

                >disregarding your subordinates lives is, in fact, the literal opposite of caring for them. You moron.
                Oh I know someone who can do whatever he wants, but decides to sail in to the enemy territory and in doing so disregards his subordinates lives.

              • 1 month ago

                The guy who literally kicked out of friendly waters? You serious?

              • 1 month ago

                You know fine, it isn't fair. It is not like he can just shave his head and live as a peasant, fine. Also the water tribes are destroyed, so they are not as dangerous. Not as dangerous as the tides at least. You know what is more dangerous? Charging head on the blockade of fricking battleships that can destroy your pathetic boat with a single blast.

              • 1 month ago

                None of his crew seemed to have a problem with it.

              • 1 month ago

                The captain did not have a problem with pulling the ship in.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah he did, that's why she had to threaten to murder him if he didn't.

              • 1 month ago

                >He doesn't threaten his friends with death
                Didn't he attack Aang out of the blue during Sozin's Comet for not preparing, even though they had no reason to, forcing Aang to hit him with a semi-serious air blast to get him to stop? And isn't this a redeemed Zuko who a couple of day later is deemed by Iroh to be the Fire Lord the Fire Nation and world needs?

              • 1 month ago

                But Aang is the Avatar, he is skilled enough to leave the situation unscathed! wait...

              • 1 month ago

                That's literally basic training for fighting a firebender.

              • 1 month ago

                >even though they had no reason to
                because they decided to procrastinate without telling him.... jfc there's no way you're actually equating this to azula's antics. this is why people are quick to shit on you guys. it's one thing to suggest she had redeemable aspects, but to paint the picture that she's just a female zuko is both dishonest and disservice to a character.

                I mean this is the logic applied by the most powerful Azula villifier in a debate he had with me, constantly confusing emotional empathy(feeling anothers emotions) with compassionate empathy(caring about anothers emotions), talking about how a clearly sad face in animation is ambiguous, or how she totally isnt empathizing with Ty Lee here because, umm she could be thinking about her mother for literally no reason, or how psychopaths cant totally care deeply about their parents being proud/happy of them the way Azula is shown.
                Also they are a Redditor, with all the stereotypes that come with one (hes a fricking mod on the LoK subreddit ROFL)


                >Redditors dont understand nuance
                stop the presses. they still are incapable of thinking aang is anything but a perfect jesus expo, frankly you should know better to engage with them

              • 1 month ago

                I mean the dude said he was a studying for a degree in psychology in one of his comments, as a diagnosed Aspie I must take someone for their word when they claim something as I dont understand why someone would just lie on the internet for no reason.

              • 1 month ago

                >because they decided to procrastinate without telling him
                True, but he should have told them ASAP instead of assuming they were going to fight Ozai on the day of the Comet. A second genocide in a 100 years is not something to be taken lightly.
                >jfc there's no way you're actually equating this to azula's antics. this is why people are quick to shit on you guys. it's one thing to suggest she had redeemable aspects, but to paint the picture that she's just a female zuko is both dishonest and disservice to a character.
                I never said that Azula is a female Zuko. I think either she has naturally low empathy, though existent, or Zuko is a highly empathetic individual. I just wanted to refute the point that Zuko doesn't threaten his death. And yes, firebending at someone when they are not expecting it, even if they are the Avatar, let alone aggressively firebending at some, is threaten to kill them

              • 1 month ago

                >but he should have told them ASAP instead of assuming they were going to fight Ozai on the day of the Comet.
                Fair. why he didn't lead with that when he joined is very much peak "zuko not thinking things through"
                >I just wanted to refute the point that Zuko doesn't threaten his death.
                ...I just dont think anyone here is arguing otherwise? context is key

              • 1 month ago

                Zuko is literally the softest kid Ive ever seen in my life, every other kid Ive met throughout my life whether they were my generation or younger, were all incredibly selfish, petty, narcissistic, self conceited, didnt care about others feelings etc.

                Most people I knew acted closer to kid Azula than Zuko ffs, yet people b***h about how Azula acted in the flashbacks despite the fact that outside of the scene where she taunts Zuko about Ozai killing him (and even that scene is overblown, shes not celebrating Ozai killing him, she is just being incredibly tactless by making fun of Zuko for such a serious topic, she wouldnt be going about him getting adopted by an earth kingdom family if it werent), she doesnt do anything worse than kids her age do all the time

              • 1 month ago

                >Zuko is literally the softest kid Ive ever seen in my life

              • 1 month ago

                I am seriously not exaggerating, the only people that you could claim to have been anywhere near as concerned as Zuko about his conscience, were very obvious sub-100 iq, and I would confidently say very obvious sub-80 iq individuals, and thats mainly obviously because they were too dumb to act in the manner the other kids did, which is really saying something about Zuko

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                Zuko is like kids with down syndrome.

              • 1 month ago

                As someone whose interacted with "that special type" of people for a good chunk of their childhood I dont think that comparison makes any sense at all dude or why you're even bringing him up at all when the topic seemed to be discussing Azula's empathy.
                I am sorry if you were bullied as a kid but seven years old dont usually make fun of a close family member losing their son in a war.

              • 1 month ago

                I mean, were they really that close family, the siege of Ba-Sing-Se lasted for 600 days, add on that the time it took for him to surround the city, and the time it took to get to campaign from the Fire Nation, its likely the last time Azula saw Iroh was when she was 4-5 years old.

                Plus I dont even think what shes making fun of him is even that bad, shes mocking him for deciding to pussy out due to the death of his son, instead of taking this as an even greater incentive to burn the whole place to the ground as revenge for them killing his son, add on that Ozai feeding her how much Iroh sucks, and yeah I dont see how most people wouldnt react like this.

              • 1 month ago

                > Now, Azula is never definitively called a psychopath; however, it is strongly consistent with how the writers approach the character. If you observe the flashbacks to their childhood, there is a consistent contrast between Azula and Zuko: At extremely young ages, Zuko has a strong conscience, and even when it's at its most suppressed, in Book 1, he often struggles with it. Azula just doesn't have that. She is cruel to animals and people alike no matter how far we go back, and we don't actually see direct evidence of her learning this behavior from her parents. There also appears to be something biologically peculiar about Azula. People are normally unable to defeat Toph's lie detection abilities, even if they're skilled liars, because the innate guilt and anxiety over lying leads to fluctuations in heartbeat and breathing that are imperceptible to normal people but truthseers can't miss. In reality, lie detection is a discredited science, but in Avatar, we're clearly meant to think this works. So, the fact that it doesn't work on Azula is significant. It implies she has not merely learned to suppress her guilt but just doesn't have it in the first place. There is no way she could have practiced against Toph's ability because she had just found out about it for the first time. Nothing else about Azula adequately explains all of this. Her upbringing influenced her behavior in certain ways, but this is not mutually exclusive with having psychopathy.

                This guys b***hing about why Azula is a psychopath because she doesnt have as strong of a conscience as Zuko does, b***h most kids are buttholes and act much closer to Azula than they do to Zuko, the only difference is that they arent also raised as royalty and taught their entire life that their inherently better than everybody else.

                Thats what Im talking about.

              • 1 month ago

                >Everyone is a bloodthirsty psycho like Azula!
                Lol keep coping

              • 1 month ago

                I was mainly talking about her behavior in the flashbacks, not her behavior during the main timeline, and how what she does is literally not that far off from how most kids act, and if anything Zuko is the massive outlier

              • 1 month ago

                So what you're saying is that you don't have any kids and never will.

              • 1 month ago

                Im 22, have never had sex, am aromantic (not in queer sense, I just hate romantic love, and infinitely prefer platonic love), and am incredibly socially awkward.

                I am merely speaking from my experience with my classmates, other kids from school, and my younger sisters and brothers generation.

                Then again I am from the balkans, former republic of venice part, so maybe Im just biased by the culture I was surrounded by growing up.

              • 1 month ago

                >Im 22, have never had sex, am aromantic (not in queer sense, I just hate romantic love, and infinitely prefer platonic love), and am incredibly socially awkward.
                So you're a literal virgin autist? Explains why you stan Azula and can't grok social interaction or ordinary behavior.

              • 1 month ago

                I dont think Azula is a psycho neither, her personality is clearly a case of nurture mostly involved thanks to her father which doesnt mean her behaviour is normal at all.
                Oh, and having a breakdown continued with banishing everyone near you just because two childhood friends had enough of your crap seems like something a person with down syndrome would do rather than anything Zuko ever does on-screen.

                I mean, were they really that close family, the siege of Ba-Sing-Se lasted for 600 days, add on that the time it took for him to surround the city, and the time it took to get to campaign from the Fire Nation, its likely the last time Azula saw Iroh was when she was 4-5 years old.

                Plus I dont even think what shes making fun of him is even that bad, shes mocking him for deciding to pussy out due to the death of his son, instead of taking this as an even greater incentive to burn the whole place to the ground as revenge for them killing his son, add on that Ozai feeding her how much Iroh sucks, and yeah I dont see how most people wouldnt react like this.

                >How most people would react to this
                I dont know what type of values your family raised you with, but having a laugh about your cousin's let it be distant or not, and his father's sorrow is pretty FRICKED UP in any civilized part of the world.

              • 1 month ago

                I mean, yeah I agree, but the point I was making was that lets say that your dad and his brother had a massive falling out before your birth for whatever reason, and your dad has been telling you the whole time how much that guy sucks, then one day his son dies and your uncle instead of doing something like a father would do, lets say go pick up his sons corpse, instead decides to chicken out and drive to another state/country so he wouldnt have to deal with this.

                Would you now laugh at this person who youve been taught sucks balls, and from what little you remember of them does indeed suck balls, for deciding to act like a total pussy.

              • 1 month ago

                Agree. If you repeat that a guy is a loser every single day.(which is bad, but oh well) Then doing that again when his son dies does not make you worse.

              • 1 month ago

                I would just go on about my day because as a seven year old why would I even give a shit about someone I supossedly barely know in the first place? Nor would I see why would I be making fun about the guy who died in the first place.
                Anon, I dont know what mental gymnastics are you proposing here, but Azula is not only further away from Zuko in the terms of behaving a 'normal kid' but by also literally every kid you see on-screen.
                Aang was implied to have been bullied as a kid for being the Avatar if I am not mistaken yet he wasnt happy at all when noticing that 99% of the people he knew back then were dead.

              • 1 month ago

                Again, this might just be because of the culture where I grew up in, kids were a lot meaner to each other growing up when I was a kid

                The captain did not have a problem with pulling the ship in.

                That is why I specifically called attention to the fact that I was going to be focusing on their cognitive functions, rather than the letters themselves, since those actually do have some merit behind them from Jungs work, beyond mere horoscopes for the IFLS crowd.

                And from there you can clearly tell that their cognition is literally inverse of one another, where they both tend to be defined by the same traits, just in the completely opposite order of significance.

              • 1 month ago

                Also, what I meant was that Zuko is WAY too concerned with acting nice in the flashbacks, yes kid Azula is worse than most kids (although Im willing to bet Ive met several kids worse than her), but Zuko is so passive in those flashbacks that the only people Ive known on par were people who were barely passing class with a 1.5 GPA just because the teacher was nice to them.

              • 1 month ago

                What the actual frick are you talking about? Zuko acts perfectly normal, he's even playing soldier with his knife.

              • 1 month ago

                He cares too much about whether he is doing the right thing or not, and making his mom angry, most kids Ive known tend to disobey their parents all the time, even when very young.

              • 1 month ago

                That's a weird correlation you have between the intelligence of someone and feeling empathy, anon.

                Im 22, have never had sex, am aromantic (not in queer sense, I just hate romantic love, and infinitely prefer platonic love), and am incredibly socially awkward.

                I am merely speaking from my experience with my classmates, other kids from school, and my younger sisters and brothers generation.

                Then again I am from the balkans, former republic of venice part, so maybe Im just biased by the culture I was surrounded by growing up.

                >Im 22, Have never had sex

              • 1 month ago

                Those kids werent more empathetic, but were rather the weak ones out, they were too easily exploitable by the rest of the kids around, that their only survival strategy was to completely go with the whims of others more popular and dominant kids.

              • 1 month ago

                I mean ffs, these kids were taunting me for years about me being not liking to talk about liking girls, to the point that the one and only time I decided, as an 11 year old, to spend a night at the beach hanging out with them, they decided to play a truth or dare with me where they were forcing me to either kiss a girl, or drink saltwater, from which I got sick for a few weeks after. They were by far the least empathetic bunch you could ever see.

              • 1 month ago

                Actually nevermind, I turned 11 later that year, I was actually 10 years old at the time, and so were most of the kids

  27. 1 month ago

    >Name a bigger character assassination
    Oh, that's easy.

    • 1 month ago

      yeah… yeah.

  28. 1 month ago

    So, how are nomies going to react when the comics material is acknowledged in the Gaang movie, if it is ever released?

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