Was he always a lost cause?

Was he always a lost cause?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >Get told you're probably gonna be the Dragon Warrior
    >Train your whole young life to make that dream a reality
    >Get told by your masters master that you're not the Dragon Warrior
    >Lifes purpose is now nullified, go on a killing spree because reality just cracked over you
    >Get imprisoned for who knows how long before escaping
    >Sweep up your old master cleanly before he tells you he's sorry for everything
    >"Frickoff" keep beating him anyway

    Only for the way he was raised. Shifu shouldn't have hyped him up that hard from the getgo and the Turtle should have said something before all of that happened.
    Tai Lung's the victim of bad nuturing. I don't care that he became an Adult and could reach his own decisions by that point, he was stuck in Prison seething with no one visiting him outside of a shittalking Rhino, he was never gonna change for the better

    • 8 months ago

      >Turtle should have said something
      Shifu loved Tai Lung way too much, whatever Oogway could say about Tai Lung would fall on deaf ears.

      • 8 months ago

        Well Oogway decides who is Dragon Warrior so telling Shifu and child Tai Lung that he wasn't go to be the Dragon Warrior no matter what would've helped.

        • 8 months ago

          Oogway could have actually saw Tai Lung as a great choice for Dragon Warrior early on and said nothing because he wanted to see how Tai Lung would grow up having such unbridled talent. But guess what? Tai Lung ended up growing up to lack any restraint and was way too wienery and sure of his skills as a direct result of having such talent. The seeds for Tai Lung's pride were already in him long before Oogway or Shi fu could have ever seen it come to full fruition. Some people are just prideful buttholes because things came easy to them and the one time something doesn't for Tai Lung he literally shits himself with rage.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah but that would involve assuming the people who're described as extremely competent are and the student simply failed to learn the lesson instead of blaming everyone but the villain.

        • 8 months ago

          Its never established when Tai Lung lost the chance to be Dragon Warrior. Tai Lung assumes Oogway was fricking around with him because Tai Lung needs a narrative to justify his butchery. He didn't even ASK Oogway why he immediately jumped to kung fu.

        • 8 months ago

          Oogway did not decide that Tai Lung was not the Dragon Warrior, nor that Po was. He merely recognized them as such.

          >You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.

    • 8 months ago

      >>Get told by your masters master that you're not the Dragon Warrior
      I still think this was a test of character he failed. if Tai Lung had been humble and accepted the decision he would have gotten his reward. Instead he went Columbine on the Valley and proved Oogway right about him.

    • 8 months ago

      >Sweep up your old master cleanly before he tells you he's sorry for everything
      >"Frickoff" keep beating him anyway
      He could've at least tried hunting down Oogway instead of his adoptive dad who didn't have the call (nevermind that Oogway was dead by that point)

    • 8 months ago

      Oogway should've put in the effort to steer Tai Lung away from evil instead of just going "lol nope" to any one not arbitrarily picked by the cosmos to get their chi dick sucked. The entire point of prison is to rehabilitate people to learn the the error of their ways but the guy was sentenced to a fate worse than death for an indefinite amount of time. Tai Lung was completely wrong but it still felt like they just tossed the guy away over some self fulling prophecy bullshit.

      I'm probably biased because I hate "chosen one" plot points so much.

      The turtle played him well. The Dragon Warrior need an enemy to fight.

    • 8 months ago

      You know that all you're b***hing Green Text says is that Tai Lung was a prideful moron that lacked Humility right? The Dragon Warrior needed to be above such petty bullshit. If you're gonna blame some fricker for Tai Lung's moronic behavior you can blame Shi Fu but at the end of the day the true blame fall on Tai Lung who couldn't just let shit go.

      • 8 months ago

        You also realize that "humble" was not a trait that any of the Furious Five and Shifu displayed at any point in the movie?
        At no point did they not think 'might is right' was the correct outlook for being a kung fu master. Po could not be more humble, and that's why he was the perfect Dragon Warrior. But they were all so prideful (namely Shifu & Tigress for obvious reasons) that they refused to trust Master Oogway.

      • 8 months ago

        No I'm right, You raise a kid since babyhood to believe he's the best life has to offer and then when he gets told "No go away" at the end of his training you expect him to not lash out in someway?
        Shifu was moronic for doing that to Tai Lung, Oogway was an asshat for letting Shifu do that and not attempting to humble Tai Lung at any point and you're dumb, stupid

        • 8 months ago

          >it's ok to lash out an innocent people
          tai lung simps sure are something

          • 8 months ago

            >>it's ok to lash out an innocent people


            • 8 months ago

              and thus you fail the test

              • 8 months ago

                No, I don't think I did

    • 8 months ago

      Nobody made him take his rage out on innocent peasants who had fricking nothing to do with the politics of kung fu masters.

      Oogway was right. Po reached out a hand to Tai Lung every second of their fight and the dude's response every time was to hold noncombatants hostage.

    • 8 months ago

      Only thing Tai Lung did wrong was taking out his rage on the villagers. The frick did they do? I'd understand why he'd attack Shifu or Oogway, being raised and trained all your life with the promise of one day becoming the Dragon Warrior only for an old turtle to just say
      >no lol

      • 8 months ago

        You realize sometimes you don't get what you want even if you work really hard right. You realize not immediately responding to this with violence is a key quality needed for the leader of a sect of super powerful martial artists right?

        • 8 months ago

          You wouldn't be saying that if you were raised your entire life since you were an infant with the promise of one day being this legend while the scroll that would make you a legend hanged in front of you your whole life only to be told no
          It's not like he didn't get a job or the cookie in his milk got soggy

          • 8 months ago

            >he deserved it because he wanted it!

            • 8 months ago

              Hey, moron. Can you stop strawmanning for 1 second?

              • 8 months ago

                this level of irony could awaken the emperor

              • 8 months ago

                morons like you should just stop talking forever.

    • 8 months ago

      People are saying Tai Lung was prideful and failed the test of character fail to realize that Shifu was the one who made him Prideful. Shifu failed to teach Tai Lung discipline and humility. He was the one who built Tai Lung on a foundation of pride and ego.

  2. 8 months ago

    Oogway should've put in the effort to steer Tai Lung away from evil instead of just going "lol nope" to any one not arbitrarily picked by the cosmos to get their chi dick sucked. The entire point of prison is to rehabilitate people to learn the the error of their ways but the guy was sentenced to a fate worse than death for an indefinite amount of time. Tai Lung was completely wrong but it still felt like they just tossed the guy away over some self fulling prophecy bullshit.

    I'm probably biased because I hate "chosen one" plot points so much.

    • 8 months ago

      >the entire point of prison is to rehabilitate people
      if only lol

    • 8 months ago

      It was dumb to make the scroll a secret, if anything it would have changed him for the better to understand the lesson early, "there's no secret power that makes you special just work hard and do your best" making the scroll an object of envy to make someone feel unworthy, when it's the non chosen ones who need the message the most. It was just a meme scroll and bad teaching about being imperfect means you're worthless

    • 8 months ago

      >The entire point of prison is to rehabilitate people
      The point is to keep criminals not worth killing away from society until they've slaved enough labor to pay back the debt they owe.

    • 8 months ago

      >The entire point of prison is to rehabilitate people
      No it's to punish and keep dangerous people away from everyone else, now have a nice day.

      • 8 months ago

        > keep dangerous people away from everyone else

        Which is why they're eventually let back out into society? Oh shit he didn't pay his taxes better not let that monster see the light of day.

        • 8 months ago

          My dude this is ancient china how high are you.

          • 8 months ago

            He had to spend the rest of his life in a dark pit unable to move. Just kill the the bastard at that point instead of wasting resources torturing him forever. Hell even Po decided to off the dude instead locking him back up.

            • 8 months ago

              Oogway knew he needed to be sent someplace so he could have a badass escape sequence and show off just how cool he is

    • 8 months ago

      >The entire point of prison is to rehabilitate people to learn the the error of their ways
      In China?

  3. 8 months ago

    Did Po really need to have killed him (before 3 retconned that)?

    • 8 months ago

      What else could've he done? Frick him?

      • 8 months ago

        Break his limbs?

        • 8 months ago

          knowing the magical nature of kung fu he could heal himself from that.

        • 8 months ago

          >what are you gonna do? break my limbs?

    • 8 months ago

      >(before 3 retconned that)
      But 3 shows the Afterlife and when Po uses it on himself, he fricking DIES AND GOES TO THE AFTERLIFE. The only retcon was the aftermath (big explosion compared to gracefully surrounded by flower petals).

    • 8 months ago

      What retcon? He straight up killed Tai Lung. From what we saw the technique to, he exploded him like a blood balloon.

  4. 8 months ago
  5. 8 months ago

    I don’t think so. Tai Lung certainly always had darkness in his soul, but Shifu spoiled him too much with dreams.
    Maybe if Shifu had stuck with Tai Lung to comfort him instead of just leaving with Oogway, Tai Lung might have been able to remain good instead of lashing out. He was clearly under a lot of emotional distress and just wanted to make Shifu proud.

    • 8 months ago

      Tai Lung did focus a lot on that one moment when Shifu turned away and walked off with Shifu.
      If Shifu got angry at Oogway and went with Tai Lung he at least would feel a little vindicated that Shifu takes his side instead of "me against the world"

      • 8 months ago

        I think at the very least had Shifu consoled Tai Lung instead of turning away in disappointment. Especially since it's likely Shifu was disappointed in himself more than Tai Lung but Tai didn't see it that way. Like even decades later after being a murderer, imprisoned, and returning for revenge "I've always been proud of you" still shook Tai Lung a bit, it could have probably saved him all those years ago.

        • 8 months ago

          I agree. Would never have been a surprise to him if he understood Shifu was only reluctantly obeying his master. If he knew that then he would know Shifu thought he was right but just didn’t have the guts to speak up and wouldn’t blame him as hard as he did. He thought Shifu agreed with the decision and thought he wasn’t strong enough.

  6. 8 months ago

    >Oogway just needed to tell Tai Lung directly "Try being more peaceful and meditate"
    >Shifu just needed to teach him humility (which is addressed)
    >He himself should have known there was a chance to fail (though I'm not sure if Shifu told him it was a guarantee)
    >Po could've just let it be and not murder him

  7. 8 months ago

    It was shown he had a bad/evil streak even as a kid. Sifu was just blind to it because he loved him.

    • 8 months ago

      >bad/evil streak even as a kid
      Was he torturing small animals?

    • 8 months ago

      I only saw the first movie, so if it's in anything else, I wouldn't know.

  8. 8 months ago

    Oogway probably could've saved the day by just giving 8 year old Tai a speech about how destiny is only one path and those without a destiny are given the opportunity to forge one of their choosing or some other bullshit like that.

  9. 8 months ago

    KFP1 is good, but i wouldn't put it above Antz, Shrek 1 and HTTYD1. Not a fan of Tai Lung being immobilized like that for 20 years on a prison where he's the only prisoner, plus how things end for him after the last fight.

    • 8 months ago

      Antz fricking sucks, what are you talking about

      • 8 months ago

        Antz is awesome

      • 8 months ago

        >film begins with shades of grass resembling NYC, and it ends with a shot of NYC after the reveal that everything took place in a tiny area from Central Park
        Filtered. Antz is one of Dreamworks' best works. The script is top notch.

    • 8 months ago

      i fricking hate Woody Allen so much that make the watching of the movie impossible

    • 8 months ago

      >he liked Antz
      What is wrong with you?

    • 8 months ago

      >Would not put it above HTTYD1
      I mean it's not a bad movie or anything but I highly disagree. Your level of enjoyment for that film is purely based on how cute you think the puppy-like dragon is. If you don't find him endearing than you're shit out of luck. KFP1 and Shrek1 are miles above. Haven't seen Antz cuz it looks ugly.

  10. 8 months ago

    Imagine if this scenario happened to you guys, do you think you'd lash out? If not, what would you do knowing the last 20 years of your life were wasted?

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      I mean, he was still a martial arts master. That's something.

    • 8 months ago

      It's not just twenty years of Tai Lung's life wasted training hard breaking own bones, but also an extra twenty years stuck in prison being insulted by shitty wardens and prison guards. That shit is bound to make you turn into a serial killer. Only reason Tai Lung didn't become a killer is because it's a shitty kid's movie. And keep in mind Shifu supposedly loved Tai Lung as his adopted son but never once visited him while he was incarcerated.

      Tai Lung overall did nothing wrong.

      And Lord Shen also was another victim, I hate that shitty goat c**t who is the Oogway of that movie but worse. She literally went "Nya nya nya your fate is sealed and you are going to die and I'm telling you all this during the intro of the movie you were always doomed nya ha ha!" Fricking b***h. I wanted Shen to at least kill her she was so annoying. Even worse was the scene where she said:

      "Shen I thank you for letting me go free and now I'm going to find and heal the obese Gary Stu voiced by Jack Black who I KNOW is going to kill you."

      Alright, hyperbole aside, Kung Fu Panda movies are shit because the villains are all victims. Even Kai got ripped off by the third movie everyone should know Oogway is a pile of shit. I'm not even going to watch the fourth movie that's coming I don't feel like getting angry because I know the writing will be shit and even if it isn't three movies of shit aren't going to be invalidated by one film.

      • 8 months ago

        >the villains are all victims
        But they aren't
        Tai Lung brought all on himself because he was a sore loser
        Shen brought it on himself because he was scared of a prophecy
        Kai brought it on himself because he was power-hungry.

        Literally every villain gets fricked by the thing they sought the most.

      • 8 months ago

        You act like they just locked him up for not being the dragon warrior, and only then he snapped. I'm pretty sure there's a violent spree inbetween there that you're ignoring.

      • 8 months ago

        >She literally went "Nya nya nya your fate is sealed and you are going to die and I'm telling you all this during the intro of the movie you were always doomed nya ha ha!
        how moronic can you be she said IF you continue down this path, all he had to do was not be a pyscho

      • 8 months ago

        You guys forget that these guys are villains, Shen killed the equivalent of peaceful Zen monks.

        You can say you feel bad for Tai Lung, but the minute you involve innocents, you're not as disciplined. You can say Shifu failed him, but tai lung knew better to kill people who weren't involved.

        A big point is that Tai Lung was also one of the strongest karate masters, he didn't need the dragon warrior title to be great, he just wanted t ape for nothing

    • 8 months ago

      Run away from home. Filial piety never got anyone shit.

      It's not just twenty years of Tai Lung's life wasted training hard breaking own bones, but also an extra twenty years stuck in prison being insulted by shitty wardens and prison guards. That shit is bound to make you turn into a serial killer. Only reason Tai Lung didn't become a killer is because it's a shitty kid's movie. And keep in mind Shifu supposedly loved Tai Lung as his adopted son but never once visited him while he was incarcerated.

      Tai Lung overall did nothing wrong.

      And Lord Shen also was another victim, I hate that shitty goat c**t who is the Oogway of that movie but worse. She literally went "Nya nya nya your fate is sealed and you are going to die and I'm telling you all this during the intro of the movie you were always doomed nya ha ha!" Fricking b***h. I wanted Shen to at least kill her she was so annoying. Even worse was the scene where she said:

      "Shen I thank you for letting me go free and now I'm going to find and heal the obese Gary Stu voiced by Jack Black who I KNOW is going to kill you."

      Alright, hyperbole aside, Kung Fu Panda movies are shit because the villains are all victims. Even Kai got ripped off by the third movie everyone should know Oogway is a pile of shit. I'm not even going to watch the fourth movie that's coming I don't feel like getting angry because I know the writing will be shit and even if it isn't three movies of shit aren't going to be invalidated by one film.

      It doesn't help that most of the heroes are either morons (Po) or unlikeable (Shifu).

    • 8 months ago

      >what would you do knowing the last 20 years of your life were wasted?
      Browse Cinemaphile like always

    • 8 months ago

      wander around China until i find a purpose for my life. maybe kill some bandits for being dicks, idk.

      • 8 months ago

        a wild Tai Lung Quest reference? Here, on Cinemaphile?

        • 8 months ago

          i have never once even heard of that until you mentioned it. i just figured that was a generic kung-fu movie trope.

          • 8 months ago

            Alright fair, thats on me for thinking anyone else from that niche of a niche would post here

    • 8 months ago

      I’d lash out, and probably try to beat the frick out of my mentors, and then just frick off to the Countryside to be on my own and try to figure out what my purpose even is. I wouldn’t hurt innocents like Tai Lung did. Probably would unleash my anger at some buttholes or criminals along the way, however.

    • 8 months ago

      I'd still be a badass kung fu master that automatically makes me better than 99.9 percent of the population. Wouldn't really have been a waste. If I was like Tai Lung but not evil, so still a prideful dickhead I'd just keep training until an actual dragon warrior is picked and then challenge that dragon warrior to a duel to fuel my ego if I win.

    • 8 months ago

      >Master prodigy kung fu master that can kick ass even if I don't practice for 20 years.
      Just focus on being a better person and find inner peace.

    • 8 months ago

      >anon works in an office his whole life, being told by his boss that he's gonna one day become the CEO or something
      >works 20 years in his position proving that he's the best
      >promotion day comes along
      >the board of directors says nah, you're not what we're looking for anon, sorry
      >your boss doesn't do shit and just accepts it, doesn't even try to argue with the decision
      >go postal
      >shoot up the office

      • 8 months ago

        >Boss still supports me
        >Get him to write me a glowing letter of recommendation
        >Use brilliant resume and letter to become a CEO of another company in the same sector
        >Or just go into consulting and earn squillions with my expertise

      • 8 months ago

        up the office
        And this is exactly where you've fricked up.
        You've spread your suffering to other completely unrelated wagies who've done nothing to deserve it.

        If all he did was ape out at oogway then sure he'd be defensible but he fricking terrorized random farmers because he wasn't gifted even more power over them

    • 8 months ago

      >what would you do knowing the last 20 years of your life were wasted?
      Anon, I…

    • 8 months ago

      Black person, he was a kung fu master, he could be very respected person with his own bullshit palace, even being candidate for dragon warrior is a luxury

  11. 8 months ago

    Destroying a village is not the appropriate reaction to rejection, so probably.

    • 8 months ago

      I mean, if I also did bone breaking training that pushed me to my limits everyday for 20 years since I was a baby under the guidence of my adoptive father and master for the said father figure and his words?

      I would also snap. Since that means I wasted literally my entire life on nothing, including my childhood.

      • 8 months ago

        sounds like a load of excuses

      • 8 months ago

        >Become the second most powerful Kung-Fu Master in the world, if not arguably the first
        >Wasted your life

        Bro, even if he wasn't the Dragon Warrior, Tai Lung could have easily carved out his own legend; he hardly 'wasted his life.' Guy could make the Furious Five look like chumps, if he wanted, he could have been the next Oogway. But noooo, he had to have a childish temper tantrum.

  12. 8 months ago

    Never trust a Raoh.

  13. 8 months ago

    Oogway not giving Tai Lung the Dragon Warrior position/scroll was most likely a test of character. Tai Lung's reaction/choices afterwards would prove Oogway right or wrong about "i see darkness in his heart"

  14. 8 months ago

    >(Po to the Five) "Guys, guys. I know about Tai Lung. He was a student, the first ever to master the thousand scrolls of kung fu" (shown in pic related)
    Tai Lung was the finest Kung Fu student on China. There was no need for him to get obsessed over reading the Dragon scroll just to get more power. He already read a thousand scrolls, but he just had to read that one too and snapped when he wasn't allowed.

    • 8 months ago

      Woah it's almost like he was trained to be the Dragon Warrior from a young age. Shifu planted that idea in his head since he was a cub. All the training, broken bones and years spent only to be denied the only reason he went through all that.
      Shifu being a dumbass and completely disowning him instead of helping fix the mistake he help created also played a major part but is never highlighted in the movie.

      • 8 months ago

        He didn't disown the kid the second Oogway said "No." it was after Tai Lung roided out and attacked the townspeople the monks were sworn to defend.

        Like, again, look at Tigress who went through the same goddamn thing but managed not to immediately start kicking the shit out of civilians when she was disappointed.

        • 8 months ago

          >Comparing Tai Lung to tigress
          moron alert.

          • 8 months ago

            My dude did you watch the movie? They're deliberate parallels to show you that Tai Lung is not a victim.

            Arguably more right to be Dragon Warrior than Po. If they only taught him how to fight but didn't teach him how to be calm in the face of losing the entirety of his existence what can they expect?

            Why would Oogway even allow him to be trained if he knew he wasn't the Dragon Warrior?

            Oogway clearly didn't know if Tai Lung was the guy or not until the moment. The scene makes that clear.

            • 8 months ago

              Did YOU watch the movie? One was raised being promised greatness and the other was raised being told she was just like any old hoe.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, she had it worse. Tai Lung was coddled by his adoptive father and was emotionally distant with Tigress.

      • 8 months ago

        >disowning him
        Motherfricker he NEVER disowned him even after he murdered the fricking villagers. Even after escaping from prison he couldn't see tai lung as anybody but his son.

        • 8 months ago

          He should have visited

          • 8 months ago

            >he should have visited his mass murderer psychopathic son who he believes he was responsible for creating
            It would have been awfully painful, and fruitless. The man went on an extended rampage because he couldn't achieve "ultimate power", even attacking Shifu himself. There was plenty of opportunity for Tai Lung to calm down between his rampage and his eventual defeat by Oogway.

  15. 8 months ago

    Fate decided that Tai Lung would be screwed. His life sucked but he was used for Po to fulfill his destiny.

  16. 8 months ago

    >"He wasn't just a student. Shifu found him as a cub. And he raised him as his son... and when the boy showed talent in kung fu... Shifu trained him. He believed in him. He told him he was destined for greatness... It was never enough for Tai Lung. He wanted the Dragon Scroll"
    Notice how Tigress doesn't say that he wanted to be the Dragon Warrior, only that he wanted the scroll.

  17. 8 months ago

    He was fricked over pretty hard but reacted like a tantruming child about it.

  18. 8 months ago

    Wish they showed footage of him laying waste to the valley, not just 4 pictures.

    • 8 months ago

      IIRC that detail was added late because they didn't want him to be too sympathetic

  19. 8 months ago

    You know if you guys want him to be redeemed just make a character like him and have him learn humility

    • 8 months ago

      >Po and Tigress have a white tiger kid b/c panda coloring + tiger = white tiger in cartoon logic
      >grows up arrogant b/c he's the Dragon Warrior's son as well as being secretly insecure over living up to his dad's reputation
      Boom, one angsty bara catman in need of redemption arc. You could even have Shifu become concerned about history repeating itself itself.

      • 8 months ago

        Peng already exists.

        • 8 months ago

          I never saw the spinoffs, they all sounded like shit.

  20. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >killing snakes
      Black person, serves him right that his wife cucks him with the dog

  21. 8 months ago

    It would have been nice if one of the sequels involved a redemption arc for the guy.

    • 8 months ago

      He's coming "back" going by KFP4's plot but it's something with all the other previous antagonists and seems to just be the new villain shapeshifting into them ala Shang Tsung

  22. 8 months ago

    It was the same for Tigress honestly. Not anyone can see the scroll even if they're good enough, just something you gotta accept. One accepted it, one did not.

  23. 8 months ago

    >Was he always a lost cause?
    He was bound to become overly ambitious and kill a large number of people even if he accepted the fact he wouldn't be the dragon warrior because he's the kind of guy to conclude he will be something better than that. He's basically furry Raoh with more daddy issues and no horse.

  24. 8 months ago

    Arguably more right to be Dragon Warrior than Po. If they only taught him how to fight but didn't teach him how to be calm in the face of losing the entirety of his existence what can they expect?

    Why would Oogway even allow him to be trained if he knew he wasn't the Dragon Warrior?

  25. 8 months ago

    Why the frick didn't Shifu and Oogway stop him from killing the 6 gorillion pig peasants? Did they seriously just sit on the temple through the whole thing?

    • 8 months ago

      he was on a night out getting drunk at some bar then someone started a fight with him and after onehit koing he realised he's literally invincible and just kept going

    • 8 months ago

      and how were they to know? it's not like they existed in a time of telephones or anything they're were probably meditating somewhere

  26. 8 months ago

    Tai Lung should've killed Shifu in the end to get his revenge and to make Shifu pay for his own mistakes.
    Having Shifu live and be redeemed with just a "sorry bro lol" leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    • 8 months ago

      it's a hard sell to say he loved Shifu if he'd just kill him. Even when he beats Shifu he can't take his anger any further than just beating him in a duel. Same way Shifu can't betray his loyalty to Oogway even if he loves Tai Lung

      • 8 months ago

        How did he love Shifu? Shifu ruined his fricking life.

        • 8 months ago

          Because Shifu's his Dad.

          • 8 months ago

            I wouldn't love my dad if he ruined my entire life.

            • 8 months ago

              I would, and some people just think different to you. You gotta acknowledge he wouldn't be alive if not for Shifu. It's a hardsell to just stop caring about someone who changed your diapers for years and fed you and clothed you and raised you into a man and taught you everything in life and made you into the fine person you are even if they do something horrible to you after all of that. Shifu never did any wrong to him until it became time for the scroll and then it came tumbling down when Oogway didn't react the way Shifu thought he obviously should

              • 8 months ago

                My mother destroyed my chances to have an independent successful life. I wouldn't say I hate her, but I don't love her.

                If your dad had ruined your life, do you honestly think you'd feel the same for him as you do know?

  27. 8 months ago

    Hey shouldn't the KFP2 autist be here by now?

  28. 8 months ago

    If Kung Fu Panda was written by Chinese people, Tai Lung would have gotten it even worse.

  29. 8 months ago

    Shifu gassed him up for too long. There was no coming back from that.

  30. 8 months ago

    Biggest bummer was tai lung not showing in movie 3, Id love to see a redemption for him

  31. 8 months ago

    No, of course he wasn't always a lost cause. It wasn't his fault Shifu filled his head with dreams, nor was it wrong for him to try to do everything to live up to his father's expectations. It wasn't his fault that Oogway sensed he wasn't fit to be the Dragon Warrior or read the Dragon Scroll. Even at his absolute lowest, where he had a massive tantrum in destroying the village and then assaulted the temple to retrieve what he thought was rightfully his.

    He became a lost cause once he broke out of prison and it became clear he was completely incapable of self-reflection. Twenty years of forced meditation and contemplation over his actions and the words of Shifu and Oogway, and he still refused to believe he was responsible for his actions nor had disqualified himself from being the Dragon Warrior by his own traitorous actions. Frankly, if he'd been the kind of person to ever admit "I was wrong", then he wouldn't have been the kind of person that would be the villain in a kung fu movie like this.

    • 8 months ago

      >He became a lost cause once he broke out of prison and it became clear he was completely incapable of self-reflection. Twenty years of forced meditation and contemplation over his actions and the words of Shifu and Oogway, and he still refused to believe he was responsible for his actions nor had disqualified himself from being the Dragon Warrior by his own traitorous actions. Frankly, if he'd been the kind of person to ever admit "I was wrong", then he wouldn't have been the kind of person that would be the villain in a kung fu movie like this.
      To be fair, have you seen how he was forced to spend those 20 years?
      20 years of needle across your whole body as two boulders constantly weight down your arms in a crouching/kneeling position.
      I also doubt they actually provided him with adequate meals to maintain his body nor allowed him to practice his kung fu to keep it from getting rusty/forgotten.
      The fact that he can actually beat Furious Five + Shifu after 20 years of that is incredible.

      • 8 months ago

        >o be fair, have you seen how he was forced to spend those 20 years?
        >20 years of needle across your whole body as two boulders constantly weight down your arms in a crouching/kneeling position.
        Anon you're using real world logic on wuxia super material arts characters 20 years of immobilization is nothing to them, Shifu casually mentions that some people achieved inner peace by mediating in a cave for 50 years without any food or water.

      • 8 months ago

        I did, and dude was not only fully prepared to handle the defenses the moment he was free, he also had the presence of mind and the flexibility to delicately use his tail to unlock his restraints like he wasn't under any real pain at all. Dude was totally alert, clear headed, and obviously spent far more time figuring out how to make a clean escape than he ever did on why he was placed into prison in the first place.

      • 8 months ago

        >To be fair, have you seen how he was forced to spend those 20 years?
        >20 years of needle across your whole body as two boulders constantly weight down your arms in a crouching/kneeling position.
        And obviously every bit of it was completely necessary to contain him.

  32. 8 months ago

    What do you think his grave says?

    • 8 months ago


  33. 8 months ago

    >people think KFP1 is a chosen one narrative

  34. 8 months ago


    the spinoffs shouldn't be counted towards anything. Tigress saw him as family since he adopted her, he just never had it in him to love another child when he failed his real one

  35. 8 months ago


    >it's willful ignorance because I say so
    have a nice day most people are just trying to get on with their lives, more importantly they don't owe you shit.
    >Always remember they VOTED for it
    Imao imagine thinking voting matters, besides most people don't bother voting.

  36. 8 months ago

    I love whenever people make posts like these because whatever show/movie/book/videogame they're b***hing about makes it clear as to why the villains' actions are wrong, but they've been poisoned by years of bad-faith media criticism by their online peers that they're now jumping in on the trend. It's like those threads people made back in the day arguing Gaston wasn't behaving like a total incel towards Belle.

    • 8 months ago

      People treat Gaston like he's some dumb himbo when he'd likely use mental abuse before physical abuse. Why do you think Xaldin was his stand in for beasts world.

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